tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 27, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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could live forever, on the strength of his moral power alone. he lived along enough in his remarkable life to see a lot. we'll have more on congressman lewis's life and legacy tonight. we begin, though, with the president, who still fails to lead on coronavirus, and fails to accept his responsibility for its spread. even as the virus reaches right into the oval office. national security adviser robert o'brien testing positive. said to be showing what are described as mild symptoms. no doubt, causing concern among all the senior foreign officials he met with, unmasked, not socially distanced on a recent trip to europe. or the secret service agents, reporters, and staffers accompanying him. the president barely mentioned o'brien today. he didn't mention today's news from espn that 13 players and coaches from miami's marlins have also tested positive for the virus. or that the minnesota vikings control officer has also tested positive. the president also had nothing
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to say about google, giving employees the option to work from home until june of next year. or herman kaine, who attended the rally in tulsa, has been hospitalized for three weeks. nor did the president even mention that we, as a country, are about to endure the 150,000th covid death. none of these real-world items crossed the president's lips. for all we know, they never crossed his mind. instead, on a trip to north carolina, he repeated the same familiar lines that he has inhabits from the very beginning. >> the united states has conducted over 52 million texst. that's more than all of europe, put together, times two. nobody's even close. through our relentless efforts, we've completely rebuilt our stockpile, which the previous administration depleted and did not refill. anything they need, we send them immediately. we are totally full. we have everything we need.
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we get it to the states immediately. we deal with the governors. the relationship with the governors has been very good. >> keeping him honest. we have been hearing and debunking variations on all what he said, for months now. states do not have everything they need. and they do not get it immediately. the stockpile, whether he is referring to ventilators or ppe, was never empty except for text kits, which did not exist because the virus did not exist yet. and if it had been empty, why did this president allow it to remain empty for three years of his administration? that said, the president still has not fully used the defense production act to make companies produce enough of anything. protesting, yes, we're now doing more because the disease is out of control in so many places in this country. which has driven demand through the roof. we have now seen people waiting in cars all day, day after day, just to get swabbed. we have reported on two-week waits to get results back from major commercial labs, which makes those tests meaningless. and we have reported on states
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now forced to limit testing, which the president said, back in march, anyone, anyone, could get. >> anybody that needs a test, can have a test. they're all set. they have them out there. in addition to that, they're making millions of more, as we speak. but as of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test -- that's the important thing. and the texsts are all perfect. like the letter was perfect. >> notice the health and human services secretary nodding away about that. that was march 6th, when only 14 people had died. wasn't true then. isn't true now. the president still bragging about testing and still not being honest. that's when he is not questioning the need for testing or telling a crowd of screaming, unmasked, non-socially distant supporters, he ordered testing slow down. nope, nothing about that today, either. nothing about something the president promised last tuesday, likely assuming we would all forget about it by now.
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>> we are in the process of developing a strategy that's going to be very, very powerful. >> very, very powerful, he said. perhaps, like a superhero, its power is invisibility because there's been no sign of it today. six days and 5,000 american lives since he promised it. no national strategy. the federal government is sending supplies and personnel to some of the worst-hit areas now. but still, no strategy from this white house. not a new one, as promised. and there definitely isn't an old one and deaths are climbing. especially, a self-proclaimed wartime one. instead, here is how he spent this weekend and so many others over the weeks and months that so many americans have been dying. first, by the dozens. and then, by the hundreds and thousands, every single day. he did, however, back -- back out of throwing out the first pitch at a yankee game next month because of his, quote, strong focus on the pandemic. just moments ago, "the new york times" reported he had not even
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been invited to throw out the pitch, in the first place. more now on all this from cnn's kaitlan collins at the white house. so, kaitlan, with the national security adviser testing positive for the virus, what is the white house saying about when the president and o'brien last saw each other? >> they haven't answered our questions about that. neither, the white house, nor the national security council's office, and so, all we know is that the president said today he has not seen robert o'brien lately. he said, though, that raises some questions because it wasn't that long ago that the press secretary told us they sometimes see each other twice a day and o'brien is on half a dozen calls with the president. so it's unclear. what we do know, anderson, o'brien was last seen here last thursday. we are told he abruptly left after receiving a phone call. it's not clear if that phone call was about his diagnosis. but larry kudlow, another top aide today, said he believed it's because o'brien's daughter had tested positive for coronavirus. so they were trying to do some kind of contact tracing that way. but another shocking thing we
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learned today as we were reporting this out is that o'brien never told his own staff, formally, that he had tested positive for coronavirus. several of the top nsc staffers said they found out in the media that their boss tested positive for covid-19. and some people in the west wing were even surprised to learn about the diagnosis, which is notable given that he mostly works out of his office, which is in the west wing, not too far from the chief of staff's office and of course not too far from the oval office. >> is the president still essentially in this biological bunker, where everybody who comes to him has to be tested? i mean, is that still happening? or people around him still wearing masks? >> people in the west wing are not wearing masks. i had a meeting back there a few weeks ago. i went back there. i was the only one wearing a mask. so you don't often see staffers there wearing a mask. you have started to see a few more doing it today. larry kudlow is one person, who when he speaks with reporters after he did a tv hit, he doesn't normally wear a mask. and today, he was wearing one,
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improperly. but he was wearing a mask, which he said was because we were wearing them. and even saw some staffers getting on the plane with the president today wearing one. it points out their defense for all of this for so long is they don't need to wear a mask because they get tested every day. well, robert o'brien tests positive every day. so it does raise the question about that. and robert o'brien is someone who is around a lot of people in the west wing. senior aides. and so, it does raise concerns for them about their exposure. but it really remains to be seen if it changes any of the practices going forward in the west wing. >> kaitlan collins. kaitlan, thanks. let's get some political and medical perspective right now from "new york times" white house correspondent and cnn political analyst, maggie haberman. also, former professor william haseltine. author of "a family guide to covid, questions and answers for parents, grandparents, and children." maggie, there's certainly been a shift in how the president's
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approaching the pandemic. or at least, there has been, lately. today, instead of talking about the almost 150,000 dead in this country or outlining a strategy to fight, he boasts about the number of textsts as usual. is the president's plan, going forward, just continue, everything's going great while so many people continue to die? i mean, is there actually going to be some sort of a new plan? >> look, anderson, i think you've hit on what the issue is, which is that the white house, in many respects, is treating this, at least in terms of how the president approaches it, as a messaging challenge. not as a -- as a public health challenge. and something they need to have him address the specifics of. they are treating him almost lie a -- like a spokesman. like, he goes out and he talks about the positive news to try to sell a more positive case. part of that is a reflection of the fact that the president's advisers, political and within the white house, recognize that if he does not start turning around the perception of him on the coronavirus with voters, then he is very likely to lose the election. so that is -- that is a shift.
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but, a, how long he can sustain it and, b, how honest he is actually being with people i think are the two open questions. >> right. and clearly, that's why, you know, he has started briefing people about the coronavirus again. the scientists are not -- are not briefing. he's, you know, the face of this. which, given the fact that he's not going to briefings, is just kind of stunning to me. the scientists are still silenced on this. maggie, "the washington post" reported the reason the president's been unable to rise to the challenge of dealing with this is because of a, quote, almost pathological unwillingness to admit error, positive feedback loop of overly rosy assessments and data from fox news. and a pension for magical thinking to prevent him from fully engaging with the pandemic. none of that stuff is new. but it is remarkable and you've reported on numerous times, all those kind of individual things. it's remarkable, though, that nothing has changed in this
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pandemic. you would think, if anything could lodge the president from those patterns, it would be this. >> well, i think, anderson, i think it's missing -- and i think that was a really well-done story by ashley parker and phil rucker. one paragraph that's missing which is the president's inability to see anything whether it impacts him or not. so, when it started impacting him in his mind, was when his supporters started seeing covid cases spreading in red states. before that, the white house had been basically limiting this to a blue state problem. and i think the president does have more agency than -- than some of that might suggest. i think the president likes to try to see if he can convince people of his version of reality. it's not just that he honestly believes he can. i think he wants to see if he can do it, in most of these cases. but i do think they're absolutely right. all of these factors, together, is why he has been uniquely unable to meet this moment. >> professor haseltine, when it comes to testing. you know, the president's
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continuing to brag about the number of tests the u.s. has done. if it takes two weeks to get a test or even a week to get a test, doesn't that basically render those texsts meaningless? >> well, there is a lot of issues with testing. first of all, in the united states today, only the worried are tested. we know that we're missing about 90%. ten times as many people are actually as infected as they're being tested. the reason we know that is we have done serological tests and the numbers are ten times more than recorded. so let's just do a little math here. 60,000 people a day are reported to be infected. that means 600,000 a day are actually infected. if you are infectious for five to ten days, that means, every day, 3 to 6 million people are walking around, possibly, infecting you in this country. that is an epidemic, out of control. i am not surprised that the president's security adviser was infected.
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if there are 3 to 6 million people walking around, breathing out this virus, every day. we've got to get this under the control. now, testing is one part of it. but testing has to have action. has to be actionable. and you pointed out that, if you get a test result, and you have to wait five, ten, or even two or three days, it's not really actionable. you can't take the action you need, which is isolate that infected person. and then, we don't have the mechanisms to isolate those infected people, even if we do find them. and we, certainly, don't have an effective way to contact trace those people who have been infected. so testing, as faulty as it is, even if it were perfect, would be a problem. being as imperfect as it is, it just magnifies the problem. and no matter how many tests you say you're doing, you look at the number of people being infected today, and it's
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obviously not worked. >> maggie, do you know, in the white house, i mean, anybody who comes into contact with the president. are they tested every time -- every day -- before they come in contact with the president? >> people who are going to be in close contact with the president are tested before they are around him. which, i assume, but again we don't know, is how they found robert o'brien tested positive. obviously, nobody wants anybody to be sick. but i will say the white house made it a real concerted effort to keep that quiet. we had been chasing it this weekend as well as other reporters and they didn't go public with it until today. contrast that with how they treated the vice president's spokeswoman being tested positive -- testing positive. and they released that pretty quickly. this is important to actually let people know what is going on. to allow people to have confidence in their government. that is not going to add to it. when you have people getting sick and the white house is trying to do damage control.
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>> professor haseltine, just in terms of testing, we talked to bill gates on the town hall last week. who he talked about -- he was a little bit more optimistic about better therapeutics by the end of the year. better diagnostics, better testing. and then, ultimately, in the new year, waves of -- of vaccines and in various stages. i'm wondering if you share that slight optimism. i think he was saying he was more optimistic, compared to what he was a month ago. do you see improvements in testing actually possible by then? >> yes. in fact, let me, first, make a comment about the white house. remember, this virus isn't just droplets. it's aerosols. and there's aerosols in that white house. you and i have been in the white house, and it's not very big. it's actually a small house, with small spaces. and that's exactly what you don't want somebody breathing out, this virus, in that space. so that's something to think
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about. now, with respect to optimism. i just wrote a story today about a new test that's been approved in india. it's a test for the virus. it takes about 30 minutes to do. it's very cheap. perhaps, less than 5 cents to produce. and it's about 50% accurate, in 30 minutes. they don't assume if you're negative, you're negative. they then do a pcr test on everybody else. but it takes half of the population and identifies them, right away, while they are present. and then, can put those people under control. we have a test that's got emergency-use authorization like that, in the u.s., which i wish we would use the same way the indians, as a prescreen. at least, find the people you can find with that test and then look for the others. so that is something we could do, tomorrow, if we wanted. we have the approval for those text tests. we've got the tests. we can find half the people
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right away. i don't know where we're not doing it. >> professor haseltine, appreciate it. more on that to come, no doubt. >> coming up next, florida's governor under fire as coronavirus burns through the state. he was so keen to reopen. the latest. plus, the mayor of miami beach. >> also, congressman john lewis and the battles he fought to make this a more perfect union. this year, the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's is everywhere. on every sidewalk, track, and trail across this country. all of us are raising funds for one goal: a world without alzheimer's and all other dementia. because this disease isn't waiting, neither are you. take the first step on your walk right now.
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we're talking tonight about the president's rosy outlook on a pandemic, which has affected one of his closest advisers and as of tonight, it's taken nearly 148,000 lives in this country. though, his top medical experts blame many of those deaths on states reopening too soon. the president's urging, we might add, he was right back at it today. >> i really do believe a lot of the governors should be opening up states that they're not opening. and we'll see what happens with them. but a lot will have to do with the fact that, therapeutically, i think you're going to have some great answers.
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>> no governor's been more enthusiastic about reopening than florida's governor ron desantis. first, randy kay joins us with more on what florida's going through and the governor's been up to. what is the latest in florida, randy? >> anderson, another 77 deaths. we are now just under 6,000 deaths here in the state. and since reopening on may 4th, the seven-day average for daily new cases has jumped 1,500%, anderson. still, about 9,000 people hospitalized here in the state. we have less than 19% of our icu beds left, statewide. and dozens of hospitals say they are without any icu beds. in miami-dade, the hardest-hit county, their icu bed capacity is at 144%. so they are actually now converting regular hospital rooms to icu beds. meanwhile, though, anderson, schools still set to reopen next month. the governor has been on board with that.
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the florida department of health, though, now reporting that, in the last eight days, we have seen a 34% increase in children who have tested positive. and a 23% increase in children who have been hospitalized. overall, anderson, more than 31,000 children, testing positive in this state. and as you know, five minors have died. >> and florida, obviously, was supposed to host a home opener tonight. i understand now the miami marlins game was called off. how many players, now, are infected? >> well, espn is reporting that 13 players and coaches have tested positive for the virus. that is, the miami marlins' players. their home opener was supposed to be tonight. it was cancelled. and they also cancelled their other game for tomorrow night. meanwhile, the new york yankees and philadelphia phillys game was also cancelled because the marlins played in philadelphia so they had to cancel that as well. but i don't know if you recall. the governor, wat one point, sad he thought that all of major league baseball could play their
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games here in florida. he thought we could see some fans in june or jauly. so he's always had this rosy outlook on the state. he said that hospitalizations are stabilizing, and we have a low mortality rate. but he, also, talks a lot about testing at the long-term care facilities that they test every two weeks, at 4,000 facilities. meanwhile, we are just confirming nearly 100 cases at a facility outside orlando. half the presidents, practically, have tested positive there. 66 residents have tested positive and 30 staff members. so certainly, doesn't sound like things are fully under control there. and of course, the testing here, getting the results still takes weeks. and those those contact trarsers, anderson, still very hard to find. >> yeah. randy, appreciate it. thank you. now, the mayor of miami beach, dan gelber. who recently wrote to the governor criticizing his administration for the surge in cases in his area. quote, a large part of the blame, he writes, falls on an
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unprepared and understaffed operation. thanks for be with us. i'm sorry it's under these circumstances. governor desantis said to reporters back in may. about how florida was going to be just like new york. florida, now, sadly, has overtaken new york in the number of cases, nearly, surpassing california. do you point to the governor's decisions on this? >> well, i think, certainly, when it comes to the contact tracing, i do. because in dade county, miami-dade county in florida, the department of health who works for the governor does all the local health. there is -- there are no health departments in the county or city. they are all reporting to the governor. and the cdc said you don't open up unless you have very good contact tracing. it was a core state responsibility and it was the first thing they mentioned as the state responsibility. we have found, we have learned and we had to coax it out of the local department of health folks. that the level of connection they were making with people who
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tested positive was obscenely low. as low as 7%, sometimes. and if you think about what a contact tracer does, and they're not giving that information to somebody who has tested positive. then, you can understand why there would be this spread of disease, unconstrained in our community. >> let me just understand. in some cases, contact tracers in miami-dade county were only able to reach 7% of the contacts of people who were infected? >> yeah. you know, i sit on a call in the mornings with the mayor from miami, and we're sort of like a study group. and we ask the department of health employees what's going on. and we had been getting these high percentages. and then, we really started to test it and question. and then, about two weeks ago, we learned that 17%, on a particularly big day, where all the number of people that had been connected with. and then, we said that's terrible. that means 83% never got a call from the department of health telling them to quarantine. telling them to go to their --
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who else might have been contacted. to finding their close contacts. in new york, anderson, they literally call you up. they offer you a hotel room. they get you your groceries. and then, they call you every day to make sure you're quarantining. here, we weren't calling or even reaching over 80% of the people. and then, we just got the number on friday for the last two weeks. the average was 18% of connections of people who had tested positive. so you got to call your positive and that's the last thing you heard from the state of florida. >> that's -- i mean, that's -- that's not contact tracing. i mean, that's -- that's completely -- i won't say useless. but i mean, that's -- that's awful. is it a manpower issue? >> well, it was a couple things. number one. i mean, the cdc lays it out. and there are standards. industry standards. you're supposed to have 30 for every 100,000 people. we should have had 800, here, in dade county when we started. remember, we sheltered in place.
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which means people lost their jobs. they went on -- they were -- you know, they really -- it was terrible. they lost their businesses. we got out, with very little virus in our community. and then, it just started to go up so rapidly. and now, we think we know why, which is nobody was doing what they were supposed to do. which is sort of amazing, given the fact that there's so many unemployed in florida right now, you would think you could find 800 people to do this job, which just takes a few days of training. >> when -- you know, do you see your area returning to a stay-at-home order? i mean, would that become necessary, do you think? >> you know, goodness. you know, so many people don't want to do that, for the obvious, economic repercussions. but we see the virus slowing down, in terms of its trajectory upward. but right now, it's hovering at a level that's multiples of where it was when we last sheltered in place. so right now, i mean, i think of
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it this way. every day, 150 to 200 people are hospitalized in our county. 20, 30, of them will die. half of them will be in icu for two weeks. we are sort of beginning to normalize something that should never be normalized. and i don't know whatever we're going to do to lower the virus. if we don't have contact tracing to, at least, stop it and cabin it and control its surging, we're just going -- it's going to become the sort of groundhog day for us. where we're just going to do whatever we can to destroy the economy, lower the virus, and then, end up coming right back. this is really malpractice, from the state. >> malpractice. wow. i mean, there was concern in -- in last week in california on who is making decisions amongst officials. whether it's state or county or local public health officials. i know you said it's the governor's folks who are responsible for the contact tracing. i mean, in miami beach, do you have the power to make decisions that could affect the health of your citizens? or does that, pretty much, fall to the state?
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>> well, in florida, what we've been doing is, local cities or counties have been making decisions. we were the first city to shelter in place in florida. the first city to require masks. along with the city of miami around the same time. so we've really been trying to be ahead of it. and we were the last city to reopen. we didn't feel comfortable, given the amount of gathering that happens in a city like ours. we're a hospitality city, and you can understand why. but we don't have any health officials here. so i don't -- i don't mind making these decisions. i think they're important decisions. but i wish we had a health department that reported to us. and i don't know that the -- the state department of health and certainly the cdc is providing absolutely no direction that are of great help right now. >> wow. mayor dan gelber, i appreciate your time, thanks so much. just ahead, a milestone day in the hunt for coronavirus vaccine. the details about the first mask trial of a vaccine praised by
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just a short time ago, dr. anthony fauci spoke about the first mass trial of a coronavirus vaccine, which began today. he said he is cautiously optimistic that we'll have a vaccine that works. that was his words. the vaccine was developed by moderna and dr. fauci's agency, the national institutes of health. about 30,000 will also participate in the phase three trial, either by receiving the vaccine or a placebo. not just among health officials
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is there a lot of excitement but for those participating in the trials as well. our senior medical correspondently elizabeth cohen spoke with a person who received the vaccine. >> we have that breaking news we are following tonight. >> dawn baker usually delivers the news. but monday morning, this television anchor in savannah, georgia, made news, made history, as the first person in the united states to participate in a phase-three clinical trial for a vaccine against covid-19. >> big day. >> certainly, is. it's really exciting to me that i can be a part of saving lives, eventually. i mean, instead of just being scared and praying. >> after dawn's injection, study leader dr. bradley called moderna the company that makes the vaccine. >> dawn, i have amazing news. we've dosed the first patient. >> the national institutes of health is collaborating on the trial. dr. anthony fauci marked the day on a call with the media. >> i can tell you, absolutely, the first one was at 6:45 this
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morning in savannah, georgia. indeed, we are participating today, in the launching of a truly historic event in the history of vaccinology. >> there are nearly 90 study sites across the country for this vaccine. and phase three trials are underway for four other vaccines. three of those in china and one in the united kingdom. scientists hope that results of moderna's trial will be clear in a few months, and a vaccine on the market by the end of this year or the beginning of next. but that's if the vaccine is proven safe and effective, which is not a given. let me explain how the moderna vaccine trial works. this is the vaccine, and about 15,000 people, nationwide, will get injected with this during the clinical trial. now, this looks similar to the vaccine, but actually, it's a placebo. it doesn't do anything. it's just saline. and another 15,000 people will be injected with this. and then, afterwards, doctors will compare who gets sick with covid-19 and who doesn't.
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>> doctors are recruiting study subjects who live in communities where they are most likely to get covid so they can see if the vaccine truly works. >> we want people who are going to be exposed, out there in the community, living their lives. whether they're, say, a healthcare worker where, unfortunately, we get exposed frequently. maybe, they work in a grocery store. but we want people that are, unfortunately, at risk. >> that's why doctors are rad recruiting heavily among the african-american and latino communities where covid rates are especially high. but it's a challenge because, historically, those communities have been abused in medical research. >> suspicious. so maybe, you know, since i was at least bold enough to come forward right now, that might change that. >> coming forward to play a part in ending a pandemic that has brought the world to its knees. >> you are the first person in the united states, to get a shot in a phase three covid trial.
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what does that feel like? >> it is very exciting. i'm very anxious about it. i just hope that they're really, really, really good results. i know a lot of people are doing a lot of different vaccine trials and things are going on. but i -- i feel so proud. >> elizabeth cohen joins us now. elizabeth, phase three, obviously, it's a big step. how much confidence is there that this will work? >> as dr. fauci said, he and others are cautiously optimistic. that's because, anderson, they've already tried this vaccine out, in dozens of people in earlier trials. and what they found was they got a good immune response. they looked at the patient's blood. it looked good. they were good antibodies that, theoretically, and i stress the word theoretically, should fight off covid-19. but now, this is the real world. they are going to vaccinate these people. put them out into the world. and see if it works. this, anderson, is the real test. >> elizabeth cohen, thanks very
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much. just ahead, a friend and colleague of civil rights icon and congressman john lewis joins us. james clyburn on the legacy of lewis and president trump's refusal to visit to pay respects to him at the capitol today. thinking about your financial plan... are we. prudential helps 25 million people with their financial needs. with over 90 years' of investment experience, our thousands of financial professionals can help. go to or talk to an advisor.
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capitol at this moment. however, president trump told reporters today, he would not be paying his respects there. the casket will lie there today, and tomorrow as well. vice president pence and his wife karen, just a short time ago, visited. earlier, democratic presidential candidate joe biden did as well. they made time to pay respects to a man who gave his body and blood to the civil rights movement. attacked as a freedom rider in the early '60s. his skull broken by police officers in 1965 trying to cross the edmund pettus bridge. his courage, his willingness, to face violence and not strike back was extraordinary. he told marchers he helped organize in washington in 1963 that change cannot wait. >> don't let there be patience and wait. we cannot be patient. we do not want our freedom gradually. but we want to be free, now.
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[ cheers and applause ] we are tired. we are tired of being beaten by policemen. we're tired of seeing our people locked up in jail, over and over again. how long can we be patient? we want our freedom, and we want it now. >> earlier, i spoke with friend and colleague of john lewis, majority whip james clyburn, who delivered the benediction at the rotunda today about the congressman's legacy. congressman clyburn, first of all, i am so sorry for the loss of your friend and longtime colleague. i met, i think, back in 1960. colleagues for decades, obviously, on capitol hill. as you were honoring congressman lewis at the rotunda, i'm wondering what was going through your mind and through your heart. >> well, you know, i'm going d
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remember much about what was going on there today. i spent a lot of time the last several days, reflecting on my relationship with john lewis. and the goals we set out for ourselves, back in 1960 when we were 20-something-year-olds getting sncc organized. and of course, the last conversation we had. in-person conversation was on the floor of the house, when we started comparing what was going on with black lives matter today, comparing that with what went on with us back in 1960 with sncc. and we had -- we were both kind of anxious about it. we didn't want to see this very successful effort that's taking place today with black lives matter get derailed, the way our efforts got derailed back in 1960. we were doing great things.
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desegregated schools. we were doing stuff. then, all of a sudden, we woke up one morning and there was this big headline. burn, baby, burn. and it destroyed our movement. john spoke out against defund the police. and so did i. because we felt that kind of slog slogancou slogan could for black lives matter what it did for us in 1960. >> yeah. he would go places where he knew the likelihood of violence was great, and violence where he would get hurt. and yet, he went anyway. and he, in the face of being beaten, he didn't strike back. which is something, i think, it's just hard to -- hard to imagine being able to do that, time and time again. >> well, you can if it becomes you.
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with most of us, it was just a tactic. but john. it was his way of life. he bought into it. he believed in living by the scripture. i tell everybody, one of my favorite verses of the bible is michael 6:8. and i said, you know, doing justice in love and mercy and walk it humbly. it must be john's as well because if there is anybody that ever lived out michael 6:8, it was john lewis. he believed it doing justly. he was very mercifully. and he was as humble as anybody i have ever met. >> president trump said, today, he won't be paying his respects to congressman lewis, as he lies in state at the capitol. we don't know if the lewis family asked him not to come. i know the vice president and his wife are -- are scheduled to go. i'm wondering what that says to you, if anything? >> well, you know, if i can
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learn anything new about this president. you know, you don't have to come here to pay respects. he could -- he tweets about everything else. tweet about the life and legacy of john lewis. but words, you know, if i might rely on scripture again. you know, john was a minister and i'm the son of one. and scripture means a lot to me. so it's not the words that matter. it's your deeds. so i don't pay a whole lot of attention to what anybody really says. let me see what you are doing. and this president has demonstrated, time and time again, that he has very low regards for people of color. it's just that simple. if you don't rent your apartment to a person of color. if you go out and try to organize judicial activities against innocent people of color. if you look in the camera, and
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refer to african-american woman as a dog. this man has a very low regard for people of color. and so, i'm not so sure that anybody is surprised that he would not have enough regard for john lewis to, at at least tweet out respect if he don't show up. >> congressman clyburn, i appreciate your time, sorry for the loss of your friend and this extraordinary role model for so many. thank you. >> thank you. up next, more breaking news, major announcement about the fate of the nfl preseason, we'll have details on that ahead. and though you may have lost sight of your own well-being, aetna never did. we're always here to help you focus on your health. because it's always, time for care.
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in national football league there's more. cnn sports obtained details of a letter from roger goodell announcing the cancellation of all preseason games. commissioner writing quote, the nfl in 2020 will not look like other years. he called the adjustments necessary to reduce risks for everyone involved. let's check in with chris for what he's working on for "cuomo prime time.." >> i don't know why we have to keep learning the same lesson. the virus spares nobody in any context. you're going to see people getting sick, wherever they gather, even if they take precautions. and this is troubling for us with sports. so many of us are so relieved for that little taste of normal. but what does it mean for schools. what does it mean for people to go back to places of work for fall. if they do? that's what we have to start thinking about, and hopefully it raises an urgency about it. that's what we're going to do tonight. we're going to look at what happened in austin.
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this is a bizarre set of circumstances at this blm protest. you have a protester walking with an ak-47. known to do that, actually. what happened? why was he shot and killed? was it reasonable? even understand your ground. and why are the people who are responsible for shooting at him not in jail? what is that about? this is a rorschach test for where we are in the movement, we'll take it on tonight. >> i'll see you a couple minutes from now. up next, more breaking news, cnn just obtained william barr's opening remarks for his congressional testimony tomorrow, what he says about the russia investigation. his relationship with the president when we come back. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you.
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more breaking news to report, a preview of what appears to be a combative opening statement from attorney general william barr. he calls allegations about president trump's ties to russia bogus, while defending himself and his independence from the president. he calls the nightly protests in portland, oregon an assault on the government of the united states. he lashes out at the media and city government for blaming the federal government's reaction. last week, portland's mayor was on "360" who said quote, the response significantly escalated in what was already an intense situation. we'll see more of his testimony tomorrow, you can watch all of it starting at 10:00 a.m. right here on cnn. tonight you get chris cuomo and
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