tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 15, 2020 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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now. good evening. we begin tonight with what a self-proclaimed war-time president looks like with 137,000 american lives lost in the war. we should point out what you're about to see is how he wants to look. we're not about to show you unguarded, unflattering behind the scenes moment. this is a picture the president of the united states posed for and put out on his instagram page. it's the image he chooses to protect to the families and friends and children and neighbors of 137,000 of his fellow americans. this is our wartime president today. and while there is plenty more that could be said about the idiot i can way it came to be, the pettiness behind it or political calculations that went into it, the truth is any attempt to explain or contentxt lize this photo will lead to insult. we'll let it speak for itself. a picture of the most powerful man on earth facing the most serious challenge on earth right now in the oval office behind
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the famed desk and a can of beans and plus a few other items from aisle nine. thumbs up, orange grinning like he won a prize. 137,000 americans dead and this is ourself proclaimed wartime president's answer to it. we're told he's doing everything he can to undermine our nation's scientists. he ignored for crucial weeks the spread of this virus. he's lied about it and thinks it will magically disappear and given the death toll and the spread of the virus, you might think he might be spending every waking moment trying to combat it talking to victims' families, rallying americans to be patriotic by wearing a mask, washing hands, protecting their neighbors. no, this is what he wants the world to see, the infected, the recovering, the newly grieving, anyone on instagram, the more clicks for this president the better. so we want to just hold up this picture. we want to give the president what he is so obviously craving. we'll keep this ridiculous
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picture up while we tell you what is happening on his watch starting with the assessment from the nation's top infectious disease specialist and senior member of his own task force, the one he's been undermining that is when he's not posing with canned beans. >> the problem is since we started off our baseline so high as we try to open up and what we saw was it went from 20,000 cases a day to 30, 40, 50 and now we're hanging around 60,000. that's untenable. we have to turn that around. >> information from john hopkins showing another 67,417 cases. the majority of whom will develop symptoms and be hospitalized by current mortality estimates of the 67,000 people, 2700 will die. nationwide, new cases are now rising in 38 out of 50 states.
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they are holding steady in nine and dropping in three. maine, delaware and arizona. for arizona, which has been hit hard lately this may not be a seen the worst is over. a record number of people are hospitalized and as dr. quin snyder said, there is no room left for more. patients are being transported out of the state because icus are out of capacity. deaths are trending upward and positivity rates are up above 20% when people can get tested, which many still can't. for the first time in the outbreak, houston's death toll is in double digits for a single day and hospitals there are full. miami-dade county today reported it's out of icu beds. dr. marty on the program seve r one to ten we're at maximum urgency. we need to turn it around now. florida's governor has not issued a statewide mask mandate. alabama's republican governor today did. oklahoma's governor that attended the rally in tulsa
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tested positive. walmart, the nation's largest retailer is requiring all customers to wear face coverings in their store. the president, though, having shown that he can wear a mask once again refused to during his trip to atlanta today. he did not wear a mask, did not mention the lives lost, did not mention the record case count or how to get those numbers down but he did once again say he thinks there are 21 different names for what he calls the china virus because apparently that line sounds funny to him despite the fact that comments like that stoke racist sentiment against axsian americans and blamed others for the campaign, not the virus but the man fighting it. he threw his trade advisor under the bus after zero knowledge of viruses but talks about how he went to harvard and understands science because he's a social scientist wrote an op ed criticizing the foremost expert in the field. >> we're all on the seam team including dr. fauci.
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i have a very good relationship with dr. fauci. that's peter navarro. >> the president doesn't have the courage to publicly attack dr. fauci. that's how weak he has. he hangers on to it like peter navarro and winks at them and nods approval but when cameras are rolling, everything is great with fauci but under cutting him every step of the way. they don't allow fauci on our town halls, on a lot of television programs anymore. they don't want you to see him. they send him to other meetings when the few times the virus task force is holding an actual briefing or at least the last time they did. that's our war-time president. the guy sitting behind his desk with cans of beans and that's what the president is doing in addition to endorsing cans of beans with 137,000 americans dead and many more dying. he's trying to damage control and the damage that he himself has done. in the new poll only 30% of people surveyed said they trust the information the president is providing on the outbreak. frankly, it's startling it's that high.
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67% said they distrust it. for dr. fauci, that figure is reversed. he's trusted by a margin of 65 to 26%, which makes it why he's marginalized and kept off national television may explain why the president retweeted fire fauci and under cut him in public. the president himself approved of that peter navarro op ed, the paper siting one administration official that said not only was he authorized by trump but encouraged. that the the way this president works. publicly denies it privately encourages. the president apparently did not have the guts to admit it publicly and we shouldn't be surprised or to tell the public why he disagreed with dr. fauci, the man that claims to no more about the military than the top generals has nothing to say now but fauci thankfully, does. >> they are really, i think, taken a back by what a big mistake that was and i think that if you talk to reasonable people in the white house, they realize that was a major mistake
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on their part because it doesn't do anything but reflect poorly on them and i don't think that that was their intention. i don't know. i cannot figure out in my wildest dreams why they would want to do that, but i mean, i think they realize now that that was not a prudent thing to do because it's only reflecting negatively on them. i can't explain peter narcotvar. he's in a world by himself so i don't want to go there. >> dr. fauci is wrong. he's not in a world by himself. he works in the white house for the most powerful man in the country and there is a reason for that. there is a reason he is in the white house because the president wants him there. dr. fauci is trying to have good motives saying gosh, that's a terrible thing, we don't know why he would do that and feel terrible about that but won't say that to the president's phas face. they won't say it publicly. they don't have the guts. that's why they work for their
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cop ba commander in chief. he has no guts, either. they put out this picture of dr. fauci at the task force meeting and pretend everything is fine and put out a picture of him talking with vice president pence behind his back and try to destroy the credibility. none of this would matter, wouldn't amount to a hill of baenls b beans but more people are dying and more will get sick and our economy is in shambles. we're in a public health battle for our lives and futures and the president is sitting there behind the resolute desk clutching at beans. joining us, cnn chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta and guide to covid. sanj sanjay, another day goes by, america is dying. no plan from president trump and the federal government.
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we had this conversation over and over again and with the good professor hazeltine as well but without federal engagement. the professor said the answer is each of us doing all we can and citizens and everybody else, stake holders being involved but without federal government, does this get better? >> i think it's very hard for it to get better. clearly, the status quo is not working, anderson. the numbers continue to get worse. i think what we're seeing now is we're seeing a pattern. the reason that the federal sort of guidance is so important is because what happens in so many communities now and states is that things get into a real crisis situation before action is taken. i mean, people know what to do. the public health sort of strategies actually not that complicated here. we've seen it work in certain states in this country for periods of time and countries around the world. i mean, we don't have to remind
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people there are countries around the world who have had, you know, fewer people throughout this entire pandemic who have gotten infected then has happened in certain states in just one day in this country. say t so the public health strategy is obvious. what is happening is the states are red lining and the virus makes a decision for them. they have to go into some sort of shutdown mode because the hospitals are overly full or they have to have these terrible situations where people can't get care when they need it. >> professor hazeltine, is there a country in the industrialized world that has ever responded to a pandemic or a national health emergency as badly as we are right now? i mean, i'm trying to think of other examples of -- i can understand the countries that are lack resources, have totally corrupt leadership, not responding. but it's hard to kind of imagine
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anyone else handling this the way the united states has. >> well, we're in a small select unfortunate group of countries that includes brazil, russia, and india. those are different kinds of countries, but certainly some of them have well developed economies, and are a mix of developed and developing nations. so we are doing extremely poorly. it a very dangerous situation. and it's getting worse. we desperately need guidance and the southern states as we discussed before need federal help. they are running out of resources and they are shipping people to hospitals that aren't necessarily well prepared to deal with them. they will be shortly turning away people for lack of facilities. it's a dire situation in some parts of our country and it's crying out for federal
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intervention. >> he said we got to reset this and stay let's stop this non-sense and figure out how to get our control over this now. that makes sense but without the president buying in and all the people around the president, i'm not sure how any of that changes. sglf i think the guidelines were straightforward and easy to understand. if you want to do a reset, it doesn't mean you have to shut down the whole country again although some parts of the country would likely need to be shut down. if you live in a community where the case numbers have gone up five day in a row, you have to go back a phase. you need numbers down 14 days in a row. if you start to do that, there is a path out of this. this is not an inevitable situation that's unfolding now.
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it's created a tsunami of testing and ambassador burke said we need a breakthrough in testing. people in nursing homes often can't get tested. in arizona it might take 11 days to get the test results back. we're in the middle of july now. the reset involves doing things we know how to do and said we were going to do and people promised we would do, we just need to actually do them at this point. i mean, i don't know what else it takes, anderson. we come on every night and talk about this. my parents live in florida and people are frightened down there. they are worried somebody is going to have shortness of breath and call for an ambulance and be told look, we love to come get you but don't know where to take you so you have to ride it out at home. it unbelievable. we just keep saying it, i don't know what else to say at this point. >> it's strange. i remember you talking in the
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past on this program about when you were a kid and polio was something that was a concern and people just knew how to behave and young kids wouldn't go out in groups of more than three. you knew not to do large activities. there was an effort to fight the war and beat back fascism that was a nationwide effort, not even talking about globally but in terms of this country alone. mask wearing could be a patriotic thing. it's protecting our country, social distancing could be sold as a patriotic effort to get our country back on track and yet, that is squandered. >> you know, i think what may happen is over the school reopenings. i hear and i'm working on understanding this movement more but i can tell you everybody who listened will hear a scream of
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anguished parents. they don't know what is going to happen and parents are vocal. they have a real passion for protection of their children, and i think they may be the tipping point that convinces even the most amongst administration and congress that it's really time to get serious. when the average mother is terrified to send that child to school, you have a political forest of significant magnitude and if the politicians are listening to what i'm hearing, they will pay attention. it's what we need now. >> sanjay, dr. fauci made a reference to the flu pandemic of 1918. what did he say? >> 1918. well the comment he made was look, he was very worried there was a lot of similarities between what was happening now and 1918 and the comment was
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perceived as this could have the same impact, magnitude of that pandemic 100 years ago. when we talked today, he wanted to make it clear he's obviously very worried about that pandemic as we all are. but the idea you had anywhere between 50 and 100 million people died during that pandemic and if you do the math now and account for the change in population, that could mean 200, 250 million people would die from this pandemic. he did not want to suggest that. as bad as this is, the entire situation, we are still a different world than we were 100 years ago. this is a connotatitagious viru. it's far more lethal than the seasonal flu but we do know how to take care of people in the hospital. intensive care is better. we possibly have therapeutics coming along and maybe a vaccine. he wanted to be careful in terms
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of as bad as this is, we still need to not over state how bad this could be. >> yeah. certainly agree with that. thank you. appreciate it. sanjay, we'll talk to you a little bit in a moment. i want to get your take when we come back on promising vaccine news. we'll be joined by the chief medical officer and why vaccines and prevention are so important. we'll speak with a covid surviv survivor. he's still coping with the after affects months later. you really need to hear what this man and mihis wife went through. ♪ ♪
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officer at mo dederna and the candidate has come out in the new england journal of medicine. doctor, thanks for being with us. can you walk through what the latest trial found and what you expected? >> good evening, anderson. this is the first trial our colleagues actually have tested the ability of our vaccine to generate an immune response in healthy volunteers. what was done here is to expose three groups of individuals to low, medium and high dose and measure in the glad how much antibodies do they produce and whether those antibodies could indeed inhibit the ability of this virus to infect cells. of course, the first thing you look for is always safety and to tolorabilty. every individual exposed, even at the lower dose, we can see
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antibodies and have a new trelizitrel i -- neutralizing activity. the levels of the antibodies exceed on average the levels of antibodies you see in people that have been sick with covid-19. on the other side, the safety and profile is what you would expect consistent with what we've seen with other similar vaccines with our technology and so the good news is that no surprises there, what we do see is the expected mix of sort of local and systemic side effects, you may get a little pain in the injection site and you may feel flu-like symptoms on the day or the day after of having your vaccine, and i don't want to make light of it. we have seen a couple individuals, three to be exact at the high dose that had severe manifestations. these are reactions expected. they are graded according to fda guidance for this purpose and
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self-limited. when we stand back and look at the data, at the medium dose, we have a an optimal dose that will be safe and well tolerated to develop and clear evidence of the ability to elicit antibodies in everybody who got it. >> i want to get to the development of it, the timeline of that in a moment and sanjay will join us in a second, but do you have a sense of how long those antibodies might be effective for? obviously, that's an unknown with people who had covid-19. it's not clear what level immunity they have and for how long. >> that's a great question, and let me give you three parts to the answer. first, we don't know the duration of antibodies as you state yourself. our entire history of knowing this vaccine or this disease and studying it is only about six months long. >> right. >> it is clear, though, there are emerging data people who
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have very mild disease and maybe are asymptomatic will have lower levels of antibodies and thoare quicker. the lower the antibodies, the longer the duration. the ability to create the levs on average you see exceed in sick people and by in large from what we know to date, somebody who has been sick is very unlikely to get sick again in the near term future hasn't been described and so by reaching or exceeding those levels, we believe that the durability of the vaccine effect should be measurable in months. now, how long is it going to be? a year, two years? we'll have to follow subjects for longer to figure that out. >> sanjay is with us. i know you have a question. >> yeah, so, thank you for being here. couple things, one is it was two shots that the participants received, right? separated by about a month. with regard to the side effects, you mentioned what they were but these were all healthy people,
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45 healthy people between the ages of 18 and 55. everybody did have a side effect it sounds like even in the mid dose group. how worried are you about this especially as you start to include older people, people that might have prekisiexisting conditions? how big of a concern is this for you? >> look, i'm the chief medical officer. my first concern is safety of our product skps and in this ca we're about to embark on a phase three trial so we need to do it safely. in terms of what we've seen, the interesting point about the safety is if you look at the side effect profile, after the first dose, you don't see much. you see most of these adverse events coming after the second dose and self-limited and it teaches me the profile is you're actually activating the immune system specifically to recognize something and if that something
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is the spike protein, the hook if you will that this virus uses to attach itself to cells, i suspect it's the ying and yang of having an effective vaccination. is it worth, you know, an evening or two of flu-like symptoms for the sense that you will then be protected possibly from being ill with covid-19? i think that's, you know, like for any medicine, be it a drug or vaccine, it a question of benefit risk. i think the potential benefit of protecting people from this vaccine seeing what this disease and this pandemic is causing around us is quite significant. >> sanjay, explain why you're concerned. >> well, you know, i mean, the risk reward relationship here is really important. you have 80% of the population who will have minimal or no symptoms of exposure this to
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virus. that's statistics have held up since the original wuhan data. if you're giving something like this to healthy people, unlike medicine you're giving to somebody who has a problem, here it's healthy people. i think the bar by which you look at side effects has to be, you know, has to be higher, right? i think there is a concern, older people, are they going to have the same immune response and antibodies, might they have more of the risk side effects? we don't know that. that has to be decided. if i can say, dr. hazeltine was on. he yesterday was saying he gives this a -- he's a skeptic. he gives this a 50/50 chance. he says right now of carrying all the way through and i'm wondering what you think the likelihood of this is translating into a vaccine that's workable for people. >> also, what's the timeline on this, doctor? >> so there is a lot of questions there to unpack. let me try to do them one at a time. let's sort of come back to the
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safety question. i completely agree. the bar for any vaccine should be high. it's not the same as a medicine. we do intend to give it to healthy people and we have to be very sure indeed we understand that adverse event profile and that it's warranted. you ask the question about older adults that is absolutely correct, in fact, this phase one trial enrolled cohorts of older people. we haven't disclosed the data but looking at that carefully to make sure the ability to generate the immune response, safety profile warrants for the development and i can tell we're looking at that closely as are our colleagues at the fda. in terms of understanding that safety profile, look, at the end of the day this was a phase one trial and the question is do you have enough to continue development? i think the answer is absolutely yes. but the next steps should and must be careful evaluation in the context of a very large randomized trial where you give half the volunteers the vaccine and other half you give placebo
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and that's the right way to do to ensure you have a full understanding of both the ability of this vaccine to prevent disease and the understanding of the safety profile. now, we're doing that, actually, quite a conservative manner if you look at the statistics. we decembisclosed them today. this study will be monitored by an independent body of expert data safety monitoring board. those are ex ert maperts appoin the nih to look at other vaccines concurrently. so i feel very confident you're not going to have to trust me on this, there will be the right appropriated body of experts that will look at the data as it emerges to ascertain indeed the benefit risk profile warrants deployment. now, you asked me in terms of probability of success, look, i'm spending every day of my life, me and the very dedicated team of colleagues on whose
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behalf i'm here speaking tonight to do our very best on our part so we can leverage this technology that we've been spending years of our life developing just towards this application. we believe that the chances of this working are pretty good and the reasons are that the ability to neutralize antibodies for the right immune response is demonstrated for other similar viruses in preclinical models. we've shown this vaccine can induce levels of those antibodies, levels that exceed what you see with natural infection and so on balance, we're both cautiously optimistic but fully dedicated to seeing this through. >> dor. zaks, thank you. long lines for testing in california, even longer wait times to get results. why the first state to impose statewide shelter place is seeing a sharp spike in cases and deaths. hey there people eligible for medicare.
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the pandemic only get the worse as they have the second deadliest day. 140 additional lives lost. the increase in cases and processing results forced health officials to issue guidelines and who may have to wait. nick watt is in front of a testing center with more on the surge. what's the latest on testing in california, nick? >> reporter: well, anderson, right now if you are asymptomatic but you really think there is a strong risk that you may have the virus, you can't get tested in california right now and the reason is, the
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overwhelming demand, the back willing in the labs, and the state wants to get the time between a test and a result down to 48 hours or less and right now it is over that. so they are prioritizing the testing. the problem is, you know, the people that have been taking blame for the start of the virus right now are the young, the asymptomatic and out and about. right now f you'if you're one oe people and you want to do the right thing to get a test just in case, right now in california you can't. >> nick watt, appreciate it. thank you. joining me to talk about the surge of cases in california, london breed who issued a first shelter in place order in mid march. thanks for being with us. the public health director says there is a surge in cases there. what do you attribute that to and what are your biggest concerns and needs? >> well, the fact is from the very beginning, our public health director made it clear
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that as we begin to move around and come in close contact with one another, there is a real possibility that we may see more cases. so i think it's a transcrittrib the fact we're reopening and seeing more people out and about and people are tired of sheltering in place but the fact is the virus is out there. we're living with it so we need to maked a junkments. >> do you know, though, where the big spread is taking place? i mean, in other places, bars have been an issue, a lot of indoors activities, huge demonstrations in the streets and a number of places. do you have a sense of where the spread has taken place? >> well, just so you know, san francisco is the second densest city in the country and what we're seeing in more dense parts of our city like the southeast east side of san francisco, we see more cases and we also see a huge surge with our latino population, which represents
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over 50% of the cases and many of them are working in various industries. so i think that our strategy has been out reach and dealing with challenges around equity and making sure people feel comfortable with testing. it been a real challenge to get to various populations but we are committed to doing that. so i wouldn't attribute it to one thing but we do see more people out and about. we see people who feel the need to go to work. it been a real alcohchallenge. >> in terms of contact tracing, what are your capabilities in san francisco? it's been a huge issue across the country. >> we have increased -- we were one of the very first cities to actually implement a strong contact tracing program. we used disaster service workers, people that work throughout the city and people that come to be trained from california, san francisco to begin the process. we're contacting about 80% of people who have been in contact with someone who is covid positive.
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it an incredible program. our capacity there is doing okay. of course, we can always do better. >> i talked to somebody in florida, i think in miami. they said they are around 17%, which is ridiculous. 80%, that's really extraordinary. with stay-at-home orders, the los angeles mayor said another stay-at-home order could be possible. what do you think it would take to implement another one in san francisco? >> we had to put a pause. i told the public one day we would open hair and nail salons and had to go out the next day and say we have to put a pause on it because we saw a significant surge. if we are on the watch list for the state of california and we see these numbers continue to creep up, and our reproductive number has exceeded 1.5 at one point, so we know that that means we are in a situation where there could be a significant surge, we are looking at the possibility of rolling back some of the things
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that we've already awill yllowe public to do. so it's really up to everyone who is out there to wear a mask, to follow social distancing, to be a part of the solution. people want their children to go back to school. we all want to get back to our lives but it requires that we all cooperate. >> yeah, certainly does. mayor, appreciate it. good luck to you. just ahead a harrowing tale of survival and how everyone, including president trump should never take it lightly.
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earlier in the program we showed you this photo of president trump where previous presidents addressed the nation and this is one of them. hear is the president surrounded by beans and coconut milk smiling and giving thumbs up showing what he is spending his time thinking about and doing, forgetting the pain the country is in as people are dying. in the case of the next guest, eddie case has been through hell and back infected with the virus and on a respirator and ventilator, he survived narrowly, thankfully, still not completely. he's been through rehab. he joins us with his wife ann. i'm so sorry for what you both have been through. eddie, just the story even being able to get tested ultimately, i know it took about seven day the and multiple tries.
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i heard you say that if it wasn't for your wife, you probably would have just stayed at home on a critical day and gone to sleep and died. >> absolutely, anderson. one of the things that struck us was the regulations in place but the unavailability when we went to the first urgent care kind of went through the questioning and basically said hey, well, listen, we can't test you. it's under the government guidelines. we'll have to check back in a couple days and when we did check back, there wasn't tests available and referred to another urgent care where i went through the questioning again and then ultimately were denied any ability to or any availability of testing simply because we didn't know someone with covid or hadn't been out of the country. >> finally, ann, i mean, you both were sick. you had a milder case thankfully. you insisted that he go to the hospital and thank goodness you
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did. >> yeah, it was when he started reporting the shortness of breath that that was when we decided that's it, we need to go to the e.r. so that's what we did. >> and eddie, you were transferred to different hospitals. you were on a ventilator. i know you weren't aware of what was happening and i understand when you woke up, you had no idea what had happened and took you for awhile to sink in that you actually had covid. what was it like? do you remember about that time and how long were you in a coma for? >> i was in a coma for 20 days medically induced transferred from one hospital over to a top trama unit because they believed i couldn't receive care unless i got the chandler, arizona. so essentially, went through a series of hallucinations but most vividly, i remember waking in this room and it took quite awhile to get my senses together but became apparent i was hooked up to machines.
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i had a ventilator in. and essentially didn't know what happened. i really thought i had been involved in an accident or some sort of a mishap and it wasn't until they removed the ventilator and give me a couple days to get my vocal cords because because i was paralyzed from the coma. ann broke it to me it was covid and not an accident. >> can you talk about what life after you get out of the hospital is like? you went from a hospital to i don't know if they call it a rehab facility but explain what you had to learn. your body had degeesed. >> had to learn how to stand again. had to learn how to write. i couldn't write on an ink board to convey what i needed. that took about three or four days to get on a walker and then after a few days, i was able to walk unassisted. the biggest concern was basically interacting with other
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doctors and most of the doctors not knowing what permanent damage may remain. that stands today. most medical professionals don't know the outcome. this will take time. the data isn't there. thankf thankfully, i have my lungs are good. i'm breathing normal. i'm unassisted in every which way. it's my endurance and then, you know, it's tough to wake up in the middle of the night and have to remind myself i'm not in the icu and go through those coping mechanisms that way. >> and as you forgot how to do those things, why? is it something it does to your brain? is it just that -- why does it do that? >> that's the question. that's the million dollar question there. every doctor i ask wasn't certain except the uniform idea seems to be that covid attacks the brain but when mixed with the anesthesia and other drugs to sedated me, your body will go into atrophy when i lay there
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for 20 days and nurses move me around and give me plenty of antibioti antibiotics. i was literally paralyzed when i woke up. >> ann, i -- you knew what was going on, you couldn't be with your husband. i know you stayed connected to him, you got nurses to play his favorite jazz music, in consultation with doctors i think you spoke to him on a speakerphone. when you saw him again, i mean, i understand, i can't even remember how much weight you had lost, eddie, i remember when i read about it, it was stunning to me. what was it like to see him again, ann? >> it was probably the most emotional day of my life. not being able to see him for almost five weeks, and then there he was, and i just couldn't stop staring at him because he looked like a different person, but i also hadn't seen him for so long. so it was just -- it was a great
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day. >> eddie and ann, i know it's not an easy thing to talk about, it's so important, because a lot of folks still aren't taking this thing seriously. when i first heard about it i thought i would rather get it fast and get it over with but when we talk to people who have gone through it, this is no joke. the president says 99% of cases are totally harmless. you know, that's just ridiculous. and even people who survive, you know, it's life changing forever. i really appreciate it and i wish you continued strength in the days ahead. >> thank you, anderson. >> thank you. breaking news right now, the campaign manager for the trump campaign, brad parscale, has been demoted. cnn's john harwood has the late details and the implications of what president trump just announced on facebook. talk a little bit about what
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this means and what happened. >> reporter: well, we had two polls today out that showed the president with a double digit deficit. quinnipiac had him down 15 points. "the wall street journal"/nbc had him down 11 points. those aren't the only causes, obviously. he's been behind consistently for several months now. that's not necessarily brad parscale's problem, but somebody's got to pay a price for it. you also see the president behind in swing states, another poll out today showed the president down 13 points in pennsylvania. one of the three midwestern states that trump narrowly won that put him in the white house. so you need to have a consequence of that. there has been grumbling, the president has been complaining that brad parscale was making too much money off the campaign. people were saying he was calling into zoom meetings from his pool in florida. now the president has put bill stepien in charge of the
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campaign. most of the president's assets and liabilities flow from himself, donald j. trump, his behavior as a president, his behavior as a candidate. you get shake-ups like this when someone is trailing badly. >> we have a little more time, john. i thought we lost you there for a second. just in terms of -- what happens to brad parscale now? he says he's been demoted. is he still with the campaign? >> reporter: yes, he's still with the campaign, his skills at data analysis were something the president valued in 2016 and i imagine he will put him to work on that basis in 2020. not getting thrown entirely out of the tent, but clearly a big change in status. >> john, thanks again, really appreciate it, john harwood. let's check in with chris and see what he's working on for "cuomo prime time" at the top of
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the hour. chris? >> anderson, we hope we can take the president at his word, finally, that he's not trying to run fauci out, fauci is on his team, we saw the vp take a picture with fauci showing that, testifi he was on the task force meeting, good. a little lack of accountability that these were the president's own henchmen going after fauci, all the reporting reveals it, common sense reveals it. the idea that navarro was freelancing, and they say he was violating protocol, what are we going to do about it? "you're fired." let's not hold our breath. what does it mean as far as what they do next, anderson? we have experts tonight to take a look at what has to be done right now to give us a fighting chance to give our kids in school. >> interesting about brad parscale being out. >> yes, here is what i hear. parscale is still very much in the loop. he did not have the skill set.
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campaign manager is a funky position, coop. it sounds like you're the guy who's making all the decisions. that's not really it. you're making the trains run on time and getting people to do their jobs. it's much more administrative and managerial than it is strategic. kellyanne conway is a rare combination of someone who can keep the trains on time and think strategy. she was invaluable to them the last time around. so parscale is still in the loop. he has been moved because of his skill set, that's what i'm being told. the question is, who steps in? people who are raising money for the president are not happy. they believe it does not look like a winning effort right now. >> chris, we'll see you in about four minutes. still more to come, an update on the killing of george floyd and what newly released police body cam footage shows about the final sickening moments of his life. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill...
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curry. cacciatori. chimichurri. fried turkey. blueberry. mcflurry. cheese cake. grilled steak. clam bake. milkshake. we are america's kitchen. doordash. every flavor welcome. tonight we want to end with an important new development in the case of minneapolis police officers charged in the killing of george floyd. he was killed when an officer put his knee on the neck of floyd for eight minutes, excuse me, almost nine minutes. a judge made the body cam footage for two of the officers available. it's not been released to media outlets yet. floyd's final words, "i can't breathe." the video shows floyd sobbing, then walked to the squad car, and the video shows a big
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struggle between two of the officers and floyd. at 11 minutes and 23 seconds, one of the officers apply a knee to floyd's neck. minutes later we hear what appear to be his final words again, "i can't breathe." i want to hand it over to chris for "cuomo prime time." coop, thank you very much. i am chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." the act is simple. now is the time. if you want schools to open, this is the moment. we have to start by holding power to account. we've got to start with the man who is in charge and is charged here with holding us back. here is trump on the record today. >> we're all in the same team including dr. fauci. i have a very good relationship with dr. fauci. and we're all in the same team. >> good. then listen to the doctor's orders. >> let's stop this nonsense and figure out how can
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