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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  October 19, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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politics. it won't. don't worry, kids. it's a ludicrous statement. the only reason we're showing it to you is to provide what is known as the setup, one of the most glorious examples of hypocrisy we have seen in this white house. here's first lady melania trump in a secret recorded conversation with a friend back in 2018. >> they say i'm complacent, i'm the same like him, i support him. i don't say enough. i don't do enough. there i am, i put the -- i'm working like a -- working my ass off for that christmas stuff, who gives a [ bleep ] about christmas stuff and decoration, but i need to do it, right? >> perhaps both trumps should heed the words of their own christmas mes message last year. together we must respect traits that exemplify the teachings of christ. the news continues. let's hand it over to chris for "cuomo prime time."
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>> little parenting pro tip for you there, coop. don't give wyatt that instruction about christmas, that -- you know, let the first lady speak for herself. i'd go another way with him about the significance of christmas, just as a parent. what are you teaching about christmas? tell him it's something that matters, something to look forward to and it's going to be safe. thank you very much for the questions and for laying it out there for people. i am chris cuomo and welcome to "prime time." absolutely tonight this is a call to action. it is time to get after it. covid is making its biggest move against us since we started fighting it. we need more and better from the federal government, period. experts across the spectrum and globe say this is a pivotal moment. now, with all this, where is our president's head? here. >> people are tired of covid. i have the biggest rallies i've
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ever had and we have covid. people are saying, "whatever, just leave us alone." they're tired of it. people are tired of hearing fauci and all these idiots, these people. these people that have gotten it wrong. fauci is a nice guy. he's been here for 500 years. he called every one of them wrong, and he's like this wonderful guy, a wonderful sage, telling us how, he said do not wear face masks. that's a number of months ago. he said, do not close it up to china. and yet, we keep him. every time he goes on television, there is always a bomb. but there is a bigger bomb if you fire him. but fauci is a disaster. i mean, this guy is -- if i listened to him, we'd have 500,000 deaths. >> look, most of that is a bunch of poppycock. fauci was wrong about masks early on. so you know what he did? he changed his guidance when he figured that out.
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mr. president said that covid would magically disappear. mr. president told you the virus affects no one, that it was a hoax, not to worry. then he got sick, had to be taken in a helicopter over to the hospital for experimental treatments. he made the white house a cluster. he did nothing for his friends who got sick while he got himself experimental treatments. and now that we need the president to change course, he's insistent on doubling down on dumb. literally he wants to drive us all off a cliff, hoping that those who survive what is sure to be a fiery crash will be enough for him to win the election. by this afternoon, instead of saying that he will do more or
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better for us, he has been insistent, more than ever, on being his worst. people are starving in this country. they are waiting online for food. that is our reality. the best deal maker in history has gotten them nothing. he blames the speaker of the house? what about the senate? what about your power, what, your ability to negotiate? you said we're negotiating. where is it getting these people? they're starving, mr. president. we need tests. the more we count, the more we find trouble. you said you'd get more. where are they? states need help. they need guidance. they're going to you. where is it? the help that can be offered is being frozen by him. people are afraid to do things they could because he doesn't want them to. why? you have to ask yourself that now. why isn't he attacking this virus the way he did people who
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want to enter the country illegally? his best plan in the face of the pandemic moving by any metric is to attack the man that you trust most at the federal level to fight back. >> you know biden wants to lock it down. he wants to listen to dr. fauci. he wants to listen to dr. fauci. and don't forget dr. fauci, what he said is, no, no, don't close it to china. i said, i'm sorry, doctor. you're a wonderful man. and he is a nice man. you're a wonderful man. i'm closing it. i saved thousands of lives. he admitted that two months later, two months later. and dr. fauci said don't put on masks. you see the thing. and now he says put on masks and they say, you know, he's a wonderful guy. and he is a wonderful guy. i like him. he just happens to have a very bad arm. he has a bad arm. but he's a good guy.
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he is a good guy. a lot of our people don't like him. i like him. you have to understand him. he's a promoter. >> project much? he's a promoter? let's be fair. you're both promoters. what does mr. president promote? anger, division, ignorance, even toward a man that he needs. fauci is a promoter, too. what does he promote? well, when asked about the venom that the president sends his way because with all the he's a nice guy, the guy gets death threats and threats against his family on a regular basis. here is how he handles it. >> once an avid runner, at 79, dr. fauci now power walks, flanked by federal agents. what's that all about? >> that's sad. the very fact that a public health message to save lives triggers such venom and animosity to me that it results
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in real and credible threats to my life and my safety. but it bothers me less than the hassling of my wife and my children. >> they have been threatened? >> yeah. i mean, like, give me a break. >> that's from "60 minutes." so i called tony fauci today. i call him on a regular basis. he went right into, as soon as he knew it was me, into the progress that's being made with the vaccine and the need to do something about the frightening numbers that are coming around in the country, that it's happening too fast, that we weren't as good as we needed to be over the summer and that's why we're seeing what we're seeing, because it didn't make sense to me. so i bring up the president's attacks to tony fauci. his response? he never even paused. i'll leave the politics to you guys, he said. just waved it away. and then he says, just please don't stop telling people how to help themselves.
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remind we have to be there for one another. i said, you got nothing else to say about what's going on than that? and he laughed and he said, yeah, buy a new suit. no. i'm not going to buy another new suit. but it tells you what you need to know about tony fauci. thank god he can keep a clear head and stay straight on what he needs to do for us while captain covid spreads toxic talk. listen to the difference between what's on fauci's mind and what's on the man who was elected to protect us against something like exactly the thing he's ignoring right now. here is what he wanted you to know. >> he'll listen to the scientists. if i listen totally to the scientists, we would right now have a country that would be in a massive depression instead of we're like a rocket ship. take a look at the numbers. >> he's lying to you.
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okay? we lost 22 million jobs. he said, yeah, but we got 11 million back. what does that tell you? we're still down 11 million. the unemployment rate hasn't been like this since the depression. and he can't even cut a deal. sure, the democrats can be held to fault, if you want. maybe they should take something, get something done for somebody. i say fair criticism. he thinks listening to scientists is a weakness and that it's a good debate point for him? let's look at it differently. he'll get this. assessing the pandemic is not like assessing if trump is a great businessman. he's great. why? because he knows how to borrow a lot on his daddy's back. me? i like my great businessmen without a lot of bankruptcies that their father had to bail out with his millions. now, with the pandemic, we don't have to play that kind of subjective game.
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we have actual numbers. the numbers show he is as wrong about this pandemic as he is about his net worth. hospitalizations are up more than 5% in 42 states. and they're a lagging indicator. remember, you get sick. you try to deal with it. hopefully the case is mild. if isn't, then you have to go to the hospital. we are in crisis. we need the president to focus on it. and again, another example, faced with a crisis, this is where his head is. >> he is lucky that we have in our country and they don't appreciate a wonderful human being and the most fair attorney general of the united states, because i know people that would have had him locked up five weeks ago. >> had who locked up? barr? for front running a b.s.
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investigation just to make you happy in the middle of a pandemic? well, ladies and gentlemen, here is the truth. and i ask the attorney general to come out and say otherwise. they looked. was obama spying on trump's campaign even though he wasn't running? no. no proof. because there was no spying. even the president's boy, mr. barr, could not come up with anything to charge. the best he could do was not put out a report negating their poison premise. remember barr? yes, they were spying. i call it spying. spying. spying. i'm going to look for the spying. no spying. where is it? and now no report, right? god forbid you say you were wrong. listen, the president has to wake up and open his eyes. eight million americans are infected.
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many are your supporters. some you made sick on purpose. 220,000 are dead in this country, and all you can say is, if it weren't for me, there would be more. well maybe if it weren't for you, there would be less, a lot less. you cannot hide. we will not let you hide. you cannot lie your way out of a pandemic that you will be in charge of whether you win or lose for weeks at the time that the experts say we need leadership most. this is how you will be remembered, is your last chance to do something other than pretend you need to do nothing. all you have to do is be like fauci. tell the places with case spread, tell your audience, wear masks.
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you got half of it. you said fauci said don't wear masks. now he says wear masks. okay. so you say it, too, because now it is the right thing to do and you know it. instead, what do we get? scott atlas. the guy has never managed a pandemic response. tweeting something so stupid. masks work? no. twitter pulled it down. think about how pathetic that is. so wrong that dr. deborah birx, remember her? she was in for a minute. she told friends over the weekend there was relief when it was removed. "the washington post" says dr. birx recently confronted the vice president's office saying she doesn't trust atlas, wants him off the task force, but trump says he's great because he says the b.s. that trump wants him to say. but here's where the president is right and i'll leave you with this. we're all tired of covid. hell yeah, we are. seven months. but this president is clearly part of the problem.
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and again, we must all implore him, let people help us. let the people in the government do what they can. stop attacking the scientists and the science, please. stop telling your people to expose themselves to the virus, please. i'm sure you do want me to get sick again. but all i wanted was for you to get well, and i want others to suffer because i take no joy in other people's pain and neither should you. so many can still be spared. so many will listen to you if you give them the right advice. at the end of the day, mr. president, there is the is only one way forward, and it has to be together. >> it's all that's worked in this country. it is all that will beat this pandemic. your attacks will lose out to the simple intelligence of science and the sweet instruction of being there for
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one another in america. we are interconnected and interdependent. please listen to these words. i know you don't like to read. i'll read them for you. it's a poem called "outwitted" by edward marcum. he drew a circle that shut me out. heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. but love and i have the whit to win. we drew a circle that took him in. mr. president, you can say what you want, but i know that people in this country can never stop hoping that you will do something with the time you have to make things better for them. and we're going to do that right now by giving people straight information about what is happening and what can be done and why we're dealing with what we're dealing with this president politically. people need to see it for what it is. dr. michael osterholm and anthony scaramucci. thank you both, gentlemen, for being patient while i was doing what i do.
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doctor, the reality of the hospitalizations as a lagging indicator, it is a very frightening metric, because there is no subjectivity to it. if you are in the hospital, you've got a problem. unless you are the president who was there getting experimental treatments. what do you know about the numbers and what do they tell you about what's happening with the pandemic right now? >> well, in, you're right, the hospitalizations are going up and they're going up in many states, not just a few states, like we saw this summer. but you can actually also glean a great deal of information from the testing results. people can say we're testing more, that's why we're finding more. but when you look at the rate of positivity, meaning how frequently is someone found to be infected, there, if you're just testing more, the rate of positivity will go down. meaning if i sample twice as much for the same number of infections, it will be half the rate of positivity. >> stop. stop. say it again. i didn't get it. people think if you test more they are only getting more positives because you test a lot.
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so don't test so much. and you're actually better off that way. say again what you're saying. >> right. and what i'm saying is, if you test more, but the percentage of people who are positive continues to go up, that means that the size of the pool of people who are infected is actually also going up. so that if it was just the same number of people in the community you are testing twice as much, then your rate will be half as much. but if you are testing twice as much and the rate goes up four times, that tells you there is a lot of new transmission in your community. that's what we're seeing right now. even the head of the hospitalizations, we're seeing an ever increasing number of people who are infected. and even more problematic than that, in many of our locations, up to half of these people have no known source of exposure, because that's how much virus is floating around in our communities right now. >> so, anthony, what he is saying is being told to the president. you and i both know it. he is making a political decision, i'm not going there.
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i'm not running with that narrative. i'm going to run that they get the science run all the time, i did the right things, we're okay. why? >> very insecure guy. doesn't like experts. he's a reflexive guy. you bring the president something, he'll do the exact opposite, because he's so insecure. he's also got this reality distortion field around him and he's got sycophants that are now feeding that. he wants people to believe he's captain courageous out there fighting the virus with no mask and having rallies that are superspreader events and that's the right way to go. we all know it's the wrong way to go. and then he gets super upset that dr. fauci is a leader among men and is just really telling people what's going on with the science and just trying to protect them. my heart goes out to the fauci family. it upsets me to see that on "60 minutes." you know i'm upset when he goes after you, chris, and governor cuomo. i'm okay when he goes after me because i can handle the guy.
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but i'm looking at dr. fauci as a scientist and somebody that's just an objective leader, trying to help the american people. but the good news is, this is the worst thing that he could possibly do, so, he's disturbing everybody, especially white ethnics when he goes after somebody like anthony fauci, so, he's going to lose the election. just look at the parallel lines in the polling. they don't move. they didn't move for mondale and reagan, they didn't move for nixon in 1972 when he beat mcgovern and they're not moving now and joe biden is going to be the next president. and what you said in your monologue is something that we have to hope and pray that over the 12 weeks that president trump has the office, he will listen to these experts to try to save american lives. >> it is the best play for him, by the way, to win the election. there's no data, here's what we're going to do. even now he could do it. >> no chance.
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>> doctor, you obviously as the director of the center for infectious disease research and policy at the university of minnesota, you know people who are involved with the governmental efforts. i keep being told, you know, i'll make these off the record phone calls, why aren't you trying this, why aren't you trying that? we would like to do more. we can't because they are afraid of the political pushback, that the motivator is keep it as it is. keep it as it is. have you heard anything like that? and what kind of danger is it from a policy perspective if we don't start doing more things and different things to fight this pandemic? >> well, first of all, let me just say that my whole career has been spent just calling balls and strikes. you know, i have served roles in the last five presidential administrations, including as a science envoy in this administration. i served two democratic governors, who republican governors, one independent governor in minnesota and no one could tell you my partisan politics. i'm a private in the public health army. when i say right now that i've never seen the federal
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government in the public health side of the house in such dysfunction, that is just a balls and strikes call. the cdc has all but been eliminated as a critical force in the public health response. fda has had its challenges. i give the commissioner great credit. i think he's really stood up the whole issue around vaccines. but generally speaking, we're not counting on our federal partners for leadership anymore. it's coming from the 50 states, which in itself is a problem, because some states are doing it quite well, others are doing it poorly. we don't have a unified national response. >> ten key battleground states, none of which the president is leading in right now, cases are going in the wrong direction. you don't think the people there that are republicans as they start having this touch their families, it's not going to affect their vote? i don't care if he says he wants me to get sick again. that tells you everything you need to know about him. i'll tell you what, i'd gladly get sick again in a second if it would make a difference for anybody else.
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the only upside to getting sick is that maybe you could help people know that they should be worried about it. but he is convinced that if he attacks enough people who oppose him, it will work. why? >> the roy cohen strategy goes back 45 years. if you hit me, i'm going to hit you ten times harder. this way, you'll be deterred to hit me again, but it will also scare people. and that has worked for him. he had 52 republican senators vote to acquit him and he was a full-on criminal. just look at the evidence of the case. i mean, he basically was bribing a ukrainian president. but he uses those tactics, those roy cohen intimidation tactics. he spittles out all that hate and bullying and it has worked for him, chris, but the weird thing about mother nature, it can't work in a scientific situation. this is the reason why he's going to lose the election. it's almost like mother nature has come down to settle the score with mr. trump. sorry. you can't yell fake science.
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the people know and as a result of which he's going to get voted out of the office. >> look. i just wish that he would see the opportunity in saying he'll do something about this pandemic. >> there is no chance. >> i'm just saying there is so many people that need that message. doctor, thank you very much. anthony scaramucci, as always, i appreciate the insight. be well. bless the family. >> same, chris. >> bless your family, too, doc. all right. the president questioned science, questioned scientists, unless they are saying something he wants in the moment. but cases are ticking up. and they're not supposed to be. not like this. let's get the perspective of somebody who is in the position to fight back and is doing so. new jersey's governor phil murphy. what's the reality in the state? why is it happening? how are his resources and his ability to respond? next.
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everything for the president is extreme. they're great people or lock them up. agree with me, like this atlas, dr. atlas or get attacked by me like dr. fauci. shut the country down or completely open it up. extremes are an indicator of a lack of intelligence. we need measured response that
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deals with the situation. let's talk to somebody who has that job, to find the balance of keeping the virus in check while allowing society to continue to survive. democratic governor from new jersey phil murphy. gov, good to have you. the climate, obviously, affects everything. there's an election going on, two weeks away. the president is insistent on attacking anybody who wants to say that this pandemic is a problem and he needs to do something. attacking fauci, saying that following the scientists is stupid. what effect does this have on you in terms of this political climate? what do you want people to know about what they're hearing? >> well, it doesn't make our job any easier, chris, i can tell you. it is -- it makes it more complicated and i think it puts lives at risk. dr. fauci, i have to say, has
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been there at every step of the way for new jersey, both privately, in public forum and everything in between. and to me, he's the role model of that responsible leadership that we need, making decisions based on science, data, facts. presenting the case, as touch as it might be, and giving us a path forward, a realistic path that includes, frankly, some hopeful elements, whether it's therapeutics or vaccines. you know, we're in the mix again here. we've come a long way, but our numbers are up over the past several weeks and we're battling this and we need everybody, you know, we need role models for folks to look to and say, you know what, that makes sense, to socially distance, wear a face covering, wash your hands with soap and water, take yourself off the field if you don't feel well or if you've been exposed. that's the sort of leadership we need right now. >> do you think the president knows what you are dealing with, knows how desperate the situation is?
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>> i mean, i have to believe he does, chris. i've spoken to him on a number of occasions. we met face-to-face. you'd have to be under a rock right now not to look at the numbers. and by the way, as i say, new jersey's come a long way, our numbers are up. but our prayers are with those states at the edge of their bed capacity, as we were in the spring, as you well remember. this is not just a northeast thing. it is not a blue state thing. it is an american challenge at the moment, and it's real. and i speak to family survivors of folks who have been taken by this virus literally all the time. i spoke to three families today, in fact. these are lives -- lived lives lost, real suffering, real loss. i would hope to god he does. >> you know, you have said plenty of times, you know, the real opponent for this president is not joe biden.
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i have never taken it as you disrespecting biden but that he's running against covid-19. i mean, how -- you know, imagine if you were to run in your re-election by saying, yeah, it was no big deal. we really didn't need to do anything. masks, if you like them, you like them. if you don't, you don't. i mean, just think about how devastating that would be for you in an election. why do you think this president is making that play? >> it would be devastating. by the way, there would be a minority in our state, and there certainly is a block in the country, that would be happy with that point of view. but the vast majority of new jeff jerseyians and i believe americans get this and understand it. i can't get inside the president's head. i think if you are anyone who is sort of on the fence right now, i think you are looking for competent, professional, responsible leadership, up against a clear pandemic and a
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clear economic meltdown as a result of it. it's not the playbook i would be running. >> the election. how is it going for you with early mail-in? have you had any problems? the president is suggesting that mail-in voting is going to be rife with fraud. what is your reaction to that based on what you are seeing? >> yeah. we don't see it. i mean, we had a local election in may in patterson which the president has cited. i think it showed the system works. local guys there tried to jam up the system and they got caught. so far, so good, in the general. we have over 1.75 million votes received at our county clerks. that's 45%, chris, of the entire vote in 2016, which was 3.9 million. folks have the choice in new jersey to mail in, drop in a secure box, hand to a clerk or a poll worker on election day or vote in person. so far, so good. in fact, that understates the case.
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so far, so really good. >> in terms of so far, so good, what we have in front of us is bad. as you know, the experts are saying, this is a critical period. why? we're trying to get people back in schools. we're trying to get people back indoors. these were the easier months in the summer. the virus doesn't take the summer off, but people are going back inside. people are tired of it. the president is right. you know that. >> absolutely. >> how scared are you that this is going to go the wrong way? >> listen, i'm not sure i'd use the word scared, but concerned. i do think, chris, we're far better prepared now than we were eight months ago. and you know this, but it is worth repeating, the science and the medical understanding is dramatically different and better. our capacities, whether it's bed, ppe, ventilators, health care workers, is meaningfully better. the virus feels like it's infecting a younger demographic,
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which we don't -- we don't wish this on anybody, but it's not like that awful early days when the seniors and folks with comorbidities got crushed. so i'm concerned. the experts i speak to are less concerned, and our evidence backs this up so far. less concern in the public square, as they say. less concern with the stuff we can regulate and ensure compliance than we are with people letting their hair down inside their own homes or with holidays coming up. that fatigue we think is showing itself in that reality, and we just got to ask folks to hang in there, fight through this. >> right. that's the right message. left, right, that's just reasonable. governor phil murphy. thank you. god bless. let us know how to help. >> thank you, chris, for having me. >> all right, we'll be right back. we have news on the other side. how about no
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all right. breaking news tonight impacting a critical state in the presidential race. the united states supreme court rejects republican efforts to require that all mail-in ballots be received by election day and counted that night in pennsylvania. now votes will be counted if they are received within three days of election day. four of the eight justices dissented. think about this. the court was split 4-4, okay? chief justice roberts sided with the court's three liberals. trump and republicans already said, this is why they are rushing to get judge amy coney barrett confirmed. >> so you're going to need nine justices up there. i think it's going to be very important.
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>> now, we may have litigation about who won the election, but the court will decide. and if the republicans lose, we will accept that result. but we need a full court. >> we need a full court on election day, given the very high likelihood that we're going to see litigation that goes to the court. >> when they say full court, they mean stacked court, right? there are two big parts of this conversation. you've got law and politics. let's bring in ben ginsberg and harry enten, the wizard of odds. good to have you both. counselor ginsberg, if judge barrett had been on that panel, she does not have cases on point, but given her assumed predisposition, you would have people in pennsylvania not getting their votes counted if they came in postmarked after election day. >> yeah, that's probably right. although, these cases are all
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over the map, chris. this was a 4-4 split, so it goes back to upholding what the pennsylvania supreme court did. michigan and wisconsin and north carolina all have cases that go a different wayal at t at the ae level. they're likely to be heard before justice barrett is sworn in. and, so, it isn't clear that these are outright victories for the democrats. >> well -- but should this be partisan? i mean, the idea of limiting when votes can be counted, who does that help? >> well, it's going to help different people in different states is the reality of it. and, look, state legislatures are empowered to make laws for the casting and counting of ballots, for the time, place and manner of their elections. and what you do have is different states making different policy judgments about that. >> right. look, obviously it's up to the states. i'm just says, i don't know how counting things sooner helps
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people exercise the franchise. that's all i'm saying. but there is obviously law here and then politics. and the politics, the suspicion would be, harry, the reason they want to limit how many can be counted is because this early voting isn't exactly a boon to the president's hopes. what are we seeing? >> yeah, i mean, i think your thesis is born out in the numbers. take a look at the pennsylvania poll numbers by those who say they will vote absentee versus vote on election day. this is an abc news/"washington post" poll. look at this margin for joe biden. it's nearly 75 percentage points versus those voting on election day, trump is, in fact, leading in that poll by 21 points. so, there's this huge spread in pennsylvania, larger than the national average, though we do see it nationally, as well, where democrats, specifically joe biden supporters say they're going to vote absentee, versus those republicans who say they're more likely to vote on election day. >> let me throw a piece of sound
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from the president about how he says he's doing in the polls, harry. i want your take on how what he says -- oh, we don't have it? okay. so, he says, we're winning in arizona, in florida by three, maybe even four. if you add election day, if you had the election today, we win north carolina. we win pennsylvania. it was a sleeper last time. we win. and ohio, too. so arizona, florida, north carolina, if it happened today and pennsylvania. harry, do you agree with that? >> no, i don't agree with that. in fact, i'll tell you this much. joe biden has a significant lead in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. in fact, he is leading by more than five points in all three of those states and, in fact, if you look at this electoral map, what you see is, joe biden has a significant lead. he has over 270 electoral votes in states. he has over 270 electoral votes in states where he has a lead of five points in september and october. even if there was a polling
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miss, he would still be the winning tear fed the election were held today. of course, the election isn't being held today. >> we lost counselor ginsberg, but a point i think he would validate, it will work for you, harry, is this. the thing that makes no sense about this political strategy, you know, legally, it's a state's call, what you want your rules to be. you have this odd conflation here that we saw in texas. federal court says, yeah, the governor wants less boxes because it will help them keep track better. oh, okay, so, let me ask you this, counselor, texas, federal court says, yeah, yeah, the governor can do it, state court says, no, he can't. what does that tell us about how litigation is going to go here? >> well, it tells you that it is, as you said before, all partisan. there is also a long-term
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problem the republican party has getting case after case not facilitating people's ability to vote. >> right. >> so, you're going to see a lot of elected officials doing things that they think is helping them in the short-term, will actually cause problems in the long-term. >> a point that you would have made, harry, is the weird thing about this as a political strategy is that republicans traditionally vote by mail more than democrats. so the president has been sending a chilling message to his own people. he's tried to reverse in florida and north carolina. but he's been saying don't do it for many weeks. ben, thank you for fighting through the i.t. problems. harry, there is no problem for you in any realm of life. nice haircut. >> thank you. if you're looking for hope right now, i've got your segment right here. i hear you. i know it's tough. i know it matters, but it's something. two teens, two americans.
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wait until you see why whatever we're messi ining up, it's not yet. in these faces, i see us getting to better places. americans, next. who's supporting prop 15?
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governor gavin newsom. the governor says prop 15 is, "fair, phased-in, and long overdue reform", that "will exempt small businesses and residential property owners." join governor newsom. vote yes on 15. the unfair money bail system. he, accused of rape. while he, accused of stealing $5. the stanford rapist could afford bail; got out the same day. the senior citizen could not; forced to wait in jail nearly a year. voting yes on prop 25 ends this failed system, replacing it with one based on public safety. because the size of your wallet shouldn't determine whether or not you're in jail. vote yes on prop 25 to end money bail. record heat waves, does that worry you? well it should. because this climate thing is your problem. forty years ago, when our own scientists at big oil predicted that burning fossil fuels could lead to catastrophic effects, we spent billions to sweep it under the rug. so we're going to be fine.
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but you might want to start a compost pile and turn down the ac, you got a lot of work to do. because your kids are going to need it. lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this who's supkamala harris.5? harris says, "a corporate tax loophole has allowed billions to be drained from our public schools and local communities. no more. i'm proud to support prop 15." vote yes. schools and communities first is responsible for the content of this ad. these days, it feels like we all suck. nobody can get it right. president doesn't put out the right message. nobody's getting it done. the pandemic's getting worse. everything's getting worse. wrong. there is hope, among us, in the faces of the young. i call these two ameri-cans, any way you look at it.
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you have anika. there she is. won top prize, 20 grand, at this year's 3m young scientist challenge. but why? on her own, she decided to research and develop a molecule that may, hopefully, lead to a potential cure to covid. i kid you not. the other one, taft foley. this guy created a mobile-medical lab, that offers rapid tests and results in 15 minutes. annika and taft joins, now, on prime time. god bless you, both, and thank you. and thank your parents for giving you the incentive and the pressure to try to do something, even at your young ages. annika, i'll start with you. 14. genius. but, how did you come up with the idea of this path towards a
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potential cure? >> thank you, chris, for having me. it actually started with a school project. i was researching about the 1918 spanish flu pandemic. and i was crazed at how many deaths and infections it caused, across the world. and so, after further research, i learned that, even with the current vaccinations and the antivirals in the market, there is almost 60,000 deaths in the u.s., alone, despite all the vaccinations and therapies, last -- couple years ago. so, that started my research on drug discovery, vaccinations and pandemics. and i came across methodology that used computational methods. so after further research and more extensive examination of the influenza virus and the methodology which i used, i combined my knowledge to find a potential antiviral against the influenza virus. >> so you started off with a
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database of, like, what, 600 million potential molecules that could work together, in some permutation to create a cure? >> yeah. 698 million molecules and selectively narrowed it down. >> this is amazing. now, what kind of shot do they say your research has? >> so my research is actually just a drop in the ocean of research being done by numerous scientists and individuals across the country. but at this point, every research and every effort matters to help end the pandemic and control its aftermath. >> whether a do you want to do with your life? seeing how you're 14, you should decide today. >> i do plan on going into a career related to biology and the medical field. so, maybe, a medical researcher. >> well, let me tell you. it's not just what you developed, it's that you're trying and that means everything in an environment, where it seems some people don't want to help themselves. and you. is that a gaming chair that you are sitting in there, taft? >> yes, sir, it is. >> man, now my son's going to
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want one of those. but i'm okay with it. you know why? because the more he wants to be like you, the better. so you came at it from a different perspective of the practicality. he is only 18, by the way, taft. so, high school senior. houston area. he is an emt, already, in texas. okay. so we are dealing with a kid who is on the ball. he wants it. what did you discover about testing? and why did you decide to do what you did? >> mr. cuomo, thank you for inviting me on. annika, what an amazing achievement. i am truly honored to be in your company. during the emt course, i treated covid patients in the er and on an ambulance. i -- when i got back to houston, i took a test and i self-quarantined when i got back. when i got to tehe building, there were really long lines and i had to wait two hours just to get in. and i had to wait two weeks to get my results back. while i was still quarantining, i thought there's got to be a
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better way. and that's when i came up with the idea of a mobile lab. we specialize in testing at businesses, events, and people's home. >> how do you get the tests back so fast? >>. >> the tests are so quick because of the types of tests we're using. we are using quidel's sophia 2 machines. look, annika's nodding her head. i don't know. why are they good? why are they fast? >> so, we are using quidel's sophia 2 antigen test. so, what it's doing is it is looking at the -- it is looking at the virus, itself, because the virus is what's causing an immune response in the body. >> so, i'm going to put information out about how people can help you get more trucks. i know that you raised 60 grand, yourself. and your father, your parents, to incentivize you, they said they'll match whatever you raise. so now, you got them on the
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hook. but i will put information out. annika, thank you so much for what you're doing. i want to stay in touch. and you, mr. foley, i got news for you. you may know a lot of things i don't know but i know something you don't. you want to know a secret? >> sure. >> your s.a.t.s came back. guess what percentage your results were in? >> i -- >> wrong. 98th percentile in s.a.t. scores in the country. that's right. lucky you're sitting in that high-back chair so you don't fall on your hiney. congratulations. you see that flag behind your head? you can go anywhere you want, my young friend. congratulations. thank your parents for putting into both of your heads and hearts to do something with your life and thank god for both of you. thank you for giving us hope. annika, taft, congratulations, and be well. we'll be right back. >> thank you. ok, just keep coloring there...
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in sacramento. because we know scott is fighting for all of us. re-elect scott wiener for state senate. "cnn tonight" with the star, d lemon, right now. >> how -- how bad do you feel about yourself, after those kids? >> i feel great. i feel great that they're not allowing the times to push 'em down. they're rising up. >> yeah. yeah. they're amazing. i just meant about your contribution and mine, as well, to society when you look at those kids. >> well, i would feel terrible. but relatively, because i know you exist, i'm feeling okay. >> was that -- was that -- did you have to do that? >> yeah. >> i was trying -- trying to be nice. >> you said how do you feel about yourself? in a derogatory way. first words out of your mouth. >> yeah. so, how you feeling? >> better than i deserve. and


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