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tv   United Shades of America  CNN  July 25, 2020 8:16pm-9:16pm PDT

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so he starts a fight with some cops. they all wrestle and jared grabs a cop's gun and shoots it. more cops jump in. it ends up taking seven cops two full minutes to restrain jared and he makes it out alive. this is white privilege. if that idea bothers you then let's just call it benefit of the doubt. those cops gave jared the benefit of the doubt that his life matters. that his life is worth saving. even when he takes one of their guns and shoots it. now, of course, when you're black, we rarely get that benefit of the doubt. cops murdered laquan mcdonald in less than 30 seconds. cops killed that tamir rice in less than two seconds. but jared, he got probation and a fine and just a bump on the forehead. in this episode, we are talking about the difference between two minutes and a few seconds.
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♪ >> you want to call the police on him for having a barbecue at the lake? >> yes. >> you've seen the videos. >> i'm white and i'm hot. >> the last couple years, they've been sweeping the nation. >> back where they belong. >> like a new beyonce album, they drop without warning and are all anybody can talk about for days afterward. >> i love that she's the self-appointed barbecue police. >> which one's your favorite? >> it's illegal to have a charcoal grill in the park here. >> white lady calls the cops on black dudes for barbecuing in the park. >> i need a police to come. >> or white lady won't let black person into the pool. >> get out. get out. >> or white lady won't let black person into a pool. >> i just showed you my key. you're going to take my key out of my hand now?
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>> i know it sounds like i'm repeating myself, but i'm not. there haven't been this many black people kicked out of pools since mlk had that dream. but my personal favorite is -- >> illegally selling water without a permit. >> white lady calls the cops on a little black girl for selling water on a hot day. what she's doing there, that's the opposite of white privilege. all these videos have a few things in common. all the white people get twitter-worthy nicknames. the white people harassing the black people end up looking properly ridiculous. and this is the key ingredient. none of the black people end up dead. which is so different than the videos featuring eric garner, philando castile, and so many more. see, before these videos, people like me thought that just recording cell phone footage of cops and people acting like cops doing unjust things would reed to justice, but time and time again, we found out it doesn't. cops and people acting like cops get away with murdering black people all the time. so, in these new videos, the
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people aren't just recording and waiting for cops to show up, they're getting involved. >> you seriously would call the police on a child? >> no bystanders, more upstanders. in so many cases, the cops don't have to get involved. >> i'm getting harassed. >> it will be okay, becky. and if they do sometimes it's just to comfort the snowflakes. you'll be okay, becky. while the stuff in these videos might be okay for some of you white folks, my people have been talking about these stories since that famous boat ride. so this episode white folks, i'm inviting you to the conversation. welcome to the black people meeting. please don't bring your potato salad with the raisins in it. now, if we're talking racism, we can do this in any city in the united states. kind of what we do best. but there's one place that's regularly named as the most segregated city in the country. before you start guessing a bunch of cities below the mason dixon line, i'll just tell you. milwaukee, wisconsin. see, milwaukee has the most amount of neighborhoods that are clearly defined by race. yep, the home of "happy days"
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and harley-davidson is also the home to a whole lot of racism. structural and -- hold up. another viral video just dropped. right in our laps. >> today is supposed to be the hunter park party. we pull up to start setting up. this lady walks right up to me and says, you don't have a permit for this today. i'm going to need you to take this down. so, we might have a problem here today. >> that's white people calling the police again, huh? why do they all call the police and they stand there in a certain stance and they wait on them? >> but this one has an m. night shyamalan twist. we were there just as it was going down. >> so, cnn just rolled up. funny how the universe works. >> forget cell phone footage. we can use these fancy cnn cameras. we need everybody on deck. everybody on deck. >> i got a call i got sent out for. you have an i.d. that i can just put in your name and stuff? >> i never heard of such a thing. they're passing out candy. >> okay. going to have to talk to my supervisor. appreciate your cooperation. >> my name's kamau bell. yeah, yeah, yeah. we're doing an episode about living while black in milwaukee. >> that's right. >> it's rough. >> it's rough.
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>> you're in the right spot. >> we stumbled into some living while black. so what happened? do you mind talking to us first of all? >> yeah. um -- we've been doing work in this park since 2016. for whatever reason, this lady shows up and tries to tell me i don't have a permit and then she proceeds to walk over there and call the police. >> she right there, halloween helen. >> halloween helen. >> halloween helen? man, black folks, do we have a name yet? halloween helen. it's already started. are you surprised this one happened? >> absolutely not. growing up in mississippi, i can probably still count on one hand probably, maybe two or three incidents at the most that were racial. here? i was here not even a year and i had my first racial run-in at 14 or 15, so, if you don't know, you're going to go right away where you're not wanted at or where you're not welcome at. >> wow. we just rolled up. hey, let's see if we can find some living while black. here it is. >> you ain't got to travel too far. >> now we can get back to why we came to this park in the first
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place. i came here to speak to reggie jackson. not that one. or that one. this one. an historian who don't play games. it's crazy we walked over here and walked into that. >> it's amazing. we joke about it and we give it hashtag whatever. it's not funny, though. >> no, no, no. >> especially here in milwaukee because the relationship between the police department and black people in the city has always been a bad relationship. there have opinion a history of things, incidents of unarmed blacks being killed by the police. even this neighborhood, the sherman park neighborhood. one of the things that happened is, to bill smith, he was shot about two blocks away from the gas station. and then later that evening, basically, it just got crazy. >> on august 13th, 2016, the police shot and killed 23-year-old smith. that night, around 100 protesters came to sherman park to be near the site of his killing and things got hectic.
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a local gas station, an auto parts store, and a bank were all burned down. >> everyone is kind of aware of what happened with the civil unrest, but people don't know what led up to that. that wasn't just about smith being shot. that was just the precipitating act that led to this explosion. but there were underlying causes that's led to people being very upset. so, from 1963 until 2015, the city of milwaukee lost 91,000 manufacturing jobs. 91,000 good jobs left. but a lot of the manufacturing jobs now out in the suburbs or even the exurbs and people don't have access to get out to where those jobs are. and as a result of that, you have high rates of poverty, you have higher rates of crime, you have schools that aren't very effective. and understood llying cause was record of segregation in milwaukee. so, we're surrounded by 18 suburbs that surround the city of milwaukee. and 86% of the people who live in those suburbs are white. only 6.4% of black people in milwaukee county live outside the city of milwaukee. that's the lowest of any of the
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most highly segregated cities in the country. especially since 40% of the residents are black. >> hold up. now, a lot of you out there are probably shocked right now because you didn't even know there were black people in milwaukee. but at 40%, milwaukee is blacker than chicago, oakland and blacker than ♪ city of compton >> so, what you have is a very diverse city. a very diverse city. surrounded by communities that are not diverse at all. when you look at what segregation has done to milwaukee in terms of the relationships between the police department and the black community is that black people feel as if they're surveilled everywhere they go in milwaukee. there's one district where blacks make up like 3% of the population in their district but they make up 67% of the people stopped by police. just look at the incident with the milwaukee bucks player, sterling brown, who was accosted for parking in a handicapped spot. >> take your hands out of your pockets now! >> i got stuff in my hands.
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>> taser! taser! taser! >> you know, there's sort of this idea that you can achieve your way out of these situations. >> right. >> doesn't matter if you go to college, doesn't matter if you get a good job, it doesn't matter, any of those things. >> right. >> the police will still see you as someone who's up to no good. >> all of these things kind of work together to create a perfect storm in milwaukee. >> i've heard people coming from the south and going man, milwaukee is more -- like i feel racism deeper in milwaukee than i did in the south. >> yeah. i've often referred to our state as wississippi. >> that's good. i don't know if i'm allowed to say that but that's good. wississippi. because it's inanimate! people ask me what sort of a person should become a celebrity accountant. and, i tell them, "nobody should." hey, buddy. what's the damage? i bought it! the waterfall? nope! a new volkswagen.
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black guys sitting there waiting? >> one of the biggest viral videos from 2018 is from a philadelphia starbucks where the manager called the cops on two black men that were waiting for their business partner to arrive. >> what did they do? >> they didn't do anything. i saw the entire thing. >> now, you might have been shocked when you first heard about this, because i wasn't. because i also have some experience of a coffee shop not wanting me to be in their coffee shop. >> kamau came here to the elmwood cafe in berkeley. he met up with his wife who was sitting at an outdoor table. he says he was showing her a book when an employee knocked on the window and told him to go away.
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>> oh, i went away. and went straight to the internet and told everyone. after those things happened, i think a lot on where i get my coffee, and in milwaukee, there's a place that if i get kicked out, i know it won't be because of the color of my skin, it will be because of the content of my character. coffee makes you black is a black-owned coffee shop that serves coffee to black people and people who are nervous being around black people. >> milwaukee in the '60s was the 11th largest city in the united states. >> really? >> yeah. isn't that strange? >> this is serita mcfadden, a milwaukee native, writer, and new york city english professor. and she knows all about the racial history of this city. people believe that, like, black people moved out of the south to escape racism and they moved to these northern cities where there was no racism. >> there was so much racism. >> yeah, exactly. >> if i can -- >> it's hilarisad.
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>> i never heard that word but i think i knew exactly what you meant. or sadlarious. >> the north, or, definitely the middle west north, buys into this narrative that they are somehow far more superior in terms of character and tolerance. you know, we call it, what, midwest nice? >> i was going to say that, yeah. >> but there's this, like, veneer of, like, i'm not in my heart racist. but you're doing shit that's racist a.f. let's just go with why the city has the shape that it does. so this map is from 1937. it's what they call a security map. but in common parlance we call it a redlining map. it was a series of maps that were produced by the federal government. they did these surveys in kind of like neighborhood appraisals to determine where they would actually issue home loans. the green areas are good loans. the red is basically areas that they say are on the decline and are blighted. everybody black pretty much concentrated in this area. they made a distinction about where the black people lived.
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no other ethnic group. you mean to say the very existence of blackness could devalue this space. therefore, blackness should be prohitted from being in this space. it's, by design -- this was intentional. so, we can point to a legacy of, like, systemic inequality. >> when you see this on a map like this, racism is not just, like, a feeling. it's also an institution and a structure. so, after more than three seasons of this show, this seems as good a time as any to define the word racism. in my experience, most people define racism as simply hating someone based on their skin color. occasionally i use that definition too. i have black relatives who are racist. but every anti-racist activist and academic i know says that hating someone or just treating someone poorly because of their skin color, that's just prejudice. to get to racism -- >> being racist is not just prejudice. it's prejudice plus power.
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>> think of prejudice as just one cop. but racism is the entire police department that has that cop's back. if an individual banker doesn't give a black person a home loan, that might be prejudice. but if that banker has the tacit approval of the bank, well, that is racism at work. and in america, racism gets a lot of work. it's embedded in all the structures and institutions of this country, because of how this country was founded. it's why you can't just hire black people into racist institutions and expect the institution to not be racist anymore. and white people, if that's making your head swim right now, imagine all that going through your head every time you apply for a job, talk to a police officer or walk outside. no offense to my white crew members. here's the problem with white people. except for these one, two, three, four. five. yeah, five. yeah. he's from alabama. so i don't even think of him as being white. as a black man, every video, michael brown, eric garner, philando castile, i'm seeing myself in that. >> mm-hmm.
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>> even if i've never been in that situation. so, when eric garner is on the ground being choked out by cops and saying "i can't breathe" and i find out he has asthma and people are like, he's a 6'4" black man with asthma, i'm a 6'4" black man with asthma. while people don't see white people in these videos and see themselves. we've had enough of these videos now of white women where we're like you must have seen the other videos. you'd think in that moment you'd be, like, white a minute, am i about to get a hashtag with a name that's not mine? >> no, they don't. white people also see groups with people of color and they see individuals for white people. that's just their m.o. but it's nice to see that these stories are aggregated because that kind of behavior, particularly white folks call it, i believe that this black body does not believe in this coded white space, forever, i feel threatened and i know that i have the agency to call some sort of authority figure to correct that. >> or you have the agency to be the authority figure. >> and that is how it feels to be in milwaukee. >> everything me and serita talked about may seem impossible and too big to dismantle, but
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there's actually a workshop across town that's trying to do just that. complete with powerpoint. >> we're defining anti-blackness as the distance between black people and your -- your acceptance of their dignity. >> it's put on by university of milwaukee wisconsin professor monique liston. >> so today's workshop is focused on understanding dignity and anti-blackness. and so, we focus on understanding dignity as sort of our responsibility to interrupt systems of oppression. dignity resonates with folks so deeply, because we're talking about every single individual can talk about how their dignity hasn't been affirmed. and this is sort of a deepening, a practical application of how do we connect on a human level? >> it seems like this work is really important in cities that are going through what the real estate people and the politicians call a renaissance. >> yeah, yeah. >> i just went through the milwaukee downtown and you can see constriction around it. i'm sure formally that was just like buildings or warehouses or whatever and now it's like oh, this is going to be like high-end real estate. >> uh-huh. >> and 245 changes, literally, the completion of the city.
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>> yeah. i think as milwaukee gains this kind of reputation of being a place where young professionals can be, you have to understand what you're coming into. it's good for white, young, upp upper class educated professionals. it's not good for everybody else. so what does it mean for us to actually be in a position to interrupt it? what does it mean to be in a position to say, i have this privilege, i have this power, i have this know-how, i run in these circles, we ought to change something about this city? >> so you're like maybe i need to turn this into a workshop? >> boop. >> so talk a little more about the history. >> yeah. so there's a couple steps. so, i entered grad school and i was in the classroom space and i'm like, y'all got me effed up. y'all got black people messed up. you're not thinking about what it means to be black in this city and you're going to hold -- you have the same degree as me, credential, and you don't even know how to treat black people. and that's kind of the impetus of this. >> so did you get your ph.d.? >> yes. >> so i should call you doctor? >> i mean, you know. >> my wife has a ph.d. so i know that's a real serious thing. she makes me call her doctor around the house.
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>> oh, see? i mean, i'm not going to fight. >> all right. so, when these workshops happen, sort of anti-blackness workshops, it feels like it's either black people showing up who are kind of like, yeah, i already know -- you know what i mean? or it's like white people show up who are like, oh, my god, i never had any of these thoughts. and if those people are in a room together, one of them have not being served sometimes. you know what i mean? >> what we've learned is a lot of issues of other intersections of oppression become more real here. so we focus on race. yeah, you can bring up that white people are problematic, but why we're talking about anti-blackness is black people play into that too. even you. what does that mean in this space? >> okay. and just for the record, as i came in here, one of the producers told me that you're related to sonny liston and i'm pretty proud of that i didn't ask any sonny liston questions. >> oh, yeah. that's my great uncle. >> that's cool, yeah. i'm not going to ask any questions because that's not what we're here to talk about. >> okay. i represent, though. >> i like that.
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one of the things i have always heard about milwaukee is that it's a city where people are from, meaning that if you're from here and got something going on or if you want to get something going on, you go to chicago or new york or anywhere not milwaukee. according to a study by the university of wisconsin madison, the state lost an average of
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14,000 college graduates per year between 2008 and 2012. that's called brain drain. brain drain hurts milwaukee's ability to innovate or even grow economically over the years. but there are those people who are doing their part to try to keep all the brains here. people like lisa caesar, a harvard-educated entrepreneur, and her brother john ridley, a hollywood writer, director, and producer with a packed resume who's mostly known for winning an oscar or writing this. >> do you believe, sir, in justice, as you've said? >> i do. >> slavery is an evil that should befall none. >> the feel-good movie of the summer. >> the things i had to learn about slavery to even begin to execute "twelve years" is that there's a system that's put in place that becomes mass psychosis. >> right. >> because, to make it work, you have to get so many people involved in it. and that's the thing that hurts the most is that we see it and it's still happening.
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>> they grew up in milwaukee. but like many people, they left for careers in new york and los angeles. but now they've come home. and converted part of a defunct brewery that closed over 20 years ago into no studios, an artist collective that takes people's dreams of show business and shows how they can be a reality. >> i just remember as a kid, you know, to be a young black guy in milwaukee, thinking about, well, i want to be a writer, i want to be an artist, or i want to work in film and it just seemed like a million miles away. and then, you know, 30 years later, to actually accomplish those things and realize there are other young kids, you know, black, hispanic, asian, gay, straight, queer, whatever, who are feeling the same thing, there are people who could actually do the things they love but do it from milwaukee. >> from milwaukee without having to -- oh, i have a little bit of talent, i'd better get out of here as quickly as possible. >> yeah. >> what if we were to embrace all of that talent instead of systematically suppressing it? >> yeah. >> you know, we grew up in a suburb of milwaukee, not exactly
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in milwaukee. there were no black folks where we grew up, virtually none. >> even when we moved into that neighborhood, as few black people that were on that -- in mequon, we all lived on that block. >> yeah. we did. >> we all lived on that block. >> that block was the black section of town. >> and kids used to -- they used to back in the day call it n-word row. >> you always had the sense you were treated as not quite american. not quite as american as everyone else. when you're a child, you begin to internalize that. >> and trust me, we had it good by comparison. our father was a practicing doctor here for a long time. our mother was a teacher. he is a serviceman. he volunteered, you know, and was in the air force. and he just tells the story about coming up to milwaukee and stopping in a restaurant and when he came back out to the car, with our mom -- >> i was a baby. >> and he was just accosted by
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this gang of young white kids and he thought if he didn't have you in his arms as a baby, that they would have beaten him and beaten my mother. he talks about when he got a house, you know, on the phone it was, like, all good, and then he goes to check on the house and they're like, who's moving in here? >> yeah. >> and he would talk often, you know, that he would end up on this board and he was like oh, i'm the first black man who was on this board and i was the first black man who was part of this committee. and he wasn't saying it in a bragging way, just talking about his experiences. and i was like, wow, isn't that amazing that you did that? and he goes, it wasn't amazing, but when you're black and particularly black in milwaukee, if you did something, you became that first person. >> right, right. >> and led by example. we are a by-product of our parents. our parents fought, they stood up. and i think the thing that we wanted to do was just create a space and let people know that it's not -- these things aren't accidental. so, part of what we want to do is to make people realize, you can be comfortable with anybody. >> right. >> what are the things we have in common? what are the things that we enjoy? you got to get people working
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together. >> yeah. >> and that's really the thing. >> i like this. i'm going to have to come back here. i'm going to get you to commit on camera. so, when this episode is ready to air, can we come back here and do a screening of it here in your screening room? >> yes. absolutely. i think we can make that work. >> absolutely. >> okay. you got it. >> we'd be so happy. on camera. >> it's a binding contract. >> verbal agreement. >> verbal agreement. >> and people in hollywood never lie. we have nothing to worry about. >> oh, no. that's right. [indistinct radio chatter] (mom) come on, hurry up! all systems go? (mission control) 5 4 3 2...
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and liftoff. (vo) audi e-tron. the next frontier of electric. get audi at your door remote services through participating dealers. it's at the core of who we are. the freedom to live without fear. to jog where we please. to wear a hoodie. the freedom to breathe. before we celebrate the freedom most americans have, we must fight for the freedom all americans deserve. because all lives can't matter, until black lives matter.
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welcome to camp tonsafun on xfinity! it's summer camp, but in your living room. learn how to draw with a minions expert... how to build an indoor obstacle course! plus... whatever she's doing. and me, jade catta-preta. the host of e's the soup! camp tonsafun. it's like summer camp,
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but minus the poison ivy. unless you own poison ivy. in which case, why? just say "summer camp" into your xfinity voice remote to join. it up a little bit. instead of a black people meeting, we're going to have a people of color meeting. but this episode's been hard. have some fun in milwaukee before we get into it. i am meeting with student activists cindy, latoya, keisha, and kya.
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after i passed the concussion protocol and took a hit from my puffer, it was time for the people of color meeting. >> i think our organization is filling a need that combines black and brown, young people. that's the need in milwaukee. is bringing together young people to, not only, like, make our city better but hopefully, ease tensions among people of color. >> in milwaukee, it's a very big deal. >> very big deal. >> apeople in public education want to bring like black and brown youth together. but they have, like, white staff. like, how are you going to do that, you know? we need to just throw the whole thing away, and start all over. >> and when you say the thing, what's the thing? >> the whole like concept of public education. >> okay. okay. >> tearing it down might not be a bad idea. last year, l.i.t. and the center for popular democracy showed
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black milwaukee students accounted for over 80% of the suspensions from the 2015-2016 school year. that's double the national rate. not only that, more than 100 black students were expelled for things white students were just suspended over. that's the school-to-prison pipeline in action. and while the system is obviously racist, often, what affects students more is the subtle ways in which educators cross their boundaries when it comes to race. >> last year, we had to pick an organization to work with for the semester. and my teacher told me she wanted me to help out a foster home. and i was like, oh, why? and she was like, oh, don't you come from foster care? >> wow. >> and i was like, i asked her, i was like where'd you get that from? and she was like, i, i just -- i'm like you just what? >> almost like when she was just talking about, actually, this just happened this year.
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it was actually wacky-tacky wednesday. >> i already don't like it. >> i was all crazy. my hair was crazy and it was all in these, like, ponytails and stuff. so one of the faculty came into my classroom to get me. but then, she continues to say, you know what you remind me of? a pickaninny doll. i didn't know what it was. so i went to google. so i googled what i thought -- >> what she said, yeah. >> and she said no, that's not how you spell it. and she retyped it in and searched it. >> let me direct you, more effectively, to the racism. >> this is what a pickaninny doll looks like. and, nope, she doesn't look like one cause nobody does. >> i gave you all the power over time and space and harry potter magi magic whatever you want. what would you do to fix these problems? >> i always think when you meet someone, you like see a glichmp of their past. it would like make us take a
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step back and think about. >> i like that one. that wept de that went deep, deep. >> yeah. yeah. >> so admit it, you knew it was only a matter of time before we talked about the criminal justice system. milwaukee has black folks so caught up in the system that it has the most incarcerated zip code in the country with 62% of black men imprisoned there by 43 years old. this pipeline to prison can, partly, be traced to the milwaukee police department's stop-and-frisk policy. luckily, the aclu took notice, sued the city, and won the case. i am meeting with some of the plaintiffs. gregory chambers, steven jansen, and david crowley along with their alu rep. >> specifically, with wisconsin that black people don't live here. is that -- is that -- do you -- have you heard that? >> i hear it everywhere i went.
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i went to new york and when i tell people that i was from wisconsin, they literally had the their eyes wide open. >> like what part of wisconsin? >> i'm the aclu celebrity/ambassador for racial justice and i had the reaction you just had. i'm a celebrity? >> so tell me why the aclu gets involved around this and specifically around stories that aren't black people being killed by cops. therefore, they're harder to tell and harder for people to understand the racism. >> it's absolutely, completely pervasive. not just cities like milwaukee. especially, milwaukee but other cities as well. so what we ended up finding out with the city of milwaukee, milwaukee police department's own data, they stopped something like 350,000 people, unconstitutionally. >> the numbers are ridiculous. what's harder to measure is the emotional toll when you're not doing anything wrong and you
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could wind up dead for nothing. >> steven randomly accused of marijuana possession. >> i said i don't smoke marijuana. and and he just stopped and stared like that moment where you realize it's his word, against nobody's. >> so what if he did smell like weed? you didn't smell like a bank robbery. >> then, there's just a rep trying to walk through an area where gunshots were heard. >> if i was a white man walking through that field, i guarantee you, i probably wouldn't have been stopped. maybe ask if you're all right. >> yeah. given you a ride home. >> it was a sunday afternoon, and i was driving home. and i noticed that there was a squad car behind me. sirens we sirens went off. i rolled down the window. both officers get out the car and they approach. basically, told me, whatever reason, my plates didn't match the car. so the cop that was on the driver's side goes, checks my information, takes my i.d.
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the other cop is still staring in the car. he starts playing with his holster on his gun. now, mind you, this is just fresh after brown was murdered. and philando castile was killed in his car, right in front of his child. and i'm telling myself don't get enraged, don't get mad because it will all turn bad. finally, the cop does come back. the other officer. he's like everything seems to be checked out. i'm like, okay, that's cool. they walk away, get in the car. and i literally turned around, to wait for them to pull off. the rage and anger that i, immediately, felt in that moment. you know, to know that your life can be on a thread like that. it's a fine line. and to them, it's just like a snip and that's it. >> there are people who are going to hear you tell that story and go, what's the big deal? nothing happened. you know what i mean?
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why are you so angry? >> yeah, and i think that's the crazy part. i mean, i remember telling that story to people. and it was like you sighee a sc movie. the killer was toying with his victim. you know, twisting the knife around as he had this victim gagged. imagine somebody who has a weapon right in front of you, and they are toying with the very thing that has been responsible for the neutralization of people's lives. if you don't see the fear in that, i don't know what else to tell you. >> yeah. yeah. >> one lady, one white woman came in and she asked do you get tired of having these conversations as a black man? and you know what, yes. but at the same time, understand this is the only way my children will see something different. we are the ones who got to come up with the solution. we are the solution to this. and understanding that we just need some partners. >> that's why we did this. it was entirely about changing. changing the community. changing the way that policing takes place. >> but also, the george soros
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while the aclu plaintiff stories weren't violent, those men stood up because they knew the same situations can end up in violence. take the story of maria hamilton son's dantre. >> i very seldom go to the cemetery because dante's life and blood is in this park. >> the manager of a starbucks called police on dante who was waiting on a bench. >> the first time, they went and spoke with him, they came to the conclusion that he wasn't doing anything wrong. he wasn't bothering anybody. and so, they left. >> unsatisfied with the response to her calls, the manager called a personal friend of the force to the scene. officer christopher manny. officer manny confronted dante,
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who was unarmed and hadn't hurt anybody. >> dantre was startled. jumped up. and he tried to do illegal patdown. and dantre resisted. >> officer manny unloaded 14 bullets into dantre. and again, he hadn't been bothering anyone, even according to other cops at the scene. >> his life was taken because of a manager at starbucks profiling him as a homeless man and felt as though his presence stopped them from making money? warranted 14 bullets. in broad daylight.
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>> following the shooting, the milwaukee police said dantre had a prior history of arrests, and they claimed the arrests were directly connected to his mental health issues. >> was any of that? >> none of it was true. dantre hadn't robbed nobody. but, dantre, in 2016, was diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic. and he never tried to hurt anybody. >> there is an assumption that everybody with mental health issues can be -- can turn violent. that's not the case, overwhelmingly. >> no, it's not. >> the bigger question here is why are the cops the first responders to so many things that don't involve crime? too often, the presence of police criminalizes people who may just be hanging out on a park bench or maybe just having a bad day or may be in crisis. >> this was a couple weeks before he died. >> wow. the thing i notice in all these
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pictures, he's smiling. >> that was his uniqueness. dantre smiled all the time. and when his life was taken from us, we didn't know what to do. >> adding to maria's grief, the police didn't even file criminal charges against officer manny. they said that his use of deadly force, 14 shots, into dantre was justifiable. we've heard that way too many times before. >> it was like am i in a movie? and my fight, even to this day, is the truth. all i ever wanted was the truth. so i was -- fight trying to get the truth. >> whenever a black youth or a black person is murdered by a police officer, often, we see the moms step up. >> if we don't save our babies, they're not going to save us. >> maria and the mothers of eric garner, trayvon martin, jordan
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davis, michael brown, sandra bland, and tamara rice have pulled together. maria has also started her own group. mothers for justice united, for all the families who have been devastated by police violence. >> i wish you didn't have to do that work. and i wish you didn't feel compelled to do that work. but i thank you for doing that work. >> thank you. whoever voice i have to be, i will be that voice. and to their parent or their loved ones are strong enough to fight for them. >> thank you. (vo) audi e-tron. the next frontier of electric. get an exceptional offer at your local audi dealer. maria had to do everything for me. [maria] she had these awful blisters on her back. i don't want shingles when i'm your age.
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[camera man] actually, if you're 50 or older, you're at increased risk. [maria] that's life, nothing you can do... [camera man] uh, shingles can be prevented. [maria & theresa] shingles can be whaaaat? [camera man] prevented. you can get vaccinated. [maria] where? [camera man] at your pharmacy, at your doctor's. [maria] hold on! [maria] don't want to go through that! [theresa] hija. [camera man] talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. [camera man] talk to your doctor or pharmacist if enjoyment isn't part of the process... don't trust the process. (♪)
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get the security, unlimited data and wifi coverage you need. plus, xfi customers can add xfi complete for only $11 a month. call or visit a store today. from the videos to the conversation so far, it's clear at the heart of all these issues is prejudice. but more specifically, racial bias. and while some of you out there may point to extreme examples, like the klan or the alt right. and say, hey, that's not me, pal. i got news. everybody acts on their racial biases all the time without thinking about it. acting under racial bias when we don't realize it is called implicit bias. like a white lady in the park, seeing a person of color and immediately seeing them as a threat or a criminal.
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>> you know, a lot of the research out there is focused on sort of racial attitudes. and asks people on surveys are you racist? and people basically say no. >> 100% of people aren't racist. >> so i'm having one last black people meeting with university of wisconsin madison professor john diamond. an expert on the subject. >> i was not familiar with the term implicit bias until about four years ago because something happened to me, and it was like described to me as implicit bias. i was just calling it racism. >> so tony greenwald established project implicit about 20 years ago. so trying to figure out what's going on in people's minds, before they were able to think about what's socially responsible answer? the way to think of implicit bias is you don't necessarily have to not like people to be affected by it. somebody walks through a door and that's a man, you have some
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assumptions about what that means. >> researchers from harvard and u university of virginia created a test. >> what they find is that people have a hard time associating good characteristics with black faces. >> is that everybody? >> it's about 80% of white people. >> what about black people? >> black people, we're less likely to favor white people. but we, still, tend to favor white people slightly. so the challenge is not just thinking about what people's intentions are but how do you grow up in a world where white supremacy is sort of embedded into everything. and you breathe it in, in a way that gets into your subconscious. >> so there is a test, right? >> there is. >> is it smarter than me? >> the way it's set up, i think it is. >> now, we answer the question many of you have had for more than three seasons. >> if i didn't do that, i
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wouldn't be able to hang out with my in-laws. so i would say strongly agree. >> the first part of the test situational questions around race that aren't yes or no. you have to pick the level to which you agree or disagree. >> most white people can't be trusted to be honest around black people. cover this from cnn's eyes. you guys are great with black tv hosts. >> the second part is tricky. i have to pick black and white faces and decide if certain were good or bad. this is what the test looks like. you can find it here. but this is what the test feels like. all right. your data suggests a moderate
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automatic preference for african-americans over europeans. >> moderate preference for black people. that's my brand. >> whether you agree with what the results were, it's the conversations they have after the results. what does it mean? what are the implications of that? and it does mean stuff and you connect it to, you know, how people react in school, discipline, policing. all those things. it matters. >> i think we'll make everybody on the crew take it. i already know who, on the crew, is going to have a strong preference for black people. what's up, dwayne? >> this week, milwaukee's featured a bunch of great black people meetings. and hopefully, gives you white people out there a sense of what we are going through and what people of color talk about regularly. and even though the show's coming to an end, this week, we all have a homework assignment. go and take the implicit bias test because whether you think you're biased or not, racism is a part of your life, with, or without you knowing it. but if we measure it, hopefully,
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we can dismantle it. and, white folks, if you don't think about your own bias, then, there's a chance you are going to end up in one of those videos harassing people who don't deserve it. or, even worse, getting someone killed. welcome to our viewers, here, in the united states and all around the world. i'm michael holmes in houston, texas, more people have died from coronavirus in the month of july than in the past four months, combined. there have been more than 150 deaths, so far. and of course, july is not over. the city's mayor says hospital admissions seem to be going down. but there is still rapid community spread. overall, u.s. states are struggling with the virus. the country now has more than 4 million cases. more than 146,000 deaths.


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