tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 22, 2020 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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things are -- are frustrating and upsetting. what matters the most is that we are unwavering in trying to do what's right. >> all right. there it is. thanks so much for being with us. we'll see you back here tomorrow. i'm poppy harlow. ? i'm jim sciutto. "newsroom" with john king starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ hello, everybody. i'm john king in washington, thank you so much for sharing your day with us. a big investment from the trump administration, a $2 billion agreement to obtain 600 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine, if it works it will be available to everyone. >> we will ensure that any vaccine that we're involved in sponsoring is either free to the american people or is affordable. >> the goal is to have 100 million doses available by the end of this year, that depends, of course, on the success of
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clinical trials and the timeline is the goal more than a plan. in the meantime, the fight is to control the spread and in that effort we now have a rare, honest assessment of the united states. he said the virus was dying out and now he acknowledges that things will get worse before they get better. the president's new tone is a reflection of two sets of data. his horrible re-election polling and the brutal coronavirus reality. the united states has added 903,000 infection in two weeks and that's a stunning number anyway and all of the more sobering as we remember the important lesson of the past five months. when case numbers rise, other sad statistics follow and coronavirus deaths are rising. you see 1,082 recorded yesterday. also up, hospitalizations which now stand 222 shy of the pandemic peak. some states say they have no beds and that supplies are dwindling with cases rising and
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hospitals crowded, many school districts now debating whether it's best to keep children at home from school at least for a while. the cdc invoking his grandchildren and making the case he believes back to the classroom is safe for most of america. >> would you be comfortable with your school-age grandchildren going back to school in the fall? >> absolutely. absolutely. the only one that there may be some reservation is my grandson with cystic fibrosis depending on how he can be accommodated in the school that he's in, but my other ten grandchildren, of those, eight of them are school age. i'm 100% that they can get back to school. >> you're having that debate in your community. let's catch up on where things stand today. state by state, we'll start with the trend map and you see a lot of orange, but 26 state, it was higher and we were at 26 states. 28 states heading in the wrong direction and they're higher this week than they were a week ago. 26 states in orange on the map.
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28 states holding steady importantly the state of florida and the state of california. they have been two states on the leading edge of this summer surge. we have four states going down and that includes arizona. good news in arizona, still a suborn case count, but heading down after several cases down. if you look at new cases, this is the troublesome part of the summer surge. a flat line for march, april, may into early june and here's the question on wednesday, right? this is the seven-day moving average case as it has been troubling in recent days. seven-day average and it will plateau? can it at least flatten and plateau around 60,000 and shove it down. that is the challenge of the last few days as we watch the case count. the top five states, california, florida, texas, arizona and arizona not too far behind. its cases are going down
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compared to last week and that tells you how tough it has been. california has is the state just passing the state of new york. shy of 115,000 confirmed infections in california now approaching 410,000 as of yesterday. that number likely to pass 410,000 today. you see the steady climb in the state of california. two different paths, these two states took. new york went up fast. remember back in march and april, now it has plateaued. california was down for a long time and now seeing in the los angelesiary the case count driving it up. california one of the summer surge example, but there are many leading the nation's top infectious disease experts, anthony fauci saying a short time ago, this fight don't think of it as anywhere near over. it is very much in the beginning. >> we are certainly not at the end of the game. i'm not even sure we're half way through.
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we are living right now through a historic pandemic outbreak, and we are right now in a situation where we do not see any particular end in sight. >> joining us now is dr. amy compton philips, the chief clinical officer at st. joseph's public health. when you listen to dr. fauchy and you see the case count, and i have been proven wrong before and you try to be an optimist when you see maybe that summer surge is starting to plateau a little bit. where do you see the the country right now? >> where i see the country right now is exactly what dr. fauci was talking about is maybe we're at the end of the beginning, i hope, of this surge. the fact that now the president is saying we need universal masking is hugely helpful because that is the best tool we have to actually get things under control, stop the asymptomatic spread that we know is driving so much of this. >> and we'll look through some
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of the stats and get your input. first, the positivity trend in the united states. if you watch this, we are doing more testing, and you see for may it starts to dip down. the percent of the test, and there's less spread in the community and now the national average up around 8%, but i want to take you inside just the state of florida. if you have a national average of 8% and it was 3.5% in may and 10.5% coming back positive in june of and now approaching 20% in july. explain why that is so important and in the case of the 18.7% so troubling? >> so the way i think about it is it's a lot like if you had cancer. if you had a tumor and we cut the tumor out, we always look at the margins and we always look at the cells left behind and if you had a tumor taken out and 0% of the margins have it under control, if on the other hand 18.7% of the edges of that tumor had cancer cells in it you know that cancer had escaped and it
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was at risk for metastasizing around the body and that's exactly what happens with the coronavirus. if we're not containing it and capturing all of the cases we know it's out there and spreading further. >> and so you mentioned masking. well, we'll have the conversation about what it's about on the other side. >> first, let's go back and first, here's the president back in april. listen. >> they're not mandatory guidelines. they're guidelines. they suggest you can wear them, don't have to wear them, but basically it's a voluntary thing. >> it's a voluntary thing was then. this is now just yesterday a very different message from the president of the united states. >> when you get to six or seven days that kind of really mitigates against getting a good -- >> to wear a mask, get a mask. whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact. they'll have an effect and we need everything we can get. >> apologies for the fauci in
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the middle there. the president is reading from notes, some people say does he really mean it and he finally stood at the podium and said it. why is that so important? >> it is so important because of the fact that many people are able to spread the virus without realizing they have it, that they have zero symptoms or they haven't developed symptoms yet and because of that, because people simply don't know that they can be spreaders, they're not taking the normal precautions, right? so that if you wear the mask, we can dramatically interrupt the super spreading events that we know drive the huge percentage of the increased case counts, and by the way, i never object to hearing dr. fauci, so that didn't bother me one bit. >> that was a technical issue on our part, i appreciate your patience with this. >> again, i showed you the numbers and the case and the national numbers right now and there's the potential for a plateau, up around 60,000 cases a week and that's not so great, and there's a potential for the
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plateau. the united states versus the european union and it went up the hill before the united states and then it came down, you see, and it has stayed down. it has not only flattened the curve. the united states had a plateau through may and early june there and then -- bam, back up. why? why is it so different? roughly the same population. i know we have a different political system and why is it so different? >> there are a few things that affect the european union differently and they had consistent, coherent messaging that led with the science and they didn't politicize the implications of what we need to do to control. they also paste out their reopening on the data rather than on saying that we have to reopen in a full speed ahead kind of concept, and so i think the fact that they had a little more cohesion around, let's let the data drive what we're doing rather than work off hope that they had a better outcome.
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>> hope. good word. dr. amy compton phillips, i appreciate your expertise and your insights. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> when we come back, we'll talk about the president and his shift. this was six months ago today. >> the worries about the pandemic? >> no, we're not at all. we have it totally under control. it's one person coming in from china, and we have it under control. it's going to be just fine. >> do you trust that we'll know everything we need to know from china? >> i do. i do. i have a great relationship with president xi. >> let's get to the white house now and cnn's john harwood. john, that was then. this is now. we had a very different tone from our president yesterday. >> some areas of our country are doing very well. others are doing less well. it will probably, unfortunately, get worse before it gets better. something i don't like saying about thing, but that's the way
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it is. it's what we have. >> take us inside your reporting, john and that of our team at the white house about yet president decided it was important to take this much more seriously? >> reporter: john, the president's poll numbers were cratering. this is somebody who with the clip you played with that interview with cnbc has been trying to downplay this from the beginning because he was trying to run for re-election on the strength of a solid economy. he did everything he could to avoid ruffling those calm waters and when the pan dem beidemic b bad that it was unavoidable to deal with and as soon as he got a glimmer of hope of the flattening out of the curve in many places in may, he started to push reopening and was very dogged in sticking with not shifting course on that, but his political position simply became untenable vis-a-vis joe biden,
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vis-a-vis his approval ratings and how americans judged his handling of the coronavirus which has become the top issue in the election. he had no choice and from that clip that you just played a moment ago, you heard in his voice how difficult that is. what he said, it's going to get worse before it gets better, that's not something that i like to say. he definitely does not like to acknowledge setbacks that might reflect badly on him. he was forced to do it. we'll see how long that tone lasts. we do not have a briefing scheduled for today and of course, he did not have anthony fauci, deborah birx and robert redfield beside him when he delivered that message yesterday. it is a step forward from the public health perspective from the day before by urging people to wear a mask and the significant portion of the country listens to the president, by urging them to take this seriously, that is a sign, at least that whether or not he comes up with a specific powerful plan as he alluded to,
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that even a push from the white house toward a more concerted, nationwide response is something that will likely have an effect on the pandemic. >> dead right on both counts. number one being will the president be consistent and will he stick with it. also on the second point you make, a very important public health message yesterday from the president again. john harwood, grateful for the reporting from the white house. >> ron desantis says his state is on the right course, and that despite the punishing surge in cases and the giant strain of hospitals. cnn's rosa flores live for us in miami. rosa, what's the latest for us there? >> reporter: well, the state of florida now reporting 10,000 new cases as the total cases across the state nears 380,000. 24% of those are right here in miami-dade county where the icus have been getting worse. this past thursday they were operating at 107% capacity.
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well now they're at 132% capacity. that means that there are more patients than there are icu beds. what the county is doing is they are converting regular beds into icu beds. let's take a look at the hospitalizations overall. those are up in the past two weeks by 36%. icus by 46% and ventilators by 74%. in the neighboring county to the north in broward, the neighbor announcing today during a press conference that their icus are at 90% capacity and as we look across the state, 53 icu hospitals have zero icu beds. and others have 10% or less. some of those hospitals only have one bed available. as for covid-19 hospitalizations across the state, the state of florida finally releasing those numbers on july 10th and if you do the math, john, that's a 37% increase since july 10th, but if you listen to ron desantis' press conferences lately you'd
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walk away thinking that florida has it all under control and that florida is on the right track. john? >> rosa flores live for us in miami. the sobering part of that is when you're coming in close to 10,000 cases a day, we know that that's when we'll be seeing the hospitalizations from those cases as those indicators tend to lag. the hospitalizations and deaths. rosa flores, florida still trying to get the situation under control. california, the state now passing new york for the dubious distinction, most confirmed infections in the country. l that gives you results in one week. not just any retinol. accelerated retinol sa. one week is all it takes. neutrogena®.
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tested positive, putting california now ahead of new york and florida in the state by state infection count. officials in los angeles county where the cases are rising fastest say it is young people driving the spread and that's where cnn's stephanie elam is today joining us now. they blame young people, what will be done about it? >> reporter: that's a good point. and maybe pointing this out will make people change their behavior. we can tell you of this latest data that came out of this l.a. county of 2700 new cases, 57% are people under the age of 41. these younger people are driving infections. they say people over the age of 65 make up about 11% of those new cases, but also equal 75% of the deaths, just to put that into perspective as to what is happening here in los angeles county as we see hospitalizations for the third day in a row above 2200, and as this filters into the entire picture for california as a whole which saw a record number
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of hospitalizations, around 8600, this is obviously not what we want to see. the positivity rate of 7.5% over 14 days and ticking higher, as well, same thing with those icu beds and the hospitalization rate is going up 28 out of the last 30 days, as well. the california health secretary is saying that the rate of transmission is moving so fast that because of that, they're not able to contact trace as quickly as they would like to with these numbers and that's causing part of the problem. if you look at these numbers overall you can see them going the wrong way, and i should note that new york does have a population that's about half the size of what we have here in california and our death rate is much smaller than it is compared to new york state at this time. >> let's hope that stays that way on that statistic. stephanie elam, grateful for the reporting in los angeles. let's continue the conversation. i want to bring in a doctor from
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hans and wear a mask and john, the one thing i do want to say is the one pet peeve i have is, you know, we touch it a lot. stop touching the mask. you have to realize that it's contaminated both on the inside and on the outside. if you put it on, leave it on. we can do it for 12-hour shifts and you can certainly do it running to the store, and if you do touch it touch it on the ear loop and wash your hands. >> i appreciate your time and your insights. thank you so much for your time today. >> up next, joe biden gets help from a very, very important friend. try wayfair. you got this!
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former president obama stepping up his role in the 2020 campaign and helping joe biden make his case, the leadership case against president trump. we learned today that obama and biden met in washington earlier this month for a socially distanced conversation now being released as a campaign video. here is a snippet.
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♪ >> it's not my responsibility. i take no responsibility. i mean, literally. literally. >> those words didn't come out of our mouths while we were in office. >> no. >> arlette saenz, some words from the former vice president and the boss. >> typically in a pre-covid war this type of obama-biden reunion would be playing out in person, but with the coronavirus pandemic, is completely transforming the way campaigning is going and they're getting creative with the way they're using the top surrogates. this video was taped ten days ago, and you saw the two men walking into the building, wearing masks, something biden has repeatedly stressed over and over at his events and they talked about president trump's leadership in this moment saying that he is not taking responsibility and also is
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unable to relate with people in the middle of this coronavirus pandemic, and president obama made the case for his former vice president joe biden by talking about biden's ability to relate with people. take a listen to what he had to say. >> one of the things that i have always known about you, joe, it's the reason why i wanted you to be my vice president and the reason you were so effective. it all starts with being able to relate. if you can sit down with a family and see your own family in them and the struggles that you've gone through or your parents went through or your kids are going through, if you can connect those struggles to somebody else's struggles, then you're going to work hard for them. >> the biden campaign says that full video will be released tomorrow, but this clearly shows president obama stepping up his involvement in this campaign for his former vice president and one thing we are told that they did not discuss when they met in person that day, they didn't talk about biden's upcoming vp
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pick which is just a few weeks away. >> he can pick up the phone if he wants to go through that one. arlette, there may be other conversations, but that's an important video. thanks for the reporting and let's continue the conversation and get insights from a former adviser to president obama, and host of "the axe files." you know both of these men very well. let's go through part of this. we always knew obama would help joe biden. why is it important at this moment and what do you think of the way they're doing it? we are living in this brave new world, a socially distanced conversation and the video around the country. >> you have to make do with what you have and so i thought that was good and the way they're using obama here is really interesting to me because, you know, as much as joe biden has been a fixture on the national scene for a very long time, he's not all that well known. the specifics of what he's done are not that well known. the specifics of where he wants
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to go is something that he's focused on right now and here he's using obama as a validator and a very powerful validator, a guy who is highly respected and high ratings from the public and he -- and i suspect that they'll go through a list of some of the top issues that they think are in biden's advantage here to talk about what they did, and also about what biden wants to do so obama is playing the role of validator in chief right here. >> a validator in chief, and they discuss leadership and also a big theme in the biden campaign -- an ad blitz going on right now and let's take a snippet of that. it echoes what you just heard. >> in a crisis, you're tested. as a nation, we've been tested before, and he has, too. now we're being tested again and joe biden knows the answer is not ignoring the crisis, bailing out big corporations and dividing a nation in pain.
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>> we're in the middle of this pandemic, obviously, president trump is an incumbent in his leadership and the pandemic will be issue number one. is that the right approach right now? if you're biden, do you follow the news, focus the news or would you do something different? >> no, i really would, john. the fact is if you look at all of the polling and i know you're a situous student of this. his ratings on the virus are very low. his ratings on his handling of race is very low as he seeks to kind of weaponize divisions in this country for his own political advantage and these are things that are dragging him down, particularly in those very critical suburban communities where democrats have made great gains since trump's been president. so i think setting up that contrast is very important for biden and it's one of the things that's propelled him into a
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double-digit lead in this race. we've had a lot of time to talk about the former vice president. i want to focus on the last question here on president obama who we know has a history with president trump. president trump fueled the birther movement. there is no love loss between these two men. how much is he itching to be part of this? i'm assuming he is frustrated and the former vice president would love to be rallying with him arne the country. where is his take on this moment in the race? >> john, my impression is just from the conversations i've had with him and also because of the way that i know him is that he is surprisingly little focused on these personal slights, but he is concerned about the policy direction of the present day and the erosion of institutions. he views this as a critical election not just because joe biden was his vice president and not just because joe biden was his friend and not because donald trump has been relentlessly antagonistic with
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him and because of what happened during trump years and i suspect he'll be very active in this campaign and he'll not be a commentator, and he's clearly going to do whatever he thinks is appropriate to help biden win this election. i'm grateful for your time today and grateful for our viewers and david axelrod, not just a smart strategist, he's a collector of great memorabilia, as well and great samples behind you. good to see you. states struggling now on how to keep students safe. can they get back to school in the fall? we'll check in with the miami-dade superintendent next. ♪ come on in, we're open. ♪ all we do is hand you the bag. simple. done. we adapt and we change. you know, you just figure it out. we've just been finding a way to keep on pushing. ♪
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the trump administration is urging schools to reopen. just today, for example, the cdc director saying it is safe in most places if everyone wears a mask and they are social distancing in the classroom, but more and more big school districts across the country aren't buying that. at least not yet. new york city waiting until august to decide. in l.a., the district will begin with online remote learning and chicago will attempt to mix with online and in-person and in south florida, another big test. more than 350,000 students and 18,000 teachers across 500
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schools. sir, grateful for your time today. you have a number of parameters and i just want to go through them. to re-open your schools and get the in-person learning, sustained covid-19 positivity rate of less than 10%, a steady reduction of the number of individuals hospitalized in your community and increased covid-19 test availability, decreased wait time and decreased in the quantity of contact tracing, as of today if you had to make that decision students would not be going to school, right? >> good morning to you, john. as of today, based on that criteria and metrics it would not be appropriate for us to bring students back to school. we have a rate of 19.2 and the hospitals to icu bed capacity is at 132%. that tells us that the conditions are not currently appropriate for us to be able to teach kids while at the same
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time safeguard their well-being and case. >> governor desantis says the state is on the right course. today you don't seous the right course. when do you have to make a final decision about when children will come back to the classroom and do you see a possibility of getting there in time? >> well, our first day of schooling is projected to be august 24th and we're about a month away and it is our goal and our intent to make a final announcement to the community and some time between july 29th and august 3rd based on the latest information available to us and our decisions making process has been informed all along by some of the best medical minds in public health officials, not only in our community, but in our country and we will continue to be guided by science and data, but look, we have to recognize one thing. i think what the cdc recently announced is true. there are many places in america where returning to physical
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schooling is absolutely appropriate as long as people follow the recommendations, but we need to recognize that there are significant differences in terms of environmental conditions and health conditions across the country and sometimes even within our state. miami-dade is the epicenter of covid-19 right now as we speak with conditions similar to those reflected in china six months ago. >> and so i want you to listen here. this is the vice president of the united states and the nation's top infectious disease experts say aspirationally they think it's important to get those kids back in the class ram. >> >> i can tell you if my wife were sitting right here we wouldn't hesitate to send them back to school. >> make sure you do whatever you can to safeguard the safety and the health of the children as well as the teachers, and that should guide your policy.
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>> are you getting helpful information from washington or do you view comments like that as simply a lecture that might not understand the circumstances on the ground in your community? >> we continue to be guided by cdc recommendations and their updates. the florida department of health recommendations as well as our local health department guidelines. i know that sometimes it may be a bit confusing, but we are not under any pressure to do the wrong thing. we are under tremendous pressure to do the right thing and i want to be clear about one thing, john. the best place for kids to learn and for kids to be taught is in a school house with a teacher who organically imparts information recognizing the cognitive development needs and the social and emotional needs of children, however, we cannot speak about that ignoring the environmental issues facing our communities and those vary from place to place. now in the state of florida, we
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have been given the flexibility to take into account a reopening of schools that takes as its primary influencer the local health department information. that's exactly what we are doing. we have a plan that relies on parental choice. we have a plan that includes remote, continuous siynchronous learning for parents. we have a plan to returning to a five day a week option based on improved conditions and those conditions will improve not because of anything people in will sk schools will do and they will improve if the community takes seriously the wearing of masks, and maintaining the social distancing and the washing of hands and avoiding individuals and that is what will reduce the level of infection and the positivity rate in our communities making it possible for a full resumption of schooling that we know is best for kids.
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we are aware of the deleterious effects that the lack in school have on the lives of children. >> superintendent alberto carvallo we wish you the best and we'll circle back as you get to the conclusion. >> thank you, john. president trump's ambassador to the united kingdom investigated for alleged racist and sexist remarks. young man: thanks for having us this weekend mrs. garcy
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young man: yeah i brought some. announcer: eargo, a virtually invisible hearing loss solution with high quality sound and lifetime support. the introductory pricing of our best hearing loss solution neo hifi ends august 3rd call or go online now to save $300 and if you're an active or retired federal employee you can now get eargo at no cost to you. call or go online today.
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united kingdom was investigated by the state department watchdog over allegations he made racist and sexist remarks and accusations tried to use this government position to push the british open held at one of the president's golf courses. our national security correspondent has the exclusive report. what do we know? >> reporter: learned a lot over the course of our reporting here, john. the top line is that as you said. ambassador woody johnson has been investigated by the state department watchdog, the inspector general, due to allegations that he made racist and sexist comments to staff at the u.s. embassy in the uk where he is the ambassador. also allegations that he sought to use his government post to try and push business to the trump properties, to the president's personal golf course in scotland. so let's kind of tick through some of what our reporting is. on the racist allegations,
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ambassador woody johnson is said to have questioned why the black community would want a specific month to commemorate black history month. he questioned when embassy officials were putting together an event to commemorate black history month that it would be full of black people and the real challenge is that fathers are not present in the families of the african-american community. a source who heard those remarks told us they were stunned that the ambassador would say those things. when it comes to the allegations of sexist actions and remarks, ambassador woody johnson, we are told, hosted official gatherings at a men's-only club in london and was told by another diplomat at the embassy he could not do that. so he ceased those, but other comments made to embassy officials and allegations that he tried to pressure a uk
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government official to host the open, that's a prestigious golf tournament, british golf tournament, at the president's personal turnberry golf course. >> very important reporting. appreciate it. stick to it and come back when we learn more. when we come back, extra unemployment benefits congress approved for the coronavirus -- set to run out. use i am a mom,. and i was able to complete those short courses- five to six weeks- and then move onto the next until i reached my goal.
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added is about to expire. richard quest is here to walk us through this very big debate. richard? >> reporter: it's really simple, john. that $600 a week was a life line to the tens of millions of americans who suddenly found themselves out of work with of course, existing debt. the argument goes, how do you know move those people back on to the pay rolls where in some cases they may be adding more still on unemployment, and also that $600 is extremely sdpens e i -- expensive for the federal government. everybody accepts some deal will be born. you cannot put suddenly all of these millions out of work and deny them this extra money, but do you balance it by create ag bo cre creating a bonus to go back to work?
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a tricky argument for the government. end of the day, john, the core of it is the help necessary for those thrown out of work by covid? that $600 in some shape or form will have to be returned back. >> a debate in congress. appreciate your insights. for the latest news check out "market now" streaming only at cnn business. top of the hour. welcome to viewers in the united states, and around the world. i'm john king in washington. thank you for sharing your day with us. a frightening baseline truth this hour. the coronavirus pandemic is accelerating. global case count near certain to eclipse 15 million today. the world now averaging a pandemic high of 231,000 new infections per day. the united states accounts for more than a quarter of those. average of 66,000-plus confirmed infections just over the past week.
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