tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 8, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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believe. so it's a big opportunity that i think could help change the relationship between policing and a community on both sides. >> yeah. i mean, perhaps something good, you know, can come out of this. i really appreciate your taking the time and congratulations on the baby. the moment of joy you were out taking a brief break from when this happened. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> thanks so much to all of you for joining us. anderson starts now. and good evening. hope you had a good holiday. even in the best of times, the tuesday after labor day is supposed to be when we get more serious. summer unofficially ends, we're back in school and presidential campaigns ramp up and we remember 9/11 and sacrifices volunteers made to keep us safe. this tuesday in what certainly or not the best of times those themes have taken on that much more weight and converging tonight. the president is campaigning in
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north carolina, a state starting mail in voting and expecting possibly hundreds of thousands to take advantage of it precisely because of the coronavirus. but looking at the president's rally tonight, you wouldn't know that. it is, as you can see, a potential virus super spreader event. he's also back to belittling people for wearing masks. the president who sidelined dr. anthony fauci and experts is enamored with someone with no training in the field who advocates protecting only the most vulnerable people otherwise letting the virus spread. and spread it has. nearly 190,000 americans have now died with the projection that more than 400,000 lives will be lost by the end of the year according to one widely sided forecast and new cases have declined from their peak, they are averaging just shy of 40,000 new cases a day. that is twice as high as after the last big dip. as of tonight, more than 6.3 million americans have tested positive for covid and for perspective, this weekend marked
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exactly six months since kellyanne conway no doctor herself but president's advisor expressed contempt for a reporter asking what the administration was doing to keep the virus contained. >> it is being can ting contain you not think it being contained? >> i'm not a doctor. >> when she said that, there was 215 cases in the country. tonight 6.3 million. paediatric cases has increased according to the children's hospital association. universities and colleges have been getting hit especially hard and again, as he has tonight salem, the president is holding largely unprotected mass gatherings several times a week. he's also been saying the quiet part, the openly political and self-interested part out loud about having a vaccine by election day. >> we're going to have a vaccine very soon, maybe even before a very special date. you know what date i'm talking about. >> yeah, he's openly signaling
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that he's more interested in a vaccine to keep himself in office than anything else, which may have something to do with the pledge signed today by nine leading bio pharmaceutical companies suggesting they will not seek approval emergency authorization for any vaccine until after safety and e effe e effectiveness is proved. astrazeneca suspended one study because of one safety issue. pushing the fda commissioner to hyper treatment to convalescent plasma in a way the commissioner would have to apologize for. as was praising the likes of the demon sperm doctor or meeting in the oval office with the my pillow guy pushing a quake cure. by those standards dangling a life saving vaccine in front of americans all but admitting they are trying to get votes with it is par for the course and so is
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ignoring the member of the task force that told judy this today about having a vaccine by election day. >> i think that's unlikely. i mean, the only way you can see that scenario come true is if that there are so many infections in the clinical trial sites that you get an effectiveness answer sooner than project projected. like i said, it's not impossible, judy, but it's unlikely we'll have a definitive answer at that time. more likely by the end of the year. >> which again, the president openly is suggesting is too late for him personally and politically. keeping them honest, doesn't the fact he's saying this cynical part out loud speak to how he views the people he's sworn to serve, how he views all of us? it's as though he's confessing to seeing them as suckers which is not normal but not surprising. suckers and losers is how the president reportedly referred to
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american service members buried here in a cemetery in france he declined to visit two years ago. suckers is what he reportedly called american men and women, many poor who served in vietnam. losers is what he reportedly called the captured and killed. jeffrey goldberg first reported siting four sources of direct knowledge. since then numerous other outlets with cnn, the associated press and fox news confirmed many pieces of goldberg's reporting. why some would doubt the president said these things is astonishing. he proudly straited whi lly sta john mccain was a loser and not a war hero. there has been total silence by any commander to trump and no denials trump said these things from general kelly or mattis. fired national security advisor john bolton said he never heard the president saying those things but quote i'm not saying he didn't say them later in the day or another time. as for the troops, well, there
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are plenty in north carolina. fort bragg is there and cherry point and pope air force base among others. some troops and families are likely at the president's event tonight. some may have lost loved ones to covid or combat or suicide. whether or not they are to believe the man at the podium disparaged our troops and those who everything issserved and sa men and women like them who may determine the outcome of the election in north carolina and perhaps it may determine the outcome of the election nationwide. first, tonight, the president's mass gathering and dr. sanjay gupta. sanjay, given all we know about the virus, how it spreads, is there any way to justify holding a campaign event like this? i mean, putting -- isn't it putting people's lives potentially at risk? >> i mean, you know, we're dealing with the highly contagious virus, the one thing we're told is that this virus likes to jump host to host and when you look at these images of
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the rallies, i mean, this is the venture you're trying to avoid. you know, we've gotten ahold of the task force recommendations for the various states including north carolina, and if you look at the numbers overall, north carolina would be considered in the red zone and that's based on the number of people per 100,000 who have contracted the virus. there is a mask mandate in place if you can't stay six feet away from somebody. obviously, not a lot of people wearing masks there and you're not supposed to have any kind of event that's larger than 50 people in north carolina right now and that comes from the data sort of trying to say look, here is the viral spread. here is what we think is the level of concern. and that's how they arrive at these numbers. so you look at events like this frankly any time you'ringe ingg people together, that's the risk. the virus likes to jump from host to host. that's what can potentially happen. >> in terms of consequences, there is a very real possibility
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every time the president does this, it could be a super spreader event that impacts and has ripple effects not only in that community but far and wide where people go back to their homes. even it can affect people who did not go to this event. >> absolutely. you know, people think oversuper spre -- of super spreaders as being individuals but the super spreader is the event. it the sort of entire event and all the various ingredients that make a super spreader event. so potentially people in an area where the virus is known to spread. you go into an area like this if you're in a group of more than 50 people, there is a much higher likelihood you are going to come in contact with somebody who is carrying the virus. that's where those numbers come from. you could then become infected as we know. it is not likely you're going to have any symptoms for some time, a couple weeks and during that time you could potentially spread the virus. people come to these events from all over the place and go back
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to their homes, to their communities, wherever and that's the problem here. you know, there was a wedding cnn reported on this wedding that took place in maine. there were 65 people at this reception. subsequent because of that reception, there were 147 people i believe who became infected and three people died and they were in various places around the state even some outside the state. so that's the real concern. and i should point out, anderson, because every time we talk about this, people say, well, what about the protests and things like that? yes, any time you get people together especially if they're not wearing masks, you run the risk of having super spreader type events. we're in the middle of a pandemic. we still are. and this is a very contagious virus we're still dealing with. that hasn't changed. >> sanjay, appreciate it. we'll talk to sanjay in a bit about breaking vaccine news because there is a lot more of that tonight and the president's rally and where he's going, that is michigan. gretchen whitmer joins me now. thanks for being with us.
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president trump, we see the event, you know, he's holding tonight and holing campaign event in your state this thursday. as you see the pictures today from florida and north carolina with no essential distancing, many not wears masks, how do you avoid this happening in michigan? can you? >> well, it's distressing to say the least. we have been following the science here in michigan. we have a mask mandate. we have gathering rules to ensure that we don't have super spreader events and yet, we anticipate that he'll be descending on this state and perhaps encouraging people to come maskless and come together in the ways we've seen them happening across the country and i think this is very distressing. we pushed our curve down. we've saved thousands of lives. we got people back to work, and events like this threaten all that sacrifice that we've made and i would love to see the leader of our country embrace masks and encourage people to do the right thing. this is an economic crisis, this
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is a public health crisis. we got to get serious about it and focus on getting this right. >> are you -- i mean, how does it work in your state, do you communicate with the trump campaign or anyone of the white house about a visit like this? i know you said you have a mask mandate. in michigan if you're outdoors and it's not possible to stay six feet away, you have a mask mandate. is there anything to enforce a mask -- to mandate at these campaign events? >> well, the fact of the matter is we've been educating our public people understand the science. they get it. the vast majority of people in the state are doing the right thing. i don't doubt that there will be people who want to show up at that event and will take the lead from the man himself and drop their guard and could subject themselves to covid-19 but the fact of the matter is we got joe biden coming into town tomorrow. i know they are following the science. they want to keep their supporters and the general public safe and whether you're going g ting to one event on w
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or other thursday, my job is to protect the people of this state. >> what happens the next time president trump wants to come to michigan and hold an event? he is the president. there is no -- nothing to stop somebody. can other people hold huge events like this? >> well, let me just give you a quick example. there is a state legislator here in michigan who apparently according to reports attended an anti mask event mackless and got covid-19 himself. meant that the state senate couldn't even meet until a certain amount of time passed and so this is still very real. it is still very present in my state and present across the country. we still six months in don't have a national strategy around testing or ppe or mask wearing and that's why it's on the nation's governors like my friend mike dewine to the south of me in ohio and me and all of
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the rest of us to lead the way here and that's why we got to keep following the science and doing what we need to do to protect our people until we have a president who is going to come up with a national strategy. >> how do you see the race in michigan? >> well, i've always said the race, the road to the white house goes through the state of michigan. i believe this race is tightening up. we've seen polling to that effect. i'm not surprised. that's precisely why you see both candidates in the state this weekend and i would anticipate seeing them many more times between now and election day. michigan is a state of voters who are hurting where you need to have leadership who is focused on getting us back to work and keeping us safe in the process and so i think the big question people are going to ask is are you better off today than four years ago and for the working class in this state and across the country, the answer is no and i think that's why this is a year where we're going to make a big change but no one
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should take michigan for granted. i know how hard we're working and how hard joe biden and kamala harris are working. >> thank you. >> thank you. just ahead, sanjay gupta is with william hassle teen and many reports the president's showing contempt for the trips. . with fidelity wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice and tailored recommendations. that's the clarity you get with fidelity wealth management. and tailored recommendations. (vo) verizon knows how to build unlimited right. start with america's most awarded network. i'm on my phone 24/7. (vo) then, for the first time ever, include disney+, hulu, and espn+. we're a big soccer family. "handmaid's tale." i love "frozen." (vo) then give families plans to mix and match so you only pay for what you need. you get so much more, and it's a great network. (vo) with plans starting at just $35.
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the president spoke october the growing number of accounts about his alleged contempt for the troops. >> they make this stuff up. they make it up. they make stuff called disinformation. they give a phony deal out. they did it two days ago with the military. nobody loves the military more than me. >> we have new reporting how rattled the president is by the atlantic piece. we're joined by senator tammy duckworth that lost both legs in combat when her black hauwk helicopter was hit by fire. she signed with other law mamak that calls for a presidential apology while noting none would suffice. you signed this open letter and said the very notion of the president doing something for someone he'll never meet of committing to a cause that out lives him is beyond his comprehensi comprehension. i'm astonished people would doubt the quotes attributed to
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the president in the atlantic article and cnn and associated press and washington post and fox news now. i mean, he labels people losers and suckers all the time. he's disparaged mccain, his generals constantly. >> right. so even if you didn't address the issues with what was said in "the atlantic" article, he's said many other things that have really undermined the moral of our military men and women and not to mention things he's done personally to include not showing up at that world war ii bellow woods ceremony himself when other members of his own administration were there not to mention the fact that he has pa boa pardoned special operations. you set aside the article that nobody disbelieves because he's very consistent with who donald trump is. he's done a number of other things that are very consistent that shows that he is not fit to be commander in chief.
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>> right. by the way, the special operators charged with war crimes, the people testifying against him were many of the service members serving under them or with them. it wasn't as if this was some politically correct group of attorneys just suing a special operator. this is people in the person's own unit often. i want to read part of jeffrey goldberg's article. in a 2018 white house planning meeting trump asked his staff not to include wounded veterans on grounds spectators would feel up co uncomfortable in the presence of amputees. do you think he can remotely comprehend what you and other wounded veterans have been through? i mean, somebody who obviously has gone to great lengths not to serve and, you know, the very idea of service of that sort is -- i mean, it's like speaking a foreign language to him. >> it is like a foreign language
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to him, assullenberger, the man doesn't recognize courage because he's a coward. he never did service something greater than himself. he's a narcotissist and what isn it for him. he can never understand the sacrifices for men and women and their families that serve in the military and why they are willing to surf forerve for a c greater than themselves. he's never done it and never will. >> i'm stunned by one hand he says nobody is better than the military and cares more but at the same token, again, he's pub l -- publicly constantly said his generals just want to go to war. he loved his generals until he actually met those generals and they started advising him and he then came to not like any of
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them and now disparaged kelly and mcmaster. you know, the president again just took a swipe at the late senator john mccain yesterday and referred to himself as, you know, saying he would probably be a better warrior than anybody if he went to war. this is, you know, maybe he wore a uniform at a military academy that was a high school that he went to because he was a problem student. i mean, the idea that he used bone spurs to avoid active duty in vietnam. >> that's why i call him cadet bone spurs, the highest rank he ever reached was cadet and he used bone spurs, a lie about bone spurs in order to draft dodge and frankly, he's not fit to be commander in chief of our nation's mill tatar military fo another minute. he had people that would stand up to him. he loves them until they stand up to him and say no, sir. that's what you're supposed to
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do as a military leader. you put the welfare and well being of your troops ahead of everything. you watch out for them and put them first because some day you may have to ask the unthinkable, to go and cross the line of departure and engage our nation's enemies and in order to be able to do that, you must value them above all else and care for them above all else. this is something the president has never done. he said he's been better for the troops over any other president is yet another series of long lies he's made, he's said as president of the united states. he has not been better for the troops than any other president. in fact, many of the things he's taken credit for were passed by congress and actually championed by senators mccain, two real veterans, two real war heroes. >> the president said over the weekend soldiers quote in love with him and that quote the top people in the pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all those wonderful companies that make the bombs and planes and everything else stay happy
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end quote. the idea that it's soldiers who want to fight all the wars and, you know, the people who are serving in endless wars, the people taking multiple tour after tour after tour, they are not the ones making the decisions. it is the president making the decisions. it's ironic that he's considering, he likes to boast about beefing up military hardware and selling arms overseas and yet, it's suddenly now the military industrial complex. >> right. remember, this is the president who picked a lobbyist or defense company to be his secretary of defense. >> secretary esper is a lobbyist. >> right. rathion makes many great things to keep our troops safe but he's the one who appointed a defense industry lobbyists to be his secretary of defense. at the same time, by the way, military times had a poll last week that showed that for the
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first time the majority of the troops they are asked today to vote would not vote for donald trump. >> senator duck worth, appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up next, former presidential candidate howard dean, the story is personal for him as well. he lost a brother in vietnam. we'll be right back. humira patients,... ...this one's for you. you inspired us to make your humira experience even better... with humira citrate-free. it has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers,
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>> what these advisors are saying and i talked to three different trump campaign advisors, unless some of the sources that are mentioned in the atlantic story, you know, story that was very damaging to the president initially describing him as using crude terms to talk about american war dead over in france in 2018, unless these sources come forward, there is not much impact. that the story is going to lose some punch. i talked to one advisor this evening who said if these sources were going to come forward, they would have done so by now and another advisor said, you know, if you have somebody like retired general john kelly, retired general james mattis, not saying they are the sources not story but if somebody like that, a markey name like that were to come out and speak against the president, it would have some i'm pack. at this point, they believe the president will be able to weather this storm unless of course there is some other drop. i'll say there is a recognition inside trump world that this was damaging to the president.
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one advisor likened this atlantic story to the access hollywood video in 2016. >> yeah, earlier today there was reporting the president himself was rattled by what came out in the atlantic. >> absolutely. that's what we're hearing from our sources that the president was definitely stressed out about this, and saw this as potentially damaging among veterans and military voters. that is a key voting block for the president. we see the president talking to those kinds of voters all the time and when i was at the press conference the labor day press conference with the president yesterday you could see the disgust written all over his face. he obviously was in a mood to lash out. that is where the president gets into trouble as we saw yesterday. he kind of over stepped and has discussed being registered about the atlantic story and trashed the generals at the pentagon saying they are only interested in starting war so defense
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contractors can sell bombs and planes. at this point when you talk to people inside trump world, yes, they can see initially this story was damaging. they feel as though these generals, if they're the sources, if they're indeed the sources behind the story, they essentially need to put up or shut up or don't see very much lasting damage from this atlantic story. anderson? >> we'll see. jim acosta, appreciate it. joining me is former democratic presidential candidate howard dean and abby phillip. governor dean, we'll read something you tweeted. you wrote my brother was captured in september of 19744 and and executed by the north vietname vietnamese. f you donald trump. he was killed in laos. it is very personal for you. were you surprised, though, by the reports of what this president is alleged to have said given the public comments he has made on record? >> i wasn't surprised.
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let me say i almost never use bad language on twitter but like i came to appreciate what was going on over there because i went to laos around 2000 and spent a week with a joint task force sifting sides of mountains for teeth and dog tags of people, american soldiers that crashed into the mountains and were obliterated. this wasn't just about miy brother. it was all american soldiers of every color and race and so forth and so on over there trying to find the remains of these people and for trump to spit all over them just made me furious. it disgusted me. i'm disgusted at trump anyway. this is about as low as you can possibly go. those people sacrifice for america. trump does nothing but collect taxpayer money for his own benefit. >> abby, jim acosta was just saying that people, some people trump advisors, people in trump
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world, you know, are trying to push the idea that this story will lose impact unless some of the sources go public. i actually think, you know, you can look at the general kelly's silence, general mattis' silence as honorable people caught between not wanting to, you know, publicly say things that the president said to them one on one and yet, not wanting to publicly deny something he did say. >> yeah, their silence speaks volumes and it probably explains a lot of why president trump is so angry about this story is that he knows that there are a lot of people out there who are not coming to his defense. so that really is getting under his skin. but, you know, while the president's advisors might think people coming on the record is the only thing that will make the story stick, i'm not sure that's the case. i think the reason they believe this isn't going to stick is because in the past, president trump has said things just like
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this on the record. he said it about john mccain and then he was elected president of the united states. he got through charlottesville. the "access hollywood" tape jim just mentioned. he was elected president of the quite. the lesson he takes away and his advisors take away is nothing will penetrate that but the fact that the president is so rattled by this, it really does tell you that there is a fear somewhere in there that this could hurt him enough that he might actually lose and there is really nothing anderson that he fears more than losing. >> governor dean, do you believe it really endangers the president? to abby's point i went back today looking at when he -- when trump made those comments during the campaign about john mccain for the first time saying he's not a war hero. i like people that don't get captured. people wrote oh, he's lost it. this is devastating for him. they had -- didn't seem to have any impact on it. >> this is worse and the reason
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it's worse is there are literally millions of people who have been in the position of some of the people he was talking about and to call soldiers giving their lives to the united states of america losers, think how many veterans there are in this country. think what they went through and what they sacrificed. >> hasn't he weakened trust in, i mean, all the reporting institutions, all the -- i mean, hasn't he been effective in basically inoculating himself by saying this is all just fake. this is misinformation, this is what they do. >> i don't think so. i thought bernie sanders would be the nominee after his very strong start, the reason i think the democratic voters voted for joe biden is they are tired of the circus and they just want somebody to not be polarizing. they want somebody to just be a normal human being again and they are sick of trump's
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ridiculous self- -- being in love with himself. when you take that out of the people that sacrificed more than any group of people, you're a lo loser. that is what trump is. the only way trump wins is to cheat, which he's busy trying to do by wrecking the post office. i don't think it's going to work. i do a lot of work in eastern european democracies and what we tell people is the only way you can be cheating, which goes on a fair amount in former soviet republics is to have a huge turnout. that's what we're going to do and i don't think trump's cheating is going to overcome that. >> the president suddenly now discussing the military industrial complex and saying that his generals just, you know, they want wage wars to boost profits. his secretary of defense is a lobbyist, former lobbyist for
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raytheon. he talks about weapon sales and do back flips to sell weapons to a variety of places. >> sometimes when things don't make sense because they really don't make any sense. his comments about the military wanting to buy bombs and weapons because they want to go to foreign wars all the time he's trying to stop don't jive with his own comments. even today, just tonight at his rally in north carolina, he was bragging in a military state about building up the military, about securing billions of dl dollars of funding for the planes and bombs. the president was lashing out in a moment of frustration and anger. the way he did it to try to almost draw a wedge between military brass and rank and file is counter productive to him. it only reinforces the narrative that the president is at war with the very government of the
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united states itself. that can't be helpful to him. his advisors know that and that's why you saw the chief of staff mark meadows trying to walk this back somehow. trying to claim that somehow the president is concerned about the military industrial complex by all accounts he's been pretty supportive of for the last four years. >> the president is in north carolina tonight. he's reported this year considered a swing state possibly. there are a lot of states reportedly in play that the president won in 2016. do you think he can keep them, states like north carolina, georgia georgia, florida? >> too early to tell. i saw a shocking number that showed he was ahead by one point, biden was ahead by one point in texas. we find today 43 to 43 for the united states senate in alaska. so the republicans are in a lot of trouble. i think the reason they are in trouble is because they have put loyalty to trump over loyalty to their country.
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just as trump criticized veterans and said they were losers. i can't imagine somebody saying something like that. there will be hard liners. i got a bunch of them on twitter saying oh, you don't really believe those stories. i've been fact checked by the atlantic. they could call my grandmother if they had doubts. she's been dead for 35 years. these guys do not fiddle around with fact checking. these stories are absolutely true and there is a percentage of trump followers who say enough is enough. >> appreciate it. abby phillip. thank you so much. >> joe biden sits down with jake tapper at 4:00 p.m. eastern. >> up next, we have breaking news as the u.s. coronavirus death toll approaches 190,000. a major drug manufacturer put a hold on vaccine trials. the reason when we continue. it's been 75 years
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vaccine trials in one volunteer. standard precaution and this volunteer lives in britain, all company's trials are on hold as the u.s. death toll approaches 190,000. when a vaccine might be available in the u.s., i want to play a portion of that dr. fauci gave. >> i think that's unlikely. i mean, the only way you can see that scenario come true is if that there are so many infections in the clinical trial sites that you get an effectiveness answer sooner than you would have projected. like i said, it's not impossible, judy, but it's unlikely that we'll have a definitive answer at that time. more likely by the end of the year. >> dr. sanjay gupta is back with us and william haseltine author of "a covid back to school guide." it is more realistic because
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frankly, end of the year is incredibly accelerated schedule. >> yeah, i mean, that is the thing. even all things considered, that would be an accelerated schedule. the point that dr. fauci was making here was that ultimately, you know, you're going to have two groups of people. people that receive the vaccine. people that receive the placebo and show there is a significant different. let's say there is 10,000 people in each group and if the late of infection is one per 10,000 roughly, which is what it is in this country per day, within a few days, maybe you'd have three infections in the placebo group and none in the vaccinated group, would that be enough to say this thing definitively works? that's the sort of numbers they have to be dealing with. what fauci was saying, he said this to me before, if suddenly you had a significant number of infections in the placebo group, maybe that would be enough of a
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signal but he doesn't anticipate that happening. that's one of the reasons why it could take a lot longer to actually get this vaccine authorized. >> a source mentioned you saying they would share data with you about the vaccine ahead of time. do you think that's a good idea? >> well, i mean -- >> i know you're not going to turn down -- >> i mean, you know, i probably would call bill haseltine and ask what he thought for sure. i think the idea that they're wanting to have more transparency with this and if they're saying hey, look, journalists, you know, could come in, people on the outside come in, new england journal of medicine editor come in and look at this, i mean i think it does give me more confidence that, you know, that transparency would be there. so i would certainly take that opportunity and report on it and i think it's a pandemic. everybody in the world.
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>> they issued a joint pledge vowing not to cut safety corners to get it out faster. is that reassuring? you said you would absolutely not get a vaccine if ready in november. does this pledge you getting a vaccine if ready this fall? >> let me say a couple things. first, the news that there was a serious adverse reaction that halted the trial of one of the most promising vaccines, one that we've heard a lot about is exactly why you have to take things carefully with vaccines. they're not toys. if you had one out of 1,000 adverse reactions and giver the vaccine to a billion people, yo u ha you have a million people with these reactions. this isn't the only vaccine with serious adverse reactions. one of them, four out of 30 that had severe adverse reactions. that's one step worse than where we started, stopped this whole trial. a rush to a vaccine without due caution is a very dangerous
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thing. what about the pledge? i read that pledge carefully and i see a major hedge in that. it what they didn't say. you didn't see the ceo of these major pharmaceutical companies saying we're assure the public that the vaccine that we deliver you is as safe as any vaccine we have ever made. they didn't say that. they didn't use their own credibility. they said we will assure you that we will follow what the fda or some similar organization tells us. that's a big, big difference. they're not guaranteeing their quality assurance. they're telling you to trust the fda. well, we've seen that there are certain cases in which you may doubt what the fda is doing. that was a major hedge. so the short answer to your question is no, it doesn't change my mind. >> sanjay, what about professor
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hazeltine's point and also, the fact is, you know, the fda has been -- i'm trying to figure out the best way to describe it but at the very suddenly now gets called into question or their word moving forward gets called into question the same with the cdc. what's happened over the last couple months and things like the cdc kowtowing to president trump on guidelines and the fda. the head of the fda had to come out and apologize and reverse himself under something he claimed pressure from trump. >> yeah, that's very worry smt. i can't believe i have to say that.
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to be fair, there's a lot of people within these institutions that are doing a lot of work still. they're incredibly frustrated as well. i think to this point you can't take these things in a bubble. the fda creating an emergency use authorization for e hydroxychloroquine. they had to recall it. the cdc most recently coming out and saying, no need to test asymptomatic people. what we do now is more important than ever. >> more than half a million kids have been diagnosed with covid-19. what do you expect the numbers to be two weeks from now. >> that number willing higher in
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many weeks. it's something that's going to happen. >> appreciate your time. the wildfires in california have burned through more than 2 million acres. shows no sign of letting up. report from the front lines ahead. business right now is anything but usual. but we can help make this new normal, feel a little more normal. so you have more ways of selling, and safer ways of getting paid. we have tools to help you reconnect with customers, and give your bottom line a boost.
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i feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. but we're always striving to be better. i love being outdoors, running in nature. we have two daughters. i want to do everything i can to protect the environment to make sure they see the same beauty i've seen in nature. my goal is to lead projects that affect the world. i know that to be great requires hard work.
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since mid-august wildfires have torched a record breaking 2.3 million acres across the state. it's not yet the height of fire season. >> it all looks the same after a while. a burned out house, charred trees, but each pile of destruction represents another person, another family whose lives are being up ended by california's historic wildfires. the new devastation in central california, part of the growing creek fire, dozens of campers and hikers were trapped in the forest. >> there's fire on all sides, all around us. all the roads. the only roads out were blocked by the intense flames. military helicopters were able to rescue them. 25 major wildfires are burning across the state, including three of the top four largest in california history. a record 2.2 million acres have burned this year, with fears that the worst is still to come.
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wildfire season usually peaks in october. >> just keep going. >> the fires have been mainly fueled by lightning strikes. in previous years downed power lines. you can add at least one oddity to the mix. a pyrotechnic device from a gender reveal party. the unfortunate stunts east of los angeles forcing evacuations and charring more than 10,000 acres. >> after the fire began. the family attempted suppression on their own, they tried to use water bottles which in four foot high grass you're never going to capture a grass fire with that. >> you're in central california with the creek fire. it's causing unprecedented disaster for that area. i mean, it's incredible how far this thing has spread. >> anderson, this fire is devastating the small mountain towns here in central
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california, you can see the damage behind me with 116-year-old general store called cressman, they've been here since 1904 gone last night, we were here yesterday afternoon. the whole area was pristine. take a look at it now, it's a smokey mess. this wildfire is destined to be one of the largest wildfires in state history. it's only just a few days old at this point. we're talking about 145,000 acres charred. it's zero percent contained. i will say the temperatures were cooler, it actually feels pretty nice out here, this area is under a red flag warning, more wind expected torn the. which could fuel more fires. >> the firefighters are heroic, and they have to be exhausted. >> reminder. don't miss full circle. our show that allows us to dig
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into topics in more detail. anderson, good to see you, thank you. i am chris cuomo, welcome to prime time. and welcome back. labor day has passed, the summer season is officially gone and school is back in session. no it isn't. not in too many places. a major failing by our leaders. i'm going to talk a lot about the election tonight. we're eight weeks out. let's talk about what matters most, okay? our families, parents are burdened. and the people we say we want to do the most and the best for our kids are getting screwed. yet, the failure to control cases, to push
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