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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  September 5, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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new developments in the row over u.s. president donald trump's reported crass comments about fallen service members. now sources say he also made demeaning remarks about american vietnam soldiers. also deserted streets on holiday weekend where normally there would be crowds and profits. the city of atlanta just one of many around the globe counting the economic cost of the coronavirus. also -- >> it's embarrassing, right?
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i wrote for a foreign government and i had no idea. >> a dupe in an apparent russian plot. an unsuspecting journalists tells how he was hired to help in an attempt to meddle in a u.s. presidential election. hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm michael holmes, and this is "cnn newsroom." well, let's start with the story that has triggered outrage from u.s. military veterans and a flood of angry denials from the white house. a former senior trump administration official now confirming to cnn the accusations in the atlantic magazine. that the president, donald trump, insulted u.s. war dead
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during a 2018 trip to france. other news outlets including fox news and "the new york times" also corroborating parts of this report. but the president and others in his orbit strongly denying it, still. and now there's a new wrinkle involving vietnam. cnn's jeremy diamond with the details. >> reporter: well, the white house is still reeling from this report in the atlantic magazine that president trump referred to american soldiers who lost their lives in a critical battle in world war i as losers and suckers, as he was deciding not to attend a ceremony at a cemetery where some of those war dead were buried. and now a former senior administration official is confirming to my colleague jim acosta that the president did indeed refer to those american war dead in crude and derogatory terms. of course, president trump and the white house have vehemently denied this story insisting the president has the utmost respect for veterans and service members. the president saying even what kind of animal would refer to
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dead american service members in such a fashion. but nonetheless now a senior former administration official confirming to cnn the president did indeed make those comments. and in addition another source who was familiar with some of the president's remarks has now told cnn the president has also repeatedly questioned why vietnam war veterans would have served in that war, suggesting that those service members did not know how to get out of the draft, how to work the system. much in the way that the president himself did. we know that president trump received multiple educational deferments to avoid serving in the vietnam war. and he also ultimately received a medical deferment after he got a doctor's note claiming the president had bone spurs making him ineligible for military service. jeremy diamond, cnn, the white house. >> mr. trump has also publicly disparaged other veterans of course like the late senator
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john mccain who was tortured during his years in the vietnam war. >> it's just as true, you know, it's really reprehensible. and the problem is it is believable given the president's past behavior and statements he made, most notably about senator mccain and other instances come to mind of the gold star family and similar incidents, you know, where you get the impression he doesn't really respect or appreciate the military. so for me both personally and institutionally it's deeply troubling. >> clapper was also director of
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national intelligence under president obama and has been critical of trump in the past. he's also been attacked by the president on twitter. now less than two months before the election u.s. protests on racial justice show no signs of letting up. groups denouncing the police killing of breonna taylor peacefully marched and rallied in louisville, kentucky, on saturday. and they felt their voices were heard. >> reporter: well, the demonstrations ended where it began at a park just about a mile away from churchill downs. at one point their numbers were in the thousands. as they got to churchill downs, marched around the perimeter. and just as the race got underway, they stood, they shouted, voiced all their concerns, voiced their message which is trying to get justice for breonna taylor. there were some concerns whether or not this protest would be peaceful, whether or not it would be nonviolent. we spoke to one of the organizers who said this was a
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protest that went off just the way it should have. >> me talking to you right now was a part of our plan. we wanted to world to see. we wanted everyone to see and understand we're not happy, we're not satisfied with what the attorney general is doing, what the mayor is doing. we want justice for breonna taylor. while that race was going on people were forced to pay attention to what was going on outside churchill downs. and we did so nonviolently but we're going to continue to do this. >> reporter: the derby ran without fans so you didn't have the thousands upon thousands of fans you would normally have leaving the derby. they feel as though their points still got across, which is to make sure they're not going to let up on the demonstrations until they see justice for breonna taylor. jason carol, cnn, louisville, kentucky. police are once again declaring a riot in portland, oregon, on this the 100th night
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of anti-racism protests there. they say demonstrators are throwing mall tav cocktails at them. on friday authorities declaring an unlawful assembly outside a police building where the crowd scuffled with officers. now, the new york attorney general says her office will impanel a grand jury to investigate the death of daniel prude. prude, a black man died after he was arrested by police in rochester, new york. now, for the fourth night in a row interactions between protesters and police there have been tense. cnn's paulo sandoval with more. >> reporter: peaceful demonstrators returning here to the same neighborhood where daniel prude encountered police back in late march with their message demanding justice and
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words spreading quickly among members of the community here about the attorney general's announcement she'll be impanelling a grand jury. that could potentially mean criminal charges as part of the investigation here. speaking to many memembers of the community here who feel this is step in the right direction but they also feel this is just a start. >> i think it's absolutely a step in the right direction. i think it's what the community wants, needs, i think it's unambiguously murder that happened, so i'm beyond excited to hear this is going to be expedited, she's taking a lead role behind this and we're going to have justice. >> reporter: local officials also reacting to yesterday's announcement including one of the county officials who took to twitter writing we've all been left with too many questions and not enough answers. it is an important first step in getting those answers that mr. prude's family and our community rightfully deserve. as for the seven rochester police officers they remain
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suspended by the city of rochester. pollo, sandoval, cnn, rochester, new york. >> a journalist and historian and also the author of "reagan land america's right turn." i want to start off with a quote from donald trump back in 2016. and he said this. "we will also be a country of law and order. the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon and i mean very soon come to an end." that was at the republican national convention, 2016. does a quote like that haunt him in 2020 given his law and order messaging? >> well, i think that it's already pretty baked in. you have 40% of the country that thinks he walks on water and an increasing part of the country that wouldn't vote for him for any reason. so that seems to be pretty much a rigid division. i mean, if he was interested in
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law and order of course he couldn't have started in his own white house which is full of convictions. this is obviously just demagogic political rhetoric. >> you've written about how richard nixon exploited the fears of white americans over street violence to get elected. but you've also said you're tired of historial parallels. a major difference nixon was running for office, not trying to be re-elected at the time. >> i mean, of course in 1964 there was an enormous amount of racial violence including the violence in cities after police abuse in a bunch of cities that we saw now and of course the violence in the south over civil rights. and the candidate of racial backlash barry goldwater lost in a landslide. of course richard nixon won in 1968, but he was able to make the case all this disorder was
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happening after an enormous period of legislation against poverty, before civil rights, the expansion of the government's role in improving african-americans conditions, and it was very easy for conservatives to point to that and say look what happened we just got rioting in response. of course donald trump can make no such argument. he was the one in charge. he was superintendent of the country when all this violence and division was happening. so it's much harder for him to make the case that somehow the democrats have anything to do with this especially since the people on the right committing the violence of course are waving donald trump flags and wearing donald trump hats. whereas, you know, the folks who are discharging rounds from the left consider the democratic party enathema to their politics. >> how do you think the scenes of violence in some cities --
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and we have to really make the point, too, 90% of the protests are peaceful. but how do you think the violence that's playing out in some places resonates or not with the average american? polling would suggest not that much, but democrats are getting concerned the issue is getting away. >> yeah, i think that concern is pretty much taken if you look at it granularity of the polls in a place like wisconsin where when people are asked who is handling or would handle the violence better, donald trump or joe biden, joe biden wins that issue by a considerable margin. so whatever peoples concerns about violence in the streets they're clearry not tying it to the democratic party despite donald trump's best efforts. >> do you think that this -- race in general, the violence we've seen as well, but race in general, law and order, do you think that's a wedge issue or do you think there's any, you know, substandard political will and i
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have to say on both sides to do something genuine and impact what causeatize. >> joe biden clearly has a plan for addressing the racial disorder in the country and the racial disparity in the country, and donald trump seem tuesday be much more interested in increasing the tension in the streets, right? i mean that's why he goes to a place like kenosha, and his policies would probably be disastrous for african-americans. so if it's a question of, you know, policy clearly we give points to joe biden on that one. >> and just quickly does he need to go on the attack now more aggressively? it's been criticized by some it's been a do no harm approach so far. >> well, i'm looking at the headline in the chicago tribune from tuesday morning and it says biden, trump stoking violence. so that does not seem like a do nothing campaign. it seems he's taking his fight to his adversary and getting his
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message out there. >> journalist and historian, thanks so much. >> thank you so much, mike. elementary schools around the world are trying to adapt to a world with covid-19, but that often requires resources that public schools simply don't have. we'll show you why this matters when we come back. and also why women are facing dwindling work opportunities as the pandemic drags on and on. we'll be right back. you hear that? that's your weathered deck, crying for help. while you do nothing, it's inviting those geese over for target practice. today, let's stain. and right now, get incredible savings on behr premium paints and stains. exclusively at the home depot.
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and easily manage and grow your savings. did you see that? virtual wallet® for digital banking from pnc. it's time to get more from your bank. welcome back. the cdc has been telling states in the u.s. to get ready to distribute a potential coronavirus vaccine by the end of october, and president donald trump has been saying we could probable have it then. that's what he said. now, medical experts, though, they are skeptical, and so is democratic vice presidential nominee kamala harris. she shared some of her concerns with dana bash. >> do you trust that in the situation where we're in now that the public health experts and the scientists will get the last word on the efficacy of a
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vaccine? >> if past is prologue, then they will not. they'll be muzzled. they'll be suppressed. they'll be side lined because he's looking at an election coming up in less than 60 days and he's grasping for whatever he can get to pretend he's been a leader on this issue when he's not. >> so let's just say there's a vaccine that is approved and even distributed before the election, would you get it? >> well, i think that's going to be an issue for all of us. i will say that i would not trust donald trump, and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the %-p. i will not take his word for it. >> and you can see more of dana bash's interview with senator kamala harris on "state of the union," 9:00 a.m. in new york, 2:00 p.m. in london, 9:00 p.m.
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in hong kong. now, there is also some concerning coronavirus data coming out of mexico. the health ministry there adding more than 120,000 covid-19 deaths to its reporting. now, that might mean the virus' true impact on mexico could be far, far higher than previously thought. and even now brazil is reporting more than 4 million cases. there may be signs that country's situation is improving. that's not the case in the u.k. there officials reported on friday the highest number of cases since may 30th. and in spain schools are having to adapt to this new reality. not only is coronavirus putting them at risk but as we're about to show you it's also highlighting the many inequalities between state and private education. >> reporter: the british council school of madrid is hammering
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out new facilities to meet covid-19 guidelines for the start of a new school year like no other. head of school mercedes hernandez shows us the breezy new cafeteria extension, indoor-out door areas for smaller classes with better ventilation. and the playground is now a rainbow colored labyrinth of dividers to keep a classes in their bubbles to prevent the virus from spreading. she's also ordered six mobile classrooms like this to arrive before school starts. >> and the beautiful spanish weather gives us the option of learning in many different spaces in different ways. >> reporter: the school has already hired more teachers, school minders and nurses, but there is a stark difference between madrid's private schools that have the means to deliver safe classrooms and the bleak public schools across town. the virus is spreading fastest in the poorest areas of madrid,
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but public schools here simply do not have the resources to add more space, more classes or more teachers. now, the government has finally promised to fast track more funds. even so little of that is going to be ready before school starts in just a few days time. at the end of august the madrid government finally earmarked 370 million euros for covid-19 measures promising to hire 11,000 new teachers. mary said the national parents association is angry that it took so long. she has four kids of her own and one computer they all fought over at the peak of the pandemic. she says her school needs four more teachers whose budget has yet to be approve. she's worried if the classes can't open safely public schools will go back online lagging far behind their wealthy peers. what is absolutely necessary she says is financial investment. teachers need to be hired now from day one, not after weeks
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and weeks of waiting. and she adds a screen does not substitute for school. two schools worlds apart. for spain's youngest covid-19 threatens to widen that gap even more. atika shubert, cnn, madrid. >> when schools began to shutdown around the world many women were forced to leave their jobs to stay home with children. now with job opportunities drying up in sectors like the service industry and sales some women are finding it hard to get back to work as this pandemic drags on. isa soares with that. >> reporter: like many others her career hit the wrong note in 2020. jolted by lock down and the financial whiplash of covid-19. >> we were working from home for just under a month and then furloughed to end of july, and
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then yes, of course, got very scared. >> reporter: but furlough came and went, and now the single mother of two has been made redundant with no income and bills that just keep piling up. >> my rental bill, it doesn't matter what i'm trying to do everywhere else is going up so i'm fighting a losing battle. >> reporter: she's not fighting it alone. according to the international labor organization women have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. with almost 510 million of all employed women worldwide working in the four most affected sectors. >> now there's a real risk of a tier two return to work, so you're going to see large numbers of women not able to return to work because the sectors they're working in are not really financially viable. >> reporter: for her this has meant six months of single parenting, cooking, cleaning, home schooling and entertaining.
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ultimately less time focusing on getting her career and her finances back on track. >> i'm very worried. i'm still trying. the more agencies i talk to the more worried i get. >> reporter: how emotional has this experience been for you? have you had moments of self-doubt? >> i've been wavering. i've been trying to put on a brave face. it's okay to see mom crumble at times. >> reporter: the damage from covid-19 will be felt by future generations of women with the imf warning gender gaps are widening despite 30 years of progress. >> i think it's actually made things worse. so it's not just that it's shown a light on those pre-existing inequalities, it's actually exacerbated them. so, you know, prior to the pandemic women in the u.k. were more likely to be low paid. there was a significant gender pay gap. they were more likely to be in
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insecure employment on zero hours contract and so on. and they were more likely to take on the majority of unpaid work. what the pandemic has done is increase that. >> reporter: a disheartening message for her. her 11-year-old daughter and all women who hope to finally chip away at an impenetrable glass ceiling. isa soares, cnn, england. now, labor day in the u.s. often means travel, restaurants and sporting events. because of the virus businesses that usually thrive this holiday weekend are having to make some tough choices. we'll have that after the break. ! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today.
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and we are following some breaking news out of the united kingdom. we're getting reports that several people have been stabbed in the city of birmingham. police have reportedly declared it a major incident. details are very scarce at the moment. police aren't saying very much. the british media, though, reporting a number of people have been wounded. we don't know how many or how serious the injuries are. emergency services are on the scene as we say police are saying very little about this at the moment other than declaring it a major incident. we'll bring you more details as they become available. india has now reached a disturbing milestone in the coronavirus pandemic. more than 4 million confirmed cases. saturday marked the third consecutive day in which india reported more than 80,000 new coronavirus infections. more on this grim surge from new delhi. >> reporter: congested streets, crowded markets.
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india's exponential increase in covid-19 numbers has done little to deter people from venturing out. >> people thought once the numbers go down this was it, they had won the war, and everybody was out. and everybody was -- you know, out there without wearing a mask, without any social distancing, without any sanitizers, basically just gay abandon. >> reporter: while it took india five months to surpass the cases, medical exparts say one of it reasons for the big surge is aggressive testing. india will soon cross 50 million tests, reaching more than a million a day. a significant decrease in caseload has been reported through rural areas where the
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public health care system remains extremely poor and lean. >> the pandemic is mainly affecting the seven states of this country which are responsible for almost 75% of the cases. >> reporter: india's health ministry has often quoted high mortality rates to explain this. >> i think it's because of the mixed messaging we are putting out. we're not telling people exactly what is going on. we are giving them hard truths about recovery rates but not telling them the exact gravity of the situation. >> reporter: force repeated lock downs have left the government to release the restricts with malls, restaurants and temples already reopened, subway trains will be back on track for monday. another possible hazard in the times of covid. with the fastest growing
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caseload in the world india is on track to surpass brazil's numbers and could soon be second only to the u.s. in covid-19 cases. cnn, new delhi. it is now labor day weekend in the u.s., which has public health officials pretty worried. that is because previous holiday weekends this year have led to, yes, more coronavirus infections. so as people take precautions many businesses that usually thrive in this time of year are facing some pretty serious challenges. cnn's natasha chen reports. >> this entire walton street is just a hotbed. >> reporter: on a usual weekend kelly burns would be usually booked solid giving tours of iconing spots in atlanta where major blockbusters and tv shows were filmed. >> right behind us is the tank
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scene from "walking dead." >> reporter: the post apocalyptic atlanta of the "ing dead" may be a thing of fiction but the reality of 2020 may be bleak. about 280,000 people have tested positive for controversy, and businesses like atlanta movie tours closed for good. >> it is emotional, but i think you come to a point where you know that you made the right decision. >> reporter: the atlanta convention and visitors bureau says this labor day weekend would have seen nearly a quarter million visitors. instead dragon con is virtual. the atlanta black pride festival is still happening in person, but the annual pga tour championship at east lake golf club is being played to no fans.
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the kick off game plus the third one next weekend is canceled. >> over $7.5 million of that would have translated back into tax revenue into the city of atlanta, so certainly the hotels, the restaurants, the bars, the city itself is losing a great economic impact. >> as you see when you walk there's no one on the streets. there's no businessmen in the offices and the high rises. >> reporter: the red phone, a speakeasy in downlen atlanta opened exactly five years ago with the dragon con visitors as their first guests. >> this would be packed all weekend. >> absolutely. they're all dressed up. some in steampunk. >> reporter: instead they'll still have local supporters coming by this weekend at a reduced capacity per state rules. more than half of the furloughed
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company staff is back but business not not recovered enough to bring back all of them. >> there's been many sleepless nights. >> reporter: and he knows some businesses like his friends atlanta movie tours won't make it on the other side of this pandemic. >> i think we could have done better to stop this or slow this early on with some -- between mask wearing and physical distancing, early, early stages. we got to the point where we were just a little too late. >> reporter: all the owners of businesses emptier this weekend know the sooner the virus is stopped the sooner they can see friendly faces again that requires people not to gather en masse this holiday weekend. >> i understand many of us are tired and ready to move on, but we have to hunker down and keep chopping against covid-19. >> reporter: natasha chen, cnn, atlanta. tens of millions of people in california are feeling the
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heat right now as temperatures in many spots soar well past 100 degrees fahrenheit. let's bring in meteorologist derek van dam. yeah, i think 110 in l.a. over the weekend. that's pretty hot even there. >> and with temperatures like that it's putting a strain on the energy sector. in fact pg&e warning its customers if they do not conserve energy through the labor day weekend they can expect rolling black outs to commence. now over 150 high record temperatures possible through the long holiday weekend across the entire western u.s., but a lot of that heat centered as you rightly said, michael, into the state of california because that's where we've had temperatures spike into the triple digits very easily from l.a. northward into sacramento, bakersfield and the palm springs region. these are not typos, people. we are talking temperatures we would normally see in the middle of july, but of course it's
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early to mid-september. high fire risk, low humidities, triple digit hit and timber box conditions has allowed for explosive growth like this particular fire you're going to see in one moment. this is known as the creek fire near the yosemite national park. it grew from 100,000 acres to over 36,000 acres. i've got to show you this map because this is fascinating to see. we have a typhoon on the other side of the planet. this is the western pacific near japan and china. but all the weather is connected across the world. the typhoon is putting energy into the jetstream or the upper level winds, and what this is actually doing is amplifying and taking ridges across the entire pacific ocean and allowing for that energy to be transported to the western u.s. allowing for heat to incur and also the potential for a major temperature swing to take shape just east of the rockies with a
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full on snowstorm for denver, colorado. just fascinating to see how these weather scenarios and phenomenons are all interconnected. a little bit of detail on the typhoon, this particular system as my graphics catch up with me here. it is amazing to see how this storm moves on. it is edging its way closer and closer towards the western portions of of japan. this is consciousa island. winds at 110 miles per hour with this particular system. there's a weakening trend. >> derek van dam, appreciate you keeping an eye on it for us. thanks so much. well, he lost his job because of the coronavirus pandemic, but you won't believe where he ended up working. how an american man says he was tricked into helping a russian campaign of lies. you'll see it only on cnn after the break. unitedhealthcare medie plans offer so much more...
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and now a cnn exclusive. heading into the u.s. election the intelligence community warns that russia is again embarking on a disinformation campaign. but they've apparently had help from some americans who didn't even realize they were helping. donny o'sullivan has one man's story. >> this isn't one way i wanted getting media attention or notoriety. it's embarrassing. i wrote for a foreign government, and i had no idea. >> reporter: jack delaney is a 26-year-old aspiring writer who lost his day job at a restaurant because of covid-19, so he was delighted when someone calling themselves alex lacusta messaged him on twitter offering him a job writing for peace data, a left wing news website. >> the message was, you know, saying, hey, we like your work. would you like to write for us?
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would you like to be a part of our publication? we can offer you $200 to $250 per article, and at that time i was like this is great opportunity, get my work published. a looked at a few of the editors, saw there was linkedin accounts matched to their names, their pictures were popping up on google images searches so at a glance it looked legitimate. >> reporter: but lacusta wasn't who he said he was, and peace data wasn't an independent left wing site, it is according to facebook acting on a tip from the fbi a russian influence operation. peace data says the accusations are baseless. the russian government has not commented. >> i'm obviously not a fan of putin or the russian government, so it was concerning. obviously i don't want to have any association with an authoritarian regime, so it
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was -- i can't put it it into any other words fs it was one of the strangest experiences in my life. >> it must be surreal to hear about this and say, oh, my god, am i part of a russian disinformation campaign? >> totally surreal. i had no idea they were linked to the kremlin or anything. obviously if i had known wouldn't have done that. it seemed legitimate from what i saw. >> reporter: the whole thing apparently a russian con. even the profile picture of delaney's editor, not a picture of a real person but an image of a face generated by a computer through artificial intelligence. i was looking at that picture, and there's no way i could have told that there was anything off about it, that it was a fake image. it looked so real. >> it looked like a standard head shot of an editor i've seen in other places. you know, didn't tip me off as being a fake image obviously. i had no way to tell.
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>> reporter: and jack wasn't alone. cnn spoke to three other americans who were also co-opted, all paid online. and was all done by people linked to the internet research agency according to facebook. that's the same russian troll group that interfered in the 2016 u.s. presidential election. >> i'm more mad at myself for letting this happen than at like vladimir putin or russia or anything. i should have my guard up a bit more. >> and that was cnn's donie o'sullivan reporting there. it looks like the trump tell-all section at the bookstore might need another shelf. the president's former attorney, michael cohen's memory "disloyal" is coming out on tuesday. in it we already know he goes into great detail on trump's fixation on president obama. writing tump was so obsessed he hired a fake obama for a video where trump, quote,
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ritualistically belittled the first black president and then fired him apprentice-style. cnn has reached out to the white house for comment. cohen you may remember pled guilty in 2018 to numerous federal crimes including tax evasion, lying to congress and campaign finance violations. there's going to be more on that in the days ahead. >> now, the real life hero in hotel rwanda has been arrested and charged with terror offenses in his home country, and his family wants to know why. as cnn's david mckenzie explains it's not even clear what he was doing in africa. >> reporter: the real life hero behind the movie hotel rwanda who saved 1,200 of his fellow u rawandans handcuffed and paraded in front of cameras in rawanda's
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capitol. >> i thought my father was in san antonio, texas, enjoying a cup of coffee. no, he's in rwanda and been arrested. we haven't gotten to talk to him. that's all i know literally. >> reporter: his disappearance hassed his family and friends back in the united states. a senior uae government official told cnn that a week ago he arrived in dubai from chicago on a commercial flight. 5 hours later he would leave the uae on a private jet headed to rwanda. rwanda's investigation bureau announced his arrest on monday saying it was in connection with terror related offenses. why he got on that private jet is still a mystery. he would have gone if he set foot in president -- rwanda he was bound to be locked up.
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over the years he became kugame's staunchest critic. in a country and with a president and frequently jails opponents including one politician who wanted to run against him in 2017. what do you make of those allegations? >> so i have to be careful what i say because when you're not careful what you say then these things happen to my father. so i'll be careful. having a thought is a crime in some places. being your own man is a crime in some places. my father is guilty of having the guts to speak up.
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>> reporter: ruwandan authorities insist his arrest has nothing to do with politics saying he's suspected to be the founder, leader, sponsor and member of violent armed extremist terror outfits. they say he was directly involved in two specific acts of terror in 2018 and will bring more evidence at his family fears that however he got to rwanda, his fate is already sealed. david mckenzie, cnn, johannesburg. >> you're watching "cnn newsroom." we'll be right back.
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now cnn martin savidge with how the hometown of actor chadwick boseman is remembering him one week after he passed away. >> reporter: international action hero chadwick boseman was an inspiration to many. and now his life and legacy are celebrated at a memorial service in his hometown of anderson, south carolina. >> it's a blessing to be honored, and he will be honored
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all over the world. but when home honors you, it's a different feeling. >> dewanna brown thomas, daughter of the legendary james brown, spoke at the service and speaks of the phenomenal job he did of portraying her father. >> he made us proud and he did an awesome job. we're very thankful that it was chadwick boseman who did james brown. >> it's his humble small town roots that many people are so proud of. >> he had a spiritual connection from the start and it was a part of his life. he was in church all of his life, even after he left he stayed there. >> what i'm here for is the memories of someone who started from humble beginnings, ultimately became a beginning. >> it's been hard in the last few days because i love chadwick boseman. i'm here to be with my community, celebrate him and be here for each other. >> reporter: like many,
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anderson's mayor remembers boseman for his enormous talented, personifying his figure in roles he immortalized. >> obviously he made an impact as a young man and people saw in him that he had a special talent and nobody was really surprised of his career. >> reporter: it was his pivotal roll as black panther that instilled crime and ushered an awakening of boseman as a super hero for everyone. >> we just love chad. he was so good with chad. he helped out with kids going to see black panther. we wish we had more chad boseman's. >> he's been very inspirational to people, not just people of color but everyone. >> when someone like chadwick is taken away, it's really nice to see your hometown and community come out and show some love and honor him in his passing.
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>> a hometown hero that anderson will always cherish. martin savidge, cnn. >> and thanks for spending time in your day with me. "cnn newsroom" continues in just a moment with kim brown huber in the anchor chair and you will enjoy it. stay with us. nothing, it's inviting those geese over for target practice. today, let's stain. and right now, get incredible savings on behr premium paints and stains. exclusively at the home depot. they will, but with accident forgiveness allstate won't raise your rates just because of an accident. cut! is that good? no you were talking about allstate and... i just... when i... accident forgiveness from allstate. click or call for a quote today. you're on it. exercising often and eating healthy? yup, on it there too. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...but could your medication do more to lower your heart risk?
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12:00 am
angry denials. president trump strongly pushes back on the damning report in "the atlantic" been cnn has startling new information on that story. plus, race tensions. protests erupt across the u.s. demanding change. we'll look at how it could impact your presidential election


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