tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 20, 2020 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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i'm john king in washington. thank you for sharing this busy news day with us. we're two weeks from election day and the united states crossing a new milestone in the coronavirus fight. 220,000 american deaths. the president this morning predicts another comeback win. joe biden off the campaign trail preparing for thursday's final debate. the president treks to pennsylvania, that state a critical piece of his 2016 surprise. but polling this time shows him consistently trailing. in a morning fox news interview, this closing message. >> the bottom line, the american dream, the great american dream versus being a socialist hell hole because they're going to turn us into a socialist nation. we'll be no different than venezuela. i'll tell you what, it can happen. it can happen. all of the crime is coming out of democrat states. republicans are doing incredibly on crime, on opening, on
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economic. it's all -- everything coming out, crime and other problems, are in democrat run states. i hope people realize that. >> that's the president, but it's impossible to separate the campaign from the coronavirus. look at the numbers and they show a resurgent virus as the people are picking a president to manage this response come january. monday 58,000 plus new cases, the worst monday since july 20th, back at the peak of the summer surge. the country added 400,000 inf s infections in the case count in the last week. the public health message is crystal clear, the united states never properly managed the first wave, making the second more dangerous. it's not safe to have thanksgiving as normal, all the experts say that. we won't know until the end of november from if a conversation vaccine will work or not. the president's message, stay
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the course. >> what is the plan to live with it while staying safe from it? >> well, we are living with it. and we're having the vaccines coming out very soon. with or without the vaccines we're rounding the turn. we will never shutdown. >> rounding the turn the president says, let's look at the numbers and you decide if this is rounding the turn. 31 states, the orange and red, 31 states now trending in the wrong direction. that means more new coronavirus infections right now compared to the data a week ago. 31 states trending up. two of them 50% more cases this week, washington state and rhode island. 50% or more new cases right now than a week ago. 31 states trending up. 18 states, the beige, holding steady. only one, hawaii, reporting fewer infections now than a week ago. the time line, the first hill back in march and april came down, up to the summer surge, now heading back up, monday,
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just shy of 60,000 cases you see the peak of the summer surge here, it looks inevitable we're about to blow past that in the days and weeks ahead. we thought this was horrific. we're headed back up a hill now. hospitalizations also trending back up a little bit in recent days. need to watch that number. if there's a silver lining, this is a horrible way to put it, but if there's a silver lining so far 445 deaths yesterday, every one of them sad, painful to friends, family, coworkers, 445 on monday. this line so far has stayed below many of the projections thought. they thought as we had more cases this would start to go back up. let's hope this stays down. let's hope that stays down. let's look at the positivity rate. the five states you see here, this is the highest positivity in the country right now. 50% in iowa. half of the people who test for coronavirus are coming back
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positive. 29% idaho, wyoming. double digits in kansas, nebraska, in florida, alabama and mississippi. a lot of double digits in the parts of the country where it's getting colder. what about states without a mask mandate, what's the situation there? four of the top five in terms of positivity, idaho, wyoming, south dakota and iowa do not have a mask mandate. nevada being the fifth there. you look at the map, you look at the case timeline, you see a problem. you see a problem. dr. anthony fauci says, example in recent interviews, be more careful, wear a mask, listen to public health experts do not plan a crowded thanksgiving. the president of the united states says don't listen to dr. fauci he doesn't play fair. >> the only thing i say is, he's a little bit sometimes not a team player. but he is a democrat.
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and i think that he's just fine. it's a view. we have others. scott atlas is fantastic. but they go after him so much. he has a different view. by the way, everybody has a different view. different views are everything. doesn't mean they're wrong or they're bad people. but people have different views. >> ultimately, mr. president -- >> i make the decisions. and we saved millions of lives. >> john, number one in the middle of a pandemic, interesting you're picking a fight with your top public health expert and in the closing days of a campaign to be picking this fight. >> reporter: it's very unusual, john and the president's rhetoric on the pandemic and on dr. fauci is as detached from reality as the earlier bites that you were playing on the economy, predicting venezuela and socialist hell holes. what we're seeing is that in
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polling the american people trust tony fauci more than the president on the coronavirus. and the entire public health community is rallying to dr. fauci's defense. here's francis collins, the director of the national institutes of health. >> tony fauci is probably the most highly respected infectious disease expert in the world. and he's also a terrific communicator. i think the public has been been greatly benefitted by hearing his descriptions of what's happening. i have great confidence in him. >> reporter: john one more piece of evidence that the president is on the short side of public opinion in this fight with fauci is in a new york times poll this morning, 37% of the american people said they agreed that the worst is behind us. but 51% said the worst is ahead of us on the pandemic. that closely mirrors joe biden's advantage over president trump in national polling.
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>> it raises questions, number one, about the president's handling or mishandle of the pandemic and number two about his discipline as a candidate. you mentioned fauci is more poplar in the polls. you see the numbers here, who do you trust as the person reliable for information, 68% trust dr. fauci a great deal or fair amount. only four in ten americans say that about the president of the united states. here's lamar alexander, a republican senator from tennessee on dr. fauci. dr. fauci is one of our country's most distinguished public servants, serving six presidents including ronald reagan. if more americans paid attention to his advise we'd have fewer cases of covid-19 and it would be safer to go back to school, back to works and out to eat. fauci gave a 60 minutes interview and baited the president into this. if the president was disciplined as a candidate, he would say i
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don't want to talk about that. i want to talk about joe biden's tax plan, whatever in the campaign, but he can't. >> reporter: absolutely he can't. the president, first of all, is not disciplined. we saw that in the debate a couple of weeks ago. probably going to help him in the debate that they're going to be muting his microphone because he hurt himself last time. lamar alexander is correct. and the trump campaign told us he's correct by including tony fauci in the campaign ads. the president at this point is trying to affirm his own world view, reassure himself he's not bungled this so he's talking to people within a bubble that is separate from the facts and reality of the situation. >> john harwood at the white house. appreciate the reporting and the insights. joining the conversation now, medical analyst dr. lina wen.
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people say this is politics, everyone is talking politics but when you look at the case count, the trajectory, the states with a high positivity rate, some of them remarkably high, it's important that people watching at home understand who can i trust. i want to trust, this is dr. collins again, the nih director, as you may be hearing conflicting voices i think you should be listening to these people. >> trust the public health exper experts. they don't have an ax to grind. trust cdc, trust fauci, trust the folks at the fda trying to do their jobs. they don't have a particular reason to spend the information. consider the source. if you're trying to get public health information it's probably good to listen to a public health expert. >> what is remarkable, you're a public health expert, so i'm grateful to have you help us sort through the spin that's the director of the national institute of health essentially saying don't trust the
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president. >> right. i mean, public health entirely hinges on public trust and specifically trust in our top government scientists. in a pandemic we're asking people to do things they normally would not do, even something like mask wearing, the american people didn't wear masks prior to this. or contact tracing. answering your phone and letting the government know all the people you were in contact with or quarantining for 14 days after exposure. these are difficult things to do. the work of public health is challenging enough than what it is. and then it's undermined by our top officials, including the president, it makes our work many times harder. i think we can attribute the politicization of mask wearing, the inability to abide by guidelines to what happens when there is that misinformation and it's costing us ten of thousands of lives. >> the numbers on the screen are
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beyond depressing, 8.2 million cases in the united states 220,000 deaths and counting up. you mention who do you trust, we're two weeks away from the presidential campaign. the case count is moving up and it look like we'll pass the summer surge. listen to the secretary of health and human services. the president says we're rounding the corner, tough it out, we'll be fine. the secretary of health and human services said everybody needs to think about this headed into thanksgiving and the holidays. >> we've seen community spread from household gatherings. you can get disease from people you're related to, as well as from people you're friends with and neighbors. we have to carry forward being careful with each other right now even as we enter the holiday season. >> a straightforward, fact based message from the secretary of health and human services. we do not hear that from the
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president as he travels the country in the packed rallies. >> imagine what could be done if the president had, instead of attacking dr. fauci and public health, imagine what would happen if he were to say to people, it's so important for everyone to wear masks. we could save tens of thousands of lives if the president spread that kind of message. and secretary azar is correct the latest surge that we're seeing is a -- a lot of it is being driven by gatherings of family and friends, extended family and friends. and i'm worried about this in particular as we head into holiday season, when the weather is colder. and i think it's unnatural for us to think this way. it's unnatural to think those people we love and trust could also be carrying the virus. but this is a silent killer. this is a virus that if we're not going to be inviting strangers into our house, we should also not be inviting loved ones into our house either
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because they could be carrying the virus and infect us. even though the federal government should be doing much more and it is the failure of the federal government's response that we're in this position but we have to protect ourselves. so make sure not to gather indoors, unless they're with your immediate household to keep up with mask wearing and social distanci distancing. >> dr. wen as always grateful for your insights. thank you. >> thank you. the second and final debate is thursday night. and there will be a new feature. the mute button. (ringing)
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- hey kaleb, what's up? how you doing? - hey, i'm good, guess what, i just had my 13th surgery. - really? i just had my 17th surgery. - well, you beat me. - well, i am a little bit older than you. - yeah it's true. how are you doing? - i'm doing good. i'm encouraged by seeing how people are coming together to help each other during times like these. - kind of like how shriners hospitals for children is there for us. imagine if i couldn't get my surgery. who knows what would have happened. - same for me. i know my shriners hospitals family will continue to take care kids like us who need them most all because of caring people like you. - like me? - no, the people watching us right now at home. - oh, those people. hi people. - kaleb and i know not everyone can help right now, but for those of you who can, we hope you'll this special number on your screen right now. - you'll be making sure our amazing doctors
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and nurses can keep helping kids like us, who need them now and in the days to come. - your gift will make a huge difference for kids like us. - ooh, ooh, show them them the thank you gift. - okay, okay, hold on a second. with your gift of $19 a month we'll send you this adorable, love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of the kids you're helping with your monthly support. - so what are you waiting for? you can use your phone and call, or go to to give and join with thousands of other generous people who change lives with their gifts every day. - i think that's about it buddy, good job. - my pleasure captain. please call now. if operators are busy with all the other caring people, please wait patiently, or you can go to to give right away. - [alec] big or small, your gift helps us all. - [both] thank you. (giggling)
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this was the theater i came to quite often. the support we've had over the last few months has been amazing. it's not just a work environment. everyone here is family. if you are ready to open your heart and your home, check us out. we thought for sure that we were done. and this town said: not today. ♪ the president spends most of his time these days talking at his rallies or on fox news,
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which is largely to say talking to people in his corner. to mount a comeback, the president needs to pick up people who are undecided and peel away people planning to vote for joe biden. which makes thursday's second and final debate a high stakes affair for both candidates. but this time the commission is going to use the mute button. so the candidates get the full 2 minutes to respond. that is in response to president trump's actions in the first debate. but that doesn't stop him from trying to play victim. >> look, these people are not good people. this commission. a lot of funny things go on with them. but i do it this way. i do it anyway. it's so set up. it's pretty incredible that we've been winning for so long. >> joining me now is abby phillip. if the president has a bad night
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it has to be rigged. somebody has to be acting against him. abby it's interesting, the commission is not changing the format, it's going to use the technology at its disposal, using the mute button. the candidate gets the question, they get the full two minutes to respond. the commission says we realize neither campaign may be satisfied with the measures announced today. one may think they go too far another think they don't go far enough. we are comfortable with these actions strike the right balance. it's an important argument because the president did blow through the rules in the first debate. >> it's an impossible situation the commission was put in, largely from the president's behavior in the first debate. they knew doing this they would invite this criticism. the reality is this shouldn't have to happen because the rules are you get two minutes to
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answer your question and then there is an opportunity for the candidates to engage with each other, talk to each other or over each other in some ways if that's what the situation calls for. but, you know, part of this is that -- i think the strategy at this point is what you just said. playing the victim. the president says he's winning. but he's been complaining that everything is rigged against him. and that is part of the strategy. it's a base strategy. but it's not actually one that i think really helps him in the context of this debate on thursday. >> and matt, there's an old conversation in politics, if you are whining, you are not winning. and the president is doing a lot of whining right now. our postaff have gone through a averaged polls. seven have close races, these are the former blue wall states
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that president trump flipped in 2016, biden above 50 in pennsylvania, above 50 in michigan. above 50 in wisconsin. the president stuck at 43% in all three of them. this debate, the president would believe, the last chance to change the dynamic. those three states essentially staring down the president right now. >> he needs a big, game changing moment. which is why he can whine about the rules but he doesn't have that much leverage. he needs this debate much more than joe biden needs the debate. if circumstances stay as they are currently, and two weeks is a long time in politics, a lot can change. but all indications are that joe biden is in the enviable situation, as you elude to the state and national poll, the biden campaign at this moment feels good about the current circumstances. so the debate is an important moment for trump. for him to have some sort of moment where -- that the
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contours of this race and the way we're looking at it right now are changed, and changed quite dramatically, and i think democrats at this moment, you know, they feel comfortable, but, you know, there is a little bit of deja vu looking back four years ago, feeling a similar feeling people are feeling now that their candidate is in the lead. >> democrats are spooked. they're haunted by 2016, they are, you look at the battleground states, seven of them close, biden has a chance to win or lose them all. they have money to be on television everywhere, in terms of what they emphasize most you have a gold bold strategy saying send them to texas, arizona, or you have a play safe strategy which says michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, maybe a little ohio, michigan wisconsin, pennsylvania. which will they choose? >> seems they're choosing the fundamentals.
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the michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania. if you look at the map, i know you do this john, joe biden if he secures pennsylvania, his path is dramatically easier. it is much easier for him to get 270. the same is true if president trump secures florida. his path becomes dramatically easier. so deviating from that strategy would not make sense, particularly for the biden campaign. yeah, it would be great to play in georgia, to play in texas, to play in ohio. but they don't have to do any of those things in order to win. what they can do, because they are in a -- in the enviable situation financially is they can spend money on ads here and there, test the waters, they can send surrogates, send virtual surrogates given the coronavirus situation but it's all about pennsylvania. the if you're if biden campaign right now it's about holding the midwestern statements and making sure you have pennsylvania in your column and this ride is
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easier come november 3rd. >> 20 electoral votes. you hold that basket, makes it harder for everyone else. you write today, matt, democrats are spooked, they're spooked about disinformation, misinformation, you write about the ma larky factory. dozens of people around the country monitoring what information is gaining traction digitally. the biggest attacks claims that biden is a socialist, he is creepy, sleepy or senile. this is part of democrats remembering 2016 and the states we talked about, they changed late in part because of trump activity and other nefarious activity on social media. >> the biden campaign is well aware of that. over the last two months they quietly built up this multi-million dollar effort that involves dozens of people around the country involved with the campaign and other democratic
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consulting firms where they are trying to identify things early that are trending on twitter or facebook. and sort of address them. there's a big challenge into figuring out which things to address and which to let slide and not amplify. so they're doing this throughout the campaign. they also have 5,000 different followers, big influencers on twitter and facebook, who are responding to some of these attacks on behalf of the campaign. but it's a major lesson from 2016. and the biden campaign seems well aware of that. and particularly heading into the election, when facebook restricts the new ads that campaigns can take out they'll rely on the surrogates to fight back if there is misinformation, either from the trump campaign or from foreign actors. i think the biden campaign is monitoring both of those through this constellation of groups and staffers. >> for folks who tune in late in
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the campaign, malarkey is going to make a comeback if biden wins the election. up next, as we noted president trump is about to go to pennsylvania. that state right now reporting a big surge in coronavirus cases. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. of course. podcasts. originals. bestsellers. future bestsellers. sleep stories. mal... hey, no! roxy! audiobooks, podcasts, audible originals, all in one place. some things are good to know. like where to find the cheapest gas in town and which supermarket gives you the most bang for your buck. something else that's good to know? if you have medicare and medicaid, you may be able to get more healthcare benefits through a humana medicare advantage plan.
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major supreme court decision just yesterday, the supreme court ruling 4-4, chief justice john roberts siding with three liberal justices to allow pennsylvania to count votes past election day. the election law expert rick hassan summed this upper perfectly. if you thought the stakes of a barrett confirmation couldn't get higher, they just did. he joins me now. rick, you make this point, right now the court only has eight justices it's 4-4. chief justice roberts saying pennsylvania can count ballots even if they come in after election day for a few days, that's okay he says, and if the postmark is not completely ledgeable. how significant is this in what
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we know will be one of the key battlegrounds? >> one is it affects what's going to happen on the ground in pennsylvania. it means that people have a longer time to get their ballots in. those who wait until the last minute will have a better chance of getting their count, although i urge everyone to vote as early as possible. but it has larger implications in terms of what it means in post election. it shows that if judge barrett is confirmed next week she could be the deciding vote. if he decides with the conservatives that means other things democrats try to do to extend deadlines won't be as successful. >> in terms of what types of cases are going to reach the supreme court, just before or after the election, when justice barrett would be on the bench.
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what types of cases in terms of their count or when ballots must be completed, what are you looking at as most significant? >> right now we're winding down the preelection litigation, still a few petitions, one about curb side voting in alabama, one in wisconsin about the -- extending deadlines as well. those cases are going to end, but if it's a close election and it comes down a recount in a place like pennsylvania or north carolina, you have this weird configuration in those states you have a democratic dominated state supreme court, a republican legislature, they might disagree about what the rules are. and the lack of opinion from the court signals that the court might side with republican legislatures over democratic supreme court over any post election litigation. >> you raise an issue there, legislatures versus state
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supreme courts. in the sense the supreme court has followed the constitution, which says states do their elections, so if it's decided there, we'll leave it there. do you see a path to go into new ground for the supreme court? >> right. it gets really arcane but the idea is the constitution says that state legislatures get to set the rules for presidential elections. the argument the republicans made in the pennsylvania case is when the state supreme court in pennsylvania came in and extended the deadline in line with the state's constitution, it was taking power away from the state's legislature, it's a radical theory but one we don't know because the justices didn't write but one that might be tragicing the four conservatives on the supreme court. and that could change the breath in terms of what they might be able to do in terms of any litigation. >> fascinating politics, also fascinating legal ramifications coming in the days and weeks
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ahead. we'll be checking in. appreciate it very much. just today early inperson voting beginning in hawaii, utah and wisconsin. by thursday night, in-person voting will have started in 42 of 50 states. nationwide more than 32 million ballots already cast. that's according to a survey of election officials by catalyst, a data company that provides data analytics and other services. number one, the raw numbers are off the charts we're watching people vote in record numbers. i was just talking about with rick, these legal cases which are going to complicate things. >> that's right. we've been watching these legal cases unfold. the fact we're so close to the election and there's still so much up in the air doesn't give confidence to voters.
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that's why you're seeing a lot of them go early in person. they know there's an idea that this could change before the election. and they don't want to risk it. i do want to talk about those numbers in florida because we have seen what yesterday's first day of early voting looked like. it was over 350,000 people who showed up. i talked to two election officials in the state earlier today. they said they were absolutely swamped. they never had any sort of a turnout like that before. just to touch on wisconsin, because this is one of these really interesting states that we're going to be watching. not only on the election night but potentially in the days afterwards. this is a state in which they cannot count those ballots until the morning of. those election officials cannot start feeding the ballots into the machine until 7:00 a.m. on election day. so that'll be interesting to watch. the other thing we're watching is turnout in wisconsin for early in-person voting. the reason being wisconsin makes
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it one of the states that makes it the hardest to cast an absentee ballot, they have id requirements, a witness signature, which is hard during the pandemic. so we want to see if people are going to show up and early in-person vote today. john? >> we'll keep an eye on that today. important to tell people we may not know on election night the winner because the mail-in ballots, take your time, count the votes, it can be done without any shenanigans. kristen holmes grateful you're helping us throughout it every day. president trump and the first lady off to erie, pennsylvania today at a time the commonwealth has a surge in covid cases.
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president trump and the first lady head to erie, pennsylvania today for a campaign rally. this as the governor says now is the time to double down on fighting the coronavirus. the commonwealth has been afternooning y averaging there more than 1,000 new cases over the last two weeks. 21% of the counties report a positivity rate of greater than
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4.3%. joining me now is dr. rachel levine. grateful for your time today. it's interesting the data you provided the show. people getting new symptoms in your state, 50% reported going to a restaurant within 14 days prior to the onset of their symptoms. 14% said a bar, 13% a gym, 8% a salon or barber shop. the 50% number that strikes me, if i'm in your job, do we need to do something about this. fair question? >> always a fair question. so we do have mitigation orders in place for restaurants and for bars at 50% indoor capacity. and so, we are watching those numbers very closely. it's really restaurants, bars, businesses, et cetera, but it's also small gatherings as has been noted nationally, that family and friends gathering together where people might
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relax their us e of masks and social distancing, that's also a risk factor. >> i want to look at the trends right now in terms of percentage of patients on ventilators, 87 patients in recent days up from previous days. that's trending up. if you are on a ventilator, you have a more serious case. i'm sure you're exhausted, 7 plus months dealing with this. what does that tell you about the trajectory in the commonwealth? >> we are seeing more patients hospitalized in pennsylvania now than we have seen for a long time. our numbers have doubled over the last month. we have well over 800 people in the hospital. about 10% on a ventilator. that is much higher than it was before, but not as high as it was in the spring when we had well over 3,000 patients in the hospital and up to 30% of those
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were on a ventilator. >> so at this moment you're trying to deal with a resurgent virus, the president of the united states is coming to a rally in erie. he says pennsylvania is not part of the solution, it's part of the problem. >> pennsylvania has to open. i mean, you know, we have -- we have places -- sometimes they're open but they're partially hope, not open like they should be. get the places open. let's go. let's go. >> does that complicate your job and the governor's job in that the president has pretty deep support in the commonwealth of pennsylvania when he is yelling every day open, open, open, does it make it more complicated for you to tell people we're at a bad moment we need you to be extra careful? >> as the governor and i talked about yesterday and you have been mentioning, we're in our fall resurgence as is most of the country, particularly the midwest and mountain west. there are three ways to deal with a pandemic, work to contain
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it, work to mitigate the spread and all hoping for a vaccine when it's determined to be safe and effective. so we need our current moderate mitigation orders in place, and most importantly we need everyone to unite together. we are all interconnected in terms of fighting this virus. and we need everybody to work with us to wear masks, social distance, wash their hands and to really bind together to fight this virus and stop its spread. >> i wish that last part was not so controversial. it shouldn't be. but as you know, it is for some reason. i guess it has to do with the fact that we're in an election. grateful for your time and insight. grateful with the days and weeks ahead good luck. >> up next it is deadline day in washington for a coronavirus stimulus deal. who's supporting prop 15?
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who'sgovernor gavin newsom. the governor says prop 15 is, "fair, phased-in, and long overdue reform", that "will exempt small businesses and residential property owners." join governor newsom. vote yes on 15. today is the deadline for a coronavirus stimulus deal. the president is willing to anger republicans and go big. talks that martin are between pelosi and trump treasury secretary, steven mnuchin. they're speaking again this
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afternoon. speaker pelosi says differences need to be resolved by today if there's any chance of passing a deal by election day. senate republicans say the price tag discussed in house negotiations are way too big. the president says if he can make a deal with the house, he believes he can get the gop senate to go along. >> mitch mcconnell isn't exactly on board with the negotiations. >> well, he'll be on board if something comes. >> senator thune doesn't want to go close to 2 trillion. >> lauren fox is on capitol hill for us. before the president has to pick up the phone and disappointment mitch mcconnell and thune, he has to talk to pelosi. where are they? >> reporter: essentially they're speaking today at 3:00, the self imposed deadline for house speaker, nancy pelosi. i will tell you, there are a few grim signs on capitol hill about where negotiations stand. i'm told that yesterday appropriations staff from the senate and house met to try to
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craft some language in areas where mnuchin and pelosi thought they were moving closer together. i am told that didn't go bewell. there were questions about what they had agreed to at this point. i am told from aides on the left and right that there's confusion about exactly where the negotiations stand. i'm also told while the meeting is going to happen today, senate republicans are not optimistic that a deal will be reached, and certainly even if one is reached, it will be a deal they can get behind. a lot of republicans, conservatives saying this price tag, john, is too high. >> too high, they say. we'll continue tracking it. we'll see. a lot of people would like help from washington. thanks so much. up next, a study how classrooms can reduce spread of coronavirus. when i was in high school, this was the theater i came to quite often. the support we've had over the last few months
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a new study out today says there are basic ways to keep kids safer in schools, things as simple as changing desk placement, opening windows, providing glass or plexiglas around desks. all of that can reduce transmission of coronavirus. elizabeth cohen is here to walk us through findings. >> this is interesting. physicists at university of new mexico invented a simulated classroom to see what would happen. look at the classroom they simulated here. you've got a teacher, nine students. everyone is almost 8 feet apart. well beyond the six feet that's recommended. put your eye on that poor kid in the middle. i'm going to reference that child in the middle. these are nine students and one teacher, nearly eight feet apart from each other. this is what they found helps. opening the windows, turning on the ac or heat to get circulation, and shields attached to the front of the
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desk, can be plastic or glass, some kind of shield. recommendations are to keep people away from the ac or heat outlets. apparently particles can congregate there, and also reduce middle seats. that child that was in the middle that i pointed out, that child could transmit to every other child whereas if you're on the periphery, you have fewer people to transmit to. i think the bottom line is that apparently you can transmit further than six feet apart. we don't know if you can get someone sick, but the particles do reach further than six feet, so these are things that can be done to try to help the situation. john? >> i'm sure parents around the country are fascinated to look at that. thanks so much. important. >> thanks. welcome to viewers in the united states and around the world. i am john king in washington. thank you for sharing a very busy news day with us. americans have a new number to remember. two weeks to election day. 220,000 american deaths. the country now in the early
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stages of another coronavirus surge. scientists warning this version will be deadlier as more and more head to gatherings inside during the cold and holidays. the president travels to pennsylvania today, a battleground key to his 2016 win. a state he currently is trailing and consistently so. it is impossible to separate the campaign from the coronavirus. look at the numbers. they show usury sur resurge in . across the country, orange and red are bad, and you see there a lot of orange and red. 31 states now recording more cases this week compared to last week. 18 states treading water, holding steady. only hawaii making measurable progress. monday, 58,000 plus new infections. that's the worst monday since july 20th. being at the peak of the summer surge. the country added 400,000 infections to the case count in the last week.
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