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tv   CNN Special Report  CNN  August 22, 2020 10:30pm-12:00am PDT

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what is amazing to me is how much progress women have made, despite trying to fit into a system that wasn't ever built to have us. >> we've come quite a long way, but we're 208 years away from gender equality in our own country. wow! we've got to finish the business that was not finished 100 years ago. >> #metoo made everybody stop, pay attention and listen. >> part of the leg sieve the harvey weinstein story is that we need to see these problems. >> it's all right at the surface. >> it's sort of been happening for a long time. and it's not just in hollywood. it's across many different communities and cultures. >> so you're part of a very small group of women in the
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history of the unit wed states o have actually run for president. >> we all knew what what is going on. >> senator kamala harris is joe biden's running mate. >> the first black woman in the united states senate! >> i'm going to be very candid. i don't think i've ever said this publicly. >> a lot of black feminists, myself included, are very bitter about this suffrage anniversary. >> the history for black women is one of perseverance and diligence, but also deep, racial oppression. >> typically, we think that history is what happened. history is not what happened. history is who tells the story.
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♪ >> there are more than 20 historical figures in central park, but not one of them is a real woman. >> no. >> so the first statue of women in central park is going to go up right here. >> mm-hm. >> tell me about how it started. >> well, it started with an observation that there were no women in central park. and so the question is, "where are the women"? and after 160 years of public space with no real women, we decided, this is the 21st century. women shall be represented. and we tied it to the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment of the u.s. constitution. >> how does did feel now when so
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many statues are coming down and there's so much controversy over statues to actually be putting one up. >> well, actually, there are many going up with women, which is really exciting. >> i was contacted by somebody in the committee to tell me that this statue was being built and that my great grandmother, ida b. wells was slated to be incorporated into the statue, but what i saw of the design is that elizabeth katie stanton and susan b. anthony were on the statue, and my great grandmother's name, along with 21 other women's names were on a scroll. and seven of the names out of the 22 were women of color. >> how did you feel when you realized that? >> i tried to think about how my great grandmother would feel about having her name written on a scroll that's coming down off of a desk that elizabeth katie
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stanton and susan b. anthony are sitting. and i felt that she more than likely would not consider that to be an honor. >> in american history, as you fight for women's rights, there were many black women who were instrumental in that. >> absolutely, absolutely. and that's fine. everybody should know the history. >> this park had zero women. so, in my opinion, if we could have five in here, if we could have 20 in here, yes, yes, yes. >> did you see the issue, though, of race when you looked at it? >> i don't always judge everything by race. i think it's actually denigrating. for instance, i've met the great, great, great grandson of
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frederick douglass. he's one of the most beautiful people i know. forget beauty. it's the beauty of soul, the beauty of spirit. >> i think it's important for black people to see themselves in public spaces. women of color were involved in the suffrage movement. definitely black women. there were hispanic, asian, and native-american women involved in the suffrage movement. so i just think, in every way, it's important to tell the whole story of what this country's history is.
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>> they built on 1776, and they made their own declaration of independence, and that's when they said all men and women are created equal. and that became the start of the revolution. >> matilda joslin gage, who is one of the leaders of the women's national sufficient ran association wrote, we are not asking for a new right. we are asking for the restitution of a right that our foremothers had. she knew, and the suffragists knew that women had voted in the colony. it actually was a right that was taken away from women after the revolution. >> i think typically, we think that history is what happened. history is not what happened. history is who tells the story.
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part of, i think, our white arrogance is the idea that history begins once white people get here. once white people arrive, the party starts. well, in reality, the party was going well before white people got here. and in fact it was a better party, even perhaps than we have today. women of the six nations of the iroquois confederacy hadvoice on this land where i'm standing right now a thousand years ago, on the shores of yoe none dauga lake. elizabeth cady stanton saw women who were the agriculturists, who had control of the economy in ways. she knew that they were the deciding factors in situations
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of war or peace, and so, having a model allowed them really to dream the possibility, not just of equality, not just of the vote but of the transformed world. it's really not even a process of women in the suffrage movement working for their rights. they were working for legal existence. once women married, they were considered dead in the law. elizabeth cady stanton, she called for a transformation of society. she called for an end to capital punishment, corporal punishment. she believed that a woman should have drocontrol of her own body. she was reviled for talking about a woman's right to have a divorce. i want her to be remembered for
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those things. the progressive elizabeth cady stanton. but i also want us to remember the racist elizabeth cady stanton. the woman was not perfect. she never acknowledged that she grew up in a slave-owning household, and i think she never really took accountability for her racist statements. that's the imperfect elizabeth cady stanton. the centennial, the 100 year anniversary opens up the possibility of us really, finally, telling the honest, true story. >> it's a perfect opportunity for us to talk about how barriers, when they fall, don't fall for everyone. the great failing of the
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suffrage movement was the platform was a platform of white supremacy. >> they made the argument, give women the right to vote because white women outnumber negroes and immigrants. and women's suffrage is a way to maintain white, native-born supremacy. african-american women basically didn't get the right to vote, really, until 1965, and the voting rights act. native-american women who choose to vote really weren't able to. in some cases until the 1950s. and even today voter suppression continues on. especially for those groups. >> i think that's why a lot of black feminists, myself included, are very bitter about
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this sufficient ran anniversary, because so much is going unsaid, like, yay, women got to vote, but which women? >> when you put that perspective around it, how do you feel about this anniversary of 100 years. is it something to celebrate? >> yeah, i do think it is something to celebrate 100 years of an amendment being made to the constitution, but i also think it needs to come with an asterisk and caveat and footnote. >> i'm glad that women got the vote, obviously, as a woman who votes, but as a black woman who knows how long we had to wait to get the right to vote, i want that acknowledgement to be public and consistent and ongoing. it's uncomfortable, but yes, most of our history is uncomfortable, and i think we have to face it and sit in that discomfort to really create progress. >> i do believe that we have made incredible strides towards
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equality in america for women. >> you can see that by looking at every sector of the workplace, whether it be engineering or being a doctor or a lawyer or a judge. >> i think there's a lot more to go. >> we are still hearing of firsts when it comes to women in different positions. the first black woman this. or the first hispanic woman that. >> we have this immense fear of seeing anything other than a white dude in a position of leadership, so yes. progress has been made. there's still a long way to go. >> this year is the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage. what does this moment mean to you? >> well, it marks an incredible passage of time. and in one sense i feel like, okay, we've made progress as women, but in another sense, i feel like we just haven't made
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nearly enough progress. >> hey, hey, ho, ho -- >> i think it's interesting that this anniversary is coming right at this moment, in time where i actually feel hopeful for the first time. i feel like so much of what so many women of color, what so many activists have been pointing us towards for so long, it's all, you know, right at the surface. >> how broken our institutions are and how far we still have to go. >> i think, as a culture, we are becoming more literal in feminism, and we're seeing more women, in particular, publicly claim feminism. but i think it also shows again just how virulent misogyny is, that people consider feminist a slur. >> i don't think that racism and sexism are entrenched in our culture, i think they are our culture. it's not just like something we're trying to get rid of.
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it's not like an annoying fly we're trying to get rid of. it is the thing. it's going to take a lot longer to undo all of it. >> in the united states, the world economic forum did a survey and looked forward at the data, we're 208 years away from gender equality in our own country. wow! >> to marginalize us -- >> when you talk about political power, there has been real progress there, certainly, but you still have men far outnumbered by men in political office. >> oh, absolutely. i think we are still 83rd in the world for women's representation. >> 83rd. >> and we evening haonly have af the seats in congress. so there's a long way too go. it's easy to see how much
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progress we have. women are now the majority voters, hoalf the economy, half the workforce. i think it's exciting to see that we are at this cusp now of women being the most powerful force in the country. >> have we made a lot of progress? yes. but, as the first woman to ever lead a fortune 50 company, if i look at corporate america today, for example, there are more men named james or john, take your pick, who are ceos in the corporate 500 than there are women. think about that.
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>> we went from 20 employees to 100. early on, when i founded the honest company, i was saying, why can't we get more executives that are women, and why can't we get more leaders that are women. and i did have some folks that worked for me that said women, once they have kids don't want to work. i think when you do have a lot of people who judge women in particular who choose to have any kind of personal life, more or less decide to have a family and think that maybe they're less valuable, it was always sort of like you have to hide the fact that you have a family in entertainment, right, because you're not going to be looked at
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as desirable. it's very similar in business. it actually plays in both places. >> how has hollywood changed? >> i think that because there is an awareness of the injustices it now allows space for more opportunity. but opportunity doesn't happen overnight. >> we have to make sure that we create many, many, many, many more pathways. >> how are you making decisions on where to spend the money? >> i'm investing in taking down the barriers. that is not having things like good paid family medical leave or looking more deeply at harassment, barriers that hold women back, but then also key sectors where women, we need them to come forward. so those would be like politics,
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finance, technology, because it's so important. and media telling our stories. if we can tip those four industries and truly get them over the mark of halfway gender neutral, wow, you would change society. >> it's a new day in america! >> do you ever think to yourself, wow, i'm a trail blazer, and it's about wearing pants? >> when i first showed up at the senate, the guard didn't want to let me in the door. (vo) businesses are always making choices.
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morning. i had on a pant suit. i thought i was looking cute. i get there and, come to find out, it was this great about pants so that's what started it. >> do you ever think to yourself, wow, i'm a trailblazer and it's about wearing pants, right? i mean, you wouldn't have thought that would have been a place you'd have to blaze a trail. >> right. right. when i first showed up at the senate, the guard didn't want to let me in the door, until somebody told him that's the senator from illinois. i guess he had never seen a black woman coming in the door
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of the senate, as a member. >> it's a new day in america. >> it took 25 years, from your election as the first black, female senator in the united states of america, to elect another. that was kamala harris. >> your next vice president of the united states. >> now, she is the democratic vice presidential candidate. how do you feel about that? >> i think it's terrific. i'm delighted, and i couldn't be happier. the fact is having a black woman on the ticket for the presidency for the white house, i think, is a major step forward. so i'm thrilled. >> we have a chance to choose a better future. >> it is very rare black women aseed to positions of power. >> first asian vice presidential pick. >> what were some of the biggest challenges about being first?
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being the only one and the first one in the room? >> i tell you something, erin, i'm going to be very candid. i don't think i've ever said this, publicly. i stepped on the national stage, request fell fl and fell flat on my face. >> the first black woman in the united states senate! give it up for carol moseley! >> and i guess, i was not prepared for all of the unwritten rules. and i wasn't prepared for the expectations. >> hi, senator. >> hello. >> at the time, i was the only person, only black person in the senate, so that was difficult. because it's like, when issues came up having to do with race, i'd be expected to be the one to respond to it. it's like, wait a minute, i've got to represent illinois. i've got to represent every black person on the planet. you know, excuse me. so it's like, how is this going to work? >> 1992 is what people will call the year of the women. and what people don't realize is, prior to 1992, there were only two women serving in the
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u.s. senate. ultimately, you got four more women elected. and they were all democrats. women are, still, currently only about 23% of congress. so the number of women in congress rises very, very slowly over the years. and one reason for that is getting elected to something, like congress, is a very proposition. incumbent members of congress get re-elected at rates of well over 90%. and the other thing that's different about the united states is our elections are really expensive. it cost well over a million dolla dollars, these days, to get elected to a house seat. it's multi millions of dollars to get elected to a senate seat. that's been a challenge for all types of new groups trying to break into office, including women. >> i'd like to introduce my mother. the next governor of texas. >> my mother influenced
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everything about my life, and still does. i think the most important thing that she taught me and i -- and taught other women is don't wait your turn. don't wait to be asked. start before you're ready. >> women really worry that they're unprepared to run for office. that if they don't have the answer to every single question that a potential voter might ask them, that they're really not qualified. and this is not a worry, really, i think any man has ever suffered from. >> you're the one person in the world that could make me change over to another party. >> the other part that i would say is the role of the media. >> do you think america is ready for a president that is both black and a woman? >> america hasn't been ready for a lot of things. >> the media sends the wrong messages to girls and women. >> do you think, in any way, the
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soviets might be tempted to try to take advantage of you, simply because you are a woman? >> and we have seen that in the coverage of many female candidates. >> she's kind of compelling. she's kind of adorable, sort of in the way that a 5-year-old child can be adorable. >> when we see a woman who is outspoken, when we see a woman who is ambitious, right? when we see a woman who is loud, who is bold, she makes us uncomfortable because she is stepping out of the roles that we assigned for women and what we do with that discomfort is we don't trust her. so, it's absolutely no surprise that, america is so far behind in embracing women leaders. >> when you think about all the countries in the world that have had women leaders. and yet, this country has not had a female president. why do you think that is? >> well, i think we have an unusual view of women, in the united states. and on the one hand, we don't want them to be too ambitious. and yet, they have to show their power but, also, be very nice.
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that is a tremendously difficult balance to hold up. i think we haven't updated our norms and our thinking about what female leadership can, and should, look like. and there's not one type of female leadership. some of the people i admire are chancellor merkel in germany and prime minister jacinda arden in new zealand. very different styles, but both of them are tremendously great leaders. >> i think it's meaningful that allies and other countries have managed to break that barrier. we're supposedly the leaders of the free world, but maybe not so free, when it comes to gender. >> the men have ruined it. our country is a mess. it's time to give a woman a chance. >> you've run for president of the united states. what sticks with you, now, about that experience? >> i can remember people bringi bringing their daughters to my speeches. >> we will take the men only sign off the white house door.
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>> and one guy said i just wanted my daughter to see that a woman could run for president. >> former huceo. >> so you're part of a small group of women in the history of the united states who have actually run for president. there was the moment during the campaign that -- well, you'll never forget it. i'll never forget it. when then-candidate trump referred to you, to a reporter, and he said, look at that face. would anyone vote for that? can you imagine that face as our next president? when you, first, saw that he said that about you, what went through your head? >> my first reaction was to laugh, honestly. and the reason i laughed is because i have been dealing with this, all my life. been there, done that. men have complimented my appearance, as a way to diminish me. and men have degraded my appearance, as a way to diminish me. so it was just one more time.
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>> i think women all over this country heard, very clearly, what mr. trump said. [ cheers and applause ] >> i think she's got a beautiful face, and i think she's a beautiful woman. >> many people asked me, afterwards, why i didn't turn to him and smile. and acknowledge that compliment. and i said because it was as inappropriate for him to compliment my appearance, as it was for him to denigrate my appearance. that's why. >> and i'm going to fix it because i agree with you. >> she walks in front of me. you know? and when she walked in front of me, believe me, i wasn't impressed.
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>> i, donald john trump, do s solemnly swear. >> the last election was a wakeup call for a lot of women. >> misogyny is just as deeply engrained inside of women, as it is in men. >> honestly, she should be locked up. >> the fact that deep racism and misogyny is not a dealbreaker b in a candidate is stunning. >> such a nasty woman. >> i think it demonstrated that, though we've made progress, in terms of gender relations and gender equity, we have a long way to go. >> grab 'em by the pussy. you can do anything. >> it was a way of saying, we would rather have anyone,
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including a moron who wants to grab women by the pussy, rather than elect someone, who is capable, who is a woman. and that's a really painful truth to reckon with. in your family, that paved the way. find their stories. make them count. at ancestry. to have constipation with belly pain, straining, and bloating, again and again.
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the first time, and i had subordinates, wow, that was a big deal to me. and my boss introduced me to my new subordinates. and the way he introduced me was to say, this is carly, your new boss. she's our token bimbo. >> i'm sure that was just one of so many attempts to humiliate or demean you so you had to fight. >> the short answer is, yes. the very first time i was supposed to meet my client, the colleague said you can't meet the client because we're going to a place called the board room. it turns out, the board room was a strip club. so, i ended up going. my male colleagues kept trying to get the young women to come over and dance for them. and three young women approached our table. and all three of them said, not till the lady leaves.
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and i experienced this moment of connection and empathy with women, that i didn't think we had anything in common with, and yet we all knew what was going on. and honestly, that was a moment of grace for me. >> you were the first female ceo of a fortune 50 company, right? hewlitt-packard. that was in the late 1990s. so now, here we are, about 20 years later, just over, 37 of the fortune 500 are women. only 37. >> i mean, 37 is shocking. >> so, operations is here. social marketing is there. digital marketing is there. >> i guess, i didn't really understand the gravity of how your sex and gender and gender biases really play into business, until i was trying to raise money for the honest company. and, you know, walking into many
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rooms, venture capital rooms. and literally, i think i can count one woman i ever met with, out of, you know, probably seven vc firms that we sat down with. and, even today, when you look at the amount of investments that go to men, versus women, it's quite the gap. >> being heard is, really, only possible when you achieve a critical mass. critical mass is actually based in science. and it's the idea that it's -- it's the point, of which you can no longer stop a chain reaction. in fact, having one woman is considered a token. having two women is actually worse for those women because
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they're considered either collaborators or arch enemies but it isn't until you get to three out of ten, that sort of magical tipping point where it just becomes normal. >> as a woman and a black woman, you can't live your life in america, for long, without recognizing the reality in the persistence of discrimination. and pay disparities, in terms of access to opportunity. women earn 82 cents, for every dollar earned by men. and when you break it down, by race and ethnicity, you see that those gaps are even larger for women of color. women of color, you know, particularly black women, earn 62 cents for every dollar earned by a white male. >> there are many different factors that drive that disparity. there are things, like differences in education or how long a person has worked for a particular employer.
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that are reasonable explanations for why a disparity might exist. but there's a portion of that gap, in some estimates, 38 to 40% of it, that is sort of unexplained by those factors. and it's that piece that people think is related to discrimination. >> why is this so difficult to fix when it is very easy to measure problem? >> well, i think you have people who don't, necessarily, want to fix it. so, what i do know is when you provide transparency, on pay, and you actually show the data, it forces a company to change. and so, we have seen a few ceos say we're looking at our data. and then, oh my gosh, six months later, we have to come back and raise more women managers and raise pay more. >> so, you said recently, cecile, that women are living in, your words, an antiquated
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economic system. what exactly did you mean by that? >> we don't have any of the protections that we need. equal pay. access to affordable childcare. all those things but women have just continued to forge forward. >> on the set of l.a.'s finest, i was -- i joined -- i sort of took a ten-year ki, kind of, br as an actress. about ten years. you know, you don't see women starring in action. it's primarily men and it's just fun. but i was breastfeeding my son, and i had had him like two and a half months before. i have a great support system, and i went back to work. but i did say to everyone. i was like, look, i'm going to be taking breaks to nurse my son or to pump. >> you've said businesses today treat pregnancy as a nuisance. how could that change? >> we still don't have policies that require, across the board, regardless of your employer,
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prenatal care. paid family leave and paid care after you give birth. i mean, i hear heartbreaking stories. i'm sure you do, too, about women who have literally had to go back to work, two weeks after giving birth. >> i wonder why something that is so obvious to any woman with children and, hopefully, any man who has children, the lack of childcare in the professional environment. why is that so difficult to achieve? >> part of it has to do with women's underrepresentation in congress. if we had more women with seats in congress, this would've been passed a very long time ago. women know the struggle of working and raising a family. and it's very real. most married couples, now, where they have a child, 64% of them are both working. so we have to update this old mentality we have of the man goes off to the work, and the woman stays home and cares for the children. that's just not the reality, anymore.
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harassment and abuse have been dismissed and ignored for so long. >> i refuse to be reduced or limited because i am a woman. >> we need a resurgence of the women's movement. >> when i joined "the new york times" in 2016, i came in as an investigative reporter on the then-team that was covering the 2016 presidential race. some of the first and biggest stories were about trump's treatment of women. >> i see her barking like a dog. she is unattractive, in every sense of the word. >> like a bitch. >> what we realized, over the course of many months of reporting were that, there were numerous women who had allegations of harassment and
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sexual assault towards the president. >> he grabbed my shoulder and he then kissed me very aggressively. >> like, oh, yeah, that's donald trump. he just stuck his hand up my skirt. >> i will confess that i was not quite sure what -- where the country stood on the issues of sexual harassment and sexual assault, heading into 2017. on the other hand, i, also, saw the thousands and thousands of women who showed up in washington. >> i was at the march with every friend that i have, with my wife, awith my mom. i remember feeling just so overwhelmed with hope and awe and love. and i remember feeling so not alone.
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>> this has really been a day for the history books. the pictures tell the story, and the story is about women standing together, trying to make their voices heard. >> a powerful, eclectic group, bringing their message of equal rights for all americans, directly to the steps of the white house. >> accusations of sexual harassment against powerful movie producer harvey weinstein rocking hollywood. >> reporter: numerous allegations of sexual harassment. >> reporter: stunning "new york times" report detailing multiple on-the-record accusations. >> in those first weeks and months of reporting, jodi and i were starting to hear more and more stories, eerily similar stories of women, primarily actresses, who had very troubling and disturbing encounters with weinstein. >> he opened the door to the room, fully naked. >> asking me to give him a naked
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massage in the bed. >> he was blocking the only exit out. >> harvey weinstein used a variety of tactics to try to stop our investigation. he used these high-priced, you know, former israeli intelligence agents who were promised hundreds of thousands of dollars to -- if they could stop our reporting. >> as we sit here, with harvey weinstein in prison, over 100 women have come forward with allegations against weinstein. it is an incredibly shocking number and it speaks to the kind of moral horror of the weinstein story. how could this guy have racked up 40 years of allegations, and all of this remain silent? >> can you help us understand the culture? you know, something that would
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make harvey weinstein and what he did, not just possible but -- but -- you know, generally, obviously, widely known and tolerated. >> i think that the culture and community that is created in any environment, whether it's hollywood or in corporate america or in any of these environments. where you have a group of people that are at the top, that just don't have to live by the rules. but can implement rules, on others. >> the question we're really asking is what drives social change?
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and our answer to that is that facts do, clearly documented evidence, people's stories, women's stories. you can't solve a problem you don't see. and part of the legacy of the harvey weinstein story is that we need to see these problems, much more clearly. >> if you do have any story from your career or anything that you went through of sexual harassment that you had to endure and get through and that was really hard for you. is there any sort of a story that you might be able to share with some of the young women, especially, watching? >> i was told that after i had my kid, i was not an executive who's running a studio said i wasn't -- he used much crasser
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words but, basically, i wasn't desirable anymore because i was a mom now and moms aren't that. and i -- i just can't believe that this person would say this. i'm going to go have dinner with this guy and let's just really talk about what is he actually talking about? and i went right in. and i'm like, what do you mean? like, what are you talking about? like, what is this? and it basically came down to him and his personal desire and his opinion of who i chose to have a child with and marry. and i think that's sort of what got me to stop caring so much about my career in hollywood, as it had been. and these assholes that are running this business, i don't need them. and i spent about three and a half years dreaming up the honest company, and i really found my purpose, in building
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th it's made it very difficult for me to trust. it took me years to recognize and acknowledge that fact, and that it had affected my whole life. >> do you have anything that ever happened in your own career, in your own life? whether it was abuse or sexual violence or professional, sexual abuse that happened to you, that has influenced who you are? >> absolutely. >> i, actually, do. i mean, i don't know any women who don't. in my own case, my father was an abuser with my mother. >> i had been assaulted in my parents' home by one of their dear friends. >> you have written, very openly, in your book about something that i can only imagine how hard it was to acknowledge, which was an abusive relationship that you
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had, at one point, in your life. >> yes, it was very hard to share that story. >> sexual violence is a public-health crisis. we are still living in a country where one in five women will experience sexual violence, in their lifetime. we are still living in a country where 60% of black girls will experience some kind of coercive, sexual, violent experience by the time they're 18. we are still living in a country where native women, indigenous women, have the highest rate of sexual violence in america. >> women still fight to be believed. women still fight to seek justice. >> for many years, until reforms in the 1970s, reports of rape but not reports of other crimes were subject to different and more stringent standards of proof. >> this is a big deal and it's not in your head and that you're not crazy. >> we saw, in our nation's
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criminal laws, codification of the skepticism of women's stories. the notion that false reports are common, and that women are not to be believed. in reality, we know, the problem is actually too little reporting. studies estimate that only between 5 and 25% of rapes are ever reported. >> actress alyssa milano sparked a powerful rallying cry heard around the world. >> two words have now become a rallying cry on social media. >> the hashtag me too. >> me too was inspired by the black girls in selma, alabama, where i lived and worked. and it was inspired by my life. by being a black girl survivor. >> women have been responding in droves. >> we are seeing this all over the country in various professions. >> exposing the disturbing scope and sheer magnitude of sexual assault. >> when "me too" went viral, you
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had 12 million people, in one day, who came forward to say this thing has affected my life. that number ballooned, exponentially, over the next year, and it's continuing to grow. >> it's awful. but it's sort of been happening for a long time, and it's not just in hollywood. it's across many different, sort of, communities and cultures. >> under the me too hashtag. >> whether it's the political world or the fashion industry. >> hollywood to the world of media to capitol hill and beyond. >> hashtag "me too" made everybody stop, listen, pay attention. the me too movement is about moving forward to do the work to interrupt and end sexual violence. >> since the "me too" movement erupted, we have seen congress introduce legislation, after legislation, designed to address these problems.
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we have the solutions available. the only problem is are we brave enough to take them? or are we afraid of too much equality? >> you plant the seeds and they grow and they grow. and with the "me too" movement, the seed's grown to a point where what was acceptable, in 1960, is not acceptable today. >> if only we can come together, and understand the power that we have. if we understand that, if we just show up and vote for -- during all of the elections, then we can decide how we want to operate in the world. then, we can decide who we want
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to put in positions to fight for our rights. and to really, you know, face all of those injustices that are put upon us. >> how are the barriers different for women of color? >> women of color have a double whammy. you have to deal with racism and sexism. ream. don't settle for less. revitalift triple power with pro-retinol plus hyaluronic acid and vitamin c. it visibly reduces wrinkles. firms. and brightens. now that's triple power. revitalift triple power moisturizer from l'oreal. here's a choice you don't have to are always making choices. the largest 5g network...
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america. >> as a woman, i see progress. but as a black woman, i don't see progress. >> what does me being dark have to do with anything? everything. >> i knew that gender equality and my race were two things that were being discriminated against, constantly. and i really want that to be changed. >> i am both black and a woman. and as a black woman, i find
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that there are days when i'm just not sure what is more of a pain in the ass. >> how are the barriers different for women of color? >> women of color have -- have a double whammy. you have to deal with racism and sexism. >> i'd been an activist to demand greater opportunities for people of color. greater opportunities for women. whether it was about racial equity or gender equity, there was a way, in which the conventional thinking about it was not capable of including women, who were people of color, and people of color who were women. so i went to grad school, and came across a case that seemed to really explain what the problem was. and not in a good way. the case was a black woman, who
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represented several other black women, saying that they were being discriminated against, as black women. the court basically said they couldn't make the claim because the employer did hire black people. and they cooperauldn't make them because the employer hired women. now, of course, all the black people that they hired and promoted were -- were, generally, men. and the women that they hired were, generally, white. and so, intersectionality was, basically, a metaphor for courts who, consistently, couldn't see that the way black women experienced race discrimination was sometimes different from the ways that black men experienced it. and gender discrimination was, sometimes, different from the way white women experienced it. >> the history for black women in the workforce is one of perseverance and diligence. but also, deep, racial oppression, rooted in our
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history of slavery. when black women were working but not for pay. and that history of being underpaid and undervalued and, still, being treated as if their own, personal needs were irrelevant. that history continues, to this day. if you look at the data, over a 40-year career, black women are estimated to lose just under a million dollars. >> i've certainly experienced pay inequity throughout my career. for example, i got an advance of $15,000 for bad feminist, which is just a joke. to know that, no matter how hard you work, you're still going to be paid pennies on the dollar for what your white counterparts are making is incredibly frustrating and dispiriting. >> you know, women are increasingly breadwinners. but when you look at women of color, you find that those numbers are higher. black women, more than 60% of
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them, almost two-thirds, are either the sole or primary breadwinner for their families. compared to around a quarter of white women. >> forefathers believed that there was something better on the other side. >> women are incredible leaders. >> we're breaking barriers and succeeding in careers that our mothers and grandmothers never could have imagined. >> and if you look at women of color, across this country, they are fighting and leading, in every corner of our country, every day. >> there is no story of suffrage. there is no story of women without the story of black women. when i think about ida b. wells, i think of someone who was fiercely courageous. someone who would go to places that almost no one would go, male or female, to try to get the real story about lynching. >> i started to become more curious about how my great
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grandmother navigated her world. >> how did she do it? she investigated some of the most horrific crimes in american history. >> she was very strongly influenced by her father, in particular. she grew up watching her father make his voice heard. and so, i think she believed that her voice was, also, important. >> she had to go up against white feminists who, many times, did not stand with black women and black people against lynching. >> and she joins a whole litany, a whole group, of african-american women, that we need to remember. mary anne chad carey was the first african-american woman to publish a newspaper in north america. the suffragist. >> reecy taylor, a black woman who was raped and none of her
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assailants ever brought to justice. >> as much as we hear about martin luther king or diane nash or victoria gray. when we do hear about the women, we hear about them as helpers. even coretta scott king. all the way up to black lives matter, we have a movement that is born from the brains and ingenuity of three plaqblack wo. and then, we start hearing about men. >> say her name basically is a way of completing our understanding of what anti-black police violence looks like. many of us were caught up in the struggles against police misconduct, but hadn't been lifting up the names of black women who were killed by the police.
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it's the case of tanisha anderson. we can't forget sandra bland. and of course, it's breonna taylor, who is killed in her own bed, in her sleep, on a no-knock warrant. >> and, you know, breonna taylor's murderers are still walking around. >> black women have higher rates of excessive force, at the hands of the police. black women die, at higher rates than other non-black women, at the hands of the police. but black women are, also, sexually harassed by the police and raped by the police. >> we find that when black women report having been sexually assaulted or harassed, they are less likely to be believed. >> and so, we need theories like
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intersectionality, to talk about the fact that when i come to the table, i bring all of me to the table. >> that's what it means to tell a fuller story. that allows us to see, both, the way gender and race has played a role in creating the specific kind of experiences of african-american women in american society. s big 5g news.. (shouting through the glass) at&t has nationwide 5g? yup! and that's faster? faster, yea! but is it reliable? ah huh and secure! you should consider making a big deal about it! bigger? i said bigger! oh, big-bigger deal bigger than what i'm doing? it's not complicated. a 5g network needs a 5g device. now everyone including existing customers can get a free samsung galaxy note20 after trade-in.
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good morning. it's thursday, last day of april. i'm in the car, 6:30 a.m., on my way down to the urgent care center. i'm doing a night shift tonight. >> how are you guys doing? >> and i will be responsible for critical care consults on covid patients. >> i'm about to go in. first thing i have to do is i have to change my clothes in efforts to protect my family. >> i guess, when i left my house today i sort of had mixed feelings. on one hand, i left my kids at home so that i could go and fight this war along with my colleagues. >> my name is dr. melanie malloy. i have a little bit of a stressful morning with my children, trying to get them set up for home school. i am a widow, so i don't have a
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partner to help me with them. >> one of the things that covid has ton done is exposed the gap our system. >> well, my day's over. well, my hospital day is over. >> i think that we need to completely revolutionalize our care giving system. how are we going to support, you know, women, who are now juggling full-time roles and trying to work from home or have to go back to their workplace if we don't have, you know, child care in place. >> if the students do come back into the building, it's really like a 90% chance right now that i'm probably going to end up resigning to make sure my personal babies are safe. >> women are being squeezed at every end of this pandemic. they are among the first to be laid off. but at the same time, they're more likely to be working jobs deemed essential. >> covid is a once in a lifetime
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catastrophe, for our world, for our country, for vulnerable people and black women. because the society is not one in which everybody has an equal chance to actually work from home. less than 20% of black workers were able to work from home, and it's likely that that percentage is even higher for black women, as it is for other women of color. these are not simply natural features of our society. these are not simply the product of choices that people made. they are the product of structures that intersectional, vulnerabilities that covid lays bare.
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>> how will that day feel to you? >> it's a realization that women are a part of our country. we want representation. i don't think of it as just a moment. what i do is i think of it is something enduring. >> what do you think the best way would be to honor, to remember, to teach people about your great-grandmother? >> actually, i've been working for the past 12 years on a committee here in chicago to have a monument created in honor of my great grandmother, and as i started doing research about monuments, that's when i learned so much information about the great disparity that there is when it comes to women's representation in public spaces. in every way.
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but then when it comes to black women specifically, there's just so much work to be done. >> dr. king had a dream. we hold the candle. and that candle does not extinguish. >> we have every right to live! >> the flame of justice does not extinguish. >> i think we are at a moment in our nation's history where we actually have to make progress on festering issues. let us talk about the issue of systemic racism. >> we have to have a robust commitment to racial equality. we have to have a robust commitment to gender equality and other forms of equality as well. and if one part of that commitment is moving forward and the other parts are moving behind, then we don't have a fundamental platform for intersectional justice.
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>> i think that one of the toughest things about the women's movements in the past have been that they were often elite women's movements, and they didn't bring everyone along. and that, to me, is when we're really going to have equality is when everyone's at the table. >> we cannot leave the gay community and the queer community and trans community behind because it's inconvenient. civil rights are civil rights, and everyone should have them. >> what i feel about this new wave of feminism is gender is just one little part of it. what i feel and see now is the attitude, the banner is all who are born are equal, not just too our women but who are nonbinary, disabled, latinx, indigenous. >> we are in the process of a revolution right now. and it is women's rights, but
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it's also the change in the whole social order and economic order. and we are going to decide which correction direction we go in. >> if we're able to look at this moment where we're celebrating the 100th anniversary of one piece of the denial of the right to vote having fallen, if we can use this moment to say we've got to finish the business that was not finished 100 years ago. the best days for this society are ahead of us. but they're only ahead of us if we can make good on the promise of what the 19th amendment was about, what the 14th and 15th amendment were all about. that's got do be what we are all about now.
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12:00 am
secret recordings, in them, donald trump's sister slams him, calling him a liar, with no principles, who cannot be trusted. in a separate incident, the president took to twitter, attacking the fda and accusing the so-called deep state of a coronavirus vaccine conspiracy. plus, wicked weather. record-setting wildfires in california and the gulf coast preparing for not one but two potential hurricanes this week. live from cnn world headquarters in atlanta,co


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