tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 23, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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good evening. we are seeing calls for justice and relatively peaceful demonstrations, at this moment, in louisville. where a curfew goes into effect, about one hour from now. as authorities there and elsewhere across the country prepare for a possibility of fallout after a grand jury's decision, today, to charge no one directly for the death of breonna taylor. the 26-year-old emt killed by police in march. the one officer who was charged for wanton endangerment has already posted bond, and been released from jail. as we look at these pictures of a protest through the streets, we are going to keep them up. go to jason carroll in louisville for a closer look at the case. jason. >> well, anderson, we ev we hav now left jefferson square park. you can see behind me here fire was set. two small fires in jefferson park. and then, another fire now being set as you can see right here. some of these demonstrators
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setting fire to this bush and a tree. up the road just a little bit, they smashed a bus -- bus stop. a small group of protestors, now, have broken off from the square, and are continuing to march, at this point. they say they are going to march right through the curfew, which is now less than an hour away. former detective brett hankison faces three charges of wanton endangerment in the first degree. two other officers who responded that night, with gunfire, jonathan mattingly and myles cosgrove, were investigated but do not face any criminal charges. >> according to kentucky law, the use of force by mattingly and cosgrove was justified to protect themselves. >> reporter: the charges against hankison are in relation to shots he fired that ripped through a neighboring apartment. >> based on the evidence, there is nothing conclusive to say that detective hankison's, any of his bullets, hit ms. taylor. >> reporter: in the months
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following taylor's death, there has been much speculation surrounding the details of what happened the night on march 13th, when police showed up serving a no-knock warrant. attorney general says evidence shows officers mattingly and cosgrove knocked and identified themselves before breaching taylor's door. and he says there is an independent witness to corroborate their account. but taylor's boyfriend, kenneth walker, disputes that claim. walker says he didn't hear police announce themselves, and thought someone was trying to break in. so he fired a shot. police have said that shot hit mattingly in the leg. >> all of a sudden, someone started beating on the door. they refused to answer when we yelled, who is it? 15 minutes later, breonna was dead from a hail of police gunfire. >> reporter: the attorney general says an fbi analysis determined the shot that killed taylor came from cosgrove. >> the fatal shot was fired by detective cosgrove. >> reporter: mattingly's attorney says the justice system worked. the death of breonna taylor is a
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tragedy but these officers did not act in a reckless or unprofessional manner. they did their duty, performed their roles as law enforcement officers. and, above all, did not break the law. in the months since taylor's death, her mother has wanted just one thing. >> criminal charges. they all willingly committed a crime. so i don't think it's enough that one person should have to pay for it. it was a group effort. so -- >> and, anderson, taylor's mother, taylor's family, has repeatedly called for peaceful demonstrators to come out and not to damage property in breonna taylor's name. tonight, while we saw some peaceful protestors and demonstrations earlier, that's not what we are seeing at this point. again, some fires set down the street here. we heard some -- this building being damaged, right behind me. as protestors continue marching down the street, marching throughout the streets of
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downtown louisville. again, the curfew is now less than an hour from now. that's going to be at 9:00. the mayor calling for calm. police asking people, at this point, to disperse and go home. or they will be arrested. anderson. >> so how long have the -- the -- jason, the protests been going on for? and the -- we saw -- i mean, it was -- you know, we saw people lighting it looked like a bush on fire. there was i think you said another area on fire behind you when you first started. was that the first fires you've actually seen? or had that been happening early ever as well? . >> the fires started almost immediately after the grand jury made its decision. attorney general came out with this announcement and the word started to spread through the crowd in downtown louisville. at that point, some of those in the crowd became agitated. and, in fact, anderson, just even a few hours ago, my crew and myself got caught in a scuffle between some of the
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demonstrators and police. at that point, police using pepper -- pepper guns, pepper -- pepper spray to disperse the crowd. so it -- it spread through the crowd very quickly. and there's -- partially, there is a reason for that because a lot of people out here in louisville who support breonna taylor's family expected a result like this. many of them were hoping for, at the very least, second-degree manslaughter charges. but many people out here were expecting this type of result. and in fact, breonna taylor's mother told me in an interview with her, that she had very little faith in the system. and that she was hoping the system would do right by her. but she said that she had seen the system fail so many others, so many times, she, herself, did not have faith in the system. and so, it didn't take much for, once word had spread, for the anger to start among a lot of people who were down here in support of breonna taylor. anderson. >> jason, we'll continue to check in with you throughout the night. shimon prokupecz is in louisville. shimon, explain where -- where you are and what you're seeing.
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>> so we're just -- this is a large group, several hundred, that left jefferson square park. we are, now, marching along this road, here. anderson, but something just happened. a car just tried to come through this intersection. a lot of the protestors have, since they got to intersection, have tried to stop the traffic. and it looks like a car came through. and then, many of them chased the car. so a lot of -- so there was some excitement here over that. so that seems to be calming down, now. i just want to show you. i just want to show you, anderson, this way. the crowd is continuing to march. earlier, some of the folks in this group, some of the protestors, did clash with police. we were marching, earlier, just after the announcement came from the grand jury. and they were marching through other areas of louisville, and
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police had moved in pretty aggressively. shooting those pepper balls at them. trying to disperse the crowd. and the police have been given indication that there are going to be more -- that they're going to be aggressive here. that they're not going to wait and sit back, as we would see them in some protests. but certainly, here, tonight, they have given indication that they're going to move in, quickly. curfew is at 9:00, and the police have indicated that they're going to strictly enforce that curfew. so we'll see. we have some time to go. the national guard is here. there's state police here. and the louisville police, dressed in riot gear, are driving around, actually, anderson, in pickup trucks. something i've never seen, before. and they are driving around, and they're responding to flare-ups. so we probably will see them up ahead here, as they try to intersect this group.
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some of the people in this group did set small fires. and now, they're just marching through the street. so we'll see, at what point, do the police move in here to try and prevent them from further marching here, anderson. >> yeah. shimon, i was just talking to jason. and we actually saw, on his shot, two small fires that had been set. is that something you have been seeing as -- as well? >> no, the fires are relatively new for this protest. i have not seen any fires, earlier. they started setting fires at jefferson square, where jason was. i was there as well. and what happened was after they started lighting the fires, the police told them they needed to clear out. that it was an illegal assembly, and that they needed to clear out. but that wasn't until the fires started being set. and then, the police came out in riot gear to extinguish the fire.
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they used a fire extinguisher. and the people moved back. but what was happening was the protestors were throwing water bottles at the police but the police retreated and they went back into the building. so the fires, i have not seen. i did not see any fires set, earlier, during some of the marches. but it looked like they were trying to burn a lot of the objects over at jefferson square park, where a lot of the protestors have been staying for weeks, in anticipation of this hearing. to hear what's going to happen with this investigation. they are, now, setting parts of that area on fire. so after the police told them they had to clear out, they started marching. they anticipate -- i have heard many of them -- they anticipate the police moving in, at some point. so they're trying to disperse. but they are continuing to march, here. we see some police, up ahead
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here, anderson. so the question is when do the police -- what they've been doing, anderson, is they will make announcement. and they will say you have to disterse. you ha disperse. you have to get out of the street or you'll get arrested. >> shimon, appreciate it. be careful. we are going to keep pictures up as we talk more about the case. i want to go to drew griffin for one of the more controversial aspects that led to the killing of breonna taylor. the warrant. drew, your investigation into the warrant found a slew of issues. talk to me about that. >> and really, anderson, this was not addressed by today's news conference, at all. it's still, pretty much, under investigation. but is the question of why, exactly, the officers were even at breonna taylor's apartment that night at 12:40 in the morning with a battering ram. this was part of a broader, kind of, takedown of five different places. search warrants issued in no-knock warrants for each location. most of them were drug houses. and then, there was breonna
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taylor's apartment. this apartment of a 26-year-old girl. she had been dating, in the past, one of the targeted, i would say, petty drug dealers that was a target of one of these raids. but the evidence we found in the search warrants was very, very thin. the only connection that we could see to broeonna taylor's apartment was that, in january, one of the suspects came to her apartment, they say, in the middle of the day. picked up a usps package and left. that is, pretty much, it. it is months old. they do believe that, in february, one of the drug dealers may have been getting some other mail. but there is no evidence of that. and then, when the actual search warrant was executed, after the shooting, anderson, they found no drugs. no money. nothing to connect breonna taylor. that's despite the fact that the detective, who got these arrest warrants issued, said in advance
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that it is his belief, through training and evidence and experience, that she may be keeping narcotics and/or proceeds from the sale of narcotics at breonna taylor's address. so the information was very sketchy, to begin with. that is the crux of the case that breonna taylor's family brought against the louisville police. they don't believe that, for any reason, she should have been targeted in the first place. >> and, drew, police maintain that, despite being issued a no-knock warrant, they did, indeed, knock. breonna taylor's boyfriend, who was inside her apartment at the time, says that they did knock, which is in dispute. did the police identify themselves? the boyfriend says no, as do all but one neighbor of breonna taylor, is that correct? >> that's correct. breonna taylor's current boyfriend, kenneth walker, believed it was the old drug dealer come a knocking and that scared him. we talked to several other of the neighbors, immediate neighbors. this is a very tight, little
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cluster. nobody, that i talked to, heard the words police. most of them were woken up by gunfire. there was a person upstairs, who poked his head out and was told to get back in. that may be the person they're referring to. but, anderson, we could find nobody who said they heard them say this is the police, open up. >> drew grirffin, hang on a second. i want to talk now about these charges with the attorney for taylor's boyfriend, kenneth walker, who you saw earlier tonight. your reaction to the charges? and -- and what's your client's reaction? >> my client's very disappointed. but i -- i'm not surprised. it's just -- it's more of a coverup. you know, as drew indicated, there are a dozen witnesses who said they did not identify themselves as police. the attorney general said, well, the evidence that they identified themselves was both officers said they did. they're the targets of the investigation. you don't take their word at face value.
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corroborated by -- >> sorry, go ahead. >> -- another witness. that witness, initially, told the police that the day after nobody identified themselves as police. they had to interview him two more times, before they could get him to say that, yeah, i heard them say police. it is a recorded interview that is transcribed by lapd, in which he says no one identified themselves as police. that is his first interview. and yet, they go in front of the grand jury and rely on the statement, you know, two months later, in which he said, yeah, they identified themselves. it is -- it is -- it is incompetence and corruption, at the highest order. >> the attorney general, today, said that the investigation found the officers were justified in their use of force after having been fired upon by your client, kenneth walker. what -- what's your response to that? >> okay. well, they may very well have been. that's a question to present to a jury.
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it is not for prosecutorial -- to declare suspects innocent when my clients are charged with murder, they take it in front of a jury and the jury decides. the prosecutor doesn't just say, oh, yeah, you're justified. go home now. and that is the problem. and that -- that is what people are really upset about is, if a jury acquits them, fine. present -- you say you have a warrant. that's a good defense. you say you acted in self-defense. let's see what a jury says. but the prosecutor just summarily exonerating them is not how the system works. it does not, ever, work that way for individual citizens and it shouldn't work that way for police, either. and it shouldn't work that way, in this case. let a jury hear the case and -- and determine if they're -- if they've got a defense and it rises to the level of a reasonable doubt. however, daniel cameron just saying they're justified. that's not how it works. the other thing about it is
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this. you are never, in kentucky, justified for killing a third party when you're acting in self-defense. if you act recklessly and kill a third party, self-defense does not apply. that is not available to you, under kentucky law. and yet, again, he just -- they summarily claim we're not going to go forward. i'm -- i'm deciding is -- as, you know, the ruler on high, that they were justified. and i will guarantee you, the grand jury never had an opportunity to charge them with a homicide. it was never presented to them. >> the attorney general, also, said your client, kenneth walker, fired the shot that hit officer mattingly. and that there's no evidence to support that mattingly was hit by friendly fire from the other officers. >> yeah. and here's what i'll say about that. the -- their ballistics investigation that is in the piu file indicates that the shot that hit mattingly. it's inconclusive as to whether it came from kenny walker's gun.
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so when -- when he says we're not going to charge officer hankison with the murder of breonna taylor because it was inconclusive whether or not his shots hit her. that's exonerating hankison. it's inculpating kenny walker. it is the exact same inconclusive conclusion. and it is in the documents that they have in front of them. and what i've said, anderson, a lot of things that contradict what attorney general daniel cameron said today. release the report and the evidence in it, and we'll see who's telling the truth because i've read it. i know what it says. >> the kentucky governor called on the attorney general to release information relating to the investigation into breonna taylor's death. also, said the ag should make publicly available any information that doesn't jeopardize any attorney germ ne or fbi cases. is that going to happen? >> it will show everything is
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not supported by the evidence. so, again, the question is why won't they release it? there is no justifiable reason not to be transparent and release the evidence. but if it is done, it will >> correct. >> and you've seen that in the capacity as kenneth walker's attorney, you're allowed to see that. >> correct. yes. >> where does kenneth walker's lawsuit against the city now? what are the next steps, here? >> we have filed our complaint. we have sent subpoenas for them to publicly release the -- all the evidence in the case. that's what we're asking for. and we are waiting for them to file a response of pleading and answer the case. we'll go forward. i'm ready to start taking depositions of these people, now. let's get them under oath and see what they have to say. >> steve, i appreciate your time. thank you. want to get some perspective, now, with cnn law enforcement
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analyst, charles ramsey, washington, d.c.'s former police chief. also, gloria, constitutional law professor at john j. college of criminal justice. back with us, as well, is drew griffin. drew, what -- what you just heard from kevnneth walker's attorney, he's saying he has seen what's in the full report. the evidence. and that it doesn't back up what the attorney general is saying. >> anderson, i just don't know that that is true. i, of course, would love to see what was presented to the grand jury. i don't believe that attorney was in -- in the grand jury and saw what was presented. so i would like to learn more from him what, exactly, he is referring to. other than what the police have already released in this case. but i do agree with him, there is a lot of questions that still remain unanswered. and it would have been good to have this go to a jury or a
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trial so that all that evidence could be presented. what we have here is a truncated form of justice, where the grand jury has been able to decide, based on just the evidence presented to them by the attorney general, what the case would eventually be. >> i'm wondering what your initial reaction is to this decision? >> well, my initial reaction was outrage. of course, sadness. it was of american history repeating itself. african-americans, in particular, african-american women, have been brutalized throughout the history of this country. and the prosecutorial system needs reform. we focus so much on the criminal justice system from the police angle but we don't look at the prosecutorial system. and it's not too late to indict these officers. just because they weren't indicted in -- with this impaneled grand jury doesn't mean they cannot be indicted in the future. we need to understand that kenneth walker acted in
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self-defense. but it seems, self-defense only matters if you're white. and if you're black, reckless endangerment and any other type of reckless behavior o, or even downright murder, is all right if the officer is in danger and doesn't matter how that officer might have endangered those people in that room. so black people represent saare their beds. they're not safe driving. they're not safe walking. as an african-american woman, this is historically what they've done, destabilize the black community and make us feel unsafe without protection from the police or prosecutor's office. >> do you agree? >> let me start by saying the death of breonna taylor is, indeed, a tragedy. there is no question about that. and i do agree with drew. i mean, there needs to be more information made public so that people can actually see the evidence. as long as it doesn't jeopardize the pending trial of the one
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officer who, by the way, i clearly believe should have been charged, in this case. i don't know kentucky law but he definitely should have been charged and he was charged. the other two officers, however, mattingly and cosgrove, they were executing a warrant. a valid search warrant. it's alleged that they knocked and announced their office. a witness did hear that. whether or not others heard it, i don't know. but if it was a no-knock warrant, they didn't have to do that. they did make a forced entry. the officer -- one officer, mattingly, was shot by one of the individuals in the apartment. mr. walker. and they returned fire. they were fired upon and they returned fire. that is a justified use of force. now, you can debate and it's unfortunate obviously and tragic that breonna taylor was struck and killed. it would have been equally tragic if mr. walker had been shot and killed.
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any death is -- is a tragedy. but when you start talking about criminal charges, that's -- that's entirely different, in my opinion. again, i can only go based on what the attorney general said, in his statement. i don't have access to any other information. but i do believe and drew raised this issue, which i think is probably a key issue here. and, that is, why were they there, to begin with? what was in the complaint for search warrant? what led them to that location? and even to believe that breonna taylor was involved in criminal activity? or that they would find any kind of criminal evidence once they executed the search warrant? this has to be fresh information. this can't be something based on what you saw two months ago. >> and, drew, you're saying that's exactly what it was. that this was something that was shaky, to begin with. >> yeah. and -- and that needs to be scrutinized very carefully. but the people who executed the warrant were not the ones who -- who applied for the warrant. >> drew, quickly, on the timing.
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>> yeah. just -- i would just ask chief ramsey. i mean, the -- the only physical evidence that you can see in this -- in this warrant was they saw this drug dealer at that apartment, on january 16th. that's it. and so, we have a shooting in march? it really just shows, i think, a lack of good police -- >> and i'm not arguing and saying that the warrant was good. i don't know. i didn't read the warrant. i don't know what they had. all i'm saying is that the shooting, itself, and the officers who executed the warrant weren't part of that investigation, at all. >> professor marshall, you're shaking your head. >> i am shaking my head because this is a carry state. and this is what happens when -- here's someone who has the right to have a weapon, who after midnight, someone bursts through the door and they shot at the person, after asking who is it? and not hearing anything. the right of self-defense for black people is almost nonexistent when it comes to a white person, who is the victim.
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if this had been the other way around, we just had a case in which people are killing black folks in their own apartment. and in this instance, they had a right to defend themselves. kenneth walker had a right to defend himself. and so, to say that the officer was justified in firing back when the officers shouldn't have been there in the first place. kenneth was justified in firing that shot. so i think we're in the wrong position here when it comes to what police officers are doing with a white person who is a victim. and what they would have done with a black person. and that's what history bears out and that's what we have today. >> gloria brown marshall. charles ramsey. drew griffin. thank you very much. appreciate it. good discussion. just ahead, more on the protests and the grand jury decision, including political leaders anchor in on the decision, say what they want to do as a result. we will also have president trump's reaction. and the president was asked today if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the november election.
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happening in the rest of the country. louisville, kentucky. we have been showing you protests in philadelphia. also, in new york city. i want to go to alex marquardt who is in washington, d.c. alex, what have you been seeing, so far? >> well, anderson, this march here for breonna taylor for black lives matter has just arrived at the white house at lafayette park, which of course has been ground zero for so many of the protests that we have seen over the course of the summer. this protest started at the department of justice, as the s sun was setting. they came down h street, which has now been closed in front of lafayette park. chanting bre way. of course, a take on breonna taylor's name. and what you are seeing we've heard tributes to breonna taylor. we have heard testimonials, like the words from her own mother. we have also heard speeches about police reform. about the black experience in america. about political reform and even political revolution.
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you can see people holding the portrait of breonna taylor over their heads. this was, of course, the scene, the site, of a number of protests earlier this summer in the wake of the killing of george floyd. you can still see these fences. >> alex, i'm sorry. we got to come back to you. i got to go to shimon prokupecz, who is in louisville. louisville. shimon, can you explain what's going on? what we're seeing in our shot? >> so we are with that same group. and what happened was there was fireworks, what sounded like fireworks, maybe even gunshots. and then, police started moving in. and you can see, here, to my left, police pointing weapons. they're moving people back. and part of it, what happened, anderson, is what sounded like gunfire. and the police started moving -- police started moving. and you can see them, here, pushing our david and one of -- my -- my photographer. david, come this way. so what happened is, anderson,
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if you're with me. here. let me just -- what happened was, this crowd was marching. they get -- they come to this area and the police block them off. the police block them off. they, then, started running. and what sounded like gunfire, quite honestly. there was fireworks. but then, something sounded like gunfire and we saw heavily armed police in these armored cars, here, you'll see going by me, move in quickly. and that's what's happening now. they are trying to move everyone out of the way. and then, you can see. i just want to show you quickly, anderson. >> i just got to go over to jason carroll. jason carroll, i'm not sure where you are in relation to shimon, but explain what you are seeing. >> shimon is at the top end of the demonstrators. we're at the tail end. and just to -- hold on, we have got some offices comiofficers cg this way. but it was initially fireworks. we had heard some fireworks earlier when we were at
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jefferson square. then, just a few minutes ago, we heard from one of the undercover officers out here that it was, in fact, gunfire. at that point, everyone started running in a lot of different directions. we came, took cover underneath this overpass. right now, we have police instructing us what we need to do, at this point, moving forward. but a number of police in riot gear moved in. did what they could to disperse the crowd. and they had been asking the crowd to disperse for the last hour or so. as soon as your show started, when we came to you, we started showing you the fires that had been started in various places. and what some of the protestors were doing. about a couple hundred of them, they started marching throughout the city of louisville setting fires as they were going on their way. then, that stopped. then, we got to this point, where this overpass is right here, and you had a bottleneck of a couple hundred of these protestors. that's when someone lit off a firework. shortly after that, that's when we heard the gunfire. and at this point, police, now, moving in. so we are going to assess the situation. see if we can get some more
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information for you and we'll get back to you. anderson. >> jason carroll, thank you. we'll continue to monitor that and now we're back at shimon prokupecz, as -- as jason was saying. shimon is sort of at the front end of the demonstration. shimon, if you can hear us, so you're at sort of the front end of the same group of people that jason is at the rear end of, correct? >> right. and i think jason is now at a distance under that overpass. remember, anderson, one of the first shots we saw was the police coming out of their cars and just pointing their large guns at the people who were sitting along the grass to the entrance to the highway here. and they were telling them to put their hands up. but everyone started running, one, because the police blocked the street off. and they were trying to block them in, from the back and the front. but then, the gunshots and that's when, really, people started running. and so, now, it's all cleared up.
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there's some police still standing around. it's the second time i think for tonight that we've heard gunshots, anderson. >> shimon prokupecz, be careful, please, you and your crew. as we continue to look at the demonstrations that are happening tonight protesting the three charges the grand jury delivered in connection with the killing of breonna taylor. none were actually for her death. i want to play what president trump said a short time ago. here he is applauding the attorney general of kentucky shortly after it was announced. >> i thought it was really brilliant kentucky attorney general, daniel cameron, is doing a fantastic job. i think he's a star. and he made a statement that i'll just read. justice -- justice is not often easy. it does not fit the mold of public opinion, and it does not conform to shifting standards. it answers, only, to the facts and to the law. if we simply act on emotion or
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outrage, there's no justice. mob justice is not justice. justice sought by violence is not justice. it just becomes revenge. i mean, i heard that. i said write that down for me, please, because i think it -- itselfit was a terrific statement. >> joining me now, congresswoman karen bass. congresswoman bass, when you heard that, i'm wondering what your reaction was. >> well, i mean, i just thought that it was tragic. it was tragic and it was, also, insulting. the idea that the charge they indicted him for is the bullet went through a building, not her life, losing her life was not indictable. i think that they should have allowed this case to go to trial so that there could have been true justice. but it just reinforces the need for passing legislation because part of the reason why these incidents keep happening is because it's impossible to hold
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officer officers accountable, until the law is changed. >> the kentucky attorney general said there was not enough evidence to file charges. said he largely agrees with what was announced today. if it is true that what happened to breonna taylor does not warrant homicide charges under current law, what does that say about how the law is written to you? >> that's exactly the point and that's exactly why we need to change the law. so, for example, the idea that police officers received immunity. if they know they have immunity, then it's easy for them to act with impunity. if -- if the bar to charge or to prosecute an officer is so high that you can never prosecute them, and that is the way the law is currently, they should be prosecuted for recklessness. but right now, the only way you can prosecute an officer is for willful intent. meaning, if they deliberately meant to kill somebody. and as your other guest said, you know, the second amendment clearly does not apply to
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everyone. open carry. and that, her boyfriend's right to defend himself, obviously, didn't apply. but you do remember that those officers tried to cover it up. remember, they arrested her boyfriend. and then, they also tried to force her previous -- into implicating her in drug dealing so they could cover up and act like they had a reason to knock the door down. that's why there should be no no-knock warrants. we should not allow those. just like we should ban choke holds. so there are structural reasons why these things keep occurring, and we need to change the law in order to prevent this. this is why the george floyd justice and policing act needs to be passed. it needs to be voted on, on the senate. it's sitting on mcconnell's desk. >> is -- does the -- is it possible the fault lies with -- i guess charles ramsey was sort of putting the onus on, you
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know, questions about the warrant, in the first place. if it was, in fact, based on old information about somebody who used to live there or had once received mail there, allegedly, months before. whether or not that should have been issued. but a no-knock warrant was issued and they did, apparently, knock. and the boyfriend fired the first shot thinking, he said, that it was the former person who lived there. didn't realize it was police. is it possible that the police were legitimate in firing back thinking they were being -- they were being fired upon? and it's the -- the question of the warrant is the problem? >> well, anderson, due diligence was also part of the problem, too. you do know that the man they were looking for was in their custody. how about checking to see where the person might be, before you go? but again, the justice and policing act eliminates no-knock
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warrants for drug cases. you know, in a six-year period, from 2010 to 2016, 94 civilians were killed with no-knock warrants. 13 police officers were killed. it's dangerous for both sides. they shouldn't occur. >> as we look at what's taking place now, louisville, kentucky. we've seen demonstrations in new york, philadelphia, this evening. what is your message to folks who are angry and -- and frustrated and disgusted and are out on the streets? >> 41 days. that's my message. we have an election in 41 days. but i think the protests are very, very helpful, as long as they are peaceful. because it was the momentum for those protests that allowed us to develop the george floyd justice and policing act. allowed us to pass it out of the house. so the protests are important but i'm deeply worried about them becoming violent.
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and i am, also, very worried about agent provocateurs, if you will. i know a fewmonts a months ago, boogaloo boys were hanging around louisville. and also, from people who are opportunists because there is a lot of people out there, maybe i can loot. the worst thing in the world would be for violence. >> congresswoman karen bass, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. >> want to go to cnn's athena jones, who is here in new york. athena, talk about where you are and what you've been seeing. >> anderson, we are crossing the manhattan bridge. this is a group of several hundred demonstrators who met at the barclay center and we have been walking for about a mile and a half. as you can see, it's a huge crowd. they have covered all the lanes. all three sections here of this bridge. there are people on a lower level. there are actually people across the way, who are marching in traffic. this has been a peaceful protest.
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but talking to people, they are frustrated. they are angry. they're angry because there's no fairness, there's no sense of justice. no accountability for the loss of black lives. and so, this is what we're -- what we're hearing them talk about as we've heard before. they want to see accountability. want to see change. and they want to see the lives of breonna taylor and all of the other people who have been killed at the hands of police. they want those police held accountable. so this is a group. i've been told by the crowd that it's been growing, not just by the hundreds which is what it was when we arrived at first but, it goes back almost a mile or half a mile. you can see the crowd. chanting, say her name. >> and, athena, is there one particular group that has organized this? i mean, obviously, there's a lot of different groups involved in protest movements. and often, they, you know -- it's -- it's done on social media. and tell people where they want to, you know, meet up and where they're going to go. >> this was done on social media. right.
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this is one that's done on social media. it's not very clear how organized it was, in the sense of where their ultimate destination is. but there is an instagram site, instagram handle, called justice for george floyd and that's one of the ways they are getting out the word to bring out all the people to come. it's been at least an hour at barclay center of chanting and we began marching maybe half an hour ago. several groups but it's loosely organized. >> i appreciate it. be careful. we'll continue to check in with you throughout the night. this just in from police in louisville. one officer has been shot. they aren't providing any additional details, as our reporters have been indicating with jason carroll and shimon prokupecz. they had heard at least a shot. perhaps, more shots. also, some fireworks. and we saw police moving in just in the last few minutes, in some areas. particularly, around a highway and an overpass. the police say we will update when we can.
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another statement from the police. we'll be right back with more from louisville and new york and washington, d.c. we'll be right back. g. and at fidelity, you'll get planning and advice to help you prepare for the future, without sacrificing what's most important to you today. because with fidelity, you can feel confident that the only direction you're moving is forward.
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we are following breaking news in louisville and around the country. protests involving the killing of breonna taylor. now, louisville police reporting one officer has been shot during these protests. no details given. let's go to shimon prokupecz in louisville. shimon, what do you know? >> yeah. so this is the area we believe, anderson, where that officer was shot. remember, we were walking with that group when we heard the gunshots. several gunshots that were
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fired, along with fireworks. and it looks like, according to one of the officers here on the scene, that this happened behind here. we don't know much more than what the police have already put out, which is that this one officer was shot. and that's about all the details we have, at this point. this is something, obviously, that many of the officers here and the city has feared that there would be some -- the protests would turn violent. and certainly, if this officer, as the police are saying, was shot. this is definitely going to be anesque additi an escalation here and we are going to see how police respond. but what they're doing, anderson, is trying to block the intersection and keep people away. right now, a lot of protestors have left. it's just police and right now they're investigating the shooting. >> and no details have been given. shimon, is the protest continuing? obviously, that area's now roped off. >> that's right. this area is roped off. there were still a lot of people on the street, right?
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maybe about ten minutes or so away from curfew. so that's going to bring some confrontation with police. so the group that was here, there was a lot of them. most of them have dispersed. we don't know where they went but they're still on the street here, as we approach the curfew, anderson. >> shimon, thank you very much. be careful. we are going to continue to monitor the situation there in louisville and other cities. out of the white house, where president trump this evening talked again about his thinking as to what he will do after the election, even for him, it was pretty remarkable. >> mr. president, real will you commit making sure there is a peaceful transfer of power after the election? we'll see what happens.
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>> the ballots are a disaster. >> people are rioting. do you commit of making sure of a peaceful transfer. >> we'll get rid of the ballots, there won't be a transfer, there will be a continuation. the ballots are out of control. you know it more than anybody else, the democrats know more than anybody else. >> the president is not saying he'll concede to a loss. the president was asked about a peaceful transfer in power, it is a pretty -- any president would say of course they would commit a peaceful transfer of power, not this president. >> not only no president have said anything like that. no president have thought of anything like that. one of the touch stones of
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american democracy is when the two presidents t , the in comin and out going takes the limousine together for the swearing in including the defeated president, jimmy carter and bill clinton and george bush. they sit there as a symbol of a peaceful transition of power. i don't see any scenario where donald trump agrees to participate even if he loses this election. and i think it is tragic but revealing about his character and presidency. >> and david, i want to tell viewers we are keeping the pictures up from louisville kentucky, one officer had been shot. we don't know the officer's condition. we are trying to monitor the event as best as we can. your thoughts on his comment,
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david. >> i can live with him not participating in the ceremony of the transfer of power, he's giving relianlicense to people e to the streets if they don't like the results. we'll want to get rid of the ballots and you will have a peaceful and he paused, there won't be a transfer, there will be a continuation. let's count all these right-in ballots. there was a poll over the weekend that says 74% of the people who said they're going to take write-in ballots say they're going to vote for joe biden. he knows it, too. this is a way of disqualifying or trying to disqualify votes or giving license to people to believe it is not valid if donald trump does not get elected. you see in his tweets all the time, the word treason. it frightens me that this comes close to that. not just democrats but
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republicans should be appall and speak out. >> it is not just taken to the streets but taking to the streets the in a not peaceful way is one thing to take to the streets and protest but violent protest where we have seen an officer shot here that's not acceptable. >> and he talked about malicious in his tweets and this is related to the supreme court, too. >> remember he has said that the reason he wants a nomination jam through on this totally expedited schedule is because he wants to challenge those mail-in votes and the supreme court. he wants his justice. >> he's saying it out loud. >> everything he's doing is
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delegitimatize. >> what do expect to happen now after election night? at this point do you see any way to avoid some sort of political conflict at the very least in the days and weeks after the election? >> the president could not be clearer. he's going to do better on election night than he ultimately will be because 62% of his voters said they're going to vote on election day. their vote will be counted on election day but the write-in votes, many of them will be counted after. he'll claim when those votes come in that he had won and the votes were taken from him. i think he's setting up that scenario. there are only two outcomes in his mind, either he wins or the election is rigged. it is dangerous because he's sending a signal to people that they can take to the streets are guns if they don't like the
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outcome of this election. it is really a horrifying thing. >> yes. >> david axelrod, jeff toobin. we are hitting close to the top of the hour when the curfew takes effect. we don't know anything more that than of the officer's condition. we'll go back to one of our reports there when we return. introducing a revolution in the world of pain relief: new advil dual action. advil targets pain at the source. acetaminophen blocks pain signals. new advil dual action with acetaminophen. to ensure your vote counts......because of covid-19 presidential election, ......polling locations ......confusion is high.. (fisherman vo) how do i register to vote? (working mom vo) i think i'm already registered. ...hmm!...hmm!...hmm!
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one of the officers have been shot during tonight's protest after the grand jury's verdict of breonna taylor. >> reporter: we are trying to get more information of the officer that's been shot. the police have been set up here and most of the protesters out here have disperse. about 20 minutes or so, we were walking of the overpasses. a large group of demonstrators of a couple hundreds, we heard of what sounded like fireworks and second after that, we heard gunfire and everyone started running. police moved in, almost just quickly. most of the crowd disperse. at this point, we are minutes
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