tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 10, 2020 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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hello, everyone. i'm kate bolduan. the u.s. passing a milestone that did not need to happen. the country now has more than 5 million confirmed cases of covid-19, that is double the number of infections from late june and it also means more than 1 million cases have been reported in the last 17 days. 17 days. the u.s. makes up about a quarter of all covid cases in the world, despite making up less than 5% of the world's population. it's to the going well. just look at this if you need to see more. the death toll in the united states is now approaching 163,000. with more than 500 deaths reported just yesterday. then there is this, a study from the american academy of
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pediatrics reporting that nearly 100,000 children in the u.s. tested positive for covid in the last two weeks of july. yes, children. thankfully, of course, make up a small fraction of the coronavirus related deaths. we do know that right now. this is important, this number that you just heard. it also flies in the face of president trump's argument for why he thinks schools should reopen. >> if you look at children, children are almost -- and i would almost say definitely, but almost immune from this disease, so few. they've got stronger, hard to believe, i don't know how you feel about it, but they have much stronger immune systems than we do somehow for this. >> definitely virtually almost immune, it was untrue then, more untrue now. one state that knows all too well the complications of reopening schools in the midst of a pandemic is georgia. multiple districts in the state are already having to alter their school plans due to
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positive tests among students and teachers. natasha chen is in atlanta and has much more on this. >> reporter: students at north paulding high school are staying home today and tomorrow for virtual learning after a superintendent wrote to families last night that the school campus will have to be disinfected an the district is consulting with the health department what to do next. by tomorrow night students will find out what happens in the coming days, whether they stay virtual or go back to school. they're not alone in this. another middle school in the same district has one student testing positive in cherokee county, we're learning of at least 19 students and four staff members who tested positive. in gwinnett county, there are at least 260 employees during just the prep and training week. classes haven't started there. 260 employees who have tested positive or had to quarantine. now, of course, north paulding high school, though, did gain some notoriety last week when a
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student posted a picture of a very crowded hallway to social media and showed a lot of students not social distancing, a lot not wearing masks. the superintendent made it clear that was a five-minute passing period when students were changing classes, something he said that may happen when there's a school of more than 2,000 students. of course all educators are making some pretty tough decisions about how to start school right now like this and a lot of that has to do with the covid numbers around georgia. we're standing here where governor brian kemp and the u.s. surgeon general are announcing today, expanded testing near the atlanta airport after health and humans identified atlanta as a hot spot. these tests here will turn results in 48 to 72 hours which is currently much faster than other test results are coming back in the rest of the state, kate. >> thank you so much. we'll see what we hear. one state representative in georgia says she is so concerned about what is happening in
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schools that she's started a hotline to help. teachers, staff, students, parents, they can use it to share what they are seeing in their schools and she says the stories are alarming. joining me right now is georgia state representative beth moore. state rep, thank you so much for being here. you've had this thing up and running for a few days now. what are you hearing so far? >> kate, i have over 200 e-mails over the course of less than 48 hours from teachers, students, parents, staff members at school, all with really the same message that schools in georgia are not prepared to go back to face-to-face instruction right now. >> you told my producers that you think it's actually what yaur hearing you think it's worse than people really know and understand. what do you mean by that? >> well, kate, if you don't mind, since i only have a few
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minutes on the air with you, the reason i am here is to be a voice for the people who feel like they cannot speak out for fear of retaliation. the students are afraid to speak out for fear that they will be bullied by other students and quite frankly the teachers as well. the teachers who want to do the right thing are fearing retribution of the loss of their jobs and ridiculed higher ups. i would like to read some of their words because that's why we're here. >> yeah, tell me one of their accounts. i would appreciate it. >> i have one that i received from a teacher in fulton county, which is in atlanta, georgia, this teacher writes, i have a co-worker who has decided to report to the building today even though she had a positive covid test last week. she says she feels better and our country -- and our county does not require a negative test before returning back to school. i am a type 1 diabetic and i am
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fearful and couldn't sleep last night because i feel as if i may be exposed today. those are the words from a fulton county teacher. >> now, one thing you hit on, that in and of itself is tragic to think about, but one thing you hit on i have found really troubling as well is that these teachers are writing and asking to remain anonymous because of fear of retribution and i find that almost as trouble as the problems they're reporting. why are they afraid of speaking up to school administrators there shouldn't be a need for your effort at all. we are all in this together. it's not teacher versus parent. it's not teacher versus school. it's everyone. >> that's right. it's everyone versus the virus. and our -- you know, my mission is not to shut down face-to-face instruction but call out bad practices so that we don't have to shut down face-to-face instruction. i have a lot of parents out there who are not too pleased
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that i opened up this whistleblower e-mail account but really i'm trying to help them. they want their kids in face-to-face instruction but that will not be possible if we are not calling out bad practices from other students, teachers and administrators. >> what should be done in light of -- >> i would like to give you another -- >> just real quick, what should be done in light of all of this? i would like to hear another account but are you sharing the reports with school administratorses? what do you do are from receiving the account, what do you do then? >> mostly i've been posting them to twitter and in some cases i will read them out loud just as i would like to read out loud to you an e-mail i received this morning from a teacher in forsythe county which is preparing to open up to face-to-face instruction very soon. this eacher writes i just received my class rosters for the year. every class -- this person teaches five classes -- every
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class has 30 or 31 students and one class has 33 students. masks are not required. i am scared to death. we start on thursday. there is no way we can socially distance with that many kids in one class. >> yeah. no matter what, no matter what you think, that's the thing about this virus. it's not about just that kids need to be back in school and kids often get -- have a better reaction, if you will, a less harsh reaction to coronavirus, it's all of the teachers and families, it's how the virus is transmitted that's so troubling. i would like to know what happens with these reports that are coming up. it's not an isolated case in one district is what you're finding and from the reports that you're getting to your e-mail address, so thank you so much. state representative beth moore. we'll check back in and see what comes of this. these stories need to be told and shouldn't have to be anonymous. it's pretty ridiculous.
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thank you for coming on. >> thank you. we have to turn quickly, we're getting breaking news coming in out of baltimore, maryland. this is just been starting to come in and get more information that multiple people including some children are trapped right now after a massive explosion in what appears to be a residential neighborhood there in baltimore, maryland. it's in the northwest, just northwest part of the city. just as you see these aerial views from -- you can look at devastation that is taking place. just these homes just eviscerated. fire crews, first responders are on the ground as you can see. search and rescue efforts are under way. you can see them just trying to get in place and assess how safe it is to get in to look for what they believe are several people that are trapped. you can see them working right there on top of some of the rubble of these homes. let's get over to alex field, trying to pick up a little bit more of what's going on.
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not a lot of details coming in but what are you picking up? >> the baltimore special rescue operations unit the one responding there, you can see there are firefighters that have responded, medical units as well. the most pressing thing is to get into that rubble. you can see them starting to sift through it to try to find anyone who is trapped in there. the reports were there were at least self-peoplveral people, i some children. it's not clear how many houses were affected there. look at the breath of the destruction. a major explosion involving at least several homes. we're waiting to find out what could have caused this and waiting to find out exactly how many people and children are believed to still be trapped inside. we are learning that first responders have found three individuals who were inside it seems at the time. no word on their conditions. we're going to work to learn a little more about that. you can see just dozens and
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dozens of first responders, listening to see what they can hear and try to carefully get in and see if they're able to find anyone inside. incredibly difficult and certainly time sensitive work here. >> absolutely. look just by hand they're trying to get some of this rubble out of the way to really get started and get things going. time is of the essence. we'll stick with this, alex will bring us updates as we get it out of baltimore, maryland. coming up still, a dangerous night in chicago. widespread looting and vandalism. illinois's lieutenant governor joins us next. the entire college football season could be in jeopardy as the first of the top tier conferences just canceled the season. we'll be back. [♪]
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weekend. in ferguson, missouri, demonstrators gathered to mark the sixth anniversary of the police killing of michael brown. violence then erupted after dark after a crowd gathered outside police headquarters. in portland, oregon, police declared a riot after some 200 marched on a police union building there. fireworks erupted between the two sides as police were trying to push a crowd back. the most violence was seen in chicago, overnight into this morning, widespread looting, you can see right there, seen along michigan avenue, and reports of gunfire. police say more than 100 people were arrested. this is all happening against the backdrop of -- in chicago and illinois of the state trying to combat another -- a new spike in coronavirus infections. so what is going on there? joining me right now is illinois's lieutenant governor
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juliana stratton. thank you for your time. i know you have seen these pictures of this looting and the violence overnight in chicago. what's happening in chicago right now? what happened? >> well, first and foremost, let me just say that as a lifelong chicagoan and serving as lieutenant governorer i am sadnd by the news i woke up to this morning as i saw the levels of looting throughout the city of chicago and particularly concentrated in some of our downtown areas. we know that because of covid-19 many of these businesses were just starting to reopen and to get back to business and so it's certainly devastating to see. it is not reflective of our city. it is certainly a situation that many people that i know have talked about just being devastating to wake up to. >> yeah. there's another startling image of a different kind i guess you could say getting back to
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coronavirus, montrose beach in chicago on saturday, the mayor of chicago appears to have shut down the park where this happened. we can probably put up the picture when we can. a big gathering that was found. what do you think when you see pictures like this? >> what i think of is first and foremost people need to recognize this covid-19 pandemic is still going on, it is not gone anywhere, and people need to take it very seriously. the governor has made it very clear that we would always follow the data and the science here in illinois, that's what we have done. we were able to get our positivity rate down to sort of a steady 2.7%, but that has increased by more than a percentage point over the last few weeks and certainly over this last week as we have seen a spike in cases. we are going to continue to follow the data, but as our governor has indicated in the event that we do find that the numbers have gotten to a place
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where it's dangerous for people to continue engaging in the activity that we have now have at phase four, then we will have to put those restrictions back in place. that, of course, will not only be devastating for all of our communities and residents, it would be devastating to our economy and business owners. so we need people to wear their masks. we have had a mask mandate for a number of months now and weeks and we need people to follow those guidelines, to wear a mask, to maintain their physical distancing and to make sure they continue to wash their hands. >> and the governor is pushing for a new mask mandate which would allow businesses to face fines if they don't enforce face covering rules. are you to a place concerned enough that you think that individuals need to be fined if they're seen not to be wearing masks? is that what is driving this spike? >> we are really focusing on the fact that we have seen
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businesses after we have loosened some of the restrictions, allowed for indoor dining, allowed for some smaller gatherings, but we have seen business owners that have aloud people to come in without their face masks, where people have been crowded into some of these facilities and our focus is to make sure that business owners continue to be responsible in what we need to do to stop this pandemic. remember what has been driving us from the very beginning is to save as many lives as possible. we have done a good job through governor pritzker's leadership of getting in there and making sure we got testing, making sure we were one of the first states to issue a stay-at-home order. we don't want it lose the progress we have made over the last several months. this has been a very difficult time for the entire nation, but right now without the guidance from the federal government we have to follow what the governors are doing and governor pritzker's leadership has brought us to a good place. we don't want to go back and that's what this is about.
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>> president trump signed a group of executive actioorders that would give unemployed americans $400 in unemployment benefits, but turns out that is only if the states agree to pay the first $100. is illinois prepared to take on that expense? can you afford it? >> look, at every single level of government we see just an incredible financial crisis due to the covid-19 pandemic. something that none of us expected that we would have to deal with. here we are, we see record numbers of people have filed for unemployment. we see every level of government really struggling from what they thought their budgets would be and not being able to maintain that and we need assistance from the federal government. we need assistance to help our business owners, we need assistance to help with the residents of our state. that's something that we will continue to advocate for. we know that these executive orders did not do anything to really help the people that need
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the most help. that's what we have to be focused on. today we are offering emergency rental assistance here in illinois because people need help being able to pay their rent for the remainder of this year we are going to kick off a similar program for mortgage assistance. people are hungry. there are so many issues that have come up, we need leadership from the federal government to step up and make sure that states and local units of government have the kind of support they need. >> and it's all, you know, it's all together. the republican governor of ohio didn't know if his state could afford the $100 we're talking about here. do you know if illinois can? >> look, we've been advocating from the beginning for asishl assistance to do what we need to do at the state of illinois. in passing our budget it was part of that budget was focused on the fact that we need support from the federal government to take care of the people of our
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state. we're going to do everything we can to make the best decisions we can to meet the needs of our residents, but certainly we need asis additional assistance and that's what the governor has advocated for and we will keep pushing for that to meet their needs. >> thank you for your time. >> thank you. coming up for us, the fate of college football hanging in the balance right now as at least one top tier, the first top tier conference has announced it is postponing fall sports. the commissioner of the mac joins me next. tes. and i'll tell you some important things to know about medicare. first, it doesn't pay for everything. say this pizza... [mmm pizza...] is your part b medical expenses. this much - about 80 percent... medicare will pay for. what's left... this slice here... well... that's on you. and that's where an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company comes in.
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there's more doubt than ever that anyone is going to see college football in the fall. games are schedule to start in a matter of weeks but according to new reports there's a very serious chance they won't happen at all. leaders from the power five conferences reportedly met over the weekend discussing postponing the season due to safety concerns with the pandemic and a sign of things to come this weekend the mid-american conference, the mac, announced it's canceling the fall season becoming the first top tier league to make the call. joining me is the commissioner
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of the mid-american conference jon steinbrecher, thank you for being here. i appreciate it. how difficult was the decision for you? >> oh, kate, this was a crushing decision to be made by our membership and i applaud the courage of our athletic directors and presidents and all involved, it was not a decision that was made lightly, not a decision that was not made quickly and it was a tigediagn n the advice of our medical experts. >> this impacts so many kids, this is everything. i mean as an athlete, i remember. how likely is it you think you can pull off a spring season for these sports? >> that's a good question. we've spent the past six months and continue to say i don't know a lot, and that's simply going to be the case until we're able to knock down this virus. what i can say is we've put in place a process to study and
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plan and prepare for the ability to provide competitive opportunities for our fall sports student athletes in the spring. it will include bringing together administrators, coaches, student athletes, faculty and medical advisers to lay out a 12 month calendar from january to december where we look at the possibility of playing two seasons in a calendar year, and examine all the facts around it. i've got a list of a host of items you would all think about and then we'll come to some conclusions and then somewhere down the road, whether that's in october or november or december or really when the virus allows us to, we'll make some determinations. i would also say, we'll engage our student athletes very deeply in this conversation of do they want a spring season or would they prefer to roll it into the next fall? >> interesting. so a lot of folks are seeing this as the decision by the mac as the first domino to fall.
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do you think that the mac is the first domino to fall for the other major conferences like the power five? >> i have no idea. you have to make the decisions in the locales you're at based on the information you have. these are all wonderful conferences of just world-class universities across all of fbs. they're all guided by wonderful medical advisers, and i know they're all looking deeply the at information in front of them and i trust they'll make decisions that are in the best interest of their student athletes. >> has any of the heads of the power five reached out for you for advice? because you've looked at this so closely. you're so entrenched in it. what advice did you have if they did reach out or would you have for them right now? >> no, really no. i haven't been in communication with a number of them. i communicated with all of the
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fbs commissioners advantage of our making the announcement. we've been having conversations over the past months and i shared in the weeks leading up to this that we were as a league scent scentcle of our ability to move forward. i have heard from several individuals who were thoughtful in their comments. they did not ask forr advice an i didn't provide any. we are all membership organizations. this is not a commissioner a conference office making a single decision. it's a commissioner who is providing a structure for their membership to come together and in a thoughtful process work through the information to come to some conclusions. >> you had to make that tough call. commissioner, thank you for coming on. i appreciate your time. >> good to be with you. coming up for us, president trump goes around congress when it comes to economic relief related to covid. w will these executive orders actually provide any real relief? we made usaa insurance for veterans like liz and mike.
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of americans out of work and businesses struggling because of the pandemic. but is there any real help here behind the president's promise? joining me now is mark zandi, chief economist for moody's analytics. i'm glad you're here. i read your deep dive into this with much interest. i want to dig into the various elements in a second but overall, how much do these orders even if fully implemented, do -- how much do they do to help? is there a there, there? [ inaudible ]. >> no, there's no, there there. >> i think we're having -- >> not much at all. it's distracting from the practicalities of -- implementing something like this
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any time soon. >> mark, we're going to try to fix -- we're having a technical glitch. welcome to the coronavirus era. we're going to get back to mark in a second to continue that conversation. in the meantime try to fix that, let me move on to this, president trump claims that he is optimistic a covid vaccine will be available by election day. by the beginning of november. but vaccine experts tell cnn there's no way that will happen. that's not just -- that's not opinion. that's based on data from the drug company moderna, the first company to begin phase three trials on a vaccine candidate in the u.s. cnn obtained a portion of an e-mail from the company to principal investigators in the trial and the details undermine any claim from the president or otherwise that a vaccine should be ready in less than three months now. elizabeth cohen joins me with all the details on this. what did you find out from this e-mail? >> kate, there's no magic in vaccine trials. you have to recruit 30,000
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people for this particular trial, you have to give them a first shot and then wait a month to give them a second shot, wait for it to work, you have to wait to see if they get sick or not and so this e-mail we got from moderna, sent from moderna to their scientists running these trials, shows us that is not going to happen by election day according to the experts we consulted. let's take a look at what we found. this internal e-mail says that between july 27th and august 7th, moderna managed to give the first round of shots to 4,536 study participants. now mind you, they need 30,000. moderna expects to give first shots to all 30,000 some time in september. finish that first round and then they said their second dose will be 28 days later. now even if moderna does ramp up the speed at which they are giving people shots and i think by all accounts they will, when you start off it's always going to be slower than when you've ramped up, even if they do get
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all those shots into arms by, you know, some time in september, they then have to wait 28 days, they have to give the second shot. it takes about two weeks to really get immunity and then you have to wait and send these people into the world to see who gets coronavirus and who doesn't get coronavirus. they said there is just absolutely no way that that is going to happen by november 3rd. one note just after -- i'm sorry just after moderna started their trial, pfizer started their trial. their ceo has said he thinks they will be essentially done in october and ready to go to the fda to ask for permission to put it on the market but the experts i talked to said they think that timeline is very, very unrealistic. kate? >> still with moderna, i wanted to ask you, if the moderna vaccine turns out to be effective, what is the realistic timeline experts think could get to market? >> right. first of all, i'm glad you said if it turns out to be effective.
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it might in the work. none of these might work. that's why they're doing these clinical trials. the experts i consulted as well as tony fauci pointed to first quarter of next year. dr. fauci said december of this year, january of next. the vacsologists thought it would be in the first quarter. dr. hotez said i think by inauguration day. by mid to late january we might have a glimmer of whether or not this vaccine and moderna and pfizer, whether or not they might have a chance of working, what that data looks like, both in terms of is it safe and does it work. >> so interesting. elizabeth, thank you so much. i really appreciate it. i think we've fixed our connection as well with mark zandi of moody's to bring him back in to talk about the executive orders that president trump signed over the weekend. couldn't hear any of the top answer so say exactly the same thing you said, mark, i'm sure it was gold. overall, how much do these
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orders, if they are fully implemented that the president has announced, how much do they do to help? >> well, you know, if they're fully implemented, that's keys assumption, that's going to be tough to get done given the legal obstacles and the practical obstacles of getting anything like this accomplished in the near future, but abstracting from all of that and assuming the president gets exactly what he wants today retroactive back to august 1st, the total package is about $400 billion. for context, the democrats have proposed $3.4 trillion. the senate republicans about $1 trillion. my calculation we need about $1.5 trillion, something a compromise between the democrats and republicans to avoid going back into recession. $400 billion even if he got all that he wanted wouldn't cut it. >> there's not a lot there. even if it -- and that's even if it would happen, which we're not sure it can or will. so let's focus in on the unemployment benefits. what the president says they've
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got is $400 a week in additional unemployment benefits, some of it now they say has to come from state governments. even with all this confusion is that enough, $400 enough, do you think? >> well, it's not going to happen, even $400. this is another program. it's not like he's saying let's fund $400 a week through the existing program. let's set up a new system and that's not going to happen, as wecht we can see the states can implement a current u.i. system let alone put up another system. even if he got $400 a week, that would be okay, but it still would cost the economy by my calculation, about 700,000 jobs by the end of the year. you know, again, that's very far fetched. there's no way he's going to be able to implement something like this, at least not in any time frame helpful to the folks now out of benefits. >> that's the point.
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time is of the essence. this isn't a ten-year program we're talking about here. it's the here and now. you and i have discussed this previously with other efforts. in general there has been a debate over when it was $600 a week when it came to unemployment insurance during the pandemic, do you see evidence that that was disincentivizing people from going back to work? that's the arguments the white house is making? >> yeah, i really didn't. i mean sure you can come up with anecdotes of people taking advantage of the system but you can't see it in the data. for example, i looked across states and looked at replacement, the amount of unemployment insurance relative to previous wages and looked at what happened with regard to job growth and unemployment and there's no discernible relationship. you can't see it in the data. so, you know, my guess is that if the economy were in a better place, if unemployment was at 10.2%, and you had this kind of a program there would be
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disincentives. but in this environment people are nervous about getting a job. if they're offered one they're going to take it, regardless of whether they get the extra benefits for a few more extra weeks. i think that's a stretched argument at this point. >> the payroll tax cut, it's actually like a payroll tax deferment. what does this do? democrats and republicans were against it. that was one of the problems in the early days. >> nothing. absolutely nothing. i mean this is -- you're not getting a tax cut. all you're doing is delaying the tax payments to the -- to next year and then your tax payments next year will be higher. kate, no employer is going to implement this. for this to be workable, the employers will have to change withholding schedules for their employees, but the employers know that, you know, this is not a tax cut, next year their employees have to pay more so they're not going to implement it. it's not workable. >> i mean, guys, listen to mark, one, none of this is likely to happen, and two, it's empty promises.
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it's a press release and nothing more when you look at the -- when you try to grasp the need that is out there right now. mark, thank you. it's always good to have you. >> sure thing, kate. coming up for us, state media is reporting the lebanese government will soon resign, days after the massive explosion that rocked beirut. what does this now mean for a country very clearly already in crisis? i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ she was not able to vote in her lifetime, but i wanted to honor all that she had done to ensure a lasting legacy of education and civic involvement. i'm very proud to carry on her story.
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you're not alone. and you can help make it happen. stay 6 feet apart. wash your hands. wear a mask every time you leave your home. choose to join the fight against covid-19. do your part. slow the spread. major political fallout today from that deadly explosion in bay cute. state today in lebanon is reporting the government will be stepping down today. reports are the prime minister will make the formal
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announcement next hour. just last week that massive explosion brought the city of beirut and the country to a stand still killing more than 160 people. so far. cnn's ben wedeman is on the ground and joining me now from beirut. what are you learning about the resignations? >> reporter: we know already that a variety of ministers announced that they're resigning from this government that was formed on the 21st of january so it's relatively new but simply the pressure from this street is so intense, after that explosion last tuesday evening, that this government clearly has a very limited life span at this tonight. we understand that the president will go to the presidential palace and submit his resignation. he is scheduled to make a televised address to the nation in 40 minutes. but certainly, in addition to the blast, the lebanese economy
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is collapsing. lebanon is struggling with a coronavirus pandemic which has seen for a few days record new numbers of cases. and the problem is that the people are not just blaming this government for these disasters but the lebanese state writ large, kate, we have gone day after day to the areas most affected by the blast and what we have seen is ordinary citizens are doing all the work of cleaning up, of taking care of those who have been injured, of generally doing the job of what a government should be doing and what we have seen is that the government is represented in those areas by police and soldiers who are doing little more than sipping tea and smoking cigarettes. kate? >> unbelievable on a normal day but unbelievable seeing the cope
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of that devastation that that could be happening right now. what is the latest on the investigation into that devastating explosion, ben? >> reporter: well, the investigation is moving slowly ahead. now, what we have learned so far is that officials within the government had told various other organs within the government that something has to be done about the fact that ammonium nitrate are unsecured in a warehouse in bay cueirut p and contained confiscated fireworks but at this point it seems that everybody is sort of passing the buck saying, well, i told somebody to take care of it but then it just sort of goes in circles and so the investigation is really doing in circles, as well, since nobody seems to want
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to take responsibility for what happened. an enif y and if you look at the history of investigations going back decades into assassinations of presidents elect, presidents, prime ministers, former prime ministers, human rights activists, journalists, government ministers and others, in no case has anybody actually gotten to the bottom of those crimes and you speak to ordinary lebanese and they think, in this case, it will be no different. the truth will never emerge. kate? >> tragedy compounding tragedy. ben, thank you. still, a new study says nearly 100,000 children tested positive for coronavirus in the last two weeks of july. what should that mean for schools? hey there people eligible for medicare.
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9:00 am
hello, everybody. i'm john king in washington. we have a very busy week ahead. in the efforts to cut out the coronavirus and the much related back to school challenge and in 2020 poll techs. joe biden picks his running mate in the days ahead. the president begins this week as he ended the last one, misleading you. he said democrats called him eager to revive coronavirus stimulus talks. democrats say that's a fable. new talks would be good because
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