tv Election Night in America CNN November 3, 2020 4:00pm-11:00pm PST
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of poll closings. voting is about to end in six states with 60 electoral votes at stake. we're watching all of these states, especially the battleground state of georgia for early clues about where the race may be heading tonight. we have our first projection of the night. cnn now projects president donald trump will win indiana. trump beats biden in indiana. wins its 11 electoral votes. the first projection of the night. it's too early to call in these states right now. too early to call in georgia. a key battleground state with 16 electoral votes. too early to call there. in virginia, too early to call there. 13 electoral votes at stake in virginia. also, too early to call right now in south carolina. 9 electoral votes in south carolina. too early to call in kentucky. eight electoral votes there. too early to call in vermont. three electoral votes right there. all right. let's take a look at where the
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electoral college map stands right now. donald trump has 11 right now. biden has zero. remember, you need 270, 270 to win this race for the white house. let's get a key race alert. we'll start with kentucky right now. 12% of the estimated vote is in. trump has the lead of about 9,400 votes over biden. look at this. 50.9%. 47.5% for biden in kentucky. 8 electoral votes once again at stake in kentucky. let's go to john king over at the magic wall right now. we're looking at the suburbs in kentucky, john. it's pretty significant what's going on potentially. let's not get too far ahead. >> right. we know this is disproportionately early vote but we also learned lessons from states. you've projected indiana. that's the first state. 11 electoral votes for donald trump. you have to get to 270. he has the first 11. now the commonwealth of kentucky expected to be red. senate majority leader up for
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re-election there as well. we are looking for clues. fayet county. this is lexington. joe biden, disproportionately early vote. let's see if this holds up to see if it stays this way. 73% right now. if you go back to hillary clinton, only 51%. if joe biden can do this stuff right here, we'll see -- >> john, i want to go to florida. we're beginning to get some numbers in florida. let's take a look in florida. >> here we go. this part of the country north of naples, very critical to the president. 5%. florida say huge state. we'll be at this for a long time. nice to get the first votes out of florida. where are they coming from? pasco county along the coast. that's a quick report. florida, we expect to be good and also expect it to give us a lot of clues about the electorate and about who might win tonight. 130,000 to 101, this state is essential to the president. joe biden would like it because he knows it would block. let's take a look. 59% four years ago.
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56% right now if you round up. that's close. we'll watch this. is it significant? we dont know until we get more vote here. >> 79% of the vote. >> one county is not going to do it. if you start to see the president a couple of points below, that will be significant. look at the vote count. 130,000 to win it. in a state like florida 142,000 net. we're not done yet. watch this at the end of the night. is the president performing? overperforming, underperforming, about breaking even with four years ago and how is joe biden doing compared to hillary clinton? that's one place we'll watch. let's come back to 2020 and see what else we have on the map. let's come down here. lee county. this is 81% they're up to there. 57 to 42. if you do the rounding there. go back in time and look. 59. so a little bit down. is that significant? we don't know yet. it's very early. >> these are republican counties. >> these are very republican counties. the question for the president, the president has to win them. we know that. the question is, is he getting the extra votes there? is he running up the margin because he needs the math from
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places like this to offset we expect when we get here. this will be key here. along the coast, you start the i-4 corridor and go all the way across in brevard county. 54.3. go back and take a look, 57.8. another county where right now the president is underperforming. it's early. that's what you'll watch throughout the night in a state that is always as close as florida. if the president is underperforming where he is -- where his vote, the question becomes can the democrats overperform hillary clinton? where's the trade-off in the map? let's pop out and see what we have. go back in time. i'm going to highlight this for us. we'll go back in time to 2016. and we see, you know, you see the blue here. we don't have these votes yet. this is red as it was four years ago. let's bring it out to sea. lake county. 55 to 44. that's where it is now. 59, 60. so again, three counties we've
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looked at where the president's numbers right now are down a bit. the percentages are down a bit. look at the percentage down and then match up the math. 102,000 votes there to take that county four years ago. 87 and change. almost 88,000 votes now. we don't know if that's significant but that's what you do when you're doing an election csi in a state like florida. we need more votes. more votes and start to see democratic votes down here. the trump campaign has been optimistic. it will cut in. miami-dade. you know it well. look at the totals here. go back four years okay. hillary clinton. you look at that in the largest county in the state. that's what the democrats need. and it wasn't enough. hillary clinton still narrowly lost the state. trump campaign has been confident, especially inroads in the latino community would do something here. we'll see. >> biden really has to do well in those three southern florida counties in order to win this election. we're talking about miami-dade, palm beach county and broward county. >> miami, broward, palm beach. pull them out and look at them.
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it's said often but i'll say it again. the further south you go, the further north you get. retirees from the north. senior citizens electorate. this is in the -- in defeat. hillary clinton lost florida four years ago. look how close it was. 112, 113,000 votes if you round up in a giant state. 49 to 48 if you round that up. if you go back. see the blue. doesn't change that much. let's go back to when barack obama carried this state. you see the difference in the margins here. you come down here. obama g clinton gets 64. she did hobn this part of the state. that was one of the lessons in 2016. the clinton campaign thought they did a good job in the early vote. the clinton campaign thought they did a very good job down here. what surprised them, president trump over here and the volume. in all of the smaller red, the southwest, more people down here. fewer people, but they came out to play in 2016. it's the small counties. 83% in a county like that. 2800 votes. you think that doesn't matter.
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that's a 2300-vote difference there, one county. start matching that up as you walk across the board and go from county to county. that's how you get math. will those people come out this time for the president? that will be the test as we watch this state fill in tonight. there we go. piniellas county. if that's -- >> 75%. if that state is blue, joe biden has a good chance to carry the state of florida. >> four years ago it was red. >> four years ago it was red. i remember on election day, the clinton campaign was so confident about florida. it was the clinton campaign thought we got good early vote here and one of the ground organizations went to polling places and saw lines stretching down the street. saw the maga hats and tweeted me and said we are bleeped. the president didn't win this county by much but it's a statement here. this right now in 2016, it was red. at the moment, at the moment it's blue. what is this? this is tampa, st. pete. it's a suburban area.
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it has retirees. it's growing. it's a place democrats understand. if you want to get that back if you can keep it blue. it's not enough, but we'll watch it. if that stays blue then joe biden is in play for florida and as you know, wolf, we're going to be at this map for a few hours. >> but if democrats are looking at that county over there, they are getting a bit encouraged right now with 75% of the vote in. >> that's one of the great dramas of an election night and great frustration. you see something like that early on and think if you are a democrat, you think that's it. we'll be at this for a while and walk through it. great to get excited. people at home should get excited about their candidate, their side. we've got a ways to go. the key here, does that stay? what's the turnout? match up the math as we go and the big test for me, the big test for me, can the democrats hold the suburbs here and build, build? take the 2018 suburbs that made nancy pelosi speaker and do those in these states here.
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how does the president do here? does he match his numbers? he might have to exceed his numbers here if joe biden is doing well. >> all right 1.5 million votes have been counted in florida. show our viewers, trump at 53%. biden at 46.1%. he's ahead by 104,000 votes. >> he is. 1.5 million counted. we have a ways to go. 4.6 million to 4.5 million. we're early in the florida count. look, florida is always -- i say fun. i don't have a horse in this race if you are a partisan watching at home you go back and forth on the up and down in all of this one. this is one of the most fascinating states because of diversity. because of the senior citizen vote. it's the most complicated latino vote anywhere because of the diversity within the latino community. the democrats sent obama down here twice trying to get african-americans to turn out. the suburban revolt against the president. does it hold up in a state like florida, now his adopted home state? does the trump army come out in
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2020 like it did in 2016 in these small koupcounties? the complexity of florida makes it so interesting. jake was mentioning his conversation with rick scott the other day. he's won three elections by a point. he's won three elections by a point in the state of florida. that's the way florida goes. twice for governor and once for senate by a point. we'll watch this fill in. one of the most fascinating things. it's neighbor, it's almost the reverse when you come to georgia. this is the south. the northern florida votes like the south. so this part of georgia votes like the south. it's white, rural, widely republican in recent years. then up here to savannah, augusta, atlanta, suburbs. african-american votes in the inner cities. the suburbs around them. how far out can the democrats stretch it in the suburbs? that will be the key not only across here but to the north in georgia as well in an election the biden campaign and the polls tell us could be a very different election.
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>> the only thing that jumps out at you is pinellas county. >> i looked at those counties. i don't want anyone to make too much of this too early. one of the things in a close state like this with an incumbent president on the ballot is to match him up. 39,000 votes, 67% if you round up in 2020. you come here. 68%. so roughly close. a little down. i wouldn't jump up and down about that one. it's down a little bit. we'll see. 28%. 22,000 votes. 29% if you roll up there. joe biden's percentage is a little better. not done with the math yet. we don't know. these are the little things very close that you do in a campaign war room. match up county to county and look through it to see. and especially in places where they -- places where the polls are still open and they know the votes trying to surge voters in. lee county here. 81% estimated vote. some of these can be a little off this year because of the early voting and the mail-in voting.
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57% to 42%. again, for me, it's the math. 185,000, 186,000 if you round it up. 191 last time. this is what we're just going to go through. if turnout is up everywhere in the state, the president probably needs to exceed his numbers from four years ago, especially in the smaller, more rural places to match if the democratic numbers are up as well. now since we've been waiting here, hillsboro county here. and this is tampa. hillsboro and pinellas. so you look at this. the fourth largest county in florida. democrats can run it up here. it gives you a cushion. >> before we go to hillsborough and tampa. look at the state. the gap between trump and biden seems to be narrowing significantly right now. trump is at 50.9%. biden at 48.2%. trump is ahead by almost 65,000 votes. >> 64,157. and welcome to the roller coaster that is florida. that's why it's so fun. i want to take a look. 55 to 44 if you round the
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president's total up there. and then go back in time here again. 51. so if this holds, and it's a big if, hillary clinton at 51. joe biden at 55. if that's what -- that's exactly what joe biden needs to do. run a little stronger than hillary clinton. >> take a look at the state right now. biden has just taken the lead with 22 mrs % of the estimated vote. they do it very quickly in florida. broward county is now coming -- look at this in broward county. let's take a look at broward county. >> i was trying to get you the full totals here. welcome to roller coaster florida. 12,000 there. 75%. only 16% of the vote in. this is the second largest county in the state. a lot of votes out here. democrats need them. miami-dade, broward, palm beach, one, two, three as we go through here. >> we've got a lot going on in florida. we're standing by for another round of crucial closings. the battleground states of north carolina and ohio are up for grabs just minutes from now.
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election center standing by for the next wave of poll closings. let's check in on the fight for the critically important electoral votes. right now trump has 11 electoral votes. indiana, biden so far zero. you need 270 to be elected president of the united states. a key race alert. take a look at this. what's going on in florida right now. more than one-third of the vote is now -- the estimated vote is now in. biden has a lead of nearly 100,000 right now. 50.7% to trump's 48.4%. 35% of the estimated vote is in. 29 electoral votes. look at georgia. very early. only 2% of the estimated vote is in but biden is ahead by almost 32,000 votes. 61.8% to 37% in georgia. 16 electoral votes at stake. in new hampshire, less than 1%, very, very early right now. but biden is ahead by 2300 votes. 72.2% to 27.8%. four electoral votes in new
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hampshire. in vermont, also very, very early. biden is ahead only by about 610 votes. less than 1% of the estimated vote is in. 62.7%. 13 electoral votes. 69% to 30% for biden. very early in virginia. also very early in south carolina, trump is ahead there by some -- almost 700 votes. 63.3% to 36.7%. and trump is also ahead in kentucky. 15% of the estimated vote in kentucky is now in. trump is ahead by about 35,000 votes. 54.1% to 44.3% from biden. let's go over to john king over at the magic wall. let's take a look at the big picture first and then focus in on florida, florida, florida. >> the big picture is the question of the night. can joe biden flip states that were donald trump states in 2016? can joe biden flip them? well, that would be a flip.
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it's early. that would be a flip. again, it's early. the president leading in virginia, but it's a very early count, if the president could pull off that, that could be a dramatic story. we expect joe biden to win virginia. it's very early in light of the votes. these would be two big ones. new hampshire and vermont we expect to see. south carolina is closer than we thought. at the moment, very early. everybody needs to be careful about this. at the moment, this is what joe biden wants to do. he flips these states here, he may have to wait pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. if they're close, we might have to wait, especially on pennsylvania. could be a day or three. however, if joe biden wins that, he'll rest comfortably waiting for that. let's take a look at florida. this one is always a roller coaster. what you see now doesn't mean the lead won't change. it changed as we were speaking. right now, joe biden at 50%. donald trump at 49. when you round up, 62,394. the difference in a giant state where both candidates got more
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than 4.5 million votes. you're winning hillsboro county, st. pete. that's where you want to be. this is your -- how you finish. you finish a race in florida across the i-4 corridor. you get started if you are a democrat by winning down here. if you're joe biden, i'll say this. we're early in the count. this is somewhat concerning but could be the quirks of 2020. president trump thinks he can do better down here with cubans and other latino votes. we'll see if that's the case. the democrats were worried about african-americans in miami-dade. we'll see if that's the case. 84% in right now. 54 to 45. if you go back in time, thisin6. this is something to watch. the democrats, this is their basket where they need to run it up. we'll see. if you don't run it up here, offset it somewhere else. that's one of the tradeoffs in this campaign. trump may perform better among latino men. we'll go through the tradeoffs throughout the night.
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if you come back to 2020, joe biden would like that to be higher. 84% right now. we believe most of this is election day voting. today voting here. we're waiting for early vote as well. that might help joe biden if democrats disproportionately banked early in miami-dade. broward. this is more what joe biden wants it to look like. 16% right there. 75%, you go back to the comparison. 66%. overperforming at the moment hillary clinton by -- >> you pull back out. this will be a roller coaster. by 28,000 votes. this is what we're going to do. this is trademark for this president, look at the smaller counties. not a lot of people live here. it's 184 to 183 there. 584 to 207. you think that's only a few votes. when you have 10, 15, 20 counties and you're doing that. that's how donald trump gets his math. in a lot of states with these
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smaller counties like this. >> 41% of the estimated vote of florida is now in. look how close it is. >> florida is close. that's not breaking news. that part is not breaking news. it's incredible because just as you were here last time it flipped. you were here this time it flipped. you are looking at key things for the president that this, collier county is coming in for trump. he needs the southwest part of the state. tends to be more conservative. 77%. look how low we are here. a long way to go. just a couple hundred votes and some change. see if that holds up for the president right here. you pull up right here. this would be a huge deal. this would be a huge deal. duval county is jacksonville. up here in the top part of the state. the president tends to win once you get out of the urban areas. this is one of the fast changing areas. the sunbelt states like florida. the city and suburbs around it. 75%. see joe biden at 54%. the president at 45% if you round up. this was a trump win, just
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barely, just barely, but donald trump narrowly carried the suburbs four years ago. he's expected to lose the suburbs this time, by how much could determine who wins the presidency tonight. if you watch duval county right here, it's the seventh largest county in florida. that edge for joe biden. we always think about down here is critical for the democrats. >> let's not forget. in the panhandle, the central time zone, they'll not close until the top of the hour. the eastern time zone in florida, they've closed. >> if you just watch across here, still voting out by pensacola and the panhandle. let me show you to remind you all these smaller counties. a lot of red. right? that's the key for the president. not very populous but when you add one and then another and another you get the votes to offset some of this. it takes time. florida sometimes roller coasters through the night. >> palm beach county is in. >> that's 2016 -- >> you see this. palm beach county is in right now but this is 91 to 28. this is the quirks of the map
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when watching at home. you see this county red if you are a democrat, you panic. we need to visit it. >> back to miami-dade. >> let me take the lines away so you're not distracted. if that stays blue, that's a big deal for democrats. if that state is blue, that's a big deal for democrats. come back to miami-dade. if you are in the biden campaign, you want it to be better than that. doesn't mean it's game over but if you aren't getting it here, you better make it up somewhere else. and we'll watch the rest of this vote come in. again if there's a lot of early votes to come in, these numbers could change. >> four years ago, hillary clinton did better in miami-dade county. >> 64%. part of it is the percentage. the other thing you look at because we expect turnout to be up. sometimes that helps you. sometimes that helps you more. 624. in miami-dade four years ago, the president got 343,000 if you round that up by that one. you come back here. 624 and 333. and you see the president right now already has a significant 120,000 more votes out of miami-dade than four years ago.
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is that just because turnout is up everywhere or is he making inroads with the democratic constituency in miami-dade? that's what we'll learn as we go deeper into the night. joe biden right now, if you are worried about anything in florida, you are worried about that. that you are winning miami-dade but not by the margins you wanted. still, though, 74,000 votes, a long way to go. and this is red at the moment. we don't expect it to stay that way. but we'll see as we count them. the key part for me, orange county has filled in. 700 votes. 700 votes and change there. this has to be blue at the end of the night. if this stays red at the end of the night, joe biden will not win florida. as you get real votes, 83% here, this could be critical here. you come through, os ceo la county. you are looking for math. if you aren't getting what you want, you need to make up for it somewhere else. 50,000, 85,000 four years ago. you come back in now, if joe
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biden, about the same. a little below. florida gets so competitive. go county by county, match up the math of four years ago. see how much turnout is up and then average it out. >> 50% of the vote in florida is in. trump is ahead by about 74,000 votes. 50.2% to 48.9%. now up by 91,500 votes. 51%. florida is very fast. the numbers are coming in quickly. let's look at georgia. >> you see georgia. not often you see georgia blue. a lot of red and yet georgia is blue because right now joe biden is winning. this one here, this is fulton county where atlanta is. we don't have any votes yet. then cobb county to the north. this could be the story of the night. i emphasize could be because we're early. but you look at right here. only 27% of the vote in. 63% to 25% in cobb county. this is northwest of atlanta. used to be republican country. hillary clinton won it last time but just barely.
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49% to 47%. this is where we're going to watch throughout the night. suburbs are growing. suburbs are where the people are and where you get your math. especially if you're a democrat. president trump is going to run it up in these smaller rural counties. this is 2016. come to 2020, you see a repeat of that. that's not a huge margin there. in the smaller rural counties, the president tends to run it up. 83% in a county like that. it's 3,000-plus, 4,000-plus votes when you're said and done. that's what trump does to offset the urban areas. one of the tests tonight, henry county. 59% there. come back in time. 50%. 51% if you round up. those are the things you're looking for, especially in these places where joe biden's performance in the suburbs is critical. he needs african-american turnout to be up in atlanta, in augusta, in columbus and savannah and when you get into the suburbs and if democrats do well in the close-in suburbs, more and more increasingly in
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the trump age they've been moving out to the ex-urban areas. watch this play out. 16,000 votes ahead in georgia. let's look at south carolina. the president winning quite handily here so far. that's very preliminary in the vote. one thing we watch. are the president's margins the same or do they shrink? want to peek at florida as we go here. florida 2020. welcome back to the roller coaster. joe biden has pulled ahead by 7,784 votes in the state of florida. again, 49.6, 49.5. early in the night. florida is as close as it gets, which is pretty remarkable. let's take a closer look at what we're seeing here. palm beach turned blue. we thought it would. a big vote to get it blue. that's why the state changed. we had just a few hundred votes in palm beach a few moments ago. the president was leading. right now the florida vote coming in as joe biden would like it, as we wish, but we'll keep counting. >> certainly will. florida's emerging as a major,
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major fight right now. we're coming up on another critical round of poll closings in the biden/trump presidential race. most polls will close in north carolina, ohio and west virginia. those states account for 38 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the white house. we've got a key race alert now. too early to call in these states, including in ohio. too early to call in ohio. 18 electoral votes in ohio. too early to call. too early to call in north carolina as well. 15 electoral votes in north carolina. too early to call. west virginia, five electoral votes, too early to call in west virginia right now. let's look at the electoral college map where it stands right now. still remains the same. 11 electoral college votes for trump, indiana, zero so for for biden. 270 needed to win the presidency. let's get a key race alert right now. all right. in florida, let's start, 29 electoral votes. donald trump has a narrow lead
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right now with 59% of the estimated vote is in. look how close it is. a lead of about 25,000 votes. 49.7% to 49.4%. this is a must win for trump. he must win florida. if biden were to win florida it would be very, very difficult for trump to get re-elected. we're watching florida so closely. in virginia right now, very, very early. only 2% of the estimated vote is in. trump is ahead by about 33,000 votes. 65.4% to 32.9%. in south carolina, also very, very early. trump is ahead, 70.4% to 29.6%. in kentucky, 18% of the vote is in. trump is ahead by 75,000 votes. 58% to 40.5%. three more states right now. let's take a look. georgia, a battle over there. biden is ahead with 45% of the vote in, about 16,000-vote lead for biden over trump. in ham harges biden ahead there. only 2% of the estimated vote
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in. up by 3300. 59.2% to 40.3%. biden is ahead in vermont. less than 1% of the vote in. 610-vote lead. 62.7% to 37.3%. in vermont. let's go back to john king. florida and georgia, two very critically important states. lots of electoral votes at stake. let's look at florida first. >> let's look at florida. it's red at the moment. it's gone back and forth the last 15 or 20 minutes. the president of the united states right now, president trump, it's his new adopted home state. 50% to 49%. a one-point race in florida. it's what makes it florida. 56,000, 57,000 votes if you round it up. if you look at the map, it looks like a traditional map. one plus for the democrats, pinellas county here. one warning sign for joe biden. watch this play out. 4.6 million votes is what it took to win it four years ago.
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we think turnout is higher this year. if you are looking for trouble signs in the biden campaign it's here in miami-dade. more votes. this is early in-person voting. people who showed up to vote in person early before election day. joe biden with a very narrow lead. that's a nine-point lead b but narrow by comparison to where we were four years ago. >> biden just took the lead in florida again. it's moving very quickly back and forth. >> let's come back and see where it came from. 134,000 votes. may they are reporting very quickly in florida. >> two-thirds of the vote is in. >> a big jump in palm beach county. 60% to 39%. remember, short time ago, the president was ahead there. only a few hundred votes. 60% there. especially if joe biden is underperforming in miami-dade. we'll check on it in a second. if he's underperforming there he has to make it up somewhere else. you look at palm beach county here. 60% to 40%. 60 to 39%. you come back here. it's a little better. she's at 57.
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if you are joe biden and underperforming one place, make it up some place else. watch and see if that holds up. broward county, 66. to me, what's more important is the 562 because we know turnout is up this year. we'll come back here. 66. about the same there. the vote totals close to the same if we come back to four years ago. he's a little bit above it. a little ways to go. turnout is up, still. adjust your math and then come down here. the biden campaign, in a normal race, winning any race, i'm doing great. the democrats need to run it up more here. you see hillary clinton with 64% when you round up last time and she lost the state. she lost the state. ran t ran it up here. 624,000. joe biden running under that vote total here. that happens. elections change. constituencies change. donald trump doing better perhaps with african-americans, latinos. very complicated diverse latino community. make tup with senior citizens.
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make it up here. in the growing suburbs across the i-4 corridor. at the moment, orange county, again, 700 votes and change. so this one doesn't count yet. no offense to the people who voted for the president there. that doesn't count yet. we're not high enough in the vote count to understand that. hillsborough county, which is tampa and the growing suburbs around it. pinellas county is st. pete. this went red four years ago as president trump carried florida. it's staying blue at the moment. narrow, though. in a state that often goes a point or two, sometimes within a point, little margins matter. donald trump carried it just barely by a point four years ago. at the moment, joe biden carrying it, just barely, by a point. that's how you win a state as close as florida in on the margins like that. if you come over here, 55-43. >> if we go statewide. >> i want to check that. seven there. statewide now, see if it changes again. >> show us where each candidate
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is underperforming and overperforming. >> match this up to four years ago. where is trump underperforming? where is the president underperforming? he's underperforming so far in these two counties. they are blue. that means the democrats are winning in those counties. but the president's vote in these counties is below where it was. more than five points from where he was four years ago. it's one county. in a state that's so close that could come down to several thousand votes, 2,000 -- it was 537 votes. one of the things you look at. pull that out here. so right now this is -- if you look at this, we expect the president to underperform in the suburbs. at the moment not seeing it in we'll watch this as more vote co. where is biden underperforming? where is biden underperforming clinton and you see it right there. that's what we were just talking about. this will slide over. underperforming. this doesn't count yet because the vote is preliminary. let me check on this. also very preliminary there.
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this we're waiting on. don't focus on this. >> where is biden overperforming? >> this is -- right now a warning sign. then you want to look at where they are overperforming. let's do biden first. let's bring this one up. he's overperforming, again, these are republican counties. the red counties are voting republican at the moment, but you see joe biden at 41% here. you go back to hillary clinton. only 36%. there are some places. this can matter if you get down to a race settled by 5,000, 10,000 votes. when you go through and match it up. not a lot of it given how big florida is. where he's out performing clinton here. this is very preliminary. let's not go to the bank on this. not many votes in there yet. it's one of the things you look at. >> where is trump overperforming? >> let's take a look at that as well. where is the president outperforming? in miami-dade, it matters. these other places the votes are
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preliminary. let's see if we have many votes in here. 37%. it helps in the smaller places. it helps. about 40% of the vote here. this is where it matters right here. if you are looking at florida, it's a roller coaster. we'll go through this. lead switches are not at all uncommon. this is the number one county. number one basket of votes in the state. 13% of the statewide vote. the president -- it's blue for joe biden but those numbers if you're in the trump campaign headquarters, that puts you in play but you've got a lot more business to do. >> miami-dade, if those numbers are today voting or early voting? >> i was told that most of this so far is in-person early voting. so we're still waiting for them to count mail-in votes and more of today's election day turnout. this is in-person early voting. so far. we'll keep counting. >> here's the key races as we count down to polls closing at 8:00 p.m. eastern.
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let's get a key race alert. florida right now. 67% of the estimated vote is in. biden is ahead by almost 70,000 votes. 50% to 49.1%. it's close in florida. 29 electoral votes. 5% of the estimated vote in georgia is in. biden is ahead there by 4200 votes. 50.4% to 48.6%. only 3% of the estimated vote in new hampshire is in. biden is ahead there by some 3,000 votes. 56.6% to 42.7%. in virginia, 8% of the vote, trump is ahead, 50.2% to 48.1%.
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he's up by almost 8,000 votes in virginia. let's go back to john king at the magic wall. lots of excitement going on. so far we're seeing some blue in florida and georgia. the question is, is that going to hold? >> that is the question. is it going to hold? you see red in virginia. we don't expect that to hold but count the votes early and in all these places. joe biden is starting to close in on that as well. one of the questions tonight, that's not how we pick a president but hillary clinton won the popular vote. if joe biden can stretch that lead out it should help nim the electoral college. we go state by state. that's how we pick presidents. florida has 29 electoral college points. biden on top, 50.6 to 48.4%. in florida they call that a blowout. it's a point and a half. a long way to go still. three big parts of the state. democrats need the votes here. this is where close elections are settled.
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we're waiting to see what happens up here. you see some trouble signs for both candidates. still going to watch the votes. 72% of the estimated vote. we'll watch as it plays out. why do i say trouble signs for both candidates? up in the northern part of the state, duval county. very close. joe biden on top, 52% to 47%. if you round it, five points there. that's about -- shy of 40,000 votes there. if you go back in time, president trump carried this. not by a lot but in a state that's so close, the small margins in the big counties. seventh largest of the 67 counties. looking for the bigger counties where the votes are to see what the margins are. let's check leon county. tallahassee. that's 2016. joe biden, but very early. very early in a place we expect him to win. the state capital. government workers. unions. let's come back here. this has been holding steady for a while. this would be the biggest danger sign for the biden campaign in their war room. the most encouraging sign for the trump campaign and its war room. miami-dade is the largest county in the state by population.
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you get about 13, 13.5% of the vote depending on how turnout goes there. you'd think that's a good win but not in the state of florida. it's so complicated and big. democrats need a bigger margin here. the clinton comparison, 64%, 624,000 votes. she lost the state. remember, she ran it up in miami-dade. clinton campaign was happy with this. they thought they did a good job there, but she lost the state. 624,000 for hillary clinton. joe biden runni ning below that total right now. more votes to come in. we know turnout was up. most of this, not all of it, most of it is people who voted in person early. we're waiting for the election day vote. republicans think that's where they do best. this is a democratic area. that's why the democrats sent barack obama down here twice to try to turn people out to vote. the former president tried to get african-americans and others to turn out. so now you pull it out. you see the state is starting to fill in. florida doing a good job counting quickly. let's walk up the coast.
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broward county. this is what biden needs to do here. you want to run it up here. the president is going to win the smaller rural counties. the democrats need to run it up. second largest county, just shy of 10%. palm beach county. this is what the democrats need to do and what joe biden is doing. this for comparison, a little better here. not as many people here. so it's hard to make up what you are missing in miami-dade. take everything you can get as you try to go through it. and then this is the key part of the state. the western part, southwestern part of the state. naples and surrounding, critical for the president. these votes are starting to come in. 61. focus on the 61. round up to 62. remember the 120,000 four years ago. 105,000. and 62. the president has about the same percentage. more people voting in this election. hillary clinton got 61,000 votes there. joe biden getting more votes. because of the increased turnout this year, which is a good thing. the more people who play, the better for our democracy.
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then you want to come up here and orlando, earlier i said it didn't matter. this was red. it was early. only a couple hundred votes. big chunk of votes has come in here. joe biden at 64%, the president 35%. 341,000 votes. let's go back and look. joe biden is already passed hillary clinton's vote total. 60% there. 64% there. that's how you win a close race in florida. doesn't mean it's enough if you have to offset miami-dade. orange county here. think of it as orlando. this is more and more, by the day, suburban. more latino, more college educated. more and more complicated. and this has been a area hard hit by the economy. >> 75% of the vote in florida is now in. and biden has a lead of 142,000 votes. step back for a moment, john. explain to our viewers why we're spending so much time looking at florida. yes, it has 29 electoral votes but it's a must win for the president. >> it's an absolutely must win for the president. joe biden would like it. if joe biden gets it, it helps him remake the map and make a
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statement election. let's just walk over here. we come back. this is the only state we've projected so far is indiana. the president has 11 electoral votes. you have to get to 270 and remember, the president got to 306 last time. so why does florida matter? if joe biden can take away florida, that right there in and of itself, gets the president down to 277. so then from there, joe biden really needs just one more. so if joe biden won florida, let's say he won arizona, joe biden could win the president without winning pennsylvania, without winning michigan, without winning wh inning wisco georgia. in these three, he leads. here he's certainly competitive. some polls show him ahead, some polls behind. 29 matters. the only thing on the board tonight with more significance is potentially texas. democrats think they may have a chance in texas. if you take these 29 away from the president of the united states, mathematically can i find a path to trump victory? if you want to say that trump is going to win california or win all three of these, so it
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doesn't absolute, but that's essential. we are trying to be conservative, cautious and fair to the president. if the president loses florida, his path to re-election is essentially gone. >> it's very close in florida. 79% of the estimated vote is in. biden is ahead by about 83,500 votes right now. 50% to 49.1%. more make or break states are on the line at the top of the hour. when the last polls close in the battlegrounds of florida, new hampshire and pennsylvania. will we be able to make any projections in the hour ahead? we're going to find out very soon. stay with us. ♪
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pennsylvania and rhode island and tennessee. together those contests have 172 electoral votes. that's a huge chunk of the 270 needed to win. florida, new hampshire and pennsylvania are the key battlegrounds we are watching for the coming hour. joe biden posting a strong challenge to the president in florida, pennsylvania. the state scene is crucial for mr. trump's reelection chances. let's get a key alert right now. florida right now. look at this. it is very close in florida. joe biden has 49.6%. trump has 49.5%. biden is ahead by 9200 votes in florida. 29 electoral votes. in ohio, 18% of the vote is in. impressive lead of 340 right now. new hampshire only 3% of the
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estimated voting is in. biden is ahead by 3,000 votes. let's take a look right now, georgia right now at 7% of the estimated vote is in. trump is ahead. in virginia 13% of the estimated vote is in. trump is ahead by about 80,000 votes. let's go back to jon king at the magic wall. we are watching these states closely including ohio right now which clearly is a major battleground. >> interesting to watch. the president is leading the popular vote is shrinking. ohio, this is as state that joe biden went there monday morning. oh, you have a chance in ohio. let's see. the middle part of the state where you see all these counties and nothing. most of that is going to cold in red. you just know that. the democrats need to run it up
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in the urban area, cleveland, columbus, toledo and youngstown. this is where the president goes and says i am on your side, i am on your side. the 62% you go back in time. hillary clinton just barely won this. this is one of the tests, right? can joe biden, one of the things he said he can do, unlike hillary clinton, he can win blue collar traditional democrats who left the party and went for donald trump. that's a big deal when we move to pennsylvania and michigan and ohio and more republicans state than any of those three that i just mentioned. you are looking up here, challenge number one for the democrats, you want to win a state as competitive as ohio, you got to go up to cuyahoga
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county. 75 to 24. go back to take a look, 66% for clinton. even better sign, even better add on for joe biden. this is your base. the largest county in the state. 11% of the vote when you are all done. you move out here of the suburbs, this is battle for the american presidency. joe biden is ahead. 51-48. this was trump's country four years ago. donald trump carried the suburbs 2017. that's why he's president of the united states. it is part of the coalition trump put together. in 2016, he won ohio, if joe biden can hold the suburb west of cleaver laveland. more of the states are filling in. let's pop them out. this is where the president runs
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it up. he doubles your vote essentially. the challenge for biden. we'll see if trump's voters come out of those places. franklin county, it is a good number. it is not just columbus. columbus have been democratic for a long time. the suburbs used to be republicans. that's about right, 76%. you come back in time, 61% for hillary clinton. those are the building blocks for joe biden. win in the cities, a lot of that is a democratic base. columbus ais a cap staital stat. you have to win the suburbs, that's the challenge. president trump has lost the suburbs. hamilton county, it used to be a republican county. it is becoming a democratic county, we have no votes there yet. you saw how hillary clinton carried it. one of the house districts democrats trying to spin a
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majority. >> i want to go back to florida. it is essentially tied right now. 81% of the estimated vote is in. there is only 2,000 vote separation, biden is ahead by 2,033 votes. >> this is why this is fun. look at this. >> trump gone ahead of 18,000 votes. >> this is 4.6 and 4.7. were clo we are closing in on 9 million votes. 49.6 to 49.4. this why elections are fun. that's why florida is one of the battleground states. let's go through it and take a look. miami-dade, this to me so far is the biggest warning sign. every election is different. you are not performing as well as hillary clinton did or barack obama when he carried the state.
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that's not fatal. it is not good. you got to make it up some where else. if you are not getting it here, you need to get it some where else. again, if you go back in time, this is the largest county in the state. more people here voting anywhere in the state. hillary clinton thought she did the job here four years ago. 624,000 votes. joe biden at 560,000 votes, only 54%. that's a problem. it is a warning sign for the biden campaign. broward county. this is the second largest county. 66 with 562,000 votes. you go back and look at it. if you are joe biden in the count, turnout is up this time. that does not necessarily mean it is enough. but you are running ahead there and you come up here to palm beach county >> the third largest. >> one, two, and three right there, 58-41. 391,000 votes.
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joe biden exceeding her total and her piercentage. that's a good thing there. you come up from here here is what you will find number four. that's hillsboro, tampa bay and the suburbs around it. again, i just said it in ohio. the suburbs decide close presidential election. president trump nearly won four years ago, he's been losing them since because of the suburban votes. does it continue in 2018 and 2020? plac in places like this. if you are not doing as well as miami-dade, gout you got to runp some where else. much closer, 45-42. four years ago, a big victory for donald trump to turn this county, democrats got swamped in election day turnout.
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49.6-49.0. 3,000 votes. you take everything you can in a state like this. you come up here and we are waiting. the panhandle, this is the later time zone. if you come through here, i want to show you the president runs it up in these smaller counties. 6,000 votes to 2,000 votes. that's 4,000 votes in the bank. that's what the president did four years ago. looks like he's doing it in some of these places again. the issue is if you get to a populated county, let's see if we had much votes earlier. we still don't. this is a plus for joe biden. that's tallahassee and you move over here watching this all night to see if it switches and duval county. sorry for the broken record, jacksonville and the suburbs around it. joe biden at 51. the president at 47. donald trump carries four years ago narrowly because he won the suburbs. as we watch this play out, i want to come out statewide and look, 2,094 votes ahead in a
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state that's cast more than 9 million ballots. >> voting is about to end in 16 states and the district of columbia. the biggest round of polls closing. a whopping 172 electoral votes are at stake in the next hour. >> we got cnn projection right now. let's start in massachusetts, joe biden will win the state of massachusetts, 11 electoral votes. cnn projects joe biden will win the state of maryland with 10. another win for maryland. joe biden will win delaware with 3 electoral votes, a win in delaware for biden. and joe biden will win the strict of columbia with three electoral votes. and half way prediction for trump right now. trump will win the state of oklahoma with seven electoral votes. that goes to trump. right now we can't make
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projections in these states. take a look. alabama, connecticut, florida, illinois, maine, mississippi and new hampshire. also, new jersey, pennsylvania, rhode island and tennessee. we could not make projelctions n those states. electoral college counts. biden has 30 and trump has 18. remember 270 needed to win the presidency. biden is leading in these states right now. ohio, that's asc key battlegrou. biden is ahead of 370,000 votes. 59.7% to 39%. biden is ahead in georgia. biden is up by about 5300 votes.
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50%-49% in georgia. new hampshire right now only 5% of the vote is in. biden is ahead by 6700 votes, 57.3%-41.9% in new hampshire. trump is ahead in these two states. right now trump is ahead in florida, 82% of the estimated votes for florida is in about 11,000 votes. look at how close it is in florida right now, 49.6% to 49.4%. a tight battle in florida underway right now. trump is ahead in virginia. 18% of estimated the votes is in. 5 58%-41%. let's go back to jon king. >> texas is blue. look at that. florida is blue. south carolina is blue.
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ohio is blue. west virginia is blue. if you are democrats at home, take a picture. this is a map you love, right? it is not going to stay that way. west virginia, i would be shocked and south carolina, i would be shocked and texas. this is a very different election. we are looking at competitive races. >> explain texas, what's going on now? >> i don't think we'll have a lot of votes there. that's why. we have 700,000. 1.1 million votes, joe biden is ahead because of this. i am going to say this repeatedly throughout the night. this is part of the change in texas. dallas and suburbs around it flipped the house seats there two years ago. 81% joe biden is leading in dallas county. >> i want to point out a lot of this vote in texas is early voting. >> it is early voting. a lot of the blue you are seeing because we are early. a lot of early votes here. again, you don't expect it to holdup. this is competitive. this is competitive. we know democrats voted
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disproportionately early, they wanted to vote by mail. we are looking at the map right now and we talked about it earlier and we are going to be talking about it all night long. some states are reporting in a different way this year because of all the mail-in voting. you have in-person voting. some states are giving you the early votes first that's why you are seeing a lot of blue in places that are traditionally red because democrats are voting early. we are trying to be transparent as we can be throughout the night to tell you what we know about what we are getting. it makes it unpredictable night. that does not mean we won't be watching votes in texas to see how competitive it is. will it end the night blue? brew some coffee. >> look at the popular vote s, biden is ahead by 4,000 votes. >> remember hillary clinton won
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the popular vote by a large margin. more than 2 million votes close to 3 million votes. the expectation is joe biden will win the popular vote this time. let's come back to the state where we know florida. it has been a seesaw all night long. donald trump is ahead by 22,170 votes in a state we are approaching 10 million votes cast. that's a tiny lead, 49 poi.6-49. florida, panhandle, escambia. >> all right, we have another projection right now. president trump will win the state of kentucky with eight electoral votes. that's a win for trump in kentucky over by where it stands right now of the race 270.
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biden has 30. trump has 26. 270 is needed. let's get a key race alert right now. i hear a five battleground states right now where biden is ahead. let's start with pennsylvania right now. less than 1% of the vote is in. biden is near 40,000 votes. in texas right now, 10% of the vote is in. biden is ahead by 226,000 votes, 58.7% to 40% for trump. let's go to georgia. 10% of the votes in. 453 votes to 49.5%-49.5%. biden is ahead by 300,000 votesf the vote is in. biden is ahead by 57.1%-42.2%.
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we got more states right now. trump is ahead in these states beginning in florida. trump is ahead by some 65,000 votes, 49.8%-49.2%. in florida, 29 electoral votes. virginia, trump is still ahead in virginia. more than 214,000 votes. 58.9%-39.3%. jon king, what do you see? >> i see a lot of predictableableti predictableti predictabletipredictabl predictability, three different challenges for every state and every county in america. some states are doing it and some states are doing it
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differently within the same states. we are looking at it right now. 5% of the state we are reporting. if it ends up that way, we don't expect it. we need you to be patient at home. different states are doing things differently. early votes. we know democrats wanted to vote early by mail. when states are counting those first, you are going to see blue in soplaces that are red. they're real but not complete. you see in texas here it is big and blue in the map. we don't haves much. the most significant vote here is in dallas. i want to remind you the history here that alone does not mean joe biden is not competitive in texas. we'll be at this for a few hours. one little blue spot overcome w
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happens. strap it at home and brew some coffee. those are all real votes. we get it from different orders in different states. we need to be careful. in the states where we are going, ohio is blue right now we are up to a third of a vote. joe biden, we don't know if he's going to win ohio, we know he's competitive and we know that joe biden is ahead 57-42. we know donald trump won ohio comfortably. win or lose ohio, there is a lesson in this that joe biden is competitive than hillary clinton in these industrial states. no republicans have won the presidency in modern times without winning ohio. it is a source of angst at the trump's headquarters. they know more about this. more of them have been. joe biden is still on the lead. this is what donald trump does in small town america. 78%, 1600. it is not a ton of votes but if
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you do it here and here and you start running it up, that's what happens especially of the ones where you are getting 70s and more, you come over here, you are getting 68 and 70%. you start to run up the votes but democrats and joe biden in a biden campaign, number one. this is a must. democrats also win cuyahoga county. we have been waiting for a while. we have 42% here. we'll see if it opens out. we have cleveland, african-american turnout in the city. the encouraging part at this moment and we'll see if it sticks is not cuyahoga county, cleveland is blue. lake county to the northeast is blue. suburban and cleveland right now. you move over here, you go back in time here and you see hillary clinton carries this but it was essentially a split. split there. joe biden is right on top by a significant margin. these are the suburbs.
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88 in the state of ohio. this is encouraging to the biden campaign when you come over here. democrats are supposed to win here. with about half the vote could wa counted. 62% right there. you come back pretty close split in this county. this is blue collar. work with your hands. this is where trump cut in deeply to the democratic party right here. now you come right here, we'll watch ohio and come back to 2020. it is a great race. this tells you no matter how this ends, this is a different campaign than we have four years ago and joe biden is competitive than clinton. that's it. right there. joe biden can be president if he changes what happens four years ago in the industrial midwest. it is everywhere. he's in play everywhere. 170,000. trump's in the lead right now.
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we are starting to get the panhandle. you come to the west, escambia county. 88,000 votes. this is the most populace county here. >> this one is 30th. you keep oncoming across. it is what the president does and you rack up the votes here. if you pull out to context, there is a lot of it. this is alabama and this is georgia. this part of florida is like the south except for the city. this is tallahassee, the state's capital. the suburbs are around it.
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a sea of blue right here. 63% for biden. in a state as tight as florida, those little margins, and if you are struggling in one place, you have to over perform in some where else. the president is 112 and 113,000. this was red four years ago and blue right now. you come back out by looking at the 2016 total, thinking it was this year's total. that's the way it is in florida. it is that close. 10 million votes about to be cast. duval county is still blue up for democrats. 51-47. donald trump makes i t up for te rural areas. one of the thing s you get with this point, you start to think what fills out? orange county growing, a lot of
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votes here about 93%. we'll see what the numbers are and more votes coming in. 383,000 for joe biden. this 50,000 votes he's running ahead of hillary clinton. 50,000 plus from four years ago. the turnouts are everywhere. the president's numbers are up, too. you are going county by county. this is significant as you come across. hillsboro county, tampa and the suburbs. this was red four years ago. very close. 49.2, 2,000 votes there and 2,000 votes matter in a close state. i want to do it again in a reverse order.
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you are matching what happens four years ago. you are matching the percentages there right there and you move down here, this is the trouble sign. we are not done counting florida. joe biden can make it up so where else. 64% in miami-dade. 5 this is where the most votes are for more but hillary clinton won this in a landslide. she walked out of here 624. hillary clinton built up a huge lead in miami-dade but she still lost the state. joe biden's headquarters is wondering what's next. you can make it up. you are not going to get back to that percentage. 63% there. 54% there. we are not done yet. president trump has stretched it out. he stretched it out as it starts
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the fill in here and as we get more of the votes here. this is what he does. this is the trump's coalition of smaller places and not a ton of people live here. 80% of these places, he racks it up. we are now past 10 million votes in the state of florida. >> 89% of the estimated votes in florida. we are standing by for the first results from arkansas minutes from now as well as the second biggest round of polls closings at the top of the hour. a slew of battleground, states are on the line, colorado, arizona, minnesota and texas as well as wisconsin and michigan. the next hour could go a long way deciding who ultimately wins the white house. we'll be back in two-minutes. election night in america brought to you by noom.
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we have another projection right now. president trump will win the state of tennessee, 11 electoral votes. a win for trump in tennessee. here is where the race stands now. trump is on top. he has 37 electoral votes and biden has 30. 270 needed to win the white house. let's get a key alert where things stand. ohio right now, 42% of the estimated vote is in. biden is ahead of trump by
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320,000 votes. 55.3%-43.5% for trump in ohio. biden has 143,000 votes over trump. 82.2% to 69% in pennsylvania. ma in michigan is very early. 58.9%-39.7% in michigan right now. let's go back to jon king at the magic wall. he's a busy guy tonight. a lot going on. you got to look at all the battleground states and giver us a sense of the latest. >> it is a lot of fun. joe biden leads about the popular vote. i know some people are not a fan of the electoral college. you see 12.4 million there. north carolina started coming in shaded blue right now. one of those states donald trump has to win to recreate his path in 2016. north carolina is a big one. 56 if you round up to 43 right
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now. what are you looking at here? you start here, charlotte and meckenberg county. on a night like this sometimes that swings a little bit because we have mail-in person early. you go back and look, everywhere we are looking is joe biden over performing hillary clinton in the cities and suburbs around them. 69% if you round it up for joe biden. that's as big building block to keep north carolina more competitive. you start in wake county. this is raleigh. it is changing and there are new voters here. they tend to be called educated and a lot of diversity. the new vote here is not donald
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trump's vote. begin, the second largest county in the state about 10% of the state's voting. 58% for clinton. over performing here. you just move over. this is the research trial. suburbs turned away from president trump during his presidency. 82% right now in durham county here. look at that, that's a big number here. you go back in time, 79%. you think that's a little bit in the margin in a close state, that's what matters. this is another one of these states and we see it across america and we are watching it play out of georgia and florida and central ohio. the president runs it up in a small town. 67% here. he had a rally here the other day. this will be interesting to watch. there are trump's super counties here. president trump went to certain place to do his rallies because he knew he was losing.
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67% with trump. is that enough? 75%. let's watch. the president had a deliberate travel plan. he went to certain places where they knew their voters are and they thought they can turn and match 2016 or exceed 2016. let's watch it when we get closer to the final. he's there in raleigh the other night. you pull it back out, if you are democrats you got to run it up in the cities and asheville and suburbs around it. now 55% or 56% if you round it. those are the building blocks. grow and build especially in places in population that's changing like north carolina. you come down to the coast here in wilmington, not as big, it is the ninth of 100th counties in terms of population. you are down along the coast here. that's where you find republicans in the suburbs.
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you think that's not a good deal. 52,000 votes now in a close state. democrats getting 58 plus for joe biden there compares to 50. 8,000 votes can make a difference in a close state when you are racking them up. turnout is up everywhere. you are not making a direct comparison, you have to be careful about that. let's come here in fayetteville both campaigns spent a lot of time here. senator harris was here and 60% for joe biden and 38% for the president. let's go back in time, 57%. joe biden over performing. let's pull it out and see how significant the over performing is as we come in. let's see where he's over performing here. sorry, i am in the wrong map. thank you. let me come back out here. where is he over performing, right? he's over performing and you see
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these counties where he's over performing. for democrats in north carolina, wade county and. that's the build block of a small campaign and you come to wade county, you know what happens in the suburbs during the four years. you turn out your african-american base and trying to get those young college base. that's what you try to do and you see joe biden and you come out here, this is significant as well. these are counties and president trump is going to win, joe biden is over performing hillary clinton by 5 percentage point or more. shrink the president's margins there, you expand your margin in a place like this, let's check in on winston-salem as well.
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59%. shy of 100,000 votes for joe biden. 5,000 votes matter in a close state when you are coming through. 2020, we are not done in north carolina. we are going to keep on counting votes. let's turn it off. 54-48. a nice lead for the former vice president right there. 60% in. you know a lot of these places here, the president is going to get his votes. if you are democrats, especially when you compare in the suburbs and cities. that's what it looks like so far. we got a way to go. ere looking at south carolina right now that's blue. go slow and be cautious and don't think anything we see now is absolutely definitive of where we'll end the night. however, this is closer. it is only 9% of the votes. some of these red states closer does tell you something. is it a competitive race there?
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ohio is still blue. i was going to go south to florida, i just want to check on it. about 40%, that's where we were last time. not as many. rural counties to fill in here and we'll pull out the map and look really quick. florida is still close. president is holding that lead there. georgia is still close. ways to go. long way to go. not as much in florida if you are the president you are looking at 180,000 in florida and you are starting to feel comfortable. >> let's check in with jake and dana and abby. >> thanks so much. there is a lot of blue on the map right now. of course it is still very, very early. what are you looking for? >> look, i mean you are exactly right. the fact that georgia in particular seems to be competitive when four years ago if anybody would have told us watch georgia, we would have said no. that's a very red state. and it seems to be really giving donald trump a run for his money. it is as we talked about which
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is similar to other battleground states, the changing demographics and the suburbs. >> yeah, i do think we may see tonight a little bit of a distinction. when we talk about demographics we talk about it in a way where we are saying all demographics benefit the democrats but that's not always the case. in florida joe biden is struggling because he's struggling with latino voters in florida in familiar. we may see him benefiting from non-white voters coming out for him in places like georgia and ohio and north carolina as well. we'll see what happens but it is not going to be necessary lyanne even story all across the map because of these different population. >> you said non-white voters. white voters either college educated or not you kind of think more historically for
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donald trump seems to be changing at least in the exit polls we are seeing so far. >> in some of these states is a smaller percentage of voters that are white. >> yep. >> and donald trump is not doing as well with them even if he's winning them. it is those different kinds of margins that'll determine this election. of course it is different kinds of latino voters, for example, there is latino voters who are largely cuban americans and venezuela americans and there is latino voter who is are mexican-american in arizona and it is a very diverse group politically in addition to where their ancestors are from. the other thing that's interesting is how biden is even though he's doing worse with some of these groups like with latino voters. he's doing better with suburban voters and we are seeing that across the board. >> this is where we need to put in our 2020 hat and allow 2020 to be what it is which is biden
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may put together a coalition that's different than what we have seen from other democrats particularly barack obama who was the last democrat to win the white house. the obama coalition was something fairly specific, it involves younger voters and a lot of black voters and hispanic voters. joe biden may need to do something different tonight. he may need suburban women and more non-college educated men in order to win some of the places he need to win like pennsylvania in order to get to 270. >> which is what the biden campaign was telling me and i am sure both of you as welcoming into this. which is why they felt better in the northern states and the northern mid western states because his coalition is not the same as the guy who's the president, when he was the vice president. >> no, he's middle class joe. >> this is where the rubber
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meets the road. when we talk about what's going on in florida, this is where democrats were not able to turn out their voters. they have to turn it elsewhere on the map. >> we are waiting for pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan. >> wolf. >> we have another projection right now. president trump will win the state of west virginia with its five elect raoral votes. too early to call it. in the state of arkansas which has six electoral votes. let's take a look at the race for 270. where it stands right now. trump has 42 electoral college votes. biden has 30. 270 needed to win the presidency. let's get a key race alert right now. >> here is some of the latest numbers for north carolina right now. 62% of the estimated vote in north carolina is in. trump is losing to biden by 329,000 votes.
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biden is ahead 53.9%-44.9% in north carolina. ohio, biden is ahead there of 284,000 votes, 54.5% to trump 44.3%. 18 electoral votes in ohio. pennsylvania only 6% of the estimated vote is in. biden is ahead by about 79,000 votes. 58.7%-40.7%. 20 electoral votes in pennsylvania. in texas right now almost half of the vote is in, 45%, biden is ahead in texas right now by 250,000 votes. 51.7%-46.9%. a huge number of electoral votes at stake in texas. 38 electoral votes in texas. in new hampshire right now, 10% of the vote is in. biden is ahead there by 7500
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votes. 53.7% for biden and 54.3% for new hampshire right now. too early to call in several of these states. we are monitoring it right now, florida, michigan and georgia and virginia. we can't make any projections in those states right now. too early to call right now. let's take a look at the votes in those states right now. in florida right now. 90% of the vote is in florida. trump is ahead by about 226,000 votes. 50.5% to biden 48.4%. michigan, only 4% of the vote is in. trump is ahead by 40,000 votes. 40.6%. georgia, the number is increasing, 22% of the estimated vote is in. trump is ahead by 154,000 votes right now. 56.2%-42.8%. virginia right now, 30% of the
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vote is in. trump is ahead. let's go back to jon king at the magic wall. i am curious of what we are seeing in the commonwealth of virginia. >> it is interesting. a lot of places at the map, this is going to be that night because of the combination. mail-in voting and early in-person voting. different states handling those ballots different ways. the map looks a little different. we'll see where it ends up. you are looking at a map right now that has ckansas in blue an virginia in red. rhode island is in red. i don't expect it to end that way. again, a lot we are waiting for votes to be counted. we are preliminary in some of these states. i circled some states you are priced surprised by. texas is blue and south carolina
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is pblue. we are having an unusual night because of the pandemic and different ways that are beingwe. we are seeing in a place like ohio where hillary clinton was not competitive four wreyears a. we know joe biden is more competitive and across the industrial midwest. we know joe biden is more competitive. that's a 10-point lead in ohio. only 40% of the votes. long way to go. ohio is a republican state. it is the more republican if you are going through ohio, pennsylvania and wisconsin. we'll see how it ends up. the fact that joe biden is competitive and he's doing what a democrat need to do at least so far. we are not at the finish line. the building blocks of the democratic win in a state that's fearlessly competitive is ohio. you got to run it up in the city. this is the biggest one of all.
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cleveland and cuyahoga county. 66%, over performing hillary clinton. lake county went for donald trump. those suburbs going for joe biden. in 2016, donald trump won the suburbs. 2018 the suburbs revolt and nancy pelosi is speaker. does that last or accelerate or stay the same? we'll see. lake county tells us the suburban revolves of the projection of donald trump. we'll see. west of cleveland. joe biden is running ten points ahead of heroillary clinton. this makes the map a little different. short of 66,000 there. we still have 60% of the vote. we'll watch as it plays out. you come back out to ohio, why
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are we spending so much time on it? joe biden flips his state blue, donald trump has no path to reelection. we are going to spend some time on this. we are watching half way through. things can change so let's keep an eye on it. pennsylvania is blue. i want to stop here quickly. we don't have anything. it is blue at the moment with early votes and we'll stay with this one. we are told pennsylvania could be tomorrow or a couple days after that. joe biden has the lead early on that looks blue on the map. you are happy if you are a democrat, ere not there yet. you come down here. if joe biden wins ohio, donald trump's path to re-election is blocked. you can come up with other scenarios but it is very hard. this one right now, 66 and two-thirds of the vote. 53-46 when you round up to 275,000 lead. >> 66% of the vote in north
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carolina. biden has a 275,000 vote lead. i want to check in with david challan. how much of this vote is early vote and how much is it today's? >> we do have that. as john was showing you what you see here now is joe biden's leading. this is the 66% of the estimated vote in north carolina right now. wolf, i want to show you what percentage of that is early vote. 97% of the current vote that you are looking at in north carolina is early vote. that's benefiting joe biden in the big democratic counties in charlotte and wake county and raleigh area. it is almost all early votes of those big democratic counties. we expect the share of the early vote to go down to 75% of the total vote at the end of the date. that could benefit donald trump as more election day vote comes in. it is a note of caution.
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the vast majority of the vote of north carolina is early vote. that's benefiting joe biden at the moment. there are still more election votes to be counted. >> what about ohio? >> in ohio i don't think, what we see here joe biden is benefiting from early vote there. there is more early vote to come in there. oh, take a look here. we have 49% of the total estimated votes in. 29% of it right now is early vote. we think that's going to climb. 53% is our estimate of the ohio vote that's early vote. it is an opportunity actually. eye d genoty joe biden has to lead now for him to grow his lead in ohio. >> john, you and i well know, no republicans have ever won the white house without carrying ohio. >> it was so critical. obama took it back from george w. bush in 2004.
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2004 came down to one state, ohio. 2020. we can do history another day. we have history unfolding before us right now. 2020 right now. this is an important point that david made. we need you to be patient at home. these are all real votes. the context is we are waiting. a lot of it is early vote. north carolina we know democrats voted early. democrats returning their ballots early. now we watch to see the election day vote and that's why the president was traveling the country the last week in places like north carolina and trying to get his people to show up today because he knew coming into today he was behind. this tells us that was in fact correct. you are looking here in
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meckenberg county. the question is can donald trump close that gap? m the place that you see that are blue right now, joe biden is leading it. this is winston-salem. 59-40. let's go back and take a look. 53-43. 10-point race. four years ago, donald trump carries the state with the early vote. joe biden has a much bigger advantage. we have to finish. we have to count the rest. we may be two-thirds around the tra track. we have to wait for those votes to come in, joe biden is doing what he needs to do impress sivy but we are not at the finish line yet.
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82%-17%. can he get it a little closer? even at a place you are not going to win, you are going to get it closer. number two, this is it. democrats spent a lot of time here, wake county. the second largest county in the state. one of the places growing again. you start in the city and move out in the suburbs. 65-33. 58-38 if you round up for the president. this is why it matters. again, we have to see if it sticks. democrats got around the track with the early voting. now we'll wait for the rest of the election to come in. one of the things you counted, the open spots and gray spots. this is rural county. we don't have anything there. this is where hillary clinton won chatham county. that's an opportunity for the democrats. let's go back to 2020 again. you come over here and you start to get between national and winst winston-salem.
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you come back in time and this is a 68% county four years ago. this is what you want to watch. when the rest of it come s in. there is room on this map for the president, certainly narrow. i want to check one more in fayetteville and bring it out cumberland county. the president did a rally here the other night. 60-38. 56-40. got to get up a little bit more. it can matter in a close race and narrow those margins. again, you are spending extra time on these states. joe biden does not need this. joe biden can win the presidency without north carolina. let's pull back out because in other place if the president lost this, it would be impossible. florida is hard.
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we wait. they're feeling pretty good of trump's headquarters about that one. let me check in with georgia. let's see where georgia goes. >> i want to show two maps. show us the electoral college map where things stand right now as far as the projections we already know. >> so looking at this map before i walk over this map here. kansas, texas, and missouri is blue. if in a few hours, that you would be something. bear with us and bear with these election officials. they're all doing their jobs. these are amazing people. they are counting and they have mail-in votes and election day turnout. turnout is up everywhere. these volunteers are stressed and this year with more people voting which is a good thing, the work is hard. some of these votes, i am sure it is early vote. democrats tend to vote early.
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what you are seeing is preliminary. i want to come over here right now to look at this map. the idea is to get to 270. we are waiting on florida to finish. we are waiting for more election day vote. this is what we know. on way to 270. joe biden has 30 which tells us what? we have a long way to go. nothing on this map so far. there are surprises over here. we don't know if they are going to hold. some of the states are reporting early. this map is filling in as we expected. the challenge for joe biden is to flip. this is the president's map four years ago. joe biden would love to flip this, this and this. if he flips two of those three, he's the next president of the united states and he's competitive. joe biden is in a lot of places, including arizona and maybe in texas. we are going to watch. this map looks if you are a democrats, you are celebrating
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this map because you are leading in texas and kansas and ohio. those words have not been spoken in a long time. let's just be patient at home. you come down to texas, this is one is more real. we are up to about 60% of the estimated vote. we have a way to go. we know texas is going to be more competitive this year. could joe biden win it? stay with us. we'll get through this. if joe biden is ahead by 216,000 votes in a giant state like texas. you are looking at the map again, i want to go back in time. most of this, most of this is going to fill in red. most of them are small counties. it adds up after a while. the challenge for the democrats is where you see the dots and major urban areas, democrats have to run it up . in the cities and a lot of growing suburbs.
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democrats flipped the how seats here two years ago. 66% for joe biden right now. 61% for secretary clinton. expand what the last democrat did d grand grow. 2020, move down to the largest county in the state is right here. rhode island. the 25th largest state. harris councilm harris county and houston, more than 16% of the vote comes right here. there has been a lot of voting here. we know turnouts was off the charts here. 79,000 votes in harris councilman. you go back in time, 77,000 vot votes. turnout is up and joe biden's percentage is up. democrats think there is a house seat down here, they could flip as well. you come down here to the urban areas, san antonio, the latino
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vote matters here. in the city, suburbs, 59% for joe biden this time. you go back in time, 54% and 55% if you round it up. turnout is up. 319,000. joe biden is approaching 400,000 votes. turnout is amazing. it is a great thing. we hope that continues. this is where beto o'rourke and turn out votes here and let's see if joe biden here of web county, 59% go back in time. 74%. this could be a place where you are looking at the end of the night. is this is a place where joe biden under performs hillary clinton. a lot of votes to countme. wolf, we are looking at austin and travis county. a long way to go in texas. there is a senate race there and
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democrats think they have a chance to take back the house, the texas state house. >> we are standing booy the secd largest wave. arizona, colorado, kansas, and louisiana, michigan, minnesota, and nebraska, new york, new mexico, north dakota, south dakota, texas, wisconsin and wyoming is all closed. 156 electoral volts ates are ate at this hour. arizona, colorado, minnesota, and texas, along with two of michigan and wisconsin. those states sealed trump's victory. joe biden is hoping to win them back for the
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phi states where biden is leading right now. let's start in north carolina. biden has a nearly 220,000 vote lead over trump. 52.1% to 46.8%. 70% of the estimated vote in north carolina is in. in ohio, half of the vote is in. biden has an impressive lead over trump. 54.9% to 43.9%. 18 electoral votes in ohio. in pennsylvania only 10% of the vote is in, but biden has a 213,000 vote lead over president trump. 20 electoral votes in pennsylvania. texass a huge prize. 38 electoral votes. 36% of the vote is in. biden has a lead over president trump. 50.6% to 48%. in new hampshire, biden has a
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7,400 lead over president trump. trump is leading in these four states. let's show you. he's leading right no you in florida. 91% of the estimated vote. trump has an impressive lead over biden in florida -- 50.7% to 48.3%. in michigan right now, only 9% of the estimated vote is in, trump has a 107,000 vote lead over president trump. in georgia, trump is ahead by almost 177,000 votes right now. 55 55.9 theers to 43.1%. more man a third of the vote is in in v.a. and trump has a 285,000 vote lead over biden, 57.7% to 40.2% in the commonwealth of v.a. let's focus in a little bit on north carolina and ohio right now, john, because if biden wins those two states, potentially --
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potentially -- that could be the ball game. >> those would be the ball game. those are two states absolutely critical. you take away ohio, north carolina, joe biden holds the clinton states he's the next president of the united states without even taking back all of the blue wall. let's focus on them. ohio, let's focus and look at this right now. ohio is blue. that's a big deal. north carolina is blue. there are some other anomalies on the map. i know i'm a broken record. i want to keep everyone at home, especially those tuning in later in the night, mail-in voting, election day voting the count is going to come in in different ways tonight and things are going to be different. things are going to be different. the map is going to bounce around. this is real. these are votes. we're counting them. they could change. it's not where we are in the middle. it's the end. out here, we haven't begun yet. ohio, 50% of the estimated total right there. however this ends, this is already a statement tonight about how joe biden is
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performing differently than hillary clinton, outperforming hillary clinton in the industrial midwest. look at this -- 54.5% to 44.3%. it's almost a flip from four years ago. it was a handy win, almost an easy win for donald trump four years ago. now you come forward here. we're not done. we have a ways to go here. but i want to look at this. in cleveland, you bring this out -- that's what you want to do as a building block. let's look at it another way. one of the challenges is, why joe biden not hillary clinton, right? joe biden is not hillary clinton. we've said that consistently. it's not a criticism. it's meant as a performance metric. this is joe biden outperforming hillary clinton by five percentage points for more. look at all these counties. in the blue counties that's important. you're getting more people, outperforming in democratic bases in the cities and suburbs. that's critical. you know what's just as critical? look at all the red. in all these small places where
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donald trump runs it up, that's why he's president. ran itupinennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, florida, ran it up in north carolina. >> it's very impressive where biden is overperforming. where is trump overperform something. >> that's where you want to come out. take that off. is the president overperforming himself? look at this in ohio. one county. you say what about overperforming -- where is he underperforming? a lot of places. joe biden is overperforming in democratic areas and in trump counties. the president is underperforming by five points for more, importantly, number one, these smaller counties. that's where he tends to run it up. he gets 70%, 65%, 82%. it's a couple thousand votes here, a couple thousand here. that's how you win a state. but remember, donald trump -- i am your voice. sanders voters, come to me. they live here right? 61% to 37% right now. you come back, four years ago,
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49% to 47%. this is the story of ohio right now. will it get to the finish line? we don't know. joe biden is outperforming hillary clinton. donald trump is underperforming himself. which is why the state is competitive. >> is biden underperforming any place in ohio. >> let's bring it out and fake a look. you ask a question i'll try to get an answer. is biden underperforming anywhere? the answer is no. remember back -- joe biden said this today at the beginning of the primaries you're not the guy, you're not the fit. you're not the guy we want, you're not in touch with the progressive wing of the democratic party. joe biden's message was,ky win these guys. joe biden's message was i can do better than hillary clinton here and here and here. toledo, akron, youngstown. the democrats are expected to win them, the question is the margins. >> biden is ahead by 300,000 votes right now in ohio. let's do the same thing in north
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carolina. >> blue at the moment. we're not at the finish line. democrats would see this and celebrate. republicans would get nervous. we're not done yet, but we're up to about 70% of the estimated vote. those numbers will swing, too. early votes came in first. we're waiting to see. we knew a lot of joe biden's early lead was because of the early vote. the president was rallying all week long. the vice president went as well. can you turn out today to overcome the early voting? 51, round it up to 52 to 47. just to go back for comparison, 50 to 47. three-point race for the president four years ago. you want to do to performance metrics. where is the president overperforming hillary clinton? well, a lot of places and a lot of places that matter. >> that's biden. >> sorry, biden performing hillary clinton in a lot of places, including the place you need votes the most.
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68.4%, 63%. this was a good county for hillary clinton four years ago. that's a very good job. but joe biden is doing it even more so. in this case, some of that is joe biden. some of that, when we flip and it look at the president, that's donald trump when we look at the suburbs. wake county, number two county in the state -- this is about math in the end. number one county, round up the vote, number two county by population, round up the vote. that's where it matters. get the votes where the people are and try to run it up. this is where biden is overperforming. is biden underperforming anywhere? let's check on that one first. again, one county. one republican county. that's a pretty good record. now we got to flip it this way. where is the president underperform something several so far. not aen ton, not a lot. let's see if the president is overperforming anywhere, which
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is the key. in a couple smaller counties down here. that's what makes it the a battleground state. the key metric is the first one we showed you. if you're the democrats you lived the last campaign, those are a lot of important places. when you see win some salem, charlotte, raleigh, those are where the democratic votes are. cities surrounded by suburbs, the farther out in the suburbs you can go, that's what democrats are trying to do. joe biden, looking for the coast, places that flipped. hanover county. wilmington. four years ago was the other way. 50-46. you're flipping downticounties e you're overperforming. the republican women, we'll watch the gender gap at the end of the night. if you're coming in here, look, here's where we are, 193,000 votes. that's a little closer. the election day vote is starting to come in. the lead is shrinking a little bit. as the election day vote comes in you're watching counties like
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this. this is number 21. this is where the president does it -- 70%, things like that. you come back in time, 72%. this is where he does it here in north carolina. we're going to watch this play out. i want to pull out the map, see if anything else changed. pull the map back out. texas is still blue. still at 65%. see the smaller, most of that is going to fill in red. if you're joe biden you're encouraged. let's move around. oklahoma as it should be. that's coming in red. want to go to georgia. haven't had vote counts come in for a while. it's a comfortable lead for the president but we have a long way to go. let's come back to ohio. the state that could decide it all. the president absolutely needs this one. battleground ohio, map starting to fill in. still a long way to go. >> certainly is. voting is about to end in 14 states. that's the second biggest wave
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of results tonight. 156 electoral votes are up for grabs. we're watching six key battleground states from arizona in the west to michigan and wisconsin in the midwest. zbluchltd ever. we have a projection right now. cnn projects that joe biden will win the state of new york and win its 29 electoral votes. biden beats trump in new york state. we cannot make projections at this hour in these states -- arizona, colorado, kansas, louisiana, michigan, minnesota, nebraska, new mexico, north dakota, south dakota, texas, wisconsin, and wyoming. take a look at the electoral college map where it stands right now with bide inwinning new york state. he has 59 electoral votes to trump's 42. you need 270 to be president of the united states.
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let's go to north carolina, 15 electoral votes. 74% of the estimated vote is in. biden is still ahead. 51.4% to 47.5% in north carolina. let's go to ohio right now. more than half of the vote is now in. biden is ahead there. 281,000 vote lead over trump, 53.6% to 45.1% in ohio. in pennsylvania only 14% of the vote is in, but biden has what looks like a comfortable lead, 353,000 vote lead over trump, 66.8% to 32.4% in pennsylvania. in texas, 65% of the estimated vote is in. biden still maintains a lead. it's close in texas. he has a lead of about 84,000 votes. 49.8% to 48.7%. in new hampshire, biden has an 8,600 vote lead over trump,
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53.2% to 45.7%. trump is leading in these four states florida, 92% of the estimated vote is in. trump has a lead over biden. in florida, 50.8% to 48.2%. in michigan, it's early there, 183,000 vote lead over biden. it's early in michigan, 59.3% to 38.4%. almost a third of the vote is in georgia. trump has a relatively comfortable lead over biden, 57.2% to 41.8%. in virginia more than a third of the vote is in. trump has a nearly 300,000 vote lead in virginia over biden, 57.7% to 40.2%. let's go back to john king. he's looking at the magic wall. you see a lot of red, but you see a lot of blue as well.
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>> it's an interesting map. i'm going to go through some of the big ones. we start in ohio. i want to explain some of these other states that look different right now. we'll see. this is the big one for me, ohio. more of this is starting to fill in. i just want to show you 2016. you see all this red in here. that's what you're looking for. but as they fill in, joe biden is holding on to that lead. we still have a way to go. 53% here. the democrats thought this was in play. joe biden went there on monday. democrats were worried, should that time be spent somewhere else? but he went to cleveland to turn out the vote. and we still have more votes to come. if you're a democrat, that's impressive. the question is when the later votes come in, do you keep that margin? it's absolutely critical. this is your number one vote senter in ohio. you want to run up the vote. suburbs, up to 61% of the vote. it's close. it's a moral victory but also a little bit of the map.
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the democrats want to expand in the suburbs. you can pick up anywhere in ohio you try to do it. ohio, a place that's been red for a long time, people wonder. president has a healthy lead, 57%. that's not insignificant. i just want to make the point, this is where the votes are in v.a. fair fax county. only about 15% of the vote in. we're waiting on that. alexandria, also waiting were votes. virginia, red. we'll keep an eye on it it's an interesting night. >> northern virginia critical in the state of v.a. we have two more projections. cnn projects joe biden will win the state of new jersey. biden beats trump in new jersey. we have a projection in arkansas. president trump beats biden in arkansas. he will win arkansas's six electoral votes. trump wins in arkansas. let's take a look at the
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electoral college map where things stand right now. biden is still ahead. has 73 electoral votes. trump has 48. 270 needed to win the presidency, 73-48. right now, the electoral map is obviously the most important. >> it is and at the moment it is filling in as expected in the sense that nothing that's happened so far on this map -- these were all solid states. the red states, we had those solid trump coming in so no surprises here. over here where we're counting votes, potential surprises. these states up here, no surprises. massachusetts, vermont vermont, new jersey, maryland, delaware, new york, those were solid biden coming in. the question, is where do the big prizes go? remember this map, it's as it was, which means it is as it was. we go back four years ago, this was the trump map. nothing has change sd so far, b
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remember the other map. we're not done yet. if that changes and that changes right there gets trump down to 273. so imagine, that right? so then if you're looking around, joe biden, you have a chance in arizona. we're not there yet. we have a long way to go before we get west. if you keep looking at this map, joe biden had a healthy lead in michigan. he thinks he can win pennsylvania. we'll see how that one goes. just tells you the menu. that gets joe biden to 322. it tells you he has more options any way. if you can add ohio to that it's just a buffet of possibility to run it up and take away the president's map. if you're the president and looking at this right now, you had 306. you're trying to figure out, what am i going to lose? welsh aga well, again, that was a double digit lead. we're going to count in michigan. he's overcome deficits before. if you're in the president's
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campaign and you think you may lose those two, look where you are now. you're already at 280. if joe biden, if he can get michigan and wisconsin -- we're just starting up here. he has so many options. those two coming in look like they were there. this is why if you're the trump campaign, at this point you're getting nervous, because at this point it means you can't afford to lose that and joe biden is leading there. and even if you hold that, there is just no way you can lose that. that would do it. and again, we're not done with florida yet, although trump's lead there seems pretty comfortable. we're not done with georgia yet. joe biden is competitive in arizona. texas we're still early in the night on. the idea is the menu options are more plentiful for joe biden to get there. doesn't mean he gets there, but if you're sitting in the trump campaign right now, the state you're watching most nervously -- i'll give you two -- north carolina and ohio. >> let's look at that. let's start with ohio. >> ohio right here in the middle. michigan is red right now. it's a very early vote.
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doesn't mean it won't end up that way. certainly did four years ago. one of the big trump surprises. we're early. we'll come back when we have a significant amount of votes. if we're not spending time that means we don't have a significant amount of votes yet. we do here. no republican has won the white house in modern times without ohio. that's why we're goings to spend an a lot of time on this. 52-46. you want to be on top whenever. but we have a ways to go. if you watch the map play out, doesn't look a lot different, but just watch where you see more blue when you come back in here. you see it in the suburbs, along the lake. this is where the democrats are doing it. i haven't come out here. lucas county. here's your opportunity is this early vote? joe biden, 73% to 26%. watch when that number is higher
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later in the night, are the margins like that percentage wise? four years ago, hillary clinton won here, 56-38. see where you are now. that matters. those margins matter in places where there are votes. we did cuyhoga county. this is a place donald trump made inroads. four years ago, 52-43. that's a big difference. if joe biden can hold that, again, that gives you your cushion. this was the central argument from the biden campaign -- scrappy kid from scranton, middle class joe, i can go into these places and win them, make them like they used to be when democrats were more competitive in ohio. along the river, 60%. again, we're only half the way
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there. the president had votes last time. this was very close last time. it's the 10th of the 88 counties in ohio, ten10th largest. you go across the border this is pennsylvania. this was the fight of 2016. ohio was comfortable, but pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, it's the same people who swung it. let's go back up, take a look at it. let's go to 2020 and look. where else are you looking? hamilton county, is cincinnati. joe biden running it up. about halfway there, again. when you're halfway you're placing a marker, saying that's where you want to be. that's outside where you want to be. let's go back and look. 52% then. 69% now. that's a wow. if that stays. you're saying this is early vote here. the question is what happens to the election day turnout? this used to be a republican area. this is, again, a changing community because of the suburbs
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and if joe biden try position win ohio tonight, and that would be a statement right there, game over. there's also a house seat in the same area. you're watching the democratic vote, watching how things play out. you come up to franklin county again. this is the capital. democratic area in columbus. unions, african-american vote. democrat run up here. but it's when you get out here and get into the suburbs, if you're running 75%, you come back in time, 60%. that's a huge difference. some of the math is difficult. some of it is not. 63% then. you're at 74%. we're only halfway. that percentage stays there as the day goes up, but again, we have election votes to come in. if you're looking at the building blocks you're looking at that and you're happy but you also know 67% is not 90%. you want to get up there. but that's huge. whether that changes or not, the fact that it's so competitive,
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the fact that ohio is so competitive, joe biden is going to be stronger in pennsylvania, michigan, he's likely to be stronger across the midwest because there are so many places that are a lot of like. there are differences but the similarities tell you if joe biden is doing that well here, especially in the eastern part of ohio that carries over into western pennsylvania, if it does, it makes biden a stronger candidate in pennsylvania. joe biden needs to do well out here. you've got to win this county. the early votes have the president ahead joe biden does not need to win west moreland county. you see the 64 right there. when this comes in -- if joe biden can make it 55-45, 60-40, it's better. this is where we'll watch the debate come out. the fact that joe biden is performing so well right now in these parts of ohio bodies well for this part of pennsylvania. we'll count them as they come
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in. north carolina is still blue. ohio and north carolina -- the later in the night we get, if ohio and north carolina stay blue, that is a warning shot straight and the trump campaign headquarters. the president's he white house tonight. up to 78% right now. it's come down some. it's starting to come down a little bit. that was the election day vote coming out. you see it 50-48. that's closer too. the early vote had biden ahead. it's closer, but we're still watching. i just want to see where we are. 82%. more to come. again, does it get closer? 65-33. 58-38. you see the difference there. is the president going to win the map? he's not going to win wade county. the question is, can he get closer? that's nuts. 82-17. again, secretary clinton won this big, 80-18.
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the president needs to narrow that gap. that's a repudiation in the suburbs there. i just want to check down here in mecklenburg county. 68% to 31% when you round up. you come back, joe biden overperforming here. we have a ways to go in north carolina. that's 2016. we come to 2020. got a ways to go, wolf, but it's getting interesting. >> we have two more projections right now. take a look at this. cnn now projects joe biden will sk win the state of connecticut. he wins connecticut's seven electoral votes. trump on the other hand wins second-degree. three electoral votes in south dakota. trump is the winner there. let's take a look at the electoral college map where it stands now. biden has 80 electoral votes.
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trump that has 51. you need 270 to be elected president of the united states. john, i'm anxious to take a look at georgia, see where things stand in georgia. update our viewers. >> we're looking at georgia 2020. healthy lead for the president. 58-40. a little more than a third of the estimated vote in. two senate races at stake here. one could be settled tonight. one likely to go into a runoff. that's what makes the state more important -- you have a presidential race. the balance of power in the senate would also hinge on georgia. where are we right now? 36% in. the question is, what is still to come in this night that's a little different than previous election nights because of early voting and election day voting. we'll watch it play out. one of the things we have been looking at is the president outperforming. he is in some counties. this one is important. they're all important. but right here, dekalb outside
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of atlanta, the president -- it's very early -- i say it's important. it's important if it stays that way. the vote count is very low. is the president underperforming anywhere in georgia? early on i suspect i'm going to find the same thing. the question is how much of the vote is in in not much. fulton county is atlanta. donald trump has a comfortable lead, but we don't have many votes in the single largest county in georgia. that's one of the reasons we're going to keep looking at the state. democrats believe it's closer than the numbers. let's check in later in the night. there's not. that votes. is biden outperforming clinton anywhere? again, it says he is up here. very preliminary vote count. i don't want to jump to any conclusi conclusions. down here, also very preliminary. we have a long way to go in georgia. look at the count now.
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she won that county can 62,990 votes. . we know turn up is up everywhere. we'll check in on it later in the night. right now the vote counts are pretty small. hard to know whether it's the significant or not. we have a long way to go. most of the votes are right here. it's a big state. i'm not saying the other parts where most of the votes are in atlanta and the suburbs. you pull it out. i'm going get rid of the telestration. this right here, 10% of the vote. we don't have much in yet. then you move over here. cobb county. about 30% of the vote in. that's good for joe biden if you're winning by that much in the suburbs. again, suburbs, one of the biggest stories in american politics as they shift. move back over the fulton. come back to the suburbs of the east. gwinnett. long way to go.
tends to be disproportionate. if it holds up, that's significant. you're overperforming clinton there, but we're very preliminary when it comes to georgia so we want to wait and see. i want to pull out the map. see what's changed. texas has gone red. we had texas blue for a while. 66%. 1,300 votes in a state like texas. so it's very competitive. a lot of these states are more competitive this time. that's part of the story. this was not a close state four years ago. almost a ten-point race there. 4.6 million won it. we know turnout is up, so we have a ways to go in texas. just want to pull out and look at some more. again, we don't expect kansas to be blue at the end of the night, but there's a senate race out there. let's just watch. 40% of the vote in. where's it now? coming from here. manhattan, kansas. fantastic military base out
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results. some states only election day votes then early votes. we'll figure it out. but again, north carolina blue, ohio blue this time of night, that makes it interesting. >> michigan and wisconsin pretty early right now. we have seen the red. but 17% of the vote is in in michigan. trump is ahead by 200,000 votes. >> 17% of the vote is in and you have the president of the united states leading wayne county right now. that's not going to happen. we don't know what the margin is going to be, but the president of the united states is not going to win wayne county. no offense to the president of the united states, but that's not going to happen. you just know because of the different ways people voted -- mail-in, in-person, early, election day, there's going to be disruptions in the force. we'll look early on because they're all votes but the key is where are we a couple of hours from now? and the key is where are we form? by the end of the night we could have some people saying we should be done.
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no. legally cast ballots can be counted whether it's tomorrow, thursday, we have good people doing this across every state in the country. whenever somebody tells you you're done listen to the secretary of state. coming back to this again, this is a statement right now. again, win or lose, joe biden is making ohio competitive and making republicans in ohio nervous tonight and making people in the trump campaign nervous. i know you spoke to him frequently during the covid crisis. governor dewine said he thought the president would squeak it out. there's still time. i want to check in on virginia again. if you're in the trump campaign headquarters in northern virginia you're looking at this thinking, would that be real? this is a state when i started doing this, it was a republican state, then it became a purple state. it's blue right now. this is the biggest dump. we have seen this in previous
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campaigns. the republican candidate gets ahead and then in northern v.a. and down here, the republican vote comes in late. but we'll watch. it's interesting to watch. north carolina is interesting. maybe virginia is interesting as well. that's why we count them. we're up to 80% here. 79%. we're waiting for that election day. this is why the president did all these rallies late. if you're not trump campaign headquarters you're happy the red's down here. north carolina, blue, ohio blue at this hour, makes you nervous. >> much more ahead. as more polling places close at the top of the hour, two important battleground states are on the line -- iowa and nevada. election night in america continues in two minutes.
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as we stand by for the next poll closings right at the top of the hour, here's an update to the top of the race on 270 electoral college votes. right now, biden has 80. trump has 51. you need 270 to be elected president of the united states. let's get a key race awill earth and see where things stand in these states. let's start in north carolina. 79% of the estimated vote is in. biden is ahead by almost 100,000 votes. 50.5% to 48.4% in north carolina. 15 electoral votes at stake. in ohio, 58% of the estimated vote is in. biden is ahead there. 18 electoral votes at stake in ohio. let's take a look at pennsylvania. only 11% of the estimated vote
is in. biden has a lead of about 200,000 right now, 62.2% to 36.7%. 20 electoral votes in pennsylvania. texas, look how close it is. biden is ahead by only 4,000 votes. look how close it is in texas right now. huge prize. 38 electoral votes in texas. let's take a look at more states pennsylvania, 11% of the vote is in. biden is ahead once again by 200,000 votes in pennsylvania. in colorado, biden is ahead. 32% of the vote is in in colorado. 235,000 vote lead in colorado new hampshire right now, only 17% of the vote is in. biden is ahead by some 15,000 votes. 54.4% to 44.3% in new hampshire. we have five more races we want to update you on.
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wisconsin. trump is up by about 11,000 votes. 54.3% to 44.1%. let's take a look at the balance of power, what's going on in the congress. dana bash is looking closely at the senate. >> we have eight projections to make starting with the commonwealth of kentucky. that is mitch mcconnell, cnn can project that he'll go on for another term. same with arkansas's tom cotton. keeps that seat. and in south dakota, cnn can project that mike rounds will go back to washington for a second term. tennessee, this is an open seat. lamar alexander is retiring. cnn can project that bill haggerty will win a first time. in west virginia, shelly moore capito. in delaware, chris coons, it was biden's old seat.
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new hampshire, cnn projecting jeanne shaheen and cory booker going back to his seat as well. now let's look at important races we are watching right now. colorado, the democratic challenger john hickenlooper is ahead by little more than 200,000 votes. 60.3%. the encouple went, cory gardner is at 38%. 30% of the estimated vote in there. north carolina, cal cunningham is ahead at 48.5%. the republican thom tillis at 47.3%. in south carolina, the republican lindsey graham is ahead pretty significantly. let's look at what this all means in the big picture. democrats are leading in three republican seats. democrats must pick up four to flip the balance of power. what is the balance of power
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right now? 39 democrats, 36 republicans. 25 seats remain to be called. >> cnn projects that joe biden will win the state of colorado. will win its nine electoral votes. he beats -- he beats trump in colorado. trump on the other hand wins in north dakota. cnn projects trump will win in north dakota to pick up its three electoral votes. here's the electoral map where it stands now. biden is up to 89 electoral votes. trump has 54. 270 needed to win the presidency. let's go back to john king. this is the most important, 89 for biden, 54 for trump. >> starting to get the building blocks. a lot of unpredictability. a lot of states in play like north carolina and ohio that would be flips for joe biden. this map filling in in a predictable way, but that's
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because we haven't called the battleground states. 270 is the goal. you see the joe biden lead. this is why you look at the big states. they get you the lead. joe biden has new york. that's why florida, texas, california will be blue at the end of the night, so that's why battlegrounds like florida texas this year, ohio, that's why they're important because they're big chunks. the best way to get there. pennsylvania the biggest of the blue wall. if you're looking at this map, no surprises so far on this map. if you go over here, take a peek at the 2020 map, we have ohio blue right now, north carolina blue right now. let's come back over here and explain the significant of that. we're at 89-54. you come back to the trump map four years ago, right, nothing has change sod far in the blue states. so far, joe biden is winning the clinton states. the red states we've given to the president is states we expected him to win. if you look at the map where we have it right now, if that stays and and that stays, right there
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you get donald trump down to 273 and joe biden up to 265. so you're thinking you have a scenario here where with just one more state, just pick a state -- there's two congressional districts here and here. that could get joe biden to 267. but you could get to 270 with just michigan, right, if donald trump somehow holds on to michigan, you could get to 270 with just wisconsin. if donald trump somehow held ton to wisconsin from 2016, ending get, if you're joe biden, to 270 by flipping north carolina. the menu gives joe biden more options especially if ohio is competitive and north carolina is competitive and he's leading in the states right now. that is the challenge. president trump has a much more narrow path to re-election as he tries to deaf this map. ohio and north carolina, early results. they're all the more significant because we do know heading into the final days, 2016, the
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president was behind. he roared back. joe biden's lead in the polls was bigger this time. it was bigger in michigan. it was bigger in wisconsin. it was bigger in pennsylvania. so there was a path for joe biden to win out ohio, without north carolina, without georgia or arizona. joe biden has more options on the map, which is why in the trump campaign headquarters right now you're looking a at florida. you're happy. you're thinking, okay, we're doing pretty well. but you're looking at ohio and north carolina and that's what you're looking at. you can't afford to lose. you don't want to give up anything from your 2016 map. but if you're going to give up anything from your 2016 map, you certainly don't want to give up two of your bigger prizes which would be ohio and north carolina. again, we're not there yet, and now trump is leading in virginia. so if there are tradeoffs, if you give something up, you get it by taking back north carolina. look at that. virginia is a state that's been
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trending blue, but -- this is the anomaly of tonight -- we're getting different results in different states. we have a lot of votes to still come in. fair fax county is the biggest. a lot of democratic votes still to come in. we'll watch it. it's interesting. maybe it's going to be closer than we thought. we'll keep looking at it. but there's a lot of democratic votes out still. i suspect virginia may change. we come down to north carolina. look at that lead. 85,000 now. we were at 140,000 at one point. down to 113,000. down to 85,000. we told you the biden big lead early was based on early votes. we know democrats disproportionately voted early for covid protection reasons. democrats urged them to do so. trump, overwhelming election day turnout. that's what trump wanted. is he getting it? we shall see.
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58.3 to 48.5. north carolina may be the most competitive state in american politics. maybe florida is a close second. but when you look at the demographics of the north carolina, it's perhaps the most competitive state right now. cumberland county, 90%. if you get to 90%, if you're a democrat you're thinking how much more can i get out of this? if you're a republican you're thinking, can i narrow the margin? 56.5. back in time. 56.7. you don't think this is a lot. 16-point race. you come back here, 17-point race. look at the turnout everywhere in america. this is a good thing whether you're a democrat republican or independent. look at that number right there. in every county we're looking at -- almost every county we're looking at, a higher vote total winning this time. that's a good thing. no matter who wins the election, more americans participated. let's look at wake county. that's hillary clinton then. that's joe biden now. 58-65. that's a big deal.
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355,000 votes. let's look at the president's numbers. 196. come forward. 179. so a higher turnout in this coun county. he's got a ways to go. we'll see if he can narrow the map. blue dots, these are urban areas. . the democrats run it up in the blue areas. republicans in the suburbs, the president's getting shellacked. he's getting beat here. just want to look quickly, mecklen burg, 68-31. when you round up, 63-33. doesn't seem like a lot. in a place that has the most votes in the state, that matters. >> let's check in with david chalian who's taking a very close look at north carolina as well. >> first want to show thank you board here. these are the states that joe biden is leading in that donald trump won four years ago.
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so in north carolina as you were just discussing with john, he's got a 1.77 percentage point lead over donald trump ohio he's just over a 2 percentage point here and in wisconsin he's got a 2 percentage point lead, three states that donald trump won four years ago. let's look at north carolina. you see the state of play. you see that joe biden has 2.385 million votes compared to donald trump's. he's ahead with 80% of the estimated vote in. but here's what we have to look out for -- all those big democratic counties that john was just talking about, it's mostly early vote. so of this vote that's in, 90% of the it is is early vote. we think that's going to come down. we think that at the end of the night, 75% of the total carolina vote will be early vote. so right now, the early vote is
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helping joe biden. but as more election day vote comes in in north carolina, donald trump may be able to benefit from that. we just got to keep watching as those votes come in to north carolina. >> david, thank you very much. north carolina is important. 83% of the vote is in. biden's lead has come down. >> david was outlining the challenge for joe biden in north carolina, in ohio, in any of the battleground states, which is the democrats were happy with the early voting. in many of the states if you looked at the data, disproportionately for the democrats. so they got a couple laps in on the democrats. it's great to have to be leading the race. but you have to finish the race. that was the challenge for the democrats. and that was the concern as they saw the president going around. how many rallies did he have in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, retracing his 2016 map to try to get voters out of the woodwork to vote today. david makes the point, you've
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gone from 127,000 now to 84,000. you want to be in the lead, but now we're going to keep counting this election day votes. in some places you're in more rural counties i keep coming out to here. if you're joe biden you're happy. this is one of the trump supercounties. this is where he had a rally the other day. you hope there's not more here. you see the margin. four years ago, same idea. the president ran it up by 27,000. loosely run it up. this is one of the places i saul trump supercounties where they go there for a reason. they know they have voters they can turn out on election day. the democrats don't have to beat president trump today, but they have to be competitive. if they get shellacked today you lose what you gained with the early vote. we're going keep watching. we have places where we still have no votes. you're watching those as well. ways for people to report. this is a big trump county.
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right now you're down 84,000 votes. four years ago in this county, 24,000 votes more than that. you can get them in the places we're missing. when you come back in here, some of the places missing were places where the president did well in 2016. that's the concern if you're in the biden headquarters. they know what's missing. they know which counties, which precincts in the counties. durham count i the, 86%. >> let's go to ohio. >> just one quick point. this is a place they ran it up four years ago. we'll come back here to raleigh, wake county in the suburbs. does the math change, does the margin change. we'll use that as a marker. now you want to go back to ohio. you come back here. 64%. we got good votes early on buck it's been a slog since. look how close that is.
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13,461 votes. 49.5% to 49.2%. again, the same dynamics at play especially in small rural places. doesn't look like a lot because it's 8,000 votes in a giant state like ohio. but you're halfway in, getting 8,700 to the other guys 2,900, that matters. that margin matters when you do it here, and you do it here and then you do it here. that's how it adds up. so again, you'd rather be leading than trailing but you're watching those leads shrink as election day votes come in andu trying to figure out, is it enough to hold or do we have trouble? >> david chalian, take a look at ohio. only a 13,000 vote lead for joe biden. how much of it is early vote as opposed to today vote? you're voting joe biden's lead over donald trump. that's with 64% of the vote in.
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right now of that vote that's in, 41% of it is early vote. that's helping joe biden. but unlike north carolina, we expect the early vote share to grow here in ohio. at the end of the night, we think we estimated it should be about 53% of the overall vote. so there's the potential as more early vote comes in, joe biden could potentially have that lead. it's something to watch. obviously those rural counties can help trump as well. jake? >> thanks, david. we're looking at the race having tightened up quite a bit from what some pundits were projecting and right now it really does look like president trump has narrowed or even broken even in florida and north carolina and georgia, so really it is all coming down to what we said months and months ago, the blue wall of michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania, the blue states that hillary clinton thought she had in the back that donald trumper to down.
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joe biden trying to build it back up. >> those states you just talked about, it is not over. we're still watching it will whole m.o. of the widen campaign from the beginning was to rebuild that blue wall, and there's also another state that's going to come in later, which is arizona, and that is still one that the biden campaign is really hoping that finally flip from red to blue. >> yeah, and i think that we also are looking at a situation in which biden is not maybe expanding the map as much as they might have hoped that they would. the states that they thought he had a good chance, maybe because of turnout, demographics, are tight, which is fine, but it's election day and you have to actually win the state in order for it to matter. so, you know, we don't know what's going to happen yet, but this is a map that, as you just said, is probably going to come down to what we always thought it would come down to, that blue wall up there that biden really, really at this point, must hold
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on to. >> although the biden people, we should say, have not conceded florida or georgia or north carolina, and they feel very good -- they still feel good about north carolina, still feel very positive about arizona and the blue wall. but it's just not going to be as some democrats were hoping for -- they thought it was going to be an early landslide, which was really always a pipe dream. >> yeah. i mean, there's no landslide we're looking at. no way, given the numbers that we've seen. particularly when you start the night in florida when it's at tight as florida tends to be, and it's maybe even less so right now as they continue to count the votes. what is interesting is florida, one of the reasons the biden campaign thinks they're doing not as well as they hoped is because they're underperforming with latino voters. they're hoping to change that in a big way when they count arizona votes. they're hoping that buoys them.
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>> we talked about this earlier, the latino voters in florida are cuban american and venezuela american, very different from the mexican american, central american voters in nevada and arizona. >> i'm hearing the same thing from democrats who are saying, wait and see, because in arizona, we might see a completely different story. even in a state like north carolina, we might see a different story where a smaller population of latino voters would be very important for biden if he is able to turn them out. but that being said, what is happening in florida, i can tell you, democrats are not happy about it. at the end of the day, the situation in miami-dade is something that in the autopsy of this election, they will be looking back at and trying to fitti figure out what went wrong. >> i'll tell you what they think went wrong -- trump attacks worked. calling biden socialists with
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that population. >> and a lot of disinformation campaigns going down that we have covered on this air. whoful? >> thanks very much. john, let's take a look at michigan and virginia. >> we're seeing red, number one. michigan and virginia -- virginia we certainly thought would become blue. michigan was critical to the trump win in 2016. you see a lot of red on the map, but again, 20% estimated reporting. we expect red up here. let's give you a 2016 flash back. a lot of red. question is, can joe biden flip it back. let's come back to 2020. remember the blue down here. that's from 2016. you don't have it. you look at wayne county. that's detroit and the suburbs around detroit. donald trump leading. this is a tiny amount of the vote. ma comb county, 35% of the vote. if that holds that's a big deal. legendary home of the reagan democrats if you go back to the
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'80s, the blue collar workers, supported ronald reagan. democratic pollster did a lot of studies there. hillary clinton lost ma comb by ten points. 11 points there. this number if that holds up, that's a huge deal. this is michigan. this is very early. i want to pull out again. people watching at home, we told there's going to be a lot of anomalies in the map tonight. there might also be surprises. this is a big one. 56-41 in the commonwealth of virginia. that's a huge lead. i just noticed earlier tonight, fairfax county, the largest county in the state, growing. hugely democratic base, 27% some there are votes to come in the commonwealth of virginia. but again, on a night where we expect the unexpected in a few pla places we'll keep an eye on that. >> david chalian, we're talking at michigan and virginia.
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>> still early in michigan but that donald trump lead, that is with 20% of the estimated vote in michigan in. we want to know, how much of this is early vote right now? take a look here. only 11% of the vote in michigan is early vote right now. we know that joe biden voters are the ones that tended to vote early. we expect that to go up to 55%. we think a slim majority of voters in michigan will have voted before election day by mail, early voting. that could benefit biden since he's doing better. in the early vote in michigan. he could overtake donald trump. look in virginia. john was talking about the democratic areas. here's the current state of play. donald trump has a healthy lead with 45% of the vote in. what is the story of the early vote? currently, of that vote that's in, 28% of it is early vote
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women know joe biden is doing bet were early vote. we expect that to go up to 66% some a huge swath of the early vote that is going to be a pro biden vote could help joe biden overtake donald trump's lead in virginia. specifically we see almost no early vote in some of the really heavy democratic counties of fairfax and alexandria. >> thanks. we've got two more projections right now. cnn projects that donald trump will win the state of south carolina. he's the winner in south carolina, will win its nine electoral votes. cnn also projects donald trump will win in alabama, will win its nine electoral votes in the state of alabama now. here's where the map stands now. biden now has 89 electoral votes. trump has 72. 270 needed to win the presidency. we're getting deeper.
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counting down to the top of the hour, 10:00 p.m. eastern. that's when polls will close in iowa, montana, nevada, and utah. together those states are 21 votes. every state is vital to get to the total of 270. iowa and nevada are the balls to watch in the next while the president showing to hold on to iowa after winning it handily four years ago. let's get a key race alert right now. let's start with ohio, a critical battleground state right now. 64% of the estimated vote is in. look at how close it is in ohio right now. only a 13,000-vote lead for biden over trump in ohio. 49.5% for biden. look at that, how close it is. in north carolina, 82% of the vote is in. biden does have a 60,000, almost 65,000-vote lead over trump, 50.1% over there. in pennsylvania only 16% of the vote is in. they're taking their time counting the votes in pennsylvania.
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biden has a 73,000-vote lead over trump. 52.5% as you can see. in wisconsin right now 19% of the vote is in. biden's lead is narrow. only 22,000-vote lead. 50.7%-47.4% in wisconsin. in minnesota, a quarter of the vote is in. biden has an impressive nearly 300,000-vote lead in minnesota. 66.1% he's got there. in new hampshire right now, 22% of the vote is in. biden's lead has increased a bit to nearly 20,000. 54.3%-44.4%. let's take a look at three more states right now. let's -- actually five more states right now. florida right now, 93% of the vote is in. trump has a pretty comfortable lead. 379,000-vote lead over biden in florida. in michigan right now, 20% of the vote is in. trump has an impressive 224,000-vote lead over biden right now in michigan, right there. in georgia almost half of the
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vote is in. trump has a pretty impressive lead. more than 364,000-vote lead over biden in georgia. 16 electoral votes there. in texas 76% of the estimated vote is in. trump has a lead of 170,000 votes over biden in the state of texas. a huge prize. 38 electoral votes. in virginia 45% of the estimated vote is in. look at this. trump still has a pretty impressive lead of more than 311,000 votes in virginia. 56.4%-41.7%. let's go back to john king at the magic wall. so, remind us, big picture, where we are right now in this race to 270. >> you're getting the building blocks. the building blocks are the solids, states you depend on, democrats depend on certain states, republicans depend on certain states. the way this map is filling in right now nothing here is a surprise. so both campaigns doing the building blocks to try to get you into contention to get to 270, got to pass 100 first. we're getting close. 89 for joe biden. 72 for the president of the united states. and, again, everything we see
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filled in, all these reds, we had them solid trump coming in, all these blues we had them biden coming in. so we don't have any surprises right now as we look at the map ppt questi , the question is where are we going? i'm going to ask you, brian, to swing around, do choreography here. texas, red at the moment. haven't called that one. donald trump has to hold it. virginia red at the moment. that would be a shock. that would be a clinton state that was taken away. we're waiting for democratic votes there. very early on. the map is going to be different tonight as we go through different scenarios of mail-in votes, in-person, early, election day, different states counting them in different order. it's going to be different as we go through. you just mentioned joe biden opening a lead in minnesota and opening a lead in new hampshire. come back over here, i'll show you why that's important. hillary clinton won both those states. people would say no big deal. the trump campaign understands. it understands. we'll go back to his map. it understands if we come back to the 306-232, this was 4 years ago, the trump campaign fully understands that, you know, joe biden is more competitive here than hillary clinton. led in the polls. joe biden is more competitive here than hillary clinton. led in the polls. even if you just take wisconsin,
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right, even if you just took wisconsin away from the president here, you take away this, ritght, so you're down, that's going away. you take away this. right, so you're down some more here. then you're worried about if that goes away, then you're underneath. so the trump campaign, knowing that joe biden was more competitive in the blue wall states was thinking, what can we get? so they were looking at states they just lost. right? they just lost. minnesota was very close. republicans make a run at it. i remember george w. bush making a run at it. republicans always make a run, don't quite get there. trump thought he could get there, trump thought he could pick this one up. i got to switch this here. sorry about that. trump thought he could pick this up then thought maybe i can come here and get this. if you're going to sub tractracu have to add. we're not done on those states. counting early votes. sow mike pence and the vice president campaigning in that state in the final days of the campaign. you know there's going to be ju subtraction, you look for addition.
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if those stay blue, that's a setback for trump. >> dana bash has a significant projection in the balance of power in the u.s. senate. >> that's right, wolf. in colorado cnn can project that john hickenlooper, former governor, the democratic challenger, will be the next senator f defeating cory gardner. democrats must pick up three republican seats. right now the balance of power is 40, democrats, 36 republicans, but 34 seats remain to be called, wolf. >> big pickup for the democrats there, thanks very much, dana. so, you know, john, we're looking at the big picture right now. the popular vote, not that it's all that important, but it's still significant. trump has a significant lead right thousand. we're not -- we're really focused on the electoral college. >> we are. it is interesting to watch it play out. again, we're early in this chapter. so whether the states look a little funny or different, whether some of the states are in play to change, as queue watch that play out, we're early. still here. counting votes as we go. some people are still voting out on the west coast.
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but, but, one of the givens if you will, was donald trump would lose the popular vote again. he lost to hillary clinton four years ago. at the moment, he's ahead. not a surprise. the red states have come in first. let's watch that as it plays out. if joe biden passes him, then the question is how does it stretch out? that's one way to look at it. some people out there i know, lot of democrats, having lived through bush v. gore then clinton versus trump, you think we don't want the electoral college. we have it. that's the way we pick presidents right now. we'll watch that popular vote play out. more importantly, we're going to watch these states. again, as you noted, we were k talking about this a minute ago, joe biden pulling out to an early lead in minnesota. each campaign looks a the last guy's map, says what can i do to change it? trump campaign wanted minnesota, wanted new hampshire. biden lead early on, we'll see if it changes. this one here, fascinating, this is why we do this, wolf, exciting and fun. 13,000 votes now in ohio. 64% for some time. we're waiting. waiting for more votes to be counted. again, we should all appreciate the challenge of these election officials all across the country. democrats, republicans, small
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counties, big cities. it's a huge challenge. turnout is up. we have the mix of voting. mail-in voting, in-person, early. right now, 49.5%-49.2% in a state the president must win. joe biden does not need this. he leads right now by shy of 14,000 votes, 14 j,361. david chalian statalked a littl about this earlier. we have to watch what vote is which. 55%, still a lot of votes to count in a deep blue county. cleveland and the surrounding areas. if you're a democrat you think we'll do okay there. 58% there more votes to be counted in summit county. running well ahead. if you're in the biden campaign, you say, okay, got a ways to go here. just want to move over here, about half the votes counted. i'm just following the blue to see what's left to come in. so if you're joe biden the question is, do you hold these margins? or when more election day vote comes in, this is a place the president ran pretty strong four years ago, does he get the election day turnout to bring it back? that is the dynamic of the night in state after state after state.
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we're going to have to watch it. ohio is a great battleground state. been a while. it was not a battleground last time. president won it quite kof comfortably. north carolina, it was close to 125,000 not that long ago. it's down but 84% right now. 49.7%-49.1%. want to go back four years ago. this was a three-point race, if you rind up there. four years ago. just look how close this is. again, we're missing some counties. we're missing completely. see how many votes are here four years ago. it's about 1,000-vote difference there. a little more than that. little less than that four years ago. looking to see what's missing in these counties and the main place, check in, 92%. the question is, what's missing? is it they're counting early votes? then you think joe biden will get more than his fair share of those. election-day votes, that's where the president's campaign team thinks he'll do his advantage. this is what our people are doing, campaigns are doing, calling into the places where
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we're still missing votes and fig quuring out what's missing, which votes are there. county number two, wake county up to 83%. again, if normally, normally, in a normal election you see this. huge margin with 83%. you think you're going to build, right? running it up all night. more votes to come in. the challenge is the mail-in, in-person, early, election day vote. they're different. republicans were more likely to come out today. democrats were more likely to vote early. the normal rules can't always apply. you have to find out what's missing. pull it out more, see if anything's changed while we've been here. i want to check on the size of the president's lead her. 179,000 votes in texas and change. we're going to wait in texas as well. want to see how we're doing in harris county. this is the largest county in the state. 82% of the vote in. so we'll continue to watch that. joe biden making it closer. the question is can he find a way to the finish line? just pull out and look at the map. starting to fill it in.
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50%-48% in the popular vote. that's not how we pick a president, vote. we'll keep counting. >> certainly will. we're only moments away, john, from another round of poll closings. voting about to end in four states including key batt battlegrounds of iowa and nevada. 29 electoral votes are on the line right now. we got a key race alert right now. we -- we believe it's too early to call in iowa, for example, six electoral votes right there. too early to call in nevada right there. six electoral votes. too early to call in utah right now as well. another six electoral votes there. it's too early to call in the state of montana, three electoral votes right there. let's take a look at electoral college map where things stand right now. there you can see in the race for 270, needed to win the presidency, biden still ahead. he has 89 electoral college votes. trump has 72 electoral college votes. let's get a key race alert right now. here's where things stand in these key battleground states. let's start in ohio right now. 69% of the estimated vote is in
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in ohio. trump is ahead by 102,000 votes over biden, 50.5%-48.1%. in north carolina 84% of the vote is in. biden has a very small lead of nearly 30,000 votes. 49.7%-49.1%. in minnesota right now 29% of the vote is in. biden has a relatively comfortable 300,000-vote lead over trump, 64.2%. to 33.8%. in new hampshire, more than a quarter of the vote is in, 26% of the vote is. biden has a nearly 20,000-vote lead over trump, 53.6%-45.1%. we have seven more states we want to check out right now. let's check out florida right now, trump is pretty comfortably ahead with 93% of the vote is in. he's got a lead of 382,000 votes over biden in florida. 29 electoral votes in florida. in pennsylvania only 20% of the vote is in. trump is ahead by some 46,000
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votes. 51%-47.7% in pennsylvania. in michigan right now, a quarter of the vote almost is in. trump is ahead by 228,000 votes, but it's early. 23% of the estimated vote is in. 57% in texas. 77% of the vote is in. trump has a 215,000-vote lead over biden, 50.5%-48.1%. in wisconsin more than a quarter of the vote is in, trump has a narrow 28,000-vote lead over biden right now. still early. 50.6% there. in georgia 51% of the vote is in. tru trump has a pretty comfortable lead right now. 346,000-lead over biden. 16 electoral votes in georgia. if in virginia more than half of the vote is in, 53%. trump's lead is 189,000 votes over biden, 53%-45.3%. let's walk over to john king at the magic wall. john, you know, what are you looking at right now? what's jumping out at you? >> right now just looking every
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now and then i look at president by county. we look by states all the time. i like to look by county. see lot more red counties in america. you always do. that's the way it works. but, you know, because of the smaller counties, but the democrats win in the red counties. taking a look at that, a personal curiosity as we you there the night. we come back to this. 50.7%-49 in the national vote. we look at 2020. look what happened in the last few minutes. ohio is red. the president ahead right now, if you look at the vote there, 70% there. 128,000 lead. a big shift there as more votes come in in the state of ohio. 50.8%-47.9%. why we've been telling you throughout the night, requires patience on our part and on your part as well. they're counting votes in different ways so we're going to see some swings and sometimes they're going to happen quickly when new votes come in. president of the united states now leading in a state he must win, battleground ohio, 50.8%-47.9%. 70%, still a ways to go. as david chalian noted earlier,
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we're waiting for early vote here, waiting for states to count their votes. some are doing it in a different order. early voting, mail-in voting and today voting. we'll see how it plays out. i want to check to see if the margins are changing as we play through this. this is a big shift, a very big shift on the map. president trump, ohio goes back to red for now. we're not done. we have a ways to go. 30% of the count there. if you're looking at pennsylvania right now, if you're looking at this map right now, let me just pull it back out a second, if you're a democrat sitting at home right now you're looking at this map say, oh, my, it's happening again. pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. if you're a republican, you're saying that's what we needed. here's the thing. slow down. we have a long way to go in all of these states. no offense to anybody, but we're 21% right here. we know pennsylvania has some issues. some of the mail-in votes won't be counted until tomorrow. it's worth looking at. these are all real votes. the question is we don't have context yet because we're so early in these states so just be careful. don't look at the map at this hour and make any judgments because we're in the middle chapters here and some states in the early chapters, again, president has a lead in michigan right now. last time we were here, he was leading in wayne county.
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we knew that wasn't going to happen. joe biden is ahead now. this a tiny, tiny vote count. there's a long way to go in these states. with what makes them interesting. they're going to film back and forth. let's move over to wisconsin. look again. president has a narrow lead, 51, if you want to ride that up, 48, if you round that up. again, 30% of the vote. a long way to go. so when you pull it out like this, people look at it at home, wow, we're got done. we have a long way to go. in a lot of places including virginia is red. if the president can keep virginia red, the president is going to be re-elected. we don't know this yet still. 53%-45%. that's gotten closer in recent ti times. again, you come back up here, this is where elections in virginia are won and lost, northern virginia changed virginia from a purple state to a blue state and we're waiting still. we only have 28% of the vote. fairfax county. it's the largest vote center in the state. it is democratic. overwhelmingly so. so we'll see when votes come in here. let's move down here. look at this. look at north carolina. this was over 100,000 at one point. it was over 120,000 at one point. it is now 5,000.
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2,000. as you speak. more votes come in. that's the magic. that is the magic of live data reporting. and the counting votes. 2,000 votes ahead. 49.4%-49.4% in battleground north carolina. joe biden doesn't need it but if he gets it he blocks the president's path to re-election most likely. this state, remember, this is a textbook example of what we've asked throughout the night. patie patience on your part, patience on your part. early votes s came in, biden but an early lead. now we're getting election day coming in. >> arizona, nearly a quarter of the vote is in in arizona. >> see it blue right now, not since bill clinton has arizona ended the night. with we're not at the end of the night. not since bill clinton with the help of ross perot has arizona gone blue. you look at it now and see the entire state, you see the familiar cities, flagstaff, sedona, yuma, tucson, let's be honest, this comes down to maricopa county and phoenix. one of the fastest-growing areas in america. 60% or more of the vote comes
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right out of here. 77% of it in. again, we'll figure out what's missing from that. joe biden at 54%. the president 44%. so a ten-point race. little under ten-point race. let's go back and look at it. excuse me. get that click in. again, so donald trump wins arizona four years ago. wins maricopa county. this is the biggest basket of votes. phoenix and the fast-growing suburbs. four years later in 2016 to 2020, this is one of the fastest-growing states. you get out of phoenix, go down here, fast-growing suburbs. again, suburbs have revolted against this president. an important senate race in this state as well. let's come back to 2020 and look at the map. maricopa county is blue, a source of joy in the biden campaign right now. they have to keep it that way. let's look down here, peopima county, 64%, if you round that up, 85% of the vote in. by tenner per secentage points
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outperforming hillary clinton. again, one of the gifts of this election, no matter who wins, turnout is. everywhere. that's a good thing. we want that to happen every time. again, see the split right there, joe biden overperforming hillary clinton there. have rural areas to fill in in the state. if you go bag ck in time, you s what happens. this is it. maricopa county, phoenix, suburbs around it. again, traditionally republican territory. increasingly because of demographics and because of the suburbi inan revolt against the president of the united states. maricopa county if that holds up, that's the ball game in arizona but have a ways to go there. the biggest piece of the state, joe biden doing what he has to do otherwise. again, wolf, we talked about this before, both campaigns look at the last guy's map. look at the trump map from 2016. if you're joe biden, priority one, hold every clinton state then look for things to flip. if you can flip arizona, you're chipping away at the president. the main priority for the biden campaign is the blue wall. let's come back out and look. main priority, flip these guys back, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, if you do that, that's all you have to do if you're joe biden.
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that's all you have to do, but your backup plan, get something else, right? north carolina is your hope. that one's getting close. if you can't get these, go over here as well. north carolina right there, that's 1,300 votes. >> basically a tie. >> that's basically a tie. again, if you end it that way, you win, a win is a win. but we got a ways to go. 86%. this is why they're so much fun. let's come back out here, see if anything's updated. still at 70% here. got to give these states credit. in the challenge they face, many of these states are reporting pretty quickly. >> yeah. >> the challenge they face with all the different kinds of voting this year, it's a good thing to see. just want to check -- want to go back to arizona here. i was going to check the upper midwest. see 70% of the vote in here. again, let's just see here, 70%, so 4 years ago, more conservative part of the state, 51%, this is where we are now, 51%-46%. let's go back, 48%. the president actually doing fine here. right? doing better. at least so far right there. 26,000 votes now.
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25,000. so the president doing better here. running up some votes here. the problem for the president when you look at it this way, come back to 2020, that's great. that's what you want to do. you want to do better everywhere you can. the issue is, way more people live here. way more people. and so you get 798,000, 77% in, let's compare that to secretary clinton four years ago. she had 702,000 to end the night. we're not done yet. and she was at 45% with the president at 49%. joe biden, 54%. this is -- that's game changing if you can keep that there. we're still counting in arizona and, again, that would be a flip if i can walk over here, i just want to show you the significance of this as you come through this here. let's come back to the president's map from four years ago. and, again, if you're joe biden, and you're looking at this map, you had a very comfortable lead here. coming in. that would get the president down to 290. you had a lead here, that would get the president down to 280. then if you can pick this up here, you're at 269. 269, everybody at home, take a gasp right now, 269-269. it never ends up this way but we
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do have scenarios where it happens. if you're joe biden, you look up here in the state of maine, think you're going to pick up the 2nd congressional district. just that, just that, right, gn begun, michigan, they're not easy to win. i shouldn't say just. michigan, wisconsin, arizona, the congressional district there, also a congressional district in here, nebraska and maine, do it by congressional district, where joe biden is favored. so it is possible for joe biden to win the presidency. that's a squeaker. that's why arizona is so important. you're looking at this map thinking trump, is he going to pull off pennsylvania again? joe biden had five, six, seven-point lead at the end of the race, hillary clinton had three, four-point lead at the end of the last race. you're not sure about that. you think you're going to get it back but you're not sure. you feel more comfortable at this, feel more comfortable about this. if you can get that, that's the game. that's the game. you look at the last guy's map, take something away, that's why arizona matters. also, just remember the demographics of the united states. when i started covering presidential politics, that was red. that was purple. competitive state. that was red. that was red. the changing of american
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demographics, i know tonight we're picking a president. 2020 and beyond. but we're always watching a changing country and how it votes and it's fascinating. we'll come back to here because we're not done yet on these things. here's where we are right now. as they start to build the building blocks up, this is where it gets interesting, 89%-72%, starting to fill in, into the 10:00 hour. yes, we are. had to check the watch on that one. the 10:00 hour. presidential politics 10:00, 11:00, up to midnight. >> california, oregon, washington state about to close at the top of the hour. >> yep. >> those are big states as well. >> they're counting more votes here, too. as we get later into the night, this is why it matters more. let's look at it, again, this is one trump wanted to flip. joe biden wants to flip arizona. donald trump wanted to flip minnesota. not happening as you look at it right now. you know, so we don't see that yet. we'll watch them. continue to watch it. just want to keep checking in on these. again, if you're in the trump campaign headquarters, you're looking at wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania. if you can hold those, then you hold the presidency.
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right? but, again, we just want to remind you, you're going to see things on the map, going to hold far while, but this is slow count. slower count. so we're going to see this play out. 30% of the vote in wisconsin. you come over to michigan, again, some of this may come tomorrow. we'll see. they're going to do the best they can. as we get later in the night, we'll know more about that. you come over here to pennsylvania, again, very, very early in the night. you see, i just want to take a peek down here, see how we're doing in philadelphia. look. 70,000 votes in philadelphia. which means nothing. which means we're just starting -- >> 9%. >> yeah. we're just starting the night in pennsylvania. so we need to be careful about drawing any conclusions there. so then let's look at where we do have a lot of votes. right? this is real business now. when you get to a place, 72% in ohio. donald trump up, stretching that lead a little bit. 177,000 votes. the governor, republican governor, mike dewine, thought the president would squeakearlys to be counted there. this could swing again. why we count to the end.
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i want to come back to north carolina now red for the president, 25,000 votes ahead. this is, again, you want to watch the map swing. right? joe biden had a big early lead in north carolina. democrats get optimistic. we have to remember the difference of this night. in the pandemic election. the different ways people voted and the different pace at which states are counting them. north carolina now the president ahead up to 88%. 49.6%-49.2%. that means we still have more to count but see the swing. we're going to see that. see some states start out blue and go back red because of the way the votes are counted. sometimes they count the early votes first or mail-in votes first. election day votes later. other states do it in a different order and will swing the other way. finish, don't try to end the book before we get to the finish line. 49.6%-49.2%. let's pull this out. see this red. this one here, waiting to see, up to 54% right now, there are some democrats in virginia who are starting to get a little nervous and calling the fairfax board of elections and saying, hello, can we get the vote? let's see what happens. watch that one play out.
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come down here, battleground florida. again, president starting to inch this one out a little bit. 51%-47.8. but 94%. again, this is florida. if that holds, by florida standards, that's a blowout. but we'll see. we'll go back four years ago. 49%-48%. one of the things we are seeing, one of the things we should make note of this, the third-party candidates are not getting the votes they did four years ago so you have winning candidates in states getting over 50%. the national vote still right there. let's go back to arizona, see if we racked it up at all. up to 73% now. 210,000 votes ahead. again, 54%-45%. if you round it up. 49%-45% 4 years ago, joe biden, maricopa county is the difference right now. again, the city of phoenix. the suburbs around it. if you go to arizona, ten years ago, five years ago, and five weeks ago, you just know the change that's happening. this someone of the fastest-changing places in
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america. growing out here in the suburbs. 800,000 votes, shy of that for joe biden right now. i want to go back and look at the map. hillary clinton got 700,000 votes, 702,000, 703,000 if you round up maricopa county four years ago. turnout up everywhere. joe biden surpassed that. 77% of the vote. fascinating state. one of the questions about american politics is what's changing. is it just the trump change? is it -- if this finishes tonight blue -- >> a few counties that haven't even reported. >> yes. they got nothing in some of the counties here, apache county. again, there's not a ton of votes out here, if you bring it up, up. maricopa is 70% or more of the vote depending on the turnout. if it gets close, it certainly matters. every votes count. i don't mean to discount anybody's vote. every vote counts. in terms of the swing of the state, this is going to determine most of it and you're at 77%. but to your point, when you get this high, it's this close, you get this high, looking around,
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that's been part of the marvel of donald trump's winning in places like that, even when he gets beat in the cities, not so much in arizona but some other places, again, look at all the red in the middle of the map. right? not a ton of people live here. but the president runs it up. gets his 6,000 votes here. you know, gets his 14,000 votes here. and you go on and on and on. that's how he does it. smaller counties, turnout is high, he runs it up. so far -- come down here, i want to look one more time. stayed exactly the same. 24,482. south carolina was blue for a little bit early on. you see that one going back to its dna. the conservative state there. georgia, not as competitive at the moment. again, 52%, though, so, again, you're in this night where you have three different kinds of voting. different states. sometimes within a state, different counties reporting them in different order. the democrats were hoping right here to have a closer state but, look, fulton county still, again, a third of the vote.
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this is it. this is by far, move around the county here, fulton here, come out here, very slow. 1% here. this is the bulk of the vote in the state. >> georgia potentially could become a lot more competitive. a lot of major democratic counties have not reported yet. >> very low percentage all around the atlanta metro area. again, these are the smaller ones here but still eighth of the county. you're looking, joe biden is ahead. 72% here. move closer into atlanta, 68% here. then you come over here, just 1%. again, you go back in time four years ago, hillary clinton won pretty big, pretty big here. joe biden, many believe, will do even better, "a," higher turnout, "b"s, suburban rejection of the president. a long way to go. maps can be deceptive when you have a big chunk of vote in the democratic area here. i want to check down other democratic areas. about halfway there. not quite, though. there's more democratic votes to be had there. come over to the coast here, 70% here. some more votes. fewer there.
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you wait. you wait and you see. that's a pretty healthy lead. doesn't mean big city like atlanta, growing suburbs around atlanta. you can make up pretty big math when the votes come if. we'll see when they come in. >> i'm curious about michigan, specifically what percentage of the vote in detroit has come in. >> 30% statewide. come down here, we have less than a third. 28% there. we've been through wayne county on many an election night, too, sometimes it goes really late, sometimes things get a little frustrating. waiting for the count to come in. i'll just use that word. but 147,000, 113,000, 28%. so you come up here, again, now you're going to move up to oakland county. the suburbs here. about halfway in the count here. this used to be reliably republican territory. but it's become increasingly democratic. so here's a question for you, right? hillary clinton, 51%-44% yowhen you round up the president there. right now, donald trump doing a little better. so let's see what happens there. see if michigan, again, we're
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early, very early in the count here. that's what you're watching. right? democrats, if you win michigan, joe biden has to -- let me move it up a little bit. joe biden has to run it up in detroit then do well in the suburbs. again, macomb county, we're at 35%. so don't jump to any conclusions here. this is one of the flips. right? this is one of the flips, barack obama carried macomb county twice. we call them pivot counties. vote twice for barack obama then flip for donald trump. that has democrats scratching their heads. why did we lose those voters? in macomb county, they work in the auto industry or related industries like that. blue-collar workers. people who work with their hands. a problem for the democrats. joe biden said he could get them back. we'll see. a long way to go there. you don't want to jump to any conclusions. it's important if you pull gn begun up again, go back to 2016, you don't see a ton of blue here. you come back to 2012, this is the difference. right? can joe biden -- can the guy who was number two to barack obama on the ticket win back some of these areas that barack obama won when he carried these states? many of them quite convincingly. you see there, this is mitt
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romney's birth state. i know he moved to massachusetts, now he's in utah. this is where he was born. barack obama beat him by ten points. the question is can joe biden get those counties back? we're very early in the count i the map from home, if you're a republican, you say, wow, if you're a democrat, you say, uh-oh, but we're not done. we got a long way to do. >> certainly do. let's check in with jake, dana and abby. >> thanks, wolf. so we need to caution our viewers out there, it's early. whether you're rooting for trump or you're rooting for biden, it's early. we're still counting the votes. i don't know if this is 2016 or 2018. you might remember in 2018 things looked really bad for democrats. or uncertain early on. but then, you know, after not just midnight struck, but a couple days, you saw that actually it had been a really great night for democrats. on the other hand, it could be 2016 where things are breaking for president trump. we don't know. everyone needs to just take a deep breath.
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>> which is hard. i mean, look distu. >> this is a nation that's on edge. it's understandable. as you said, as we've been telegraphing as we approached tonight, it could take a while. it's bearing out. what i'm hearing from democrats over and over, text after text, let's see what happens up north, let's wait and see what happens meaning michigan, wisconsin, not as north, further north, pennsylvania. >> yeah, i mean, obviously arizona is still an unanswered question about what's going on there but this is what happens yo when you have a lot of battlegrounds. this cycle, we had a lot of states that were on the grid in terms of competitive races, where you're going to have tight competitions between president trump and joe biden and we have to wait for all the votes to come in to really know where this thing is headed. i do think that based on where we are right now, we just -- we're in the choose your own adventure park, we're in the
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part of the choose your own adventure, we really need the patience, need people to wait until it comes in because it's not going to be an easy, early, quick, night for people. these votes are coming in little by little. and it's tight in a lot of these. >> very tight. when the polls would say before the election that joe biden was up one or two points in a state that was within the margin of error, that meant it was a tossup. >> that's what we're seeing the margin of error play out. >> we still don't know about florida, still don't know about georgia, still don't know about north carolina and as we have also been saying ef ining even were to give all those states to president trump, we're not, we're still waiting for outstanding vote, it comes out to the three states up north, pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, also arizona. those are the states that the biden campaign has focused most on and we still don't know what's going on there. >> yeah, and, you know, one of the thing that you heard a lot from the trump folks leading up to today is that they knew their job was to get their people out.
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and just to get them to the polls and ignore -- ignore all of the public polling that we've all been talking about and looking at. and, you know, i do think that when you look at the sunbelt where we knew there was elevated turnout, the president is still very competitive in those states. places he had to hold on to. georgia, north carolina, florida. he had to keep those states and he's competitive there and the reason for that is because his people showed up today. >> that's exactly right. he needed -- this was a turnout election. wasn't a persuasion election. meaning there weren't a lot of people out there going, hmm, do i vote for joe biden or vote for donald trump? pretty much everybody made up their mind. the question is whether or not they were going to get out and vote. the trump campaign has an -- in cooperation with the rnc which has been working on its, you know, what they call their voter vault, since 2004. they have a really stellar operation. and they actually built it in recent years modeled after barack obama's operation because
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his was so good. that campaign's was so good when it came to data. they updated it more and more. the democrats will admit, we were talking about this before, they're a little bit slower on that. they were relying on some of that, but a lot of enthusiasm. >> i would add that for democrats, the task was even more difficult because they chose for a lot of -- they would say really good reasons not to be on the ground knocking on doors in the way that you might have seen leading up to -- >> yeah. >> -- a normal cycle because of the pandemic. >> right. >> so it -- i mean, there's -- when i talk to democrats everyone acknowledges that is a scenario that nobody anticipa d anticipated, put them a little bit at a disadvantage but we may see some of that play out in the places where the president was able to get his people out. maybe he didn't change any minds. but as long as he got his people out, their argument, their state of the case -- their -- >> theory of the case. >> theory of the case.
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sorry. cannot speak tonight. is that as long as they do that, they can be competitive. and that's the big question. he had to defend his turf. >> so first of all, you have to give credit to president trump even when it looked a few weeks ago like this thing was gone and out of his reach. he did work his tail off. and get out there and get out to those counties and rally his supporters. and obviously, that has paid off at the very least in making this race so competitive. and, again, we don't know where it's going to end up. we have no idea. we still have yet to hear from pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, and we're starting to hear from arizona. >> yeah. >> but also i think, i just know that there are a lot of people out there who maybe paid attention to the only most trump-hating pundits out there who were saying for weeks, if not months, that this was going to be a landslide and, you know, as they say, you can't get high on your own supply. right? >> do they say that? >> you need to be able to listen to everyone and all the pundits,
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left, right -- >> i feel like i'm learning so much about so much tonight, jake. >> i just think there's some people out there who are disappointed. >> you're right. >> thought this thing was going to be over when -- >> biden's -- >> he's an incumbent president. >> not just that, he has remarkably enthusiastic, loyal, supporters all across the country. >> right, but, again, we're still waiting to hear. >> we are. >> pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, arizona. wolf? >> all right, jake. thank you. we love the commentary. let's get a key race alert right now. take a look at this. arizona right now, 75% of the estimated vote is in and joe biden has an impressive lead right now. lead of more than 208,000 votes. 53.7%-45%. 11 electoral votes in arizona. more than a third of the vote is in in new hampshire. biden has a 27,000-vote lead over trump, 53.8%-44.8%. in minnesota more than a third of the vote is in there, biden has an impressive 285,000-vote
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lead over trump's 61.4%-36.6%. in iowa right now, 19% of the vote is in, biden's lead is 85,000. 61%- 61%-36.9%. we got more states right now. let's take a look at other states coming in. michigan a third of the vote is now in. trump say head by some 210,000 votes. 54.7%-43.4%. in pennsylvania almost a third of the vote is in. trump is ahead by 179,000 votes. 53.4%-45.2%. wisconsin a third of the vote is in. it's very, very close. trump is ahead by some 20,000 votes. 50%-48.3%. in georgia right now, more than half of the vote is in. trump has a pretty comfortable lead in georgia of 348,000 votes. right now, 55.4%. we have a projection right now. take a look at this.
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cnn projects joe biden will win in new mexico right now. take a look at that. joe biden wins in new mexico. there he is. the winner in new mexico. that's five electoral votes in new mexico. so let's see where the electoral college map stands right now. right now, with that win in new mexico, biden has 94 electoral votes. trump has 72 electoral votes. the all-important race to 270 needed to win. 94-72 right now. 270 being the magic number. you're elected president if you get 270 votes. >> you're seeing a map right now that's going to make democrats nervous which is why we need to emphasize the point when you see red pennsylvania, red michigan, red wisconsin, we are very, very, very, very early in the count there. however, if you look at this map right now, the name of the game if you're joe biden is takeaway. donald trump, the incumbent president who won last time. so we're not done yet. we're not done yet by any means. look at north carolina, the president stretching a lead out here. 89%. it's a modest lead.
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49.8%-49%. joe biden had a lead early on. donald trump's election-day surge puts him back in the lead. can he hold it? we'll watch that as we play it out. republicans feel good about that. we're coming down to florida now. and you look here. 5.6 million for the president. 5.2 million. higher turnout in florida. a very competitive race. again, we have to wait. we're going to count some things here. democrats are not happy, particularly down here in miami-dade. 53%. normally you look, see 53%-46%, you think that's great. that's way below where hillary clinton was four years ago. the plus side for the democrats is out here in arizona. joe biden right now, 75% of the vote, 54% if you round up to 45%, a big shift from four years ago. you see joe biden, the democrat, above 50% there. let's put this into context. number one, this was the name of the game in 2016. we're not done. we're not done. we're not done. some of these states could go on into tomorrow.
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but as you look at this map, many democrats say it does raise the scenario many of them are worried about. an hour or two from now is the president going to come out and say i win? if he's still leading in those states? we're not done. that's not how we count. these states will decide who wins their elections. we have a lot of votes to counts. the question is, name of the game, wolf, this is where we are right now. 94-72. there are no surprises on this map so far. everything we see filled in is the way we thought it would go coming into the night. there are also, though, if you think about out here, haven't counted votes yet because it's early in the night, people are still voting, we don't think there are any more surprises out that way, if you will. nevada was the one clinton state the trump campaign made a run. we'll see. we expect that to stay democratic which is why things get interesting now. again, we haven't called some of these close states but this is the calculation in both of the campaign war-rooms, this is where donald trump started. joe biden has to look at this map and say, what do i take away to get him below 270 and get me to 270? so joe biden wanted florida. not yet. we'll see.
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we'll keep counting. doesn't look that way. wanted north carolina. donald trump has a lead right now. with we'll see. with we'll get to the finish line. georgia, a lot of votes out. the democrats had these targets of opportunity. can we get these states? can we get a surge? we'll watch georgia. we're still missing a lot of democratic votes. texas is filling in red. again, we haven't called it. we have a ways to go. it's filling in red right now. so, so far, so far, you look like you're getting that. right? we're not done. we're not done in arizona yet, either. as you project it out, okay, now you got the president at 295. if you're not going to get ohio, haven't called it yet, we're waiting. a possibility, some votes out. north carolina or florida. where do you go? then we come back, number one, let's assume for the sake of argument joe biden gets a congressional district here. hard to see if there's a trump election day surge, president went out here and did a rally, the democrats are pretty confident they're going to pick up the one. 2nd district of nebraska. let's do that for the hypothetical. we'll watch as it plays out. then you're at 293-245. we come down to where we ended four years ago. pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin.
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right? so joe biden one, two, gets to the finish line, you don't absolutely need pennsylvania. if you win maine's 2nd congressional district, win nebraska's 2nd congressional district and hold arizona, you can do it without florida, without georgia, without north carolina, without ohio, and without pennsylvania. but you have to win these two. but if you can win this as well, then it's game over. we've always known if joe biden could rebuild the blue wall, forgive me, donald trump would pay for it. the question is can he make it happen? when right now if you look over here, begin, we're early, democrats get -- this is where democrats get nervous because they remember 2016. we cannot emphasize enough we're nowhere close to the finish line in any of those states. pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan. we need to count votes and some of those counts could take until tomorrow but we talked earlier about joe biden having the more menu options. sol some of the menu options appear to be closing. we're not done yet.
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we can't take florida away. still red over there. north carolina. we'll see on georgia. joe biden had many menu options coming into the night. that list is narrowing which is why you get into intense times. >> check in with david chalian taking a very close look at the vote in pennsylvania right now. what are you seeing over there? >> yeah, just exactly what john was talking about, i know it's red on 9 mthe map. we dwgot to make sure we count e vote the here. what you see, you see donald trump leading joe biden in pennsylvania. with 32% of the vote in right now. let's look at what we know about the early vote. of that vote that's in, only 18% of it currently is early vote. and we know that joe biden is doing much better in the early vote. we expect that 18% to go all the way up to 45%. so there's a ton more early votes still to be counted here and that could benefit joe biden in pennsylvania. we just have to wait to see that early absentee mail vote come in and be counted, wolf.
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>> very interesting. we're watching all these states and this is a night like none other because of all the early voting. a record number of early voting that we've seen in some states taking a lot longer to count that. >> right. the battleground states are always complicated to begin with. remember pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, four years ago. remember florida four years ago. even north carolina for a while we were looking at it. it's always complicated, anyway. all the more complicated this time, all the more difficult especially far dans wpartisans their guy to win. let's talk about what david was talking about. we come down here. philadelphia county. philadelphia city, counties around it. this is by far, 12% or more depending on turnout. the vote in pennsylvania, 22%. so when i pull this back out, you see the state red, okay, again, you always want to be leading at any point in the race, you like to be leading but it's just, it's not context yul in the sense we have nothing here. montgomery county, 16%. the suburban collar around philadelphia is the name of the
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game. democrats have to run up a huge lead. come over here. bucks county is the more conservative of the suburban counties around here. go back four years ago, you'll see this one, 48%-47%, bucks county 4 years ago. the challenge for joe biden is to run it up a little more. 50%-48, the same more or less. again, 12% there, 16% of the estimated vote here. chester county, 25%. come back to delaware county, 16%. so this is where the overwhelming bulk of the vote, the way you get started in pennsylvania, philadelphia and the suburban collar around it. i'll bring this up a little bit. we don't have many votes. we're still in the single digits or early teens. got a long way to go. then cryou come over, move overo the middle of the state, 52% here, harrisburg. the president, we know, we know the president is going to run it up in places like this. you knows you get these counties here. 95%, you know, of the vote in here. president has 70%. 68%. the president has 82%. not a lot of people live here. again, this is how the president does it, in the smaller more
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rural counties, he runs it up big. the challenge, again, is we talked about joe biden. not leading in ohio right now but more competitive than hillary clinton. can he be more competitive in places like washington county? right now 60.9%. one a lot of people were looking atti at, a trump rally here the other day. westmoreland county, 28%. 63%-36% if you round it up. biden a little higher than hillary clinton four years ago. that could matter. it's very close. wolf, we'll watch allegheny as well. a long way to count. >> we're going to take a quick break. we have a lot more coming up right after this.
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we have some more projections right now, let's check in, new hampshire, cnn projects that joe biden will win the state of new hampshire, will win its four electoral votes. biden wins in new hampshire. there are several states now where cnn projects that trump is winning. four states specifically. cnn projects that trump will win in louisiana. he beats biden in louisiana, wins eight electoral votes in louisiana. cnn projects donald trump will win in kansas. beats biden in kansas. six electoral votes there. another six electoral votes in utah. trump wins in utah. that's a cnn projection. and another five electoral votes in nebraska. three out of the five, excuse me, three out of the five electoral votes in nebraska. two of them are still based on a congressional district. three out of five in nebraska. here's where the electoral college map stands right now. very, very close. look at this. biden has 98 electoral college votes. trump has 95.
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you need 270 to win the presidency. 98-95. look how close it is right now. actually, we have a key race alert right now. let's check in. some of the numbers coming in from michigan. 37% solof the vote is in. trump still maintains a 235,000-vote lead in michigan, 54.8%-43.4%. 37% of the vote is in. 33% of the vote is in in pennsylvania. trump has a 236,000-vote lead in pennsylvania. 54.3%-44.3%. 37% of the vote is in in wisconsin. it's close. 25,000-vote lead for trump over biden. 50.1%-48.2%. in georgia 58% of the vote is in. trump has looks like a pretty comfortable lead of 387,000 votes. 55.7%-43.1%. in those states. let's take a look at some more states right now. in arizona right now, 75% of the vote is in.
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biden looks like he has a relatively comfortable 208,000-vote lead over trump, 53.7%-45%. in minnesota 37% of the vote is in, biden there has a, looks like a pretty comfortable, nearly 300,000-vote lead over trump. 60.7%-37.2%. in iowa right now, a quarter of the vote is in, biden has a 76,000-vote lead over trump, 57.4%-41%. let's go back to john king at the magic wall. so, let's take a look at the electoral college map right now. no surprises at all. so far, 98 for biden, 95 for trump. >> and so now you're getting into the battleground states. as we flip it out. again, you need the building blocks to get to 270. first you got to get to 100. both candidates right knocking on the door of 100 right now. the key point, no surprises. the state so far, the trump campaign hope to flip new hampshire. that hasn't happened. there's nothing on here just yet the biden campaign hoped to flip. these were all pretty reliably
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red states. everything is coming in as you'd like. colorado, new mexico, utah, the question is, will there be any surprises? right? so at the moment you're looking at this map, both campaigns, this is basic building blocks. the question is when you come back here, again, start to look at this map, what is it joe biden hoped to change? he thought it was possible, thought it was possible he could flip florida. we're still waiting on a lot of votes in georgia, comfortable lead for the president right now. north carolina, narrow lead for the president. but the president has overtaken. the whole challenge would there be an election-day surge? we'll see if it holds up. same thing happened here. early lead for joe biden. this is the anomaly of 2020. mail-in votes counted, democrats build an early lead, election-day vote gets counted, republicans come back. we saw it here. saw it here. the question is does it hold up? we're not done yet. joe biden thought it might be possible. to flip here in a big wave election. democrats had their hopes up that this was a statement election. again, we're not done with texas yet. still counting votes there. we don't see it yet.
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you're back to, okay, if there's not a big map-change, game-changing election, what does it come down to? then we get back to here. and we're nowhere close, nowhere close in pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. so right now, right now, if you're looking at the map, and you're thinking, what might joe biden flip? right now, this is -- we're not done with it yet, but there, that gets the president down some, but then to get him down more, we'll see if you can moubt a co mount comeback in florida, that changes everything, mount a comeback in north carolina, that changes everything. numbers right now, back into this calculation up here, wolf, for joe biden the blue wall was why hillary clinton lost. and if joe biden's going to win, he's going to change some of those. >> david chalian's getting insight into what's going on in michigan right now. what do you see? >> this is the state at play, michigan. you see donald trump's lead here, 1.1 million to joe biden's 907,000. 37% of the estimated vote is in in michigan right now. but here's what we know about the early vote, okay?
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of that 37% that's in, 17% of that current vote is early vote. we expect the share of the early vote to go up. we expect at the end of the night 55% of the overall vote in michigan to be early vote and we know that joe biden is doing much better in the early vote. we also know we have almost no early vote in wayne county, detroit, big democratic area. very, very little early vote in macomb. no early vote at all in kent. those two have been sort of battleground counties. so, as that share of the early vote goes up, the biden campaign is hoping he can start to have room here to overtake that lead that donald trump currently holds in michigan, wolf. >> very interesting, indeed, john. let's take a closer look at gn begun right n michigan right now, a key battleground state. trump won it very narrowly four years ago. democrats are loping to win it this time. >> trump won it very narrowly four years ago. you see that big lead right
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there. even if the president wins michigan, we have no expectation. it would be by such a wide margin. this is an election like no other. counting votes in different sequences. we have to be careful as we go. if you're the republicans, trump campaign, looking at the map, you think it's great. remember, let's come in here, as david noted, wayne county, about 28%. this is detroit, suburbs around it. by far, about, you know, 18% of the vote. 18% in a high turnout election, can be a little higher than that. 147,000 right there. let's just go back in time. 519,000 votes for hillary clinton 4 years ago. democrats were disappointed. turnout was down in wayne county compared to 2012. remember, so you have 519,000 then, this is a higher turnout election. we know that. maybe the president wins michigan, but the numbers are going to go up from that and so when you see that's where you are now, you know that everybody just needs to slow and we need to count more votes here. so let's move up to oakland county. again, joe biden leading. we think a little bit more of the vote in here. but, again, 233,0875.
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again, we think turnout is higher this year. secretary clinton was well above that in this county. we need to wait, let the vote come in. let's move over to macomb county, president carried this county four years ago. again, key, blue collar, laboratory for so-called reagan democrats. political scientists study it. the president won it 53% with 224,000-plus votes. we come over here now, again, he's leading. it's a higher turnout election. we're only at 143,000 votes. we just need to slow down, let them count the votes in gn be n michigan. again, there's a possibility we don't get them all tonight. you walk through, just look at the map here, come back to 2016, you see over here, for example, hillary clinton won along the border here. it's a smaller county but just come back and look, in 2020 the president's lead ing there righ now. 43% of the vote in. i want to move around a little bit and see what the votes are. come to kent county, david mentioned this. this is grand rapids. it's red right now. democrats think they can do some business here, come back into
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2016. you see it was 48%-45%. this is another one of those suburban battlegrounds we're looking at. the president won the suburbs narrowly four years ago. this is a textbook case of that. 48%-45%. democrats think this time it will be different. in the vote so far, about half counted, 54%-43%. so we'll see. this one stays red throughout the night, that bodes well for the president in michigan. we have a long way to go. it's the same story when you shift over here to wisconsin. about 40% in. i just want to come down to look at the major thing here. milwaukee, you see joe biden with fewer than 100,000 votes. that tells us, wolf, lot of counting still to do. we just all need to be patient. relax. get through it. >> we certainly will. we got more projections right now. let's take a look at this. cnn projects that joe biden will win the state of illinois. will win 20 electoral votes in the state of illinois. beats trump in illinois. trump beats biden in missouri. ten electoral votes in missouri. trump wins in missouri. let's take a look at the electoral college map right now.
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and here's where it stands. on the road to 270 needed to win, biden now has 118. trump has 105. 118-105. 270 the magic number. the presidential race is moving to the west right now. we're counting down to 11:00 p.m. eastern. the biggest electoral prize of the night. we're talk bing about california. the polls are about to close there as well as in idaho, oregon, and washington state. those states have 78, 78 electoral votes of the 270 needed to win. joe biden is counting on blue california to push him closer to 270. let's get a key race alert right now. let's start off in michigan right now. 38% of the estimated vote is in in michigan. trump still maintains his 240,000-vote lead over biden. 54.7%-43.4%. lots of votes outstanding, though, in michigan. in pennsylvania 37% of the estimated vote is in.
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trump has 344,000-vote lead over biden, 55.9%-42.7%. in wisconsin 40% of the estimated vote is in. trump has a narrow lead. 21,000-vote lead over biden, 49.9%-48.4%. in georgia, 59% of the estimated vote is in, trump seems to have comfortable 372,000 vote lead over biden, 55.4% to 43.4%. getting more key race alerts. arizona right now. 75% of the vote is in, biden has 208,000 vote lead. arizona. 53.7%, 45%. minnesota, 38% of the vote in, biden seems to have comfortable 290,000 vote lead over trump in minnesota. iowa, 42% of the estimated vote in, biden has 112,000 vote lead
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over trump. 56.4% to 41.8%. let's walk over to the magic wall. looking at counties over there. see what's going on. but go ahead and tell us. >> matching up to try to see where the president is overperforming and underperforming. it's early in michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin, trying to get deep in to study. go into states to look around. illinois, reliably democratic state, has been a long time. but building blocks, like the big ones. new york, illinois, joe biden's column up to 118 and 105. thinking can we get florida and texas?
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normally reliably red. president leads there. when you win the big ones, how quickly the math changes. if president holds that as well, gets you up. if president holds north carolina, you start moving up. bigger states, big here, 30-plus, 20-plus, 15, just moving up the math. that's what they're looking at right now. if we hold texas, they think they will, florida, they think they will, we're not done, just what they think. north carolina, pulled ahead, it's close. have to count, same with ohio. but see the surge pull ahead and think it's going to continue. it's not guaranteed. wouldn't get pushback from the biden campaign. start looking at map now, start thinking this is more traditional map, which gets us back to where we began or ended four years ago. how did i do that? that was good.
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it gets you. pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin, this is where this night looks like. thought would come down to this and looks like it's going to again. we're not done. joe biden with -- i'm going to glance over shoulder, leading in areas and may not hold up but we'll see. right now looking at this, would be the only flip right now. only flip for joe biden but it's easier to do it more quickly if you switch over to the president's map. flip, we think so far, we're not done, is this, believe so far the president is holding down here, which gets you back. arizona -- arizona gets joe biden to 243. how do you get to 270? could get one here, carry maine. then need more. 244, say for sake of argument you get one of these. waiting on two districts there. get one of them, looking here at
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245. what do you need? 25. that would get you knocking on the door. that's 20. state of all three states in the blue wall, one the trump campaign feels confident about. would be enough, michigan and wisconsin would get joe biden to 271 if he got two congressional districts plus arizona. math gets interesting if the president can hold, bring it out here. sorry, got to fill them all in. that's okay. fill them in, come back. president does that, one congressional district could decide american presidential election, doesn't happen that often but it's possible. maybe in florida, in dream world get texas, maybe ohio is competitive. think can get north carolina. at moment none of that is there. we're not done, possible it comes back. at moment none is there. now numbers crunchers are
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getting into the more difficult math and scenarios. they're calling into the congressional district, and they're calling in a fury knees these, tense times in both campaigns. >> and those three blue wall states, pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin, there's still plenty of outstanding votes. >> plenty. we'll say this repeatedly and people at home may not like it -- >> lot of the early vote outstanding too where democrats do well. >> watching map throughout the night in any election, 10:55, we're just getting started. that would be the case four years ago, 2004, pick your close election, that's the case. this year is even more different because of the three different ways of voting and different ways each state is handling that. mail-in, in-person early, here you go. we'll look at it. 40% in. see big lead for donald trump. if you're republican you have
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every reason to be happy about that but you have to have context. come down here, this is montgomery county, big suburb around philadelphia. 29%. biggest basket of votes, predominantly democratic, turnout is key. but only 20% of the vote there. bucks county, this is more competitive suburban area but still 12% of the vote. this is most of the votes in pennsylvania, philadelphia and suburbs around it. we have a long way to go. david chalian told us the missing votes are early and we believe are disproportionately democrat. and even just waiting for votes counted today, what we have is so low, can't make conclusions. we have to wait and see. looks at first glance republican but we're nowhere near the finish line.
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nor in michigan. 54 54-43. you think it's big number but 10,000 votes decided this state four years ago. even if president is having good night, unrealistic he's going to win michigan by 238,000 votes. if he wins again, maybe by -- but it's not going to be that. this is anomaly of 2020, how we count votes. we need to be patient. >> look at arizona. >> out west, this would be flip, change. 75%, 208,000 vote lead and change there. 54% to 45%. if you go back, not since bill clinton has a democrat won this state. and in 2016, not huge win. this is why the democrats wanted to compete this year. arizona is trending demographically and democrats think that and suburban revolt
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gets you there. joe biden has that number already. turnout up across america in the election. that looks good. we're not done. maricopa county, 27%. if you keep ten-point margin with high turnout, going to win state of arizona but we're not done yet. as we go through the race to 270 and you're joe biden, donald trump had 306 last time, need to take away. do the subtraction, and arizona would be a start. important start. protection if you will. it's safety blanket but that's it. that's the name of the game. was four years ago and looks like it's about to be rest of tonight and into tomorrow. that's the guess. just come back. look at this again. getting a lot of texts and emails from republicans and democrats saying what is happening in virginia. 153,000 votes ahead, 52-46 is
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smaller lead than we saw earlier in the night. want to keep coming in here. we're still waiting. not that -- could hop in the car and be there in 45 minutes but something is going on in fairfax county, this is a giant basket of democratic votes. and they're not counted. big dump of votes come in, we're going to keep going. north carolina, 50-49. 94% in, 69,000 votes. republicans feel good but we'll keep counting and see what happens in north carolina. one more time, normally the closest battlegrounds. 51-47 in florida. looking at map, there's a lot of red including in places biden campaign was hopeful to turn blue. iowa is blue right now, not sure it will last but competitive.
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fun to watch through the night. lot of math to do, lot of anxiety both campaigns. >> nervous on both sides. voting is about ended in four states out west, including biggest prize of all, california. 55 of the 78 electoral votes. we have projections. cnn projects that joe biden will win state of california, biggest prize of the electoral college. 55. biden will win in california. cnn projects that he will win in washington state. 12 electoral votes. cnn also predicts biden will win in state of oregon, seven electoral votes. one projection for donald trump, cnn projects he will win wyoming. three electoral votes. in idaho, too early to call, four electoral votes, can't project there.
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electoral college map, where it stands now. biden has wide lead. 192 electoral college votes. trump as 108. key race alert in battleground states. pennsylvania, 41% in, trump has seemingly comfortable lead over biden. 56.8% to 41.5%. in michigan 39% of the estimated vote in, trump has significant lead there as well. 239,000 votes but relatively early, 39% of the estimated vote in. early vote which skews democratic is not in. wisconsin, 42% in. how close it is. 50% to 48.3%. ten electoral votes in wisconsin. arizona, 75% of the vote is in, biden has a significant lead in
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arizona. 208,000 vote lead, 53.7% to 45%. 11 electoral votes at stake over there. back to john king. right now biden has a significant 192-108 lead in the electoral college vote. >> and west coast, when i started doing this, competitive territory. not anymore. washington, oregon, california, blocks for the democrats. great building blocks. only reason the republicans go there now is raise money. you need to get to 270. this is the hard part. hate to say it this way, but easy for democrat to get to 192. you know illinois, new york, california, washington and oregon will be on your side. working off this map. now at 192, trying to get there, how do you get there off this map? well, that's clinton state. trump campaign is trying to flip
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it but assume is stays democratic. watch and count. that was a trump state. joe biden is leading right now there. if it holds that way, out here, colorado, new mexico, west coast will be good to the democrats and southwest if this happens. gets you to 209. looking at clinton states. that was, think it's going to happen for you. keep looking at map. virginia is still red, you just assume, we'll see if it's a change. if it's that kind of night it is that kind of night. assuming they're waiting for the democratic votes to come in. trouble in a county or something. maine, you assume if you're biden you'll win whole thing. congressional district, one president trump carried. democrats will believe they carry that. for sake of argument, give it to them. 236. maybe nebraska, leave it off the
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maybe nebraska, leave it off the table. 236. right? 246. that's 262. that's 262. looking at this map, where do i get it? that's easiest, i didn't get rhode island, let me come in here. rhode island, 286, that's with pennsylvania. you bring pennsylvania off the map, 266. this is where you get close. this is where you get close. going to keep going west, do that. gets you to 270. could it be in a race against donald trump, wouldn't it be something if barack obama's birth state put you over the top? would be interesting. hawaii, nevada, colorado. you don't need pennsylvania if you're joe biden now but now in different mood in headquarters. came into the night thinking you had great opportunities. maybe some will come back. if they don't, thinking we
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better win that congressional district, and that one. then going to fight it out up here. get pennsylvania, stop the conversation but might be a couple of days on this one. don't get pennsylvania, scratch and claw mode now as opposed to earlier where you might have had a buffet of opportunities. >> let's look at arizona and pennsylvania. >> start in arizona, west to east. held up consistently but waiting a little bit. sometimes you get votes in spurts, sometimes long pauses. 75% right now. eight points, nine if you round up there. pretty healthy lead. most coming from here in terms of the vote count. just in maricopa county, joe biden approaching 800,000 votes, just shy of ten-point race, 60% of the race in the state. yuma county another 15% and not even close. every indication is -- still votes to count but indication is
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that arizona is going to flip to blue. makes you happy in biden campaign. but back this way, check on virginia, up to 58%, getting closer but still waiting. here's anomaly. fairfax been at 28% for a long time. check in with the decision team to see where that is. loudoun county, joe biden holding that, fairfax county, waiting. northern virginia, arlington, fairfax is biggest basket of democratic votes we're missing. southeast virginia, chesapeake, we're missing some votes but biden campaign will be getting nervous. even though the math tells you should be okay but would like it to change. waiting on these three. >> will take time. key race alert now. nebraska right now. second congressional district, 57% of the vote in. biden is head by 16,000 votes.
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53.4% to 44.8% for trump. this is one electoral vote potentially in nebraska if biden can hold on. >> come back over here. we're waiting. nebraska and maine, congressional votes by -- they do votes by congressional district, electoral college votes. if you're in biden campaign thinking might not get georgia, florida, north carolina, dreams of texas not going to happen, closer but doesn't count. at this point in the campaign normally you think what is one? one can matter. again in this scenario, this is scenario on the board here. let me take these away. if you can hold this, you're moving closer, right? moving closer. that's assuming virginia flips back and you hold arizona and nevada stays. that would be a change. donald trump carried that, and
that would be a change. that's what you're looking to do. trump had 306 last time, need to get him below 270. these are big ones. tight part of the campaign, that close of a race, looks like we are. every one counts. including maine up here. math gets really interesting. again, if you can do this, just forget about it. if you're doing this, most likely doing that and probably that. we always knew, joe biden said, lot of democrats said focus on the sun belt. said i'll start here and maybe expand. if he can do this, we'll spend a lot of time and may be into tomorrow and beyond. we don't know that. at moment these are to be decided, that would push -- if you come at it from republican perspective -- i did joe biden's math to get him up. donald trump is leading here,
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here, here. expected to win here. that's his. this one is interesting. expect him to get this. these normally would be trump states out here. and alaska. so again, open to being surprised. but if it plays out in a traditional map, that's where we're going to be. that's where we'll be as we go to the west coast. somewhere in the ballpark, not exact science but looking at pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, maybe iowa and one more congressional district there. that's the way the map looks. we've had surprises but not many flips. tension, back and forth, we'll see how it goes. only flip on the board is arizona. maybe that congressional district, we'll count votes. fun for us, in campaign headquarters, it's tense. >> both campaigns are nervous right now. but this election is basically different because there's so
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in time and remember. 2.9, 2.9. long way to go and turn out is higher this time. just shy of 6 million and we're not there. just not there. if you're looking at map as republican, you're grateful it's red but it's really early on. got a long way to go. i'll be a broken record here but looking at northampton county, maybe 40% of the vote. shy of that. bucks county, key suburb outside of philadelphia, this is more conservative of the area, 12% of the vote maybe, come down to montgomery county, big suburban area critical to the democrats. trump lead right now but haven't counted most of montgomery county, chester county, most of the votes in delaware county and biggest basket of them all, philadelphia city and suburbs around it will be overwhelmingly
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mail-in ballots they're going through, only 76,000, that's behind schedule. they thought by 8:00 p.m. eastern they would have 100,000 counted. they're behind schedule there. and told by officials they'll be working through the night trying to quickly tabulate the influx of mail-in ballots they got in pennsylvania. they just started opening up those ballots this morning. way behind compared to other states, didn't get head start and doesn't have history of counting absentee ballots. allegheny county where pittsburgh is, 350,000 ballots they're having to get through there. i'm told by officials in allegheny county they're going to be working through the night to try to get those -- everything tabulated. one person i spoke to said this is going to keep us in suspense, they have to work through the night and may not have better idea in terms of the total tabulation for a bit, john. >> get on the phone from iowa
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several years ago, may have to do that again. look this is -- this is where it gets interesting in the sense that the question is will everybody have patience, by everybody i mean the american people, people in commonwealth of pennsylvania and candidates for president. you know this, all these mail-in ballots, get rid of the numbers to remind you. joe biden leading 98,000 votes. president has 23,000. it's real votes but not contextual, we know it's higher turnout than four years ago and hillary clinton won with 367,000 votes. when you see right now joe biden leading at 98,000 votes, it's early chapter of a big book for a big state. that's key point. chec challenge is how long does it take? will we hear from the secretary of state this is going into tomorrow? six or eight counties said wouldn't start counting mail-in
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ballots until tomorrow. secretary of state was leaning on them to start today if they weren't overwhelmed on election day. and pam mentioned philadelphia. this is not conjecture, we have the words of the president of the united states, he believes there's cheating and fraud in philadelphia, question is many of his advisers have been urging him to stay off twitter, stop talking about it, let it play out. but does the president lose patience as the night goes on? >> told in pennsylvania more than million mail-in ballots have not been counted. >> so more than a million. 1.7 to 1.3. 373,000 vote lead but more than 1 million not counted. this is real but if it's baseball game, in second or third inning at best. football game, early quarter. pick your sport. we're early in the game. always want to build a lead.
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rather be leading than behind but it's not contextual. keep wanting to say it's not real. it is real, real votes. but they're not -- we don't have the full picture. again, these counties. think about the places where we are close to the finish line. every one of those states turnout is higher than four years ago. look at this. 25,000 votes. 167,000 votes to win four years ago. and higher turnout now. 25,000 votes is nowhere near done. just getting started. montgomery county, joe biden at 110. 256,000 to win the county four years ago and turnout is up now. we have a long way to go. early count in montgomery county. chester county again, joe biden with 58,000 votes. 56%. hillary clinton won this with
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nearly 100,000. 80,000-plus more votes. early count. delaware. into pennsylvania. philadelphia. 584,000 votes for secretary clinton four years ago, this is one of the places they felt good turnout. 585 say, joe biden has 209,000 in philadelphia right now. what we have is beginning but we're so early in this race right now, so early that when you pull this out and see it red and see what looks like 12-point lead for president of the united states in votes counted so far, he has 12-point lead but there are more than 1,000,000, more than that mail-in ballots. other ballots cast today. long way to go in pennsylvania and few others. >> we'll be patient. another projection right now. cnn projects that president trump will win the state of mississippi.
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beats biden in mississippi. wins six electoral votes in mississippi. look at map right now. with that, biden still has 192 electoral college votes. trump now has 114 electoral college votes. 270 the number you need. key race alert right now in minnesota. start, 46% of the vote in, almost half. biden 264,000 vote lead over trump. 57.3% to 40%. in minnesota, ten electoral votes there. iowa right now. 59% of the vote in. close, biden's lead almost 40,000 over trump. 50.9% to 47.3%. six electoral votes in iowa right now. count continues. 192 -- watching this race between trump and biden, 192 to 114. >> and again right now there's nothing on the map that tells us
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a wow. but i want to go back to the trump map to take us where we are in the sense we have nothing yet we flip. but we do believe that joe biden is leading there. potential. looking at this map, will get donald trump down to 295. go from there, we're in a world -- i'll take these away, so early in all of them. if nothing else changed. president holds florida, haven't called that yet, close but he's ahead. north carolina, same deal. president ahead. holds ohio. iowa, look at map. still blue. want to look at it here. 59%. we'll see what happens here. that would be interesting if that switched. but at moment just leave it here until we know otherwise. here's what you get.
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congressional district here and here. take these off the board. if joe biden can't win ohio. we have to wait for the votes. just looking for flips. what happens? waiting on states having normal delays and additional delays counting votes, could fill in a few left in a few hours, we're fighting it out over these states. >> going to be amazing to watch. everybody's got to be patient though and let everyone count the votes as they should. critically important. >> we're going to get to point again, looking at -- secretaries of states have all told us it's going to take time, be patient. because of the difference in mail-in voting, in-person early
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voting and. precedent now is the people in person at polls. then count mail-in votes. republicans, this is handstand map but we're not there yet. real leads but nowhere near done. i'll keep going through them to see if the numbers change at all. delaware county 15%. see the map starting go up there. still 33%. 209,000. you've got at least 300,000-plus. higher turnout election, maybe 400,000 more votes to win. we have to watch here. and counties around it, bucks county, that's 2016. come back to 2020. still at 12%. it's frustrating to people who want to know, especially when you get to this point where if you're republican you think the president will hold florida, north carolina and ohio. we're not sure yet but looking at numbers now that's what you
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think. won't get argument until democrats see something change. republican looking at that thinking okay. here we go again. if we're defying the odds here, some thought would lose florida, doesn't look like we will. or north carolina. republican starts to think, okay, do it here again too. we don't know that because of the early counts. pam mentioned allegheny county, waiting on votes. 17%. look at that or up here. joe biden has 98,000 votes in allegheny county right now. hillary clinton carried it four years ago, 367,000 votes. this is higher turnout. winner will be north of that number. at least equal to that number and we're not even close. we have to wait it out. that's pennsylvania. come back in. move over to michigan, do the same experiment.
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macomb county, where the president is leading. if he keeps that lead, would be in strong shape in michigan. 143,000 right now. go back in time, 224,000. this is higher turnout election. we expect everywhere close to 2016, don't expect any place to be below it. we have to wait. keep counting. way more votes down here. wayne county, joe biden ahead with 147,000 votes. hillary clinton won it, look at the difference? almost 520,000 votes. what does that tell you? they have a lot of votes to count in wayne county, macomb county and other places in michigan. we have to be patient. same story in wisconsin. bring up milwaukee. hillary clinton gets 288,000
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votes. right now at 122,000 for joe biden. pick your sports, it's early innings. >> looks like those three states will decide next president of the united states. >> unless we get a dramatic shift -- we sort of knew it coming in, democrats believed and polls said they had opportunity. that is not winning. you have to execute. i think one of the things we're seeing so far, tip your hat to the president, worked hard in the final days of the campaign, staged rallies around the country and seems it generated high election day turnout, what they needed. high enough? not there yet. but some of these states have moved in president's direction. 94% in florida. can you overcome 384,000 votes when you're this far up? not likely. not impossible. because of the differences of this year and different mix of votes, people are working extra
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hard. early count was quick in florida. going to get to finish line. 95% in place that's voting democratic, if you're joe biden, where can you get more votes? disappointment in the democratic party is here. pain in miami-dade county. that tells you all you need to know about that. come back out, one more, north carolina. 74,000 votes at 95%. 50-49. very close but again state the president barnstormed end of the campaign. looks like he generated a lot of turnout. is it enough? not there yet, but looking at map right now -- again get to the finish line soon enough. maybe not soon enough to people watching at home. tip the hat to the president for moving the needle.
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>> we'll be patient. check in with dana bash. update on the balance of power in the u.s. senate. >> projections to make. alabama. cnn projects that republicans pick up a seat there. tom tommy tuberville in senate there, and south carolina, one of the most watched races in the country, senator lindsey graham is going on to win re-election we project. defeating incredibly well funded democratic senator. in georgia, special election, cnn projects a runoff in state of georgia, candidate needs 50% in order to win outright. that's not happened. democratic rafael warknock and kelly loeffler the incumbent will go to runoff in january. tight races in the battlegrounds
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for balance of power. arizona, democratic challenger mark kelly is ahead by more than 200,000 votes. 55.1%. incumbent republican martha mcsally is 44.9%. vote in. iowa. democratic challenger ahead there as well. theresa greenfield, it's tight, jonie ernst at 48.5%. in montreal, dramatic challenem challenger ahead about 12,000 votes. what this means right now. three democrats leading in republican senate seats. democrats are back to needing four seats to pick up in order to flip the senate. and democrats have 42 seats.
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republicans have 42 seats and 16 seats remain to be called tonight. >> so important what's happening in the senate. thanks very much. key race alert right now. where things stand. start off with battleground of pennsylvania. 46% of the vote in. trump has lead over biden, 56% to 42%. in wisconsin, more than half the vote in, 53%. trump has 81,000 vote lead, 51.3% to 47%. in michigan right now, 44% of the vote is in. trump still has lead about 274,000 votes over biden, 54 p 5% to 43.6%. jake, three states could hold the key to next president. >> all looking at blue wall. it was blue wall until 2016 when donald trump smashed it. now joe biden hoping to rebuild
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it. check in with correspondents in those three states. start with miguel marquez in detroit, michigan, where we're told turnout is higher than it's ever been. what can you tell us about votes outstanding? waiting to hear how michigan voted this election season. >> reporter: couple of things, we know that the vote in detroit, biggest democratic stronghold, they're expecting 53% to 55% of voters to turn out in the election. doesn't sound high but when you consider that donald trump won michigan by 10,704 votes in 2016, that could be a critical difference. across entire state expecting record turnout. it is not clear how that will affect the vote count for either candidate. also they're still counting. this is the receiving board at
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ford field where the detroit lions play, going to receive day of votes and absentee ballots are being counted, should be seeing them come in soon as well. expect more vote to come in. rather than taking three days for unofficial result. they believe next 24 hours or so we'll have unofficial result of who will win michigan. >> miguel, thank you so much. turn a little bit east to harrisburg, pennsylvania. sara murray. there are milwaukee of votes that were cast early in pennsylvania. with the vote right now in pennsylvania, donald trump 1.8 million, joe biden 1.4 million
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but more than half the ballots are waiting to be counted. what can you tell us? >> reporter: there is a lot of outstanding vote in the keystone state, won't be a process that moves fast. what election officials have been warning us about. fill counties. philadelphia, chester, bucks, they'll be counting all night long. not experiencing issues, just takes a while. secretary of state said we need to stay patient and be prepared for the totals to come in fits and starts. been removing ballots from the inner envelopes and putting through the scanners. fits and starts. we may know more by tomorrow morning. may take a while. secretary of state saying these counties working as fast and hard as they can.
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it is going to take a while and it is the first time that pennsylvania has had mail-in ballots to this capacity and they couldn't start opening them until 7:00 a.m. this morning. >> sara murray in harrisburg, pennsylvania. bill weir, one of wisconsin's favorite sons, waiting to hear who the badger state picked to be president. >> reporter: looks like record turnout like most of the rest of the country. but still early. election officials in milwaukee say won't have final numbers in until 5:00 a.m. that would be expected blue boost for vice president biden when numbers come around. counties around milwaukee, little bit better than four years ago for democrats. trump still leading in those.
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won fond du lac but head of the milwaukee democrats says feels like stronger than expected in the suburbs for them. even though trump is winning now. softer turnout in milwaukee. blowout in madison. red mirage/blue shift night. think they're shaving the margins around milwaukee, not as wide as for hillary clinton. but right behind me, waiting as all the wards in madison are expected to deliver the ballots to the supervisor here. going to be long night in the dairy land. >> bill weir, thank you so much. let's talk about this. we've been saying for a long time that "a," anything could happen. very competitive race. and "b," it's really going to come down to these three states,
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pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan. and "c," that we're not going to probably know who won those states because of all the early vote the night of election night. and all of that is happening. >> here we are. >> still feels like people out there didn't hear us telling them that in previous weeks. >> people hear what they want or need to hear any given moment, understandably given how tense the country is. add one state to what you just said, arizona. also could be a tipping point depending how it goes given what we're seeing so far. thing to keep in mind and some of the reporters mentioned this, what we're seeing now is not including the early vote. and early vote is one that democrats feel most confident about. they encouraged their voters to vote early. that is the missing piece of these vote totals we haven't
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seen yet. a really key piece. could change the dynamic abruptly. talking about early vote in michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania, those three blue wall states. >> we just can't draw conclusions right now about what is going on up there. even arizona is unknown. even if we did know arizona, would still need to wait on the states to count all of their votes to really get a clear sense of what is going on, so we're asking for patience but i also think it's important for people to recognize this is kind of the opposite of what we were seeing earlier in the night, getting a lot of mail votes from states like florida and looking okay for biden. now we're getting election day votes from those states and those are going to benefit trump. we just have to wait and see. we can't even say really what is happening in some of the counties because the percentage of the vote is so low.
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can't draw conclusions. >> just to underscore what we're all saying. early votes in michigan, wisconsin and especially pennsylvania are the votes we expected to be counted last. particularly in pennsylvania because that's the law for some reason in pennsylvania. >> democrats tried to change it and republicans in legislature wouldn't let them for whatever reason. >> i think we know the reason. >> whatever it is. that's the reason, they're counting now. takes a long time. again, people -- i don't know if this feels like 2016 when donald trump pulled this huge upset and surprised everybody. or feels like 2018, where democrats had a really good night, just took longer than a night -- >> i want to go back to something you said beginning of the night and keep saying. feels like 2020 because going into tonight, most of the battleground states, the candidates were within the
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margin of error. that by definition means it is a close race in all states. that's what we're seeing play out right now. >> and divided country, close election. >> one thing we can say based on how close the race is in some of the places that donald trump was really at risk of losing is that the republicans really delivered in the sense they were able to keep those races close and in their direction. as we speak right now. we're looking at a map in which a lot of states are red because they're trending red and need to stay that way. and for president trump that is a really important thing. we would be having a completely different conversation tonight talking about joe biden actually expanding the map in a serious way early on. >> wolf, back to you. >> thank you. let's get a key race alert right now. start off in the second congressional district of
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nebraska, one electoral vote at stake. 57% of the estimated vote in. biden with 16,000 vote lead over trump, 53.4% to 44.8%. arizona, 75% of the estimated vote in, biden has impressive 203,000 vote lead over trump. 53.5% to 45.1%. in minnesota right now. 61% of the estimated vote in, biden has 220,000 vote lead over trump there as well. 54.3% to 43.6%. there's more states. continue the alert right now. ohio right now. 88% of the estimated vote in, trump has impressive 434,000 vote lead over biden in ohio. 53.2% to 45.3%. north carolina, 95% of the vote in. 75,000 trump lead over biden. 50% for trump, 48.7% for biden.
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iowa, 70% of the vote in, very close. 31,000 vote lead for trump over biden, 50.3% to 47.8%. go back to john king at the magic wall. still a lot of outstanding votes to be counted. >> we're going to wait late in the night for some of them. some grace to the local election officials who have to deal with this wild and different 2020. mail-in voting, in-person early voting. election day voting. however some of the states. pennsylvania will be waiting. michigan, trump lead right now but just not contextual in the sense you come down here, wayne county, 147,000 votes right now. detroit and suburb around it, hillary clinton was 519,000 four years ago. states are counting more slowly
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because of the complexities of the 2020 election and it's going to take time, may well take into the morning, we'll stay up and watch it play out. wisconsin, same thing. if you lived through 2016 looking at map, saying it looks great. it does but it's nowhere near complete. we need to see, keep counting votes. other anomaly on the map, two things that look different compared to 2016, one is commonwealth of virginia, fairfax county has been this way, stuck at 28% for largest county in the state. you would think -- it's a difficult year, would think largest county in commonwealth of virginia would do a better job than that. >> pamela has reporting on virginia. >> in fairfax, slow going finding out results there.
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they'll have roughly 400,000 absentee ballot results next couple of hours. but so far 28% reported there, very small portion of that is democratic. we have that going on there. then in georgia, slow going in georgia, some of the counties. gwinnett is 29% in. fulton also slow going. pipe that burst earlier. 48,000 absentee ballots to go through. had two weeks to process them but slow going there. in pennsylvania, more than 1 million outstanding absentee ballots for officials to go through in democratic areas of pennsylvania. talking about philadelphia, the suburbs of philadelphia, and allegheny. that's not counting nine
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counties, smaller counties waiting until tomorrow to start counting absentee ballots. as picture comes together of what is happening, we're in suspense in pennsylvania. >> that's a lot. again, again, just look at commonwealth of pennsylvania, big state. go back in time to how many votes need to be counted. 2.9, 2.9, and expect higher turnout this time. at least six or seven counties were won by trump, they decided they wouldn't count votes until tomorrow. thinking opportunities are slipping away, states to flip for democrats. but go to pamela's point. back out first, statewide,
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211,141 vote lead. missing a lot of battlellots. not counted. fulton. joe biden is 100,000 votes behind where hillary clinton was there. maybe more votes are there. gwinnett county, 174,000 for biden now. he's ahead of hillary clinton already there. with still votes to be counted. reason i'm going through this, is it at all possible, look at donald trump lead right now, go through these areas and move over here, come here again, 81,000 votes, lot to be done here. that is where joe biden is now. 251,000 back in time. giant chunks of votes in those counties. come out and president's lead is
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220,000, there's no reason for democrats to give up, there's votes to be counted yet. what is your margin? keep it on the board. look at it right now. as democrat you're disappointed but do the math and figure out what's out -- this is why patience is important. more than 1 million votes here. they're nowhere near the 2016 numbers. patience is what's required here. again, we heard the president repeatedly end of the campaign saying should be able to count the votes on election night. that's just not the way it works. why secretaries of state were coming out and explaining the process. that's the challenge for the election officials with slow count, got the fairfax information, transparency is key in hours ahead. we're in age of social media and things start to fly around. important thing is, stay with
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the sources you trust. be patient. we're going to count them. we have eyes on them. it's fine. >> no rush, take it easy. do it right. key race alert. contest we haven't paid much attention to. maine, 37% in. 51.3% to 45.5% joe biden. second congressional district in maine, one electoral vote, 33% in, trump lightly ahead, 50.6% to 45.8%. montreal congressional district, biden ahead but close. 49.2% to 48.1%. watching those contests as well. >> rarely does it happen but every now and then -- mentioned maine second congressional district, democrats have thought
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that maine is state they're going to win comfortably. we're early in the count. donald trump carried this congressional district four years ago. it's rare it comes down to one vote but we'll keep track of the count because democrats thought they had that in their back pocket. democrats have been surprised tonight. we'll watch as it plays out. looking at map, watching at home. throughout the night, donald trump had been leading in popular vote. as we get the west coast vote, joe biden is ahead there. important symbolic and moral victory but not how we pick presidents. >> another important key race vote. biden now ahead 219,000 votes in
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virginia. 52.3% to 46% for trump. biden takes the lead in virginia. 13 electoral votes at stake. that's significant. looking closely at suburban washington, d.c., northern virginia counties. >> see chappwhat happened there. seen it before, republican takes the early lead. fairfax up to 86%. if you need it fixed, need pam brown to talk about it on television, she talks about it, in come the votes. it's good thing, give you pam's phone number later in the program. on a night like this when people are nervous, when we have this counting, it is important for people. give them credit for counting when they did. pull that back out, all of a sudden wondering why this state is red, talked about it all night long and apparently will talk through tomorrow.
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pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, we have to be patient. these are good people counting votes. now you see this. virginia back again. come back out, look at map, where we are right now. now at 1147. are we close to making a call? no, because we're waiting for so much. number one, red right now, but it's just not contextual. the president leads in pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin but we're missing a ton of votes. look at this part of the country, has anything changed? take this out. has anything changed from 2016? no. not yet. haven't called some of the states yet. in terms of who is leading right now. only thing that's different is that. arizona, that's not called yet either but seems to be trending joe biden's way. that was key target for the
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democrats. senate race out there too. that was one. democrats hoping may be more. georgia, they have a lot of votes to count, still close enough to make a difference. but democrats who spent the week saying it was going to be blowout are reconsidering it. haven't finished with the states. but even waiting for votes to be counted, in blowout year you're leading. don't see evidence for huge wave. that's going to matter to the senate, governors and state legislatures, red here is better for republicans. come back to the map now. joe biden now ahead in the popular vote. that's a moral, symbolic victory. if you start to stretch it out, does affect the electoral college map.
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but now doing state by state, hand-to-hand combat. check this again. ohio, still waiting. just communicating with a solid republican vote counter in ohio, very confident it's going to stay for trump. not a it sure looks that way. again, you see this right now. you think it is halfway through. 519,000 votes. that's big, right? even in a big state like pennsylvania of the however. however. let's go west to east this time. 98,000 votes. we've been stuck there a long time. 78% of the estimated vote. pittsburgh, the suburbs around it. remember that 98,000. this is a higher turnout year. four years ago, hillary clinton got 367,000 votes in alleghany county. we're nowhere near done. we have a lot of votes to count there. that's a county we expect to go
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for joe biden. westmoreland county is a place we expect the president to win. joe biden came here on purpose. he wanted to see if he could fair tow gap. this is 64-33. let's come back here. not so far anyway. this would be again, if the president can hold this, that's a big deal. joe biden went in thinking i can narrow the gap but we're in the early chapter of this and we don't know what we have left to come up. let's go oh here. in the commonwealth of pennsylvania, this is a what matters most. democrats need on run it up big in philadelphia. just shy of 250,000 votes, you think that's a big lead. you see 75%. to emphasize the point, we have a long way to go. hillary clinton got 580,000 votes four years ago. we have a long way to go. >> we'll be patient. we have another projection. take a look at this.
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cnn projects joe biden is the winner in virginia. virginia goes for biden. 13 electoral votes to go biden. take a look at the electoral college map count. right now biden has crossed 200. he has 205 electoral votes. right now trump has 114. 270 needed to win the presidency. let's take a look at the key race alerts. arizona right now, look at this. 76% of the estimated vote of arizona is in. biden is ahead in arizona by more than 207,000 votes. 53.6% to 45% for trump. let's go back to john king right now. arizona. 200,000 vote lead right now. with that number, that percentage of votes in, that's significant. >> it is indeed. that's 2016. let me come back to 2020 through my time warp. it is a flip, right? it is a traditionally red state so you'll be more cautious
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before you call it. we want to wait and see. you're up to 76%, a 207,000 vote lead. this is the bread and butter of arizona. 60% of the vote, maricopa county. just shy of 800,000 votes. 54%. let's go back and take a look. hillary clinton, 702,000 votes. this time, 798. 96,000 more votes and we're not quite complete here. what does this tell you? it tells you the biden campaign did a good job but number two, it tells you more about the suburban revolt. we're seeing other places that are closer. this would be a very important pick-up for the democrats if it continues to trend this way. a 9-point race there. it was close but it was a 4.5% race. the suburban revolt. as of now, florida is still red,
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georgia is still red, north carolina is still red, ohio is still red. if you're the democrats and you're thinking, how do we take away from donald trump's map, this is where we are right now. with the states that have been projected. this part is done. nothing here is a surprise. so the question is, if you're joe biden, how do you get to 270? that would help, right? 205, gets to you 216. it doesn't get you all the way. it takes it away from donald trump's 306. then you're looking at this map. if you're a democrat looking at this map, you assume this will come your way. we're not done there yet. minnesota. you assume most of maine will come your way. right now president trump is leading in that congressional district so let's take that away. i'm going to make the second congressional district a toss-up right now. the democrats thought they would get some other places, too.
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229, how do you get there if you're joe biden? you can't count on texas right now. you're leading in iowa? no, not anymore. you're going to get hawaii. we go deep entire the night. that gets you to 233. so again, it sounds redundant but you come here and here. and even those two, not enough. you're looking at that. you do that there. or the other clinton state, nevada. we haven't done the west coast yet. that's 285. can you afford to lose that? you can't afford to lose that. we'll walk through the map as we go through the rest of the night. >> a quick break. we've got a lot more coming up. we're waiting to see what happens in arizona. can joe biden pull off the lead there? election night continues in two minutes. locating your parked car with the touch of a button might seem... excessive. unless... getting lost is the whole point.
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the presidential race still up in the air right now with crucial battlegrounds still too early to call. too close to call. here's where the fight for electoral votes stands right now. take a look at this. 205 electoral college votes for biden right now of that's where biden is right now. you need 270 to win. a very, very important race right now. let's look at the key races. 51% of the estimated vote is in for pennsylvania. donald trump has 56.5% to 42.1%. he has a lead of more than half
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a million votes but 51% of the estimated vote is in. >> 48% of the vote is in. trump has 54.4% in michigan. biden has froe 43.8%. in wisconsin, 61% of the vote is in. trump has 105,000 vote lead over biden. 51.6% to 46.8%. in arizona, 76% of the estimated vote is in. biden has 53% to trump's 45% in arizona. 207-vote lead for biden over trump in arizona. as we follow some of those crucial undecided races, we're getting closer and closer to another poll closing just minutes from now. voting ends in hawaii. 4 electoral votes are at stake out of the 270 needed to win this contest. let's go over to john king.
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right now, trump has 114 electoral votes. biden has 205. >> you just mentioned, wee get hawaii at the top of the hour and it would be a shock if it went any way other than that. and we'll wait for alaska and we'll assume that will go red. this takes joe biden to 209. we're not done here yet and we're not done here yet. >> hawaii is too early to call, by the way. >> it is too early to call. i'm just saying i expect that's where it will end up. it would be a huge surprise. you do the hypotheticals and you're banking on nevada and you like your lead in arizona and you think you'll get that. so you look around. minnesota is a state, we're not there yet but you think you'll keep that. i don't think i've ever been past 11:00 a presidential election night having not called rhode island and connecticut. i started my career in rhode island and i never thought we'd
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get past 11:00. that's the year we're in. we expect that goes democrat. then looking at the map. virginia is in the hold. you can't count on this anymore. your hope has gone away. your hope is fading. you're not sure about georgia. the metro vote is out yet. you're back in this place, right? you expect if you're the democrats, you think you'll get most of maine. i'll take away this congressional district and put it back in the toss-up. take it away. let's be cautious and see what happens. i'm looking at the biden map, right? the president starts at 270 -- 306. joe biden has to subtract and take it away. you're looking at the map. where else do you go? we will soup, we haven't called this yet. let's just see. we're waiting on iowa. the expectation is that goes there. if these all stay and this is wild card. a lot of votes waiting.
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any democrat in georgia will get mad at me. this is a hypothetical. we expect the president will end up with alaska. montana is interesting but the expectation is it will go there. we have some congressional districts we're waiting on. you've got one, two, and three in the congressional district. just remember you have three off to the side. as you go through big three states right here. at 243 and 246, essentially, if you get this, you're knocking at the door. you get this. then you need one of these. let's leave this off the board. we think it will be the slowest to count. if we're waiting on that, bang, bang, 269. then we're into the congressional districts. do you get that one? that would get joe biden there without pennsylvania. if you flip it around and you're the president of the united states, you think, okay, can you get this back? the polls look iffy. that's where we are. these are hypotheticals but
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that's where we are. a couple of congressional districts in hand to hand combat. >> we have a projection right now. cnn projects president trump will win the state of ohio. beats biden in ohio. 18 electoral votes in ohio. that's a big, big win for donald trump in the state of ohio. let's look at the electoral college map, where it stands. biden still has 205. trump has 132. 270 needed to win the presidency. biden still ahead. 205-132. we're watching this very closely. let's see where things stand. all eyes on arizona. 76% of the estimated vote is now in and biden still has an impressive lead over trump. 53.6% to 45% for trump. that's 11 electoral votes right there. 76% of arizona is now in.
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>> so again, it's not there yet but that would be the flip. we're looking at the map. we're starting to fill that in but nothing has changed as of now from 2016. both are in their building blocks. the biden campaign was hoping, right? hoping for an opportunity here. an opportunity here, an opportunity here. we just took one away. they thought they had a chance. remember joe biden went to cleveland monday morning. a trump win there. we project. so you're looking at this map. this one, they're leading in. that's a clinton state they expect to get. in the biden campaign, you came into the night dreaming of getting this. it doesn't look that way. still some votes to count in texas. if you take off the board, let's not count that anymore. take that off again. we're back here where we knew we would be. we knew we would be. the question is what else can change the map? do you need the big one? can you do it with the 26, 16
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and 10? you're sitting there with your sheets. some people like old school even in the campaigns. they're using their paper and going through this. the question for maine, we haven't done maine yet. biden could pick some up in maine. the question is, do you get them all? i'm in the wrong thing. do you get them all? does the congressional district go back and forth? that's where the interesting math is now. normally in a big race, it doesn't come down do this. you're not worried about one congressional district. we have the potential to be in that. the challenge for biden is hold nevada, flip it, and then we get into the map as we go later into the night. the issue will be keep checking on pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin to find out how many more will we get tonight, in the middle of the night. in all three states, we're likely to have a tomorrow conversation. the question is, what else do we get?
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do we get everything else? where's the math when we go into the wait on these. and guess what. if you go into tomorrow, without a doubt. without a doubt, then you're talking about lawyers and contested fights. some of then perfectly normal, some of them outside normal because we've heard the president of the united states say repeatedly, he thinks we should be able to count the election tonight. that's not the way it works. it never works that way. it was never going to work this way at the beginning of the year because of the complexities of the voting. we're now at 12:06 a.m. he has not done it. that's good. that's good. we should let the process play out. as we get through this later, we'll see. >> and all three of the states, the blow wall. so of the outstanding votes are the early votes which we going democrat. >> and rhode island has not been called which would be a couple votes for biden.
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again, at this point to people at home who have been watching all night long, this is a bit redundant. it is important to keep saying it. if you look at this map and you think it is after midnight. 56-fro in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. at first glance, you think, wow. then think about it. no mat here wins pennsylvania, it won't be a 14-point race in pennsylvania. what does that tell you? it is an incomplete picture. every vote is a real vote but it is an incomplete picture. you look where the president is doing well. 72% of the voters. lancaster county. very important to the president. you move over here, this is a smaller county but this is where the trump magic is running it in the smaller counties. 20,000 votes here, 10,000 there. but 95% of it is in. if you're looking at this map, if you're a democrat, okay. a lot of the votes are in but look over here. to this part of state.
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53%. biden holding the lead. philadelphia. the city of philadelphia, up to 40%. we were in the 20s last time we checked. so look at 248,000. go back four years ago. hillary clinton gets 584,000 votes. we have to, that is simple math, right? turnout is higher this year. hillary clinton got 584,000 votes. the president's numbers are much lower, too. we just haven't counted many of the votes in philadelphia county and that includes when you move beyond to montgomery county. it might be 50% here. i'll look at the numbers. 158,000 for joe biden. hillary clinton won with 256. a lot of math to be done. chester county. you come up here now. we're at 73,000. that's about half. a little less than half.
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a little more than half, i'm sorry. we just need to be patient. if you're a democrat and you're sweating this a little bit, number one, most of the votes have not been counted. this is the other one here. alleghany county, pittsburgh, joe biden leading healthfully. 98,000 votes. that's a healthy lead. you go back in time of nhl hillary got 367,000 votes. joe biden hopes to do better than her four years ago. we'll see if that turns out to be true. just shy of 260, shy of 270. we come here now. there are a ton of votes yet to be counted which means we're not done. you pull it out and you wait. it's just deceptive. it is all real. it is not a contextual lead. it is the same story when you move to michigan. the challenge is for election officials to be trans parent, to do the best they can.
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count as quickly as they can. this hasn't budged. wayne county is detroit and the suburbs around it. this is building block for democrats. 18% or more depending on the turnout. you see joe biden at 147,000. this was a place where hillary clinton underperformed. democrats wished turnout was higher but she got 519,000 votes four years ago. the leader right there, joe biden. 147,000 votes. it just tells you. that's just one count. we have a boat load of votes to count. let's move to the western part of state. you're up to 60 here. 60% of the estimated vote. about 119,000 in kent county. this is grand rapids. democrats hoped to make inroads. 119, 54%. you come back four years ago. 148. even in a place where they say they're up to 60.
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we know it is under the 2016 vote total. we know the turnout is up just about everywhere in this election. it is real, a trump lead but an incomplete picture in 2020. a trump lead, a healthy lead but it is incomplete. and it is significantly incomplete. and the very same thing in wisconsin. you look at this as a republican. it is closer here but still 5 points. 108,000 votes. in milwaukee, 128,000 votes right there. nhl hillary had 208,000 votes. democrats worried about it this time but it won't be this much. you won't have 288,000. you come up to 2020. he's at 80,000 and 128. it's not a complete picture. there are a lot of votes to be counted. we have a long way to go. we have to count the votes.
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>> we have a projection right now. cnn projections that president trump will win the state of idaho. trump beats biden in idaho. let's look at the electoral college map where it stands with that win. trump has 136 electoral votes. biden has 205. 270 is the magic number you need to win the presidency. let's get a key race alert and see where things go. in minnesota and iowa. in minnesota, 65% of the estimated vote is in. biden has an impressive 217,000 vote lead over trump. 53.9% to 44.1%. in iowa, 84% of the estimated vote is in. two more states, we're waiting for those states. so the counting continues. >> the counting continues.
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>> we mentioned iowa, it was blue early on. this is a much longer shot. some democrats out there thought, it is a senate race as well. you look at that, 84%. we have a way to go in the count. you just come in. this is des moines. let's check on the vote totals to see turnout. 146,000. even there, joe biden's numbers, higher. turnout is every where but it doesn't appear to be enough. cedar rapids, 70,000 votes 92%. i want to go back again. hillary clinton has 58,000 votes. so joe biden in the cases where the democrats need to do well, joe biden is getting more votes because of the higher turnout than hillary clinton. but just look. an interesting thing to look at the so-called pivot counties.
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this is trump 2016. trump, 2020. trump 2020 still a lot of red. back in time, watch all the blue. this is obama 2020 the. more pivot counties than any state. 31 counties, 31 of the iowa counties. look temperature. a change in 2016 and we're not quite gun the 2020 count. joe biden took a few back but nowhere near the bulk. we're not done with the count but we're up to 84% of the count there. there's a lot of red but remember, it is incomplete. >> in arizona, look at this. 76% of the estimated vote is in. biden has an impressive 207,000
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vote lead. 56% to 45%. 11 electoral votes in arizona. in nevada, still very early. only a few votes have been counted. trump has the lead, less than 1% of the vote is in for nevada. we'll watch nevada closely. arizona is a key battleground state. >> that would be the first flip. 207,000 votes, when you're up 76%. not impossible to overcome but it gets hard at this point. more 60% of the vote will come out of maricopa county. again, higher turnout this time, number one. the demographics favor the democrats every day. also the suburban revolt.
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100,000 more votes for joe biden to carry maricopa county. you move up here. you look at flagstaff. 66% there. up to 73%. you go back in time. 10 points better. >> we're just getting word that joe biden is about to make a statement shortly from wilmington, delaware. we'll of course have live coverage. >> so that is the challenge. we're waiting to see if the candidates would speak. nobody can declare victory because we don't know. the question is what tone do you set? there was some reporting during the week that perhaps the president would come out if he saw this. he hasn't done it. that's good because that's not the wait works. i assume joe biden will say we're counting votes. let's respect the process as we go forward. you just say, you think, you
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have to count the votes. this is all, 50%, a lot of democratic votes missing. you just walk through it. 57%, almost nothing, you have to count. here's more votes starting to come in slowly. in area in pennsylvania. if you're joe biden, number one, you're nervous. the map is not what you thought it would be as you come through. number two, that you know we're nowhere close to being done right here. and if those turn around. >> they're watching it closely. it will be, to to see. >> right, the challenge is to urge people to truflt the process. a lot of democrats came into the night saying, they thought the animus toward trump is so deep
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with the democrats. and we look at the national polls. joe biden has pulled ahead in the popular vote. they looked at the national polls, the other polls and they thought this will not happen to us again. the flip side is there are a lot of democrats who said will this happen again? so what does joe biden have to do? he has to say let's wait and let's count. which is the right thing to do if you're joe biden or the president. if you come back, this is where we are right now. and nevada, a clinton state. we'll see what happens. we're still counting. if you come back to this map. you just think about all the places. the democrats thought, that would be game over. game ended. right? that one we've projected. we haven't finished with that one. or finished with this one yet.
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you block trump's passes. it's a weird night. still some interesting votes to be counted but trump's lead is starting to grow. we'll get to you on election day. we have to get to the finish line counting the votes. if you're joe biden and you're looking, number one, you think, you do think you'll change this. that's not enough to get you there. not enough to get you there. the rest will come here. the congressional district perhaps, here perhaps. this is the meat and potatoes of presidential politics in the last several years and it will be tonight. and it seems increasingly, it is already wednesday morning. this could go on throughout the day. >> we have another key race alert. >> in georgia right now, 80% of the estimated vote is in and donald trump has a nearly 300,000 vote lead over biden. 53% to 45.8%. 16 electoral votes in georgia.
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trump has an impressive nearly 300,000 vote lead. let's look at georgia. it looks good for trump right now. >> it does if you look at the math but you have to remember the most important thing when you get to a point like this, what's missing? you see 53-46. that sure seems like a lot, especially when you see a number, you think about 80% of the estimated vote is in. then you come here to metropolitan atlanta. and you see right here. this is largest county in the state. fult only county. 10% of the statewide vote. joe biden is at 238. where were we four years ago? hillary clinton was at 297. so there are some votes there and we think turnout will be even higher. then you move over here. where are we right now? joe biden is at 163. so more of the votes are starting to come in. we go one more over.
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up to 78% here. joe biden, 186,000. come back and look at it here. 20,000 more than hillary clinton did in the end. that's 2016. you come back and look at it here. if you're looking at it, it is closer. >> what are you learning? >> fulton county, they have stopped counting for the night. they'll pick back up at 8:00 in the morning eastern time. and they have 48,000 mail-in ballots to go. squlornlg two weeks that they couldn't start counting these plai mail-in ballots until polls close. so we'll be on the end of our seats. and then we look at dekalb. only 31% in dekalb. what do you make of that, john king? >> i make that it they have a
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slow count. so a, fulton count will wait. it is a slow count. we just waited for a long time and virginia gave as you big dunk. they're trying to get through it. it is frustrating at this point. that is the election. you say 30%. this is a place, you look at the big number. you come out here and you look at the big number. wow, that's insurmountable. then you remember how many people live around here. you're at 30%. we have a long way to go. in 2016, hillary clinton got 261,000 votes just in this county. so you're still counting votes which means there are some to be banked. does joe biden get them all? we don't know. he tends to be doing better than hillary clinton in the suburbs. let's see if we can see it. the vote count is incomplete so sometimes this can get you a little bit off. where is joe biden outperforming hillary clinton by 5% or more?
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right here around the metro atlanta. so he's doing better than four years ago. is it enough? you don't know until you count it. you hang in and you wait. remember the governor's race, stacy abrams versus brian kemp. a lot of thinking that the votes were suppressed. the last thing any democrat will do tonight is to concede georgia. in fact they're going to demand that everybody be patient and count the votes. a raw history in georgia on this issue. especially right here. you don't know. you see that joe biden is overperforming hillary clinton in the area where pam just detailed. a lot of votes still to be counted. you come back out and you say, wait a minute. the president is 300,000 votes ahead. that's a good place to be. we're not done counting.
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>> we have a key race alert. the two congressional districts, nebraska and maine. one electoral vote in each. right now in nebraska's second congressional district, joe biden is ahead by about 28,000 votes. 54.tlaet%. yep% of the estimated vote is now in. in maine, 40% of the estimated vote is in. trump has a narrow lead. 51.1% to 45.3%. it is still outstanding in maine. the second congressional district. it is a crazy time. you never know. had. >> i'll come over and do some math on that in a minute. it gets fascinating. one is here in nebraska. you sue at the blue in the eastern part of the state. that's where democrats, omaha, the suburbs, the democrats just doing better in those areas in recent years. the president carried the second
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district last time. he'll win the state in the p. the second congressional district is the more conservative. biden at 51%. again, 47% right now. democrats thought biden's lead in maine would be more than 5 or 6 points. if it strexs out a little bit, we'll see. we have to wait. the votes can matter when you go through it. especially, you want to come over and take a look. last time the president of the united states won the two congressional districts. this was a big deal. and the trump campaign, he went there on purpose. let's just say for the sake of argument. the president has a narrow lead here. so if it comes back that way. this is a hypothetical. you come in here and you can get the second congressional district.
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normally you would think it is a big deal. it can be a big deal. if you get nevada and arizona. you're at 293. where do you go? you can do it here and here. and joe biden can win the presidency without pennsylvania. so every now and then, the ones matter. so if you pick another one, somehow the president comes back and does that. then it would come down to here. you're playing with the math on the margins a little bit but it helps. when you're at this point, and you're in the nail biting phase. you'll take every one you can get. hopefully they hold up for you. this is where westart. here's where we are now. we've got to add them.
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election night lasts until it's over. and then trump will catch up. texas and florida and then you match it up if they hold that way. and again, very rare that you come down to one here and one there. it is possible which is why you compete for them. >> that's what happens counting the votes. and they're counting them relatively slowly in pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. >> right. so this is the map. if you're watching at home and you remember 2016, if you're a democrat, this frightens you. if you're a republican, it overjoys you. and we need to keep saying, you can get mad at us, mad at the coronavirus, mad at the election officials, anybody you want. it is the way the process works. especially when you have mail-in voting, in-person early voting and the election day surge. election officials around the country, they're overwhelmed. volunteers. they're going to count the votes. you see, normally you're into
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wednesday morning in a big state like the common wealth of pennsylvania. you would say, wow, accept, accept. we'll go west to east again. still at 17% in alleghany county. 17% in a giant basket for democrat votes in western pennsylvania. philly nodes to wait. nothing against the people of alleghany county, philadelphia county, up to 43%. 264,000. so you think you're starting to count them. you are getting more democratic votes. hillary clinton had 584,000. if you think about that trump statewide lead. a giant donald trump here if it stays democratic as it is right now. the question is did the margins change. and joe biden at 61%. at 196,000ful are there 60,000 more votes for joe biden? that's why we have to wait for them to count the vote. you keep moving around.
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chester county, hillary gets 141. right now, trump, that's interesting, right? if that holds up, that would be a big deal. if president trump is running stronger in the philadelphia suburbs, that would be a big deal. we're waiting on a lot of votes. we see 107,000 right there. 141 to win it four years ago. we know turnout is up this year. so turnout will be at least even. and in most of these higher than four years ago. you have to be patient. if you're a democrat, you're nervous to a degree. if you look at these places where the president is running it up big, it is 100%. >> that's 2016. >> i'm sorry. thank you for correcting me. i was in here earlier. it is 95%. 99%. yeah. 99%. so in the places where the president is running up big, a lot of votes have been counted. if you're a democrat, you don't like this map when you're
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looking at it. you know what we're missing starting here. the vote that's outstanding. the biggest baskets of votes that are outstanding, philadelphia, the suburbs and pittsburgh. the blue spotsylvan, the spots tend to be blue. he was railing on the governor, on the city of philadelphia. he has been quiet tonight, at least to the best of my knowledge which is a good thing. let's let them count the votes. if anything goes on, they'll raise their hand. it will take time. >> let's get an update on michigan. >> sure. go out, come back. in it is still red. 53%. we're coming down here. to give you a look at the map. it looks pretty similar. why is the president up by 294,000 votes? again, you're looking at these states and wondering what the issue is. american was 10,700 votes ten
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years ago. joe biden had a decent lead in the polls no matter who wins michigan in 2020, it is unlike to be by 300,000 votes. that tells you the spk incomplete. and it is incomplete. i'll just see. you go back, 128,000. that seemed like a lot but that's 30,000 votes difference. here, 2016 to 2020. and you move over to the biggest of all. about 20%. 18, 19%. it is up a little bit from where we are today. 55-fro. 164,000 votes for joe biden. again, hillary clinton had 519,000 votes. and democrats hoped turnout would be higher there. it is a lot of counting to do. >> let's check in. david? >> this is the state of play in michigan.
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donald trump currently in the lead here. and 54% of the estimated vote is in in michigan right now. but here's what we understand about the early vote. of that 54% of the vote that's in, 20% of the current vote is early vote. and we think that will go much higher. we think when all the votes are counted, 55%, a majority of vote in michigan, we expect to be early vote, and joe biden is doing much better than donald trump in that early vote. and you see there's much more early vote to come in. so there is the potential, not guaranteed. the potential for joe biden to narrow that gap with donald trump in michigan as more and more early vote gets counted. >> thank you. it is very clear. we saw that huge swing in virginia. trump was way ahead. all of a sudden, biden wins virginia. >> and you take fairfax county in virginia is not quite the size of wayne county in detroit
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as you come back in. a lot of votes. and david makes the key point. we saw it all week long. democrats disproportionately voted early. so if the votes that haven't been counted are early votes, we have to count them to be certain. joe biden has the advantage. the early vote cops will in so we have to wait. 30% is not enough. wayne county is the most important. we went through this in 2016. late in the night of 2016. i kept being asked. are there more votes for hillary clinton? we kept talking to people in wayne county until we got to the finish line in 2016 level is got 519,000 votes and it was not enough. it was not enough but it's just. she gets 519,000 votes four years ago. we're not done. you can be frustrated if you want to be.
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that's your right but it takes time. move over. the suburbs north of detroit. it used to be more republican. trending democratic before the 70%, 68% estimated vote. you're waiting for more votes to be counted. joe biden with 53-45. 284,000 votes. hillary clinton had 343,000 votes. you just do this math at home. a lot more votes, potential. we have to see them to count them. there's more potential for joe biden to get more votes. macomb county. joe biden tried hard here. this will be an interesting number if the president can hold it. when he won four years ago, it was by a lot more narrow margin. the president won this county with 224,000 votes and change four years ago. he's lead north korea with 1 he 52,000 votes. it tells you, we know turnout is up this year.
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we have to move over here. we know turnout is up so we know a lot of votes are missing. we need to count them and be patient. >> let's do a key race alert. pennsylvania. donald trump is ahead. he's ahead by some 664,000 votes right now. very impressive. 61% of the estimated vote is in. trump has 56.9%. b has 41.8%. 20 electoral votes. that state in pennsylvania. 61% of the vote is in. so there's still plenty of opportunity for biden to try to catch up. >> so you say 61% of the vote is in. you see a lead like that and you would think, your first instinct is that is insurmountable. then what are we missing? it is different this year. philadelphia is always a little slow. the bigger areas are often slower. so i'll go through some of these where the president does quite well. 84% is in.
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people in% in came debris a county. indiana county. what do we have? 69% of the vote there. you pull it back out. that doesn't mean there aren't more votes for the president to make up but you have a much higher percentage in. in alleghany, you see 18%. and again, joe biden leading. 79% of the vote. 109,000 votes. the president has 27,000, almost 28,000 votes in alleghany county. the president has 27. just shy of 29,000 votes in alleghany county. he lost the county last time with 259,000 votes. there is a ton of votes still to be counted in pennsylvania. >> we have another projection right now. cnn projects that joe biden will win minnesota. that's 10 electoral votes in minnesota. let's look at the electoral college map right now with that win in minnesota.
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biden now has 215 electoral votes. trump has 136. 270 of course being the number you need on win the presidency. let's get a key race alert. see where things are. in arizona. a key battleground state. 76% of the estimated vote is in. biden has the lead over trump in arizona. 53.6 to 45%. 11 electoral votes in arizona. in nevada, it is very, very early. less than 1% of the vote is in. trump has a lead of 8,700 votes. 74.6% to 22.2%. let's take a look at where things stand. it is impressive. i can show you four years ago, you can get close and not get
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there. you see joe biden, close to the finish line. that's a fact where we are in the state of play. again, things can change. everything is subject to change. where we are right now, it looks line that stays red, it looks line that stays red. we have that one red. that's possible to stay red. so right there. right there. texas, florida, north carolina. unless we get some late returns that change the trajectory. they're not done yet. if they stay that way, then you're in that. we're just going through it. we expect this one will be blue. we expect this one will be red. it's close but you just mentioned the president is leading in the early states. that would be a surprise. i'll leave that alone. joe biden is leading in arizona. we're not done yet. i'm going to leave nevada alone. we'll let it play out. the democrats expect that. this is a trump state that looks like biden will flip.
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that's a clinton state. president trump has not taken anything away from the clinton map. that's joe biden's foundation. 232. we just watch nevada as it plays out. you're in this place now where we're waiting here. we might have to wait until tomorrow. specially the metro atlanta area. the president has a healthy lead but there's a lot missing. this is the story of 2020. patience, let them count the votes. if we have to wait until wednesday or thursday to know who our president is, it's frustrating but that's the way it will be. this looks like it will go this way. that's 230, 230. this is where we are. you're in a very, very competitive race right now. we don't have rhode island on this map. i think we should be getting that one pretty soon. that gets to you 234. 230. and then you're in a slug fest. let's assume for the sake of argument.
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i'm not trying to anger republicans. that would be a big deal. that would get joe biden to 240. the president would be at 230. then what are you waiting on? on maine? we expect the democrats to get most of these? i'll take that away. the second congressional district. and so here's where we go. it looks like we'll be tight and walk these through. >> we have a major projection right now. cnn projects that president trump will win the state of florida. a big win. 29 electoral votes go to donald trump over biden. that's a big win. take a look at where things stand in the race to 270 needed. biden still has 215 electoral college votes. trump now has 165 electoral college votes. he just won florida. that's a big, big win for the president of the united states. democrats were hoping there could be some sort of upset in florida. not happening. >> so we entered the night with
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the possibility of a big election with the democrats flipping several trump states. florida, not going to happen. we still have votes to count. north carolina, cliffhanger. closer than it was. but that doesn't look like it. so the big blue wave appears to be out the window. we have some places we're still going to count. the one place it might flip is arizona. if you look at it from the perspective of the trump map. what did he do? he just kept that. he won last time. he needs to protect as much of this as he can. we're going to turn this off. we think that might change. that's the only change we have on the map if it plays out that way. i think we'll get there relatively soon. i'm going to change that. >> i'm going to jake. >> we're expecting joe biden to
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come out and make some public remarks at his drive-in amphitheatre in wilmington, delaware. here he is. let's listen in. >> good evening. your patience is commendable. we knew this was going to go long, but who knew we would go into maybe tomorrow morning, maybe even longer. we feel good about where we are. we really do. we believe we're on track to win this election. we knew because of the
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unprecedented mail-in vote, it would take a while. wee have to be patient until the hard work of votes is finished. and it ain't over until every vote is counted. every ballot is counted. we're feeling good about where we are. we believe one of the complete the works has already counted us in for arizona. that's a turn-around. we just called it for minnesota. and we're still in the game in georgia, although that's not one we expected. and we're feeling real good about wisconsin and michigan. and by the way, it will take time to count the votes. we're going to win pennsylvania. talking to folks in philly,
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alleghany, scranton, and they're really encouraged by the turnout they see. we could know the results as early as tomorrow morning. but it may take a little longer. as i've said all along, it's not my place or donald trump's place to declare who has won this election. that's the decision of the american people. but i'm optimistic about this outcome. i want to thank every one of you who came out and voted in this election. and by the way, chris coons, congratulations on the race in delaware. i'm grateful to the poll workers, our canvassers, everyone who paid in this democratic process. i'm grateful to everyone across this nation. thank you, thank you.
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you heard me say it before. every time i walk out of my grand that a's house in scranton, he would yell, joey, keep the faith. and my grandma would say, no, spread it. keep the faith. we're going to win this. thank you, thank you. your patience is great. >> all right. former vice president joe and former first lady jill biden thanking supporters for their patience. it will take a while but they still feel confident about what will happen in wisconsin and michigan and pennsylvania. he said he's been calling for patience for a long time and that's true. he's said it will take a while because of the pandemic and vote by mail. >> it's absolutely true. he was going through the states
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and saying what we've been looking at. we can leave georgia out but wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania -- >> hold on. >> thank you. >> okay. sorry about that. >> that those states are likely to take longer because the early vote is going to take a bit longer to count there. and the fact that he has come out frankly before donald trump did is maybe not something anybody predicted considering that the president was so, going on and on about the fact that he doesn't think votes should be counted after election day. which we should say over and over again, isn't how it works. >> it is already after election day best of my recollection the way. >> the votes will be counted. i do think both campaigns are kind of feeling similarly about where we are with the map. which is that it is pretty wide
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open. we don't have enough direction to know which way it will go. we do know based on what joe bidened. they think their best plan is through the upper midwest region. frankly, donald trump is doing exactly the same thing. we're waiting on arizona, georgia, but it will come down to georgia and wisconsin. >> let's go to where the president's team thinks they are. jim? >> yeah. we should just point out, the president just tweeted a few moments ago that he will be making a statement tonight. he is describing his performance in the 2020 election as a big win. he says we're up big. we will never let them do it. votes cannot be cast after the poles are closed, a misspelling of the word poles.
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we were expecting the president to try to declare victory on election night when he doesn't have victory at hand. and that appears to be what the president is on the verge of doing. i talked to a trump adviser who said now that joe biden has gone out and said what he said, we should expect the president say the same thing. that they feel like they're going to win this election. so we should be hearing from the president within the next hour or so. essentially saying the same thing. they believe they have won this election. there is great distress inside the trump campaign right now. i talked to a couple of advisers inside the campaign. they're very upset that one of the networks has called arizona for joe biden. they're trying to convince the other networks for not calling it. they're worried if arizona goes to joe biden, that their path to victory narrows. as one adviser said, if we lose arizona, we have to win wisconsin. that's because at this point they don't believe they'll win michigan. so you get a sense of the
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desperation in the trump campaign. the president is tweeting that he thinks he's going to win but certainly, some anxiety inside the campaign. especially about arizona. >> the fact that the president misspelled poles. okay. first, the fact that no one is trying to steal the election. counting votes is how this works. the idea that the president immediately says that is just factually incorrect. they are also trying to make the exact opposite call in arizona. most networks have not called it. the governor of arizona came out, a republican, and said count all the votes. that's the argument that the trump campaign is making when it comes to arizona. it should be the argument they make for every state. >> i can't believe you're
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looking for consistency. >> count all the votes. let me say why are joe biden was projecting optimism. i have no idea how this will end. certainly either candidate could win. the perspective of the biden campaign is even though virginia stayed red for so long and it looked like trump was ahead and in fact people were sending me screen shots of people projecting a biden victory even though trump was ahead a lot. and i've heard from biden campaign people who have said virginia is how we see what's going to happen in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin and those three states in the sense that it looked like trump was ahead and then the major population centers, richmond and fairfax county in northern virginia, they started sending in their votes and then it wasn't close. then it became clear joe biden was going to win the commonwealth of virginia. that's what the biden people think is going to happen in
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pennsylvania, michigan virginia. >> i would just add georgia. we don't know what's going to happen in georgia probably until tomorrow or i guess it is tomorrow. until later today because we don't know the votes in the major population centers namely atlanta. but one thing i really want to drill down on is the president's tweet saying they are trying to steal the election. that is so patently false and frankly scary. and the reason is because people who love the president believe everything he says. they just do. i mean, i've been on the road and i've talked to trump supporters and they parrot everything that he says. and even things that are just not true. stealing the election is not counting the votes. you must count votes in order to know what the people believe. and that includes votes that aren't counted until election day or after election day because the state law doesn't allow that like pennsylvania.
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>> it's obscene that he said that. >> it is. ut bits more than obscene. it really is dangerous. >> dangerous, absolutely. >> it's going to cause a lot of unnecessary tension in an already unnerved country. >> we already knew this was what was going to happen. >> sure. >> this has been telegraphed for days. earlier today they sent a fundraising email to their supporters with the exact same language, implying that this race has been decided which it has not. this is a ploy to muck up the works and make it seem as if things are more definitive than they are. we won't know who wins until all the votes are counted. that's the end of the story no matter what president trump says. now, he can come out and say we feel really good -- just like joe biden said. we feel really good about the direction this is going n. they can feel however they want. we have to wait for the votes to be counted.
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but i expect that president trump will come out and claim that the illusive they, whoever they is, is trying to do something that nobody is trying to do. we just don't have the votes. >> it's false and it's premature and it is dangerous because it could get people hurt. >> we have another projection right now. cnn projects that president trump will win the state of iowa. he beats bide nn iowa. 6 electoral votes in iowa. trump wins iowa. let's take a look where the electoral college map stands right now. biden has 215 electoral college votes. trump now 171, getting closer. %-pt now. arizona, 76% of the vote is in, biden still maintains an impressive lead over trump, 53.6% to 45.6%. the lead went down to 185,000 in
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arizona n. nevada, only 5% of the vote is in. trump has a lead of 32,000 or so, 73.4% to 23.9%, 6 electoral votes in nevada. in georgia, 82% of the estimated vote is in. trump still maintains an impressive nearly 300,000 vote lead over biden in georgia. 52.9% to 45.8%. 16 electoral votes in georgia. let's go back to john king who's watching all of this oh so closely. right now the race to 270, 215 for biden, 171 for trump. >> so, we're waiting. pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. you heard joe biden say we need to wait. georgia as well we're going to wait. i got a text from somebody in michigan who said they share joe biden's confidence. the democrats are going to say they're doing fine. we'll hear what the president says momentarily. 215 to 171. let's if you will, refight the last war. you do the next election based
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on the last election. why is the trump campaign so upset about arizona? well, arizona right now we have not called it yet, but arizona would be the first take away. everything else that has happened so far is filling in according to the map of 2016. president is still above 295 but think about where we were. let's for the sake just for now, let's take these off and make them toss ups because we're waiting for votes to be counted. the biden campaign is pretty confident they're going to get maine second congressional district. there's still one on the table here. where are you there? 244 to 248. it is possible if joe biden can get this and get this that joe biden gets to 270 with wisconsin and michigan and not even win pennsylvania. now, the biden campaign thinks it has every chance to win the commonwealth of pennsylvania. that is why that is so important. without that, joe biden needs to run the board in the blue wall states f. he has that, he can
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get there with two out of three. they had a healthy lead in michigan coming in. we need to count these votes. the biden campaign had a relatively healthy lead. if you come over here and look at where the count is and where the votes are missing in both wisconsin, both wisconsin, votes are missing here in democratic areas. over here in michigan. votes are missing in democratic areas. so, the biden campaign thinks if they can pick up that in wisconsin, that would be the flip. that leaves them a little bit of wiggle room as we go, wolf, through the night into the count in pennsylvania, wisconsin. they can do it with just wisconsin and michigan. we'll see. >> we shall see. president trump says he will speak tonight. we're standing by for that. we'll be back in two minutes. ♪ ♪ since pioneering the suv in 1935, the chevy suburban has carried many things.
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all right. let's take a look and see where it stands right now the race to 270 electoral college votes. biden is at 215. trump is at 171. 270 once again needed to win the presidency. we have a key race alert right now. two key battleground states. let's take a look at michigan right now. 57% of the estimated vote is now in. trump maintains his lead. 278,000 vote lead over biden,
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53.4% to 44.8%. once again, 57% of the estimated vote in michigan is in. in pennsylvania, 64% of the estimated vote is in. trump has a very impressive 668,000 vote lead over biden, 56.6% to 42%, 20 electoral votes in pennsylvania. let's over to david chalian to take a closer look. can the former vice president catch up? >> the answer to that is possibly so. i'm going to show you why. this is the state of play in michigan right now. you noted donald trump's lead in michigan. 57% of the vote is currently in in michigan according to our estimate. what do we know about the early vote? 22% of that current vote is early vote at the moment but we don't expect it to stay that fall of a share. we believe in michigan the early vote is going to make up a
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majority of the overall vote, that 55% of the overall vote will be early vote. i just have to stress right now in michigan joe biden is winning the early vote 65% to 35%. it's a huge biden strength. so, as the share of early vote goes up in michigan, joe biden could benefit from that and possibly overtake donald trump in the state. it's a similar story in pennsylvania, wolf. it is a similar story. take a look at the state of play in pennsylvania right now. 64% of the estimated vote is in in pennsylvania. and you noted donald trump has this lead 2.5 million to 1.9 million for joe biden. but how much of this is early vote in pennsylvania? well, talk a look. of that current vote that's in right now, only 16% of it is early vote. we think the share of the early vote is going to grow quite a bit all the way up to 45% of the overall vote in pennsylvania we expect when all the votes are
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counted, 45% is going to be early vote. and joe biden right now in the early vote that is in is winning the early vote 80 pl% to 20% against donald trump. it's a huge biden strength and it's going to grow as a share of the early vote grows in pennsylvania. and that could potentially allow joe biden to overtake donald trump in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. >> the answer is it's doable. we're seeing what happens. we're waiting for the president to speak. we heard from biden. now we'll hear from the president fairly soon. >> let's hear from our team here. david axlerod, where does this stand for you? >> exciting, isn't it? it's like a chess game and so far no one's taken a piece from the other player. the president has held some of the states that he won last time. but it was always going to be about these final states of
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michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin, the so-called blue wall states. if you talk to the biden campaign and to democrats, they would say, you know, these were the states that he needed to win to get to 270. arizona would be a bonus for them. but i just have to say, you know, the president and his folks said that they were going to bring out this big turnout. they did bring out this big turnout. they deserve credit for knowing what they were doing. the president currently has 60 million votes. there's still more than 20% to be counted. he only got 63,000,004 years ago. so, he's going to -- he's going to add to his total in a really significant way. and i think that's going to be surprising to a lot of people. but he has a following. it's in these rural areas. he brought them out and he is in this game. i would still rather be joe biden at this point.
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>> you think his path is clearer? >> you know, here's the thing. we knew that this -- we knew this scenario would unfold this way. we knew that the early -- that the early vote that we saw recorded in these states was going to be the votes that were casted on the day of the election, and we knew that they would favor donald trump. we also know that the ballots that are going to be cast after -- pennsylvania, for example, three-quarters of the early ballots that were mailed in were from democrats. so, that's going to vastly change the picture there. it's likely to do so in michigan and wisconsin as well. so, there's a lot -- there are many pages to be turned on this story. and i think one of the reasons -- i think john's quite right. one of the reasons the white house is so vehement about fighting what's going on in arizona, the count in arizona, is because that is not good for their narrative. and it's also not good for their
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pa path. if he loses arizona, then he really has to win a couple of those states, not just pennsylvania. >> arizona was really a cushion for joe biden so, the democrats that i've been texting with are very happy about that. but if you take a step -- >> by the way, we have not called arizona. >> that's right, that's right, but they're very happy that it seems to be going their way. anyway, tack a step back. look at the four years. david was saying the president got 60 million. he's getting 60 million plus this time. the country is divided. the map so far at least looks pretty much the same. and if you look at all the exit polls we've had time to study now, it looks like the pandemic is the top issue for the biden people. and reopening the economy is the top issue for donald trump's people. you have two-thirds of the people in this country saying that we are on the wrong track. the biden people say the economy is going badly, and the trump
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people say things are okay and they're going to get better. so, we still have this split in this country. that has not changed over the last four years. even given everything that we've gone through and now we have a president of the united states who is saying that the other party is trying to steal the election as if counting the votes is some kind of abnormality in american politics, which of course it isn't. we don't know the results of elections on election night all the time. >> by the way, vice president biden has just tweeted something saying it's not my place or donald trump's place to declare the winner of this election. it's the voter's place. >> what trump was doing was saying that it was being stolen, which was even worse. >> before you go, i just want to say a couple of things. i think a lot of democrats are
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hurt tonight. i think there's a lot of hurt out there. there's a moral victory and there's a political victory. they're not the same thing. the political victory still may come. but i think for people who saw babies being snatched away from their mothers at the border, people sending their kids into schools where the n-word is now being used against them, for people seeing this wave of intolerance, they wanted a moral victory tonight. we wanted to see a repudiation of this direction for the country. and the fact that it's this close i think is a hurt. it just hurts. i think people got their hopes up looking at those polls. the political victory i think is still possible because you still have pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, nevada, arizona, nebraska too. the political victory may yet come. but i've got to be honest tonight that i think who -- there were people who were hoping for a big repudiation and that has not come. >> would you rather be on the biden team or the trump team
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tonight? >> looking at the map right now, i like where donald trump is sitting. i look at pennsylvania -- >> the white house. >> what's that? >> you like he's sitting at the white house. >> i think he'll be sitting there for the next four years. again, we're not there yet. i feel -- looking at pennsylvania, i feel very, very good about pennsylvania. and even michigan. less certain about michigan frankly -- >> so, when people say a lot of the early votes aren't in in pennsylvania, you say what? >> yeah, i would say that unlike a lot of states, pennsylvania is a portion of the early vote isn't anywhere noear what the other states are. this was the first year we've done early voting. it's big. it's a couple million votes. but the early vote that is in that david talked about, the 80% is from fulfill. it's from montgomery county. it's from heavily democratic areas. that's why it's skewed so high at 80%. none of the smaller counties, at least from what i'm hearing -- by the way, allegheny county
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which is pittsburgh. philadelphia still has them and they're still counting tonight. so, there will be more votes coming in early votes from philadelphia. but two of the three biggest counties in the states where early votes are going to be heavily democrat are already in. you're going to have early votes from central pennsylvania. they're not going to be anywhere close to what the early vote is for this other state. >> where do you think the trump path is to victory? pennsylvania? >> look. i've talked to some very key people in arizona. and they're telling me that i know other networks have called. we haven't. i think we're wise in doing so. this network takes that responsibility as they should. i'm proud to be affiliated with that because i think the call of arizona from what i'm hearing is premature and that the -- for example, the early ballot drop, the mail drop that you're seeing is at plus two democrat. they believe that the actual
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when all of the mail is counted it's going to be plus three or four. and that there's -- >> three or four republican. >> republican. and that the same day. now, again, it's not a huge amount of votes in arizona on election day. but it's going to be heavily trump. they think it's possible for them to get there. obviously it's going to be tough. >> can i just say i -- we're going to know, okay? the fact is that we're here to speculate and ois on. we're going to know very soon because the votes will be counted -- >> you think by later today? >> i don't think. >> well, i don't -- i don't -- i don't really know, anderson. >> the answer is no. they're not going to count them all today. >> but certainly not tonight. >> well, i guess today being -- we're now into -- >> today is wednesday. >> i don't know where we are. where are we anyway? >> we're going to be counting today. >> here's my point. this is the process. it was necessitated by the crisis that we're living through as a country. and just to echo what gloria had
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to say, we're going to know what happened and to say, to suggest that somehow this process is corrupt, that the election is being stolen. we knew it was going to happen. abby mentioned it earlier. the president has been signaling it for weeks. >> i would agree with you that the president should not say the election is going to be stolen. the secretary of state in pennsylvania over the past couple of days has changed the rules. and for example, they changed the rules when they went to the supreme court and talked about signatures that they had to be aligned. they basically said no you don't have to do that. you're saying there are minor issues. >> that is not being stolen though. >> i'm not saying they're being stolen. i didn't say -- i said i agreed -- >> those are valid ballots that have been sent in. and they contact the people to make sure -- >> but the law says that you're
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supposed to match signatures. and the secretary of state said, no you don't. can i say one other thing? there are two things the secretary did. the second thing the secretary did is say that she told the united states supreme court that they would segregate the ballots and not count them. she then just yesterday or last night said, no we're going to canvass them and we're going to open them and canvass them. so, you can say it's no big deal. >> but you can't have it both ways. the president is saying i want it all done. i want it quickly. i want it done tonight. so, if she says okay we're going to try and count them and segregate them to speed up the process so we know the result, why doesn't the president applaud that? >> because they're segregated because they're questionable whether they can be counted. >> you know better than anyone, now in pennsylvania the counting can go on for a couple more days. this is what the public has been told. >> but there is a dispute about it. >> they went to court and they said we're going to do this and we're going to extend it because
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of the postoffice and whatever reason and the republican legislature said let's do it this way. >> the republican legislature did not. >> shouldn't we all agree that the sacred right to vote in an incredibly important election should be preserved for every person? >> i guess the answer is we all agree with that and we all agree there are rules and we should follow the rules. >> van, we've got to go to another topic. i think there are three things we can learn. first of all, there are myths destroyed tonight. republicans turns out when a bunch of people vote, it doesn't necessarily hurt you. so, maybe you can let more people vote. have a big turnout, you haven't been hurt by it. democrats, when diverse people vote, it doesn't always go our way. we have to do a much better job reaching out to latinos and african-americans in some parts of the country. lastly, these polls are not to be trusted. there's something wrong with the polling industry because the
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reason people i think are hurt is because we got a little bit inflated with these polls. >> all right. guys. thanks very much. let's get a key race alert right now. arizona, a key battleground state, 11 electoral votes. 79% of the estimated vote in arizona is now in. joe biden maintains his lead, 163,000 vote lead over donald trump. 52.6% to 46.1%. biden is still ahead in arizona with 79% of the vote in, john. we're watching arizona very, very closely. that would be a switch. >> that would be a switch. so, let's start from where we are on the map. it's going to take a minute, but let's build up from here. 215 to 171. that would be a switch. let's say for the sake of argument, we haven't called it yet. let's say that one is a switch. let's say joe biden holds the clinton state of nevada and hawaii. so, then we're holding and say joe biden wins maine. i'm going to give him all the
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congressional districts here. there's one in play. president trump carried maine too. the second congressional district too. maine and nebraska. there's one up there that could be in some dispute. now let's look at this map here. they haven't called texas yet. let's move it over. let's assume alaska goes this way as well -- >> john, hold on. i've got a projection right now on the state very close to your heart. cnn projects that joe biden will win the state of rhode island. rhode island goes to biden with 4 electoral votes. took a while, buttery ri wi rho now wins on the road to 270. biden 219, trump 171. i believe he went to college somewhere in rhode island. >> i did. it's a great state. state of rhode island. this is the latest we've ever wait on rhode island but that's the year we're having. we haven't called texas yet but
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i'm going to give it there. we're still waiting onalaska and montana. the light red is we're leaning. let's add north carolina to that. we have a ways to go. then where are you? georgia, the president's ahead so i'm going to do for now. right now democrats in squorj george are saying don't you dare. i get it. a lot of votes to count in atlanta. for the sake of argument, what happens if the president holds that? where are we now? where are we now? the arizona flip is important because joe biden had hoped to run the board here. 1, 2, 3. that would make him president. we've got some issues, right? these races are closer than we thought. so, let's take this one away. pennsylvania we're waiting on. joe biden can win if he gets this maine second district or one of them. if he gets one of the congressional districts, picks up arizona, he can win the presidency with wisconsin. let's say you get pennsylvania and you lose one of these.
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you could do it that way too. you can't lose them both. so, it makes it -- you don't have to run the board in the so-called blue wall with arizona if you get one of congressional districts. it's very close. we'll see how it plays out. that's why we have to watch. again, there are democrats saying we think we can get this one back. we'll see how that goes. >> we've got a key race alert right now. two congressional districts in nebraska and maine. one electoral vote in each. right now the second congressional district in nebraska with 94% of the estimated in, biden has 52.7%, trump 45.3%. biden is leading by some 23,000 votes in that congressional district. in maine right now, 46% of the vote, trump is ahead by some 18,000 votes. 52% to 44.5%. 46% of the vote in that congressional district in maine is in. those are each, john, one electoral vote. >> so, let's change the math
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based on the vote right now. doesn't mean that's the way it's going to end up. let's change the math based on the vote right now. you just said the president is leading in maine too. we'll switch that to him. we'll say joe biden is leading here. let me fix it. you come back here and say here. we still have one to call here. he's leading in that one. you come back here. where does that get you? let me take these back. i'm going to take these back for now because we're not done here. again, this shows you the importance of arizona if it stays there. this has florida. we already projected. texas. i'm giving the president these. let's say again come back to the argument -- i know the democrats are going to get mad about this. if you give the president georgia, you're look at 244-247. it comes down to here. if the president can get this, that gets him in play. he needs one more. even if he gets the one it wouldn't be enough. so, can you do that again? that would get the president there. if your joe biden, do this and
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this but you're not sure. that's why we're going to count. >> we have another projection right now. cnn projects that president trump will win the state of texas. he beats biden in texas. he wins 38. that's a big number. 38 electoral votes. here's where the electoral map stands right now. biden has 219. trump has 209. you need 270 to be president of the united states. 219 to 209, john. texas a big win for president trump. >> texas is a big win. i'm not sure what i'm missing on this map. i know about rhode island. i'm missing some votes for trump there. come up there. there we go. there we go. 219 to 209. so, the question then is how do you get there from here. let's do it another way. we're building this way. another way to look at it is to go back to 2016 and start here. texas. that was one of the opportunities. democrats thought they had the chance to make this a statement
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election. they thought -- the democrats thought they had a chance to take this away and to take this away, the two biggest prizes right here. california is the biggest of them all. these are the biggest in republican politics. democrats thought they had a chance. they are staying with trump. democrats thought they had a chance. another giant electoral prize staying red for trump. we're not sure yet about north carolina, but democrats thought they could flip it. right now the president has a lead. we're not at the finish line now, but it's trending that way. you're looking at it this way. right now we have no flips at the moment. we do have joe biden leading here. we think that's a possibility. that gets the president down to 295. gets joe biden up to 243. the president is leading there. we'll see if it ends up that way. let's come in to nebraska. the president won them all last time. joe biden is leading here at the moment in nebraska. second congressional district. we're not sure how that's going to end but let's play it out as
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we go. here's where we are based on the 2016 map. and again right now the president's leading in these places but we know a lot of early votes are still to be counted. a lot of democratic votes are still to be counted. we don't know how they're going to end up. this is your state of play. 248 to 244. democrats thought this might be a statement election. that's not going to happen. doesn't mean joe biden can't win, but a sweepg democratic win, not going to happen. we'll watch to see how this impacts senate races, house races, down ballot races. joe biden is not getting what he hoped for. the party is not getting what he hoped for. joe biden ahead in the popular vote by 1.3 million. this is not where democrats thought we would be at this point in the night. we don't pick presidents this way, but this is part of the statement democrats had hoped to make. we'll see what ends up in the end. california is going to take days to count. washington state, days. this could grow but democrats wanted to make that statement tonight. now you're back over here.
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if trump holds that, he's leading, haven't called that. if biden gets arizona, we're not done there yet but he's leading. you have a map with one big flip, maybe plus that. that would be a hold for the president, and again, wolf, here we go. just as we did last time we're going to m codown to these here. and again the math gets interesting. joe biden is at 244. how do you get there? clear that out. 244. you're knocking on the door. that's victory. you can do it with michigan and wisconsin. you get pennsylvania, then it's gravy and you're up to 290. that would be the thing. so, let's play it out in a different way. if the president holds pennsylvania, then you're at 270-268. that means the president would have to take one of these away. which one is it? if you look at the polling coming into the race, coming into the final weeks, former vice president's lead was bigger in michigan than it was in wisconsin. so, that would be the one if you're looking at the polls.
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if you don't believe any of the polls because here we are in a close race, these are the say its we're going to come down to. i'm going to do it this way. we don't know the president is leading right now. there you go. 248-244. some of this isn't done yet. but that's about where we are. who knew? >> we have to be patient and wait for the authorities there to count the votes. >> we do. >> it's not that complicated. >> it's not that complicated. it's gets frustrating. it's so tight. you have partisans on both sides who are going to be very tight about this. you have the president tweeting people are trying to steel the election. the trump campaign, the republican party has people here, has people here, has people there. so, the biden and the democratic party, if they see anything, trust me, they will raise their hands. that's why it it happens. this is the process. it's a frustrating year. you come over here and look at it. it's frustrating because what have we lived through the last eight months? safety at the polling places today.
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more in person early voting, more mail-in voting. as senatine santorum was saying earlier, pennsylvania didn't have any mail-in voting last time. they were slow to move to early voting and the like. you look at that and think 66% in, the president is up 685,000 votes. normally that's when you call the state. we have so many votes missing. republicans are doing all this math. they think the president is going to eke out pennsylvania again. maybe he will. we'll know when we count the votes. we don't need to write the final chapter of the book. interesting. we have had some bit of increase there. joe biden 202,000 votes, the president 134 and change. again we're told the turnout is up just about everywhere. 367,000 it took to win this county two years ago. so, still couple hundred thousand votes to be counted we assume in allegheny county.
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then you come to the east which is where most of the states are in pennsylvania. coming to ill if fill county, 46%, joe biden with a healthy lead in philadelphia county, philadelphia city and the suburbs around it. 74%, 276,000 votes. four years ago, hillary clinton had votes. we're missing votes. i don't mean miss as in nobody knows where they are. i mean missing as in nobody has counted them yet. we have to wait for this to play out. hillary clinton has 256,000 votes four years ago. maybe they're a little closer there at 64%. we can go through them all. this is bucks county right now. the president of the united states leading in bucks county. if that stays red, that would be significant. this is the more conservative of the collar counties around philadelphia. 56.8% for the president, 42% if you go back four years ago hillary clinton carried it just barely. she won 167,000, president had 164,004 years ago.
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we're nowhere near that, less than half that in both cases n. pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin, there are simply more votes to be counted. the president leads, pull out to the national map, president leads in all three at the moment. he should be happy to celebrate that for now. but he had to still count the votes. that's potentially the democratic flip which would be significant as we get to the map. it's frustrating for everybody because everybody wants to know. but here 76%, 113,000 votes. here 60%, 288,000 votes and you come down to the commonwealth of pennsylvania last. it's a much bigger lead here but it's also a bigger state, electoral votes, votes to be counted f. you're the president, looks good, but you also know a lot of votes to be counted. nobody should be saying cheating. nobody should be saying cheating. they should be saying count them. let's be patient. >> indeed. we have another projection. two projections right now. let's take a look. in nebraska, the second congressional district, one
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electoral vote, cnn projects joe biden will win that second congressional district in nebraska. the last time that happened was in 2008 for a democrat. one electoral vote that biden will win in that second congressional district in nebraska. the other 4 out of 5 electoral votes in nebraska, donald trump, the president, will win. he will win 4 electoral votes out of nebraska. joe biden will take one. where it stands right now, look how close it is. biden has 220 electoral votes. trump has 210 electoral votes. 270 of course the magic number needed to win the presidency. let's get a key race alert right now, see where things stand in these states. in arizona right now, 79% of the estimated vote is in. biden still maintains his lead, a lead of almost 162,000 votes, 52.5% to 46.1% for trump, 11 electoral votes in arizona. in nevada right now, still very
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early. only 7% of the estimated vote has been counted. trump maintains a lead. 35,000 over biden. 67.8% to 29.5%. so, that one electoral vote that biden won in nebraska potentially could be very significant. >> it could be. when you have a race that shapes up to be this close, every one counts. you'll take it when you get it. at the moment it's the only flip at the map. at the moment it's the only flip. we have anticipation joe biden has to get to the finish line. that would be 11. that's a one. that would be -- you're moving the map there. if you assume joe biden holds this, it gets him closer to the finish line. let's do this from the perspective of 2016. you come here. what are you going to do here? first you start here. we open this up and take one away. that's what just happened. president of the united states just lost that one. that's the only take away so far. so, then you come over here and
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say all right, can you take this away? if that goes away then you get the president down to 294. right now the president is leading. maine and nebraska do it by congressional district. the president is leading right here. democrats think they can get it. so, where does this leave you if nothing else changes. we're still waiting for some of these states. we now have florida, texas back in the republican fold. so, if you look at this map right now, where does it leave you? well, the president is leading in the vote count here, but we're not done. so, we take these three off the board. you look at them right now. 248-244. you take these out of the equation. this is a card game right now, 2 out of 3. whoever wins 2 out of 3 is the next president of the united states. you can pick the order really. someone does this and this, biden can do that, he's the president of the united states. donald trump can do this and this, he's the next president of the united states. pick your two, any of these three right now. so, they're all off the board. just take them off, 1, 2, 3, because we have votes to count.
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but essentially unless we're stunned by something out in the other states and that's most unlikely -- we have to watch nevada. the president has a lead in the early vote in nevada. that often happens. if nevada stays, a clinton state, we come down to pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, shocker and two out of three gets you there. we'll see how it goes. you can do the math either way. what if joe biden wins the smaller ones in terms of electoral votes? that's enough. that gets him to exactly 270 if nothing else changes on the map. if it's donald trump and the president of the united states, he could do it here and here as well. so, it takes two out of three. pennsylvania has 20. it's bigger but in an odd way, whatever you do if you get pennsylvania you still need one of those. if you get both of these you don't need pennsylvania. that's the math that's going to carry us into the morning most likely. >> we've been saying for weeks that blue wall is going to be critical. it turns out to be absolutely critical. we've got a key race alert right now.
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let's take a look at the second congressional district of maine. one electoral vote at stake. 46% of the estimated vote is now in. trump maintains his lead over biden by 18,000 plus votes. 52.1% to 44.4%. john, that second congressional district, one more electoral vote. but trump still maintaining his lead. less than half the vote is in. >> less than half the vote is in. democrats thought they were going to carry the state of maine. i want to look at what we know. i want to look at the map. maine takes a long time to fill in because of the way they do the townships. 58% of the vote in. democrats thought they were -- let's see. we're not done yet. democrats thought they would have a bigger lead in maine. they thought it would be enough to get them that congressional district. that's what they thoughtment i'm going to say this again. the president went to maine. a lot of people said why is he doing that. the president went to maine in the last ten days of the campaign. why are you doing that for one electoral vote?
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we're going to find out whether that mattered. in the places the president went and campaigned, he's closer or ahead, especially in these other states we put his way. so, there's no question. there's no question the trump rallies drove upturnout. is it enough? we don't know yet. >> we have another key race alert. right now in the key battleground state of michigan right now, 61% of the estimated vote is in. president trump continues to maintain his lead of about 287,000 votes. 53.3% to 44.9%. 16 electoral votes in michigan. so, let's take a look at michigan right now, john as we look at michigan. we still 61% of the estimated vote is in. that means 39% of the estimated vote is still outstanding. >> so, you look at this lead again, 287,000 and 400 and change there. you look at it, go back to 2016, this was a 10,704 votes.
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10,704 votes decided michigan four years ago. why haven't they called the state? it's not what's in, it's what's missing. by missing i mean counting. you look at wayne county, suburbs of detroit. essential for the democrats. we went through this four years ago. this was a major disappointment for the clinton campaign. they did not get as many votes as they wanted out of wayne county. there's joe biden at 206,000. remember four years ago hillary clinton got 519,000 votes. it wasn't enough for her then. that tells you they haven't counted the votes. we know in person early voting, mail-in voting, election day voting, election officials in all these states are overwhelm. they decided to how to sequence their count. the count is going slowly. we clearly have a lot of votes to be counted. >> 37% of the vote in wayne county reporting so far. lots of votes outstanding. pamela brown has new information about michigan. what are you learning. >> reporter: detroit, 92,000
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mail-in ballots still have not been counted yet. so, we are expecting those ballots to be counted and have a better idea of what the total is by the morning. i know it's early morning right now, but a little bit later in the morning we expect to find out more about detroit. then you have mccone county. we're told 250,000 mail-in ballots are still outstanding to be counted. the number we're seeing right now, that is mainly the day of election day voting that you're seeing right there on the screen. so, with 250,000 left to be counted there in michigan. then you have kent county as well. we're told a big chunk of what's remaining in kent county is mail-in ballots. >> kent county is over here as well in the western part of the state. you see the president ahead at 66%. this is an area where joe biden thought they could make a run. it's more conservative in the western part of the state. the grand rapids and suburbs
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area of 2020, come back to 2016 it was close. one of the reasons the democrats thought they would watch this acro across the country. they thought they could do better here. a three point race four years ago. president winning kent county with 148,000. come here, it's 138,000. this is not off as much if you will but we think turnout is higher. the point pam made about coming back over here and when i pull this back up in the east we'll see the numbers stretch out again. early votes to be counted. if that's it in wayne county that's trouble for the democrats. wayne county is late a lot. if turnout's that much below 2016 that would raise serious questions what happened there. i think there's more to be heard about wayne county and there's often more questions. let's come up here. 250,000 votes in mccone county. this is one of the places joe
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biden said i'm a better nominee than hillary clinton against donald trump. pull it up here. 47% of the vote in. the president is right there, 65-32. if question is if they're all early votes how disproportionate are they. we have a lot of votes to count. 152,000 won this four years ago. 224,000 to win this county. again, that's interesting. the democrats hope to swing this back to blue. the president has a pretty healthy lead right now. but count 250,000 votes, that's more than you have on the board right there. got 220-something, close to 230 when you add it all up. what does that tell you? we need to count the votes. we need to get to finish loin. we have some here, some here, and some here. we need to find out what's the
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total universe. you can figure out joe biden needs what percentage with the leftover votes. >> we have another projection right now. cnn projects president trump will win the state of montana, beats biden in montana. three electoral votes in montana. trump wins in montana. let's take a look at the map right now. 270 needed to win. biden has 220. we've projected trump has 213. 270 once again the key number. let's get a key race alert, where things stand right now in pennsylvania. 66% of the estimated vote is now in. trump maintains a pretty significant lead, very impressive lead, almost 700,000 vote lead over biden right now in pennsylvania, 696,000. 56.6% for trump, 42% for biden. 20 electoral votes. pennsylvania, john, it's looking at least right now -- you're getting more information about pennsylvania? >> yeah, we're finding out just
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how many outstanding mail-in ballots are left to be counted in pennsylvania. to give you an idea on the southeast part of pennsylvania, there are 600 -- at least 646,302 mail-in ballots. and that is not including all of what is left to count there in southeast pennsylvania. and philadelphia i'm told, there's still around 300,000 ballots left to count there. now, there is a press conference going on in philadelphia. we hope to get an update soon. there's a large amount left to be counted there. that number has not changed since i was last told that. of course it's a democratic strong hold. that is where democrats are focused on. overall in the state i'm told by one official in the pennsylvania it could be around a couple million mail-in ballots they are still waiting to count. we know nine counties are going to start counting until later on this morning and of course these large counties are going to take a while to find out what the results are because of those mail-in ballots that they just started processing the morning of this election. they just started opening up
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those bamts and it takes a while to process those mail-in ballots. there are several steps to it. that is why we were having to wait. that is why we were left at the edge of our seats. >> that's an important jeff. 67% of the estimated vote is in. so, 43% -- it's increasing. there's still a lot of votes out there. >> a lot of votes. just a quick question for pam. does that include the 300,000 in philadelphia or is that a plus? >> no, that does that. this is what it includes, it includes allegheny, bucks, chester county, and montgomery at least. >> still a lot of votes. 33% of the estimated votes still outstanding in pennsylvania. so, the democrats cling on to some hope. we've got another key race alert. talk a look at nevada right now with 74% of the estimated vote, biden has now taken the lead in nevada by 52,000 votes or so.
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biden is ahead of trump, 51.6% to 46.5%. once again 74% of the estimated vote in nevada is in. nevada has 6, john, 6 electoral votes. >> 6. if you look at the key for nevada two places, number one, two, three is clarke county. that's vegas. this is 72% of the vote, 73% of the vote. this is the big one you've got to win here. 54 to 44, 10 point race there. 388,000 votes. go back in time. it's about the same. joe biden doing a little bit better there. you see the vote count. a little bit bit behind hillary clinton's total here. but we're only at 75%. we'll see if more votes come in there. that's the first thing to do in nevada. you come up here in the northwest part of the state, reno, 52 to 45. that one says its 80% plus. let's take a look at the vote total. hillary clinton at 97 four years ago when she won it more
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narrowly. that's filling in. that's 2016. you come back to 2020. you expect the expect to win the rural part of the states. did trump flip any clinton state. we have the possibility of nevada. it looks like nevada is going to stay. >> we have another key race now. looking the narrow trump lead in georgia. 91% of the estimated vote is in. 9% still outstanding. trump's lead has gone down a bit to 118,000 votes over biden. 50.6% to 48.1%. 16 electoral votes at play in george. so, let's take a look at george right now. where's the outstanding votes in georgia right now. 91% of the vote in. that means 9% still outstanding. >> most of the votes are up here. we come to dekalb county, 79%,
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80. look at the marnlen for joe biden. you're missing votes here. if you're joe biden you're encouraging. you don't know what they are. the potential for joe biden to build here the biggest county of them all right here. this is very significant. if you're democrats you don't have to give up hope. the math gets hard at some point but you don't have ogive up hope. if you're 72% at fulton county, see the margins right there, joe biden at 289,000, if you go back four years ago, hillary clinton got 297,000. joe biden is close to that. this is the key, the question. we anticipate turnout up. how much? how much? if the democrats were going to do it in georgia, which was always a tough hill to climb, you have to do it right here. you have to beat that hillary clinton vote total by a significant amount. if you're at 72% and you're joe biden you're in reach of that. you're going to watch that play out. move over to cobb county. this is a tighter county. a little bit more but the democrats running it up. possibility of more votes there.
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again, 210,000. you go back and look, joe biden well in excess of hillary clinton's total in this county now. the question is can he build on it more. you keep looking around metro atlanta. douglas county up to 91%. then you pull out and take a look. check the democratic areas. >> let me interrupt for a moment. go to georgia as a whole right now and say we take it down to 90% of the estimated vote reported right now and let's see where those outstanding votes remain. >> let's see if we can figure out. we know most of them are metro atlanta. that's 87% reporting or less. so, as you come back in here, do it this way, just see -- run the math. you see most of the votes that are missing are in the metro atlanta area. i'm going blanket this out. see now we've got the map.
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let me come out of it. can't get that to turn off. well we're going to have to wait to come back to that because it's stuck out in the program. see, we're going to have to wait. i have to reset this. you're going to have to wait for me. >> let's talk a quick break. much more of our special coverage. we're watching these key battleground states. it's close. we'll be right back. nefertiti: as a young girl i was always comparing myself to my sisters. they were always thin and i wasn't...
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welcome back. let's take a close look at where the electoral college count stands right now. 270 needed to win the presidency. right now biden has 220. trump has 213. we're watching this very, very closely. let's get a key race alert right now. in arizona right now, 80% of the estimated vote is the now in. biden maintains his lead of about 155,000 votes. he has 52.4% to 46.3% for trump. 11 electoral votes in arizona. in nevada right now, 75% of the estimated vote is in. biden has the lead there by about 48,000 votes. he's at 51.4 to 46.8% for trump.
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6 electoral votes at stake. john, you fixed that math for us. we're watching it closely. this is still a nail biter for all practical purposes. >> and it's going to be through the night as we go. you just mentioned nevada joe biden has pulled ahead. we're waiting for the votes out there. you're looking for anybody. who's going to flip? this was a:ton state. looks like that one stays. the one flip on the map in terms of a state would be arizona if we get this to the finish line. 52-46 right there. this is maricopa county and the suburbs embracing joe biden four years after joe biden carried the county narrowly but carried the county, the biggest part of the state. that's a big deal because if you're joe biden you're trying to flip something on the map and you've been disappointed in florida, disappointed in texas, disappointed in ohio, probably to be disappointed in north
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carolina. that's one you're looking for. again we have the congressional district in nebraska. it doesn't show up on this map. you pull it out. that's one. you get to this one is interesting. we were just talking about it. it is interesting. donald trump opened up the early lead. we said let's wait, especially here, atlanta and the suburbs, the blue ring. more blue now than it used to be in years past because democrats are doing better in the suburbs. we come down here to columbus, 89%. joe biden's lead here, we are still counting votes. let's go over to savannah, up to 80% here. there could be a few more there. the bulk of the votes in the state, are here, then you come
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to fulton, 72%. more votes to be counted meaning you want to be patient. this is about 10% of the vote state wide. you walk your way through the suburbs. dekalb county, 80%. if they stay close to this percentage, that is a chance for joe biden to run up votes in big numbers. maybe a little more but not a lot of math here. fulton, we come to the west. cobb, douglas, places joe biden is winning big here. not as big of a county but potentially. looking at 118,000. looks like a big lead. let's count them. it is a closer race. look at 2016. clinton campaign thought they could get it last time at 46% here, but you come up here to 2020 and you can see. we will see how it plays out and we will watch it go.
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move to the west, i want to check on this again, 80%. up to 77% in nevada. it is close. it is close. clark county, 10 points and change. 75%. you are looking at more votes here, but does joe biden keep the margin. that should be a big enough push, but you have to count them and see and check here, 82%. getting closeup here. that map is filling in in a way the democrats want to fill it in. rural area, 76%. not as many votes. even the president gets a few more votes out of these places. they are pretty small, but we will keep counting them. back to the east. checking on a few places. north carolina. still looking at a 76,000 vote lead for the president. i want to check to see if we had
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any movement. it is not. 699,000 votes. you are waiting to see the percentage jump up here. we went through it in 2016, in philadelphia and in detroit and in milwaukee, right. the map was trending trump's way late. democrats said be patient. we will get our votes. 2016 they didn't get them. be honest about that. this is a different election in terms of a lot of votes won't be counted tonight and because of that we are going to need to be patient. waiting for 40% of the vote here. over the state line. right here at delaware county, we have math to do. a lot of it is here in the southeast. we also have some in allegheny county. again, the question is, is it enough? joe biden is running it up 55%
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to 43. he is at 251, almost 252,000. hillary clinton had a sizably bigger vote. that tells you but we have to wait and watch the count. that is the way it is. >> we are waiting for president trump to speak. we expect him to be speaking fairly soon. we are watching some of the nail biters going out in arizona, georgia, some of the other states. we will be right back. i had this hundred thousand dollar student debt. two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars in debt. ah, sofi literally changed my life. it was the easiest application process. sofi made it so there's no tradeoff between my dreams and paying student loans. student loans don't have to take over for the rest of your life. thank you for allowing me to get my money right. ♪
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>> a lot of pictures coming in from inside the white house. we are anticipating that the president of the united states will be making a statement, speaking from in there. it is approaching 2:00 a.m. on the east coast and we are standing by to hear from the president of the united states. we are watching it closely. right now the electoral count, biden has 220, trump has 213. you need 270 electoral college votes to win the presidency. 220-213, biden is slightly ahead in that all important count.
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starting with arizona, 80% of the vote in arizona is now in and biden maintains a lead of 155,000 votes. 52.4% to 46.3%. in nevada, biden is ahead there by nearly 30,000 votes. six electoral votes in nevada. in georgia, 91% of the vote is in and trump maintains the lead but it is narrow, down to 118,000. a vote lead over biden, 50.6% to 48.1% and as we are waiting to hear from president trump let's go back to jake. this year has been fraught with so many developments that it makes sense we do not have a decisive answer as to what exactly is happening on election day. it is already the day after election day. we see in a number of important
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battleground states it is way too close to call and they are still counting the votes. >> right. these are states that include the so-called blue wall that joe biden has been promising for months to build back for democrats from michigan to wisconsin and pennsylvania. we simply do not know what is going to happen in those states, particularly a place like pennsylvania where the secretary of state said that they could be counting the votes until friday of this week. >> pamela brown just said they still have 2 million ballots, vote by mail ballots to count. >> yeah. you know, frankly we have been telling everyone this for days and weeks, so it is happening. we hopefully prepared everyone at home to be patient and just to wait for this to happen. i think what we are about to
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