tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 12, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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voter in pennsylvania. what they have to say and why shows the uphill battle that trump is facing in the battleground state. trump is trailing joe biden by 23 points among women in pennsylvania. stunning. >> incredible. kate, thank you very much. thanks to all of you for watching. anderson starts now. good evening, we begin tonight with two facts. as of tonight, more than 214,000 people died from coronavirus. the country is averaging nearly 50,000 infections a day and where he is right now, plflorid has a positivity rate of 41%. the president kicked off a covid super spreader tour. >> i went through it and now they say immune.
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i feel so powerful. >> i will kiss the guys and many women. >> yeah, he did not do that. at one point he threw his mask out. you can see a large crowd and perhaps should not surprise anyone, the president is okay with that and okay with these large gatherings as long as he's not close to any people. vice president pence is also in florida at a gathering. the people around the president are also acting the pandemic is not worth bothering with or
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protecting people from. here is the chief of staff. >> well, i am more than 10 feet away. >> the man has been by the president's side and stood by the balcony and removed his mask and he went inside and gather. as for the president, his tweet yesterday about his medical status labeled by twitter "misleading and potential harmful." a total complete sign off from the white house doctors yesterday, that means i can't get it, immune and can't give it. according to the cdc here the
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science does not imply a person is immune to re-ire-infection w sars-cov-2. the doctors cited additional data pronouncing the president is not a risk to others. he did not say that in front of cameras or given his misleading past statements is certainly disappoi disappointing. you got to ask what about all the hundreds and thousands gathered at each of his rallies. what about them? even if they can't catch it from him, they can spread it from there and giving it to one another. the nation's leading experts when asked about it certainly did, when asked by cnn's jake
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tapper. >> we know florida and oklahoma have fled to infections and illnesses. we know that trump campaign does not require masks. how worry are you of these rallies that the president is kicking off? >> you know jake, i am glad you used that word as a public health matter because put aside of all the political implications and rallies. look at it purely in the context of public health. we know that is asking for trouble when you do that. we have seen that when you had situations of congregate settings with a lot of people without masks. the data speaks for themselves. >> reporte >> dr. fauci was blunt of the rose garden last month. the doctor called it a super spreader event. and today he explains why his
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gatherings are so dangerous now. >> it happens and now more so or worst time to do that. when you look at what's going on in the united states is really troublesome. a number of states are having increase in test positivity, states in the sun belt or above the sun belt. if you look in the map with the color coding of cases going up. you see the states in the northwest and midwest is going in the wrong direction right now. >> the president is not listening to dr. fauci or not using dr. fauci's experience and intelligence. he's using dr. fauci's credibility to help him dpet ge reelected. he edited dr. fauci's remark in his campaign ad that's misleading. it is factually incorrect and
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considering 200,000 plus dead is now worse than that. this is the guy who's supposed to be in charge of defeating covid. >> are you comfortable with rallies going on at this poie p? >> well, i am. a great outdoor rally. one of the things the american people approved the last eight months is people know how to put their health first and the health of their families and neighbors first. >> that's what mr. pence always does challenging the president's recklessness by making it seems like the questioner attacking the american people. a few people would get up in the morning today its going to contribute to a dead lipan
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democrati because of that, friends and family and members, some of them are getting sick and dying. >> our gary tubman is joining us live. >> reporter: this rally, donald trump spoke for about an hour. if you thought if people would be more careful after hearing that donald trump had coronavirus and there was a super spreading event at the white house, you would be incorrect. hundreds of people lined up outside in the bright sun for hours here in sandford, florida, there were no social distancing and about 90% of people did not have masks. every one had their temperatures checked and they were given masks and there were no mandate to wear them. most of those masks were put in
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pockets and never came out again. we talked to a lot of people without wearing a mask and we heard various explanations. >> reporter: that does not concern you of the president having coronavirus? >> i am healthy and i have no under line health issues. that's people that's prone to get the disease. >> he had good medicare care, right? >> reporter: is your care that good? >> no, i take care of myself. >> reporter: why put on a mask? >> people can faint because there is too much carbon dioxide going back in the system. >> well, just enough. enough people are getting ill because they are wearing a mask. >> reporter: where did that come
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from? >> common sense. >> reporter: do you believe you won't get sick from it. >> i don't care if i do. >> reporter: how do you know that? >> i am not afraid, i trust if i get the virus, it is god's will. >> reporter: mr. trump says it is disappearing but it is not the truth. >> i am debating what the truth is for that because of what i can see all the numbers i have read up and down that the flu is taking more people. >> reporter: that's what you believe. >> yes. >> reporter: if president trump is at the rally and says everyone put on their mask. >> i will put it on. >> reporter: what that women told is interesting. if president trump made a reque request to put on their mask, they would put on their mask but donald trump did not make that
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request. joining us is david gergen and dr. marty. the positivity rate in florida is 11%. dr. fauci says having political rallies is asking for trouble. just from a public health perspective, how concerned are you about rallies like this or anybody giving rallies like this? >> i am wounded. i am deeply wounded to see this missed direction and missed information. these kinds of events will cause more cases. we are seeing in our hospitals again and admissions are going up. we are balancing those to get people out in the hospital sooner than we were because we
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learned a lot. the messaging is completely wrong. >> congresswoman shalala, large crowds and everyone packed together and most not wearing a mask. did you have any thought or hope that the president may change given the fact that, you know, he had to be helicopter to the hospital and receive very rare treatment to bounce back from covid? >> obviously not. this is now the spread. he's now moving around the country and having these rallies and spreading the disease and not necessarily from him personally because he has a lot of distance. people within these crowds not wearing masks, someone has covid and so it is the trump's spread now. the idea that he's spreading this disease as part of a political campaign is simply
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outrageous and immoral. >> david, just for getting elected standpoint, are big rallies like this that essential for president trump? >> no. maybe one or two. with these rallies we are staggering with -- rallies have not helped him very much. politically his numbers have been going down. what he ought to do is reassess and talk to people and go and do his job as president. go back home and get a deal with nancy pelosi. the democrats and republicans to put money in the people's pocket without having to wait weeks after weeks. go back there and prepare the country of what's coming. just to think there are 11% of the people in the audience are likely to be positive. that's what the recent test
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show. they're all spreader. this is obscene. >> the president claims he's now immune. just to be clear, can one say you are definitively immune if you are infected once. the cdc cautioned people not to assume they are immune or how long any immunity may last. >> thank you for that question. it is actually a layer of questions and i am going to start with the first part which i find disingenous to talk about an antigent test. it simply is a way to provide misinformation and it is tragic because the only way we would
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know whether or not the president is contagious, let's start with that is to get the ct values from our rtcr in a properly done lab from a properly taken sample. that's one. number two, immunity. immunity is incredibly complex. i tell my medical students, he he received an antibody cocktail with two antibodies. that by myself could be helpful getting the viral load down in his body for a time while those antibodies are there and decreases the chance that his own body is forming the types of t's and b's cells to become immune. it is quite the opposite of
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what's being broadcast. i had no idea why the wrong message is being sent to the american public. >> congresswoman shalala, it does not surprise me what the doctor says of the tests he received is not the ones being definitive. dr. conley has been misleading in his statements. for one thing he says i can't talk about that and my patient does not allow me to. he does not say that. the fact that we don't know when the president actually in the time right before he got ill when was the last time he got tested negative. they did admit they were not testing everyday. whether or not he was positive the day of the debate with vice president biden. >> the president clearl
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clearly -- there is no question about that. but, in addition to that, dr. conley is not explaining these tests the way dr. marty does explain them, nor is the answering questions from doctors the way fauci is when ever you can get him on, detailed questions from doctors about the treatment the president received when he got infected. so, there is just so much we don't know but i put it all on the president because the president clearly is only letting certain information getting out and dr. conley should not be giving partial information which he absolutely knows it is partial information and misleading. it is one i thithing to say my patient won't let me give that information. it is another thing to mislead the american people.
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this is very dangerous and very reckless. >> david gergen, the president going todayly ral daily rallies this, i wonder if it had the opposite impact and energizes the people who are there unless they get sick and their energy will be sucked from them for the time being. i wonder if other people looking at this just view this as the president t administration's recklessness as a prime example that it is a daily reminder of just the reckless disregard for people and this pandemic? >> i think a lot depends on what show you are watching and as to what you believe. the people that were being interviewed by gary tubman believes these things are false.
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how did that happen? it happened because they were watchers of fox and they're getting a stream of misinformation. one of the things that threatens or republic, jefferson argued a long time ago, democracy depends on a well informed public. cleary we don't have a wel well-informed public. >> thank you so much. next the politics that drive the president's plans. what both campaigns think of the state of the race. me conversati my conversation with a man who did not believe there was a pandemic until it all came home to him in a tragic way. ays. advil targets pain at the source... ...while acetaminophen blocks pain signals. the future of pain relief is here. new advil dual action.
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the president is roholding rallies tonight on his super spread events until election day. he'll stop to iowa and north carolina. the vice president was in iowa. wisconsin is seeing cases exploded for the last several weeks. this can't be good. so close to election day with people already voting. what about the politics of it?
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let's get to our chief analyst. david, how do they view the president standing right now? >> it does not say good thing. it says the president is working from a defensive position. look at that schedule of his campaigning alone that you put forth on that graphic. you got florida, north carolina, iowa, a state that he won by about 9 points in 2016 and pennsylvania. only pennsylvania he's traveling to had that traditional democrat democratic dna to secure his victory. if you are in iowa and you are president trump, three weeks out from election day, you are trying to defend that many in your campaign believe would have been off the table by now.
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if you look at the travel, you see that the president is in the business of show up some states that should already be in the back board. >> what about vice president biden's schedule. he's in ohio today and he's going to texas tomorrow. those are all states that president trump won in 2016. is that a sign of confidence? >> offense. one is on defense and one is on offense. take a look at ohio. ohio of course is a state that no republicans won the presidency without. last time trump won it by eight points. it is now very close. so joe biden is there. florida, we know all about florida. we know that was tight last time. we know that the president won, we know trump won. again, very, very close. and then look sending jill biden to georgia and to texas?
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these are states which of course you would throw in the red column immediately. not so fast this time. they're competitive and i think they believe in talking to someone in the biden campaign about what jill biden can do, she can show up support from those suburban women. these states they know they may not win but they think they have a shot at it. >> president trump is down double digits in national polls. what does it look like for the president? i look at these pools and i think -- well, was hillary clinton ahead the national polling, too? that does not get you the presidency and so you are right
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to ask about the path of 270. donald trump has always had a nature r narrow path. as his numbers have gone down in relationship mainly to his mismanagement of the outbreak of coronavirus and so what you see now is if you look at our electoral college outlook of where things stand, joe biden if you add all the states leaning in the direction, he crossed the 270 threshold. not only does donald trump need to sweep all the battleground, ohio, north carolina and georgia and florida, he actually now needs to dig into some territory that's leaning into joe biden's direction. that's why pennsylvania is something that he has to fight for in the end because without those 20 electoral votes, it is very hard for him to get to 270. that whole notion of the upper midwest, pennsylvania,
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wisconsin, it looks like joe biden is billiuilding that bluel right now. donald trump has to go hunting and find a state some where that's in joe biden's column right now and yank it back. >> gloria, so much is looking like it is not going the president's way if you blame the polls. he decided to hold these large rallies. i guess to some people seeing this, looks like great enthusiasm for the president, he likes to see all the people and he gets to perform. i guess other people would look at it and say is that drawing attention to the recklessness of this administration? >> yeah. it is. first of all, and i was talking to an outside adviser to the trump campaign today, this is as much as the president's physche
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than anything else. he wants to do rallies because it helped him in 2016 and it is going to help him again. look, this is not 2016. these rallies only point to the pandemic and mishandling of it. if you are trying to enlarge the number of people that's going to vote for you as david chalian's saying, why not wear a mask to that rally? here is what i learn about covid and i think you need to wear a mask to stay safe. he may be able, who knows, to attract some of those undecided voters or suburban women who are upset with him because of the way he handled covid and how he learned nothing from having gotten covid himself. he thinks it is 2016 and may be running against hillary clinton, who knows? and talking about mike pompeo
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releasing her e-mails, the same old, same old instead of trying to enlarge his base. >> when you look at biden, just a moment ago, there is no one there. is there a value for him? when he goes to a place, is it just to do local tv interviews and be on the local market in those places. >> it is a huge market. it is not a crowd building exercise. he's been following these guidelines very socially distant and folks are spread out that do attend. they're not trying to generate big crowds. anderson, it is about that local news coverage. joe biden goes and does an event, that's valuable coverage and he can do some local interviews on the ground. he can also stop in the local store and again with social distance and with a mask on. he'll doll it every time according to guidelines.
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he travels with folks who advise him on every bit of the local guidelines, state and city to make sure the campaign is following it by the letter of the law. that's not what donald trump is doing. >> clearly. thank you very much. more of the president's rallies coming up and i will talk to a trump's supporter and who used to not wear a mask and thought the virus was a hoax then the virus hit him and his family in a tragic way. introducing voltaren arthritis pain gel.
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hospitalized. you can see people are not essential distancing. myfection -- any next guest is tony. he wrote this on a blog, try imagine someone you care about on life support. try being the one to pick the only 10 allowed to attend a funeral. try imagining one more thing. that's the words of tony green,
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he joins me tonight. tony, can you walk us through what happened and how your family got infected? >> yes, it was actually six of us that got together on the weekend of june 12th, my parents and my partner's parents and the two of us just at home, kind of getting together. >> you were skeptical of the whole pandemic around that time. >> actually before that. so much misinformation that's out there and you know you get trapped going down the rabbit hole with people and not necessarily media per se but everybody that's within your circle. you start hearing a bunch of chador and y chatter and you form your opinion based on what you hear and a little bit of what you hoped to hear. >> you got together and had a nice weekend, you ended up in the hospital from covid-19. you started feeling sick even that weekend.
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>> yes. >> we were all experiencing symptoms of some kind within about a 72-hour period of time. >> wow. >> during that period of time we obviously had some -- some of us had other interactions with other people within the family so it spread really quickly. >> i know you ended up in the hospital, your father-in-law hospitalized and 14 family members of yours got sick. >> that's correct. >> that's members that's not in the house. your father-in-law was on a ventilator and what happened? >> you know it is weird because we had a great relationship, always on the phone with one another. during the time he was in the hospital, we both went in the same day, i ended leaving three or four days. they saved me from a stroke.
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i was trying to figure out where he was at in the hospital and which floor and all the details. we just communicate back and forth and he just seemed like he was gaining his energy and positive and looking forward to going home but he's joking around with me on the phone at 1:00 on this sunday afternoon and by 5:00 or 6:00 that afternoon he was on a ventilator. it was completely just blindsided. >> he didn't get off the ventilator? he died? >> that's right. you written about this and you talked about at some level of guilt pushing it to have a get-together. >> the feeling that i have is kind of like a drunk driver would have if they killed their family. it was unintentional. this was my home. this is where it happened. so, you know there is a sense of
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responsibility even i am pragmatic enough to know that we don't know who had it and it may have been him, my father-in-law and he may have given it to his mother had we not gotten together and the same results being infected. >> i know you voted for president trump and i wonder what you made of the white house, the administration's response to this overall. >> a fair question. i am looking at the totality of this presidency, some of the things he's done that are very, special and very important. this is a major blunder. i am saying that with full sincerity. yes, i consider it when i consider it, who's the candidate that deserves my vote. i don't really have a lot of excuses for failure. it was a big failure. there should have been more
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mitigations and should have been taken seriously by the administration. there should have been more conformity within the panel or the ones that were spear heading this or roundtabling coming up with protocols. that should have been a lot more uniform with people responses. it seems like they be behind the president and be in the press conference and briefing and they have an agreement before that or something but they would leaf tve the podium and contradict what the president says. that made it really hard. >> do you think if the president had clearly said i am going to wear a mask, everyone should wear a mask, it is a patriotic thing to do. as a supporter, would that made a difference? maybe it would not but i am
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curious. >> it was a lot of things but, yes, it would have been convincing to have that. i think that's a very fair question. yeah, if he were asking me, i would tell him the same in person. i do think that may be led a lot of people open to getting an infection that they could maybe avoid it. i will give you that one. >> what's your message to people right now who are watching, may wear a mask and may not or think it is over blown in a hook. >> i have to be the example. we have to be the example to i guess bring awareness but tell people hey whatever it is you got in the works, we are coming up on thanksgiving and christmas, it is a hard time for people and i understand that. just take a little bit of extra precautions when you are around others. try to have your events in
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larger homes or outside if the weather is permitting or just if you are nervous about it, i won't say don't be afraid of it, you got a reason to be afraid of it. i think you should bow out this year. there are legitimate concerns for that. >> tony, i really appreciate what you wrote and what you said today and thank you very much. i wish you and your family the best. >> thank you very much, thank you. still to come, breaking news on dr. fauci to his words being used and twisted in a campaign ad when "360" returns. ♪ ♪ "hmm's and ahh's" heard in-call. ♪
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when was the last time your property tawhat?l went down? never. are you kidding me? for years, the residential burden has gone up. while the corporate burden has gone down. prop 15 reverses that. it closes corporate loopholes and invests in schools, small business, and firefighters. and when the big corporations pay more, your tax bill goes down. that's right. a savings of a hundred twenty-one dollars a year for the average home. give homeowners a break. vote yes on 15. i'm voting 'yes' on prop 19. nineteen limits taxes on seniors. it limits property tax on people like me. nineteen limits taxes on wildfire victims. it says so right here. if 19 passes, seniors can move closer to family or medical care. i looked at moving but i can't afford the taxes. will you help california's most vulnerable?
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vote 'yes' on prop 19. breaking news on president trump using dr. fauci's word on a campaign. trump's team put fauci's comment to suggest that he was praising for trump. in reality, he was praising public officials. this was what fauci told my colleague jake tapper. >> should the trump campaign take this ad down? >> i think so. it is unfortunate, it is cleeari
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am not a political person and i have not endorsed a political candidate and to take it out of context statement and put it in which is obviously a political campaign, i thought it was very disappointing. >> he was also asked what his opinion would be if the trump campaign ran another ad featuring him, that would come back-to-back fire on him. dr. friedman. it is dishonest but is it dangerous trump campaign is using dr. fauci's words out of context? it seems to undermine that of someone with high credibility. >> if we look at it factually, it is clear of what dr. fauci was saying is not what the campaign wants that to be construed as. you really cannot say it with a straight face that the
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administration done anything it could to stop covid. the record of this administration is a colossal failure. there is no national plan and there is no common understanding of where we are. there is not the existence of frank and effective communications. those are the three most important things to run a response to the a pandemic and all three of them have been lacking to the federal response. whatever the politics of it, dr. fauci's comment does not refer to the performance of the government, sadly it is a tragedy that we had over 100,000, more than 200,000 deaths that did not need to happen. >> it is remarkable and hypocrihypocri hypocritical where dr. fauci and
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dr. birx, experts, they have been sidelined and yet the president's campaign clearly wants to use fauci's credibility to bolster his own campaign in the ads. he does not use him to get the benefit of a scientific knowledge but he >> and what's fascinating about this also is if you look at january and february, it was that disruption to every day life may be severe. it was that this is going to be a pandemic and really what the president was telling bob woodward was not so far off. when the doctor said that to the american people, she was hardly ever heard from again. i think the bottom line is we do trust americans to do the right thing if we give the information in a frank and open way, as long as you're credible. you give people confident information. you tell people what you know, how you know it, what you don't
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know and how you are trying to find it out, you will have a much better response to this pandemic. so the reality of being frank with people, good news and bad, what we know, essence of an effective response. credibility is key. >> dr. birx and dr. fauci have been sidelined that you wouldn't know there is still a coronavirus task force and, b, that they're still on it. dr. birx was questioning how long she could remain on the task force. dr. fauci said there is no chance that he would walk away. what does it say to you that dr. fauci again dedicated his life to infectious diseases are put in these positions and regardless of being kneecaped or sidelined, ignored, attacked, threatened and still feels it is important to do what he can. >> i think what you see through
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the federal government and tony is a friend. i have known him for many years. is their commitment is not to a political party, it is not to a politician, it is to the american people. and the commitment is to do the best job they can to save as many lives as possible, to provide open and transparent information and to hope that they're allowed to do their job and that their role is not misused or abused by anyone. >> finally, when you look at the pictures from the president's rally in sanford, florida, it looks like there might be a rally like this every day if the president has his way. what concerns you the most in the short term given this is just one week after he left walter reed? >> well, outdoors is much safer than indoors, so the more things that are outdoors, the better. masks are safer than no masks. so you'd really like either indoors with masks on everyone and distance if possible or
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outdoors ideally with masks but less important to have masks outdoors. i think the bigger challenge here is really the understanding that they failed to stop a cluster at the white house and we're failing to stop clusters all over the country. the same day the president became infected about 200,000 other americans became infected and about a thousand of them will die from this. each day we're seeing around a thousand deaths in the u.s. and that is a preventable and shocking tragedy. >> yeah, yeah. dr. tom freedman, appreciate it as always. just ahead. go to capitol hill, the effects of the coronavirus on the hearings for supreme court justice nominee amy coney barrett.
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taking california for a ride. companies like uber, lyft, doordash. breaking state employment laws for years. now these multi-billion-dollar companies wrote deceptive prop 22 to buy themselves a new law. to deny drivers the rights they deserve. no sick leave. no workers' comp. no unemployment benefits. vote no on the deceptive uber, lyft, doordash prop 22. one ride california doesn't want to take. two republican senators who were physically absent but virtually present for the first day of confirmation hearings say
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they will be in person tomorrow. ted cruz, thom tillis announced his positive test ten days ago. today with the virus and the election day that helped set the tone for this four-day event. more now from our phil mattingly. >> let's remember the world is watching. >> reporter: a potential generational shift for the highest court in the land. >> yeah. i'm going to take it off here. thank you. thank you. >> reporter: playing out amid a once in a century pandemic and a presidential election. >> this hearing should have been postponed. the decision to hold this hearing now is reckless and places facilities workers, janitorial staff and congressional aids and capital police at risk. >> reporter: amy coney barrett, president trump's nominee for the supreme court spending most of the day watching. >> judge barrett brings impeccable credentials and judicial temperament and a
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faithfulist to the law. >> health care coverage for millions of americans is at stake with this nomination. >> reporter: and then making her own case for her own confirmation. >> the policy decisions and value judgments of government must be made by the political branches, elected by and accountable to the people. the public should not expect courts to do so and courts should not try. >> reporter: as senators laid out the battle lines for her nomination in the days ahead. all while they grappled with a health crisis in their own chamber, likely caused by barrett's nomination event. >> we should not be holding this hearing when it is plainly unsafe to do so. two members of this committee are just now emerging from quarantine after testing positive. >> reporter: two gop senators at the rose garden event tested positive for covid-19. senator mike lee back less than two weeks later.
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>> even in those circumstances -- >> reporter: much of the time without a mask. lee posted a letter from the capital's attending physician saying that he had, quote, met the criteria to end covid-19 isolation. senator thom tillis started the hearing remotely with plans to return in person later in the week. >> you can't demand that all of your colleagues be tested before you go to work if there is no reason. >> reporter: senator lindsey graham rejecting calls for everyone to get tested before the hearings get underway. >> we are running this hearing safely and we'll move forward. >> reporter: even as for system like mark meadows who has been by president trump's side throughout his battle with covid, staying masked is a bridge too far. >> let me pull this away. >> yep, pull away. >> and then that way i can take this off to talk. well, i'm more than ten feet
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away. >> no, can you please keep it on? >> well, i'm not going to talk through a mask. tomorrow will be day two of the barrett hearing. don't miss a full day of coverage at cnn. i want to hand it over to chris for cuomo prime time. trump was in florida tonight, a state with more than 5,000 new cases just this past weekend. and he's heading to several other states this week that are also struggling in this pandemic. and he's doing it for one very obvious, if odious reason. he believes this is good for him and his campaign. that's what he thinks. what he knows for sure is that he is creating risk for the people who care most about him in this country everywhere he goes. and he does not care. how can i say that? look at the proof. he says nothing about the
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