tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 28, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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what feels like the ten years or so since the republican convention got underway, monday. we have seen so much even during these times. the cdc's puzzling and apparently politically driven change in guidelines on testing. we've seen the misleadingly optimistic announcement as -- as -- as a yet unproven covid treatment. and also, the new estimate that nearly a quarter million americans will die by election day. a massive, peaceful outpouring in washington today after this week's police shooting of a black man, jacob blake, who is now paralyzed from seven bullets in his back. 57 years to the day since dr.
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martin luther king jr. spoke at the march on washington. so did george floyd's sister, breonna taylor's mother, and jacob blake's sister. >> we will not be -- to oppression. black america, i hold you accountable. you must stand. you must fight. but not with violence and chaos. >> last night, just steps away, accepting his party's nomination for a second term. president trump didn't mention jacob blake, nor the apparent vigilante violence that followed, which left three protestors shot, two dead. and a 17-year-old man, with a rifle, charged with murder. he didn't talk about the fight for equal justice or the calls, today and throughout, to tamp down violence. instead, the president focused on chaos. >> there is violence and danger in the streets of many democrat-run cities throughout america.
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this problem could, easily, be fix fixed, if they wanted to. just call. we're ready to go in. during their convention, joe biden and his supporters remained completely silent about the rioters and criminals spreading mayhem in democrat-run cities. in the face of left-wing anarchy and mayhem in minneapolis, chicago, and other cities, joe biden's campaign did not condemn it. >> keeping him honest, that is not true. joe biden, himself, made video this week condemning the violent protests, as well as systemic racism that leads to it, in his opinion. in addition, what ever you might think of joe biden, the president glides over the fact that biden is not president. the president is. and he's had three and a half years to hash out policies, from a conservative perspective, addressing systemic racism, while preserving law and order. i'll talk to jacob blake's father about his reaction to the president's speech and today's march on washington.
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first, though, new developments in the shooting and how representatives are now framing the encounter. sara sidner joins us with the breaking news. sar i understand the kenosha police officer association has come forward with details of what they say led up to the shooting. the -- the -- we should say the officials who are leading the investigation. they have not really come forward to give details but this is the police union. what are they saying? >> yeah. it's interesting. we're not hearing this from the police chief. we're not hearing this from the police department. we're not hearing this from the department of justice, the state department of justice, which is the investigating agency into the shooting. we are hearing this from the police union but here is what they are saying now. they accuse jacob blake of being armed with a knife. officers told him to drop it. that he did not comply. they also say that he was there, and they were called there because he had some keys and was attempting to steal the keys or the vehicle.
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that you all saw, when he turned his back to officers and the officers shot him seven times in the back. we are, also, seeing that they said they knew that he had a warrant out for him, for third-degree sexual assault, at the time. that he was not complying with them. that they tried their tasers on them more than once. that those tasers failed to stop him. and they said, look, he was not breaking up a fight with someone. that it was -- it was him that they were called to the scene for. those were all things that we're hearing from the police association. and that the fan that you see there on the social media video that he was trying to get into, with his three children inside, was not actually his vehicle. now, what's interesting here is, again, this is not coming from sort of the official investigation. we are hearing this several days later, after the shooting of jacob blake that left him paralyzed, from the police association here in kenosha. and i also want to mention that the uncle of jacob blake. his uncle telling us, look.
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if that was deadly force, if that was necessary, this man's back was turned to police. how is that something that is so -- making a police officer so afraid that they felt like they needed to use their weapons and shoot him, seven times, in the back? they are very concerned about what they're hearing from this association. anderson. >> the -- the association is saying that there was -- that mr. blake was fighting with police. and at one point, had a police officer in a head lock. and, again, that tasers were used but didn't work or didn't stop him, for whatever -- for whatever reason. has -- why haven't -- i know the kenosha police department handed this over, you know, to state investigators, as per -- you know, that's what the procedure is, now. but why hasn't there been some sort of official explanation of all of these things? even if it's not directly, you
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know, giving up details of an ongoing investigation. >> yeah. i mean, it -- it -- it is unusual. i mean, i know you've covered these cases. and i've certainly covered my share of these cases, and it's unusual not to have some of just the straight facts, according to police. and then, you also have those facts that -- that people on the ground, the witnesses, are giving as well. this time, we are hearing from the union but we are not hearing from any of the investigative agencies on any of these -- these details that have been handed out by the association. and so, it is very confusing. i do want to mention something. that there was warrants out for jacob blake's arrest. but we learned, just this afternoon, from his local attorney here that, indeed, thos arrests, those warrants, have been vacated. and jacob blake was actually cuffed to the bed. his leg was cuffed to the bed,
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until this afternoon, when officers took those cuffs away. removed those cuffs. the family has been very adamant that this is adding insult to injury. here, this person is, paralyzed, and he's cuffed to the bed as if he's going to get up and walk away, somehow. police had been also guarding his room, guarding the hospital, where jacob blake is. they have left the hospital as well according to his local attorney. so those are some of the developments happening here. >> and the warrant. repeat, again, what it was for. do we know much about the details of that? and you said it was vacated. does that mean the charges have been dropped? >> yeah. i mean, vacated, charges dropped, according to his attorney. however, we know that this had something to do with a third-degree sexual assault that was in the warrant, itself. and, you know, the details of that because we -- we do know who put that forward. but we are not naming the person because, of course, this is a person who is an alleged victim of sexual assault. but, indeed, these are very
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serious felony charges. and his attorney saying, actually, those have been vacated. and indeed, the police are no longer standing anywhere near the hospital or they do not have him cuffed anymore to the bed. and again, here is a person shot seven times in the back by police, who is paralyzed. the family, disgusted, really, having to see him that way and having that shackle on his leg in the hospital. >> sara sidner, appreciate it. >> anderson. >> thank you very much. earlier, i spoke with jacob blake's father about an our had ago, jacob blake sr., about what he wants to see happen in the wake of the shooting. >> mr. blake, first of all, how is your son doing? i understand he's no longer handcuffed. >> yeah. he's no longer handcuffed because they finally set bail. but they would not set a bail for -- since he was admitted. >> when you saw that he -- >> that's all we were waiting for. >> when -- when you saw that he had been handcuffed, just as a
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dad, what -- what did you think? >> well, anderson, i had two trains of thought. i had one that was a serious train of thought. that had nothing to do with the handcuffs because, actually, him being paralyzed, from the waist down, there was no necessity of a pair of handcuffs because what was supposed to do? catch him if he fell out of the bed? you know, can't walk. so it was kind of funny. it was more funny. then -- then, after about ten hours, i kind of got roasted because they would not set a bond. so the minute they set a bond for my son, we paid the bond. and they squashed the warrant. so what was the point in demoralizing my son? i -- i couldn't -- you know, i
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couldn't get mad because they had custody. >> the -- the police have not released much information about what may have occurred in the minutes before your son was shot seven times, in the back, at pointblank range. as you know, the kenosha professionals police association, which is police union, they said that -- they said, late today, that jacob was armed with a knife. didn't comply. that he had fought with police and put an officer in a head lock. i know you aren't able to -- to say much about this. but were you aware of this? is that accurate? >> them people say brussel sprou sprouts taste good. >> i don't get the reference. >> i hate brussel sprouts. >> you don't want to talk about this.
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i understand when your -- are you concerned about the fact that the police union is coming out and giving details, when authorities, really, aren't, themselves? >> look. a union is like a bunch of dudes that pay dudes so they can go to somewhere and meet and get away from their wives. >> when -- when you saw your son in the hospital, i understand that he asked you why he was shot. does he remember anything? >> no, he didn't ask me -- he didn't ask me why he was shot. he said, dad, why did they shoot me so many times? and i said, son, they weren't supposed to shoot you at all. >> does he, often when people have experienced something like this, they have no memory of it. does he -- did he know why he was there? >> he knew why he was there. he knew.
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>> you spoke today -- >> he was in and out -- he was in and out of what i call -- it was almost like he was conscious. and then, not so much conscious. and then, conscious. he had a button and every time he was in pain, he would hit the button. and then, of course, he'd take a starship enterprise to the system. they done so much to his intestines and so much to his spine that he's in -- he's in a tremendous amount of pain, anderson. so they -- they're trying to handle making so he can handle the pain. >> i heard you talk at the march on washington today. and one of the things you said, you talked about two systems of justice in this country.
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can you just talk a little bit -- can you talk a little bit more about that? >> if you have your tv show, you saw the white boy that's 17 that killed two peoples. third, shot the man's arm off the third man. walked past police. they gave him some water and a high-five. they gave my son seven bullets to the back for a so-called knife. who saw the knife in the car? >> you're saying the way that -- that the 17-year-old was treated the night he allegedly shot -- >> he made it all the way back to antioch, illinois, anderson. another state. the police gave him some water and a high-five. told him thank you. thank you for what? killing two people? blowing another man's arm off? thank you? hey, man.
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hey. if that's not an example of the two systems, then slap me and call me a woman. >> do you know -- i just want to go back to one thing you said. do you not believe the police union when -- when they say that your son had a knife on him? >> you didn't say the police. you said the union. >> correct. >> then, you go find -- what's his name? that they can't find. find jimmy hoffa. the union doesn't mean nothing to me. there's no -- there's no unions in north carolina, where i'm from. it's a right-to-work state. >> you spoke with vice president biden, senator kamala harris. do you want to hear from president trump as well? >> yeah.
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i spoke with -- it's too late. he should've called four days ago, like president biden and vice president harris called me four days ago. it's too late, now. my son's been in the hospital two weeks. i'm supposed to beg for this dude to call me? no, i'm cool. my family is cool. >> what do you want to -- to see from authorities, now? >> we going to find justice, somewhere out there, over the rainbow. you know, in the little house that dorothy flew in the -- the -- the tornado. we going to be in the little house. we going to find justice out there somewhere. >> do you believe there is justice? >> oh, yeah. there's better healthcare out there. there's justice. it's just that we got to try
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squeezing into that white people justice lane. i got my turn signal on now. so i'm trying to -- i'm trying to merge into y'all's lane. and then, maybe, i might find some justice. >> mr. blake, i'm -- i'm so sorry for all you are going through. and i appreciate your willingness to -- to speak tonight, after the day that you've had. and frankly, at the last several days you've had. >> thank you so much, anderson. >> we have more breaking news. the president's niece, mary trump, joins us to talk about new excerpts of tapes she made, conversations with her aunt, the president's sister, and what she says about the president. later, the former hotel pool attendant at the center of the jerry falwell jr. controversy. we'll be right back. new advil dual action with acetaminophen fights pain in two ways. advil targets pain at the source...
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new recordings tonight of the president's older sister, mary anne trump-barry. they come from conversations secretly taped by her niece, mary trump, best-selling author of "too much and never enough, how my family created the world's most dangerous man." mary trump joins me now. thanks so much for being with us. first of all, i want to play a
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portion of some of these recordings. this is judge barry talking about his approach to money. >> and then, you get donald, who -- who won't do anything for anybody, unless it's going to inure to his -- i mean, he won't do -- publicly, i mean, if you -- anything he did, he says look what i've done. and he's as tight as a duck's ass. just like dad was. the only time donald went to church that i know of, you know, was when -- >> he got married. >> yes. and over the last several years, when the cameras were at the church. >> exactly. >> it's so interesting because, you know, when -- when you think back to the campaign, before --
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that the president won. so much of what he described was incredibly giving in terms of charities and donations, and people were throwing around dollar figures. all the money that he gave. obviously, there has been a lot of reporting, since then, on how his foundation actually worked. and he would be given money into the foundation. then, he would, sort of, basically use that money to give -- to give money. it's interesting to hear his sister say just that. that he, basically, doesn't give anything, unless it, somehow, benefitted him. >> yeah. and that's -- that's a longstanding pattern. you know? it's sort of amazing that anybody took the claims that he was charitable seriously. or that he was particularly a person of faith. and you know, as for the latter, i -- that -- you know, that's
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not necessarily important or relevant. except, to the extent, that he pretends otherwise, and uses that to convince other people to support him. >> well, i mean, on the -- on the faith issue, it's very interesting because, during the campaign, you know, there was the -- an event where he was asked about, you know, asking for forgiveness. >> yeah. >> to god. and he said, you know, it's not something he feels the need to do because there's nothing, really, to ask forgiveness about. which, you know, the whole idea of being humble and asking forgiveness is a central -- and many evangelicals thought, well, this has now done him in because this is obviously a core tenet of our faith. and yet, it didn't at all. even, when he was asked about his favorite bible passage and couldn't name one. you know, and said he didn't
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want to name one because there were so many. you know, it -- it's pretty clear, to anybody who has eyes, that this president has just been pretending to be a churchgoing person, when he held up the bible. you know, and it's interesting because now he is accusing vice president biden saying that biden wants to harm god. >> yeah. and that, you know, one of his surrogates claimed, shamefully, that joe biden is a catholic, in name only. as if anybody's qualified to make that assessment of joe biden. you know, i think there are a few things going on. one is that donald had the support of certain white, evangelical leaders. and people listen to their leaders. you know, they -- they take on faith, if you will, their assessments of candidates and act accordingly.
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i think, also, some -- some voters are single-issue voters. and the character of the person concerned is irrelevant, as long as the issue most important to them and i imagine, in this case, it would be women's right to choose or their desire for women not to have the right to choose, be something that their candidate supports. also, i think there's a strain of white, evangelical christianity in this country that strayed very, very far from the bible's original teachings. and that -- that's something that should concern us. especially, since we seem to be in an era, in this country, where the separation between church and state is disintegrating. >> you secretly recorded her saying these things. your aunt didn't know she was being taped. have you faced any backlash from -- from her, from the family, since -- since you've released some of these?
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>> no, i haven't heard from anybody. >> why did you decide to record your aunt? >> originally, it was for personal reasons. i had no intention of, ever, releasing them publicly. that was not the purpose of them, at all. it was, essentially, for -- for my protection. so, it wasn't until extremely recently that i made the decision to make the tapes, the recordings, public. >> when you say for your protection, what do you mean? >> well, you know, in conversations with her, certain discrepancies arose, in the context of past litigations we'd had that i found disturbing. and i just wanted to have that on record, in case i ever needed to. because i -- i understand how this family operates. and, you know, you need to bring the receipts. >> did you watch your uncle's speech last night?
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>> i had to, actually, because i -- i needed to comment on it. so unfortunately, yes, i watched last night. >> what did you make of it? >> you know, it's more of the same. nothing about it surprised me. either, the delivery or the content of it. it was a combination of outright fabrications, delusional constructs, and projection. >> it's often said, you know, tony schwartz, who wrote "the art of the deal" has often said, you know, the things that the president tweets about. the criticisms he uses to attack other people are, actually, often, what he thinks about himself, deep down inside. you're a psychologist, i believe, by training. does -- does that ring true to you? >> yeah, it's a very common
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mechanism that donald employs. and much of the time, it's -- it's -- he's not doing it consciously. but it -- it is remarkably consistent and frequent. >> do you think he knowingly lies? i mean, a lie is something that is not true. and you're -- you -- you have the knowledge that it's not true. he's certainly been told the things -- some of the things he's saying are not true. many of the things he says are not true. and yet, he continues to say it. do you think he just doesn't believe it? or doesn't care? >> oh, interesting way of putting it. i think, sometimes, he believes it and doesn't care. sometimes doesn't believe it, and then convinces himself it's true, almost immediately. it's pretty fascinating to watch. you know, i think it's also fairly easy to know when he's
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lying or -- sorry, when he knows he's lying. i saw, recently, a clip of him talking about the alleged ill legitimacy of the upcoming election, in which nobody has, yet, cast a vote. and i could just tell that he knew he was making it all up as he went along, because of the smirk on his face. when he's talking about himself and his, you know, his fictitious accomplishments, i think, sometimes, he believes his own hype. and sometimes, he knows he's, you know, skirting the truth. but then, ultimately, begins to believe that what he's saying is actually true. >> we're going to have more. just going to take a quick break. we reached out to the white house for comment, after the first batch of tapes were ree released. every day, it's something else, who cares? we'll going to take a break. we'll be right back. it's pretty inspiring the way families
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and this summer, xfinity is creating a virtual summer camp for kids at home- all on xfinity x1. we're committed to helping all families stay connected. learn more at the president's niece, mary trump, about her taped conversations with her aunt, the president's sister. mary anne trump-barry and at the height of the separation policy. and eric's place in the trump pecking order. here it is. >> when -- when that damn ivanka puts this picture of the madonna and child on instagram when the big news of the day was children
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are being ripped from their families. i couldn't blame what she said. meanwhile, eric's become the moron, publicly. ivanka gives a shit. she's all about her. >> yeah. she's a mini donald. >> she's a mini-donald. and yet, he's besotted with her. she's always been his favorite. >> i mean, it's -- the whole thing is just sad. can you give us more context of what your aunt was -- was -- was talking about? sort of -- i mean, this has obviously been much discussed among people. it certainly seems to be discussed among the family. >> which -- i'm sorry. >> i'm sorry. just, it's interesting to me that -- that -- that -- that your aunt seems to have very
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clearly -- a very clear idea of what the president views the rest of his family as being like. >> oh, i understand. well, like many bad parents, donald is not subtle about which of his children he favors. so that's -- that's part of it. and that's something that's been part of the narrative in the family, since -- since they were kids. >> obviously, all the president's or the president's adult children, they all spoke at the republican convention. they are taking a very active, political role. it's not, you know, traditionally, people don't really cover the -- the children of people who are in the white house when they're underage. but these -- this is different, obviously, because ivanka trump has a role in the white house. donald trump jr.'s out on the campaign trail. eric trump is, you know, i guess
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running the organization or involved in it. you said that his relationship with his kids is very transactional. and i mean, is that the lens he views everything through? >> yeah. he got that from my grandfather, who viewed life and business and his family as a zero-sum game. you know, there could only be one winner. everyone else loses. so, in order to be the winner, which donald was absolutely determined to be, you need to if figure out how to maximize your advantage, in any relationship you have. >> it's interesting. you know, i think it was rick wilson has a book called -- and i might be butchering the title but it's "everything trump touches dies" and it's an interesting idea to me that everybody in his orbit, it
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seems, harms themself by, in one way or another. that nobody survives close contact, for long, without being diminished. whether it's their reputation, their livelihood, whatever it may be. and i'm wondering, is that something that resonates with you? i mean, do you think that's true? >> yeah. it's -- you know, i think we've seen example after example of that. and you know, my cousins are no exception to that. the difference is they know better than most people. and well, i think jared kushner is also included in this. they know, better than anybody, how to manipulate donald in order to stay in his good graces. so they have -- you know, that's why they're still around. on the other hand, however, what have they sacrificed in order to do that? you know, these are not
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independent people. they're never worked outside of the family business. you know, their money is family money. and they, in a sense, subsume themselves to their father's agenda. >> i've never met somebody who is that economic level that the president, laenallegedly, is wh so easy to pacify. i mean, is so easy to appeal to. it's so transparent. all you need to do is say one or two nice things about his poll numbers or the size of his crowds. and he -- you can see it, at times, washing over him. you know? and it seems like, then, he sort of views, well, you said nice things about him. and, therefore, that is sort of
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the lens through which he views everything. >> yeah. this might sound odd but that's actually one of the things that's most dangerous about him. and that's down to my grandfather. you know, my grandfather, through various mechanisms, made donald eminently useful to smarter, more powerful men. and you're right. it's extraordinarily easy to manipulate him with a few choice words. and in the process, get him to do what you want him to do, without his actually even knowing it. >> he gives himself away, all the time, on this. even, you know, when he was asked recently about qanon. you know, this bizarre conspiracy theory based on anti-semitic and anti-catholic tropes. >> uh-huh. >> he -- the first thing he said is, you know, well, i hear they say very nice things about me. and he's used that -- he uses that line all the time. and it's so telling because that
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truly is the most important thing to him. and it's the lens through which he views it. oh, this group says nice things about me. therefore, there's no reason for me to view them critically. >> precisely. you know, he did that with david duke. i mean, although, first, he claimed not to know who david duke was. but then, it was fine with him because david duke supported him. and that's, literally, all he -- all that matters to him. you know, there has to be some currency involved, that benefits him. whether it's praise or some financial benefit. >> i just want to play another recording of your aunt, mary anne barry-trump, about dreamers. let's play this. >> well, what he did with the dreamers. i mean -- >> oh, god. >> i am so much in support. no but he changed his -- he would deny he changed his mind.
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>> of course, he did. well, it's just like the kids that are now in de facto concentration camps in texas, he is blaming the democrats for it. democrats' horrible policy. which suggests he thinks it's bad thing. and yet, he's allowing it. >> mind boggling. >> mind boggling. >> but that's all about his base. all he wants to do is appeal to his base. he has no principles. none. none. and his base -- i mean, my god. if you were a religious person, you'd want to help people, not do this. >> it's always interesting that everything was donald trump jr. at the convention in 20 -- before the election, last time. called him, i think, like the people's billionaire. that he is, you know, somehow, really in touch with the working man, and has been throughout his life. it seems to me his life is about
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running as far away from queens, where his father lived, as possible. coming to manhattan, as quickly as possible, and surrounding yourself with gold and shiny things. it -- it -- i've never understood that people actually seem to believe that. when you look at the actual arc of his life. >> it is astonishing. you know, i think donald would be totally incapable of negotiating the world, if he were, somehow, dropped into it. first of all. and, secondly, presenting him as a man of the people is a rather remarkable bit of alchemy. you know, it's up there with claiming he's a man of faith, who cares about other people's faith. or claiming he's a successful real estate developer/entrepreneur. i mean, none of those things about him is true.
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and yet, that is how he continues to be sold, just as he continues to be sold, and i think that's a large part of what this convention was about, as an empathetic family man. it's all lies, honestly. >> mary trump. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> just ahead. jerry falwell jr. and his wife becky. and their alleged relationship with a former pool attendant. part one of my interview with giancarlo granda when we return. itching for an outing or itching for some cuddle time. but you may not know when he's itching for help licking for help or rubbing for help. if your dog does these frequently. they may be signs of an allergic skin condition that needs treatment. don't wait. talk to your veterinarian and learn more at
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today, i spoke with a man at the center of a scandal involving one of the most important evangelical leaders in the country. giancarlo granda is his name. he was a pool attendant in a pool hotel when he met jerry falwell jr. and his wife becky. some of the relationship remains in dispute but both sides agree granda had a sexual relationship with becky falwell. granda has said jerry falwell would watch them. both grandas deny that. our discussion involve both sets of allegations, as well as how he first met the falwells. >> let's just start at the beginning of how you came to -- to meet them. >> right. >> met them at the fountain blue hotel. >> yeah. yeah. fountain blue hotel. work shift. i noticed this woman behind me, staring at me.
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she's staring at me. you know, she's flirting back and forth. and she invites me back to her hotel. she invites me back to her hotel. but before she invites me back to the hotel, she's like, by the way, my husband, he likes to watch. he likes to watch. and immediately, i kind of -- i pulled back. and i thought it was a little bit odd. i don't like to shame anyone for anything. okay. but i did find it odd, at the moment. and she's like, don't worry. he -- he -- he's not going to -- he's not going to intervene. he's just going to watch, in the corner of the room. he's going to watch in the corner of the room. and i'm like, okay, i'm a 20-year-old single guy, and i'm like why not? >> did you know who they were, at that time? >> i had no idea who they were. they -- at the end of my work shift, they called me through a blocked number. and then, they told me to meet them at another hotel. it was right by the fountain blue.
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i meet them at this hotel. i walk into the -- into the lobby. and becky's sitting there. she's nervous. i'm nervous. you know, she offers me whiskey to calm down, to relax. and -- and then, shortly after, we go up to the room. >> you're 20 years old, by the way. >> i was 20 years old. the age of a liberty university student. right? that's really important to remember. go up and jerry's laying down. and there's two beds. he's laying down in one of the beds. and he's -- you know, he's noticeably drunk and giggling. and then, again, i'm -- i'm a little bit worried, right? i'm like what am i getting myself into? and then, i said, hey, at any point, if you get >> he said that? >> i said that to jerry falwells? >> did you get the sense that they had done this before? did it seem new to either of
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them? >> as a 29-year-old man now i can see how they are methamphetamimethodical in targeting. they told me i was perfect. i was perfect, you know, and i was what they were looking for is what they would tell me. >> perfect why? >> well, to give contacts. when i was in high school i suffered with video game adduction a abduction and i was timid. i still had this insecurity which makes me an ideal target for them. >> did jerry participate or would he just watch? >> i don't want to go too much into details but he would watch
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and he would enjoy it. >> so he's sexually involved but did not participate with you. >> right, he was just sitting in the corner and enjoyed and watching us. >> jerry accused you and you had an affair with his wife. >> that was the game plan from beginning is to throw his wife under the bus. that tells who they are. he's willing to throw his wife under the bus and called me, the 20 years old. the one that targeted them and prey them, this powerful couple that had a political connection and all the money in the world. it is disgusting. >> after that first encounter, how soon did you see them again? >> that encounter ended and the next day they called me and they said hey, come back and i went
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back so that was the second day. and after that we exchanged numbers and they told me we would like to help young people and we encourage you to finish school. at the time i was working full-time and going to school part-time. he encouraged me to finish school and emphasized the importance of it. he said he helps a lot of young people and we should stay in contact. after becki is constantly pursuing me. she was the one pursuing me and sending me songs. >> what do you mean songs? >> just sentiment songs that meant a lot to her and she will call it "our songs." >> how often do you end up seeing them over the course of the time?
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cou you shared photos with the falwells and their kids and you went on vacation with them from time to time. was it unusual you were introduced to the family? >> i think that's how they groom you when you are young. they groom you and bring you into their family and make you feel special and smart and part of his family and that's what makes it difficult to say the truth because you feel like you are going to betray this family so that's their strategy. they make you feel special and befriend your family and they would actively try to befriend the people around me. >> you provided us with their phone calls between you and the falwells, i want to play it.
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>> his new thing is like telling me every time he hooks up with people. >> not trying to do that. >> maybe you tell me the more i will get used to it. >> you don't care about me anymore. >> yeah, really? obviously. >> i just tell you because you are my best friend. >> i know. i am trying to be, okay? i accepted my position. i am trying to. i have changed a lot, i have moved on. i have matured.
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i am not as crazy as i used to be. >> no, you are perfect. >> i will keep that up. it is just new. >> how did they do this do you think? what was your sense from them? do you think really cared about you? >> i felt like i was used over the years and felt trapped in this relationship because i am teathered to them. over the years they would make me feel guilty if i was trying to pull away from becky. every time i would get a phone
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call from either becki crying or jerry, oh, someone misses you, you should reach out to her. it was this pattern year after year and i felt like i had an obligation to make her happy and text her even though i don't want to and i wanted to potassium awpull away. before i realized to pull away i was already trapped in this business. >> we'll talk more about that. and also the president at his new hampshire rally tonight.
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