tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN July 18, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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as the u.s. continues to struggle with its response to the coronavirus, the centers for disease control issues a chilling, new projected death toll. also, a survivor tells us about the toll the virus took on his body, and how he was lucky to win his battle with covid-19. also, the passing of a civil rights icon. america salutes congressman john lewis. >> hello and welcome to our viewers, here, in the united states and all around the world. i am michael holmes and this is cnn "newsroom."
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welcome, everyone. we may have just seen the worst day, so far, in the coronavirus pandemic. the world health organization, reporting more than a quarter of a million new infections, globally, in just 24 hours. the most ever in a single day. that averages out to more than 10,000 cases, every hour. the total is now beyond 14 million cases, according to johns hopkins. more than 600,000 people have died. the u.s., still, by far, the worst-hit country. new cases, on the rise in more than 30 states. and down in just one. a local official in florida says that people at the top are not sending the right message. >> when we talk about opening things, the governor and the president are all for it. they send us mandates about opening up schools.
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but when it comes to closing things, which is the tough medicine we're asking people to follow. and making sacrifices, by wearing masks. it's likes their voices are nonexistent. >> now, that was the mayor of miami beach in florida. a state where cases are skyrocketing. in miami-dade county, for instance, there are more patients who need intensive care, than there are icu beds. cnn's rosa flores with more. >> the state of florida, reporting more than 10,000 new cases on saturday. here, in miami-dade county, where i am, this is the epicenter of the crisis, here, in this state. accounting for about 24% of the now nearly 340,000 cases. icu capacity, right now, in miami-dade county, is at 122%. this is according to county data. the goal is not to exceed 70%. well, for the past few days, the county has exceeded 100%. here are the numbers for saturday.
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there are 484 covid-19 patients and 396 beds. now, the good news is that the county says that they have more than 400 beds that they can convert into icu beds. when it comes to ventilator use in the past two weeks, it has increased by 64%. now, i wish i could give you a full report on the positivity rate in this county. but today, when we went to go look for the data, it was not presented by the county. we asked the county about this, and they sent us this statement. saying, county officials are meeting with state doh, or department of health, statisticians on monday to go over discrepancies in the way the state and county collect and report testing data. once all agree on the appropriate parameters, miami-dade county will be updating the daily dashboard to ensure as much of an accurate measure as is statistically possible. now, the state of florida has had some issues with
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transparency and now, apparently, also, with the quality of the data that is being presented here. what i can tell you about the positivity rate here in miami-dade county is that, yesterday, it was at 27%. and the goal for the county is not to exceed 10%. for the past 14 days, it has been exceeding 22%. with all that said, governor ron desantis had a press conference on saturday. and if you would have listened to the entire press conference, you would've walked away thinking that florida has it all under control. rosa flores, cnn, miami. >> a man who spent three weeks in the hospital battling covid-19 has a message for anyone not taking this pandemic seriously. if you're calling this a hoax or nothing more than the flu, then you are causing harm to people and you need to stop. survivor mike brant spoke to cnn's ana cabrera and described his experience with the coronavirus, that nearly killed him.
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>> i basically had a massive heart attack. it's called the widow maker. essentially, the way the doctor explained it to me. actually, just found out this past thursday. the inflammation from the covid actually knocked plaque loose. so, we all have plaque, with age, in our arteries. well, that knocked plaque loose and blocked the main artery to my heart, and caused a massive heart attack. i was actually life flighted to the city where they have the equipment to obviously deal with it. and i'm just lucky i was in the hospital when it happened. i just started complaining of chest pains. and the nurses jumped to it, and they were able to get me care. >> wow. that is -- it's incredible. sounds so scary. you're out of the hospital now. but you still have a fight ahead of you. you wrote on facebook, i go in and out of producing enough oxygen. i still have pneumonia in my lungs i am clearing out. i can barely walk across the house without losing my breath. i am on four medications, two of which i hear i have to take forever. i have lost 40 pounds of muscle mass. what does the rest of your recovery look like? >> yeah.
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before i got into this and it all happened, i was actually pretty active in the cross fit community with my local cross fit gym. and i mean, i've got at least a year on most the meds that i'm on today. i came out of surgery at 35% heart function. 55 to 70 is normal. i -- you know, it's just going to be a long road. i've got to rebuild every bit of -- of fitness i've had prior to this. i've got to get my heart back to full function. and the doctor does believe that will happen, with time. so it's just going to be a long road. >> well, the cdc, meanwhile, projecting more than 157,000 u.s. deaths by august the 8th. earlier, i spoke to dr. matthew, a primary care physician and medical analyst, here, in atlanta. i asked him whether the country is going to need to go under another lockdown, in some states, to prevent that from happening. >> we opened too soon. and guess what? we now have to pay the price.
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this is resulting in more hospitalizations and more deaths. and i think we need to go into a hard lockdown, especially in those red states that we see on our map at cnn. those states, absolutely, must go into a lockdown. >> trying to curve it somehow. i mean, "the new york times" is reporting, tonight, that the trump administration, its decision to shift the coronavirus strategy to the states, rather than have, you know, a coordinated, national, federally-led effort. that handing responsibility to the states has led to much of what we're seeing unfold, now, because states took the decision to reopen early and so on. how much of a blunder was it to not have that national coordination, on everything? from ppe to reopening. >> i hate to sound like i'm being so critical, michael. but sometimes, i feel like i'm on top of this hill, and just screaming into a vacuum. we made a lot of mistakes. we did.
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and we have to accept that, and we have to learn that. this is one big virus. we need to treat this as one huge, federal problem, and not 50 or 60 different issues. remember, it's not just states that are doing things differently. it's mayors of different cities, and counties of different cities. we have one big problem, and that's this covid-19 virus. and we should have one voice and one plan. >> masks, of course, still a big issue. and we're seeing private companies, a lot of them, like walmart and so on, instituting mask rules as opposed to government mandates. i mean, the crazy thing here in georgia, where you and i are, is the governor is suing the -- the mayor over her order for masks to be worn. what sort of message does that send? not just not requiring masks but ordering local authorities not to? >> it sends a very confusing message, michael. ultimately, we need to always look at the science.
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if you wear a mask and other people wear a mask, and if we do it all together, we're going to cut down the transmission of the virus by, get this, michael, fivefold. or maybe even higher. we know, for sure, the science behind the mask. it protects me. it protects you. and by really sending out a confusing message, and fighting the mayor who is trying to do the right thing. and mayors of other cities in georgia were confusing people as to exactly what needs to happen to save lives and keep businesses open. >> testing, still a major issue of course. people waiting hours to be tested. then, waiting, you know, eight, ten, twelve days for results, which most experts say makes the test almost pointless. i think there were 700,000 or so tests a day, when there needs to be, according to the experts, more than 2 million. i mean, this is made to be the world's richest nation and so on and so on. how is it, it cannot do testing
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right? >> you know, michael, if you look at the rest of the world, excluding china, they have tested 110 million. we have tested between 30 and 40 million. and we have over 330 million people, living in the u.s. we did not aggressively test from the beginning, and now we're falling behind. listen. if you don't get a test back in three days, you missed that entire window to do contact tracing. remember, contact tracing is not only isolating the person that's infected. it's contacting the people that that person has infected. if you -- if you're walking around with an infection, and you don't get a test back for 10 or 12 days, like in atlanta, you could infect, easily, 59,000 people. one person can, eventually, infect that many people, in a short amount of time. >> frightening there how it extrapolates like that. i mean, you know, what -- what good news do you see out there?
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i mean, there are vaccine trials underway. what -- what -- what do you -- heartens you? are there signs of immunity? what are you hearing about that? >> yeah, there are some good, you know, news when you look at the way we're treating patients right now, michael. you know, we are now turning patients over into a prone position. they're not laying on their back. we've found that definitely helps with lung infections. secondly, we are using dexamethasone, which is a steroid. and remdesivir, which is really cutting down the number of days that patients are in the icu. and i definitely, also, think, michael, that the reason we are not seeing as high of a death rate. i mean, we are going to see many more deaths. a thousand people are dying, every day, in the u.s. but i, definitely, think we have cut down on the deaths because of these antiviral steroids. and the vaccines are definitely showing some promise, as well. >> all right.
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dr. saju matthew, always a pleasure. great to have you on. >> thank you, michael. >> facial coverings are about to be mandatory in australia's second largest city. victoria's premiere, daniel andrews, announced the mandate for anyone in metropolitan melvin and in mitchellshire, another hard-hit part of the state. starting thursday, anyone without a mask in those areas could be fined. victoria reporting more than 56,000 total cases. 363 new infections on saturday. melbourne, under lockdown now till mid-august. now, right behind brazil in the total tally list is india, which is third in the number of covid-19 cases. and now, india has had its worst day ever. the health ministry just reporting, almost 39,000 new cases. the highest increase for a single day. india has more than 1 million cases, in all, at least. the death toll there, topping at least 26,000.
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now, after more than 50 days, demonstrators continue to protest near the federal building in downtown portland. as cnn reported earlier in the day, officials erected reinforced steel fencing around the federal building, which has been repeatedly vandalized in prior days. that fence has been, pretty much, dismantled. cnn's josh campbell is joining us now, from portland. the fence. i saw your reporting on it earlier. didn't last long, did it? what's the atmosphere, there, in portland? >> yeah, it's exactly right. and let me show you what this fence has turned into. there was a metal structure that was surrounding this federal building, michael. as we move off to the end, you can see that protestors have dismantled that fencing. it took them about 20 minutes to get that down. and they have now moved pieces of that metal fencing against some of the doors. reason being is because inside this building right now are heavily armed tactical officers.
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we just got a sense of how far those officers are willing to go. just a little while ago, they came out here, in full force, launching crowd dispersents, launching tear gas. you can probably still see the water in my eyes. now, the crowd did move blocks away but only inflamed the situation here where these protestors, if they were frustrated to begin with, they are now very angry. i can tell you breaking news we got just moments ago. the portland police have now declared this a riot. and let me just -- here come the officers out a second time. and you can see what happens when this takes place is you'll see some of the crowd start to move back. now, that was a flash bang. we expert there will be some dispersants here. but the portland police have determined this is a riot. this is unlawful gathering you see over at the federal building. as you mentioned, over 50 days
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of protests in this area. this, following the death of george floyd in minneapolis at the hands of police officers. but again, protestors, here, in this city of portland have continued, night after night. i tell you one other thing that as we wait to see what the officers are about to do, it's very much night and day here. a tale of two protests. during the day, they're largely peaceful protestors who gather in this area. another flash bang here coming from the federal building. irs building over here. so what actually was taking place, again, with these protests is people would gather in the daytime, very peacefully. and then, in the evening, it's very much a different crowd that comes out here. some of it turned very violent. and people actually trying to destroy this building. again, this will go on and on. just waiting to see what police will do next, and whether that will include more tear gas. they are clearly impatient. michael. >> declaring it a riot. doesn't look like much of a riot, at the moment, as far as riots go. and of course, this comes at a time when protestors are, also,
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angry because of the actions of some federal law enforcement, as opposed to local law enforcement. in these sort of what they call snatch squads driving around the streets. and i know you have been looking into that as well. obviously, what the protestors are saying on twitter and to me is that, that has made things worse. >> yeah. that's right, michael. that has fueled the fire here, so to speak. and what that actually resulted from is this viral video, showing these heavily armed tactical officers come and arrest a man. they brought him to an unmarked vehicle, where he was whisked away. and you know, what was so strange here is that you had united states senators saying that this is not something that happens in the united states of america. elected officials, actually calling that authoritarian. the so-called snatch squads. we did find out from law enforcement the person arrested is someone who they wanted to question for possible involvement in criminal activity. but it's the manner of what took
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place, again, grabbing this person in the middle of the night, putting in an unmarked vehicle and whisking away. we still don't know what happened. i reached out to the agency that was responsible for that arrest. they are not responding to us about what happened to this man. again, continuing to fuel these narratives of authoritarianism in the united states of america. and as a result, some of these protests, people clearly, clearly, very angry. michael. >> yeah. and state and local officials even taking action to try to remove the federal officials. it's called a riot there. hopefully, doesn't develop into a real one. we will check in with you later, josh. good to have you on the spot. josh campbell for us. we will take a short break. we will be right back with more cnn "newsroom." a world without alzheimer's and all other dementia. because this disease isn't waiting, neither are you. go to alz dot org slash walk. i have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. because i can still make my own insulin.
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and when it's dark, you still shine bright. just call my name. i'll hold you tight. together we will find our might, because... aiden. bryan. my son. my mom. this is my sawyer. raquel willis. my grandson. my parents. miller coffey. [vo]: you are my pride. at the white house and across america, on saturday, u.s. flags lowered to half staff to honor the life and legacy of congressman john lewis. he died, friday, after battling pancreatic cancer. he was 80 years old. and joining me now to talk more about the impact of representative lewis is cnn political commentator and former obama administration official, van jones. good to have you on. sad reason for it but good to
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have your thoughts. and what are your thoughts about the life and the legacy of john lewis? the public figure, the activist but, also, the character of the man. >> he was a conscience of a nation. he would stand up for any any underdog, anybody who was being mistreated in this country. he'd go to the well of the house. he would go on the picket line and he would -- he would bring out the best, in both parties. he had universal respect, in an age where, you know, you have a lot of division. he was as close to universally respected, as exists in american life. i'll never forget the 50th anniversary of the march over that bridge, where he was beaten within an inch of his life which really, you know, took the whole struggle from voting rights to a different level. he went back there, 50 years later, with barack obama as the
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president of the united states. and i saw something i've never seen before, and i don't think i'll ever see, again. ordinarily, in a procession, when you are filling up the speaker's stage, the last person to walk up on that stage is president of the united states. i'm standing there, covering this for cnn. and i'm watching first lady michelle obama and president obama come onto stage. and then, after they're there, john lewis walked on the stage. i've never seen that happen. the protocols, in our country, that's almost unheard of. that anybody would step onto a stage, after the president of the united states. and yet, that was the level of respect that president obama and the whole country had for john lewis. that it would have been inconceivable for, even the president of the united states, to follow him. that he should be the last person to come on that stage. >> yeah. a remarkable moment. he fought, of course, for the right to vote. and what did he think of efforts
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to disenfranchise voters, in recent years? making it more difficult for people of color to vote? suppression, if you like. having seen the voting rights act come into play in the '60s. but then, seeing it gutted in recent years. how troubling must that have been for him? >> well, it was quite troubling. he was outspoken about it. especially, in georgia, his blood state where he was representing the people there. you know, that last big fight where stacey abrams was trying to become the governor. the first african-american, female governor in the deep south. he was very, very passionate about the right to vote in that state. and was very concerned that the outcome may not have been entirely fair. but the most important thing i can say about john lewis. look at instagram. how many thousands and thousands of people have personal photos with a living legend. it's -- you know, it's unbelievable how many ordinary people are posting up
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photographs of themselves with him because he was that accessible. he was that present. he would talk to anybody. i mean, it's unbelievable to watch in guy. and again, a civil rights legend and icon. and any human being who walked up to him to talk to him is going to get a full hearing. thousands of people with personal photographs of a living legend. >> that is so true. i was scrolling through instagram today and -- and it was remarkable. and the same thing occurred to me, just how universal this was. i' i have -- speaking of -- speaking lots of photos with young people as well. what would he make of the movement as it is now and quite frankly, the challenges it faces? and you know, are young people following his lead? >> you know, some are and some aren't. but he had just a tremendous optimism about the capacity of young people to make a change. don't forget. the student nonviolent coordinating committee, sncc, was just a bunch of ragtag
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students, pulled together by ella jo baker, who had been an naacp organizer, and he became a leader in that movement. again, he was the youngest, as corey pointed out, the youngest person on stage at the march on washington. and he just never lost that faith in young people, and their ability to change the country for the better. and, you know, listen. youth movements are always messy. they're chaotic. people go in this direction, that direction. but they are essential to progress. and even though he was one of the elder statesman of american life and politics, you always saw him with young people and encouraging them. >> i -- i -- i did want to finish off, though, by asking you because, you know, john lewis, obviously, the icon, the man, massive legacy. but on the same day he died, ctvivienne passed away and his
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legacy shouldn't be forgotten either. and i know that you knew him. >> yes. ct vivian was actually a little bit older than john lewis and help today train a bunch of those young people. and he was an extraordinary guy. he changed my life. in 1990, february 1st, 1990, in celebration of the anniversary of the lunch counter protest, he came to nashville, tennessee. i was a student and he gave a speech, i could almost give you, word for word, the speech. he said -- he said, if you don't fight for what you want, you deserve what you get. he said stay nonviolent. he said anything your oppose does to you to destroy you will only develop you, as long as you stay nonviolent. i can give you his whole speech. this is mesmerizing. this is 30 years after the lunch counter protests, ct vivian was one of the great, unsung heroes and titans. to love, both, ct vivian and john lewis, on the same day, heaven is trying to get oufr attentiour
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attention about the need for us to step up and do the things that they did. >> really well put. thank you, van. van jones there. appreciate your time. thanks. we're going to take a quick break. when we come back, you might not think wearing masks during a pandemic is political or controversial. but you'd be, of course, wrong on both counts when it comes to the u.s. we have the proof. we'll be right back. well i know one thing. i love my house. it's just home and i love it. for over 25 years, home instead has helped seniors stay home. now, staying home isn't just staying in the place they love. it's staying safe. it's essential. if your loved one needs in-home care, we're here to help. home instead. to us, it's personal.
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citizens about masks. >> i can say, as a public health official, that i would urge the leaders, the local, political, and other leaders, in states and cities and towns, to be as forceful as possible in gettingugetting your citizenry to wear masks. >> and get, as dire as the numbers are in this country, anti-mask sentiment has been on full display. want to show you some video. this is in arkansas. a fight broke out between two couples at a restaurant because one couple was wearing masks, and the other wasn't. apparently, got too close. at least 100 parents crowded a county commission meeting to protest a mandate requiring masks in schools. when a commissioner saw the parents weren't wearing masks, and clearly not social distancing, he, abruptly, shut
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the meeting, just three minutes into it. >> this is the exact opposite of what we need to be doing. we are supposed to be physically distancing, wearing masks. and so, all of our medical -- all of our medical experts. >> some top u.s. retailers are completely united, in calling on governors to make masks mandatory. 21 ceos signed an open letter talking about what their employees have experienced. and part of it says, quote, unfortunately, many of these workers have recently endured verbal threats, harassment, and, in some cases, physical violence, for attempting to promote a safer environment for themselves and customers. more specifically, many have been subject to senseless attacks, simply because they requested a customer wear a mask upon entry.
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>> the international president of the united food and commercial workers union. he joins me now from washington. and thanks so much for doing so. i actually wanted to start off with a national poll of your members that your union conducted. some of the results are really eye opening, if, perhaps, not surprising. i mean, half of the workers surveyed were more worried about covid-19 than they were, just two weeks ago. and this is an interesting one, too, and again not surprising. more than half of those surveyed worried about bringing the virus home. and then, three-quarters believe an even second -- an even worse second wave is coming. i just imagine -- can't imagine what the stress levels are for these workers. give us a sense of that. >> well, i think they're very concerned about bringing the virus home to their families. and many of these workers are living in generational homes. they may have their parents living with them.
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or -- or certainly, their children. and i think we all understand the concern that we would have, if we brought some deadly virus home to our kids, and it ultimately affected them. i think it would be just almost un -- unbearable. >> yeah, absolutely. you know, on the mask issue, i mean, this has been such a debate. a crazy one, really. but, you know, what sorts of issues have your members had, when it comes to, you know, customers and -- and staff? i mean, some of the social media videos of verbal, even physical, abuse have been frightening. what are you hearing from your members? >> well, there has been verbal and actual physical abuse with some of my members. i think that they -- they tried to be gentle with it. and some of the customers were -- did not receive it well. i think it did become politicized, unfortunately. but i think that we all have to
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recognize that, if we don't get our hands wrapped around this virus that, we can't reopen our economy. and if we can't reopen the economy, i think those people that are complaining about the masks are going to be complaining about the economy's not open. so you can't have it both ways. an and we all believe, and we certainly know this, you don't go into a grocery store or any other retail operation, anywhere, unless you have clothes on. and so, the mask is just an extension of a piece of clothing you might have to wear now, in order to protect yourself and other people, as well. >> some good analogies out there, too. i mean, we used to smoke inside and now, we do not. and everyone's okay with that. we have seen state governments, though, refuse to institute a mask mandate. i guess, are you heartened that retailers are moving ahead, on
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their own? bringing their own wear-a-mask rule into effect and a whole bunch of them, as well? does that help your position and that of your members? >> well, look. i think that this union was at the very forefront, on the first day, about mask mandates. mandates for our workers but we had difficulties getting the ppe, initially. mandates for the customers. and we received a lot of pushback from our employers. they -- they were concerned that it was going to drive the customers away. initially, they were concerned that the customers would feel as though that the workers were sick. primarily, because of what the cdc guidelines said initially. but, as well as i can say is, it took -- it took this long to get these companies to do this. and i think was far too -- too much. and i think there's a different level that we have to look at, going forward. we have to look at hospital,
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surgical suite grade air filtration systems in these units. because eaas we start to enclos ourselves, these units do, in fact, become, you know, petri dishes of sorts, that the virus can be transmitted. and that is certainly transmission points that take place inside packing houses, as well as retail food stores. which is what our members do. >> yeah. a good point. i mean, one thing about this. many of your members are, of course, among the most vulnerable members of society when it comes to the virus. in particular, people of color, who the virus has disproportionately impacted. you know, these are people who keep society ticking along, in many ways. do you feel that the risks your members take are appreciated? >> i do believe that this has -- this pandemic -- has raised the awareness level of the public. i -- i -- i'm afraid, however,
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that some of the employers, when they started to see the unemployment levels rise, that is what triggered them to pull back on their bonus pays. the appreciation pay. the hero pay. all the different things they called it. i think that -- that when the unemployment levels, when we had 45 million people that filed for unemployment, our employers started to step back away from that pay. so, no, my members, at this point in time, do not feel appreciated. at least, from their managers. for that reason. because they did pull back on that pay. >> yeah. well, if anyone should feel appreciated in this environment, it's -- it's these people, as a lot of people say. you know, your members are frontline workers, as well. marc perrone, got to leave it there. really appreciate your time. thanks so much. >> michael, thank you so much for having us on and we really appreciate the work that you're doing in order to get this
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message out there about safety during this pandemic. thank you so much. >> well, the governor of michigan, beefing up mandatory mask requirements. as that state has an uptick in new cases, over the last two weeks. one recent party there made things worse, and the impact did not stay within state borders. cnn's tom foreman with that. >> reporter: the fourth of july holiday fallout is landing hard in michigan. where officials say a single house party in the town of saline has exploded into at least 43 confirmed cases of covid. >> it sounds like, from our investigation, that there were some folks at the initial event with some mild illness. and that's probably one of the reasons that we've seen it spread so quickly. >> indeed, authorities say the party goers carried the virus to stores, restaurants, businesses, camps, even connecting with athletic teams and a retirement
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community. triggering confirmed infections in all those locations. some even bent to othwent to ot. most of those infections hit people between the ages of 15 to 25. raising new concern about that huge lake party on the northern end of the state. where health officials say people are, also, turning up with covid. but michigan is far from alone. in state after state, the warnings are stepping up from young people who have contracted the virus. >> take this seriously. it is not a joke. >> and officials who worry about environments that attract the young, tired of being locked down. parties. bars. concerts. >> there's just nothing about that environment that is conducive to slowing the spread of covid-19. >> he went to a, you know, someone's home. there was a few people there and i'm sure they were eating, drinking. >> michelle zymet's 21-year-old son went to a gathering of friends, came home. now, her whole family is covid positive. her husband john, on a ventilator. >> and it's scary that he's
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there, all alone, fighting for his life. and you let your guard down, just one time. that's all it takes and look, you come home and infect the entire house. >> this is precisely what health officials have worried about all along. people make a decision to do what they want to do, and go where they want to go. and that, potentially, affects hundreds of other people who did not make that choice. tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> pandemic fatigue isn't just a problem in the u.s. summer partying is causing concern, even in some european countries, especially as they witness an increase in cases. have a look at these scenes from europe. >> beating the heat in naples where there is plenty of sun and sand, but very little social distancing. it's a chance for beachgoers to escape the high summer temperatures but with few masks in sight, it's also a place where the coronavirus could flourish.
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it's a dilemma towns up and down the coast of europe are facing. how to keep the beaches open but, also, how to keep people far enough apart to stop the spread of the virus. scenes like this, in mallorca, forcing officials to shut down a main tourist area. while, in other parts of spain, authorities are trying to enforce stricter guidelines for tourists. last week, the southern region ordered people to wear masks at pools and beaches. local reports say there is a fine of $114 for those who don't comply. >> i think this is a pretty good measure, this woman says, because in the end, people are not respecting social distancing. so, we have had to go to this extreme. beaches, also, packed in france. even though there has been a steady rise in coronavirus cases there.
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many people say they think it is safe because health experts say there is less risks if they are outside. at the restaurants, there are masks and everything, this man says. i can understand that. but at the beach, you have to breathe fresh air. a breather, many people weary of months of lockdown say they need. but as more people crowd the beaches, this supposed safe haven from the virus could be dangerously deceiving. meanwhile, mexico, suffering from two pandemics. the coronavirus and an onslaught of domestic violence. we will look at how one is making the other worse. we'll be right back.
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country has seen a disturbing rise in domestic violence. with hundreds of women facing abuse. and despite their cries for help, the government, well, it's largely ignoring the crisis. cnn's mat rivers reports. >> on march 8th, mexico's women showed up. hundreds of thousands in mexico city said enough of the discrimination. enough of the violence against women. in a country where the government says two-thirds of women have experienced violence, changing that is an uphill climb. and that was before the pandemic. mexico shut down most of its economy on march 23rd, and urged people to stay indoors. activists say that spurred an onslaught of domestic violence. the lockdown triggered violence, in so many ways, she says. people can't work, there is alcoholism, overcrowding. it's a lot. and it's not hard to find individual stories. this woman, who spoke to us anonymous anonymously for safety reasons,
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said her daughter is living with her partner, who is abusing her. she tells me she feels trapped. she feels like a puppet. the quarantine has only made it worse. another woman, who we are not identifying, for her own protection, but we'll call anna, tells us her husband strangled her just before authorities asked people to stay home. so she joined a chat group, with other survivors. and when the economy shut down, she says messages asking for help spiked. he threatened to beat me, this message reads. he stood in front of me, and pretended to punch me. she went on to say she'd leave him. but the pandemic has killed work. the lack of income prevents me from doing things. we live in a tragic moment, anna says, when we have to live with the enemy. and so many women don't even dare to ask for help. in part, because the government doesn't usually help. 93% of all crimes in 2018 went unsolved, according to government data. when i reported my assault, police said, are you sure you want to do this? he's your husband.
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they try and stop you from filing. their skepticism at the top, too. mexico security ministry says march through may of this year, 911 calls for domestic violence went up more than 44%, compared to the same mexico's president said this. 90% of those calls that you're referring to are fake, he said, when asked about them, comparing them to prank calls. though the president has said domestic violence is a problem, government campaigns like this one to try and fix it have been ridiculed online. this advertisement basically said, if you're angry, just count to ten. ten was also the average number of women killed each day in mexico from march through may of this year. mexico is beginning to reopen, and maybe that eases some of the burden on women trapped at home with their abusers, but domestic violence didn't start during the shutdown and it will still be
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here, now that it's ending. matt rivers, cnn, mexico city. >> "cnn newsroom" continues right after this break. alzheim's is everywhere. all of us are raising funds for one goal: a world without alzheimer's and all other dementia. because this disease isn't waiting, neither are you. go to alz dot org slash walk.
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sunday's formula 1 grand prix starting grid. this is in hungary, hungarian grand prix. lewis hamilton for a record 90th time. the six-time world champion to start in prime position for the seventh time at the budapest track. matching michael schumacher's record for the most pole positions at that circuit. the brit will also be chasing his eighth victory in hungary which will equal schumacher's record for most wins at a single track. to football. soccer, if you're in america, where arsenal and hmanchester city clashed for a spot in the cup final. man city were the heavy favorites but were left stunned at wimbley. arsenal jumping ahead in the 18th minute. the star forward, there he goes,
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sliding finish. he would then go on to get his second in the day in the 71st minute outrunning city december and finishes with ease in the end. the winner will face the winner of manchester united. the first pitch from major league baseball is soon under way. and freddie freeman hopes to be on the field after recovering from covid-19, he's back at practice. he spoke about his battle with the virus. freeman said he began feeling sick july 2nd. and by the 3rd, his temperature had shot up about 104 degrees. >> i said a little prayer that night, because, you know, i've never been that hot before. my body was really, really hot. i said please don't fatake me. i wasn't ready. got a little worrisome that night for me. >> two days later his
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temperature returned to normal, but he lost his sense of taste and smell. he has been cleared to play, but he's not sure if he'll be in the lineup for opening day just yet. thanks for watching, everyone. i'm michael holmes. as they say, your day is going to get a lot better. natalie allen is here with another hour of "cnn newsroom" after the break.
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