tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN July 31, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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i'll be back tomorrow night for a special edition of "the situation room," 7:00 p.m. earn. see you then. "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, breaking news, the cdc warns up to 30,000 more americans could die in the next three weeks. the president tonight down playing coronavirus deaths, though, in a state that had a record death toll today. breaking news, hurricane warnings in effect for florida, the governor declaring the state of emergency for the hurricane as florida does hit a record number of coronavirus deaths. the president fear mongering about the election. the warning against the president's words, let's go "outfront." "outfront" tonight, the breaking
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news, president trump down playing the deadly coronavirus pandemic. >> well, i hate it anywhere, but if you look at other countries, other countries are doing terribly. i think we're doing really well in florida. >> today florida did post a record number of deaths. that is something in fact it has done for four days running. when you compare the american death toll to other countries, as he did, you can see what it looks like. the united states in green and the other countries, well you see them at the bottom. in just the past eight days, half a million americans we know have become infected which is 43 americans every minute, many more we don't know about. the thing you know about is deaths. that has hit record highs in two states. nationally we're closing in on 153,000. tonight the cdc is forecasting that the united states could report 30,000 more dead americans in the next three weeks, people who are alive right now, some of whom may not even be sick yet. and tonight trump went ahead and
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held a campaign event and a hurricane prep event in florida, the state with the record death toll today. there's the campaign event in tampa, no social distancing, few masks. at the hurricane preparedness event it was the same scene. the president did not just model behavior that shows disrespect for the only two things that can save lives right now, masks and social distance, he also continued to mislead the american people. tweeting during a capitol hill hearing, we do much more testing than the other countries in the world. if we had no testing or bad testing, we would show very few cases. sure, if you don't test, you're not going to know who has it. it's a moot point because people will still die. in fact more of them will die than if you knew who had it early on and could treat them and prevent them from spreading it. his argument is on its face inhuman. listen to dr. fauci. >> are we seeing more covid-19
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cases in the u.s. because of the testing results? >> obviously if you do more testing, you're going to see more cases. >> okay. >> but the increases that we're seeing are real increases in cases, as also reflected by increasing in hospitalization and increasing in deaths. >> okay. according to the cdc, five national models now show the number of hospitalizations is expected to increase over the next four weeks, hospital zass from coronavirus specifically and wit comes to death also. this country will not get the pandemic under control until we know who has the virus so we can stop it spreading to people who do get very sick and die. which means people need to get the results of their tests in less than 72 hours. that is not possible in the united states. it's not possible. you know that and trump's go-to man on testing knows it too. >> it is not a possible benchmark we can achieve today
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given demand and supply. >> 72 hours is a joke. some people are waiting 7 to 10 days for results which renders them worthless. that should alarm everyone. contact tracing is what we need to do. find out who has it, stop it from spreading. you're not able to do it if test results are delayed by more than five days. when you look at where we are right now, part of what we see of course is that we're learning that it just doesn't work unless you get the contact tracing. and jared kushner had a national testing plan this past spring to do that, but according to a new report in "vanity fair" one team member is ughed a national plan was not necessary. think about that. facts didn't matter in democratic states, the pandemic didn't matter to them. i'm going to speak to the reporter who broke that story in a poemt had. the delays, shortage of supplies, one of the top experts in this country said the u.s.
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needs a new strategy where every morning you wake up, spit on a special piece of paper, two minutes later you know if you have the coronavirus or not. that way you can go to school or go to work. that's how you get an economy functioning. and that's what the president should be pushing. more testing saves lives and it's the only way to save an economy in total chaos. more testing the path to fewer cases and fewer deaths, mr. president. erica hill is "outfront" live in new york. erica despite what the president says, the pandemic tonight not under control in this country. >> reporter: no, erin, it's absolutely not under control. surpassing 4.5 million cases. we heard from the cdc more than a month ago the number of people infected could be ten times that. without proper testing, without quick test results, without contact tracing, getting this virus under control is increasingly difficult. >> i think with such a diversity of response in this country from different states that we really
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did not are a unified bringing everything down. >> there was not one national plan to get the virus under control. and despite guidelines from the white house, there wasn't a unified plan to reopen either. >> we should have been able to anticipate that these surges of infections would occur. and i think so much of our response has been reacting to what's happened rather than anticipating what's ahead. >> reporter: those decisions now playing out in real time. while things are looking better over the past week, even in the recent hotspots of arizona, california, and florida, texas seeing a slight decline in new cases, infections are growing in the midwest. and deaths, which lag by at least two to four weeks, are rising. the cdc predicting fatalities could top 173,000 in the next three weeks. >> taking personal responsibility is the best way to keep this in check. and win the war against this invisible enemy.
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>> reporter: hospitalizations are hitting record highs in several states. earlier this month, the administration moved to bypass the cdc, telling hospitals to send their data directly to hhs. >> dr. redfield, when did you first learn? when were you first told? when were you first notified? >> again, as i mentioned, i wouldn't involved in the decision -- >> so you -- >> -- i don't remember the exact date. >> am i to understand that you were not told at all? >> well, i was told, actually, once the secretary's office made the decision that that was the decision and we worked together. >> reporter: in the early ep cent e just 1% of tests are now coming back positive. new york city, the nation's largest school district raising new details for hybrid learning and how to deal with an outbreak. >> if a case in a classroom, the kids, students and teacher are going to quarantine for 14 days no matter what. >> schools in indiana and
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georgia welcoming kids back. >> we're ready to start. we need oget our kids in school. >> infections could be controlled at colleges this fall if students are tested every two days. many universities have already decided to move learning online instead. >> reporter: another study out of the cdc that is giving some folks pause as they look at what to do for back to school, this study looked at a georgia overnight camp where over 40% of the kids there contracted the virus. they followed most of the guidelines for the cdc for summer camps. one thing the campers did not do, the kids did not wear masks. the staff did, but the cdc notes there was daily vigorous singing and cheering. that is raising new questions about the fall. i want to go now to dr. sanjay gupta and dr. jonathan reiner, director of the cardiac cath lab at gw who directed the white house medical team under
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george w. bush. 15 days to go from 3 to 4 million cases and positives far outweighing the testing here. the president though still saying this is because we test more and saying today if we had no testing we would show very few cases, as if, you know, that just deny the reality so it goes away. what are facts here? >> yeah, i mean, that is absolutely a completely denial of reality, putting your head in the sand. obviously the testing is not causing people to become infected. there are a lot of opeople infected, probably ten times as many as we're seeing. we're definitely not doing enough testing. the one thing is we're doing so little testing that it's not accomplishing what we want to accomplish in terms of finding people, being able to isolate them, quarantine their context, and bring the numbers down. if you had a good testing program, not only would you be finding people who are symptomatic and sick, you would
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be doing surveillance testing to people who are asymptomatic testing. you would be doing what you described, assurance testing. it could be like a weather app. do i need to carry an umbrella today or not? it could be that simple if we had break throughs and recognition of the importance. we're still minimizing it. >> you could get the whole thing under control, even the economy that shrunk by a third. we're looking into an abyss here. and testing a big part of why. dr. ryan, yeiner, at the hearin experts all agreed, cdc, testing chief, we're not where we need to be. we're not even frankly close. but the president keeps coming out saying we're doing such a great job, and in fact, we shouldn't be doing all this testing because it's why we're seeing cases. why has he continued to say this? he knows what he's saying is patently false, i assume. of. >> well, does he? there are really only two
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explanations. either the president is willfully deceiving public, or the president just cannot understand. this you know, the two cardinal tools that we have to suppress the pandemic are the two things the president has consistently cast doubt on. the president has called testing overrated. you heard him do that as recently as today as you just said and the president refuses to wear a mask. the president was in florida today, the epicenter of the united states pandemic, not wearing a mask and visiting with the crowd without a mask. and when i saw that, my heart broke for the nurses and docs and the staff in the hospitals like jackson memorial and tampa general that are flooded with people dying of this virus. and the president comes down to florida without a mask? that's like smoking a cigarette in a cancer ward. what a slap in the face. either he doesn't get it or he refuses to tell the public the truth. either way it's unacceptable. >> sanjay, i will say, you know,
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after what happened to herman cain, we don't know exactly where he got it although it's extremely possible he got it at that rally in oak observe, you would think as president of the united states the possibility that someone coming to see you could do, that you would do everything possible for that not to happen. he's not doing it. we have a record of deaths for the fourth day in a row in florida. he held a rally of sorts on the tarmac. it was outside but you can see no social distance. maybe i see a mask there. maybe. i'm not sure i see one. round table again, same scene. how dangerous is this for some of the people who are there? not him. people who are coming to support him? >> well, you know, first of all, what jonathan reiner said about the fact that he knows this and is choosing not to abide by this i think is the case. and we know the coronavirus task force members when they're asked question about what they're telling the president, they're telling him the importance of testing and masks and all these
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things. it's not like the information is not getting to the president at this point. just to keep that in back of mind. it's obviously a dangerous sort of thing not only for those people who are closely clustered and i don't know how long they were clustered but for the president. i realize he gets testeder day, but getting a test doesn't inoculate you against the virus. there are people around him within 6 feet, have they been tested? might they be transmitting the virus to the president of the united states? it's kind of shocking. you've got to think about this from a national security perspective to some extent. just because you can't see the virus doesn't mean it's not there. >> the president, he's 74 years old, has comorbidities including obesity. you talked about that with heart issues, sanjay. he should be concerned. he's in a risk zone. so, dr. reiner, the rally from the president today, the mini rally on the tarmac, comes a day after herman cain died, his friend who contracted the virus at some point, possibly at the
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tulsa rally, right around that time frame somehow. the president was asked about that today. >> are you worried he caught covid in tulsa? >> no, i don't think he did. >> obviously, there's no way for him to know that. herman cain was hospitalized with coronavirus 11 days after that rally. it's extremely possible he got it there. he could have gotten it somewhere else. his website says we don't know where he contracted, he travelled on planes between several cities. it's not impossible that he contracted it at the tulsa rally. but the president is not even -- i guess he can't -- anyone who went to that who wasn't a vip like herman cain had to sign a waiver where they shouldn't hold the president responsible if they got coronavirus or got sick and died. >> he completely lacks empathy. the response to that question should have been, oh, god, i hope not.
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mr. cain got hospitalized about 12 days after the rally. it takes about five days to become symptomatic after exposure on average and typically about a week to get sick enough to get hospitalized and that's exactly 12 days. i don't know where he got it but he could have gotten it at the rally. it doesn't matter. what matters is the president was willing to expose thousands of people, about 6,000 people that day, to the virus. no social distancing, no requirement for masks. and, you know, whether or not mr. cain got it there, it doesn't matter because the president was willing to have his supporters risk their lives to stroke his ego. >> before we go, sanjay, what erica mentioned, 44% of campers at their georgia overnight camp getting coronavirus. obviously most of them aren't -- maybe none of them are going to get really sick, but they could spread it. what does this mean for schools? >> i think it's a big marker for schools. i know this camp, by the way. a lot of my kids and my kids friends know this camp.
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260 kids got infected. i don't know if we know the numbers. but it was kids who were pretty young who made up the vast majority of infections as well. as you point out, erin, if you don't -- even if you're not getting sick, the idea the kids can transmit the virus is a real concern. i think oits a fundamental point. i hope people understand that. people say the kids are immune. they're not immune. they may not get as sick, but they can still spread the virus. >> thank you both. next, florida's 1-2 punch, the grim record on deaths today in the deadly pandemic and now a hurricane that is heading straight for the coasts. warnings are up, testing for coronavirus shut down. and "vanity fair" reporting jared kushner was working on that a plan that went poof into thin air. why? maybe it came down to politics. baseball commissioner warning if the league can't get the cases under control, the season's over. ad you?
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feepowerful 24-hour,f claritin non-drowsy, allergy relief, plus an immediate cooling sensation for your throat. feel the clarity, and live claritin clear. breaking news a hurricane warning issued in florida, the governor declaring a state of emergency. hurricane isaias barrelling toward the state as the state had a record number of coronavirus deaths for four days in a row. ryan, the pandemic there, 10% positivity, record day of death. now you have the hurricane coming. testing sites are going to be
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shutting down. is there a sense this is the straw that breaks the camel's back -- bad analogy. it's not a straw -- but more than the state can handle? >> i don't think there's any doubt, under any circumstance, hurricane isaias would be a huge issue. but you take into the contents of dealing with the pandemic, it becomes a major problem. you mentioned that the covid sites have been forced to be shut down in many places across the state. you have the companion problem as to what they're going to do about shelters, the governor warning the florida residents should have days of food and water. that often leads to folks needing to access shelters. that means asking the counties to put special precautions in place to stop the spread of the coronavirus, meaning only 50 people per shelter, hand sanitizer, mandatory masks and social distancing.
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they're suggesting that each person be given up to 60 square feet inside these shelters. that is going to be a very difficult task to manage, especially if there's high demand for the shelters. shelters have et why to open across the state as they wait to see how the storm progresses. there is still a hope it's just a rain maker, but they are prepared for the worst in florida for the next 24 to 48 hours. >> it's just -- we all know that's not going to happen. thank you very much. so, what is it going to look like? let's go to jennifer gray. jennifer, you heard the hopes here. you have a hurricane warning now parts of the east coast, forecast to strengthen as it comes closer. >> we're in that window of strengthening right now, it looks like the storm is getting better organized as we speak and possibly strengthening a little bit. new is the 5:00 p.m. advisory, hurricane warnings in place from
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palm beach county up the coast. we have hurricane warnings in bahamas where the storm is bearing down as we speak. gusts of 90 moves to the northwest at 15-miles-per-hour. isaias is going to remain category one strength but possibly strengthen to an 85-miles-per-hour storm and depending on how close it gets to fla will determine the impact. the cone includes much of florida. we could have the land fall or could have a glancing blow. either way though we are going to see impacts for not only florida but all up and down the eastern seaborg the carolina, the outer banks. and well up into the northeast is a 65-miles-per-hour storm. this is one to watch through the middle part of next week. next jared kushner. he led a team that had a national testing plan. can you imagine how different
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this would would have been? it went away? what happened to it? was it scrapped because democrats were dying? breaking news, the department of homeland security tonight warning that foreign adversaries could seize on trump's claims of voter fraud to sow more confusion and weakness in this country. >> this is going to be the greatest election disaster in history. it's called ubrelvy. the migraine medicine for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes without worrying if it's too late or where you happen to be. one dose of ubrelvy can quickly stop a migraine in its tracks within two hours. many had pain relief in one hour. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. few people had side effects, most common were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine.
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new tonight, "vanity fair" reporting that jared kushner was working on a secret national testing plan to bring coronavirus under control in the spring. and that by early april some who worked on the plan believed it was ability to be unmasked. then some said the report, quote, went poof into the air. today 153,000 americans have lost their lives to the virus, more than any other country in the word, in part because of testing. the "vanity fair" journalist who broke the story. i really appreciate your time. this story is amazing. this would have been the beginning of something crucial that would have made the difference of many tens of
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thousands of lives, something that medical experts said from the beginning was what we needed. what happened to it? >> ann, thanks so much for having me on. i appreciate being here. this plan was hammered out in secret with the sort of brain trust of jared kushner which included his college roommate but also experts from the diagnose fostic testing industry. they work night and day in secret using the whatsapp encrypted platform, and they did develop a cogent national plan and it's a plan that every other industrialized nation that has flattened their curve has used, where you nationalize the response to testing, you surge supplies nationally, you divvy up laboratory capacity nationally. then, as one participant told me, the plan just went poof into thin air. so, behind the scenes -- >> so --
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>> go ahead. >> so, i wanted to ask you about that. what did happen behind the scenes. i know you talked to several people who were involved with this, who knew about it. you talk about one who was in frequent contact with the coronavirus task force and they told you that someone on kushner's team said we don't need a national plan because at that time it's blue states being hit the hardest. you quote the expert as saying the political folks believe because it was going to be relegated to democratic states they could blame those governors and that would be a political strategy. this is saying they did not care if people died in democratic states, that somebody really did not care. it's a stunning thing. tell me what you know. >> yeah. so, the plan which was going to be announced hit changing sentiment at the white house. there was a shared feeling, which turned out to be spectacularly wrong, that the virus was receding, it was going
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to be under control. and at the time, it was just are the blue states where the virus was surging. so, the idea was, why go through all the effort to surge up a national plan. it wasn't going to have political resonance, was a phrase that i was given, and that, you know, if there was a political response that was needed, the blue state governors could just be blamed and that the national plan wasn't needed. and of course, in retrospect, we look at what's happened this summer, it's surging in numerous states across the country, a national plan is very much needed. >> the white house press secretary today said the premise of your article is entirely false, the article misstates and rhys represents. further the article is incorrect in it's assertion any plan was stopped better political or other reasons. what's your response to kayleigh mcenany? >> well, i mean, we very much stand by the story.
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it isn't false. there was absolutely a national plan. we obtained a copy. we also on tauned an invoice of secretly procured tests that the white house had purchased which ended up not working. and i think it's just -- the proof is in the pudding, which is that you have americans waiting 7 to 14 days for test results, and that essentially makes the tests useless, right? >> yes. >> the only reason to do the test is so that you can take action as the result of what the test tells you. if you're getting results back that late, you do not have an effective testing system. >> catherine, i appreciate your time and reporting. thank you very much. i want to go now to dr. lea lea leann wynn.
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how much difference do you think a national testing plan like this would have made back in the spring. we're look at a death toll of 153,000 that the cdc says could go up 30,000 in the next few weeks. how much of a difference would a testing plan have made? >> a huge difference, erin. this was the single biggest mistake the u.s. made from the get go. you look at a country like south korea that has the first case of covid the same day we did. they have 300 deaths because they were able to mobilize testing. they were able to contact trace, isolate, and contain coronavirus. we didn't. and by the time that we figured out that we had a problem, we had such wide community spread that the only thing we could do at that point was to implement the lockdown. so, all these other things we saw, students not being able to go to school, the economy being shutdown, it was because of lack of testing. but it's not too late. tech still come up with a
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national testing strategy. and we need to have much better reporti reporting. there needs to be a dashboard broken down by demographics so we can target individuals most affected and we need to know number of tests coming back within a 48 hour period too. >> what do you make of the part of the reporting, part of the reason it was scrapped at the time it was hitting democratic states. there's no other way to put it. those lives were not worthy of them putting the time in. >> it's unconscionable. this is the reason we can't have politicians drive this response. this needs to be driven by public health officials because the science is there. the technology is there. that's not what we're missing here. what we're missing is the political will and the willingness for us to put aside whatever partisan differences and come together to save lives. >> dr. wen, thank you very much. it's good to see you.
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next the breaking news the department of homeland security blamed foreign countries may try to take advantage of trump's unproven claims of voter fraud as trump's own intelligence officials refuse to back up his allegation. baseball's commissioner warning he may be forced to end the season. urance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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. breaking news. the department of homeland security releasing a new report, warning foreign enmys could seize on president trump's unproven claims of voter fraud, saying these threat actors may mislead the public about the mechanics of mail-in voting. this report coming just hours after president trump said this. >> they think they're going to send hundreds of millions of ballots all over the united states and it's going to come out. you won't know the election results for weeks, months, maybe years. maybe you'll never know the result. it'll be fixed. it'll be rigged. this is going to be the greatest election e disaster in history.
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>> just think for a second that's the sitting president of the united states saying the american election is a rigged disaster. it's bad. i see you shaking your head, former republican ohio john kasich. governor, what do you make of this? his own intelligence officials aren't backing up his claims but he's saying this stuff. >> erin, the hits keep coming every day. this is an outrageous one. what you don't want to do is have the president convincing his folks, 25, 25 kt approximate of the american lek rat here, the american people that the election we have the fraudulent. that is a disaster. we have two examples we could point to. one is richard nixon. he conceded for the good of the country. of course al gore did the same thing. you remember the hanging chads and the counts in florida. he did the same thing. i don't expect this is going to be that close, but he's already
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sowing the doubt, the mistrust and driving down another institution, the institution of voting in our country and saying it's going to be deeply flawed. it's just -- it's ridiculous. it's ridiculous. there's no evidence to support it, by the way. i've got a friend who served on the board of election in this state, and he said over the course of his time serving, he saw very, very few cases of fraud and some of them involved maybe somebody older who voted absentee and they forgot and went in to vote. it doesn't exist. mail-in voting will work and it will be fine. >> that's really important. there's nothing to support this. it's look the thing about millions of people, people who are in this country illegally voting. it didn't add up. he continues to make these sorts of claims. the president is -- you heard what he's trying to say. any delay in results is equivalent to fraud, which seems deeply troubling, right?
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because the definition of mail-in voting if you have enough of it which you probably will does mean there will be a delay. a delay means you take the time to count the votes correctly, right? >> it's exactly right. and there are states right now that do mail-in voting. we do absentee voting here in ohio. it's fine. and there's protections. and i'll tell you, if you take somebody else's ballot and you mark it and you do something that violates the law, you can be prosecuted. this is -- this is just -- it's just a phony, phony argument that he's making. it makes no sense. but i'm concerned, erin, if it begins to sow distrust in the minds of americans, some percentage of americans, and that -- i don't want to go farther than to say it's really, to me, it is -- it borders on dangerous to do that. >> so, this comes as we've got more than 25 million people, as you know tonight, governor, losing unemployment benefits,
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right? they've gone home for the weekend. we've got no signs of any kind of deal. you know, how significant is this? >> it's -- it's just -- i mean -- it's like -- think about if you were living in florida. you've got a hurricane coming your way. you've got covid and deaths exploding in florida. now you've lost a big chunk of that that you're living on. it's like a perfect storm. and, you know, why did they have to leave? i've been through lots of negotiations when i was congress, i mean, lots of negotiatings yas, went through government shutdowns. but we never put people's survival or their well being at risk. and i'm just stunned. and the other thing is, erin, i understand that there was an offer made to extend everything for one week so they can negotiate. apparently democrats said no. i don't know what's behind that, but -- >> that doesn't make sense. >> -- just get something done. >> right. >> get something done. >> i hear you. >> get it done. you're losing all credibility.
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>> i want to give you a chance -- something you've been waving the flag and not getting attention which is democrats saying they're open to get rid of the senate filibuster which has forced people on the extremes of both parties to work together. many could go 50/50. the polls could win. here's president obama yesterday. >> if all this takes eliminating the filibuster, another jim crow relic, in order to secure the god-given rights of every american, then that's what we should do. >> joe biden said he also thinks they should take a look at it. but you've got a warning. what is it? >> i hope they don't do it. what this does, what the filibuster does is it requires both parties to work together. you can't have one party just jamming something through like they did on obamacare and it's been unsettled in this country since they did it without any republicans. the filibuster is critical for slowing down the passage, a freight train by one party or
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another. it's not good for republicans or democrats f. they keep the filibuster, people will be more comfortable with being able to vote for something that is not usual for them like voting across party lines. >> fair point. not so when you think about courts. you don't want to take courts that are full of all people on one end and not the other. you've got a filibuster. you raise the point. i always appreciate talking to you. thank you. >> thank you. have a good weekend. >> you too. 38 days since new york's primary and we still don't know the results. that is not okay. what is going on? espn reporting the major league baseball commissioner is threatening to end the season. more players tonight testing positive for coronavirus. our health comes first.
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jason carol is "outfront." >> reporter: the democratic primary between carolyn maloney and challenger was held more than five weeks ago. as of today, there's still no winner. >> the voters in new york 12 got screwed. >> reporter: the problem is the city board of elections and the u.s. postal service were grossly underprepared for the massive number of people voting by mail due to coronavirus pandemic. according to the city board of elections, roughly 400,000 mail-in ballots were counted compared to and attention of president trump and take a look at new york city. >> adding to the county concerns in new york are thousands of absentee ballots rejected for late or missing postmarks or signatures. >> most of them have signatures and dates by the voter that say voted june 18th, signed june 16th. they will not get counted. thousands of voters.
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>> what does the city or state board of elections have to say about these problems? our repeated request for an interview or statement were denied. the state board of elections provided a statement saying local jurisdictions had to deal with a more than 12 fold increase in absentee ballots and had to follow appropriate social distancing and staffing protocol so a longer canvassing process was one outcome. new york governor andrew cuomo who decided in april to send absentee ballot applications to all registered voters acknowledged the system needs to be improved and the clock is ticking. >> we did have -- not we, the boards of elections had operation wishes. some better, some worse. and they have to learn from them and we want to get the lessons and make the system better. and make it better for november. >> i think there is blame to go all around. >> new york state senator says the infrastructure needs an
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upgrade before november. one recent poll found 38% of americans would prefer to vote by mail this fall. >> our post offices were not prepared for this. they weren't prepared for the volume. our boards of elections operating at minimized capacity and dealing with a condensed timeline and increased volume. we're not totally prepared for this. >> he says he just wants to make sure every vote is counted. >> we want to make sure that we do this right and count every vote so we don't supply donald trump and republicans with any sort of argument to discredit vote by mail. >> and erin, the board of elections is finally going to certify caroline maloney, the winner in the 12th districted expected to happen tuesday once all the votes are finally certified. >> thank you very much, jason. >> next, breaking news, es many,
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espn commissioner warning the league could be shutting down. could baseball give us a lesson about reopening? to return to the workplace, safely, commissioner warning the league could be shutting down. could baseball give us a lesson about reopening? that's why salesforce created it's an all-new suite of apps, expertise, and services. to manage this crisis today, and thrive tomorrow. everything companies need to return to the workplace. let's reopen. safely.
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breaking news, it could be game over for major league baseball this year. espn reporting the commission warned the head of the players' union he could shut down the season if teams don't do a better job with coronavirus protocols as mlb announced 29 players and teams tested positive this week. martin salve vague isv salve is >> team sequestering, bubbles to let the games begin. could the winners and losers teach us something? take baseball. already a number of games are on hold as 20 members of the miami marlins tested positive for coronavirus. players aren't sequestered and teams travel to outbreak hot
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spots. the washington nationals were so concerned about going to florida they put it to a vote. >> we all decided it was probably unsafe to go there. >> friday the cardinals brewers game postponed after two members of the st. louis team tested positive. meanwhile, the national hockey league and national basketball association have opted for a different approach. keeping participants in a closed environment where they live, practice and play their games. the bubble. so far, so good. during training camp, the nhl tested more than 800 players. two positive the first week and none the second. the teams now face-off in two secure zones in edmonton and toronto, canada. >> we are feeling good about the fact that we've got a contained environment. one player was quoted as saying from the bubble this is the safest he's felt since the middle of march. >> at the nba bubble in orlando where the season resumed thursday, they are also declaring success. the league says two players inside the bubble have tested
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positive and that was over two weeks ago. >> in essence, everyone is tested on a nightly basis and then they, as a practical matter, don't leave their room until they have the results the next morning. >> reporter: still to come, football. the nfl says it takes safety seriously rekconfiguring locker rooms and dog awing away with preseason games. the nfl is allowing players and staff to go home, increasing their risk to get infected. roger goodell wrote in a year that's been extraordinary difficult for our country and the world, we hope that the energy of this moment will provide some much needed optimism. but growing numbers of nfl players opting out of the 2020 season would seem to indicate they don't share that optimism. so what have sports taught us? we already knew. that quarantine and ample access to testing is a winning
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strategy. >> something hopefully we can use for everything else, for schools, like we started the show. wake up in the morning, spit on a special piece of paper, two minutes later, you know. you're sick, you don't spread. thank you for joining us. have a good, safe weekend. you can watch "outfront" any time on cnn go. anderson starts now. very good friday evening to you, anderson is off. we begin with something he said awhile back that sadly fits this moment. there is, he said, no better b.s. detector than the coronavirus. it has a way of exposing falsehoods, the magical thinking, the politicized nonsense now surrounding it and it does so with brutal simplicity. by taking people's lives. there is no better embodiment of this notion than the president of the united states today. he's been reading a lot of
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