tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 26, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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tonight on the louisiana/texas coast tonight. twegs is -- moving to the northwest at 16 miles per hour. we're waiting on that turn to the north because that's the national hurricane center is banking on to make the landfall at the boarder. if it does not make that turn, it's going to make landfall farther west and put places like houston more in this than it will be if it makes landfall to the east. the hurricane hunters are out there. of course winds higher than that with it being a cap 4 within the storm. and you can see inouter bands already starting to make it on shore. south louisiana, southeast texas coast. we have tornado potential there. consider this pregame because the actual storm or the meat of the storm will make it on shore later tonight. so, here we go. there's the current storm surge about two feet, almost two feet. ice and we're looking at 15 to
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20 feet of storm surge across southwest louisiana. what does that look like? it shows water all the way up to i-10 in places. this is a very low-lying part of the gulf coast. louisiana, they have lakes. the rivers that flow all the way through that feed into the gulf of mexico. so, the water could easily make it up to i-10. that's where we're seeing the water inundation with the storm surge. could be higher as the storm gets much stronger than that. what we're expecting right now. storms this big will wobble. they'll wobble to the west and the to east. they're not going to flow in a straight line. this is not perfect right here, but given the models we have, this is a landfall along the texas-louisiana line and still a significant storm well inland. places like shreveport, and little rock will feel the impacts of this as well.
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this is the area we're thinking will get 110-mile-per-hour winds and much higher. and in the winds all the way 75 miles per hour. in places like shreveport. so, this storm is going to be felt far and wide. tropical storm force winds extend about 175 miles from the center. we're talking about wind and storm surge with this storm. we're talking about devastating wind and storm surge with this one. >> i mean, that's amazing it might get to a category 5. that's incredible. jennifer grey, really important information. we have breaking news out of kenosha, wisconsin right now. for a suspect involved in last night's fatal shooting that left two dead, has been taken into custody. the violent arrest stem frumz the police shooting of an unarmed black man shot multiple times in the back in fronted of his children. so, what do we know about this
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arrest? >> reporter: so, we know this is a 17-year-old antioch resident, so he is underage. we know that they apprehended him and are looking to charge him -- arrested him for first degree murder. so, at this point imtime we don't have a lot of details, but only that he's a 17-year-old resident, to give you an idea where antioch is compared to kenosha. it's 13 miles or so away. but not actually someone who was from kenosha itself. i do want to show you video. now, we're not sure if this is the same person that has been arrested. but there is video that we have been talking about all day of a man with a large gun. he is wearing the sort of green. he is running down the street as people are chasing him. they have accused him of shooting someone. as he starts to run down the
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street, he falls on the ground. people are coming at him and then he fires his gun, not once, but two or three times. he hits someone at point-blank range. that person crumples to the ground and does not move after that. then someone else is also shot in the arm. we know this now because we have just talked to a witness of the shooting who was able to see this whole thing unfold. and he told us. c.j. hal buliburton. he told us it appeared those were life-threatening injuries. and the person shot in the arm survived. he was still talking after this. but that he had a huge hole shot through his arm because this was a very high-powered weapon. he also described the person that you're seeing as someone who was quite young. he said at some point he looked
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very scared and his eyes were like saucers as he was walking with this large gun he described as larger than the man himself, as far as across his body. he also said when this man passed him, he turned to look at c.j. halliburton, who is live streaming this whole thing and said to him i didn't shoot anybody, i didn't shoot anybody. but as he's running down the street, he falls down and you can see on camera, shooting at least tw people at that time. we're trying to ascertain whether or not the 17-year-old, who has been apprehended, is indeed the same person shown in this video. we do not have that information at this time. but clearly on the video, there are two people who have been shot there. because there were a lot of gun shots last night. there were a lot of things going on. and we know there was at least one person injured and two dead.
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we're trying to figure out if it's two suspects or one. >> is there were violent acts by protesters, buildings, property, damage lit on fire. there was confrontations with police. then there was also a call that went out among people on facebook for what were described as patriots to come and at least one of the posts i saw on facebook was for patriots to come and defend the city of kenosha from -- i think they said violent thugs or something like that. so, there's both protesters and then there's -- i think the sheriff described them as vigilantes or self-styled militia. not sure how much of an organized militia they were. bt they're basically weekend warriors with long guns who came to argue with protesters, defend
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property, and we don't know exactly who this 17-year-old where, he plays into all this. >> that's absolutely right. what we do know is he lives in the vicinity, just outside, 13 miles away. we should mention the call to arms to protect property and persons, we actually saw that and we know know people who witnessed what they had on. they talked about them having on a lot of army gear, as they stood around gas stations, fl example. and said they were there to protect property. protesters, who are taking on tear gas and throwing water bottles add police, in light of what happened to jason blake. then you have this new element that has entered into this protest situation and it went very, very, very wrong and very
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violent with two people being killed and one person very badly injured. and so, there's a lot of concern, anderson, in the city. we've been following the world of militias and the world of folks looking at the united states as a place they feel they need protect against people they don't like their actions and there has been a call to arms in this country by some small groups who have tried to create a war a civil war, and there's a lot of that out there as well. so, they do not want to see that happen and pop up in kenosha, but there's a lot of a fear from residents. we even heard from a county supervisor who said residents want to leevl because they don't want their children in the midest of this, for fear this is going to turn much more violent, anderson. >> thank you very much. appreciate it.
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we'll bring you that. there you see the podium with the sheriff. we will bring you that lively when it happens, of course. now,to the startling change in cdc guidelines and who should get tested for the coronavirus. came as the result of pressure from the trump administration. the agency previously recommend recommended get tested. and now they say some people don't need a test, even if they've been in contact with an infected person. health and human services secretary, well, the admiral, sort of he was at one point referred to as the testing czar. he's expected to address changes at a briefing this afternoon. what is he saying? >> that's right. sometime in the 2:00 hour, we're expecting to hear from admiral about the specifics of what led
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them to make these changes. but we're hearing this is coming from the very tops of the upper ranks of the trump administration, from the white house to the hhs, which over seas the cdc directly to re versing, recommending less people get tested, discouraging testing. this falls in line with what we've heard repeated for months from president trump, who believes if there's less testing, there will be less infections. there's no official in the united states you will find that thinks this is a good idea. one of the top schools in the nation are pushing back on this and want to know the specifics behind this decision . according to this federal health official, they told me this is coming from the upper ranks. and they're not commenting as to why they changed their recommendations. hhs did release a statement.
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i want to read this very quickly. it says this guidance has been updated to reflect current evidence and best public health pral practices and to further emphasize, protect yourself, your family and the most vulnerable of all ages. it is worth noting prior to this, if you were thought to be around somebody who was possibly infected or you thought to have been exposed, even if you were asymptomatic, you were being encouraged to be tested. i asked if this had anything to do with capacity and they laughed. clearly he's going to get what he wants and less testing. and hopefully we'll get more details in what is behind the change in policy. >> by the way, he's not an admiral. he works for public health but he's not a navaly admiral. he's not in the navy. he says it's to reflect current
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evidence. that makes it sound as though there's no studies, peer-reviewed studies that are out is there. i talked to several doctors already in the last hour. there are not, as far as we know. so, it's unclear why they would even say all the sudden this thing that people are asymptomatic don't need to get tested. dr. jake deutsche is an emergency medicine physician. dr. deutsche, good to see you. one expert i spoke with last hour says it doesn't pass the commonsense sniff test. i'm wondering what your thoughts are. sglilts >> it's really just bad medicine. we knee the number one situation is they have high percentage of asymptomatic cases. we need to test them, identify these infections, which are otherwise undetectable. so, advising people not to get
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tested, just doesn't make sense. i'm not going to recommend that to my pasch ngts and we need understand why this was pushed through. is it a capacity issue? certainly the labs are being overwhelmed. but we need to make testing more available. that should be the policy pushing through. >> the cdc specifically mentioned people without symptoms in this new updated guidance. but last month, they say as many as 40 f% in america are asymptomatic. . >> contradictory and i speak from experience, testing thousands a month. we're seeing, we have the low percentage, 1% in new york, 3/4ths of those are asymptomatic. so, that's the critical message here and if we don't have testing available, if we make it
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confusing for people, which clearly this is just one more layer of confusion for people and what they need do, we're not going to head in the right direction. >> again brett gerard, the assistant secretary telling cnn the guidance was updated, quote too, reflect current evidence. have you seen any evidence that would support a change? >> absolutely not. the number of people getting tested now, the majority are asymptomatic. many are coming in because they need to get tested for school or travel and they find out they're actually carrying the virus. so, that goes to show how important it is to do spot testing, randomly test people. and certainly, if someone was in direct contact with somebody sick, get tested. >> what's interesting too is this change was made quietly on the website. >> again, what is so suspicious about this is not only does it suddenly bring the scientific community, the cdc in line with
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what the trump administration wants, which is less testing. the idea that they would announce such a thing just by changing what's on the website and not actually even making a big deal of it seems extraordinary because such a change like this effects -- i mean, the idea that they with just, in the night, put it on their website, seems surprising. >> incredible. i mean, there's so many examples of incredibly bad practices and management of this crisis. but what speaks to me is the press conference in the rose garden given the other day. there wasn't significant testing as well. some were test ed if they were further away. that speaks to the agenda for this administration. and as a person taking care of people sick and for the 5 million people who have been infected, we need to make sure we do what's best for our population and that's continue to testing people.
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stores later this year. >> reporter: i'm lucy, a day after maskless protesters stormed the idaho state capitol, authorities arrested and wield antigovernment activist out of the building, still tied to a rolling chair after he refused to leave the auditorium. they report bundy and others have demanded gallery seats to address coronavirus, despite efforts to limit crowd sizes due the pandemic. they are demanding an end to the state of emergency declared by republican governor, brad little. he's since posted bond and awaiting a court date. >> reporter: in new york city. health officials can now link 60 covid cases to a wedding that took places. but some of the people who tested positive, weren't even guests at the wedding.
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they were someone who had contact with someone who had contact with someone at the wedding. they link to a nursing home, both 100 miles away from where the wedding took place. one person has died from the outbreak and maine's governor saying, quote, one person, one contact can light a match and spark a fire that we may be unable to put out. >> thanks to all our correspondents. unrest in wisconsin has quickly turned into a political flash point. trump won by just over 200 points. it could be central to a outcome that the state trump won by fewer than 200 votes. and now they're using the weekend to shed a spotlight on
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violence. so, how will voters react to the president's calls to what he calls law and order? michael smerconish joins us now. we saw black lives matter movement featured at the dnc and now we heard from the mcluskys, who were gun-toting people outside their home, saying democrats want to do away with the suburbs altogether. the president tweeted federal law enforcement and national guard are headed to kenosha. both are playing out in real time. >> so, the president, anderson, is portraying himself as the thin blue line that separates suburb suburbanites across the country from what they're watching on television, either in kenosha, portland, seattle before hand, a little in chicago as well. i think the mcluskys is a
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rorschach test for this campaign. if they line up on the side of the gun-toting couple from missouri, they're more likely to be trump supporters. and if they're aligned more with the wlak lives matter protesters in the frame, then they're largely democratic. this is something the trump campaign sees as a means of winning back suburbanites, without whom he can't get home. >> so interesting they were focusing on the mccluskys. we have a 17-year-old in custody with police after a call went out on facebook for armed people to defend the city, defend property, two people were shot to death last night. things can go awfully wrong when there's a lot of people with heavy weaponry in a very
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chaotic and in the midst of a chaotic protest. >> right. and i guess your point is we really don't even know what the facts were for that recent shooting incident. i don't know that that's going to matter in terms of how that is handled. there's skant political data as to how this plays out. but there are interesting findings. a cbs survey found 34% of americans believe that the aftermath of the george floyd incident has gone a bit too far. and i'm sure that's a number the trump administration and the campaign are paying attention to. something else interesting about the data. minnesota, at least according to a real clear politics average, closer than pennsylvania or michigan, albe it only by a couple of points. but it begs the question why would minnesota be closer if the data is accurate, than those other battleground states? i'm sure they want to read into
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that and say this is our winning hand and we're going to pursue it? >> interesting. appreciate it. the republican national convention continues with mike pence formally accepting his nomination. senators marcia blackburn and more. starting 7:00 p.m. eastern live on cnn. and we are moments away from a news conference by police, we're told, in kenosha, the site of the deadly shootings and the protests over the shooting of an unarmed black man. is that net carbs or total?... eh, not enough fiber... chocolate would be good... snacking should be sweet and simple. the delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar.
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with nutrients to help support immune health. it was 1961 when nellie young lost her devoted husband. without him, things were tough. her last option was to sell her home, but... her home meant everything to her. her husband had been a high school football coach and it turned out, one of his former players came up with an answer.
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granted innational guard to come in. we have continually talked to them about the guard and the guard has continued its numberininumbers to help us with the looting and violence that has occurred. we've had the situation where we have called for a curfew, which is 7:00 to 7:00. and that curfew is there to protect the public. we need to make sure people are
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off the streets so law enfor enforcement can do their job. i think because you call curfew, it's there to give tickets to everyone. it's not. lirl it's there to protect the public. and that is so important at this time. kenosha is a community that, in the long run, will recover. we will work together to resolve our issues. we'll work with the minority community to continue to move forward. and we will make this a better place to live. but it will take time. it will take healing. it will require us to reach out to all parties of the community. and actually have honest dialogue. so, i'm here today basically to, number one, inform everyone, that we are not planning on letting this violence continue. number two, we are going to work
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together to resolve the racial issues in our community and we are going to make that work. the only other thing i'd like to add, which i forgot to say earlier and i apologized, there's been talk about the support from governor. the governor has been very supportive to the community. they also need to know there's a concept that the federal government is not participating in kenosha. they are. the fbi is here. atf is here and the u.s. martials are here. it's poimportant for everyone t know this is san activity where everyone has been involved trying to make things better. i want to leeave you with one last thought. and that is there is an adage i've always used and it may sound hokey, i suppose.
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a community is only as strong as its weakest neighborhood. as a country, we are only as strong as the weakest city. we need to make sure that we help create or stop this divide and this anger that is going on in this country. and that only begins with each one of us willing to honestly talk with each other. so, thank you for listening to me and i will now turn it over to the sheriff. >> some of mine is going to mirror what the mayor said and he reminded me that the night of the shooting i did talk to mrs. blake, i talked to her for probably 10 minutes on the phone and got her information she wanted about her son and what hospital to go to see. she was probably one of the calmest, nicest people i talked to that entire evening. and i haven't talked to her since. i agree she was a very nice
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person, calming person. we got called in sunday at 5:30, to assist the city in a shooting. our job is to protect the scene. and it got a little harry throughout as the night went on. squad cars were damaged. i've seen some video taken by people. i'm very proud of our staff, the cinegotiatau police department staff that protected the scene calmly. politely and stood in the face of rocks being thrown. one of the city captains got something that hit him in the back of the head right in front of me. but everyone was very, on our end was very calm and maintained security and got out of there as well as we could. the march came downtown. the focal point for each and every demonstration that really we've seen is building that
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we're in right now, the safety building. i think that's because law enforcement, the kenosha sheriff's department is here. to some people it's -- we're the bad people. and to the majority of the community, we're people who help save and protect. the other part of it is the court house. the court house represents justice. and i know they're looking for justice, whatever it is. justice when we're found guilty and innocent. so, i'm sure that will come out in time. on monday the numbers grew. our resources also grew. we put out an all call throughout the states. it's local. sheriff's departments and police departments and they showed up in numbers. in the hundreds. we put it out to -- we also put it out there to monday. we thought we put it out to the
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national guard and found we had our wires crossed. we didn't actually request the national guard on monday night. or was it sunday night? the first night because we had our wires crossed. last night they delivered more. and we're very thankful for the national guard. like i said, we had sheriff's departments coming from all over the state of wisconsin. they brought their personnel, they brought their equipment, they brought their armored cars. they brought things that we needed. the state of wisconsin and federal government, atf, u.s. marshals, they brought technology, equipment too. and the resources in the information they have passed to us is a mess. we have got the dnr wardens that don't have riot gear were out every day in the face of everything. state troopers were here.
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the local agencies here in kenosha and around us couldn't be better brothers and sisters that we could ask for to help protect kenosha. tuesday we put up a fence around this building. all of you were allowed to come in through the gate. like i said earlier, this is a focal point for protesting and still was last night. the protesters want to come here, say their peace, which is wonderful. no one in law enforcement has any issues with peaceful groups coming in here and protesting. we support that. i know that about a month ago, the mayor and i went over to one and kneeled with the group of people there. we were there supporting. the fence around these buildings, what tit allows us to do, because this building holds inmates and if somehow the
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structure got caught on fire, we can't move these people that quickly to get them to a safe spot. we have to protect the inmates. and we put the fence up to help protect this campus. the first night there was probably $300,000 damage to this campus alone. and what the fence does is allows us to take the resources we needed to protect it to move it to the field in the outside of the fence and do an even better job of working with the people in our community. last night w the fence up, we were much more assertive in the way we handled things. shortly after 8:00, the curfew went into effect and we moved out on a armored car and basically said you need leave. curfew's at 8:00. you're in violation of the curfew. and if you don't, you will be
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taken into custody. then some left, several left. we watched on the screen several leaving. they followed inorders and when some didn't come, i saw it live -- i don't know if you saw it. they started pelting the officers over the fence with stones and bricks and the armored car was pelted, there were molotov cocktails thrown. we gave them probably another 10 or 15 minutes, then we did tear gas to help disperse the crowd. that was a -- it's not something we wanted to do but with the damage and the -- everything on monday night t was something we had to do. we had to disperse the crowd and get them moving out. the longer we let them go, the longer we let them build, the more dangerous the situation became. tonight, we're changing the curfew to 7:00.
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we will gladly support all the peacein peaceful protests that are really throughout kenosha county after 7:00 and after that, we asked everybody to go home. last night the -- i'm very proud of the people of cinegotiatau. last night, when i went to move from this building out to the command post, i drove down the streets and there was no one on it. the people of kenosha let law enforcement and all our partners do our job. they let us do, truthfully, a much better job last night than we could do on monday night. and the people stayed at home. they movered their cars. they did everything we asked them to. and i want to thank the people of kenosha for doing that. tonight we're moving it to 7:00. 7:00, the curfew will allow us to disperse whoever is gathered. maybe no one.
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but disperse whoever is gathered in day light so it will help us to see better. it will help the people to see better. they won't be dispersing in dark. and we find after dark, we have many more issues with violence and things that go on. last night during -- a lot of the -- we had several hundred law enforcement, several hundred national guard. and again, i watched on tv, i watch d these hundreds of law enforcement go out there and calmly go out there and, first of all, try to get people to leave, and then they assisted -- many were taken into custody. and for some, it was truly a curfew violation. but we're going to be very assertive in taking these
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people. if you don't follow the curfew, we're going to do our best to take you into custody for that violation. wednesday, we have additional staffing coming from around the state. unbelievable the amount of sheriffs and police departments that come and have offered to come, both with equipment and people to help protect cinegotiatau county. as the mayor said we have got the national guard, fbi, u.s. marshal, dnr, wisconsin state patrol, and agencies throughout the state helping to protect this city. last night, every day we get better and kenosha, we are not accustomed to riots. we're not accustomed to it. we pulled resources. we pulled knowledge from federal and state agencies. and the cooperation between all of them have been incredible.
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there's some misinformation that the state isn't helping or the federal government isn't helping. everyone's helping, everyone is helping. can all these different agencies round up the numbers we would have loved to have had on monday noigtd. they don't work like police agencies do. so so, with a few days notice, they were able to get resources here. what we have been finding, and yesterday did a couple interviews, is social media. i don't do social media, i don't do facebook. i think i'd be upset all the time if i did it. one thing we found is that we do get information from those sorlss. but there's also a lot of misinformation coming from those sources. yesterday, as the day went on,
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it started off in the morning there, was almost no social media about anything happening yesterday, almost none. by noon, it had grown. by early afternoon t multiplied again. and some of the things is all of you, and inpeople of kenosha get facebook updates and social media updates from other people and it gets passed and passed and passed. and we were getting the same misinformation on facebook that again, hundreds of 250i78s. we get the same thing and they would actually even say there's 30 vehicles at this location and weed we'd send the squad car and there was no one there. whoever did this put this out to scare the people of kenosha and it's working. what i want to people of kenosha to know though is that we are work hard. we're working very hard and
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we're getting better at this. and we've got more resources coming in. and we're not, like the mayor said too, we're not going to put up with what we saw monday night. we're not going to. does that mean we're going to stop it all? it depends on numbers that come. we're not going to be able to stop it. we're going to be assertive in helping to protect the city of kenosha in kenosha county and our neighbors around the state, county are here to help too. we blocked off the interstate. we picked that up. other larger cities did that and seemed effective. other agencies seemed that worked. it's an inconvenience for our local people. i am so sorry. sorry we did that. but there's a reason for it. it was to help protect you.
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yesterday i had a person call me and say why don't you deputize citizens who have guns to come out and patrol the city of kenosha? and i'm like oh, hell no. and what happened last night, and i think the chief is going to talk about it, is probably the perfect reason why i wouldn't. once i deputize somebody, they fall under the constitution of the state of wisconsin. they fall under the county of kenosha, fall under my guidance. they have to follow my policies, they have to follow my supervisors. they are a liability to me and the county and the state of wisconsin. i don't know this for sure. but the incident that happened last night where two people lost their lives, i think, they were
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part of this group that wanted me to deputize them. part of the county of kenosha, that would have been in reality, two deputy sheriffs who killed two people. it would have been one deputy sheriff who killed two people. and the liability that goes with that, would have been immense. so, that's one of the things brought up to me and i said there's no way. there's no way i would deputize people. one of the things we had problems with last night is a lot of protesters come for the show. i mean, there's good protesters who come and pray and kneel and all that stuff and chant. i got no issue with that. i was doing it several weeks ago. i'm good with that. but there's some and we've got several, that come mere from outside kenosha. they come from illinois, they
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come from north of us. however, we've heard some people may have been arrested from green bay, milwaukee. they're coming here. they have no desire to protest. i go back to social media. one of the invitations looked like a party invitation. something you would get from your brother to see your niece's graduation or her birthday. come, wear your black outfits, black mask said, bring your backpacks filled with molotov cocktails, rocks and whatever else they may have in the backpacks. so, that was the invitation that went out. and i think there's something going on tonight, not exactly sure what it was. but i go back to, i think some people are thinking i should deputize and we should have people out here with guns under my authority. what a scary, scary thought that would be in my world. and part of the problem with
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this group is they create confrontation. so, people walking around with guns, if i walk around in uniform with a gun, all of you probably wouldn't be too intimidated by it because you're used to officers with guns. but if i put out my wife with arjtan ar-15 or my brother with a gun walking through the streets, you would wuntder what the heck was going on. that doesn't help us. we are set up. we're going to do the curfew until sunday. it can change. this is all fluid. we're going to do the 7:00 p.m. curfew until sunday. and it might continue afterwards, it might get finished before. at this point, it's the interstate and east, 7:00 p.m. curfew. for those that this puts a hardship on, i'm sorry.
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i really, really am. but it's something we have to do. i'm going to turn it over to general right now and let him explain from the the national guard. >> thank you. >> hello. i'm the adjutant general for the state of wisconsin in charge of emergency management for the state. number one i express my condolences to the families of those involved in the tragic events of kenosha. next i want to talk about what the wisconsin national guard and our role in supporting local authorities in kenosha. on august 24th, governor evers called the wisconsin national guard to active duty to serve in a supporting role and assist local law enforcement in preserving public safety. and the ability of individuals to exercise their first amendment rights to peacefully
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demonstrate. we are fully engaged to serve and protect citizens of wisconsin on this very important mission. for the last two nights we sent soldiers and airmen to support local law enforcement in the city of kenosha in protecting lives and property. we are working diligently to provide additional assistance and we're committed to meeting all the requests that we received from civil authorities. the wisconsin national guard responds to formal requests from county emergency managers and these requests are submitted to the state emergency operation center and then with the approval of the governor national guard resources can be committed to support civil authorities. the wisconsin national guard does not self-deploy. and always serves in a supporting role. we don't choose on our own where and what capacity to engage. however these are tlud situations and we remain responsive to requests with the governor's approval. when arriving on scene the national guard plays a
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supporting role to local law enforcement who remains in charge of the mission. guard personnel will remain on mission in kenosha for as long as civil authorities require our support. for operational security purposes the wisconsin national guard will not discuss troop numbers as it relates to this mission. however, we are mobilizing additional forces in accordance with requests submitted by civil authorities from and through appropriate channels. we are also working together by emergency management assistance compact otherwise known as emac requests to bring in additional resources from surrounding states to augment the military police forces as needed. the events in kenosha are tragic and our thoughts and prayers go out to all those involved. the members of the wisconsin national guard are proud to serve the citizens of this great state and stand ready to continue to support assistance
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to local authorities in times of crisis. the bottom line is we're your neighbors. you're your fellow -- we're your fellow residents and citizens of wisconsin. we care about what happens here and throughout the state and we are here to support the local authorities and bringing this to a peaceful conclusion. thank you. >> i'd like to introduce the kenosha police department chief. >> good afternoon. you'll notice there is a theme here in that there is concern for the public, for those that have been injured by the kenosha police department, those injured by civilians, and the injuries inflicted upon the community itself by arsonists, molotov cocktails, looting, all of the violence that goes on. i want to be very clear with that. everybody that stands before you
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is very committed to bringing a peaceful resolution to the issue at hand. we understand there are underlying issues that are driving this. we're not going to fix them overnight but the commitment is here from the leaders here to do something about it. with that there is a clear understanding that kenosha is full of good people. this is not a community of violent people. the residents are sad, scared, confused but not violent. peaceful protests are welcome and as a way and always a way for the american public to speak their mind. we support that. i support that as an individual. we cannot support violence. when the line crosses from stating one's opinions to taking violent actions and hurting people, damaging property, and generally unruly behavior, that must stop. not only is it bad for the
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community, it detracts for the message. the underlying message here is racial tension and police violence and whether or not that is a contributing factor, whether it is here in kenosha and across the nation, those are issues that need to be worked on and addressed. when things become violent that message is lost. it becomes all about violence. and that's clearly not what kenosha is about. the people here are good people. and we're here to protect them. we've called in necessary resources to do that. we will continue to do that to stand strong to protect all people here in kenosha. so by now everybody is aware that the kenosha police department, one of our officers shot an individual here in the city of kenosha which is the, for lack of a better term, the event that triggered the unrest. thankfully mr. blake is alive and recovering from that incident. i don't have a lot of great details about the incident because i wasn't there.
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the state of wisconsin has a statute and a procedure that removes the law enforcement agency involved in the use of force from the investigation. so you heard the sheriff speak about how they came in in a supporting role. they controlled the scene to control evidence. to protect the scene to make sure that justice would be served in the end. no matter what that evidence showed that was his job. the kenosha police department steps back from that and we become the people investigated rather than those doing the investigation. that is a recent change statutorily here in wisconsin and one that i support and provides greater transparency and oversight. unfortunately what it also brings is what you see before you today, a chief who doesn't have details about the incident. the wisconsin department of justice division of criminal investigation, d.c.i., is the investigating agency here.
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they are the ones collecting evidence, interviewing all those involved whether it is the officer, mr. blake, witnesses, any host of things. they are the ones doing the investigation to give it the outside view, that outside demand for justice. so i support that. and we will continue to participate in that with cooperation and they will continue doing what they do. i don't have details to share because of the way the system works. the support process here with dci for us is very limited. the sheriff's department controls the scene. i as the chief have policies. we have procedures to cooperate. and that is what we do. we're not hiding behind what has been referred to by some across this nation over the years as a blue line of silence. it doesn't exist. we don't want bad cops. there aren't cops here who want to go out and hurt people.
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all right? so i understand that there is a difference of view and may be some underlying political issues that as i said before are not going to be solved -- i asked for everybody in this room, everybody listening, and the citizens here affected, to allow for time for that process to play out. the decisions in the case will be made based on evidence collected by an outside agency presented to someone else to make that decision. the kenosha police department will not make a ruling one way or the other in that. that process is in place. i believe it's fair. i believe it is a good thing for not only the citizens of kenosha but those across this nation. since the incident there have been peaceful protests and prayer vigils. there are a lot of good people out there and a lot of good people who want to draw attention to underlying issues, to draw attention to the need for change, and to draw attention to the need for the
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potential of police reform if necessary. i bring that last statement into effect in that i think most people i've talked to believe there may be the need for reform but they're not racing to judgment. they will bring up ideas and much of it is what we've talked about or heard from citizens are in place. they do exist. there's just perhaps not enough communication. and today's meeting is somewhat about that. so you have my commitment that we will try to do our best to share more information. it is difficult when we are removed from the process to do that. i ask today as we move forward, today's theme is about progress toward restoring healing and having the community come out of this stronger. over the last few days kenosha has also experienced, unfortunately, looting, arson, molotov cocktails, violence,
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persons injured. in addition, last night in a situation that began peaceful, and turned somewhat unruly and the sheriff spoke about things thrown, hammers, bricks, violence toward law enforcement, and toward the national guard assisting and controlling the scene here and protecting those who were rightfully speaking their minds, persons out after the curfew became engaged in some type of disturbance and persons were shot. everybody involved was out after the curfew. i'm not going to make a great deal of it but the point is the curfew is in place to protect. had individuals not been out in violation of that perhaps the situation that unfolded would not have happened. so the last night, a 17-year-old individual from antioch, illinois, was involved in the use of firearms to resolve whatever conflict was in place.
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the result of it was two people are dead. this is not a police action. this is not the action i believe of those who set out to do protests. it is the persons who were involved after the legal time involved in illegal activity that brought violence to this community. so last night, unfortunately, a 26-year-old silver lake resident and the 36-year-old kenosha resident lost their lives to this senseless violence. a 26-year-old west allis resident was also injured but is expected to survive. this case is still very active. we have investigators out now still following leads and doing what we can to bring around -- bring about closure to that. the names of those involved are not being released at this time. as i said, it is a very active investigation. and we have a person in custody out of state. we'll be working to bring
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