tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN September 15, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world, you are watching "cnn newsroom" and i'm rosemary church. just ahead -- >> and observed evidence is self-evident that climate change is real. >> it will start getting cooler. you just watch. >> i wish science agreed with you. >> california officials take on president trump over climate change as western states battle nearly 100 wildfires. plus, the u.s. gulf coast braces for impact as hurricane sally churns towards shore. we will have the latest forecast. and they were shot at point blank range while on the job. new details how two sheriff's deputies survived a brazen attack.
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good to have you with us. we begin this hour following two dire threats in the united states. first, dozens of large fires are raging across ten western states spanning millions of acres and at least 36 people are confirmed dead on the west coast. nearly two dozen others were reported missing just in the state of oregon. second, hurricane sally is now a strong category one storm as it begins to impact the northern gulf coast. it's moving slowly towards the florida panhandle, and we'll have more on that in just a moment. meanwhile, in california monday president donald trump baselessly asserted that climate change is not playing a role in the record breaking wildfires despite all evidence to the contrary. >> if we ignore that science and
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sort of put our head in the sand and think it's all about vegetation management, we're not going to succeed protecting californians. >> i wish -- >> you just watch. >> i wish science agreed with you. >> i don't think science knows, actually. >> well, climate experts tell cnn due to human-caused climate change, temperatures extremes are climbing higher and vegetation is higher both affect fire behavior. martin savidge is in california with the wildfires devastating the west coast. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: it's being called a once in a generation event. more than a dozen large fires burning in the state of oregon. about an hour and a half south of portland, it's devastating the area. signs melted, this week along the governor says over a million acres are burned in oregon.
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that's double the amount that burns in a typical year. >> scary. >> reporter: 70 kbreer-year-old topea and her cats have been in this shelter. >> the police came knocking at the door and said we need to go now. this is the worst experience. scary. >> reporter: half a million oregonians are living in evacuation zones. tens of thousands have been forced to plea and there are growing concerns that the death toll will rise. too dangerous to search for the missing. >> his home was completely lost. >> reporter: scott fogerty said he would have fought until the end. >> if anybody could do it, he could. >> do you think he's still alive out there? >> i do. >> reporter: across the u.s.,
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more than 80 major fires are burning. left by this wildfire in washington state. at least 35 people have now died in the wildfires, california, oregon and washington this season. 24 in california alone where resources are stretched. >> they really are a beast, their own identity. they move at their own whim. move extremely quickly. >> reporter: three of the largest fires in california's history are still burning. president trump visiting today to get a fire briefing on the ground. against a backdrop of the ground he emphasized the need to strengthen forest management. >> this is one of the biggest burns we've ever seen and we have to do a lot about forest management. >> reporter: an astonishing 3.3 million acres have charred. california governor gavin newsom said climate change played a key role. >> it's self-evident that climate change is real and that
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is exacerbating this. >> reporter: martin savidge, cnn, oregon. as mr. trump doubted the science behind climate change, former vice president joe biden delivered a speech warning of the devastating effects of global warming. the democratic nominee singled out president trump. >> hurricanes don't swerve to avoid red states or blue states. wildfires don't skip towns that voted a certain way. the impacts of climate change don't pick and choose. that's because it's not a partisan phenomenon. it's a science. >> and it's science that's helping predict where hurricane sally will make landfall. that's expected late tonight on the u.s. gulf coast. right now mississippi and alabama are under a hurricane warning as is southeastern louisiana. cnn's gary tuckman is following the storm from biloxi in
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mississippi. >> reporter: there's grave concern on the gulf coast of mississippi as hurricane sally gets ready to arrive. we're standing right now about 1/4 mile in the gulf of mexico at this pier. take a look here. this is damage to this pier. this damage came just three months ago not from a hurricane but from a more minor tropical storm. tropical storm cristobal. it was severely damaged three years ago in katrina. this is a very big resort area. over there is a casino. it's one of 12 casinos. katrina 15 years ago decimated almost every building a lodge the beach here in biloxi. the alabama coast line was heavily damaged. there have been a lot of incidents here. 1969, hurricane camille, category 5, decimated this area.
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people know when they live here there could be damage. this one, sally, will be strong and slow. they're expecting a lot of rain and that's why there's so much concern. behind me, see that light house? that's been here for over 170 years. during hurricane katrina it was heavily damaged. costs $400,000 to fix it. still working light house. hurricane laura 2 1/2 weeks ago. a lot of people are concerned about evacuating because of covid. there are evacuation orders for people near the beach. they realize people don't want to be with others in evacuation centers. they're telling people who are staying in their homes to be very careful as this is about to arrive here. >> joining us now to discuss hurricane sally and the wildfires is our meteorologist
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pedram javaheri. what are you seeing? >> the pattern we've ever seen across the atlantic. you have to go back five years to see this. the final letter of the 2020 hurricane season is w, wilfred, and it has a high probability of forming within the next several days and then starting in the next few days we go into the greek alphabet. the next storm could be alpha, beta, gamma, so on. here's the perspective. weakened by a couple miles per hour. won't see a significant difference between the storms. the biggest difference is not wind speed, it's the lack of movement, lack of steering environment. the models still do not have a good handle on where this system goes. some think to the west, mobile, others to the east. the concern remains with the
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steering motion that even within 24 hours from right now, this storm can still me ander near the coast line. bringing it to shore within a 24 hour period finally making landfall on the eastern coast of mississippi or western alabama. having spent almost 48 to 55 hours near the coast soaking this particular region. if you're familiar with this landscape, very shallow continental chef here. the concave shape allows water to readily funnel into the inlet. storm surges as high as 11 feet will swamp the first story of property. we expect this to strengthen possibly back up to a category 2 as it approaches land. winds around, say, 105 miles per hour. the amount of rainfall and very slow progression out of this region over the next two to three days will be problematic.
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models suggest as much as 20 inches of rain will be a problem. has a one in 50 recurrence level. this particular storm system, not going to see as well when it comes to the lack of movement for the past couple of hours and next several days. some elements of good news here. you are seeing a change here from on shore flow meaning the moisture in the system off shore is changing the pattern potentially, not really mixes up the atmosphere when it comes to the air quality, bringing some rainfall into the region over the next several days. >> pedram javaheri, many thanks for that. appreciate it. bob woodward's book "rage" about the president and the administration leases today. he talked to president trump 18
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times for this book. in the newly released recording, the president admits to woodward how deadly the coronavirus is. >> this thing is a killer if it gets you. if you're the wrong person, you don't have a chance. >> yes. yes. exactly. >> rips you apart. >> this is the scourage. >> the plague. >> but when woodward told mr. trump the election would be a contest between him, former vice president biden, and the virus, president trump says nothing more could be done to contain the pandemic. he was more worried about the economy. >> you think the virus supersedes the economy. >> a little bit. a little bit. >> more than a little bit. but the economy is doing -- we're close to a new stock market record.
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>> ryan lizzo joins me now. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me, rosemary. >> president trump hosted a rally sunday night and another packed event monday. we know donald trump admitted to journalist bob woodward in february that he knew the deadly risks involved with covid-19 but was downplaying them in order to avoid panic. he told woodward the view with us would kill you. why does he show such disregard for his supporters when he knows how deadly this is. >> i don't know what the fallout is. this is an unprecedented and strange situation. april is the time when the white house decided that they were going to move to a strategy where the states would handle the covid response and that they would focus on reopening.
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they've never turned back from that decision. these events started out relatively small, these trump events, and they've been getting bigger and bigger. just as a contrast, rosemary, the biden event today, if you were a reporter going to that event where he gave a speech today in delaware, you were told you had to wear a mask the entire time, you had to wear gloves. all of the reporters were distanced six feet or more from each other and only a very small group of reporters could go there. of course, no crowd. >> ryan, now we have news that president trump told woodward nothing could be done to stop the virus. we know that's not true. they have lowered deaths because
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they tested extensively and isolated infected individuals and people wore masks. how does the president get away with lying to the american public, particularly when most polls show the pandemic is the biggest concern that americans have right now? >> reporter: you know, i don't know how he gets away with it, rosemary. we live in a time where political communication is so narrow cast that a lot of the people who support the president are not hearing this information. they're listening to facebook and fox news and communications channels that are not, frankly, telling them how serious this is. and it's a unique problem to the
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united states. the fact that trump could tell bob woodward there's nothing more he could do is just astonishing when for months he refused to talk about how important it was to wear a mask when we never in this country got the contact tracing or the testing right, to the point where americans can't go to europe now. that's something i never thought i would see in my lifetime, which is a way of the rest of the world saying, you guys got this wrong. you can't come here. what more do we need to know than that? >> this programming note, bob woodward will speak with anderson cooper about the 18 conversations he had with president trump. that interview airs at 1 a.m. wednesday london time which is 8
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a.m. here on cnn. still to come, even if a coronavirus vaccine is approved within months, it could take years before everyone gets it. we'll have the details next. fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory... focus... accuracy... learning and concentration. try it today with our money-back guarantee!
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coronavirus cases are still rising across the globe, and the total case count is expected to surpass 30 million very soon. that is according to johns hopkins university. and the world's largest vaccine manufacturer is warning it could take years for everyone to get vaccinated. cnn's athena jones has the details. >> reporter: a major warning on the vaccine front. the world's largest vaccine maker telling "the financial times" there won't be enough vaccines to inoculate everyone in the world until the end of 2024 at the earliest if two doses are needed to provide immunity. >> all of the studies are showing to get an adequate immune response is going to require two doses probably spaced a month apart. >> reporter: but -- >> what we need to keep in mind is it may not require first and foremost everyone in the world
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to get vaccinated to slow down or even stop the spread. >> meanwhile, a bold prediction from pfizer manufacturing hundreds of thousands of doses in the hopes its covid vaccine is deemed safe and effective. >> we will know whether it works by the end of october. >> reporter: six months after they declared a state of emergency to combat covid-19, still a mixed picture across the united states. 21 states showing a downward trend, 16 states holding steady, 10 states and puerto rico on the rise. new infections up 55% in wyoming, 36% in wisconsin and 10% in connecticut. texas behind new york and new jersey in the total number of covid deaths. in california where cases are falling, reopening hair and nail salons and gyms with face coverings required. covid spread in higher education remains a concern with more than
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45,000 cases reported in colleges and universities in all 50 states. one reason seems like this one near nyu are raising eyebrows. there are new concerns about politics affecting the scientific guidance. assistant health and human services michael kapusto says they're altering the message. >> they're crafting a message from our scientific organizations. this is not about the message, this is about science. >> reporter: kaputo accused cdc scientists of sedition. they were harboring a resistance unit in order to undermine the president. >> athena jones with that report. in an interview with cnn christ y christian amanpour, melinda
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gates had strong words about president trump downplaying coronavirus fears. she also spoke about her concern over a huge drop in vaccination rates. take a listen. >> i wonder how worried you are about these staggering statistics that we're seeing of such small percentages relatively of people in the most developed parts of the world, united states, even europe, saying they would be willing to take a vaccine when and if one is actually delivered. >> it's incredibly disappointing because what we're seeing is 25 years of gains in vaccinations has been erased in 25 weeks. the drop in vaccination rates is profound. now, as you say, we're hearing the disinformation and the skepticism in the united states and in europe, but if you also talk to the african leaders, what are they talking about? they're talking about how quickly they can get their
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measles campaign back up and running, their measles vaccinations back up and run being. what they know is when measles breaks out, one person gets it they're going to infect likely 12 to 18 other people. it's highly, highly contagious. so vaccines work. moms and dads all over the world tell me when i see them standing in line at a health clinic and i say, why are you here? they say, vaccines for my children. you ask them how far -- what they did to get there? they rode a bus. vaccines save lives. we have to get through this time of disinformation. we will have at some point a safe and efficacious vaccine and i think once it starts to be delivered and people start to see other people taking it and being able to go back on with their normal daily life, then you'll see the vaccination rates start to rise again, but it's
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terrible what's gone on. >> you are watching "cnn newsroom." still ahead, the uae and bahrain will officially normalize relations. what's achieved and what's being left out. we'll take a look at that. lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria. detergent alone can't. lysol. what it takes to protect. ® it's kind of my quiet, alone time. audible is a routine for me. it's like a fun night school for adults. i could easily be seduced into locking myself into a place where i do nothing but listen to books. i never was interested in historical fiction before, but i'm obsessed with it now. there are a lot of like, classic and big titles that i feel like i missed out since i don't have time to read, mean i might as well listen.
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welcome to you both. so, sam, how significant are these deals and the timing of all of this? of course, how have they been viewed in the region? >> highly significant to have what would appear to be a very significant diplomatic breakthrough negotiated by the trump administration, signed on the lawn outside the white house in a symbolic moment that churns up memories of previous genuine peace deals between egypt and jordan. this is often tauted, this deal, separate daels between the uae and they're normalization of diplomatic deals. they're very significant to the gulf nations and others that will join them in formalizing it. they see iran as key and that's
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something they're in lock step with and in the current and future straight's policy. they feel betrayed. it requires just a suspension but from the emerati perspective, maybe in a month's time, a year or so, maybe even the saudis signing up. indications coming from my mom that they're very favorable to a normalization saying they want to move past the previous conflicts, the fact that the israelis -- sorry, the
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palestinians tend to be transient and the business of business. >> sam, what is the view of this? >> reporter: israel is growing closer to the arab states in a shifting middle east. mostly favorably. sam is right. it's not just iran. you see it from the statements from the ministers and the communications between those ministers. they have exchanged phone calls and look forward to getting together. many people thought. they see this as more than a military alliance.
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so in statements from bahrainis and the emeratis, they want to get them on board. that's unlikely. they want to move forward under the white house's vision for peace. they'll wait on the sidelines to see what happens in november. that's a course they're not going to take. a day that will be celebrated, what statements they will make and what protests as this moves forward. coronavirus hanging over all of this as we had new records set last week and waiting for the prime minister and that, too, is just as big a story here. >> sam, oren, appreciate it.
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trait texts have taken a new turn. the trump administration, think of using slave labor, they're using a mass prison camp for china's weak and minority. the ambassador for china is leaving his post. the former iowa governor is popular in the midwest and that could help the president win back voters in several key states. let's turn now to cnn's steven chen. he joins us from beijing. what's the latest on all of these developments? >> reporter: well, rosemary, this is the u.s. custom and border protection agency issuing five new orders targeting companies making hair products, cotton products, computer parts and clothing in this one
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industrial junk. the chinese government has long standing here. the government just dismissed the latest allegations from the u.s. government. they have said these are places where oremus limb minorities have been subject to torture, abuse and force. that's why they're trying to block all products made in these camps from getting to the u.s. there is a wider initiative being done. that is still going through legal analysis. u.s. officials don't want it.
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multiple sources have told us he has intended to serve only one term. the fact he is suddenly leaving before the november election and that the top u.s. representative in china is leaving his post at a time when bilateral relations are hitting an all-time low is catching a lot of attention. as you mention, now we know he is being asked by president trump to go back to iowa to help the president's re-election because of his name recognition. he'll talk about how mr. trump's tough on china has him benefitting people. it seems he has been unable to improve relations. his role is largely symbolic. the real decision makers sit in washington, d.c. >> steven chen bringing us the latest from beijing. the world is closing in on
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30 million coronavirus cases. that is according to johns hopkins university, and as a result of the growing case count, many countries are bring ing back distances. it cuts it back from 30 to 6. a surge involves a general lockdown. in cuba, they're trying to stop the spread of the virus. this as the tourism industry largely remains closed. cnn's patrick opman has more from havana. >> reporter: they've extended a curfew for havana. they've been unable to bring the number of coronavirus cases under control so for an additional 15 days, to the end of september, people of havana
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will not be able to leave at night. they will be locked in their neighborhoods. public transportation is shut down. beaches are shut down. they said earlier they thought they had this under control and then there were outbreaks quickly and they had to shut down the island again. schools remain shut down. they thought 15 days of the nightly curfew might be enough, but 15 days are about to expire and still they say there's too many daily new cases of the coronavirus so they will keep these measures in place and borders will remain closed almost everywhere which are there. it has been closed to visitors, tourists since the beginning of the pandemic, march.
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that has had a major impact on the economy. cuban officials say their main priority is getting the numbers of coronavirus under control. the number of new cases under control. until they do that, this island will remain shut. patrick opman, cnn, havana. putin critic alexey navalny is off a ventilator. he is being treated in a german hospital after being poisoned last month after boarding a flight to a german patron. he pressed him for answers. vladimir putin said it's unfounded to accuse them of a poisoning. fred pleitgen joins us live. what more are you learning about
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navalny's condition? >> reporter: hi, rosemary. sergei lavrov, the foreign minister was supposed to come here. late yesterday they said the visit has been canceled. navalny seems to be improving. he's completedly off a ventilator. they were showing he's doing better. he had gained consciousness. he was responding to verbal stimuli and now they're saying they are trying to re-mobilize him, as they put it, and that he's able to leave his bed for
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short periods of time. now of course one of the things that the doctors have said, they've said obviously this is a very serious poisoning so this is going to be a very long road to recovery. they quite frankly say they're not sure whether or not he's going to be able to make a full recovery at all. the nature of that, rosemary, he was subject to a chemical warfare agent. this agent, novichok, impedes the communication between the brain and nervous system attacking pretty much everything that a human needs to survive, being able to move, being able to breathe, being able to see. very difficult to come back from something like that. germans are saying and countries have confirmed that labs here and in sweden have confirmed independently that mr. navalny was subject to a nerve agent from the novichok family. >> many thanks. coming up, a manhunt is
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a manhunt is underway for the person who ambushed two los angeles county sheriff's deputies on saturday. the shocking attack was caught on tape. we are learning more details about the condition of the officers involved. sara sidner has the latest and a warning. parts of her report contain graphic video. >> reporter: this is the moment two los angeles county sheriff's deputies are ambushed. the shooter walks up to their parked squad car and fires multiple times. both are hit at point blank range outside a metro station in compton. >> that was a cowardly act. the two deputies were doing their job, minding their own business and watching out for the safety of the people on the
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train and seeing someone just walk up and just start shooting on them, it pisses me off. >> reporter: a 31-year-old mother and her partner are rushed to the hospital. the female deputy was able to apply a tourniquet to her partner who was bleeding from his arm. miraculously they both survived. outside the hospital a small protest of just five people or so appears screaming at police. >> [ bleep ]. >> reporter: one says he hopes for the death of the deputies. >> i hope they die, mother [ bleep ]. >> the person holding the phone says they're part of l.a.'s african coalition. before he set out he took to facebook. >> i've been to depressed but this right here lightens my heart. the sheriff's department has murdered too many of our brothers and sisters. matter of fact, law enforcement has murdered too many brothers
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and sisters. if this is a start of retributi retribution, i think this is a very good start. >> reporter: the mayor reacting strongly to his calloused comments. >> there's no place in civilized society to shoot our law enforcement officers and put their lives on the line. i will not let a couple of voices speak like that. >> reporter: both president trump and joe biden weighing in. trump expressed his outrage. >> you saw a video of the animal that went up to the car. did everybody see that? this animal, this animal goes up to the car, two unsuspecting fine people. fine people. i mean, they're in very grave condition as you know. >> reporter: biden responded with this statement, acts of violence are unacceptable, outrageous and entirely counter productive to the pursuit of greater peace and justice in
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america as are the actions of those who cheer it on. those who perpetrate this must be convicted. it's not just politicians. local residents here. one is disgusted by the fact that they want them to die. >> we don't want those poe lease officers to die. that's a tragedy. yes, there's an issue. we believe there should be some kind of reform of the police department, you know, to make it better for everybody. >> reporter: as police search for the suspect in this case, they are offering a reward that is now at $175,000 for anyone who can give information leading to the suspect's arrest. sara sidner, cnn. still ahead, tennis star naomi osaka isn't used to speaking her mind. >> i see myself in situations where i could have like put my
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the police chief of rochester, new york, has been fired for not taking the death of daniel prude as seriously as he and other leaders should h e have. protesters gathered calling for justice. his autopsy shows he died while being physically restrained. he has been mischaraterized and the public has been mrs. informed about how the case was handled. tragedies like the one in rochester have caught the attention of tennis star naomi osaka, once known as one of the shyest players in tennis. the new u.s. open champ has
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found her voice with a powerful voice on social justice. cnn's christina mcfarland has her story. >> reporter: she was the shy girl of tennis. two-time grand slam champion not always comfortable in the limelight. this year has brought about a change in naomi osaka. the public transformation in four months that began during lockdown in early may. >> i want to ask you about something you posted on twitter. you spoke about the fact that you were done with being shy. what prompted you to tweet about that? >> i don't know. i want to also take like the quarantine time to just think about everything and for me i have a lot of regrets before i go to sleep and most of the regrets is due to like i don't speak out about what i'm thinking. >> she put an end to that when she boarded a plane to protest george floyd's death. she became a constant and
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leading athlete's voice. >> black rights are human rights and this movement is not a trend. if our humanity makes you uncomfortable, get used to it. >> reporter: even voicing support for police reform. but her voice grew louder when lockdown ended and tennis resumed forcing a 24-hour pause on western and southern open semi-final as part of a wider protest after the police shooting of jacob blake in kenosha. in a tweet she said, watching the continued genocide of black people at the hand of the police is honestly making me sick to my stomach. at the u.s. open her fight went global without having to say a word. with seven masks displaying the names of black victims of alleged race or violence, one for each match of the finals, osaka had to keep winning to wear them all, fuel for her to stay focused and comfort for the victim's families.
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>> we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. continue to do well. continue to kick butt at the u.s. open. >> would osaka recognize herself? >> there's a lot of ones where i see myself in situations where i could have like put my input in but instead of held my tongue and then things kept moving in a way that i didn't really enjoy and i feel like if i asserted myself then maybe i would have gotten the opportunity to see what would have happened. >> reporter: in the past four months some of the hardest any of us can remember this u.s. open champion has found her best game and her voice. just imagine what the years ahead may have in store. christina mack far land, cnn, london. and thanks so much for your company. i'm rosemary church. "early start" is up next. you're watching cnn. have yourselves a great day.
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crises converge. another hurricane, historic wildfires and pandemic all putting the president's strained relationship with science on full display. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world, this is "early start." i'm laura jarrett. >> good morning, everybody. i'm christine romans. tuesday, september 15th. 5 a.m. in new york. seven weeks until the election. two weeks until the very first debate. but the gulf coast right now about to be walloped by the second hurricane in three weeks. hurricane sally rapidly intensifying
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