tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 25, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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top of the hour. hello to the viewers in the quite and around the world. thank you so much for sharing your day with us. a final journey today for a legal legend, this hour. ruth bader ginsburg leaving the united states capitol after becoming the first woman to lie in state. we begin this hour with another election year refusal from the president to listen to the voters, to promise to leave office if he loses. new swing state polling tells us the president is behind. the response is to introduce more chaos into an already turn lent campaign season.
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quote, you won't have a transfer the president says, insisting any election he loses must be rigged. republicans including the senate majority leader guarantee a peaceful transition and the republicans say the president's talk is not helpful. former trump national security adviser urges his old boss, quote, not to attack ourselves. the trump appointed fbi director testifying before congress yesterday that the bureau, yes, takes all election threats seriously but says there's no evidence of massive election fraud. translation, there's no rigging and what the president tells you every day is simply not true. the white house chief of staff taking the president's side and taking issue with the facts and with the fbi director. >> with all due respect to director wray he has a hard time finding emails in his own fbi let alone figuring out whether there's any kind of voter fraud,
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perhaps he needs to get involved on the ground and he would change his testimony on capitol hill. >> get straight to the white house and cnn's kaitlan collins. you have the white house chief of staff there with the fbi director because christopher wray told the truth. >> reporter: yeah. disputing officials that testify on capitol hill is becoming a trend at the white house. cdc director, the president and the fbi director and now the chief of staff going after christopher wray after saying historically there's no evidence of widespread coordinated voter fraud in the united states. something that of course directly conflicts with the narrative that the president, this false narrative that the president is trying to put out there for several months but is ramping it up lately and also culminated in an epic way this week when the president would not commit to a peaceful transfer of power so now the white house is trying to justify the president making the comments that no other president in modern history, no other u.s.
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president has made before by saying, well, there are the instances potentially saying that the fbi director who's tasks with looking at this needs to go on the ground in north carolina and others to spot this kind of stuff. that is what mark meadows was saying acting like he knows more about this than the fbi director and the white house points to an unusual announcement of the justice department about nine discarded ballots in pennsylvania, initially said all nine for president trump, they later corrected the statement after removing it from the justice department website to say seven votes for the president and of course to compare that 6 million people voted in pennsylvania in 20 16 but this is how the white house justifies the comments from the president twice this week and we should note i watched director wray's testimony yesterday and very careful in the way he answered in question and seemed to be reading from prepared
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remarks because he likely knew it was going to push back against what the white house had been saying and he was not answering off the cuff in the way that the cdc director was when he was testifying last week and yet still the white house is going after chris wray in a remarkable way today disputing the narrative that the president is putting out there. >> yeah. the grievances there run deep. appreciate it very much. let's continue the conversation with two guests. let's go through the history here. the president built us up to this point, at the point now where he says if the vote count shows i lost then clearly the election was rigged, clearly all these mail-in ballots done in a fraudulent way. let's listen to the history. >> the only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged. remember that. let them send it in and then go vote and if their system's as good as they say it is they
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won't be able to vote. large percentages of the ballots will be missing, fraud. it is a disaster. this is the scam of all time. ged rid of the ballots and you will have a -- we'll have a transfer -- there won't be a transfer frankly. there will be a continuation. >> it's that last part that has even republicans worried the president saying there won't be a transfer of power because he'll challenge and contest and perhaps refuse to honor the results and the president walking down this path for a long time. in fact, his is the fraud in the sense that the fraud in the election is so much what the president says about it is simply not true. >> john, this isn't the only way that this is culminated this week. cannot be distinguished from the supreme court vacancy. legal communities this week believe that there will be a significant challenge for the very reason -- the president just lined up with this election
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and then go to lower courts and eventually make its way to the supreme court. this a part of why trump wants to get another justice on the supreme court for the election because there is a belief that if he can get -- they get legal challenges that are -- this could be decided at the supreme court level and he does not want a situation in which -- a split 4-4 vote. justice roberts at times stood with liberals on the court vote against president trump in this election. >> laura, i by no means excusing it but you could understand by the numbers perhaps if you had this president's mindset, a big if, you might understand why he suddenly decided this is belarus and the elections don't count. i don't have to leave if i lose. the sppolls in the swing states 24 hours late, biden up in
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nevada, pennsylvania, ohio and texas trump up five and close and competitive these. quinnipiac and fox news polls. there is a plausible path for the president to win re-election but the map at the moment is tilted in joe biden's favor. the question is, how do democrats see this moment? you have seen it shift amongst some democrats saying vote early in person as opposed to a couple weeks ago it was we're in a middle of a pandemic. get your mail-in vote. are democrats nervous? >> i think they're certainly nervous, john, because the president is saying that he won't honor the results of the election. he's saying that he won't commit to a peaceful transition of power and something that he is saying for four years. democrats, urgyou know, also sh that if a voter does not trust the election they may not turn out to vote and if you feel more
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comfortable with voting in person democrats are encouraging them to do that at their earliest convenience rather than just waiting to election day to cast a ballot saying as you said show up, vote in person or fill out your absentee ballot and drop it in a physical box at the voting location as opposed to mailing it in. >> we have had for three and a half plus years now a series of outrarc o outrages by the president but this is the democracy, this is a great and cherished tradition that the united states like it is hold up to the world. to see the republicans objecting number one, but general h.r. mcmaster, a deck rated military veteran, essential listen here, in an interview with a colleague saying this is the work of vladimir putin. >> the comments are very
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unfortunate, wolf. as you mentioned our elections had been under attack in the past. let's not attack themselves. right? let's come together as americans and execute a process to have confidence in. >> it is the president, francesca, trying to undermine confidence and that does sync up deliberate or not with exactly what russia and other foreign actors trying to cause dissent in america are looking for. >> and, john, as you noted repeatedly in this segment before, the president has been making the comments any number of monthins in order to tee up e argument if he doesn't win the election outright on election day and it is significant we have heard republicans if not calling the president out by name but specific issue, republicans also have for months distanced themselves from comments the president has made. they think they don't -- some of the things he said, it is also
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notable that they are not -- by name the way that they're mentioning is generally should be a peaceful transfer of power because they don't -- on the record of criticism of a sitting president. >> laura, both parties assemble teams of accomplished lawyers, rightly so, to have eyes on a process and everybody has a right to question anything they view outside the norm. but what is the additional burden her on republicans like to make a big deal of the statement by hillary clinton telling joe biden do not concede the election. what she means is not do not concede because the count could go on for days or days and longer and wait and what is the burden on the biden campaign to have people in place in the key states now to watch this unprecedented process works with the pandemic and then the lawyers ready going through challenged ballots, provisional ballots, recounts in states and court challenges?
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>> it's something they're preparing for. we know that the biden campaign said they're focusing just on the potential transition as campaigning right now, trying to prepare for whatever could come november 3rd or the weeks that follow, especially as we know states like michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, they don't even start counting the mail ballots until election day which is why they are expecting this prolonged count. and so it's really incumbent upon the campaigns, elected officials to also be telling the public that this is not -- you may not be aware of the outcome on election night. it seems so far according to polling that americans actually maybe are prepared for that. quinnipiac poll this week found that 63% of americans don't expect to know the outcome of the election on the night of
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compared to 30% who do. >> could be a long night and followed by long days but that's okay. take the time to count them. laura, francesca, appreciate the reporting and the insights. let's just illustrate what we're talking about. the surge of pre-election voting is unprecedented. already voting under way in two does-plus states. 50 million people voted before election day in 2016. already in 2020, states have been hit with 28 million ballot requests and 43 million more ballots scheduled to go out automatically. 15 have already have more absentee ballot requests than in 2016. already. five weeks plus to go. by this time in 2016 north carolina's board of elections received 85,000 ballot requests.
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now requests in that state number more than 1 million. in pennsylvania, 2.2 million ballots requested this year, 286,000 pennsylvanians voted before election day four years ago. and kaitlan mentioned this. an unusual announcement from the justice department saying that investigating problems with a small number of mail-in ballots in pennsylvania. the u.s. attorney there says we can confirm that a small number of military ballots discarded. of the nine recovered seven cast for presidential candidate donald trump. it is the vital duty of government to ensure that every properly cast vote is counted. president trump teased that development during comments yesterday referencing trump's ballots in pennsylvania but did not provide details. it happened just outside of scranton, pennsylvania. a county that flipped from blue to president trump back in 2016. we'll stay on top of that. burr that
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that's a modest number of votes. up next for us, the president repeats a claim, the united states he said is rounding the turn on the coronavirus. this as we approach 7 million cases and as the count in many states is heading in the wrong direction. ♪ smooth driving pays off with allstate the safer you drive the more you save ♪ you've never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today
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direction, 44,000 new infections yesterday. listen here to dr. wen who says we are heading in the wrong direction at the wrong time. >> we are starting off this fall/winter with a high level of infection. if we have a doubling, a tripling, we could be over 100,000 new infections every day coming into fall/winter with quarantine fatigue, restrictions lifted, students, kids being in school again. >> joining us now is ann ramone at ucla. it is good to see you. i wish the numbers were better, having a different conversation, but seeing 23 states heading in the wrong direction and i think we can show you the case count of seven-day average, 44,000 reported yesterday.
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back above 40,000 with the average of new infections here in the united states. it was 20,000 coming into the summer. close to 80,000 as you can see there. but the red line at the end is what matters most, the trajectory heading in the wrong direction and i believe you would agree at the wrong time, right? >> absolutely, john. we are moving in the wrong direction and at a very critical moment. we have colleges back in session. we have schools reopening in many places. we are starting to -- at a point people moving indoors because of the weather. we have the convergence of flu season so this is the moment to be really pushing down cases and doing the best we can to reduce community spread. because we are -- we may have plateaued in some places but we plateaued at 100 miles per hour and now seeing the upticks as we see in many of the states we're not coming from zero to these
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numbers. we are already at a high number so upticks are dangerous. we see spread and what's happening in europe and other places. we are not different. this virus will spread where it can. >> we are having this conversation, the calendar forces it in the political context as well. we have more than 40,000 new infections a day the average in the united states. the president, though, says this. >> we're doing it, rounding the turn. we're rour we're rounding the turn. under my leadership. normal life, we want to get back to normal life. we'll resume the early and aggressive actions saved many millions of lives. we developed and distribute a vaccine, we will have a vaccine
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so soon you won't believe it. >> i'm not sure there's anything in that statement that's true. >> my advice, john, is to ignore political rhetoric and listen to science. >> let me stop you for a second. i agree with you. i'm hesitant to interrupt. >> no worries. >> when we say ignore political rhetoric, ignore the president of the united states of america. in the middle of a pandemic, where we have 7 million cases in the united states of america, 203,000 of our brothers and sisters dead and ignore the president of the united states of america. my apologies. >> you are correct. that is exactly what i'm saying. ignore the president of the united states of america who is not a scientist and doesn't listen to science. listen to the scientists like dr. fauci, like many of the other scientists like dr. wen,
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like dr. redfield, many you have had on your show. who tell you over and over again that we are not in a good place here. we have had more deaths than any other country. we are not following the science. we do not have a national strategy and doesn't represent success as president trump says but a failure of the public health system. we have ignored all of the science that tells us how to reduce spread of the virus which other countries have been able to do and we see when countries start to relax we see upticks in cases so i'm going to say it once again, ignore the president of the united states of america who is not a scientist and listen to science. we need to do the right thing, we need a national strategy based on science. >> he has a number of remarkable scientists around him if he would listen to them but that's why we bring you in. i wanted to make sure everybody understood the very important
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point you're making and a good point. thank you so much. we'll continue the conversation another day. let's move on to this. cnn learning that president trump lost patience with the director of cdc and others on the coronavirus team. sara, we'll talk about this important news. this is a president who routinely ignores the scientists, contradicts the scientists and goes about his business contrary to what the scientists say. >> it sounds like you're not surprised the president would be frustrated with the head of the cdc. this frustration continues when the president looks at the health experts on the team. basically he wants a rosier outlook from the guys, faster scientific break throughs and that's what's contributing the frustration and seen a number of very public missteps at the cdc, the issue of testing
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asymptomatic individuals or aerosolized spread. this is disheartening for the sign tests at the cdc, crushing for morale and people consider whether to resign, whether they should leave government entirely and a big deal because even though the cdc is politicized, there's a view inside the cdc that redfield is not an effective leader, people outside of the cdc still look at that agency and say, there are good scientists here that we can rely on so if you start to see an exodus among the staffers that is a problem, a crisis of confidence that's bigger than what we face right now. as for redfield's future, they said they don't expect a major staffing change before the election and may continue to see the push and pull between the president and the health experts, john. >> important reporting. we'll see if anybody goes or if the tensions persist. it is a horrible thing to have mixed messages in the middle of
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a pandemic. thank you. republicans downplay and some dismiss the president's refusal to commit to a peaceful transition of power. i felt like... ...i was just fighting an uphill battle in my career. so when i heard about the applied digital skills courses, i'm thinking i can become more marketable. you don't need to be a computer expert to be great at this. these are skills lots of people can learn. i feel hopeful about the future now. ♪ it's made for him a veteran who honorably served and it's made for her she's serving now we also made usaa for military spouses and their kids become a member. get an insurance quote today. eh, not enough fiber... chocolate would be good... snacking should be sweet and simple. the delicious taste of glucerna
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first jewish person to lie in state at the u.s. capitol. the ceremonies will end shortly. the casket carrying the late justice will be carried out by the honor guard. lawmakers have been paying tribute today. we'll return to the capitol live as the ceremony concludes and the casket is carried out of the capitol to the awaiting hearse. you see the flag at half mast there. meantime, the president's repeated attacks on the integrity of the election process is part of a deliberate strategy. if he loses the november vote count he's prepared to challenge it in court as a fraud and will not commit to honoring the results and leaving office if he loses. >> we have to be very careful with the ballots. the ballots, that's a whole big scam. we want to make sure the election is honest and i'm not sure that it can be. >> it is a strategy that ignores the facts of mail-in voting and insulting the democratic history and norms and puts the
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republican party in an awkward place. many republican officials stand with the president in fighting efforts to expand mail-in voting during this coronavirus pandemic. but there is a clear break from the president on the question of a peaceful and orderly transition. here with me now, the former govern nor of ohio and former reft of ohio. both are republicans. neither is a huge fan of the way the current president conducts himself, governor kasich, governors run elections and state election boards and county election boards run elections. listen here to lindsey graham, the chairman of the senate judiciary committee and on the surface this sounds okay. listen. >> i promise you as a republican if the supreme court rules in favor of joe biden i will accept that result. no matter who challenges the results of the election, eventually the supreme court is likely to hear that challenge and when they rule that is --
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that is the end of it. >> when they rule that is the end of it. we all lived through bush v. gore in 2000 but that is the exception. you have the chairman of the senate judiciary committee saying it is going to the supreme court. it doesn't have to go to the supreme court if the states do their job even taking a week we'll know who win it is election. the republicans are setting this up, confirm a new jis tustice at has to go to the supreme court. does it have to? >> you have been around this very long time. >> too long sometimes i think. >> no. really. the answer is, no, it doesn't have to. somebody will determine, an a.p. will get together with the other news media and they're going to make a call just like they do all the time. and once the call is made that will be the end of it. people can go to court and challenge the result and doesn't mean it goes to the supreme court or whether the challenge will actually happen. doesn't mean that the challenge will be legitimate. i'm not overly worked up about
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that. let me also say, john, when the president's spending his time talking about this, he's completely off the message he needs to have and the yif you c the polls, you know this, the support is not going well for him. he is losing support because he is not on message and distracted with this. so it's a mistake in many different ways, the fact that he is casting aspersions on the legitimacy of an election and saying who knows what will happen? this is all fraud and everything else, but the second thing is he's hurting himself politically. >> congresswoman love, governor kasich makes an important point. the president for whatever reason he does this, go back in time, recenter and back to 2016, this president tries attack and question the legitimacy of this government or this country's most sacred issue tuitions.
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listen. >> will you commit to making sure that there is a peaceful tranferal of power after the election? >> we have to see what happens. you know that. i're been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster. >> can you give a direct answer? you will accept the election? >> i have to see. >> do you make the same commitment to absolutely, sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election? >> i will look at it at the time. >> well, i guess i get it, congresswoman, but to the governor's point that the a. p. and networks make a call, i hope we don't make a call and be patient and let the secretaries of state confer the election so there's no confusion but the point of questioning i will wait, it is not his call. states decide elections, states count the votes and then we honor the results. right? >> first thring to say is he's skirnt. we know what the president will
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say about this. i agree with governor kasich that this really hurts the -- his campaign. i would prefer and many republicans would prefer that he goes out and talks about policy, the economy, the jobs because that's what most americans want him to talk about. if there is a problem, which by the way, the state of utah does mail-in ballots very well. we worked out the kinks but it works really well in our state and been doing it for several years but if there's a problem what we want a leader to say is here are the facts, the areas to have a problem and by the way don't worry about it because we have solutions set in place and working with the states and jurisdictions to make sure that the vote is counted. that is what people would prefer to hear from a leader. >> governor, you have some unique perspective to bring to the conversation in the sense you have won at the house level.
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you were a member of house of representatives. very competitive state, ohio. you have run for president and gone around the country and may not like the results of the primaries but part of contests in several states. is there as the president says widespread massive voter fraud in the united states? >> no. there is not. the head of the fbi said yesterday in testifying that this is not an issue and in our state, look, in our state, john, if you cast an absentee ballot or the day before the election then that ballot will be counted up to ten days after the election. and yeah, i don't know what's going to happen in terms of election night like we have traditionally seen it because there are states that don't have in place some of the processes we have in ohio. for example, they're able to start a process about the absentee ballots without counting it but get themselves in a position where it's more
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effective. i don't know how many states have done that but we have a history of mail-in voting and people here have not thought there's anything bad about it, untoward, it was not fair and honest. again, we're going to have a good result. there will be a time at which the states will say -- turn in the results, that it will be called and will move on. you can go to court all the time you want but if you don't have a case you won't get anywhere. >> well, i think a suspicion is the president wants the supreme court nominee in place in case it gets that far, that person would automatically side with him. let's hope the justices do this based on the facts. appreciate your time today. >> thanks, john. >> thank you. want to show you live pictures. we are waiting for thor is moirn, tmoir --
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for the ceremony of the departure of ruth bader ginsburg lies in state. joan our reporter and biographer joins the conversation now. it is a final farewell, a historic farewell. ruth bader ginsburg a trailblazer in life. they said breaking one final barrier as the country says farewell to this legal icon. the first woman, the first jewish person to lie in state in the united states capitol. >> yes. john, you know, it's so compelling right now to think we're even closing the last chapter on her life as we see the casket taken down the steps there. you know, all the things she's done in her life, born in 1933 but she essentially did not become the notorious rbg until she was 80 years oemd, that nirk name from a 2013 dissent she had
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written that went viral and a law sku law student at new york university picked it up and i thought of the families with the young sons and daughters with flowers over to the supreme court where the -- she was lying in repose, that every step of her life has been trail blazing to the end and even into the 80s and at her death at 87. it is historic and what it says to us and the public out there watching right now, john, is that this chapter is not being closed, that her legal legacy for equality will certainly live on and that kind of personal inspiration that she had for people in her last decade will
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certainly endure and i think that both the equality rulings that she pioneered and the sort of fierce notorious rgb pumping iron everyon in her 80s will continue to be in the american eye. >> it's an important point you make and you see it and you have female members of the congress both the house and senate here to say farewell. not as many women in the united states congress when ruth bader ginsburg first as an attorney pushing cases before the court and then as a judge and justice was making huge advancements for women in the law, huge advancements for women in politics, as well. for younger people watching, when ruth bader ginsburg apointed to the court 27 years ago, the second woman, sandra day o'connor still on the court and then she was the only woman on the court, joan. you know full well from your
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work that's a source of contention for justice ginsburg. she didn't like walking into the chamber and being surrounded by men. >> there was a period in there, i spoke to her a lot then and made several observations. just so the viewers know, january of 2006 when sandra day o'connor retired until august of 2009 when sonja sotomayor came on and she gave me tales of what it is like to be the only woman on the scene even in the modern era and commented on sometimes around the conference table when not even law clerks joined the nine justices and they would voice their views, she said sometimes she would say something, no one would react
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and then one of her male colleagues would say exactly the same thing and everyone would be like, yeah, right on, that's smart. she said that reminded her of the 1970s when as a law professor and women's rights advocate she would put in her commentary or suggest a line of litigation and people would brush it off until the male would say it and there she was in the 2000s with, you know, fellow supreme court justices and feeling a little bit of not being heard. not being heard. and so that came during that period and then there was another incident, john, i'd like to remind folks of. it was during a period in early 2009, again, she was the only female justice and it was at a time when the pancreatic cancer emerged and she was undergoing a lot of really tough treatment, so she was battling this episode
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of cancer but barack obama was about to speak to a joint session of congress in february 2009 and she was sick but she was still hearing cases and she decided she really wanted to go to that joint session of congress. and shortly afterward i talked to her saying what was that like? how could you rouse yourself from your sick bed to do this? she said i wanted to show the american people that the supreme court was not all men and then in her sly cheeky humor she said i wanted to show that one senator i was still alive. you might have remembered that jim bunning a republican from kentucky had said, soon after her pancreatic cancer discovered in 2009 that she'd probably be dead soon. i'm sorry to say that jim bunning since passed away and ruth bader ginsburg obviously is not with us anymore and did survive 2009. but she was aware of what people
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were saying of her and aware that she wanted to show people that she was alive and well and still doing her job. and what she even said just about a month ago or six weeks ago, john, when she had to speak publicly again about the recurrence of the cancer was that she said i will continue to sit as a justice as long as i can do the work. and she did the work up until just about the middle of this month when things took a sudden turn. >> right. joan, please stay with us. what you are seeing here is a remarkable scene outside of the united states capitol. ruth bader ginsburg first woman to lie in state at the united states capitol, the ceremonies there will errand momentarily. we are waiting for the casket to be brought out down the steps to a hearse and a remarkable scene. it is hard to see perhaps but center left is the speaker of
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the house nancy pelosi, most powerful woman in american politics. center right is chuck schumer, senate democratic leader. see the doors opening at the top of the stairs. the honor guard opening the doors there. once we see the procession we'll be silent and let it play out but this the final tribute to the late supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg.
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ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step.
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>> watching there, you're watching there the police escort that hearse carrying the casket, the body of the late supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg. this is the nation's final farewell. there's a private burial service planned for family members and close friends but the final public farewell, the final public tribute is history. justice ruth bader ginsburg, the first woman to lie in state there at the united states capitol. you see on the steps saying
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farewell, former clerks, hill aides lining the steps, lawmakers from both parties, mostly women. the senate majority leader chuck schumer there waving good-bye. he just turned. the speaker of the house nancy pelosi. ruth bader ginsburg was a daughter of brooklyn. chuck schumer from new york. nancy pelosi long a fan of ruth bader ginsburg, a legal tra trailblazer on the court. dana bash is with us. i want to start with joan biskupic. it is a remarkable scene. as an attorney first and then as a justice, ruth bader ginsburg was a trailblazer, changed american law, tilted it to respect and honor women in a way thurgood marshal tilted it to respect and honor blacks and other minorities in this
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country. but ruth bader ginsburg became bigger than that because of the power of the law sturdent that named her notorious rgb. justice and pop culture celebrity. >> she was, john. one other thing that ruth bader ginsburg embodied that i felt so much in this moment as we saw the casket go down the steps, she was elegant, precise and spare. there's really nothing good in this covid era but there was something about seeing the marble steps there without a lot of people on them and the casket and her life and her body there coming down alone that i thought reflected kind of the pioneering and her precision and her elegance. it was tough to see that car drive away in the end. and one thing that i just can't help but think of again is what she herself said.
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some 27 years ago when president bill clinton unveiled her nomination in the rose garden, she said i pray i be as a justice what my mother might have been if my mother might have lived in an era when women were appreciated and could aspire and that daughters were as cherished as sons. >> that is a remarkable line. dana bash, you know that neighborhood and understand this moment as well as anyone. i thought it's fitting to show the pictures down the steps. directly across the street is supreme court. we'll shift to a different conversation about the supreme court. the president will have a pick an innocent a partisan election year battle and can deal with that tomorrow. today the lace justice carried down the steps past the parade of predominantly women in the house and senate. i'm sitting here as a male anchoring the program but so
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much adds changed in the law, in the politics and the business we work in and ruth bader ginsburg was part of blazing that trail. >> absolutely. finding ways to connect the notion of equal rights under the law to apply first following the trail of those who pushed for it for people of color this this country and then women. and doing it as we have heard joan say piece by piece, case by piece, brick by brick in a careful way. before she even thought about being on the federal bench, much less the supreme court. i also have to say in watching this moment and listening to the speakers earlier, the fact that we had not just the first woman to lie in state but the first jewish person and hear a rabbi say the words which is justice justice which is obviously what her whole being was about was
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something that i don't think any of us will forget. >> a remarkable moment in history, glad to have joan, dana to share it with us. ruth bader ginsburg will be laid to rest in a private ceremony, the first woman to lie in state at the united states capitol, the first jewish person. brianna keilar picks up our coverage after a quick break. have a good day. i felt like... ...i was just fighting an uphill battle in my career. so when i heard about the applied digital skills courses, i'm thinking i can become more marketable. you don't need to be a computer expert to be great at this. these are skills lots of people can learn. i feel hopeful about the future now. ♪ the freestyle libre 14 managday system...etes aboutcan be - a continuous glucose monitor - ...makes it easy.
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