tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 31, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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passengers today, united airlines announced it will scrap the change fee for economy and premium cabin tickets. most passengers had to pay $200 to change within the united states. now likely to put pressure on other carriers to match that fee cut. top of the hour. thank you for joining us. we're grateful you share your day with us. joe biden delivers a major address next hour asking voters to ponder whether they feel safe in president trump's america. quote this president long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country according to an excerpt released by the biden campaign, can't stop the violence he will say because for years he has fomented it. the speech is in pittsburgh and this rare road trip in the pandemic campaign speaks volumes about this moment. the election nine weeks from tomorrow but many voters can cast ballots starting much
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sooner. president trump is going to kenosha, wisconsin, tomorrow. he believes a law and order approach is the key and he believes focusing on the violence can turn your attention away from the coronavirus crisis. the numbers are numbing. the united states hitting the sad milestone of 6 million confirmed cases. nearly 185,000 americans have died. in new york, an outbreak of students. >> 400,000 students, 64 campuses is the largest comprehensive public college network in the country and you can see how it spreads on the campuses. >> democrat biden wants you to see a common denominator. in his view failed presidential
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leadership. arlet arlette saenz, it is an acknowledgement to be more active in the campaign. >> reporter: yeah. joe biden is making his way here to pittsburgh where he's expected to deliver this speech pushing back on president trump's message of law and order. over the course of the republican convention you heard both the president and his allies say that he will be the person to deliver law and order in this country and suggests that images that you are seeing play out across the country are a part of joe biden's america, part of what biden is trying to relay today is that those events have taken place under president trump's watch. and this all comes as we have seen protests in wisconsin and oregon turn vie lightning aolen times deadly. biden said he condemns violence on all sides and today he will
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suggest that president trump fomented violence over the course of his administration. biden will also go on to say he may believe mouthing the words law and order makes him strong but his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows you how weak he is and will say does anyone believe there will be less violence in america if donald trump is re-elected? biden is also expected to talk about the multiple crisis in this country, talking about covid-19, the economic impact and the public health impact of that crisis as well as talking about racial injustice and police brutality. he will argue that president trump has made the situation worse and not better. this is part of biden's attempt to push back on the president as we are seeing the protests and discussions about racial justice across the country and this also
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is kind of marking another phase in this campaign. this is the first time that we will see biden campaigning sense the democratic national convention, a first major travel in quite a few months coming over to pittsburgh as he's heading into that general election against the president. john? >> nine weeks from tomorrow people vote but as you know the votes begins in pennsylvania earlieren that that. arlette saenz on the scene for us. thank you. let's discuss more. the president betting the campaign on law and order. with me is white house correspondent kaitlan collins, and laura lopez at politico. laura, let me start with you. the biden campaign has said coronavirus, coronavirus, coronavirus. we won't take the bait but it is not bait. there's protests across the country, another man shot in wisconsin last week. biden's challenge today is to connect the dots, more than just
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rebut law and order. correct? he wants to say the common denominator is coronavirus, safety in the streets, racial reckoning we see we have a president who's not done his job. >> yes. even though this is a notable shift for biden today, he in the immediate aftermath of the george floyd's killing did give a speech on racial injustice. he also has repeatedly condemned violence when protests have occasionally turned to riots since june but what's different about this speech is he's starting to connect all of the dots rather attack trump on the handling of coronavirus or just tackle racial injustice and police violence against black people he is connecting it altogether and turning a trump attack on him back the other way which is that trump repeatedly said that the violence seen
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across the country is what biden's america is and that this would be what the future would be if biden were elected and now biden for the first time is aggressively saying that, no, all of this is happening whether it's coronavirus or police violence under trump's administration. >> and talu, repetition has long before an art form in politics. to make a point say it over and over and over again and the president is very good at this. no collusion, an example. you just keep saying something until enough people believe it. joe biden will ask do you feel safer in donald trump's america? listen to this sample from the sunday shows. democrats repeating and repeating. >> this is trump's america. the chaos that suburban voters feel and that voters are feeling is the result of donald trump's failed leadership. >> this is trump's america. he has to own this moment, own
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the incompetence around coronavirus and 180,000 american deaths almost 6 million infections, almost 38 million jobless claims. >> we are not safe in donald trump's america. >> the strategy's pretty obvious here that the president can lash out at the mayor of portland over the governor here or democratic mayor there. the democrats trying to make the point, you are the president, sir. >> yeah. the president is running a pretty odd campaign and being an incumbent saying things will be as horrible now if you elect a different president and i think democrats are coming to the realization that they have to bring the argument directly who 'em to the american people and may not connect the dots in that way and seeing it with much more force in the way of the republican national convention and didn't hear it in the course of the campaign as the allies
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said everything will be in the chaotic state if joe biden is elected, supports bringing the violence of portland to communities across the country and now starting to see it with joe biden leaving delaware going to give us what he bills as a major speech focusing on the fact what we see is happening in donald trump's america, the fact that as he said earlier at the very beginning of his campaign at the situation of charlott charlottesville is not something to be celebrating, not something that we should be allowing and that president trump's rhetoric and approach to the presidency has made it more likely that we would continue to see the clashes in the streets so i think that we are going to start hearing more and more from joe biden and seeing in the streets is a direct result of the type of presidency that president trump has embraced over the last 3 1/2 years. >> kaitlan, we'll hear directly and maybe hear from the president today and going to
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kenosha tomorrow, pennsylvania later in the week and we know from the twitter feed this morning to stick to this law and order message attacking biden, the democratic mayor of portland, oregon. another thing to the mix is a superpac and think they that the path to four more years is law and order. >> defaced the law enforcement memorial wall and put murderers. that's my husband's name on there. my husband was murdered. >> i haven't heard joe biden stand up for law enforcement which says a lot. >> you're a part of the problem. >> now, joe biden consistently said he doesn't want to defund the police but shift some money around. but just the idea of now a super-pac backing up the president, the republicans think this is the ground to stand on. >> reporter: they think this is that this is an effective mess
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ab message and he is going to try to set the record straight on where he stands when it does come to law enforcement because like you said the president is repeating this law and order message talking about biden of and over again even if the comments are not all accurate. the other thing that the president is going with this is effectively turning the page away from coronavirus and telling voters not to look at the coronavirus response and voters do not approve of and trying to make a debate about landfall a law and order and broadcasting this only nouminous that this is going to happen if joe biden is elected. the president and his allies do feel like that's an effective message, the theme of the republican convention last week so the question is, what do voters think of it? the president is going to into
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kenosha tomorrow. the governor and the mayor have both asked him not to come and despite that the white house said they are going to go and you have to look at what the president was saying over the weekend not saying that much about the shooting of jacob blake or two protesters killed last week and that 17-year-old was arrested but then he did respond when you saw the caravan with a big pro trump group going through portland and one of those people killed over the week. you are seeing the president pick and choose which of these he is commenting on and saying and trying to be strategic with that. we'll see how that plays out when he is asked. and all of his comments generally on this. >> and the issues here are quite complicated, the pandemic or whether it's the protests and racial justice. the poll it cans, laura, pretty obvious.
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the president will be in pennsylvania latter in the week. kenosha, wisconsin, a stop tomorrow and joe biden is trying to arrange a trip to wisconsin. pennsylvania, wisconsin, pennsylvania, wisconsin. 2020 is a replay of 2016 with the electoral map. >> yeah. these are both battleground states and states that show that the race is contracting there, especially in pennsylvania and biden is very aware of that so he is trying to address as you said both issues head on. one thing about the attacks on him in terms of defunding, there is a political balancing act that biden is playing in terms of with in between the blm activists as well as more swing moderate voters that he is trying to win over and that's that biden doesn't support defunding and that's known but he also is hoping to increase his share of younger voters of color even in states like
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pennsylvania and wisconsin where there are sizable african-american populations as well as in pennsylvania there's a sizable latino population so he is toeing this line in terms of listening to activists, hearing the pain in the streets but also making clear that he does support police and a proposal would put more funding towards community policing. >> be fascinating to see on every word of the speech next hour as the former vice president tries to frame the final weeks for us. appreciate the reporting and the insights. universities reopening across the country struggling to contain new coronavirus infections. we'll walk through the growing numbers next. we're carvana, the company who invented
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so call unitedhealthcare today. they are committed to being there for you. tick, tick, tick, time for a wrap up. a medicare supplement plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn't. you know, the pizza slice. it allows you to choose any doctor, who accepts medicare patients... and these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. whew! call unitedhealthcare today and ask for this free decision guide. last hour the united states passing a sad milestone in the coronavirus case count, 6 million confirmed the
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infections. complicated by the back to school season, let's walk through the numbers as we look at the challenge. first state by state trends. heading in the wrong direction. 20 states, 15 in the light orange, 5 in the darker red, more cases now than a week ago. 21 states holding steady including giant texas. nine states trending down. they include florida and california and arizona. it was california, arizona, texas and florida that drove the big summer spike and now you see still a lot of cases, not as big numbers but see the other cases where they're growing. death trend map also sad to begin the week. 19 states reporting more deaths now than a week ago. 20 states in green reporting fewer deaths now compared to a week ago.
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pan a sane and sadness on this map. in at least 36 states cases have been reported, new infections on college campuses. they are in states like california which is pushing the count down and like arizona. they're in north dakota, south dakota, iowa where you have the case count going up. small clusters pushing it up further. you see it go across the map here. this is back to campus. k-12 is also a challenge and making the decisions you have to look at the state map. florida for example. if you're dark red you have a lot of cases. orange, light pink. a challenge for officials to go all through this. rosa flores is with us in miami-dade. online but other school districts making different decisions. >> reporter: and about miami-dade county, it is already
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not starting on the right foot, john. this is according to the school district's twitter account which posted that they are having connectivity issues but miami-dade county coming to reopening for virtual school only is the exception and not the rule here in the state of florida. according to the florida department of health 74 school districts across this state have reopened for in-person instruction, that accounts for 1.1 million students in this state that are learning face to face. one of those school districts is hillsborough county in the tampa area. that school district has posted pictures online showing students that are on buses and also in the classroom wearing masks. the school board in that particular school district voted late last week to go ahead and reopen for brick and mortar instruction despite the fact that the teachers union won a legal battle against the
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governor of the state of florida. a tallahassee judge ruled last week that the state could not force school districts to reopen brick and mortar style. the state is appealing that decision. hillsborough county according to the website is the 7th largest school district in the state accounting for 189,000 students. john, as i mentioned according to the florida department of education 1.1 million students have returned for face to face instruction. as to how many have either contracted the coronavirus or under quarantine, i asked for that figure this morning and i have not heard back. >> rosa flores for us on the ground in florida, we wish the distri districts the best. thank you. this week the university of notre dame giving a second try.
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a pause put in place ends on wednesday. dr. fox, good to see you again. what will be different? this is a second try. notre dame came back, had issues, the pause. what will be different now? >> i think the pause was really important to make sure that people who were positive were in isolation and close contacts were in quarantine to reduce transmission on campus. it also gave the opportunity for ramp-up in on campus testing, ramped up isolation and quarantine and contact tracing so those teams grew and it gave the opportunity to implement the surveillance testing plan and that's shown less than 1% positive on surveillance testing which is all encouraging signs and then ramp up of in-person
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instruction. we'll add the upper level classes and only after that to add opening up common spaces and student activities on campus so there's a gradual return to kind of full campus life. >> we talked several days ago and at the beginning of this i want to show the numbers. back on august 16th a 55% positivity rate. august 30th yesterday down to 0.8%. over seven days it's below 4% at 3 3.8%. is that just because everybody got the alarm or again are things being done differently? >> students certainly are taking the mitigation strategies very seriously. reduced gathering sizes allowed on campus and appreciate the fact that an at a profound level
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they control their destiny about the prospects of in-person instruction this semester. so i think the university had work to do and they did that i think very well to this point but really how students respond and how they behave off campus and outside the classroom is going to be key to this success for this semester. >> the key to success, i was asking the chancellor of suny the same question. are people like yourself in your case a solid public health expert learning how to communicate to younger people? i thought i was saying this right but maybe i need to say it this way? maybe i need to use this platform or this medium. >> i think two lessons i learned from this, student leaders have stepped up. when ian book went on social media and exhorted students to follow the mitigation strategy
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that was helpful and father pete mccormick at notre dame is a rock star among the students and a strong advocate for student engagement in strategies so those are more effective than a public health talking head. >> you're a smart public health talking head. gradef grateful for your insights. appreciate your time, sir. some very important breaking news. a federal appeals court ruled against michael felony and the trump justice department. the justice department wanted to shut down the criminal case in court. through an appeal. latest twist just in. let's get details from sara murray. >> reporter: this is certainly a defeat for the justice department that wanted to drop the charges against michael
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flynn. the appeals court essentially saying they can keep this alive for longer and this is a case that's that's generated a lot of controversy. michael flynn pled guilty and then justice department intervened and said that the charges should be dropped. initially a smaller subset of this appeals court agreed but now there's a check on the president's power. particularly when we weighed into the politically divisive cases. this is what the appeals court is saying is there's a check on the way did decisions are being made, john. >> go back to judge sullivan that complained? he said the justice department shouldn't be doing this or is it a pause button here? >> reporter: he is the judge saying that the justice department should not be allowed to do this and other hurdles to
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go through before this is decided and the justice department wanted another judge on this case, that's not what's happening. our understanding is that it will go back to judge sullivan and flynn and the justice department wanted this to go away. that is not the case yet. >> we'll track it. a rebuke of the president of the attorney general, the appeals court keeping this case alive. up next, number two republican in the house under fire for tweeting a manipulated video of joe biden.
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it was an attempt by the number two house republican to attack joe biden's stance on police funding. problem though, the video scalise tweeted sliced together parts of a video with an activist with als and might remember his moving appearance at the convention. biden said this is doctored and an attempt to spread misinformation at the expense of a man who uses assistive technology. here's how he responded this morning. >> well, you know, it shouldn't have been edited but it was asked joe biden if he was for
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redirecting money away from police and in both times joe biden said yes and you saw that last response, joe excited about saying yes that he would redirect money away from police. >> if he said what he wanted to say, forgive me, donnie o'donnell, you don't have to splice it. this is a big deal. >> reporter: john, as well as this just being misinformation it is obviously particularly distasteful given that the activist uses an assisted computer to help speak and he tweeted last night to steve scalise saying these are not my words. you have doctored my words for you own political gain. please remove this video immediately. you owe the entire disability community an apology.
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twitter labeled it manipulated. it was also posted to facebook and facebook did nothing. we have seen this stance over and over again from facebook where they don't want to fact check politicians but claiming they're serious of tackling misinformation and this is really going to be what we saw over the weekend with tweets look this from scalise and retweets from the president and others of qanon accounts and something to see more and more as the weeks lead up to the election and we know from the intelligence community that countries like russia are using social media to try to influence the election. what are the companies like facebook and twitter up to the challenge of oktackling that wi be seen. >> donie, appreciate that very much. a key house committee chairwoman not happy with the
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this important news just in to cnn. the house oversight committee set to subpoena the postmaster general demanding documents the committee says he's refusing to give congress. dejoy recently grilled by lawmakers on controversial changes at the postal service, changes many worry will impact mail-in voting this fall. kristen holmes is tracking this story. a subpoena going to the postmaster general. what do house democrats say he is refusing to give up? >> reporter: remember on monday, john, you just talked about this grilling, the postmaster general was pressed by multiple members
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to provide documents on changes that me made that caused the widespread delays. on top of that they're also seeking documents on this could potentially impact the election as well as any communication that dejoy had with the trump campaign. back on monday he revealed that he had been in touch with friends on the campaign about donald trump's rhetoric surrounding mail-in voting saying it is not helpful and the committee is seeking any communication he had so they set this deadline for wednesday. two days after that, we are told from a spokesperson for the committee he had not provided documents but instead sent a letter that said, quote, i trust my august 24th testimony before the committee and clarified any outstanding questions that you had. one thing to note is that i talked to the postal service this morning and said he would
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be responding to the committee but parsing words saying the response is something that came last friday and didn't seem that they have any intent on turning over these documents and the subpoena is set to be issued on wednesday, john. >> on wednesday. escalating standoff between the postmaster general and house democrats. appreciate the breaking news. again, coming to mail-in voting, some voters can do that soon. a vaccine could be approved before the final trials are over. some experts worry about that. apps are used everywhere...
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the trump administration sprint to gate coronavirus vaccine is causing pushback. the fda commissioner steven hahn said the agency may fast track a vaccine, perhaps granting emergency use authorization before trials are completed. some health experts say it would be better to build public trust with an independent vaccine commission to weigh in on the vaccine decisions. elizabeth cohen joins me now. elizabeth, what is at the crux of calls for an independent commission? do they think too much politics? >> the major thrust is these
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doctors who i have been speaking with feel like the public doesn't trust the fda sufficiently for us to get a vaccine on the market that people will always use. they say this because they say their colleagues don't want to get the vaccine. an infectious disease expert at harvard saying her colleagues don't want the vaccine. these are physicians but saying that they have a mistrust of this vaccine and this is borne out in polls. a cnn poll showed that 40% of americans say they don't want a vaccine so this group of doctors, doctors at harvard, nyu, unc saying if we want americans to trust any vaccine decision, any vaccine on the market there should be an independent commission reviewing all the data alongside the fda. >> we're peeling open the onion here of this process but dr. hahn says he has an advisory panel and that he would consult
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a panel but these experts you are talking to who want something completely free of the fda, apparently don't see that as good enough? >> right. they say we know people on the committee, they're respected scientists and researchers but it is still a fda advisory committee and there are members from the pharmaceutical industry on that committee and there are government employees on that committee so why not just create another one that's totally disconnected that doesn't any kind of government or industry stamp on it? >> keep using that same word, trust, trust. all these different issues around the pandemic, the word trust comes up. appreciate the important reporting. >> thank you. >> thank you. up next, an update on the global coronavirus developments including india surpassing the death toll of one of the worst hit countries.
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some global coronavirus headlines now. sweden reported no coronavirus deaths in more than a week. the country did report 43 new cases of the virus just in the last day. you might remember if you've been with us sweden unlike the european neighbors has taken a pretty relaxed approach to coronavirus restrictions on daily life in the country. now from the correspondents around the world. >> here in france, authorities really doing all they can to try to prevent that dreaded second lockdown that the french president said he couldn't rule
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out a couple days ago, this as the country sees rises in the number of new cases. last friday the largest single daily rise since march 30th. more than 7,300 new cases were declared. today here in paris a new system is tried out, fresh labs opened around the city and simply walk off the streets even if you don't have your social security card and get tested for free. here in paris masks are mandatory in the city. if you're a school kid over 11 you keep it on all day and working in an office based anywhere in the country you'll be keeping it on all day. melissa bell, cnn, paris. >> here in germany, tens of thousands of people descended on berlin to protest the coronavirus pandemic restrictions put in place by the german government. at some point some of the protesters even tried to storm
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the building behind me. that's germany's parliament building. of the people that took part in that protest we saw a lot of people who were from the fringe right wing carrying german imperial flags of the german reich and people who were supporters of the qanon conspiracy platform. a lot of those people told us that they believe that angela merkel should be put in jail and see themselves as disciples of president donald trump. the german government heavily criticized the people trying to storm the building saying it is okay to protest against the coronavirus measures but of course not okay to attack germany's democracy. fred pleitgen, cnn, germany. >> india reported over 75,000 new infections on a daily basis for last 5 days. while they have a third highest number of cases across the world it's also reported the third
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highest number of deaths after the u.s. and brazil. according to india's health min city the fatality rate less than 2%. medical experts say a reason for the surge in covid-19 numbers in india is aggressive testing. india tested over 42 million samples as of monday morning. the nest phase is starts from the 1 rsz of september. services resume from the 7th of september but this will be in a graded manner. here in the capital new delhi over 1.5 million people use the metro rail services. according to the health ministry, 43% of the covid-19 numbers are from 3 states. the western state and the southern states. cnn, new delhi. >> think of the favorite musician or band.
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they most likely got the start on small stages and like so many businesses in the pandemic independent music venues facing very tough times and asking for more financial help. here's a look. >> reporter: would you be where you are today without inspected music venues? >> impossible. there's no absolutely no way. >> reporter: james murphy leads singer of grammy winning band lcd sound system spent decades per fektdi perfecting his sound in small, independently run music venues. >> this is a natural ecosystem. like a coral reef of venues, a national asset that if it goes away it doesn't come back. >> reporter: he was scheduled to play here at knock down center in new york in april, a gig that's been postponed indefinitely. >> rough. there is no time line on when we could reopen. we were the first to close, the
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industry will be the last to reopen. >> reporter: why knock down and nearly 3,000 other independent music venues banded together to form the national independent venue association. the group along with 600 other artists from lady gaga to billy joel are calling on congress to take action. they have endorsed the save our stages act, a bipartisan bill which would provide a 6-month grant to independent venues. in atlanta -- >> this is where young artists grow up. this is where the local talent hones the skills. >> reporter: josh runs center stage. he says he got a ppp loan to stay afloat until now. but with live events indefinitely on hold he has no other source of revenue. >> you can't do live music to go. >> reporter: niva estimates that independent music venues generate hundreds of thousands of related jobs and 90% say without federal assistance they won't last 6 months.
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>> if we don't have capital investors, if we don't have a stock market supported business, how will we possibly continue to pay the bills? >> reporter: toby parks just opened a music venue xbk in des moines, iowa, before the pandemic shut her down. >> it is hurting all of the small business, the pizza place next door to me and the coffee shop. hurting the community as a whole. >> reporter: a dream years in the making and now looking at closing for good in just months. and as a mointd-led business owner, the prospect is heart breaking. >> that's why i'm fighting so hard, particularly for people like me who are a black queer woman and incredibly important to be able to maintain it and to continue on for the next generation of people to take my place. >> reporter: cnn, new york.
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>> thanks for sharing time with us today. busy news day. stay with us. brianna keilar picks up our coverage right now. have a good day. hello. i want to welcome our viewers here and around the world. as the country is still losing almost 1,000 americans per day the president has been falsely questioning whether coronavirus has really killed that many people. the very real death toll stands at more than 183,000. and the case count in the country is now at more than 6 million but the president would like you to train your attention elsewhere, stoking tensions as violence erupts between his supporters and protesters and today once again concern that the president is pressuring the fda to fast track a vaccine before it's ready. first, though, the heart ache and the struggle. today the u.s. crossing over into record territory
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