tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 3, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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good evening. it's 9:00 p.m. here in new york and at the walter reed medical center in bethesda, maryland. despite a taped message from the president we still do not know the plain facts of his condition. so far today we've his doctor give a briefing that may have actually subtracted knowledge from the world, and laying out a time line he later retracted. we heard from a source reported by "the new york times" and associated press to be chief of staff mark meadows who described the president's condition in very sober tones. far worse than the doctor described them. then we saw him go on record with a far more upbeat statement
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once he'd been revealed as the source according to the times and ap. and judd deer and spokesman for the president said, quote, the white house is fully committed to providing transparent updates on the president's recovery. that claim is simply absurd. we do not know with any confidence what the president's medical condition actually is. we do not know his prognosis or how long he's been walking around with covid. we don't know the last negative test he actually got. we don't know when he tested positive. that is the simply truth and we'll talk about it all tonight. >> i want to begin by thanking all the incredible medical professionals, the doctors, the nurses, everybody at walter reed medical center. i think it's the finest in the world. for the incredible job they've been doing. i came here, wasn't feeling so well. i feel much better now. we're going to beat this coronavirus or whatever you want to call it, and we're going to
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beat it soundly. so many things have happened. if you look at the therapeutics which i'm taking right now, some of them and others are coming out soon that are looking like, frankly, they're miracles, if you want to know the truth. they're miracles. people criticize me when i say that, but we have things happening that look like they're miracles coming down from god. so i just want to tell you that i'm starting to feel good. you don't know over the next period of a few days i guess that's the real test, so we'll be seeing what happens over those next couple of days. i just want to be so thankful for all of the support i've seen, whether it's on television or reading about it. i most of all appreciate what's been said by the american people, by almost a bipartisan consensus of american people. beautiful thing to see. and i very much appreciate it, and i won't forget it. i promise you that.
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>> with that let's go to cnn's john harwood at walter reed. the president released this video message. it was released tonight. not sure exactly when it was recorded. after the press conference earlier today chief of staff mark meadows contradicted the president's doctor according to the "the new york times" and ap saying the next few hours will be critical for the president and the last 24 were -- i don't want to mischaracterize his words -- were basically alarming. what more are you learning about that? >> anderson, we had this ridiculously evasive press conference by the president's doctor, sean conley today where he wouldn't specify what the president's fever was, whether he'd seen evidence of lung damage, whether the president had taken supplemental oxygen, although we subsequently learned he had taken supplemental oxygen. and the white house thought that went over so poorly they needed
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to provide a statement expressing more looelism so they put out a statement saying they were concerned about his vital signs yesterday, and the next 48 hours were critical. i've got to say from that clip you played in president trump's video you had a note of vulnerability there where he said i'm starting to feel good, i didn't feel good at walter reed, but you don't know what's going to happen in the next couple of days. i about the president there was showing much candor about the uncertainty of the situation than his doctor did that that press conference earlier today. >> there was actually a last minute push to get the president to walter reed yesterday. he was apparently reluctant to go, correct? >> the president does not like hospitals, and he also does not like displaying that he is in difficulty. so that was one of the odd things about that video because of what the president said was i could have stayed at the white house, and they wanted moo eto stay at the white house and i would just ride it out here, it would be fine. but he indicated he would go
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confront the virus at the hospital. that's not really what happened. the medical team wanted to get him to the hospital. that was a smart decision, and they also wanted to get him there while he could still walk out to that helicopter on his own, and that's what they did. they got him here, and it's a good thing he did. because he's taking remdesivir which is five day regimen and doing other things in terms of monitoring that can only be done here. >> let's go next to the white house and cnn's jim acosta. jim, cnn has new reporting about the outbreak among gop officials and where it originated. what do you know? >> anderson, this has been the theory all week, or at least the last couple of days when this started to become a major concern that the president has coronavirus, that this dates the supreme court announcement for amy coney barrett and the white house is hearing from a senior
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administration official at least that's the theory at this point, this likely happened at that supreme court announcement. of course we don't know that for a fact. one thing we want to point out is that there are people who have been in the debate prep team with the president who have contracted the coronavirus, people like kellyanne conway, people like chris christie. those debate prep sessions were occurring prior to the supreme court announcement. and so the time line is still a little bit murky, but that's what we're hearing from one official tonight. of course that's been the theory all along. we've heard that over and over again from san jay gupta. that appeared to be a super spreader event when they announced amy coney barrett. >> and you have some information on when the president tested positive for coronavirus. >> the big question is when the president exactly tested positive for coronavirus. we heard the conflicting information coming from the white house division, dr. sean
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conley earlier today and reportedly from the chief of staff mark meadows. but our understanding from talking to white house officials this evening is the president came back from that fund-raising trip on thursday feeling symptoms of the coronavirus, took one of those rapid tests, came back positive. and then following that was administered the pcr, the more in-depth pcr test. that came back positive, and that is when the president sort of officially began to really deal with this disease. >> hope hicks was showing signs of the virus on air force one returning wednesday evening. i don't understand why the president wouldn't have been tested after that, wednesday night, thursday morning, even once they knew hope hicks -- why wouldn't he be immediately tested? >> anderson, that is a question i think for our next press conference, you know, if officials actually have one. but one thing we can tell you on friday the white house press secretary was asked about this, and, you know, what she told
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reporters is that even though hope hicks was sick with the coronavirus, white house operations made the determination that it was okay for the president to take that trip up to bedminster. obviously he appeared to be carrying the virus at that point and had the potential to spread it to other people. one of the things you could look at is even this evening the president appearing in that video released, you know, just tonight of the president offering his situation up there at walter reed. he's not wearing a mask and so on. obviously someone's in the room taking that video, and of course the potential is there obviously if there are other officials in the room of that virus being spread around further. and all i can tell you, anderson, is what i've said before in terms of why the president went on that trip to bedminster. they just don't take this virus as seriously or didn't take it as seriously as everybody else and it blew up in their faces. >> two er doctors join us next
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to dig deeper into what we know about the president's condition. and new modeling what it has to say how much higher the death toll could go in the next two months in this country. that and more when we continue. i logged 10,000 steps today. shingles doesn't care. i get as much fresh air as possible. good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age, increasing your risk for getting shingles. so what can protect you? shingrix protects. for the first time ever, you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach.
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trap and lock dust bunnies... no matter where they hide. no more heebie jeebies. phhhhew. glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. over the break we heard cnn's jake tapper's reporting officials thought it was most likely -- as for where the president contracted the virus we're being forced to play detective. how sick he is, how long he's been infected, how long he and his doctors have known he's infected all unclear tonight, which is why we're glad for the expertise tonight. teaches the subject at harvard medical school, and also with gloria borger and lena wen. she's the former health commissioner for the city of baltimore. the president released a video message just a couple hours ago
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from inside his hospital. hard to tell anything from a video. we don't know when it was recorded, but is there anything that stood out to you? >> he looked a little better i feared he might look in a video like that, but he does look like patients with coronavirus at this stage early, which is quite frankly a little tired, holding on but doing okay. we know the next 7 to 10 days are where all the worst fears start to crop up. if patients get admitted first couple of days unless they're in immediate distress. first couple of days the mortality rates are low and then you start to see 7 or 10 days out the nightmare scenario. a little better than i feared but it's kind of what we see for all the patients in his risk category. >> much of the confusion came directly from the president's own doctor in the briefing to the media this morning. he was the only one taking questions from reporters. i found that interesting since he's the white house doctor, none of the actual specialists
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who were actually treating the president were taking questions. from a medical perspective did how and what the doctor said about the president's condition make a lot of sense to you? because i mean he certainly went out of his way -- he misdirected on whether or not the president was ever on oxygen. he phrased it in every possible way to avoid saying that what we later learned that the president did take supplemental oxygen at the white house. >> yeah, there were several inconsistencies, anderson, beginning with the fact that we never got vital signs. vital signs are vital. i mean first year medical students know you can't describe a patient's condition without describing the vital signs including oxygen saturation, needing oxygen or not. there was this talk about how he didn't have a fever, but not a mention whether he was taking fever reducing medications like ibuprofen or tylenol. then there was no description also of his chest x-ray. the president has a respiratory
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illness. it's inconceivable he did not receive chest imaging of some kind. we didn't hear those results at all. and then there's this other question about time line. i mean, we really need to be asking -- i know you have but we need to be asking this because if the president was getting daily negative tests and he was testing let's say negative on tuesday or wednesday, how did he suddenly have such a high viral load by thursday that he has a fever which is later sign, and by friday is so ill he's needing oxygen and experimental therapies. that doesn't make sense when you consider that the average time to having severe symptoms, requiring icu care is 10 to 12 days. >> dr. foust, do you agree with those questions concerning the time line? certainly we don't know when he had his last negative test, when he actually tested positive. the latest jim acosta had been told he got a test after he
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returned from bedminster. i find that hard to believe but that's what jim acosta had been told in a confirmatory test later that afternoon. >> i agree entirely with what dr. wen just said. what she's talking about there is a concept called risk stratification. which is a way of saying what's the prognosis here. we know from certain laboratory blood tests we can say what the risk is. so we can actually say is this mild or moderate or severe or critical. the oxygen saturation, fever is mild. if you actually have a low oxygen saturation you're in a whole new risk bucket. the question of the timing is a real interesting one because either he just got recently infected and had a huge viral load, like you could have a like a grain of salt and have a mild illness or have a dollop of sour cream and have a huge viral load and become sick quickly. that's very bad prognostically
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or alternatively he's had the virus longer and the question is whom did he expose, and are they going to be upset because they weren't told about the possible risks. >> another memo from the physician. it says president trump continues to do well having made substantial progress since diagnosis. this evening he completed his second dose of remdesivir without complication. he spent most of the afternoon conducting business and has been up and moving about the medical suite without difficulty while not yet out of the woods the team remains cautiously optimistic. the plan for tomorrow is to continue observation in between doses of remdesivir, closely monitoring his clinical status while fully supporting his conduct of presidential duties. even as the -- so just want to make sure -- so that was the end quote. it's interesting she says that he is off supplemental oxygen.
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so confirming in fact he was on at some point supplemental oxygen which we know the white house because his own doctor refused to say he was on supplemental oxygen. but she i guess confirmed it by saying he's off supplemental oxygen. what do you make of the saturation level all day, doesn't have a fever. although we know he had a fever at the white house although the doctor wouldn't say how high. what do you make of this statement? >> so first of all 96% to 98%, is that what you said? that's fine. it's a little lower than 98 to 100 which is perfect. but it's about 94%. 94% is when we start to see real trouble. we want to know was he ever that that 94%. >> the doctor would not answer. >> right, was he given oxygen because he needed it because of his numbers or just for comfort? and if it's because he needed it, then he really has at some point been in a diagnostic category of at least moderate
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illness. and we know that the risk for those patients is really high and scary in patients of his risk category. so the press release sounds good. i like to hear he's fever-free. i agree with dr. wen, is that because it's being suppressed, i don't know. but it would be helpful to know all the details so we can say to the american people here's where you ought to be. we could know that with more information and more transparency. >> gloria, just from a -- does it make any sense to you that the doctor -- dr. conley would give evasive answers, which i understand him doing it, but he didn't do it very well because it was so obvious he was giving evasive answers and misdirecting on a number of topics. and then he says misstating the time line although as sanjay gupta has pointed out when he says 72 hours since the diagnosis he was reading off a prepared statement which was probably gone over. does it make any sense to you
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that according to the "the new york times" and ap, mark meadows, the chief of staff immediately after conley gave this briefing contradicted and gave a much more dire portrait off-the-record to pool reporters? does that make any sense to you? i've been trying to figure out all day why that was done. >> so in the context of the trump white house i think it makes sense only if we really understand who the patient is here. the patient is donald trump. donald trump believes that if you are sick it is equated with weakness. weakness is the worst thing that can ever happen to anybody. you hear him call his political opponents weak all the time. he doesn't want to look weak. that's why he did the video this evening because he wanted to show the american people, okay, i'm up and around. that's why he lied in the video and said, well, i really wanted to stay in the white house when our reporting shows, of course,
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actually he was very worried and wanted to go to walter reed. but he's the one telling the doctor what he can say and what he can't say. and donald trump doesn't want the american public to know that, yes, i was sick enough so that i had to be on oxygen or my fever. we don't know what his fever was. that my fever may have spiked at one point. he doesn't want to look vulnerable at all. and so as a result you have the doctor coming out with this ridiculous press conference in which he told us nothing. and then you have a side gaggle with reporters in which you get something a little more accurate and they don't match. so it's either an attempt at a cover-up or it's incompetence or a combination of the two. >> gloria, i just want to clarify. the reporting had been that he wanted to -- he wanted to stay at the white house because he
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was concerned about the optics of going to the hospital -- >> yeah, sorry. did i misspeak, i'm sorry. he did want to stay at the white house. he was worried, yeah. >> because tonight he said that he was the one who made a decision to go to the hospital that he could have stayed there. again, there's so much confusion over, you know, what is real and what is not. >> sorry, i was confused. you're 100% right. >> the press conference today which is supposed to inform the american public, obviously it just made things worse, and to have the chief of staff come out with this, and later give a much happier statement. appreciate it. dr. wen, gloria borger, thank you. gloria is going to stay with me. more on this new medical update with the president with our viewers after the break. and later next how much worse could this get? a new projection we're talking about covid-19 for the american people. a new projection from the university of washington. the numbers are troubling to say the very least. they come with a way to keep the
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before the break we got a late update. it was released from the assistant of the white house press secretary. it's from the president's physician, dr. sean conley. in the statement it said that the president has made, quote, substantial progress since diagnosis. dr. conley goes onto say the president is fever-free, off supplemental oxygen and has completed his second dose of the anti-viral drug remdesivir. and the medical team remains, quote, cautiously optimistic. back to dr. fost and leana wen and gloria borger. the idea he's completed his second dose of remdesivir, what exactly does that mean? how does one take remdesivir? >> remdesivir is given through
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an invuvenotravenous line. and right now we're being told it will take a five day course. there were some studies -- >> sorry, your mic fell off, so i'm going to let you get that back on and i'll go to dr. wen. what do you make of this statement from dr. conley? >> there are some reassuring components of it. it's good he remains fever-free, although we still don't know whether he took tylenol or ibuprofen and that's why he doesn't have a temperature. he's not requiring oxygen which is good. >> they're saying the saturation level is between 96% and 98% all day. >> which is good. but i don't really understand what it means he's made substantial progress. progress indicates there was a change in his condition. >> i just got new information. the president's chief of staff
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mark meadows is doing an interview right now on another network and said about the president yesterday and i quote, he had a fever and his blood oxygen level had dropped rapidly. so, again, we don't have a detail what the actual number was, so he had a fever yesterday. and his -- and we know that because his own doctor would not say earlier today how high a fever he had. nobody has said how high the fever was, and that does matter. and what the oxygen level was yesterday, now it's between 96% and 98% all day. so i assume that means it was lower than that. >> i mean presumably it was a lot lower than 96% to 98%, which is the reason that's something that would certainly prompt a transfer to a hospital, because you might be concerned at that point will he require a higher level of care, might he need to be intubaited and require mechanical ventilation at that point? this is why understanding the clinical course of where the
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president has been, that's really important for us to know. >> i'm sorry i interrupted you before. can you just explain to us what that means, what the blood oxygen -- what the oxygen saturation level, what it means? and you had said before i think if it was 94% or below that would be considered a moderate case of coronavirus? >> that's correct. the oxygen saturation levels are typically measured with a fingera scimitar that tells you what your levels are. when we hear about a rapid decline we don't know how low it went, but what that means is we had a very unstable situation, and that is not the story we heard. we are now getting a new picture of this clinical course, that was he's feeling well, things are okay, he's going there just to get monitored. and now we're hearing a bit different, that he's substantially better and substantially better than a
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rapidly decreasing oxygen saturation. this is situation if i'm treating that patient, and i have treated patients of this kind of situation where we are doing rapid responses, we are mobilizing our team, and it sounds like the president thankfully turned a corner for the moment. but it is not comporting with smooth sailing. we're now seeing a picture of a patient who would be at the top of my concern levels, and that's changing. this is literally breaking news, right? >> gloria borger, there have been courses taught on communications for decades in this country. and examples of how you communicate in a crisis, how do you not communicate in a crisis. i don't know who these people are who are working at the white house and making these decisions, but i mean their communication is just adding to the problem. >> well, let's talk about the mixed message this evening. i mean, we heard -- and i'm not a doctor here but you've got two wonderful ones on with you. but we heard what i think is a
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huge piece of information here which is about the president's condition. which was that his oxygen levels were rapidly declining. that's really important. that's not rosy. but we heard that from mark meadows. we didn't hear that from the president's doctor because the president's doctor was saying what the president wanted him to say. >> meadows behind the scenes according to the ap and "the new york times" is giving a more dire picture and then -- go ahead. >> yeah, and i think mark meadows, maybe he's used to being a congressman, maybe he's used to talking to journalists that way and he doesn't feel so governed by donald trump. but we get these mixed messages. and, you know, donald trump has always said i don't want the public to panic. that's why i didn't tell them about how covid is transmitted earlier. well, this is way to get the public to panic because you don't understand what's happening to the president of
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the united states. >> americans are tough and americans are strong, and americans just want to be told honest information, and they can handle it. thank you. coming up next, that new mortality projection from the university of washington and how we can all keep the numbers down. i'll tell you how ahead. (driver) i don't know what happened. (burke) this? eh, nothing happened. (driver) nothing happened? (burke) nothing happened. (driver) sure looks like something happened. (burke) well, you've been with farmers for three years with zero auto claims. (driver) yeah? (burke) so you earned your policy perk: accident forgiveness. now instead of this being something, it' s- (driver) it's nothing! (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. they should really turn this ride off. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ struggling to clean tough messes with wipes? try mr. clean magic eraser sheets. just wet, squeeze and erase icky messes in microwaves and on stovetops for an amazing clean,
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♪ our breaking news, president trump's white house physician says the president, quote, continues to do well having made substantial progress since diagnosis. and chief of star mark meadows revealed yesterday the president's oxygen level, quote, dropped rapidly. first here's new coronavirus modeling tonight from university of washington researchers. dr. chris murray who's the director of the institute for health metrics and evaluation at the university of washington joins us with details. good to see you again. so the nation's currently averaging about 713 deaths per day according to john hopkins university. your latest model predicts 2,900
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deaths a day in december. that's awful. >> it is, anderson. and the reason we think that's going to happen is the combination of people, you know, taking their foot off the break and starting to mingle more, being less careful and most importantly seasonality. people go inside, humidity factors, things that we know contribute to increased transmission of respiratory viruses in the winter. >> so that's -- i'm terrible at math, but that's more than triple. you believe deaths will more than triple on a daily basis by december. >> yeah, it's in our control, anderson. it's not something that's written in stone. but it's what we think is most likely to happen and we have a tremendous amount -- we the american people have a tremendous amount of control
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about what actually happens by how we behave, how much risk we take in terms of interacting with others and most importantly wearing a mask. and that can make a huge difference to our death toll. >> your latest model predicts 363,000 u.s. deaths by the end of december. do you know if masks were worn how many lives could be saved by december? >> yes. given what we know about the effectiveness of masks and given what we know about half of americans wearing a mask when they're out, we think that about 86,000 lives can be saved if we can get mask use way up. so it's very much in our control as to what's actually going to happen. >> so this is so important. you're saying 86,000 lives could be saved in the next several months if people wore masks, and you said way up. what percentage of the population would need to wear
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masks to save 86,000 lives? >> well, we've got to get up to level we see in places like singapore, and that's 95% of the population wearing a mask when they're in a setting where they're at risk of transmission. so out of the home, in any indoor setting or even outdoors when you come within close distance of other people. >> and currently you think what percentage of the population is wearing masks? you said about half? >> we're just under 50% are wearing masks in those settings. >> wow, so less than half of americans are wearing masks in settings that they should. >> absolutely. lots of potential. >> that is a huge -- that would be a huge buy-in from people who are right now not buying in, who are not behaving responsibly and wearing masks even if they're not concerned about themselves. just as a courtesy to their fellow citizens. but that could actually save 86,000 lives.
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i don't understand how anyone hearing that tonight would not just wear a mask. it's really not hard. >> it's not hard. it's really not that uncomfortable. and it is a -- our most powerful weapon to deal with the pandemic. so i share that view, anderson. it's really -- i don't understand it. even in my own neighborhood here just because two weeks ago case number were going down people stopped wearing masks a lot, and now in this area cases are rocketing up again. so there's just this lag that people don't -- they think about the trend and think it's going to keep going and so they don't need to pay attention to the epidemic. >> what an amazing statement it would be if the president of the united states, you know, put out a video tomorrow saying i'm going to be wearing a mask from now on, i urge all of you to wear masks, we can save 86,000 lives of our fellow contremen,
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men, women, children. what a statement that would be, but we'll see. let's hope. dr. murray, i appreciate it. joe biden's team has announced what he'll do. details next. - [narrator] the shark vacmop combines powerful suction with spray mopping to lock away debris and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. the shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one disposable pad. stop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. try clean freak! it has three times the cleaning power to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. it works great on bathtubs. and even stainless steel. try clean freak from mr. clean.
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the unfair money bail system. he, accused of rape. while he, accused of stealing $5. the stanford rapist could afford bail; got out the same day. the senior citizen could not; forced to wait in jail nearly a year. voting yes on prop 25 ends this failed system, replacing it with one based on public safety. because the size of your wallet shouldn't determine whether or not you're in jail. vote yes on prop 25 to end money bail. breaking news tonight, white house chief of staff mark meadows says president trump's blood oxygen levels dropped rapidly on friday prompting the move to walter reed. that's new information that wasn't disclosed at the medical briefing earlier today. meantime there's new information on the virus testing being done by the biden team.
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and the candidate plans to move forward with in person events despite those coronavirus diagnosis for president trump and his inner circle. so we know while vice president biden has tested negative a second time doesn't mean he's totally in the clear. how concerned is the campaign he could have been exposed? >> reporter: well, the campaign is taking this very seriously, anderson. and joe biden told reporters today here in wilmington though he was not tested today for coronavirus he will be tested tomorrow morning. we are told biden will be tested regularly for covid-19. one official saying that it will be after every trip that he takes as they want to ensure that his health and safety are still doing well. you know, the biden campaign has structured a lot of their campaign events in order to adhere to health and safety protocols. he's always wearing a mask at most occasions. there are socially distant style events. and campaign aides believe this method of campaigning allows for
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him to be able to stay out on the trial right now despite these covid diagnoses for the president and some in his orbit. on thursday he's also traveling to arizona where he'll be joined by his running mate kamala harris, and the campaign says they'll continue to adhere to this model they've put in place for campaigning as safely and in a healthy manner to ensure not just his health and safety are protected but also those in attendance. >> and there are going to be new good li guidelines for the debates. do we know what they are? >> kamala harris and vice president mike pence will be set to debate on monday. we're learning they will be distanced further than originally planned. they were going to be originally seated about 7 feet from each other. that has now been expanded to about 12 feet due to concerns of covid-19. we're also learning everyone in
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that debate hall will be required to wear a mask except for the two candidates and moderator on stage. this comes after tuesday night's debate when there are many people in president trump's entourage. if a person is not wearing a mask they'll be asked to leave the event. >> you just heard about vice president pence's plans to take part in the debate with kamala harris. he also plans to keep his campaign plans intact for now even as the president remains hospitalized. the question is that the wisest course. so according to the ap and "the new york times" the president's chief of staff said, quote, the president's vitals over the last 24 hours are very concerning. the next 48 hours will be critical. he's now said tonight that his oxygen levels had dropped quickly on friday, which is what moved them, and he had a fever which is why he went to the hospital. does it make sense that the vice
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president would continue to campaign just given the president's condition? >> absolutely not. i think i would put it how is pence planning on campaigning? pence may be the vice president, but the office of the vice-presidency does not belong to pence. succession line wechl want to ensure that we have a government that's functioning, make sure that our enemies and allies know we can function. the kinds of rallies is envisioning are a bad idea. from the science, if mike pence continues to be tested and it's negative, he can have the responsible outreach, meeting with people that you see from biden. the rallies he is envisioning, i don't know what world they are living in anymore. >> if the vice president could be called upon at any moment to step in the shoes of the presidency logistically, i guess he can do that no matter where he is in the country?
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>> right. a part, he can step in, let's say trump took the worst turn, absolutely. we know that's happened in the past, unfortunately. let's put this in context because one of the good things about a pandemic is that we actually know it's happening. it's not an assassination attempt on a president. it's not a heart attack. we are in a global pandemic. the united states is likely to hit, as you had in your previous segment, 400,000 dead by the end of the year. our economy is in shambles. our kids are home. our schools are closed. we are not on a trajectory upwards. it continues to be contagious. we don't have mandatory masking. we don't have a vaccine. under those circumstances should the vice president be having public rallies that can may make him sick and may make others sick? i think the answer is obvious to anyone who is responsible not for campaigning or retaining their seat as vice president, but someone who took seriously
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their role in the constitutional structure. so i want mike pence to remain healthy. whatever happens to donald trump, we want our vice president to be healthy because a huge part of his job is obviously to be ready and we have a president in the united states -- you know, we have a president in the hospital. that doesn't happen very often. >> as a national security person, it's really interesting to me because you think about the security of the president and, obviously, that is paramount and that's why there is a secret service and, you know, people are -- going through metal detectors. it seems like this was a -- you know, there is physical security and then there is also medical security, and the president was left extremely vulnerable by everybody around him who allowed him to be reckless and, you know, secret service is responsible for testing and all that. i mean, whether or not they had a choice, i don't know. but people were coming and
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going -- i mean, the testing is not reliable enough to have that be the arbiter. they should have been wearing masks, they should have been social distancing, and from a national security standpoint for a president who attacked others for misusing emails, this is a violation of security. >> it absolutely is. just considerian are this a hea security. it's a simple health security issue. like other security issues we want to make sure we don't have in my world what's called a single point of failure. you create a system that, if one thing goes down, it's not so bad because there are other things. so that's why i listen to the doctors. i am a consumer of health intelligence. >> the tests are a silvngle poi. >> exactly. and we knew the avid test was not reliable. you have the test. you do social distancing and you mask, work from home, all that stuff. you want redundancies and layers. >> a brief programming note,
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here is first ladies, which begins with a portrait of michelle obama tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. eastern. >> i would not be standing here tonight without the first lady. >> when you were little did you ever want to be the first lady? >> i didn't know i could be the first lady. ♪ what's wrong with being confident ♪ >> what she was interesting in was changing the world. human rights are women's rights. >> my god, a woman who is actually trying to do something different. >> all she was going to do was tell him the truth. she would ask questions. she stuffed up when she saw things going the wrong direction. >> she gets the last word. >> she is 31 years old. she stands up to all the president's advisors. >> when they go low, we go high. ♪ what's wrong with being confident ♪
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next. >> hey, thank you very much. it's good to join you on this special night. your description was perfect. what a confusing day. i am chris cuomo and welcome to this special edition of primetime. confusing why? i can't tell you with any degree of confidence what the situation is with our president. i cannot tell you with any degree of certainty that we know what his case is like. we know his condition. why? two main reasons. one, a lack of trust with his white house and conflicting messages and things that don't square with reporting that a source very close to this president. think what you want about the relationship between the president and the media. i will tell you this as someone would has been doing this a very long time. i have never had the kind of access to the presidency that we have with this president. people around him talk. now, here is the confusing part about where things stand tonight. i have never been hit with
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