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tv   Election Night in America  CNN  November 4, 2020 1:00pm-5:00pm PST

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toward victory. i am told he is not declaring victory himself but call for the fair counting of all the ballots and he is going to work by advisers and this could be fluid but push back against the suggestions of fraud and any suggestion this election is trying to be stolen. you can see the backdrop. the exact same stage he inspected the democratic presidential nomination in the month of august. it will be the same type of spirit and tone i am told, a very presidential-like tone. he is going to, you know, make this claim and make this a statement that all of these votes should be counted. we do not necessarily expect him to talk about each of these separate lawsuits here that are just coming in but we are told he will be joined by senator kamala harris, the first time we have seen the two of them at least on the same stage since the election yesterday. i'm told all morning long he has been calling democratic officials particularly in the
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state of pennsylvania. he knows that state very well. it is across the river and up the road. this is something he has been focused on but he has an air of confidence i'm told by a friend who has spoken to him and he does believe he is on track to victory but he is not going to get ahead of this in this speech today. i'm told he is going to say every vote should be counted and push back any suggestion of fraud. >> the suggestions of fraud, there are no allegations. there's no specific -- not even evidence. not even an accusation. >> exactly. i would that i that even this idea that somehow they weren't allowed to watch enough of the process and that should mean that they shouldn't continue to count ballots makes no sense. it's small ball and it shows you they have very few avenues left to stop the counting of what is left of the ballots in pennsylvania. i do think that we are at a significant moment. the president is doing exactly what he telegraphed he would do,
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trying to declare victory before the process is done and the question is what part of the political process is going to step in to defend the democratic system that we have? joe biden is about to come out and say what we expect him to say and i expect that he might even appeal to other republicans to say more about what the president is doing right now but i think we have to point out there is a vacuum of leadership in this country right now in terms of who is out there really stepping out and saying, mr. president, do not do this, let the votes be counted. >> mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader was asked extensively this morning saying counting votes is not the same as declaring victory. i don't know it's what you're talking about did mr. mcconne mcconnell-esque. you mentioned earlier it is so glaring inconsistent and, frankly, just hypocritical he is
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saying stop count the votes in pennsylvania where he is ahead and calling on nevada, for example, where it's very tight but joe biden is ahead to keep counting the votes. arizona, to keep counting the votes. it's so on its face not consistent that, you know, it's almost laughable, but that is not what his goal is. his goal is to muddy the waters and get his people riled up, that what he warned of all of these months faelsely is coming true. >> just to be clear. donald trump could still win this election. >> no question. >> we don't know who is going to win nevada. i'm just saying we don't know who is going to win nevada and we don't know who is going to win pennsylvania and we don't know who is going to win arizona. there are votes that need to be counted. >> absolutely. >> donald trump right now is acting as though he knows he is going to lose if votes are counted, therefore, he is going to try to stop votes from being counted. but that is not how it works in
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the united states of america. >> you're totally right. i don't mean to suggest -- i want to make it clear and emphasize that when the president is calling for or saying i won here and i won there, it doesn't matter. he could win but what we need to do is take a deep breath and let each state follow the law of their lapped which is how elections in this country work. >> what do you think joe biden needs to do? does he need to come out and be the statesman like he was last my and say we are confident but keep counting the votes and walk off? or does he need to show a little bit of fire and outrage what president trump is doing? >> i could see it both ways. i think it's job here is not to fall into the same trap that the president is falling into. he can't go out there and say i've won. actually, frankly, say what we saw his attorney bob bauer do in
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an interview separately with "the washington post" where he indicated we are going to defend the election they believe they have won. i think joe biden needs to avoid using that kind of language and just talk about counting the votes but you're right. there is an element of this. we are sitting here talking about it and it's like watching almost like watching a train wreck in slow motion. i've been covering this issue of voting for months and the president has been talking about this for months, we are seeing it happening right now and i think jo biden will acknowledge that. >> while we wait for joe biden to come out and speak, let's bring in anderson cooper. >> we are having a lively discussion! >> very lively discussion! without the camera present! david axelrod, what president of the united states is calling for, he is not saying very specific things i'm concerned that in pennsylvania, this secretary of state did this. he is talking about surprise ballot dumps. he says how come every time they count mail-in ballot dumps it
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goes up for biden? that is called the election. >> voting. >> i know. rick said earlier, you know, that they just want them to follow the law. i have to tell you the president hasn't been that fastidious about that over time. what he is very intense about is his own self-interest and he doesn't want these ballots cast because -- >> counted. >> excuse me. >> you said cast. >> counted i should say. because he is fearful of the result. he is trying to impede the process. you have technical issues that apply to a small number of ballots, but there are large number of ballots that are turning against him. >> look. >> this is a president who told everybody his voters to go on election day and vote. now, suddenly, he's, well, these ballots that are coming in by
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mail, that they are counting after election day suddenly they are not for me. you've got to stop it. why aren't they for me? >> the reason they weren't counted before because in some states republican legislature which refuse to allow them to -- >> right his strategy. >> his strategy let me put it that way. >> i agree with everything you're saying. >> oh, thank you. >> no, i do. that we should count all of these votes. here is me postulate what i think happens. they went to the president and said to president here is what is happening in pennsylvania we want to stop and that is that votes are going to come in after the deadline which the pennsylvania supreme court said they could but the law says you can't and here is the issue. the governor sent out envelopes for absentee ballots that were prestamped and when you send out pre-stamped envelopes and everybody is upset about.
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when they come back through the mail they are not date stamped. what they are thinking they can now rush out, get a whole bunch of will people to vote today. >> where are they going to find them? >> you know what -- >> go ahead. i apologize. >> you're sitting here criticizing me. i'm telling you what they told the president. okay? there is an opportunity for people to go out and process a lot of these envelopes that will not be date stamped and that will come in before friday. >> should we check cvs to see if is there a run on date stampers? >> these are ballots that were mailed out by the governor before the election but have not returned. >> how many ballots would that affect? >> the answer is we don't know. is it a conspiracy theory? yes. >> yeah. thank you! >> could it happen? to some degree, yes. is it going to change the election? unlikely. >> he has been attacking mail-in
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votes from the beginning, you know, implying that they are on the face of it fraudulent. >> and they are not. they are not. >> there is no evidence -- >> i agree with that but that doesn't mean there isn't an opening here for some type of fraud and that is what they are talking about. >> two things can beat you at the same time. it can be the case that -- might be some small minor technical things or some things are not happening right, but that is not the big point. when you figure that out it's this much. >> agree. >> joe biden is coming out to speak. he's in wilmington, delaware. senator kamala harris is with him as well. let's listen in to what the former vice president biden says. >> good afternoon, everyone. kamala and i are here to make a brief statement and i'm sure we will have more to say later and
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either tonight or tomorrow. but let me begin by thanking the press for being here and thanking everyone else. my fellow americans, yesterday, once again, proved that democracy is the heartbeat of this nation. just as it has been the heartbeat of this nation for two centuries. and even in the face of the pandemic. more americans voted this election than ever before in american history. over 150 million people cast their votes. i think that is just extraordinary. and if we had any doubts, we shouldn't have in my opinion longer about a government of, by, and for the people is very much alive, very much alive in america. here, the people rule. power can't be taken or asserted. it flows from the people. and it's their will that
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determines who will be president of the united states and there it will alone. and now after a long night of counting, it's clear that we are winning enough states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. i'm not here to declare that we have won. but i am here to report when the count is finished, we believe we will be the winners. with all of the votes counted, we have won wisconsin by 20,000 votes. virtually the same margin president trump won that state four years ago. in michigan, we lead by over 35,000 votes and it's growing. a substantially bigger margin than president won michigan in 2016. michigan will complete its votes
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soon. maybe as early as today. i feel very good about pennsylvania. virtually all of the remaining ballots to be counted were cast by mail. and we have been winning 78% of the votes by mail in pennsylvania. we flipped arizona. and the second district of nebraska. a special significance to me is that we have won with the majority of the american people and every indication is that majority will grow. we have a popular vote lead of nearly 3 million votes and every indication that will grow as well. indeed, senator harris and i are on track to win more votes than any ticket in the history of this country that ever won the presidency and vice presidency. over 70 million votes. i'm very proud of our campaign.
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only three presidential campaigns in the past have defeated an incumbent president. when it's finished, god willing, we will be the fourth. this is a major achievement. this is a major achievement. it's been a long and difficult campaign. but it's been a more difficult time for our country, a hard time. we have had a hard campaigns before. we faced hard times before. once this lex is finalized and it's time for us to do what we have always done as americans to put the harsh rhetoric of the campaign behind us, to lower the temperature, to see each other again, to listen to one another, to hear each other again and respecting care for one another. to unite, to heal, to come
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together as a nation. i know this won't be easy. i'm not naive. neither of us are. i know how deep and hard the opposing views are in our country on so many things. but i also know this as well, to make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies. we are not enemies. what brings us together as americans is so much stronger than anything they can tear us apart. so let me be clear. i/we are campaigning as democrats, but i will govern as an american president. the presidency, itself, is not a partisan institution. it's the one office in this nation that represents everyone and it demands a duty of care for all americans and that is
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precisely what i will do. i will work as hard for those who didn't vote for me as i will for those who did vote for me. now every vote must be counted. no one is going to take our democracy away from us, not now, not ever. america has come too far. america has fought too many battles. america has endured too much to ever let that happen. we, the people, will not be silenced. we, the people, will not be bullied. we, the people, will not surrender. my friends, i'm confident we will emerge victorious, but this will not be my victory or our victory alone. it will be a victory for the american people, for our democracy, for america. and there will be no blue states
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and red states when we win. just the united states of america. god bless you all and may god protect our troops. >> the democratic presidential nominee joe biden speaking in wilmington, delaware, saying that every vote will be counted. he did not declare victory although he did say once every vote has been counted, he does believe that he is going to be victorious. we will talk more about his speech. first, let's go to wolf blitzer who has a projection. >> we have a major projection. not just a projection. but a major projection right now. cnn projects that joe biden will win the state of michigan. a huge win. 16 electoral votes. biden wins michigan. that brings his number look at this now biden has 253 electoral votes. trump has 213. you need 270 to win the presidency.
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biden now has 253. let's go over to john king at the magic wall. wisconsin a a little while ago. now michigan. >> two big pieces of the so-called blue wall and why donald trump is president, joe biden has flipped michigan and wisconsin. he has also flipped that congressional district in nebraska the second congressional district. joeknocking on the door of the presidency. joe biden as we know is leading in nevada. that would be a clinton state hold. that would get him to 259. he is leading in arizona. that is 270. this that is victory. alaska is likely to go for the president and the the president is leading here and here and he may get this congressional district but not all. once you get to 270 you can't be caught. if joe biden holds his lead, give that over to the president. move this here. do that. boom.
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if joe biden holds this lead here in nevada and holds that lead in arizona, then it's game over. the question is how fast will they advance the vote count here? we can look at the leads but if you just map this out, remember. even without commonwealth of pennsylvania, still counting votes there. the president has a lead and shrinking a bit. joe biden thinks he can get it back but he doesn't need it. michigan and wisconsin are flips. if he can flip nevada and hold arizona he is president of the united states. i have michigan up right now. look at the lead. you're 20,500 ahead as joe biden said. president trump carried this state four years ago. if you want to go back in history it was just 22,000. that is wisconsin. michigan 10,000 votes four years ago. you come up here joe biden ahead by 61,000 votes and tell you why we make this projection right now. you come through and watch this, it's an impressive win in the sense that wayne county, 85% of the vote in. joe biden running ahead. so we pull out to the bigger map and look at it this way.
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what happened four years ago? donald trump won those three. he is leading in pennsylvania right now. so people see the map. i turned off the states we have not called. pennsylvania, north carolina, georgia, alaska, arizona, and nevada. the key point is all joe biden needs now to get to 270 is this one and this one and as we count the votes throughout the day, he is leading in both of them. that would be the difference. >> let's look at the two states right now, the two states would bring him up to 270 and he would be elected president of the united states. >> let's start in nevada. a clinton hold. hillary clinton carried the state four years ago. joe biden we are waiting. this has been a consistent but not any new votes out of nevada in quite sometime and watching the vote. 7,647 votes ahead. if you're a trump supporter you say that is close and you're right. the question as they continue to count the votes where would you look for them? the biggest basket of votes in nevada is here clark county, 73% of the population lives here.
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this is the major vote center in the state. 84% reporting so we are waiting for clark county to update its vote totals and see if we get some of that this afternoon. largest county in the state more than 7 in 10 votes out of clark county in nevada and joe biden is getting majority of the votes. he is doing that in clark county. see if he can continue. the next biggest county up here reno in the rural areas above it. joe biden getting 51%. that is close, 7,600 votes. you just need to win a mantle of the votes. red areas, president run it up big here but much smaller population wise. we are missing 15% from up here in elko county. they keep counting votes there. we don't know how many absentee and the like. you're at 99% and 91%. possibility president picks up you see the size of the county. pretty small. pick up a few hundred.
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the challenge is more than 7 in 10 votes in the state of nevada come right here and the former vice president is ahead right now and why therapy optimistic in the biden campaign. move over here. state of arizona. you have to go back to bill clinton in the 1990s, last time a democrat won in arizona. why? older voters. suburban revolt against donald trump we saw in 2018 when democrats took back the house and seeing it play back in phoenix and growing suburbs in phoenix. maricopa county. you look for the final counties where people live more than 6 in 10 votes in the state of arizona come here. joe biden is winning. a tight race but winning 52% there. when you pop out and look statewide 93,000 votes. if you're joe biden you just need to win a majority the rest of the way. you have 93,000-vote lead. 10% still out here. joe biden winning 60%.
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in pima county. let the states finish the counts. you look at the pattern joe biden leading in arizona. that would be a pickup. leading in nevada. if we get to the end of the day, joe biden holds those two states he is knocking on the door 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> we will watch arizona and nevada closely. we just projected michigan going to biden. >> it's been quite a big day, wolf, when it comes to projections from cnn and the fact that we have now projected that former vice president joe biden will win both wisconsin and michigan. the numbers are certainly going in biden's direction. we are still waiting to hear from a number of states including nevada, arizona, pennsylvania, as well as ones where we think trump is favored decisively like north carolina and alaska. georgia is still a question
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mark. it's very -- it's a big moment and i think one of the things that has to happen is that republicans on capitol hill need to figure out how they are going to react if the race ultimately is called for joe biden which we have not gotten there. fountain race is called for joe biden, donald trump has made it very clear that he is not going to accept the results of the election. how is mitchell mcconnell going to react? how is the republican leader of the house kevin mccarthy going to react? how is vice president pence going to react? these are questions these people need to be asking now. we don't know. trump could still win. but it's really gut-check time for these republican officials. >> it absolutely is. when the president started making noises of, you know, that there won't be a peaceful transition and he won't necessarily leave if he doesn't trust the vote results, mitch mcconnell stand up in an
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unsolicited way i recall that there will be a peaceful transition of power. if you take that and extrapolate from that where the scenario you're describing, it would be hard for me to imagine that mcconnell wouldn't do that but we have also been surprised at republicans in congress not standing up to the president. this might be different because he may feel good about holding on to the majted whiority which very important thing. >> not to mention supreme court. >> not to mention the supreme court and all of the federal judgeships. let's just, for a second, talk about joe biden and the message and the tone that he just set. very big picture about if i win, i will be the president for everybody and not just democrats. but specifically on this question of who is winning and am i winning and so forth. what joe biden said is it is clear that we are winning enough states to reach 270 and then he said, i'm not here to declare that we have won. he leaned into it. he did what is politically, you know, maybe appropriate if you
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feel confident, but he said splilvet explicitly i'm not here to declare we won. last night donald trump said frankly we did win this election. night and day. >> absolutely. >> we don't know if either of them is right yet. >> not to mention one person is saying count the votes joe biden even though he's in the lead. he could say stop it right now. because i won. but he is not. he is saying we need to count all of the votes. on the other hand, abby, you have president trump whose message is all over the map, including stop counting in michigan, stop counting in pennsylvania and keep counting in these states nevada and arizona, i need a recount in wisconsin. really the mark of a man who seems like he is losing. >> throwing everything tell wall from a legal perspective, from a rhetorical perspective. what joe biden said today is not some kind of magnanimous statement. it's just easy.
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that is what you should say when we are in this position where we don't know where the votes are going to go exactly. it would be fine if president trump said we think we are going to end up winning arizona and pennsylvania, count all of the votes. but he is not saying that. there is a reason that he is not saying that. they don't think that if they count all of the votes that is what is going to happen. now, dana, i know you've been talking to republican sources and i've been hearing from republicans. they are saying based on their modeling they believe they have enough votes in arizona. >> right. >> but here is the thing. people have actually voted. we know how those votes with going to go. we have to count them so we can't rely on the president saying they won a state based on their modeling and not wait to count the actual votes. we are in a situation right now where as dana said and you pointed out, jake, what is mitch mcconnell going to do? he said there is a peaceful transfer of power but now is the
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moment when president trump is trying to declare victory, trying to halt the vote counting in certain states. now is the moment when i think a lot of republicans need to speak up loudly and not just be equivocal about but say what they think is happening in the situation and tell the president not to prematurely declare victory when there is not one. >> right. it's not just rick santorum in the other room or john bolton giving an interview. it needs to be the current republican office holders. again, we don't know what is in those votes and president trump could theoretically win every outstanding state, nevada, arizona, north carolina, georgia, pennsylvania. >> he could. >> it doesn't look like he will but he could. the question is are republicans going to stand up for the principle count every vote and let the chips fall where they
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may? >> they are starting to. one said that let's take a deep breath and count votes. we will see if other people are that explicit. one thing you talked about with modeling. i don't want to get too far into the weeds here but i guess where we are, as we are waiting for them to count votes. one of the reasons republicans feel so confident about where their votes are they know are republicans with. i have a question in arizona because they are registered as a republican or the trump campaign and rnc thinks they are -- a certain voter is voting republican doesn't mean that they did. this is a very mixed-up election and it is entirely possible, particularly in a red state like arizona, there could be cindy mccain in that stated or jeff flake who registered one way and vote another way. >> only one way to find out. you got to count the votes! i think this is why this
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situation -- look. where the map is right now they don't have many options. they have to hold on to arizona in particular if they are going to find a path to 270. i get it. i get why they want to keep that state on the board. at the same time,, you know, right now, just like in arizona, in pennsylvania, votes still need to be counted. >> so much of the trump presidency has been about just standing up for basic standards and rules. just things that we shouldn't even have to talk about. don't make fun of the disabled. count the votes. yet here we are. anderson? >> jake, thanks very much. let's check in with team. michael smerconish and. governor granholm, what do you make of the candidate you're supporting joe biden? >> yeah.
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it's not a surprise to me that michigan is called. thank you to cnn for being the first to do that. but it was clear where this was going, obviously. these outstanding ballots which we must count are all in heavily democratic areas and you're going to see the same results i think in pennsylvania and nevada and arizona. the outstanding ballots are disproportionately -- democratic ballot. i feel with the calling of michigan and what we know about arizona and nevada, i feel like there is a collective -- at least on my side i'll say -- a collective sigh that -- with that speech that joe biden just gave, a sense of calm, a sense of let's let the votes count. it's going to be okay, america, we are going to get back on track. we are going to respect the
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constitution. i feel it already that we are headed to be able to restore some normalcy in this country and perhaps giving people a chance to sleep at night. >> scott jennings, you used to work with mitchell mcconnell and close to him. if the president continues the kind of rhetoric he has been using, do you think mcconnell will talk to the president about it? does he step in in some way? >> look. i want to be clear. i don't speak for him. i can kind of reflect what i think could be on people's mind. that is, number one, if you're an american citizen and you cast a legal vote it should be counted. number two i think he thinks courts and judges exist to handle issues and if therapy frivolous, they will be kicked o out and if they have merit they will be dealt with and everyone should avail to those processes
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and they should. the final analysis of it, though, once those things are adjudicated, votes will be counted and result will happen and electoral college will meet and we will a president and it's either biden or trump and the government will move forward from there. i think frankly it's as simple as that. i think both campaigns, if they feel like issues need to be addressed in courts, should be able to do that with the lawyers that they have, but no one should expect any of these judges, whether they are at the state or federal or supreme court level, to cast political decisions here and i think the people that are on the supreme court, because of this new petition, these are judges that were put there because they follow the letter of the law. i have every confidence if these are frivolous complaints they will be treated to the law. >> what do you think of the charges the president is making in pennsylvania and, frankly, across the country in any states he is not doing well?
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>> so far, there is no beef. you have to show us the beef. if you're going to make the allegation there is fraud you have to have something to back that up before up cast such aspersias persians. if he is willing to pay for it a recount but you need to back up the sort of assertions he is now making. here is a philly fact. 1.2 million requests were made for mail-in ballots in the city of philadelphia and the surrounding southeastern pennsylvania suburbs last friday at 5:00 was the deadline for any challenges to those 1.2 million applications. do you know how many application challenges there were? zero. there were none. so this is the sort of thing i'm talking about. show us something if you're going to make these assertions and allegations. otherwise, you just can't take them seriously.
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>> i think that is right. the president telegraphed his strategy going into this discounting the mail-in ballots and casting aspersians on big urban centers yet to report particularly in pennsylvania. we will see what somebody like mitch mcconnell does but i think the problem is mitch mcconnell doesn't really have any standing with the people who listen to donald trump. he hasn't had any standing with those folks for a long time with sort of the core base of people who believe what donald trump tells him and i think that is the real danger here that there could be millions of americans who believe donald trump and believe there is fraud that is going on in some of these cities in particular and some of these rust belt states and it looked like joe biden is on course to win. the other thing is joe biden looks like he did what he was hired to do, which is to get more white voters to vote for him and flip states,
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particularly those blue wall states. so in some ways i think democrats are looking at a victory here. it's yet to be determined. but biden seems to be on course to win this thing. >> totally agree with what nia said inspect two points quickly. number one, the supreme court and amy coney barrett and when she placed justice scalia, they are all about the letter of the law. to michael smerconish's point, if the state courts and the state courts are the ones or the state legislatures are the ones who decide these things, if they have made it clear what their scheme is for -- not scheme but their process is for counting votes, then the supreme court, we should trust that they are going to not write the law, to not be activists, but to follow the state court law. and, second, you know, when donald trump does this, when he
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flails, when he makes allegations that are conspiracy theories or i'm going to stop the count or go to -- he looks weak. it looks like he understands that he is losing. he sees these numbers and he is flailing. when you compare that with how statesmen like joe biden was just a minute ago, the contrast i think is stark. we can see where this is headed. let the process unfold. >> we are going to have more on joe biden -- >> sorry. we will will be back with our team a little bit later on. we will take a closer look at joe biden's win in michigan and what is ahead. he is now even closer to 270 electoral votes and show you the path forward for him and a path for the president. all otc pain relievers including voltaren
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welcome back to cnn's election coverage. cnn has just declared that -- or projected that joe boyden will win michigan and that is 16 electoral votes, combined with the other states we have projected that former vice president will win is 253
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electoral votes to president trump's 213. you need 270 to win. there remain several states we do not know enough to call them or project them, including arizona and nevada, pennsylvania, georgia, north carolina. let's bring in jim acosta who is with team trump at the white house. jim, obviously, this race remains too close to call. we do not know who will be the president of the united states elected this year. what are you hearing from the trump campaign? >> reporter: i talked to my sources inside the trump campaign, they are starting to sound increasing pessimistic about the president's chances. hourly, they are saying we are going to win pennsylvania. in fact, you have the president's son eric trump in the white house press secretary and personal account declaring a victory in pennsylvania but that is misinformation and that has not occurred. that is the information outward. i talked to a trump adviser the
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last several minutes and they are winning their hopes on arizona and like to see arizona flip back to strutrump and othe outlets are fixated on that since that occurred with other outlets. one adviser i spoke to about arizona called at the time ok corral, a reference to the infamous gun battle in that state until the 19th century. what can the trump campaign do? they can launch legal challenges and they are trying to take pennsylvania to supreme court over its counting of mail-in ballots after election day. talking about a lawsuit in michigan to try to halt the balloting there because they say they don't have sufficient access to observe the ballot counting process. i talked to a couple of trump campaign advisers will wisconsin and the trump campaign saying earlier today they would like to see a recount in wisconsin. the campaign sounds like they are already giving up on that
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option' two trump advisers tell us that recount will not likely to pan out for the president and not enough votes available in the recount process that would swing back to president trump. it sounds like this map is shrinking for donald trump. he is running out of space on the map to somehow pull this out. jake? >> jim, as you know, there are, in any campaign, the numbers crunchers and bean counters and spinners and strategist. the people you just mentioned declaring victory in states where hundreds of thousands of ballots to be cast are not people we should be listening to or taking seriously right now. what are people inside the campaign who are the experts on votes, what are they saying about pennsylvania and arizona? because what i'm hearing from democrats in those states they feel pretty confident. >> reporter: you talk to trump campaign advisers and they say they believe there are enough votes out there in pennsylvania would hand the commonwealth to
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president trump. they believe that as arizona and all of those returns come in -- we don't have all of the returns in from arizona -- that lead for joe biden will shrink enough to put donald trump over the top. we don't know that to be the case at this point. it is a tall order for that to be the case. but they believe at this point that their best chance of securing the presidencies and securing re-election for donald trump goes through the state of arizona which means pulling a state off the map that has already been called by other news outlerts and they are giving up on wisconsin and michigan and need to see north carolina come home and something an adviser said to me a few moments ago, they need north carolina to hold but they are looking desperately for arizona to come into the trump column. it never was in the trump column but definitely want to see that state in the trump column. >> arizona they want votes county and pennsylvania where they want votes to stop being
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counted. jim, do we have any idea whether we will see president trump today? we have not seen him? >> reporter: a good question. i asked a white house official about this. they are saying at this point, no scheduling updates to tell you about. as a white house correspondent, you would know, jake, what that means. that means anything could happen at this point. but given the doom and gloom we are hearing privatelily being expressed by trump campaign advisers may not happen. we are moving in his direction. we just might not see him at all. >> jim acosta, thanks so much. we will come back to you as news develops. i'm sitting here and we don't know who is going to win and who hat majority of votes in nevada,
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in pennsylvania, in arizona. we are still waiting to hear. i still am of the mindset that anything could happen. either bidin or trump could be elected. the difference is trump is acting like a loser. trump is acting like he is somebody going to lose with the flailing of stop counts here but count votes here and i want a lawsuit here and that is a tale of sorlts. even though i'm willing to believe maybe the trump people are right, maybe enough votes in arizona, nevada, pennsylvania. i don't know but why act this way? >> strategically it makes no sense but in keeping with the president's behavior in general. he typically -- one of the things that often happens with president trump, he often likes he has done something wrong even if he might not have done something wrong. he often acts as if he is going to lose even if it's not clear that he is going to lose. he won the presidency and then claimed there was fraud because he lost the popular vote.
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>> exactly. >> just this goes all the way back to his story as a political figure and i don't necessarily think we should overinterpret that to say that he is definitely going to lose. >> right. >> but i do think it doesn't make any logical or political sense and i do think it suggests that the campaign is actually just trying to keep hope alive in as many places on this map as they can. they really need to keep some avenues open in nevada and in arizona. they need to keep the count going in georgia even and if north carolina and in pennsylvania because if they lose really in any of those places, it really narrows their path so dramatically that i think they don't want to be in that position. i get they are trying everything but at the same time you talked about logic. the state of nevada, they sent ballots to all registered voters in the state of nevada. the president swore up and down for months that that would lead to widespread fraud. now he is competeing in that
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state. he thinks he is going to win in that state. logically they are going to the courts and said widespread frauds but one of the states where there is widespread fraud he thinks he will win. it doesn't make sense. if the cases are adjudicated go forward i think we will see the contradictions over and over again. i think -- i'm not a lawyer but my person opinion it will make this much more difficult for them. there is not any consistency from east to west on this map in terms of how the campaign is approaching this. >> so much of it is political and not legal. so much of it is taking the stance and having the posture of a winner in pennsylvania, maybe in arizona, maybe even in nevada. and if you have the posture of a winner that is in the kind of american psyche and, therefore, that is what is going to happen. they will kind of will it that way which i just want to finish this saying that is not how it
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works. go ahead. >> you talk about the posture of a winner. >> yeah. >> but going on twitter when there are hundreds of thousands of ballots to be counted and saying we won this state, even though that state has not been declared and they are still counting. that is not how winners behave. >> i agree. i agree. and i just heard from a republican source saying, you know, if -- who has been an elected official and has been on the ballot saying, you know, generally speaking, if you feel that confident, then you let the votes be counted and if you don't feel confident, then you scream and yell and say we are winners. having said that, this is not a typical politician, this is not a typical campaign and this is not a typical group of followers that donald trump has which we talked about flilast night and l say it again. a lot of people love this president. millions of people in this country and they hang on
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everything he says. they believe when members of his family tweet out things like we won, which is just not true. they are trying to set up a situation where there is just frankly unrest if this false notion of him winning now which he might at the end a place like pennsylvania, if it doesn't come to pass. and it's not good. >> i know pennsylvania republicans. i'm in pennsylvania. i know a ton of republicans there. the ones i've spoken to today thinking we need to count all of the votes. >> you're talking about -- commonwealth? >> commonwealth republicans but not the trump campaign, very different. >> we are tracking the votes in arizona right now. joe biden is currently ahead. when will a winner be decided in arizona? we are going to talk to the secretary of state of arizona next. stay with us. one more mile look reply all look own your look... ...with fewer lines. there's only one botox® cosmetic. it's the only one... ...fda approved... temporarily make frown lines...
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welcome back. joe biden is getting closer and closer to the magic number of
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270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. you see you has 253. trump has 213. 253 because we just projected michigan, a major, major projection for joe biden. he still needs electoral college votes. arizona is getting closer and closer to finishing up this. what is going on? >> we may certainly understand a little bit more about where the state of arizona is after this evening. we are now hearing, getting this update from the maricopa county elections department two releases of ballot information tonight. it will be at 9:00 p.m. eastern time and 12:30 a.m. eastern time, sometime after that. those two bits of data we are going to get. we are not getting any estimates of how many ballots will be
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counted and released to the public as far as those numbers. that will certainly give us a better spir of where arizona is. this is maricopa county which includes phoenix, the most populated county in arizona.of . this is maricopa county which includes phoenix, the most populated county in arizonpof w. this is maricopa county which includes phoenix, the most populated county in arizoniof w. this is maricopa county which includes phoenix, the most populated county in arizoncof w. this is maricopa county which includes phoenix, the most populated county in arizontof w. this is maricopa county which includes phoenix, the most populated county in arizonuof w. this is maricopa county which includes phoenix, the most populated county in arizonrof w is. this is maricopa county which includes phoenix, the most populated county in arizona. you have as to win it here if you're going to win the state. these are cardboard boxes and ballots have already been counted. we saw people working through the night and early into the morning are going through each of these ballots very carefully. how much are left to be counted statewide, about 615,000 to 635,000 that have yet to be counted and going through that as we speak. here in maricopa county, they are looking at around 450,000 ballots that are carefully going to be looked at. some of these have to be opened and signature verified so this is going to take time. wolf? >> that is very important.
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let them do it but let them do it right. kyung lah, thank you. >> a state that donald trump won four years ago, that 93,000 vote lead translates to 51% of the vote for joe biden and 47.6 for donald trump and 86% of the estimated vote in. we are taking a look what is left to be counted. this is just a rough estimate back of the envelope stuff but we think there are 600,000 ruffle ballots still uncounted. we are doing what both the biden and trump campaigns are doing, trying to figure out what each candidate needs of those uncounted ballots in order to win arizona in their column. joe biden would need 43 to 45% in our rough estimate of those
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uncounted ballots to maintain the current lead he has and flip arizona and keep it in his column where he is leading right now. donald trump, on the other hand, would need 52 to 55% of those uncounted ballots in arizona in order to overtake joe biden's lead and hang on to arizona like he had four years ago but, look. he's at 47.6% of the vote right now, the president is. he needs a lot more of that from this last share of vote, the 600,000 uncounted ballots. that could be a tall order for him. wolf? >> potentially a very tall order. john, take a closer look at arizona and nevada. if biden were to win both of those states he gets 270. >> he is leading in both of them right now. i want to show to our viewers at home. you'll see some states on the map and we show you who is leading but they are not called yet. nevada and arizona are not called but joe biden is leading
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and wolf made the point if joe biden protects the lead in nevada and arizona and he gets to 270 electoral votes even if he doesn't win the commonwealth of pennsylvania. david chalain went through 600,000 ballots still out and change. kyung lah said 400,000 from maricopa county. about two-thirds of the vote out of here they have to count. joe biden is getting 52% in maricopa county and 51% statewide and track maricopa county this is the biggest basket of votes and so tonight kyung lah says we will get two batches of votes. when up get the votes from maricopa county. if there is a trump comeback in arizona those votes will tell us but david went through the math and at some point you have to believe your eyes and we will watch this play out. president of the united states needs between 52 and 55% to come back. he is getting 46% in mayor cota
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county and close to 48% if you round that up. is that outside the realm? no. not what he is getting now. he has to well overperform where he is in the vote count right now as they count these additional ballots but given the fact that two-thirds of them we know are here tells you if you're in the biden campaign, you're confident and you're anxiously awaiting these results. down here to pima county in tucson, your second largest county in arizona and joe biden running stronger here. if you're in the biden campaign what are you looking at? the metrics so far. your current trajectory and deeper in the places you know more votes are so you're getting 52 plus here and you're getting 60 plus here. all you need joe biden doesn't even need to win the majority but needs to win 44, 45% of the remaining votes. if you're in the biden campaign you're incredibly confident now but you want to wait and see and get more of those votes. the trump campaign has said, we want them all counted and that is absolutely the right position to be in.
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we want them all counted too. the significance is when you come over here and just look. now we have projected michigan and projected wisconsin, two big pickups. pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin is why donald trump is is in the white house. he cracked the blue wall that the democrats are in the industrial midwest. joe biden has those two back. if he holds nevada and he gets arizona, he is the next president of the united states. so what we learn from the next batch of votes we get out of arizona will tell us a lot about the trajectory of this race is in biden's direction. will it continue? arizona and nevada will decide that. >> give us a closer look at arizona, john. we will talk to the secretary of state of arizona. katie hahn is joining us right now. secretary, thank you so much for joining us. can you first give us a little bit of concrete idea of where arizona stands right now? how many outstanding ballots are left to be counted? where those outstanding ballots are from? >> yeah. well, i'm glad to hear that your math matches my math.
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about 600,000 outstanding ballots, the bulk of those are in maricopa county, around 400,000 so we will have a better sense tonight after they release more ballot totals kind of where those votes are headed. the bulk of those votes are early ballots that were dropped off or received monday or tuesday. so that is what we are looking at right now. i think -- we don't know how many vote totals are in that those battle released tonight by maricopa county but once we know, that we will a better picture how long it will take for them to complete their tabulation. >> madam secretary, this is john king. i want to go through the map. you know better than we do, maricopa county will be 60% or more of your vote. our reporter on the seen believes -- are from maricopa county?
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>> what we are looking at-to- >> those ballots will tell us whether joe biden protects this lead. i'm wondering if you feel any political pressure now that wisconsin has been projected and michigan has been projected. this could very welcome down to your 11 electoral votes. do you feel any pressure on your office to speed some of that up or do it in spurts and give us more votes earlier? >> well, look. we have said from day one that this is going to take time and so, no, i don't feel pressured to do it faster. we want to do it right. we want to make sure every vote is counted and what we are focused on right now. >> if i could jump in one more time. president of the united states came out last night and talking about other states in the east but he was trying to get them to stop the count saying counting after the polls closed you should get this over with on election day. i'm wondering in terms of your interaction, have you heard from either of the campaigns about this and could you explain to people? because especially on social media and in the worlds of the president all of this talk nefarious things are happening. just explain in the room to us i
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believe your state is like other states and we have seen this on camera in philadelphia, on camera in detroit, that both campaigns, both political parties have keep people in the room to keep eyes on thing and it's perfectly normal and that is how it works out. >> yes. not only are there observers in the room watching the process, but there is cameras and anyone can go to the maricopa county elections website or any other website for the county elections department in the state and watch the tabulation as it happens. and so we never have all of the ballots county on election night. that is just never going to happen. it is normal that we are still counting ballots right now. >> you say normal. it is normal. again, the american people just need to have patience with the process as you go through it. we see right now and again 600,000 ballots to cast and biden 93,000 vote lead. in the history of arizona -- if it stays 51-48 outside of your
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recount provisions, correct? >> that is outside of our recount provisions, yes. >> you're pretty upbeat there is not any major legal challenges from the trump campaign or from republicans, conservatives in arizona? >> yeah. there -- they don't have a legal pathway to challenge. we are legally counting valid ballots and no way to stop there some subconservative leaders are using social media to push the claim that voters in some of the republican leading presingcinct were given sharpies to fill out ballots so their vote would not necessarily count. have you heard of that? is there any truth to that claim? >> yes, i've been talking about markers all day today. certainly, i want to validate voters who have concerns about their ballots being counted. there is no concern about
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ballots being counted because of the pen that was used to mark the ballots. all of those ballots are being counted and even if the machines can't read them for some reason, a marker bled through to the other side, we have ways to count them. they are going to be counted. there is absolutely no merit to saying that this was some conspiracy to invalidate republican ballots. there is no there at all. >> that is good to hear that. thank you so much secretary katie hobbs of arizona. i know you got a lot going on. we are grateful for your time. good luck tonight. we will be watching the count as it comes forward. >> thank you. >> john, let's talk a little bit about georgia right now. go from arizona to georgia right now. take a look at the count there now. 68,000 votes. trump is ahead biden 94% of the estimated reporting is in but
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it's gone down. it was a few hundred thousand and now only 68,000. trump is ahead of biden. >> it is going down as they count the votes. >> the question can biden catch up? >> a quick aside for secretary hobbs and all of these secretary of states are the stars. they are counting the votes and america is getting to see them and i hope a good thing. 51.1 to 48.7. if you're in the biden campaign can we do this? trump campaign you're thinking why is the lead shrinking is in the votes they are still counting are in largely democratic areas p.m. fulton county a short time ago 30 minutes or so ago 64,000 votes to be counted in fulton county. can joe biden come back? you have that deficit you just mentioned but he is getting 72% of the vote here. if he continues to get 7 in 10 votes as they count 64,000 more votes there is a possibility to make up some math. over here toot east to cobb county. joe biden is getting 83% in
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dekalb county a short time ago and had 18,000 ballots to cast so a possibility you make up math there. you come up to the north here and forsyth county. you see the president is carrying this county and 67%. some votes may have been countied frcounted from a short time ago. a way to president to keep getting votes. that's why we count them. your eyes tell you this is a place they count ballots. the president is likely to pick up a little bit of math but sometimes what you see in the trend lines can be deceiving when you count votes. we just pull out and come back out and look at it. down here i believe it's down in here. no, up here. sorry. houston county over here. i'll get to it. still counting votes there. henry county i think they are about done. here around 95% here in gwinnett county and joe biden is looking at the map.
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you pull it back out and looking at 68,000 votes it's down to. it has been shrinking consistently as they count the votes. what does that tell you? if you look at the state of georgia rice now, joe biden needs to win about 60% of the remaining votes. a steep hill, right? you've been getting 49% and now you need to get 60. on the one hand you say that won't happen and the logical bet but where the bulk of the votes are in democratic areas where he is getting around those metrics. that is why you have to count. look at the statewide names and say it's a steep hill. into the counties where they are still counting votes and you see they are strong democratic area and he we people voted in mail by absentee so you counted. right now, wever j have biden i holds the league in arizona and nevada he is the necks president of the united states but in any of those votes change you go back to the chest of the
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electoral college and keep looking until we get to the finish line. >> shrinking the past several hours and i'm sure the biden people are encouraged. 94% of the vote is in. 6% still remains outstanding. >> 6% still outstanding. we think somewhere in the basketball of 400,000 votes or it was a short time ago. you walk through them and and go through. 99% so you're counted there. 95%. i showed you democratic area and want to be fair to the president. are there votes in republican counties you find them? here is 95 in this county and 95 upson county. bulk of the votes here will be in the atlanta metro area. if joe biden is to mount a comeback it's because as they get to the finish line 95% in fulton county and 72% he needs metrics like that as you keep counting. over in dekalb. we will see. when you're behind like that you think the hill is steep but if the votes are in predominantly
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democratic places, you get the picture. >> you see it right here. it's not a lot. look at these counties. not a lot but where he is underperforming? underperforming his own performance in 2016 by five percentage points in the suburbs outside of augusta and surrounding atlanta. you move further out this is henry county out here. they are at 95%. you got rockdale county here. one of the stories of the trump presidency and number one give him credit. he is more competitive in some of these states because of his late campaign travel. he ginned up a very good election day turn out but one of the stories we see consistently atlanta you're pretty far out here as you come down from atlanta. the suburbs and the any community in america, he is underperforming there and over here, just look at this douglas county and joe biden getting 62%. back in time, the president was much more competitive. 43% four years ago. you come up here.
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as it gets closer this is what matters. look at the metrics of underperforming. that is where trump is underperforming. look at the same area, right? what is going to decide this? we are not sure if joe biden can amount a comeback but look where is he overperforming secretary clinton from four years ago. joe biden is doing better here in the suburbs gwinnett county, forsyth county and still counting votes as well and cherokee county and then you come down here to cobb county. in the metropolitan atlanta area, this is one of the growing areas in america demographically diverse and suburban revolt against president trump. if joe biden comes back in georgia it's because of that there. >> it's getting closer. 68,000 vote lead for trump over biden with 94% of the vote in georgia. we will watch georgia very closely. we will watch arizona and nevada very closely as well. anderson, over to you.
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>> gloria, so much focused on arizona from the trump campaign and those who want to go joe biden elected there is concern about arizona. >> concern about maricopa county. biden people will say these are our people. these ballots are coming in and they will be counted and a large number still to be counted. trump people are saying just the opposite. what we have here and we haven't talked about what we saw with joe biden yet either as we have a president of the united states who keeps tweeting that he is winning. last night or early this morning, he said he was winning in michigan and we know now he didn't win in michigan. he keeps pushing these theories about how the election is fraudulent and he is winning in states, that currently we don't know the answer to where he is winning. yet, you have joe biden coming out there saying every vote must be counted. no one is going to take our democracy away from us, he said,
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not now, not ever. it's coming down to the wire. biden i just spoke a biden person while we were off the air. they seemed very confident about where they are headed right now. the trump people are just kind of throwing everything up against the wall. >> one thing about -- i thought biden made an excellent statement today a great counterpoint to trump and smart -- >> i thought the president would come out some sort of statement but perhaps he wants some distance between sort of stateliness of vice president biden and whatever he is going to say? >> i will say this. at the end of it, he said, you know, what i think we would all like to believe that there are no blue states, there are no red states, there is just the united states echoing president obama. but this is the exit poll and this tells a different story. we are a deeply divided country and that is why it is really important what the president
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does and what republicans do in the next 48 to 72 hours. the president seems to be into incitements and, at some point, these states are going to be declared and it's going to be incumbent on other republicans to say it is over, let's move on. because i worry about the tenor of the country and the atmosphere in which the president is playing into. >> it's going to be pretty transparent to everybody whether there is our grounds for fighting this. there may be legitimate grounds. the idea that donald trump is going to fight if there is ground to fight or or republicans will fight if there is grounds to fight on, we should. if there is legitimate reasons to go, if there are problems somewhere, then we have every right to do so. >> hundred thousand -- >> no, i understand that. i get that. i'm just saying i think -- what
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i'm talking about republicans, we are going to assess the landscape and we are going to do what is in the best interest of the country, period. this race isn't over yet. we look at arizona. look at nevada. >> it's not over you're right. >> it's not where the votes are coming from as to when the votes are coming from. in other words, when were they cast? as we know, the votes that were cast at the election were heavily republicans and ones cast earlier were heavily democrats. we are hearing in nevada and you reported on cnn that moves votes or a big chunk of them were voted late which is good for republicans. >> that is why the people are concerned and probably why it hasn't been called yet. why are we talking about arizona at all? because of latino and latino community stood up and did something extraordinary and we spent a lot of time this year thankfully talking about african-americans, african-american issues, et cetera. we got a new force on the field
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now the latino community, the latino community. you got to look at the relationship between the democratic party and this community now, and what i'm hearing on the people on the ground in arizona they feel underrepresentation and overjen generalization. we got to stop acting like they are the same people. cuban is not the same as guatemalan. under preparation name a single prominent latino throughout the democratic party in this past race is hard to do. lastly, you have groups, boda and lucia and -- in florida. they didn't get the support they deserved until late and some not at all. all i want to say is the reason we are talking about arizona is because there is a community of people that is being picked on
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and mistreated, anti-immigrant attacks against them that forced them to organize themselves and their strength brought this state in the blue column and we have to reestablish our relationship with that community. >> the other reason we are talking about arizona is maricopa county is 60% of that vote and phoenix a piece of it. one thing that happened in the is donald trump carried them last time. a 7-point thist against him in this election. biden carried the suburbs. a place like arizona where the suburbs are so dominant becomes a much more -- >> you put two forces together you got something. >> can i get back to what you were saying, rick? which with we have to decide what we do, what we challenge. it seems to me -- >> like the speech last night.
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i think every republican stood up and said, no, we are not doing it. >> the president continues to make declarations that the results, for example, that have been counted and ratified by the states, et cetera, about who is the aaron. the loser that he is not accepting. he said last night we won michigan. that doesnidn't happen. the question i have is the president will say what he wants to say. what exactly will the legal challenges? for example in your state of pennsylvania, if the margin, let's just say, this is a hypothetical, if the margin is large in biden's favor, 50,000, 100,000, pick your number, the challenges that i see that the republicans are making here are not about large numbers, they are about. >> trivial. go ahead. >> it's in one case, i think it could affect 97 votes. so the question is is it just
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going to keep happening? how do you look at it? >> to the point that everyone will validate here. if there is no theory behind why that vote isn't what it should be, just saying, you know, we are going to fight this thing, but there is no theory behind why you're fighting it. for example, what i'm hearing they probably are not -- >> wisconsin. >> they don't have a theory about what happened in wisconsin. >> they announced today they would. >> here is my certain, rick. >> they are going everywhere. everybody is going to go everywhere but the question is where do you put your foot down? >> this comes in the context of a five-year project of suggesting that the process is rigged, that, you know, these conspiracy theories. >> yeah. >> just purvey what the
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president is doing and he is sending signals -- >> i want to add to that. i think when you look at all of the exit polling and that kind of stuff, stuff we didn't questions about qanon. there is stuff in the water in this country right now being pushed on us and being pushed by putin or whatever it is, but an irrational conspiracy fear on the right. let me finish. >> you can ask a new member of congress all about it. >> we have two qanonmembers in the congress. you say it's french but doesn't seem that to me. if you look what sow there -- >> unreal social media which is unreal. >> what the president retweets. >> that is amplified by the president and sort of praised them as being pedophile. >> you asked me what i think republicans were doing and i will tell you what they are going to do. if a legitimately reason to contest a state, republicans
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will stand with the president and contest the state. >> there are people like yourself who have approved to be incredibly responsible and i'll put marco rubio, chris christie, a bunch of people holding the line and something else is happening in our country and what we are afraid of. the president is speaking to this other force that seems to be completely off the rails and they got lots of people and right now showing up, challenging and intimidating people who are counting votes and everything else. it is very dangerous for the president to be throwing matches on that pile. >> with all due respect if donald trump would be ahead right now, they boarded up places in new york city not to keep donald trump supporters from looting. let's just be real, van, about where the threat is. hold on! >> trump is stoking his. >> where is the real threat here? i don't see any people storming around burning buildings and
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crashing -- >> how do you know -- black lives matter? the caravans of armed trump folks driving around in big trucks blocking traffic? that is not a concern? >> i don't think you'd find too many in manhattan. i could be wrong. >> they shut off the bridges to manhattan this weekend. in fact, four of them. >> i guess that -- >> with a police escort. >> not what -- >> white people -- as a white republican you're not scared about white armed trump supporters looting around cities they don't live in? the president likes when they show up at the michigan statehouse. >> there is no doubt, is there, that the president is playing to this, that he is light the house on fire and walking out the back door, right? that he is saying they are stealing the election, the election is rigged. if i don't win the reason is because it's a corrupt election.
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>> yes. just to be clear. republicans have condemned the president for his speech last night so let's be honest. >> and you did too. >> i think i was the first because i did it right after the speech at 3:00 a.m. the bottom line is don't say we are not doing anything. the republican party is not going to stand by and let the president, you know, go on a quick adventure and support him in doing things that are going to delegitimatize the election. >> is it about the margins? in other words, you say republicans won't stand by. will you be looking at the margins in a state like, say, pennsylvania and say, well, the margin is large. mr. president, don't do this. we have a point to make about the way this election was done and that next time, we have to fix this. but would you say to him, continue this right now if the
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margin is large? >> i think i said at the beginning of this conversation, we will look at the situation and what is being claimed and whether that defect is sufficient to make up for the difference in the vote. if it isn't, if it's, you know, late votes that came in and there are 2,000 of them that came in to pennsylvania then we are not going to obviously contest the election on 2,000 votes that came in between today and friday. >> if the president wants to continue to contest the election even if responsible leaders the republican party -- >> he has right to do that. >> anyone in the republican party say to -- >> i think a lot of republicans would be sqernconcerned how it affects them and the perception of the republican party and leadership in washington as well as the leadership of governors and others around the country who are not goi president going off on something that seems to be erratic. >> you understand why this would
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be a question because we have had four years of situations where you would think that republicans would stand up and comment and many of them were afraid to do that. >> i think that is a completely different issue. >> allize are on arizona and nevada as joe biden holds on to his lead in those states and looks to add to his electoral count. with 2 unlimited lines for less than $30 each. call 1-800-t-mobile or go to
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joe biden is widening his advantage in the electoral votes. he now has 253 electoral votes need nearing the 270 to win and president trump is trailing with 213 but several states remain uncalled. jim acosta, what are your hearing from republicans? >> reporter: hourly, jake, the trump campaign is saying they are confident and a path that remains. when you talk to the sources privately you hear a different story. based on what i'm hearing from my sources the mood is darkening inside the trump campaign.
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i talked to a source close to the white house a little while ago who said the president is bleeding gop support is the way this speperson described it ove his behavior. what are we talking about his behavior? leveling baseless charges there are voter fraud and ballots are taken from him and states taken from him and he is being robbed. a short while ago the president tweeted he hereby claims the state of michigan. he can't hereby claim anything. i can't hereby claim a ham sandwich. according to the source close to the white house i spoke with a little while ago the tactics they are going into the individual states and mounting legal challenges are really been called into question by some fellow republicans this source close to the white house described that as an ambulance chasing routine and to continue with the words of this source close to the white house, to make matters worse, rudy is on
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the case meaning the former new york city mayor rudy giuliani whose credibility throughout all of this really has been shattered as he has made just one reckless and baseless accusation after another. jake, they are still looking at this map and still feel there is a path. an adviser i spoke to a short time ago said if the president can't win arizona it's over but they still feel there are some reasons there to feel optimistic that perhaps arizona could be pulled into the president's column despite other news outlets have called that state for joe biden. >> rudy giuliani had a press conference and it was like a scene out of a cone brothers film. jeff zeleny is in wilmington, delaware. we need to hear from nevada, pennsylvania and what are you hearing from the biden camp? >> i'm told joe biden is going to hold a phone conference call
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with his finance committee and thank them for their hard work and that underscored what was a dramatic advantage that biden campaign had over the trump campaign that no one expected a year ago. that was financial advantage. i'm told the former vice president is going to be speaking with his national finance committee thanking them but also urging them to play this out as he has been doing all day and talking to supporters and taking calls from senators and governors and others urging them to keep an eye on pennsylvania and arizona and nevada and do everything they can to monitor what is going on. democrats have democratic governors in pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin and that can happen but not in arizona. the lights are still on at this rally. he was hoping to have a victory rally ending in fireworks and will not happen because the former vice president is not declaring victory. they have to see this through.
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i'm told there is no talk of what is next for a transition. yes, the biden campaign has been working on a campaign as all presidential campaigns are required by law to do. many things are in place for possible cabinet positions, possible other things but i am told the word has gone out here in wilthed to not talk about the transition, to play this campaign through until he is declared a winner. that is the mood here right now. certainly a better mood as the sun sets here for the biden campaign as it started earlier today. >> certainly true but he has not won so no need to declare victory yet. we are still waiting to count all of the votes. >> there is no victory to declare as he knows. >> jeff, thanks so much. several other races were going on at the same time as the presidential race. a number of senate seats up and democrats hoping to win the senate back from republicans. how did that work out for them? dana bash is here to tell us
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more. >> look at the balance of power right now in the u.s. senate. democrats have 46 seats. republicans have 47. there are seven seats that remain to be called. let's look first in arizona. mark kelly has been ahead there since the beginning since the incumbent marriage mcsally. he is ahead 144,000 votes and mcsally is trailing there. look at michigan. changing back and forth. gary peters right now is ahead by more than 14,000 votes at 49.2%. republican challenger john james is trailing there. north carolina, also very, very tight. but incumbent republican tom tillis ahead by 96,000 votes. 48.7%. the democratic challenger cal cunningham 46.9%. 94% of the estimated vote in there. in georgia, david perdue, the incumbent republican is ahead by
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157,000 votes. 50.5% and john ossoff 47.2%. the 50% is key because georgia you have to get that to avoid a run-out. maine cnn has susan collins at 50.3%. her democratic challenger sara gideon 43%. can say sara gideon hconceded te race but cnn is not ready to call it. alaska. dan sullivan republican is head there by 53,000 votes. democratic challenger is trailing in a big way. what does it mean right now? right now, there is one democrat leading in a republican senate seat. democrats must pick up four republican seats in order to flip the balance of power to the democrats. jake, that four, that is exactly where democrats started before election day. so they certainly, as you mentioned, have not gotten the
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kinds of gains they were hoping to get and particularly since so many republicans were on the ballot, so many were considered vulnerable but many of them have won or still very much in the hunt. >> dana bash, thanks so much. you have to -- i mean, the democrats had a bad election day when it comes to the senate. we are still waiting to hear about a number of house races as well. as we have learned from the past, we need to let those races play out although it looks as though republicans have knocked off a bunch of house democrats. they had hopes to take the senate, democrats. those hopes are dashed. >> yeah. it's hard to see it right now. there were so many republican senators who were incumbents who were in really tough races and they are either hanging on right new or likely to win their seats. i keep saying this. this was a bad year for republicans to run. we are in the middle of an
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economic recession with an unpopular president and, yet, democrats were not really able to advance the ball much in terms of the senate majority. the house picture we will get a little bit later but there were smi pretty significant tight races that democrats are really worried about in places like miami, of all places, that they really never expected to be losing seats. this is the kind of thing that tells you this is a really polarized country. these republican states, trump has such a strong hold on them and when he is able to turn out his supporters, it's easier for republicans to hang on. it's tougher for democrats to pick off the -- >> republicans who worked on the senate campaigns thought that senator susan collins of maine, a republican, was going to lose. she did not -- there was not one poll that showed susan collins in the lead. >> she overperformed trump and might be a different story
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because she is some people say very well suited to her state and understands her state very well and really tried to navigate that race in a unique way. but may end up significantly outperforming president trump who we have called the state of maine for joe biden is going to lose that state. susan collins is one thing but such a race that democrats spent so much money on that race and in south carolina and in kentucky and texas. >> speaking of money. i think a lot of liberal democrats who sent money to jamie harrison in south carolina and amy mcgraph in kentucky are wishing they had not sent that $200 million. key states undecided the contest is not over. presidential historian said we are at the tipping point of our democracy. we will talk with doris hearnes
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continues. 253 to 213. joe biden in the lead now. all eyes on arizona and nevada as we wait for the votes to be counted. joining me now, is doris hearnes goodwin and author of "leadership in turbulent times." thank you for being with us. an exciting day no matter what side of the political aisle you are a and anxiety provoking for both sides of the political aisle. you said this is a tipping point of our democracy, this election. for you, why are the stakes so high? >> well, because whatever the outcome is going to be, we remain deeply divided polarized nation more than at any time in our recent history. you know, teddy roosevelt once warned that the greatest threat for democracy would come when people are cut off one another and no longer regard each asbestos common american citizens and see each other as
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another. george washington warned about the spirit of party and in his farewell address. we are seeing that right now. for paraphrase abe lincoln history will look with honor or dishonor how the two candidates handle this moment. on the one hand you have president trump saying that he has already won the election and he is going to be fraud and stroking divisions. on the other hand, you heard joe biden talk about the importance of being president of all the party and not stoking the divisions and listening to the other sides. we need that so balanced not just from the candidates. this is a real test of the republican party and their leads right now. >> during the war in vietnam, there was incredible division and intention in this country. bombings by radical groups, a surprising number of them throughout the early '70s. do you think things are worse now in terms of polarization? >> i do think so. i think the big difference now is that you've got a divide in
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the media that is much greater than it was really since the 1850s. so you almost have alternative universes. you can think covid is a serious disease, on the other hand, you might be listening to your network and feel it's not a serious disease. and it reminds me sadly sometimes of the 1850s when all you would do is read your party newspaper so if you're reading about a lincoln/douglas debate you might think if lincoln -- you'd hear on the republican paper he was carried out on the arms of his supporters! he was so triumphant. you read the democratic newspaper, the same debate it will say he was so terrible, he fell on the floor and he had to be dragged out. that is the added dimension i think today. we had three television networks so when the war in vietnam was going badly the credibility of lyndon johnson was undermined saying the war was in progress. you had some sort of bully pulpit to depend upon and now
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it's split and it exacerbates the divisions and i'm usually a big optimist but i think this moment is important how we handle this election. >> we have seen two leadership styles and approaches. we heard from former vice president biden today with kamala harris standing by his side. we have also heard late last night from -- or early this morning from the president and from the president on twitter. i wonder how you make how the president has been handling this and communicating with the country today and last night? >> i think the big question is he is really communicating with the country or is he communicating with his supporters? right now, this great passion are on both sides and you would hope that a president of all the people would be willing to take a leading role. in fact, when you look at history, if it were to happen that he were to lose, then the concession that is given by that person becomes absolutely critical to the well-being of the country. in fact, what you've seen in
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most cases when there is somebody who loses, if, indeed, he does lose, is that willingness to say, we had a spirit beforehand, we fought hard, but now we have come together and i speak for the country. his supporters will need him to do that if he loses because there has to be an acceptance of the result if it happens that way. but so far, by declaring that he is already won and saying there may be fraud and already imagining irregularities in the system it makes it harder for that acceptance to have finally come. so he will be judged very -- he can play a leading role in a very positive role if he does this in the way that others before him have done. >> what i love so much about history and reading about history is just putting things in context that we are going through in current times to see what happened before. how would you put today, this election, in context in terms of what we have seen as citizens in this country in our history? >> well, you know, the interesting thing is that i would have thought, given history, most of the time when there is a crisis that is
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occurring, the leaders handling that have crisis is the major issue in the election campaign and that what you would have said when you looked at hoover's inability to have national leadership on the depression, his credibility was undermined saying we are turning the corner. i thought that would have been a major consideration in this election. and it proved to be part of it, but, yet, there was something else at issue that collided with that and that was the party spirit, that was the feelings towards trump and perhaps the belief in the alternative in the whole universe when you see those rallies and people are side-by-side it's not violating science but maybe a hope for the future that somehow people were able to believe that you could open the economy and you didn't have to worry about science and you could fire fauci. so we saw alternative yooveuniv out there i think they would judge the credibility of the leadership and the lack of the leadership on covid as the only issue that really mattered. history can undo you half the time. >> have you seen -- have we had
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presidents before undermine institutions, try to destroy people's faith in -- or a vision for sort of the very foundations of democracy? they may not succeed and they may have their passions and their supporters and their opponents but there's at least that hope that when they start you're resetting a situation that you're going to reach out. and i think what history will look at is the question of could president trump have reached out beyond his base, could he have tried to go to the places where he lost, could he have listened to the other side, could he have reached over. and there are moments when you almost thought he was going to and then somehow never seemed to. and i think that's what history's going to ask a question of. james buchanan, who was there before abraham lincoln-s one of the presidents who they think stoked the divisions when he was there, and he has not ended up too well in the presidential rankings. infrastructure, he's at the bottom.
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>> whoever wins, as you said when we started talking, this country remains more divided than ever, or as divided as it was before this election. in history how do countries or how does the u.s., how does it bounce back? how does that -- i mean, we can remain divided, i assume, and that could be just the future. or there's an alternative of somehow coming together. we've seen that sometimes in times of crisis. what does history tell us about what can happen? >> i think history tells us that leadership can make a big difference. i mean, think about lincoln's second inaugural. we'd just come through a war where 600,000 people had died. the country had been absolutely split in two. and it's a message of reconciliation that he's giving to the country at that time. both sides read the same bible. both prayed to the same god. neither's prayers were fully answered. with malice toward none and charity for all let us bind up
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our nation's wounds. i think that's what we've got to hope for if president -- the presidency goes to joe biden. he begins to talk about the fact that he knows how difficult this is but he's going to try to reconcile us. that overwhelming spirit i think on the part of the american people is to say we have to move in a different direction. one might have thought covid would have been the kind of crisis that would have allowed us to experience it together as sometimes a war does. you need some sort of equivalent of a war without a war hopefully. but i think the desire is there on the part of the american people, the desire to trust again in the government. the numbers of people who voted in this election are a good sign because maybe the more people vote they'll feel engaged, they'll feel participants, not spectators, and they'll demand somehow that we get a congress that can work together. there's probably common agreement now on infrastructure. there's probably a common agreement now on what to do about the recovery of the economy and certain things. i just believe if the bully pulpit is used to mobilize that spirit within us that i still
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believe somehow we'll get there. nobody wants this level of division to be the way it is. it's only hurting us as a country. it makes us vulnerable to other countries. that's what george washington warned against, if that spirit of factionalism gets so great then we'll be vulnerable to influence of foreign countries, our standing in the world needs to be improved. we need to show that we're common american citizens. we were once isolationist and then even before pearl harbor we began to come together, and once we did nothing could compete with the productivity of america. business and government came together. a plane every four minutes. a tank every seven minutes. a ship every single day. what we can do, what we could do in getting the vaccine distributed, getting it to everybody, getting therapeutics, if that common element comes back together again, we have to envision a different way from what we've lived in in the last couple decades. and we can. i think we can. >> doris kearns goodwin, it's really a pleasure to talk to you. author of "leadership in turbulent times." thanks so much. >> you're so welcome. >> we're watching the vote counts from arizona and nevada
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very closely. as are both campaigns. with those two states, will they decide the next president of the united states? more election coverage ahead. ♪ rakuten! ♪ cash back on the stuff all in my home.♪ ♪ i shop on rakuten. rakuten!♪ we started by making the cloud easier to manage. but we didn't stop there. we made a cloud flexible enough to adapt to any size business. no matter what it does, or how it changes. and we kept going. so you only pay for what you use. because at dell technologies, we nothing.
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this is election night in america continued. i'm wolf blitzer. tonight joe biden says once all the outstanding votes are counted he expects to win the white house and defeat president trump. the former vice president getting closer to his goal with his projected win in michigan just a short while ago. but let's be clear, this contest is not over yet. it's all coming down to six states that remain too early to call. we're watching arizona and nevada very closely as they, they could be the ultimate deciders. right now biden has 253 electoral votes. on the brink of the 270 needed to win. president trump has 213. he's now launching legal
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challenges as ballots are still being counted. let's get a key race alert right now. let's start in arizona right now. with 11 electoral votes, 86% of the estimated vote in arizona is now in. biden maintains a lead of more than 93,000 votes over trump. he has 51% to 47.6%. in nevada with six electoral votes, 86% of the estimated vote is in. biden maintains a lead there but only 7,600 votes or so over trump. 49.3% to 48.7%. let's get some more space right now nour key race alert. let's start in pennsylvania. right now 20, it's a big prize, 20 electoral votes. 85% of the shaded vote is in. trump maintains a significant lead. 276,000 votes over biden. 51.6% to 47.1%. in georgia right now 94% of the estimated vote is in.
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16 electoral votes. trump maintains a lead of about 57,000 votes. it's gone down. 57,000 votes over biden. 50% to 48.8%. in north carolina with 15 electoral votes 95% of the estimated vote is in and trump maintains a lead there of more than 76,000 over biden. 50.1% to 48.6%. let's go over to john king and take a look at arizona and nevada. those are the two states if we get results in the next few hours potentially they could put biden at 270. >> emphasis on potentially. if biden flips arizona, which was a trump state in 2016, holds nevada, which was a clinton state in 2016, that would be enough to get him to the finish line. the if is the question. and so let's start in nevada as we count the votes. you see this. this has been all day. we haven't gotten an update from the state of nevada in quite some time. 7,647 votes. 49 if you round that up.
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49.3. 48.7. you have a very close race. which is why the trump campaign says keep counting the votes. again, a little inconsistency when you move to some other states in the east but let's just focus on nevada right now. we're waiting hoping later today might be tomorrow we're told but hopefully we get some more votes out of clark county. this is las vegas and the suburbs around it. this is where you're going to get more than 7 in 10, more than 70% of the votes cast in nevada will come from here. it gets frustrating now. in any event you want to count the votes but even now when we know how consequential nevada and arizona are going to be to the math you want more votes. we're waiting. 84% in clark county, which means you've got a fair amount of votes still out. 16%. if joe biden keeps that percentage then joe biden's going to win the state of nevada. we just don't know that until we see more votes. and then you come up here, reno, washoe county in the top half of the state here, western part of the state, northwestern part of the state. a little closer here, 50%, 51 if you round up, to 47 if you round up. that's all joe biden has to do. up the lead. you just need 50 plus one the rest of the way.
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a little more than 50% of the rest of the way. and you do it. the question is when will we get those votes? we have reporters on the scene. you just want to count them. and we've got a ways to go. so we have to wait and count those votes. then you move here. this wrould be a pickup. this would be a flip. a trump state in 2016. a state that has not voted for a democrat for president since the 1990s and bill clinton with some help from ross perot in those days. you see it 51 to 48, if you round up for the president. so it's close and we need to be careful here. 93,000 votes. again, that's a pretty healthy lead. but we know, we have about 600,000 votes still out here and we know about 2/3 of them are here in maricopa county. this is phoenix and the growing suburbs around it. one of the fastest-changing, most dynamic political places in america right now. and we see in maricopa it's 52.3 to 46. so joe biden, if you just check it out, statewide at 51. the president has some support out northwest more rural areas. goes up a little higher in maricopa. the question is we are going to get some of these tonight. we're told our kyung lah on the scene says two batches of votes
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will be released later. 9:00 hour here on the east coast. midnight hour as we get into -- that would be into thursday. right? tuesday, wednesday, thursday off we go. we're going to wait for those. that's what you want to see, right? again, joe biden has the lead. if you pull out to the statewide numbers, up 93,000. so you have the lead. all you have to do from here on in is break even. will he? we'll see. the trend lines tell you he will. but we have to count new votes to see if that happens. we're still waiting on a couple of places. you see this map filled in. every now and then i want to do this just so if you're watching at home, we have not called these states. you pull them off and you see the gray. on this map here we like to show you who's leading but we're continuing to watch the votes here. there are other places as well. we're still watching the count in georgia, still watching the count in north carolina. we're still obviously watching the count in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. and you see that has come down. that has come down considerably. it was over 600,000 late last night. it's come down considerably. can joe biden make it up? he thinks he can. they're still counting votes here. but as they count in pennsylvania the reason those two states in the southwest,
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arizona and nevada, matter so much, now that we've projected michigan and wisconsin. that's the big news of the day. two pieces of the blue wall. pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. that is why donald trump is president of the united states. he flipped those states in 2016. they had been in democratic hands since 1992. now that you have two pieces of the blue wall plus you flip the second congressional district in nebraska, the math for joe biden is if nothing else changed, you get that and you get to 270. then we would continue to do the math, we'd want to know how these other states fill out so we know the final tally of america's voice and vote, but once you get to 270 you're the next president of the united states. so arizona and nevada, the eyes of the country and the eyes of the world as we await those counts. >> does president trump really have any significant hope in arizona? >> you have to say yes just because of the math. i want to come back over here and look at it. look, there's a basic logic to vote counting and you watch as it plays out and you see the first votes come in and then you watch the next batch come in and you see are we swinging all over
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the place? are we getting these are republican precincts, these are democratic precincts, and we're getting wild variations in the number? in the votes we have so far joe biden got out ahead and he has stayed there. but it's been a long time now. it's been a long time since we got more votes. so when you have 600,000 votes out, you've got 1.4 million, 1.3 million, that's a big chunk of votes. so yes, we want to respect the process everywhere. right? the president is saying keep counting the votes here. again, there's an intellectual inconsistency to be polite with saying stop counting here. why did you count overnight here? why didn't you count overnight sneer that's the president's argument, that somehow there was hanky-panky going on here, something fishy. there's not. they're counting votes. but he wants people to keep counting votes here. we should respect the process. 600,000 votes still to count. obviously, 93,000-vote lead. plenty of votes to make that up. the trajectory of the state tells you, you know, odds are biden. but you know, odds are doesn't matter. the math matters. and we will count the votes when we get them. >> when we spoke with the
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secretary of state of arizona, you and me, a little while ago, she made it very clear there are still plenty of votes outstanding in the phoenix area but that's an area where biden has done a lot better than trump. >> he has. the suburban shift in america is one of the defining political stories of the trump presidency. i will tell you democrats did not get as much out of the suburbs when you look at ohio, when you look at texas, when you look at north carolina, states the president's keeping north carolina's not done yet, we haven't finished the math there. but without a doubt the reason that is blue is the growing suburbs around phoenix, the latino vote, combined with suburban women and senior citizens. joe biden doing much better than hillary clinton among senior citizens. the math in the vote we have so far right here, joe biden has put together the right coalition. again, we just want to respect the process and count the votes with 600,000 more to go when we see these later tonight, when we get a couple hundred thousand later tonight then you know, then you watch the trajectory, is it a steady climb, does something glitch? we'll see. >> see what happens when they release all those votes. around 9:00 p.m. eastern. all right, jake, back to you. >> all right, wolf, thanks so much.
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and while they are counting the votes in nevada and arizona and pennsylvania and north carolina and georgia, let us go and check in with the biden campaign. jeff zeleny is in wilmington, delaware. and jeff, how are they feeling there? >> reporter: well, jake, the former vice president is feeling very confident. just because of those numbers that we're seeing and we've been talking about there that john was reporting. but they do want to wait and see how the arizona count goes and they need to wait and see how the nevada count goes. but i am told he is feeling much more apt optimistic than at the beginning of the day. but we did see the former vice president here at the chase center on the very stage where he delivered the acceptance speech for the democratic party's nomination. but today he spoke with a presidential tone and he said he would wait for the votes to be counted but he walked up just to the line of declaring victory. >> now, after a long night of counting, it's clear that we're winning enough states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to
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win the presidency. i'm not here to declare that we've one. but i am here to report when the count is finished we believe we will be the winners. so once this election is finalized and behind us it will be time for us to do what we've always done as americans, to put the harsh rhetoric of the campaign behind us, to lower the temperature, to see each other again, to listen to one another, to hear each other again and respect and care for one another. to unite, to heal, to come together as a nation. i know this won't be easy. i'm not naive. neither of us are. i know how deep and hard the opposing views are in our country on so many things. but i also know this as well.
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to make progress we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies. we are not enemies. what brings us together as americans is so much stronger than anything that can tear us apart. so let me be clear. we are campaigning as democrats, but i will govern as an american president. every vote must be counted. no one's going to take our democracy away from us. not now, not ever. america's come too far. america's fought too many com t battles. america's endured too much to ever let that happen. we the people will not silenced. we the people will not be bullied. we the people will not surrender. my friends, i'm confident we'll emerge victorious.
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but this will not be my victory alone or our victory alone. it will be a victory for the american people, for our democracy, for america. there will be no blue states and red states when we win. just the united states of america. >> so it's clear that joe biden there was reaching across the aisle as well, extending an early olive branch to everyone who did not vote for him as well. now, we have heard many of these same words before from him, some of them verbatim on the campaign trail, but jake, they carried significantly more weight today as he was delivering them here on the cusp of the outcome of this presidential campaign. and i was struck by saying he's not naive. if elected of course he would be the oldest president ever to serve in the office. but this is a different time and a different climate. but he does of course want to unify and reach out. so that was his message. and jake, one person he did not
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mention, president donald trump. >> that's right. did not mention him at all. jeff zeleny in wilmington, delaware. thanks so much. it is remarkable, dana, when you think about the very different characters of these two men and the very different reactions that we've heard from trump and from biden today. neither of them has been elected president. both of them are short as of right now of the 270 electoral votes. and what we've heard from joe biden is count all the votes and i want to unify the country. and what we've heard from trump last -- early this morning or late last night and then through his lawyers and on twitter is just a whole bunch of nonsense and conspiracy theories and lies and misrepresentations and claiming that he won when he didn't. i mean, it couldn't be more different. >> it couldn't be nor differemo different. and what jeff just said is so
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true. we heard versions of what joe biden said today along the way, frankly starting at the beginning of his campaign. his reason for running was to give a speech like this, was in the hopes of being a potential president like he just kind of illustrated with the speech that he gave today. and what he is trying to do is to kind of embody that, trying to say i ran to be a different kind of person, i ran to be a president that brings people together, even people who didn't support me and maybe never will. and the fact that he wants to kind of have a bookend when he doesn't know even though he's leaning into the notion that he believes he will win but said explicitly he does not know if it will happen, it hasn't happened yet, is very interesting and very telling and very, very joe biden. >> and it could be reflective of what he must be seeing because it's obvious what is potentially in front of us. if there is a joe biden
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presidency, he would be a president in a deeply divided government, let alone country. democrats are likely to hold on to the house, but it also looks perhaps just as likely that republicans could hold on to the senate. so you've got divided government in congress. you've got a potential president who would have been fairly narrowly elected in some of these states after a protracted period of uncertainty. that is such a sort of a cauldron of real chaos for this country, and i think joe biden recognizes that and realizes that he has to start trying to bridge those gaps early on if he's going to make a convincing case to the american people that he can lead the country through that moment. >> you know, we've talked a lot today about wisconsin and michigan, which we projected for joe biden. we're waiting to hear from pennsylvania and nevada and arizona. but there's one other state that we're still waiting to hear
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from. wolf blitzer has more on the latest from georgia. >> that's right, jake. georgia is a really important state obviously. and look at this. that lead that the president has had, david chalian, in georgia has been shrinking and shrinking and shrinking. it's down to what, 57,000. it was a few hundred thousand not that long ago. >> not that long ago indeed but more vote is coming in and it's helping joe biden make up some ground. right now donald trump at the 50% mark in georgia. you noted, wolf, 57,000 votes ahead. joe biden has 48.8%. that's with 94% of the vote in. but here's what we've learned about the outstanding vote in georgia. just a rough estimate, this is just sort of back of the envelope, we think there are about 185,000 uncounted votes in georgia. so what we've done is try to do what the campaigns do and c calculate for both biden and trump what they would need of that outstanding vote to win the state. so look here. joe biden would need between 65%
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and 67% of that 185,000 uncounted votes in order to overtake donald trump and actually flip the state of georgia. now, i just want to note that in all the vote counting that we've gotten today since 6:00 a.m. joe biden's won about 71% of the vote count today because again, a lot of it is that absentee mail vote and we know it's a big bide encategory. so that is within the range of what he still needs there. but you know, that is something to watch. donald trump, on the other hand, he only needs between 31% and 33% of that uncounted 185,000 votes in order to hang on to georgia, keep it in his column, and not let it go to the democrats. that's not that big of a percentage, given the fact that overall he's at 50% of the vote. so he only needs 31% to 33% of that remaining vote to keep georgia red. wolf. >> and of course it depends where that remaining vote in
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georgia is, john king. let's take a closer look at georgia and see what's going on. >> you take a look, this is a shrinking lead for the president. in a state that the democrats had hoped to make a battleground this time, they're certainly making it competitive. again, you look at the top line, 50-49. if you roll up. if you round up. 57,266 votes. where has the comeback come from? well, the same place there are still votes outstanding. david chalian just noted, we've been waiting for atlanta and the suburban counties -- you see this big blue right here. joe biden needs about 2/3 of the remaining votes. and again, if you look at the statewide numbers you think, okay, there's no way he's going to get 2/3 of the remaining vote. but then you think where are they? we know there are still some more. they've done a lost counting today in fulton county. one of the reasons the lead has narrowed, the president's lead has narrowed, is because joe biden is getting 72% on average of the votes here in fulton county. that has been some of the count today. and there are still some ballots out here. then you move over here to dekalb county, again, joe biden needs 2/3 of the remaining
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votes. ballpark. he's getting 83%. in this county. and we know, look, 89%. they're still counting votes here. so if that trend line continues, it's possible that joe biden could make up that map. you move around these blue suburban counties in the collar around atlanta here, 58%, that's a little below 2/3. so you've got a few more votes to count here. 95%. we just have to watch this. it's a little under what he needs here but he's well over what he he needs here and they're still counting votes and he's well over what he needs here and they're still counting votes. you move over, cobb county, he's a little under. this is just math and we have to wait and see where they come. we did know earlier there were some votes still out too up here in forsyth county, a place where the president is winning quite handily. does that continue when they count the 7,000 earlier today? they're counting as we go. we keep checking back every now and then to check up. does that mean the president gets 66% of them? no, it doesn't. but it's just a place where we think we know joe biden's making up math in atlanta and the suburbs around it. maybe the president's making up
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a little as well. the bottom line is this. 57,266. there are enough votes outstanding and we know a lot of them are in these blue counties for joe bide-tone make it up. just az just said, we need to respect the process, be open-minded about the possibility. the president could come back out in arizona. we need to respect the process and be open-minded about the possibility that joe biden could squeak back into it in the state of georgia. >> what's going on in north carolina right now? because it's still undecided. >> it is still undecided. this is another one where if you look at it and you think about the statewide vote total, 2.7 million, 2.6 million, 50.1 to 48.6. so 50 to 49 if you round that up. 76,737. incredibly close. incredibly competitive. they're still counting votes. so everybody -- the biden campaign is open to the idea let's keep counting in north carolina. but they're more pessimistic about this state than they are about georgia. they view georgia as a coin toss. they view this one as they would love to see that happen but they're not anticipating it happening. one of the reasons if you you come on, in look, there's a chance. we still have 94% here.
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they're still counting votes. wake county in the suburbs. look at the bide enlead. you come over here, durham county, look at the big biden lead. 99%. they're about in there. wake county they're still getting some. mecklenburg county, 95%. so in the bigger counties, this is number one, in the bigger counties where biden ran it up quite impressively most of the votes have been counted. so if you talk to the campaigns, obviously we should say this about every state, even the non-battle ground states where somebody might have a giant lead. let's count all the volts and get a final total. if you come all the way out, wolf, it is impressive. when you look at the national vote total, 70.5 million votes. 67.3. if you round up, a million votes. waent to count them all. in north carolina of course the biden people are open-minded. they don't think so. if you talk to them candid assessment they think that one stays red. but we'll find out. georgia they think it's more of a true tossup and they want to count them all. remember, there's no-two senate races on the ballot in georgia as well plus local races. >> the race for 270 continues,
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it's not over yet. walk us through the path for bide-tone 2730 and the path for trump to 270. >> let me walk over here. again, the biggest news of the today and it's critical for joe biden this was the centerpiece of his campaign, nominate me, i can get these blue-collar industrial states back. the three were pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. today he has scored two of them, michigan and wisconsin. 26 when you add them up. 26 electoral votes. that is what gets joe biden knocking on the door. 253. so if you go from here all joe biden needs to, do he's leading here he needs to hold it, he's leading here, he needs to hold it. that's 270. game over. you'd like more than that? you'd like to send a message to the american people you got a big victory, but the bottom line is winning and 270 is winning. that would get joe biden there. let's just for the sake of argument say what if the president did come back here? what if the president took arizona away? then where does joe biden go if he is going to win? well, then that would be here or here, possibly north carolina but the two leading options would be here and here and that's why we continue to count
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votes. the biden campaign is quite confident that this is going to go their way out here. let me turn this off and come back. they're quite confident this is going to materialize. that's why we saw joe biden come out today and say i'm not claiming victory but i'm quite confident. that's what they think. let's come at this from a ditch perspective. if you come out to where we are now how does the president get there? eph within called this yet. and some people think i'm doing the math backwards but everyone counts. we have not called this yet but the president is leading in maine's second congressional district. maine like nebraska allocates its electoral voelths by congressional district. let's assume he holds that lead here and let's assume he holds that lead here. that gets the president up to 245. we anticipate when we count votes in alaska the president will get those there. so now you're up to 243 to 248. right? so again, if biden holds this one then you come back here and the president of the united states can hold this one. then you're in a fight. then you're in a huge fight for arizona.
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which is why again, we think of this, it's the biggest prize. it's 20 electoral votes. it's still on the table. so this is what you're fighting for most here, as i bring these back here. let me take this away. just make it a tossup state. right there. look at that math. this is why. if the biden campaign can get, this you want a cushion. the trump campaign says he wants to run the table, get pennsylvania and get that back. >> if biden gets arizona and nevada it's game over. >> yeah. >> david chalian, let's take a closer look at nevada for us, specifically where the outstanding vote is right now. >> yeah. as john said, mission critical for joe biden initially, hold those clinton states, then try to flip some of those trump states. look here at the state in nevada. joe biden has a 7,647 vote lead. he's got 49.3% of the vote to donald trump's 48.7%. and that's with an estimated 86% of the vote is in. but here is what we know about the outstanding vote. we think there's roughly 200,000
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uncounted votes in nevada. and so calculating them, what trump would need and what biden would need to get nevada in their column. look here, joe biden would need roughly 45% to 47% of that 200,000 lot of uncounted votes so far. just note joe biden currently has 49.3% in the vote total. so his need range is a little lower than where his vote range is now. donald trump on the other hand would need 52% to 54% of that uncount uncounted pot of votes, the 200,000 votes we think run counted. that is wp well above his current 48.7% in the vote totals. a bit more of a reach right now for donald trump than joe biden. but clearly with 200,000 votes still out and only a 7,600-vote difference there's more counting to do in nevada. wolf? >> there certainly is. let's teak a closer look with john king right now.
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nevada. las vegas, that area is the most populous part. what, about 70% of the population lives in the las vegas area. >> let's do it this way so you can look at the size of the dots. that tells you the population centers. it's not even close. you look at the size of this and then you get asho county up here, reno. of course the more republicans areas you see, the red dots are a lot smaller. that tells you there are many fewer people there. that's the challenge. when you break this off and come on in, as david noted the president needs to overperform where he is right now. he's at 45%. he essentially needs to run about ten percentage points higher than that. 54, 55 and the rest of the votes. when you get to 85%, 8 times out of 10 when the rest of the votes come in they're within a point or two of that. when you study the history of elections it's unlikely the president's going to overperform that number by thatch, by ten percentage points. it's unlikely. it's not impossible, which is why we count votes. we're waiting. most of the votes will be here. clark county is more than 70%. it will be roughly around -- by the time we're done counting it will be 72%, 73% of the votes
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cast will be right here. and then you come up here again. you get more of the votes up here. and this will be about 15%, 16% of the votes up here and you see this one's a little closer but if the president of the united states needs 54, 55, he's 47 in this county and he's 48, 49 statewide. he has to amp it up. again, that normally does not happen. we don't live in normal times. we have a very close presidential election. let's wait for them to count the votes and see, and see if something unusual happens. the delays get frustrating. right? especially when you're so close. when joe biden's at 253. he's knocking on the door. the president needs a comeback to reassure his supporters he's still in the hunt. you would like to see nevada, arizona and these other states get to the finish line. but this is an election unlike any other. mail ib votes, in-person early votes, election day votes. you wish the official could count them quickly. the officials' response is we want to get it right, we're going to take our time. >> we'll be watching closely. we expect more votes out of arizona very soon. that state along with nevada
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could push joe biden over the top in electoral votes. will that happen? when will it happen if it happens? stay with us. what if you could have the perspective to see more? at morgan stanley, a global collective of thought leaders offers investors a broader view. ♪ we see companies protecting the bottom line by putting people first. we see a bright future, still hungry for the ingenuity of those ready for the next challenge. today, we are translating decades of experience into strategies for the road ahead. we are morgan stanley.
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welcome back to cnn's coverage of election night in america continued. you see there on the big board joe biden with 253 electoral votes. we projected michigan and wisconsin going to him today. president trump has 213. neither candidate has reached the magic 270 electoral votes as of yet. there has been reaction to today's election news from the markets. let's go to cnn's julia chatterly, who can tell us more. julia, how have the markets reacted and what's behind it? >> optimistic, jake. i have to say. the one thing i would tell you, and it is an overused phrase, is that investors and markets dislike uncertainty. well, the only thing i think we were certain about going into this election was that there would be ongoing uncertainty, and that's exactly what we've got. what the market's reacting to here is effectively pricing out a blue wave. they're saying look, we care less about who's in the white
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house than we do about what happens in congress and what policy follows. and that's jumping ahead of the counting and saying this result looks like a divided congress and we're optimistic. anything that was suffering under a black cloud of potential future regulations, so health care stocks, technology stocks, soared today. but there's two sides to every story, jake, and you and i talk about this all the time. what's critical to the economy is financial aid. and all the challenges in split congress that we've had over the past few months will likely carry on. financials. they tell you a story about the economy. they were weaker today because they're saying there's going to be challenges, ongoing challenges ahead to get critical money to ordinary americans. that's what we're looking at. and of course it's just one day. plenty more uncertainty to follow. >> all right. julia chatterlee, thanks so much. anderson? >> thanks very much. let's check in with michael smerconish, nia malika henderson, governor granholm, and scott jennings.
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how do you anticipate what we hear -- we're going to hear more results. not complete results but more results we believe from arizona in the coming hours. also in georgia. nia, what are you expecting to change? >> it's unclear. we don't know. there are hundreds of thousands of votes out across these different states. the counting is continuing. we think those folks are participating in our democracy. we just don't know. if the trends continue, it looks like biden is closer to getting 270 than donald trump is. but we just have to count. we can be patient and let the workers do their jobs and we'll see later on into tomorrow. >> scott jennings, what are you expecting out of georgia? >> well, it looks like there's going to be some tightening. i think what republicans are really concerned about of course is whether david perdue goes below the threshold for a runoff in georgia. so that's obviously something that's of real concern.
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now, on arizona i think we're going to know a lot tonight because it looks like the -- based on what we've been told there's going to be a huge number of ballots out of maricopa county. so if the trump campaign's claims that they are going to gain a lot of ground are to come to pass, we might find out something about that tonight. and if they don't come to pass, we might know that as well. so we can see in the next few hours, anderson, if what the trump campaign says is true about the nature of the ballots left to count out there. >> yeah, we're told, michael smerconish, more than 600,000 ballots still being counted in arizona. as scott said, most of them, some 450,000 or so they're estimating in maricopa county and may have been sort of delivered or dropped off in the day of the election and immediate days before. >> so i recognize that the race is certainly not over. and of course all the votes need to be cast. but the trajectory really is on the side of former vice president biden. the president needs something upended in order to change the
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momentum shift. i have to say, anderson, last night was an awfully exciting evening. there were several momentum shifts during the course of the counting of ballots yesterday and last night. but in the end when you step back it really does fit a pattern that the political scientists were telling us was very likely, which was that given the propensity of democrats to vote more often by mail-in balloting that there would come a point where as it was being tabulated you would see a gradual overtaking of the president by the former vice president. and that seems to be what's happening. >> governor granholm, it's interesting, we heard from joe biden a few hours ago. did not hear from -- have not heard directly from the president today on camera, though he has of course been tweeting. does surprise you? do you think it's wise he has not gone out there in front of cameras? because obviously he did that last night or early this morning. >> the damage has been done. no, he did do that last night.
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and there were republicans who pushed back on him because he was so outrageous. i'm glad he hasn't gone out. i'm glad it seems like his lack of being out front claiming victory, because really that's all he would do, right? he wouldn't go out and be gracious because that's just not in his dna. he wouldn't go out and say, you know, let's let the vote be counted. he made that clear last night. so keeping him off of the screen i think is a really good thing. and can i say, you know, one other thing. anderson, i know that we've been talking about this covid situation for months and months. and today on november 4th we have this unfortunate situation where -- not just unfortunate but tragic that we hit 100,000 cases of covid for the first time in a single day. we are going to get back to this covid thing. but in the end when we evaluate all of this i'm going to be really interested to see in the
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analysis how much the covid situation played into the outcome of this election. you know, i think a lot of democrats were surprised that it wasn't more overwhelming because it seemed so obvious that the president was acting so utterly recklessly. we are going to get back to this discussion about covid. he said that after the election, you know, covid, covid, covid, we're not going to talk about it -- of course we are. but i do think that in the end people will be so glad to have a leader that is going to focus on this relentlessly and responsibly like joe biden will do and it will be interesting to see how the president deals with it in a lame duck, if in fact he loses this election. >> yeah. nia, if joe biden does win, the next several weeks and months until an inauguration will be very interesting, to say the least. >> yeah. what does the president do? does he -- if he ends up losing and not getting those 270 electoral votes, does he concede?
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what sort of mechanisms does he use in office? executive orders. to get some of his wish list done. is there a stimulus package? i think the markets would like that. and families that are struggling around the country would like that as well. i imagine it would be chaotic. you have from the biden team they're already setting up their transition website. so they are looking like they think they're going to be in the white house. but it is going to be a very unpredictable next few weeks as the country grapples with this economic crisis as well as a health crisis. >> scott jennings, what would -- >> andsson, on that front -- >> go ahead. >> oh, sorry. yeah, on that front about the next few weeks, mitch mcconnell in his press conference today in kentucky said he would like to see another covid relief package before the end of the year. and so obviously donald trump will be president no matter what happens in the vote counting here. but also the american people just spoke loud and clear. i mean, democrats are going to lose seats in the house. looks like republicans, if it all works out for them, could still be the majority party in
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the senate. so i actually think politically nancy pelosi's hand has been weakened here by what the voters told us last night and it might strengthen what the senate republicans wanted to do, which was a more scaled-back but targeted package versus the bigger package that had been discussed just before the election between mnuchin and speaker pelosi. >> michael, what do you make of the stock market's response so far? >> i think that the stock market likes stability. and from a divided house of congress in light of perhaps vice president biden being the president if it goes the way that it looks like it's going, that's probably something the market likes more than perhaps control by both houses by democrats as well as the white house. could i just say that one of the interesting things that i'm going to pay attention to is the behavior of the president if it doesn't go his way. he's got a lot to be proud of in terms of the way he campaigned in the waning days of the campaign. he's got every right to fight
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for every vote that is rightfully his. he defied the pollsters yet again. and anderson, if in fact it doesn't go his way, i wonder if his legacy and if that's the reason that he wants to try and insinuate that there was fraud. dare i say that perhaps we've not heard the last politically from donald trump, even if he loses this race. >> the electoral count stands at 1253 f 253 for vice president biden. 213 for president trump. arizona and nevada could push biden to the magic number of 270 electoral votes. we'll expect new arizona results soon. stretched days for it. juggled life for it. took charge for it. so care for it. look after it. invest with the expertise of j.p. morgan, either with an advisor or online, through chase. after all, it's yours.
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let's take a look at the all-important electoral college count right now. take a look at this. you can see biden has 253 electoral votes. trump remains at 213. you need 270 to win the presidency. biden is getting closer and closer and closer.
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let's get a key race alert right now. in arizona with its 11 electoral votes, 84% of the estimated vote is now in. biden still maintains a commanding 93,000-vote lead over donald trump. 51% to 47.6%. in nevada right now 86% of the estimated vote is in. biden has a much smaller lead. 7,647 over donald trump. 49.3% to 48.7%. six electoral votes in nevada right now. let's go over to david chalian, who's taking a closer look. let's take a closer look at pennsylvania because that lead that trump has is still impressive but it's shrunk. >> it is impressive. and it has narrowed. remember, joe biden has rebuilt two pieces of the blue wall, michigan and wisconsin. it's pennsylvania where donald trump still leads. he's got a 266,000-vote lead right now in pennsylvania with 86% of the vote in. it is donald trump 51.5% to joe biden 47.2%. but you're right, wolf, that
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lead in the wee hours this morning, that was like 600,000-vote lead. and here's what we know about the outstanding vote in pennsylvania, what has not been counted. some 1.1 million votes. that's a rough estimate. not a precise number. but we then calculated to see, well, what would each candidate need to have pennsylvania in their column when all the vote is counted? joe biden needs a pretty steep climb here. he needs between 68% and 70% of that outstanding uncounted 1.1 million votes if he's going to overcome trump's lead, flip pennsylvania and make it blue. now, that is not out of the realm of possibility given the way he's winning a lot of this absentee vote that's coming in. but donald trump has a much easier task here at the moment because he's in the lead. he only needs about 28% to 30% of that outstanding 1.1 million batch of uncounted vote so far in pennsylvania. i just want to stress, though,
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that 68% to 70%, it is high but it is in line with what we've seen joe biden winning with these absentee mail votes as they come in. so it is not out of the realm of possibility that he could possibly overtake donald trump and close that 266,000-vote gap. not a guarantee at all. and that is why we have to continue to count the votes and wait, wolf. >> it won't be easy but we'll watch it very, very closely. john, let's teak a closer look at pennsylvania right now. what do you see? >> you see just what david just described, that joe biden faces a seep hill. but the math says it is possible. and that's why you keep an open mind and you count the votes. joe biden needs to be getting above 70% as david just noted. more than 2/3 of the votes. that's hard to do in a state where we know the president's very popular. however, the president's popularity is regionalized if you will within pennsylvania. look at philadelphia. joe biden needs 70% plus of the vote. well, look in philadelphia county getting 80% of the vote. we know a lot of those ballots are here. we can look at the turnout here, 457,000. we go back four years ago you
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see 584,000. we expect the vote count out of central philadelphia, the city itself and then the county around it will be higher than four years ago. that's what we're told to expect. so you come back here and you say okay, there are votes to be counted in a place where joe biden is winning nearly 80% of the vote. he has to be above 70%. more than reasonable to think -- again, it's a steep hill. a lot of votes come in here. joe biden can make up some of that math. it gets a little more dicey when you go to the suburban counties around it it. joe biden needs a lot of that to come in in central philadelphia and in the county. over here if he needs above 70% of the vote, well, he's getting 62% of the vote. are those mail-in ballots for montgomery county even more disproportionately pro biden? that's why you count them and find out. but you see the steepest of the hill is underscored there. you move around to chester county. again, the suburbs around philadelphia, the collar, now a big part of the democratic foundation. if you're going to win in pennsylvania this is where you need to run it up. this one is a little more conservative. the president doing okay. 55%. again, if the votes keep coming in here at 55%, that's under
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what joe biden needs, but we do know in the mail-in ballots we saw from today disproportionately for biden as david said, they're coming in in that direction. so then you move out here to left-wi allegheny county. 84%. this is the suburbs around pittsburgh. joe biden running at around 58% if you round up. below the metric he needs to meet. if you're doing 57%, 58% are they more disproportionately biden because we know democrats want to vote by mail. so let's just see. so you pull it out and you look again. this has been the president's -- the key state the president builds from pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin four years ago. 266,000 votes. you look at that and you say okay, that's a healthy number when you're up to 86%. but as david noted late last night into the early morning hours, it was more than 600,000. so the trend is obvious. it's moving in biden's direction. the challenge for the biden campaign is with those outstanding votes, roughly a million, can you make it up? again, it's hard. but we know from what we've seen so far during the day we have to
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keep it as a possibility because so far joe biden is meeting the metric he needs. the question is will he continue to meet it as they count the rest of those -- >> i'm just curious about erie county in pennsylvania, just south of buffalo, one of my favorite cities out there. >> all politics is local. >> but both biden and trump, they spent some time in erie campaigning. how do d. these two candidates do there? >> you look again, 83%. it's a nice call. we're waiting for more votes. traditionally a blue-collar place. the former governor tom ridge, this is where he lives. he was a congressman, then he was governor. he was for biden actually. a moderate republican for biden. 52 for trump. 47% for joe biden. if you round it up. if you go back in time to four years ago, again, we had the third-party candidates did better. that's one of the stories of this year. the third-party candidates did not do as well. the president won it by two points, three points if you round up there. back in here. it's about the same. maybe a little bit more of a trump lead. the question is where are the rest of those votes? here's what you have to do. remember, the reason we need patience to get through this
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process, everyone has to remember three different kinds of votes this year. people who voted by mail, they tended to be especially in pennsylvania disproportionately democratic. we know that from the data. people who and the election day vote, this is one of the states you have to gi the president credit and the trump campaign for the late rallies. those are super spreaders, mean in turning out votes on election day, it worked for the president. he was behind just like in 2016. the trump rallies did bring turn out. the question is, this is a great point as we watch erie county come in, are the ballots yet to be counted, or is it more of a mix. joe biden has to over perform that number, he has to overperform statewide across the commonwealth. we're going to respect the count in arizona where the president says he can come back. and it's getting interesting as it narrows. >> joe biden on the brink of 270 electoral votes, we're going to
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ask a close personal friend and political ally how the former vice president is feeling at this truly pivotal moment. we'll be right back. your experience matters. at university of phoenix, students with relevant life experience and eligible transfer credits save on average
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welcome to election night in america, continued, i'm jake tapper. we are still waiting to hear on the election results in several key battleground states. i want to go right now to gary tuchman who's in atlanta where we are expecting a press conference at any moment. the vote in georgia is narrowing, and gary is in atlanta, fulton county, where we're expect to go hear more. gary, what can you tell us? >> reporter: jake, we're in the state farm arena in atlanta, georgia. normally the atlanta hawks will playing basketball this time of year here. because of covid, they're not. the most exciting thing in the building is what's going on behind me. absentee ballot vote counting in fulton county. earlier in the day at 2:00 in the afternoon, we were told there are 64,000 mail-in ballots that have to be counted. the number is supposed to be updated in the next 10 minutes. we can tell you based on what we have done earlier in the day in
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dekalb county, they count between 5 and 10,000 ballots an hour. that was five hours ago. we're expecting they have counted 40, 50,000 ball lots since then. there's 159 counties in georgia. what you're looking at is one of the biggest counties. the other three large counties that are gwinnett, cobb, and also dekalb have thousands of ballots that need to be counted. these are adjudicators, ballots that may have been signed wrong, it's not clear what the intent is voted. they decide, a republican, democrat, independent if that vote should be counted. we can tell you based on what we saw a short time ago in dekalb county, they counted 4,000 ball lots in about 45 minutes, and of those 4,000 ballots, about 3,600 were for joe biden, about 90%. joe biden got about 83% earlier in the vote in that county, so he actually gained some. so you can see why democrats like what's happening here in a state like georgia, the four
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largest counties, which are heavily democratic, have a lot of democratic voters, counting thousands of ballots, and because they're mail in, because they're early, the presumption is this will greatly help the democrats. we should find out shortly how many more ballots need to be counted in fulton county issue the largest county in the state of georgia. >> we're expecting this press conference at any moment. is it actually possible mathematically for there to be enough ballots there so that joe biden would be able to win georgia? is that -- i'm not saying is it going to happen, but is it possible? >> right, the mathematical possibility is that when this day started, there were 235,000 ballots, roughly, to count in the entire state of georgia, but i will tell you, included in those counts, it's not just democratic counties. for example, houston county, which is in the central part of georgia, which is where warner robyns georgia, a military base, republican county, smaller number of people but had tens of thousands of ballots to count
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there. there is a mathematical chance with the 235,000 votes that need to be counted that something could change in the race. as you know, you have to be very careful with making that assumption. >> of course. it's not definitively going to happen. but georgia potentially 16 electoral votes, joe biden right now in our camp has 253 electoral votes, donald trump has 213. those 16, both of those men need it to get to 270. tell us what we're looking at right now, gary, because most of us have not ever been inside a voting room, a tabulation room. >> reporter: so the ground rules i'm not supposed to walk that close. i'm going to take the chance and walk close and ask this woman. can you tell me really quick, ma'am, what your job is right here. >> they don't want me to do that. but i can tell you what they do is sort the pallets, and this is what we learned in dekalb
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county, they sort the ballots, count the ballots, and also in the room, in the back, those adjudicators, the republican, democrat and independent, and a typical thing they look at, jake, the most typical mistake they see on a ballot is a mistake that's done on purpose, and that is people sign mickey mouse or donald duck in the writins, and that's a more common thing that we see in some of these counties. this is an important thing to point out in georgia. if joe biden wins the state, it would be quite amazing politically because this is a state with conservative republican senators, a conservative republican governor. the last time a democrat won the presidential race in georgia was 28 years ago when bill clinton won his first term. then before that, 1936, when jimmy carter ran for reelection. jimmy carter a native son in georgia, still lives in plains, georgia, south of atlanta, so
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georgia does not elect many democrats for president, for senator, for governor, and most of the members of the house of representatives are republican, so if there was a change, if the counting of the absentee ballots resulted in change, it would be a startling political story. these people are genuine hero. i was in ohio the last few days, and working in the precincts with those people, watching how hard they work, how hard these people work, and these are american heroes, not only working hard for a very important reason but they're working hard during a covid pandemic. they're brave and they're courageous, and we can't give them enough credit. >> and gary, just to be clear here, you said in the adjudication part of the room, there are partisan representatives, so there is a democrat and a republican official there to supervisor whatever decisions are being made. i just want to -- because we have seen that in other states, even though the trump campaign is out there complaining about not being allowed to watch such
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the similar processes in pennsylvania or michigan, but you're saying that as in those other sates, there is a democratic and republican person there to make sure everything is kosher. >> reporter: i can be very specific, that is this, i spent most of the day in dekalb county which is to the east of fulton county. in dekalb county they had groups of four adjudicator, one republican, one democrat, two independents, they then vote on whether a ballot is okay. that its intent can be ascertained. the vote is usually unanimous, they said. if it's two and two, they call in an election supervisor in the room to break the tie. they said there's rarely an issue with having to break the tie. they work well together. it's pleasant to see. bipartisan support among the adjudicators, they take their job seriously, and i can't tell you exactly if it's the same way here because we just arrived a
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short time ago. that's why i kind of interrupted that lady, which i kind of feel bad about, because i wasn't supposed to talk to her. i apologize to her for doing it, but i tend to talk first, and take the problems from talking to people later from the supervisors, but either way, we did talk a lot in dekalb county, and that's how it's usually done in most counties, not only here in georgia, but in other states also. nothing is done with partisan decision making. the idea is to make it as fair as possible. that's always been the concept of doing these things when you have vote counting afterwards here in the united states. >> gary tuchman subscribing to better to ask forgiveness than permission score. let me take you back to wolf blitzer. >> georgia, we're about to get a dump of thousands of votes. the president is ahead, 94% of the estimated vote is in. meaning there's 6% that's still
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outstanding. >> and gary tuchman right there in the room where it's happening, if you will. and look, we're grateful for gary and his reporting and grateful for the people. you hear things, read twitter, certain candidate is saying all of these horrible things is happening. math is happening, vote counting is happening. most workers are most likely democrats, and they're counting votes for the president of the united states, doing their job, counting the votes, and you have democrats, republicans, indemnities in the room, working it -- independents in the room working it out together. is there enough math. this is fulton county. look at joe biden getting 72% of the vote here, right. he needs to get somewhere in the ballpark of 70% or more of the remaining votes. gary noted he was over here earlier in dekalb county, to the right, to the east, in atlanta suburbs, 83% is what joe biden is getting this that county, if he matches the totals, he has a
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chance to joeovercome this math. 56,739 in the wee hours of the morning this morning, when we left here, 3:00, 3:30 this morning, that was a much bigger lead for the president. what's happening? they're counting the votes in metro atlanta and the suburbs, you heard gary note there were other counties down here as well throughout the state, as you move down here. houston county. other than a military base here as gary noted, they are counting votes here too. this is a county where the president is leading. does that mean the votes still being counted are going the president's way, we don't know that. we'll count them and tabulate them. they're counting them in predominantly democrat spaces, republican places that are closer. that's the way the process works. i want to focus here, you look at atlanta in the suburbs, as gary noted, not since bill clinton in 1992 has a democrat carried this state. you have to go way back in time. 2004, when george w. bush won it. you see how much more red that is. republicans used to dominate the suburbs in american politics, especially in the south. as you come forward, let's check
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in on obama in 2012, picks up a little bit more of it, african americans in the atlanta area, but then in 2016, you see the democrats start in 2016, you start to see it. this is a 51-46 state, if you come to 2020, and you see even - more blue here, and now you look in. it's the margins, right, so you look into atlanta, fulton county, 72% for joe biden. we'll go back in time. 69% for hillary clinton, the democratic stronghold, the most votes in the state in fulton county. what we're about to hear as you come back out. look at the margin, 72%. joe biden needs to get of the remaining votes, 70% or more as we go. and so you're looking around again, fulton, dekalb, you move up here to gwinnett, not quite, right, it's more conservative. as you move away from the city, you tend to get more republicans in the suburbs and outer loop, 58 to 40. joe biden winning convincely, up to 95%. here's what you're looking for.
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that's 95. come this way, still at 89 in a place where joe biden is getting above 80%. if you're in the biden campaign, you think let's keep counting them. keep coming in like that, they're in play. keep coming in like that, we're in play. you move over here, the margins go down a little bit in cobb county. 10% to be counted here. check down here in douglas county. again, a big biden margin here, up to 93%. also a little bit smaller population wise as you move away from atlanta. bottom line, wolf, 56,000. we're waiting for a big chunk out of fulton county we could get any minute. that would be a huge indication, right, if they report tens of thousands of votes, 20,000, 30,000 votes and you see the gap continuing to narrow, we will know joe biden's trajectory and the possibilities of overcoming that in the state of georgia. democrats have wanted georgia for a long time. today they want the math victory. >> they would love that if they could carry georgia. >> erica hill is in nevada. you got some news, what are you
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hearing? >> reporter: we have been waiting on more numbers. the secretary of state said overnight when they put out the most updated numbers a little after 2:00 a.m. that we would not get anymore results until tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. local time. a lot of people are wondering because this is such a tight race between joe biden and the president here in nevada, a short time ago, they told cnn that they are hopeful that they can maybe give us some more updates this afternoon. we're still waiting on that information, and as we wait, there's a lot of focus on clark county. that's where i am now, home to nevada, some 70% of active voters in the state are in clark county. it has leaned heavily democratic in the past. what you're seeing behind me is mail ballots that are being processed. this is the big sticking point here in the county. the clark county registrar told us we won't have new numbers from here either until tomorrow morning, they were following the lead of the secretary of state, but as we look at these mail-in ballots, the reason this is
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tough, we don't know how many outstanding ballots there are, and the reason for that is the first time this year, every active voter in the state of nevada was sent a mail-in ballot because of covid, understandably. we can look at the number of ballots that have been returned, the number of people that showed up to vote. we can look at the number who registered same day because you can do that in the state of nevada. to be honest, it's a little bit of a game of math, and we don't know ultimately how many voltes are outstanding. those people who received a ballots could have voted in person or may decide not to vote at all. >> as soon as you get the information, as soon as you get the numbers, let us know. we're watching nevada very very closely. john, we're going to get more ballots out of georgia, and nevada, both states that could be really really significant. >> and we hope so. again, as you have watched our kron correspondents throughout the day. gary tuchman, erica hill in nevada, transparency is critical here. we have a close race for president. nevada and arizona could put joe
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biden over the top. in nevada joe biden's lead, 7,647 votes, it's been that way for quite some time. no new votes out of nevada during the daytime hours here today. if you're the trump campaign, you're saying, we want to see the votes, we want to see the additional votes, and you can completely understand that, a biden supporter or a trump supporter, tast cloit's a close. the trump campaign, what's happening out there. i think the transparency part is absolutely critical. you want them to get it right, that's what they're going to say but you want to see more, 49.3-48.7. in a state that hillary clinton carried four years ago, you see the margin, close race, 48 if you round that up to 46. this is a close state. trending blue but republicans, especially president trump have been competitive of late. erica in clark county, vegas and the suburbs different place than
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25 years ago. an area hard hit in the covid economy because the tourist industry is down. a great laboratory of american politics at the moment because of the latino population, the suburban growth, because of the economic issues and look what you get. 53%, 45%. again, you know, this is just -- >> hold on a moment, john, there's a briefing going on in fulton county, georgia, right now, they're giving us some new information. let's listen in. >> the only ballots that are adjudicated are if we have a ballot with a contest, if there's some question how the computer reads it. the vote review panel then determines voter intent. we're trying to make sure that every ballot is counted. and we expect to be here, we're bringing in some more fresh people because we have had people here all day. we expect this to go probably until midnight or more.
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>> how many absentee ballots were cast in fulton county in this election? >> we have somewhere near 142,000 that will be out at the end of the process. we've scanned 113,130 as of moments ago. we've adjudicated 106,000 plus of those. the 106,000, those have already been published on the web site. we're going to run more frequent batch updates to english street so we can get the vote review panel to update those, to go through those and adjudicate those so we can get more updates throughout the night. >> 116.
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essentially right now, we've got five scanners, and we only have five openers, too, so we can't, even if we brought in more scanners, it's not going to help at this point. what we would need is more space, and if we need more space, i would have to ask everyone to leave so we can get more tables in here. we're going to do all -- we're going to finish tonight. yeah. as long as it takes, we're going to be here. that's why we're bringing in fresh bodies. we'll end up getting to the total, which is above 142,000. we have scanned in 113, 130. what takes the most time is getting them off because the cutters and extractors, it has to cut through two envelopes, so you run through it twice, and then it goes over to the flat
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eners, and that is a manual process over there. right now we're up to 106,000 up from 74,000 yesterday, we're up to 106,000, on our way to it will be in the neighborhood of 142,000. what? okay. no. well, no, but you can't publish a batch until that batch goes through adjudication. because what it does, any ballots in there that are flagged to be adjudicated by the vote review panel, those have to be dealt with before you can publish that batch. so the vote review panel will go through, and they'll see any
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contest that's on a ballot that has some question as to the way it was marked. the vote review panel then decides voter internet. none of the ballots get rejected. all that happens is -- you can make a determination on a contest on a ballot whether the person -- the voter intended to vote for this person or this person, so there aren't any rejections. if a ballot is rejected, it's done before you get to this process for either missing sig or signature mismatch, so once it goes through the scanner, it's going to count the ballot. it's just that there may be a question on one race or contest on that ballot. it's mostly the space. i mean, we don't have -- at this point, we might bring in some more tables and just get some
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letter openers and try to start opening by hand to supplement what we have with those. it will be after midnight by the time we get through adjudication. >> any other votes that were cast in the election in any other way left to be counted? >> well, yeah, the military overseas, they have until friday to come in, and then any provisional ballots. >> do you know how many there are -- >> i don't -- i don't know how many. >> so we'll continue to monitor that briefing in fulton county, that's atlanta, georgia, the largest county in georgia right now. i think he said that they've already received 142 absentee
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ballots, they reviewed about 106,000 of those, so they're going to release maybe 36,000 more in the next few hours. >> the math bounced around a little bit. that was the bottom line as well. they got about 36,000 more to go, and again, this is fulton county, atlanta. they're kind of overwhelmed, promised they would be done by late tonight, stay as long as it takes. if there's 36,000 more ballots to be had here, this is the question, right, let's come to the statewide total first, 56,000 vote lead at the moment, 56,739, and you think just in this county alone, the largest county in the state, 36,000 votes. we know joe biden was winning 72%, and the percentage for joe biden is actually higher in what we have seen reported today. if you think about it, again, you can do the math at home, it's 56,000, round that up to 57,000, right, just round that up, 36,000 ballots right here just in fulton county. joe biden needs the overwhelming
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majority, to get him back in the hunt. it wouldn't be enough if he won, 75, 80%, but it would narrow the gap. fulton county says they will be done by late tonight, the wee morning hours, and then you move over here to dekalb county, and we have ballots as well. there are still thousands of ballots to be counted here. this is a place joe biden is winning more than 80% of the vote. so this is a very narrow, you know, path for joe biden to catch up. but it's possible. because we have these votes out in the democratic counties around the atlanta metro, where the news conference played out. again you're looking at 56,000, 57,000, if you want to round that up at 94%. the math gets hard but what we have seen today in the counting of absentee ballots is joe biden is running ahead, certainly well ahead of his statewide numbers because most of these ballots, not all, most are in metro atlanta which is predominantly
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democratic, which is why in the biden campaign, they have hope of overcoming the math, and we need to play the process out. >> 16 electoral votes in georgia. 253 that biden has, 253 plus 16, very close to the 270 you need. >> we know if joe biden can protect his leads in nevada and in arizona, that would be enough, right, that would be enough, but just remember the moment we're in right now where the president's campaign, we'll see if they follow through, but the president's campaign says we're sending lawyers to pennsylvania, a recount in wisconsin. we're in the time the trump campaign is trying to think, how close is this, if we got one state back would that make the difference. imagine if that also went blue, not only does it change the electoral college map, it gives joe biden a cushion and changes every political decision that has to be made. if this comes down to one state, you know, there would be some republicans who side with the president who say fight it out. if joe biden can run up another
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one and pad that a little bit, then you'd have republicans saying mr. president, back off, the american people have spoken. would he listen, we'll see. it's not just the electoral college map, it changes the political psychology, which is why we want to count them all. joe biden is ahead. the trajectory is in joe biden's way. just as we want to count the votes here, we should count the votes there. we'll get to a landing place and count the votes. >> and sarri murray is in philadelphia for us. what are you seeing, hearing? >> well, wolf, we did just get an update from the secretary of state, and she said, you know, even though this count is going slow in pennsylvania, they are expecting to get hundreds of thousands more votes totalled tonight and in the overnight hours, and look, we know that in just here in philadelphia county that they have been working 24/7, they are counting all hours of the day. that's true of a lot of big counties across pennsylvania. we are getting these numbers rolling in county by county.
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there haven't been any major issues that have been arising. it takes a while. it's a lot of mail-in votes, the first time they're grappling with the number of mail-in votes, and that's why the secretary of state offered this word of caution tonight. she said even though we're going to continue to get these numbers rolling in, it could still be a matter of days before we get the overwhelming majority of these ballots tallied so they just keep urging patience. >> the president is ahead by 245,000 votes but that's a lot less than it was just hours ago. >> a lot less than it was, and has trickled down from midnight, 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m., throughout daytime hours today. in a normal election you would look at 86%, a lead of 245,000 vote, you would say that's impossible because they're splitting the votes along the ratio, that's not enough for joe biden to make it up. sarah made the most important point and a bitter broken record. a lot of people mailed in their
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ballots. we know from the data in pennsylvania, overwhelming a democratic vote, people who mailed in ballots, and people voted early and showed up on election day. election officials dealing with three separate batches of votes. and she's standing in philadelphia. if you look out here, and you look at that number, 47.4%, your eyes tell you and your math skills tell you joe biden can't make up 245,000 when he's getting less than half the vote. however, where we're still counting votes include places like philadelphia where lo and behold, 30% of the vote out, joe biden is getting nearly 80% of the vote. you move to the other suburbs, 61% of the vote. that is why when you look at the statewide numbers they tell you one thing. when you zoom in on where we're still waiting to count votes because this is a slow and arduous process, again, 57, 58% if you round up out here, statewide, joe biden needs more than that in the math but if he can run up good numbers here, still votes to count. again, this is the total counted
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so far, what we know so far is at least in the past those mail-in ballots have been even more lopsided in joe biden's favor. we don't know if that will continue. we know as we count them there's a mathematical possibility he can overcome that, which again, in every one of these states, the biden campaign wants to count them all here, the trump campaign wants to count them here. >> count the votes, we'll be patient. we have a key race alert right now. jo john, take a look at this. georgia right now. trump's lead has shrunk to 47,000 votes. 49.9%. biden has 48.9%. georgia, 16 electoral votes, it's now down to 47,111 votes, it keeps getting smaller and smaller that lead, and we're waiting now, bracing for a whole bunch of new numbers to come in. and heard from the gentleman, this is a tense day for everybody if you're watching at
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home, and you have a favorite in the race, especially if you're one of the partisans in the trump campaign headquarters and biden headquarters, and national headquarters and you have people on the ground here too and the important point and gary tuchman noted this, you have people in the room, so again, president has been saying he thinks there's nefarious things going on, republicans and democrats and independents in every one of these rooms across america, red state, and blue states counting the votes. in these predominantly democratic counties, populous counties, atlanta, fulton county, 10% of the vote statewide, we'll come out of this one county, more votes later today. >> 36,000. >> and as votes have come in throughout the day in fulton county, they started with 142,000, that's one of the reasons the statewide lead has been shrinking, joe biden has 72% in the county right now in the votes counted today. his percentage is higher than that. we're waiting for votes there. we're waiting for votes here.
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if that continues, joe biden is in play as they continue to count votes and you move over here, nearly 60%. the math gets a little more interesting. we're looking at democratic counties in metro atlanta. we have been told there are more votes, places like houston county have votes coming in. here the president is doing better. that does not guarantee in the votes counted he continues to win but that's one of the reasons to be fair to the president, some of these votes and you can pick a random county, and a lot of these places you're at 95%. it's a smaller county, but there's a possibility, we're focusing on metro atlanta, the most votes are, if joe biden is to come pack, that's where it's going to have to happen. there are smaller counties the president could pick up as well. >> and as we keep saying, georgia is so important. 16 electoral votes. we'll see what's happening. should get the numbers fairly soon. we're awaiting new vote totals out of arizona where joe biden is leading, also out of georgia
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all right. welcome back, we've got a key race alert right now in the critically important battleground state of arizona right now, 81% of the estimated vote is in. joe biden maintaining a lead of some 93,000 votes over donald trump. 51% to 47.6%. kyung lah is on the scene in phoenix, arizona, right now. we're bracing for more results, what are you learning? kyung. >> reporter: i'm watching my clock because in about 90 minutes, and that's an approximate time, that's been shifting depending on when the data is available, in about 90 minutes, the maricopa county recorders office anticipates that they will have some new data. we haven't had it all day. they anticipate a few hours after that to have a second round of ballot results. so two dumps today. ballot results from maricopa
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county, the critical maricopa county that encompasses phoenix, so it's a populous county, you win here, you win the state most likely. so what is happening in the state of arizona? here we are seeing ball lots still being counted, you see these boxes behind me. these are the ballots that have been counted. they are sealed, heading into a vault. in arizona, there are 635,000 that have yet to be counted. in maricopa county that number is about 450,000 ballots that have yet to be counted and when you ask the recorders office, well, what are these ballots when did they come in, they came in at the tail end of the early votes, saturday, sunday, monday, and then we're seeing both sides here in arizona, the two parties, the gop saying they think it is going to swing their way, that their voters come in late, and the democrats saying, no, no, no, we think they're probably our voters. so we just have to see how big this data dump is going to be, and then we also have to see who
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it is, where these ballots return. we are certainly, wolf, going to be watching this clock just about 90 minutes from now. >> we'll stay in close touch with you. we're anxious to get the numbers. let's go to john king, get a closer look at what's going on in arizona right now. thousands and thousands of votes are about to be disclosed. >> we still have a few states where we're racking them up. just in the commonwealth of pennsylvania, counting them there. let's move over to arizona. this will be very important, because, again, on a day when we know if joe biden holds this lead, and holds that lead, nevada, joe biden gets to 270 electoral votes, high intentions and expectations in the country where are we, 93,000 votes, that has been steady for quite some time. 90 minutes from now, we get some votes from here. maricopa county, and this is, unless it's incredibly close in the state, this is the ball game. 60% or more of the vote comes out of maricopa county, which is phoenix and the suburban area around it, joe biden at the moment, 52% to 46%.
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you're looking at a 6-point race essentially, this is exactly a 6 point race in maricopa county. joe biden has to stay ahead, win the majority of the votes and he will carry the state without a doubt. 80% there. the question is how many do we get in the next stallment, is it enough to project things out. we'll see. it's been a long day. patience is a virtue, we'll get there. we have in pima county, 87%. joe biden getting 60% of the vote here. in the two largest counties, pima and maricopa, we're waiting for votes, and everything we see so far tells us joe biden is winning a good majority there and even bigger majority here. so your eyes tell you their going to bring in more votes, and if they stay roughly in line with what we have seen now, joe biden will carry the state of arizona. we don't know that until we have seen them. a little bit more in the conservative parts of the state, 87% here. you see the difference in the vote count, rig, itht, it's a
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smaller count but a chance for the president to make up ground. we should not discount that possibility at all. come back out now, and bring the state down. you see it up here, and move up here as well. navajo county, much smaller, but again, the president running it up here, 83%. phoenix and tucson, maricopa and most volts are coming from there. >> those are the two big cities in the suburbs we'll watch. >> it is the position of the trump administration that officials keep counting in places such as arizona where president trump trails behind joe biden and nevada where he trails behind joe biden while the campaign, the trump campaign is also trying to stop counting or halt it in places where joe biden trails behind donald trump. one such place is georgia, and for the latest information and the latest news on that, we go to kaitlan collins now kwhowho' covering the trump campaign and the trump white house for us.
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what is the latest? >> reporter: it's been a day of legal challenges coming out of the trump campaign as they're trying to figure out what their strategy is going to be now that the president's chance of being reelected has narrowed significantly, and i'm being told that the trump campaign has filed a lawsuit in georgia. after earlier today they asked for a recount in wisconsin, talked tabt filiabout filing a n michigan, and that comes after the secretary of state in georgia said just a few hours ago that they still had 185,000 ballots that they were going through, and counting. and we just heard from the fulton county elections director who said they did believe they were going to finish counting those votes tonight. so we're waiting for the release from the trump campaign to see what this lawsuit actually intends to do. of course we have seen what they wanted in michigan. they wanted more meaningful observation, this could be to halt votes while they are trying to get something related to absentee ballots. we're waiting to figure out exactly what the details of this
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lawsuit are going to be. this is yet another legal challenge that we're seeing coming out of the trump campaign as they are basically scrambling to try to figure out what their strategy is going to be as they try to hold biden off becoming the president elect while they are waiting for votes to come in arizona and nevada as they are trying to figure out if they have a path to victory at this point. >> kaitlan collins, thank you so much. so many things, jeff zeleny with the biden campaign, so many things that we have covered when it comes to this president, and not normal behavior, not what we expect from a presidential candidate or a president himself. this idea of just trying to stop the counting in places that are advantageous for him, and keep it going in places where they need the votes is not how campaigns behave in general. is there any communication going on right now, jeff, between the trump campaign and the biden
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campaign? >> jake, the only thing the biden campaign has heard from the trump campaign's point of view is the lawsuits, and that is indeed hanging over this, although it's different in most every way. there was no phone call last night, al gore called george w. bush and retracted his concession. there have been no communications between joe biden and the president. but we certainly heard a different tone from joe biden today as he spoke in the building mind behind me here, t chase center, he didn't mention him by name but also his tone was so different from other things we have heard. there was no mocking, no dismissive of him, and top biden advisers have told their aides and staff and supporters to not use this moment to make fun of the president, to mock him, to go after him in any way. they are adamant on counting every vote, and that is their focus here. so it is unclear at what point if they will ever speak.
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the biden campaign is still hoping to have a victory celebration if they do indeed win these states, which they need to do. it could go either way. so jake, usually these things are worked out in advance, the aides to both of the candidates have phone numbers, no word on if there's been any talk at all. one thing is clear, a biden add vo adviser said we still have the number for the white house. >> and both candidates trail behind 270, which is the magic number of electoral votes needed. kaitlan collins, you have more information? >> yeah, we just got this statement. we are now learning what this lawsuit that the trump campaign is now filing in georgia, this is brand new, about mail-in ballot, they sent out a release from justin clark, the deputy campaign manager at the trump campaign, and they are talking about mail-in ballots being legally counted they have to be received by 7:00 p.m. on election day. they are claiming there were ballots received after that time frame, there have been a lot of claims coming out of the trump campaign. we're checking with our reporters on the ground in georgia about this, jake, but
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this is another effort by the trump campaign, basically they are saying that they want them to resolve this issue and pause counting votes while they do this. so this is another effort by the trump campaign when it comes to georgia, a place that they did not think they were going to have to worry about, but now we're seeing the president's lead there so substantially narrowed that the trump campaign is obviously now worried about georgia which of course is not a state they can afford to lose at this point as these votes are still being counted tonight but this lawsuit is clear. it is now going to be about ballots being mailed in, when they were received, and this is an effort that we have seen not only in georgia but also in other states like pennsylvania as the trump campaign is trying to figure out what they're going to do here to try to keep the president in the white house. >> kaitlan collins, we'll wait for the evidence of malfeasance, as opposed to just taking the trump campaign's word for it. and one of the things that's going on here, the word flailing does come to mind, but earlier today, one of the president's offspring tweeted out a video
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that supposedly was of somebody burning a bag of ballots for trump. it wasn't real. it was bogus. it was upon further inspection a bag of sample ballots. it was just complete crap and yet there it is, one of the president's sons tweeting it out. the lies having coming now for years, but i guess we shouldn't expect anything other than that. >> no, and maybe it is a coincidence, i think all three of us think not that as we are seeing the lead that the president has shrink in georgia, poof, we have our inboxes a lawsuit from the trump campaign because they claim that there are 53 late absentee ballots illegally added to a stack of absentee ballots. as you said, let's wait for the proof, and the thing about a court of law because that's where they are trying to put this is they would require
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evidence to prove that this is the case. and so this is classic donald trump. he did this from the beginning of his time as a private citizen in business. he is incredibly litigious. this is not something that is a surprise, but it is, you know, pretty clear that they're doing this, if donald trump had a healthy lead in georgia, this would not be happening. >> that was 53 ballots, 53, not 53,000 or 5,300. it was 53? there are 50,000 votes roughly separating joe biden and donald trump in georgia, and hundreds of thousands of ballots still uncounted so we're talking about really big numbers in georgia, and this lawsuit, like you said, it's just muddying up the works in a state where they really kind of need to just slow things down. i do get the sense that a lot of
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these lawsuits are about maintaining a narrative. they want to buy themselves as much time where they're perceived as being as viable as possible in as many places as possible. and they're buying time, particularly for pennsylvania because they do, perhaps, think that's their best shot. but at the same time, inevitably these votes are going to be counted and the outcome is going to be what it is, and no amount of delay is going to change what the outcome actually is, but kro you're seeing in this delay, this space of time where there's delay, the president and his children and his lawyers trying to put out all of this disinformation to confuse people about what's really going on. >> yeah, i mean, i think that that's part of it, i also think part of it is that whether or not they believe it, and they're that delusional, or they just are trying to undermine the integrity of the election. they do not want a president biden to be able to claim that
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he won fair and square, even though there's no evidence to the contrary. and nobody has yet won. we are awaiting those new vote totals out of arizona and georgia. will they be game changers with joe biden on the brink of 270 electoral votes or will they not? stay tuned. and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. oh. their award-winning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. and it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. so it's like my streaming service. well except now you're binge learning. see how you can become a smarter investor with a personalized education from td ameritrade. visit ♪ ...who takes care of yourself. so why wait to screen for colon cancer? because when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. tell me more.
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we are expecting to see some more voltes counted in arizona and georgia, we're expecting two sets of results coming in tonight in arizona over the course of the next several hours. unclear exactly how many votes we'll be getting, but do you anticipate any clarification on where things actually are in arizona? >> we might, we'll get results from maricopa county, and so we'll be able to see a big bunch of ballots. >> not total results, though. >> no, not total results but if you look at maricopa county, and i know the biden campaign is kind of looking forward to getting those results, they can say, then, that they are head by a margin that you would not be able to beat given the remaining number of votes.
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>> trump campaign is equally anxious. >> let that be a clue. we'll see. their theory is that the late dropoff votes are going to skew republican and if there's a large number of votes that are reported, even if they're not determinative, they will give you a sense of the direction. >> what's the evidence that these would be republican leaning? >> again, it's not where they are, it's when they are. >> they came in late. >> these came in late. they were almost like if you will, going to the polling place, you drop them off at the ballot box at the day of, which is sort of what the trump people were all aiming for. >> more republican. >> and you got a lot of people nervous now because, you know, arizona has not been called by cnn. that is very scary to the lot of democrats. we're still, you know, stink bit from 2016, and so -- >> it's hard to get democrats nervous. >> i can tell you -- >> i wonder why.
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>> republicans are nervous about what's going on in georgia right now. >> right. >> these numbers, and you know, you're going to hear this from conservatives, you know, georgia keeps coming up with ballots, you know, and that's one of the frustrating things in this type of election. >> it's called voting. >> i understand. but when you have these type of absentee ballots, things like that, you don't know exactly how many you have. and that's -- it sort of leaves that, you know, well, what are they doing, right, because oh, they keep coming up with ballots. the reality is, you're right, that's called voting. this is nothing unusual about this process. it does happen all the time. you don't know how many absentee ballots until, guess what, you get them and count them. that's when you find out. >> they're filing lawsuits in michigan, pennsylvania, georgia, not in arizona, at this point, because they want those votes, those unknown absentee ballots that are just dropped in, they
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want those. >> it's almost kind of political. >> i mean, i don't know. >> how about that. >> you guys are such cynical people. >> so here's the thing in georgia, all right, trump won by 211,000 votes last time. the lawsuit you were talking about, anderson, there is somebody saying that 53 late absentee ballots were illegally added to a stack of on-time absentee ballots. and that -- >> 53. >> 53. >> 53. >> so you're going to -- if this is what you're going to do, after a certain point, everybody wants a fair election. >> and won by 30 votes, 53, in a close election, 53 may be the deal. >> 100,000. >> but what i'm saying is what they're really worried about is not those 53 ballots, they're worried about the fact that trump won by over 211,000 in 2016 and that is not what they
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are seeing. >> that is something that we should note. we're sitting here and we're saying there's great suspense about whether trump or the democrat will win arizona and georgia. >> wow. >> which would have been >> i am not too sure that's true. we were sitting here before any of these results came in. the national polls say including cnn of double digits. >> historically, rick. >> there is a new coalition in these states between georgia and african-american voters but not exclusively and asians and hispanic voters and sbur buburb voters.
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70,000. i may give the people who have higher pay rates than us here and elsewhere who make these calls on racist on real sense of trends that could allow them to call it. it will give them a direction. nevada comes forward, we may get a clearer sense. >> we are watching vote counting in georgia as we are waiting for new results in that state as well. will we be able to project winner in either of those battlegrounds? it is all ahead, stay with us. this is us talking tax-smart investing, managing risk, and all the ways schwab can help me invest. this is andy reminding me how i can keep my investing costs low and that there's no fee to work with him. here's me learning about schwab's satisfaction guarantee. accountability, i like it.
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4:58 pm
we are night two of our special election coverage, we are inching closer to learning who wins the white house. we see joe biden locking up to
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critical wins. michigan and wisconsin. we are waiting significant results out of two of the six states that are still undecided. we expect new vote totals in arizona where biden is leading and georgia where the race has dramatically tighten. this comes as biden is close to the 270 electoral votes needed to win the contest, locking up 253 compares to 213 for trump. the trump campaign is filing legal charges in multiple states as the number seems to be working against the president. nothing is final. not yet as votes are still being counted right now. let's get a key race alert. two of the states, arizona, 82% of the estimated vote is biden leading trump by 93,000 votes.
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51%-47.6%. that's arizona. in georgia, 16 electoral votes. president trump is leading biden but that has dramatically slunk 49.9%-48.9%. let's check in with our reporter on the scene for us to you in phoenix. what's the latest there? >> reporter: well, we are watching our clocks here because in just about one hour we are anticipating and that's fluctuating about an hour, it is proximate that we are anticipating a ballot update of the maricopa county's office. all the data have come out, we anticipate to get some numbers, numbers we have not had all day, some numbers to come out in just about one hour. a few hours after that. that's a bit floating but a few hours after that we'll get a second ballot result.


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