tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 29, 2020 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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♪ hello, everybody. i'm john king in washington. thank you for sharing this very busy news day with us. a serious warning today from america's medical leaders. multiple hundreds of thousands will die in this country, they say, if the united states continues its coronavirus fight without a national plan. that warning as the president returns to peddling his alternative facts.
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the president says most of the country is virus-free. that is false. and he says hydroxychloroquine saves life, also not true. he is convinced in part because of the words of a doctor who believes in quack science and pretty bizarre conspiracies. >> i happen to be a believer in hydroxy. i used it. i have no problem. i happen to be a believer. many, many people agree with me. >> the president heads to west texas for a big fund-raiser in a county where the positivity rate approaches nearly 20%. he does so as texas will likely pass new york in terms of total coronavirus infections. the state, like much of the country, though is faring somewhat better, to those numbers in a minute. a decline of average new cases when measured from last week. there is improvement and we are still very much in the depths of this pandemic's new month.
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in july alone, 1,660,000 cases added to the case count. the united states a near lock to pass 150,000 coronavirus deaths today. the virus killed 1,244 people on tuesday and that's the most since the end of may. in july 21,000 americans lost their lives to coronavirus. those numbers should give everyone pause, yet perfect is how the president most often describes his pandemic response. his cdc director, listen today, more candid. >> yes. yes, we fail. we're in it doing the best we can and we're trying to do the best judgments we can. >> let's take a look at some of the numbers as we go state by state. if you look at the national state map it is improving especially if you take a look a week, ten days ago and meaning more cases this week than last week. 38 states last week at some point. to say 22 states are heading up is an improvement and those are the states in red and orange and
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if you notice notably, 18 states holding steady and that's the beige color. ten states going down and that's the green. florida holding steady, and arizona going down and california holding steady and those four states have been driving the numbers during the summer surge and they are in a better position without a doubt as we move into the middle of the week than they were last week. if you look at the states reporting the most cases. new york was the leader for all time and texas closing in most likely to pass new york in terms of the overall count and the confirmed infection count today, new jersey, a distant fifth down there. you see these states driving the national totals and in the case of california, florida and texas driving the summer surge. this is the sad part. we know this to be true. cases go up and there's a leg of a few weeks and hospitalizations go up and deaths go up. if you look at the state count case trend this map is improving. we know that this one is sadly a lagging indicator and so many states.
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29 states orange or red meaning reporting more deaths this week than last week in the case of texas and missouri, and the deep red, 50% more dead. this map still sad to look at. one of the things you look at here, you see florida, texas, you see california and tennessee and all of them in red and orange meaning the death count going up and they say every death is a sad death. one of the things they say they are proving they believe with their reopenings is that yes, you have more cases and more hospitalizations and if you look at the death per 100,000 residents and you have tennessee, georgia, florida and texas down here so part of their argument is that their care is better and they're able to take care of these patients better and their numbers are nowhere near as we saw in new york and that part of the debate as it plays out continuing and let's go straight to florida for the second day in a row it reported its deadliest day. cnn's rosa flores.
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rosa? >> well, john, here we are again. the florida department of health just releasing their numbers and yet again, florida shattering its death toll record reporting 216 deaths within a 24-hour period. they're also recording more than 9,000 new cases in the state of florida, this as the covid-19 pandemic continues to test the hospital system. we are learning this morning that 54 icus across the state are at capacity meaning they have zero icu beds available and ten of them right here in miami-dade county where i am. i am here at jackson health. they report that 20% of the covid-19 patients require icu care. they say they are converting beds into icu beds to provide that care, but they also need more medical professionals. jackson health telling cnn that they have received about 350 medical professionals that were
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deployed by the state so that they can meet demand here in miami-dade county and all new this morning we are learning that the covid-19 patients from miami-dade are spilling over into broward county, our neighbors to the north. this is according to the ceo of memorial health care system who reports to us that 37% of their covid-19 patients at their facilities on the southern part of their county are deriving from miami-dade. john? >> cnn's rosa flores once again with an important perspective live from miami. let's get a perspective from the doctor on the front lines in california and the state has the most confirmed infections that reported a single-day high and dr. morrison is an emergency room physician in southern california. thank you for being back with us today. california has a record in terms of death. you just heard rosa talk about florida, a record in terms of death and those are horrific and sad numbers to talk about. do they tell us anything about the path of the virus?
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>> you know, that is the million dollar question, isn't it, that we all want to know. we are hoping and holding our breath every week that this is hopefully the peak and we'll start to see a downtrend. what i am reassured by is that our sort of medical team feels much more comfortable these days certainly treating it because of the volume. whether that's just due to recurring exposure for us, we are far more comfortable with it now than we were, say back in march. >> in terms of treatment and i want you to listen to the president this morning. yesterday back in the briefing room and again outside the white house today he was talking to hydroxychloroquine again saying he's a believer and he posted a viral video who says things i'm not going to repeat on television and she's not a medical expert there and let's hear the president talking about therapeutic stuff. >> i'm a therapeutic person, too, to be honest. i love the idea of therapeutics where you go in, you give someone a transfusion or a shot
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and they get better. i am a big therapeutic person, but we're doing very well on vaccines and therapeutics. >> in terms of therapeutics. you yourself talk about steroids, vitamin c and zinc, remdesivir, limiting iv fluids. talk through when we have learned over the past six months. so yes, the case count is high and we are numbed by it, but a patient today has a much better chance than a patient five or six months ago? >> i think so. we are learning so much more about this virus and as we've learned more our practices in therapeutics have evolved in transition. to be clear, a therapeutic is a treatment, a therapy or a drug to treat a disease process and one really important distinction for most people is that bacterial infects like pneumonia or urinary tract infection is a pill or sometimes a dual treatment of antibiotics and viruses are trickier so we don't
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have yet an antiviral medications and remdesivir is one we are chlinically trialing and it is not available everywhere. what do we do with therapeutics? it's supporting. dexamethasone, one dose lasts 72 hours and because we are learning this is an inflammatory process and giving an anti-inflammatory make sense. oftentimes in the icu vitamin c and zinc are given. those are antioxidants and data are decent and not admittedly robust and given the minimal side effects we always have to weigh the risk or side effect when looking at any therapeutic. remdesivir is very expensive and still limited to clinical trials mostly. it is better to be used on patients earlier on in their course and not past the point of no return and ultimately because the virus can cause what's called ards which is an inflammatory process within the
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lung, we are learning that we need to keep patients more on the dry side whereas you came in with pneumonia, we are often having to rehydrate patients with iv fluids. so keeping them dry and offering them antivirals if you have them in your institutions and not all do yet and supporting with steroids and vitamin c, and the reason why icu beds are so needed it's because patients need to be monitored with supplemental oxygen and the advancement that we've made since march is the threshold to intubate patients is much higher now. there are less invasive options we can use to help supplement patient oxygenation. >> i can't find the adjectives in the middle of this pandemic and it is encouraging to hear that there are treatments that help and are at least in a better position. one way to not have these conversations, to drive these numbers down. in l.a. county the positivity rate is 8.4%. statewide in california, it is
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7.5%. what needs to be done to drive those numbers down into the ones, twos and theres so that you have a better handle on this. >> well, the same sning we've been saying, social distancing in large crowds with other people. >> dr. morrison, as always, appreciate your insight. yesterday the people were talking about another conversation. it's come out. it's different. before, but a better oner with scam protection built into its core. introducing, scamshield, free from t-mobile. get fewer scam calls. period. with t-mobile's supercharged network, you can say goodbye to annoying scam calls, and feel free to answer your phone again. hello
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president's own fda say there's no evidence the drug helps fight coronavirus. here's another example from yesterday. >> we're seeing improvements across major metro areas and most hot spots. you can look at large portions of our country. it's corona-free, but we are watching very carefully, california, arizona, texas and most of florida is starting to head down in the right direction, and i think you will see it rapidly head down very soon. >> joining me now, the washington post, and molly ball. everyone was saying that the president was trying. he was saying it will get worse before it gets better. now he says most of the country or much of the country is corona-free which is just simply not true. >> yeah. we've in months of the president sort of touting things that just aren't true and having a cheerleader role where he is
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saying things that are much more optimistic than what is actually on the ground and the president had once said there were only 15 people and he said there were only going to be 50,000 deaths and he upped that to 100,000 and we are already at 150,000 deaths and he seems to be in denial that this idea that this virus is continuing to spread and something needs to happen at the federal level in order to stop the spread. it's not something that's going to disappear magically as he once said. so he does still seem to be in denial about the reality of what the country is facing with this virus and this pandemic and the happy talk and the positive spin despite the fact that it's not true, even if it was true, it's not going help solve what is a very real problem in a large portion of the country. >> and molly, many of us had this conversation last week about fool me once, fool me twice. you know the old adage, even if the president was in this quote, unquote, newly disciplined environment that it won't last very long.
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the thing that will get interesting to me is his own self-interest. he understands the polls. the polls show texas is a toss-up state right now. you would think that simply for his own survival he would try to be more careful and yet he is not. >> yeah. it is befuddling that a president who seems to make so many decisions on a political basis is not benefiting politically from the decisions he's making in this regard, but it was clear long before covid that trump was a person who believed in what he wanted to believe, who believed in the version of reality that he most preferred to live in, whether or not it actually matched what was actually happening and that, of course, has had consequences especially to his own credibility, right? what we're seeing is a lot of voters are tuning him out at this point. you see in polls that 30% or less of americans actually believe the things he says or see him as a reliable source of information versus very high ratings for figures like dr. fauci and for governors across
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the country. no matter what he says, obviously, there is a danger that confuses people and that's real and potentially deadly, but at this point, the bigger danger at least where trump is concerned seems to be that people just aren't listening to him at all. >> there's a good slice of the electorate and they believe little or nothing when he talks about the coronavirus, but one of the issues is the flip side of that and a third of americans do listen to the president including when he and his friend, his allies say things like this about hydroxychloroquine. >> many doctors think it is extremely successful. the hydroxychloroquine, it's safe. it doesn't cause problems. i had no problem. based on a lot of reading and a lot of knowledge about it, i think it could have a very positive impact in the early stages and i don't think you lose anything by doing it. >> there have been several detailed studies that say there
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are some risks to patients, heart risks, liver risks. more importantly the president could be spending his time talking about masks and talking about other things as opposed to talking about this including the other night, he re-tweeted and it was taken down by social media platforms and a doctor whose other theories include that there are other doctors using alien dna right now as part of their treatments. >> yeah, and this doctor that the president said was a spectacular person essentially told americans not to wear masks. last week the president was saying the most important thing that we could all be doing is wearing masks and i urge all americans to wear a mask. he was seen pictured wearing a mask and his adviser said this was a major shift and he's re-tweeting this doctor saying you don't need to wear a mask. just take hydroxychloroquine and all of this will go away and it's his own food and drug administration and not the former administration that his own head of the fda that he chose who has removed the emergency use authorization for
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hydroxychloroquine and this is not a holdover from previous administrations and this is a drug who has not proven to be effective and it could be dangerous and for that reason, he has removed this emergency authorization and the president needs to walk over to the fda and talk to his own hand-picked official if he has issues with this drug being used. >> one thing we know about the president as he reads them and reads ratings. one of the interesting things in the briefing yesterday is he is saying america loves dr. fauci, why not me? >> he's got this high approval rating. so why don't i have a high approval rating with respect and the administration with the virus. a man works closely with us, dr. fauci and dr. birx also highly thought of and yet they're highly thought of and nobody likes me. it can only be my personality. >> well, it may be what he says compared to what dr. fauci says,
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but he finds it curious. ? yeah. we see again his fixation on his public image and those of others, and this came up the other day when it was revealed that the reason he said he was going to throw out the first pitch at a yankee game because he felt competitive with dr. fauci. this isn't a healthy situation for public health leadership and it isn't a healthy situation for a crisis that are killing thousands of people on i regular basis and people want trustworthy information and i think that's why they have turned to dr. fauci who is very good at maintaining a profile as a non-partisan official who is only focused on public health and so you know, given the way that we've had this back and forth with the trump briefings and so much reporting of my own and others about the trump advisers' angst and trying to get him to stop stomping on the message and should they have him out? should they not have him out? should he say nothing?
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there's no middle ground and there's not a middle ground where he comes out and is disciplined. it's either he doesn't say anything or he comes out and did his usual thing and repeats con pir s spir see theories and falsehoods. >> he is who he is is one way to put it. molly ball, thank you very much. up next an important debate in congress about stimulus because of the coronavirus, and different universities. how the two describe the talks right now. the course structure the university of phoenix offers-
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the full peacock movie library, complete collections of iconic tv shows, and more. yup, the best really did get better. magnificent. xfinity x1 just got even better, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. no strings attached. we all know the president fashions himself as a great dealmaker, but clear proof today of why the president is almost always left out of big negotiations with congress. like the current big fight over a new coronavirus stimulus package. here's the president outside the white house today describing the reason for the impasse. >> we want to take care of the people. the democrats aren't taking care of the people. the payments aren't enough. the payments aren't enough. you understand that. they're not making the payments. they're not making them high enough. the democrats are not taking care of the people.
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nancy pelosi takes care of herself, but she doesn't take care of anyone else. >> you see standing nearby the treasury secretary and the white house chief of staff. they are involved in negotiations. what the president described isn't even close to the reality of the talks. with us to share the reporting and their insights, cnn's phil mattingly and the washington post. >> the democrats won't make the payments high enough. is.the issue that the republicans including the president's team keep saying the democrats want too spend too much and not too little? >> at least in the senate republican congress that's been the problem mitch mcconnell is facing. it's difficult to interpret what the president is pointing to and meaning here, and i'm familiar with the draft that is now out. in no way, shape or form is there any payment structure in which republicans want or have asked for money than democrats are. whether it's direct payments and they're equal on the top line. democrats give more money on
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dependents, and democrats want to maintain the $600 enhancement and republicans want to take that down. i don't know what the president is talking about. this is actually an important point as the negotiations sputter along right now. the white house, the president and senate republicans all seem to be in conflicting places to some degree and democrats have had their proposal out for a while and they have remained unified and so far they don't see any reason to budge until republicans can get their act together. i'm not sure it will happen any time soon, john. >> fiscal conservatism has been missing in washington for the first three and a half years of the trump administration, but suddenly you're starting to hear largely from senate republicans and this is james langford and josh holly, it's a mess, i can't figure out what this bill is about. ted cruz, they'll not simply be shoveling cash out of washington. and ben sasse, senator from nebraska. secretary mnuchin on behalf of the trump administration and the
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secretary playing gross games with your kids' money. if secretary mnuchin is a big government democrat isn't ben sasse saying so is his boss the president of the united states? >> it is one way of saying it. also senator sasse has been saying something that senate republicans have been saying something for a while. they don't trust secretary mnuchin because he's been able to cut these big spending deals with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer and they just point to the problems that mitch mcconnell have rate now and he does not have a unified conference and that weakens his leverage which is why he's not even in the negotiations right now. it is striking to me that less than 48 hours after the senate republicans revealed their coronavirus plan and the top republican leader is not in the room for these negotiations. it has punted completely already to chuck schumer and nancy pelosi and the white house chief of staff who the floor will be
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meeting again later this afternoon and you're going have a good chunk of the conference anywhere from ten to 15 senate republicans, to maybe even a half who aren't going to support this because the trillion dollar price tag which is on the low end of what we're talking about because that is the republican starting position. that trillion dollars is too much for them. >> too much for them and as seung min notes, you leave this to the democrats and you circle back to me and you two are left to be supreme mcconnell translators. translate this from the senate majority leader this morning. >> these are not the positions of people who are putting the common good above politics, the american people cannot afford for democrats in congress to have decided in june that they're finished legislating until november. not during a crisis like this.
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>> democrats are happy to legislate. what's he talking about? >> i'll take this one. i'll let smk, i'll go first. i'll say this. mcconnell as seung kim has pointed out, he has a weak hand rid now and one of the ways he does this is you attack if you don't feel democrats are coming off the position. there is perhaps the idea that democrat dems want things to fail for electoral purposes and to be honest i've talked to a lot of democrats about their proposals. they want more. they want bigger and they want a deal now particularly with the friday deadline for the benefits and i haven't heard that as something that they're considering publicly or privately, but it is an attack line. >> it will continue. >> also -- >> go ahead. >> yeah. what mccon cell doinell is doin deflecting that to democrats and what he believes are their fault with their legislation. he's defending his decision to not do anything until july
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because what mitch mcconnell said is he wanted to put a pause on this to see what the situation was like in this month because we know the situation with the pandemic is changing by the day and the needs in july will perhaps be different than the needs of may, but what mcconnell is not saying here is that republicans wasted at least a week fighting amongst themselves. the goal last week was to have a deal released last monday that was about a week late just fighting within the republican conference and that's what mcconnell's not saying and there's a dispute even right now over that fbi bill that got president trump reiterated this morning that he wants language and fighting for it and mcconnell does not want that in there. >> the mcconnell will go the way of the bill. we appreciate it so much. we'll continue this conversation and we'll see how long it takes. up next, we shift to the sports world.
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clubhouse. it has to be in the minds of nba players and other sports stars as they get ready to start. nba restarts tomorrow in florida. nhl getting ready to drop the puck in canada. let's get the latest from coy wire. this is a major problem. >> john, even on the minds of nfl teams. the training camp's now open. 25 players have chosen to opt out due to covid concerns and six of them from the new england patriots as i'm sure you know, john, including the tom brady of their defense dante hightower and his first child born 13 days ago and 11 games postponed after four more members test positive yesterday according to multiple reports bringing the total to 17 within the last week and that's roughly half the team's roster, john. all of their games postponed and that includes four against baltimore and three against the defending champions nationals and the phillies hosted last week and now out of an abundance of caution, the phillies won't
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be playing until friday and mlb didn't want the yankees in the same clubhouse that the marlins had just used. so new york, they went to baltimore. instead, they'll play the orioles today or tomorrow. marlins officials say anyone who tested positive is currently in isolation and receiving care and the team moved to a daily testing schedule. so is this on the minds of other players? absolutely, john, and listen to what ryan braun had to say about it. >> there's real fear and anxiety for me and all my teammates. i think we found it very difficult to focus on baseball at all the last couple of days. i know for me personally, i don't feel comfortable with where we're at. there's -- there's real fear and anxiety for all of us and at the same time, i think we're grateful we've been able to play as many games as we have and it's a reminder of how precarious this situation is. >> so far this is strictly a miami marlins problem and 6400
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tests conducted since friday and there were others from the other 29 clubs. how do you know sports are back when we've had a good old-fashioned baseball brawl and the astros and dodgers getting into a spat there. this is meeting for the first time since the 2017 world series when the astros won, but later the mlb investigation determined the astros were stealing signs. dodgers' joe kelly there, and then carlos correa and ended up running into some looking like this that bench-clearing brawl, sort of. >> i've got a fight club t-shirt at home. i just might have to put it on. i might have to wear that one tonight. >> you shave your head like me and you're good to go. >> i don't know about that, but we'll keep the conversation going, coy wire, appreciate the update. from covid in sports to covid in congress.
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congressman louie gohmert was there with william barr. today we learned he's tested positive. coming at a prescreening at the white house. gohmert had planned to fly to tech tex with t texas today with the president. let's get right to manu raju. >> louie gohmert did indeed test positive for the coronavirus this morning during a pre-flight screening as he planned to fly with president trump down to texas. now because of that he's not flying with the president anymore, but this is a significant situation because louie gohmert has refused to wear a mask in the house of representatives. i've spent a lot of time watching louie gohmert around the house floor. he sits with his members -- sits next to them. stands next to them and interacts at length without wearing a mask, just a couple of weeks ago i asked louie gohmert why does he not wear a mask? he said i don't have the
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coronavirus. turns out as yesterday i've never had it and if i get it you'll never see me without a mask and i mentioned to him that health experts have said that asymptomatic people, people not showing signs or symptoms could spread it to other people which is why they recommend people wearing a mask particularly when they can't social distance and he told me, but i keep getting tested and i don't have it. so i'm not afraid of you, but if i get it i'll wear a mask. so he, yesterday was at the house judiciary committee hearing with bill barr, the attorney general and he was spotted outside of the hearing room interacting with the attorney general not wearing a mask also. now we are told separately that bill barr is expected to get tested today as well, but clearly, a significant concern, i am told, from people up on capitol hill because of that, in fact, louie gohmert, someone who frequently interacts with members generally refuses to wear a mask and rarely wears one
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has now tested positive for the virus. >> maybe he'll become a convert. no inconvenience at all. we shall see. manu raju, we'll stay on top of the story. let's return to the sports story. dr. arthur kaplan, director at nyu and has spoken about the dangers of covid. dr. kaplan, i've read your earlier writings and when you have seen these problems it's a moment of i told you so when you thought major league baseball could not pull off this thing to have the teams travel. the question is what now? do you think the season is in jeopardy? is there any way to suggest what governor cuomo did in new york and create a bubble in one state? what are your thoughts? >> anything that involves travel, particularly in or out of these covid hot spots is doomed, if they continue to do that they'll never finish the season. they're going to get more
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outbreaks. remember, they're watching precautions when they're playing although we have to say that little brawl, some of them were unmasked as they were getting up in each other's faces, generally speaking, the danger is outside the stadium and not so much inside the stadium and you have to wonder why aren't you bubbling up like the nhl and other sites to travel to empty stadiums? pointless. i think they have to do something like the nhl model, pick up a few locations and pick a place and isolate and watch players and staff between games. >> a, i don't know, can they pull that off? i know you're only a week into the season. can you now pull that off and it's supposed to be a 60-game season and can you salvage that? i assume you'll be watching closely that the nba is in a quasi bubble and they're in orlando and listen to the commissioner adam silver who thinks they have the best possible plan.
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>> we have confidence in this protocol that we designed as you refer to it as a bubble. it's not actually a sealed bubble, but everyone who is on that campus is tested on a daily basis. they're taking extraordinary precautions. the only time they're not wearing masks is when they're actually playing basketball to the extent that somebody tests positive, we'll obviously track them closely. we quarantine people when they first come down so we think we have a plan in place. >> it's that last part. we think. nobody knows. this is a brave, new world. what are you watching most closely. >> i'm watching to see what will pour the trigger and 17 players and i don't think that's safe enough. >> it's been sketed they had
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policies in place to suspend or temporarily suspend play. by the way, john, lessons here for two other things. college sports. we're still talking about trying to bring them back. i think the new orleans experience shows that's hopeless. kids in dorms, they're not going to be able to isolate and there is a message here for schools, right? if you can't keep millionaires safe with quarantine-type operation and giving them instruction what chance do you have with high school kids? >> an excellent point. dr. arthur kaplan, we'll continue the conversation and we'll see what baseball decides and how basketball and hockey get under way. you're right. this impacts everything. it's not just sports and it impacts everything with schools and we appreciate your insides. >> extraordinary times for the american economy, the chairman will repeat this afternoon. what's to expect. that's next. hey there people eligible for medicare.
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some important things to know about medicare. first, it doesn't pay for everything. say this pizza... [mmm pizza...] is your part b medical expenses. this much - about 80 percent... medicare will pay for. what's left... this slice here... well... that's on you. and that's where an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company comes in. this type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn't. and these are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement. that's because they meet their high standards of quality and service. wanna learn more? it's easy. call unitedhealthcare insurance company now and ask... for this free decision guide. inside you'll find the range of aarp medicare supplement plans and their rates. apply any time, too. oh. speaking of time... about a little over half way and there's more to tell. like, how... with this type of plan, you'll have the freedom to choose any doctor
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8:52 am
for 37 years we have been fighting for survivors of child sex abuse. even in these uniquely challenging times we're still fighting with dedication and devotion. california law gives survivors a chance to take legal action, but only for a limited time. if you were sexually abused by a priest, scout leader, coach or teacher contact us confidentially today. it's time.
8:53 am
we're hear from the fed chairman later today. this in a moment of major uncorrespondent for the u.s. economy. layoffs rise baug of the coronavirus summer surge. congress debating how to help with new stimulus. we know the fed is extending its extraordinary lending programs until end of the year. chairman powell's remarks later today will reveal what more can be done. >> reporter: three words for you -- kb whatever it takes. the consistent message we'll hear from jay powell again
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today. he'll be pressed how concerned he is about the economic outlook, the risk that we've seen a bit of recovery and then taking another tumble. first because of riding covid cases and, two, what happens if congress can't get it together and agree on a deal, and at least limited in some way. he'll be honest. these are the big risks out there and he has to closely watch the data and also going to be asked what his opinion is, i think, on whether or not now is the time for congress to be reducing that $600 a week bump-up in unemployment benefits, particularly when we have more than 17 million people unemployed in the united states. he'll be careful how he answers. as you and i discussed em times he'll bring it back to the economy and say, look, this is a consumer-driven economy. we are in the midst of a pandemic. the evidence suggests people are spending this money and now is not the time to be reducing support in any material way. we'll see. >> we'll see.
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fascinating to hear. see if congress gets a nudge to reach a compromise. we shall say. don't forget for the latest stock news for your portfolio check out "markets now" streaming only an cnn business. up next, a governor announcing a deal for federal agents to leave portland. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance,
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9:00 am
this important news just in to cnn. the oregon governor says federal officers are leaving portland. we've seen clashes for nearly a month. kate brown tweeting after my discussions with vice president pence and others agreed to withdrawal federal officers from portland. they have acted as an occupying force and brought violence. starting tomorrow, she says, all customs aboard protection and i.c.e. officers will leave downtown portland. top of the hour. hello to viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm john king in washington. thank you for sharing your day with us. the number of americans who may
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