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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  September 30, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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voting for today? i'd probably write in a candidate. >> i'm going to be undecided until the day before i walk into the voting poll. >> that's what we talked about earlier, getting people not to vote. depressing people, sick of it so much they don't want to vote. i want to hand it over to anderson for prime time. >> tonight my opinion, not a night to talk about who won. the only clear outcome is that you lost. partisans can spend their time comparing who was worse and why? who was better, just focus on what's obvious? trump won't debate. he refuses to be tested. he will not make a case to you, he intentionally wants you to quit on this process if you're not for him. he doesn't want you to hear anyone else to compare plans, or to do any kind of fair comparison. bottom line, he does not want to
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debate. he wants to debase. words that are one letter different, but a world apart. trump thinks he looks better, when he makes everyone and everything else look bad. what does he do? cheapen the event and the legitimacy of that forum. it's absurd, it's a joke, don't even pay attention. and forget about the election. make it altherrible. trash your expectations of anything legitimate. anything better. proof. tell me one positive thing he said about the future of this country last night. tell me one message he had about how great we will be and why and how. i submit to you it's the first time you've ever had an incumbent sell you on his re-election by saying, vote for me, the other guy is worse. usually the metric is, you're
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better off than you're four years ago. he can't play that, so he has to say as bad off as we are, biden would make it worse. as little as you think of me, think less of him. now, i think the only part that really mattered last night was the run time the president was measured, what was that about? his false premise that absentee ballots are rigged and bad things may happen. and in relaying that fate, he was very gentle with his worst followers, white hate groups. specifically, the gateway crew, the proud boys. today he said, i don't know who the proud boys are, you know, like he did with david duke of the kkk. like he did about what happened in charlottesville. like he did with those gun toting goons in michigan fighting masks. he doesn't know the immigrants either, the ones seeking a
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better life. he has no problem telling them all to go to hell. with these guys, he gave the proud boys reason to be proud, stand back and stand by. they liked it so much, they put it on a t-shirt. why? because he needs them as part of this president's win or bust plan. literally. the election goes his way or else. >> they're sending millions of ballots all over the country. there's fraud, they found them in creeks. >> are you counting on the supreme court, including a justice barrett -- >> yeah, i'm counting on them to count the ballots, honestly. they're being sold, they're being dumped in the river. >> there is no. >> this is -- >> you go first. >> go into the polls and watch very carefully, that's what has to happen. >> we have poll watchers.
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but what's he really asking? is he really asking white hate groups to monitor the polls? is that why he was so gentle? stand back or stand by? or is it more trump trash. no, don't look at it that way, says our first guest. our democracy is in terrible danger. more danger than it has been since the civil war. more danger than after pearl harbor, than during the cuban missile crisis and more danger than during watergate. why, isn't this guy just all hot talk? tom friedman, welcome back to prime time. why do you take him so seriously. when apocalyptic suggestions are anything but common for him. >> we're seeing the greatest voter suppression enterprise, led by the president of the united states. he's basically telling us, every
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day now in every way, and in that debate that 73 million americans watched, that one of two things are going to happen on november 3rd. and one of them is not joe biden being elected. either i am going to be elected by a majority of votes cast that day, or i'm going to delegitimize this election. he's laying the basis for the delegit maization of any election that does not return him to the office. we have never seen this before out of any president it is the greatest voter suppression effort every mounted in this country. and it's going to have huge. it's already having huge ramifications, already, democrats are going to feel if they lose, it's because he basically suppressed the vote and got people to not vote by mail, so they stayed home because they feared for their lives in a pandemic. or if he wins -- if he wins, the
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democrats will be agrieved. and if he loses his own voters will insist it's because of mail in fraud. we're not going to maybe have a contested election. he has set it up for an illegitimate election. and we're not going to be able to legitimately transfer power. remember, chris, when we had this in 2000, it was a question of chads in florida. and al gore took a bullet for the country by abiding by the supreme court decision. donald trump will put a bullet into the country before he abides by any supreme court decision that goes against him. this is the most dangerous thing i have ever seen in america. >> you don't believe that if it got to -- one step backwards. do you believe he can throw the election into congress or bypass the results as expressed by the
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secretaries of state and the electors of each state? >> look, i'm sure there's all kinds of wrays he can do this, by. >> i'm not so sure that's why i'm asking. the system gets bigger than the president fast. >> by declaring victory that night, and by declaring any votes that come in days or the week after have been delegitimized. and unleashing an army of lawyers to make his case and muddy the waters. if -- >> why is it different than 2000? we had that happen, it was one state, in florida. the supreme court says it. trump says no? how does that work? >> this will be all 50 states. >> right. >> and god knows what happens, what kind of violence he could unleash by his supporters. they may not even abide -- if the supreme court even rules against him, i'm not sure what his supporters will do. i have one fervent wish. and that is for the next
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national debate, 73 million people watched that debate. here's what the presidential commission on debates owes us. begin the debate with ten minutes of instruction, by an independent election expert about how you vote legally by mail, why it is legal, why it is possible. why it is legitimate, and here's how you do that. the presidential commission on debates owes us that. otherwise they are complicit in giving a platform for this president to pollute this election. >> one of the reasons that tom friedman is not an alarmist, why? history, covering lebanon's second civil war, i see things happen in otherwise fairly stable, understood democracies, does this really smack of that for you, tom? >> you know, chris, can i tell you a joke? this is a joke about elections.
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we all could use one. >> this is a joke they used to say about syrian elections. there's an election in syria, and president hazalof won 89% of the vote. his aids came to him and said you won 98.2% of the vote. that means only 2.2% didn't vote for you. what can i get for you? he said, their names. this is not maybe, this man is laying the basis to delegitimize this election. if i win, i won. if the other guy wins, he didn't win. and we are going to either go to the streets, we're going to go to the courts, we're going to muddy the outcome, in a way that we will not be able to have a
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legitimate peaceful transfer of power. and he's doing this despite the fact that chris rey the head of the fbi reported last week that there's been no such delidge it mization of mail in ballots in this country ever. >> he said when that was kind of paraphrased by him last night, he said, well, then he's wrong. do you think the gop would go along with this? >> boy, you know, i mean -- >> that's the $750 question right there. >> i'd like to think that there are many republicans who would not go along with this. there are many who will not go along with this. i don't think the whole party has become so corrupt that it will go along with this enterprise. but how many i don't know. the kind of intimidation he's already unleashed, fairfax virginia last saturday. we had trump reporters out there
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heckling fellow citizens who were doing -- exercising their constitutional right to vote early, so i think we cannot rule anything out. >> but we got ted cruz coming up, he would certainly be a voice people would be listening to. let's see what he puts this proposition to in terms of what it means as a matter of principle. tom friedman, thank you for the perspective, the warning and thank you for being on prime time. >> as you know, a best selling author from beirut to jerusalem, a decent read for right now. heavy read, deep, he researched the hell out of that book, but a good read. and worthy if you want to understand the context. we aren't going it alone here. a lot of things that are happening here have happened other places before. worth the lesson. my opinion. only chance of getting trump to be anything other than who he is, who he was last night would be what we were just talking about.
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republicans. the people he needs have to stand up. but they like the proud boys are standing back, standing by. why? let's ask one of the most prominent republicans on the hill. a one-time staunch trump opponent senator ted cruise of texas here next. stock slices.
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the tough questions we're struggling with, why do so many in this president's party stand by him when he says things he would condemn of anyone else. even as he tries to undermine our election. let's ask a man with a reputation for great smarts at one time great truth about trump. ted cruz texas, out with a new book. one vote away, how a single supreme court seat can change history. senator cruz, welcome.
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i got a way for you to talk to me rather than tweeting at me. >> good evening, good to be with you. >> the book, the central thought. one vote, one seat, one judge can make a big difference. so can one voice speaking truth to power especially when it resonates like your own. will you say playing nice with the proud boys is wrong? >> well, listen, i've condemned the proud boys long ago. i think white supremacists, nazis, klansmen are bigoted morons. i also think the american people care about the constitution and the bill of rights, they care about the supreme court. 2 was a big aren't president was elected. i think this vacancy on the court, it's the reason i wrote this book that was released just this week, it focuses on the rights is that are precious to so many of us. free speech, the second amendment, and how all of them
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really hang in the balance of the court, and i think that issue matters enormously, and for me, it's the most compelling issue. >> absolutely. now, i will exercise my right and say, was the president wrong to go soft on the proud boys in the debate last night? >> look, i wish he had been much clearer in his denunciation, i was glad today he walked that back. >> no he didn't. >> i'm glad that he sought to walk it back. i'm glad his campaign sought to walk it back, let me be clear also, the press is completely hypocritical on this issue. >> really? >> the press is partisan in this regard. ten years ago, 2010, joe biden gave a eulogy for robert byrd who was a klan cyclops of the kkk. >> you're really going to go with that? >> oh, yeah. >> you're going to go with this weak argument here?
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byrd, who had a complete enlightenment about how hate was wrong, who changed his life, who spoke about it. >> have you ever eulogized a klansman? i haven't. i'll give you another example. >> no, no, no. that's your example. >> no, i'll give you another one. i'll give you a lot of examples. >> i don't want you to run away from the premise. he did it in charlottesville, he did it with david duke, the old ted cruz who he called lyin' ted when he wasn't insulting your wife and father. what happened to that ted, i don't know if he changed or just you changed, for some reasoning. >> you know, i'm glad you take tips on insults from other folks. >> really? am i insulting you, sir? >> oh, yeah, you are. and you're enjoying it. >> i'm not enjoying anything about this. except for having an opportunity for you to say the right thing at the right time. >> there was a time when cnn
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cared about being journalistic and talking about facts. donald trump broke you guys. your entire show, your entire network is just how much you hate trump. >> really? >> i think a lot of people are interested in -- you know, you said in your opening, it was interesting, if the president didn't say anything positive about the country. i thought the most important moment in the debate last night was when the president made very clear that joe biden's policy agenda of shutting down the country, shutting down small businesses and shutting down schools our priority needs to be opening up the priority, getting jobs bark and getting kids back in school. that's a different policy agenda. we've had an enormous economic impact from this pandemic, we need to restart the economy. i think the president and joe biden have very different visions. joe biden's policies i think don't work and hurt a whole lot of people, and when i'm back in texas, people in texas don't understand why the press is just the only thing you talk about is
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how much you hate the president. i get that the president's not your friend -- >> when you were in the campaign. do you want me to read through some of the things you said about donald trump. you want me to talk about someone who had a chance to talk about policy, but stuck with the person? that's why he gave you the nickname he did and beat you down with it. the fact that you're going to put it on the media. you won't tell him when he's being an ass. why would you put it on me? >> chris, i -- fine, you hate the president. >> i do not hate the president. you are too smart to say something that stupid. i respect him as president, i want better for this country. and frankly, i want you to speak to that as well. you can't say we have a policy difference over closing down -- >> don't interrupt every sentence. i get that you want to interrupt every sentence, you're behaving like you were one of the debaters last night. >> senator, how many times have i invited you on the show?
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>> well, i remember one time you tweeted out cruz is dpojs my -- >> 20 times. >> literally while i was on fox. i was on fox and friends, you invited me, i did a 15 minute interview with cnn that day. >> i asked you to come on the show. and you said, i just did one with cnn. every show is different. >> you literally put me on the screen and said, ted is afraid to come on. you invited me while i was on fox, look. >> 20 times i invited you. you're hear right now because i want to give you a chance to speak. >> let's talk about -- >> good, why do i care? last night you say the most important thing was when he talked about the timing of who shut down the economy and when. >> no, not the timing. what the solution is right now, 51 million americans have lost their jobs, they want to go back to work. small businesses want to open up, restaurants want to open up, movie theaters want to open up. >> they should. >> moms want their kids to go
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back to school. >> dads too. dads too, you know, dads care about their kids in school, not just moms. >> absolutely. >> and you know why it was wrong for him to tell your governor he was doing the right thing when he wasn't. and he had to learn the hard way? same in georgia, same in florida. testing, ted. testing. testing, ted. >> i am a huge month poen enthe -- >> the president has slow walked it. >> i get that your show wants to attack texas, florida and georgia, because they have republican governors, we've also had much much lower death rates than many other parts of the country. and it's political, the attacks you're making. i think what we should be focused on, yes, testing, i'm a big proponent of testing, we need to do more testing. >> why don't we? >> we need people to go back to work. >> why don't we, so kids can go to school. >> i've introduced legislation in the senate to create a tax
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credit for employers to test their employees. >> what happened to that. >> on a weekly basis. >> why haven't you voted on it? >> the democrats are blocking voting on everything. they've filibustered legislation multiple times, i don't think pelosi or schumer want anything to pass. >> have they read green eggs and ham? are they saving that one for you? >> right? >> chris, do you actually want to talk substance. >> we are talking substance. i like to call out the hypocrisy when it's there, because the audience' heads stay on straight that way. i have to tell you, to cheapen it by saying i want to take political shots about covid, you know i had it, my wife had it, my kid had it. i network with people all over this country that are still suffering with it. i hate that kids aren't in school. it couldn't be less political for me. i don't want people to get sick. if they tested more, ted, they'd be better. >> let me say something, there is something disgusting that
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democrats are doing, that joe biden does, and you do, you try to blame the people who have lost their lives on your political enemies and that's not right. >> no. >> it's not right. >> i'm saying, when you hear 200,000 people die, you don't say it is what it is. >> but you know what, it's particularly not right, when your brother has presided over the state with the highest death rate in the country. >> new york's record will stand for itself. >> i know your brother didn't want those people to lose their lives you shouldn't play politics. >> you don't think he intentionally killed them? >> of course not. >> that's very christian of you. >> we can have a policy discussion about the policy mistakes in new york and new jersey of sending covid positive patients into nursing homes. >> that didn't happen all over the country? >> one of the reasons why you're -- the death rate in new york is four times the death rate. >> texas, the place where the governor said you didn't need to test and you didn't need masks?
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>> that's a complete fabrication. we test a lot. >> the same governor who said we didn't need to shut down. he turned around and did it differently? >> chris, was it a mistake? >> was it a mistake when your brother implemented a policy that nursing homes had to except covid positive patients and endanger the lives -- >> my brother was the first one to say there was a learning curve and mistakes were made and they changed things as soon as they could. >> don't be a hypocrite about it. >> i could ask you questions about only things that have to do with your family, but i'm not going to do that. the general propositions matter more. >> i'm talking about public policy that was a serious mistake opinion. >> testing is not public policy. >> i'm not interrupting you. let me get a sentence -- >> i'll show you the tabulation of who spoke how much in the segment later. >> this pandemic has been an enormous challenge across the country. i think democrats and republicans are trying in good
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faith to keep people safe, but i think we can also have reasonable policy discussions about what works. to keep people safe, but to get people back to work. i think people want to go back to work. this week, disney announced 28,000 layoffs. >> you see american airlines. american airlines is -- >> what is interesting about disney is they're doing the layoffs in california, because california shut down the theme park. they're not doing the layoffs in florida, florida opened disney world. i mean, it's a clear contrast where democratic politicians -- >> so you're saying -- >> shut it down. and -- >> they're laying off the people that are out of business and not the places that are in business, and you're saying that's political? >> no, i'm saying the policies of democrats to shut the economy down are bad policies that hurt people's lives. >> what do you do when people are getting sick, ted? and you can't test them. >> you don't send them to nursing homes. >> and they don't wear masks and
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you tell them not to. >> you don't send them to nursing homes. >> the nursing homes was the sum total of the entire problem in the country? >> it led to 33,000 deaths compared to texas having 15,000 deaths. and texas has 50% more population than new york does. >> what about all the cases opinion and the refusal to shut down businesses? you say you want to open them up, but you won't discuss how. you say you introduced a bill, you won't talk about the president and his failure, the testing has to be done at the federal level, ted. you know this, you understand a little bit about state economics, you know the government can't do it himself, right? >> governors have taken the lead and have had much greater success. texas level on every level is much better than new york and new jersey and pennsylvania. >> look at the rate every day in testing. my brother puts it out every day. they were the hub of where people were coming. you want to celebrate china, you let in 40,000 people, it had already moved to europe.
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you let in 10s of thousands of people, it went to the hubs. >> new york and new jersey had the highest death rates in the country. >> it upsets me. instead of telling the president to get on it. >> how about telling your brother to get on it. >> my brother will stand on his own record. why don't you talk to the president like you talk to my brother. my brother's not the president. i'm talking about the president. the one who called you a liar, who said your wife was ugly, that guy. the guy now who you won't say anything about. >> i recognize that you like -- you actually wonder why you don't have a lot of republicans that want to come on your show. you yell at me and insult me. >> i'm not yelling at you. i'm raising my voice to match your own, because you want to play games and people are dying. >> that's okay, chris. you're perfectly fine to scream and yell. >> but you don't. >> you're doing it because you
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don't want to discuss the substance. >> i had you on to discuss these things. >> you don't want to talk about the supreme court and the book, one vote away. you want to repeat insults over and over and over again. >> you're not, you bring up my brother for half the interview because you're a fair guy. >> you were just playing in a biassed way attacking -- >> because the president -- >> florida and ogeorgia happen o be republican states, the death rates are markedly worse. when they're worse in some states than others, we should ask a reasonable question. >> why didn't the president help sooner. that's the question. >> and by the way -- >> the places that got hit hardest first, when they were all -- >> you want to talk about the president specifically. was it the right decision or the wrong decision when the president halted air travel in and out of china. >> right decision. should have done it sooner.
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>> i agree with you on that, i called for him to do it the day before he did it. joe biden denounced it as racist and xenophobic. >> no, he didn't. >> yes, he did. >> i'll bet you dinner biden didn't denounce it. >> democrats to stop the ban. >> i'll bet you dinner that biden didn't say that. you were right about pelosi, and it was a bad move. you're wrong. you're right about pelosi, and it was a bad move. >> and by the way, chris, your colleagues at condition yn, this is the talking point, i -- with jake tapper actually read the biden tweet to him, i don't have it in front of me now. he denounced it as racist and xenophobic. the new york times had multiple articles saying it was a mistake. >> you heard what i just said, right? >> i chaired a hearing in the -- where the expert said -- >> i agree with you now, but you know what, the democratic party didn't say it then. >> the democratic party
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denounced it -- >> i think it's almost as important as what you say about when we're shutting down and when we didn't. that's in the past, what the president said about the election, senator, seriously, now, i'm happy to joust, but not when it's existential. that's why i come at you with the pandemic. >> you don't play politics you only attack republicans over it. but you're not playing politics. it just happens to be red states. >> who are willing to come back all the time. >> you attack texas, florida and georgia. >> i point out those states. please, senator, you sound silly. i talk about people and how they're struck in those states all the time. i care about them, and i want them to be better. i don't want them to go through what i did. >> so that's why -- >> i do it with democrats too, anyone who's not doing the right thing. i talk about the kids in class as a national problem. let me ask you this it, the president has been hinting very strongly that if the election doesn't go his way, it will have
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to have been fraudulent. and you just heard tom friedman and his concerns. if your state and the other states certified their results as they always do, and say no, this is it. our count is legit. and the president says, no, not good enough for me, i don't want a transfer of power. what would you do? >> so that's not going to happen. there's going to be a peaceful transfer of power, let me say something, i wish the two political sides actually had conversations where we list inged to each other. i have to admit it was surreal listening to you and tom friedman talking about what you think trump is going to do on the election. from my perspective, i think it's projection, i think the one that's going to challenge the election in all likelihood is joe biden. >> biden said last night he would accept the results. >> hillary clinton told biden in no way should you concede defeat. i was one of the lawyers who
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represented george w. bush, there's a chapter in my book that talks about book versus gore and elections. and it was al gore who challenged the outcome of that election, it was al gore who filed litigation. and it took 36 days of chaos, it went to the supreme court twice. and ultimately, it was resolved. bush -- the ballots were counted four times. bush won all four times, at the end of the process there was a resolution. it's one of the many reasons why nine justices on the supreme court matters. we need a resolution -- and what my book does -- i'd like to say a second about it if i could. >> i haven't stopped you. keep talking. >> before i was in the senate, i was a supreme court litigator, that was my profession, arguing cases at the supreme court. each chapter in the book talks about a different constitutional right, free speech, religious liberty and the second amendment. i recognize a lot of your listeners are of a different
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political affiliation than i am. >> but i invited you on, so please finish your point. >> if folks at home want to understand why so many millions of people are deeply concerned about protecting free speech and religious liberty and how those rights, the second amendment, how they hang in the balance, the book tells the inside story of what's happening with the justices, what's happening with the courts, what's happening with the landmark cases on those rights. many of which i helped litigate, i think on bush versus gore, for example, we could easily find ourselves in november and december and january in the midst of nationwide litigation. it could be brought by joe biden or republicans. either side could bring litigation. and i would encourage folks, if you want to understand the issues more, even if you don't necessarily agree with me, i think the book is a helpful tool to understanding these issues and what's really going on at the court. >> and i hope you stand by what you said about the peaceful
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transfer of power. i hope you concede there's an obvious political play. i hope you speak up. >> i hope joe biden does too, if joe biden loses -- >> he'll stand by his result. if he doesn't he's a liar, and he should be called out as such. you have to have the system put to work. that's not what we're talking about, at least not yet. thank you for taking the invitation. >> good luck with the book, the book is one vote away. we'll be right back. ♪ i had this hundred thousand dollar student debt. two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars in debt. ah, sofi literally changed my life. it was the easiest application process. sofi made it so there's no tradeoff between my dreams and paying student loans.
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student loans don't have to take over for the rest of your life. thank you for allowing me to get my money right. ♪ thank you for allowing me to get my money right. and a majority of americans. say the vote for the next supreme court justice should wait till after the election. but instead of letting our voices be heard, trump and mcconnell are rushing it through and taking a short cut to the highest court in the land. there's a pandemic devastating every corner of the country, but they're just rushing to play politics with the court. it's a lifetime appointment, tell senators to do it right. demand justice is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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more dangerous and corrupt president than trump.
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he's harming our basic values, giving rise to hate, and he's selling out america to big corporations. i'm working to protect immigrants, women, communities of color, and lgbtq people. and i'm making corporations like pg&e and insurance companies play by our rules. we need experienced leadership to wipe away trump's stain on america for good. why is it important to have the taxes, you want to see where money is owed and to whom. what would it mean for the president. is there a potential conflict? those are all legitimate questions. they're not political, the fact that it's not law that everyone wants to lead us doesn't have to put that information out is
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ridiculous. let's talk to someone who can understand how these kind of concerns can translate into larger concerns about the safety and integrity of our democracy. andrew wiseman, lead prosecutor in the mueller special council's office. where law ends insided mueller investigation. >> nice to be here. >> what concerns you in all of this talk about the president's finances and now his discussions about how the election is not going to be legitimate. in your expertise, what are legitimate issues? >> let me focus on the finances, that's an area where i have some expertise on the issue, the political issue is one i leave to you, and senator cruz to discuss. >> think that guy's going to talk about anything about this president? i don't know what he has on him.
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he's going to stay quiet. >> no comment. on the finances, there are a lot of unanswered questions, assuming the new york 250i78s reporting is correct, and you have $420 million in debt, that is a counter intelligence issue, what you really need to know is, who has that debt, you want to know who has leverage on somebody -- $420 million. why someone might be able to control that person. whether policy is set in a way that's influenced by that. there also were some other issues, there was information in the new york times about a russian oligarch named agilaroff. you may recall that same russian oligarch was the person who put together the trump tower meeting in june of 2016 saying that russia has dirt they want to offer to the trump campaign against hillary clinton, so you
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want to know more about that relationship, why it is that the family put up the money for miss universe but made no money. there was no emergency made by the people who advanced the money, but the president, a civilian made $2 million, those are all areas i would want to explore. >> so you would want to explore but the question becomes, you were in the business of exploring, why didn't you pull the taxes? why didn't you go down these roads? >> excellent question. one of the unique aspects of spending 22 months earn vest gating the president of the united states is that it is extremely unusual that the person that you are investigating has the power to fire you. to put the plug. and one of the things i recount in the book. when we issued a grand jury subpoena with respect to deutche bank. and we were looking at paul
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manafort's finances, the white house called up irate saying, are you looking at the president's finances? as you recall, publicly it had been said that's a red line. and a decision was made by robert mueller at that time, and frankly i supported it, because this is a hard call, what do you do when you're deciding at the outset of investigation do you risk being fired or do you go forward with the investigation. and if you look at what we did, the agents and analysts and prosecutors put together an amazing set of cases. they figured out russian interference in the election. the russian hacking of the dnc. the sharing of polling data by paul manafort with a russian operative. my issue, and the one i respectfully dissent is that decision to not look at finances early on, needed to be revisited. the information that the new
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york times has uncovered and the open questions that we have relating to the data that the new york times has are ones we should have looked at. >> people disagreed in the office, but he doesn't think you have all the facts when important decisions had to be made, i made them. i've done so without any interest in the consequences. it's based on incomplete information. do you have incomplete information? is there something else you could have known that would change your opinion? >> i'm not professing to know every single thing. i think i a lot of about particular information i speer headed. i wasn't in on every single decision and discussion. if there's -- >> do you think it was a political decision from the doj to not let you look at legitimate questions of fact and law, regarding the president's finances and associations? >> i wouldn't say it's a political decision. it was -- the white house wanted to know whether we were looking at the president's finances.
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they had publicly said that was a red line and so the concern was, are we going to be fired if we look at that. and as i said, i think early in the investigation that's a really difficult balancing to figure out what to do. but i think as we started proving a whole bunch of things and the investigation progressed, i thought we should have revisited that, the way i phrased it in my book is, at some point you decide -- we have to do our job, and if we get fired we get fired and you live with those consequences. >> boy, that is really -- the book is an interesting read. i'd love to have you back, there's going to be more application of what's in it as we go along. thank you for taking this opportunity. the book is called where law ends. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ "hmm's and ahh's" heard in-call.
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♪ want conservative judges on i'the court.vative, this may make you feel better, but i really don't care. if an opening comes in the last year of president trump's term and the primary process has started we'll wait to the next election.
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i want you to use my words against me. you're on the record. yeah, hold the tape. lindsey must go and the lincoln project are responsible for the content of this ad.
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they do one of the most deven in normal times.s, our frontline health care workers. and when these heroes lack the resources they need, that risky job gets ten times harder. prop fifteen makes corporations pay their fair share. to invest in our communities, in our clinics, in the essential workers who treat everyone- rich, poor, and in-between. whether it's this pandemic or the next health crisis, vote yes on prop fifteen. for all of us. proposition 16 takes on discrimination.
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some women make as little as 42% of what a man makes. voting yes on prop 16 helps us fix that. it's supported by leaders like kamala harris and opposed by those who have always opposed equality. we either fall from grace or we rise. together. proposition 16 provides equal opportunities, levelling the playing field for all of us. vote yes on prop 16. i'm willing to do anything. i want to see. >> do it. say it. >> you want to call them -- what do you want to call them give me a name. >> proud boys. >> stand back and standby. i'll tell you what, somebody has to do something about antifa and the left. >> wow.
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a damming condemnation by the president. of white nationalist and the proud boys. not. how do we know? boy do the far right groups like the proud boys love what he said. our next guest would know. her name is sa man that. former member of the alt right group. did i say that right? >> it's identity eropa. she left after heather hire was killed in charlottesville. what do people need to understand about how what looked like half step by the president last night translated to a huge step forward for groups like the proud boys? >> i think for the far right especially in terms of white supremacy or groups like the proud boys, without direct
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condemnation of the movement of the ideology, they have approval. they feel invigorated and making merchandise for it. and large statements. excited for whatever the next move might be called for them. >> what does it mean to those groups and the people in them to be equated with movements like ant fascism or black lives matter. that banner. what does that mean to be put on even footing? >> i think for them it is also an empowering situation. they feel that they are equal to. they are also a civil rights group. as opposed to just violent ideology. >> and what does giving them confidence potentially translate into? >> the entire point of the movements whether they start online, in person. whatever. the entire goal is to lead to
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violent action. so to have an administration not condemn it, to have anyone not clearly state this is about idea. they are winning in their minds. this another step forward in becoming mainstream and becoming a household name. people are now looking up the proud boys and some people might get lost in the rhetoric. >> what did it mean to you and members of your group when the president said good people on both sides? >> it was a celebration. they took it as a win. it was taken as again a step forward. it was taken at a reason to beat your chest and feel good about being a white supremacist. >> what changed for you? how did you go from harnessing hate to wanting to reject it? >> i think it was a few things.
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mainly it was the death of heather hire. it was starting to pull the strings of what the idea lg meant. looking at the slogans and people that said them. thinking about the movement, rushmore. things started to happen and violence started to occur. when you join movement at least for someone like myself, i convinced myself that it was just a white civil rights organization. and i was able to ignore so many other things. for an amount of time. once the unite the right rally happened and people died and mass shootings started. or tied to the alt right. to the far right. you can't ignore what is really going on. it's terrifying. and i could not be part of that. >> i'm glad you came to that decision for your own life. you have more in front of you than behind you. good luck with everything. i wish the president had clarity
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but despite the rising pain and anguish made worse during the pandemic, insurance companies still refused to cover mental health and addiction treatment. until now. senator scott wiener went to
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work - taking them on. passing a law requiring the insurance industry to cover mental health and addiction treatment. now more than ever, californians need mental health coverage. i won't let up until the stigma of mental health and addiction is finally over. tough night. we'll have a lot of time to hold
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people to account. to put them on the record about what matters and see where they are so you can remember. we don't want to ends on hate. everyone coming outs of it and talking about it. i want to cleanse the palette. no more word is more disgust brin about thought about or misunderstand. everyone seeks it. when it's found it makes everything else seem no longer worth seeking. it cost nothing to give and can't be bought. it brings with it warm smiles, deep contentment sometimes tears of joy and even a sense of justification. wise men analyze it, poets row mantize. no one improves upon it. our word for it is love. some believe it was personified in a manger in a stable far from here. others see it in other symbols and other events.
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celebrate festivals to it. in doing so we are reminded how good a whole year can be if only we were wiser. that is our wish for us during this time. for me. it was a poem my father wrote. may he rest in peace. focus on love and being together and what matters to all of us, the better we'll be. "cnn tonight" starts now. >> those are words to live by. they really are. >> that's why he wrote them. >> this is how we do. me and you. i thought you comported yourself well with the ted cruz interview. i have a list here i want to read off. so, number ten, keep in mind. boston. number 9, chicago. number 8 is washington. number 7 is hon lulu. number six is las vegas.


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