tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN September 2, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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would take back the house. the crowds of unmasked and socially undistanced audience members in the president's maskless visit to a hurricane relief center in louisiana last week. masks should be warn when in public indoors and out. it is fair to criticize the house speaker who should have known better, but it's fair to criticize anyone who breaks the restrictions, guidelines and common sense we all should live by. i'll hand it over to chris for cuomo prime time. >> maybe she was listening to the president who said masks are weakness? who held his big speech about how to control the pandemic in front of a crowd that was largely without masks. maybe pelosi is falling under the influence. i am chris cuomo and welcome to prime time. we can all agree on this, every one of us. nothing that we are dealing with in america today is normal. a pandemic that some refuse to
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accept is real. fed by fraud courtesy of the president. abnormal. a racial crisis that this president won't even say out loud, abnormal. his saying the real problem is the desperate and sometimes violent reaction to his ignoring the real problem. it's called systemic inequality. you can have systemic inequality which we do and not have all americans be racist. the only reason to say they want you to think all americans are racist is because he doesn't want you to focus on the real problem, so he gives you something absurd. abnormal. so why. the reason trump takes these abnormal positions is because he
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is selling you abnormality. trump is an incumbent who says, look around, everything has gone to hell in a hand basket since i became president, and only i can fix it. think about it. he literally is selling you the proposition that you need to re-elect him to fix what went wrong on his watch. he talks about the economy as if the pandemic never happened. the numbers after the pandemic do not matter, that's not the state of our economy right now? and if you don't re-elect him, the things that have gotten bad on his watch will get worse. doesn't simple logic 62 days out from an election dictate that the guy who helped make things bad would probably make it worse if given a second chance?
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now, remember, here's the key. how do you sell abnormal? you need to be abnormal. forget about presidential. instead of presidential, trump is pathological. he lies and uses power and pawns to divide. he is the picture that should be next to a demagogue in the dictionary. he literally wants to make you hate. prove it. okay. how are you supposed to feel about media that doesn't praise him, like me for example? hate them, hate them. what about protesters who show up at the rallies? beat them up. hate them. what about black and prone folks, prone to violence, sneaking into the country with their drugs. got to put them in cages. highly suspicious. we have never heard an american
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president paint their own tenure as a series of ominous occasions. and now this president who's been carping constantly, literally months about voter fraud without basis, floating doomsday scenarios without basis. the election's going to be rigged if you vote by mail. what's his answer? literally he says the answer to secure a safe election is for americans to try to vote twice. i kid you not. here it is. >> they're going to have to go and check their vote by going to the poll and voting that way. if it tabulates they won't be able to do that. let them send it in and let them go vote. and if their system is as good as they say it is, they won't be able to vote. the absentees are fine, we have to work to get them. you send them in, but you go to
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vote. and if they haven't counted it, you can vote. >> what is this, snl? is this a movie? what system is he talking about? so vote absentee, then go to the polls to try to vote again. what do you think, all the absentee ballots are there, and they go, hold on a second? what's your name? address? let me see if there's an absentee ballot. there's no such system. this man is president of the united states. how can you be this obtuse. he says vote twice. you know what that's also known as? fraud. something he's been accused of many times and had to settle in court. so the i'm the only one who can fix what i broke president wants to now put a fix on the election? and what do those around him do.
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you can't be a demagogue all alone. you have to have your pawns. his attorney general happened to be on cnn not long after that and refused to verbally connect the dots. look at this struggle. >> it seems to me what he's saying is, he's trying to make the point that the ability to monitor this system is not good, and if it was so good, if you tried to vote a second time you would be caught, if you voted in person. >> that would be illegal. >> i don't know what the law in a particular state says? >> you can't vote twice. >> i don't know what a law in a particular state says. >> it's a federal law. would you like me to read it to you. i happen to have it, you can look it up. you're not allowed to vote twice. like you need me to tell you that. can you believe the attorney general of the united states is playing dumb about something that like and why? just to help his boy.
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because he's a trump et, he's a pawn. he's even better than trump. that guy sat in his confirmation hearing, i covered it, and said i'm perfect for this, you know why? i don't need this job. i'm at a point in my life where i don't have to play favorites, i just want to do the job, man. and it worked. even though he's never done anything other than what he just did there cover the ass of a president, no matter how flagrant. no matter how abusive of law he had to be to do it. he doesn't know it's illegal to vote twice. bill barr knows exactly what trump is saying and what he's trying to do, and the president said it in a state that's going to mail ballots to voters in just two days. coincidence? barr argues, voting by mail is reckless and dangerous. proof? none. what about the dangers of voting
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in person in a pandemic? you know the definition of reckless in the law is perception of risk and then going on and doing that thing anyway. in places it will be risky to vote in person. so your state should have an option for you to do it another way. what's wrong with that. our mail can't handle it? maybe if they stop sabotaging the mail service, that would help. have you ever gotten a bill late? post office deals with millions and billions of pieces of mail. we should trust them. but you start messing with how they do it, boy wasn't that weird. trump and trump's guy who's got no business, it's like the devos of the postal service, all of a sudden things start getting screwed with, machinery left outside, inefficiencies, veterans and others complaining.
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so what's the new play of abnormal? here's the new play, okay? vaccine? going to have a miracle cure for you, baby, right before the election. vaccine's going to be ready, we're done. first of all, i wish that were true. we're going to talk about the politics of it and the medicine of it, but a vaccine is not a cure. okay? there are a lot of boxes we have to check. we definitely need one. it definitely will be so much more helpful than the situation we're in right now. but just remember, covid is real and it's not going away. and we're not a magic stroke away from making it going away. the latest, go back to what you wanted me to talk about. did you hear about who just contracted covid? the whole family? you know who it is? one of my favorites, just -- a guy that's been so good to me and so good to all of us, dwayne "the rock" johnson. says he and his family have just
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tested positive for covid-19. hear from him. >> my wife lauren as well as my two baby girls and myself, we have all tested positive for covid-19. and i could tell you that this has been one of the most challenging and difficult things we have ever had to endure as a family. testing positive for covid-19 is much different than overcoming nasty injuries or being evicted or even being broke. which i have been more than a few times. the reason why i feel like this is different is because my number one priority is to always protect my family. >> i totally get where he's coming from, and i feel for him. think about it, somebody that lives in the rarefied air as the rock, he's successful, he deserves all it, and all that is to come.
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he's got those little babies at home. i know he has an older kid too, wife, terrible. too many american families are going through exactly what our stars do. we're all in this together. and now the latest sell is, hey, i know the pandemic may not have been perfect in our response. but now we're going to have a vaccine before the election. what are the science issues with that? and what are the political issues with that? sanjay gupta, dana bash join us now. dana, sanjay, thank you. great to see you. the first question dana is the obvious one, the timing is not a coincidence. >> no, not at all. the president has been talking a lot about miracle cures, about a vaccine, which technically is a miracle cure, and about the whole notion of getting it done quickly. sanjay has been talking extensively as have you, all of
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us about the big questions. whether or not the president's desire to get it done quickly, to get it done before the election is flying in the face of the science that may or may not allow that to happen in a safeway, then there's the open question of whether or not because of all of this doubt being sewn by the president, by the administration in the science previous to this. whether or not it means that once there is a safe vaccine, people are going to take it. and that could prolong the effects of this pandemic beyond anyway we could all imagine. this is something that the president is hoping for, as you said, all of us are hoping for it, but the big concern is that that hope turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy that doesn't comport with science or does, and people don't believe it. >> i actually think the concern here, while dana you're right,
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is a combination of the political and the medical, i think it's more political because of how the medical plays in. what i mean by that is, you and i both have -- i'm sure your sources are always better on these things. we have a good insight into operation warp speed. they say it is the all-star team of people they have working in this team. putting the money early, they say that was smart because they feel good about the moderna vaccine. they're not spooked about it coming out sooner, they feel good about the testing. they feel it is a false promise of a prophylaxis they won't have anywhere near enough doses they would need nor the vaccine to make a difference if it's released early. what is your take? >> yeah, i think that's absolutely true. in fact, they can sort of predict how many doses might be available. and there's a couple
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manufacturers that are sort of coming to the top of the list. moderna, pfizer. even with the both of them, let's say they both somehow get approved, and that's a big if. i would say it's almost impossible that either one of them gets approved by that time frame. leaving that aside for a second. you're talking about a couple million, three million total doses, they say that would be for health care workers, people who are considered high risk individuals. people keep thinking of this, that it's going to be a switch goes off. vaccine approved. life goes back to normal. it's not. it's going to take a long time to get people vaccinated. even then, people are going to have to be careful and exhibit good public health practices. with the vaccine, the bar's got to be higher. you can give an emergency use authorization for someone in the hospital. that bar is lower. this is for healthy people, right? you've got to get this right, absolutely or as dana said, you're going to erode that
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trust. >> one more question quick for each of you. dana, the sell on everything has gone to hell and a hand basket since i became president so you need me to fix it. why are they confident that i think for the first time in my lifetime. you've been here much less time. we've never heard an incumbent president say, things suck, elect me again? >> because he is absolutely convinced that he's perceived as an outsider and as a disrupter and not the president of the united states, except for the fact that he is the president of the united states. and so those two things are colliding in a very very big way. look, there are still a lot of people who really support him, who still see him as an outsider even though he's outside the white house. it's really unclear how much that is going to sell to people
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who are desperate for leadership. who are like the three of us, probably. parents, who have children who are not going back to school, who are home. and other people who are in different circumstances who have to decide whether or not they're going to stay home with their kid or go back to work and all the financial repercussions from that. that is real, and that is going to be the deciding factor whether or not they perceive this president as the outsider, just the disrupter or the guy who is culpable. >> i have to go. but sanjay, i got to come back to you soon about piecing together what doesn't make sense about what the president and his doctors are saying. i'm not saying anything's wrong with the guy. patients, don't ask for acuity tests, they're offered by clinicians. we'll take it up another night. i have to jump. sanjay, i love you. dana thank you so much for
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making the audience smarter, better. appreciate it. another trump tell-all is out. this one isn't about the donald, it's about the melania. melania trump an ex-friend. why annex? we'll tell you. a former aid is doing the talking. we'll tell you why, but more importantly, here's what i want to know, i'm not big on these kinds of things in general. melania is often seen as being there despite how donald trump behaves and his policies. do people who believe that have it wrong? that's the interesting part of the conversation we're about to have. get some interesting answers next. ter... with humira citrate-free. it has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, there's less liquid, and a thinner needle... with less pain immediately following injection. ask your doctor about humira citrate-free. and you can use your co-pay card to pay as little as $5 a month.
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former white house adviser is out with a new tell all book. it's not about the president. it's much more interesting opinion it's about the first lady, melania trump. stephanie winston wilcoff. she served as adviser to the first lady, they also had a friendship that went south. why? it's complicated. after reports revealed $26 million went to her firm for producing inaugural events. melania and me details a crumbling relationship and an interesting window into where the first lady is coming from. like this moment. do you remember the infamous i don't care, do you jacket? i spent way too much time on television, trying to figure this out. what was this about? stephanie winston wilcoff joins
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me now. thank you for joining me. i appreciate you taking the risk and coming on to the studio. >> thank you for having me. >> let's start off with different points of perspective. >> absolutely. >> the macro point, many believe that melania is basically defiant when it comes to what donald trump says and does. but you say that many have it wrong, there's a much higher degree of compliance than defiance, do i have that right? >> absolutely, you do. and it took me a really long time to figure that out. i put myself in a position without understanding policy and got caught up in trying to make a difference for children. i was just focused on one issue, and the chaos around me was insane and she went along with all of it. >> like the be best thing?
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everybody was like, oh, man, this poor lady, be best is a great thing, cyber bullying a big deal with all us parents. she can't be effective with him being a cyber bully. >> that wasn't supposed to be what the name was, we worked on it for over a year and a half. and put together an incredible group of experts in the field of social emotional learning. it was destroyed the moment that i was severed from the white house, and it's unfortunate, because we really were about to make a platform and a difference without any budgets, without any help internally from the west wing, she was about to launch, and it would have been incredible. but unfortunately, be best is be best and it's own little platform that isn't doing more than it should be. >> why though? why doesn't she force it through. they say she has all this juice in house. >> melania does not have the
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juice in the house. she has the juice in the home, and she actually is very powerful in speaking to donald in a way that nobody else can. she tells him how she feels. she's able to communicate what her thoughts are, but when it comes to working, i think the biggest thing people need to realize, when donald married melania, she didn't go into this marriage not understanding what he wanted and what she wanted. it was a transactional marriage. he got arm candy, she got to be first lady two decades later. we have to be honest about what they're both getting out of this. >> she wouldn't be the first person to trade up in lifestyle through marriage. but you think she had political aspirations also? >> i don't think she had political aspirations at all. >> it was a come up? >> she was going along for the
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ride, maybe like the escalator ride in trump tower. it's the same thing, she's on his arm. she was happy not to be the person in the spotlight, even though the spotlight does shine on her. not as bright as it shined on me because i was her friend. but she was there. >> the idea of, well, she doesn't believe what he believes. that takes us back to the jacket, which a lot of people in the media consumed as, oooh, she's saying kind of, bug off, donald? i don't care about what this guy is doing, that it was a separation device for her. >> the reality was she wanted the media to focus on the fact that she was going to the border, it's plain and simple. her communications office wasn't communicating with the west wing, it's just a jacket. it clearly was not just a jacket. i said, you know, simply, did you really mean maybe that you were going to the border and you didn't care what the conservatives thought or the
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liberals thought? did you think it was the right thing to do in this humanitarian crisis. i was hoping the answer would be yes. unfortunately, the jacket speaks for itself, be best speaks for itself and it's unfortunate. >> how about the policies at the border, there was this perception that she didn't like what was happening with the kids. she didn't like the harsh attitude of the president toward immigrants because she is one, and he is trying to cancel the policy that allowed her to bring her family into the country so she was probably against it. >> she really thought the children, they were being treated in her own words with better facilities and being taken care of. i mean, it says it in the book, what she said, and i really, it's difficult to even repeat, chris. because it is so divisive and so hypocritical to everything that she's supposed to stand for.
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and that is why i had to -- partly why i had to write the book. >> what did she say? >> she basically said that the children, they have a chest of drawers, a bed to sleep on, she believes that children were told to say that they had been brought in by coyotes and it's sad. it is. >> she was in line with how trump with selling that it was good to put them in cages and that these people had to be treated harshly? >> she didn't say harshly, from her point of view, she truly believed -- she walked around with the patrol, and she heard from them, and this is what she repeated to me. it was shocking. >> and what about the idea of taking away the mechanism that she used to bring her family in here? >> the trump's do what the trump's want to do, they don't follow the rules, they never have. and i think it's important for our country to realize who these people are, and what they do and
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what they think is not in your best interest, our best interest. when i listen to his speeches, his -- the last rnc, it's so trump and it's unfortunate that his base, he speaks to his base, his base doesn't care really what anybody else thinks, and i think people need to start educating themselves, we're in trouble. >> what about the more volatile topics he takes on. >> whether it's protecting confederate monuments or blaming the people who are desperate in the streets about underlying systemic racism, does she invest any thought in any of that stuff? or does she -- is she lock step with him on that? >> i have to say, when charlottesville happened, i called melania, i thought this would be a perfect moment for her to address the situation, and melania will not step out of line. honestly, she -- again, i
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couldn't believe that -- in that moment of crisis to just come out -- be the first lady that everyone needs in this moment, she was the other night, but you can't believe anything that's being said because you know what's going on behind the velvet rope. she wouldn't say anything, and it actually -- that was a moment in time where -- >> why wouldn't she say anything? was it because they said you can't. or did she not have the conviction? >> i think it's both, truthfully. i never got an answer. one thing about melania, she will tell you when she wants to tell you something. there are times when she does not answer. and it's blackout. and she never returns back to that subject and this was one of those times. >> how about the birtherism. i've always been shy on this stuff, two reasonings. one, she is not a political old hand, she's very new to this. and i don't really go after the family, really. unless the first lady or some
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day, first gentleman inserts themselves into our policy discussions, i believe in a little bit of a hands off attitude. on the birtherism thing, i've always kind of not believed what i heard. but is that the kind of thing that she could actually embrace? >> melania believes people should show their birth certificates, like she believes through immigration you should be showing the proper paperwork. and the same thing with sexual allegations, melania feels, show the evidence. those are her beliefs. she strongly believes that, and she is right -- stepping right with him at the same time. >> if she didn't believe anything without proof, what was the whole hand slapping thing about during the payoff scandal. >> the story there, whether it's true or not. when she did that the first time, she told me that when they went to the back of the -- when they met in the back with the rest of the team.
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they were looking at twitter and they realized what had happened and she and donald pretended as if -- or felt as if they didn't do anything. she is very hands off, she's always said that, she's always had a very european flair, but -- and she doesn't like to get cozy and comfortable -- >> what do you mean like with her husband? >> with her husband? >> like holding hands and stuff like that? >> they're not the holding hand type at all. but they do -- but again, they do have their type of marriage, their type of love, and they do get along. >> all right. again, i don't care about the marriage to be honest. to me, it's more about the policy agreement, because she gets a lot of latitude, where people believe that she must be defiant in house about these policies. don't involve me in this, i don't agree with any of this stuff. this is about you. but in the book, you paint her as much more compliant. and is that how you feel, that when it comes to most of the
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things that come out of his mouth, she believes it too? >> she does believe it. how could you stay with someone and feel the conviction that you do and not stand up for what is right? that's what i had to do. as difficult as this is, i had to stand up for the truth, and the truth sometimes is not what everyone wants to hear. >> the other thing that grabbed me. i'll tell you one thing about this book, when -- i don't read a lot of this, but you get started reading this book, and you keep reading this book. you lay it out in an interesting way where it's kind of like crumbs along the way. it's a good design. >> thank you. >> the way you structured the narrative, let's say. the melania/ivanka feud, it's as old as time, the daughter has a problem with the new wife, fine. but is it true that they have a
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plan about after trump, there will be another trump president? >> you heard him say himself the other evening. >> when he says it -- who knows. >> no, no, no. they're grooming ivanka. that's the truth. she definitely sees herself in that position. and feels very comfortable there, just like she did when she first stepped into the white house. >> and that's not just like what we tell our kids, some day you could be this too? >> i grew up hearing that, it was the greatest thing. it's a little difficult because most people don't, but she -- they're trained with such precision, and they never show -- they have a game face on at all times. you never know what they're thinking, ever. >> one of the things you always have to deal with in a book like this, you were friends and you were close. maybe it's sour grapes. what is your biggest regret? >> i say now that i think my loyalty is my achilles heel.
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i saw a friend who had nobody else to help her in a position that was going to represent the united states of america. i actually was honored to produce the inauguration. i thought it would be in everyone's best interest in the united states to be represented well. to go into the east wing, there was nobody else to do that. i didn't go in with my eyes wide open, and i didn't know enough about policy, and i didn't know enough about the type of people that they are. i had my relationship with melania, had i had more of a view, a glimpse into who donald was -- i didn't spend time with him. i would have done what my friends told me to do, which was run. >> the combination of not knowing as much about policy, not knowing what you were getting into, and not understanding what they were about made you a perfect fit for this administration, based on what we've been seeing on a regular basis. here you are, you have the bravery to write about it, there's going to be a lot of
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heat that comes, i hope you're ready. melania and me is on sale now. author stephanie winston wolkoff. thank you for joining me tonight. good luck going-forward. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it. melania's husband keeps pushing this two pronged pitch to black voters. to me, this is the most important part of the show tonight. our biggest value to you is taking you inside what you're being told. why should black voters not look at biden as closely as they would democrats past? because one, trump has done more for than than anybody else ever. look at the economy. and two, unprecedented criminal justice reform. the first step act. are those accurate statements? we have them completely vetted next. same kind of heinz ketchup.
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we have 62 days, we really have to start looking forensically at what is being promised to you. and whether or not you should feel confident in that promise, all right? starting premise, black vote critical to democrats always, period. especially to joe biden. recent polling shows that he's not doing as well with blacks as hillary clinton did four years ago. trump is hoping to capitalize on this, that's why you hear two things over and over from this president. i know -- i don't know if there's so much design to have blacks vote for him or to not vote at all or not vote for biden. first one, i've been the best to the blacks, look at the unemployment, look at the economy i gave you.
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okay, that's only if you pretend the last six months didn't happen. an incumbent doesn't get a pass for what happens on their watch. if good things happen, they get benefit, whether or not it happened because of them or despite them. in february, black unemployment was at 5.8%. that's good. but by may those numbers tripled. and once again. you saw a yawning disparity with whites. so instead this president leans into one of his few actual legislative accomplishments. why am i putting it in quotes, to be unfair? no because it's a qualified thing. criminal justice reform, the first step act, okay? his supporters love to point out that trump did this for the blacks and obama never got it done. listen. >> people are going to get out of jail and they're far less likely to go back.
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>> he even got cory booker nodding his head there, is that true? maybe it was on paper. but the reality is turning out to be the opposite of what lindsey graham told you and sold to booker. the trump administration is trying to keep more people in jail. and put more back behind bars. wait a minute. it's called the first step. i know. the first step act was just what it's name implies, one step forward. but since then in the courts and administratively, the trump administration has taken three steps backwards. the doj is once again doing his dirty work in the courts in quiet. they're trying to look back and they're trying to lock up people again who were released under the first step law. they are in court trying to make
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it harder to let people out who meet the laws credentials. remember, the whole point of the law was to deal with the inequalities that were built into the system when it comes to nonviolent drug sentences. of course, trump and bill no holds bar love to say stuff like this. >> to me the word systemic means that it's built into the institution. and i don't think that's true. >> really? his own lawyers are trying to rewrite the system so people get judged. follow this, tell me if you don't. i'll deal with it on line. he wants people judged by the amount of drugs they were sentenced for. but rather -- when you go to court, let's say they found you with a pound of drugs and then you negotiate and they certain tense you on a lesser amount. that's like one of the only forgiving concepts there is in
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our criminal justice system. now, what are they trying to do now? they want them sentenced for the maximum amount ever mentioned in court documents. so when it comes the bipartisan bill, they say, oh, yeah this guy was sentenced on this amount. the lawyers find out, yeah, but there was more. so sentence them on that, that's going to put them back in jail and maybe for more time. it called for a nonpartisan and nonprofit organization to over see how this act is implemented. so the trump administration brought in a group run by bush era drug czar, a group which is actually spent years fighting against the very criminal justice reform that trump now wants credit for. and you're surprised they're trying to undo it? it's not what it was sold to be. do the research if you don't
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want to believe. i always encourage that anyway. it's not a first step alone. it's one step up and two steps back at a minimum. if trump wants to win over black voters, he may want to stop denying systemic racism exists in america. let me tell you, the first step act was designed to deal with what is assuredly systemic inequality. they get sentenced in a way that whites with drugs don't. now, tomorrow biden is heading to kenosha. he's going to be meeting with the family of jacob blake. this is a very important moment for us to contrast. what does he do that trump did not do? does he do things not as well or better than trump? very important. because that situation is by definition what being president is all about. let's hear directly from blake's father and, of course, family attorney benjamin krumd on what the visit means and what needs
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to happen and what didn't happen with the president next. i'm happy to give you the tour, i love doing it. hey jay. jay? charlotte! oh hi. he helped me set up my watch lists. oh, he's terrific. excellent tennis player. bye-bye. i recognize that voice. annie? yeah! she helped me find the right bonds for my income strategy. you're very popular around here. there's a birthday going on. karl! he took care of my 401k rollover. wow, you call a lot. yeah, well it's my money we're talking about here. joining us for karaoke later? ah, i'd love to, but people get really emotional when i sing. help from a team that will exceed your expectations. ♪
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when it comes to the jacob blake case in kenosha, the u.s. attorney general today stated two things as fact that simply have not been proven. >> in the jacob case, he was in the midst of committing a felony and he was armed. >> the facts. jacob blake has not been charged with anything related to the day he was shot, much less convicted. and wisconsin's own state investigators said there was a knife in his suv, not that he was holding it at any point. jacob blake sr. and the family's attorney, benjamin crump, join me now. welcome to "primetime." >> thank you, chris. thank you for inviting us. >> thank you for taking the
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opportunity, counselor. as always, it's a pleasure. may i ask how is your son doing? what is the latest that you want people to know? >> he's holding on and still heavily sedated, just holding on. >> and sedated because that's helping in his recovery, or is this about pain? >> it's the pain. after taking seven shots to his back, damage, obliteration of a couple of his vertebras, he's in quite a bit of pain. >> i always hesitate keeping people in your situation on tv for too long, so let me get to the point. what did you not see with the president that you want to see with former vp biden? >> not to politically answer either one of those questions, but we're above reform and d
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de-escalation, and i'll let ben answer the rest of that. >> counselor? i can't hear ben. i'll ask you -- ben, i can't hear you. >> okay. what we will do, chris, is hopefully have vice president biden demonstrate leadership, because as america deals with covid-19 pandemic, we in black america are dealing with the covid 1619 pandemic of racism and discrimination that has literally, chris cuomo, every other week a new hash tag, george floyd, breonna taylor, ahmad aubry, jacob blake. we need to have the george floyd
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justice police accountability act passed. we need leadership to stop these hash tags. >> mr. blake, just so you know, this has been happening in such intense ways for so many years that counselor crump and i have developed quite the relationship. and there is a tragedy in that. he's a great man and a powerful advocate, but so many different families we've had similar discussions. and now it's your family and your son. you're not a politician, i don't want to make you one. but what do you say to people who say, this situation is pretty easy, mr. blake. if your son had done what the cops said, he would have been fine. but he didn't. and that one decision makes all the difference. what do you say to them? >> i say that's an unfair system. you have tamir rice, a little boy playing with a fake pistol in a park. he was shot before the police
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car stopped moving. then you have a white gentleman, 17 years old, killed two people and blew another man's arm off. they gave him water and a high five. and then he made it all the way back to illinois. not around the block, he made it all the way back to illinois untouched. he's still alive. so the two systems of justice and the one system that we're in doesn't work too well. but the justice in the other lane works for them. >> quick question. the family did not meet with the president. is mr. biden invited to any kind of meeting with the family? >> yes. >> the president didn't want a contact because my lawyer couldn't be there. >> understood. >> mr. blake, all i care about
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is that your son gets better and that your family's whole and that this experience brings you closer together and that lives are not taken in bad directions because of it. i wish you well. i'm here for the story to be reported and told, and i respect very much what you're going through as a father, and i wish your family well. >> and i respect you and your brother, and had some people paid attention to how your brother handled it, maybe this situation would be different with the pandemic. >> well, thank you for the kind word. i appreciate it. counselor crump, i'm always a phone call away. thank you for taking the opportunity tonight. >> thank you, chris. >> god bless you both. we'll be right back. >> thank you.
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