tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN July 30, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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his memory be a blessing. "outfront" next, president trump passing the buck, blaming states for the rise in coronavirus cases as his friend and ally her main cane dies from coronavirus, joining more than 150,000 americans who have tragically lost their lives. plus scare tactic, the president floating delaying the election because of fraud. what happens if trump refuses to accept the results of november's vote? i'll talk to collin powell's former chief of staff who attended a secret meeting to discuss this topic. job less claims are up. the worst gdp drop in history. let's go "outfront." good evening.
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i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, the tragic consequences to trump's pandemic response. more than 150,000 death toll. arizona, florida, mississippi all reporting record high deaths today. nationwide the country on track to surpass yesterday's death toll of 1,403 people which is about one person dying every single minute of the day. and yet it took a visit to the american red cross to see coronavirus patients for americans to see this, the president of the united states in a mask. this is only the fourth time we have seen him wearing a mask. he was with a patient donating plasma when he wore it. later on at a round table, it was off. this is despite the cdc recommending all americans wear masks 118 days ago. it was hours before this rare picture of a masked donald
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trump, this came. his friend and ally herman cain has died from coronavirus. this was president trump's campaign rally in tulsa, oklahoma, on june 20th. we remember that rally experts warned trump against holding. you can see cain smiling with no mask, the caption just a few now having a fantastic time. 11 days after that picture, cain was in the hospital. he also fired off a tweet about the rally in south dakota, remember that one. his tweet, masks will not be mandatory for the event which will be attended by president trump. people are fed up. celebrating no action manies. it's important to know we do not know where herman cain contracted the virus. but 11 days after contracting it is when many people who become ill from it seek urgent hospital care. regardless, neither cain or
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anyone else should have been at the rally because there was no social distancing and almost no masks. president trump can be very kwensing. he wanted that rally. he wanted it bad. >> we're going to be starting our rallies. the first one, we believe, will be probably we're just starting to call up, will be in oklahoma. in tulsa, oklahoma. beautiful new venue, brand-new. and they're looking forward to it. they've done a great job with covid. >> the trump campaign at that rally did not take the safety of its supporters seriously. that is just a fact. he did not mandate masks. the president's press secretary made it clear she would not wear one. and t"the washington post" reports that the trump campaign directed the removal of the stickers reminding people to social distance. you can see people pulling do not sit here stickers off the chairs. they were doing that very specifically, in effort to make the room look more crowded, have people all sitting next to each other. the turn out didn't turned out
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what they hoped. they wanted people jammed in, showing a normal life. and the president had been encouraging this deadly mentality, that it's not important to wear a mask, it's not important to socially distance. we've seen it again and again from him. we even saw it yesterday at the trump event in mid land, texas. social distance, no masks. this is yesterday, people, 117 days after they said wear masks. just two days ago when the president claimed that because hydroxychloroquine is a cure, which it is not, that people don't need to wear masks. and people in power are echoing trump. stafferers working for louie gohmert who just tested positive for the virus yesterday, they tell "politico" they were berated in the congressman's office for wearing masks as if the it was something bad or weak or inappropriate to do. the president's allies and supporters have all too often followed his lead in their scorn for masks and this has deadly
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consequences. listen to the doctors on the president's coronavirus task force. >> we believe in the governors and mayors in every locality right now would mandate masks for their communities and every american would wear a mask, we could really get control of this virus. >> we have the most powerful weapon in our hands right now. it's an enormously powerful weapon. it's just a simple, flemsy mask. >> this virus can be defeated if people just wear a mask. >> i believe that we could turn things around because we've shown that when you do those things, particularly the physical distancing and the universal use of masks, that you can turn around the kind of surges that we're seeing. >> all right. pamela brown is "outfront" live near the white house. pamela, it's just sobering to hear them say that and what happened today. the president began his news conference that he had tonight talking about herman cain. they were, of course friends.
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will the loss of a friend like herman cain to this virus change the president's behavior at all? >> reporter: well, if it is going to change the president's behavior, we certainly didn't see that at the press briefing this evening, erin. and you're right, the president did speak about his friend and ally, the loss of his friend, herman cain, paying his respects to him. he did not mention that herman cain did attend his tulsa rally, that indoor rally, and then tested positive nine days athat, as you pointed out. herman cain was seen at the rally not wearing a mask. the family points out he did a fair amount of travel after the rally, so you can't know for sure where he contracted the virus. but it has brought a renewed focus on mask wearing at gatherings and the president's own stance on this important issue. the first time he wore a mask in public was around five months after this pandemic started,
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well after the public health experts had been urging the american public to wear masks. and he did it because we're told through sources, one of the big reasons he did it was because he needed to send this message to those who were following him to wear one, that it's good for public health. this week he retweeted a doctor saying masks are unnecessary. that tweet was taken down for violating twitter's terms. there's not a consistent message from the president on this matter. >> i want to go to dr. jonathan reiner, advised the white house under george w. bush, the medical team, and our onoda na bash. so, dr. reiner, we don't know where herman cain got this virus. we do know that me hoddaled trump's behavior of shunning masks. when he posted what he posted about people being fed up, that's consistent with the
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president who's mocking and scorning people were wearing a mask on social media. herman cain attended the indoor rally obviously. is there any doubt in your mind the president bears some responsibility for this through his position on masks sf. >> i think the president bears responsibility for the deaths of te tens of thousands of people in this country. this president has scorned the use of masks until basically today. this president has stated that testing is overrated. he's urged states to open before they were ready. in maybe some of the most behavior, he brought thousands of people together in tulsa and in phoenix and in mt. rushmore during a surge in the pandemic demonstrating really just a grave disregard for the health of the people that supported him and protected him. so, yeah, i blame the president for the death of thousands of
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people. mr. king, i'm sorry for his loss. that's a tragedy. he made his own decisions, but he followed the lead of the president of the united states as thousands of people do every day, as millions of people do every day. >> look, it is tragic that this happened. and dana, this afternoon the president tweeted about herman cain's passing. he was talk about him at the press conference. he wrote, i loved herman cain, a great man, herman, rest in peace. when he heard this sad news, he had to have thought about the rally and the picture where herman cain, cancer survivor without a mask is sitting surrounded with people at the rally days before he tested positive. does this hit home to him, dana at all, to the president? >> of course this death hits home to him. and it was pretty clear in that tweet and the fact that he said something at the beginning of his statement earlier this evening. but the question is to what end.
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i mean, just look at yesterday. the president has been saying wear a mask. he's been saying the right thing when he needs to. but he doesn't do it. he was in texas. he was around people in very close proximity. there were people in the room where he was, very close to one another not wearing masks. looked a lot like that photo with herman cain who is now gone from coronavirus. as you mentioned, it's important to say we don't know exactly where he contracted it. but we do know that cain just was like the president in saying masks are not necessary and we shouldn't wear them and he kind of was very open about not wanting to wear one. and the only thing i want to connect here, and erin, you know this better than the other two of us is it's the health of people medically, but it's also the health of the economy. and the numbers that we saw today are so incredibly bad from
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the president's own commerce department. 32.9% annual rate of decline. that is the equivalent of what we saw today. they are so connected. and that is what the president has said privately and even said publicly what he has cared the most about because he know that sort of dictates his re-election. they're completely intertwained. and if that number isn't a wake up call, in addition to the 150,000 americans including his friend herman cain, i'm not sure what is. >> you know, dr. reiner, herman cain is the same age as the president. they're both 74 years old. he was a cancer survivor. of course that made him high risk which is a complication the president does not have. the president does have other comorbidities though. does any of this finally get through to him, that he goes to midland, texas, and he's in these crowded rooms inside. sure, they caught a couple of people yesterday that had
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coronavirus that were going to be on air force one and they didn't end up around him. there's still a very cavalier attitude he's putting forth about his own risk. >> well, the president is really insulated from the pain and risk that the rest of the country faces. everyone who meets the president is tested before they come into his presence. so, he doesn't really worry that he's going to contract the virus. he doesn't worry that he goes to the store about the cashier might have the virus or the cashier might get the virus from the person buying a bag of pota potato chips. you know, he doesn't worry about these things. he's shielded in his cocoon at the white house. so, no, i don't think he's going to equate herman cain's rhys tok his own. >> i appreciate both your time. i appreciate your point. i guess that seems to concern, at least what concerns me is he doesn't seem to care about the fact that everyone else who is at these events with him does
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not have that bubble and they could get very, very sick. very both very much. and next, breaking news, the coronavirus model used by the white house now increasing the number of deaths by november by 11,000. why is that number going up? plus trump stepping up his attack on mail-in voting claiming it is not safe and it is not secure. how dangerous are his claims? the commission with the federal election commission is "outfront." former president obama honoring john lewis today. >> he knew that the march is not over and the race is not yet won, that we had not yet reached that blessed destination. ch per. that's why i like liberty mutual. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. almost done. what do you think?
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♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ bring your total to about 220,000 dead americans by november. it's a quarter million people dead from this virus by november. and they've increased that projection by 11,000 people in just a week. that increase is partly because they say the people refusing to wear masks. nick watt is "outfront." >> reporter: the sun belt surge is seeping north. >> so now we see the virus probably because of vacations and other reasons of travel moving up. >> reporter: michigan just closed a lot of bars again. when the percentage of tests
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coming back positive in the state climbs, that's the danger zone. >> we're starting to see that in some of the states now, kentucky, tennessee, ohio. >> reporter: ohio just reported the most cases in a day, illinois, the most cases since late may. miura ramirez, just years old, fell ill in april. she's one of the first covid-19 patients to receive a double lung transplant. >> i wasn't aware i had received a double lung transplant until i awoke it wasn't until weeks later that i was able to think there's a family out there that's grieving a loved one. i have that person's lungs and how lucky i was to have received it. >> reporter: yesterday across the country 1,403 lives reported lost to covid-19, highest number in nine weeks.
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>> it's really a travesty that we are where we are today. i'm worried about the future. i'm worried that unless we make some significant changes in our response, this death rate is going to continue to rise. >> reporter: the nba season restarted tonight in a bio bubble in orlando. this weekend's philly's/blue jay's series is off after two staffers tested positive. the nfl watching and learning. >> we're working our tails off to adhere to protocol. >> we believe if the governors and mayors of every locality right now would mandate masks for their community and every american would wear a mask and socially distance, we can really get control of this virus and drive down cases as arizona has done. >> reporter: some arizona cities began mandates masks june 19th and look what happened two or three weeks later, the average number of new cases in the state every day started to fall.
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>> so, nick there was a new study out today looking at the coronavirus immunity and it's getting a lot of attention because the findings were somewh somewhat surprising. >> reporter: yes, this study took 68 healthy adult germans and more than a third of them researchers found in their blood t-cells that reacted to this coronavirus. now, one theory is that maybe these people have had similar other coronaviruses in the past and their body is using all this memory of fighting those viruses potentially now. now, we really don't know the full ramifications of this, but another very, very interesting study. another thing we're learning as we go along, erin. >> right, and something that as they learn more could be hugely significant. we don't know. it is or isn't but it could be. that's why so many are clinging to that.
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i appreciate that. thank you as always. next what if trump does not accept the results of the election in november? i'm going to talk to collin powell's former right-hand man who was part of a secret meeting playing out that very scenario. plus a passionate president obama as he remembers the late john lewis today. >> there are those in power who are doing their darnedest to discourage people from voting. it's the 11:05 endless-orders migraine medicine
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breaking news, president trump sowing doubt about the 2020 election results. >> i don't want to delay. i want to have the election. but i also don't want to have wait for three months and then find out that the ballots are all missing and the election doesn't mean anything. i don't want to see a crooked election. this election will be the most rigged election in history if that happens. >> this came after trump's earlier tweet suggesting, quote, delay the election until people can properly, securely, and safely vote. "outfront" now, commissioner of the federal election commission.
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i appreciate your time. it's good to have you back with me. the president tonight wants to know the election results on the night of the election. you wrote in an op-ed, quote, the widespread switch to absentee ballots this year could slow things down, so it takes a week or more to make accurate calls including perhaps for the presidency. the president knows that. so, when he says what he's saying now, you know, implying that any delay at all from the election night is somehow massively crooked and rigged election, how dangerous is that? >> well, erin, there's no reason to think that ats goiit's goinga rigged election. and certainly we shouldn't depend on knowing the results on election night. there's nothing magical about election night. that's not written into law anywhere that we have to know the results. yes, of course we're eager to know who won the election, but
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every single election, there are some elections, some races for congress, for state races where we don't know the results on election because it's too close or because in this year, what is likely is we're going to have an enormous number of mail-in ballots that is unprecedented because of the coronavirus because a lot of people are demanding the right to vote by mail rather than vote in person because they will feel safer doing that. and all of those mail-in ballots have to be opened and counted. and that's not an instantaneous process. some states say you can't even start the count until after the polls are closed. they can't get a head start on it. they're not going to know when the polls have closed what's in all of those ballots. we just have to be patient. >> i want to be clear, we know what the president is saying about voter fraud is not true. that's completely false. however, there have been some troubling and unacceptable
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issues with mail in voting that we started to see in the primaries. the state of new york where i am tonight is still counting ballots five weeks after its primary, and the new york governor andrew cuomo actually addressed that today. here he is. >> we have to get it better and we have to get it better quickly. and hopefully these boards of elections are now identifying issues from the primary election and then we'll resolve as many as we can. >> so, what needs to happen. because there are issues that node to be fixed, the president is conflating that with fraud and corruption which is false. but it's a very fertile ground for that message to take hold. what must change now, commissioner? >> well, indeed the first thing that has to be done in washington is congress has to appropriate funds, and the president has to sign that law that would appropriate funds to the states to get them more resources to do what they need to do to get this election right because they are going to require more resources. state and local governments are
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strapped. they are suffering from the same economic hardships that the entire economy is suffering from. and this is going to be an expensive election because there are going to be more mail-in ballots and because it won't be exclusive a a mail-in race. there will be desire for some to vote in person. states and localities are going to need more people. they're going to need more space. perhaps some are going to have longer early voting periods in order to allow to space people out more. all that requires money. the first thing that needs to be done, every second counts. congress has to get more money to the states. >> i appreciate it. it's actionable and specific. that's what we need right now. i want to go now to retired colonel wilkinson, former chief of staff to collin powell. i appreciate your time colonel. you're part of this bipartisan group, 80 former government and military officials that met
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secretly to game out what could possibly happen if president trump does refuse to concede the election if he loses. take us into that room, if you can. what did you imagine? this is an impossible thing for many of us to imagine in this country, but that's what you were trying to do to see what would happen. what did you envision? >> i belong to three groups. the crisis group has been meeting since june 2019 and the one you're talking about, the transition integrity project which has been running table top exercises with the best political operatives in washington, scholars and so forth playing the trump team and playing the biden team. this is an exercise i'm familiar with from my military experience. the trump team makes a mauve, the biden team makes a countermove and so forth and so on. the insights we get from this game are vivid. you don't learn lessons but you get insights.
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one of the insights is blinding clash of the obvious but it's important. the person who owns the government owns the power. that's a very good insight for everyone to have. if you have the departments, the homeland security department, the military, all the other elements of executive power, you have enormous advantage. so, you have to play off that insight and you have to start to develop mech ficanisms, means, l and other otherwise to combat that advantage, especially if you have someone inscrupulous, dishonest, and willing to go beyond the law to do whatever he need os the do to stay in problem. that's a problem. that's a real challenge. >> so, you know, some republicans are -- you're obviously not down playing this and you see the significance of it and the danger. some republicans are down playing the president's tweet today saying it was just a joke. senator john cornyn of texas saying i think it's a joke, obviously he doesn't is are the power to do that which flies in
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the faes of what you're laying out. by the way, he says this all the time. this is not a new thing, right? here he is actually just in an interview with chris wallace. >> are you suggesting that you might not accept the results of the election? >> i have to see. i'm not going to just say yes, and i didn't last time either. >> yes, no, no i'm not going to say yes, i'm not going to say no. what? what do you make of that? is this just a joke for him? >> well, you know, you look at it and you look at his past and some of the things he's said and done in the past and you have to say this man could be serious. as long as you have to say that, and i think you do in our table top exercises emphasized that, you've got to be ready. you've got to have ammunition in your quiver to deal with it when it's really serious. let's say for example these deployments of homeland security, contract, and other law enforcement agents to
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portland, to detroit, to albuquerque, chicago, and elsewhere are strategic tests of what could be done in very critical states and very critical places where voting with take place. this is not a good development, not a good development at all. it's not like we haven't done this before. general grant, president grant deployed forces during the the election of 1876 and they influenced voting. they influenced voting against the can you cluku klux klan and would stop blacks from voters, so we can say that was okay. that was okay. we don't want to see that happening on the other side of the coin. we don't want to see military being deployed to influence voters. >> i appreciate your time. thank you very much. next, devastating economic numbers. when you think about the u.s. economy on an annual basis shrinking one-third in just a few months, it's a seismic adjustment that we're not ready for, period, full stop. perhaps that's what the
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president wanted to distract from. plus president obama's message at john lewis's funeral. >> john lewis will be a founding father of that fuller, fairer, better america. unlimited right. you start with the network j.d. power has named the most awarded for network quality 25 times in a row. this network is one less thing i have to worry about. then, give people more plans to mix and match, so you only pay for what you need. that is so cool! include the best in entertainment, and offer it all starting at $35. with the iphone everyone wants. iphone 11 pro on us, when you buy one. because everyone deserves the best. this is unlimited built right. only on verizon.
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tonight, president obama honoring the life and legacy of civil rights icon john lewis and condemning the forces working to undermine it during the eulogy where dr. martin luther king, jr. once preached. >> he, as much as anyone in our history, brought this country a little bit closer to our highest ideals. and someday, when we do finish that long journey towards freedom, when we do form a more perfect union, whether it's years from now or decades or even if it takes another two centuries, john lewis will be a founding father of that fuller,
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fairer, better america. he knew that the march is not over, that the race is not yet won, that we had not yet reached that blessed destination. we may no longer have to guess the number of jelly beans in a jar in order to cast a ballot, but even as we sit here, there are those in power who are doing their darnedest to discourage people from voting by closing polling locations and targeting minorities and students with restrictive id laws and attacking our voting rights with surgical precision, even undermining the postal service in the run-up to an election that's going to be dependent on mail-in ballots so people don't get sick.
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>> "outfront" now, house majority leader james clyburn of south carolina, long time friend and colleague of lewis. i appreciate your time, congressman. you met john lewis nearly 60 years ago during the civil rights movement. you've talked so much about him. when you heard that today, visibly emotional president obama, not just focusing on lewis' life, but he made it about the future, about the people, the person in the white house right now, made it about threats to voting rights in this presidential election. how important was that to you that he chose to do that as well? >> thank you very much for having me, erin. it was very, very important. i'm very pleased that president obama went there because that's what it's all about. there have been so many people expressing their love and their admiration for john lewis. john lewis gave his all to
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giving the right to vote. born in alabama. and at the time that he crossed the edmund pettus bridge, only 2% of african-americans in alabama had the right to vote. he always said it, that the vote the precious, almost sacred. so, i think that john would really want to hear what president obama had to say today. and even more so, i think that john would love for all of us, and as i've said several times recently, to dedicate this year's election, the voting that will take place this year, dedicate that to the life and legacy of john lewis. words are great. showing up at memorials are fantastic. but the greatest of all would be going to the polls this year in
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what i consider to be the most consequential election maybe since 1860. i feel that. i've studied enough history to know that the consequences that could flow from this election could completely reverse that which started out in 1860 with the election of abraham lincoln. >> when you start about congressman lewis, what he did, he did -- there was obviously that op-ed today published posthumously by "the new york times" where he said the vote is most powerful non-violent change agent you have in democratic society. you must use it. it is not guaranteed. you can lose it. that happens today on the day of lewis's funeral, president trump tweets, with universal mail-in voting, not absentee voting, which is good, 2020 will be the most inaccurate and fraudulent election in history.
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delay the election. what in the world do you say to that? >> well, you asked the question correctly. what in the world is this man thinking about? we've had election day set, the tuesday after the first of november, set since what? the 1840s? we've had a civil war since then. the civil war was in the 1860s. how many times -- we've had world wars. we have never postponed an election. this president is off in never neverland someplace. he knows better than that. he has no authority to postpone an election. the dates for elections are set by the united states congress, and it's already set. and we do not need to postpone an election. this president, i've been saying for a long time, is looking for a way not to have an election at all. he fashions himself as a strong
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man. he wants to do in oregon what they can't do for themselves. he wants to do for portland what the mayor cannot do. that's not how we do business in this country. this is a democracy, a representative democracy. i remind your listeners, when benjamin franklin emerged from that meeting setting this republic up, and he was asked, what have you done? he said, we have given you a republic if you can keep it. it's up to us this year to hold on to this republic because you've got somebody in the white house who would love to see it be something else. so, that is what we ought to do this year, say, john lewis, you gave your all to help preserve this democracy. we are going to do our fair
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share to move it forward. >> congressman, i appreciate your time as i always do. i think your point about never having postponed an election in world wars, pandemic, civil war, it's incredibly powerful. thank you so much, sir. i appreciate it. >> thank you very much. next, cnn exclusive, the head of operation warp speed speaks to cnn and says he expects there will be a vaccine by the end of the year and that it will be about 90% effective. how does he know? plus weak job numbers and the worst economic plunge on record. and now more and more small business owners are not making it. are we. prudential helps 25 million people with their financial needs. with over 90 years' of investment experience, our thousands of financial professionals can help. go to or talk to an advisor.
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course. that's why we're doing a trial. my personal opinion based on my experience and the biology of this virus, i think this is going to be highly efficacious. i wouldn't be surprised if it's in the 90%. >> elizabeth cohen joins me now. elizabeth, obviously that is way more optimistic than many experts are, even those who are relatively optimistic. how does he back it up? >> reporter: you know, he just said that based on the biology of this virus, that when you look at how it works, he thinks it can be that effective. it's not so pie in the sky. chickenpox, measles, polio, those are all vaccines that are in the 90s. so it's possible this one is, too. he headed up the development of five major novel vaccines. so let's hope he's right about this one. >> elizabeth, when you look at that, you also have this new study out today in the journal
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"nature" which i mentioned earlier with nick watt, with people who never had covid possibly having immunity to the virus. is that possible or just picking up people who have had a common cold, which is a coronavirus, but doesn't mean anything about immunity, what do you know? >> you know, it's really unclear what this means, erin. but it is intriguing. so what these researchers found is about 35% of the people they looked at, had some t-cell activity, some immune activity that would have made them -- or could make them immune or help partially immune to covid-19. these are people not expected to covid-19. what it might be is that covid-19 is a coronavirus, and other things, or other coronaviruses out there, too. so maybe some people got lucky and have a little immunity because they were exposed so similar viruses, but we're not quite sure at this point. >> that along with a vaccine, crucial things to get answers to, as i know they're rushing to do.
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hence the name warp speed. thank you very much. elizabeth, i appreciate it. elizabeth with that first interview with the man in charge of that effort. next, the u.s. economy plunging like we've never seen before. it is now at a whole new stage. this isn't just a temporary things are bad and things will reopen. this is different. >> the whole prospect of having a business in this climate seems impossible. kuten's app is super, i open the app, find the store i want to use, start buying and it gets me tons of cash back. i'm an on the go kind of rakuten user for sure. i love the rakuten app, it has all my favorite stores at the top. i use rakuten for almost everything i buy. i just got paid to shop. my favorite thing about rakuten is just getting money back in the mail. i mean, who wouldn't want cash back. and you should sign up using my referral code because then we both get money. rack it up with rakuten, sign up today to get cash back on everything you buy.
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tonight, the u.s. economy is shrinking by nearly 10% in the second quarter. more than 32% at an annualized rate, which is the worst on record. it comes for the second week in a row the number of americans filing for unemployment benefits rose, which could be a sign of another round of layoffs. congress is negotiating an extension of the $600 unemployment benefits. kyung lah is outfront. >> gorod morning, everybody. >> reporter: an early morning workout. >> three, two, one. separate your legs. don't leave the floor. >> reporter: in the new abnormal
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for studio metamorphasis. all virtual, facing a seemingly never ending contagion. >> the whole prospect of having a business in this climate seems impossible. >> reporter: five months ago, the owners closed their three los angeles studios. then a lifeline. >> we heard back from the ppp. we're going to get some money for you guys. >> yeah! >> reporter: were you able to cover the rent, were you able to cover salaries? >> for about a month. >> i mean, rents are expensive in l.a. >> reporter: so it didn't last very long? >> no. >> reporter: now, $150,000 behind in rent, they're selling off equipment to stay afloat. cleared rooms for a virtual virtue and california's reopening. >> when we reopened, we realized oh, my god, like no one's
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coming, really. because people are scared. >> okay, let's regroup. we are going to have to rebuild. we know that. which locations are we going to have to close? >> reporter: more business closures is what congress hopes the latest stimulus proposal prevents. >> six feet there. >> reporter: but tom isn't waiting on lawmakers any more. >> we realized at some point we needed to really innovate and just keep moving. we didn't want to keep stopping and let the virus control the narrative. >> reporter: the path here has been painful. are you scared? this was in march as the virus closed his restaurant, employees only. >> i'm concerned. >> reporter: today? >> this used to be a parking lot. it was a nice, dirty old parking lot, and we turned it into this -- basically we created a paradise in the middle of the pandemic.
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>> reporter: reinnovating his entire restaurant outside, open thing weekend. how many small businesses do you know that have closed? >> a lot. more than i can count. and i'm hoping to not be one of them. ♪ >> take a deep breath. >> reporter: small businesses employ 60 million americans, about half of the private workforce. >> do not drop out of this. >> reporter: that's what is at stake in the next stimulus package say these owners. >> you made it. >> reporter: even more than just their brick and mortar shops. >> people are losing their lives. millions of people are losing their lives. >> reporter: here's one example of businesses fighting to stay open. this is pasadena, california. on both sides of the street, restaurants have spilled into an entire lane of traffic so it can serve their customers outside. the yelp economic survey says california leads the country in
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overall business closures since march 1. and the hardest hit city is los angeles. erin? >> thank you. and thanks very much for all of you for joining us. cnn's global town hall, coronavirus facts and fears, begins now. ♪ hello and welcome. i'm anderson cooper in new york. >> and i'm dr. sanjay gupta. this is our 19th cnn global town hall, coronavirus facts and fears. it's being seen internationally and streamed on >> since last week, nearly 8,000 more americans have lost their lives, pushing the death toll over the 150,000 mark in this country. before airtime, we got word that university of washington researchers revised their estimates, predicting almost 231,000 fatalities in this country alone by november. we also saw another 1.4 million file
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