tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 5, 2020 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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would be surging resources. instead, the president calls it fraud. we'll stay on top of that. an important day for the president's hospitalization. thanks for joining us. preand p brianna keilar picks up this important news day right now. i am brianna keilar. i want to welcome viewers in theist and around the world. we begin with breaking news. the west wing is effectively shut down now. the coronavirus outbreak at the white house got worse. white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany and two of her aides reveal that they have tested positive. we certainly wish them the best of recovery, but we should note that mcenany didn't quarantine despite known infections around her. didn't wear a mask briefing reporters 24 hours ago. we will discuss her case in a moment. first, for the third day, the president of the united states is waking up in walter reed
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hospital where he is being treated for coronavirus. we as a nation are no closer to knowing the truth about his health. what we know is his doctors and closest aides can't seem to get the story straight. yesterday, dr. sean conley admitted he wanted to, his words, reflect the upbeat attitude trump and his team wanted to convey about his condition. even as the president had at least two significant drops in oxygen which conley did not disclose in a saturday briefing. even as conley refused to give specifics on whether damage has been done to the president's lungs. another thing we know is that the president has undergone multiple treatments. this includes steroids to help his oxygen levels and an antibody cocktail that is not yet approved by the fda. as for his mood, courses say he is done with the hospital, demanding to go back to the white house. what happens that inspired his joy ride outside walter reed
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where he waved to reporters from a hermetically sealed suv, jeopardizing the safety of his secret service detail as well as their families in the process. this morning, the chief of staff, mark meadows, who allegedly sparked anger of his boss by telling reporters the president's vital signs friday were concerning offered this update. >> obviously he continues to improve overnight and his health continues to improve, the doctors will actually have an evaluation sometime late morning and then the president in consultation with doctors will make a decision on whether to discharge him later today. >> joined by cnn chief white house correspondent jim acosta as well as cnn chief political analyst gloria borger, cnn chief media correspondent brian stelter with us. kayleigh mcenany, white house press secretary, is the latest staffer to announce she has been
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infected with coronavirus. jim, she knew that she had been exposed to hope hicks and to the president, known coronavirus infections. here she is yesterday briefing reporters without a mask. >> yeah, brianna. this is inexplicable, inexcusable. kayleigh mcenany, the white house press secretary who is supposed to be a role model for the united states of america, she's supposed to be almost a spokesperson for united states of america has been working at the white house mostly maskless ever since she found out that she was exposed to hope hicks and potentially exposed to the coronavirus, yet she has been going in and out of the white house day-in and day-out, exposing herself to other people. we now learned just in the last hour or so that a couple more press staffers in her area of the west wing have tested positive for coronavirus.
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brianna, i will tell you, i walked up to lower and upper presses in the west wing, you know what that's about, those are the areas where the press staffers and communication staffers for the white house work every day. it's usually a beehive of activity. those offices are almost entirely empty. eerily silent in that corner of the west wing now as all staffers, almost all have been asked to work remotely as precaution. what we have here at the white house is a hot zone for the coronavirus. now, the other thing to point out as you mentioned a few moments ago, kayleigh mcenany did gaggle with reporters yesterday and as you saw in the video, she takes off the mask as she's walking up to reporters to give an update on the situation with the president. i mean, there's no other way around it. the white house press secretary has been needlessly putting other people's lives at risk by walking around maskless, talking to people and potentially spreading coronavirus around.
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and it is just the latest illustration of how the west wing, this white house, this administration just does not take the dangers of covid-19 seriously and they finally had their super-spreader event, and it is now infecting other people inside the west wing. people as young as the very young communications and press staffers who work for the press secretary. you mention the president, might he come home today. i just talked to a white house official, that's to be determined. as you were just mentioning, i talked to a couple of sources just this morning and last night that said the president has been demanding to go home from walter reed hospital, he wants to get back to the white house. one source says the president is concerned that he looks weak being in walter reed hospital compared to joe biden. that's part of the reason he wants to get back over here. one of the questions that has to be asked, brianna, is it safe for the president of the united states to come back here while he is recovering from coronavirus.
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he could take, you never know what could happen with this. he could take a turn for the worse. do they have the medical facilities, capabilities here to deal with the president and deal with a coronavirus patient who can suddenly get critically ill. we have gotten conflicting and false answers from the white house physician and top white house officials. we've almost gotten to a point you don't know who to trust any more. >> no. most of them you can't. that's what's so clear when it comes to credibility and judgment, gloria. and the president seems to not understand that this coronavirus does not discern between whether you're the president or not, right? when it comes to kayleigh mcenany, this just seems to be, and look, not just her, but other folks in the white house as well, it is either an inability to understand or perhaps arrogance of understanding some of the basic things that we know about this, this coronavirus, right? that we know that you can be infected, you cannot have
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symptoms. you can be infected and still test negative until you're positive. there are many things we already knew and it is playing out like textbook at the white house. >> if you were to do a list of dos and don'ts on coronavirus, the white house now would be everything on the list of don'ts. whether it is selfishness, incompetence, recklessness, all of the above, some of the above, as you and jim were just talking about, take kayleigh mcenany, for example. she knew that she had been exposed to hope hicks. she was told you have been exposed to hope hicks. so she takes one of these quick tests and says i have been tested, i'm fine. and we all know after nine months into the pandemic, all of us know that those quick tests are not necessarily reliable, plus you want to quarantine for ten days at least if you have been in contact with somebody
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who develops coronavirus. i think we should be asking the same question about the vice president of the united states by the way. why is this white house not playing by its own rules? the rules that were set by the cdc. it is remarkable. maybe they think they're bulletproof, i have no idea, but americans should be scratching their heads saying wait a minute, this isn't what we have been told to do, why are you not paying attention to these rules. it's stunning. >> they think they're exempt. >> totally. >> the virus is showing they are not. we are going to talk about the vice president. i want to ask brian stelter what the white house correspondents association, the association that represents the reporters covering the white house, what they're saying. >> right, the association is out with a statement wishing kayleigh mcenany and the president swift recovery. i am hearing from reporters that are quite angry, think the association should have spoken more forcefully and call this what it is. it is outrageous. i don't want to kick somebody
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when they're down or sick, but her conduct was outrageous. it is more evidence of a cover up, more evidence of denialism at the white house until you start coughing and can't deny it any more. i think the idea she's an essential worker is an insult to truck drivers, delivery workers, grocery clerks that are essential workers. we know that kayleigh mcenany can work from home like other press aides. once again, the white house is more and more paralyzed by the virus. the question comes now about wednesday, about the vice presidential debate. how can the vice presidential debate go on? how can vice president pence go to the debate, supposed to fly there in a couple of hours. how can this go on? why isn't he quarantining? >> look at the folks that have clearly had exposure to not just one but multiple known infectious people, people who had exposure to both hope hicks and to president trump, right?
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and yet they still went to work friday. you saw this with his son-in-law. we're seeing this with mark meadows. surely these people are being tested regularly, but it can take days to get the answer about whether they've actually been infected. and the vice president, he should be quarantining. >> we all remember chris cuomo, entering from the basement. that's what we would be doing if we had the contacts that the white house aides had done. companies, nonprofits, associations, churches, schools have all been ahead of the white house on this and it is so infuriating. >> gloria? >> i totally agree. i mean, it is remarkable to me. now we have about a dozen people that we know of. the question i think we ought to be asking is how many are there we don't know of? how many are there who are now getting sick who have been at the white house compound or who were at the event for amy coney barrett that we do not know about? i mean, there's been very little
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contact tracing that we know of organized, but if you were at the event for amy coney barrett, you need to self quarantine. and if you work at the white house right now and you've talked to any of these people that are on the list that we now know of, you need to self quarantine. and if the president comes back to the white house, what does that mean? i'm sure they're disinfecting the white house but you know, it is remarkably selfish, just as it was selfish for the president of the united states to be in a vehicle yesterday with secret service agents who were in full ppe, but in a hermetically sealed car with the president because he wanted to go out and wave to his supporters. i mean, how much more stunning and selfish can anything get? >> no, it is very selfish. he is not putting their health at all as a priority when it
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comes to this. i mean, it is like a covid hot box rolling down rockville pike. it is nuts. it is just crazy. gloria, brian, i really appreciate you talking about all of this. thank you so much. >> thank you. there are doctors warning there may be serious side effects from the steroid the president is taking. we're going to dig deeper into that and discuss the risks. plus, as gloria mentioned, secret service agents are denouncing the president's covid parade as one doctor at walter reed calls the irresponsibility astounding. and the credibility of the president's doctors, that's also in question after one admits to lying to the public about the president getting oxygen. whether it's bribes to roll over. ...or an overdue makeover. get all your pet essentials right when you need them, with curbside pickup at petsmart. and enjoy 15% off when you buy online and pickup in store.
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since testing positive for coronavirus, president trump has undergone an aggressive treatment plan, and this includes everything from a steroid to an experimental cocktail that's not yet approved by the fda. jacqueline howard is our cnn health reporter. take us through this. the three medicines he is taking and their side effects. >> brianna, we know that the president has been given an aggressive treatment plan. he has access to medications that most covid-19 patients wouldn't necessarily be treated with. here's a list of the three main medications that we have been told the president has received. it includes the antiviral drug remdesivir, the investigational antibody cocktail, monoclonal cocktail by rejgeneron, and dexamethasone. regarding side effects of the drugs, we know with remdesivir, it is administered through iv. we know the president is on a
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five day course of that medication. side effects of it can include pain at the injection site and nausea. we know that with remdesivir -- with dexamethasone, it is to target inflammation. we know the side effects here, the court costeroid commonly used for many things, along with side effects it can cause includes mood swings. that's important to keep in mind with dexamethasone as far as side effects. with the investigatal monoclonal cocktail by regeneron, he was given a gram dose of this medication, and it is currently still experimental. that means the president's physician had to request
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compassionate use for it to be used. because it is still investigational, still experimental, we're still learning more about it. brianna, that's a lit st of wha we've been told. as you know, there's still a lot we don't know. we're hoping more details unfold in moments to come. >> that was helpful. thank you, jacqueline howard, we appreciate it. let's get more with dr. peter hotez. doctor, let's start with the side effects of the drugs. what would you say of the drugs is most concerning to you, considering the side effects, just walk us through that. >> well, there's a lot we don't know about the remdesivir, we're going to learn more about it. with steroids, it can cause mood swings, sometimes euphoria. seeing a lot of it on the internet, trying to claim that
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ride through the streets of washington last night was in response to some kind of euphoria induced by dexamethasone. it's hard to make that call. i wouldn't be prepared to go there but on the other hand, the drugs are very powerful and we haven't seen them used in combination a lot. i think for me the puzzle is how sick the president was on wednesday and thursday. that's important. we are getting widely divergent points of views. we hear that he was not that sick, that there was -- that was a precaution, which is pretty extraordinary regimen of medicines for someone not that sick. on the other hand, you're hearing he had the risk factors, he was declining in terms of oxygenation and his respirations, there was a lot of concern and that's what prompted
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this aggressive regimen. it would be really helpful if we had more transparency about that. some medicine since are experimental. that monoclonal antibody he got, those contain virus neutralizing antibodies. we talked over the last few months how that is so important in protecting individuals against covid-19, all of the vaccines work by inducing virus neutralizing antibodies, but can take six weeks after two doses to induce that. the monoclonal antibodies get it up front. one possible scenario is that the president was deteriorating and the monoclonal antibodies saved his life. that is a possibility. but without any real transparency or knowledge from white house medical staff of what the heck was going on with the president, it is hard to piece it all together. >> so maybe this is a question you can answer. on one hand, one of the reasons for giving him all these things
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which are serious medications is because he has been very sick and they're throwing everything at the problem that they can. is there another possibility that there's a hope that maybe they can do this, and he's the president, make a speedy recovery, or is that not a consideration in how the medications might be being prescribed? >> you know, with this white house, it is hard to know. it could be because the physicians panicked, because he is the president, they had the reflex action. i would tend to doubt it. if you were the white house physician, knowing how reckless everyone is at the white house with wearing masks, you would think, i would certainly if i were the white house physician, i would actually have a plan ready to go in case the president starts getting covid-19 and starts to deteriorate. that would mean calling ahead of time with the companies, regeneron, to have the monoclonal antibody ready so if he did start to deteriorate, you might consider, it is a matter
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of pressing the send button. is that what happened or was it because the president himself insisted on getting all these medications. again, without any kind of clarity, we could speculate all day. my best guess, it is only a guess, is that the white house maybe had a plan for what to do, he started to deteriorate and they activated that plan. part of that plan, notifying walter reed, getting ready to admit him, and using the monoclonal antibody, that's one of the most effective weapons you have, would be nice to have randomized clinical trial results before we went ahead and did that. >> quickly because i am out of time, doctor, considering the side effects here, should he have outsourced duties to the vice president? >> yeah, that's a good question.
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given how quickly he could have deteriorated, given what we know about covid-19, all his risk fak course with his age, he is male, the underlying comorbidities, weight and maybe high blood pressure, that could have been a viable strategy. and also in terms of keeping him in the hospital, that remdesivir is a five day course. stay there. stay at walter reed. at least the next five days. we don't know about drug interactions. there's still a lot that could go wrong. the president is not out of the woods despite the crazy ride last night. >> doctor hotez, it was a crazy ride. thank you for explaining that. the president leaving isolation, putting two secret service agents at risk to take this joy ride outside of a hospital. hear what agents are saying behind the scenes. they're not happy. plus, joe biden comments on the future of the race with the
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the president's questionable decision to take a drive by and wave to his supporters at walter reed medical center as he battles the highly contagious covid-19 is just the latest example of his ridiculous publicity stunts. dr. james phillips, attending physician at walter reed tweeted this. every person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary drive by just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. they might get sick, they might die. for political theater, commanded by trump to put their lives at risk for theater. this is insanity. david priest, former cia intelligence author, thank you for joining us and sharing your insights with us. you see what dr. phillips said. what did you think when you saw the president pulling this off? >> it raised two questions for me, brianna. first, of course, the question about the president's judgment
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and is it being influenced by the course of the disease or by the treatments of the disease. and that's something we're simply not going to find out. we're not getting even basic medical information from these supposed briefings. i don't think we're going to get great insight into the president's own decision making. it also raises questions about advisers around the president. at one extreme if his advisers think he is unable to make good judgments and he is unable to execute the powers and duties of the office, they have to consider the 25th amendment. but i think we're far from that at this point based on what we know. but somewhere between that and doing nothing is trying to talk to the president and say mr. president, you shouldn't be doing this for these reasons. now, the last three-and-a-half years have taught us the president probably doesn't like that, would push back and do what he wanted to do anyway, but it makes you wonder if this was
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where they got to, if they pushed back on the president at all, what was he considering doing that they did push back on, and how bad would that have been. >> so you're watching this, and it is raising this question. is there no one around him who can convince him that this was a bad idea. david, that was the case i think especially late in the term on a regular day at the white house. this is clearly not a regular day in the life of this presidency. how much bigger an issue is it that he doesn't have people around him who can speak up, talk sense, and whose opinion he will consider. >> it is clearly a much bigger issue now because there are direct life and death consequences. look, a month or two ago if his advisers could not convince him to step down before he sent a tweet using a name to make fun of joe biden, that's bad, but that's something that the american people would decide in
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the election. but now if the president makes a galactically stupid choice, he puts lives at risk. we still don't know when he had his last negative covid test. did he go to the debate knowing he had covid or being convinced it was likely. did he go to the event in new jersey knowing that he had covid or thinking it was likely. these are no longer consequences that have implications only on twitter. he is putting people's lives at risk by doing this. and i have to say, i really feel for the families of the secret service agents who were forced to be in that car because they must be with the president if he decides to go out, and all of the others that are going to at minimum quarantine and perhaps actually the virus and impact his decision making. >> thank you so much. next, why did the president's doctors lie about his condition and treatment.
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we are learning that andrew cuomo is ordering schools in nine covid hot spot zip codes in new york city to shut doors tomorrow. i want to go to alexandra field for the latest on this developing story. he actually moved it up a day, tell us about that. >> reporter: absolutely, brianna. look, the mayor proposed to shut the schools down across nine zip codes wednesday to give families and schools time to prepare to go to remote learning plans. the governor is saying it needs to happen now, as soon as tomorrow. this is effecting people in brooklyn and queens. these are hot spots that the city has been monitoring. they say the infection rate or test positivity rate has been 3% or above for at least seven consecutive days, that triggered the decision to shut down schools. this will effect some 300 schools, a mix of public and nonpublic lick schooschools, an in response to the mayor's plan to shut down the schools but
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moves the time line up here. >> alexandra, thank you so much for that update. we'll keep an eye on new york as they're starting to experience some resurgence in some places. there's still a lot of things the american public does not know about president trump's medical condition. we know that he had a high fever friday. we do not know how high. we know his oxygen levels dropped at least twice in the past few days, but didn't learn for several days that the president was given supplemental oxygen at least once, that's because his own doctor wouldn't disclose that. he said he wanted to paint an upbeat picture of the president's health. >> why did you wait until today to disclose the president was administered oxygen? >> that's a good question. >> thank you. >> i was trying to reflect the upbeat attitude that the team, the president, and the course of illness has had. didn't want to give any
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information that might steer the course of illness in another direction, and in doing so came off that we're trying to hide something which wasn't initially true. >> joining me, chris purnell, she lost her father to the coronavirus. she's very aware of the human cost of the pandemic. also with us, art kaplan, founding director of division of medical ethics at new york university. art, the president's physician said he wanted to reflect the president's upbeat attitude or the presidential team's upbeat attitude. is that ethical? >> no. you have to tell the truth. you're not there to spin or to try and honor a political or ideological wish. look, the president has every right to expect privacy. a president or any patient can control what a physician says
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about their case, including saying nothing. but they can't ask you to lie, they can't ask you to spin. that is just unethical and breeds distrust of physicians, of health care, of what's being said about the president in this case. >> and dr. purnell, something else he said that was curious, he didn't want to give information that might steer the course of the illness in another direction. it seems that when you talk about the steering the course of the illness, it would be best steered by facts and truth. what is your reaction to that? >> i found that to be disheartening, once again, we saw a performance based political theme. it seems to be where the president is involved, science and data is under attack. it is very unfortunate that now we have a medical physician who is responsible for the president's care, and i'm not questioning whether or not he is giving him appropriate care, but
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i am questioning the manner in which he is presenting the facts to the public and the thought that speaking truth could steer the condition in the wrong way sounds like someone doing some spin, that sounds like directing, that sounds like political theater, and frankly that's just disappointing and insulting. it is insulting to those of us that lost loved ones, those of us struggling with the disease and to those recently testing positive. >> art, i mean, he is the commander in chief, right? the doctor is in the military. does that dynamic effect this situation? >> psychologically i'm sure it does. look, your primary duty is as a physician, your primary duty is physician, even if you're taking orders from the commander in chief to do something else, you have to say i can't do that, i'm not doing that, i'm not willing to do that. the dominant ethic of all of this is get accurate information
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about the patient out there when the patient permits it, either the patient is going to say i don't want you talking about this or you have to be transparent. we never in this country wrestled with a reality that a president has the same rights as an individual patient to say don't say anything. i think that's wrong. i don't think we should tolerate that. we should have a different expectation about the president and the vice president, particularly in election season, that we get the whole truth, all of the facts, transparency, accurately but that isn't part of our policy right now. >> and dr. purnell, you lost your father to this terrible virus. we have you on quite a bit. we mention it every time. it is important. you are a doctor, but you also understand just how this can effect families. >> yes. >> i wonder when you are looking at what was the president's decision to leave walter reed unnecessarily, clearly against
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any reasonable medical advice, and take a photo op joy ride to wave to supporters outside the hospital while his secret service are sealed inside a car with him and could be exposed, what did you think? >> i'm going to tell you exactly what i thought. i thought it was like spitting on my father's grave. i felt it was like a punch in the gut to my sister who is struggling to recover. it was just disrespectful to the 210,000 plus brave patriotic americans who lost their lives because of recklessness. recklessness coming out of the white house and basically because we have a leader who has failed to lead and has asked us to perform political theater, and instead of sticking to the facts and sticking to truth, and it's just really unfortunate that there aren't those around the president who are impervious to the lies, who are able to say enough is enough. and i think we can band together in our professions, being public health physicians and being physicians more broadly and
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exert pressure, pressure that the white house and pressure that the president himself would have to come full circle and learn how to empathize with the american people. >> dr. purnell, art kaplan, thank you so much. i appreciate your words today. >> thank you. >> thank you. it's not just the white house. cases of covid are on the rise overall in the u.s. with 43,000 new infections per day, way north of where we need to be as we are heading into colder months, which disturbs dr. fauci. we'll have more on that when we return. re-entering data that employees could enter themselves?
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the trump administration's top infectious disease expert is alarmed where the united states is in the fight against the coronavirus. dr. anthony fauci says the numbers of new cases the country is reporting is a serious new problem, especially as we head into colder months. >> i'm disturbed and concerned that our baselines of infections is still stuck around 40,000 per day. that's no place to be when you're trying to get your arms around an epidemic and get it to a low baseline, and get to a situation where you'll be more indoors than outdoors. >> the big picture, 23 states are holding steady, only five states reporting fewer cases than last week. 23 states are reporting an increase in the numbers of deaths, ten holding steady
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there. 17 rolleding a decrease. wisconsin is one of the states where new cases have been on the rise, recording a record high of nearly 2900 cases. the governo is urging people to get back to the basicsing of fight been the virus. over the weekend several county health department issued emergency alerts because of the, quote, very high levels of cases which were and are resulting in increased hospitalizations. my next guest is dr. tom nichols, vice president of medical affairs for ascension st. elizabeth in appleton, wisconsin, and the surge section chief, which as i understand it means you are overseeing 24 hospitals through the state. can you tell us why you're seeing this surge? >> thanks for having me on, brianna. i think we're seeing it, because we're seeing exponential spread in the virus in our communities here in wisconsin.
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as we have -- a monday ago we had 12 patients hospitalized in our communities. today it's 130. it's not just impacting our hospitals, it's also impacting our steaff, as it spreads throuh the community. the staff can't come to work because of exposures in the community. >> have you been able to pinpoint it? is it schools reopening? is it colleges? is this people just getting tired of being kind of shut in more than they're used to for several months now? have you been able to get a hold on the behaviors behind this? >> i think people are getting tired of it. i'm getting tired of covid, but what we have seen as people drop their guard down, the infection takes hold. the virus doesn't seem to care whether we're tired of it or not, so we need to keep reinforcing the same basket behaviors of washing your hands,
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avoiding crowds, wearing a mask and staying home when you're not feeling well. >> it's incredibly opportunistic. that's what it does. tell us the adjustments that hospitals are having to make now. >> i do feel fortunate -- >> oh, no. we lost dr. nichols. thank you so much in case we don't reestablish the connection. the news out of the white house has to do with the continuing spread of the coronavirus and outbreak there. press secretary kayleigh mcenany testing positive after spending time with reporters yesterday without a mask. she should not have done that. we'll have a live report, next. . [doorbell chimes] thank you. [puck scores] oooow yeah!! i wasn't ready!
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. it is the top of the hour. i'm brianna keilar. we're beginning with breaking news as it is coronavirus outbrack at the white house just got worse. the press secretary and two of her aides have revealed they have tested positive as well. she did not quarantine despite the infections she had around her. she did not wear a mask while briefing reporters just 24 hours ago. the this comes as the president
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of the united states remains at walter reed hospital where he's being treated for the coronavirus. we as a nation are no closer now to knowing the truth about his health. what we know is his doctors and closest aides can't seem to get the stories straight. mark meadows this morning, that angered the president by telling reporters that there were concerns symptoms, gave us this update. >> his health continues to improve. the doctors will have an evaluation sometime late morning, and then the president, in consultation with the doctors, will make a decision on whether to discharge him later today. >> i want to bring in kaitlan
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