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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 1, 2020 9:02pm-10:00pm PDT

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outages. of course, the real danger could be its potential to exacerbate coronavirus, at the center of the largest outbreaks. this is what it looked like up palmetto palm beach, a handful to have shelters are opening up for people that need them. social distancing precautions will be taken. hospitals, many filled to the brink preparing for worst. one hospital in cape canaveral is already evacuated covid positive cases as a precaution. now, for more on what we can expect in the hours ahead, let's turn to cnn meteorologist tyler mauldin, what are you seeing? >> michael, it's been a tough day for isaias. it has gone from an 85-mile-per-hour hurricane. the last time i saw you 24 hours ago to oh, yeah, okay, just a tropical storm packing 70-mile-per-hour winds, all because of this dry air you see over the peninsula of florida. that is dry air wrapping to the
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center of isaias. this wind shear cuts it to pieces. that causes it to weaken. as you can see on satellite imagery, it went from a big powerful-looking hurricane to a weak little tropical storm. but now it's starting to reintensify. i can tell by the satellite imagery. the gusts are up to 85. it's move ing to the northwest 9. marsh harbor, free port, you are seeing heavy rainfall. those bands of showers and thunderstorms are move nook the peninsula of florida at this very second. you could see those little lines here, the banding features. those are the squall lines moving into south florida. it's tapered off in miami to homestead, there is more out to the east. so going around the horn here up to broward and palm beach county, you had a nice grazing come through. then along the treasure coast, you are seeing a lot of rainfall at the moment. especially up here at sebastian
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to ft. pierce and sebastian, you should have a heads up. i think when hurricane what will be hurricane isaias gets close to you, it will be very close to making landfall. if it doesn't brush up against your coastline, it's definitely going to brush up right against i would say around melbourne to titusville as a category-1 hurricane. it continues to the north and weakens, once again, to a tropical storm somewhere around charleston to myrtle beach. it pushes onto the northeast, new england states, you will be dealing with a tropical storm as well, unbelievable stuff w. every tropical storm, can i say this, because i used to work in the power industry with every tropical system, you will get power outages. we are looking at the possibility for big power outages across the entire eastern seaboard f. you live in florida, you don't have time for the power outages. up to the northeast, you still
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have time. make sure you prepare. a hurricane during a pandemic will cause the restoration process to be a little longer than it typically would f. you lose power, make sure you follow these safety tips. make sure you have that carbon monoxide detector working, that could save your live life. >> thank you so mump. that's tyler mauldin there for us. we will be checking in with you later in the program. appreciate it. meanwhile, we have vampblt baker on the line. she's the administrator of palm beach county in florida. i really appreciate your time, miss baker. could you fill us in on what you are seeing at the moment? >> well, right now, we're looking at tropic force winds. we're having bands roll in, we're also working and booking, monitoring to insure that we've got everything battened down. the winds are getting higher.
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so we're expecting tropical force winds shortly. >> what short of things are in place now? >> right now we've opened roughly about four shelters and our special need shelter. this is to accommodate our residents that live in mobile homes. we have quite a few mobile home parks here in palm beach county. so the way tropical force winds could have dangerous repercussions for individuals living there. also we open them to address the needs of our residents that have comfortable housing. so that if their roofs are not anchored properly or windows, and they don't feel safe and we've accomplished setting up fake shelter for them as well. and as you know, we are in the
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midst of a pandemic here and so we lad we had to open more shelters in order to accommodate a smaller number of people than normal. because we have to do the safe distancing. we also require people to wear face masks if they come into the shelter. >> thank you. that was exactly what i was going to ask you. florida is facing a hurricane, also the epicenter for the coronavirus in the united states. has it been difficult to accommodate that? i mean, there is all sorts of you know predictions of what could happen in terms of spread with people sort of put together in places, what have you done to cater for that? >> well, we are checking temperatures, if you've got a temperature, then we isolate those individuals in separate areas. we, as i stated, require face masks be worn at all times unless you are under two years of age. other than that, you know, when
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we pass out more gowns, shields, and definitely distance people, they have to be at least six-to-eight feet apart and we ensure that they're not moving around a lot. >> and what about people who are in hospitals and the like, they are sort of hunkering down there? i know hospitals have certainly generators and the like to operate ventilators? we have to sadly say that. the hospitals sort of secure in that regard in terms of back-up power and the like? >> absolutely. they are required to have jepp raters that run the entire operation for the hospitals and so, we're very comfortable with our hospitals being able to address this particular crisis. >> palm beach countied a my opinion administrator, we are
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grateful, thank you so much. well, the storm is already brick as we heard there from ms. baker strong winds to florida. miami is the center of the state's coronavirus outbreak. miami's mayor telling cnn the storm could have a big impact on cases, also, crucially, testing. >> we shut down our testing sights. they will be shut town until probably monday at the very earliest. so that could also you know create a surge in testing and a surge in cases. i have been very fortunate the last two days, our if you cases diminished a little bit. a percent positive. we had a day under 15, we hasn't had in a long time. a day of 16. which are below our 14-day average of 18%. so that's all positive. yes, it's very possible once we resume testing, we may have another surge again. >> david is in the ep pe center of the virus at a leading care
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hospital in miami. i really appreciate you taking the time. with this approach, what is the situation within it comes to capacity and capability where you are given the numbers in icus and the like? >> hi, how are you? thank you for having me. so we have prepared our icus a different way for the hurricanes. so we empty one of the icus. there is waiting if we have issues. the icu on the trauma side of the building. so we have prepared for the hurricane and we have public cases. this is some extra stress for us. but we are ready if we feed it. >> you know, i'm curious about the storm shelters being opened, which, of course, is necessary for a lot of people. there is going to be an issue with social distancing in the state that is still the center with the pandemic. there is a tool from georgia tech that estimates sponsor ed in crowds. they say that you get 100 people
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into places, 95% chance you are going to have somebody who is infected with covid. are you frightened by that sort of possibility on the other side of this storm? >> yes. we are concerned that we have another hurricane season coming and we are dealing with covid. so we are worried we would see more cases have we seen people shelter together. at home. people stay home and families will shelter together. so, yes, it's a major concern we have. >> you are the lead icu physician now. i'm just wondering, what is your day like? are you at work by the look of it. what has it been like for you there at the epicenter? >> you know, we are dealing with this six months for us. it's getting a little worse lately. we work in weekends as you can see, i'm working. so, yes, it's very long days. we don't see more families as we used to see them. at least three times more
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regular work for physician and for nurses, it's been very challenging. >> have you seen any improvement over the last few days, weeks next? >> i think yes. you know in the last two or three days, we seen less patients being admitted to the hospital. the icu, we will see at least the next two weeks, it will be busy, yes, we seen less cases coming into the hospital. >> you know, you are in florida. the president was in your state yesterday with supporters, virtually no masks or social distancing. the president later said i think we're doing really well in florida. that was a direct quote. i think this was on the same day of a record number of deaths in the state. what do you make of the messaging given what you are seeing on the front line? >> we are seeing an increased amount of possible cases. we have other patients in the hospital. for us we still have a long way to go. so we can easily say like we are getting better so we have a way
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to go actually. >> do you worry about that sort of messaging, if you know the nation's leadership not wearing masks and not having social distancing and saying, things are looking good, is that the wrong message to be putting out? >> i think they need to understand we are in this together. our leaders need to understand, we need to work as a group. our local mayor and our local governor at least are making some progress in wearing masks and for miami and they are really enforcing the use of masks. so at least here locally, i feel we are doing a better job. >> the w.h.o. says governments and individuals need to put sustained pressure on covid to reduce the transmission and exposure. they use an analogy, it's like a spring, you 'put the pressure on, you release the spring it bounces back, do you feel that the spring is being suppressed enough? >> i don't think so. every week you know, i do, i
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really believe that people need to learn. when we start opening the economy again, it's our responsibility as citizens to wear the masks and social distance ourselves. we cannot go back to have party and lead like a regular life. we will stay for months to come. we need to be together. even if the cases decrease over this, in new york, we seen possible if you cases. new jersey sees cases, so it's very much alive in our communities. >> that's been difficult. how are you? how are you doing in the midst of all this? and do you have hope? it must be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel at the moment. >> yes. it's hard. you know i think the burnout in our organizations is really hard so we do our job every day. that's why we are here. but still it's challenging. you know, we don't see our families, our kids, our personal life is on a pause right now, so
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we can help everybody else. so where we like to see people also doing their part. yes, i this i that the light of the tunnel is far over from us. i see we are going to live with covid for the entire year to come. >> yeah. well, we are grateful for the work that you and everyone there at the hospital are doing. we appreciate you taking the time. dr. david, thanks so much. >> thank you very much for having me. thank you. . >> well, a terrible sign of the times, people waiting hours for a box of groceries. not everything in los angeles is red carpet glamour. especially not these days. we'll be right back. neers, and . welcome to t-mobile. america's largest 5g network.
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i had moderate-to-severes rheumatoid arthritis. i've always been the ringleader had a zest for life.
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flash forward, then ra kept me from the important things. and what my doctor said surprised me. she said my joint pain could mean permanent joint damage. and enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop that joint damage. ask about enbrel so you can get back to being your true self. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel fda approved for over 20 years. (vo) jack was one of six million pein need of a home.ers he found it in a boy with special needs,
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who also needed him. as part of our love promise, subaru and our retailers host adoption events and have donated 28 million dollars to support local animal shelters. we're proud to have helped over 230,000 pets so far... changing the lives of dogs like jack, and the families who adopt them. subaru. more than a car company. welcome back. still no sign of a deal on a new stimulus package to help americans struggling. top congressional democrats met saturday with trump administration officials but did not leech a major agreement. one sticking point is what to do about the enhanced job benefit that expired. the group is to meet again monday. no one making any promises. >> this was the longest meeting
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we had and it was more productive than the other meetings. there are many issues that are still very much outstanding. we're apart. we had a serious discussion and went down piece by piece and saw where each was. >> we have to safely open our schools and to do so in a way that does not give a cut in benefits to america's workers. >> well, a combination of covid-19 and economic hardship pushing many people, of course, to the margins. california just reporting 219 pandemic-related deaths on saturday. that is the most in a single day there. and with the number of cases rising, so, too, food insecurity and housing fees as well, paul vercammen visited a housing place in los angeles. >> reporter: they worked late
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cleaning up a huge food give away at the first unititarian church in korea town in downtown los angeles. they sent meals out to more than 2,000 people. 1,500 walked up here, some had been in line since midnight. then they shipped out another 500 boxes to nearby churches as well as grocery workers union. the workers here reflecting on just how trying it is for them to see the biggest number of people ever come into these food lines in the middle of the pandemic because a lot of renters protection is running out. unemployment benefit is rung out. some of these people without a job for something close to a half a year right now. >> it's surreal to see you know that many people standing in this lean for food. it's really a larger indictment of a failed system and the federal government to take care of people. at the end of the tape, it's
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unconscionable to live in a world where people wait seven hours for a box of goesroceries >> reporter: as we said 1,500 people walked up to grab their box. another 500 boxes went out to phish churches and grocery store worker's union. as for the feel handing out the boxes. they said this was disheartening. they saw the look of relief as they knew many might not have any income right now during the pandemic. reporting from stlaernlos angel paul vercammen. back to you. thousands of people took to the streets on saturday. benjamin netanyahu has faced growing criticism for his handling of the pandemic. this also was about the corruption against him and the biggest demonstration yet. most of the protesters wearing
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masks. there wasn't much if any social distancing. some counterprotest versus turned violent in recent days. saturday's was mostly peaceful, just a hand. of arrests. a massive crowd, including neonazi group to protest the coronavirus restrictions there. it comes up germany reported the highest number of new cases since may. >> thousands took to the streets to protest the country's coronavirus restrictions. demonstrators say the measures, with i include maintaining a distance of 5 feet and when that's not possible, wearing face masks violate their rights and freedoms away with these laws that have been imposed on us this protestor says. away with the masks that make us slaves.
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in a twieeet on saturday, they blasted them for ignoreing the government measures meant to contain the pandemic. yes, demonstrations must also be possible if times of corona, not like this. we will defeat the corona pandemic being reasonable and team spirit. the more responsible we treat each other in every day life, the more normality is possible despite corona. the crowd, which included members of anti-right neo-nazi groups gathered for a sit-in at the brandon burg gate to protest the german government's coronavirus restrictions. the crowds later dispersed peacefully. still ahead on the program, cracking that storm after lashing the bahamas. isaias is heading to the florida coast. the one place that need it the least. we'll have a look at that state and what it can expect in the
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hours ahead.
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. welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world, i'm michael holmes. you are watching cnn news roomt. we have more on our breaking story. tropical storm isaias is expected to strengthen back into a hurricane as it moves towards florida. it lashed the bahamas as a category-1 hurricane before weakening into a tropical storm. it could complicate florida's efforts to fight the coronavirus as well. the state has one of the nation's largest outbreaks. there are consums about it spreading in shelters and affecting hard hit hospitals. florida's state-run testing sites are closed until the worse
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is the over. so nobody is getting tested at the moment either. let's get the latest now from cnn meteorologist tyler -- >> it continues to get its act together now after a very tough day for isaias. it is starting to get us back together again. about 24 hours ago, this was an 85-mile-per-hour hurricane. it set wind shear. now it's starting to proceed up again. it still got sustained winds of 70 miles per hour. as it continues to push to the north, it will gather strength and become a category-1 again. either way, the impacts will be the same so this is what we are looking at right now. got the radar over the bahamas. we are seeing heavy rainfall and seeing it push into portions of south florida. so from miami-dade all the way
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through broward on to palm beach county, the tri-county area, you are seeing bands of light rainfall push through. these squall lines are packing 40 miles an hour wind, up here across the treasure coast, sebastian, palm city, we see shower after shower come ashore. here's the track for tropical storm isaias. once we get to probably the 2:00 a.m. update, maybe the 5:00 a.m. update, with see it become a category-1 hurricane. it could become a tropical storm once it gets up to jacksonville. before then, it is possible it can make landfall between titusville to sebastian as a category-1. have a heads up. up towards the north and new england and northeast, a tropical storm is possible for you all the way up into new york and boston. that is unbelievable stuff. with every tropical system, you will get power outages. that is certainly possible your
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time has run out in florida to get ready for the power outages. up along the georgia coast, new england, you still have time to get ready. you want to get ready, because a pandemic and a hurricane, they don't mix. that will cause the power utility companies to have to slow down the restoration just a little bit so they can make sure they follow distancing guidelines and other covid-19 dplievenlts make sure you follow the generator tips to stay safe. make sure you use your generator properly, michael. >> tyler, thanks, so much. we'll check in later, i appreciate that. >> the storm inundated the bahamas with wind and rain. it damaged roove itself, knocked down trees as it made landfall on saturday morning. where are recovering after hurricane dorian slammed into abaco and grand bahama in september killing dozens of
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people. let's turn to royce jones, give us a sense of what the impact has been and what the latest is there. >> reporter: thank you. as this storm came up the southern chain of the bahamas, it was threatened to be a category-1. as you said with 85-mile-per-hour winds. the country was watching with sort of baited breath to see what would happen as this storm intensified and strengthen. we saw some hurricane force which is a tenuous position for the islands. the residents were braced leading up to this storm. with you sea surge 3-to-5 feet. we saw a lot of flooding, a lot of rain. a lot of strong wind, toppling trees, damage rooves. and in the north it was expected to take a heavy hit.
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the storm shifted. it's a tenuous position, especially in freeport 11 months ago was experience hurricane dorian, it killed 74 people. that's an anxious time for those residents as we speak up to 50, 60-mile-per-hour winds from this tropical storm that still has the possibility of intnsfying in the warm waters of the bahamas. still a tense position. we are watching it closely. we expect to get updates in south and central, which received the all clear, seems to have fared well. the northwest is what we are watching currently to see how the impact would take its toll on those islands. >> all right. okay. also, this is a hurricane during a pandemic. what's the coronavirus situation there and the i'd the hurricane complicate effort there on that front? >> reporter: absolutely.
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it comboundz tpounds the issue. we are dealing with a national health issue and a natural disaster. it makes health authorities and government authorities strained to act on both fronts so all preparations were made ahead of this as to remember to prepare for hurricane isaias. and as far as the covid-19 is concerned, we've seen cases since july 1st really expand. there has been a second wave of cases as has been seen around the world. and it's doubled and tripled and quadrupled. we've gone from 104 cases july 1st to almost 600 cases today. so as the country reopened the borders and bahamian traveled, we saw a second wave. that makes it difficult to manage when you already have strained resources on some of the south islands stretched thin by some health crises challenging us. >> yes. exactly. you mentioned dorian. had the areas like abaco and
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grand bahama, has that even recovered fully before this one plowed in? >> reporter: you have to imagine there is still tons of debris from that storm. people there are trying to rebuild their homes, but they remain in a state of recovery. dorian laid waste in many abaco and grand bahama. many residents remain in emergency tents and domes that can withstand some strong wind. again it's not the ideal situation for those islands. any storm surge or flooding really makes that situation very dangerous in our eyes and hopes and prayers are with those residents there at this time. we are watching carefully and hoping for best and hoping it will continue to weak zpln hopefully we get good news, there are parts of the bahamas, you won't hear until tomorrow. royston jones, a great report, thanks, so much. >> any time, thank you. meanwhile, hundreds of firefighters in southern california are battling an out
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of control wildfire in scorching heat. i will show you video 70 miles east of los angeles in riverside county. fire officials say the apple fire started friday and then exploded in size on saturday. the fire has now burned some 12,000 acres. thousands of people have been evacuated. we'll take a quick break here on the program. when we come back, calling out the u.s. president on his false claims about mail-in voting. the latest trump ally to publicly say he has no concerns with his state voting by mail. that's when we come back. rom at. today, we're talking with sara. hey lily, i'm hearing a lot about 5g. should i be getting excited? depends. are you gonna want faster speeds? i will. more reliability? oh, also yes. better response times? definitely. are you gonna be making sourdough bread? oh, is that 5g related? no, just like why is everyone making sourdough now [laughs]... but yes, you're gonna want 5g.
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at&t is building 5g on america's best network. visit to learn more. i had moderate-to-severes rheumatoid arthritis. i've always been the ringleader had a zest for life. flash forward, then ra kept me from the important things. and what my doctor said surprised me. she said my joint pain could mean permanent joint damage. and enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop that joint damage. ask about enbrel so you can get back to being your true self. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit
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to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel fda approved for over 20 years.
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welcome back. president trump has to save at least a testy relationship with some news organizations, but now, republicans are doing something that is unprecedented in u.s. politics, banning the news media from their convention
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in charlotte, north carolina. the quote closed press event will be smaller and less boisterous and fewer participants than the one in ohio in 2016. the party says this ban is due to social distancing rules, the state's democratic governor approved. the vote to nominate mr. president trump as presidential candidate will be live streamed august 24. that a story that between go away for the next few days. it's an extraordinary decision keeping the news media out of the nomination. the republican florida senator marco rubio, he's the latest politician to publicly dispute president trump in mail-in vogt. during a conference call hosted by the trump campaign, rubio said he's not concerned about it at all in florida. mr. trump actively tried to cast doubt on the security of voting
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by mail, even suggesting the november election should be delayed. cnn's pamela brown with more. >> reporter: president donald trump floating the idea of delaying november's presidential election. something only congress has the short to do as laid out in the constitution. the president claiming without evidence, mail-in voting would cast doubt on the election results, tweeting with universal mail-in voting, 2020 will be the most inaccurate and fraudulent in history. delay the election until people can properly and safely vote. today there is no evidence mail-in voting lead to widespread fraud, both republicans and democratic leaders saying the election will not be moved. >> it's never been done. >> never in the history of the country through wars and depressions and the civil war have we ever not had a federally scheduled election on time. >> reporter: this isn't the first time the president railed
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against mail-in voting. >> it's very bad what's going on with mail-in ballots. i'm very worried about maim-in voting. i think it's subject to tremendous fraud and being rigged. a lot of illegality. >> reporter: trump's campaign released a statement saying the president is raising a question about the chaos democrats have created with their insistence on all mail-in voting, drop even leaving the door opened, we may not accept the election. >> will you give an answer? will you accept the election? >> i have to see. i won't just say yes. >> some democrats are worried trump is casting the results of the election. they asked the attorney general about it this week. >> do you believe that this 2020 presidential election will be ricked? >> i have no reason to think it will be. >> reporter: democratic candidate joe biden worried about the possibility back in april saying mark my word, i
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think he will try to kick back the election somehow, come one some rational why it can't be held, trying to let the word out to make it hard for people to vote. that only way he thinks he can possibly win. the trump campaign released a rebuttal saying those are the incoherent conspiracy ramblings out of reality. president trump is clear the election will happen 953rd and president obama's eulogy for john lewis, he appeared to take direct aim at president trump suggesting help wants to press voters rights. president trump on thursday did not react to that at his press briefing. pamela brown, cnn, washington. >> samantha is the cnn national security analyst, a former member of the u.s. council in the obama administration and a
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senior adviser at the obama institute. let's start with foreign interference, it was sort of in your ballpark when you were in the white house. president trump is continuing to praise putin. he's opaque about his calls and hasn't raised russian bounties on paying the taliban to kill u.s. forces, how involved right now would vladimir putin be to interfere again? >> well this needn't be a hypothetical question. we know he is interfering. us intelligence officials gave a briefing to lawmakers, if which they reportedly said nation states, including russia, continue to try to interfere in our elections. concurrently, there was a public announcement issued saying countries like russia, china and iran are trying to attack our elections. it is a certainty they feel emboldened to continue attacking american democracy.
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>> you have the president, of course, saying the election will be rigged, mail-in voting will be corrupt and so on, which is untrue, the whole aim of vladimir putin throughout all of this is to shake americans in their own institutions, sew doubt and mistrust. head be pretty happy right now, wouldn't he? >> well, putin betten the the u.s. horse. he has the u.s. president should be doing everything possible to secure our elections to defend their critical infrastructure, to educate the american public, for example, on how to appropriately participate in mail-in voting and to stop the spread of divisive information and disinformation. instead, what we have is a u.s. president acting, frankly, like a russian bot or troll and spreading information that again you would expect to see as a part of a russian disinformation campaign while concurrently, michael, the president is not only failing to protect our
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critical infrastructure, he is reportedly will, he and members of his administration are taking actual operational steps that will degrade the ability of the u.s. postal service, for example to deliver mail-in ballots on time. if he is not engaging in influence operations, he is actively undermining the ability off this country's critic infrastructure to support the election in november. >> yeah, the slowdown of the postal office really does smell at the moment particularly with all of the debate over mail-in ballots. i did want to ask you about the intel oversight committee. still not agreeing on the annual press briefing. we are seven months into the year. it hasn't happened. why and what does that suggest? >> well, originally this briefing was reportedly postponed because intelligence
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officials didn't want to upset the president. last year when they delivered the public briefing, president trump went on a twitter tirade, saying they should go back to school and disagreeing with their assessments, thoe they postponed to avoid the president and stoking his insecurities. now even the classified briefing to the senate intel and house intel hasn't happened, because members can't agree on the guidelines for that briefing. what that means is the threats that the intelligence chiefs think are the most critically important to brief lawmakers on aren't being briefed to lawmakers who have oversight of the intelligence community. those lawmakers can't ask questions about north korea, china, russia and more. it send, raises the message we are so divided that even when it comes to the most critical threats to americans, we can't get over our differences and lawmakers aren't able to agree
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on the influence for this briefing. >> it really s. that is a head shaker that is. that's real national security stuff. we only got a minute left. i wanted to dip back into mail-in voting. this has been done since the civil war and common throughout the country. yet the president pushing this narrative and this issue that does trouble me that the post officer is having all sorts of troubles after a postmaster general was put in, a prominent trump supporter. >> yes. a permanent trump supporter with no personal experience as the post master general whamplt we are seeing is there are already delays in mail-ins in the u.s. postal service because the post master general, for example, has said overtime won't be paid so what should be happening right now in the u.s. postal service should be doing everything possible to get ready for november and weeks beforehand, people can request ballots well before election day and they should, educating americans on
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how to use mail appropriately. instead we are seeing a built-up backlog undermining confidence in the u.s. postal service and likely for voting, really, perhaps a train wreck when it comes to mail-in voting in november. it doesn't look like an accident, michael. >> that has a story that will have legs i am betting anyway. always itselfa pleasure. good to see. >> you good to see you. a looking storm and raging pandemic can't keep mr. trump away from his golf game. he spent much of the weekend at his virginia golf course marking the 283rd day he's spent at one of his golf clubs in office. the president defended his frequent golfing in the past as being a part of his exercise routine. and we'll be right back. at they. but what we can do it be a partner that never quits.
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verizon is the most reliable network in america. built for interoperability and puts first responders first, giving their calls priority, 24/7. we do what we do best so they can too. (vo) jack was one of six million pein need of a home.ers he found it in a boy with special needs, who also needed him. as part of our love promise, subaru and our retailers host
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a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! welcome back. some countries have been easing travel restrictions in a bid to get their tourism industries rolling again. but there is one country that is repeatedly being left off safe travel lists, and that is, yeah, the united states. by our count just nine countries are allowing unrestricted entry
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to americans. you can see them on the map there highlighted in blue. among them mexico, turkey, and tunisia. others are requiring measures such as self-quarantining or just not letting americans in. paris depends a great deal on tourism business. while it might be getting back to some semblance of normalcy as it recovers from the pandemic, a big piece of its economy is not. cnn's melissa bell explains. >> reporter: the only difference are the masks. otherwise, paris, the city of arts and lights and love, is much as it ever was. the shops are open. the bars, the bistros, the museums. there is only one crucial ingredient missing. the tourists. and what is paris without? last year 50 million of them came for the monuments, the cathedrals, the museums, the history, spenting 22 billion
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euros and once again making paris the most visited city in the world. this year the french and the odd european tourist have it pretty much to themselves. >> translator: we won't get back to our historic levels before 2022. i have been in charge of the bateau parisian for seven years now and we have known crises, floods and terror attacks and we always picked ourselves up. >> reporter: but for now hotel occupancy rates in paris are down 86%. and the worst is at the top of the market, the so-called palace hotels that depend almost entirely on their business on american, asian and middle eastern tourism, places like the ritz. they have simply remained closed. and that will come at a dizzying cost to france's public finances. >> we are very fortunate in france to have this government support. it's quite unique in the world. 70% of the gross salary, which is 84% of your net-s very
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unique. and it's very important for us to have that. >> reporter: french authorities have said that they'll continue covering most of the salaries for people who can't work until at least september. but that money's going to have to come from somewhere, even as the french economy is predicted to contract by 10% this year. perhaps most worrying for people looking at france's tourism industry, this should be its high season on an ordinary july day. the louvre would get 30,000 to 40,000 visitors. that figure is under 10,000 a day right now. much now depends on when those global travel restrictions will be lifted but also and perhaps more importantly whether long term people are ever going to want to come back to paris in the same numbers that they did before. >> perhaps the contrary, you have a vaccine or you have a treatment, then people have to go back normal life. we have to enjoy the life. >> reporter: melissa bell, cnn, paris. >> i'm michael holmes. you've been watching "cnn newsroom." int have merged.
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. hello and welcome to "cnn newsroom." i'm michael holmes. and we want to take you right now to the breaking news that we are following. one of the states hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic is bracing for a second emergency. tropical storm isaias is closing in on florida. when it gets there, it could be a full-fledged hurricane again. of course the storm could compound troubles in florida, already fighting one of the worst outbreaks in the country, and we're talking about coronavirus. and this is what it looked like as the storm hit the bahamas on saturday as a hu


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