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tv   Countdown to Election Day  CNN  November 2, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PST

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campaigning across the united states. tomorrow, america picks its president. the choice is between two fundamentally different men, between scranton and manhattan as joe biden puts it, and between two different strategies how to steer the united states out of a pandemic that's getting worse and worse by the day. monday map tells you what you need to know. each campaign closing day priorities. joe biden in ohio, then onto pennsylvania. the president checking in on four states. north carolina, pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan. both presidential nominees with final day focus on the commonwealth of pennsylvania. former president, barack obama, helping democrats with turnout voter stops in georgia and florida. the early vote number is remarkable. it is enormous. ballots cast so far, 95 plus million. it is important to remember those record numbers are not just votes for president but important votes for senate, for the house, for statehouses, for ballot initiatives, judges, and so on. look at the polls.
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two things are crystal clear this final day. one, joe biden, yes, has a chance for a statement election, one that would remake the map, carry him to the white house and likely imperil republican grip on the united states senate as well. two, president trump now sits in a worse position than candidate trump did on the final day of 2016. but, and this is an important but, another trump surprise is not out of the question. pennsylvania is a big focus in closing hours. moments ago, the running mates say the keystone state, 20 electoral votes could decide the outcome. >> there's a lot at stake and we want to make sure that everybody we know votes, okay? because i think y'all know, that's why we are all here, keep coming back, because we care about pennsylvania and because pennsylvania is going to determine the outcome of this election. >> tomorrow we need the people of the keystone state to show
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america that pennsylvania is trump country. >> why might pennsylvania matter so much? let's look at the map. this is the 2016 map. democrats don't like this map. this is president trump's path to victory four years ago. we all remember pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, so-called democratic blue wall. those three industrial states haven't been red since 1992. democrats carried them since 1992 in every election. the president flipped them. joe biden leads in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. just those three states alone, if all of the other clinton states stay blue, those three states winning there makes joe biden the next president of the united states, makes donald trump a one term president. biden campaign will tell you and polls support it, they're competitive in florida, georgia, north carolina, arizona, maybe even in texas and places like ohio where joe biden is today. joe biden has a chance to expand the map, make a statement.
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remember 2016. let's watch the president in all of the rallies, go into counties where he believes he can generate enormous election day turnout. if he does, assume he holds florida, georgia, holds north carolina, perfectly within the realm. republican leaning states in presidential politics for some time. say he holds arizona, wins in iowa, keeps ohio. if all that happened, you come back to the blue wall. joe biden's lead in michigan has been consistent and comfortable. we'll see if it holds up. keep that one blue. wisconsin, leading 6 to 8 pointpoint points. joe biden will be there, the president will be there, vice president pence is there, senator harris is there. under this scenario, joe biden keeps it, he is president. donald trump gets it, he has four more years. 20 electoral votes, one of the biggest prizes. if other states stay in the
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republican fold despite narrow biden leads, it could come down to commonwealth of pennsylvania. if it does and is close, the count could take two or three days because of the overwhelming number of mail in and absentee ballots. may need patience in the election. and despite what you hear from the president, nothing wrong with that. pennsylvania could be critical. other battleground states are important. they're focused on one thing, getting people that didn't vote early to vote tomorrow. visit three battleground states for an update on the ground. gary tuckman is in battleground ohio, cleveland exactly. >> reporter: john, hello to you. 24th and final day of early voting in the state of ohio. this is the cuyahoga county board of elections in cleveland. there are a lot of people here voting. a line of hundreds of people five minutes ago when we walked outside. polls open in this county and 87 others throughout the state of ohio at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow
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morning and close at 2:00 p.m. you can see inside here now, i don't mean to get in anyone's way, congratulations for voting. you look a little young, you're not 18. he is with his mom, that's okay. you can see it is crowded. 90 ballot areas, don't have enough space to put them six feet apart. they've put up -- four years ago, donald trump won this state by 8.1 percentage points. right now, polls show it too close to call. yesterday, the biden campaign made a decision to come here for a campaign stop as we speak. biden is speaking ten minutes behind me here in cleveland at a motor rally. this state has 18 electoral votes, 7th largest haul among 50 states and district of columbia. now going to the east and pennsylvania and kate bolduan. >> reporter: thanks so much. just got an update from the secretary of state who says more than 2.4 mail in ballots have
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been received. 78% of the mail in ballots have been returned. they're very happy with what they're seeing there. that also means they're expecting to see ten times as many mail in ballots than in 2016. in philadelphia, you can see behind me one of the drop boxes throughout the city. people are coming by throughout the morning to put their ballots in there securely. the mayor of philadelphia put out an open letter to voters this morning asking for patience during voting and afterwards. he said it could easily take several days to tally all of the mail in ballots they're getting, and he is just talking about philadelphia. there's one big reason why. they're trying to manage expectations. it is because pennsylvania and its 20 electoral votes is critical to the path to 270 electoral votes for both candidates and they know that. both joe biden and donald trump
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are here in the state today. let's now go south to randi kaye in florida. >> reporter: and kate, of course pennsylvania is certainly very important. let's not forget how critical florida is. 29 electoral votes up for grabs in the state of florida. probably why both campaigns are showing this state a whole lot of love. donald trump was here for a late night rally last night in miami. barack obama, former president, coming here today. you can see the winds of the election are sweeping and blowing both ways, don't know which way they're going to land. already more than 8.9 million votes have been cast here in early voting and mail in ballots. here at the voting equipment center behind me, they're processing and tabulating votes so they're ready to go for election day first thing in the morning tomorrow and will release them tomorrow evening
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after polls close. florida of course is a nail biter. 7 of the 10 last elections have been within recount range and the last republican candidate to win the state of florida was calvin cool calvin coolidge back in 1924. donald trump won this state by 113,000 votes. you know it well, john, that was 1.2% ahead of hillary clinton. certainly both campaigns have their eyes on florida. >> florida, florida, florida. battleground florida. seered into my brain. randi kaye, appreciate that live report. appreciate our correspondents across the country. this is joe biden in cleveland, ohio. let's listen. >> and the president has about $600 billion in contracts from the military on down. no government contract will be given to a company that doesn't have all of the products,
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including the supply line, all products made in america. every product. look. our future can be made right here in ohio. folks, we're in a position that we can do so much more, so much more. folks, donald trump forgot and betrayed ohio workers quite frankly. i grew up with guys like donald trump. i grew up in neighborhoods like probably many of you did, working class neighborhoods where most people didn't have a college education. but we had guys like trump that we played against when we played ball in scranton, claymont. because they had more money than we did, kind of looked down their nose on us. i've got to admit to you, i have a bit of a chip on my shoulder when i read about, i read once we won the nomination and things
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began to look a little better, i read from serious press people, decent, honorable people, if i get elected, i will be the first president that didn't have an ivy league degree in a long time. let me tell you something, somehow i didn't belong because i went to a state university. but let me tell you what, it is about time a guy from state university graduated into the white house because if i'm there, you're going to be there too. >> joe biden speaking in cleveland, ohio. interesting stop on the final day of the 2020 campaign. let's have a conversation with julia page, washington bureau chief of associated press. julie, let's start right there. remember last four years ago, hillary clinton went to arizona. a lot of democrats said be careful, be sure you can expand the map. joe biden in ohio, they wouldn't be there unless they saw some data tells them if we do some turnout, we have a chance. is it a risk or bold, smart
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move? >> well, i don't think a lot of democrats would have expected their nominee would be in ohio on the final full day of campaigning. it is a state that swung so overwhelmingly for trump in 2016, biden has been hearing from a lot of prominent ohio democrats, top of the list, sherrod brown from ohio who says if you come, you may be able to swing this state. they are looking particularly today to ramp up turnout in places like columbus. they know the early vote is looking good for them, but turnout election day will be critical for them. it is a risk because ohio is so republican leaning the last couple years. if joe biden were to win ohio, you're probably looking at a strong sweep for him on election day. >> let's walk through this. you're washington bureau chief for the organization i cut my teeth, got great training. i know what it is like to be in associated press. welcome to the next 24 to 48
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hours of your life. we're looking at the map. start with what we're looking at first. there is a possibility, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania say it may take a couple days, maybe a few days after the election. there's a possibility that we're waiting this one out. i want to make it clear, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. we are counting votes legally cast and it will take time. we will get clues tomorrow night. battleground florida is one. we expect a quick count there. battleground north carolina is another. georgia could be a third. then i will go west later in the night, arizona. there are states the president must win. it is impossible to get math together. what else are you looking for tomorrow night when you are thinking we may not get the industrial battlegrounds, what's the biggest clue? >> i think you're absolutely right. americans have to have some patience because there are states that are going to be slower to count and are dealing with a real influx of mail-in voting. then you have some states counting quickly. florida is top of my list for tomorrow night.
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florida counts quickly but also is extremely close in most elections, so what florida tells us will i think be a good guide for the rest of that night. if we're able to call that race in florida, that will give us a sense of the candidates' paths. for trump, mathematically, he could win if he loses florida, but that path gets extremely narrow. for joe biden, he has some options if he loses florida but a win in florida would position him for a strong night. there is also though in florida as randi mentioned, a history of races going to recount and recanvas. we will watch the margin between candidates extremely closely. >> again, i want to tap your bureau chief responsibility, i know how important it is. a lot of people wait for associated press to make calls on election night. i know you'll be cautious and take your time and get it right. the president himself says i don't like counts going past election night. i am going to have my lawyers ready. listen to how jason miller puts
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it. >> you speak with many smart democrats, they believe president trump will be ahead on election night, probably getting 280 electoral, somewhere in that range. then they'll try to steal it back after the election. >> let me take the lead, call out the last part, steal it back after the election. that is horse pucky. i could say it in stronger terms, it is undermining democracy and is wrong. they'll have lawyers in the room in every state when they count votes. if anything is wrong, they can raise their hands and say things. but this happens all the time. i want you to take us inside. people look to the organizations they trust, ap is one of them. take us inside how a, if it takes a few days, that's normal. and b, how you're going to walk through your responsibilities tomorrow night. >> absolutely. so we take this responsibility very seriously. we've been calling winners of presidential elections at the ap since 1848. we have been preparing for these scenarios this whole year and i think it is really important for
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people to know, to jason's point there, you don't win a presidential election based solely on the mail in vote, you don't win it solely on election day vote, you win on totality of votes. we are going to be looking at that, looking at mail in and election day. also looking for what vote is still outstanding. there are several states in this country, including pennsylvania, that can accept mail-in votes for a few days after election day. it is well known to people. this is not a secret. if there's a very tight race in a state like pennsylvania, we may have to wait until we get more vote count in. this will really come down to the margins. the tighter the margin is, the more vote we're going to need to see. if a lot of the vote is still outstanding, we're going to have to wait. we'll be incredibly transparent with people, tell you everything we know about the state of the race, but there's no secret vote that's left outstanding. you will know what we're waiting for and what we need to count still. >> i think the last point is critical.
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we here at cnn will do the same. fully transparent of what we know, what we don't know, what we're waiting for and just urge you, no matter who you support, have patience. people counting votes are trustworthy people. there's no fraud. may take awhile to get through it, we will get there. julie, grateful for your time. i am grateful you could take time for us today. best of luck. i know what it is like. i wasn't there in the 1800s you mentioned when the ap started doing that. missed that by a little. thank you so much. how the commonwealth of pennsylvania could well decide the election. first, another flashback. the final monday, 2016. >> here's donald trump's best case scenario. maybe she does win nevada, he takes arizona, he wants to take florida, he wants to take north carolina. if he does that, any of these blues, pennsylvania or michigan, will get him over the top. in ge, my husband would have been on the sidelines. but not anymore!
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i guess those cows must actually be big dogs. sit! i said sit! fiem dnal day of the 2020
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campaign. we will take you to the campaign trail. let's go to battleground north carolina, fayetteville here, couple bett cumberland county. that's where we find the president. >> they took the "new york post" down for two weeks. they won't let anyone write. you put out a tweet and say biden is corrupt, they will knock out your whole account. nobody has ever seen anything like this. have you noticed, it is outside of what i say, it is indeed fading away because you can't have a scandal if nobody writes about it. so we have fake news not writing about it and the big tech not writing. how can you have a scandal, nobody is talking about it. nobody is allowed to talk. it is called suppression. we don't have freedom of the press. we probably haven't had it for a long time. but we don't have, they say freedom of the press, the american way, we have
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suppression by the press. that's what it is. what beautiful words. i should have done the speech this way, would have been much more interesting. seriously. we have suppression by the press. this is not freedom. it really is. it is the exact opposite of freedom of the press, if you think about it. every corrupt force in american life that is responsible for cruel betrayals that hurt our family and, you know, all of the people we love, they're supported by biden and they donate to biden. you know, i could have been a much bigger fundraiser, i didn't want to call every head of a wall street firm or the oil companies. i did a great job with energy independence. failed establishment that started the disastrous foreign wars, they support sleepy joe biden because they get anything
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they want. he took in $300 million last month. do you think he made any deals? no, i don't think so. the career politicians that offshored your industries, decimated your factories, they support sleepy joe. the open borders lobbyist that killed our fellow citizens with illegal drugs, gangs, crimes, the people that wanted to -- >> the president of the united states in fayetteville, north carolina. you see him campaigning there. the air force, 757 version behind the president. show you where he is. do it in context of the 2016 map. north carolina is a critical part of the president's victory. relatively close day. 3 point, 4 point race. the president here in fayetteville. hillary clinton carried this. the president racked up votes there and is counting red counties around it. that's his goal the final days. go to places he thinks he can turn out votes. later today, it will be from north carolina among the
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president's stops, he will be back in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. the president, vice president pence, joe biden, and democratic vice presidential nominee kamala harris all in pennsylvania today. why? because the state is critical. 20 electoral votes could be critical to end of the race. let's have a conversation with a democrat that knows the state, especially western pennsylvania quite well. democratic congressman lamb. grateful for your time this important day. pennsylvania, pennsylvania, pennsylvania. the rest of america is probably saying why is everybody talking about pennsylvania. it could welcome down to pennsylvania and 20 electoral votes. joe biden will be in the western part of the state later today. so is the president. butler county, this is one of the super counties, trump thinks he can gin upturnout to overcome early voting. 2016, 66% to 29%. more importantly, 64,000 votes to 28,000 votes. there are counties in your state and around america where the president thinks he can juice it
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up, super trump counties. what's happening in western pennsylvania on the ground. polls show a five or six point biden lead. do you believe them? >> i do. hard to say how big the lead is, but what i have seen consistently across the last six months or so is that joe biden is talking about the actual problems in our community, things that are happening in real life to people here who have family members in nursing homes and are worried about covid, who lost jobs, who have seen construction projects postponed or cancelled in this area, and in the clip you played of the president, that's what we hear when he comes to western pen pennsylvania, too. sorry, talking about laptops and "new york post" is not doing anything for anybody in western pennsylvania. that's why vice president biden maintained this serious lead. >> one thing he tried to talk about is the fracking issue. let's be honest. the vice president has given inconsistent answers on that. you go back to democratic
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primaries, sounded like he was against fracking, now he is saying no. he is against new fracking, won't allow fracking on federal lanlds and the like, but it caused a stir in your part of the state, that's a lot of jobs, the domino effect on small businesses, restaurants and the like. is that still an issue or the vice president after the last debate tried to clean it up, has he? >> it will be an issue through close of polls election day. this is about people's jobs and livelihoods, such an important thing for our area's economy, but the fact is vice president biden's position the whole time has been perfectly consistent and it is a better position for western pennsylvania. you know, we don't drill on federal lands. take that from texas and new mexico, we're doing better. he is the one that commits to protecting a worker's entire paycheck, not draining the social security trust fund like trump is and definitely not going to cut medicare. he is clearly the better candidate and has the better policy for the workers
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themselves, which is why the key unions that get jobs from natural gas in western pennsylvania are with biden. they're not with president trump. if the workers themselves are saying biden is our guy, that's a powerful message. >> you are living, breathing example of a democrat taking back a republican seat in western pennsylvania. i want to bring up, the vice president will be here in allegheny county. that's pittsburgh, hillary clinton won it. president trump got 40% there. the issue is when you move it around. i mentioned butler county, you come down here, westmoreland county, this is a county where the president gets 64%. wins by 40,000 votes. you pull out the state, again your part of the state, only blue is allegheny county. you come east, joe biden if he wins pennsylvania has to run it up into philadelphia, up the suburban collar. what does he need in western pennsylvania and in westmoreland, how much closer must it be for joe biden to
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overcome this red in the middle of the state. >> what he already has done is made multiple trips to these places himself and with dr. biden and he talked directly to voters in westmoreland county, coming to beaver county this afternoon about their jobs and paychecks, health and safety of family members. he doesn't make everything about himself the way the president does, he makes it about them and their community. when he went on a train tour through westmoreland county, he got huge crowds. i understand that. if those maps you just showed perfectly predicted every election that came after them, i wouldn't be on your show right now. there were a lot of western pennsylvanians willing to listen when we went up close and personal to them a little more than a year after the president was elected and said you know what, i have a slightly different understanding of what's important for this community and i'm willing to work with the president but i'm a democrat and here's why, and just enough of them listened to me, gave me a chance, i think
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they will for vice president biden, too. >> congressman lamb, appreciate your time. we'll keep in touch as we count them the next 24 to 48 hours. >> thanks, john. >> thank you, sir. up next, a judge in nevada denying a republican attempt to change the way that state processes ballots. look limu! someone out there needs help customizing their car insurance with liberty mutual, so they only pay for what they need. false alarm. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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u.s. postal service in the spotlight. postal rules are made mandatory. the judge's order gives the post office specific guidance and deadlines for handling ballots,
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including same day deadline for processing local election mail. it is striking, depressing, pick the right word for it. the election now, performance of the post office in the next 24 to 48 hours is critical. >> it is. look, something like this isn't going to hurt but also we are just one day from the election at a point where we know millions of people have cast ballots. a lot of states have deadline of the day of. this comes as the postal service reported days of slowing down processing on ballots, some of it in critical swing states, one being pennsylvania where we know more than 2.2 million people have cast an early ballot, absentee ballot there. let's go through the extraordinary measures one more time. talked about one of them, day of local mail. that can move things faster. express mail, that's one to two day process.
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if they put that in place, there's a chance ballots will get in. daily sweeps for election mail, making sure there are no missing ballots, and plant managers must certify measures are being used. again, john, this is striking. we've been talking about speed and delivery and performance of the postal service since the beginning of the election, we knew it would be critical. postal service said multiple times they were up for this. now the situation, a judge is mandating certain steps be taken the day before the election. >> grateful we have you to keep an eye on it. it is depressing. can't count on the basics like the mail. kristin holmes, appreciate the reporting. i know you'll stay on top of it the next 24 hours when it is essential that they meet deadlines. the president may try to fire dr. anthony fauci after the election even if he doesn't have the power. joe biden addressing that moments ago.
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a whole lot of hurt, those are the words from dr. anthony fauci. he says the united states is facing a lot of hurt because of spiking coronavirus infections the next few months. he tells "the washington post" the united states could not be positioned more poorly, think about that. says the united states could not be positioned more poorly to deal with coronavirus. this is what dr. fauci is
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talking about, a spike across the country. 35 states right now. that's orange and red trending the wrong direction. those of you familiar with the map, red and orange means more new covid infections than a week ago. 50% more infections than a week ago, the states in orange, between 10 and 50%. 10 holding steady. five states trending the right direction. a troublesome line. you don't need to be a rocket scientist or public health expert. that trend line is going almost straight up. higher than the first peak, higher than summer surge. fall surge, 81,000 plus cases yesterday, highest sunday on record. fast forward.
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81,336. the death trend stayed down. every one of these is pain. i don't mean to minimize this. it stayed down. you can believe it will trend up, hope they're wrong on this one. keep an eye on that in days ahead. one reason you keep an eye on it, you see hospitalizations start to go back up. not where they were first or second peak, around 60,000. now about 50,000, a week or so ago was 40,000. this is the serious problem, why you have more hospitalizations. higher the rate of positivity in the state. 36% in iowa, 34% kansas. 50% in south dakota. half the we can getting tested for coronavirus are finding out they're positive. infected today, more likely to spread infections to others. 43% in wyoming, 34% in idaho.
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16% in the west. 19 in alabama, 14% in penl pennsylvania. listen to the president, he is a candidate now, not doing his day job when it comes to coronavirus. not once has he talked to you about this. not once has he talked about this. instead saying we in the news business talk about this, when dr. fauci sounds the alarm, they're wrong. >> you turn on the news, covid, covid, covid. we like to talk about covid. then here's what happens. november 4th, won't hear too much about it, won't hear too much about it. don't tell anybody, but let me wait until a little bit after
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the election. he's a nice man though, he's been wrong on a lot. >> continue the conversation. dr. yasmin, former cdc detective. what goes through your mind as a serious public health professional when the president as a political candidate is essentially playing with the idea of firing dr. fauci, says give me a little bit of time here. >> john, not to mention the mechanics of trying to fire a career civil servant employed by a federal health agency. there's the fact that dr. fauci is america's top infectious disease expert and he guided six different presidents, six administrations, republican and democrat, through major american public health crises, including 9/11, anthrax, pandemic of flu, hiv aids epidemic, ebola, zika, so many others. for the spokesperson from the white house to say fauci is breaking with norms, fauci is
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being politically partisan is patently false. this is an expert whose guidance has shifted over the past few months, of course, because that's what good scientists do. they change their mind as more evidence and rigorous evidence becomes available, so this to me is just in line with this administration's consistent attacks on science and scientists and discrediting the profession, making it difficult for the american public to know who to listen to and what to do. >> the source of exasperation is that the president won't spend time with the experts, talk about it with the american people. the president listens to scott atlas who is a radiologist, not public health or infectious disease expert. dr. fauci in "the washington post" talks about the idea of herd immunity. the false narrative if you don't die, everything is hunk ee dorie is not the case. to say let people infected, it doesn't matter, make sure they don't die.
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as a person practicing medicine 50 years, it doesn't make sense. dr. fauci is outspoken because he is losing patience, sees the case count going up and the president and others in the white house saying and doing nothing about it. >> yeah. and no matter where you sit on which side of the political line, you can look at the numbers in america, cumulative covid-19 death rate per million people is about 700. 700 deaths from covid-19 per million people. in vietnam, that number is nowhere near 700. it is 0.36. in south korea, it is 9 deaths per million people compared to our close to 700. these numbers do speak for themselves. unfortunately as cases are increasing and deaths are likely to triple we think by early months of next year, i don't see a shifting of that tragic trajectory because the government isn't doing anything different. it is going further off course,
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confusing people, and the president even at super spreader rallies pointing to people wearing masks, making fun of everyone, calling them politically correct. >> dr. yasmin, grateful for your insights. another place the president is wrong saying we won't be talking about this after the election. we will be talking about it for months because of the scope of the problem in the country. thank you so much. a live look in atlanta, former president barack obama campaigning for joe biden. busy final day on the campaign trail. how the state of georgia could factor the race to 270 ahead. nefertiti: as a young girl
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i was always comparing myself to my sisters. they were always thin and i wasn't... i ate a lot of food. and then after i had my son it was really difficult to lose the baby weight, and everything took so much time and energy and i didn't have that. and then i tried noom, it was easy and it was super convenient. it's effective, i'd say it's life changing. my my name is nefertiri and noom worked for me.
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visit and lose the weight for good. it turns out i have tardive dyskinesia, a condition that may be related to important medications i take for my bipolar disorder. tardive dyskinesia can affect different parts of the body. it may also affect people who take medication for depression and schizophrenia. - [narrator] in today's trying times, we're here to help you manage td. visit for a doctor discussion guide to prep for your next appointment in person, over the phone, or online. - it's a relief to know there are treatments for td. traffic and air pollution will be even worse after the pandemic. that's why we support measure rr to keep caltrain running.
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which is at risk of shutdown because of the crisis. to keep millions of cars off our roads, to reduce air pollution and fight climate change. and measure rr helps essential workers like me get to work and keep our communities healthy. relieve traffic. reduce pollution. rescue caltrain. [all] yes on measure rr. i'm jerome gage. i'm a full-time lyft driver. when this pandemic first started, i bought my own ppe because uber and lyft didn't provide it. these companies have been exploiting drivers like me for years. now prop 22 denies us basic rights like unemployment benefits and sick time. uber and lyft are billion-dollar companies, and they still won't let drivers get access to unemployment benefits. that's just wrong. tell uber and lyft to stop exploiting their drivers. vote no on prop 22.
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any moment now, former president barack obama will take the stage in atlanta. his appearance underscores how strange the campaign is. that's atlanta, georgia on the final day of a presidential campaign. talking about georgia, a state that's normally red, that the democrats think might be winnable. we will fill in more tomorrow night. back to the 2016 map, it was a six point or five point race four years ago. 51-46, if you round it up, you see atlanta is critical, columbus is critical. savannah is critical for democrats. you have to go back in time a long time, a long time, a generation ago. 1992. 1992 is the last time a democrat carried georgia in a race for president. that was bill clinton. he did it with 43.5% of the
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vote, just barely over george w. bush, with a lot of help back in the day. this was a fun campaign to cover against ross perot. three candidates in the race, bill clinton winning georgia with 43.5% of the vote. again, big win for donald trump in 2016. what will happen in 2020? let's listen to former president obama. check in with jason carroll, live on the ground in battleground georgia. that in and of itself is a statement. >> reporter: it certainly is. democrats feel as though if they play their cards right, everything lines up, that georgia could actually be in play and people get out to vote. that's part of the message we hear from former president barack obama when he takes the stage in a few minutes. john, democrats feel encouraged, they've seen thousands of any voters, influx of new voters, young voters, educated voters, african americans. their hope is that barack obama can tap into that.
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i heard from a senior obama adviser that told me that will be the message, it will be an urgent message. not only that, to vote at the top of the ticket, and down ballot as well for folks like john osoff, in a competitive race here in the state. you have seen broemd out campaigning in a number of competitive states. last weekend, in orlando. and making two stops with biden in michigan. here in georgia. and later today, he will be in south florida,
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test. and our faith in one another. with our voices and our votes, we must free ourselves from the forces that pull us apart, hold us down, and hold us back. and if we do so, we'll once more become one nation, under god, indivisible. a nation united. a nation strengthened. a nation healed. i'm joe biden, and i approve this message.
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this news into cnn. department of justice plans to send personnel to 18 states to monitor for compliance with federal voting rights laws. 44 jurisdictions that will be
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monitored include miami daid, philadelphia county, pennsylvania, fulton county, georgia. department of justice not saying why the jurisdictions were selected. they're democratic strongholds, that's what people will guess. in anticipation of election protests, federal authorities are expected to put up nonscaleable fencing around the entire perimeter of the white house. this fencing last used during protests this pass summer. source says lafayette park across from the white house will be inside the perimeter. any businesses are also boarding up windows in case of protests around the election. thank you for spending time with us today. stay with us tloult important election coverage in the days and hours ahead. don't go anywhere. final day of the campaign, busy news day. lot of fun having on both sides of the election. brianna keilar picks up coverage right now. hi there, i am brianna keilar. i want to welcome viewers in the united states and around the
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world. it is election eve for a bitterly divided country with a public health crisis spiraling out of control. right now, candidates and surrogates are darting around battleground states in a last ditch effort to get voters to the polls. president trump will have five rallies in four states. soon he will be in pennsylvania. democratic nominee joe biden is starting in ohio, will be ending in pennsylvania with a lady gaga concert. president obama is campaigning for biden again today, he is in georgia right now, a state that has consistently voted republican but is now in play for the democrats. so here we are. almost at the end. it is the last day


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