tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 6, 2020 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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which is at risk of shutdown because of the crisis. to keep millions of cars off our roads, to reduce air pollution and fight climate change. and measure rr helps essential workers like me get to work and keep our communities healthy. relieve traffic. reduce pollution. rescue caltrain. [all] yes on measure rr. hello, everybody. i'm john king in washington, thank you for sharing a busy news day with us. we're four weeks from election day and fresh evidence today that more of you want a new president and don't trust what you hear from the incumbent whose white house right now is a coronavirus hot spot. here's the headline number from our new cnn poll, joe biden has the largest lead of the cycle, a
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16 point national advantage over president trump. democrat biden campaigning in gettysburg, pennsylvania today. he will call for national unity in the time of coronavirus crisis and do so in a key swing state. president trump is out of the hospital but confined to the white house. his campaign sees the chance to use his covid infection to a giant company, show empathy. but the president is again writing his own script. if you had to describe it in one word your leading options would be reckless, dangerous, dishonest also comes to mind. it is reckless to rip off your mask when you are covid positive and close to others. that at a white house that right now is a coronavirus cluster. it is dangerous, as we learned this morning, to reject a cdc offer to help contact trace that supreme court rollout, you see it there. that event now tied to at least ten new coronavirus cases.
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and it is dishonest, by definition, to say something you know is not true. the president tweets this had morning, we should just live with covid like we live with the flu. that same president remember told journalist bob woodward eight months ago he had been briefed the coronavirus was more deadly than the flu. the tweet this morning is another lie but fits with the alternative facts and in the alternative reality the president wants you to embrace, even if that puts you at risk. his return from the hospital last night was true reality tv, which is to say, facts are optional. the president is on experimental medications most people can't get. he has a doctor on call at home 24 hours a day and a clinic in the white house basement, not to mention a helicopter to rush him back to the hospital if needed. but he wants you to think he is just like you and if he can stare down covid, so can you. >> don't let it dominate you. don't be afraid of it.
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you're going to beat it. i know there's a risk, there's a danger, but that's okay. and now i'm better and maybe i'm immune, i don't know. but don't let it dominate your lives. get out there, be careful. >> the president's doctors say he is doing better but hardly out of the woods. nor is the country. new infections are at a high level heading into the cold months when such viruses thrive. joe biden said americans must not believe the president when he suggests through his words and actions that this is no big deal. >> i hope no one walks away with the message thinking that it is not a problem. it's a serious problem. >> it is a serious problem. let's go through some of the numbers as the former vice president now leading in this race four weeks to go says don't listen to the president when he talked about the coronavirus. let's look at the map here. this is coronavirus by county across america if you are red or orange, it is bad. right. look how deep the red is here
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across the southeast part of the state. just four weeks to the election day, states that support president trump. this is deaths per 100,000 residents, the deeper the red the higher the rate of coronavirus. look at it here, look at it here in the plains. coronavirus is everywhere in america. not everybody in america has a helicopter or doctor on call 24 hours a day. the death rate is down some, 460 deaths recorded yesterday but still a high number. you see averaging over 1,000 deaths over the summer. and most of the projections are sadly the death toll will tick back up as well. and then there's the economic impact still 10.7 million fewer jobs. nearly 11 million jobs missing from the economy. jobs there in february wiped out by the coronavirus still not back. and 31% of americans say they cannot work from home.
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the president's tweet this morning, this is simple math. it's simple math. the flu is not like covid. back in 2017, 2018, 61,000 people that's a big, sad number, died from the flu. covid in 2020, we're not done yet, 210,000 you don't need to be a rocket scientist. it's a bigger number here. a new poll today says 21% of americans do say they're more likely to wear a mask or social distance after the president's diagnosis. the president saying get out there, live your life, you can fight covid like i did. listen to family members of people who were lost to this horrible pandemic. >> my husband fought covid. my husband wanted to come home, and he deserved it. >> my mom did not want to leave this earth. she had a grandchild for the first time in 64 years, and she was so excited to spend her
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first birthday with her grandchild on august 25th. she didn't get to because she died on july 4th. she didn't want to die. she didn't deserve to die. >> joining me now to continue this conversation our cnn medical analyst dr. reiner. doctor, i want to start with you, i'm sad i have to do this, but the president of the united states in his tweet this morning we'll get to what we saw last night and the recklessness, but when the president says go about your business it's just like the flu. please tell them how wrong that is. >> incredibly wrong. so the flu doesn't require you to get three experimental drugs and be typically flown emerge emergently to walter reed. it is true that the flu can kill
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and does kill americans every year. in 2018 through 2019, 37,000 americans died from the flu. that's a big number. 210,000 americans have died from covid-19 in the first nine months of this year. so just look at those -- just look at those numbers. we think a best case estimate right now of fatality rate is somewhere around 1%. we don't know exactly how many people have been infected but if you look at a case fatality rate of around 1%, the seasonal flu has a case fatality rate of around .1%. so even if you use a more optimistic estimate for the mortality rate of covid-19, covid-19 is many times more lethal than the flu.
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that's not even close. >> it's not even close. i want to stay with you, doctor, because we don't know a lot about the president's condition. we did see him last night. he walked off the helicopter, up to the balcony, he went back out after his display last night and redid it again with a camera crew, i assume for a campaign add. i want you to listen to dr. fauci. as you know the president is on drugs most patients can't get. we all wish the president well but dr. fauci said we need to be carefunyou're five to eight days in you can have a reversal. meaning going in the wrong direction and get into trouble. it's unlikely that it will happen but they need to be heads up for it. you're not out of it until you've gone several days out and doing well. >> and yet one of the president's campaign spokesmen was on fox news saying the president is eager to get on the campaign trail. the president tweeted he's
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looking forward to a debate a week from thursday with joe biden. is that reasonable and feasible? >> i think it's certainly not reasonable. look, john, we don't really know how far into the president's illness he really is because we don't know because the white house refuses to tell us when the president last tested negative. so he might be still in the very beginning stages of his illness if, indeed, he was negative on wednesday and became positive on thursday. that would make, though, the cadence of his illness, the requirement for the hospitalization very unusual. i think it's much more likely that the president hasn't been tested in days and he's much further on into the illness, which would explain maybe why he's doing better now and why he got sick at the end of the week. but that piece of information would let us know. the other piece is that there are so many people around the president who have been infected, he in essence is patient zero and might have been patient zero at that scotus
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event. because so many people have been exposed and now we know infected, i don't think it's safe to bring a presidential entourage to a debate next week because the people surrounding him may be infected. if i was the biden campaign i would only debate in a closed studio via video link. >> it's supposed to be a town hall with voters in the room as well. which adds to the consequences if you think about it. let's talk about right now the president's event last night it was a made for tv event to say i beat covid, i'm back on the job, will soon be back on the campaign trail. as you note in your reporting today, this is just a piece of it, president trump began discussing with officials sunday when he could return to the campaign trail and how. aides said the diplomatic reception room and map room are being prepared for work rooms.
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the west wing is a ghost town said one official who worked at the white house on monday. so he is on the residence side of the building, still covid positive. anyone working near him is a risk but they're trying to project this, we got this. >> yeah, they're trying to project a sense of confidence, victory over this virus, even though it continues, as you mentioned, to kill hundreds of americans every week. the president is in a unique position because he's been able to have the best medical care, able to get the experimental drugs have an opportunity to be cared for 24 hours a day, even while he's quarantining at home. but the white house wants to show that the president is back out there, back in the game. he's been talking about his campaign, even while he was at the hospital looking at polling numbers, campaign strategy for the final stretch of the race and the president wants to be back out there, holing rding ra
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and events even though he continues to be infectious. we see the downplaying of the virus, talking about the flu not being something that causes us to shut everything down saying it's not that bad, everyone should get back to normal but it's clear looking at polling and what the american people are saying, they don't trust the president's view on this. they don't believe the president is leveling with them, they don't believe this downplaying is going to help them get back to work or school. and that is his biggest achille's heel in the weeks of the campaign. >> do you trust most of what you hear about trump's health from the white house, only 30% of americans say yes in our newest poll. that means even some of the president's base doesn't trust what they're hearing. 69% say no. as we watch the campaign impact of this, we don't know we're four weeks away. but if you look at the latest polls, the last week was horrific to the president, there
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was the disclosure he pays little to nothing in taxes, the horrible breakout of the coronavirus traced to the scotus event. then he himself becoming positive. and joe biden seeing donald trump ripping off his back, joe biden had a new ad out last night. all the numbers suggest to me the american people in the last week enough of them have said enough. >> this defiant approach works for a small sliver of the american public, the president's hard core base. this works for them, they like seeing the president kind of trying to downplay the virus or saying it's not a big deal, you don't need to wear a mask, i'm defiant and fighting against the disease, it's a small sector of the american public. we've seen it's not enough to get you to 270 votes. he needs to expand his base. he hasn't been doing that.
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he's doubling down on this denial approach that has led to more than 210,000 deaths and allowed the virus to spread for the last seven months. the president needs to win, independents, moderates, senior citizens impacted by this disease and he's not doing anything to win them over. instead making it seem like he's not caring about the troubles they're facing. they're not able to go to work and school, and shelter in place and the fact he's not having to quarantine, makes people wonder why he's not taking it as seriously as he should. >> the president doesn't listen to his own campaign, he's not going to listen to any of us. gentlemen, thank you both for your time and your important insights here. facebook is now removing the president's false statement he posted this morning in which he claims the seasonal flu is deadlier than covid-19. a spokesman said it violates the
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policy on misinformation. we've talk about this before where things stay up a while. this is pretty quick. >> this is pretty quick. trump himself has, by his own admission, downplayed the seriousness of this virus and given the fact now that is going to become a real central component of his campaign, it's putting him on a collision course with facebook and twitter. this morning trump posted on both platforms, basically equating the coronavirus to the seasonal flu, falsely doing so. twitter -- both companies have rules against covid misinformation that could cause harm. and john, you and i talk a lot about when it comes to voter misinformation or manipulated videos that the campaign and trump himself may tweet we see them put the tiny labels on them. that's perhaps a prudent move on the companis' part because they
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can say they're doing something without removing the posts. with this, the rules are clear. covid misinformation is not allowed and it's going to be taken down. we have yet to hear from twitter. the post is still live up on twitter. as we see, trump who has the virus himself now and who is going to be doubling down in how he downplays this virus, we're going to probably see this a lot more in the next few weeks. and this i think is going to be one of the defining challenges for these companies and how they handle misinformation in the final weeks of the election. >> in the blizzard and blur of the final few weeks. appreciate the hustle on the reporting there. when we come back, the new cnn poll shows joe biden with the biggest lead of the 2020 campaign. we'll take you inside the numbers and show you why. when we started carvana, they told us
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we count votes four weeks from today, election day. our new cnn poll tells us the events of the past week are putting more of you in the mood for a new president. look at the numbers, straight up the horse race number in the race. joe biden has a lead, 57 to 41%. joe biden well above 50%. that's where you want to be, get a majority support. well above 50%. the president stuck just above 41%. this is a national poll but a big number, a big double digit lead like this you can watch it and say it matters. you look through, why are people breaking for joe biden late in the race? they trust him to handle racial
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equality. by more than 20 points to handle the pandemic. they trust him to handle health care. they trust him more on crime and safety. the only two places the candidates are tied is the economy. and then, part of picking a president is who is this man? do i want this man in the white house? look at these character questions, can he unite the question. biden advantage. is he trust worthy, by 25 points voters, you, view joe biden as more trust worthy, honest than donald trump. cares about people like you, 20 point advantage there. has a plan for problems facing the country, 15 point lead for biden there. keep the united states safe, a double digit lead. the character questions as well as the policy questions, joe biden with a lop sided lead headed to the end. you may say that's a national poll, remember 2016 we have to go state by state. pennsylvania poll, comfortable
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biden lead. recent arizona poll, fairly comfortable biden lead. florida poll, small but biden lead. ohio, a tie there. the candidates fighting it out, one of the interesting things is president trump has less money. he's not advertising in ohio at the moment, for example. both campaigns going at it hard in pennsylvania. >> covid has affected my business in such a large way. to not be able to work for over three months i lost eight employees they had no other choice. it was heart breaking for me. trump does not see me. i don't understand how he can look himself in the eye. >> president trump delivered on the impossible in his first term and in his second term he will continue to fight for you. president trump will end our alliance on china, e rat indicate the coronavirus, and make our medicines and supplies here in the united states. >> with us to share their
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insights, margie marrow. when you see this, this giant national lead and then more importantly to me was when you go through the issues and the personal characteristics what is it that caused the break? it doesn't mean it can't swing back, but what is it in your view has caused this break? >> what hasn't caused the break. you had the president show multiple times every day how concerned he is about himself only ahead of everyone else. whether it's the debate, whether it's exposing his staff and family and people who work with him and numerous other reporters to the coronavirus and now the way he's handling it not in any way focused on the facts or on science and also at the same time seeming to indicate that only tough people survive and make it through the coronavirus. what does that say to the hundreds of thousands of
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families who have lost someone to the coronavirus? there's been an -- not to mention, now it seems like a long time ago, the tax story. where he's just time and again put himself first rather than the country or anybody else. so i think you see people really responding to that. you see people saying this is not something we want out of our president. we want someone who's going to focus on us and what we're going through. he's only focused on what we're going through. >> neil the trump campaign has an idea it's a significant deficit right now but the president came back to the white house last night, he's going to try to get back on the campaign trail. a debate is supposed to be a week from thursday we'll see if that happens, it's supposed to be a town hall. we'll see what path his health takes but the voters will make a decision. did trump act responsibly in handling the covid-19 for those
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around him? responsibly 35%. irresponsibly 62%. it seems a decent amount of people in the last few days have said enough. >> no question yet, marjie has highlighted the key points, in the last nine or ten days, the tax returns came out, the debate occurred, and then the president caught covid. it may be -- we have to wait and see but it could be the straw that broke the camel's back. what we've seen, generally most presidents get what they get in the polling. and we've seen some disparity on those numbers as over the last few weeks but right now you saw in your own poll, the president sitting at 40% approval. it seems there is at least potential trump fatigue where
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voters are a le, yoknow, kind of anxious about the chaos and what's going on, and they're reverting to if they approve of the job he's doing they're re-electing, if they don't, they're voting for joe biden. as far as the president. the president has decided i think they're doubling down and tripling down on the position on covid. it's as simple as that. they wants to tell people he has it under control, he beat it they can beat it too. he wants to encourage and try to be upbeat. whether that's going to resonate or not, i don't know. >> margie to you first. it's like the president is saying i'm doubling down, trust me and change my numbers. it's like the wizard of oz, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 38% of americans approve of his handling of the coronavirus.
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52% disapprove. can you do the same thing and change your numbers? it's counter intuitive to double down and triple down and people are going to change their minds? >> he wanted, i guess, to avoid seeming weakened by doing what one should do with the coronavirus and you're not feeling well and go to the hospital. so he wanted to create this image of strength and, in fact, he created further weakness. he demonstrated his further -- even more -- you know, even more clearly highlighted his lack of grasp on the facts and the fact that he's disconnected from reality and exposed people all around him -- numerous people all around him and setting an example for folks who may, themselves now further expose people in their communities around the country. thankfully, as you talked about before, only 12% say they trust seriously the health information they're getting at in the white
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house. i hope people are not looking at what the president is doing and saying that's what i should do also. i hope people are, and polls suggest they are, taking more action than they see the president doing. at the same time, if if there are still people who are following his example, that's going to prolong the duration of the coronavirus throughout the whole country. >> neil, as you know, ticket splitting is a thing of the past in american politics. so if the president's numbers are this bad and they stay this bad, republicans running for the house, the senate, for governor, republicans running for anything from dog catcher up are going to be in trouble. people of color, biden 72%, trump 25%. women, biden 62%. seniors biden 60%, trump 39%. independents, biden 57%. trump 38%. what happens to the republican party, every other republican on
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the ballot if those numbers don't change by election day? >> you know as well as i do, john, you can guess the answer there, which is the republican party could be facing a significant challenge if these numbers don't turn around. there's no 13.3 in politics. you can't just, you know, change things on a dime. as a kansas city guy i think we need some patrick mahomes magic in this campaign to turn it around. but there are very few opportunities for the president to make the shift. right now the election remains a referendum on the president. looking at the numbers today, that's not a positive outcome. >> not a positive outcome. i know you don't want to say it. but if the numbers stay like that, it's going to be a blood bath for other republicans, the challenge is can the president change them or other republicans find a way to get out from underneath them. still ahead, the former
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obama today making her case for joe biden, arguing mrs. obama said that president trump has mismanaged the pandemic while stoking fears about black and brown americans. it's the former first lady slamming the incumbent, someone she said purposefully lies to the american people. >> this is a difficult time, a confusing time. and when people hear these lies and crazy conspiracies repeated over and over and over again, they don't know what to think. the one thing this president is really, really good at is using fear and confusion and spreading lies to win. >> cnn's abby phillips joins me now. michelle obama making a broad case against president trump but it's also clear she's following the trajectory of the campaign fight. president trump said joe biden would destroy the suburbs.
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michelle obama, she says go away sir. >> stoking fears about black and brown americans. lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs. whipping up violence and intimidation and pinning it all on what's been an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity. it's true. so what the president is doing is, once again, patently false, it's morally wrong. and yes, it is racist. >> we know how popular the former first lady is not only the democratic base but also with suburban women the biden campaign believes. what is the strategy here? >> you heard michelle obama speaking directly to women in this video, talking about the struggles that parents and families are making as they make decisions about sending their kids back to school.
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she talked about her own daughters who she said thankfully are going to college from home, basically, because of the coronavirus. but with this video, what was tribing to me was seeing how br broad the scope was. she didn't just focus the coronavirus. she talked about the president, in her words, ignoring the california wildfires, trying to get his friends out of prison. it was one of the broadest cases against this president that i have ever seen her make. and certainly, i don't know that we can have any sort of analogy for former first ladies weighing in on current events in this way. it shows you the depth of her feelings on this issue. >> the depths of her feelings and the value the biden campaign sees in her to motivate voters to make their plan. abby phillips i appreciate the reporting. the white house says this important, thanks but no thanks to repeat offers to the cdc to help with contact tracing after the supreme court rollout event
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that we all know has led to at least 10 new infections. to stir that fire, university of phoenix is awarding up to one million dollars in scholarships through this month. see what scholarship you qualify for at hi, my name is sam davis and i'm going to tell you about exciting plans available to anyone with medicare. many plans provide broad coverage and still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. with original medicare you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you have to meet a deductible for each and then, you're still responsible for 20 percent of the cost. next, let's look at a
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morning saying the flu is more deadly than covid-19. you see the president's tweet right there. earlier we told you that facebook took down a post with a similar message because the post is simply not true and it violated facebook's rules. twitter now acting as well. but they don't remove posts it labels them saying it's false or in violation of the standards. i don't get it, but twitter says it may be in the public's interest for the tweet to stay accessible. the president of the united states tweeting a falsehood. the white house is declining offers from the centers for disease control to help with the outbreak. the initial offer to help from the cdc came almost immediately after the president revealed he contracted the coronavirus. nick, the cdc reaches out and w
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urgent public health challenge, contact tracing from the white house that is now a coronavirus cluster. and the white house says no. >> this is just yet another example john of how the cdc has been sidelined by the white house during this pandemic. and it shows us the recklessness with which the white house is willing to handle this pandemic, denying the nation's leading public health agency to do what they do best and contact trace. as you noted the director, dr. robert redfield, almost immediately after president trump took to twitter to announce his diagnosis. he reached out to offer the cdc's help in contact tracing. the offer was declined and again rejected on monday with a phone call between white house and cdc officials. this is being pushed back on by the white house. they sent a statement to us which read in part, the white house has plans and proside yurs in place that incorporate current guidelines and practices
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to limit covid-19. and has a contact tracing program led by the white house medical unit. they go on to say contact tracing has been conducted by the medical unit consistent with the cdc guidelines and appropriate notifications and recommendations have been made. it's important to look and read between the lines of the statement. they are not saying that the cdc is helping them. the white house going on to say that a cdc epidemiologist has been detailed to the white house since march but it's clear that more than one person is needed to try to drill down on this very important contact tracing that is needed right now after the president's diagnosis. john? >> as you note, yet another example of the white house deciding it's smarter, it can do things better than the scientists trained to do this for a living. nick, thank you very much. coming up for us, early in-person voting begins in ohio and indiana. the ohio secretary of state joins us next. - got a taste for a deal?
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i'm voting 'yes' on prop 19. nineteen limits taxes on seniors. it limits property tax on people like me. nineteen limits taxes on wildfire victims. it says so right here. if 19 passes, seniors can move closer to family or medical care. i looked at moving but i can't afford the taxes. will you help california's most vulnerable? vote 'yes' on prop 19. traffic and air pollution will be even worse after the pandemic. that's why we support measure rr to keep caltrain running. which is at risk of shutdown because of the crisis. to keep millions of cars off our roads, to reduce air pollution and fight climate change.
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and measure rr helps essential workers like me get to work and keep our communities healthy. relieve traffic. reduce pollution. rescue caltrain. [all] yes on measure rr. a busy week for early and mail-in voting as more states kick pandemic voting plans into action. it is also a busy time in the courts. they're challenging state efforts to make it easier. south carolina had a victory, high court reinstated a requirement that mail in ballots must contain a witness signature. the court did make a concession. any ballots already sent in without a witness should be counted. in arizona, a federal judge giving the state two week voter registration extension, citing impact of covid-19. in his ruling, the judge in that case said ballot access is an
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extremely important right and it has been restricted during this unprecedented time. the ruling came down last night which was the original deadline to end registration. early voting in arizona gets under way tomorrow. right now, take a look. voters standing in long lines, live pictures waiting to cast a ballot in ohio. more than 3 million general election ballots have been cast across the country. today, absentee ballots will be sent in new mexico and ohio and early voting begins as you saw today in ohio as well as in indiana, and county clerk offices in new mexico. the ohio secretary of state frank la rose is with me. thank you for joining us. you're in the middle of a bit of a controversy now. you have decided there should be ballot drop boxes only at board of election sites across the state and league of women voters in your state, democratic party are mad at you. they think it is a deliberate effort to make it harder for people to vote. this is what ohio league of women voters says. it completely misses the point.
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we want multiple drop boxes across the county so anyone, regardless where they live can easily access a drop box for absentee applications and ballot. this still does little to improve accessibility for senior citizens, voters with disabilities, low income ohio ohhance and those in rural areas. why do you think only at election sites? >> well, john, ohioans know it is easy to absentee vote, they mail in ballots. if you want to bring it to board of elections, the law allows for that. we made it more convenient than ever, requiring every county board of elections to have a secure 24, 7 drop box. but to expand beyond that when it is not specifically called for in the law, it would be irresponsible at this point and would cause confusion. the time to make changes to the ohio election law is passed. early voting has already begun. >> as you know, i'm going to push back. some don't trust the mail. there's a national controversy about the postal service and about delays.
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the statistics tell you that right now, first class mail is way behind schedule, behind the norms, behind the goals, in many places around the country. people would say what's the harm if we can put more drop boxes in places, especially in a state like yours with big cities and rural stretched out areas. what's the problem with it? i get, you say you're operating within the law, why not though, why not make it easier for people to vote? >> well, we want to make it easy to vote and it is easy to vote in ohio. 93% responded to a recent poll that said it is easy to vote in the state of ohio. again, in ohio absentee votes are routinely returned by mail. it is trustworthy, you can track the ballot going to the official secretary of state website and track your ballot to make sure it is received. in ohio, ballots can be received up to ten days after election day, as long as postmarked by monday, november 2nd. they know how to do this, noise and confusion created by last minute lawsuits is a disservice
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to voters. >> you say it is a disservice. in many other states, it is republicans pushing lawsuits. i will let the courts set it out, not take sides. let me ask another question about your experience there, in terms of the numbers of people. around the country we're seeing record shattering number is of people requesting absentee ballots or early voting. what is your sense of ohio in. >> same thing here. we have seen over 2 million absentee ballot requests already. blows away anything from the past in 2016 or 2012, it was fewer than a million. we're excited to see that. i mailed every registered voter an absentee ballot request we want to encourage people to vote this way. election day is november 3rd. election month has begun and they're voting as we speak in the 88 county boards of elections. >> the election is well under way. we say four weeks to election day, lot of people are casting early. appreciate your time, sir. >> thank you. up next, president trump
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