tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 4, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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>> we all know this is exactly donald trump. this is who he is. people know the story is accurate because he's consistently said these things over the years and continues to act in a way where he likes to use the military for his own personal ego as if we were some sort of toy soldiers you could pull out and line up on your desk to play with. but he really doesn't understand the sacrifice and truly doesn't understand what it means to put something above yourself too, serve this nation and be willing to lay down one's life with this nation. because he does nothing that does not benefit don on tald tr bottom line. >> i have felt at times, i guess, inferior in the face of asking this question of people who sign up in the military, but having become closer to people in the military, i've realized actually, despite all the hero worship that goes on with movies and such, the most extraordinary
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thing is they are just normal people who do something that's pretty amazing. what is it, if you can explain to people because most americans don't serve, what is it that compels people -- i know everybody have different reasons, but what compelled you and others to take the risk? >> love of country. ntdsing what a great nation the united states of america is. those who serve in uniform are answering this nation's call. fewer than one half of 1% are serving in the military and these are people who answered the call, not just to protect their families or next door neighbor but to protect neighbors who will never know their name. they will go on deployment after defloimt. i know folk whose have been on nine or ten deployments. they will miss graduations and birthdays to serve this country and yes, they will lay down the lives for us.
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and it's because they believe in us and each other, their buddies to their left and right and they're all here for this nation. it's arcalling. it's also a privilege. to be privileged to wear the uniform of this nation is one of the greatest privileges you could ever have and donald trump doesn't understand that and never will because he doesn't value nis nation. he doesn't truly value the constitution and all the things america stands for. but we're lucky there are americans who do believe in that and do stand up and serve and anytime america calls, will serve. and that goes for family members as well. it's hard to explain but you see it. you see it in the resolve and in the willingness to step forward anytime america calls. >> you are well aware that he has a strong contingent of veteran whose support him. and i know many of them are going to dismiss this story.
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they're going to say that it's not true. what do you say to that? >> well, it has been -- there have been two other outlets that have investigated and came up with similar reports. and so, you know that it's not just this one magazine. it's also been reported, i believe, by a.p. news and "the washington post" and you can just look at -- i mean, we have donald trump on camera saying all these things. i mean, he said he wanted a purple heart the easy way. not truly understanding what the purple heart stands for. and the other thing that i will also say is there's a recent poll done that shows donald trump has lost the support of the military and the majority of the military would not vote for him if they were to cast their vote today. >> senator duckworth, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. ♪
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last hour the president cast his coronavirus response as pitch perfect and his management of the crisis as reason for americans to be proud. as a new model predicts that 410,000 americans will die before the end of the year. these are the numbers that president is apparently proud of. nearly 6.2 million confirmed cases and more than 186,000 american deaths. yet the president is praising his pandemic response and making promises he may not be able to keep about vaccine by election day. >> we're rounding the curve, we're coming up with vaccines. i think the vaccines are going to be announced very soon and i think you're go took see great companies announcing the vaccines. i spoke with pfizer today. johnson and johnson, as you know, doing really well. moderna. we have tremendous talent, tremendous scientists and they're really right there and i
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think you're going to hear some very good news. >> now, moments ago the editor of the "lansit medical journal," said he's lying. >> we can't cut corners. there will not be a vaccine available for public use by the end of october. president trump is simply wrong about that. i have no understanding why he is saying it because his advisors will surely be telling him that's impossible. >> with me now is dr. jonathan rhiner a professor of medicine, a medical analyst at cnn. thank you for being with us. just yesterday dr. fauci said it was likely but not impossible to have one by october. then he's saying it's impossible, certainly for americans to be able to access this. what do you make of this? >> well, it's certainly
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impossible for almost all americans to access this. anytime before the first of the year. first of all, the most advanced trial, the moderna, rna vaccine trial is barely past halfway done. beginning of the week they enrolled 18,000 out of 30,000. so, they have a ways to go and it administers two shots, two doses of the vaccine, separated by a month. so, even if the last of the patients were enrolled by the end of september, all those patients would still need to get their second dose, which would take it towards late october and you have to look at the results. it doesn't seem possible unless the first half of the patients enrolled had some unexpected magnificent result, which is so obvious in the first cohort of patients that you can stop the trial early. i hope that's true, i just don't
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think it's likely to be true. i think a more likely and relestic time horizon is by the beginning of the year. >> we're also hearing the decision at the fda is basically like a fresh -- pressure cooker. he's say -- should we be concerned that politics could be influencing policy in a way that brings safety into question? >> you should be worried about that because politics has influenced policy. we saw it in march, when there was no data for hydro hydroxychloroquine and then magically there was an emergency use authorization. we saw it with the sunday night preconvention, announcement of an eua for convalescent plasma, despite nih was counseling against doing that.
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and then the fda commissioner sort of misrepresent the data that night. so, we've seen politics, pressure, decision makers to do this. fortunately the fda is populated by really wonderful, brilliant, world class scientists and staff members, who will push back. but they're going to be under tremendous amount of pressure to give the president some sort of late october surprise prior to the election. >> let's talk about the projections we're seeing for the months ahead. there's a new model that they're using and they're using the data on how americans are currently behav behaving and saying 410,000 will die by the start of the new year, but if there were universal mask use, that number would go down by 122,000 people. so, i think we know what the
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take away is here, right? butt but how do you actually get americans to take that information and operationalize it? >> it would be helpful if we didn't have leaders that brought 200,000 people together on the south lawn of the white house unmasked for a shoulder-to-shoulder event week before last. it would be to helpful if we had the president of the united states not mock other leaders in this country who do wear masks and tell their constituents, their supporters, to wear a mask every day. we've always had the power to beat this back. if you look at the mortality in the country could be, relative to other countries. look at germany. germany has had a good result, but not the best in the world. and germany has had about 10-11,000 deaths. so, extrapolate germany's simple competence.
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if we had had that kind of simple competence, we'd have about 40,000 deaths in the united states. but 40,000 compared to almost 200,000 now. and the two unforgivable sins were our inability to test widely and our inability to get our population to wear masks. and there's no way to spin that. we're appropriately talking about inmilitary today. at the beginning of april, we passed the number of military dead in korea. then we passed the number of military dead in vietnam and a little past thanksgiving of this year, we will pass the number of u.s. service members who died in world war ii. this pandemic has had a terrible toll and there's no way to hide that. >> look, no one thought we were getting out of this free and clear but it didn't have to be nearly this bad. thank you so much.
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and we have much more on our breaking news. president trump forcefully denying a new report that he's colin fallen soldiers losers and suckers. a purple heart recipient will join me with their reaction. and how the russians are interfering in their attacks are nearly identical the president's. and warning protesters that if they shoot at police in his county, they will shoot back.
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disrespected the fallen and wounded. he was supposed to go to a cemetery. this is sacred dprouground for military and marines in particular. on the morning of the scheduled visit, trump said why should i go to that cemetery? it's filled with losers. in a separate conversation on the same trip, he referred to the more than 1800 marines as suckers for getting killed. the president is insisting that all of this is made up. >> it's a fake story written by magazine that was probably not going to be around much longer but it was a totally fake story and that was confirmed by many people who were actually there. it was a terrible thing that somebody could say the kind of things and especially to me, because i've done more for the military than almost anybody else. there's nobody that considers the military and especially
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people that have given their lives to the military. to me, they're heroes. it's even hard to believe how they could do it. and i say that. the level of bravery, and to me, they are absolute heroes. >> joe biden responded to all of this today. >> quite frankly, if what is written in the atlantic is true, it's disgusting. it affirms what most of us believed to be true. and donald trump is not fit to do the job to be commander in chief. president reportedly said and i emphasize reportedly say that those that sign up to serve are suckers. let me be real clear when my son was an assistant u.s. attorney and he volunteered to go to kosovo while the war was going on, as a civilian, he wasn't a
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sucker. when my son volunteered and joined the united states military as the attorney general, and went to iraq for a year, won the bronze star and other commonidations, he wasn't a sucker. >> that's important. retired corporal guwad lieu pay knows about sacrificing and serving in combat. he lost his right arm while serving in afghanistan. in 2011, he was awarded the purple heart by john kelly and joining us now to talk about this. corporal, you served with general john kelly's son, robert kelly, who was killed in afghanistan. i know this is a very personal thing for you. you were in his platoon and you received your purple heart from general kelly. when you see this report from the "atlantic" about how the
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president has talked about war dead and wounded, what's your reaction? >> i think that whenever you talk about bella wood that i've been to bell wood to the cemetery he's talking about because i served with marines, which is part of a regimen that fought there. and so, when you're wounded in combat, the opportunity is afforded to you to go visit france, because they still celebrate us every year and our unit's sacrifice every year. i actually have a piece of bella wood i brought back with me because it's so important for marine corps history that we
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understand i understand that kelly's son was wounded and passed away in combat with fifth and sixth marine regiment, who also wore that in bella wood. whenever you look at the report, you understand the person is actually a marine veteran himself. and i think that there's a reason that all the marines that were surrounded the president, there's a reason they left and i think you could follow their tone and how they're speaking now and whatever led them to their departure, i think whether that was said or not, they're no longer serving within this administration because they didn't feel they could bring anything that -- from the marine corps. it's difficult to embu the importance of sacrifice on anybody.
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you can't force people to care about the veteran community, gold star families, people who died in combat. ia can only hope nay do. and they understand that to a different level, the loss that he took is something you would never ask for any family to take and i say that with having his son in my heart and he knows i still fought with him in and his wife, i wouldn't say that if i didn't have the words of his son ingrained in my head for the rest of my life. i know that whatever happened, i believe that if general kelly were there whenever anything like that was said, i don't know if he would take it. i think he understands the importance of a ceremony like that because it hits the marine corps and ms. son was part of that history. >> there was another moment i want to ask you about that's
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described in the story and "the atlantic" reports that the president actually visited robert kelly's grave with general kelly and that the president said "i don't get it. what was in it for them?" i think you're the perfect person to answer that question. can you? why do people serve? why do people say send me, answer the call and they say send me? >> i think that whenever you look at that quote, you can understand coming from the business community, why somebody would have those sentiments because it's difficult to understand why somebody like general kelly's son would serve. he was decorated marine before he passed away. he was college educated, with very high honors before he went back to serve.
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the and i think sometimes people in the business community and see people and say why would they do that, instead of getting a degree and successfully pursuing a financial career in whatever specialty they choose. and i think to veterans it's pretty obvious that the military relies on a high atrition rate because people are joining, serving, and getting the g. i. bill and whatever capacity they served in the marine corps or military, they're doing it out of sense of patriotism. and that patriotism is not loyalty to a specific political party or politician but to america. my father was drafted into vietnam. i know many marines and soldiers who fought and died at belle wood or normandy and the history of the graves that are also at
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that famed cemetery were drafted into the military. and i think that's important to remember. but right now we consist of an all volunteer force. so, you kbget to see the identities of the people that served. they're not these people who could have been -- i'm a finance major. i served in the marine corps and infantry because that's what america relies on, is to serve the wars. it's all volunteer services and it's coming up on us to -- you can't force people to be patriotic, or care about amputees or their veteran community or people that died in combat. but what you can do is live up to the integrity of the things you served for and hope that people identify with you and the sacrifice that many, not just me, made. and gain their support but you can't really force somebody from
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the business community to care about something like that because they see that as an exploit they themselves are pursuing. >> well, i hope, that your words certainly help. i want to say thank you so much for your services and good luck in school. >> thank you, ma'am. >> next an ohio sheriff who is no stranger to controversy will join me live. he refused to be the mask police. now he has a message, if you shoot at plooes.
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the warning is unequivical, you shoot at police, expect us to shoot back. that's from the sheriff of hoy moy. thanks for being with us. what prompted you to put this message out there? >> basically, we had a shooting monday, an officer-involved shooting. we were chasing a suspect that was wanted in connection with a homicide. he has warrants for his arrest. he made the comments he was going to kill the police. he's going to have a shootout. the chase lasted probably 21 minutes through several jurisdictions. finally, we put stop sticks out.
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they're sticks with spikes in them that the car runs over and air goes out of tires. he ran into someone's yard and then he started shooting at the police. we returned fire. he was shot probably -- he had 11 holes inside of him and he's still alive. it appears he's going to live. a police officer was shot several times. the dog was almost shot and it's come to a point here in the united states that that's all that we see is mepolice officer under attack. started in new york city where they started pouring buckets of water on them. they set them up. the disrespect of the police. the police shootings and the call for defunding the police. we don't have enough police. we feel that it's time for the police chiefs and the sheriffs throughout the country to stand up and stand up and, for safety and security of our country, and
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for your communities, and most of them are afraid to stand up. so, i felt it was time for me to stand up and say if you shoot at the police, i want to make sure [ inaudible ] >> i think we're having technical difficulties. let's see if we can unfreeze this. all right. we lost him. we're going to bring you back sheriff jones in a moment. i have some questions for him. next we have new evidence that details how the russians are interfering in the 2020 election and their attacks bear a striking resemblance to what we're hearing from president trump and if we can go back now to the sheriff, we've been able to reestablish that signal. sorry about that. i don't know whose end that was on but i'm glad we could get you back to talk about this. here's my question for you. you talk about this incident precipitating this warning
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you're putting utthere. your department is siting clashes between protesters and law enforcement. the incident you're talking about didn't have anything to do with protesters. so, >> basically t has. the current trend in the country and the atmosphere that's being created, by the media and by politicians on both sides makes people not want to stop, not ad here to the police. it's all about that and it's come to a head at this point. the shooting we had, we feel that people have just -- >> you're blaming protesters for that shooting? >> no. you are. i'm not. that's not what i said. i said it's the current atmosphere that people such as yourself has created with the police, the no respect for the police, not stopping for the police. not doing what the police say,
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people throwing bricks at the police. there's no respect for law and order and that's what you have is total chaos. that's what i've said and it's time for the police chiefs and the sheriffs to stand up and say that. and -- >> let's talk about creating an atmosphere. i strongly disagree with you that we're doing anything to create that atmosphere. i think a lot of level-headed americans would look at your statement and say you shoot at the police, don't be surprise fd the police shoots back. but are you doing anything to calm tensions? it doesn't seem like you're trying to bring the temperature down. this seems like you're trying to bring it up. >> no. my job is to create calm. but my job is to protect the police. the people that work for me, the police throughout the country, to stand up for them. stop abusing the police. you can't go to these disturbances and throw bricks at the please, you can't come at them with sticks and do these
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things to the police and you've got to stop. and i believe that the media does more to create this atmosphere than anyone else. the media and the politicians and they need to come together and they need to stop it and ask for calm. we need the police. you can't call social workers out for these riots that are happening in portland, new york city, california, in the big cities. what happens there travelled. and it will eventually be all over the country if we don't stand up and get law and order. >> let me ask you, as you're aware, there are a lot of americans upset about what they've been seeing in the case of how some police officers, but we're seeing a lot of it, are behaving and i would, for instance, point you to jacob blake, shot in the back seven times. do you think that was out of line? >> i wasn't there.
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i've seen what the news has said. >> there's a video of it, sir. do you think it was out of line. you're a sheriff. you've seen the video. >> i'm going to wait and see hot the investigation determens. >> wait and see for what? there's a video. >> row have shown videos before that there's other videos. >> seven times shot in the back. saevl times shot in the back. >> and i'm going it wait and see what the evidence provides. period. that's it. >> do you understand why people might be angry? do you understand why protesters maybe have a reason to be in the streets and concerned? >> no, i don't understand why they would burn buildings. why they would hurt people -- >> that's not what i asked. that's not what i'm asking. no, no, no. there are people who have been rioting, you're talking about people looting and rioting. yes.
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there are also people protesting peacefully. do you distinguish between the two? >> yes, that's not a protest. that's not a peaceful protest. >> sheriff, there have been peaceful protests. do you disagree with that? >> no. i've protested myself. but i don't burn build gds down and shoot people and assault people and innocent people. protest is a great thing. >> have you had protests in your county? >> yes, we have. >> and have you had riots or looting in your county? >> no. not since 1960. we're pretty fortunate, aren't we? >> so, what is your worry here as you with warning against that? i guess you feel like it's coming to your county. so, if you think that's coming to your county and watching what is happening in other places, we've seen armed militias
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confronting protesters. do you agree with armed militias doing that? >> absolutely. i don't agree with people being at protests with guns on either side, period. guns at any protest, bad things can happen. and has happened. i don't believe you should come to protests with bats and shields and sticks with spikes on them. i don't believe you should bring flame throwers, home made. i don't think you should bring frozen water bottles on either side, period. that doesn't make for a good mix, period. and i would not encourage that. but i do say this is coming to other cities and will come. it starts in these other big cities and it travels around. all you got to do is look at history. in the '60s it started out the same thing and travels. and it will come to your sitfy we don't stand up and get this resolved.
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>> but it hasn't come to yours? >> we've had protests but they've been peaceful, so far. >> so, what you're warning against, violence, you actually haven't seen but you're putting out a statement that is amping up the temperature . i don't understand that because you're warning -- >> my job -- hey, my job is to help you understand and your viewers and i'm allowed to have an opinion. i'm a sheriff of one of the eighth largest counties in ohio and my opinion, as the lead law enforcement person in this county is it needs to stop. you don't need to disrespect the police. we have disrespect of the police here. we have it often and it's starting to get a little bit out of control and it does travel. these people travel from place to place and i'm allowed to speak up and say what i think.
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i'm somewhat controversial because i say what i think and i go on your channel. and i like going on the channel and talking with you. >> you said you shoot at the police, expect us to shoot back. no protesters are shooting at you. >> no, they're not shooting at me, but they are shooting at the police in other places and they've actually killed the police. that i belie they've thrown rocks at the police and they're allowed to defend themselves. and they have to take it. their leadership says don't go in. let them set things on fire. let them take things because they may not have those things and maybe they need to take them because they don't have them. so, let them take them, let them burn places down, destroy live said and buildings, for what murps? what purpose is there for -- >> look, i'm not defending looters or rioters but i will
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defend protesters and say you're talking about ruining lives. look at jacob blake's life, look at george floyd's life and his families lives. i looking at the police officer who was shot to death. i see it all the time. police ofrficers are killed in america 347. tensions are high and attitudes are off the mark. >> and i warn you against fanning tensions. sheriff jones, thank you for coming on to talk with us. >> thank you very much. next joe biden. ♪
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quotes from two separate dhs memos that describe in detail how the russians and others are interfering in the election and then you're going to hear from the president himmism is. the first, an overall take away is, quote, russia likely to continue to undermine faith in u.s. electoral process. >> the only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged. >> it will end up being a rigged election or they'll never come out with an outcome. >> i think it's going to be the greatest fraud ever. i think it's going to be a rigged election. >> the memo lists specific examples including, quote, we assess russia is likely going to continue to amplify criticisms of voting by mail and shifting voting process ease to undermine public trust in the electoral process. >> this universal mail-in is a very dangerous thing. it's fraught with fraud and every other thing that can
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happen. >> ballots are lost. there's fraud, theft. >> mail-in voting is going to rig the election. >> quote, russian state media and proxy websites amid august 2020 criticized the integrity of expanded and universal vote-by-mail, claiming ineligible voters could receive bales. >> you get thousands of people in a living room signing ballots all over the place. in governor, sending millions of ballots all over the state to anybody. people that aren't citizens, illegals, anybody that walks in california is going to get a ballot. >> and the dhs memo discussing how states are the target, quote, these russian outlets also claimed that state election
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officials and policy makers leverages the covid pandemic to justify expedient decisions on implementing new voting process ease and vote-by mail programs allegedly do designed to influence election outcomes. >> now all the sudden new jersey is going to be hit with millions of ballots to be sent out. and if you look at some of the things they say, like, in take the state of nevada, take that little scam that's going on over there with the clubhouse politician governor. >> i'll tell you who's meddling in our elections. the democrats are meddling by wanting and insisting on sending mail-in ballots. >> but the misinformation extends beyond u.s. quote, we assess that russian-state-media proxies and russian-controlled social media trolls are likely to prow mote alligations of corruption, system failure and foreign maligned interference. i want to underscore foreign
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underfeerns to sew distrust in election outcomes. >> mail-in ballots, you're going to have foreign countries. they're going to be printing their own ballots. you like to talk about russia and china and other places. they'll be able to forge ballots. they'll do whatever they have to do. >> just a reminder that senior u.s. intelligence officials cast, with protecting the 2020 election, recently said there's no evidence foreign countries are interfering with the mail-in process in the country. quote, we assess russian-maligned influence actors are likely to continue den grating presidential candidates through allegations of poor mental or physical health to influence the outcome of the elections. >> the man can't speak and he's going to be your president. >> i say he's not competent to be president. you have to be sharp and tough and so many other things. he doesn't even come out of his
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basement. guy doesn't know he's alive. he's going to be out in ten days. >> speaking of democrats, in the iowa caucus proxy websites claimed that the contest was fixed in favor of a establishment candidates. they go on, the outlet continues in march 2020 claiming there was a back room deal to orchestrate the exit of establishment candidates to consolidate the vote behind former vice president biden. >> i think bernie is looking more and more like he'll be the nominee. unless they cheat him out of it. >> i think it is rigged against bernie but maybe he'll pull it through. it was rigged against me. >> mayor pete he quit out last night. and then i hear -- then i hear a senator from a state we're going to win. we're going to win that state
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but she dropped out. sounds like they made a deal. >> it is worth noting over the last 48 hours two of the president's cabinet members also downplayed the threat from russia. >> of those three countries, the intelligence community has pointed to, russia, kline and iran, which is the most assertive, the most aggressive in this area. >> i believe it's china. >> it's what? >> china. >> china more than russia? >> why do you say that. >> because i've seen the intelligence. >> at greatest threat from a foreign power emanates from china. >> but they are not actively interfering in the u.s. election. russia on the other hand is an active ongoing threat and intelligence shows that. they're interfering right now in the election. and experts say those officials are delinquent and political in
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ignoring the threat. next president trump mocking joe biden for wearing a mask. hear his response. i wanted my hepatitis c gone. i put off treating mine. epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. i just found out about mine. i knew for years. epclusa has a 98% overall cure rate. i had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions...
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the united states is leading the world in coronavirus cases and deaths and the president is using the bully pulpit to mock his challenger joe biden for doing something that scientists say we all should be doing, wearing a mask. >> but do you ever see a man that likes a mask as much as him? and then he makes a speech and he always has it hanging down because it gives him a feeling of security. if i were a psychiatrist, right? no, i'd say -- i'd say this guy has got some big issues. >> a key monologue estimates over 122,000 lives could be saved by the end of the year if people could wear a mask. how is how biden responds to the president's criticism? >> i listen to scientists. this is not a game. life and death, life and death. it is hard to respond to
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something so idiotic. >> biden and trump's fight for the white house is the focus of a new documentary from cnn gloria borger and in one revealing moment he explains the impact of the death of his son beau in 2015. >> reporter: while the vice president tried help his son, he tried to help his father. >> i believe it until the day that i die, that beau was not afraid of dying, what he was most impacted that the impact he would vf on his dead. >> did he tell you that. >> all of the time. >> it is something the vice president wrote about in 2017 in his book "promise me, dad". >> beau just made me promise, this is just before he died, he said, dad you have to promise me you're going to be okay.
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i said, look at me, give me your word as a biden, dad, you're going to be okay. >> are you okay? >> i am. because it is still emotional but i knew what he meant. i was worried that i would walk away from the things i cared about. he knew i would take care of the family. but he didn't want me walking away. >> reporter: beau biden died on may 30th, 2015. he was 46 years old. >> is it true you keep beau's rosary with had you? >> got it in my pocket. >> all of the time? >> i keep it all of the time. he had it when he passed away. it was more gold. you could see it's worn.
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>> i want to bring in gloria borger. gloria, i really enjoy your work when you do these documentaries. i think that so much comes from them. i'm looking forward to this one. tell us what to expect? >> well, joe biden has been in politics almost five decades and he started out as this kind of young politician with swagger, in 1972, just on the city council a couple of years and decided to run for the sent at the age of 29, won his seat before he could sit in the senate. and then finally turned 30, got into the senate. and now his career has come full circle. and if elected, he could be the oldest man ever to take the oath. so, it is a long life. and a long career. and it has had its ups and downs. so we go through not only his life in politics in delaware, but also chair of the senate judicial committee and the
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robert bork and the clarence thomas hearings and his vice presidency with barack obama and of course the tragedies when he was young that helped shape his life when he lost his wife and daughter just after he was elected to the senate. and then later in life, of course, when beau biden died. and those are book ends that have really shaped his life. and he never expected to run, brianna, this time, but he decided after he saw charlottesville and decided he had to throw his hat in the ring one more time. >> that really aggravated him. he was aggravated today too. and you could see how much it creates a fire in his belly. >> and bri, you know what beau served and when you heard him talk about beau biden, and his service, that is what brought his anger out today. because as he said, his son was not a sucker and his son was not a loser.
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>> yeah. gloria, thank you so much. i can't wait to see this. back-to-back documentary events. this will start monday night at 8:00 eastern only here on cnn. and our special coverage will continue now with my pal brooke baldwin. brianna, thank you. hi there, i'm brooke baldwin, you're watching cnn and thank you for being here. a stubbing new prediction where the coronavirus pandemic could be used. a model is predicted that covid will kill 410,000 americans by january 1st. just let that number sink in. you see it on your screen. 410,000. that is more than the population of tulsa, oklahoma and tampa, florida and the death toll would double from where we are
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