tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 27, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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an armed militia. and this just after the shooting, to see if, in fact, this is walking armed towards police with his hands up. >> this is the tragedy within the tragedy, anderson. he's 17 years old. he was armed with a loaded ar-15-style weapon and by his own admission, was parntdly in kenosha, wisconsin to quote/unquote keep the peace. the day lay caller caught up to him before the shootings took place and asked what he was doing there, standing in front of a car dealership armed. this is the snippet of that interview. >> obviously you're armd and you're in front of this business we saw burning last night. >> people are getting injured and our job is to protect them and part of my job is if there's somebody hurt, i'm running into harm's way. that's why i have my rifle.
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>> we've been seeing these individuals like this young, white males armed, showing up at protests around the country in minneapolis, louisville, connecticut. kyle is from about 20/25 miles away. we do know from his facebook and tiktok that he is a police want to be. he was a police cadette, as you mentioned. he also has strong feelings of support for the police. back the badge, back the blue on his pages. there's one line that says trump 2020 on his facebook page and tiktok videos, anderson. one showing him shooting a gun. one i think we can show you having him assembling his gun or what appears to be him assembling his gun. and then we have video of kyle rittenhaus at a trump rally in
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january, in which he is briefly seen there. donald trump is not seen in that video. that is what we know about him at this time. again, he seems to be one of those armed individuals who is compelled to go to these protest sites and act like a police officer. >> and cnn's facebook did not shut down one of the pages that served as a call to arms in the city, encouraging people like the shooter, who kiem from illinois, to take to the streetstreet streets. >> reporter: despite the fact they were warned about this particular site, kenosha guard, facebook has since taken it down. we don't know if this alleged shooter visited that site. but it is a site that called people to arms. i think armed citizens to protect our lives and property. is what was on their facebook page. facebook has since reacted and taketen down and taken down kyle
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rittenhaus's pages. >> athletes are making sure we hear their voices. players force the nba to cancel all their playoff games. major league baseball cancelled three games. some nba teams even considered ending the season but have decided against it. joining us is a writer for the "new york times magazine." what should we take away by the strike from proathletes and now the decision to keep play sng >> i think what we can take from it is that people are tired and athletes are using what power they have to position the struggle for black lives to matter in this country. it is definitely a strike, not a boycott. they are workers who are deciding they are not going to work because they want to see justice. >> you're obviously a well versed in history. i'm fascinated. i look back at muhammad ali, who
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everyone looks back on now and respects and loves and thinks my god, what an amazing american, what an extraordinary thing he did. at the time, we forget, he was vilified. i mean, he was destroyed. or attempted to be destroyed. people just hated him. white america was outraged at what he was doing. and yet, in years later, we look back and suddenly everyone loves him. er for it's so interesting to me, these players are being vilified and for taking what they believe is a principaled stand. and i just wonder how inlens of history will look at this years from now. if it will be like for muhammad ali. >> we can look at what happened to colin kaepernick when he decide heed was going to start kneeling and actually the strike
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was on the anniversary of that act. so, he was vilified. he lost his ability to play in the nfl for that. and four years later you have the message of black lives matter. ritsz clear they're on the right side of this issue. these men and women were black before they ever picked opbasketball or decided to engage in any sport. for us to say our entertainment is more important than their fight for justice is deplorable. i think we'll understand they were on the right side of this, even if a lot of people are upset about it right now. >> i want to focus on comments by the trump administration, taking aim at these athlete activists. >> i think the nba players are very fortunate that they have the financial position where they're able to take a night off
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from work without having to to have the consequences to themselves financially. so, they have that luxury is great. >> it's absurd, silly. what you saw from the professional basketball asocialiation was a continued acceptance and nondenial or nonspeaking out against china's continued abuse. if they want to protest, i don't think we care. i think at this point, if they want to say we're not going to play anymore games, i don't think that's a position you're going to see us speak out about one way or another. >> it seems like the dribbled response we've heard before. >> when we're saying the athletes have the luxury. they're black in america and they're worried about family members, their community and they are saying that the lives of black people are more important than you being able to sit there and be entertained by him dribbling on the court. i don't see how it sparks
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outrage or why aren't they doing this? it's typical people who are not having to bear the brunt of this nation's 400-year-old system. and i feel there are a lot of people very proud of the stance these athletes are take. if you're given any amount of privilege, you have a moral obligation to speak up for those who don't have it. >> we have not heard from president trump or even vice president pence in his speech last night about shooting of mr. blake. obviously the police haven't given much information at all about what they were doing there, what happened before hand. what we have seen is what is on the video and there's a second video as well. but we haven't heard the president address a man shot seven times in the back. does it surprise you -- it's not going to surprise you. i find it interesting we're told
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now the president will address kenosha tonight. the question is will he actually address the shooting of mr. blake or will it just be about violence and protesters? >> i think we should, long ago, disabuse ourselves that we're going to see some type of moral guidance from this president. what we will likely see is more rhetoric on law and order. the racialized rhetoric of law and order, that wants mapeace or justice. that wants to pretend the reason people are in the streets is not related to the fact that a black man was shot in the back seven times in front of his kids, and that the real problem is the protesters and not the violence that leads to the protesters. i think we should stop looking for or expecting for this president to act in ways he's not capable of acting. >> it seems to me that the
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protesters, that all americans want law and order, they just want equal treatment under the law. and order in their community is just like other communities as well. i mean, the same kind of treatment. it seems to me protesters aren't saying they don't want law and order. they just don't want to be treated differently. >> absolutely. law and order is about accountant. and it is about a very high level of accountability for people armed by the state with the ability to kill. people are protesting for no reason. they're protesting because an unarmed man was shot seven times in the back, something any moral person could argue is not the right thing law enforcement should be doing. and the other thing is law and order is not applied equally, even in concept. you have a president who pardoned a man who pled giuilty to violating the law. if it comes to the fbi or people
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investigating him, does not seem to have respect for law and order. but we want to apply law and or order to people exercising their constitutional right to protest what they consider unjust treatment by the government. >> i don't understand people who think it's a good idea to encourage citizens to take up arms and go to protests. i understand everybody has a right to protest and that's how change happens in this country and there's a long, proud tradition of it. but going armed, heavily armed with long guns to a protest, it just -- no matter what your politics are, it seems like a recipe for -- if there's problems with police officers and all the training police officers get to handle weapons, to have citizens who don't have training show up at protests,
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whoever they are, whatever their causes may be, doesn't seem like a good idea. er for it's not going to lead to anything good. >> this is the worst manifestation of why you do not want vigilante justice. you have a child who goes there with what is a semiautomatic rifle. and of course, when he's approached, he's afraid and what does he do? he pulls the trigger. it also speaks to the different realities of america. because one could not imagine a 17-year-old black boy walking around with this rifle, shooting someone and walking past the police is the police don't even stop and question him and he gets to go home that night. meanwhile, you have a jacob blake, who has no weapon and shot seven times in the back. you can't think of a more perfect summation of the disproportioned realities in america than that. >> thank you. after yesterday's playoff games were postponed, several
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wnba people spoke out. and here's this response. >> today or yesterday, you know, i was sitting there and i started crying. and my wife walks in and she's like are you crying? i said no, did you see the video of this guy getting shot? at first -- and i saw it, i'm looking at it i thought maybe they're going to tase him, right? because that's what they do with white people, right? they tase them. i didn't have the volume up and christian walks in the room and says no, dad, they shot him. he shoots this guy seven times in the back. and then i have this conversation with christian and he's like that's not -- that's wrong. i said it is beyond wrong. it's just flat out eval and i'm
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telling him -- and it's hard to tell your 14-year-old son that i worry about him when he walks out that door. i have a 21-year-old son. i worry about him because black men are endangered species, pretty much. these cops are just killing because they feel like if they don't have the body cams on, they have a right. and i tell my kids all the time. i said i don't care what's going on because at the end of the day i want you coming home to me. if you have to lay down on the ground and they can kick you, beat you, at least you're going to the hospital and you're coming home to me. whatever they say, don't take upon yourself to let that rage you have against that cop come out because he has the gun. he can end you. and i don't want him to end you, because if he ends you, that means i'm going to end him.
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and i know that's wrong for me to say. but i'm so much a time to kill type of guy like samuel jackson and it's going to happen with me. i said i don't want that to happen. i already lost one child, i don't need lose another. and i don't think people understand, especially white people, how hard it is for black people to watch that. >> any moment, we are expecting a news conference with police in kenosha who have been mostly silent on the circumstances around the shooting of jacob blake. we'll see what they say today. plus laura has been down graded from hurricane to a tropical storm, but not before leaving behind a path of destruction. to support us no matter what.
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monitoring patients in hospitals around the world so that doctors and nurses can make sure you feel safe. as new challenges have arisen, we've grown to bring that same safety and support to the place that you want to be most. if we've learned nothing else, it's that when challenges arise, there's only one way to rise above. together. masimo. together in hospital, together at home.
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we are tracking destruction from hurricane laura which struck the louisiana coast at 150-mile-per-hour winds. it's now been down graded. to a tropical storm. heavy blooding in some areas and some of the worst of it is the coast. and what's the scene there? >> this was the western edge of hurricane laura and it is really stunning to see ooze we've driven around town here, this is some of the worst damage we've seen. this is the first united pent costal church. this is facing back towards the south. so, this was clearly the back side of the storm where the roof and wall were blown over here.
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what strikes us as we drive around town is the lack of structural damage. it is amazing, considering the worst of the storm passed 35 miles or so to the east of where we are. it's amazing we've seen so little of this kind of destruction. >> let's go to the press conference in kenosha about thevents there. pqts we ask you to pray with me. we come knowing who you are. you have called this moment of time so we can reflect on what we need to do. but more importantly, lord, we need wisdom from you and we need to pray for this family. . they're grieving right now. and things happening here. we know it's not from above.
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when we ask for your grace and mercy too, comfort us too, bring peace to us and most importantly, would you shine your light so we can have solutio solutions to sustain us today and we're going to be careful to give you all the praise. and in jesus christ's name, amen. amen. >> we'll start with mayor. >> good afternoon, everyone. i'm going to be talking a little about a couple of the issues i think are important to the community and for everyone to understand. number one, the most important aspect of what's going on is the safety of all people. safety of the city of kenosha
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and making sure the residents understand the law enforcement, the national guard, insheriff's department, all of them here be protected and to help protect the community. and to also keep protesters, who are peaceful protesters, safe. so, that, i think, is one of the main messages i want to be sure everyone gets today. once we get past the safety issues, next question is unity. and though we're not going into a lot of detail of how we're going to do all these things, unity becomes one of the main aspelkts of what has to happen in the community. so, the city has been working along with other entities and put together a number of committees, working on cysts emic racism and dealing with how we're going to improve our community and give everyone a voice. in fact, you put in charge of
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making that happen. the last issue i wish to bring up is dealing with the rebuilding of the community. and rebuilding is more than just fixing buildings. it's one of the things i thought was very impressive and i'm very proud of our community and that is that when, and after the damage had been done, people came out. neighbors came out to help neighbors. all neighbors came out to help neighbors. the downtown had numerous people in the downtown cleaning up the streets, doing everything they could to help their neighbor. and that is what this community is really about. and that is what we need to make sure that people see within our community and what is happening. but rebuilding also means more than that. it's a call to action. a call to make sure that we're there to be helpful.
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we have asked -- i have asked the governor for support financially for businesses and we're in conversations with that and we're going to make the same request of the federal government. >> thank you, mr. mayor. thank you to the people of kenosha county and the peaceful protesters and especially those who followed the curfew and all the people who followed the curfew. you made law enforcement life a lot easier. i want to recognize the support for businesses that are small and really across kenosha county. whether showing up in person or through donations to rebuild, it's been a heartwarming experience. this is a true representation of kenosha county. i want to also reconfirm our commitment to all of us here to
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address the core issues that have brought us to this point in time. we are still in the thick of many challenges but there will be a coming together in the coming days to talk to pastor peoples also. we're working together, the city and the county and the community -- i've had just over 50 emails recently by people who want to participate in that and move forward. my message to the world, which we know is watching, is that kenosha county is made up of good and caring people. i'm confident that what we saw sunday, monday, and tuesday night isn't who we really are. i call on our community to seek change. with peace and i thank them again. forrel for how we ad hered to the curfew to keep our community safe during this time, thank you.
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>> i'm going to mirror what the mayor and county exec already said. since wednesday, the entire atmosphere has changed dramatically as far as the people who live here. and i think the crowds last night were small. there was a few hundred people and they walked peacefully through kenosha. and they did exactly what they wanted to do, as far as the protests to make people know their concerns but they did it without violence. and i think the people that were here last night were kenosha's people. we didn't see streams of cars coming in from out of kenosha county. huge party thinks a lot of our issues start when different people with different agendas come here to kenosha. kenosha's people are loving, peaceful, and good with change. and these people did exactly
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what they needed to do in a peaceful way. the people that did not want to partake in what was happening last night, which again was very small, they stayed home. we made a 7:00 curfew. the people of kenosha, thank you. thanks for ad hering to the 7:00 curfew and clearing the streets. so, you, your family, your property were safe and it allowed us to do our jobs. since sunday, when this whole thing started, the personnel, the resources, equipment from our county, from the counties around us, we have departments in the state of wisconsin, their smaller departments that sentuss a third of all their deputies.
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we have one that sent one of their officers and that's about a third of all the officers they have. they want to keep kenosha safe and help people in kenosha and help protect the protesters too. the state has been fantastic as far as sending resources from the very first minute that we ask them. they have sent everyone we've asked for and they've been outstanding. the federal government notified us yesterday they've been here, truthfully, from the first day too. we've had people from marshals, atf. the feds have been here from the first day, helping with the exact same mission that everyone else is to help protect the people of kenosha and protect everyone who's here. we have got generous people and business said here in kenosha.
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our staff, the numbers continue to grow. and we need to feed them. the businesses, the people, are coming with bags from mcdonald's. they're coming with cold meat, platters, all kinds of nourishment that our staff needs. and we're getting lots of thanks. we get some people who don't like us too. but the majority of people we're hearing from tell us thank you for wanting to do in our mission. the -- i think the combined efforts of everyone sitting up here, everyone that's trying to get a little sleep right now and every btdy who was out there at nighttime has been paying dividends. last night was very peaceful. tuesday night not quite so
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peaceful but wasn't too bad. monday was our big night. hopefully we're over that hump of what we have to face. hopefully the -- we know there are still people out there, instigators that are trying to fire things up. got it. bee we've had those before. every day life we have instigators of trouble and we're going to do our best to deal with that too. overall, i'm pleased with the last 24 hours here in kenosha, the response from every part of government, response of the people of kenosha and the cooperation with everyone. >> much of what i have to say has already been said. i can tell you from the law enforcement standpointed, the situation is much calmer.
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persons are lawfully protesting and that continues late into the night, early into the morning with persons making their views, making their concerns known. the voice of those people is not falling upon deaf ears. we are hearing what is being said and the mayor has spoke to his constituents, involving myself, to usher in change wherever possible. those in support of every cause, different sizes of issues, different sides of issues, whether they were protesters, antiprotesters, antipolice, pro-police. many people were out speaking their mind and that is one of the things that's part of america. you have the right to do that. so much of what was talked about mere is the number oaf resources to deploy and use. those are be dg ploing deployedp
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people safe whether you're a resident of kenosha orsomeone traveling here. we do our best to keep it a safe environment and we thank those yesterday who peacefully protested and obeyed the curfew. unfortunately, not everybody did so. the sheriff spoke that it was less tumultuous night and i would agree. unfortunately, there were still weapons charges, persons arrested on warrants and i believe other cases as well. i know that we have will be scheduling another conference soon. i thank those who peacefully protested and obeyed the curfew. not losing their voice, their desire for change to the violence which has gleened this way. kenosha was once known for american motors and the lake front. we do not wish to be known for violence of any kind. we continue to investigate the previous looting and arson cases
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that took place sunday night and into the morning. and we hope to bring those involved to the court system. i have no additional information regarding the shooting deaths from the night before. the investigations continue and we will build a strong case based upon the facts. we are working hard to keep the citizens of kenosha safe and to investigate and stop lawless behavior and that's only by a small group. by no means do i or anybody up here think 1500 people intend violence. most of those people want change, they want accountability and those are things i think we all agree upon. so, regardless of being particulate of the protest or not, we encourage everybody to obey in-law and help keep the community safe so we can concentrate our efforts instead of controlling violence. thank you.
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>> good afternoon. the general for the wisconsin national guard. i want you to know i grew up in wisconsin, where i make my home and raising my kids. what's happening in this community goes beyond city and county boarders. it effects us all as wisconsinites and americans. with that, i'm here to give you an update on the role of the national guard. as we continue toserve in a supporting role to local law enforcement. we're help to preserve public safety and to insure individual rights to exercise their first-amendment rights to demonstrate. yesterday i spoke about the sacrifices of the national guard service members leaving their families and homes to come here and support kenosha. today i want to make sure and reemphasize there are other people from all over the state,
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law enforcement, who have done the same thing. they've picked up what they were doing, left their jobs, their families and rallybed hind this mission to bring a peaceful conclusion to this event. so, i think that's important. i think we need to keep that in mind and keep them in mind as well. going forward, in terms of national guard presence, we mentioned yesterday that we were going to be bringing in guard members from other states. so, we've solidified details and i can tell you we have commitments from three other states, arizona, alabama, and michigan. we'll be sending some of their national guard members here to assist in this effort. and they will be here and hopefully be assisting us as early as tomorrow night in some cases.
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for claire and not federalized. troops. >> if they're here, through mutual compact between the states and specifically the governors. and they will be under my command and ultimately under authority of the commander in chief. our goal is to protect life safety in the community and bring back peace. we're also very supportive of all of those who feel that want to peacefully demonstrate and we urge continued peaceful demonstrations. we also understand there are people coming to the area with the intent to destroy property and ruin lives. those are the people that we need to all look together to
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keep them out of the community and keep them from doing the harm they're intending. so, in closing, i like to reemphasize how important it is for us all to be together in our efforts. i know we all appear on the stage together and i hope all of you out there as well are there together in our efforts to bring a peaceful conclusion to this tragic event as we go forward in kenosha. thank you. >> thank you very much for your patience. >> any explanation -- are you going to answer any questions at any point? >> i want to bring in our shimon, who's in kenosha. officials saying that they have been relatively pleased with the last 24 hours what they've seen with the protests last night,
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how things took place. how was last night different than previous nights? >> reporter: certainly the violence and the level of disruption throughout the city. we didn't see that last night. you didn't have police engaging with protesters the way we've seen in other nights. you didn't have people with long guns and vigil antes running around recklessly without regard for life and trying to take conroco control of the streets. so t is a big change. one of the things authorities said in the press conference is most of the people, they have found, and we'll see if they can back this up, that who have been coming here and starting trouble are not from here. we know the 17-year-old who was arrested for the murder of those individuals, the 17-year-old with the long gun, he was not from this area. the other people who were with him, the other part of this
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vigilante group, they were not from this area. so, there's evidence to suggest people can come in here and starting trouble, are not in here. so, that's what they're saying and talking about the clean up. you see this destruction behind me here. there are atf agents sorting through it debris, looking for evidence. we've seen people all around the community. i see people forwarding up, painting murals, painting signs on wooden boards that are posted over stores all around. and that is what the sheriff was talking about. they did not update us at any aspect of this investigation. not as it relates to 17-year-old and not as it relates to to the shooting of mr. blake. the mayor's office and police chief all refused to take questions. they said they were just going to read statements and they were
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not going to take questions. there were a lot of answers obviously regarding the 17-year-old and answers, questions that need to be answered about the shooting and why ultimately did this officer feel the need to have to take such force and shoot mr. blake seven times in the back. we still don't have a lot of those answers. we may have another press conference tomorrow from police where we can get more answers. and the 17-year-old is supposed to be in court tomorrow for an extradition hearing in antioch, illinois. so, perhaps we'll learn more there and then we'll see. but there are still a lot of questions surrounding, really, both shootings, anderson, when you think of it. >> a lot of unknowns. coming up i'll speak live with vice president joe biden own his response with what's happening. . you hear that?
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that's your weathered deck, crying for help. while you do nothing, it's inviting those geese over for target practice. today, let's stain. cause if you stain your deck today, they can't stain your deck tomorrow. behr. exclusively at the home depot. for spending a perfectly reasonable amount of time on the couch with tacos from grubhub? grubhub's gonna reward you for that with a $5 off perk. (doorbell rings) - [crowd] grubhub! (fireworks exploding) (combative yelling) he used to have bad breath. now, he uses a capful of therabreath fresh breath oral rinse
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face of the legitimate protests and takes away from the rational for what's happening here. i've condemned the violence from the very beginning. they're flat wrong. >> the vice president echoed the vice president by telling americans they would not be safe in joe biden's america. >> well, you know, look, if you think about it, donald trump saying you're not going to be safe in joe biden's america with all the video being played is in donald trump's america. kellyanne conway came out and was very bluntd about it today. i think i have a quote here. the more chaos and an arkansasy and vandalism and violence equal as -- better for a very clear choice. these guys are rooting for violence. that's what this is all about to prover you should be scared and
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they're talking about donald trump's america. there's no place for violence or looting or burning. when i spoke to jacob blake's mother, julia, you played her on the air. she's saying that's not who we are. that's not who jacob is. don't do it. so, he continues to root for violence. the country will be substantially safer when he is no longer in office. i'm going to work to root out systemic racism. i'm going to lead. >> you think he's rooting for violence, that he wants violence? >> absolutely. >> because it allows him to play on the law and order mantle? >> and takes everybody's eye off the ball. want to talk about safety? look at the biggest safety issue in the nation, covid. just yesterday we had 1,249 deaths. over the seven-day period, we've averaged a thousand death as day.
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now, that is more than the five largest countries in europe a combined population -- we are a combined population bigger than us. you know how many deaths they've had? 77 deaths a day. he's been incompetent in how me deals with this. and he's still in court trying to get rid of the affordable care act. going to take 100 million people with preexisting conditions and move them in a direction where they can't get coverage. going to coverage that will -- and on top of that, i got another quote i found today that was pointed out to me. august 12th. this is what he said. and the payroll tax, talking about funding social security. will be terminating the pay roll tax. the fact of the matter is the acchaer for social security said if you do that, social security will be bankrupt. not have any money after 2023.
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we lost 15 million in jobs. you're in a position where you have 15 million people needing unemployment insurance and instead of sitting down with congress and working something out, he's in one of his golf course sand traps, trying to get out of a sand trap. get us out of this mess. >> you talked about covid-19, the cdc just the other day, with virtually no announcement of it, they just changed on their website, changed guidelines for who should get tested, moving away from actually testing me mean meanal who are asymptomatic. is that change? every doctor i've talked to said that isn't supported by science. >> it's not supported by -- every doctor i talk to. i speak with medical professionals, on average for three days a week.
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the convenss is that's a foolish thing to say, to do. it's ridiculous. look, this is the guy talking about pray god we'll have a vaccine. i'd love to have a vaccine tomorrow. i'd lub ove if. we don't need to test people is absolutely bizarre. he needs to be responsible. >> the president has not talked about the shooting of mr. blake. he's talked about violence at -- protests in the wake of it. i'm wondering why you think that is he hasn't actually addressed it? there's obviously a lot we don't know about the circumstances around it but the video obviously has been out there. >> well, look. i don't know enough to know whether that 17-year-old kid
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exactly what he did, but allegedly he's part of a militia coming out of the state of illinois's have you ever heard this president say one negative thing about white supremacists? ever heard it? that's the reason i got back in this way because of what happened in charlottes riehl. people coming out of the woods carrying torches, their veins bulging. a young woman killed resisting hate and violence and the president is asked to comment on it and what's he say? he says they're very fine people on both sides. we wouldn't even condone -- division and hate is the only way he stays in office. it's all about dividing, and the idea he doesn't -- sorry. >> i'm sorry. satellite problem.
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what's your take on the republican convention so far? >> well, i thought it was -- a great line that the vice president had last night. we're going to make america great again, again. i mean, look. i mean, look where the economy is. look where the health circumstances -- look where covid is. look where we are internationally. when we left office we were one of the most respected nations in the world. led not only by example of our power but the power of our example. now we rank just a click above russia and a click below china, i think 87 or -- i can't remember the exact number, but i mean, it is ridiculous. i said when i announced, the next president's going to have to do two thingse things. unite the country and deal way world out of order and we have to do both of those things, and
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the idea, the things he's saying and doing his embrace of dictators, the way he throws his arms around putin, the way he talks about xi gjinping and how they're being so transparent. i just -- i don't -- quite frankly, he confused me. i don't understand -- maybe he just doesn't understand. maybe it's not deliberate. maybe he just doesn't know enough. i don't know. whatever it is -- sorry. >> we heard last night at the rnc from the mccloskeys, the couple facing charges for pointing guns a the protesters portrayed essentially as heroes's is that how you see them? >> no, i don't see them that way as all. talk about no-class neighborhoods? looked like living in a multimillion dollar mansion for god's sake. the fact they're pointing at protesters that weren't going after them. no evidence of that. look, this is -- we've got to calm this whole situation down. we've got to move in a
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different -- the american people aren't buying this. you have over 50 -- 70-some perce percent of people saying there is systemic racism. we have a chance to change it. black, white, asian, hispanic. doesn't matter. the country is ready, but the only way he can win, and he and pence can win i mean, can you imagine? i'm getting attacked on my religion by donald trump? when's the last time he darkened the doorway of a church? come on. this is -- >> we've seen athletes just in the last couple of days stepping back from actually playing any games. the president just called the nba a political organization, the white house, pence advisers dismissed the protests as
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j. jared kushner weighed in on their salaries and can just take the night off. what do you make of the nba? >> trump won't acknowledge a lot of these men and women have had brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, who have been victimized just because of their color. just because of their color. these aren't people who, in fact, are out there just trying to -- they don't need anymore attention. they are sick and tired. they're sick and tired. the buck's coach, did you see him? maybe you had -- i watched him on your station, on your show. standing there almost crying saying, we love america so much. why don't they love us? i'm paraphrasing it. the vast majority of the american people are ready to deal with systemic racism. and all this administration does is keep pouring gasoline on the fire. they don't have a dog whistle. he use a bullhorn. it's all about division.
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america's always been about addition. addition. we can deal with these problems. make it better for, the country better for all of us. everyone. everybody. we really can! the country's ready. >> speaker pelosi said today that you shouldn't debate trump. i just want to play what she says for viewers and how do you respond. >> i, myself, just, don't tell anybody i told you this especially don't tell joe biden. i don't think that there should be any debates. i do not think that the president of the united states has comported himself in a way that anybody should -- has any association with the truth, evidence, data and facts. i wouldn't -- i wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him. nor a debate in terms of the
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presidency of the united states. >> mr. vice president, what do you think? >> i understand nancy's point of view. some of the leading columnists in the country who are mainstream leaders have indicated i shouldn't debate. not to me but in the press. i shouldn't debate unless there's a fact checker, et cetera. look, i'm used to dealing with bullies and understand how they work and i'm going by the rules, play by the rules of the commission and we're going to have a debate, and i'm confident that the vast majority of the press will point out when there are just gross lies. i will mention it as well, and i'm happy to run on the record i had as a senator and as a vice president, as well as be happy to challenge his position. but i don't expect much truth to come out of that obvious podium. >> traditionally there are three presidential debates run by the commissioner of presidential debates. is that what you expect three?
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>> yeah. what i'm expecting. the first one is each of us at a podium. second one i guess more of a town hall setting, like the kinds i've done with you. as i understand it. i'm not positive of that, and a third one as well. >> mr. vice president, appreciate your time. thank you. >> appreciate your time. thank you very much for having me. i want to bring in our jeff zeleny. what's your takeaway of the vice president? >> reporter: look, i think that joe biden is clearly trying to get back into the conversation this week. he's been taking a couple days off, but i'm told very much watching this republican convention, watching these attacks on him, watching this attended rebranding of him as part of the "radical left" and also watching the trump administration and the vice president, mike pence trying to rebrand themselves. so that's why he is getting out there today to kind of respond to some of these things. look, there is one question, anderson, when you talk to democrats who are also watching all of this. they wonder if the biden campaign and they wonder if
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democrats at large are taking president trump seriously enough. they wonder, given the unrest in the country all the crises, are they taking his campaign seriously enough? this is a sign that joe biden is doing that. they only have to look to the election four years ago with hillary clinton. who also was leading by big margins at this point four years ago on this exact day. there is a sense he is taking this seriously. he has been around racial justice issue as long time in his life, seen it change throughout the course of his public life and is i think attuned to this, and certainly interesting both he and senator kamala harris made phone calls to the family in wisconsin, and are certainly much more engaged on this than the president. br there is no question they know some of these attacks and branding will likely work among some people this week in the country and why he is out there, of course, speaking out at this point anderson. >> jeff zeleny, thanks. obviously a lot more ahead.
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"the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. we begin with a ton of breaking news. right now, any moment, we are expecting to hear from democratic vice presidential nominee kamala harris, the democratic senator from california. harris is expected to slam president trump and address the unrest in wisconsin. this comes as just moments ago president trump did not answer a question about the police shooting that has sparked this chaos in the streets. we should clarify the reporter misstated that the shooting of jacob blake in kenosha, wisconsin, was fatal. joe biden also just moments ago here on cnn responding to the president's comments, his law and order message that has been front and center at the republican national convention. take a listen to vice president biden.
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