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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 25, 2020 9:16pm-10:01pm PDT

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we can dismantle it. and, white folks, if you don't think about your own bias, then, there's a chance you are going to end up in one of those videos harassing people who don't deserve it. or, even worse, getting someone killed. welcome to our viewers, here, in the united states and all around the world. i'm michael holmes in houston, texas, more people have died from coronavirus in the month of july than in the past four months, combined. there have been more than 150 deaths, so far. and of course, july is not over. the city's mayor says hospital admissions seem to be going down. but there is still rapid community spread. overall, u.s. states are struggling with the virus. the country now has more than 4 million cases. more than 146,000 deaths. california has the most official
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covid-19 cases, having passed new york a few days ago. the coordinator of the white house coronavirus task force saying, on friday, that rates were beginning to plateau in california. but the state is scrambling to get the situation under control. cnn's paul is in los angeles. >> here, in los angeles county, they are testing fast and furiously. including here, at the charles r. drew university of medicine and science. they move people through, in cars and on foot. and the numbers in l.a. county, rising. this new batch shows that 3,628 new people have tested positive for covid-19. there have been 53 new deaths. now, we need to clarify that l.a. county was warning, all along, that they expected a spike in cases because there was a backlog in the system. they just hadn't counted all the cases, due to a glitch. and the 10% positivity rate is,
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also, better news. but there is still this sort of underlying thing that haunts people in the medical profession. and that's when some people talk about hoaxes or perhaps this is just the flu. well, let's talk to the dean of this university. >> we can stop this pandemic. we can definitely slow it down. we could probably stop it by doing a better job of personal responsibility and hygiene. washing your hands. using sanitizer. wearing your mask. social distancing. those things work. they absolutely work. and we just need everybody to do it. this is not a political issue. this is a health issue. and it's just something we all need to do. >> and the hospitalizations, steady, here, in l.a. county. they are just above 2,000. and mayor garcetti has threatened further shutdowns, if these numbers do not improve.
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reporting from los angeles, now back to you. the u.s. state of texas, dealing with storms on two fronts. it is feeling the impact of hurricane hanna right now. it made landfall on padre island several hours ago. winds of around 90 miles an hour. we will have a bit more on that, later in the program. meanwhile, communities in that same area have been seeing a spike in coronavirus cases, as well as hospitalizations. in texas, alone, more than 8,000 new infections, nearly 170 deaths, reported on saturday. cnn's ed lavandera has been talking to the doctors and families of patients. >> reporter: this is the daily routine for dr. fredrico. a critical care pulmonologist. when he gets dressed, it looks like he is getting ready to be launched into another world. that's exactly what it's like to work in the covid-19 unit of a south texas hospital.
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>> it's overwhelming. it's a tsunami, what we are seeing right now. >> coronavirus patients have filled the hospital where the doctor works. on most days, he says he is treating about 70 different patients. four to five times more than he usually sees in a single day. >> i have never have to sign as many death certificates that i have been signing the last couple of weeks. talking to these families has been very, very difficult. >> can you describe the suffering that you have seen among these patients? >> this is a disease that affect the lungs and they will have trouble with the breathing. and when it happens, it's heartbreaking. it is so difficult to watch them say good-bye to their relatives. but saying i'm having more trouble, i'm having more trouble. i don't know what's going to happen next. i see nurses crying all the time. i see doctors breaking down all the time. but again, that is what we do. >> south texas is the covid-19 hot spot inside the texas hot spot. health officials are warning
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that hospital bed and icu space are running out. nursing and doctor teams are stretched to the limit. >> do you feel, when you walk into these covid units, that it's like a parallel universe? >> it's definitely a parallel universe. if they only knew what lurked behind those walls. if they could only have x-ray vision and see the pain and the suffering. >> dr. ivan melendez is the health authority based in mcallen, texas. he said covid units are filled with the sound of patients gasping for air. many, needing ventilators and g gut-wrenching conversations. >> you have people telling you, doc, please don't put me on that. and then, finally, they just give up and say, go ahead. but you know, you may be the last person that i ever talk to. so please, tell my family, tell my parents, tell my kids that i love them and that i fought hard. >> jessica ortiz says her twin
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brother fought the virus for almost two weeks. the 27-year-old worked as a security guard at a jewelry store. >> it hurts. i don't want to start crying. i'm sorry. >> jubal died on july 3rd. >> he fought long and hard. >> at the funeral, friends and family paid their respects through a plastic shield, over the casket. there was a fear his body still might be contagious. >> he meant the world. i just wish it wasn't him. i wish i had him with me because he didn't live his life yet. >> jessica is left with this last image of her brother. a screen recording of one of their last conversations. jubal ortiz, waving good-bye. ed lavandera, cnn, dallas. >> all right. let's turn, now, to dr. rodriguez in los angeles, internal medicine and viral
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specialist. good to see you again, doctor. you know, it's interesting. cases in the u.s. have doubled in six weeks. i mean, the southern u.s. has a quarter of the world's cases. florida, 50 hospitals, at full icu capacity. i mean, what does that show to you? particularly, when we talk about testing levels being too low, results too slow? >> i think we haven't been testing enough. we haven't done a good job in educating people. we haven't done a good job in motivating people to try to prevent this from spreading. so, you know, i -- i vacillate between getting mad and getting sad. just because, sometimes, it appears so overwhelming a task. so obviously, we need to test more. we need to know where things are going. but, more than that, we need to, somehow, flick that switch to make people realize that this is a problem that we all face. and it has been said. it's not political. not at all.
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>> there's even talk, i mean, in florida, of reopening bars. i mean, which is just is mind boggling. what are your thoughts on suggestions of a total reset regarding closures, in some parts of the country, as some are suggesting? >> listen. i think in -- in the best of all possible worlds, that would be ideal. but unfortunately, we don't live in the best of all possible worlds. in this country, we have four things lacking. one is inspirational and clear leadership, at the federal level, starting with the president. and without that, we're not going to accomplish anything. we don't have the churchill, we don't have a roosevelt in order to tell people to do this because we will succeed. that's number one. number two, the scientific infrastructure has failed us. from the beginning, where we don't have enough testing. and even then -- even now, i mean, it has not been corrected. thirdly, if you are going to close up, you need a financial plan, so that people do not lose their livelihood.
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can feed their families. and, fourth, and most sadly, i don't think that the -- part of the united states has the resolve to do this. listen. in europe and asia, i think it's different. because several countries have gone through decimation, through war, and they know that they have to pull together to succeed. unfortunately, there is a portion of the population of the united states that, in order to sacrifice, to them, that's way too inconvenient. so we have -- you know? >> yeah. and infringes on their freedoms. it is. i mean, i see it in my own -- in my own area. i wanted to touch on this before we go. this wide-ranging debate of reopening schools in the u.s. i mean, the education secretary basically says returning to class should be the default for schools to reopen as normal. which -- which is extraordinary. the president's been pushing it for weeks. but, you know, you got a lot of polls out there showing a lot of parents are reluctant. you know, i think more than twice as many cases today as we
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did a month ago. 38 states seeing increases. does that sound like the right time to send kids black to classrooms and teachers for that matter? >> absolutely not. absolute will absolutely not. and we are seeing now children that are starting to get this infection. and the reason they haven't been is because they haven't been going to school. there are some places in the united states where it might be safe to do in an organized fashion. but certainly not in florida, certainly not in texas. why should we embark on the experiment of using our children as guinea pigs? let's wait until we get this better under control. >> it does seem extraordinary. dr. rodriguez, really appreciate your time. thanks so much. all right. we are going to take a quick break. coming up here on cnn "newsroom." protestors in seattle and portland continue to clash with police. but what do these scenes have to do with social justice movements? we'll discuss that, when we come back. w about no no uh uh, no way
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to help the military community is that if you're not wexpecting the shock,t and the markets fall dramatically, you might panic. and in the midst of that panic, you might sell and run to cash. at the very moment, you shouldn't. at the very moment, prices are at their low. that's my fear. i'm not worried about the country. i'm not worried about the financial markets, because in the long run, i know they'll be fine.
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i'm worried about you. i'm worried about how you will personally respond to this crisis. and even if you don't panic, you may... "newsroom," everyone. i'm michael holmes. now, in seattle on saturday, continued violence, mayhem, and confusion. protestors and police clashing. police tweeting at least 16 people were arrested. three officers injured, they said. one of those officer, hurt and taken to hospital with a leg injury, the police said, was caused by an explosion of some sort. the other two officers, treated and returned to duty. police say the protestors are throwing explosives and, what they call, mortars at them. not sure, exactly, what they mean by that. and they are calling it a riot. in downtown portla portland, or police say a person was stabbed
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this as used flash bangs and tear gas to try to break up a crowd outside the courthouse on friday night. the cnn news team said before that, a large crowd of peaceful protestors were chanting black lives matter. with me now, from portland, is cnn correspondent lucy cavanaugh. lucy, you have been there for a while now. how is it starting off there? it's still early, of course, when it comes to how these things ratchet up normally. >> that's right, michael. i mean, it's calm. it's peaceful. i would say there's over a thousand people on the streets of portland this evening. they've been chanting feds go home. they've been chanting black lives matter. they've been chanting say his name, george floyd. which is, of course, the original impetus for these protests. these racial justice protests that are now entering their 60th day. i want to make a quick point about that stabbing that you mentioned. that actually took place a few blocks away from here. as far as we understand, it's not connected to the protests
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here. the atmosphere, largely peaceful. the protestors standing their ground. turning out, night after night. but the federal agents, who are largely holed up behind the fence there at the courthouse building behind me, also stand their ground. the way this usually continues to play out is stays fairly calm for early hours of the evening. later on, you do see different elements of protestors coming out. getting a little bit more aggressive. last night, we saw them starting to shake the fence. that, then, prompted the feds to come out to shoot tear gas to try to disperse the crowd. and that began the sort of cat-and-mouse game of clashes here on the streets of portland. now, interesting, in terms of who is showing up. you have the people who have been out here, night after night, demanding racial justice. we have the so-called wall of moms, the mothers, often seen wearing yellow shirts. who come out linking arms, to physically use their bodies to try to protect the demonstrators from what they describe as excessive use of force by,
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initially, the police. now, the federal agents. we also see fathers join the protest. they are often wearing orange shirts. they have been coming out with leaf blowers to try to disperse the tear gas away from crowds. something new now. u.s. military veterans, also, coming to the streets to try to protect the demonstrators. to try to demand that the federal officers leave this area. we spoke to one u.s. navy veteran, take a listen to what he had to say. >> we were all born here. this is our streets. that's our fence. it's on our property. take it down. it's already been ruled illegal. take it down. and leave our town. our police were doing a fine job, and they're still doing a fine job. >> now, there were two setbacks for the protestors yesterday. we spoke about one of them, where a federal judge denied the state's attempt to get an injunction to basically block these federal police actions from taking place.
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also, the u.s. attorney here, announcing federal, criminal charges against 18 people. those charges include assaulting federal officers. but, you know, the message that you are hearing from black leaders here in the city, as well as a lot of the protestors, is they are worried about this becoming into something of a spectacle because of these federal policing actions. these federal use-of-force actions because they really want the message here to remain on black lives matter. they are demanding racial equality. they want police reform. and they don't want these new clashes with the federal officers to dilute that message, michael. >> good to have you there on the spot. lucy cavanaugh there live in portland, oregon. we'll check in with you in the hours ahead. appreciate that. all right. we're going to take a beat now and get some deeper perspective. joining me now is reverend ed mondane.
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i wanted to get -- i read your op-ed in "the washington post." you know, what we are seeing in places like seattle and portland, all started following the death of george floyd in minneapolis. of course, a global concentration on documented cases of police brutality against black men and women. now, in your op-ed, you wrote this. quote. as the demonstrations continue every night in portland, many people with their own agendas are co-opting and extracting attention from what should be our central concern, the black lives matter movement. now, you call these protests, as they are now, a spectacle. just explain what you mean. >> well, the protests here in portland are a welcome development from those of us who have spent our entire adulthoods in the fight for restorative racial justice. but those protests were sparked by a video of a death of a man, we all know his name.
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and we ask people to say his name. george floyd. at the hands of police. for the first few weeks, we were chanting his name at the rallies, and holding up the mantel of black lives matter. now, while myself and the naacp has denounced the involvement of federal law enforcement, here, in portland. it seems to be the feds who are being protested, not state violence against black people. and that has kind of turned this into the spectacle that we see. >> and your organization has criticized, quote, mostly white anarchists for inciting violence during the protests. i -- i have also read plenty of black leaders welcoming the white presence. that it's been helpful in spreading the message and that, you know, sort of any attention drawn to inequities is a step in the right direction. how do you bring the narrative back to what you see as the core issue? >> well, you know, we know the onus for racism and -- and the
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annihilation is on those that have the privilege and the power. the social justice movement cannot succeed, without white allies. we welcome white allies, as long as they -- the focus stays on the black lives movement. and as long as we stay on point with why -- why are we there in the first place. >> and do you believe that some of those taking part in these protests are, in many ways, playing into the president's hands in terms of his narrative on, you know, chaos in cities and so on? >> no. whatever else we might disagree on, criticism of the trump administration is not one of those things. i can't speak to what i don't know. but i do know this. we are in times of a revolution. and in revolution, just like has
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reminded us, we're at war. and all warfare is deceptive. so we know that the powers that be are in place to distract from the real issue of racial equality and justice. >> there's something i -- i didn't realize, until i was -- i was reading up on this. black people com prize -- i think it's only 6% of the population in portland. i'm wondering why one of america's whitest cities in -- in one of the whitest states is having the longest-running black lives matter protest. >> well, portland is -- always been unique. in our current era, we have a well-intentioned group of progressives who want to do what's right. and just need to be refocused, from time to time, on the black struggle in america. i think that portland is the perfect storm. we have the right percentage of
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african-americans and whites, proportionate to the -- proportionate to the african-american presence in the united states. and i think that, with the progressive nature of our people and with the kind of folk that we have living here, because i believe in them, i think that this is the perfect place for racism to rear its ugly head. and we do the damage of annihilating it, once and for all. and making a model for the rest of the world to see how we can get the job done. >> yeah. i mean, that -- that -- that is -- that's well put. i'm curious, too, what the levels of racial disparity are, around, you know, wealth, health, healthcare, schools, and so on? and why isn't portland more diverse? what's the reason for that? and i know that there are historical reasons. you go back into the early 1800s. black people weren't allowed into oregon. >> well, yeah. you know, this is the -- this is the only state in our union that
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was incepted in racism. we weren't allowed to become stakeholders. and, you know, as we know, nationally, we see, from 2000, homeownership, in terms of african-americans, are sinking lower and lower and lower. access is something that is necessary for thriving communities, all over the world. so the same disparities that are in new york are in portland, are in st. louis, are in chicago. all the same. a result of this exclusionary history that you talked about. that discouraged black people from moving to portland. and we are glad that the soul of many white portlanders are now open to that idea of inclusion from that long-ago hiccup. i would love to call it. or misguide. i would love to call it. just to be very giving of not
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being inclusive with african-americans. >> really appreciate the discussion. an important one to have. thank you, reverend ed mondaine. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> we are going to take a quick break. when we come back, hurricane hanna makes landfall. what it's done and where it's headed? that's coming up next. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself, are my bones strong? life is full of make or break moments. that's why it's so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen. or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred.
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speak to your doctor before stopping, skipping or delaying prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections, which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. are you ready? ask your doctor about prolia® fda approved for 10 years.
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landfall on saturday in texas. with sustained winds of 90 miles ap hour. want to show you the scene in port mansfield in texas. you can see there, trees were brought down. roofs torn from buildings. the governor issuing disaster declarations for 32 counties. joining us now with more from the cnn meteorological center is meteorologist derek van dam. hey, derek. >> michael, buckle up your seatbelt. if you are watching today, this is not the only system we are
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keep an eye on. but let's get to the imminent threat or the immediate threat, i should say is of course hurricane hanna. that made landfall about 5:00 p.m. local time. this is just incredible. even after it's moved away from its moisture source, the gulf of mexico, there is still a very defined eye, this characteristic tropical look and feel to it. and what has been concerning, of course, is the strong, gusty winds associated with this hurricane. but also, the excessive rainfall. over a foot of rain on the padre island where it made landfall. we have tropical storm warnings north, south all the way to border of mexico. flash flooding overnight. another six inches possible on top of what's already fallen. with landfalling hurricanes of this nature, we look for the potential of spin-up tornados and water spouts. of course, tornados that are over water. good news here. the storm system's expected to
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dissipate. kind of rain itself out, over the next 36 hours across northeastern sections of mexico. now, that's not the only system we are monitoring. another disturbance that's moved off the west coast of africa has a high probability of development over the next five days. we are going to look out for that impact in the caribbean over the next few -- few days. now, check this out. this is hurricane douglas. it's going to beeline towards the hawaiian islands. you can see the tropical storm warning in place but i want you to notice the island of oahu, under a hurricane warning so we do anticipate gusty winds there, in excess of hufr carricane for buckle up, michael. >> good to see you back in the studio, my friend. >> good to be back. >> yeah. derek van dam there. well, saying good-bye to a civil rights legend. memorial services for john lewis begin in his home state. some of the most touching moments of an emotional day, when we come back. g the worst...
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welcome back. it was a day of laughter. it was a day of tears. and there were plenty of stories about the man who became such a towering figure in the civil rights movement. now, martin savage has more on
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the emotional outpouring as loved ones gathered to celebrate the life and the legacy of john lewis. >> reporter: today was the first of what will be many days of good-byes for former civil rights icon and congressman, john lewis. it began in his hometown and it started with his own family. troy, alabama, is a rural community, not that far away from montgomery, alabama, the capital. and it's where john lewis grew up in a very segregated jim crow south. a lot has changed in his life since then and has changed in alabama. in that community, they gathered today, his family and those that knew him, to remembered the boy from troy. that's a nickname that reverend martin luther king gave to john lewis. it was a nickname that john lewis was proud of. this memorial was special, not just because it was the first and not because it would be his last time going home.
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it was special because it was personal. five of his family members, his brothers and his sister, all spoke, not about the icon that we know from history, not about the powerful congressman, but the boy named robert, what they called him, john lewis' middle name. and those personal stories only they could tell. here was his brother, grant lewis. >> when john was first sworn into congress, i think i got my year right, in 1986, i was there. and during the swearing-in ceremony, right before the swearing-in ceremony. he looked up, he knew where i was sitting. he looked up and he gave me the thumbs up. and i gave him the thumbs-up back. so, after that event was over, we were together. and i asked him, john, what were you thinking when you gave me the thumbs-up? he said, i was thinking, from the long way of the cotton
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fields of alabama. >> reporter: after the service, there was a public viewing. then, john lewis was transported to selma, alabama. this is not historic milestone in his life and the life of civil rights in america. inside the brown chapel, the same church where he and dr. king had worked together to organize the famous marches from selma, alabama, to montgomery, including the first, march 7th, 1965, that led to bloody sunday that almost led to the death of john lewis, after several protesters were beaten by the alabama state police, that descended on them. for john lewis, this is a trip going back over his life. and in every one of those places where he stops, people come to pay their respects and remember the man who changed, not only their lives, but a nation. martin salvidge, cnn, selma, alabama. regis philbin was a part of
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american television for decades, even holding the world record for the most hours on the small screen. philbin died friday night at age 88. cnn's richard roth looks back. >> reege? >> yes. >> your lips are chapped. >> that's right, frank. take the tight close-up. >> reporter: blessed with the gift of gab, regis philbin spent his career in the spotlight. he co-hosted tv's long-running "live with regis and kathie lee." and later, "live with regis and kelly." >> i won one daytime host, when i was between co-hosts, ironically enough. >> we're having a malfunction. >> a wardrobe malfunction. >> and it's fun. i'm enjoying it. >> reporter: his quick wit and ad-libs charmed audiences for decades, a talent he credited with his irish-italian upbringing.
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>> the nephews and nieces would converge on our home in the bronx. that gave me the talking ability i had. if you didn't talk with them, you weren't going to get a word in edgewise. >> reporter: philbin was born august 25th, 1931. despite his parents' large extended family, regis francis xavier philbin was an only child, until he was in college, when his parents had another son. he graduated from notre dame with a sociology degree and then served in the u.s. navy. >> that's wild to wear it like that. >> what's that mean, sam? any significance? >> no. it's like a thing, man. that's his thing. [ laughter ] >> i'm glad he finally got one. >> reporter: the bronx native eventually landed a spot as comedian joey bishop's sidekick on "the joey bishop show." the gig gave him access to the rat pack, hollywood royalty in the '60s.
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more co-hosting jobs and television roles came along. he shared the spotlight with his second wife, joy, who filled in on his "live" show. philbin wracked up huge camera time in morning and night. in 2011, he broke his own world report for the most on-camera hours on tv. >> a new guinness record, 16,746 1/2 hours. >> reporter: he proved he could charge nighttime audiences, hosting abc's quiz show "who wants to be a millionaire." >> let's play "millionaire" right now. >> reporter: philbin was a frequent guest on "the late show with david letterman," even filling in for him when the late-night host underwent quinn tipple bypass surgery. >> what do you think, einstein? >> excuse me. the guy calls this morning -- >> reege.
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>> please come. it will be co-host. it will be something new. please, please, regis. >> reporter: philbin often said it was his work, the exchanges with his numerous co-hosts and guests that gave him lasting satisfacti satisfaction. for a man with so many questions, he spent his life sharing the answers with us all. >> he was a good man. thanks for watching, everyone. i'm michael holmes. i'll have another hour of cnn newsroom right after the break.
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face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen. or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping, skipping or delaying prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections, which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. are you ready? ask your doctor about prolia® fda approved for 10 years. a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! the coronavirus continues its ruthless march across the globe. brazil and the u.s. leading the


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