tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 24, 2020 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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test negative by the end of the weekend. back to you. >> wow. it is not getting any better. they are getting worse. thank you for that important reporting live from brazil and thanks to all of you for being with us today and all week. have a good weekend. we'll see you monday. i'm poppy harlow. >> wish you the best. i'm jim sciutto. "newsroom" with john king starts right now. hello to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm john king in, with aton. thank you so much for sharing this day with us. a bit of optimism today from a top trump administration scientist. dr. deborah birx says she sees evidence now of a plateau after weeks of a punishing summer coronavirus surge. that assessment comes as the administration bushes schools to get children back in the classroom. new centers for disease control guidelines say kids don't spread the disease as easily and substantial uncontrolled transmission should pushing learning online and many school
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districts taking a much more cautious approach and even dr. birx says that the science are coronavirus and children is unsettled. >> what i can't tell you for sure, despite the south korea study, is whether children under 10 in the united states don't spread the virus the same as children over 10. think i that's still an open question that needs to be studies and we certainly know that children do get infected and it's unclear how happenedly they spread the virus. this much is clues. the school conversation gets easier if the case curve flattens so is dr. birx right when she says numbers improving. the united states well over the 4 million case mark. another 68,000 cases added on thursday. 920,000 plus in the past 14 days. in the two-week time frame the united states has registered its
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four highest days from new cases and you can see the signals in the data alarming. a third consecutive day of 100 now lives lost. still, we know death cases and numbers that will go down or stop going up so fast only when states get their act together. as dr. birx suggests, when you look at this map, it is way more encouraging than days and weeks ago. still, 18 states heading in the wrong direction. that's the orange and the red but 26 states holding steady and six states, the case count is going down. importantly florida on the way down, a big driver in the summer surge. texas holding steady, another pig driver in the summer surge and arizona going down, another big driver of the summer surge and california, the state with the most number of cases, holding steady. when you compare this to one month ago and look at all that
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red and orange, florida, texas, arizona and california among them we are in a better place today, at least today than we were a month ago. let's look more closely at the new case trend. just shoe of 19,000 new cases on memorial day and by july 4th 53,000 plus. that's not the direction you want to go in. the question is does that glassning hole. let's take a closer look. this is california in just the past few days. you do not want to be near or above 10,000 cases but if you look at the seven-day moving around. that line, what dr. birx calls a plateau, can you keep it flat and drive it down especially when your life this summer has been this. that's california throughout the summer surge. can you hold the platt know. now let's take a look at texas and start here, this the the
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summer surge in california, horrible. the question is this seven-day moving average, can you flatten it down? from texas, a different perspective, last week, high numbers, 10,000 cases and above some days but when you average it out is texas plateauing, maybe even starting to come down. that's a great question and if you're florida and dealing with this. remember that. now let's look at florida. this has been a key driver in the summer surge. almost straight up and now we do see some evidence, 10,000 cases yesterday. don't want to be above 10,000 but florida recorded a day above 15,000 and the question is will this plateau hold, florida is dat nifng and maybe even dipping a little bit even though it had 10,000 new cases yesterday. this has been part of our summer surge conversation. let's go to our rosa norz. the governor suggests things are improving. are they? >> reporter: you know, he did.
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he said that cases were stabilizing, and just as you mentioned for the past few days we've been monitoring these numbers and they have been at or about 10,000. well, today that streak broken. the new number of cases today, 12,444. this means that the state of florida has surpassed 400,000 cases. miami-dade county here where i am, used to akouptd for 24% of the total cases. now it's jumped 25%. with all that said yesterday governor ron desantis claiming that the cases have stabilized. take a listen. >> we clearly stabilized with the cases. the numbers positive are better this week than the previous week. if you take out south florida, the rest of the state is trending even better in that, although i do think south florida, you know, has definitely stabilized and miami has shown some signs of improvement as well so i actually think that the trend --
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look, you've got to look at all of this. there's a bunch of different data points, but we're trending much better today, you know, than we were two weeks ago. >> you know, i asked an infectious disease expert dr. eileen marty here in miami-dade her take, and she says that it's too early to make the call to say that these numbers have stabilized. she says look at the icus in miami-dade county right now they are operating at is 32 boston passically mean there's for patients than icu kids and she says look at the hospitalizations. according to the county those have increased by 27% in the past two weeks and icus by 37% and ventilators by 71%. the positivity rate, the 14-day average is at 19.5% and as we look statewide these numbers are not looking very good either.
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the 55 icu hospitals are at capacity meaning they do not have icu beds. now, all of this is happening in the background as there is a discontinued battle over the reopening of schools unless state of florida with governor ran desantis pushing for the reopening of in-person instruction and now teachers are suing him to try to stop the reopening. well, the u.s. surgeon general said earlier this week that schools could reopen but so long as transmission rates went down, that the transmission rates had to go down. the u.s. surgeon general was in niemi for a press event and caught up with him on the sidelines and asked him about this and shared with him that in florida the past two weeks the positivity rate has been between filene% and 18% and i asked can florida open schools safely, and he says that it is possible, that it can be done in a month so long as everyone does their
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part, and, john. what that means is that everyone has to wear a mask. everyone has to wash their hands. everybody has to social distance in order to be able to curb the spread of covid-19. he says it's possible, but everybody has to do their part. john? >> sounds like common sense advise, but i think the first thing you need to do is get that case count down and if we thought we had a plateau the 12,000-plus tells us we're still in for the long haul in florida. appreciate the live reporting from miami. with us to share her expertise and insight is dr. leanna wen. i hate asking the question this way and we've lived through months of this where we know trump administration officials have been overly optimistic. is dr. birx right, do you see early evidence athlete of a plateau in the states driving the summer surge, or is it too soon to say such a thing? >> it is far too soon to say that we're out of the woods
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because we're really not. i actually am looking at same data. i think that we're on wrong part of the incline right now. we're seeing at least 12 states as i see it have escalating spread where we don't even know where the peak is going to be, and then i see other states that are just at the brink, that have barely stabilized, but we're still applying these policy half measures that in some cases are a little bit too little too late. i mean, we're closing in some of these states that are facing crisis, we're still closing only bars but not restaurants. we're not even having universal mask-wearing mandates so maybe we're able to stabilize to some extent but we're still facing overwhelming hospitals and icus and escalating infections. >> one of the worries, and i hope i'm flat out wrong here is you have the cdc coming into schools reopenings and dr. birx leaning into a plateau and i certainly hope we get there. in a movement we'll talk about that, but my worry is we're 102
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days from the elections and are the president's political needs competing if you will with an honest scientific assessment because a president in the briefing room yesterday and this is overly optimistic. >> you'll also see a lot of the country has -- has no problem whatsoever. most of the country actually. the country is in very good shape over than if you look south and west, some problems. that will all work out and it goes away and goes away quickly. >> we know it doesn't go away quickly. we're having this conversation going on six months now. it doesn't if away quickly. what should the administration be saying right now, even if they do see some early evidence that perhaps arizona would be one exam. you might be seeing a plateau in some of these states that have had a horrible summer. what should the message be? >> they should be saying that we're having a four-alarm fire in this country right now, that if you're goal is actually going to be reopening our schools come
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the fall which i agree is the goal we should all be striving for, but if that's our goal we need to be doing everything we can which would include implementing some stay-at-home orders in these states that are the hardest hit. we need to be doing the hard things right now. we know that we can do it because the new york region did, because other countries have. we know that by implementing these measures we are able to keep the infections at bay and that it's not inevitable that we're going to see so many more tens of thousands of deaths coming our way but we need to take those steps and can't be painting there overly rosy optimistic picture. just look at testing john. it's crazy and really absurd that we're asking people to wait two weeks before test results come back. imagine if you're the parent of young children, you can't see your kids for two weeks and you have to self-isolate for that period of time. what happens if schools are open and we're asking teachers and students to self-quarantine for 14 days because one person has tested positive. is that even possible, and so we're nowhere near having our
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control over the -- over the situation and i wish the president would be honest with the american people about it. >> well, let me close then with this in the serbs that you mentioned the new york experience and i want to put up the new york experience, the graphic of the new york experience on the screen but a even if, even if as you say and i'm with you it's -- it's premature to say these states have plateau. let's hope next week our conversation is florida, california, arizona, texas all going down, but even if, look at the new york peak and then look how long it took. look through the month of april and the month of may to get back down. even if, doctor, when they have plateaued if they get to that point soon, it's a long way down the hill and we learned in new york that's still a lot of cases. death is a lagging indicator. that's still a lot of death, and that's going to happen even if they start to come down that little as they have to decide do we reopen school? >> that is right. we as a country have to decide are we okay with a plateau,
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where our plateau at best in the u.s., still at 17,000 new cases, still at hundreds of deaths per day. if that's the best that we can do as a country, is that really acceptable to us? are we okay with sending our children back to school in that environment and endangering potentially their families and staff and teachers? i mean, can we do better? and i think the answer is yes, but we have to put in the hard work to get that. that's universal mask-wearing, physical distancing, washing our hands, us all doing our parts right now. >> dr. wen, grateful for your time and insights. as always we'll continue to cover conversation. thank you. coming up, despite pushback from some dates the cdc releases new guidelines making the case to get kids back to school. about your financial plan... g so are we. prudential helps 1 in 7 americans with their financial needs. that's over 25 million people. with over 90 years of investment experience, our thousands of financial professionals can help with secure video chat or on the phone. we make it easy for you with online tools, e-signatures,
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the cdc is urging schools to open this fall this guidelines could keep stools and students safe. critical for our public held. that's what director dr. redfield says. many big school districts didn't wait for federal guidelines. carney among a district to open for online older and chicago will do both, some online and some in person and other areas like new york have yet to decide. let's bring in our bianna golodryga. this is complicated and for many parents confusing. >> reporter: it's crunch time because some schools are set to open just a few weeks from now. you talk about cities that have changed their plans. they planned to open next month and now they have delayed that to at least october and they will be online as well. the cdc issuing the second round of guidelines is a the record now surpasses 4 million cases of
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coronavirus in the united states. one of the reasons we all agree. kids need to be back in school and in a perfect world that's where they should be if they can be healthy and here's the reason why the cdc says they recommend kids return to school. school closures have disrupted normal ways of life for children and parents and have had negative health consequences our our youth. the cdc is prepared to work with k-through schools to help and protect the most vulnerable. some of the guidelines they are offering for schools and mitigation, cleaning and disinfect frequently. repurposing unused or underutilized space to encourage social distancing. we don't even hear much about the six feet of separation and talk about integrating strategies and extra curricular activities, curtailing sports and other events we typically see during school time and they will advise the school districts to work with state and local
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leaders at contact tracing. all of this, of course, seems to be very vague especially if this is a 2.0 goad line that they are reissuing weeks away from school reopening. lots to consider. the health of teachers and custodial staff. many of them are over the age of 50 and that's putting them at a higher risk as well and one thing that stood out to me, and we're talking about the age of children t.varies k-12. the help of shows most children are health he and can survive coronavirus if they don't have have many side effects at all, but you do see some discrepancy in what we've seen over younger children to older ages. adolescents 10-17 may be more likely to be infected with sars cov-2 but adolescents don't be at a higher risk of developing severe illness. we don't know what this means in terms ectors and whether they
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can transmit the disease and the final thing would i like to point out is the cdc knows what happened in countries like denmark and singapore and china and taiwan that there have been lower infection rates, but mind you, john, none of those countries opened their schools where the infection rate was so high in the community. >> most of them also are near as diverse or as complicated as you go through our 50 states. thank you so much for very important insight. let's continue the conversation. 6.6% of reported cases are in children under the age of 18 but it does add this. the more individuals a person interacts with and the longer the interaction, the higher the risk of covid-19 spread. let's discuss with annette anderson, the deputy director for john hopkins for safe and healthy schools. every anchor of this program is looking for advice and trying to sort through the conflicting advice. cdc recommendations now that are late abeinna very well put it.
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this is crunch time for parents. do you see this document as helpful? is it too little too late or does it matter because atlanta has to make a very different decision from omaha that has to make a very different decision from el paso and so on? >> i don't think that it makes a difference, john. i think quite honestly parents are still very concerned that any level of transmission above zero is sun separable so parents are voting with their feet about this t.parents are trying very diligently to get the information about whether their community spread has decreased to a safe level, but quite honestly right now until we can figure out how to get those covid case numbers in communities lower -- low enough or to sero, i think many parents are going to continue to vote with their feet on this. parents are concerned. >> to your point about parents voting with their feet. this is a poll from the associated press. open as usual. 8% of americans. open with minor adjustments, 14% of parents say that. open with major adjustments, 46%
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and not open at all 31%, so i look at the concern right there. you are looking at 77% in the end if you're going to open. make sure you have major adjustments or don't open at all. parents, the other flip side of that is some parents have to go back to work. some parents were not thrilled with the remote learning experience. >> yeah. >> are you convinced that school districts learned lessons from that and if you have remote learning this time, it will be better? >> i think that school districts are pivoting very quickly to try to have plans in place for fall. i think that districts are starting to issue plans that have a phase one, phase two much hike many of the municipal governments, have but i think that as -- as parents continue to voice concerns and say that they are not ready to put their children back at risk in physical school buildings, districts are trying to respond to that. i think this is a national movement. you're hearing from patients all over the country right now that parents want their children to
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be safe, and so what you're also hearing is that parents are just concerned because we all have had a first grader who has had to go to school with a runny nose and yet, you know, we're hearing from the cdc guidance that maybe a runny nose or nausea is something that could be a covid symptom but if you're child is sitting next to that child or socially distant from that child, does that mean your child should still go to school? is that safe enough? parents have a lot of concerns. every child want kids back in school and every child deserves to be satch in school and right now i think a lot of parents are still concerned that the guidance is not specific enough to make them feel that their child will be safe. in addition, you have a lot of children who live with a kinship care relationship, grandparents in their homes. 10% of our children live with grandparents and if they are a super spreader and parents are concerned enough that we don't know enough about the transmission of this virus to make sure grandparents don't get
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impacted unduly. >> keep raising your hand when we see things as we go over the next couple of weeks. >> i will. >> come back and help us through it. >> thank you. up next, the president finally facing reality. plans for a big convention speech in florida of all places dad off. listerine® cleans virtually 100%. helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. never settle for 25%. always go for 100. bring out the bold™ young woman: yeah, thanks mom mother: of course and i love these flowers young woman whispering: hey, did you bring the... the condoms? young man whispering: what's up? young woman whispering: condoms father: condoms charlie. she wants to know if you brought any condoms.
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president trump is, well, in retreat. he's now for wearing masks. concedes the coronavirus outlook could get worse before better and now this, cancelling plans for what he loves the most. the president bowing to reality pulling the plugs on a big speech with a big crowd at next month's republican convention so why so many is 80s? the election is 102 days away and right now at the president is losing and losing big time. new polls show joe biden leading in florida, in pennsylvania, in michigan and in minnesota. joining me now lisa lehrer of "new york times" and cnn's abby philip. abby, i want to start with you. you spend a lot of time in the white house briefing room and let's listen to the president of the united states for weeks and weeks, pulled the convention from north carolina because they
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wouldn't let him have a crowd and said he was going to jacksonville and insisting on having a crowd and yesterday the president said i can't do that. listen. >> reporter: to have a big convention, it's not the right time. it's really something that for me i have to protect the american people. that's what i've always done and that's what i always will do. that's what we're all about. they said, sir, we have to make this work. we have incredible enthusiasm. even the polls say about the most enthusiasm they have seen. >> there's been a lot of talk about the president's different tone in the last few days. that is truly an eat your peas moment. >> yeah, no question about it, although it's -- it really kind of reminds me of something that our fact-checker danieldale says. whenever the president starts a sorry with sir, it's a tell that something that comes after it is not quite right and in that
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sentence he says we can make it work very easily is what he was claims he was told by the advisers, but i think the fact that he's retreating from that position and what we all saw in tulsa, what i witnessed when i was down in tulsa, is that, yes, there are people who might show up for an event like this, but what the campaign realized the hard way was that many of even the president's own supporters were not willing to put themselves at risk in that way, and they could have been facing a situation in jacksonville where, you know, even with sort of a smaller crowd by the president's standards he could not get people to do that kind of thing in a place where cases are going up and the pandemic is worsening, so this is reality setting in for the president, and in some cases it's a victory for his advisers just to get him to read the paper in front of him that says we don't think this is a good idea at the moment and we're going to go with another plan. >> lisa, part of that is that the president's advisers have been telling him, and he can read the numbers himself, people
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view you as dramatically out of touch with the reality of the coronavirus. you keep saying it's going to go away. you keep saying it's fine to have rallies. you were going to go to jacksonville. we disagree, and if you see, that you see the coronavirus approval and that people don't trust them on it. you see them in the horse race, 102 days away from the election, joe biden up 13 points in minnesota, 11 in pennsylvania and a new quinnipiac poll there says joe biden is up in florida. again, this president has pulled rabbit owes out of a hat before when it comes to politics and polls, but this is -- it was about a four-point race against hillary clinton four years ago. he's in a much deeper ditch right now. >> yeah, i mean, the president is losing this election right now and he's been losing it consistently by a fairly deep margin. i know 2016, everyone got it wrong. all this kind of angst that
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people have about that race, but these are not 2016 numbers. this is a race far less close than it was at this point in time in 2016 and those numbers have been consistent for a long time so i think in some ways jacksonville is, as abby put it, bowing to the reality of the president's situation both in terms of the virus. given that florida is really is, a, if not the epicenter of the crisis in the country right now and also -- and acknowledgement. reality of of this race is that donald trump is losing and that by vast majorities americans do not think he's handling this incredible national crisis particularly well. one number that i've been watching that i find fairly interesting is two-third of voters who say the president responded too late to the coronavirus, which means that when they are looking at this response and they are looking at their situation economically in terms of their health and in terms of their kids in schools which is a top of mind issue for every family and grandparent in
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america, they are thinking about who is to blame for the country not moving quick enough and right now polling shows they are blaming the president. that's not the kind of numbers you want to see as an incumbent president running for re-election. >> it is harder to bend the numbers and change the numbers when you are the incumbent. he was the outsider last time around. we'll see in so 2 days, lisa lehrer and abby philip, thanks for the economy. a nobel prize winning xhist says getting this virus under control is going to require serious sacrifice. and though t sight of your own well-being, aetna never did. by setting up virtual monitoring for chronic patients, 24-hour telemedicine visits, and mental health resources for everyone. we're always here to help you focus on your health. because it's always, time for care. ♪
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the spike in unemployment claims last week is the latest warning sign about the pandemic economic impact. is there a path to reinvigorate the economy while also keeping the virus under control. paul romer says yes but says it takes discipline. he's a nobel prize laureate and professor at nyu. you mentioned three things are critical, wide scale testing and training and one is isolation meaning stay at home. i would awesome you would agree we're nowhere near wide-scale
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testing at this moment. >>ance a lotulelei not. >> walk me through what you mean by wide-scale training. >> well, we have to teach people how this virus spreads and encourage them to do the things that will slow the spread, especially wearing masks. this -- this message is still not, you know, understood. there are some other things that we thought mattered a lot. washing hands, surfaces and those probably don't matter. we now know what really matters is wearing masks. >> and so walk through your take on what has just happened. many of these states reopened. many of them reopened probably a week or two too early and reopened too aggressively, and so now you see a bit of retreat. 27-plus states, that number may have change, reimposing some restrictions, rolling back some of the reopening. in terms of the economic impact, does that do even more damage when you have it? it's not an economics terms in a herky jerk way but as opposed to a slow, steady bill. this will stop-go kind of experience just increases
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everyone's uncertainty about how will this play out. makes everybody realize that we don't have any plan, and there's a simple analogy that i've been trying to get people to use to understand the issue here. imagine that 2% of our cars had turned into time bombs so we drive them and they blow up and kill people and then, of course, everybody stops driving, and then we decide, well, we've got to drive so we drive slow or only drive on tuesday, but when you drive some people get blown up because the cars are time bombs. now -- and it's not because the government says don't drive. people stop going out because they don't want to get sick or die. now what's the answer? the answer is figure out which of the 2% of the cars that are these time bombs. we just test and figure out which cars are safe because most of them are safe. find the ones that are dangerous and isolate them and then in my analogy, you only have to wait two weeks. it's not like you've got to buy entirely a new car but we've totally failed to put the resources into the testing which
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would just help us know who -- who are the 2% of the population who are sick and let's get them into isolation so we don't have to constrain everybody else. >> and as you well know, fixing something that's a mess it's easier -- i'm not saying it's easy, but easier to build from scratch and try to build a good testing system and training system when you have are the 50 states and have a mess and sort of a disparitity it gets difficult. in the middle of that, you know, the president wants to reopen and wants to push to reopen schools and talks about the "v you can" that the economy will come firing back. the evidence before us that that's simply not the case. what is your long-term view? you were once chief economist at the world bank. we're connected in this mess. >> yeah. the cbo made a forecast before we saw this recent uptick. they were projecting that it would take us until 2028 to get back to where we would have been if the pandemic hadn't hit. now what we've seen since that forecast came out is this
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acceleration and the spread of the virus and another slowdown so at this point we're looking to now beyond 2028 to get back to where we need to go. frankly, we're never going to get there until we take the other measures that will get the virus under control. >> we'll see if that lesson is learned. grateful for your time and insights. the car analogy is a bit jarring but appreciate you sharing it with us today. coming up, a look at the sunbelt's role in the summer coronavirus surge. (birds singing) (bouncy keyboard music)
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mornings were made for better things than rheumatoid arthritis. when considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz a pill for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis when methotrexate has not helped enough. xeljanz can reduce pain, swelling, and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections like tb and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. don't let another morning go by without asking your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra
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where you live is a major factor in your personal coronavirus risk assessment. here's one way to look at it. at the moment, the south is the biggest driver. you see the big line. south is the biggest driver in the summer surge followed by the west, the midwest and the northeast, as you see are doing a better job controlling the spread, at least at the movement. let's discuss this with dr. michael sag from the university of alabama. thankful for you being with us. you have a way of looking at the risk assessment that's helpful to people. i want to put up the rate of infection per 100,000 people and then have you walk us through the other factors here. so if you look at the rate of infection for 100,000 people, it's a higher rate in florida, louisiana, alabama, georgia and california, as you see there, so you see 1.4% in vermont. walk us through your assessment. i know the idea that if i'm in vermont i'm safer going no a crowd of ten people. i'm still a little bit safer going into a crowd of 100 people or 1,000 people than i am if i'm
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in florida because the infection rate is so much higher. >> that's exactly right, john. if we look at the light gray that's small group. in alabama rate per 100,000 is 39, walking into a room with 10 people you have a 40% chance that 1 person in that room is infected f. you go into a room of, say, 25 people, over 70% and a room of 50 people then you're talking over 90% and if you contrast that with vermont, then the numbers are much, much less, even walking in that dark bar on the far right. you walk into a room of 100 people there is a 30% chance that 1 person's infected. that's why where you live really matters in this epidemic and pushing so hard for mask wearing because you don't know who in the environment is infected around you.
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>> and so, that's a great way to look at it. everybody has to make a personal risk assessment and should start with where you live a ten rate of infection in your community. five, going on six months in this now. in alabama, this is the seven-day moving average and spending time on florida at 10,000, 12,000 cases today. in california, they passed new york but this is 50 states. looking at alabama right there it is a smaller state but you see days where including recently above 2,000. what as you watch this across the sunbelt and where you are in alabama how would you describe this? crisis, concern, manageable? where are we? >> somewhere between concern and crisis and depends on where in alabama you live. in montgomery, the hospital is swamped. rounding on 60, 70 patients in the icu with a few docs with a lot of stress but the takehome point from all of this is that we have in our control the
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ability to get this together, to get this under control by simply keeping distance and wearing a mask. everybody in the audience has heard this over and over again but that last graphic we showed explains why. if you're in a high impact area, then it's highly likely when you walk into a room of people of ten or so or more you are around somebody who's infected. >> dr. saag, appreciate the way you connect those dots and i wish the message came from everybody consistently. everyone should do a personal assessment at home. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. coming up, dr. fauci takes the mound. baseball is back. don't just think about where you're headed this summer. think about how you'll get there. and now that you can lease or buy a new lincoln remotely or in person...
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touchdown! only mahomes. the big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. america's game is back adding a very different baseball to the very different new normal. two games kicked off the season last night and in this sign of the time the nation's top infectious disease expert kicked things off with the first pitch and science is dr. fauci's thing, not baseball. 28 teams scheduled to play today. ouch. there's a lot of pressure but that's not so good. 15 games slated for tomorrow. coy wire joins me now. i still applaud him for doing that but he needs time in the bullpen, coy. >> maybe more practice.
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just hours before the game yesterday a national star player in the title round tested positive for covid-19, had them miss the game and shows you how fragile the seasons will be. for dr. fauci, whether a season should be played it was fitting to have him lead the way on opening day, right? fauci nationals super fan and he said he was nervous going in and it showed. just a bit outside as john said. even practiced all week he said. throwing it in elementary school there in d.c. with his wife christine and social media having fun and one person tweeting this is the perfect pitch. he didn't want anyone to catch anything. the first home run of the season helping to lead the yankees to a 4-1 win. the game was called early in the sixth due to rain but you can see that monster shot there by
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stanton. before the game, the production and emotional elaborate ceremony, a pre-recorded speech of social justice and then every player connected with a black ribbon as part of a tribute to black lives matter and players standing up in the anthem, dodgers star betts and the general manager continued to kneel during the anthem and they won 8-1. one of the teams playing today the tampa bay rays with a tweet posting today is opening day which means it's a great day to arrest a the killers of breonna taylor. the justice movement, expanding from ten to 16 teams may very well be one of the most exciting seasons we have ever seen. >> i will tell you urks c, coy,
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mad. the yankees won. betts is a dodger and happy to be mad about baseball if you get the point. normal if you will. coy wire, thank you so much. >> yes. hello to our viewers in the united states and around the world. top of the hour. i'm john king in washington. thank you for sharing your day with us. this hour, the cdc now says schools should get children back in the classroom. that even as a top trump administration doctor says the science around how quickly children can spread this virus is unsettled. today that official dr. birx offered hope in the worst month of this epidemic and seeing she sees evidence of a plateau in states crushed by the summer coronavirus surge. is she right seeing signs that might be happening? national numbers are still sobering. the united states now well over the 4 million case mark.
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