tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 28, 2020 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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and the final year of his life he wrote in the last book, where do we go from here? chaos or community? while my sisters and brothers, and dear friends, in this defining moment for our history and country, we must answer dr. king's question. will our answer be chaos or community? i believe some have chosen the answer with chaos including the current occupant in the white house today. but we who believe must choose community because if we choose community we can avoid watching the dream turn into a permanent nightmare. if we choose community, 50 years from now people will say that we were able to redeem the soul of america and began to fulfill the promise of democracy. by systematically eliminating systemic racism and exploitation. my friends, if we choose community we will be able to
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answer in the affirmative to the scripture, here comes that dreamer, come let's slay him, and we shall see what will become of his dream. finally, this afternoon, i want to say to you, not only do i come as a protester but i come as a victim. my daddy was killed when i was 10 years old. gunned down. you know that. some of you know but may not know six years latter my daddy's mother, my grandmother was gunned down in the church while playing the lord's prayer. so i understand what it means to lose a loved one. but i was so thankful that my grandfather and my mother and my aunts and uncles taught me about love because grand daddy used to say i refuse to allow any person
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to reduce me to hatred. the man that killed my lovely wife and the man that killed my son, i refuse to allow them everyone to reduce me to hatred. i'm every man's brother. if we resolve these issues in america, we've got to come together. dad talked about it in that sermon, levels of love. talked about all of them. i only talk about the highest level of love. that love that seeks nothing in return, that love that is totally unselfish, you love someone, if they're young, you love them if they're old, black, if they're white, you love them if they're native american, if they're hispanic or latino american, african or asian, you love them because you know that god calls you to do that. and if we're going to resolve all of these conflicts and crises in america we got to find a way to do it in love. thank you and god bless you! and let's keep on keeping on.
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i'm anderson cooper. welcome viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. we are watching washington, a new march, 57 years after martin luther king jr. delivered his i have a dream speech. 57 years after john lewis took the stage and after a 14-year-old emmett till was murdered after being accused of flirting with a white woman in mississippi. today the marchers have new names on the lips. jacob blake who right now lies paralyzed in his hospital bed after being shot seven times in the back by a police officer. george floyd, breonna taylor. black americans killed by white men and police officers, three of the many on that list, the thousands of marchers in washington are joined in spirit by others across the country like professional athletes who have stopped the games to bring the fight for justice to light and the violence in kenosha, wisconsin, the calls for justice
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coming as we wrap up political conventions. suzanne, you are at the lincoln memorial. what have you heard from the speakers there today? >> reporter: anderson, there is really a beautiful scene behind me. this is the reflection pool, many, many people linking their arms and holding the arms side by side as they cross the lincoln memorial pool there, the reflection pool and signs of unity and solidarity. it was poignant and it was an increditable powerful reminder. martin luther king iii a protester, a victim, someone that lost his daddy at 10 years old but understands what many of the families on the stage right now at the lincoln memorial feeling and going through. they lost the loved ones who have all united and come together to speak for this very moment. it is not surprising that he
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also brought his young daughter the 12-year-old yolanda up there. this is the person that brought the video to him of george floyd's murder. it was yolanda that forced him to watch the video. he was not aware at the time and told me that story and also says what keeps him up at night is the fact that yolanda herself says why do we have to do this still? i thought my grand daddy put this to bed. he responded we do it because we have to. >> suzanne malveaux, thank you very much. i want do go to our brian todd staying by. what are you seeing and hearing? >> reporter: anderson, we are at the opposite side of the reflecting pool from where suzanne came to you from. we are on the east side of it. you see a good wide shot of the
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marchers over here. go toward the pool and the photo journalist can give you a good wide shot down the reflecting pool and you can see the throngs of people here and we have talked to several marchers coming, some from the midwest and almost all of them say the shooting of jacob blake is a catalyst to be here, the killing of george floyd, that's his funeral, that's what this event announced by reverend al sharpton and a protester told me it was quote mentally exhausting that the incidents keep happening everyone after months and months of these marches and protests of racial justice and police reform and of course what they're going to be calling for here. they want the senate to pass a police reform bill, they want to pass a voting reform bill named after john lewis so a lot of different very important messages being sent here as you see these people walking toward
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me here. in a short time the speakers will finish and walk toward the martin luther king memorial to the south of us where we're going to be later. very energetic, passionate, peaceful troud here just what the organizers hoped for and they're going to be -- the speeches going on for a few minutes and got a late start. everybody hearing the families speaking, that will be just really a centerpiece of this event, anderson. >> thank you very much. joining us is wnba player natasha cloud and opted out of playing for the mystics. thank you so much for being with us. i wonder about your teammates' actions this week. >> i'm so -- proud not only of our team and washington mystics and the entirety of the wnba but the brothers in the nba, too, for starting that movement.
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so proud of them for standing their ground and understanding this is bigger than basketball, than ourselves and our leagues, too. we inherit this responsibility as athletes to use our platforms and be a voice for the voiceless and seeing us do that. >> can you talk about your thought process and making the decision to opt out? >> yeah. was this directly affects me, my fiancee, affects our community and future children. and for me, there was no greater time than to take this head on than right now. you can see this beautiful march in washington that i'm about to go to after this. you have people from all different walks of life, all different backgrounds and coming together peacefully to fight for justice and for change, for the black and brown communities. >> and this march is happening nearly decades after the last that the nation still dealing
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with same issues that we were dealing with back then. are you more optimistic, less optimistic about real change? >> you got to remain optimistic through all this. you got to remain optimistic in the goodness of people, still left in this country and hoping that we can create this change together. it's unfortunate in 2020 we are still here. i remember protesting this in 2016 in the wnba and it's unfortunate but we have to continue to fight this fight. it is not going to be fixed overnight but takes warriors and stamina for years to come but as you can see yolanda is up there speaking, martin luther king's granddaughter, a beautiful thing because the next generation gets it and so we're pushing for them. >> natasha, i appreciate your time. thank you very much. >> i appreciate you. thank you. one of the marchers is yeah
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c jacob blake sr. earlier today, blake gave an emotional interview to cnn's allison cam rot th allison camerota and seeing him in the hospital shackled to the bed. >> how's your son doing, mr. blake? >> for the situation he's doing -- he's -- let's make it very clear. my son is fighting for his life. he's holding on. he's holding on. he's medicated. pretty much all the time. >> so he's sedated and medicated because as we understand he is in so much pain. have you been able to speak to him? >> yes.
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i got two days ago to speak to him. >> can you tell us about that conversation and what he said? >> he at first, his eyes were squinted when i walked into the room. and i thought they were squinted because he was in pain. but when i got to his side, he grabbed my hands and began to weep. and he told me he thought he was hallucinating and then he said i love you, daddy. daddy, i love you. >> yeah. that's -- must be so hard to see him in this condition. >> yes. then his next question was, why
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did they shoot me so many times? i said, baby, they weren't supposed to shoot you at all. the thing that bothered me the most is that my child is -- so many things that bothered me but when i walked into that room, you know, he is paralyzed from the waist down. why do they have that cold steel on my son's ankle? he can't get up. he couldn't get up if he wanted to. so that's a little overkill to have him shackled to the bed. that just makes no sense to me. so, you know, he was so -- it was the oldest in the car was 8. and the youngest in the car was 3. >> have you talked to them? >> oh, they're with me every day. >> what do they say? how are they coping with this this morning? >> the oldest every day is
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questioning, daddy -- they call me papa. all my grand kids call me papa or pop pop. he said, papa, why did they shoot my daddy in the back? where's daddy? >> they want their father. because he was a part of their life every day. he's a person. he's a human being. he's a human being. he's not an animal. he's a human. but my son is not been afforded the rights of a human. he's not been treated like a human. he's a father. he's not a deadbeat dead. he's a father. that's with his children every day. >> more from jacob blake's father next including reaction to the president's silence on the shooting of his son plus spike lee joins me live next.
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as we watch crowds gathering, i'll bring in director spike lee. thank you for being with us. i'm wondering as you see this march on washington, not only the 57th anniversary, the original march, the 65th anniversary of the emmett till's murder, what do you make of events like this? how important is something like this? >> anderson, i first want to apologize that my face is not lit but we have a maybe symbolic. we are not black people on the scene. >> i thought you had planned
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this lighting for that particular reason. >> i'm a filmmaker. i should know better. anyway, anderson, all jokes aside. i want to thank you for having me again, and how many times have i been a guest on your show, you know, after someone black or brown has gotten shot? just looking at the footage of mr. jacob blake's son saying how his son who was shot seven times in the back paralyzed from the waist down, his angkles are shackled to the hospital bed, right away i think about that's what they did to -- that's what the slave catchers did.
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where my ancestors, if you got caught, the least thing they did was put shackles on your ankles. and one of your producers told me that so far our brother king jacob blake has not been charged with anything. if he is not charged with anything, why in the world is he shackled to his bed? hospital bed like he's an animal! my question to the authorities in kenosha has -- i know he's been arrested but is kyle ricen house, is he in shackles? 17 years old.
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shot two protesters, killed two protesters, and maimed another one. and i saw footage, anderson, my brother, cnn, cnn after he shot people, killed two, walking the streets and armed vehicles and jeeps pass by him. and it's after he shot that semiautomatic weapon, after, i want to ask you a question. imagine the same scenario but a black man has a semiautomatic rifle and all the chaos was happening in kenosha, do you think that armed vehicles and jeeps are going to ride right --
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right by a black man? i'm laughing because it's so crazy. >> there's actually video -- it's cell phone video and it's on social media. we can't independently verify it but it does show a police vehicle communicating with the armed white people who had come to in their words maintain order or defend property, giving them water or trying to get them water and thanking them for what they were doing. it does seem, you know -- this is two days after or one day after the mccloskeys were at the rnc and treated basically like heroes for -- >> heroes. >> brandishing weapons at black lives matter protesters just walking by their house. >> i would also like to say, anderson, again, thank you for
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having me, i really want to, you know, praise and blessings to the family and then this is very important. when our brother jacob was shot in the back seven times, his three sons were in the backseat and they're going to have to live with this trauma all their lives. they saw their father shot seven times in the back. and let's hope he lives but he's never going to be able to walk again. and, anderson, there's so much hate in the world.
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specifically the united states of america. and doc rivers, the great coach of the l.a. clippers, was so on the money with this remark, we love this country. we love the united states of america. but the united states does not love us back. from the very first person that died for this country, christmas alex, in the boston massacre, the very first person died for this country was a black man. and we have been fighting, putting our lives on the line for every single war for the promise to be recognized as human beings and full citizenship and here we are in this dreadful year 2020 and
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black and brown people, black and brown trans people, are being shot down like animals. like it's all right. and this guy in the white house and what he's done and what this just level of hate, anderson, it's heart breaking. >> i don't know -- and -- >> i don't know if you -- >> thank god, i pray to god this guy is out november 3rd. also i like to bring this up. i think you talked about this, too. i have -- i think there's going to be she innocenanigans, skule duggery he might not want to
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leave. they say law and order. later for that. anderson, are we coming a civil war? the next civil war in the united states of america. i ask you that question. >> do you worry about that? >> anderson, i can't have a restless sleep. i mean, this constant -- >> let me -- >> this constant run of black and brown people being murdered, shot down for no other reason because of their skin. this is -- >> let me ask you. at the rnc this week, you know, look. all conventions for any political party is propaganda. republicans and democrats putt on the best face possible. but we did see a real effort by this administration at the rnc to appeal to particularly black
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men and not so much black women but black men, a lot of speakers and the administration says, look, criminal justice reform, positive steps made toward that. actually, spike, breonna taylor's mom is about to speak. >> look. >> i just want to listen to what she says. >> but of course. please go. please go. >> okay. take care, spike. let's listen in. >> first i just want to thank everybody who's been in support of getting justice for breonna taylor. second, i just want to -- i got to thank louisville freedom, my family and most importantly kenneth walker for coming out here and continuing to say her name louder.
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all right. wait a minute. i brought mr. lincoln, all of the broken promises. we all stop when a man was killed with a neknee on his nec. narrated his own death. didn't know they were recording. but his death has been the impetus of a global movement. i bring you his brother, the brother of george floyd, phionus floyd. >> george floyd! >> say his name! >> george floyd! >> george floyd! george floyd! george floyd!
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george floyd! >> george floyd! >> george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! >> thank you all. give my sister bridget, my attorney tony romanucci, my wife, kita, my sister tone tonya, my brother taylor. i'm so overwhelmed right now with everybody's here right now. man. man, no. it's okay. hey. i wish george were here to see this right now.
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that's who i'm marching for. i'm marching for george. for breonna. for ahmoud. for jacob. for pamela turner. for michael brown. trayvon. and anybody else who lost their lives. or to evil. man. it's hard, man. >> george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! >> i got you. it's never been more clear than change right now. it's happening right now.
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because we demand it. >> no justice! >> no peace! >> everyone here has made a commitment because they wouldn't be here for no other reason right now. it's hot and i know it's hot but it's now we're here because we're being fried right now, man. man. bridget. >> you good. >> i'm trying. i'm good. i'm good. i'm good. i got it. i got it. i got it. all right. i got it. >> i can't breathe. i can't breathe. i can't breathe. i can't breathe. i can't breathe.
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>> as of now everybody out here right now, our leaders, they need to follow us while we're marching to enact laws to protect us. man. it's hard, man. it's really hard. i'm so sorry, man. >> you got it, man? >> we got your back, man. we got your back. >> i can't, man. man. >> we got you. >> my brother george, he's looking down right now. he's thankful for everything that everybody is doing right now. you all are showing a lot of empathy and passion and i'm enjoying every last bit of it right now. if it weren't for you all i don't know where i'd be right now because you're keeping my running. i have to advocate for everybody, man, because right
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now jacob blake, i'm feeling -- it is hard just to talk right now. shot seven times, man. with his kids, that's painful. i'm trying. >> turn it on. >> i'm done. i'm done. i don't -- my sister. >> no justice. >> no peace. >> i'm not paying. >> i'm bridget floyd, george floyd's sister. i want you guys to ask yourself right now. how would the history books remember you? what would be your legacy? will your future generations remember you for your
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complacency, your inaction? or would they remember you for your empathy, your leadership, your passion? for weeding out the injustices and evil in our world. you know, martin luther king stood here 57 years ago. >> tell it! >> he told the world his dream. but i don't think you all know that we are here right now and have the power to make it happen! i don't think you all hear me! but we have to do it together! we have to do it together! for our generations to come. our children. my brother cannot be a voice today. we have to be that voice. we have to be the change.
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and we have to be his legacy. thank you from the floyd family. >> george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! >> you want to say something? >> say it now. >> they're saying it now. >> say his name! >> george floyd! >> let's go. let's go.
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let's go. >> because we're going to line up for the march. >> now -- shh. wait a minute. you all are too close to each other. stre stretch your arms out. you got a mask and don't get that close. spread your arms and social distance. you all too tight up here. >> bring up the next family so we need to move. >> few days ago, a few days ago,
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abby phillips. laura, jacob blake's leg is shackled to his hospital bed, paralyzed from the waist down. is that common? why would that be necessary? and -- >> it's not necessary. >> has he been charged with anything? >> we're unaware he is charged with crime. the idea that somebody would be shackled when he is the victim of police violence and seven bullets to the back and this is all too common in the american justice system. you have pregnant women incarcerated who give birth while shackled, while delivering and after giving birth because it's really an observe reminder they're trying to make, they transform somebody from a victim to a villain and displaces our empathy in a way that makes you say maybe i should doubt this
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person's story, maybe i should doubt the reason that jacob blake was actually shot, maybe i should consider the police officers to have been heroic in some way, if this person is shackled but meanwhile the person who actually killed two people at the peaceful, otherwise peaceful protests in kenosha, wisconsin, excuse me, was able to return home 35 minutes minutes away, take a shower and turn himself in. this is what happens consistently and one in which people have to look at. it is a matter of protocol people in police custody to be constrained, often for the officers in the room or health care workers but until you have a justifiable notion or need to have the person in custody as opposed to simply having a police presence to secure the premises it's unconscionable to do so and an idea to divert from protocol and no risk that this person is actually going to flee
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or present some danger in this state that he is currently in. >> laura, there is -- police have been very limited with the information they have given out. obviously this has moved from kenosha police department -- we are told that jacob blake's father is going to be speaking soon so we're going to listen in now. >> say his name! >> jacob blake! >> say his name! >> go ahead. >> she's going to say something. >> his sister's going to first speak for the mother who's here. >> america! unapologetically i am here to tell you in front of the world that you got the right one. god has been preparing me. america!
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your reality is not real. catering to the delusions is no longer an option. we will not pretend. we will not be your docile slave. we will not with a foot stool to oppression. most of all we will not dress up in genocide and call it police brutality. we will only pledge allegiance to the truth. black america, i hold you accountable. you must stand. you must fight. but not with violence and chaos. with self love, learn to love yourself, black people. unify. group economics. black women, you are your
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brother's keeper. i know it's heavy but forgive him and heal. his manhood was taken from him a long time ago. build him up! black children, read! learn. grow. and live. and question everything. black men, stand up! stand up, black men! educate yourself! and protect the black family unit! period! >> come on! come on! >> good job. >> great job! great job! >> no justice! >> no peace! >> no justice! >> no peace! >> no justice! >> no peace!
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>> jacob blake! >> jacob blake! >> there are two systems of justice in the united states. there's a white system and there's a black system. the black system ain't doing so well. but we're going to stand up. every black person in the united states is going to stand up. we're tired! i'm tired! of looking at cameras and seeing these young, black and brown people suffer. we're going to hold court today. we're going to hold court. on systematic racism. it's going to -- we will have court right now. guilty! guilty! guilty!
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racism against all of us. guilty! guilty! racism against trayvon martin! we find them guilty! >> guilty! >> racism against george floyd. we find them guilty! >> guilty! >> racism against jacob blake! >> come on. >> if i said the name wrong allah forgive me. guilty! >> guilty! >> we're not taking it anymore. i ask everyone to stand up. no justice! >> no peace! >> no justice! >> no peace! >> i met this man when i was 7 years old. how did i know i was going to meet this man again? in these circumstances. i truly did not want to come and see you all today. for these reasons. my father was in town for the
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first march. on d.c. i have a duty. i have a duty to support and understand each one. i love everybody in this crowd. i love you! if nobody told you today, big jake loves you! but we going to stand up, baby. we going to stand up together. i need your strength. big daddy's legs ain't that good morning anymore. i need your strength! no justice! >> no peace! >> no justice! >> no peace! >> i love you all the. >> i want to bring -- >> you're hearing, listening to the family of jacob blake, jacob blake sr. just speaking there. with laura and abby. laura, i want to follow up on
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something. there's a lot the police have not said about what initially brought them there. we know there was a domestic disturbance call we are told. the police have said that they actually had tried to use a taser i believe on mr. blake that did not seem to work and then we have seen what happened apparently after that, the entire thing apparently was only a matter of minutes. from the time they arrived to the time that mr. blake ended up being shot and a lot we don't know about what occurred. is that normal? i know the investigation was handed from the kenosha police department over to state authorities but is that normal not to release more information? >> well, auoftentimes the publi doesn't know a lot of information done behind the scenes through an investigative body and outsourced to the greater investigation body outside the area. why? because they have a statute in
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wisconsin that essentially says they do not want the fox to guard the hen house, to have police officers to investigate their own police officers. we want to have an air of credibility. but you see when you talk about this circumstances, a high profile incident, you want to have as much information as possible because misinformation can lead to a disturbance in the community. misinformation can lead to not only a lack of credibility but believability. it can exacerbate existing problems and want to be as trance pare transparent as possible but if you have a police unit that doesn't provide the information as to why he may be shackled in the hospital bed but paralyzed presently from the waist down, people look at this and it seems to be a continuation of the withholding of dignity opposed to pursuit of justice and now know only one officer involved and not incarcerated, presently
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is not -- has not been charged with a crime so it's a different die nami dynamic at play that doesn't bode well for restoring relations. >> abby, jacob blake's father said that president trump didn't call, did speak at length with joe biden and kamala harris. he compared it to talking to an uncle and a sister. has there been an attention do you know by the administration to talk to the blake family? >> well, it's a little confusing right now to be honest, anderson. initially the white house had said that they were making attempts to reach out to the blake family and then just yesterday the president's chief of staff mark meadows said that he was the one who was reaching out to the blake family representatives on behalf of president trump. and that that would be the extent of their outreach to the family. he seemed to suggest that there were efforts being made to limit contact with the blake family but we don't really know what he's -- what they're referring to saying that.
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but i think the bottom line here is that there's some real questions about whether this kind of outreach from the president to the blake family is even something that the white house wants to do right now. it is not consistent with the message that they've been and in fact, the president in his speech last night, over an hour, 70 plus minutes, didn't mention jacob blake at all. the only mention of kenosha came when he talked about rioting and mob violence. it's not clear they see any advantage politically in reaching out to the blake family. the president's base seems to be skeptical of the situation. >> the president took credit for success in kenosha, hasn't directly addressed what happened there in terms of the police shooting.
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>>. >> i'm sorry, anderson. i'm sorry. >> that's all right. laura, just in terms of the young man now who had come from illinois and shot allegedly shot and killed two protesters, wounding another, what is the process for him then. >> nay may not actually be considered. is not even an adult he is now face would very and we know there are going to be different discussions. why he actually had a weapon in general at the age of 17, how he
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got his hands on it and the relationship he had with the police officers going forward and how he was able to leave and return of his own will to turn himself in. right now he's facing very serious charges. the fact that he's 17 will not -- and it's worth noting, when you think of the dine ampics at play. trayvon martin was 17 when a packt of skittles was seen as some part of a lethal threat. and you have a 17-year-old walking down the street by police officers able to -- people shouting out he just killed someone, and able to return home. and you have to wonder will the parents be involved in a discussion about prosecution or charges if they were aware or helped to facilitate the access of the weapons if they facilitated his escape from an area. we're waiting to see. >> correct me if i'm wrong, the
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president has not directly addressed the shooting of jacob blake? >> no, he hasn't. and in fact, when asked yesterday, he ignored multiple questions about it. he rarely even, in these situations, addresses these situations immediately. we know he was briefed earlier this week, the department of justice briefed him on the situation but he conspicuously avoided the questions. this is not something, it seems the president wants to talk about. because as i said earlier t contradicts the broader message and now, i think, things are even more complicated for the president because there's been an individual arrested and charged with two counts of murder for killing two people in kenosha and that person was a supporter of the president who apparently showed up armed to protect businesses. so t has made the situation more complicated for the president. and so, i don't expect a whole lot of conversation from him about it.
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he's been tweeting about the national guard in kenosha. but at the same time there's no indication the federal government had anything to do with the national guard come nothing to the city. the governor -- exactly. earlier. and had done that before president trump weighed in on social media. he seems to be wanting to take credit for things calming down in the city but no responsibility whatsoever for any of the negative things that might have happened and not really wanting to address the underlying issues of race and the treatment of black people by police. >> laura, abbey, thank you both varmuch. kenosha police speaking in moments. and fda just fired its new spokesperson after they over stated the impact of plasma treatment. ♪ come on in, we're open. ♪
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plasma. so, why was miller fired? >> anderson, we don't know. but certainly if she had any role in what happened with announcing theemergency use authorization for convalescent plasma, that may be the issue. her boss, the head of the food and drug administration a medical doctor, one of the highest ranking physicians in this country got up and made a huge mistake. it wasn't murky, wasn't grey. it was black and white. he gave a statistic that made it sound like convalescent plasma was way more effective than the data shows. so, perhaps she played a role in that and that's what's going on. we don't know. >> obviously we saw a large crowd at the white house last night, hardly anyone wearing a mask. in the platform and the crowd seem to be wearing masks
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