tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN October 23, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." please join me for a special edition of "the situation room" tomorrow night, 7:00 p.m. eastern. until then, follow me on twitter and instagram. tweet the show and erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. fauci is my guest. i'm going to ask him about the coronavirus surge ravaging the country. what anything americans can do to turn this pandemic around. and those persistent attacks on him by the president of the united states. and trump seizing on widen's comments about oil and fracking. and the race to 270. who is ahead in florida, and why there could be bad news for republicans in kansas and south carolina. let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, just 11 days until election day. and tonight, the candidates
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laying out stark differences on the defining issue of this campaign, the pandemic. the president about to speak at a rally in pensacola, florida. his second big rally in the sunshine state today. his first was at a retirement community in the villages. many seniors there not wearing masks. no need to remind you, elderly people oh are the increased risk of dying from the coronavirus. joe biden laying out his plan to combat the virus, including specifically wearing masks. >> wearing a mask is not a political statement. it's a scientific imperative. >> biden wants mask mandates in all the states. the president, of course, actively encouraging no mask wearing at his own rallies. and today in florida, with the senioring wearing few masks, at the white house president trump once again mocked a reporter for wearing a mask.
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>> this is jeff mason. he's got a mask on, it's the largest mask i think i've ever seep. >> while the president is painting a rosy picture tonight, here he is. >> we're going to quickly end this pandemic, this horrible plague that came in from china. if you look at what's going on, and we're rounding the turn, we're rounding the corner. we're rounding the corner beautifully. >> biden sees things very differently. >> last night, we saw the president of the united states say to the american people about the state of this pandemic. we saw him refuse to take responsibility. if this is a success, what does a failure look like? we're more than eight months into this crisis, and the president still doesn't have a plan. he's given up. he's quit on you. he's quit on your family.
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he's quit on america. >> voters tonight have two polar opposite choices that became even clearer on that final debate stage last night. >> we're about to go into a dark winter, a dark winter, and he has no clear plan. >> we're not going to have a dark winter at all. we're opening up our country. i say we're learning to live with it. >> people are learning to die with it. >> i'm going to speak with the nation's top infectious disease doctor, anthony fauci. but first, i want to go to the two campaigns tonight covering the biden campaign. and kaitlan is at the villages. the vice president laying out new details to combat the virus. what did he say? >> reporter: it's clear that joe biden is trying to keep the coronavirus pandemic front and center in these closing days of this campaign. the former vice president arguing that president trump is ignoring the realities of the state of the pandemic right now
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in this country, and also arguing that the number of deaths due to covid-19 show that the president is ill equipped, that he didn't develop a sufficient plan. so what you heard from joe biden today in delaware, was starting to lay out that strategy of what he would do in office if elected. one of those things is he's not going to wait until he's in the white house to work on this pandemic. he said that during the transition, he would begin reaching out to governors, republicans and democrats, to gauge what kind of resources they need to combat the pandemic. he also said that he would call on congress to put a bill on his desk by the end of january to provide the resources for public health and economic initiatives. a contrast to the current state of play in washington right now, as negotiations are tied up over that covid relief bill. biden talked about the need for americans to wear masks, saying that it's not a political statement, that it's something people need to do to stop the spread of the virus and consider
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other people around them. biden acknowledged he can't implement a nationwide mask mandate but he would go to the governors asking them to do so. if they did not do that in their states, he would take that to the mayors and local officials. biden in the closing days is really honing in on the covid-19 crisis, as well as the economy. his advisers believe this is the defining issue of the campaign. and that voters will ultimately believe that the president's handling of the pandemic will be a reason to vote for biden in the coming weeks as the election winds down. >> arlet, thank you. kaitlan is in florida. the two visions here could not be more starkly different. very different picture in president trump tonight. >> reporter: yeah, they couldn't be more different. you heard it last night, but we're seeing it today. the difference in these events that joe biden and president trump are holding. so that's the question that ultimately pans out here.
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what the president was saying last night, mocking joe biden for saying that we're going to have a dark winter ahead. the president repeated that here today. this is what the rally would have looked like if they held it a year ago, before there was a pandemic, before anyone knew what coronavirus was. it's not just mask wearing, and we saw few and far between here today. but also the social distancing. there is no social distancing here. this is a retirement community. a massive one. and everyone is seated next to each other. and yes, we are outdoors, which medical experts say helps. but we saw how that played with the rose garden event and how it can still spread even if outdoor it is no one is wearing a mask. they're certainly not social distancing. so the president was here to shore up support with seniors, which is what helped carry him to the white house in 2016. and he has these people wearing
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trump shirts on his side. but the question is, what about the vulnerable seniors who are worried about covid and what's going to happen. did the president win any votes over by holding rallies like that? that's the big question for the trump campaign they're going to find out in about 11 days. >> absolutely a crucial question because they need those votes to win. thank you. just to be clear, here is where things stand in this country right now. more than 223,000 americans are dead. 32 states tonight showing upward trends and new cases. only one state in the country is on a downward swing. the daily case count in the united states topping 70,000. we don't even have today's numbers, so i'll give you yesterday's. today we are already over 65,000, so we're on track for another near record. so 12 states seeing their highest seven-day averages yesterday. and the seven-day average continues to climb.
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now it's 763, the highest level of weekly deaths in a month. hospitalizations also on the rise. 41,000 americans hospitalized. "outfront" now, dr. anthony fauci. dr. fauci, i appreciate your time. you know, we look at these numbers, and they're sobering. there's been this chart out there deeply concerning comparing the u.s. to europe. and, you know, you know this well. i'll put it up for everyone to see. europe a couple of weeks ahead of the u.s. at the beginning. we saw the surge, there and then here. the numbers came down significantly. but that never really happened here. we were always at a much higher plateau. now in europe, a super spike in cases, well ahead of what we're seeing here in the united states. are you concerned that we could be about to follow suit with a massive spike? >> yeah. erin, i am concerned about that.
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the reason i'm concerned is the numbers that you gave are baseline, is really quite high. if we hang around 50,000, 60,000, 70,000, that's the reflection of community spread. as you look at the map of the country, you see more than 30 states are having upticks in test positivity, which is a pretty good predictor that you're going to have a surge in cases, which will lead to a surge in hospitalizations. the reason i'm particularly concerned, as we get deeper into the cooler months of the fall and the colder months of the winter, that activities out of necessity are going to have to be done indoors. that's going to be a problem. that's the reason i say we really need to double down on the kind of public health measures we've been talking about so long. and i don't mean shutting down the country, erin. when i talk about amplifying and just stressing the public health measures, people think that that
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means we're going to shut down. it doesn't mean that. it means there are some fundamental things that you can do. universal mask wearing, keeping a distance, avoiding crowded sessions, particularly indoors. and wash your hands as often as you can. they sound very simple, but we're not uniformly doing that. that's one of the reasons why we're seeing these surges. we can control them without shutting down the country, and we've got to pay particular attention now, particularly these congregant settings indoors more than outdoors. so as much as i can, i plead with the american public to please take these things seriously. we can turn it around. >> there is a new study, dr. fauci, from columbia university, and it had a big range but a horrifying range. 130,000 to 210,000 americans
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would be alive if we had had a stronger response to the virus. right up to 94% of the people who died in this country could still be alive if ywe had done some of the things you mentioned. national mask mandates, they cite the insufficient testing response, and delayed overall response as some of the reasons they think these deaths could have been prevented. like i said, it is a stunning study to read. do you think that many lives could have been saved by those simple but fundamental things? >> you know, erin, i don't want to put a number on it, because that's a model study. but i feel quite confident that if we had uniformly done the things i was talking about just a moment ago, that certainly considerable number of lives could have been saved. you remember back when we were having the daily press conferences at the white house, and i was saying when we were talking about opening up the
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economy and eaching inopening country again. we had the gateway, the phase one, two, and three. and emphasized it's not like turning a light switch on or off. it can't be that you can go from being relatively locked down to just opening up and not worrying about anything. you've got to do it in a graded fashion, and a graded fashion means you abide by the guidelines, but you do it with some fundamental common denominators. that's what i refer those five things to. they're almost like minimal common denominators we have to do. we can't be having some not doing it at all and others adhering to it. lives likely could have been saved if we had done it that way, but it's not too late. that's the point i want to make. i don't want to say let's throw up our hands, we can turn it around, we can. >> so we can by doing those
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things. what you're talking about, some of your concerns what we're seeing in europe and whether that could happen here is obviously inconsistent with what the president is saying. he did just speak moments ago and here's what he said. >> we're going to quickly end this pandemic, this horrible plague that came in from china. you look at what's going on, and we're rounding the turn, we're rounding the corner. we're rounding the corner beautifully. >> dr. fauci, do you agree? >> well, if you look at the numbers, erin, it tells us that we really are facing a very challenging situation. and if we don't do something in the enls of paying stricter attention to the kinds of public health mitigation issues we were talking about, it's not going to spontaneously turn around. the good news on the horizon is that vaccines look promising, and hopefully by the time we get to the end of november, the
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beginning of december, we will have shown that we have at least one or two, and maybe more, but at least two vaccines that are safe and effective. that's going to be an important issue. but from the public health standpoint, if you look at the numbers of the daily infections, the upticks on the map of more than 30 states that are having upticks, it's not going to spontaneously turn around unless we do something about it. we don't want to throw our hands up and give up. that's ridiculous to do that. but on the other hand, we don't want to say nothing can happen. we have control of this. we can do things that can turn that around. >> so i understand, you know, you don't want to wade into politics, but masks are not political, they shouldn't be political, right? we see the president at these rallies and people don't wear masks. and joe biden does have a really different plan. today he talked about it and specifically talked about making mask wearing mandatory.
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here's how he put it. >> first, i'll go to governor and urge them to mandate mask wearing in their states. if they refuse, i'll get local masking requirements in place nationwide. >> he also wants to make masks mandatory in federal buildings, interstate transportation. do you think this ask a good idea? is this what a president of the united states would be helpful if they were doing, fighting for mask mandates? >> one of the issues that people that talk about mandating not be a good idea, because then they have to enforce it and it will be a difficulty enforcing it. but if everyone agrees this is something that's important, and they mandated it, and everyone pulls together and says, we're going to mandate it, but let's just do it, i think that would be a great idea to have everybody do it uniformly. i get the argument that says if you mandate a mask, then you have to enforce it, creating
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more of a problem. if people are not wearing masks, then maybe we should be mandating it. >> so in other words, it sounds like what you're saying is the power of the comments, that you only need to have a certain amount and a mandate could get you there, even if you don't have enforcement. >> right, exactly. >> so when you -- you mentioned a vaccine, and you spend a lot of time on that and you spend a lot of time on therapies. and the president did just speak about that as well, and his own experience recover fromming the virus. let me play it again. >> i can tell you from personal experience that i was in the hospital, i had it, and i got better, and i will tell you that i had something that they gave me, a therapeutic i guess they would call it. some people would say it's a cure. >> okay, cure is a really big word and a word that all of us cling on when we hear it.
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i know you talked about the antibody cocktail he received being extremely effective in his case. would you call that, though, a cure? >> you know, it's semantics, erin, it really is. when you talk about a cure, you're talking about something if you don't intervene, it's not going to get better by itself. many of these cases spontaneously recover without intervention. so when we intervene, and a person gets better, i would rather say it hastened or improved greatly their recovery, because cure means that -- for example, you have cancer and you give someone chemotherapy, they're cured. if you didn't give them chemo, they would have died. but you have the situation where someone might ultimately bet getter, the semantics of saying cure, it means different things to different people. i would rather say these
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therapies are highly effective in essentially making someone improve much, much rapidly than they normally would. >> is that -- is right now the antibody cocktail the most promising thing that you are seeing out there? >> well, the antibody cocktail is directed specifically against the virus itself. so it's something you would want to give more early in the course of infection. we have some good they are'3" i people advanced in the disease. so that's where we're focusing. antibodies, erin, are quite promising. the monochlonal antibody the president received is quite promising. we're doing clinical trials from that antibody to show they're
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safe and effective. myself, i'm cautiously optimistic that they are going to be an important tool. we were very successful with those type of antibodies with ebola. and it made a big difference in ebola. i would hope and i think it would make a big difference here. >> one final question, dr. fauci. the president again last night called you a democrat to disparage you. he's been saying it a lot lately, high here. >> i think he's a democrat, but that's okay. he's a democrat. he's a very good friend of the cuomo family. he's a democrat, everybody knows that. >> you made it clear obviously you're not registered to either party. as i said, it's irrelevant what you are, it's not relevant to what you do. but he keeps saying this to disparage you, to bring your reputation down among people who see that as a negative. do you think he's trying to get you to quit? >> i don't think so, erin.
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i don't pay attention to that kind of thing, and i have the ability to just focus like a laser on what i need to do. and my job, through vaccines, through therapies and by public health measures, is to safeguard the health, safety of the american public. these other kind of things, people may find it difficult to believe, are a mere distraction. they don't bother me. i know what my job is, and i'm going to do it. so that kind of -- whatever you want to call it -- it's noise. >> we all really appreciate your laser focus on trying to do those things in protecting the american people. thank you for your time tonight, dr. fauci. >> good to be with you, erin. thank you for having me. and next, debate fallout. president trump giving himself props. biden cleaning up comments about flaking.
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who has the edge right now? plus this -- >> i would like to terminate obamacare, come up with a brand new beautiful health care. >> more than four years ago, where is the plan? and red state warning, a campaign watcher says republicans have reason to worry, perhaps in states like kansas and alaska. into a smaller life? are your asthma treatments just not enough? then see what could open up for you with fasenra. it is not a steroid or inhaler. it is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. it's an add-on injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove eosinophils,
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new tonight, duelling victory laps. joe biden and president trump claiming they came out ahead in last night's debate, and that their opponent did more harm than dd with election day 11 days away. >> last night, we saw the president of the united states say to the american people -- >> i think joe biden proved last night that he's not capable of being president of the united states. >> president trump also saying he sees no need for another debate because he is ahead in the race. of course, this was the last debate. but one obviously had been canceled. a cnn poll of debate watchers found that biden won by 14%. michael smerconish is "outfront" now and laura lopez. thanks to both. michael, 11 days in the current news cycle is an eternity. but is president trump's
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confidence merited? >> i think that there were no fatal mistakes made in the debate last night. i think the president had a good night, and i think that the vice president, former vice president, had a good enough night. and by that, what i mean, erin, is that as i told you going into the debate, i thought that vice president biden simply needed to do no harm, commit no gaffes, come out of it as he went in. it's president trump who needs a momentum shift according to all of the data. did he get a momentum shift last night? i don't think that he got what he needed. now he's hoping to build on live events like you have been covering today at the villages. he'll do three live events in three different states tomorrow and hope he can create the perception of a momentum shift. >> right, right. of course, these crowded crowds is what he wants to do just that. laura, you are in arizona right now, which is a state that's not voted democratic for president in 25 years.
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biden is fighting hard to flip it. so what are you hearing from the voters you're talking to? >> yeah, arizona is very much feels like a toss-up right now. people that i talked to in the last day or so have said that they wouldn't be surprised if trump wins it by a percentage point or if biden won by two percentage points. but what it comes down to in arizona is maricopa county, which is where i am. and that this county accounts for 60% of the electorate in the state. and so what's key here are the suburbs, which are predominantly white, and they could swing biden's way, the way they went for senator kirsten cinema in 2018, the first democrat to win statewide in decades. and so biden really needs to turn up -- turn out voters in the suburbs. he also needs to get about 70%
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of the latino electorate. from what i'm hearing, latinos are energized, but, again, it's ault about how many of them are going to turn out. is the pandemic going to affect that. which some of the latino democrats i've been speaking to on the ground are wary of the fact that even though arizona is familiar with voting by mail, that the pandemic could impact some of that turnout. >> so michael, the biden campaign is trying to clean up the exchange that biden had with trump on fracking. let me play it for you. >> i never said i oppose fracking. >> you said it on tape. >> show the tape. put it on your website. >> i'll put it on. >> the fact of the matter is, he's lying. >> he was against fracking, he said it. >> fracking on federal land. >> trump's team was quick to pull the ad in the past, here it is.
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>> could there by in place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking, in a biden administration? >> no. we would work it out. we would make sure it's eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those. any fossil fuel. no more -- no new fracking. >> now, michael, obviously you're from pennsylvania, you're not just there tonight, yo know the state well. people employed in fracking and their families in pennsylvania total more than trump's margin of victory in the state in 2016. so it may be a big issue. do you get that sense that this issue impacts votes? >> i do. i think it's very big, and very big in particular for high school educated white males who provided the base of support for that upset victory that the president scored by just a razor thin margin in the commonwealth four years ago. so it was an unforced error. it was something that the former vice president knew or should have known was going to come up, and i think that he didn't speak
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clearly in the debate. and, yes, will pay some price for it. >> laura, suburbs in arizona where you are, what is the top issue you're hearing? >> a lot of it has to do with the coronavirus. part of the reason that president trump in arizona has started to see slippage with scl college edge waited white voters and seniors in the suburbs is because of the paendemic. over the summer, that hurt him when there was a spike in cases. so the president's inability to really shift the conversation away from the pandemic has hurt him in places like the maricopa suburbs. >> thank you both, laura, michael, i appreciate it. and next, this trump claim -- >> i'm the least racist person. >> the former chairman of the rnc, michael steele, is
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we took a bad economy that was falling and turned it around. trump took a good economy and drove it back into the ditch through his failure to get covid under control, his failure to deliver real relief to working people. does he not understand and see the tens of millions of people who've had to file for unemployment this year, so far? the people who lost wages while the cost of groceries has gone up dramatically. donald trump has been almost singularly focused on the stock market, the dow, the nasdaq -- not you, not your families. my plan will help create at least five million new, good-paying jobs and create them right here in the united states of america. let's use this opportunity to take bold investments in american industry and innovation. so the future is made in america.
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i'll be laser focused on working families. ♪ i'm joe biden, and i approve this message. now every bath fitter bathbath fis installed quickly, ♪ safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. go from old to new. from worn to wow. the beautiful bath you've always wanted, done right, installed by one expert technician, all in one day. we've been creating moments like these for 35 years, and we're here to help you get started. book your free virtual or in-home design consultation today.
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tonight, where is the president's health care plan? president trump in the debate insisting he will have a plan to replace obamacare. >> what i would like to do is a much better health care, much better. it will always protect people with preexisting. so i would like to terminate obamacare, come up with a brand new, beautiful health care. >> however, this is something that we have been hearing from president trump since his 2016 campaign. >> we're going to repeal and replace obamacare so quickly. our health care plan is really going to be something excellent. we're coming out with tremendous health care plans. we're going to have fantastic health care, and the plan is coming out over the next four weeks. obamacare is a disaster. we want to terminate it. we want to get great health care. >> just to be clear that four-week plan he said was on
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may 20, 2019, 74 weeks ago, just to do the math. "outfront" now, hogan giddily, for the trump campaign. he's described it over the past four years as excellent, tremendous, fantastic, beautiful, and great. where is it? >> the very fact that we're having a conversation at all about health care in this election in 2020 proves that obamacare has been a complete and total failure. you remember the lies we were told by joe biden, that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. the you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. all of that was up true. and the american people saw skyrocketing premiums by hundreds of percentage points in various states. tens of millions lost their health care. the president came into office and had to act and had to act quickly. he got rid of the individual mandate right off the top, the most popular part of obamacare
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that hurt middle income americans and lower income americans. he made sure to declare that we will protect preexisting conditions, signing an executive order saying that that is the policy of this country. also very important -- >> the preexisting conditions were the core of obamacare, financed by the individual mandate in part. but the reason we're talking about health care right now is because the president has repeatedly said he's going to put this plan out. and now we're 11 weeks away from the election and he has not done so. why not? where is the plan? >> but you have already seen so many pieces of what he wants to do. that's the whole point. the american people needed relief from obamacare. it was crippling the nation. the costs were outrageous. already we've seen a reduction in drug prices because this president made sure that generics got on the market faster. we saw reimportation from other countries for prescription prices.
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we've seen epi pens go from hundreds of dollars to $35. zat data shows that for three consecutive years, we've seen a reduction in premiums and medicare for seniors. the costs have come down for three years in a row. so you're seeing pieces of the plan already. >> costs going down is a good thing. president trump says he wants the supreme court to end obamacare. according to an analysis by the hhs in 2017 in this administration, if president trump is successful, as many as 133 million nonelderly americans have preexisting conditions that could disqualify them from getting health care. that is a stunning number. so what happens to those people? because we don't have a plan to show what he would do. >> well, a couple of things. as i said, he already signed an
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executive order saying that protecting preexisting conditions is the policy of this country. in the c.a.r.e.s. act, we have billions set aside for testing and treatment for coronavirus. that's a preexisting condition right there. he'll protect them. let's be clear, it was joe biden last night who said he wants to add in the public option. that would kick off 180 million people right out of their own private health care plans. it would potentially close 1,000 rural hospitals that people in those remote areas need. and you know it's one step away -- >> the thing is -- >> barack obama, kamala harris and pete buttigieg all said that's what it would take to get to that takeover. >> getting to preexisting conditions, it costs money, it's crucial, people want it. but it does cost money, part of the reason there was an individual mandate. our phil mattingly asked a republican senator about where is the health care plan from the president? it's easy to say you support preexisting conditions but
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difficult to do it. the senator said, a republican senator said, it's bs. what do you say to that? that's from your own party. >> i don't know what senator that is, but look, it was this president -- one of the reasons i came to work from donald trump is when i used to work for mike huckabee, he and donald trump had the same position. social security and ned camedic should be protect at all costs. just because the government misspends that money should. punish the american people. this is the only president who is pulling other republicans along to say we are going to protect social security, we are going to protect medicare. it was joe biden just a few years ago saying multiple times that he has tried repeatedly to stop funding into social security and medicare. and the claims that donald trump is going to end social security have been fact checked false many times by independent fact
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checkers. >> hogan, i appreciate your time. thank you very much. obviously i was talking about health care there. i want to bring in michael steele now, former chair of the republican national committee. you do support joe biden for president. i want to be clear. so when you hear this conversation, it comes in the context of people care, and they care in the context of coronavirus, and they care in the context of their lives. 91% of respondents say health care is important to their vote. and yet, i don't blame hogan, it's not his job to put a plan out, he doesn't have an explanation where we're past the president's due date. will the president pay a price for not being a plan or not? >> i any he'll pay less of a price because there is no plan and more of a price because health care and all these other elements are tied into covid-19. covid-19, the president's handling and management of that,
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his rhetoric around it, his on again, off again love affair with dr. fauci, the disinformation, misguided information, all of that is far more troubling at this stage of this campaign for a lot of voters than whether or not the president has a plan. now, what reinforces that concern is the point that you made and the discussion you just had with my buddy, hogan, and that is, okay, since you are going after obamacare after republicans have been pronouncing repeal and replace for now ten years, and you don't apparently have a plan, but you are also now taking out preexisting conditions in the supreme court, what am i going to do? you asked the right question when you said 130 million americans could suddenly find themselves in a very different world of hurt beginning january of next year. so all of that is baked in now for a lot of voters on the
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health care issue. even though h th is nis is not policy driven election, this is sticking in the draw because of covid. >> the president was asked whether his rhetoric is contributing to hate and division and i wanted to play how he responded. >> i am the least racist person, i can't even see the audience because it's so dark, but i don't care who is in the audience, i'm the least racist person in this room. >> people, you know, all day have been clicking on that story trying to understand what he's saying there. what's your reaction to that? >> well, my momma raised me, if you got to tell me something like that, then maybe you're protesting a little bit too much. maybe you're trying to convince me of something that you know is not true. and i think that a lot of americans, again, i can only go by what you say.
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i can only go by how you connect or don't connect. i can only go by what you do. so when you factor in all of these elements for a lot of americans, going back to his, you know, how he would discriminate in housing, how he would, you know, employ african-americans at his casinos. how he approached the central park five. then we get into his time as president. so the record clearly says one thing. the rhetoric says something else, which i think a lot of americans discount at this point. >> all right. rhetoric versus reality often not the same thing. michael steele, thank you very much. >> it always bites. and next, the stakes in florida. they could not be higher. is there a path to victory for president trump without winning florida? i'm going to ask a man who knows the map better than anyone. and the trump campaign is videotaping voters. is this okay or illegal voter intimidation? ere's a bridge.
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no on 22. uber and lyft want all the power. so, show them the real power is you. vote no on prop 22. let's see... prop 19, tax limits for seniors and disabled homeowners. oh, yeah. -hi honey! -hey dad! oh wait... make sure you vote 'yes' on prop 19, okay? why's that? well, it saves you money. you guys can sell the house and move to a smaller place near us with no tax increases. plus, you'd be really close to your doctor. boy, that sounds good. so vote 'yes' prop 19. love you guys, bye. so vote 'yes' prop 19. woman: after covid, my hours got so we can't pay our bills. and now our family budget is gonna be hit hard with prop 15. the yes on 15 ads say it only raises taxes on big corporations. that's not true - we're all going to pay. $11 billion in new property taxes will get passed on to small businesses and farms. they'll raise prices...
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...higher gas, health care, food...even day care. we can't make ends meet now. families can't afford 15. no on prop 15. moments from now, president trump kicking off his rally in pensacola, florida. his second rally in florida today. so is there any way he can win the white house without the state? "outfront" now, larry sabato, the founder and defender for the university of virginia center of politics. so florida, we always hear it's must win. president today, two stops, west palm beach casting his early vote tomorrow. you say it's a toss-up, but president trump cannot win the white house without florida. so if the election were held tonight, do you think he would win it? >> i think it would be very close. and remember, the polling arm at
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least, and we remember polls from 2016, but the polling average had biden up a little within a margin of error. that's 29 electoral votes. if trump loses that, it is a tense sign of what's happening. after all these registered voters in florida, he can technically win without it, he would have to win everything he won except in florida and 2016 of a straight electoral vote or maine or something like that. he can do it but very difficult. >> the group that's going to determine it for him are seniors. >> he went to the largest retirement community in the country, we saw it, few masks and no social distancing. he's there and he's betting that this is going to work. >> how is this playing with
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seniors in florida? >> are you seeing them as equally split or is that is a group that has turn towards biden? >> in florida is a little bit towards biden. even a 50/50 split among seniors means trump loses. he needs to carry tseniors by a majority. they have moved away from him in part because of covid. that's a bad sign for him. he's compensating some what with certain categories. >> i want to ask you about this, control is at stake this year and you are watching a lot of races carefully. on your map, larry and your current calculation, you have been looking attritionally republican states, alaska, kansas, georgia, south carolina, texas, reliably republicans. you are seeing warning signs there.
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what and why? >> the key is, erin, democrats recruited a good class of challengers. they are competing in places where they should not have much of a chance of winning. trump is not carrying these deeply red states by the 15% or 20% he won the last time. he's winning in these states but 7% or 8% or 10%. these candidates can climb that hill. it is not climbing mount everest. let's take kansas, south carolina, biden is trailing trump as you point out. let's take kansas because you point out the seven margins. seven points there, trump is ahead in the latest polls. hillary clinton was 20% more.
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>> absolutely, that's an avalanche vote. it is difficult for someone down ballot to pull enough vote on the other side to win. larry, thank you very much. focusing on what he's focusing and what will likely happen. the trump campaign is under fire for video taping voters. is it allowed or is it voter intimidation?
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trump campaign video taped voters. pamela brown is with us. >> reporter: with the election 11 days away, new concerns of possible voter intimidation after a trump campaign filmed voters at a philadelphia poll station. three people dropping off more than one ballot each. what trump's attorney believes it is the tip of the iceberg and what could cause it to unlawful absentee voting. voters are allowed to drop ballots for people who are disabled. the video may be interpreted as intimidation. >> it is illegal. video taping you without consent is apart of that. >> on election interference, intelligence officials confirmed russian hackers have stolen election data. >> it is unclear how the
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information will be used. ron used voter information to send threatening e-mails that came to light this week. >> the federal government issued two new cyber security alerts. officials say election infrastructure had not been compromised. president trump slammed the assessment gwagain at last nighs debate. >> they both want you to lose because there is nobody tougher than russia. nobody is tougher than me with russia. >> russia has been interfering of the run up of our election already. >> for my part a far more serious threat than iran.
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>> reporter: more than 50 million americans already turned in their ballots. more than half of those votes came from cnn's 16 most competitive states. and erin, we are learning of the first 2020 election ransom where it happened in georgia. one official said the hack affected a voter signature database. experts did not believe it affected the election infrastructure that it was more of profits than politics. they can cause confusion and chaos. >> pam, thank you very much. thanks very much all of you
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for joining us. have a safe weekend. you can watch "out front" any time anywhere, you just have to go to >> ac with "360" starts now. >> good evening. previous high of 77,000 of covid cases in one day. data at john hopkins reported 22,000. yesterday there were more than 71,000 new cases and the trend line is rising. that trend line is followed by increase hospitalization and sadly increase deaths. we saw the same thing this summer and it is happening again. it is grim stuff and the president talked about it today. >> we are rounding the corner beautifully. we'll quickly end this pandic
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