tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 21, 2020 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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union laws so same-sex couples can be legally covered. the pope expressed support in the fast for lgbtq community but the church itself has stopped short of blessing unions. nice to see you, hope to see you back foam, business, a day. bonna go bianna golodryga picks up our coverage. have have a good day. the number of coronavirus cases is on the rise and it is only expected to get worse in the coming days and weeks. that is the forecast from former fda commissioner dr. scott gottlieb who warns the nation is about a week away from a, quote, rapid acceleration in cases. right now the u.s. reported more than 60,000 new cases tuesday alone. this is a number that has not been seen since late july. the seven-day average is not much better, 59,000 cases daily. this is a level that has not
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been seen since early august. ten states just set hospitalization records, 14 states have test positivity rates above 10%. nationwide no states have declining case numbers, there is no green on this map, and that is a bad sign. three states, washington, new mexico, and illinois are putting restrictions in place to curb the spread. today the nation's top infectious disease expert is giving this stark assessment. >> as of two days ago, the numbers throughout the globe have been stunning making this already the most disastrous pandemic that we have experienced in our civilization in over 102 years. unfortunately for the united states, we have been hit more hard than virtually any other country on the planet. now unfortunately we plateaued
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again to about 40 to 50,000 cases a day. as we're getting into the cooler weather, we're getting more and more cases. so this looks like we're going to have a very difficult fall and winter. >> let's talk now with er dr. lena wen baltimore's former health commissioner. doctor, it is great to see you, it is not great to talk about the forecast here. it is bad. there's no way around that. give us the reality check on what to expect. >> we are on the verge of exponential, explosive spread across the u.s. we know this because we've been there before. we've seen what happens when you have rising numbers of infections, rising hospitalizations and all this in a setting also of high levels of test positivity, which means we're not doing nearly enough testing and the real numbers of infections is certainly to be much higher than what's currently reported. the difference between what's happening now versus what's
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happening before, there are virus hot spots simmering all over the country. all of this is as we're just in october. we haven't even hit the worst of the winter yet when people have to be indoors when it gets really cold, and we're still arguing in the u.s. about whether we should be wearing masks when it's something that's such a basic intervention that can save lives. i'm really worried about the grim winter that's ahead. >> so we need to wear masks. what else do we need to do? >> so there are simple interventions that we know by now can save lives. absolutely wear masks. wearing masks can reduce transmission by up to 80%. we also have to avoid crowds, avoid crowded gatherings, especially large crowded gatherings. we have to keep physical distancing, maintain 6 feet away from individuals not in our household. continue to wash our hands. these are all the things we've been discussing for weeks, for months now, but they are as important as before.
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also really keep in mind if these small gatherings of extended family and friends driving the surge. as we're coming into the holidays, be aware that we don't want to be the ones who are hosting the next super spreader event and inadvertently sicken our loved ones. use an abundance of caution even with the people we love. >> very, very good advice. it was notable the u.s. surgeon general jerome adams dismissed herd immunity as a public health strategy. he said in a tweet, quote, this could overwhelm health care systems and lead to many complications deaths. clearly he felt it was necessary to say this out loud and to say this publicly. do you understand why? >> well, it seems that it's because there's this disagreement within the trump administration and we have people like scott atlas who has the president's ear and is advocating for strategies like herd immunity, which, by the
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way, goes against the consensus of entire medical, scientific and public health community. herd immunity is not a strategy. it's saying we wash our hands, we give up. forget sacrifices people made along the way, we're going to let millions of people die when we could have stopped that from occurring in the first place. it's tragic we have to speak up and me out against strategies like this that aren't strategies. they are just a method for having preventible deaths in this country. >> it's not a public health strategy, it's a white flag. the president was asked if he would do anything differently if he could redo his pandemic response and he said, quote, not much. what is your reaction to that? >> i mean, that's shocking, because i think all of us should be able to look back and say we've learned a lot along the way. we didn't know in the beginning, for example, how important testing is from the get go and we missed opportunities. we missed opportunities when it
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came to mask wearing. we didn't know about asymptomatic and aerosol spread. we know all that now. we know the importance of restrictions. we know the importance of having early, a, consistent messaging. all of these things we've learned. to hear the president say he wouldn't do things differently when there are over 220,000 americans who died, that's shocking, unbelievable. i think for all of us we need to see this as a call to action for each individual, take matters into our own hands. if there's failure of the federal government, we need to do our part, wear masks, practice social distancing, because it's really up to each of us to change the trajectory of the disease ahead. >> dr. wen, thank you so much. >> thank you, brianna. >> the election is quickly approaching. instead of the president selling the american people on what he wants to do with the second term he appears to be celebrating festivus. the airing of grievance in the
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capital. the president is railing against lesley stahl, veteran journalist and "60 minutes" host, who was interviewing the president when he abruptly walked out claiming she was biased according to what sources told cnn. he's also slamming dr. anthony fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert. the president accusing fauci of being a democrat and a disaster. fauci, to be clear, is not registered with a political party and has served under democratic and republican presidents going back to ronald reagan. fauci for his part dismissed this as a distraction and says he wants to keep doing his job. the president is targeting cnn as well saying that we focus too much coverage on coronavirus. he's hitting the bipartisan presidential debate commission. he's criticizing the moderator of tomorrow night's debate kristen welker, a respected journalist. taking aim at hillary clinton and joe biden along with joe biden's son hunter. toilets and showers don't escape
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a presidential diatribe. the president registering his frustration with water pressure that does not meet his personal standards and apparently how it makes his hair look. democratic governors gretchen whitmer subject of 2020 version of lock her up at a recent rally and andrew cuomo of new york who the president called a lowlife are also on this long list. last but not least republican senator ben sasse despite voting with the president 86% of the time and voting against him impeachment is criticizing the head of his party in private calls with supporters. he earned a new nickname from the president, little ben sasse. we have more on the trump white house with the fight on "60 minutes." the president and chief of staff alleging without providing evidence that journali lesley stahl is biased. he may post his own version of the interview. the president walked out abruptly after 45 minutes. i want to bring in bill carter,
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former cnn analyst, media reporter for "new york times." bill, first, explain why the white house would even have a copy of that interview. that isn't something standard? >> no, it isn't. it signals the fact they probably made that a requirement of doing the interview they made their own copy, which says something else about their grievances and fears and paranoia that they would go that far. i think it's interesting that cbs agreed to that. my main concern is if trump were to go ahead and release this ahead of cbs, that is certainly not what a news organization wants. >> explain that. should cbs wait to report on what happened during trump's "60 minutes" meltdown? >> it's hard to imagine it isn't news worthy in some way. he decides to abruptly cancel the interview and not do the
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dual vice president interview after his interview. he blew up the interview in some fashion. for cbs to sit by and say we'll wait until sunday and show you what's happened. it's a news organization. this is news worthy. as you pointed out, there's a debate tomorrow night. something set him off that perhaps could be brought up at this debate. kristen welker said, well, "60 minutes" asked you about your bank account in china and you walked off the set or something like that, which clearly is news worthy. i'm really kind of shocked that cbs is sitting by and basically allowing trump to denounce their interview and not come back and say this is what happened. >> i'm sure there are internal deliberations going on about what's right to do. the president, and i know you saw this, tweeted a video of lesley stahl not wearing a mask, a person familiar telling cnn this was a video taken immediately after president trump ended the interview whshe
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was standing with producers and not walked back to personal belongings to put it on. she had been wearing the mask from the time she entered the white house to just before the interview began. what do you make of the president sharing that video? >> it's really grasping at straws for him to attack someone for not wearing a mask at this point when basically it's been a badge of honor in the administration to not wear a mask at events. here he is trying to find this moment she wasn't wearing a mask? it's a tremendous reach. again, it speaks to paranoia, something happened in the interview he didn't like. let's face it, he does not like to be interviewed by women who press him. that clearly makes him uncomfortable. he didn't like savannah guthrie, he's attacked kristen welker in advance saying she's biased. he's very uncomfortable and something set him off in the interview with lesley stahl.
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>> it's a pattern. what do you make of him saying the media -- specifically he called out cnn shouldn't cover coronavirus. he says it's covid, covid, covid all the time. what do you make of him saying the media should ignore this? >> it's such a bad story for him. people have come to the conclusion, a big majority have come to the conclusion he bungled this, made a hash of this, and that people have been sick and possibly lost their lives because of this. it's a terrible story for him. he hates hearing it. he doesn't want to hear it. if he sticks to the media that only praises him like his own personal television statement and other conservative outlets, he doesn't get pressed on it, doesn't get questioned this way. it disturbs him extremely. instead of confronting this and saying we certainly could have done more to begin with, he basically says everything is fine. the american public does not buy that. so when cnn or any other news
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organization responsibly reports on that, he goes wild. he doesn't like it. it's a criticism of him. >> we've heard his task force folks have said what their regrets are. there are many of them. bill carter, thank you so much. it's great to speak with you. >> great to see you again. a police officer seeing wearing a trump mask near a polling station. hear the back story on this. plus i'll speak live with election official after firing of poll worker who told voters to turn their black lives matter t-shirts inside out. and what happened to the trump campaign's cash, how joe biden has tripled the amount of the president with just 13 days to go. this is cnn's special live coverage. good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's. for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis, stelara® can provide relief, and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc. stelara® may increase your risk of infections,
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possible voter intimidation in south florida after this photo surfaced showing a uniformed miami police officer wearing a trump cam paper mask within feet of a polling place. he's now facing disciplinary action. cnn amara walker has reaction from city leaders. >> brianna, a miami police officer under investigation after a photograph of him emerged at a polling site wearing trump 2020 mask while in uniform. miami police called it unacceptal and a violation of department policy. the miami mayor saying disciplinary measures will be taken. emanuel from florida state said they are allowed to wear campaign while casting a vote while poll workers and staff are not. >> all right, thank you. investigators are also looking into reports of threatening e-mails sent to voters in florida and alaska.
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election officials say voters received e-mails ordering them to vote for trump or else. e-mails coming from an address that and to be affiliated with a far right group but cnn learned it may have come from foreign entity. our cnn senior national security correspondent has more. >> reporter: brianna, this is another plat ant attempt at voter intimidation, voters in two states receiving threatening e-mails, one county in florida telling us they were flooded with phone calls and e-mails after these messages appeared, a spokesperson for university of florida saying at least 183 people had received these threatening e-mails. we saw one of them. it reads vote for trump or welcome after you. outside expert looked at the e-mail from cnn saying it was sent from infrastructure in saudi arabia and appears servers in several countries were used. brianna. >> thank you. a poll worker in tennessee has been fired after asking voters
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who were wearing black lives matter t-shirts to turn their shirts inside out before allowing them to vote. state rep antonio parkinson's told cnn affiliate hbu saying this is not the first time it's happened in this district. >> there had been several other individuals that had been turned away by the same individuals and they had left the voting location, polling location and did not vote. i'm hoping and praying they will see this report and go back to wherever they need to go to make sure their vote is counted. >> while laws vary state by state on what is acceptable to wear to the polls tennessee only bans political statements directly affiliated with candidates and could possibly influence other voters. suzanne thompson spokeswoman for the shelby county election commission and she's joining us
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now. if what they are saying is true, would this be considered voter suppression? >> to me it's an act at institutional level. this incident was the bad behavior of one poll worker, and we dealt with that swiftly and he was terminated. >> so how did you find out about this. >> a witness let us know about it and our operations manager immediately went over to the dave wells community center and talked to every one of poll workers individually so she could get an idea from everyone what happened. we were told that this one poll worker, the errant employee who was terminated -- and these are temporary employees. there's 21 fulltime employees. on election day we have 1500 of our friends and neighbors running the election. so i'm sorry, i digress. what was your question again?
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>> you're right. it takes a lot of people to temporarily put elections on. certainly poll workers are trained on what is and isn't allowed. we mentioned that varies from state to state. obviously this wasn't something of concern in your state. do you know if black lives matter was brought up as an acceptable example of advocacy during the training that poll workers received? >> it absolutely was. i have an e-mail from the head of the election operations manager to the head of the training, and she was asking specifically what about maga, not allowed. black lives matter, yes, they went over that specifically in training. >> do you have any sense of how this poll worker came to believe they could ask the shirts to be turned around, if that was monaco that was specifically covered? >> not with black lives matter but if someone has on some other apparel that displays, as you said, political affiliation or a
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candidate that is currently on the ballot, we never want to turn anyone away. they are asked, hey, could you turn your shirt inside out so you can come in and vote. we want everyone to vote. 158,000, almost 159,000 people have voted in shelby county during the first six days of early voting so we are thrilled about that. really, it's sickening. when we heard that, it was not acceptable, obviously. the operations manager went over. when she talked to the guy by himself. she said this is not the way you're trained. that's not a political statement. he said i disagree. she said, well, you're going to have to get your things and go. at that point it became obvious he was not willing to go by our training and procedure. >> okay. so yeah. the other thing to point out here is unacceptable as you say this is, it's not the first time
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you've dealt with it in the county. there were other incidents involving voters who wore t-shirts and masks that said, i can't breathe, and they were asked to change clothes. why do you think this is a problem you've seen repeatedly in your county even as you are clearly dismayed by it? >> well, as i said, the elections are run by 1500 of our friends and neighbors. sometimes our friends and neighbors make mistakes. when those mistakes come to our attention like this errant co-worker and they are egregious, sometimes we can't talk to our neighbors anymore. so if we had known about that, we would have taken the same action as we did. we can't fix what we don't know about. >> yeah. suzanne, i really appreciate you jeong us and telling us what is happening there on the ground. it is a busy time for you and all the folks involved in putting these elections on. thank you so much. >> you're welcome. thanks. 50 cent making waves for
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endorsing president trump after seeing joe biden's tax plan. we're going to break down the numbers. plus melania trump canceling plans to hit the trail with her husband citing her recovery from coronavirus. and a disturbing claim parents of 545 children separated from their parents at the border, they are still missing. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, little things can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression.
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restructuring america's tax code and making the wealthy pay their share, it's a campaign play that biden hopes will actually energize his supporters as president trump moves to weaponize it. rapper 50 cent, clearly not a fan of biden's proposal is tweeting his outrage at the top tax bracket produced by the democrat and he's endorsing trump instead. cnn's christine romans explains who will really feel the impact under a biden tax plan. >> brianna, joe biden wants to raise taxes on the super rich. he wants to roll back 2017 tax cuts for business and reward companies that bring jobs and production back to the u.s. here is what it looks like. a top federal tax rate of 39.6%.
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it would mean higher taxes for people making over $400,000 a year. the very rich also would pay social security taxes on income above 400 grand tapped at 47,400 dollars. corporate tax rate rise, below the 35% rate before the president's tax reform. he proposes a minimum tax on foreign profits and a 10% tax credit for investments that reopen closed plants here. now, for families biden wants to expand the child tax credit and restore first time home buyers' credit and vows not to raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000 a year. conservative economists argue taxes super wealthy and taxing companies could trickle down to middle class workers if companies spend or hire less. under the biden plan the richest households would see substantial tax increases, tax burdens would
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call for the poorest americans. by 2022 expansion of child tax credit would cut taxes for everyone in the middle. brianna. >> christine, thank you for that. where did all of president trump's campaign money go. he's been raising money for re-election bid since 2017 yet coffers dwarfed by democrats. $34 million and spent $200 million on ads in september alone. as for trump and rnc, $251 cash on hand and they were outspent on ads last moment by more than double according to fec filings. mark mckinnon former advisers to george bush and john mccain and creator and co-host of showtime's the circus. great to see you. i wonder if you were on trump's election campaign how worried you would be about the gap
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between trump and biden. >> i'm not sure that's ever happened. as colleague and friend said you could give monkey a flame thrower and would be more efficient in a pile of cash. >> well, i mean, all right. so when you look at what they have done, do you feel like they have just been burning money and lighting it on fire then? >> i do. they spent exorbitant amounts of money early on on a lot of extravagant plays like super bowl, spending tons of money really early. this is the time when you need to be pressing for the advantage in a race that could arguably be close. what you want to have is all your maximum impact in the last 20 days of the election. last thing you want to be outspent 3-1, some cases 5-1 by the challenger. >> how does that happen they blew so much money early, they weren't strategic about it? was there a sense they had so much money they had money to burn or do you think this is
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political misjudgment. >> it's classic incumbent fever. a lot of this was pre-covid, people thought we're incumbent, strong economy, pretty good shape. we're raising a lot of money now. they made the assumption having raised a lot of money then, they would continue to raise money without realizing they could get into a false situation where suddenly strategic calculations changed considerably largely because of covid at a time when you needed more cash than ever, you have less cash than you need. >> i wonder what you think of the president in the homestretch. he should be making his pitch to voters for what he wants to do with another four years, and yet it seems like he's just airing grievances, attacking everyone and everything. i wonder how you would describe what he's doing. i'm not going to call it a strategy. i wonder what you say it is, this behavior he's exhibiting. >> i call it impulse. that's what donald trump does,
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all instinct and impulse. here is the problem, the last thing donald trump wanted the last 20 days to be is a referendum on covid and how he's handling it. part of the strategic problem, he's doing what he always does and goes to as a natural instinct is huge rallies and people are turning out. that's part of the problem, a lot of these rallies are in states where covid is spiking. so all the local stories there are going to be leading with the idea that trump has come to town at a time when covid is spiking having huge rallies where people are not socially distancing, very few wearing masks. so not only is it not helping trump, it's hurting trump when he goes to those states and holds rallies where covid is a problem? >> he's going and he's not accompanied by his wife, first pla lady melania trump has canceled what would have been her first appearance on the campaign trail and her team says it's because she's still recovering from covid. how bad is that for him? >> that's really bad.
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that emphasizes the worst part of the story. it's such a problem, his wife who contracted, as did he, is still suffering symptoms from it and unable to come out and campaign with him. he goes to those states. where is melania, back at the white house suffering from covid because the president hasn't done a good enough job protecting people electric this health crisis. it's a problem. >> it is a problem. mark, before we go, any predictions for what we're going to see in the final almost two weeks, under two weeks now? >> well, listen, the last and best chance donald trump has to change the equation -- pretty tough tat this point -- this third debate arguably is more important than the others. normally a third debate would be we've seen a couple already. we know the first one was a train wreck. the second was canceled. everybody knows this is the last chance, including donald trump. you know he's going to do something dramatic, throw deep. the question is what he does.
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the one thing he could do, which is unlikely, is surprise people. we're probably going to get what we expect from donald trump. the interesting thing you know, there will be mute buttons on the microphones, it will be interesting to see how donald trump handles that. >> interesting. there may be a mute button but he'll still be speaking so how does that play out? >> i have a feeling that's the case, screaming over the microphone. >> we may not hear that at home but certainly hear it at the debate which could be problematic for joe biden. mark, we'll be watching along with you. mark mckinnon, thank you. >> thank you. just in, two new studies on a rise of covid in children and also how black patients are more likely to be hospitalized than whites. plus boston schools are now reversing on in-person reopening. hear why. and the louisville officer involved in the raid that led to the death of breonna taylor speaking out for the first time
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about race, the raid, and why breonna taylor did not have to die. ting in my way. joint pain, swelling, tenderness...much better. my psoriasis, clearer... cosentyx works on all of this. four years and counting. so watch out. i got this! watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis look and feel better with cosentyx. cosentyx works fast for results that can last. it treats the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, like joint pain and tenderness, back pain, and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine, or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i just look and feel better. i got real relief with cosentyx. watch me! feel real relief. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx.
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cost americans, according to harvard university researchers who calculated life expectancy of many who died from the virus. roughly half were taken from middle aged americans, those in 40s, 50s, 60s, who prior to pandemic had decades of life ahead of them. his research has not been peer reviewed or published in a journal. for more coronavirus headlines, let's check in with our cnn correspondents. >> i'm elizabeth cohen in atlanta. a new report from the american academy of pediatrics and children's hospital association shows a 13% jump in the number of children with covid from october 1st through october 15th. that's a jump from about 657,000 children to 741,000. now children do tend to stay healthier with covid when you look at hospitalizations. children represent only between 1 and 3% of hospitalizations depending on the state. i'm jacqueline howard in
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atlanta. the coronavirus pandemic continues to hit the black community hard. a new study finds black covid-19 patients are more likely to be hospitalized than white patients are. there's a 1.7 fold difference. the study found no significant difference when it came to icu admissions or deaths, although other previous research has. the new study included data on 5,000 people tested for covid-19 in michigan and the researchers call for more investment in testing and prevention efforts across racially diverse communities. >> all right. thank you so much for those reports. president trump abruptly ending an interview with "60 minutes" and now threatening to release it himself. threatening but hasn't yet. plus cracks emerge in the coronavirus task force at the white house. louisville police officer involved in the breonna taylor case says what could have been done differently that would have
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.. a louisville police officers is speaking out about the march raid that cost breonna taylor her life. sergeant jonathan mattingly, who appeared for the first time in an interview with "the courier journal." >> this is nothing like it. it's not a race thing like people want to make it to be. this was a point where we were doing our job and returned fire. this is not us hunting somebody not. this is not kneeling on a neck.
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these nothing like that. >> this is as we are learning from an anonymous member of the grand jury, they were not given the tupt to consider home crisis charges against the officers. laura coats is joining mess now. i want to know what your reaction is, that this this isn't like george floyd, not like ahmaud arbery, that they were fired upon and returned fire. do you it that way? >> the most obvious distinction is ahmaud arbery, who died from people who are engaged in a per verse form of vigilante justice. the common denominator is about the power dynamic about information that's given, much like the cases, though george floyd is an anomaly in the sense that the officers being fired right away, you have both the prosecution and the
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investigators having cement blocks for feet, brianna, about the type of information that was given and ultimately about the type of conclusions that could be drawn. this officer is trying to draw a distinction, but you cannot look at the case in a vacuum and exclude the conversation on race when the power dynamics at play were very evident. we only have a charge for shooting a wall, not for kaillig a black woman. >> charges for wanton endangerment have to do with bullets going into another apartment. the sergeant discussed approaching the home. >> after the first bang, nothing happened. i banged gel, police, search warrant, you're yelling this. >> how many times? >> probably three times with each bang. there was a total of six bangs,
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six different knocks at the door while we're doing this. >> that's something that stands out to in contrast to what breonna taylor's boyfriend kenneth walker said. he didn't hear police notifying it was police. it appears there's only one other witness hearing police notifying it was police, and they only ahead it once. what do you make of what you heard from the officer. >> remember, this is supposed to be a no-knock announcement warrant, to avoid people gathering confiscated material. that's in contrast just to breonna taylor's boyfriend, but to multiple witnesses. we were watching as daniel cameron, the a good. in kentucky, talked about this, and said you have one witness who said they may have heard something, but multiple
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witnesses saying they never heard a thing. the person who was in the room when breonna taylor was shot also did not hear it, which is why he fired the warning shot. this undermines the entire credibility of the investigation. >> unfortunately there's no body camera footage that could corroborate what he's saying. he talked about body cameras and what could have been done differently. let's listen to that part. >> do you believe if you had body cameras, this wouldn't have happened? >> no. the incident would have still happened, but it would have been shown on camera what happened. this wouldn't even be an issue. you would never hear about it. michael strahan would never have known about this case. >> how would you have done it differently. >> served the no-knock warrant or the normal five to ten seconds to not give people teem
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to formulate a plan or gather their senses. if they had happened, breonna taylor would have been alive. >> what do you think about that, what he said about body cameras. >> body cameras -- oftentimes officers look to have body cameras to justify their behavior and explain to the public what actually happened. but, of course, here what he tells you is there was a departure from normal protocol. we know that by virtue that one of the officers charged with endangerment was already released and let go early in the investigation, boo you he disregarded the training and the protocol that is in place about shooting blindly and indiscrimina indiscriminately. but ultimately here you have the discussion whether or not there was a justifiable and holistic approach.
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what does the grand jurors have available to them at the time they made the decisions of whether to charge or even pursue or contemplate homicide charges? we're learning it was never even presented, body cam footage or not. >> laura, thank you so much. as medical experts warn the country is a week away from seeing the rapid acceleration, a numbers of officials are breaking or contradicting the president. we're going to roll the tape, ahead.
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it is the top of the hour. i'm brianna keilar. the number of coronavirus cases is on the rise, and only expected to get worse, from dr. scott gottlieb, who warns the countries is about a week away from a rapid increase in cases. more than 60,000 new cases on tuesday alone. the seven-dade average send much better, a level that's not been seen since early august. 14 states have test positivity rates above 10%. ten states just set hospitalization records. nationwide no states have declining case numbers. if you
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