tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 4, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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thank you for sharing a very busy news day with us. joe biden is in delaware for a speech on the economy and put blame for the massive american job losses on president trump's pandemic mismanagement. the president promises to rebuild what he labels the greatest economy in the world. new economic data this morning outlines how steep of a challenge that really is. unemployment now back under 10% in the united states but the pace of the recovery is slowing. 1.4 million jobs added last month, a smaller number than in july. and this. the president is sure to enter election day with a jobs record in the red. coronavirus is driving the economic disruption and new worry of a labor day surge because we have failed to get the number of infections down more and because many americans are still unwilling to wear a mask and honor social distancing. the model now projects -- get this number dlsh -- 410,000 will die by the beginning of 2021 if we keep doing what we're doing
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right now. 410,000 dead americans would mean more americans died in 10 months from this pandemic than died during four years fighting the nazis and the japanese in world war ii. let's get straight to cnn's rosa flores in miami, a state, rosa, that drove the summer surge and now a giant concern but in somewhat better concern heading into the holiday weekend. >> reporter: you know, you are absolutely right. local officials know that it's large gatherings that allow this virus to spread. i'm on miami beach, one of the most iconic beaches in the world. normally in labor day it would be packed. walk with me and take a look. officials here are making sure that the umbrellas, the beach furniture, separated to allow for social distancing. there is a lot of concern here in southeast florida but officials are allowing beaches to stay open. they do encourage masks, people
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to social distance and also wash their hands frequently. earlier this week governor ron desantis had a press conference to promote tourism in the state, to reignite tourism saying and encouraging people to go to beaches and patting himself on the back for not closing beaches from the get-go. take a listen. >> one of the things that i looked at very early in march when there was a lot of hysteria in the air is whether you shut every beach in florida and people said you had to do that. that's just so important. i did not do that. i was criticized for it, of course, but it was the right decision. >> reporter: now, as we take another live look here you can see that some people are out on the beach wearing masks, others are not. the three southeast counties that were most impacted by the coronavirus are allowing beaches to reopen and that's miami-dade
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county where i am, broward and palm beach. john, the only way for you not to wear a mask here in south beach is for you to actually be in the water swimming. so here we go. i have tried it. this is the only way to be out here on south beach without wearing a mask. john? >> rosa flores, literally getting wet in the line of duty for us. appreciate it. part of the election choice comes down to whose example the country wants the follow. last night the president of the united states setting an on the on masks, the opposite of the public health experts in the administration say is essential. >> but did you ever see a man that likes a mask as much as him? and then he makes this speech and always has it -- not always but hanging down because you know what it gives him a feeling of security. if i were a psychiatrist -- right?
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no. i would say, i would say this guy's got some big issues. hanging. >> cnn's kaitlan collins live for us with a busy day at the white house. >> reporter: yes, certainly is. the president making the comments last night as, of course, the health officials warn about the labor day weekend and what it will look like and the other big thing from the white house coming to coronavirus is this push by the president to get a vaccine and last night he made clear when he wants one and so the question is whether or not political pressure is applied to aides who are responsible for helping get a vaccine and the fda is squarely in the president's view coming to this and that means the fda commissioner, as well. dr. hahn. listen to what the president said last night coming the timeletim timeline for a vaccine, john. >> it will be delivered before in my opinion, before the end of the year, but it really might be delivered before the end of object. how do you like that? wouldn't that be nice?
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that will be nice. you know why? not because of the election. be nice because we want to save people. that's why it would be nice. >> reporter: so he said there, it is not because of the election but of course, end of october right before the election and privately the president talked about this saying that he believes there are officials at the fda who he thinks are deliberately slowing the process to hurt his chances to winning and the fda officials say that's not the case. they want the vaccine as much as everyone else does and we have another story about the president in the military after an article appeared in "the atlantic" making allegations about the president and viewing the military overall and specifically a trip he took to paris in 2018 when he canceled a trip to the cemetery which the article says that they were told it was because of the weather, that the president didn't want to go because it was raining. it was canceled in realtime because of the weather.
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we were in paris at the time but you take away the allegations of the president viewing the military and people's service asking why people choose to serve and mocking john mccain and something that the president said publicly and on camera there are tapes of it and the president was so furious of the story, john, he came and spoke to reporters at the airport last night and something he very rarely does. they dnidn't have a light on th camera and the president refuted the story and the aides did the same, really an effort to push back on a story you don't always see this much of a rebuke from the white house of the story but the president did just comment on it again and rejected the allegations and told reporters he will be briefing today so he'll likely have another chance to talk about this story on the record later on this afternoon, john. >> kaitlan collins, busy day at the white house. stay with us as we wait for this and hear from the president
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meeting with the leaders of serbia and kosovo this hour. you mentioned the president mentioned just again this president is bristling and angry about the story calling losers and suckers, people who are heroes, american military personnel who died in combat, the allegation is calling them losers and suckers and the article allegedly with him making a comment is former chief of staff, of course, the retired marine colonel john kelly. political aides issued statements saying he never said this, never heard him speak like this. we have not heard from john kelly or general dunford who went with kelly to that cemetery when the president did not go. their silence to me is pretty telling telling and assuming behind the scenes the white house is trying to get them to issue statements. >> reporter: i don't think we
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have heard anything from the pentagon so far. none of the four stars or admirals and telling because, of course, the allegations in this story are damning. the president is so proud of the support from the mill tar aitaro lose that support ahead of the election is devastated for this president and likely why you have seen this response. we have not heard from john kelly and of course he is someone to confirm the comments or he could deny them given -- >> sorry, to interrupt. this is the president of the united states in the oval office. >> yeah, sure. the economy today, 1.4 million jobs added. >> right. >> tacks a full year before all the jobs lost before the pandemic are regained. is that good enough? >> i think what's happening is you're going to see tremendous growth in the very near future. we are rounding the curving coming with vaccines. i think the vaccines will be announced very soon and i think you are going to see great companies announcing the vaccines. i spoke with pfizer today.
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i speak with different companies, johnson & johnson as you know doing really well. moderna. we have tremendous talent, tremendous scientists right there and we'll hear good news and also to me maybe even better with therapeutics is incredible news very soon. i say therapeutics because that's the -- walk into the hospital and whether it's a transfusion or a shot, people get better. that's something that i think right now is really incredible. the numbers are way down as you know. florida's doing very well. arizona's been actually a little bit of a miracle how quickly it went down. went up and down very quickly. two really great governors. texas, great governor, same thing. california the numbers are way down. so we're really starting to see
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those areas that popped up going down. the mortality rates, you look at the percentages, what's happening and that's because of the convalescent plasma, because of the remdesivir. it's for a lot of different reasons but we all -- we do have therapeutics that are really having an impact and you're looking at what's going on. i have seen numbers from 50% to 85% better so that's really something. so we're very proud of the job we're doing and i think in particular not only the great companies but the companies, every one of them have said to me, if this was a more typical kind of presidency, i'll be nice, if this was a more typical kind of president, getting these approvals would take two or three years and they'll have them, as far as we're concerned, very close to announce very big
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news. so we're honored by that. i have had a team, whether it's vice president mike pence head of the task force and all of the people on the task force and really done a great job, i don't think they've been recognized for the great job they've done and last night i read out in pennsylvania latrobe, the home of the great arnold palmer and read out sta tis tistics on com to the other part of the world and took new york, new york was just really -- they made a lot of miss tacks in new york but if you took that out, the tremendous number of deaths in new york, if you took that out, our numbers just about as good as anybody in the world, and even without that, without taking it out you see the kind of numbers we have so we have done a good job, a great job in helping governors. i think every governor is very
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happy, not everybody expresses it to the media but they do at the task force meetings. they are laying praise on us and then talk to the press and not be as generous but that's okay and for the most part i think we have helped in every case we have helped every governor and a lot and some of them we have made look very good and some have done a great job and others haven't but as a country we have really done a terrific job and i want to thank vice president pence and i won't thank too much right now to get the job finished first and the vaccines will come out and the therapeutics are continuing and that's why we're having the kind of numbers we have and i'll be doing a news conference today at 5:00 and see you there. >> do you need to apologize to service somebodies and vet rainies? >> no. it was a fake story written by a magazine probably not going to be around much longer. but it was a totally fake story.
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and that was confirmed by many people who were actually there. it was a terrible thing that somebody could say the kind of things and especially to me because i have done more for the military than almost anybody else. you look at how the va is doing, it is doing incredibly well. we got all sorts of things done from accountability to veterans' choice to everything. >> choice of -- >> it's got right now the highest approval rating that it's ever had. 91% approval rating. never been close to that. nobody's done what i've done and that includes salary increases but it really includes the rebuilding of our military because when i came here our military was totally depleted and we spent almost $2.5 trillion, much more than you sportsnet on your military. right? $2.5 trillion all made in the usa, f-35s, brand new jets and
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rockets and missiles and hope to god that we never have to yooz it but the nuclear is now in extraordinary shape. including new weapons. i just hope we never have to use that because that's a level of power you don't want to talk about, don't want to hear about it. so it's a fake story and it is a disgrace that they're allowed to do it. i hate to bring up the book but john bolton, no friend of mine. i thought he was -- didn't know too much about what he was doing. he didn't do a good job and wrote a book and talks about this incident and he doesn't mention it and frankly a lot of reporters even some pretty bad ones read that and that was the end of the story. there's nobody that considers the military and especially people that have given their lives in the military to me they're heroes. to me they're heroes. it's even hard to believe how
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they could do it. i say that. the level of bravery. and to me they're absolute heroes. thank you very much, everybody. thank you. thank you. thank you. >> people captured -- >> we're going. we're done. >> president of the united states, you see him in the oval office there addressing a number of questions, with the president of is serbia and the prime minister of kosovo. they're signing an economic partnership. back in history tension of those lands. he was discussing a number of issues and angrily denying a report in "the atlantic" calling american service men that gave their lives in combat losers and suckers. the president giving what you have to say is a parallel universe presentation of the coronavirus pandemic in the united states saying the united states is doing much better than
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the rest of the word. it is not true. just tacking lking in a way tha suggests the united states is out of the woods and urging more to do more worried about an explosion in cases. cnn's kaitlan collins at the white house. it is striking to hear, look, he is the president, a politician, up for re-election and put the best positive spin on anything but his idea that we're doing a great job, just in the last week, the coronavirus task force, public warnings, private reports to states like missouri saying you are in a lot of trouble. i wish you would impose a mask mandate. to iowa, you are in trouble. i wish you would impose a mask mandate to a republican governor. it was georgia where the republican governor just again today said i want people to wae masks, mandates are not my thing. the white house task force sent him a stern report. so we have a parallel universe where the president says all is
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well, vaccine will be here soon, when the task force is worried about the holiday week, an explosion of cases in the fall and lamenting that the government did not do more to shove down the baseline of new infections which is still averaging 40,000 a day. >> reporter: it makes you wonder why the task force doesn't make those reports public. they give them to the governors and tell them to distribute them around the state and see how different and urgent the warnings are from the administration's task force and we don't find out publicly in realtime. the white house is not sharing them with us or even confirming them so you think what would the pressure be on those local leaders if the white house published the reports telling them close the bars, make people wear mask but the governors and leaders ignoring that and dismissing the urgent warnings and a big thing to talk about throughout this, why don't they
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make them public. the president is trying to put a positive spin on this. in our reporting last night and the fda and the push for a vaccine, the white house is willing to make what seems like pretty minor announcements seem like these bigger announcement for people to think they're making progress here. it happened with the emergency authorization for convalescent plasma as treatment and something that didn't have a full consensus about approving that eua and the president came out on a sunday with a big press conference talking about it and he brought the fda commissioner and hhs secretary and the fda commissioner had to walk back the statements overstating the benefits of what they were doing, overhyped it according to medical experts so you see how they're looking for any piece of good news and as a president you can understand why. but it's important that it's realistic and people know where
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we are and if we're going to have a vaccine by the end of obje october like the president said last night. it's just two different messages and people want to have a realistic timeline of when there could be a vaccine. >> and it's stunning to the degree if you subscribe to the theory of the president doing things in his interest, if he would get the case count down closer to the election it is in his interest and will not speak up and urge the governors to do more with the shhotspots. the president believed the u.s. economy is rounding a corner this on a day the report of lower unemployment and job growth and sloer thwer than theh before. let's bring in correspondent christine romans. the data says okay but not great. is that fair?
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>> that's fair and what you have seen a very deep hole, very deep hole in the jobs market, a crash and crawled halfway through that hole now so a lot of work still to be done. 1.4 million net new jobs in any normal time that would be a record but, in fact, slower than last month and the month before and the trajectory of the job gains important to look at here. the jobs growth is slowing. remember in the spring in may and june and even in july you still had the affects of that super charged stimulus. in august you didn't and now there's concern that this job creation could slow more going forward. overall lost 22.2 million jobs in 2 months. now brought back 10 1/2 million. that's 11 1/2 million short of where we were before the pandemic began. amounts to good news in 2020 is that the jobless rate is 8.4%. that is still a staggeringly high number, down below 10%,
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lower than the great recession and the government in this report is pointing out that if you classified workers differently this never might be more in the 9% range and closely watching that there and saw gig workers, part time workers going back to work, important, but we saw a lot of government workers, census workers, 250,000, temporary jobs, those will go away. >> let's hope the recovery continues but there's potholes or warning signs ahead. joe biden has a different view. you heard the president say we're rounding the corner. joe biden will comments on the state of the economy and his belief that the president's pandemic mismanagement has made things worse.
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the amazon vans have a decal that says, "shipment zero." we're striving to deliver a package with zero emissions in to the air. i feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. but we're always striving to be better. i love being outdoors, running in nature. we have two daughters. i want to do everything i can to protect the environment to make sure they see the same beauty i've seen in nature. my goal is to lead projects that affect the world. i know that to be great requires hard work. live pig churs of wilmington, delaware. joe biden moments a i way from delivering a speech on the economy making the case because of president trump's pandemic mismanagement the u.s. economy
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is not recovering as quickly as it should from the pandemic blow. with me now to discuss is chief political correspondent dana bash, phil mattingly and brittany shepherd. forgive me if i have to interrupt. if the vice president shows up we'll take the remarks. dana, it is an interesting moment in the cam pane after the mosten orthodox campaign ever and we still have that but suddenly the president in latrobe, pennsylvania, yesterday. the joe biden was in pittsburgh in the week. we have a more active cam pan and a more complex conversation about the irses. not just pandemic virus or just racial reckoning or the economy. joe biden about to connect the dots if you will saying you have a combination of crises in america because of the incumbent president and his failed leadership. >> no question and that they're all connected, that one has
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caused the other and has kind of gone back and forth when it comes to the cause and the effect and what i mean by that is that the president was so eager to get the economy back up and running, to get the jobs numbers back up, to open up society, to return to normal that he didn't discourage governors from doing it too soon and in some cases maybe quietly or not so quietly encouraged them to do that and what happened was the virus got worse in a lot of places and the economy got worse along with it. one thing that joe biden says as a refrain and i'm sure he'll say again today is that one, you can't talk about one without the other and he is not wrong and the reason i say that is because we see this now as evidence of what is happened with the virus and with the economy as they are completely intertwined and we have seen that of the last six
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months and it continues right now. >> brittany, another dynamic in the campaign, the president was just talking about it in the oval office, as well, the white house briefings are no more by the coronavirus task force. only the president briefs now. dr. birx's warning states. dr. fauci is warning states. but if you listen to the rally last night we're out of the woods. >> before the china virus, this election was over. now i had to go back to work. we have done a great job on it. we don't get the credit. we have done a hell of a job. always starts off, covid-19. all he knows, covid-19. what about the economy, what about the jobs? what about the other things we have to do? he thinks it's a weak spot. it is a strong spot. >> again, the former vice president, the democratic nominee, will connect the dots in the speech but it's interesting to me. there are very few persuadable voters left and the president
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listeni talking to people with him and to say we're doing a great job, approaching 200,000 americans dead and that will more than double by the end of the year unless americans start wearing masks, more americans wear masks and socially distanting. >> yeah, john. in the come of these economic speeches that biden is given he's saying that the coronavirus reaction in a different universe and that he is the candidate th that listens to scientists and i think we'll hear that today. this connecting the dots mindset is intersectionality and i think today especially we're going to hear about how race, coronavirus and the economy all interplay. i think we know very well now that more black and people of color die from coronavirus than other communities and face economic hardship and will hear a taste of what biden's picked
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up in kenosha traveling around. i think today. i think black turnout really is going to be in the background of all of this. context is super important. between 2012 and 2016, black turnout dropped by 16%. in wisconsin 19%, 20% and biden will speak to those voters specifically saying they won't be disenfranchisement under president trump. >> phil, unconventional campaigns have a traditional cycle to them, if you will. we are in the post-convention, pre-debate stage and joe biden is in a strong position, especially as a challenger. beating an incumbent is difficult. he leads in the national polls. he either leads or competitive in most of the key battleground states. the challenge is and especially with an economic speech like this today, can you solidify,
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add cement if you will, to the lead you have now before you get to the next phase which debates can swing things? >> yeah. i don't think there's any question about that and also a pretty big reason why you have seen the vice president out on the road not relying on -- if you talk to campaign folks, people surrounding him leading up to now they thought, look, look at the numbers, the message is getting across. we don't need to give more than one speech every week or one every two weeks and i think the reality is they recognize at this moment in between the debates, post-conventions that this is a moment if they strike and lock in the leads that they have had nationally, able to lock in or stretch the leads of swing states, but this is polling, that perhaps you basically put it out of reach and almost make it impossible for anything to happen in the month of october that could change that. i think an interesting element is oftentimes we and others kind
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of look past policy speeches or focus on them briefly and then move on to the bigger shine n object is and when the vice president and the president himself talking about policy, these speeches are important and matter because of the moment in time we are in. if you look at the stock market you think everything is great. the jobs number is far better than any economist predicted it would be a couple months from now but if the vice president can make the point of essentially two separate economies right now. there are things going on right now that go much deeper than the top line and the ability to get that message across given that the economy is the president's biggest strength i think will ultimately decide whether or not today's speech and the campaign itself for the vice president is successful in the coming weeks. >> and dana, this is a speech about the economy but obviously when a candidate has a big platform they answer other things. one of the things we saw last night as we know the two candidates have a very different approach and on the use of
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masks, social distancing in the events and we can show the crowd in the airport hangar last night in latrobe, pennsylvania. you can see people in the crowd hire. these are trump supporters. one mask there. i watched last "new york timeni. the president of the united states deciding to mock his rival. listen. >> but did you ever see an a.j. mccarron this likes a mask as much as him? and then he makes a speech and has it -- not always but a lot of times hanging down because it gives him a feeling of security. if i were a psychiatrist -- right? no. i'd say -- i'd say this guy's got some big issues. hanging down. >> it reminds you of number one irresponsible leadership and number two in the context of the campaign he is not trying to
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reach out to a suburban mom wearing a mask and worried of the kids going back to school and only playing to that crowd. >> and making sure that the kids are safe wearing masks, as well. that's donald trump the entertainer. he sees the crowd, plays to the crowd and thinks he knows and generally speaking he does know what they juan awant and they w be entertained in a stark, politically crass way and that's what he gave them. never mind as you said it is not responsible when it comes to leadership and it also flies in the face of what his own message was very brief but his own message had been for a moment of time. he tweeted wear a mask. it is patriotic. where did that go? it went by the wayside because that is really not who donald trump is and what donald trump's
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message is and i think you are exactly right. they are focused, trying to focus on the suburban voters but focused on people out there in these key swing states that didn't vote in 2016 and are lit up by a message like that from donald trump and may go out trying to find quote/unquote hidden trump voter. >> appreciate that. we'll wait for the former vice president to come out. still ahead, coronavirus outbreaks now rising on college campuses. we'll break down the numbers next. so what's going on?
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colleges nationwide now seeing a dramatic spike in coronavirus cases. take a look at what's done on campus and where the spikes are happening. first the 50-state trend map. this is just the states right now. 15 states trending up. try to remember where they are. 15 states trending up. 24 holding steady. 11 states going down. fewer cases now compared to a week ago. 11 states in green. this is the national map. now lay in the colleges. a state highlighted means one of 40 states, at least 40 states now have covid cases reported on college and university campuses. over 27,000 cases total on these campuses so far so in a state like texas, green, macking
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progress. lowering the case kourntd. same with california and nevada. especially in the smaller states, outbreaks in states having a problem. we have more cases this week than last week and then clusters on college campuses. include the da kotas there. missouri, kentucky. already trending up and then the breaks on college campuses and harder to push the numbers down and why you hear the governor of ohio and missouri appealing to young people, please, please follow safety guidelines. >> some missouri college communities positivity rates soared as high as 45% in 1 day. just among the 18 to 24 population. through august alone, nearly 7,000 individuals in the age range have tested positive. >> to our friends in college, you know, again, we ask you to be careful because while all of
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us when we were your age thought we were invincible you can pass this on. >> joining us now is a reporter for npr. alyssa, you are on your own version of a college tour visiting the campuses and you've been in the carolinas, georgia, now out at the university of illinois. what are you seeing as you visit the campuses? what is different in terms of best-case examples? what are they doing well here but maybe not there? >> reporter: t >> the biggest thing that's different is testing for the coronavirus. we've seen mask wearing and social distancing pretty universal. right? lots of signage and big difference is testing. i'm here at the university of illinois and they have a mass testing program and testing
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students and staff two times a week. everyone coup every couple of days but some just testing students that are sick or when they arrived back on campus and they're not doing regular mass testing and just a big thing we see in terms of differences. experts say the ones that test a lot see the cases a lot and those just testing sick students really have no idea what that outbreak looks like on their campus. >> i think you have been on ten campuses so far. as you travel, you know the advice of dr. fauci, dr. birx, the states saying if you get covid on campus, stay. do not go home and spread it in your community. in terms of yaquarantine on campus, a student at baylor said
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it was cool. what is your experience and how they handle the quarantine? >> we are seeing a range. some universities are telling students to go home, to leave campus if they tested positive which as you said not a good idea. there are campuses of course that have shut down all the way. unc chapel hill was a big one. i in california they shut down and unclear if they were tested before they were sent home and a big worry i hear from communities in those states. in terms of quarantine, here at the university of illinois just this week they announced that they're having a real challenge with students actually obeying the quarantine and isolation rules and they have specific cases where students found out they were positive and hosted a party or attended a party and not isolating and that's a big problem. >> it is a big problem so expand on that in your travels in the
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sense that -- i have seen this in the reports. back to college. kids sent home early. haven't seen your friends in months and supposed to be hugging and close together, spor sports activities, what is the tension on campuses about -- i assume -- you mentioned a party. other people think what are the n knuckleheads up to? >> the range is wide and the challenge with this virus is that you can have so many students following the rules and just a few sturdents not follow the rules and feed the virus. students are doing the right thing and then having problem because it spreads, contagious disease. i will say, you know, students are -- they want to be here. right? they are excited to be here and
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i think that is an important thing, the behavior is a big question. we have seen bars packed downtown in college towns. you know? we have seen gatherings so i think that's the big thing that schools are focused on right now. >> alyssa of npr, you can see a very good photographer, as well. keep in touch. >> will do. thank you for having me. >> thank you. as we noted a bit earlier, waiting for the former vice president joe biden to deliver a speech on the economy and will take you there live when it happens. mail-in ballots are being sent out. voting begins today in north carolina.
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9:52 am
still waiting for the former vice president of the united states, democratic presidential nominee joe biden, delivering economic peach there in delaware. we'll take you there live when it happens. ballots are being sent out in north carolina. demand has more than tripled over the number of requested back in 2016 when now president trump carried the state by about 4 percentage points. that could explain why the president is trying to sow confusion and mistrust. remember when he was in the state of north carolina this week he told his supporters vote twice, mail the ballot in and then show up to vote again. not exactly what he said but suggested something illegal. state officials were quick to point that out. dianne gallagher is on the ground for us today in charlotte. the process starts today. >> reporter: that's right.
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look, john. they're sernding out absentee ballots today. you said triple of 2016. at this point in 2016, come paured to what we have now, more than 16 times the number. we are talking more than 640,000 absentee ballots requested in the state of north carolina so far and you know this. they have until the week before the election to request them so this number is just going to get bigger and bigger. state election workers in north carolina say they're ready for this, been preparring for this. they have upped the staffing. they have people making sure they have sernd they have sent it out. they can track the ballots online and concerns of how many people are going to spend those ballots in. north carolina is a postmark state so as long as it is postmarked by election day up to three days after election day they can continue counting those
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and more interesting and maybe not, depending on what you feel, but come election day we may not know the winner because we are looking at the election ballot requests right now, john, more than 50% of those 640,000 requests so far are from registered democrats, only about 16% from registered republicans. usually in the state of north carolina republicans actually outnumber democrats when it comes to requesting absentee ballots and seeing a shift in the state. the good thing of north carolina is they process the absentee ballots as they come in and tab lat them on election day and some states can't do that meaning that we probably won't have results on november 3rd. >> nope. i think we will be up november 3rd and get as far as we can and then 4th, 5, 6th, and 7th counting votes. that's okay. appreciate the voting.
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up next, waiting to hear from joe biden and also the first study of the russia coronavirus vaccine. when we started carvana, they told us that selling cars 100% online wouldn't work. but we went to work. to wilmington, delaware. joe biden walking in. checking his watch. want to take off his mask to deliver a speech on the economy. let's listen. >> little late.
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i was sort of mesmerized walking out of the office that -- listening to an interview of former general barry mccaffrey and bill cohen. former secretary of defense. and before i begin i want to speak a little bit to what they talked about. and the revelations about president trump's disregard for our military and our veterans. i quite frankly, if what is written in "the atlantic" is true it is disgusting. it affirms what most of us believe to be true. donald trump is not fit to be the job of president to be the commander in chief. president reportedly said and i emphasize reportedly said that those who sign up to serve instead of doing something more lucrative are suckers.
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let me be real clear. when my son was an assistant u.s. attorney and volunteered to go to kosovo while the war was going on as a civilian, he wasn't a sucker. when my son volunteered and joined the united states military as the attorney general, and went to iraq for a year, won the bronze star and other commendations he wasn't a sucker. the service men and women he served with, particularly those did not come home, were not losers. if these statements are true, the president should humbly apologi apologize to every gold star mother and father and every blue star family. who the heck does he think he is? is it true? well, we've heard from his own
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moit his characterizations of american john mccain as a loser in 2015. donald trump said he was not a war hero. i like people who weren't captured. well, good for him. and the dismissal of the traumatic brain injury of troops serving in iraq as mere headaches, not too long ago. he stood by failing, failing to take action or everyone rain ra issue with vladimir putin while the kremlin puts the bounties on the heads of american troops in afghanistan. it is a sacred duty and you're tired of hearing me saying this. those of you covering me for years know. i get this trouble for saying it but i'll say it again. we have one truly sacred
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obligation. equip and support those who we send into harm's way. care for the families while they're gone and care for them when they're gone. that's the only truly sacred obligation the government has. duty, honor, country. these are values that drive our service members. it's an all-voluntary outfit. president trump has demonstrated he has no sense of service, no loyalty to any cause other than himself. if i have the honor of being the next commander in chief, i will ensure that our american heroes know i'll have their backs, honor their sacrifice and those who have been injured will be in
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military parades. i'm always cautioned not to lose my temper. this may be as close as i come in this campaign. just a marker of how deeply president trump and i disagree about the role the president of the united states of america. you know, the august jobs report came out this morning. i'm grateful for everyone who found work again and found a glimmer of hope that brings them back from the edge. but there is real cause for concern, as well, the pace of the
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