tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN July 29, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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she was just 17 years old. that's it for us, i want to hand it over to chris for cuomo prime time. >> take a look at this, what the president did in texas today. you see this? this is why they don't like you, mr. president. nobody wants to see you entertaining the maskless masses, let alone in texas. the people in that state are getting sick in waves. they are setting all the wrong kinds of records. and you do this? i know you heard what i said last night, and i know you didn't like it, but someone has to be straight with you, this shameful inaction by you on this pandemic is making us sick and it is killing you politically. so you're wondering why people don't like you compared to tony fauci, and then you go to texas with no mask in a state that's being savaged by this pandemic,
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and you encourage them to do the worst things for them. no masks, not socially distanced. and you know they're there and doing it that way, because they think that's what you want. they're doing the worst things for them, and you encourage it. the key is for them. because brothers and sisters the truth is this, he allowed them to act this way, he encouraged it, even though it's bad for them, he thinks it's good for him but he's wrong. this kind of cavalier attitude, this kind of selfishness, reckless indifference to human life is killing him in the polls. if he isn't careful, this casual covid vibe may make you sick literally. a congressman almost hitched a ride on air force one just
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tested positive. another member set to meet with trump tested positive as well. he likes to cast doubt on the merit of masks now has coronavirus. of course trump doesn't have to worry the way you or i would? why? he gets tested regularly, he gets results quickly. he makes sure that happens for him. he just won't fight for that for you. think about that. no plan, no demand. his boy gohmert was struck stupid by the virus apparently. he none sensicly blames the mask for giving him covid. >> i can't help but think if i hadn't been wearing a mask so much in the last 10 days or so, i really wonder if i would have gotten it, but i know moving the mask around, getting it just right, i'm bound to have put
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some virus on the mask that i sucked in. that's most likely what happened. >> no, that is not most likely what happened. what that is is dumb on display right there, just yesterday, gohmert was on the hill, walking behind bill barr, both without masks on. oh, i've been wearing it so much. just not every time you're seen in public. barr had to get tested today. and we just learned the result came back negative, thank god. we do not need our leaders sick, okay? i hope it stays that way. no mask wearing is contagious among the noncourageous. jim jordan wants to please the president, had to be reminded today to put his on. look at this. >> mr. bezos, our investigation -- >> mr. chairman, we have the email, there is no -- >> excuse me, it's not your
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time. >> you do not have the time. please be respectful of your colleagues. she controls the time. >> put your mask on. >> when someone -- >> put your mask on. >> many in the grand old party are refusing to wear masks. they think this is done in support of the president, because there's this perverse rationale going on that the pandemic is bad. not because it's bad for all of us, it's all political. i mean, come on. they will only hurt this president, because he will be seen as the sponsor of their stupidity. and apparently there is no cure for stupid. even after being told that the ravings he retweeted about this magic pill came from someone who believes in demon seed and alien
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sex, trump still backs this lady. >> emmanuel, the doctor, do you wish you had not retweeted that. >> i was very impressed with her and other doctors that stood with her. she is a very respected doctor. >> she is not a very respected doctor and you know it, how can you be impressed with somebody who says the kind of crazy things that she says? he can't be. ignorance meet arrogance. that's what it is with him this deadly combination. you know he carpet respect this doctor. he just likes what she said about hydroxychloroquine, and he's willing to dismiss everything else, because he likes that message. but he doesn't like it enough to manifest the message and policy, does he? they supposedly stockpiled all
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this hydroxy chloroquine. why isn't he demanding everyone do testing right now everywhere around the country. why doesn't he do it? the message is all that matters that's the part that's good for him. carry it out? if i want it, i could get it, i took it. that's the truth. forget about you, he doesn't care. he'll fight this fight, but he won't do anything to get it to you. think about that. they bought a lot of it, does he talk about this every day? he doesn't need this doctor telling him that you need hydroxychloroquine, you have the greatest scientists notice world, have them do it. the science hasn't been coming back good, say you believe it, commission your own study. do it. instead, all window dressing.
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i get when you say, it's just noise. no, he's not just noise. he's why we're not having any plans made, mike pence is his echo. the head of the coronavirus task force. who did he meet with yesterday, some of the doctors in that local video, the one with the science fiction lady. a video that was removed from social media. you want to debate if the tape should have been removed? i'll have it. the main point is the substance of it, and it's being relied on by our president. we just surpassed 150,000 deaths in this country. we have never in in history had a president failed to take a lead in a crisis like this. he looked you in the face and said, i take no responsibility for what's happening with testing. the vice president heads the task force, he's meeting with people, pushing a magic pill, instead of making a plan to help schools open.
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instead of making a plan to get the testing and the turnaround for tests he promised months ago. none of that is true. the call remains the same. we must be in this together as ever as one. we must do the things that we know we can do. we must socially distance. we must wear our masks, and we must be hygiene obsessed. we can do that. i can do it, you can do it. we must force power to account for what they do and do not do, and that starts with us having the right information. what needs to be done right now, and by whom? okay, we can answer that, we have dr. ashish jah of the harvard institute. what needs to be done right now
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and by who on the federal level to manifest itself in a way that gets us back to school and work any time soon? >> thank you for having me on. >> you're absolutely right. most americans are not interested in this debate. not much of a debate. what they want to know is, how do they get kids back to school, how do they get jobs back, some semblance of their life back. we're leading at the states and local communities opinion we know what we need to do, we need to suppress the virus. we need to fix testing. we need to maintain a certain distance of social distancing. >> what does the federal government need to do that they're not doing? >> first and foremost, it's speaking out of both sides of its mouth. on one hand you have dr. fauci and dr. birx representing the federal government giving bad
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advice. >> they have no juice. they can't direct dollars in any real way, they can't make a strategy, it has to be the president. i know people say ignore him, he's ignore an the. he's the key to everything. >> he is. >> the president is undermining the message of his own scientific leaders, at the end of the day, they can't be effective if the political leaders, the president, the vice president and others don't back their own scientists, that's not what's happening, that's why there's so much confusion and that's why so many states are struggling. >> message matters, of course, but action matters right now. could they accelerate them? >> no, we have the technology right now. we have a whole set of tests
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that could be ramped up, make sure there are tens of millions of those tests within weeks. the federal government has to decide they're going to make testing available to the american people much they haven't made that decision. >> haste makes waist, right? you say testing is different. that speed actually matters more than accuracy. people are frustrated that the quick tests are inaccurate, what's your thoughts on that. >> there are new tests that are maybe not quite as accurate as the one we're using right now, they're cheap, they're available you get results back in 15 minutes. right now so few people can get tested in the u.s. if we use these new tests, you
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are going to capture 80% of people who have it people can test themselves at home, if we made that available, we could drive this epidemic down and bury it and get a very low level of cases opening up our schools. we have to decide that's something we are going to prioritize. >> instead of what's on the lower third of our screen right now. trump promotes fringe alien dna doctor. let's say he gets struck by lightning and says, i have to 23i678 this, i have to own this. the states aren't going to get this done, i'm going to go all in right now. how does he get those tests? >> you have to sit down with the companies, you have to invoke the defense production act. what are the supplies these companies need. you have to fix the supply chain. the pentagon does this all the time by the way, there are
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people who have real expertise in this. we have the ability to make these tests in weeks not months. >> you get consulted about this all the time. when you say this, it's said by a lot of guys, what do they say to you about why it's not happening? >> first of all, when i talk to folks in congress they all agree this is doable and it all the to be done. what they're not sure about is whether the administration is going to execute it or not. they're hoping to give this to states and let them figure it out. i think we need the federal government. fighting this pandemic 50 states at a time has been a challenge for our nation. >> what's the chance gohmert's mask made him sick?
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>> it didn't make him sick. the testing causes infections, now the mask causes infections. this is silliness, in the middle of a pandemic, things are hard enough. these kinds of distractions make things so much harder. people need to wear masks. we know our way through this, we just have to focus on what's important. >> before i tell the audience to believe what you've said, you haven't fooled around with any aliens lately? >> no, not in the last few weeks. >> anything after 10 days, we don't have to worry about. >> what's ridiculous is, the president is listening to her more than he's listening to us right now. more than he's listening to tony fauci. thank you very much. appreciate you giving us this straight deal. the more people know, the more they can demand. house speaker pelosi just
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announced a new mandatory testing on the hill. why isn't she loud and proud about these tests? fair criticism. on the republican side, will they comply? when so many are resisting out of political favor? here to help us get in the mind-set of the gop mask resistance, some sensible party members next. than the leading allergy spray at hour one. [ deep inhale ] claritin-d. get more airflow.
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you know that elected officials saying to you that masks don't matter or masks can make you sick, you know it's bfrmt s., right? you've known for a long time. the question has to be, why are they saying this, and why is it all coming from the republican party? it can't be based in science? let's talk about why this is bheeg politicized this way and what we can do about it. let's bring in a couple long time gop leaders. good to see you both, i'm glad you're healthy, the best to your families. what the hell is going on with republicans who don't want to wear masks and see it as some kind of show of strength? >> you know, i was talking to my wife and she said, john, i don't
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like when the government tells me what to do, this is science, this is not like the government telling me to paint my house pink. this is science that's telling me that not only do you have to be responsible for myself, but i have to be responsible for others. i guess one way we can yell at them and tell them they're crazy or wrong. we may say, look, you can't hurt other people. there's personal responsibility. that's like a republican hallmark. personal responsibility not to hurt somebody else. and it's ideology that's crept into science, and when that happens, this is what we end up with. it's nuts is what it is, you know. >> listen, it's still tough, my big fear is that a year from now, we won't have the same kind of cases, but people are going to have these funky ailments in
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the aftereffect that they never would have had to have. i don't want people to go through what i went through. a lot of guys are seeing this mask as a scarlet letter. if you wear a mask, it pisses off trump. there's reporting out there that people have been told, don't wear masks, man, he doesn't like it. >> yeah, it's -- the whole thing is idiotic what's happening is reckless and unsurprising. we all wear our seat belts, because it's in the public interest. nobody hops in a car without putting on a seat belt. motorcycle helmets don't cause injuries either. congressman gohmert has a history of being defy an the. this is surprising. john boehner, he -- louie would get in the face of the leaders quite a bit. he said louie was operating without a functional brain.
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louie shouldn't try to prove him right. >> where did you get his brain from, it was a woman, abby something. >> abby? >> abby normal from young frankenstein. >> you had covid also. you don't want people to go through what we went through. let me get a take on this from both of you guys before we go. >> the president is talking up this crazy dr. now. why doesn't he talk about it all the time, and commission a study to vet it so he can put it out there. why doesn't he operationalize his interest. why doesn't he own a plan and a strategy here the way you would and you would, if it were in your wheelhouse. >> well, i mean, i can't explain it other than this.
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we have now breached 150,000 deaths. had we from the beginning not called it a hoax -- had we said we're going to wear masks, we're going to socially distance. we're going to wash our hands and we're all going to do it. where would we be today if we had been that aggressive. that's the tragedy, how many people have been affected. what happens later to the organs, were they damaged. there's so many missed opportunities here to get it right, it's why the voters in this country now are turning away from him. those who were lock city are now saying, they don't think so. a lot of it is connected to this. and connected to the economy. and connects to race, and i don't know how he gets out of this spot to tell you the truth. >> voting starts in october, right? not really december. you have early voting. you have a couple months here,
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and these things turn if the right things are done. what would it take for people in his party to go to him and say, you're going to kill us on this. >> is there any chance the party goes to him and says it's not about you, you are going to kill us with this. >> it seems to me we are long past that time the way you conducted yourself by dismissing the seriousness of this whole issue has caused problems for all of us politically. it's the covid response. which is contributing to the economic decline. i said the cake is largely baked. you're not going to change the president. he has to take this seriously and leave. he has all these experts around
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him who he's keeping from the public and how hard is it to allow your experts to stand on television and make the case and tell us what we should be doing. this isn't hard. but it is for this president. >> one other point here, when you think about, who are these people that won't wear masks, that's who these republicans are afraid of, they're afraid if they speak out against trump, somehow all those people are going to be against them we're not talking about politics here, we're talking about science, we're talking about health. our neighbors and families, and it's a shame and we're going to look back on this time. i don't know what the party is going to do going-forward. it's a sad time in our country, there's too much fighting, and you've said it right, we have to come together. and we're running out of time with this guy, this president, we're going to have an election and then we'll see.
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>> enjoy yourself now, your party is going to come to you and ask you to get back in the game. i can't wait to ask you what you're going to do, when the latest news cycle has you both back in the game. be well, the best to your families and thank you for your perspective. states are still waiting for federal help. they're being forced to wait because the president doesn't want to lead in a time of crisis. after all that trump bluster about the need for the feds to help quash protests in portland, guess what, mayor wheeler on the show last night, he was right. the feds have agreed to pull out. there are conditions. but if it's such an emergency, how can they leave? i'm telling you this is a page out of the trump for gacy crisis playbook. i'll read it to you next. and in the midst of that panic, you might sell and run to cash. at the very moment, you shouldn't. at the very moment, prices are at their low.
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that's my fear. i'm not worried about the country. i'm not worried about the financial markets, because in the long run, i know they'll be fine. i'm worried about you. i'm worried about how you will personally respond to this crisis. and even if you don't panic, you may... look atstaring at you.p wall. embarrassing you in front of your in-laws. spreading rumors about you at work. that wall is your everest - but not any more. today let's paint. that wall never knew what hit it. today let's paint. behr. exclusively at the home depot.
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federal forces pulling back in portland. how far back? depends on who you ask. the governor says they're leaving tourn. the dhs secretary says they're sticking around. >> either they're going to clean up portland soon or the federal government is going up and we're going to do it for them. the governor and mayor are weak. either they clean up ports land or we go in too do it for them. >> i'll tell you what's weak. creating a false crisis and ignoring a real one. the idea that he's cleaning out port land is garbage. we're talking about a single city block. here's what the federal courthouse looked like a week ago. now there's a barricade, all right? as for whether it was worth it, consider in the weeks the feds were in charge, they beat up and
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pepper sprayed a navy veteran we had on the show. they gassed the mayor. they gassed a bunch of moms. they snatched an american citizen off the street and eroded trust in our democracy and definitely amped up the protests. >> this is not what these men and women signed up for, i feel badly for these federal officials and agents. the tactical team sent to portland they should be doing their jobs where it matters. not here doing the bidding for trump. they were pulled away from securing the boarder, i thought that mattered, mr. president. a place where this president's practice of claiming credit for a mess he started is still playing out. the humanitarian crisis on the southern border, we've shown you on this program shame on me, shame on you, we don't give a
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damn, do we. even as crossings are up the last two months. we're a wall away. crossings are still higher than they were in trump's first year. every politician plays to advantage, no president is as grotesque in doing it as this. this man creates conflict just to claim credit for solving it by finishing and letting things get back to normal where it was before, he created the trouble. kids in cages. stoking tension in north korea. having to bail out farmers because of his own trade war. shutting down the government three times, a pattern you'll see play out when it comes to the recent spike in homicides around the nation. i'm telling you, cleveland, detroit, milwaukee, the latest to learn, a so-called surge of federal agents is coming their way. how do you think the federal agents stop homicides, by the way. was this cowboys and indians?
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it's setting the stage for him to claim a win this fall, just in time for the election, when homicides normally drop after summer spikes. wait for it. what we need is more federal action on covid. it's a real crisis. what's the plan for schools being told to reopen. one of the biggest teachers unions, they may go on strike if they're forced into unsafe conditions, and that's what's happening. we have the president of the union. and a mom who's facing what so many of us across the country are. her call for action, next. but we're all going at our own speed. at enterprise, peace-of-mind starts with our complete clean pledge, curbside rentals and low-touch transactions. with so many vehicles of so many kinds, you can count on us to help you get everywhere you want to go... again. whenever you're ready, we're ready for you.
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kidses tina carroll is a mom to a 6-year-old. the parents calling for schools to offer some kind of in classroom instruction. welcome to you both, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, chris, thank you, tina. what is the chance that the teachers go on strike? >> so, i don't -- as you knee, chris, i worked on your brother's reopening plan, and i think in new york, you'll see a lot of schools reopening, in new jersey you'll see some schools reopening, some not. colorado, i think you'll see some, some not. i think in places with the surge like florida, texas, arizona, i think you'll see people saying, there's no way we can reopen schools when we have huge community spread, no testing and no resources for any of the
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safeguards that are needed. >> quick follow-up question to you, and then i want to turn to tina for a second. why am i wrong to hate the hybrid model. which is where kids go to class a couple days. i see it as the worst of both worlds you create chaos for us at home, figuring out how to balance work and school. they go to school and get exposed. why is the hybrid so popular? >> it's popular for only one reason. we feel like we need to see our kids. and that kids have to have some way of relating to each other and not be as socially isolated as they've been. it's not just about feeding kids, we could go grab and goes while you're still on remote. there are a lot of kids that have not been able to -- you
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know, to have what they needed in remote, but that's separate and apart from the child care issues. we really need to have a parallel child care system so that remote, so that hybrid is not a substitute for child care. >> that comes to the federal plan. tina, you're right, this is right in your wheelhouse, you have a 6-year-old kid, she needs the socialation, you need to figure out how you balance making money to take care of the kid. now she can't go to school. do you believe you're state's going to be able to find a way through this? >> you know, to be honest, i don't know what my son is going to do, it puts me between a rock and a hard place. i'm an essential employee, i must go to work every day for my livelihood. if the schools don't reopen, i don't know what i'm going to do
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with this point. at night i'm fighting back tears trying to figure out a plan for a single working parent. i don't know what to do at this point. i have to depend on my community at this point to help me. >> there is no help coming, that's why the federal government has to step up. you have to pay for home care and for your kid to be somewhere that you can't do on your own right now. fair point? >> fair. i think that's a fair point to say. but i'm really hoping that my district and the state of colorado is going to pull together add we've been standing through this entire time together and i have confidence in them, that we're going to come unwith a plan that's going to help critical and essential employees. >> what is the hardest part for you as a mom dealing with this emotionally. >> i'm being asked to make a
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choice between my child and my job. and my career, one i've looked forward to working in for years. i enjoy getting up and going to work every day. i enjoy seeing my child go to school and really develop and grow. by now, i'm being asked to pick between the two, i'm being torn. >> randy, what do you say to this mom and what do you say to the federal government? >> to this mom, i wish western not physically distant, and i wish we could create the child care that you need that frankly we created in new york and other places for essential workers. we cannot put people in this situation of making this choice between their job, safety for their kids and teachers and frankly that is where i blame the federal government. the federal government should have been giving us this funding since april. you know, chris, we put this plan out in april about how to
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reopen schools safely, we need the funding to do that, and we need the funding to create these safeguards and funding for parents like tina to have child care for essential workers. >> randi, thank you for fighting for teachers. >> i want someone to educate, not just child care for me -- for me it's more personal. these are the fundamental years for my child. he's only going to first -- >> 6, yes. >> absolutely. >> you are absolutely right. >> we totally agree with you. >> tina, let's do this, we have to keep pushing those in power to do the right thing by families and by moms like you. i tell you one thing your son has going for him already, he has a mother who's willing to work like crazy and fight for him. you can't put a price on that, and we're happy to get out your story, and we will fight your fight, that's why we do the job. tina carroll, god bless, randi whiteguarder in, keep fighting
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for the teachers, we'll be covering the story. if you had any question about what the pandemic means to the election, the numbers are in, the wizard of oz is processing them, we're seeing something we've never seen in an election of a one term president before. next. before, a better one than ever with scam protection built into its core. introducing, scamshield, free from t-mobile. get fewer scam calls. period. with t-mobile's supercharged network, you can say goodbye to annoying scam calls, and feel free to answer your phone again. hello
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democrat hasn't won georgia in a presidential election since 1992. this time, you see the polls? trump may want to start checking the numbers if he thinks winning georgia is going to be easy. trump tied with joe biden. he may still win the state, but tied? 47%. what does that mean with less than 100 days left. let's take it to the wizard of oz. give me three reasons to believe that the president really is in trouble. >> i'll give you four reasons
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why, and that's besides the polls that we're looking at. number one, the unpresidential behavior throughout his presidency, the coronavirus. the pandemic, most voters think he's failing on that, number three, race we're seeing voters not necessarily loving what he's doing on the economy. >> what do you see in the numbers that are so damming even in contest of polls being a moment in time? >> what's so important in a state like georgia, is that the polls generally speaking at the end of campaign have been really good. if you look back four years ago the final polls had donald trump ahead in the state by five. he won by five. the final polls two years ago in the governor race. you saw the republican was favored to win that election by three. had won by one. at this particular point i can't tell you what's necessarily going to happen in 100 days.
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at this point the polls in my mind are an accurate representation of what's going upon. >> what's the demographic shift we didn't expect? >> in georgia, the the suburban areas are powering democrats in a state like georgia. and more than that what i think is so important is the african-american population in georgia has risen over the last 15 years and obviously african-american voters are heavily in the democratic column. >> the president pulling ads in michigan. is that temporary? or a i'm pulling oult i can't win. >> take a look at the last cnn poll from the state. what do you see? down by double digits. that looks like the other polling in that state. michigan was one of the states that flipped from obama in 2012 to trump in 2016. and it's a sign that the president may come back in. michigan is going to be an uphill battle for him going forward. >> is it a surprise biden is
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doing better with white people than expected and taking them tr trump? or was that always the theory. >> i think in a state like michigan that's the key thing going on. which is trump is still leading among white voters. by a minimum margin. and that was always the argument for joe biden. that he could in fact bring back the white voters who flipped from obama to trump in 2016. >> thank you, wiz. >> the rent is due. in three days for a will the of you. the unemployed have $600 less in the bank each week. be on the lookout. this president made it tougher or easier if you want housing discrimination to thrive. bolo. next.
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bolo. that means be on the lookout. you have to lookout for this president spepding less time trying to hide racism as he becomes more desperate for votes in november. >> people fight all of their lives to get into the suburbs and have a beautiful home. no more low income housing forced into the suburb. i have seen conflict for years. it's been hell. >> boy, oh, boy. he and his father were fighting against having housing for people like this. i remember my father getting into politics to fight against this classism. low income housing, that's his code word for ethnically diverse neighborhoods. miracle fix, ending a fair
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housing rule from the obama era. law was designed quote to take meaningful action to over come historic patterns of segregation. promote fair housing choice. and foster inclusive communities that are free from discrimination. it bolstered the 1968 fair housing act. a law mr. president you and your late father knew about at least by 1973. because you were both accused in a federal sifl rights case on its basis. the roll back does nothing to make neighborhoods safer. it makes them whiter. but not safer. presidential historian shared a reminder of the nations ugly past when it comes to openly racist housing practices. look at this 1926 ad. attention, white home buyers. largest restricted white community in washington.
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it was a selling point. president both sides sees a blatant appeal to the days of white flight and bigoted pair noi ya. he seeing it as a path to reelection. in an economy that is collapsing around us day by day. we near four and a half million costr covid-19 cases. many americans need a place to call home. thanks to the president's new round of racism, trouble will only get worse. that, mr. president is the hill you need to think when it comes to friends and neighbors. thank you for watching. "cnn tonight" with don, i created television, lemon. starts now. >> you're right, i did. why would -- i know you wanted to say something. why would he hide it?
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when everyone of his sycophants around him the apologists everyone the republicans in congress and the senate they make excuses for it. they pretend it's not racist. they pretend they don't hear it. it's not a dog whistle. he's saying it out loud to a crowd who is receptive to it. if they're not, then their are complicit. and his bigotry and racism. >> he's losing whites who wanted somebody who disliked the same things they did and want a change agent. he's not that. he's making a bet which a bad bet, which is i can get enough white people who are afraid of diversity and angry enough to come out and vote for me. there aren't enough. >> you don't think so? >> not in this country. is there bigotry and racism? is it systemic? y yes, yes,
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