tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 31, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! very good friday evening to you. anderson is off. but we begin tonight with something that he said a while back, that, sadly, fits this moment. there is, he said, no better bs detector than the coronavirus. it has a way of exposing the falsehoods, the magical thinking, the politicized nonsense, now, surrounding it. and it does so, with brutal simplicity by taking people's lives. and there is no better embodiment of this notion than the president of the united states, today. he has been reading a lot of words, lately. even, drawing some praise for it about wearing a mask, for instance, and social distancing.
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but he, neither wrote them, nor meant them, and we know that by his actions, by these actions. by this video of him arriving today in tampa, florida. >> thank you, very much, that's really great. thank you. thank you for being here. it's a good crowd. >> a good crowd, he says. note, though, no social distancing. no masks. he traveled to tampa, in part, for a roundtable on the virus. this is how we end this week. a week, in which the virus went right on doing what it does. a week that saw the death toll pass 150,000 americans and infections top 4.5 million. against that backdrop, the house subcommittee on the coronavirus crisis, heard from top members of the president's own task force. and what lawmakers heard, for the most part, was a thorough
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debunking of falsehoods, false hopes, and do as i say, not as i do bs that covid-19 unfortunately thrives on. such as the president's insincere call for mask wearing. >> wearing a simple mask, properly. it's critical to limiting the transmission. be smart about social distancing. and being in crowded spaces. >> and yet, after all this, try telling it to the boss. who also appeared at a crowded, mask-free event in texas this week. and his mask-free visit to florida, today, comes just a day after the death of his friend and surrogate, herman cain, who attended trump's big rally in tulsa last month, and fell ill with the virus a short time later. the president's trip and the behavior he modeled also comes in the wake of congressman louie
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gohmert's covid diagnosis, and his just bizarre speculation that covering his face, actually, made him sick. >> i can't help but wonder if, by keeping a mask on and keeping it in place, that -- if i might have put some germs, some -- some of the virus on the mask, and breathed it in. >> well, that's garbage and it was debunked today. >> does wearing a mask give people covid-19? >> does wearing a mask give it? no, not to my knowledge. >> he had a smile when he said it. also, debunked by his own experts. the president's repeated defense of hydroxychloroquine and a doctor who touts it. that doctor, also, happens to believe that women can be impregnated by witches and spirits, in their dreams. we're not making this up. >> i was very impressed with her and other doctors that stood with her.
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i think made sense but i know nothing about her. i just saw her making a statement with very respected doctors. she was making a statement by other doctors that swear by it, that think it's great. she was not alone. >> that's the president, just two days ago. so listen to the facts. listen to the experts. here is dr. fauci, today. >> do people take hydroxychloroquine as a cure for covid-19? >> the overwhelming, cumulative evidence of properly conducted, randomize-control trials indicate no therapeutic efficacy for hydroxychloroquine. >> that's how science works. so dr. fauci was later asked about the one study that the president likes to tout in support of the drug. and debunked that talking point, as well. >> the henry ford hospital study that was published was a noncontrolled, retrospective
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cohort study. that was confounded by a number of issues, including the fact that many of the people receiving hydroxychloroquine were, also, receiving corticosteroids, which we know, from another study, gives a clear benefit in reducing deaths with advanced disease. so that study is a flawed study, and i think anyone who examines it, carefully, is that it is not a randomized placebo-controlled trial. >> the president, as you know, repeatedly claims that testing is overrated. that it is testing that makes the country look bad. and if you, somehow, did less testing, there would be fewer infections. here's, yet, another member of the president's own coronavirus task force. >> testing is an essential component of america's public-health response to covid-19. testing enables clinical decision-making. it heralds impending outbreaks. it informs resource allocation.
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and it assists in minimizing economic and social disruption. >> yeah. well, the president's currently not listening to folks like that. employed by his own administration. testing is how south korea, for example, kept its death toll below 300. just 300. without ever having to fully shut down the economy. it is how germany kept its own outbreak in check. and it is something that this country has never gotten a handle on, nationally. never developed a national strategy to address. why would you? when the president, himself, calls it overrated. and why test for something the president says, has said repeatedly, will just go away? >> it's going to disappear. one day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear. it will go away. just stay calm. it will go away. >> it will go away. you know -- you know it is going away and it will go away. and we're going to have a great victory. >> it's going to go away, hopefully, at the end of the month. and if not, it, hopefully, will be soon after that. >> i think what happens is it'll
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go away. this is going to go away. >> this is going to go away without a vaccine. >> i always say, even without it, it goes away. >> i think, at some point, that's going to sort of just disappear, i hope. >> you still believe so? >> i do. i do. sure, at some point. you know, i said it's going to disappear. i'll say it again. it's going to disappear. the virus will disappear. it will disappear. >> you know, i say it's going to disappear. they say that's terrible. i mean, it's true. it's going to disappear. >> well, it's not true. goes without saying. never has been. and it's more than a little crazy that anyone, let alone the president, should need to be reminded. but he does. and today, he was. >> is covid-19 going to magically disappear, dr. fauci? >> i do not believe it would disappear because it's such a highly-transmissible virus, it is unlikely that is going to disappear. >> there you have it. not going to disappear. that's science. and in a sad but, somehow,
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fitting capper on the week, the president, just this evening, made this remarkable statement with the gaslight turned up to 11. >> but if you look at other countries, other countries are doing terribly. i will say this. proportionately, relatively, when you look at your nursing home situation, it's a tribute to your governor and government, the job they have done. i think we're doing really well in florida. >> yeah, it's not true in florida. it's not true, nationally, in this country. it's an expanding crisis. deaths in florida, for instance, hitting a new high today. for the fourth day in a row. joining us now, dr. eileen marty, she is infectious disease specialist at florida international university and cnn chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta. sanjay, we have talked so many times about this. and i -- and i sense your patience thinning with the nation's response here. understandable, given your
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understanding of this. so, on a day with cases past 4.5 million in this country. president, once again, goes to an event, doesn't wear a mask. no social distancing. how did we get here? and how do we get out of this situation, without presidential leadership, which doesn't appear to be coming? >> well, you know, as far as how -- how we got here, jim, i think it's really, you know, the comments you just made. i mean, there's been a -- there's been a systemic minimizing, that's been deliberate, of this disease, since almost the very beginning. we lost more than a month of february, where we basically ignored this and we know the virus continued to spread. and it's become more widespread, we have talked about doing less testing, instead of more testing. there's probably ten times as many people who have been infected, as we've even counted. so that's how we got here. the original sin is really that we minimized this, didn't test. and as a result, here we are. there's countries around the world that have been able to
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bring their numbers down to very manageable. 1 in a million or 1 in 100,000,at least, new infections per day. that would be sort of containment mode. they don't have a vaccine to do that. they did the basics. mask wearing. physical distancing. avoiding the -- the highest-risk situation, which is indoors, clustered together, without a mask, like bars or restaurants. avoiding big gatherings. and washing hands. i mean, look. i know it sounds silly almost because we're used to like wanting a purple pill or whatever. you know, some sort of magical cure but this works, jim, as we have seen around the world. >> yeah. testing and contact tracing, too, on a large scale. dr. marty, florida, auz kns you, set a new record for coronavirus deaths the fourth straight day. you saw the president traveling down there, he says i think we're doing really well in florida. you know the actual situation. tell folks who are watching what the reality is on the ground there. >> well, the reality is absolutely heartbreaking. we've had children die.
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we've had very high incidence of kawasaki disease. the multisystem inflammatory syndrome that we're now seeing in some children. we have, in miami-dade alone, 118,400-odd people that have tested positive. and over 500 in individuals in our icu. it's -- it's an excruciatingly challenging situation right now. >> yeah. see it every day. sanjay, so, you have a hill hearing today. you have dr. fauci. you have dr. redfield. admiral giroir, repeatedly, debunking a series of the president's false claims. i wonder. they know the truth here. is that changing the policy, right? i mean, is the federal government, is the administration, given that these three experts work for the administration. is it, somehow, able to develop a policy without the president's leadership?
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>> i think it's very hard, jim. and it's -- it's -- it's surprising. it's shocking, frankly. i wouldn't have predicted this, at this point. but you had hearings today, in the middle of a pandemic that is the worst public-health crisis in the world. and it's getting worse in the united states. and i couldn't believe how much of that was just politicalizing, you know, the science and these -- these doctors having to fact check things. we should be talking about significant breakthroughs in testing. we should be talking about real-life ways of getting kids back to school. like, how is that going to happen safely? instead, there is this back and forth. are protects realsts really tha dangerous? or are they not that dangerous? it doesn't matter. people clustered together, the virus will spread if people are not masked and clustered together over time. it doesn't matter if you're a doctor. at this point, people understand that, i think. the fact that they're not acting on it i i this is just an
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absolute reflection that this is still being minimized and a lack of leadership. there's no reason we need to be in this mess right now. >> so, dr. marty -- >> jim, if i can add. >> please. >> well, i just -- sanjay's absolutely right. there is -- there is a huge problem with the perception that certain leaders are giving to this outbreak. which confuses the public. and -- and because of not providing the right perception, this is a superdangerous virus, and we all must cooperate and help one another get past this. and when we don't act that way, when we are not unified in being against the virus, instead of fighting amongst ourselves, then, we're splitting ourselves up. and setting ourselves up for failure, jim. >> yeah. so all those things you want, and every expert, doctor wants. everybody in the country that's gotten a handle on this has done. it's not happening here,
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nationally. and frankly, sanjay, i don't know that we're -- we're going to see that happening. you, sanjay, have used the metaphor, often, of sort of half-treating a sick patient. you know, giving half or less than half the medicine they need and, therefore, they never get better. is that -- is that where this country is, until you hope you get a working vaccine? >> yeah. i think that we have applied half measures. you know, sort of all along. and that goes back to the original sin of minimizing this. we have held pressure on the wound, thinking the patient would just heal, on their own, as opposed to taking care of the underlying problem. but, you know, if you put up those five things again. those basic five things. which again, people may say this is silly. we're talking the five things of mask wearing, of social distancing, not going to bars, avoiding large gatherings. if we did this for three weeks, we should just make a pledge right now. if the country did this for three weeks, honestly, diligently, and widespread, three weeks, we would probably be in a very different position.
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forget about whether or not your political, elected leader is telling you to do it or not. as dr. marty said, we're all in this together. we really are. at no point in our lives have we all been in this together, as right now. we are so dependent on each other so, for three weeks, do these things and we'll be having a very different conversation, jim. >> it'd be great to see it. be great if folks listened. dr. marty. >> i'd like to add that -- i'd like to add that if we do this, then, maybe we can open schools safely. because we have got to get the viral burden down. >> that comes first. dr. marty. just ahead, an update on vaccines and treatments and perspective on their prospects from a researcher with decades of experience in the field. later, a presidential historian's take on where we are as a country. with the president speculating about postponing the election and casting doubt on the entire process. our health comes first.
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well chcome back. a new forecast tonight by the cdc projects by the 22nd of august, little more than three weeks from now, the covid death toll in the country will top 173,000. 20,000, more. it comes at the end of another day of more than a thousand fatalities and florida surpassing its daily high, for the fourth straight day. set against that grim news is a number of promising developments, we should note. in both, treating and preventing the disease. we're going to speak about that, in a moment. first, a report from cnn's elizabeth cohen. >> reporter: the medical profession is getting smarter, every week. and eventually, they'll be armed with amazing therapeutics. >> that's philanthropist bill gates on cnn coronavirus town
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hall facts and fears. the foundation and its partners are funding up to $125 million in research for coronavirus treatments. for now, doctors are mostly using treatments that already exist for other diseases. studies show blood thinners help fight clots that are common among covid patients and stay roid reduce the risk of dying from covid-19. receiving convalescent plasma, or blood from someone who's recovered from coronavirus, also, reduces the risk of dying. as far as new weapons against covid-19, there's just one approved treatment. remdesivir. a study published in may showed it shaved four days off a hospital stay. still, not enough that is needed for more coronavirus treatments. >> i think therapeutics is actually the most promising thing, and not talked about as much as the vaccines because if you have multiple therapeutics
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that, between them, are reducing the death rate and the amount of serious sickness, by over 80%. probably, over 90%. that does start to reduce the horrific burden. >> reporter: and there are many in the pipeline. dr. francis collins. >> most exciting in my view, the use of antibodies, derived from people who have survived covid-19 who have made these antibodies to help them recover. and those can now be turned into products. >> dozens of companies are developing these strugs. they call the strongest antibodies that fight off covid-19. some look so promising that they are already in phase three testing on coronavirus patients, like jennifer burnt, an arizona nurse who got infected. >> i have seen people sick from this virus. i had a friend struggle for his life with this virus. i've had patients in the hospital, who are scared because their family can't be there at
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an awful time in their life. >> earlier this month, the federal government ordered regeneron to fast track. >> up to 300 vials of this by the end of summer or early fall. >> a different approach. antiviral drugs that directly aw ta attack the virus. researchers are also studying the virus's rna, its actual genetic material. while we wait for a vaccine, and perhaps even after, doctors can help patients with covid-19. elizabeth cohen, cnn reporting. >> promising signs there. perspective now from former harvard professor, william haseltine. he now chairs access health international. he is also author of "a family guide to covid."
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i'm sure a lot of folks would gain from reading that. professor, thanks for coming on. you heard bill gates there say that, in his view, therapeutics could be as important as a vaccine in controlling this outbreak. i wonder, do you agree? >> i definitely agree. i am a veteran of the aids wars. i came up with a combination therapy for hiv. and it's, in absence of vaccine, it's done wonders. people who would have died are alive for decades. and we can do the same for this virus. i think, if i were a betting person, i would bet 95% on drugs and 50% on vaccines, as being the most effective way to handle this disease. we can make drugs that, not only treat and cure people, we can have drugs that prevent infection. just like we now have for hiv. drugs that prevent infection. >> yeah. it's interesting cause -- cause, as you know, yourself, well. you know, that's a disease that
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there never was a vaccine developed for it. so, of these methods, so far, is there one that you find particularly promising? >> i think that the antibodies will be first. there is advantages and disadvantages. they're expensive to make. they have to be given intravenously. i am actually more in favor of small chemical drugs that work, to inhibit the processes the virus absolutely needs. that's what worked for hiv. and i think that will work for many other viruses. it's another respiratory virus. a respiratory virus that babies get and it helps them. so i think there are many, many things we can do and are now doing. and that's coming soon. >> so let's talk about vaccines. you heard the head of operation so-called warp speed saying he expects the vaccine to be as effective as 90%. injecting a little skepticism
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about that. but even he has said workable vaccine, possibly, by the end of this year. are you as hopeful? >> i think we'll have a vaccine. how well it works and how safe it is , is going to be the big questions. but the doctor should know better. he's worked for 30 years on problems like hiv and malaria where we don't have answers. he doesn't know as much as he may think he does about this virus. you should never try to bet against nature. coronaviruses are tricky. they reinfect every year, the same cold viruses. this is a coronavirus. it's like a cold virus. you can't underestimate how tricky it is. and that's why my bet is not 100%, and it's not even 90%, like dr. slawi's. i would give it something like 50%, given how complex these infections are. >> finally, just very quickly, do you believe this country can reliably get a vaccine to all
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the people who need it when it comes out? >> you know, that is a big question. we've seen the massive fiailure on testing, which you talked about earlier in the program. we've seen the massive problems with getting a country to work, as one, which we will need. you know, getting a vaccine to people, especially in these times where there's a lot of anti-vaxers and our president was an anti-vaxxer. it's tricky. you have got to use care and persuasion. not the strongest tools in the toolbox today. >> let's hope we get there. william haseltine, thanks very much. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> just ahead this hour, our gary tuchman takes us to the first day of school at a district in georgia, which decided to open its classroom doors, without a firm mask mandate. and despite the concerns of parents and children, and the emotions get very raw and real. you'll want to watch. that's when 360 continues. copd makes it hard to breathe.
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deciding to forego e-learning, and open classrooms in the next several weeks. a new report from the cdc underscores just how easily a coronavirus outbreak can happen, when children and adults mix. the report says more than three-quarters of children and staffers tested at a sleep-away camp in georgia contracted the virus. that outbreak happened, over a period of just days. and even after taking the state's recommended measures to operate. including, demanding proof the children had tested negative, prior to arrival. our gary tuchman is in georgia
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tonight. and spoke with children and parents at a school district that just opened its doors as well, and where the tensions over that decision are running high. >> reporter: she isn't sure if sending her son back to school is a good idea. but 11-year-old christopher says he is ready to start sixth grade, and to do it in person. so when the school bus arrived in the small georgia town of jefferson, he boarded with the books on his back and mask on his face. and prepared to start his middle-school career, in this most unusual of times. >> are you sad? >> christopher's mother tells me, yes, i am sad and worried about my son going to school. as the bus pulls away, there is at least one student not on it. christopher's sister. she was going to start eighth grade. but, at the last minute, was too frightened to go. >> tell me why it's scary. >> because i -- i don't want to go because i'm scared of getting it.
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>> it's okay. lots of children are scared. it's okay. i think you'll be okay tomorrow or next week, maybe. it's okay. and your mom's nice to let you stay home. you agree? >> uh-huh. >> your brother went to school today. he'll tell you how it is, right? >> okay. >> so we wish you the best. >> reporter: just up the road at the high school, students gathering and hugging, like they would any year on the first day. many of them, wearing masks. but just as many, if not more, not wearing any face coverings. at the elementary school, parents dropping off their children. most of whom seem to have masks, but not all. fact is, while masks are mandated on the district's school buses for students and drivers, there is no mandate for mask wearing in the actual schools, for students or teachers. the jefferson city board of education has many guidelines in place, designed to keep the students safer. and masks are handed out.
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but actually wearing them is not required. only, strongly recommended. we talk to high school seniors hope and riley meadows before they return to school. >> i am ready to be back, like, in-person learning. but it is kind of scary not knowing what it's really going to be like. >> i think i would feel better about it if we had stronger mandations in our school system to keep us safe. >> me, too. >> so they started a petition asking to mandate masks. >> teachers at our school that are elderly or pregnant, and people you could be bringing it home to. people that are high risk if they got the virus. >> our country was built on freedom. >> in response to that petition, sophomo sophomore brett kelly started his own with the support of his high school sister and his father. his petition, mask wearing should be a choice. >> i think it's a freedom issue because it's slowly taking our rights away. >> your right not to wear a
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mask? >> yes, sir. >> would you feel less safe if i was standing here talking to you without my mask on? >> no, we're outside. >> but what if we were inside? >> no, i would probably be okay. yeah. >> the district superintendent did not want to talk on camera but donna mcmullen told us, in a written statement, they are confident in their plans. and regarding masks, we are following the guidelines, established by the cdc and georgia department of public health in recommending the use of face coverings as one effective measure to mitigate the spread of covid-19. meanwhile, yolanda payne is not going to let her fourth grade son go back to school right now. they are part of the roughly 5% of jefferson school families who have chosen to learn remotely. she says her father passed away from covid two months ago, and her son josh has asthma. >> i can't take the risk of sending him back to school and getting covid. >> gary tuchman joins us now. gary, the experience with the family you spoke with at the very beginning of the story, you
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know, struck a cord because i hear those disagreements all the time. how are they doing now? >> that's right, jim. and we talked to christopher and cherelli a short time ago. christopher is the sixth grader. when he went to school today, he was very worried some of his friends were not there also. he said, all in all, it was cool. it went as expected. but the eighth grader, she is still scared and she doesn't want to go back. so her mother tells us that, starting monday, they will petition the board of education for her to have remote learning. jim. >> good for them. we wish them luck. gary tuchman, thanks very much. >> still to come, president trump's scare tactics on mail-in balloting upended but will an underperforming post office, run by a trump donor, we should mention, do what russians and
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chinese cannot? we're at a crossroads. we've seen what can happen when we elect a leader determined to divide us. as president, joe biden will forge a new path by growing an economy that works for working families, getting small businesses back on their feet, and expanding access to affordable health care. joe biden will lead us on the path forward, paved with opportunity for us all. i'm joe biden and i approve this message. (door bell rings) it's ohey. this is amazing.
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california's economic challenges are deepening. frontline workers stretched too thin. our nurses and medical professionals in a battle to save lives. our schools, in a struggle to safely reopen, needing money for masks and ppe, and to ensure social distancing. and the costs to our economy, to our state budget? mounting every day. we need to provide revenues now, to solve the problems we know are coming.
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u.s. officials charged with safeguarding the election, also, contradicted president trump in testimony. this time, about mail-in voting. top-intelligence officials, appearing behind closed doors, told lawmakers they discount the possibility of foreign actors rigging elections, by way of mail-in ballots.
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something president trump has, repeatedly, said will happen. and that his attorney general, william barr, has seconded. in fact, president trump was at it, again, today. warning of, quote, the greatest election disaster in history. and one of his top advisers, stephen miller, echoed that line, as well. >> nobody who mails in a ballot has their identity confirmed. nobody checks to see if they're even a u.s. citizen. think about that. any -- any foreign national, talk about foreign election interference -- can mail in a ballot and nobody even verifies if they're a citizen of the united states of america. >> yeah, he's lying. keeping them honest, that's just not true. in states that already conduct mass mail-in balloting, voter i.d. is always confirmed. for instance, through signature matches or use of driver's license numbers. also, most ballot envelopes have unique barcodes. there is another worry, though. and that's the u.s. postal service. "the washington post" reports that it's experiencing days-long
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backlogs after a top trump donor, now running the agency, cut costs in areas, including overtime pay and sorting machines. some who work in the service fear this could hamper timely delivery of ballots. the post office says some worry the postmaster general could be tipping the electoral scales for his boss. that's concerning. in a statement, the postal service says the mail is not slowing down, and they called the idea that the postmaster general will make decisions, at the direction of the president, quote, wholly misplaced and off base. but we'll see. here with spperspective, tim neftali. and van jones, cnn commentator and former special adviser to president obama. so, van, you know, these voter-fraud claims by president trump and his allies. they're false. let's say that. let's say it, repeatedly. the sad fact, though, is that they could still have an impact on the election. and i want to note this because the dhs, which is monitoring
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foreign threats to this election. it is noting the following. mail-in voting has already becomes an issue among partisan, political voices which makes it a target for threat actors to exploit. interestingly, what the president, himself, is doing. tell us how concerned you are about the president interfering with the results of this election. >> look. i mean, very concerned. look. these tweets, on this topic, become like termites eating into the -- the -- the floorboards of democracy. and the dangerous part is once you undermine public confidence in the election, you undermine public confidence in the legitimacy of our government, itself. that's how countries wind up tailspinning into civil wars and all kind of stuff. you are messing with the fundamental safety and security of the country, itself. and there is no reason to do that because we have mail-in
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ballots and absentee ballots, all across the country. we have been doing it, for better or for worse, for a very, very long time. and there is zero evidence, no evidence, that there is any, any more fraud or abuse of that system, than any other system. you can't even get the absentee ballot, if you don't have the right i.d. it comes directly -- look, those of us who live in places like california, this is literally insane talk. it makes no sense, at all. but it's very, very dangerous. >> not to mention, the experience of the u.s. military, for decades. tim, sitting president has never done anything like to the extent of what the president is doing right now. to attack public confidence in an approaching election, which he is, of course, taking part. compare him to the tactics of president nixon. how do they compare, in terms of scale, extent, and damage? >> oh, there is no -- i mean, i'm no great fan of richard
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nixon's domestic activities. but there is no comparison. there -- we have no president, of a presidential candidate predicting massive voter fraud, in -- in the advance of a presidential election. there is no precedent for this and there's a good reason for it. until donald j. trump, we have not had someone representing a major party who is willing to subvert the institutions of our democracy, for the sake of his own political advancement. this is a big deal. and no one has done that before. >> and it -- listen -- and it extends through a whole host of voter-suppression efforts. van, how should vice president biden and his campaign handle this? in the run-up to the election now, right, building confidence in the process. but also, you know, if president trump were to lose and refuse to concede, claiming a rigged election.
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>> well, listen, let's hope it does not come to that. i mean, i hope that the election results are so clear and so decisive that you don't have that situation. what i do believe is important is not just for biden but for all responsible, political actors, on both sides of the aisle, to stick up for the legitimacy of our elections. you need to, now, be hearing from conservative voices, as you are beginning to hear. need to hear from our veterans and others, that our elections are sacred. they are well run. we -- we -- americans go from here, around the world, to monitor other elections. that's how good we are at elections. okay? and so, we need to hear from the entire civil society to defend our elections and these kinds of smear attacks. >> and we did. to be clear, see, after the president suggested delaying the election. you saw a rare, bipartisan rejection of that. even mitch mcconnell saying, in no uncertain terms, this election will happen on november 3rd. tim, fact is, wouldn't be the first time if we get there, that you would have a contested
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election in the u.s. i mean, we don't have to be very old to remember the hanging chads of 2000 in florida going all the way to the supreme court. you know, in a very divided decision in the supreme court. tell us what that taught us because you do have a real challenge here, right? you have an election in the midst of a pandemic with more mail-in voting than you have ever had before. and maybe a system overwhelmed by it. >> now, let's keep in mind that we, taxpayers, paid for investigation of the 2016 election. some people may forget, although it's only been two years, that president trump put together an effort, led by former secretary of state of the state of kansas, to investigate what he claimed were 2.8 million fraudulent votes. what did they find? nothing. so we've already -- the nature of our electoral system and our federal government did it and it's a federal government led by
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donald j. trump and they found nothing. you don't need to go back to 2000 or 1960 to see that, though we don't have a perfect system, it's one that you can trust. >> it's a good point. and reminder. it's really the states and localities that do the election and they pushed back against the president's false claim about 2016. tim neftali. van jones. thanks to both of you. more breaking news ahead. with florida, already, battered by the pandemic, part of the state's east coast is now under a hurricane warning. details when 360 continues. all otc pain relievers including voltaren have one thing in common none are proven stronger or more effective against pain than salonpas patch large there's surprising power in this patch salonpas dependable, powerful relief. hisamitsu.
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a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! cuomo prime time is up next at the top of the hour, we have chris here now. chris, there's a lot of crazy, a lot of lies in the news right now. i can't keep up with it, how are you going to handle it tonight? >> straight on, brother. that's what let's get after it is all about. we've learned some new things about the virus that will help people make sense of what's
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coming their way. we're going to take that on with dr. sanjay gupta. we learned about the state of play that makes michigan a metaphor. lastly, i have jim clyburn, because it was so interesting to me that president obama took an opportunity at john lewis' funeral to equate the danger that requires good trouble. as a fighting response. not what he dealt with in the '60s, but in donald trump's case today. i want to know what clyburn thinks about all that, so we'll take this on. >> he was sharp in the hearings today with fauci and others. chris, thanks so much. florida faces another threat with a hurricane warning in effect for part of the state's east coast. imagine that in all this. more breaking news tonight. if things were not difficult enough in florida with the
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more breaking news tonight. if things were not difficult enough in florida with the pandemic, now, part of florida's east coast under a hurricane warning. randi kaye is live in palm beach county tonight. what's it looking like there. >> we're watching this hurricane barreling toward us. we're in a hurricane warning zone, it's supposed to hit here or at least get close to here sometime tomorrow. which is why the state has to do this kind of dance. you can see some of those orange cones in the distance, this used
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to be a state run testing site. they've dismantled most of those, except for the west coast. the storm is moving closer to the east coast. they've taken down 33 test sites in the southern counties in florida. because of the way the storm is tracking, they have decided to open six shelters tomorrow morning starting at 8:00 a.m., they are hoping the familiarlies who go to these will be able to social distance. they'll have law enforcement there to make sure they can. the state is ready. he says we have enough ppe supplies, there's 20 million masks, 22 million gloves, 1.6 million face shields, 20,000 thermometers and more than 9 million bottles of water. he says we are prepared, we'll see when it gets here tomorrow, jim. >> it's going to be a big test
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there, randi. we wish the people of florida the best. full circle returns next week, gives anderson a chance to dig into some important topics, have indepth conversations. catch it streaming live monday, tuesday and friday at 6:00 eastern time at circle or watch it there and on the cnn app at any time on demand. the news continues, i'll hand it over to my good friend chris, for cuomo prime time. >> my man, have a great weekend, you and the family stay healthy, stay blessed. welcome to prime time, this president went to florida and warned people about an obvious danger. >> so i just want to thank everybody here be careful a little bit tonight, it's a pretty big storm. i don't know if it's going to be a hurricane or not, it's a storm of significance. >> it was good for him to go and mention a potential hurricane.
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