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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 19, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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to give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. [grunting noise] i'll take that. woohoo! 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. ensure max protein. with nutrients to support immune health. welcome to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. i'm robyn curnow. coming up on the show, alternative facts. u.s. president donald trump denies the reality of the coronavirus epidemic ravaging america and much of the world. that as several u.s. states report another day of surging numbers and record highs. many hospitals in florida have no vacancies in their icus. and -- >> i think the price paid in terms of lives lost has been too high. >> while the rest of the world went into lockdown, sweden stayed open and tried to achieve herd immunity.
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unfortunately, the strategy backfired, resulting in a heavy, heavy death toll. that and much more. "newsroom" starts right now. great to have you with me this hour. so, the u.s. president is once again downplaying the severity of the coronavirus pandemic after yet another record-breaking weekend. you can see here the steep climb in the seven-day average of new cases since june. but donald trump blames the spike on increased testing, a tactic consistently debunked by health experts. during an interview with fox news, he falsely suggested the u.s. had the lowest mortality rate anywhere in the world. >> when you talk about mortality rates, i think it's the opposite. i think we have one of the lowest mortality rates. >> that's not true, sir. >> well, we're going to take a
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look. >> we have 900 deaths in a single day this week. >> we will take a look. ready? >> you can check it out. >> will you please get me the mortality rate? kayleigh's right here. i heard we had one of the lowest, maybe lowest mortality rate anywhere in the world. >> well, now president trump did admit making some mistakes in the virus response. a rare acknowledgement on his part. but suggested history would be on his side. >> i will be right eventually. i'll say it again. it's going to disappear and i'll be right. >> does that discredit you? >> i don't think so. i don't think so. because i've been right probably more than anybody else. >> meanwhile, arizona suffered its highest daily death toll since the pandemic began. georgia and north carolina hit new highs in their single-day case counts. and in dozens of florida hospitals there are no icu beds left. yet, the u.s. president claims no country's done a better job with testing. jeremy diamond now picks up the story.
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jeremy? >> reporter: while coronavirus cases have been surging once again in the united states over the last month, month and a half, and yet president trump seeps to still be denying the reality of the situation. the reality that cases are, indeed, surging, that new records are being broken in terms of new case numbers every week, sometimes multiple times a week. president trump in an interview on sunday instead focused much more on defending his administration, his handling of this pandemic, deflecting blame, and once again making false claims, including the repeatedly debunked claim that the rise in coronavirus cases is related to increased testing in the united states. >> you still talk about it as, quote, burning embers, but i want to put up a chart that shows where we are with the illness offer the last four months. as you can see, we hit a peak here in april. 36,000 cases. >> cases. >> a day. >> yeah. cases. >> then it went down. and now since june, it has gone up, more than doubled.
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one day this week, 75,000 new cases. more than double. >> chris, that's because we have great testing. because we have the best testing in the world. if we didn't test, you wouldn't be able to show that chart. if we tested half as much, those numbers would be down. >> this isn't burning embers, sir, this is a forest fire. >> we'll put out the flames and in some cases burning embers. we have embers and we do have flames. >> reporter: now, the reality of the situation is that while testing has been up about 37%, cases of coronavirus in the united states are up 194%. and the gap in those two rates of increase is even more startling when you look at some of the hot spots like florida and arizona and texas. and yet president trump, it seems, continues to make this false claim. it was just one of several from the president in this interview. he also tried to favorably compare the united states' mortality rate to other countries. he also tried to compare the situation in the united states more favorably to what's happening in the european union.
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which has not seen this most recent surge of coronavirus cases, like the united states. president trump was also busy trying to downplay the advice of some of the government's foremost public health experts. the president once again undermining the credibility of dr. anthony fauci, even as he insisted that there is no campaign to undermine fauci. but, really, it's about something broader because the president was also disagreeing repeatedly with the cdc, disagreeing with the notion put forward by the cdc director dr. robert redfield that masks, if every american wore masks for the next four to eight weeks, coronavirus could be in much better shape in the united states. the president rejecting that advice out of hand and, again, just the latest instance of the president butting heads with the science. jeremy diamond, cnn, the white house. >> thanks, jeremy. so the u.s. president did push for governors to reopen. well, now at least 27 states have halted or rolled back their reopening plans to slow the spread of the virus.
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we have cnn correspondents in two major hot spots right now. mentioned by jeremy, florida and arizona. we'll start with randi kaye in west palm beach. randi? >> reporter: more trouble in terms of numbers and coronavirus here in the state of florida. in the last 24 hours, 12,478 new cases in the state. now 350,000 cases statewide. also, another 87 deaths. bringing the total to just under 5,000 deaths across the state. also, this is the fourth day this month that we've seen more than 12,000 cases in a single day reported of coronavirus here in the state of florida. statewide, more than 9,000 people hospitalized. those numbers do seem to be holding steady. in and miami-dade, in southern florida, one of the hardest-hit counties, still trouble with those icu beds. now at 127% capacity, so they have no icu beds left to give. in fact, in miami-dade, more than 2,000 people are
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hospitalized with covid-19. 507 patients in the icu and 286 patients on ventilators. also, dozens of hospitals, close to 50 hospitals across the state are also without any icu beds. so this is certainly a problem here in the state of florida. on a bright note, the governor has secured about 30,000 vials of remdesivir, a proven treatment for covid-19. shows should be arriving just hours from now. those supplies will go directly to the white house. he went to the white house seeking that supply, apparently it will be coming here in just the next few hours or days ahead. all right. back to you. >> reporter: arizona is at a real cross roads right now. over the weekend, they saw the highest number of deaths in a single day, 147, on that same day, saturday, they also saw one of the highest rates of positivity. the rates at which one is
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testing positive, pop across the state are testing positive, 39%. just over 39%. just staggering numbers. the seven-day average for positivity rates across the state lead the country at about 24.5%. so there is a lot of virus out there. all that said, there is some good news here. hospitalizations across the state are down slightly. the retransmission rate is down slightly. those are leading to somewhat better conditions in hospitals, at least, but everyone we speak to in the hospitals right now say that they are working like mad trying to keep people alive and having a very difficult time dealing with the case load that they have right now. couple of things coming up. in august, schools are supposed to restart. this is also a state and a city where people come back in august and into the fall. those are the times when the hospitals here start to fill up with everything from the flu to broken arms and everything else.
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right now hospitals are not in such great demand, so it's -- they have room for some of those covid patients. going forward, they won't have as much room. that's one thing weighing on officials. they are bringing in morgue trailers because they think in the weeks ahead the city morgues and the hospital morgues will be overwhelmed with bodies. and school's starting. supposed to start on august 1st. the governor has pushed that back to an aspirational date of august 17th, but many are pushing to cancel it for half the term or the entire semester at this point. they say it's just too dangerous. that is going to be a very, very difficult decision for lawmakers here to make. there are three tranches, basically, of where this virus comes from. community spread, which we're seeing now, bars and restaurants and passing it on to parents and grandparents at home. the bars and restaurants have been closed. work, work is also a big place where one can pick it up. whether you're working at a manufacturing plant or in an office.
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and schools. schools is the big one, the third sort of element that can be a vector for this virus. that is now the big decision against everything arizona is facing right now. one quick statistic, when the governor shut down the state in march, there were 1,000 cases a week. last week there were 26,000 cases of coronavirus. back to you. >> thanks, miguel, for that. so as the pandemic surges, brian kemp, the governor of georgia, where cnn's center is, has started a legal battle against keisha lance bottoms. you know her. she's atlanta's mayor. well, it's because lance bottoms has issued a mask mandate in the city, and governor kemp doesn't want her to. well, now she says he's trying to keep her from speaking out. governor kemp asked for an emergency injunction to restrain me from issuing press statements and speaking to the press. it's a political fight over a virus that's killed more than 3,000 people from georgia so far. well, natasha chen talks more about how the battle is affecting businesses for the worst.
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>> reporter: the politics of how to fight covid-19 have played out on all levels of government. from the white house to statehouses to county commissions and city halls. but now in georgia, a high-stakes battle between the statehouse and atlanta's city hall has turned into something of a food fight. at least for some atlanta restaurants. >> mayor bottoms' mask mandate cannot be enforced. but her decision to shutter businesses and undermine economic growth is devastating. >> reporter: georgia governor brian kemp has sued atlanta's mayor and city council over its rollback to phase one, which he says is unenforceable. while the mayor, keisha lance bottoms, has instituted a mask mandate and is calling on the city's restaurant to return to curbside pickup and delivery only as cases of covid-19 soar. >> it is a complete waste of time and money to file suit against the capital city of the state in which he is supposed to
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lead. >> reporter: kemp says no local mandate can be more or less restrictive than statewide executive orders. he said he filed the suit on behalf of struggling atlanta businesses, but if his lawsuit is a dish best served cold, some atlanta restaurant owners say it's just feeding the fire. >> grow up. be adult. >> reporter: kevin clark and his partner lisa spooner own homegrown, an atlanta restaurant that was cited in kemp's lawsuit as an example of a business suffering from the mayor's actions. >> we would. we fit more if they came together and made a universal decision together on their own as adults working together to help this community, not a lawsuit that, to me, just makes it further apart as opposed to closer together. >> reporter: they decided to close homegrown again, since they said they would operate at a loss doing only takeout. but without concrete guidance from local and state leaders, others have stayed open. >> it's just the wild west. you do what you want. like, a patio, you close, you're
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open. >> reporter: chef stephenson of the atlanta restaurant red bird said just the act of shutting down and reopening again cost thousands of dollars. >> we feel like a child in between two parents who are going through a divorce right now. and i say "we" as -- as normal people and business people. one of them is saying this and one of them is saying that, and we're not sure that either one of them is sending the message because they think it's what's best for us. we kind of feel like they're sending the message because they feel it's what's best for their political career. >> reporter: stephenson has kept red bird open for now with strict protocols to protect people's health because he said his customers have demanded the experience of sitting down inside. he also had some customers calling to cancel reservations after the mayor's rollback, but either way, there's no winning. >> it feels very unsafe to make statements right now. because the population is so divided about the best way that anybody should be doing anything.
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>> reporter: natasha chen, cnn, atlanta. let's talk more about this with dr. carroll, emergency room physician who joins me now from hawaii. doctor, great to see you. thanks so much for joining us. i want to just talk about the president's view, that interview he did with fox news. i mean, it's quite startling and quite stark that his view is not necessarily in line with what emergency doctors like you are directly experiencing right now in america. >> yeah, that's true, and it's not just emergency physicians, it's our top public health officials. and that's, you know, a more meaningful status to follow than case positivity rate. and your previous segment said that perfectly, that arizona's seeing the highest positivity rate, you know, up to 32 higher percent over the weekend. and, you know, we may be testing more, but more of those tests are coming back positive. so that's a very true sign that
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this is -- this disease is doing what it does best, spread. there was a lot of talk before this being somewhat similar to flu in its spread and that the warmer weather and humidity were going to decrease the r naught, but we can't make those assumptions. that's what we always try to do in medicine. you can't assume because you'll be caught red-handed. this virus is spreading and spreading rapidly. the more we delay having a national mask mandate that we know is proven to work, we're going to see this virus do what it does best, spread. >> it's certainly spreading in places like florida and arizona, as our reporters explained. just give us an understanding of what the implications are of having 47 hospitals not having any space in their icus for new, very sick patients in florida alone. >> that's going to be every medical system in every city's medical system and emergency medical system specific, but
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take hawaii in general, like, if all of our hospitals were up to full capacity, that means everybody that comes with other emergencies, still having strokes and heart attacks. it's just going to be completely inundated. we're not going to have the bandwidth or capacity to deal with that many patients. so we're going to blow through our health care capacity, and it's really taken a toll on our health care workers. we're seeing that in new york as well with the stress of being in a pandemic for that long is really taking a psychological toll on our, you know, some of the heros out there. >> and also when we talk about -- i want to talk about that in just a moment, but also the sense of spread. and there's been so much conflicting information. but we are getting a pretty important study out of south korea now on how children can transmit the virus. and particularly older children. i wonder if you could just break that down for us. >> sure. yeah, there was a terrifically well-done study out of south korea. it was about in total over 5,000
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positive patients, plus over 50,000, almost 60,000 of their contacts. and what it really broke it down to is what age groups are capable of transmitting this virus. and we do know that children aren't being severely affected as much as our older adults who have higher comorbidities, but what it showed is that age groups from 10 to 19 is transmitting it nearly just as well, if not more than adults. but thankfully the age group below 10 is transmitting it much less, but not zero, so that brings a lot of data points to the discussion of do we open schools in hot zones? and i think it's important that we do open schools as -- that should be the -- the de facto answer, but the caveat being is that you need to take into consideration what is the virus problems your area? so the hot spots that are experiencing, you know, about to open schools, august is coming up soon. they got to really consider and each department of health has to consider this new data.
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and it's just a common theme that we're seeing. we don't have all the data, so we can't make assumptions or you'll get caught red-handed. >> okay. doctor, always good to speak to you. thanks so much. still ahead here on "cnn newsroom." why millions of americans could be plunged into financial disaster if congress doesn't reach a deal soon. ♪ water? why?!
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on america's best network. visit to learn more. welcome back. i'm robyn curnow live from cnn's center. it's 20 minutes past the hour. so, more than 51 million americans have filed new unemployment claims since the pandemic started, and for many, the government coronavirus unemployment benefits have provided some stability in a time of uncertainty, but those benefits will soon expire as vanes vanessa djokovic reports. >> reporter: she quit her job, picked up her life and moved to atlanta in january. she wanted to make a difference. >> the reason i became a due ou i wanted to make a difference in the african-american community in birth disparities. it's a celebration of pregnancy. >> her hopes of getting her business off the ground gone. she's one of millions of americans without a job, on
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unemployment. >> covid seems to be getting worse and not better, so at least here in the city of atlanta, we're in the process it seems like of going back to phase one, so i may not be able to go into the delivery rooms any time soon. >> reporter: and it's about to get worse. in two weeks the extra $600 a week in unemployment that's helped americans like sanders to pay bills, put food on the table and stay in their homes will expire. >> it's going to be total economic devastation. the unemployment insurance program is the lifeline for workers in this public health crisis. >> reporter: this lifeline is disappearing. just as some states roll back their reopenings, forcing many workers back on unemployment. up to 23 million americans could be evicted from their homes by the end of september. >> when they take the $600 away, that would reduce me down to about $300 a week. which is for me not really feasible, as far as covering my bills.
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>> reporter: cara steel has been waiting 17 weeks for unemployment. she's making some drastic decisions. >> what is most important that day? you know, am i going to go out and buy something to eat or i am going to purchase a medication or am i going to, you know, save my funds to go to a doctor or put gas in my car? >> reporter: she's a bartender in new jersey. where indoor bars and dining remain closed. the back pay she's owed from unemployment will go straight to her bills, piling up for months. >> when is everything going to reopen? because if i'm getting the $120 what happens if i'm not going back until october, november, december? or until there's a vaccine? >> reporter: the unknown is leaving many americans paralyzed, and with congress unlikely to pass an extension of the extra unemployment benefits
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by july 31st, sanders faces a stark reality, giving up. >> i would feel very bad. it took a lot of self-encouragement for me to leave my job and move to another city to chase a dream. if it gets shut down, i feel like i did off of this for nothing. cnn's john defterios joins me live from abu dhabi. it's heartbreaking, but it's the reality for so many millions of americans. they're certainly going to be impacted if their unemployment benefits are cut or not renewed. what can we expect then from the white house and the senate on this stimulus package that they're hoping to put through before the summer? >> yeah, you always have that gap of right? robyn, what's happening for people, citizens on the ground, and then what's happening in washington. we can call this package the top-up because it's $1 trillion, but a big top-up of the $3
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trillion passed in the heat of the pandemic right now. the president has his priorities, he keeps repeating this, about a payroll tax cut. trying to encourage major companies to rehire the employees laid off. vanessa suggested better than 350 million asked for unemployment benefits. the hard work, he wants more companies to move from overseas back to american soil. that will not help him during the november election, of course, because it just won't happen in time. so what's the shape of the unemployment benefits? can they get it done by the end of july? the chief of staff for the president said they're going to fine-tune this starting today. so you're going to have mitch mcconnell meeting with president and his treasury secretary steve mnuchin. a couple of other sticking points here. the state funding for covid-19 support for the hospitals because the cases are surging right now, so that's the priority. and the president has another one of his personal priorities, and that's about $70 billion for school funding to make them more secure, but he wants people to go into classes, students and start that in the autumn. this is, of course, a huge issue when it comes to health and
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safety of the children and college students in the united states. >> and then how does all of this square with the house packages? >> yeah, i'm glad you asked because, remember, nancy pelosi was driving this as the speaker of the house. that's $3 trillion. much more generous on the unemployment benefits and the paychecks to households that vanessa was talking about in her report, about $1,200 per citizen. we have a huge gap again, robyn, $1 trillion versus $3 trillion and can they get this done by the end of july before the benefits run out? and then you have a congressional recess. that's what everybody's looking for and the man and woman on the street is begging for because of the crisis we see now in the cases surging. >> okay. thanks so much for that update, john defterios. thank you. so here's a story that we want to update you. u.s. marshalls and the fbi are searching for a gunman who opened fire at the home of a u.s. federal judge. investigators say the gunman wore what appeared to be a fedex uniform as he approached this judge's home in new jersey.
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the judge's son and husband were shot when they opened the door. the son, who is 20, was killed. law enforcement officers say they don't know the motive and they aren't aware of any threats against the judge who was unharmed. and still ahead here on now officials are imposing stricter measures to slow down plus, the high price sweden is paying for staying open while the rest of europe shut down. hey, can i... hold on one second... sure. okay... okay! safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! he's here. he's right here. - hi! - hi. hey! - that's totally him. - it's him! that's totally the guy. safe drivers do save 40%.
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welcome back. i'm robyn curnow here in atlanta. so, u.s. president donald trump is once again downplaying the severity of the pandemic, even as states continue to record record infection numbers. and hospitals are being stretched too the limit. according to john hopkins university, the u.s. has confirmed nearly 3.8 million cases so far. still, mr. trump insists the crisis has been blown out of proportion and falsely suggests the u.s. has the lowest mortality rate in the world. during an interview with fox news, he again blamed the high infection numbers on increasing in testing. >> but we have more tests by far than any country in the world. >> but, sir, testing is up 37%. >> well, that's good. >> i understand. cases are up 194%. it isn't just that testing has gone up, it's that the virus has spread. the positivity rate has
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increased. >> many of the cases -- >> the virus is worse than it was. >> many of those cases are young pile that will heal in a day. cases are up because we have the best testing in the world. >> in new york, once the epicenter of the virus in the u.s., covid-19 hospitalizations instead continue to go down. new york city is starting its final phase of reopening on monday, but it is doing so with caution. here's polo sandoval with more from new york. >> reporter: new york city will we reaching this major milestone this week with its phase four reopening. it will be the latest in a series of reopening phases that we've seen starting since the beginning of the summer here. this will be a fairly limited reopening, which means some of the indoor spaces that were supposed to initially be open to the public again will remain closed, museums, malls,movie theaters, jumps as well. indoor dining in the city. that's still banned. what you can expect however lowe risk outdoor spaces to reopen.
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zoos with limited capacity and indoor exhibits still closed. professional sports without fans. as well as movie and tv production expect to resume. new york city look a little bit more like new york. also, schools would potentially be given the go-ahead to reopen. though a final decision, according to the governor, won't be made until august. the reason why phase four in new york city looks very different from phase four from other parts of the state is because it's much more densely populated area, so the concern by health officials is that if you open some of these spaces then that would allow this virus to potentially spread. polo sandoval, cnn, new york. and hong kong says it will further tighten its coronavirus restrictions as the outbreak there keeps on getting worse. officials on sunday reported 108 new infections, the most in a single day. chief executive carrie lam says the government will expand the mandatory use of face masks and will require all nonessential civil servants to work from home. for more now, let's go to will
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ripley. will joins me from hong kong live. will, good to see you. so talk us through these new measures. >> hi, robyn. these are the most significant social distancing measures that hong kong has seen in this pandemic. you have civil servants, as you mentioned, who are working from home, at least this week. it could be extended further. that also means a reduction in the services available for hong kong residents. a number of offices are starting to reduce their hours. some are encouraging their own employees to work from home. and you have to wear a mask when you step outside of your home. walking through most businesses, apartment buildings, certainly on public transportation, and any indoor public space where you're going to be around other people, you're expected to wear a mask, and you can could be fined in some instances if you don't. hong kong taking this very seriously, even though the numbers, which just over the weekend for the first time in the pandemic, cracked over 100 cases per day. they're still, you know, great numbers when you kpafr it to most other places around the world, but here in hong kong, this is not good news and the
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chief executive carrie lam explained why earlier. >> translator: the situation is really critical and there is no sign the situation is being brought under control. that's why this morning i've called a high meeting level to consider our response and we know that later on today with these latest figures we've announced by the center for health protection there would be more than 100 confirmed cases. that is a single day high since the start of the epidemic, and we believe the public will be very much concerned and worried. >> and if you talk to people who live here in hong kong, particularly those who survived the sars outbreak, they are worried because they remember those awful months when hundreds of people in hong kong died. a lot of them at one particular apartment complex. so when you have authorities talking about clusters at various apartment complexes or amongst taxi drivers or bars and restaurants, people are adhering to the social distancing guidelines, but that hasn't been enough to slow the number of cases, at least not yet.
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even with the existing numbers as they are, about 75% of hong kong's covid hospital beds are in use right now. that doesn't leave a whole lot of wiggle room if more people start to get sick and need hospitalization. which is why they're also upping the amount of tests per day. the city's been averaging around 10,000 covid tests every single day. that's including tests they conduct when people fly in at the airport. also, for example, today they're offering free covid tests for taxi drivers, one of the clusters identified, robyn. the hope is to find as many people who might have the virus as possible and get them out of circulation before they pass the virus to others in this densely-populated city. >> all right. will ripley live in hong kong. thanks, will. meanwhile, we're just learning that pro-democracy activist joshua wong says he's running for a seat on hong kong's legislative council. he hopes to send a message that hong kong residents will not surrender. his announcement comes recently after beijing passed a sweeping
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national security law for the city. wong has been ban from running in previous polls. he won by more than 31,000 votes last week. now, when coronavirus erupted in europe, sweden went against the tide of shutdowns. the country opted to not impose restrictions and let life go on as usual. well, as phil black now reports, sweden seems to be paying the price for its approach now. >> reporter: this is the image sweden is recently famous for, living well while much of the world is locking down. but it's deceptive. scratch the surface and you still find great economic pain. these boats would normally carry hundreds of people every day during summer. >> enormous impact. counting march, april, our turnover went down 93%, and it's still around the same. >> reporter: this restaurant opened just weeks before the
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virus surged here. >> looking at the numbers, of course it's minus, minus, minus. >> reporter: and just like the hotels in heavily locked down cities around the world, those in stockholm have sat mostly empty for months. >> we are actually bleeding, and everyone in the hospitality industry in sweden is bleeding heavily at the moment. >> reporter: and it's many other industries, too. nearly 50% of sweden's economy is, like this designer shoe brand, largely built on selling stuff to people in other countries. so even while many swedish businesses could stay open, the global crisis destroyed international demand for their products. >> the biggest hit was obviously export. and the biggest hit is obviously u.s. the u.s. is our second largest market. >> reporter: and swedish manufacturers were also cut off from international supply chains. carmaker volvo shut down its swedish plants for three weeks because it ran low on parts.
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it all means sweden's economy is predicted to contract this year by more than 5%. with hundreds of thousands losing jobs. >> we have never seen a crisis hitting this broadly within the economy. or this deep within the economy. >> reporter: that's on top of a disturbing covid-19 death toll. more than 5,500 in a small country of just 10 million. so some swedes are now asking, was staying open worth it? >> i think the price paid in terms of lives lost has been too high. that's, of course, a value judgement, but i think it's a rather sensible value judgement. >> reporter: swedish officials have always insisted their key goals are protecting live and the health system with economic considerations further down the line. >> a very important part of our strategy to try to create an awareness within the population and to have it over a longer term, because i think that's more viable than trying to shut down. >> reporter: sweden's soft-touch
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experiment pushing personal responsibility and social distancing is still being watched around the world as governments desperately try to find the right balance. but the early results suggest an obvious conclusion. there is no pain-free solution to living with covid-19. phil black, cnn, london. thanks, phil, for that. just ahead here at cnn, america's top diplomats is heading to the uk and into the heart of controversy over one of china's biggest cell phone makers.
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blended with purpose for dry, from wdamaged hair with lush honey and propolis known to nourish and repair as a whole blend, it helps heal damage to the ends blended makes us better whole blends by garnier, naturally to my retirement days than i'i am my college days. i just want to know, am i gonna be okay? i know people who specialize in "am i going to be okay." you may need glasses though. guidance to help you stay on track. ♪ you've been avoiding. like people... and pants.ings but don't avoid taking care of your eyes, because we're here to safely serve you with new procedures that exceed cdc guidelines and value your time. visionworks. see the difference.
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there you have it, the united arab emirates says it successfully launched a space probe headed to mars on sunday. it's the first time any arab or muslim-majority country has set out for the planet. the hope probe is expected to reach mars by next february and
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study the planet's weather and atmosphere for almost two years. the uae's vice president says the mission will help show young people that the impossible is possible. and u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo is traveling to the uk in the coming hours. he'll meet with boris johnson and his british counterpart dominic rob. coronavirus, trade and china are all expecting to be on the china. after huawei was banned from britain's 5g network, and many chinese officials believe that decision was the result of u.s. influence. >> china's ambassador to britain said the uk danced to the tune of americans when it banned huawei from its 5g network, reversing an earlier decision to allow the company a limited role in the infrastructure. china is still evaluating the consequences, the ambassador told the bbc, but the ban was not just a dark day for huawei, but also a dark day for china/uk
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relations, he added. now, these relations have been carefully forged over the past 20 years by successive british governments resulting in multiple trillion dollar trade and investment ties at risk. chinese ambassador says britain was wrong to d u.s. now, u.s. president donald trump has been pushing his allies to exclude huawei from their 5g networks, alleging that the company posed a security risk. now, the ambassador pushed back against that, saying that there was no hard evidence to prove it, and that huawei has already been operating in britain for the last 20 years. he was also asked if china will now retaliate against british businesses there, and he said that the country didn't want to politicize the economy, as he put it, but some form of backlash seems inevitable. and this is because this ban has hit china hard, as other european nations who use huawei technology might now reconsider after the updated risk
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assessment from the uk. cnn, london. the family of late civil rights icon and u.s. congressman john lewis is honoring his memory. here was his brother, henry grant lewis, speaking on sunday. >> he fought until the very end. that was my big brother. he was a fighter with a tenacious spirit, but he was also gracious and kind-hearted. a great man and public servant. >> from facing a violent beating in the civil rights march later dubbed bloody sunday, to being a congressman for more than three decades, lewis worked most of his life to ensure every american enjoyed the rights and freedoms promised in the constitution. he died on friday at the age of 80 after battling pancreatic cancer. we'll be right back.
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(vo) audi e-tron. the next frontier of electric. get audi at your door remote services through participating dealers. walk to end alzheimer's alzheis everywhere.tion all of us are raising funds for one goal: a world without alzheimer's and all other dementia. because this disease isn't waiting, neither are you. go to alz dot org slash walk. so, golf legend jack nicklaus revealed on sunday that his wife barbara and he both tested positive for coronavirus back in march. the 18-time major champion known, of course, as the golden bear said he had a sore throat
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and a cough and his wife was asymptomatic. the couple have since tested negative and recovered. that's good news. so, i want to stick with sports, sort of, and switch gears a bit, though, and check in with the weekend sport. we know that lewis hamilton is on a roll. the fa cup final is set. and there is a new world number one in men's golf. patrick snell has all the details. >> a record equaling weekend for formula one superstar lewis hamilton who won the hungarian grand prix for the eighth time on sunday. an achievement that matches the legendary michael shoemaker's mark. the world champion criticizing the apparently confusing and disjointed nature of the drivers' anti-racism demonstration before the race. taking to instagram, he said in part, it is embarrassing that many teams have not made any public commitment to diversity or that we couldn't properly
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find time to make a symbolic gesture in support of ending racism before the race. today felt rushed and massively lacked organization and effort, which in turn dilutes the message and makes it seem like that there was something more important. to london next for fa cup semifinal action where manchester united and chelsea players showed their support for the black lives matter movement. the blues later booking their spot in the final against arsenal after a really poor goalkeepering display from united david de gea yeah. olivia giroux with the first for chelsea and then a shocker from the spaniard, mason mount's harmless-looking shot somehow finding its way into the back of the net. chelsea 3-1 winners. while elsewhere in england's capital city, tottenham giving leicester city plenty to think about if the foxes are to seal champions league football for next season. star striker herman caarry kane spurs 2-0 up.
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the londoners win it 3-0. leicester battling it out with manchester united and chelsea for that all-important top four finish. and spain's jon rahm, the new number one golfer in the world after winning the prestigious memorial tournament in ohio on sunday. rahm just the second spaniard to top the men's rankings since compatriot seby -- around the world restrict visitors from seeing their loved ones. mary daniel wasn't going to let that stop her from visiting her husband who suffers from alzheimer's. after being separated for more than 100 days, she actually took a job at a dishwasher at her husband's care facility so she could see him. she told cnn's frederica whitfield how she came up with the idea. >> i had originally asked in the beginning of march, march 10th, to be exact. i actually called the memory
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care center and said, what i can do? can i volunteer? can i get a job? they sort of said let's see what's happening here. we're all kind of hopeful this isn't going to last very long, and as i started time going by and i started getting a little bit more vocal about we need to do something. this is a really, really horrible situation. out of the blue, they called me. so i'm incredibly blessed to have rose castle be supportive and actually say, would you like to have a job? we've got a part-time job available. >> oh, that's fantastic. congratulations on your perseverance on that. and then give me an kidea of, yu know, the kind of care and attention you felt your husband would be missing out on by you not being there to visit him. why it was so important for you to take this job so that you could, you know, be inside the walls to see him. >> dementia patients need touch. they need emotional care. they need connection. and if they don't have that connection, then their brain just really slowly dies.
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and, actually, slowly isn't the right word. that's what normally happens. when they're in this situation, it rapidly increases the speed of that. and so my concern was that he's not getting touched, he's not getting hugged, he's not getting the connections which is really the reason i placed him there, for the social aspect of it. steve was always incredibly social. he needs to be around people and he needs to have that connection. when it's not there, it's going to kill these patients, including him. >> and an update, mary daniel says her husband is doing well in his care home. and she set up a facebook page called "caregivers for compromise" where she advocates for safe visitation. so, thanks for watching. this has been cnn. i'm robyn curnow. rosemary church will be here with another hour of "cnn newsroom" right after the break. enjoy. so here's the thing. i'm actually closer to my retirement days than i am my college days.
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i just want to know, am i gonna be okay? i know people who specialize in "am i going to be okay." you may need glasses though. guidance to help you stay on track. ♪ you've been avoiding. like people... and pants.ings but don't avoid taking care of your eyes, because we're here to safely serve you with new procedures that exceed cdc guidelines and value your time. visionworks. see the difference. and my side super soft? with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. so, can it help us fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep us asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. will it help me keep up with him? yep. so you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. save 25% on the sleep number 360 c4 smart bed with any smart adjustable base. plus 0% interest for 24 months. ends monday. blended with purpose for dry, from wdamaged hair
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with lush honey and propolis known to nourish and repair as a whole blend, it helps heal damage to the ends blended makes us better whole blends by garnier, naturally
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12:00 am
hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom" and i'm rosemary church. just ahead, every single day more and more americans are dying because of the coronavirus. as cases surge, president trump's false claims conflict with science and the real numbers that tell a very different story. the situation is dire in the u.s. state of florida. icu beds are full as another 12,000 people are diagnosed with the virus. and the bahamas taking precautions to keep residents safe by closing access to u.s. tourists.


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