tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 25, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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good evening. president trump today continued his assault on mail-in voting, making a case for which he has no evidence. let's be clear. the burden of proof is on him and his allies and as you'll see, none exists. this lie that the president is pushing, it matters because he's now setting the stage to contest an election based on a claim with no evidence. two days ago, the president was asked a very simple question, would he commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election? any president can answer that question because any president should be versed in american history and democracy.
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he would not commit to that however. he said quote, well, we're going to see what happens and doubled down on that the next day. so now we're seeing administration's top spokespeople try to alter or justify what the president said or excuse it, and they're using the same phrase to sidestep any question they are asked about why this guy won't commit to this basic principle of american democracy. >> what we want to make sure of is that we have a free and safe and fair election. >> the president will accept the results of a free and fair election. >> we believe he'll win on november 3rd and with a free and fair election. >> so yes or no you will accept the election results if they come down the day or the day after election day? >> president trump and i will accept the results of a free and fair election. >> is there a memo? did they -- i mean, clearly, it's a talking point. you know, did they have a conference call and agree on it? let's use free and fair election.
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before these apologists started using free and fair election to gloss over what the president himself said, which is quite clear, the phrase "free and fair election" used to have actual meaning. our government traditionally uses that phrase to discuss what it wants to see from governments in places like iraq or russia. president trump himself has used it during a discussion of venezuela one year ago today in fact. it's not meant to be a wink or a nod or empty rhetoric or something that vice president pence can sagely nod his head as though he's gwynn a lot of thought and really cares about it. it is just empty rhetoric. that's what it turned into. it's a phrase that's supposed to mean something. america is in a position to call for others to have free and fair elections because we pride ourselves on that happening here. but now, that phrase is basically a dodge, trying to answer a dodge for answering a question for which they have no answer. and it comes down to that burden of proof and there is no evidence of wide spread fraud,
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voter fraud to point to. that's not stopping members of the administration from trying. certainly not stopping the president. but earlier this month attorney general william barr, he tried toe push that idea in a conversation with wolf blitzer. let's listen. >> elections that have been held with mail have found substantial for example, we indicted someone in texas. 1,700 ballots collected from people who had -- could vote. he made them out and voted for the person he wanted to. okay? that kind of thing happens with mail-in ballots. >> and everyone knows it. >> this guy. keeping them honest, no, actually, everyone doesn't know that. it's not true. don't take our word for it. take the word of, i don't know, the justice department. yeah. because after that interview, a justice department spokesperson acknowledged what attorney general barr said was incorrect, and blamed a memo that, quote,
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contained an inaccurate summary about the case, unquote. so, he's there full of righteous indignation barking at wolf when, in fact, what he is saying is just not true. and his own department came forward, afterward, and said, oh, yeah, you know what? we gave him a bad memo. a short time later, barr attempted a different defense with wolf. listen. >> you've said you were worried that a foreign country could send thousands of fake ballots. thousands of fake ballots to people. and it might be impossible to detect. what are you basing that on? >> i am basing -- as i've said repeatedly, i'm basing on ththa logic. >> pardon? >> logic. >> but have you seen any evidence that a foreign country is trying to interfere in that way? >> no, i'm saying people are concerned about foreign influence. >> people are concerned about foreign influence. people are concerned about alien life forms coming down and voting, too. i'm sure some people are. what does that mean? people are concerned about. okay. i'm concerned about a lot of things. doesn't mean, you know, i'm
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concerned about getting old. doesn't mean, you know, i mean, who cares people are concerned? it's not true. it actually matters. it's just not true. there -- this time, there is no actual evidence, just logic, william barr is saying. william barr's logic. that guy. i mean, apparently, william barr's logic does not apparently require actual evidence. it's just stuff william barr thinks. it's also clear barr's opinion is not universally held throughout the justice department. the one he is on top of. here's fbi director, christopher ray, just yesterday. >> now, we have not seen, historically, any kind of coordinated, national voter fraud effort in a major election. whether by mail or -- or otherwise. >> the fbi has found no evidence. i'll say it again.
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the same fbi that is part of the justice department, allegedly, run by bill barr, has found no such evidence. this morning, president trump's chief of staff. guess what he did. goes after christopher ray. of course. watch. >> your own fbi director says he has seen no evidence of -- of widespread -- of voter fraud by mail, or otherwise. >> well, with all due respect to director ray, he has a hard time finding e-mails in his own fbi, let alone figuring out whether there is any kind of voter fraud. perhaps, he needs to get involved on the ground and then he would change his testimony on capitol hill. >> boom! whoa! that is just weak cheese. he's going to have to do better than that to avoid being thrown under the bus by president trump because you know that's what happens to chiefs of staff. president trump gets re-elected. how long is that guy going to last? christopher ray was appointed by the president. and by the way, unlike most of the president's hires, ray is a
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person of integrity. he's actually had a long and storied career. and he was testifying, under oath, which is certainly more than we can say for the president or that guy, mark meadows. isn't some partisan you can dismiss with a flip answer that you had to think about and maybe had kayleigh mcenany's hand in. by the way, i thought that mark meadows is chief of staff of the law-and-order president. remember that? the law-and-order president. how come these alleged law-and-order folks, these days, are the ones attacking the heads of the fbi and treasonous ideas like not committing to a peaceful transfer of power. is that law and order? it almost makes you think their definition of law and order might not exactly jive with democratic values. might not be so much about law and order. and not only are they attacking people they, themselves, have appointed. they aren't even listening to their own statistics on absentee ballots. let's take a look at the first
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page of heritage study on voter fraud posted to the white house website. you will notice the symbol in the top left. the heritage foundation. a conservative thinktank. this is their evidence they point to and yet, when you go on the voter fraud database on the heritage website, as we did. and you count up what's listed under fraudulent use of absentee ballots, which we did, it's about 192 cases, since the year 2000. total. about 192 cases, total, in the last 20 years, in which hundreds of millions of votes have been cast. out of -- or tens of millions of votes. i don't have the exact number. let's say tens of millions of votes over the last 20 years. or, maybe, let's pay attention to a man like benjamin ginsburg. a top republican lawyer. in fact, the person that these guys would normally go to and hire when they want to contest
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an election. and guess what ginsburg said? he said the same thing in an opinion piece from "the washington post." quoting. republicans trying to make their cases in courts must deal with the basic truth that four decades of dedicated investigation have produced only isolated incidents of election fraud. and ginsburg counts himself as man who has looked for that evidence, for years. but it just doesn't exist. which brings us back to the burden of proof and just what exactly, in the president's mind, constitutes a free and fair election? struggle, as his surrogates might, to find the answer. the president, himself, he gave up the whole game just last month. what's free and fair? well, it's easy. if he wins. >> the only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged. remember that. it's the only way we're going to lose this election. >> so that's a free and fair election for this president. an election he wins. here with their perspective is cnn election law analyst, author
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of "election meltdown." also with us, department of justice veteran in both republican and democratic administrations. he is also former u.s. assistant attorney. so, david, even though this incident in pennsylvania, the trump administration and the department of justice were pointing to, trying to make a big deal about. turned out to be, basically, nothing. is how the doj handled it, in any way, appropriate? or how -- or similar to how they normally handle investigations? >> absolutely not. it couldn't be more disturbing, anderson. what happened today is just at latest example of how the president of the united states is trying to turn the justice department into his personal petting zoo. and the attorney general is acting at his aider and abetter. it's grossly -- policy for prosecutors to make public statements about pending suppressions. to comment on those investigations, particularly in a way that is favorable for a candidate to elected office,
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here, the president of the united states. and to do so in close proximity to an election. all those run directly counter to bedrock principle and policy of the department of justice. the justice department needs to act as a bulwark against the types of abuses that you detailed in your opening. and instead, it is acting as a handmaiden to them. >> rick, whatallies started to this in pennsylvania with an assist from the justice department as evidence that voter fraud is real and, by extension, that the legitimacy of the entire election is, somehow, at risk. >> i think we're just at the beginning of this. what we are seeing is taking minor administrative errors. this turns out to have been a contract employee who was third day on the job. made a screwup. and all of a sudden, the president who was tipped off by barr, apparently, before the public even knew about this investigation, claiming that it shows widespread voter fraud. i think we are going to be hearing this constantly. the idea is going to be that the election is rigged. and it's -- we are going to keep
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hearing this unless trump actually wins the election. and it might be a basis for trump to say he didn't really lose the election. or it might be a basis to try to have post-election litigation to try to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. >> yeah. i mean, david, what's so ridiculous about them pointing to this incident is the -- this mistake that was made with seven ballots and the way they went about it is if that's the best evidence that they can point to, i mean, that's -- again, that argues against their very case. i mean, if they had reams of evidence of widespread, organized voter fraud, they would certainly use it. they formed a commission on it because president trump has been claiming voter fraud for years. and they don't find it because it's not there. as someone who worked at the department of justice, david, for both democratic and republican administrations, does what we are seeing from barr and his relationship with the president, particularly with matters of executive power, mail-in voting, does it square with your understanding how things are supposed to work?
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>> no, it's directly counter to them. in every administration, there is a memo that the attorney general abides by, that sets out the terms in which the white house and the department of justice can communicate on pending criminal investigations. what happened yesterday is directly counter to that. this wasn't just a question of coordination between the white house and the department of justice. i dare say, this is outright collusion between the white house and the department of justice. and the rollout, the public rollout, of comments about a pending investigation, expressly intended to benefit the president politically. >> rick, did -- does -- you know, we had tom friedman on the program last night who, you know, is legitimately worried about, you know, civil insurrection. the president encouraging violence if he doesn't get his way on the election. are you worried about what's going -- are you worried about american democracy? >> well, i know that last night on the program, he said it was a six-alarm fire. i had a piece yesterday in slate
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calling it a five-alarm fire. so we might have a slight difference. here's what i think. i think we face a small risk of a catastrophe. the real question is are we going to make it through where one candidate has enough of a margin that it's not going to be plausible to try to contest the election? if the election's really close and it comes down to looking at ballots in pennsylvania and whether or not, you know, there were problems in how those ballots railro ballots were counted. i think we could be in for something much worse than the 2000 bush versus gore type situation because, now, we're much more polarized. we have really incendiary rhetoric coming from the president. and of course, we have social media that the president and others are using to spread misinformation, disinformation, and lots of people believe no matter what the results actually are, that the election's being stolen. so it's really kind of a toxic brew that we are facing as a country right now. and only a large margin i think is going to save us from -- maybe not civil war but from really difficult period in american history. >> you know, david, the president has this thing about,
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you know, back in prior administrations that people around the world were laughing at us. laughing at america. laughing at the government. i don't know if -- i mean, i know some places, people are laughing. i think there's also places where a lot of people are shaking their heads out of pity for us. but among our adversaries, they have got to be loving this. i mean, that a sitting president is spreading baseless conspiracy theories. demeaning all the henchmen around him, you know, who are mouthpieces for him. and sullying themselves, in the process. i mean, it's basically a gift to those who would wish the united states exactly this kind of division. >> anderson, if we can have access to vladimir putin's secret, private wish list, the havoc that he is seeing in the united states. some of which, he has contributed to. some of which, the president of the united states, who appears compromised, in some manner, by his activities in russia, could not be more ecstatic about what he is seeing.
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this is what the russians hoped for. not just domestically within the united states, but the disorder in our international alliances, the president deference to discredit nato. all these things are key objectives of the russian government and other adversaries. >> richard and david, thank you very much. really appreciate it. important discussion. just ahead. more on the president's push for a second term. he went to florida today where polling suggests it's a close race. and as the u.s. now passes 7 million cases of the coronavirus, there is breaking news on the vaccine front. early results from a clinical trial when we continue. ♪ take the good, with the bad ♪ live the life you want to have♪ ♪ send it off, with a bang ♪ ♪ whistling
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president trump was again today in florida in a state where the polls are incredibly close and the president needs in his win column, if he is going to secure a second term. he spoke to a friendly crowd. pushing his record even some of the more controversial parts of that record. >> the people that understand the border better than anybody is the hispanics. because they don't want bad people coming into the country. they don't want people coming into the country that are going to take their jobs. they understand it better and i always thought it would be the opposite, in a way. >> just to show how tightly contested the florida race is, yet another initiative by michael bloomberg to help with felony convictions in the state is attracting some negative attention from republican officials in the state. more from 360's randi kaye. >> in a state where razor-thin election margins are a regular
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occurrence, every florida vote counts. enter, billionaire, michael bloomberg. now, pouring big money into the sunshine state to help former vice president joe biden win. his latest move, more than $16 million raised to pay off debts owed by ex-felons. in 2018, florida voters approved an amendment restoring voting rights to more than 1 million people with felony convictions. republicans in the state, then, passed legislation blocking felons from voting unless they paid all fines and court fees. a few years ago, rose mary mccoy was convicted of illegally occupying a property. she hopes bloomberg can help. >> i applaud him. i thank him. >> reporter: the money bloomberg raised will go toward helping more than 30,000 black and latino felons cast their ballot. >> florida is the perennial purple state. with a huge, 29 electoral college votes.
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>> reporter: and winning here is expensive. bloomberg is funneling $100 million of his own money into the state. and in addition to the 16 million to pay off the debts of felons, his money's also backing a tv ad blitz, targeting, among other things, president trump's response to the pandemic. bloomberg's cash will also infuse the ground game and get out the vote efforts by black and latino groups. >> it's like putting together a giant jigsaw puzzle, with all different kinds of shapes of pieces. and yet, you have a limited amount of time to do it if you want to win. >> no republican has won the white house without carrying florida since calvin coolidge in 1924. so florida is crucial for trump. he is now claiming residency in palm beach. and during a recent visit to the state, the president announced a ten-year extension of the ban on oil drilling off florida's coast. after officials voiced concern about how drilling might affect tourism here. all, an effort, it seems, to
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shore up votes. >> this protects your -- your beautiful gulf and your beautiful ocean. >> reporter: both campaigns are making a play for puerto rican voters. tens of thousands of people fled puerto rico after hurricane maria hit in 2017. and resettled in florida. mario rosa relocated, and will soon vote in his first presidential election. >> what did you make of president trump's response to the hurricane hitting puerto rico? >> well, not sufficient, putting it lightly. inadequate. >> reporter: perhaps, attitudes like that inspired the trump administration to, suddenly, announce $13 billion in aid to help rebuild puerto rico, three years after the storm. for his part, biden is, also, promising to rebuild the island's infrastructure. he recently visited florida as well to mark hispanic heritage month. >> it's great to be back in florida. >> reporter: the campaigns are also flooding the air waves, committed to spending upwards of
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$70 million, each, in tv ads. with outside groups like super pacs throwing another $50 million or so into the mix, according to data from media. the lincoln project released this ad against trump about the coronavirus pandemic. >> more than 175,000 americans have died from a deadly virus donald trump ignored. >> reporter: an america-first policy, a pro-trump group is airing this one. warning voters that biden wants to raise taxes. >> joe biden will raise taxes. >> it is the most challenging state to figure out how to win all 50 states, by far. >> and in response to michael bloomberg looking to help pay the fines and fees for tens of thousands of former felons here in the state of florida, the attorney general has asked the fbi and the florida department of law enforcement to investigate that, citing possible violations of election law. anderson, back to you. >> thanks very much. joining us with their
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perspective, nia malika henderson. and jeffrey toobin. jeff, the president saying today we may end up in a dispute for a long time. you have written about this extensively. how problematic could that be in a state like florida and other states as well? >> well, florida is actually one of the exceptions to the rule. and one reason why michael bloomberg is putting so much money into florida is they actual actually count their votes somewhat quickly. and bloomberg's people feel if they can get a win for joe biden in -- in florida, that will simply end the election on election night because there's just no way the president can get to 270 electoral votes, without florida. however, if florida is not decided, there are so many possibilities for litigation and disputes about the vote counting. there are 200 lawsuits, now, going on now, about how the votes will be counted. so the rules are very much influx. which means if there are close
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elections in these swing states, there is the possibility for litigation afterwards. there is, also, the possibility that state legislatures -- state legislators can try to circumvent the entire election, and award a state's electoral votes to their candidate of choice. that's the republican legislature in north carolina, wisconsin. it hasn't happened in the modern era. but in the court's decision in bush v. gore, they suggested it was possible. that would be nuclear war like we've never seen. >> wait, jeff, there's already 200 lawsuits. >> there are 200 lawsuits. the democrats and republicans, each, have websites that chronicle them all. there are multiple lawsuits in -- in many states. pennsylvania, in particular, probably has a dozen, in and of itself. and the thing that is so disturbing about this situation is that the -- the vote counters, the board of elections
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people, they don't know what rules they will be applying. a lot of the lawsuits relate to the question of should absentee ballots be counted if they are postmarked before election day but received after election day? the democrats want those ballots to be counted. the republicans don't. it varies by state. and it's up in the stair air in states at this moment. >> both parties, obviously, pouring huge amounts of money. is it clear to you what the trump and biden campaign see their best chances are? >> i think they are looking at the same demographics. if you look at what trump was able to do in 2016, he did very well among cuban-american voters down there. he won that group. and now, he clearly is trying to court puerto rican voters down there. about a third of latinos in some movements. you saw president trump courting that base of voters. seniors, also, incredibly
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important in florida. so you see biden going up on the air. talking about the trump administration possibly wanting to bankrupt social security. i mean, that is the language that somebody like biden and his allies are using. and then, you have this giant, unknown factor. not only this sort of voting but -- but bloomberg putting $100 million into that state. if you think about the amount of money in terms of ads that went into florida in 2016, it was 133 million, combined. and so, you have bloomberg there really i think surgically trying to figure out how he blocks trump from winning the state. it's personal for bloomberg, right? it's sort of new york billionaire versus quasi new york billionaire, in donald trump. so there he is on the one hand, wanting to flood the air waves. the way we saw him do in the primaries. but he is on a tight, tight deadline when it comes to those
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felons. they have to get those folks paying their fines and registering to vote by october 5th. so they're on a tight deadline to do that. but i do think we know it's going to be close. i think if you're donald trump, you're glad that there is a republican legislature and there is a republican governor down there. ron desantis, who has been incredibly loyal to this president. and now, of course, the attorney general going to bat for this administration in terms of those voting rights and paying those fines for those felons. so in some ways, i mean, we look at donald trump as being behind in a lot of these states. the polls certainly show that. but we don't know what's going to happen. we also don't know what lengths donald trump and the republicans are willing to go to, to win this election, in terms of lawsuits. in terms of all sorts of unchartered territory. things we might not have even thought about and seen in american electoral history, so far. so, in that way, he has something of an edge because we know that this -- this
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administration and this president is willing to go to almost any length to win. >> yeah. i mean, talk about not accepting a peaceful transfer of power. i mean, can't go to greater length than that. thank you very much. up next, breaking news as the number of coronavirus cases in the u.s. tops 7 million. there is some possible, good news on the vaccine front we want to tell you about. that's when we continue. everyone has a story. we have different needs. but one thing we share is wanting to make our lives the best they can be. if you have medicare and medicaid, a dual complete plan from unitedhealthcare can help. giving you more benefits. at no extra cost. and a promise to be there for you. whatever your story may be. to learn more, call or go online.
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well-tolerated. and appeared to produce a strong immune response. need to point out the results have not yet been peer reviewed, which is essential. joining me now congresswoman, donna shalala, and cnn chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta. sanjay, obviously, still very early on the vaccine front, though, how promising is this potentially? >> well, i think it looks promising. as you point out, it's very early data. i mean, in those phase one, phase two trials, you really only have about 800 patients or so. 400 that were under the age of 55. 400 over the age of 65. so, you know, we got to see if the encouraging results from those early trials actually start to pan out in phase-three trials. it's going to be very large. 60,000 people will be in this phase three trial. so this is going to be bigger than the other phase three trials that we've heard about. there's a lot of excitement around this one and i talked to the sort of head vaccine manufacturer in amsterdam a few weeks ago. possibly, just a single shot
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with this vaccine, as opposed to two shots. doesn't need to be frozen. just needs to be refrigerated. so that could make distribution a lot easier. and the type of technology they're using this -- what's called adenovirus technology is a known technology. they have used it for other vaccines, such as zika, for example. ebola. so they are dealing with more of a known entity here, so those are all promising, anderson. >> and, sanjay, are there any side effects that we know of, so far? >> well, you know, again, in this phase one/phase two, there were some side effects that were pretty mild, they say. well tolerated. affi arm pain. muscle aches. things like that. what was interesting is that people over the age of 65 had fewer side effects than people under the age of 55. now, you know, having fewer side effects is obviously good but that might also suggest that people over the age of 65 weren't developing as strong an immune response. so that's going to be important.
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you know, does this work as well for older people as it does for younger people? that's what the phase three trials are really going to try and figure out. >> and congresswoman shalala, how concerned are you about this vaccine process and the politicization of it? >> well, i think we all should be concerned, particularly when the president of the united states suggests that he might make the decision. that's scary. we really do want the scientists at the fda and their outside panels to make this decision. look. the american people are very nervous about all this politics. whether they should trust the vaccine process or even the covid management process. so what fda must do and what the administration must do is to reassure people, by transparency and by a rigorous, scientific-review process, only in that way will we be able to
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get the number of people through the vaccine process. i -- i saw that the governor of new york said he is going to have his own process. that, clearly, would undermine the sense that the great scientific agencies of the federal government really should be making these decisions. i don't have any big problem with the kind of review he might set up. but frankly, we've got to have faith in the fda and the cdc and the nih. we've invested, over the years, in world-class scientists. and -- and i want the process to be one, in which we all trust the vaccine. >> and yet, sanjay, obviously, that's -- you know, we have seen polls, already, about people's willingness to even take the vaccine, at this point. and this, as infection rates are going up in a number of states. and -- and, you know, projections are showing more hospitalizations and potential deaths. >> yeah.
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i mean, they say only about half the country right now says that they'd be willing to take this vaccine, despite what they're seeing in terms of the increasing numbers. i think, you know, congresswoman shalala's exactly right. i mean, i think part of the strategy, right now, has to be building that trust. i mean, we talk a lot about the safety and the effectiveness of the vaccine, obviously. and, you know, explaining that scientific process. but there's -- there has been significant erosion of trust and some of it, frankly, is deserved. i mean, this fda gave emergency-use authorization for hydroxychloroquine with hardly any data. they exaggerated the data around convalescent plasma. i mean, that's why there is this erosion of trust. i will say, there are a lot of safeguards in place with the vaccine, even more so than therapeutics. you are giving this to healthy people. there is an independent entity. i spoke to some of the data safety monitoring board to
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really understand the process and i'm not saying it's totally objective but there are a lot of guardrails in place. >> congresswoman shalala, expects florida to host what he calls a full super bowl. obviously, you know, does that make sense to you, at -- at this stage? >> it really doesn't. but, you know, what he's really done is he's overruled local government officials. particularly, those in my area of south florida, who have been more careful. he's -- he's made it easier for people not to wear masks, for dpach example. by saying there'll be no penalties. he's overriding any local government rules about masks. and i just -- he's just not paying attention to the science. his advisers are not epidemiologists. they're not great public health experts. and so, he's putting -- it's --
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it's really he's putting the state and the people of the state at some risk, by overruling a lot of local governments that have really paid attention to the science, and tried to be very careful here. >> sanjay, does it make sense to you to have bars and restaurants at 100% capacity? >> it absolutely makes no sense. i mean, the numbers, i realize, in florida have been, you know, relatively level for some time. but, you know, we're going into a season, now, where the numbers are -- are -- are likely to go up, to some extent, everywhere because people are going to be increasingly inside. more closely clustered together. that's what happens. you know, we've seen this with other outbreaks as well. you know, i -- i -- the idea -- there's a few areas that are the worst. if you're inside restaurants or bars, you're not wearing masks because you -- you know, you're eating or drinking. and we know that the virus can aerosolize, to some extent, and
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spread around. that is the worst-case scenario, in terms of viral transition. and again, as congresswoman shalala pointed out, why not the masks? i mean, at least if you are going to start opening things up, the masks help mitigate some of the spread. he's not even sort of enforcing that. >> yeah. congresswoman shalala, i appreciate you being with us. sanjay, as always. thank you. we are looking at the streets of louisville. also, tonight, third night of protestors in the streets for lack of charges in breonna taylor's death. taylor's family want the grand jury's transcripts released. i'll speak with the attorney for the family about where they go from here. ? was that your great-aunt, keeping armies alive? drafting the plans. taking the pictures. was it your family members? who flew. who fixed. who fought. who rose to the occasion. when the world needed them most. (♪) find and honor your ancestors who servered in world war ii. their stories live on at ancestry.
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louisville following a grand jury's decision to bring no direct charges against police officers in the killing of breonna taylor. at one point, breonna taylor's mother and other members of her family joined them. the family wants to -- the grand jury's transcripts released to the public. joining me now is lonita baker, attorney for the family who just left the protest. thanks for being with us tonight. what is the family's message to protestors tonight? >> the family's message is one, be safe. everyone, make it home tonight. but also, they truly appreciate
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the support. that's why they were out there for part of tonight for half of the march. they had another commitment but they want to show their support to the protestors, just as the protestors have been here supporting them for now over a hundred days. >> your client, breonna taylor's mom, wrote a letter that was read on her behalf at a press conference earlier today and it said, in part, i was reassured wednesday of why i have no faith in the legal system and the police and the law, that are not made to protect us, black and brown people. how is she doing right now? and where -- where -- where do you see this going from here? >> yeah. so the support of so many is helpful. but wednesday, it -- it really was a wound being opened back up, for her to hear that daniel cameron had -- had elected not to charge the other officers or any of the officers, directly, with any injuries or death to breonna. so the charges wethat were brout
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down were for wanton endangerment for neighbors of breonna. so there were no direct charges for her. that was very heartbreaking for ms. palmer and for the rest of the family. what we hope from here, and you know, what i said in our press conference earlier today is we want daniel cameron to be straightforward. he dodged questions at the press conference. did he present charges, on behalf of breonna taylor, to the grand jury? or did his office make the unilateral decision not to charge these officers with anything related to breonna taylor? because that's two different things, anderson. and if it did not go before a grand jury, that's a true travesty of justice and -- and we would demand that a special prosecutor be appointed in -- i. and present -- a case presented to the grand jury. >> in terms of releasing grand jury tra transcripts. i mean, it's rarely done. who makes that decision? who is it up to? >> it can -- the prosecutor can make that determination.
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we've seen it, here, done as recently as kenneth walker. breonna taylor's boyfriend. they released his entire the recording of his grand jury presentation. in kentucky, typically, grand jury recordings are turned over to the defendant as a part of criminal discovery. criminal discovery is part of an open criminal case file which would be available to the public, to the press. so it definitely can be made a part and typically is in kentucky by way of that criminal case file. >> i spoke to your co-counsel, ben crump, last night. he said there's evidence of a clear coverup. i talked to the attorney for kenneth walker, breonna's boyfriend, as you mentioned. he also thinks it's a coverup. assuming you think the same, what exactly do you think the attorney general is covering up? >> i think there is a lot of covering up. the way this case was investigated. the lack of interviewing any
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witnesses prior to this case becoming a widespread media story. so the -- the way that they interviewed sergeant mattingly. again, bullets going into other apartments. there's so much that was not known. the police report that indicated that there was no forced entry. that breonna had no injuries. the search warrant that we now know and learned, subsequently, that contained we are got giving up on state level or murder charges in the case of breonna taylor. daniel cameron, shame on you if you did not present this case to the grand jury. >> we'll continue to watch tonight and weeks ahead. we appreciate your time tonight. >> thank you.
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>> up next, a tribute for justice ruth bader ginsburg with family and friends gathered to say good-bye. if i'm your president, on day one we'll implement the national strategy i've been laying out since march. we'll develop and deploy rapid tests with results available immediately. we'll make the medical supplies and protective equipment that our country needs. we'll make them here in america. we'll have a national mandate to wear a mask, not as a burden, but as a patriotic duty to protect one another. in short, we'll do what we should have done from the very beginning. our current president has failed in his most basic duty to the nation. he's failed to protect america.
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barrett is a former judge for the late justice scalia. meanwhile justice ruth bader ginsburg became a trailblazer one last time as the first woman to lie in state in the tuu.s. capitol. there was this touching tribute from brian johnson, he did three push-ups before his casket. it has been a week of mourning in washington across the country with all the news making headlines. i want to reflect on a good thing happening. our champions for change series, we show you our architect rebuilding homes and lives in puerto rico. >> there were about 70,000 homes
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destroyed and some had no roof and some had a toilet left standing. we don't have to live this way. my mission is to build homes. my company challenging the way we look at construction, we are using shipping container. i am a third generation of architect. being apart of a commune and helping out that community is actually really important. some days after hurricane maria i joind fema. i remember one case this lady came into us and we could not find the house. the desperation on that woman's face, i will never forget it.
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the word contivo means with you, as in you can take your home with you. these actually looked really good and we go inside. there are no holes in the walls. this is a beautiful container. it is a really future home. our first conti home was built an island off the coast of puerto rico. >> hello. when i come visit the owner of this house, it makes me feel so happy to see that this couple is able to get their dreams because it was more cost effective and faster. it is one of my proudest moments. >> i hope thoopen those doors a
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in paradise. it was our dreams to have something that's ours and we achieve it. at first we didn't have a lot of faith but she fought for us to build. >> this is the best option. >> almost three years after hurricane maria, the island experiencing a string of earthquakes. in the south part of the island, this left some homes in businesses uninhabitable. communities are gathered together and built camps where they are sleeping in tents and open spaces.
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>> i lost everything. it is okay, i am going to get up again. >> the median income in puerto rico is about $20,000 when the average home costs about $100,000. the math does not add up. our conti homes go about half the price. we can make it off grid. the ultimate goal is to produce 100 units a month. we can use it for disaster relief or refugee camps. the best part is produce them here in puerto rico and ship them around the world. >> making a difference, we'll continue to share those inspirational stories
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