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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  August 5, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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a chance to dig into in depth topics. streaming monday, tuesday and fridays at circle. you can watch it there or any time on the cnn app or on demand. the news continues right now, i want to hand things over to chris for cuomo prime time. >> i am chris cuomo, welcome to prime time. the president has revealed to us his method for getting rid of the pandemic. there's no need for testing, except to test our ability to simply wish it away. >> it's going away. no, it will go away, like things go away, absolutely. there's no question in my mind. it will go away. >> tell the families of the dead. the answer is, as he likes to say, it is what it is. this answer. pathetic and painfully indicative of why we are stuck with all these cases. he really wants you to believe things are getting better. without having to do anything to
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make that the reality. >> much of the country's in really good shape. we see the red spots, we have them in red, you know, the covid areas. the country's in very good shape. and we're set to rock 'n' roll. >> rock 'n' roll. yeah, rock, roll, continue taking on water and eventually sink thanks to having no one at the dam helm. i'm not going to stop calling out his inaction, his lies and his hypocrisy. it's making us sick. and it's putting our kids behind. take a look at the map. nearly five million cases and counting, we lead the world, hospitalizations are up in too many places. governors are forced to band together to get rapid tests that the federal government keeps promising and not delivering. death projections, adjusted to add more than expected again and again. his only solution, lie about the reality. defy what should be done, and
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deny his responsibility. >> if you look at children. i mean, they're able to throw it off very easily. it's an amazing thing, because some flues they don't. they get very sick, they have problems with flues and problems with other things. for whatever reason, the china virus, children handle it very well. their immune systems are very very strong, they're powerful and they seem to be able to hand tell very well. that's according to every statistic. >> it is not according to every statistic. i know for a fact he knows not to say what he's saying to you right there. and with our kids. children have died from this virus. do they usually? no do they die the way adults do? no, but that's not the point of kparsen. they are not immune. they get sick and infected. they generally have lighter or no symptoms, after age 10, the best research we have at this point tells us they are just as
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likely to spread coronavirus as anyone else. and he knows it. i know he was told that. it is the best reckoning by his own task force. why would he lie to you about it. why would he put you in the position to expose your kid that way? how can we deal with a president who lies so much. facebook removed one of his videos from his personal page because of what he said on state tv this morning, making these same b.s. claims that kids are almost immune. it violates their harmful covid misinformation policy. what our president is putting out about children is so violetive of their decency standard they pulled it. think about that. trump's campaign account also posted the video on twitter. twitter made them delete it before they could retweet again. they can't even live up to the social media standards.
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how is he able to live up to the standard that we demand right now? he violated their standards. he's violating us, especially our kids. if we are lucky, most big populations will see kids going back to school part time at best in the fall. and that sucks. and it didn't have to be this way. so many of you are going to be compromised. you're not going to be able to work. somebody's going to have to sacrifice. you may be first up to lose your jobs as a result. i don't see congress giving any protection for that. any kind of safety. to provide for the needs that are now going to become necessary. required to deal with the reality. and why? at the root of all of it is this president's stubborn refusal to act. now, look, some of its on you too, and people -- me, not me so much in this case, i was sick
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already, i do the distancing and wear the mask even though i have the antibodies. too many of us are not doing those things. but at the top of my list has to be the president. he sets the tone. he made it too okay for too many to ignore these things for too long. and he refuses to step away from his stupid early denials, because he is who he is. and yes, this pandemic is what it is, it is a deadly virus. it will keep going. hearing that it is in rural areas right now is not strange. that's what it does. it is only slowed down by quick detection and conscientious behavior. if we do that right, this is the maddening part. this is the maddening part for me. if we did the right things for a month and a half. a month and a half, and what does that mean? we slow down in areas where
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there's a lot of case explosion. you back off some of the abilities that we have right now. i know that's not good. i'm thinking long game, okay? mask, social distance, hygiene, don't crowd. all right? we do those things in the hard hit areas, not everywhere, in the hard hit areas. this federal government gets off its ass and starts like crazy to do everything it can to get the rapid testing up and going, maga, maga, maga, get our manufacturing going the way you promised, and the carnage which is the pandemic, the way you promised. let us catch up to the u.k. and our situation will change. if we could get that kind of rapid feedback, everything would change. we could safely send our kids back to school. this isn't me, this is his own top guy with infectious diseases. listen.
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>> the only way you're going to win the race, is that when all eight are rowing in unison, you get one that catches a crab as it were, an oar goes that way, you don't win. as long as you have any member of society, any demographic group who's not seriously trying to get to the end game of suppressing this, it will continue to smolder and smolder and smolder. and that will be the reason why in a nonunified way, we've plateaued at an unacceptable level. >> what is fauci saying? the only way you get through it is together as ever as one. and if you want to stay with the boat metaphor, who's the head, the president, he plans where we go. he sets the course, the pace. right now, he has us rowing in
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circles and this boat is taking on water. let's bring in dr. sanjay gupta. just to check one of the boxes again. the best science we have at this point, is this accurate? do kids get sick? yes. do they get sick as often as adults? no. do they tend to have lighter symptoms or be asymptomatic? yes. over the age of ten, do they transmit the virus as easily as adults? yes. am i wrong about any of that? >> no, that's what the data shows. and i'll just put one more number in there. we were looking this up today, there's about -- between 250 and 350,000 kids. people under the age of 18 who have become infected with this virus since the beginning. here in the united states -- it's a significant number of young people who have been carrying this virus, and 18 to 29-year-olds, slightly older, make up one of the greatest
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majorities when it comes to overall infections. everything you said is right, and they can transmit just like adults if they're 10 and older. >> if anything, the need for testing is even more sensitive. they can't give you the feedback, they don't know whether they're sick or not. now they're going to expose. in certain school districts where they're measuring up to a third of their staff population. either themselves or have someone who are vulnerable. you have to be able to detect quickly. or you're just setting yourself up for disaster. >> you have to be able to test. this is the thing, even if it you look at those original criteria that came out in april. they talked about the fact that we want to see a 14-day downward trend. you think about this, a 14-day downward trend in overall numbers, in these types of symptoms. you want to have positivity rates going down for 14 days. at the bottom, you got to make sure you have adequate testing,
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and that usually means being able to test large groups of people who are entering into society again. and schools fit that bill. most schools can't do that right now, chris. >> i know. >> i mean, i'm hearing it. look, what i said, i don't see any better outcome than most of the populations where you have significant density in cases. you are lucky if your kid's going to be back part time. and let me tell you, is it better than nothing? depends on how you look at it, but kids are going to be behind and inequities and inequalities that exist in our society are going to be exacerbated by this. it doesn't have to happen, the u.k. approved. it's not like they're the tip of the sphere of scientific development, they were able to do this, they did it in less than two months, why can't we? >> yeah. the other thing i'll point out. over the next few weeks, you and i have been talking about testing for some time. the message is starting to get heard. there will be some emergency use
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authorizations increasing for what is known as antigen testing. antigen testing gives you quicker results, it's cheaper and all that, the problem is, that it's not as sensitive -- >> accuracy. >> how do you solve that problem? what they're saying is, you can do more of them. if you're able to test more frequently, it's not going to be a perfect system, but you're going to reduce your disparity in terms of accuracy. that's one way to attack this, and the answer is not to say, hey, look, we don't have enough tests you're going to have to sort of predict whether or not you have this and guess. that's not going to work. where i live here in georgia, you hear about schools on the second day, kids test positive. bunches of groups are quarantined. >> 250 staff. 250 are home, sick or quarantining. i mean -- >> that's what's -- that's the situation right now. >> and a lot of them, you're not
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going to know for a week. the idea of a 14-day trailing average is getting protracted. because you don't get test results in 5, 7, 10 days. on the science side just quickly. we think about antibodies, you see people losing antibodies that seem somewhat in correspondence or correlation with what degree of symptoms. now we're talking about t-cells. fauci said t-cell immunity might explain why some people already have protection against covid, even if they didn't have it. the different between t-cells and antibodies and why we care? >> this is fascinating. antibodies are easily measurable. those are the cells that bind to the virus. t-cells are the core sort of component of the adaptive or memory immune system. they sort of trigger everything. they have components that can go after the virus itself, but
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typically they'll start antibody production. they'll start the immune system revved up. if you have t-cell reactivity, that means the t-cells are already primed, they're ready to go. as soon as it sees the virus, it can start to rev up that immune system and stop the infection. now, why would someone have t-cell reactivity that's never been exposed to the coronavirus? that's been a big question lately? if you've had exposure to other coronaviruses. many of which cause common cold like symptoms, you may have t-cell reactivity as a result of that, what some studies are showing, is that up to 40% of the population. these are studies still, 40% of the population may have some component of t-cell reactivity. we don't know yet. we have to see how reactive they would be, it could mean there is more immunity out there than we
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realize. >> it may be the answer to someone who says, i had something, but i wasn't that bad. what we know already, the faster you get results back, and the more you test, the better chance you have of ending this soon and helping our kids. >> take care. >> you have to keep saying it, because we're not attacking it enough. if we could test people and get results. in under a couple hours. like they're doing in the u.k. this isn't pie in the sky. think befoabout how it would ch where with we could do, what we can do. work, totally different. if you're able to track in that kind of time and separate people out, figure out who's healthy and who's not. school, that is the big obstacle for getting kids back right now. the question becomes. why can the u.k. have it and we can't? governors are done waiting. ohio's governor is among them. what they are forced to do, and
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seven states are coming together to get rapid tests. they include governors from both parties, why? why didn't they do this sooner? what were they waiting for? one of the governors involved is governor mike dewine, republican from ohio. you've seen him on the show often. governor, welcome back to prime time. what were you and governor hogan and maryland and others waiting for that you decided what's going to happen, we have to do it? >> i think all of us are reaching out, in ohio we're doing everything we can. we're trying to build our own testing capability with our own labs, frankly. working with universities, working with hospitals.
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we've been contracting with anybody that will contract with this you know, the shortages of all kinds of things, and so when we started talking to several k347s about this antigen testing, i know you're talking to some of them, we're talking to some of them, why don't we go together. we have a number of states coming together, the whole idea is to guarantee them, we're going to buy a lot of these and we're going to buy a lot of these as long as we're in this virus. ramp up, we're going to give you the contract and let's get going. >> you guys are designing an output contract, which is where a company can rely, if they can make a certain number of their product, in this case, the tests. they will be bought and that is going to be a shared responsibility of the treasuries of the different states. that's the easy part. the hard part is the political will. i think you've been very good at
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being sensitive to party and president. you don't go looking to pick fights. but i really do believe things have changed. and if we don't call this for what it is, you're going to wined up doing everything by yourself. we both know it's insufficient and the long way home. the president says. i've given dewine and hogan everything they ask for. it's about them, they stink at their job. it is not about me. we're doing everything we can. now, governor, isn't that untrue? >> well, i don't think he's said we stink at our job. i haven't heard that anyway. >> he has said the governors aren't doing the job. i'm giving them everything they've asked for. that includes you. i respect your decency. otherwise it's got to be mixed with kander, because people won't get why you're doing what you're doing. >> we're going many different ways as i said, we're trying to
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build our own capacity. we doubled the testing in ohio, we're averaging 22,000 a day. we ought to be double that. >> at least. >> yeah, we ought to double it again. i heard what you said in the earlier part of the show, if we had enough testing, it would be the freedom that people want. it would take away the questions about going back to school. in ohio, we let our school districts make their own decision. 675 school districts. a lot of them. the urban ones. where we've seen the most spread. they're the ones that are going online. and we have other schools that are doing that. other schools that are going to try to start back in. if we had more testing. we could do a lot of things with more testing. we can save a lot of lives. we can allow people to do more things in their lives that they want to do. >> you guys are partnering with the rockefeller foundation.
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they've had their own plan for a while. they make this point also, the federal government is the biggest pocket. they are the ones who could not only use the emergency, the production act they have at their disposal, they have the biggest pocket. they could be doing this for the states. they could have created their own supply. and they haven't. the rockefeller foundation has been clear about that, that's where it should have begun. you have your own state saying, they don't want to use the federal numbers because they don't think they're tracking them fairly in terms of testing. how is the federal government not part of your problem? >> you know, chris, i think when this thing is over, you and i have talked about this before, one of the lessons is going to be that we have neglected public health and democrats and republicans have done it, everybody has done it. we've neglected public health, at the state levels, all the states, we've neglected it at the federal level, we can't let this happen again. we're in this now. as i said, we doubled our
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testing in the last six weeks. >> you haven't halved your response time. you're testing more, but the results are taking a long time because they're not quick tests. >> well, they're not quick tests. >> right. >> some of the tests are coming back in 24/48 hours. >> few. >> no, it's more than that, but some of them are 6 or 7 or 8 days. that's not satisfactory at all, it's not just the length of time, chris, as you know. >> accuracy. >> it's the number of tests. >> it's not just accuracy, it is accuracy, the number of tests we can do. we have got to double what we have. and we have to do it quickly. >> you would be doing it faster if it were the federal government. i don't care about trump. i don't care about the president, who the president is, i care about more and more communities like the ones you're seeing in our state where the kids are losing. it's not justus. it's not just we can't hang out.
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it's not just that our teenagers are pissed at us, the kids are going to fall behind now. they turned an entire country around in many terms of testing in two months. you're not at fault, but you're trying to figure out a solution when it should have been provided for you. >> i wish you well. you are always on the show to make the case. i hope the consortium works and grows. >> thank you. i feel for the governors, i feel for the governors, because you go at the federal government. you go at trump, you lose. he'll find some way to make you pay. he'll call you out. i get it. but we're all frustrated in our existence, because we're not doing the things we could. it shouldn't be seven states. it should be 50. now, the election, this is all going to culminate in an election, right? if you care about the election, you have to care about the process.
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and you better be paying attention to mail-in voting. why? it is the key for people who are afraid to go to the polls. the president fears mail-in voting will mean more participation. and participation by those who do not like him. so he is against it. except where he thinks it might help him. yes, that is the truth. and that is the hypocrisy. it's that obvious, i can prove it. and i can help you understand how big mail-in voting will be in determining the next president. next. to severe psoriasis,
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right? and here's the proof. first and foremost, this is a danger in terms of your life, why? we've seen too many times during this pandemic, people usually black and brown standing in long lines risking their health to vote. since we know that apparently doesn't matter to this president, because he keeps encouraging you to do things that are bad for you, it's also dangerous in terms of his political survival, why? he's pinning this whole nonsense on a distinction without a difference. >> absentee voting, great. but this mail-in voting where they mail indiscriminately millions and millions of ballots to people, you're never going to know who won the election, you can't have that. >> this is what we call a baseless assertion. meaning, he has no proof? because what he's discussing has never happened. and we have mail-in ballots in
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every cycle. now, if you are so worried about getting the ballots right, why not tell your big money donor who you gifted the job of post office to make it easier not harder to get ballots delivered faster? while you're at it, tell senate republicans to approve the money the post office desperately needs to ensure exactly this type of responsibility. here's my bigger point. absentee great. mail-in, bad. that's what the president wants you to believe. wrong. first of all, depending on what state you live in, one could mean the other. some states use the terms interchangeably. generally, absentee just means you're not in the county where you live on election day. mail-in covers any system where you send your ballot through the
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mail. now, for the majority of the country that doesn't even matter. you can vote by mail no matter the reason. some places you have to have a condition, some states are dealing with that right now. especially because of the pandemic. this idea that one of these two mail-in methods is somehow ripe with fraud and the other is perfectly safe is just b.s., this has been studied time and again. there is no incident of substantial voter fraud. even his own phony mail fraud commission couldn't find anything, they had to disband it. while we're at it, his own intel guys and the fec, the federal election commission, they both said his theories are fugaze. but what about patterson, new jersey, you say? three men have been charged, you say? with messing around during a city council election.
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yes, to be fair, the case was still working its case through the system. let's assume they did it. i argue to you it shows the opposite of what he's using it for. he's saying, see, it's broken. no, it works. they cheated theoretically, but they got caught. why? because that's the rule when it comes to voting by mail. there's a whole lot more security. once your ballot is in the mail, it makes no difference whether it's called absentee or mail-in and they have better ways of catching you? how? protocols. signature, bar code, verification, envelope tracking, they're all already in place. if anything it's safer. and the places that have those things i include nevada, which for some aren't president took time to hammer today. >> if you look at what they're doing in nevada, no signature. you take a look at the signature, and there's no
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verification of signature. >> oh, yeah? then why just in the last month's primary, did nevada toss out more than 6,000 ballots because the signatures weren't exact? fact. another fact. no election has ever suffered from significant mail fraud as he wants you to believe. the irony, you know what has been cited for fraud numerous times? trump and his businesses. that's real. he's had to settle a lot of cases about fraud. but our balloting has no similar contagion. facts versus someone cited for fraud. the way states are currently set up, the way they're currently set up actually helps trump, why? we know the ballots that get tossed out the most, tend to
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come from who? young voters and minorities. why? this is a whole theory about it? who gets tossed out the least? older people and white voters. now, what works better for his base? not that the political reality is stopping this president from ranting about all this to the fox and friendlies. you got to give them credit. he can get a message through to his people. he's a tremendous communicator. the message is actually suppressing his own voters. voting by mail traditionally is evenly split by the two parties. this year, because he keeps bashing mail in voting just like he did masks. his people won't wear masks, they're saying they don't want to vote by mail. even though it may be good for their own health. democrats are jumping at the chance. it's especially true in trump's new home state of florida, which along with the fact that he's
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down in the polls is why he insists only florida and now maybe arizona should be doing vote by mail. i mean, it is so obvious and ugly, that it is just sad. florida, home of the hanging chad. just the last midterm, they needed an unprecedented three statewide recounts to figure out who won. that's the state he says they can get it right because they have a strong republican governor. desantis, the guy not being straight about the pandemic. and all this is before you get to the year that they left 1,000 uncounted ballots in the warehouse or they sent out incomplete ballots or russians did hack into their election systems in two different counties. but he insists, voters there should send in your ballots. of the 35 states where you can vote by mail without an excuse,
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20 have republican governors. why no love for them? the answer is in the map, the electoral one. he knows the road to re-election gets a lot harder without florida and arizona. he's blowing all of this smoke just for himself and to your disadvantage, even if you're a republican and you're a trumper, but you don't live in the right place. now he's blowing his trumpet again about schools. lying about our kids. as he goes along to get them open at any cost. ready or not, here we come. that's where he wants us to be. not with our schools, not on our watch, the largest school system in georgia. they are ground zero for what happens when you open up ready or not. a teacher in the district just quit her job so she doesn't have to be put in danger. she's here with a warning, you better heed it, next.
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what happens if we go back to school, how bad will it be? have you seen what's happening where they're doing it? georgia, three days after some schools reopened for in person classes, what did they see? in the cherokee county school district just north of atlanta, four covid cases were reported. so what? three of them were students. the youngest was in the first grade. another a kindergarten teacher. so what? three kids and a student? what happens to the other kids in each one of those classes? what happens to their families, the staff who are in there, the teachers? pe permutations exponential. how many days of contact in the
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middle of the testing. now you have a mess. this is the scene in one georgia high school. students are packing the hallways. few have masks. why? because this is what happens when you don't have a better plan. this is how we behave, because it's how we know how to behave. so it's begging more questions on safety. they now have 250 students and staff sick or quarantining in the state. as we saw last week, people remain divided on the how? parents last week protested in gwinnett county for in person learning. even though 260 employees have tested positive or recently been exposed. in light of this, the county is calling for teachers to beginning working in schools even as classes kick off virtually next week. now, one teacher says that requirement has given her no choice but to resign, there's no
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plan in place but to keep her safe. ashley neumann is that teacher in georgia, and we welcome her here. that sucks that you had to quit your job, you're young, i know you love the job. >> to say the least. >> i know you went through a lot of school to get the job. why was this your only choice? >> my daughter. i have a 4-year-old and i don't feel comfortable sending her back because the cases are skyrocketing in gwinnett county. we have over 18,000 in our county now. >> your president says, don't worry, your kid will be fine. they have strong immune systems. put a mask on. wash your hands. >> we don't know that for sure. a lot of kids have been home with someone since march because they haven't been in school. and my honest opinion is that we don't have enough research to really back that statement yet. and that's where i'm at. >> what's the plan in your
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school right now? >> so i recently resigned, the plan in the district is to push forward, get back to face to face. starting at the end of august, and, you know, the county's saying that oh, well, we're watching, and we're talking to the health experts. the truth is that harvard weighed in on our county, and they said no, that's not the case. they have too many cases pesh day per 100,000 people, they should be under a stay at home order now. no one should be going to school in gwinnett county. >> what's the deal with testing? >> the testing is slow here, it's taking time. but it depends on where you go. it depends on -- it really -- it's luck of the draw at the moment. >> what are you hearing about turnaround times for tests? >> anywhere between -- i got it done in a day. and it took me 9, 10 days to get my results back. >> and in terms of going back to school, how many kids in a
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class? >> generally 30 in elementary. >> still, now? they weren't going to cut the class size down? >> well, it depended on who signed up for digital learning and who signed up for in person. this whole argument about it being teachers versus parents is nonsense, that's not the reality we're dealing with, this is a community issue. this is because we're getting constant changes to what we should be doing, and none of it is data driven. i'm a data driven educator and gwinnett is known for being data driven. we're not given any research or who they're talking to about these decisions. it's just, who's a real change deal with it. >> you are a teacher and a parent. your kid is a little young, although four years of age, you probably started her in school too. what are you going to do with her schoolwise? >> well, my husband and i didn't feel comfortable sending her
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back, we're going to keep her home, and i'm going to keep an eye on her. at the moment, my plan is to keep advocating for the educators that are not being heard. we ran a peaceful car protest at the central office today. and their response was, our students are our biggest audience, they're the people we need to be supporting. and my question is, why not teachers as well? why can't we support everybody. why can't we do what's best for the community so this domino effect finally stops? >> would it make a difference to you if they could get test results back in 90 minutes and you could test the entire class every day? >> that would be ideal, of course. the other issue we're facing here in gwinnett. we're not knowing where the cases are taking place, they're putting it under the umbrella of medical liability and we're not allowed to know where the outbreaks are taking place. it's all word of mouth with teachers right now.
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the county won't announce where the situations are taking place. >> now you have people like you, not that rare teacher and parent. even if you found a new job where they were testing, you may not even be able to take the job because your kid's going to be home. listen, i feel very badly about your situation, ashley. and i -- >> thank you. >> i want you to stay in touch with us, about which way it goes for you. what you're seeing in your community and what you're hearing. and we wish that you find a good solution for yourself and your daughter and soon. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. we'll stay in touch. >> i appreciate you, thank you for being a teacher. ashley neumann. >> can you believe we're in this mess, just because we can't get our act together and get the right kinds of testing? now she has to derail her whole life, leave her kid home? and at the same time, imagine having to deal with this and
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racism all in one experience for you and your family? that is the reality for an innocent black family, pulled out of their car in colorado, at gunpoint by police. children put in handcuffs. forced to lie down on the ground. it was hot by the way, on the ground. scared out of their minds. and for what? what did they do wrong? i'll give you a hint. they got an apology. but this is a story of when an apology is not enough. we have a mother when we started carvana, they told us
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that selling cars 100% online wouldn't work. but we went to work. building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. creating a coast to coast network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience incredible. and putting you in control of the whole thing with powerful technology. that's why we've become the nation's fastest growing retailer. because our customers love it. see for yourself, at no no no no no, there's no space there! maybe over here? hot! hot! oven mitts! oven mitts! everything's stuck in the drawers! i'm sorry! oh, jeez. hi. kelly clarkson. try wayfair! oh, ok. it's going to help you, with all of... this! yeah, here you go. thank you! oh, i like that one! [ laugh ] that's a lot of storage! perfect. you're welcome! i love it. how did you do all this?
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wayfair! speaking of dinner, what're we eating, guys? i've seen a huge change in my skin. my forehead wrinkles are less noticeable, and my skin is plumped and youthful! yeah. these forehead wrinkles are not fun. revitalift. hyaluronic acid serum from l'oréal paris.
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what about to show you is disturbing. it's sunday, you take your 6 year-old daughter, nieces and sister to a nail salon. for a girl's day. out of nowhere, cops run up on you, guns drawn. and you're all forced to lie face down in a parking lot. here's a video.
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>> why? well, turns out the car was mistaken for another stolen vehicle. because, you know. it's like the most common way to steal a car. is to do it with a bunch of kids. that's usually how these teams work with when they steal cars. you have seen it all the time on cops. i'm being sarcastic. misa mispolice are apologizing. she joins us with her attorney. thank you and i'm really sorry to have you on the show for this. i should have had you on the show for how people try to make good time during bad times in a pandemic. but, this brought us here. first and foremost, how are
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little ones? how's the 6 year-old and 12, 14, 17, how are they doing? eating a eating and sleeping? >> rarely eat, rarely sleep. they are in a traumatic state. it's not even just like how -- they're not doing good at all. who would. what child would? in that position. >> what adult would. how are you doing? >> i have overwhelmed with emotion. besides being traumatized by everything that happened and kids go through that, not only me but the kids. i'm traumatized. i'm not okay. i have so many other different emotions going in my body.
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it's hard to swing. >> what's the hardest part emotionally? >> i guess balance everything out. hearing the video, it's like you feel powerless. as a parent you try to protect your child at every cost. and those were my kids. and that particular for my kids. i felt powerless and dehumanized and i couldn't protect them. from anything else going on. and it was all over a mistake. >> what did you think was going to happen? >> i thought one of us was going to seriously get hurt. the kids or ghet hurt. they came in with guns drawn. i felt like -- my life was flashing before my eyes.
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it's very difficult to put yourself in that pot of racism that happens. and it happened. i have to put myself in the pot i might not live another day. these kids might not live another day. over a mistake. >> let's talk about the mistake. tell us what happened. >> so, i was taking the girls to have a little sunday fun day. and we decided to go to the nail shop. we got there i didn't call the particular nail shop it was down the street from the house. we pulled up in the parking lot, the same parking lot as the thrift store and mcdonald ts. i had my niece get out kp check. i didn't call. so she got out the car and went to check and see if the nail shop was open. and she came back in the car and
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was like t not open. i'm scrolling through my phone, i'm like searching for other places to go. i find another place to go and i call it. can you get four people in. they tell me yeah, i was getting ready to leave. before i did that i said give me a sec. the car was in park. i rolled the window down and turned the vehicle off. so the kids were like i saw the gentleman on my left side. he looked at me and said something like i'm going to record. i'm thinking like i don't know what he's talking about. okay. go ahead, record what you like. i put my head back down in my phone and my feniece started screaming. i'm like what's going. she said the police.
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i said okay? they're behind us. probably just doing some type of investigation. i'm not looking for anything. and cause trouble. she's like no, they have guns drawn on us. i look at the window and i yell out at the officer. why do you have a gun drawn? what is going on? he didn't respond. he like repeated and was like everybody put their hands out the vehicle. so out the window and everything. we proceeded to do that. and out of nowhere he was like everybody down. people started stepping out. my niece started to get out. she opened the door and you're not going anywhere. he hasn't told us what's going on. he's not telling us what the reason he has a gun


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