tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 2, 2020 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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had. >> he is not asymptomatic. >> no. he currently is not asymptomatic. and i don't know their definition of mild symptoms. i think we need take everything told to us with a grain of salt. he is not asymptomatic. the next few days is going to tell the story about whether this evolves to something more serious, including pneumonia, neurological issues or whether he is going to be towards the milder spectrum of these cases. so, again, i don't know what mild symptoms mean. that's subjective and i don't think we're being told exactly what going on, which is a shame because transparency at this time is not only important, i think, for sort of public confidence, but also for people to see the evolution of what really happened so they can finally see the truth. you have no idea how many, and
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maybe you've got the same thing, tweets and comments, that because of the president crying wolf so many times and the distruths, they don't necessarily believe that this is true. they think this may be some sort of a ploy. i do believe it's true and we have a chance here of learning many lessons that could save tens of thousands of lives. >> we always appreciate your insight. thank you, sir. this is cnn breaking news. it is the top of the hour. president trump has now come face to face with the threat of coronavirus, announcing he and his wife have both tested positive. that news is coming less than a month before the election and just hours after one of his close closest aids, hope hicks, also tested positive for coronavirus. mark meadows said the president is in good spirits and has mild symptoms. he added others will likely have
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positive results. and last hour the trump administration announced two more people, a journalist and a press staffer have received positive diagnoses. on capitol hill, republican senator, mike lee, who visited earlier this week and met with amy coney barrett announced he has covid. sources say barrett was diagnosed this summer but she recovered. a white house spokesman says she tested negative every day and is negative. and vice president biden has tested negative, as well as his wife. he tweeted for a speedy recovery for the president today. and katelyn, just moments ago the campaign announced that all planned trump events, both by the president and his family members will be postponed or virtual.
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what can you tell us? >> that's right. >> you know he had been doing rallies on a near daily basis as he was ramping up his campaign activity in these 30 days before the election, now all of that is being scrapped. they say postponed but really they don't know when they're going to be able to reschedule those rallies. they say some will become virtual and all evepts involving the president's family are going to be post poned or made virtual as well. it shows what the reper cushions of the diagnoses and concern about the other officials that it could have effected are now having on his campaign at really a worse-case scenario time for them. 32 days out before the election and now he's not able to go on the campaign trail. and it's still not clear he will be able to return in the same fashion we had seen, where he was already flouting the medical
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guidelines. >> there's new details about the fundraiser in new jersey he attended yesterday, despite knowing that hope hicks had tested positive for coronavirus. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: there are a few problems with this. because, a, we had already known there water a small group of white house officials knew thursday morning hope hicks tested positive. despite that, he got on marine one and went to the fundrazor anyway. it was as it had taken off that we're learnling about that. and the president went on to this fundraiser. she says that's because the white house operations office deemed it safe for the president to go to the fundraiser, which she claimed wrongly was outdoors. there were about 15 to 20 people were told at a roundtable inside
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with the president where people were not wearing masks and outside the president addressed 250 people, though he was distanced from them as he was giving his remarks. it's raising questions about who in the white house operations offices thought this was a good idea for the president to continue to go to this. but the white house has not been transparent about this. as we were learning about how aids had not even found out about this until later in the day yesterday, including kaley, who said she did not know hope hicks tested positive, but clearly they knew something was up because we're told she is someone scheduled to go on the trip with the president and she was pulled from for trip at the last minute. everything we're hear is only raising more questions. most of what we learned has been the white house has gone on to confirm about what we've already figured out from sources. >> and she said it was deemed safe for the president to attend
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that event. there were a number of people at that event not wearing masks. they were reportedly distanced from the president, but when you're talking about someone in the early stages of coronavirus, that should not be full comfort for those folks and i'm sure they are all getting tested. >> they weren't told the president's top aid just tested positive for coronavirus. thal that's what my colleague is reporting right now. they did not know, we are told and yet the president knew. his staff knew and they went to the fundraiser and didn't tell the people they were around and that is going to raise so many questions about the judgment of that decision to not at least let people know at least what they're getting themselves into. >> this ripple effect of the president's diagnoses can't be understated, given how much he's been traveling this week.
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let's look at who he's been in contact with, nat we know of. this is sort of contact tracing in real time. john mcentee and judd deere were on aifr one, maskless. and as we mentioned, he met with 18 donors at that fundraiser indoors. some nof most senior members of ms. staff were on air force one as they headed to the minnesota rally, including hope hicks, jared kushner, white house chief of staff, mark meadows and three republican members of congress on board. and several state leaders met him on the tarmac, including the minority leader and high-ranking military leaders. we do not know all the people he
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came in contact with at the fundraiser. the president was with his wife, all of their children and their spouses on their way to the debate. on board, several senior staffers, jim jordan and alice johnson. the woman who had her drug sentence pardoned by president trump. burn dean kent and hermize met president trump on the tarmac and rudy giuliani was also in contact with him that day. that is more than 45 people by our count alone who now have to be tested, should probably quarantine, according to the cdc definitely quarantine, and do their own contact tracing. the white house says the president is having mild symptoms. it's unclear what that means though. people who interacted with him yesterday said he had a raspy voice and appeared tired throughout the day. even before testing positive, the president's age and health
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could put him at greater risk of more severe symptoms. and we have to be clear we don't know what his symptoms are. we say they're mild but they have no credibility. they often do not tell the truth there. >> reporter: that's right. and so when i hear he has mild symptoms, that doesn't mean much to me, exactly for the reason you just said. this administration has lied or been wrong about so many things. so, let's talk about what we do know. he is indeed a higher risk than most other people of getting very sick or, god forbid, dying of covid. before i go through these numbers, he's at higher risk than other people. however, still, chances are, thank goodness, that he will get through this okay. the data tells us the chances are he will survive covid just fine. but let's talk about why he's at higher risk than other folks. first of all, he weighs 244 pounds, which means he is clinically obese.
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and folks that are clinically obese, that triples their risk of being hospitalized. he's also 74 years old. folks between 65 and 74 are 90% greater risk of death. he's also a man. men are more likely to get sick or get very sick or die from covid. he's also been treated for high cholesterol. there are a variety of medical ailments that put one at high risk for covid. chances are, we know, that the data tells us, that chances are he will get through this just fine. may not be a quick recovery but he will recover. >> that is the expectation. thank you so much. >> i want to bring in chief infectious diseases a cnn medical analyst. so, thank you for being here. we're hearing that white house
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chief of staff is describing the president's symptoms as mild. we discussed this. there's a lot of credibility problems at the white house in general and particularly when it comes to the president's health. let's say these are mild symptoms he is experiencing. what does that tell you about the long-term prognosis for his coronavirus diagnoses? >> good afternoon. first, i want to start by sending my good wishes to the president, the first lady and to miss hicks for what i hope is a speedy recovery. if you consider the day you were exposed to the virus, day zero, then at day five, people start developing mild symptoms. that can be low-grade fever, feeling unwell, headache, muscle aches and pains. and that can last from day five to day 11. some people, however, progresses to respiratory symptoms.
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shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. that's often when they present to the hospital. they might have an oxygen requirement, need oxygen supplementation. and then if they progresses from there, they can get more severe pulmonary symptoms, usually by day 14. i think these next five to seven days, we can expect mild symptoms. and after that, we really have to either see how this goes and hope for a recovery after that for the about 30% of people and his demographic who progresses, that's about the time nay would get hospitalized. >> so, what is the treatment in the early stages? just resting? resting and observation? >> right now we don't have a lot in the out-patient setting for treatment. so, we are starting on clinical trials. there were early clinical trial data this past week on
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antibodies and how they can be potentially helpful but nothing authorized to treat outpatients with coronavirus. >> and i wanted to ask you about something that has come to our attention, which is the president, before announcing he was positive, he still travelled and held an indoor fundraiser, despite knowing one of his closest aids had coronavirus. these folks were not wearing masks. what is your assessment of that and the action by the white house and the president to proceed with that event? >> first, i want to comment that, as soon as the president and others tested positive, the plan is isolation. the cdc says you need isolate. you need to isolate at least 10 days. frrg i think we should expect these folks will be in isolation. for at least ten days starting today. so, that brings up what do you
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do when somebody is a known exposed. you have a case, that would be hope hicks. you have a known close exposure. that would be the president and other people traveling with him. and those people would have been contact traced and they should have been quarantined. and quarantine would mean trying to not go out and about. staying home, so as to not spread the disease to other people. >> is that a violation of cdc recommendations? >> it's in conflict with them. >> thank you so much. next a flurry of testing on c capitol hill. and what speaker pelosi had to say about the president's diagnoses. and at least one person who attended the supreme court announcement has tested positive for coronavirus. and we're going to look that
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we have more from capitol hill in the wake of the president's diagnoses. utah senator, mike lee, the latest to go public with positive test results. we have cnn's lauren fox on the hill, following all these developments. one of the fears was he had met with the supreme court pick, amy coney barrett. but we're understanding this is not as much of a concern. >> reporter: that's exactly right. when this news broke, the concern was mike lee met with amy coney barrett at the end of
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tuesday, meaning she still had another 20 members she met with wednesday and thursday. cnn reporting that amy coney barrett actually had coronavirus over the summer and she had recovered. so, the risk to the president's supreme court nominee significantly diminished, given the fact that she already had this virus. there is still widespread concerns about the fact that mike lee has now tested positive. he's a member of the judiciary committee. this is a reminder of what a peatry dish capitol hill can be. >> and in person having lunch together thursday afternoons and we know mike lee was present at a judiciary committee meeting earlier this week. so, there are legitimate questions about amy coney
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barrett announcement and we know now that one person present there, notre dame's president has since tested positive as well. i asked nancy pelosi what does this mean for not only capitol hill but the country at large? . >> the diagnoses is that the first lady and president have. maybe it's the pivotal moment to take us to a different place as we fight this vicious virus, based on science, not on politics. >> reporter: and of course the fight on capitol hill has been brewing for a couple of weeks and that's whether capitol hill needs a mechanism to have some kind of testing mechanism because they're flying from 50 different states, hundreds of different congressional districts. you can expect law makers are
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pushing their leadership on republican and democratic side to get some kind of testing program on capitol hill. senator roy blunt, a republican in leadership and the chairman of the rules committee has been fighting for this behind the scenes for several months and you can bet those discussions are going to be ongoing, brianna. >> something may need change there. thank you so much for that. the president's infection is triggering questions about continuity of government. what happens if the president gets more sick? what if he would need to go on a ventilator? what if he goes into intensive care like so many patients of his age and health profile? in july, he wrote a piece called "what happens if president trump contracts covid-19" and here with us, a constitutional law professor at nyu school of law.
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to you first, what should happen if the president does become so sick? and they say he has mild symptoms at the white house. we don't know what that means. they lack credibility there. what happens if the president were to not only have mild symptoms, but become so sick he can't execute his duties? >> so, fortunately the constitution speaks directly to this, in the 25th amendment to deal with this scenario. first, the president himself could sign a declaration saying i don't think i'm going to be able to continue to exercise the duties of the office temporarily and vice president pence would become acting president immediately. if the president becomes immediately incapacitated, the vice president and majority of the congress can send a letter,
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in which the vice president again would become the acting president. >> how is this going to impact the election? >> obviously the campaign itself is going to take a very dramatic turn for mr. trump and mr. pence. the president has to come off of the campaign trail, he'll need to isolate for several days after he gets well. and for the vice president, his health needs be maintained. so, he'll have have to come off the campaign trail too and they need figure out an alternative way to deal with voters, other than how they were going to spend the last three weeks of the race. >> the president? >> absolutely. we cannot risk the health of the vice president while the president is sick. this morning the vice president tested negative. and we hope he continues to. but every day he's on the campaign trail, he's putting,
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not just his own health at risk, but the continuity of the united states government at risk. so, it's incumbent to isolate the vice president and insure his health is maintained. >> i hear what you're saying and i think that's pretty commonsense. but i want to read what the campaign is saying. vice president, mike pence, who has tested negative for covid-19, plans to resume his scheduled campaign events. they're not taking the obvious advice and counsel many experts and doctors would tell them. if the president were to be sick for a long time, what would that mean for election day? >> so, this can be talked about in terms of him being incapacitated before the election or if elected, after the election. so before the election, the formal organization of the republican party, the republican national committee, 168 members
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has the power to put forward the replacement kan replacement candidate for the party. we're so close to the election, that it's going to be very hard for states to change their ballots. to reflect that. maybe they can change electronic voting machines. but i think this is very complicated to do and especially if this happens two or three weeks from now. so, what would happen is we would vote and we are voting for electors to the electoral college. so, people want to support the president or the republican party, but presumably both and the president on the ballot. that would elect a slate of republican electors to the electoral college, who would have considerable freedom, if the president is incapacitated to decide how they were going to. >> thank you so much to both of you.
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>> good to talk to you, brianna. joe biden and his wife, jill, say their tests came back negative for coronavirus. but the president's infection is throwing another wild card into an election just a month away. we're going to talk more about that. plus details on the most promising treatments available right now that the president or first lady may need. we live in uncertain times. however, there is one thing you can be certain of. the men and woman of the united states postal service. we are here to deliver your cards, packages and prescriptions. and also deliver the peace of mind knowing that what's important to you-like your ballot-is on its way. every day, all across america, we deliver for you.
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white house chief of staff, mark meadows, says the president has mild symptoms of coronavirus, but he declined to talk about the president's treatment. i want to bring in former acting director of the cdc and dr. richard beszer with me now. so, doctor, the president and the first lady are being treated at the white house. we don't have any specifics about the president's condition. the white house is clearly keeping this under wraps. they have mild symptoms, which raises issues because the white house has a credibility problem and it's hard to believe them. hard to know when to believe them. what would you do in the case of mild symptoms, as a doctor? >> i would follow the recommendations of the cdc. and those would be that someone with mild symptoms should
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isolate at home if possible. many people in america can't. i know a lot of states and localities are looking to provide circumstances for people to isolate away from other people. but you isolate and monitor for danger signs, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. a the president and first lady will be getting top-notch medical care, so there would be opportunity to detect any worsening of symptoms and address those. >> so, that's something they would know very quickly, which is good news and boeds well for the recovery, which is expected. i do want to ask you about the vice president, because the vice president was in the oval aufts office with the president on tuesday, and according to reporting by kaitlan collins, his doctor says he's not considered a close contact with any individuals who have tested positive with covid, including the president.
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and says vice president mike pence does not need to quarantine. is that true? does he not need to quarantine? >> the recommendations of the cdc you're considered a close contact if you've been within six feet of someone who has been infected for at least 15 minutes. i don't have any personal information in terms of who has. but anyone who fits that category should quarantine for 14 days. and in these circumstances, where you're talking about heads of state or major leaders in our country, you would expect they would get tested frequently to see if they develop infection. the importance of quarantine is a significant number of people infected will show no symptoms and by quarantining, you can help insure one case doesn't lead to a small cluster or mini outbreak. >> he has tested negative,
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right? the vice president has tested negative. for instance, we know of people who test negtive, to only test pausetive because of the incubation period. can you explain to us, when it comes to aids or being exposed to president trump, how they need to handle quarantine and testing and retesting. >> it's true with every infectious disease. there's a period of time from when a virus or bacteria gets in your body and starts to set up shop and multiply. there's the period between that and when you develop symptoms. for coronavirus, on average, it's four to five days, four to six days. but it can be as long as two weeks. so, you could be infected and not have a positive test for close to two weeks, which is why the recommendations are that you be quarantined and you stay away from people in that period.
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if you do that, then you're good to go. in these circumstances, frequent testing is what should be done. >> we appreciate your insight. thanks. >> it's a pleasure. what does this uncertainty mean for the election? plus we're going to take a look at how other world leaders have dealt with a positive diagnoses of coronavirus. this is cnn's special live coverage.
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new vizinc and elderberry mmies are fortified with to sustain a healthy immune system plus melatonin for restorative sleep because being run down, is not an option. recharge your nights to take on your days with new vicks immunity zzzs. democratic presidential nominee, joe biden, is on his way to grand rapids, michigan. a departure that was delayed, while they were awaiting for results of their coronavirus tests, which were negative. investigative journalist, carl bernstein. the president, when he was
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almost -- almost -- how would you say it? very likely, very possibly contagious sharing a debate stage with joe biden. that's what we're hearing from experts. hope hicks tested positive wednesday and yet they didn't give the biden campaign any information. how is the campaign reacting to all of this? they should have been told. >> i really do think they should have been told because it's really still not clear where the origin of this outbreak really is. is it with hope hicks or perhaps someone else in the president's entourage. but it's in keeping the lack of communication is in keeping with how the white house has behaved around outbreaks within the white house and specifically with this one, the biden campaign are moving forward with what they've been doing for months, which is an incredibly careful strategy, not just to
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protect the former vice president but to demonstrate a set of behavior that they want to be proof positive of how biden would govern and that includes keeping biden away from other people. and he is almost always, except when in the company of his wife, wearing a mask. and i think that is the kind of thing they were doing tuesday. and it was in stark contrast to what we saw the president's entourage doing that night as well. >> we have to play out the pauseabilities, when it comes to the president being sick. how does this impact national security? >> this is the biggest and most disturbing national security crisis that perhaps we faced in a generation. first, we had the covid crisis itself, which indeed goes back to donald trump's negligence in not dealing with the crisis in the way that he should have. by mobilizing the whole government. now we have, once again, a national security crisis that is
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really the bitter fruit of his character, by allowing himself and the country to not have the guidance endorsed by the president of the united states to take the appropriate safety measures that would have protected the american people and would have protected the president of the united states himself. as a result, we now have a government in quarantine. we have an executive branch increasingly in quarantine. we have senators, congressman, increasingly going to be in quarantine, as a result of the recklessness of the president of the united states. but meanwhile, the very stability, and hopefully all the kaun continuity in government measures are being taken and people are being responsible. but we've never faced a crisis like this in which the very institutions that we depend on, the national security apparatus, has been undermined to some
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extent by this event and we have to hope that, for instance, the russians, how are they going to take advantage of this? we know they're going to try. we know this is putin's greatest dream, the instability we have as a result of this. other countries, the markets, we do not know where this election is going in terms of how it will be conducted. we don't know whether the president will be able to campaign. our whole political, cultural governmental system is now on hold in a way that it has never been. and hopefully, responsible leaders, both on the capitol hill and in the executive branch are going to step up and take the appropriate action and in the states, it is time that masks and the scientists, that their guidance be followed at last.
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>> no. it really is time. and i'm certain this white house is looking at other world leaders who have gone through this. when we look to britain and look at boris johnson, it was from the time of his diagnoses where he didn't look all that bad. it ended up being a very serious hospital stay, where he said it could have gone either way and it was a full month before he even returned to work. weir r we're a month out from the election. the trump family, they're not going to be campaigning in person. president trump not going to be campaigning in person for the foreseeable future. even though every doctor i have spoken with today said this makes no sense. he's still within the incubation period and it can take a while for a positive diagnoses to show up. what is the point of making sure the vice president is out on the campaign trail when this may not be safe? >> they want to campaign.
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look t is understandable. we have so close to an election being sidelined from the campaign trail is obviously not something any candidate wants. but the reality is all any person, who was around this white house, in the last week, really, really needs to be following public health guidelines and quarantining themselves for several days, at a minimum, until we get past part of the incubation period. it seems like there's a hesitance to do that. we even saw this morning, chief of staff mark meadows, at the white house, having been in close contact with multiple people who are positive, coronavirus contacts refusing to wear a mask, still showing up in the white house building. if this were a normal workplace, any other workplace in america, you have known close contact with someone who has the coronavirus, you would be at home. and so, there's real questions about whether the white house
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and the campaign are willing to take those measures for the time they last. it is not forever. some of these people can be cleared after a few days. it's not forever. but it's necessary to prevent more people from contracting the virus. >> they make no sense. thank you so much to both of you. president trump is now the sixth head of state to be diagnosed with coronavirus. among them, the prime minister of britain and the president of brazil, who also down played the severity of the virus. we're going to take you live to discuss how they recovered and how politics played out there.
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i'm matthew chance in moscow where vladimir putin has sent president trump a telegram wishing him and the first lady a speedy recovery. putin said that vitality and good spirits and optimism would help them cope. but it is more than just those qualities. russian leader is defending himself against covid-19 unlike trump putin spent much of the candidate in a virtual bubble. usually speaking to his officials by video conference. canceling all foreign trips according to the kremlin and working mainly from his residence outside of moscow where disinfectant tunnels have been installed. >> uk prime minister boris johnson and jair bolsonaro have undergone battles with covid-19. i want to bring in shasta and
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nick roberson in london. let's start with boris johnson. when he fell ill, we remember the video. he seemed to not be doing too badly and there was spin that he was doing well when we know it got very serious. >> reporter: yeah and it was really serious. and when the prime minister got out of hospital he praised the two nurses who gave him through oxygen where it was touch and go if he would survive. it is a near-death experience for him. you talk about the spin, 10 downing street continuing to tell the british public even after admitted to hospital that he was reading his papers and then the next day the country wakes up to the fact that the prime minister is now in icu in intensive care. that in and of itself that spin was one thing but getting into intensive care shocked the nation and there was a surge of support for the prime minister.
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he hadn't been handling the pandemic well but this boosted his popularity. when he got out of hospital, that fell away and when he got out of hospital he made statements on camera and people could see how weak he was looking but he had to take two weeks off work because he wasn't strong enough to get back in the game of running the country. so i think those were the big takeaways. but there is one other piece of the picture that doesn't get talked about a lot and that is while the prime minister was ill, his ability to control 10 downing street, control his office and his key ministers, seemed to unravel a little. his chief adviser who had covid symptoms drove hundreds of miles across the country against covid lockdown regulations that suggested later that he'd done to test his eye sight because he wasn't sure how he would cope with all of the driving.
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so while the prime minister was away, his control and ability to get people to do what he wants, that is not in place. and that really, that issue about his chief adviser driving the length of the country, that is something that is really come back to haunt him in these many months later. >> what an odd thing. nick, thank you for that. and shasta, what about president bolsonaro. especially downplaying the virus before falling ill with it. >> his case was very different from boris johnson. for months he referred to covid-19 as a quote/unquote little flu. he slammed governors and local governments for closing schools and businesses. and then in early july he tested positive. but he reported a very mild case. he went into isolation, but he spent a lot of the time boasting about how the use of hydroxychloroquine was keeping him safe. he continued to greet supporters who would line up outside of the residence across a water canal
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and in some cases get quite close to them. in the end, he even did cross the canal and see some of them in person. after a few weeks he was back on the job. he was able to use the fact that recovery was quick and continuing to argument the dangers of the virus were overplayed and insisted that hunger and unemployment could kill more people than the virus itself and so he continued to hold in-person meetings and hold rallies in a country where more than 4.8 million people have contracted covid-19 and some 145,000 people have died, brianna. >> thank you so much. it is great context. we appreciate it. in the last few hours we've learned of three new cases of coronavirus in people who have been in or around the white house. we'll take you live with an update on the president's
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condition and his postponed campaign. >> first a look at the series "first ladies". >> i would not be standing here tonight without the first lady. >> when you were little, did you want to be the first lady? >> i didn't know i could be the first lady. ♪ what is wrong with being confident ♪ >> she was interested in changing the world. >> humans rights are women's rights. >> a women trying to do something different. >> all he wanted to hear i was wonderful and all she was going to do was tell him the truth. >> she would ask questions. she stepped up when she saw things were going the wrong direction. >> she gets the last word. >> she's 31 years old, she stands up to all of the president's advisers. >> when they go low, we go high.
12:00 pm
hello, i'm kate bolduan. thank you for joining us this hour. we continue to follow the many moving parts and developments on what really is turning out to be the worst health crisis to hit the white house and presidency in decades. facing the greatest health risk since ronald reagan was shot nearly 40 years ago. so here is what we know right now. president trump and the first lady, melania trump, both tested positive for coronavirus. the white house announcing that at 1:00 this morning. they are now isolating themselves in the white house residence. the president's scheduled call today about coronavirus support for seniors, he did not participate. the trump campaign just announced that all previously scheduled events are postponed
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