tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 8, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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gary tuchman, in atlanta. thank you so much for joining us. live in the cnn newsroom. i'm boris sanchez in the nation's capital. took pen in hand this afternoon and brought to life four executive actions aimed at helping financially struggling americans. a student loan deferment, helping homeowners and renters to avoid eviction, payroll tax holiday and stickiest thing that republican and democratic deal makers simply could not agree on. extra unemployment benefit and the dollar amount out of work americans have gotten used to seeing every week. we'll get some clarity on that in just a moment but keep in mind, this is the weekend when the united states will very likely hit the 5 million mark in cases of coronavirus.
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5 million americans known to be infected. the actual number is almost certainly much higher. more than 260,000 people died from the pandemic in this country. the number of human lives goes up. disturbingly fast while the country's elected leaders argue and disagree and fail to act. kristen holmes joining us now. traveling with the president outside of bedminster, new jersey. you were there when the president signed the executive actions. millions of unemployed people in the country are nervous. they're eager to hear how their unemployment benefits are going to change. what did the president actually sign? >> reporter: okay, well, let's actually start there with the unemployment benefits, boris, and we have a graphic to explain it because it's a little bit complicated. essentially, people got $600 in assistance from the federal government. now, that was on top of whatever they were getting from the state unemployment offices. now, they will get $400
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according to president trump. but it's not quite actually 400. it's actually $300 from the federal government because president trump is asking governors to pay the last $100. will they be able to do this? i don't know but spoke to one state official immediately after the remarks and told them what president trump said. one, they had no idea this was coming and two, he actually laughed and he said there's absolutely no way that we can pay that. our resources are just tapped out. on the other actions, excuse me, there were memoranda, not everything was what it seems. president trump talking about that eviction moratorium, but i went through the text in between when we talked to you last hour, and it's not quite an eviction moratorium. instead, it calls on various agencies to quote, consider,
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whether it was necessary to temporarily halt evictions. a lot of word play there. and then also talk about another one of these with the payroll tax holiday who make $100,000 or less. a few complications with this. companies have to sign on or people have to pay an enormous amount of back tax. it's unclear how president trump is going to handle that. he said he would dissolve the taxes when reelected but he said he's potentially footing millions of americans on the hook to have to pay back all of those taxes. now the last part of this will make people very happy. it was the student loan deferment. so people who have to pay off the student loans, it will be deferred. so as i know, a lot of people will be very happy about that,
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but a lot of nuance in all of these different executive actions that president trump signed today. >> potentially some legal challenges ahead too. making clear the office of the president does not hold the pursestrings. he walked away in the middle of the reporter's question about veterans choice. what exactly happened? >> this is something president trump talked about since the beginning of his tenure and he simply states it falsely. he said, what veterans choice is, it expanded the availability for veterans. when barack obama passed it in 2014, see some of the horrible stories coming out of the v.a.
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people having to wait for hours, for days, for weeks, and this helped alleviate some of that. now, president trump did sign an extension on to that to make it more extensive program, but he did not put this veterans choice into law. this is something his bill, his writings and put it out there. he was pressed on this issue, why he keeps saying this and eventually, as we've seen him do in the past. >> according to cnn's fact-checker, at least the 143 time the president has repeated that falsehood and almost always phrases it the exact same way saying they've been trying to get it done for decades and decades and no president has been able to do it. it was made into law in 2014. kristen holmes traveling with the president president near bedminster, new jersey. turn to south dakota right
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now. one of the largest motorcycle events in the world is under way. draw a million people from the city of sturgis, a population of just 7,000. where cnn's ryan young is now. you're wearing a mask. they're not being required there. a lot of the concern that we've heard from medical experts also has to do with what happens as the sun starts going down and people start heading to restaurants and bars. not much social distancing there. tell us what you're seeing. >> reporter: absolutely. when you look at the number of people who have shown up in the city, with a city just 7,000 people and possibly go to such a large number, you can understand why people are going to be paying attention. we talk to dozens of bikers just about the idea of them wanting to come here, not to miss this event. basically, look forward to this every single year.
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you know people are going to show up but when you look down in this direction and see all the people down here, one thing you don't see, excuse me, is a lot of masks and that is the thing that you don't see all throughout this area, but take a listen to one of the bikers earlier what they've seen and what's been going on with them. >> we are trying to social distance. a drink here and leave. it's too crowded. we try to still practice social distancing. >> you worried? >> hell no. we're going to get it sooner or later. >> that's how you feel in no mask? >> [ bleep ] the mask. >> ain't got no business being out here. that's the bottom line. >> reporter: think about this. this state here had less than 10,000 people test positive for covid-19, so you can understand there are some concerns in this community. the businesses here, didn't want to deal with all the folks and
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influx that have shown up. the other side is the weather has been pretty good. a lot of camping. so not in hotel rooms, spread out 600 acre sort of campground, and that's what a lot of these concerts are going on. but i tell you, when you go to the main street and see the bars and restaurants full, it's like pre-covid times when people not really social distancing, they are having a good time. it's a choice that they are making, they want to continue to make that choice and that's the one of the reasons, they don't plant to wear masks but we talked to a couple who were wearing a mask and had to make that decision based upon our health. so you can understand that perspective as well. >> yeah, deciding not to wear a helmet when you ride a motorcycle puts you in danger but potentially spreading this very contagious and deadly virus, putting a lot of other people at risk. ryan young reporting from south dakota, thank you. the large event in sturgis
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comes as the u.s. approaches 5 million coronavirus cases and joining us now to discuss emergency physician, and seema yasmin. i want to start with you, all these people all over the country at a mask optional event. as you heard, not much social distancing. is this good idea? >> it drew half a million people last year to this small town and we think a quarter of a million people will converge on sturgis, as you said, home to only 7,000 residents. 60% of whom said they don't want this to happen. it's outdoor which does reduce the risk but the issue is the after-party. what happens after the outdoor celebrations. it's likely that people will converge in the kinds of bars and restaurants that ryan was just showing us.
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that kind of close quarter, especially when you end up indoors sharing restrooms oerr tent with others, remembering about 40% or 50% of transmission, happens from people that don't have any symptoms. all hoping in south dakota, never had a mask mandate, and very responsible, many around him were not. the concern then is there is a local hospital about 172 beds, in case there's a surge in covid-19 infections and then wants to get tested afterwards. 1300 tests, a quarter of a million people. that's not very much. and then people possibly taking infection with them. >> i want to dove tail off that point. how concerning is it, at the end
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of next week, all these folks from all across the country are going to be heading home, what are the chances this becomes a super spreader. how soon will we know? >> you know, boris, i think that you hit the nail on the head. it's a unique event, not just the health of them but their communities. 250,000 people coming across the country. we know that about 80% of infections come from about 20% of people. the super spreader events are real. we have reports across the country of one person infecting 90 or 100 or even more. and so if you have a few of those infections that start at sturgis, people go back home and even have the potential to spread in their own communities and then of course, we know the positive tests and those initial symptoms are not going to show up somewhere between 5 and 14 days. so we look at about a two week
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lag. until people start testing positive. dr. yasmin identified, people are outside, which is the one really positive thing and may protect us from us having a negative effect on the incidence of covid-19 but the bars and outdoor events make me and other public health officials quite nervous. >> especially when you hear they're holding concerts. it doesn't sound like conditions for social distancing, going to be enforced either. something dr. yasmin brought up, a mask mandate. how troubling that there isn't one in south dakota or federally? >> so boris, i and a few other physicians wrote a piece in health affairs this week, dr. aurora and burston and jane suggesting there should be a
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federal mask mandate. we know from studies across the country that when there is a mask mandate in place, the number of infections drops dramatically. there have been studies suggesting that mask mandates are actually more effective than lockdowns, so if we put mask mandates in effect, we may not have to go back into shutdowns and moreover, mask mandates can save us money and allow us to save our economy. of course, as the interviewees adds mentioned, and here about keeping the community safe. and now allows businesses to insist that people wear masks and then protect not just the customers but the entire community. mask mandates should be enforced in states across the country and ideally, on a federal level. >> i thought it was notable, the rationale to boost tourism and businesses there, but ryan reported several businesses
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deciding to close down because they didn't want to deal with the crowds. dr. yasmin, the president has continued saying the country is making great progress in the fight against the virus that we're doing everything that we can to, is the u.s. really making progress? >> it doesn't seem that, boris, because even in some of the states here in california, for example, where it feels like we were a hot spot that now cases are on the decline. so much of the failure goes back to february and goes back to our failure of testing. so back then and tests is so important who needs it but at
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least 2 million tests a day, if not 4 million every day. that's what we need to do, lack of a federal mask mandate and a lack of a cohesive federal plan altogether and that seems to be where the biggest failures are and it looks like that's why we're not getting a handle on this. we keep seeing if it's not one region that's a hot spot and another region, another region and we're not getting this under control as we could be. why not reliable testing? >> i wish i could answer that question. it flummoxes me and others every day. most do their own testing internally but lack of the reagents and swabs that are needed to do the tests. and then for states that are trying to send out labs, or
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tests to commercial labs, they're facing backlogs of five to seven days. many believe that as dr. yasmin nen mentioned, if the cdc was better early on and use the resources of the international community, w.h.o. offering, we may be in a better spot. february and march, even april, we'd be better prepared now, and what really worries us is we're just heading into the fall. schools are reopening. colleges are reopening. respiratory viruses. >> dr. yasmin, thank you. we want to look closer at arizona now. >> if virus of case count, the crisis is far from over.
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the obstacle of thousands of students to university campuses, you'll hear from ruben about how his state plans to fight the spread. you're live in the cnn newsroom. is a friendly neighbor. they're teachers, retirees, vets, people committed to doing right by getting the count right. if you haven't responded yet, they'll be stopping by to ask some simple questions that will inform how billions in federal funds are spent on local services every year for the next decade. so when they come knocking, say hi from a safe distance and do your part to support your community. time is running out. shape your future. start here at
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and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. >> arizona ranking seventh in states with the most coronavirus cases. the death toll now topping 4,000 and now more than 185,000 cases in all. there's a lot of anger that the state's early reopening may have caused the numbers to skyrocket. miguel marquez shows us how the next major milestones on the calendar are only adding to the fear. >> reporter: cases decreasing but a lot out there, in time for high season in the desert. >> we've got to get our act in order now to prepare for the fall. when the winter visitors return when the cold and flu season returns, in addition, some
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70,000 students soon return to arizona state university. tens of thousands more to universities statewide and many k- k-10. >> to say this is contained is a mistake. >> reporter: dropped 20% in july to 16% now. guidelines for fully reopening schools here say the positivity among other factors should be at 5% or lower on the 2 week rolling average. >> when governor ducey decided to open up the state, we were at 18 cases per day. in pima county. yesterda yesterday. >> reporter: two officials were
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barred from issuing mask orders. reversed himself on june 17th. reimposed restrictions on businesses and allowed localities to require masks in public. >> we saw in arizona, a good example. they started to clamp down and do things right. cases came down. >> reporter: arizona has a long way to go. before reopening, it was in the hundreds. july 1st, it was nearly 5,000 new cases every day. much attributed to the state reopening too aggressively, some business owners agree. >> it went crazy. as if they declared the pandemic was over. >> reporter: dished up mexican food for 56 years. leon espinoza shut down until the spread of the virus slowed. >> took on this big financial
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hit, so that we could concentrate on being safe. our health and well being is the foremost important thing. >> reporter: learning that lesson the hard way cnn, miguel marquez, phoenix. >> let's bring in ruben giego. you know the tourist season is coming, at least to some extent reopening. how worried are you about more spikes in arizona? >> we did not have a proper plan when we reopened. the governor, president trump, just threw open business, and as soon as that happened, the
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potential schools reopening, i don't see the same level of intensity that you see in places like new york state, and a potential infection. >> congressman, i'm curious for your reaction to the president's executive actions today after the stimulus talks collapsed, the president arguing, they forced his hand. what do you think? >> he doesn't know how to lead. he's been at a golf club. that's not leadership. if he actually really cared about what's actually happening out there, especially when it
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came to unemployment, would get into the weeds and work with pelosi, work with schumer and mnuchin to get this done. >> his actions on enhanced unemployment benefits leaves 25% of the cost for states to cover. cnn spoke to an official from a northeastern state run by a democratic governor who laughed at that idea. saying, quote, we don't have that money because of the pandemic. issues coming up with a deal, do you think congress will find a way to cover that 25% gap? >> no, i think that we should come up with a deal that's supposed to be $600. this is a haphazard approach taking too many demands. the unemployment, it doesn't make any sense. make sure families get what they need, and also, resources that
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the states need to keep government open and that to be the solution, not to use haphazard. >> democrats walking away because republicans refuse to give for states and local governments. doesn't it open up for americans to have some form of help? >> we know that the negotiation tactic of the republican sflat. >> democrats defunding police and public safety while we're actually trying to make sure our front liners and first responders keep them employed
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and what we need is true leadership from president trump and some true collaboration and negotiation from the senate so we could come up to a compromise. we want a solution that can last until december 31st. >> congressman ruben galledo. unfortunate we had connectivity issues but glad to get you on the phone. >> thank you. quick programming note. all new episode of "united shades of america." w. kamau bell goes to austin, millions of americans working multiple jobs in the new gig economy. don't miss it tomorrow night at 10:00 on cnn. teachers in georgia staging a protest. this honk a-thon coming after one county announces it will phase students back to in-person
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and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! george was one of the first states to reopen and now only four other states and the new york city area have more confirmed cases of coronavirus. the numbers are still high, more than 213,000 total cases with more than 4400 of those reported just today. this grim reality hitting home for the state's public school teachers who are struggling with the push to return to in-person
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classes. cnn's natasha chen reports on their dlem. >> reporter: teachers sound the alarm over the largest new district to phase in face-to face instruction in august after starting with all virtual classes next week. >> it seems like standardized test scores matter a whole lot to this country, but covid test scores don't seem to matter enough. >> reporter: teachers honked from inside their cars in gwinnett county as a socially distant protest in contrast to the one argued by those in the same spot calling for some face-to-face instruction. a district spokesperson said their difficult decisions will not be popular with everyone. but say they're committed to student's health, safety and education. >> seems like they keep making decisions that placate different parties without considering, we
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need consistent and bold leadership. >> reporter: teaches second grade students who would be back in the classroom at the end of august but no one has given her detailed plans o of what that looks like. >> i'll be in the room teaching children on top of also teaching online children too. so i have three jobs, a mom, a classroom teacher and an online teacher. >> reporter: her own children are allowed to go with her to work which alleviates child care concerns but it's not ideal since they have asthma. >> this is not well thought out at all. >> reporter: the fears are real, 260 gwinnett employees testing positive before school even started. at least 260 students and eight teachers are quarantined after several people tested positive during the first week of school. resulted in an entire class sent home and in this county, a suspension and then reversal of
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the suspension for the student who posted it on social media. >> necessary trouble. i don't regret it because it needed to be said. >> reporter: waters said she was concerned for everyone's safety. the palden county superintendent sent a letter to families saying crowding in between classes for five minutes may happen in a school with more than 2,000 students, and they're complying with state guidelines. this kind of anxiety is what gwinnett teachers say keeps them up at night. even though special ed teacher loves her job and students. >> if the students come back into the building, it's a 90% chance right now i'm probably going to end up resigning to make sure my personal babies are safe. >> reporter: natasha chen, cnn, georgia. >> thank you so much, natasha. the president's polling numbers appearing to stabilize but is it enough to make up ground lost to joe biden? the latest on the 2020 presidential election with our
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polling guru, harry enton, next, live in the cnn newsroom. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. whatintroducing the new sleepld? number 360 smart bed... now temperature balancing, so you can sleep better together. can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. can it help with snoring? i've never heard snoring. exactly. no problem ...and done. will it help me keep up with mom? you got this. so you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. it's our weekend special with 0% interest for 48
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safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today. just 87 days until the presidential election and new polls, president trumptive preside presumptive presidential nominee, joe biden. senior political writer and analyst, harry enton. thank you for joining us, if they are the results, what would they tell us? >> number one, boris, obviously all about the electoral college and put out the map. as you say, we're still under 90 days to go but right now, we see joe biden holds a clear advantage. didn't g 353 to 185.
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and something so important, that is the trend line. we can see that best in the national polls. compare that where we were to just about a month ago on july 1st. donald trump is not losing momentum anymore. saw the big drop in the polls into june and july but at this point, it's stabilized. so joe biden still out in front but out in front by 8 instead of by 10 as he was a month ago. so perhaps a slight tightening in the polls right now. >> yeah, we're just 9 days out from the democratic national convention. you said that biden is in a better position than hillary clinton ever was. how is that the case? >> yeah, look, i think it's so important to look at the polling average right now. nine days out versus nine days out from the convention last time. and what we see here, the number one thing i would point out to you is not the margin between the candidates. yes, it's true, biden holds a larger lead over trump than clinton did in the 2016 race but
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biden and clinton, but biden at or above 50%. 51% the average. clinton wasn't anywhere close to that. a ton more decided in the 2016 campaign. volatility, in large part, because there's many fewer undecideds. >> whatever party hosts their convention. now because they're all virtual, do you suspect there might be a change in the bump in polling we see post-convention time? >> this is a great question. and normally you see these bumps that occur. the more successful convention but i've done a lot of research and what we do know, the bumps have tended to shrink over time. that is in, 2016, there was a lower bump and then mondale, despite the fact he ended up
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losing by 20 points. so take that into account, that longer term trend and then all of a sudden, you're not even having these in-person conventions. i wouldn't be surprise if they don't produce that big of a bump but this year, everything's so crazy, who can really say? >> unprecedented times, right? so let's talk about mail-in voting. president trump sued the state of nevada for its vote by mail plan, but he said he supports places like florida and arizona voting by mail. do you think it could have an influence on how democrats and republicans plan to vote? >> usually, last time around, only about 25% of voters actually cast the ballot by mail. 26% of democrats and then republicans. the number for democrats has doubled from 2016, the percentage of democrats that vote by mail.
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republicans are about having an impact and what's so important, we're in fact, less than a month aw away, north carolina starts september 4th and then pennsylvania, wisconsin, georgia, michigan, texas, in the month of september. early voting by mail, going to be a huge impact in this election and of course, in the pandemic, you've got to get votes on the board early rather than later. >> biden is weighing who he's going to pick for the running mate. how much could the pick change the numbers? >> such intrigue, you never know who he's going to pick. there's no model for this, but what i will say is generally, speaking by presidential picks, don't have the large of the
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impact. perhaps a percentage or two in the home state that the vp come from, the literature teaches us, voters do not like when presidential nominees pick someone they believe is unprepared for the job. so if there's one thing i will say and i think biden's weighing in heavily, not someone seen as unqualified, back in 2008. >> harry enten, thank you. >> be well. >> you too. testing delays and supplies shortage. coming up, a cnn investigation on why coronavirus testing is still an issue so many months into fighting this pandemic. stay with us. behind every 2020 census taker's mask is a friendly neighbor. they're teachers, retirees, vets, people committed to doing right by getting the count right. if you haven't responded yet, they'll be stopping by to ask some simple questions that will inform how billions in federal funds are spent on local services
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now to a new cnn investigation into the ongoing coronavirus testing crisis in the united states. the trump administration testing czar brett giregard telling jake tapper the federal government is doing enough with testing. our cnn senior investigative correspondent drew griffon spoke with more than 20 experts and they made it clear what the federal government is doing is not enough. here's what they want. >> why is coronavirus testing in the u.s. still a debacle? cnn spoke to state health officials, testing labs, test suppliers, hospitals and industry insiders, more than 20 testing experts. the overwhelming consensus, no federal plan. >> we need to have a better national strategy to deal with testing. >> reporter: but wait a minute, wasn't there supposed to be a plan, a white house coronavirus
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task force? and wasn't this man, admiral brett tasked with fixing testing? the answer is yes and according to the admiral the federal government is doing all it can. >> of course it's enough. tell me one thing we should be doing with any of these private labs they're not doing on their own, and i'm happy to do it. >> well, here, admiral, is what the federal government should be doing according to those experts. first, national coordination of supplies. >> you have whether intentionally or not competition across states, across labs. >> reporter: there is not enough of anything. the swabs, pipettes, the chemicals needed to perform a test called reagents which is leading to huge competition between states and labs. >> if we had all of the supplies that we could use we could perform around 10,000 tests per day. but we just don't have all of the supplies or all of the
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people. >> reporter: case in point, tricorp, new mexico' largest medical lab is running just 3,700 tests a day instead of the 10,000 it could handle, nowhere near its capacity. >> we need goals at a federal level and the support at the federal level for us to get to where we need to be for testing. >> reporter: that sounds like a very polite way to say that if there is a national strategy nobody in new mexico knows about it. >> probably, yes. >> reporter: one way to get more of those supplies is increase use of the defense production act or dpa. cnn previously reported how the administration isn't using the dpa as much as it could, a plan released by the rockefeller foundation said the government should immediately invoke the act specifically to increase supplies for reagents and machinery to process testing. >> what we have seen is that industry left to its own devices is not going to produce the types of tests and the scale of
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tests necessary. >> reporter: and several of the experts say the trump administration needs to abandon its idea that the competitive marketplace will solve supply issues. it simply won't. and if you want proof dr. shah of the rockefeller foundation says turn on your tv and watch some sports. >> if you are a multi-million dollar baseball or basketball player you're getting tested quite often so that you can go to work. but if you're a teacher, if you're a health care worker, if you're out there doing your job and asked to do your job without the benefit of support for testing, that's not fair and that's not right. >> reporter: heather pierce says it's time to let science lead this u.s. response. >> that is not a market-driven response. that is something that requires the engagement of the public health community, the academic community and the government public health forces.
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>> reporter: in other words, a federal plan. the response to the story from the department of health and human services is that the department does have a plan and works with states to implement them every single day but that a single national plan isn't appropriate because states have different needs on the issue of supplies. the department says it's simply unrealistic that the federal government can manage the supplies of every lab in the country. drew griffon, cnn, atlanta. >> excellent reporting from drew. thank you for that. president trump signing executive actions to extend the enhanced federal unemployment benefits but leaving a big chunk of the bill to states. many of which probably simply won't be able to pay. more on that next. if you're 55 and up, t- mobile has a plan built just for you. we want you to get the value and service you need to stay connected. saving 50% vs. other carriers
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6:00 pm
hello to our viewers in the united states and around the world. you're live in the "cnn newsroom." i'm boris sanchez in washington. 5 million people. the united states is just on the cusp of confirming that 5 million americans are either sick with the coronavirus or have been infected and recovered. and if the doctors and health care experts are correct the wave of covid-19 infections is not even close to over. more people will get sick, and that other
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