tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 3, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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ac 360 starts now. >> a lot of breaking news. john berman in for anderson. russian interference that fits perfectly with the president's tall about fraudulent voting. but first, something to be worried about. growing pressure from the president to deliver politically with him. government officials and experts outlining what they see as a full-on crush to end the crisis and rescue the president's election bid. we have seen bits and pieces of it for months, like hydroxychloroquine or when the president accused the fda of
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deliberately delaying the vaccine until after the election. tonight's reporting pulls it altogether and looks at inside sourcing. and the positive lives alongside something else the president has been down playing, the negative. the deaths were 1,000, 100,000 and an estimated 200,000 by the end of the month according to a brand new cdc estimate. the president now sp even latching on to bogus notions that covid deaths aren't covid deaths. >> i saw a statistic that only
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6% die from covid. >> co-morbidity. >> it's still an interesting statistic. >> mr. president, are you still having fun doing this? >> that notion circulating widely among the president's supporters is false. remember dr. fauci, the one on the president's task force? he has debunked it. and yesterday there was a detailed statement backing dr. fauci up. here is the bottom line, quote -- so, again, what the president and supporters are spreading is false, a lie. the idea at this late date this is taking up one iota of band
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width is nuts. not only does it divert time and energy from the efforts the white house likes to tout, but not being able to look into their father or mother they were not able to look into their eyes one last time. >> i think it's under control. >> how? 1,000 americans are dying per day. >> that is true. it is what it is. >> it is what it is. so when he said that 156,082 americans had died. tonight with 30,000 more lives lost in 30 weeks. now the president seems to be saying it is not what it is. more on the breaking news from
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kaitlan collins at the white house. what are you learning about the kind of pressure president trump is putting on health officials? >> reporter: it's high. to put on a viable treatment for the coronavirus. he wants that to signal to voters before november 3 there is a light at the end of the tunnel. every one wants a vaccine. but the reason the president is increasing the pressure so much on officials that work administration, career scientists as well, he wants to have a signal because he thinks it will help him before the election. the focus on the president is the fda and commissioner. they are hoping for a vaccine and the fda is at the center of that. >> vaccine developments take
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time, something the president doesn't have a lot of. how is he dealing with that? >> reporter: the president has learned about an emergency use authorization. that's what we saw from the fda when it came to hydroxychloroquine. the president pushed for that, and he pushed aides to approve that because he believed it could help. and they ended up reversing that approval because the data found it did not have any benefit. so the fda said it needed to be studied more it. and the second was on convalescent plasma. officials said they didn't think they were moving quick enough on that. and he had to walk back his statements. they were critical and said he overstated the life-saving
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benefits. we know a vaccine is on the table, not for all, but maybe for front line workers on a limited basis. but if they go with that before there is a consensus it is ready, after seeing it that with these other things, they fear that could be the way with the vaccine. but officials are basing it on data, not politics. >> steven hahn and how he handled things, i guess there is concern from the administration about dr. hahn. >> reporter: there are career scientists who have not been on board about everything he has said including convalescent plasma, but also west wing officials who were not happy for
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what he said. he said he didn't clear that statement with the west wing beforehand. west wing aides didn't think that was something he should have done. he doesn't want to hurt or damage his reputation with the career officials, but he doesn't want to be on the wrong end of the white house. at times he has found himself like that and just in the last woke, the fda had to walk back a statement. he fired and removed a top political appointee from her role as top spokesperson. now she works there but doesn't have a clearly defined role. we are seeing pressure not only on the commissioner but this work environment that is like a pressure cooker at the fda. they want it to go right, but they are on the receiving end from president trump and west wing officials who want them to speed it up.
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and they have to respond to the president that they believe career scientists are deliberately delaying progress because the president believes they want to mess with his re-election chances. stick around. i want to bring in dr. sanjay gupta and the hhs secretary during the obama administration. clearly this is not how things are going to work. as someone who ran health and human services, what kind of pressure from the president does this have? >> i didn't have to deal with the pressure from the white house. we had a president and vice president who believed in science. while they made it clear they
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wanted to keep americans safe and secure, the only way was to build trust and tell the scientists what they know and didn't know. they did this in the h1n1 outbreak and the ebola outbreak. this is a total mess. what you talked about, two days ago, nationalins tu institute o health put out a statement about convalescent plasma saying they think it needs to be studied more, that it is not ready for primetime, that there needs to be clinical trials before it is widely recommended for treatment. not only did the fda walk back a statement, but you have another
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brother agency. that's very, very unusual i think to have contradictory statements coming out. it's a mess and we need the public to trust when a vaccine is safe and ready to roll, that they will step up and get the vaccine. nothing that this administration is doing, discounting covid deaths, having political reach-in to agencies that have to walk back statements, nothing will give the public any confidence that when an announcement is made, we have a good vaccine. >> one of the key ingredients to public health, maybe the key. dr. gupta, what happens if they start to cut corners in science
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because of political pressure? >> you have the erosion of trust. there is progress he would want to make with regard to covid. if you lose that trust and some has been eroded, it makes it much harder to get things done. when it comes to the vaccine, when you cut corners, the concern is that the vaccine might not be as safe or effective as you want. those are the criteria. when you think about applying the scientific method, people think of this like math, two plus two equals four. there is some degree of subjecty to this. how do they warrant approval. some are decisions that are
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made. there is a subjectivity to this process. >> you also asked about slowing down the approval he wants. >> he thinks it's a political play, not based on science. hydroxychloroquine is one much the clearest examples, but can have a le -- convalescent plasma, that it needs to be studied more. dr. fauci wasn't on board with the convalescent plasma. it is not up to nih or dr. faurz to make that decision. they pushed back and said we are not making these decisions based on politics. you see how immense the pressure is.
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the pandemic is sweeping the nation killing six figures but also the president who has his eye on the calendar. we were pointing this out with my colleague, that there was a concern that dr. hahn could bend to the pressure of the white house and west wing which has been obvious. they are not trying to hide the pressure. commissioner hahn has said in multiple statements he will not bend to pressure. when you are in the west wing meeting with the president and vice president you feel the pressure, not just while you are at the fda, but at the white house. they talk about what they are feeling from the white house, starting with the president. >> secretary, about the vaccine, there is already an inherent
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distrust, people reluctant to take it already. when the coronavirus becomes available, it is imperative that people feel comfortable taking it. what does this do to that level of comfort? >> it's back to the issue of trust. i believe this is some political ploy being jammed out the door. what we think we know is the vaccine is likely to require two doses, more complicated than most vaccines. only shingles, to my knowledge, requires two doses. that's difficult for people to do. they don't follow up. but as you say, a portion of the population, understandably, has real reservations about being used as experiments. we had one in the gerald ford
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campaign that went wrong. more people got a syndrome than the flu they were being vaccinated against. we need to assure the american public this is being done scientifically, that we know from widespread clinical trials and phase three, you vaccinate a lot of people with body types and underlying conditions and ages, and you need to see it is safe and effective with all of the groups. then they say we have tested it, tried it, believe this is how we are going to best fight the virus and encourage people as much as possible to step up and be willing to be vaccinated, vaccinate their kids and parents. if that doesn't happen, we will continue to see this virus raging in our country and see
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deaths continuing at the rate they are. >> sanjay, one thing highlighted is this panel of scientists and researchers that are going to review this. there is a date circled on the calendar when this happens. what do we know about the power this panel will have and the influence they might be subjected to? >> they don't have any power. they ultimately will be the first to look at the data. they are not going to submit for eua. they are going to say we think this is good to go. send it to the fda. fda is still the organization that decides on this. this is an influential panel. they are made up of scientists, people looking at the epidemiology of a particular area. it is an important group of
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people and that will be an important date. i hope they share the data with the broad public. >> i would like you to look. i would feel more comfortable if you get a look at the data and other scientists do as well. >> thank you all. next, what was said by joe biden after visiting the blake family. and the kremlin, what sounds and looks a lot like the trump campaign. ound the country. with massive capacity, it's like an eight lane highway compared to a two lane dirt road. 25x faster than today's 4g networks. in fact, it's the fastest 5g in the world. from the network more people rely on. this is 5g built right.
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the blake family and talked with jake blake by phone. >> he talked about how nothing was going to defeat him. how whether he walked again or not, he would not give up. we talked about the 23rd psalm, may he raise you up and bury you on the breadth of palm until we meet again. i think what has been unleashed in people is that they understand that fear doesn't solve problems. only hope does. >> joining us now is the blake family attorney. you were on the phone during the conversation that former vice
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president biden talked with the blake family. >> it was very uplifting. the meeting was hopeful, spiritual and at times very substantive. his mother julia jackson prayed for everybody. his father jacob blake sr. got into a lot of questions about how do we deal with the systematic racism. vice president biden talked about his plan. talked about senator ckamala harris's legislation regarding george floyd. when jacob jr. got on the phone that was the encore to the
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conversation because you had hip a -- him and vice president biden having a deep kfrpconversation jacob blake jr. saying he is not going to give up, whether he walks or not he is going to believe in the best of life because he has to because he has three little boys counting on their daddy. it was deep. and it ended in hope. >> you said there was a lot of substance in the conversation. what specific pledges, if any, did the vice president talk about policing in general. >> the teacher had a lot of insight.
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but he talked about having a national registry and having background checks. he talked about trying to ban the chokeholds, talked about having mandatory body cameras, and he talked about having partners in the community, whether business leaders, law enforcement, education. he thought the whole solution was we had to come together to work against this systematic racism. >> president trump went to kenosha earlier this week. did not mention jacob blake's name. not sure if ever did. >> vice president boyd en -- biden? >> president trump. >> he never spoke with the
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family or said jacob's name so they focused on the family getting better and focused on what vice president biden said. he said we have to work together on this issue. it won't be solved by one entity, but by all of us working together. >> attorney general william barr spoke with wolf blitzer yesterday. he said jacob blake was in the midst of committing a felony and was armed when he was shot seven times by police. what is your response? and can you say what, if anything, was in jacob blake's hand at the time of the shooting? >> my co-counsel and myself
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believe that the attorney general was grossly misinformed. the fact that the police were the agressors from beginning to end. this is by way of the video evidence as well as witness accounts. and never was jacob blake posing a threat to them as he was going away from them to get into the car to get his three little boys out of a volatile situation. they were never in a life or death situation. so attorney general barr is just mistaken. >> was he armed at the time? >> based on everything we know he was not armed at the time and we have not been given any facts by the wisconsin attorney general to contradition those witness accounts that were there on the kren told us -- scene told us.
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now attorney general barr can't put his finger on the scales of justice to justify the unjustifiable. jacob blake shot seven times in the back. you can see there are women and children in the line of fire. william barr can't perpetuate two justice systems in america where they would try to condone a young man going to kill two people and then walking down the street with an assault weapon by national guard and law enforcement where he is uninjured when he gets home but then try and justify the shooting of a black man. >> wisconsin officials have not given us anything, so it was odd for the attorney general to offer up any evidence without
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concerns about the details. >> the police body cam video show when they find him at about 3:15 a.m., daniel prude was naked on the street as a light snow fell. this occurred on march 23rd in new york before george floyd's death. the confrontation is getting new scrutiny tonight. >> experiencing and dying from a drug overdose in police custody as i was told by the police is entirely different than what i ultimately witnessed on the video. >> the new york attorney general is investigating. prude's family is demanding justice. >> they treated my brother like a piece of garbage. what do you do to garbage?
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throw it out. >> reporter: daniel prude's brother called and said he was experiencing a mental episode and may have been on drugs. >> are you daniel? >> yes. please let me get my money. >> reporter: prude was agitated, yelling at officers. on the pavement. >> let me go. >> reporter: three minutes after first confronting him, they put a spit sock over his head after they say he was spitting, but prude becomes more agitated. >> give me the gun, give me the handgun. >> when he doesn't kploi acompl appears to try to stand, three officers hold him to the ground. one officer has his knee on
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prude's back and the other is holding his head to the pavement as the sock is on his head. another officer can be seen putting his weight on prude's head. at one point they realize that he appears to be spitting and vomiting. paramedics arrive and instruct officers to roll him over. cpa is performed for about two minutes. he was pronounced brain dead when he arrived at the hospital. prude's family is demanding the officers are fired. the family said there wasn't evident something criminal occurred. the mayor announced that the
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officers have been suspended. >> come on, how many more brothers have to die before society to understand this needs to stop? >> reporter: the police union said it had concern about their members. cnn was not able to reach them for comment on the case. it is ruled a homicide, death by asphyxia. and also cited acute delirium from pcp as the cause of death. >> reporter: joining us is charles ramsey, former top cop in washington and philadelphia. looking at it with your expert eyes, what is your reaction to that video of daniel prude's
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arrest. >> it is disturbing to watch, but if i can walk you through it. he is in mental distress. it is wintertime and he is naked. he was compliant initially, put his hands behind his back. and then you do see him begin to spit. they use what they call a spit hood. some departments use that, some don't. it is a little on the controversial side primarily because of the optics of it as you can see from the video, but you can breathe through it. it is mesh, but it protects the officer from being bitten or spat upon. once they put the hood on he becomes more agitated. that's when he tries to get up and they apply pressure to keep him on the ground.
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the autopsy shows asphyxia but also shows he had a high level of pcp. a person on pcp is hard to control. they are strong. it is not a pretty sight to see somebody being taken into custody who is on pcp. i don't know if that had anything to do with that. it will be part of the investigation. all of those things combined, it was a difficult situation. >> what you are laying out, this was a complicated situation with different factors. looking at the video, do you see anything that could have or should have been done differently? >> it's hard to tell. the pressure on the back could cause positional asphyxia. from what i read he was still
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spitting and from what i read, he vomited and that could cause asphyxia. if they had released the pressure and rolled him over, who knows. but it is not like the george floyd situation where it is obvious it was inappropriate. this is a different situation. it will be interesting as the evidence comes out during the course of the investigation, what is found out. >> we appreciate you. we have more breaking news on a campaign theme for president trump. and now we are learning, the russians, too. # ♪ limu emu & doug
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the message from russia that appears to be a virtual copy of the one from president trump. tell us about this warning from the department of homeland security. >> reporter: this is an intelligence bull tetin that ha been sent to state and local officials, that the russians are trying to put in doubt the election results with these mail-in ballots. this is the same message we are hearing from president trump and his allies in the last few months, especially in the last few weeks as some states decided they are going to expand access to mail-in ballots. the facts are this. a number of states already do voting entirely by mail and the
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evidence shows there is very little to hardly any fraud at all in those states. what president trump has been saying is that some states are simply not prepared to expand the mail-in ballot and he is raising concerns about whether the postal service can handle the volume of increased ballots that will be sent by mail. that's what you are hearing from the russians as well. >> this was the russians, not the trump campaign although it sounds like they are doing the same thing. do we have any information how u.s. intelligence agencies intend to fight this? >> this puts them in a tough place. we have been hearing from officials in the intelligence community, they know what to do when a foreign company is doing disinformation, but when the disinformation is coming from
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the president, from his campaign, from his supporters here in this country because that's first amendment protected. what you see the homeland security department doing is finding a way to parse this. what is said in this bulletin is that the president and his campaign are responsible for the same messages the russians are trying to amplify. >> thank you very much for the reporting. perspective from former obama senior adviser david axelrod and dana bash, team bashelrod. >> it's not surprising the russians are engaging in this. they have looked for ways to
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create doubts in all western democracies and particularly in the u.s. the fact they are doing this isn't a surprise. the fact they are doing it and working the same side of the street as the president of the united states makes it insidious. the president has for months and months assaulting without evidence or justification the integrity of mail-in voting. tens of millions of people voted after the last rex -- election. there was a panel to investigate after the last election because he didn't like the results. they didn't find anything. there was a poll in "the wall street journal" that showed that 45% of americans had doubts about the integrity of the count on november 3.
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that's as a result of the efforts of the russians, and the attorney general of the united states who appeared on cnn and echoed these conspiracy theories. >> you have the attorney general and president and russians saying the same thing. this has the same feel of, russia, are you listening? abc broke the news that there was a dhs bulletin that was going to be circulated that the russians were sowing doubts about joe biden's mental acuity at the same time the president was. we are seeing this mesh. >> in large part because the president is very open, always, and consistently about the kind of discord he is trying to sow. remember the days we tried to scoop out some things going on
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behind the scenes in political campaigns? it is not necessary because the president says it out loud all of the time. and saying that mail-in voting is full of fraud is one of the most vivid examples in 2020. it doesn't take deep rooted instructions to russia. they just have to look at the twitter feed of what he says every day. >> what is the bigger impact of the president of the united states attacking the integrity of the elections, let alone the russians? >> it's enormous. he has a following, has a base. that base takes what he says seriously. here is the dangerous part of this, john. it is maybe likely, but
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possible, but because a lot of people will avail themselves of mail-in voting, more democrats than republicans the poll show because of what the president is saying, we may not get a verdict on november 3. you have to count the ballots if they are post marked before election day. the election may drag on. what trump is setting up, i am going to win or the election is right field. there is no third option. he is laying the foundation for a traumatic experience for this country. the russians love this. this is the russian project. >> when he should be telling americans we will wait until all of the votes are counted. dana, weigh in however you want, but i'm sure the senate would have tons of questions about this when he was briefed in
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person and takes questions -- oh, that is not happening anymore. there is not going to be in-person briefings, right? >> and we have already heard from democrats today reiterating their concern. they are outraged about how much this flies in the face of their ability to do their constitutional duty of oversight, particularly the intelligence committees. they it is our job sometimes to, you know, ferret out things that are going wrong in government. we can't really do that because it is classified. it is their job to do that. one last thing i was going to say is that even to this minute as we're getting ready for early voting despite the russian disinformation, the president saying mail-in voting is bad, is this is the attempt by the trump
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campaign to get this done as much as possible because they know that ultimately it will help them to get more votes. >> dana bash, david axelrod, thanks very much for being with us. appreciate it. next an update from our report about families in houston facing eviction and the court officers making it happen. the story really resonated across the country and the response as you will see has been remarkable. i'm hector. i'm a delivery operations manager in san diego, california. we've had a ton of obstacles in finding ways
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to be more sustainable for a big company. we were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of zero emissions electric vehicles. the amazon vans have a decal that says, "shipment zero." we're striving to deliver a package with zero emissions in to the air. i feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. but we're always striving to be better. i love being outdoors, running in nature. we have two daughters. i want to do everything i can to protect the environment to make sure they see the same beauty i've seen in nature. my goal is to lead projects that affect the world. i know that to be great requires hard work.
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do your part. slow the spread. last night we brought you a remarkable story of families in houston being evicted from their homes in part because of financial strains caused by the pandemic. here is a portion of that report. >> hello. >> constable. need to come to the door. >> reporter: from one houston home to the next. >> hello, constable. >> reporter: deputy benny gant executes judges' orders to
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evict. >> we ain't got nowhere to go. >> reporter: israel rodriguez is the tenant at this apartment but he is not alone. 20-month-old israel, his brother, 4-year-old fabian, and their mother are some of the estimated 40 million americans facing eviction in the downward spiral of the covid economy. >> get everything you need. >> reporter: rodriguez admits he hasn't been paying rent, behind thousands of dollars. >> it's my fault on the eviction. when it hit i lost my job. so it took me like a month to get another job. this is my check but i ain't making it with $300. it is literally $300. >> reporter: their stroller now carries their possessions. >> it is mainly the kids' clothes because me and her just wear the same clothes almost every day. make sure we got toilet paper and a little bit of snacks for the kids. >> reporter: what are you going to do with your stuff? >> that's trash. they can throw it in the trash because we don't have a car. we don't have help. we don't have nobody that can come help us out right now. nobody. we've got ourselves. me and the kids and her.
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that's it. >> since that report aired here on 360 then rebroadcast several times after the response from americans who want to help has been both touching and widespread. taking many of those calls and messages has been the office of the harris county constable whose officers were responsible for evicting or serving the eviction notices. joining me now is alan rosen constable of harris county precinct. thank you so much for being with us. that story is heart breaking. do you have any updates on that young family? >> yes. just as you have mentioned the overwhelming giving spirit of americans has kicked in at a time when this pandemic is hurting so many families and there have been numerous people that have come forward and offered to help both people that were evicted. of course the city of houston and harris county has a $60 million cash rental assistance program that they're also helping people, so the giving
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spirit of americans, this is what we are about. and so they are getting help and we're trying to help other people. and the cdc helped with that. >> right. the cdc stepped in. and i know i think you've suspended if i'm correct evictions at least for now and the plan is to suspend them for the rest of the year. so what we saw in this piece a couple days ago is no longer happening. i want to talk about the feelings of your officers as they are doing this. i know no one wants to put people out of their homes and you want to point out that they're just carrying out the law. >> no. we don't make the laws. we merely are the people that enforce them and have to go out and do this. this is the worst part of my job. you know, it's heart breaking. it is so important that we put together a sheet we give people that we have to, unfortunately,
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evict resources like rental assistance programs, mental health programs, all kinds of different social services programs to ensure that they are not just left out in the cold. and it's just something that is not required that we do but we do it because we're human beings and we desperately care about the people. >> constable -- >> in our community and all over. >> we have about 35 second left. i wanted to give you a chance. i know you've been getting a lot of calls and messages people asking what they can do to help the people in houston who have faced evictions. what can they do? >> well, they can give. we've created a gofundme account through our foundation here and if anybody wants to give we will ensure that we are partnering with the agency that is helping with the rental assistance program here in harris county and ensure those dollars get to those people. it is just tremendous the outpouring of support and love that has come to these people and other people that have been impacted by the pandemic.
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>> confidence taliban rosen, we appreciate your time and the efforts you're doing to reach out to the entire community. thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you. >> all right. the news continues. time for me to hand it over to chris cuomo for "cuomo primetime." >> j.b., thank you very much. welcome to "primetime." 61 days my brothers and sisters and then we have an election that is just as much of a reckoning. two of the most polar opposite visions that we have ever seen of this country laid out exactly two months from election day. biden went to kenosha today two days after president trump's visit but it was as if trump were addressing the people there not today but in the early 1960s. this harsh sense of law and order which seems to mean bring down the power of his authority, not that he has that much when it comes to state policing, but he's got to get these blacks and their kooky whi
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