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tv   Election Day in America  CNN  November 5, 2020 10:00am-1:00pm PST

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battlegrounds that could decide if he wins the white house and defeats president trump. we're expecting more results out of nevada at any moment after biden increased his lead there a little while ago. he also has made gains in georgia and pennsylvania dramatically shrinking the president's advantage in those states. right now, it is too early to call races in states including arizona, another battleground that could potentially close the deal for biden. democrats looking to build on the 253 votes to hit the winning 270. the president has 213 electoral votes, and is mounting legal challenges as he sees his options narrowing and narrowing. let's get a key race alert now. let's start in georgia. 16 electoral votes, 98% of the vote is in. look how close. trump has a lead by 13,540 votes.
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49.5% to 49.2%. very close in georgia. in nevada, right now, 88% of the estimated vote is in biden's lead, 11,787, 49.4% to 48.5%. we have our reporters watching what's going on in georgia and nevada now. victor blackwell is in atlanta. first of all, what are we learning from the secretary of state? >> wolf, we got the latest count of outstanding absentee ballots. according to secretary of state, that number is 50,401. ballots still outstanding across georgia to be counted, with a margin so narrow between president trump and former vice president biden. the 50,000 give an opportunity to the biden campaign. the director of elections in fulton county wrapped up a few moments ago in which they announced absentee ballot processing is complete.
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they have reported more than 145,000 ballots. they have 7,000 to go, approximate number. next is to go through adjudication of a few ballots out there that have to be deciphered, intent of the voter. expectation is there will be some potential overseas mail in ballots, their deadline is 5:00 p.m. tomorrow. of that 7,000, there are 12,000 cured ballots, which means there was a missing signature or something wrong that will be added as well. of ballots already counted, there will be another 7,000 number from the executive director of elections in fulton county. all the action in the room, they finished processing ballots, now we're waiting for those few thousand to be added to the tabulation from this county. >> significant number, 50,401 uncounted, ballots still
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outstanding, uncounted ballots. the trump lead has gone down to 11,000. 13,000 i should say. sara sidner joins us from las vegas. what's the latest there, sara? >> reporter: we are awaiting a press conference from clark county where about 70% of the electorate is. this is very significant. we have noticed they started to update numbers. we have seen a slight change in numbers. 431,863 votes for joe biden and donald trump has 367,279 votes. talking about 53.1% for joe biden now and 45.1% for donald trump. but that's just out of clark county. we are watching their numbers very slowly start to tick up. what we do not know, what's still outstanding are the
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mail-in votes. it has been slow going. they're in counting right now. what we know is that they can be counting ballots here and more ballots can still come up up to 5:00 p.m. on november 10th. that is going to cause -- they're going to count every vote. that will cause delay in knowing officially what the ballot count is because they're allowing votes that were put in the mail and stamped before or on november 3rd, as long as they make it here, as long as they make it into the hands of ballot counters by november 10th, 5:00 p.m., they still will be counted. that's one of the things that's different here than other states. i have to tell you, there are a lot of folks, people here rallying, mostly on the side of donald trump, they want in. complaints of republicans here like in several other states they aren't able to watch the process the way they want to be able to watch the process happen
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and they're talking about potentially filing lawsuits. i know the gop and trump filed a lawsuit over that particular thing, we are hearing of another potential lawsuit as well. everyone is trying to get a view of what's going on, how the counting is going. and we are simply waiting here because hopefully in the next few minutes, we're getting a new tally count, new numbers coming forward here in clark county. >> largest county, las vegas in nevada. 200,000 uncounted votes in all of the state of nevada. thank you very much. victor, thanks to you as well. we'll get back to you both. back to john king. talk about georgia and nevada right now. start with georgia. it is so close there. there's still 50,000 or so outstanding ballots. >> it is a smaller margin than 24 and 30 hours ago. that's the dynamics of georgia. can joe biden continue the surge
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that cut the president's lead to 13,540. the answer is it is mathematically possible. he has to win 63% of the remaining ballots. a lot of those remaining ballots, they have several thousand more in fulton county, atlanta and suburbs around it. you see what's happening. i said joe biden needs 63, 63.5%, he is getting 72% in fulton county. he is matching the metric he needs so far. does not guarantee he matches it everywhere else as other ballots come in. clayton county, they're up to 93%. getting there. look at what's happening. joe biden needs 63, 64% of outstanding ballots. he is getting 84% of the vote in clayton county. another place, wolf, atlanta metro, biggest population center. you see from the blue, biggest source of democratic votes. if you come to savannah, chatham county, still at 87%.
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joe biden is getting 57, 58%. again in mail in ballots he is doing better. here's the chess of the final moments. he needs 63% statewide of what we believe to be outstanding ballots. is he getting that in the outstanding ballots here or matching that below. that's the math we have to do. absolutely critical. the president needs to win this state. he needs to win georgia and pennsylvania. game over if he doesn't. you look at the states here. any path for the president to get to 270 includes pennsylvania and georgia. just a fact. you see that shrinking now. of course there's a great deal of apprehension in the trump campaign. we will watch as the rest of the votes come in. suburban atlanta is where most of it happened. dekalb county, look at joe biden, 83% in suburban atlanta and dekalb. up to 95%. most of them are counted. come here, 95% in gwinnett, few ballots there, fulton county,
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cobb county, they're close. few thousand here, several hundred somewhere else. every time more ballots have come in, victor said a few thousand in fulton county, it will be interesting when we get the rest. when fulton county says full stop, we're done, that will give you a chance if joe biden narrowed it enough closer to the finish line. >> it is very, very close. let's get some context on georgia. david chelian is joining us. >> unbelievably close race. 13,540 vote lead donald trump has over booids. 49.5 to 49.2%. 98% of the vote is in. as more vote comes in, the universe universe of uncounted ballots shrinks. we're down to 50,000 uncounted ballots in georgia. we calculated what each candidate needs of the uncounted universe of votes to win the state. joe biden now only needs between
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62 and 64% of the 50,000 uncounted ballots. the votes coming in, he has been winning more than that now because of where they're coming from, democratic areas. now it is only 62 to 64%. donald trump obviously has a lower percentage because he is in the lead, only needs 35 to 37% of the 50,000 uncounted votes to hang onto that lead in georgia and keep that state red but joe biden's number is becoming well within reach in terms of what we are seeing in vote returns. the percentage he is getting is ahead now of the 62 to 64% he needs, wolf. >> and what else is interesting, david, thank you very much. of the 50,000 uncounted vote remaining in georgia, we are told almost all of it is absentee ballots. >> absentee ballots. the percentage joe biden needs is shrinking, he has been
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overperforming it. that's a fascinating dynamic. this is the mail in ballots. we talked about it before the election, they take longer to count. >> clark county registrar is talking about vote counting going on. >> election day at the drop off locations, vote centers and election day department, 34,743 ballots dropped off. the u.s. postal service as of election day and yesterday brought to us 4,208 ballots and there were 24,311 ballots that were pending when we stopped processing to get ready for election day. that brings us to 63,262. today, staff is preparing to count and has already begun counting a little over 51,000 ballots that will be reported tomorrow prior to the 10:00 a.m.
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brief. it is important that everybody understand that there are also additional ballots that are pending, outside of what i just described. i am those. the provisional ballots that were cast during early voting on election day, the first announcement i need to make, posting placed on the website on election night and yesterday was incorrect. we determined our tabulation software was incorrectly duplicating records, so the 120,000 you may have seen on the website is an incorrect number. that's been corrected. and the post it is on the website now. it is now correct. the provisional ballots number a little over 60,000. we have to coordinate very closely with the secretary of
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state. we are a bottom up, not top down voter registration jurisdiction, so all 17 counties need to send information to the secretary because there's not one single database we all draw from. we all have our own. coordinating with secretary of state, we are awaiting instructions from them, when to send a provisional listing to them. we need to make certain that nobody who casted a provisional ballot here in clark county has done so in another county. so we are waiting instructions when to send that report so we can make that verification. staff is still currently working on all of the provisional ballots to make determinations as to whether the voter was eligible to cast that provisional ballot. that work will be ready once we notify secretary of state and it is an automated process to pass provisional ballots into the tabulation system. we have a group of voters that
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are id required for one reason or another. deadline for those voters to get back to us is friday, november 6th. 5:00 p.m. that's another group of ballots that need to be put in the system once they have come into provide their id. the u.s. mail will continue to deliver so starting tomorrow through next tuesday which is the last day for us to receive a mail ballot that's been postmarked november 3rd, we will continue to receive mail. again, those ballots are also separate from what i previously reported. voters that were notified that they either didn't sign their ballot or the signature didn't match in our system, they have until thursday, november 12th to cure that ballot. the last day we can tabulate and send ballots into the system is november 12th.
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so that night we will stay here until we are done entering ballots into the system because the statute clearly tells us that we must be done counting by that date. with that information, hope that i clarified a lot of the questions. we are anticipating to have the bulk of mail ballots that have been received into the system by saturday or sunday. those ballots coming in through the u.s. mail or being cured would be a small number and we will continue to put those in, but the bulk of ballots we hope will be read by saturday or sunday this weekend. again, we won't complete until november 12th with all of the other ballots that serve as exceptions. with that information, i have a short period of time where i can answer some questions.
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my response is we are not aware of any improper ballots being processed. not directly that i am aware of. [ inaudible question ] >> i think it is important for the entire country to understand that mail ballots on this scale is very new to the state of nevada. we made a decision here to provide as much access as we possibly could as a result of the pandemic and so our process has run a little slower. we have to make sure data is being updated because we need to prevent people from voting twice in the system. so we have to scan those in as mail received so it updates the database so in person voters can't have voted twice. we are still receiving
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information from the election day laptops. that will be complete today. we're going to update, make sure all of the information was downloaded from all 1300 laptops that were used on election day to make sure the automated system will reject mail ballots for somebody that voted on election day. so the goal here in clark county is not to count fast. we want to make sure we are being accurate. results in the state of nevada are going to be very important to the entire country. that's the number one goal. >> what is the outstanding number? >> i just went through the whole thing. >> what's the total? >> i went through a long process. how about we get together after this. >> why is it taking so long to count 70,000 a day. >> i think i just answered that. >> if you have capacity, why aren't you doing that. >> there are many steps in the process. first process is it runs through the machine, then there are two manual processes, then goes to
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the counting board, then goes to tabulation. i need you to speak up, i can't hear the question. [ inaudible question ] >> i did not say they were already counted. i said today the staff is prepared to count 51,000 ballots ready to be counted today. those will be reported tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. right there. next to you. folks, i need you all to speak up. i cannot hear you. those are separate. that's why i listed in the statement those are separate from numbers that are reported first. i don't have that number with me.
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>> to summarize, how many ballots are left to count? >> that's a number i can't give you. i can't predict what's going to come through the u.s. mail. i deliberately went through the numbers. i was hoping you all would take the information i am providing. there's a set number of ballots that we know are available to be processed and that's the 63,000. then i mentioned all of the other additional ballots. again, we plan to be able to have counted the majority of the mail ballots by saturday or sunday and then all of those other ballots that were statutorily limited, we have to continue to accept them up until tuesday, november 10th. >> repeat the numbers so we were clear. 63262? >> that is correct.
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[ inaudible question ] >> i dealt with miss stoke. she brought the claim to me, we reviewed the ballot, in our opinion it is her signature. we gave her opportunity to provide a statement, if she wanted to object and provide a challenge to that. she refused to do so. member of nevada secretary of state investigation team also interviewed her, they had no issue with the assistance we tried to give her. i have nothing else to comment on that. next question.
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>> my wife and my mother are very concerned for me. we have security. we have law enforcement that are protecting us. i am concerned for the staff, we have protections in place to have the security that's necessary. we'll begin to monitor the vehicles as they come into make sure they should be here and that they're parking properly so we don't prevent our employees from having an issue getting in and out of the facility. i feel safe, we're going to be okay. and continue to count. we won't allow anyone to stop us from doing our duty when counting ballots. [ inaudible question ]
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first part of the question relates to action taken by the nevada legislature. i don't make policy. i am an administrator. we carried through what they described us to do. that issue has been litigated and the judge ruled in our favor. louder, please. [ inaudible question ] those are reports we're going to generate after the election once we get ready to do our canvas. that's information i will have available once we have done the work, counted all the ballots. if we have proof, we'll be out to arrest people, those are illegal actions. that's an activity that needs to take place once we have done counting and getting the canvas done.
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[ inaudible question ] most voters have been notified and they actually voted, they voted provisionally, were told they didn't have the id needed to do that. these are mail ballot voters that were notified to provide an id on the envelope sent to them and failed to do so. so they have been notified, the deadline is tomorrow, 5:00 p.m. i know there are several people working to actively reach out to those voters, try to help them get in with the id. a question here. yes, right there. [ inaudible question ] depends on the status of mail ballot process. we are running shifts in certain areas. we work from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00
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or 11:00 at night. don't run the 24 shifts you see in other states because work that comes through on the mail process is deliberate as it moves forward. we complete work that's done in each stage and then the next day it carries forward to the next. i emphasize, what i am trying to report is clark county looks like we'll be able to count the majority of mail ballots by saturday or sunday. however, there are other ballots as a result of statutory requirements that we'll have to continue to read because we have to take ballots in until next tuesday. i will be here at 10:00 a.m. until we're done. [ inaudible question ] >> we are going to coincide with secretary of state. it is very important as a state, all 17 of the counties work to coordinate with the second, our
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chief election officer. she has reported that she put out today -- and reported is the secretary makes decision not to report from here on out, we are going to have to report, so if we have results to report, we will do it on a daily basis as mentioned. we'll do a 10:00 a.m. brief to give you an opportunity to ask questions. updates should be posted prior to the brief. [ inaudible question ] any individual that had an issue with mail ballot should have contacted us prior to election day. we are here to help the voter. i have been on many zoom interviews, media interviews, many organizational groups throughout the county letting them know if you have an issue with the ballot, whatever it may be, call 455-vote. however, they're past that process. the election is over. we're in the process of counting
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at this point. right there. you know that's available on the website. i don't have that number off the top of my head. you can quickly see it on the website and enr report. right there. [ inaudible question ] >> all right, we're going to continue to monitor that news conference in nevada. 89% of the vote, 88% in clark county, but in nevada in general, 89% of the vote is in. plenty of outstanding ballots are still out there. biden maintains a lead by 11,438. >> you heard the gentleman say 50,000 ballots or so needed to
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count in clark county. striking part, stunning part, frustrating part, he said it might be saturday or sunday before they're done. no indication that they would report as they go. we are seeing this happen in pennsylvania and georgia. it takes time to count mail in ballots. we need to have grace. it is an unprecedented election. seems remarkable we have a conversation on thursday about an election that was tuesday, official says they're not counting 50,000 ballots until saturday or sunday when we see in pennsylvania they're counting millions, georgia, counting tens of thousands. we have to watch the vote there. you see 53-45, biden has a lead of 11,000, he wants to protect it. a clinton state. we may have to wait. if it comes down to nevada, might be election week. >> we are following new numbers coming in from key battlegrounds, including nevada
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and pennsylvania, where president trump's lead is narrowing. how long will counting take? we talk to the secretary of state of pennsylvania when we come back. i'm not hungry! you're having one more bite! no! one more bite! ♪ kraft. for the win win.
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welcome back to election day in america continued. all eyes are on pennsylvania, still too early to call. president trump has a narrow lead of about 114,000 votes, as voting has gone on today, it narrowed by about 50,000 votes since this morning. joining me now to discuss, secretary of state of the commonwealth of pennsylvania, kathy boockvar. thank you for joining us. how many ballots remain to be counted, do you think we could know who won pennsylvania by end of today? >> so yeah, i think we definitely could. i think there's about 550,000 some odd plus or minus ballots that are still in the process of being counted today. some of those may have already been counted but are not yet uploaded, but yeah, they're coming in.
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we're getting 10,000 here, 20,000 here. counties are furiously at work and it is looking like we're ahead of schedule. i have been saying we'll have the overwhelming majority counted by tomorrow, looks like we'll have the overwhelming majority counted by today. >> where are the bloallots from largely from population centers of allegheny county on the western side of the state and philadelphia and collar counties around philadelphia? is that where most of these vote by mail ballots are from? >> yes. there's still about 100,000 or so in philly. about 37 or so in allegheny, collar counties, some of them finished, some have anywhere from 20 to 40,000 still remaining. yes. the largest number in population centers. >> you said there's about 100,000 left outstanding in philadelphia approximately. when do you think they'll be counted and why is it taking so
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long? >> so they have been doing everything right. they got hundreds of thousands of ballots. they ended up getting 350 some odd thousand ballots which is fantastic. they've been doing this as quickly as they can. as you know, this takes time. for example, last night i know there was some question about why they didn't report some for some hours last night. it is because they were doing reconciliation of the ballots, which is what they should be doing. they're back counting now. i expect them to be reporting throughout the day. they have a lot of staff and a lot of equipment and i am confident we'll have the majority done today, overwhelming majority. >> to be clear for everybody watching, every one of these election centers where ballots are being counted allows democrat and republican election observers to be there, so several of them have cameras on
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them that can be viewed from other rooms or online. nothing is done in the dark. democrats and republicans all have access to see what's going on? >> absolutely. in pennsylvania, every candidate and every political party is allowed to have an authorized representative in the room observing the process. some jurisdictions including philly are live streaming it. you can watch the counting process from anywhere in the world. it is very transparent. >> local officials tell cnn election workers in philadelphia briefly paused counting this morning after a trump campaign legal action. can you tell us why philadelphia paused counting this morning, how long that break lasted and whether or not they restarted? >> sure. yes. my understanding is they restarted. they paused so there was decision from commonwealth court, statewide appellate court that reversed a philadelphia court decision that okayed
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distance from which authorized representatives could observe. the commonwealth court said they had to be allowed closer. philadelphia has had to reconfigure their operations to allow that. they have appealed. their operations work better the way they had it arranged, but they're complying with the court order. they're appealing it, and meantime are getting back to counting. it wasn't very long. >> for people that don't know, there's a legal fight going on about ballots that arrive after election day, after election night rather that were sent before the election or by election day that have post marks or no post marks. this does not esffect, this is not about ballots stamped as arriving after. there's a big legal fight going on. you have until 5:00 p.m. to respond to a motion to intervene brought by trump campaign
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related to these ballots. what are you going to say in that response and are you confident that ultimately these ballots that were cast before or by election day that arrive after in the three days will be counted? >> yes. so, you know, as we said all along, we support, pennsylvania supreme court decision allowed as you said, it was just so we are clear, this is just for this year. we weren't asking for extraordinary relief beyond. we know there are postal service delays that have been impacting vote casting this year. this was as you said everybody still had to cast the ballot by november 3rd, but it allowed time to be received by friday at 5:00. the pennsylvania supreme court issued that decision, u.s. supreme court initially declined to expedite, get involved in it, but the trump campaign continued to intervene and move it forward again. i am confident that this is the
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right decision but i will tell you, we have been assessing numbers of the ballots coming in from the counties. it is not huge numbers so i think no matter what happens, i don't think it is going to be having impact on the race. >> even with the ballots segregated and you and the attorney general shapiro made sure counties are segregating ballots because there's a legal question, we don't know what will happen ultimately, you're confident they're not going to effect who wins pennsylvania one way or the other, these ballots that arrive after november 3rd? >> from what we're tracking so far, you know, counties are reporting anywhere from, smaller counties report from zero to some larger counties reported about 500 ballots received the day after election day. so, you know, that's not that many really, so unless it is super close, i don't see them making or breaking this one way or another, but we are
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confident. meantime, we are counting every ballot. >> best of luck to you. thanks to all of the election workers in the great commonwealth of pennsylvania for all of the hard work. no serious allegations of irregularities going on, a lot of people doing their jobs, watched by democrats and republicans to make sure everything is above board. secretary boockvar, thank you so much. 550,000 ballots are outstanding. you heard her saying she expects most will be counted by today. wolf, john. >> that's significant information indeed, john. as jake says, if we know the outcome of the 550,000 uncounted ballots in the state of pennsylvania, we may be able to determine who is going to get 20 electoral votes as you repeatedly point out, if biden gets those 20, he is the next president of the united states. trump can't be the president of the united states without pennsylvania. >> the president's math doesn't work without pennsylvania.
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joe biden has 253. if he gets pennsylvania, that's 273. it is over. biden can win without it, the president cannot. that's the threshold of today going through the consequential hours ahead. secretary of state says 550,000 ballots are out, 100,000 of them are here. 100,000 of them, brief pause in counting, logistical legal challenges, 100,000 votes in a place joe biden is getting 80% of the vote. joe biden has to win 60%. 60.4% or so. six of every ten ballots joe biden has to win to catch up. he is winning 80% of the vote in penlz. your expectation is he will exceed that bar, be over the bar. she said there were another 30 or 40,000 in suburban collar around philadelphia. unclear where she means. 30 per county or total. these counties here, joe biden getting 62% in montgomery
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county. 50% in bucks county. although we know in mail in ballots, he is doing higher than that. come back in and look. move it up, easier to see. this is the ball game for democrats in terms of democrats. you see the blue. not just blue counties, including the city of philadelphia, it is where the democrats live. these are populous counties. she also noted 35,000 ballots out here in allegheny county. this is pittsburgh. this is a slower count because of legal challenges as well. but 35, 37 she said, 37,000 total in allegheny county. again, looking at a situation we know that's blue and the president is at 114,000. and wolf, you just played this out. the way the president's lead has shrunk and shrunk and shrunk as this has happened, the biden campaign is quite confident. we need to count the votes. most important thing she said is originally she thought it would go to friday before the majority were counted. she believes in the hours ahead, we'll see the numbers move. again, 114,000. you might think 92%, that's
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comfortable. joe biden has been winning mail in ballots as we count them. we can play it out, show you as they come in. he is more than exceeding the bar he needs to catch up. doesn't mean he will catch up. but he has been more than exceeding. go back in time, imagine you're the president of the united states, the commonwealth of pennsylvania was one of the blue walls that cracked in 2016. election night, midnight, tuesday to wednesday, up by a half million votes, feeling confident. now you go up a little more wednesday morning, starts to slip a little in the afternoon, then slips more as they count votes. that's all they're doing, counting mail ballots cast during the coronavirus pandemic, thursday 9:00 in the morning, you see it, thursday at noon, then you come out and you are real time. every time we get new votes, the president's lead is going down. again, 100,000 in philadelphia, tens of thousands more in the county around it here. you check other places, you're
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looking. 99% here. votes are in here. you see a lot of red here. donald trump wins by significant march jin margins in smaller, rural counties. there will be votes coming in there as well. 550,000 total, maybe 200,000 here, 37,000 here, the rest sprinkled across the state. the president will get votes, no question about it, in the count in the last day, joe biden exceeded, every time we got significant votes, joe biden exceeded that bar he has to be over to keep tracking that lead, to have a chance to win the commonwealth of pennsylvania. we'll see the most important thing. this could be a decisive day if we get the majority of votes. number one, simple math, joe biden is 253. heard from nevada, they could be saturday or sunday. doesn't mean we won't know enough in advance of that, may not finish in clark county until saturday or sunday. if joe biden and counting on that, you may have to wait. if you're joe biden and get this, you're done. then you look to build a convincing victory after that by
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getting more. i will go through the math again. the president cannot win without this. put this back in toss up. bring it back out there. the president is leading in maine, second congressional district. one electoral vote. maine and nebraska by congressional district. that's how they allocate. president is leading here. let's assume, let's go out here first. president gets this. the president is leading here. it is just like commonwealth of pennsylvania. the joe biden campaign thinks they can win georgia. for the sake of argument, let's give it to the president. the president is trailing here and trailing here. if he won them all, you get to 265. he needs this. he just needs this without a doubt. joe biden can win without commonwealth of pennsylvania, donald trump cannot. as they go through the count today, most important thing we'll watch. >> we're watching all of this unfold. president trump's lead in one
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battleground state is dwindling down 50,000 since this morning. election day in america continues after this. at dell technologies, we started by making the cloud easier to manage. but we didn't stop there. we made a cloud flexible enough to adapt to any size business. no matter what it does, or how it changes. and we kept going. so you only pay for what you use. because at dell technologies, we nothing. ♪
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vice president joe biden, you see him giving the thumbs up. he's walking into a briefing, not answering reporters' question. he's walking into a briefing on the coronavirus pandemic. clearly we anticipate we probably will be hearing from him at some point, but we'll find out fairly soon. let's look at the electoral college count, 253 for biden 213 for trump. let's key a key election result. in pennsylvania, 20 electoral votes is in, trump's lead has shrunk to 114,000. in nevada right now, 89% of 9 estimated vote is in. biden's lead is only 49.4% to
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48.5%. pennsylvania and nevada key battleground states right now. let's talk about it with david chalian -- actually, let 'talk about it with john king. we can't emphasize how important pennsylvania with its 20 electoral votes are. >> they're starting to make progress, telling our jake tapper moments ago, she thinking the majority of them will be counted today. the president is not win reelection without pennsylvania. his lead has gone from well over 600,000 votes to 114,0011 votes. joe biden has been more than exceeding the metric he neither and the votes that matter the most, in terms of if there's more of them down here in
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philadelphia and the suburbs that surround it, include bucks county. in the vote they're roughly splitting it, but in the mail-in ballots joe biden has been doing better. sara murray is in bucks county. what do you see? >> reporter: wolf, obviously we had a number of folks out here who are encouraging to count every vote here. that's exactly what they are doing. this is a county where they've been counting 24 hours a say since they could, 7:00 a.m. on election day. right now joe biden has pulled ahead slightly of donald trump. he has about a 7,000-vote lead, but there's still about 28,000 mail-in votes here to be counted. like i said they've been working 24/7 and officials here say they're likely to wrap up the mail-in vote count today. this is one of these areas where donald trump needed to try to stop his bleeding with suburban
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voters. as of right now, he seems to be pulling ahead a bit. >> sara, thank very much. 5% of the population in bucks county, not too far from philadelphia, 90% of the vote it in there, 10% still outstanding. >> this is a fascinating battleground in the battleground. republicans won the suburbs in the '80s. you go back four years ago, 48-48 essential. so this is a suburban call around philadelphia, this tends to be the most competitive. for democrats to win the state, you see all of this red, that's rural pennsylvania and republicans, president trump especially, the rallies the president was in this state a
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half dozen times, and the rallies work. it turns out voters. you see 70% here, 80% here. it's absolutely imperative -- not as many people live here. the democrats have to run it up here. so we just said montgomery county. joe biden getting 62%. they're close to finished here. the 28,000 balance, 28,000 there, 100,000 here, tens of thousands more. 57% here, 61% here. he needs a little more statewide. you look at that 114,000, you think a hundred here, tens of thousands more here. right there join yoib can -- it doesn't mean he will, but he
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could catch up right there. >> the secretary of state told jake tapper we might get results in pennsylvania tonight. we're watching nail-biter races also in nevada as well, arizona, right now georgia getting closer and closer. election day in america, a third day in fact, continues right after this. epair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again! aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ want a hamburger, some fries, a drink, nuggets? - got a taste for a deal? boom, rewarded with the wendy's '4 for $4' perk on grubhub.
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we're tracking every vote in every critical battleground. former vice president biden is eyeing four states. president trump meanwhile, is still hopes to find a route to reelection. biden has, and biden got a new bump in nevada. he's hoping to do the same thing in arizona, where new results are expected later today.
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let's go over to you heard live on cnn, an interview with the secretary of state giving you new information. here in pennsylvania, donald trump has 114,000-vote lead over joe biden. that's with 92% of the estimated vote in pennsylvania. they still need to be counted in pennsylvania. in order to overtake the lead.
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he has been gaining about 27% of the vote, running well ahead of what he need so this vote, joe biden has been getting 75% of them. so if he keeps up that pace he has the potential to overtake trump. in order to hang on to that lead, which he desperately needs to be reelected. there's no path without it. in nevada we heard from a clark county official there. we have a new estimate there of the outstanding vote.
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we got some new vote. 48.5% for donald trump. joe biden needs 44 to 47% of them. donald trump would need 52 to 54% of the outstanding votes in order to overtake biden's lead again, i will just say joe biden is running ahead of the votes we're seeing winning about so far 54% of them. that is well ahead of the 44 to 46% he would need of the total university of uncounted balance
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in order to keep that state in his column on the road to 270. >> very impressive context, david, thank you very much. looking good for the former vice president as we look at those states the take a look at the popular vote, john, biden has what, 3,700,000 more votes than donald trump right now. 89% of the vote is in. that number is likely to go up, because they're stills counting votes on the west coast. so when he seed that biden is more popular, he's not going to be very happy with that. >> it's a stunning number. congratulations to all of the american people. the incumbent is losing with 68 million votes that's a higher
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vote storks when hillary clinton lost the presidency because of the electoral college. this is a bigger lead than hillary clinton had over donald trump four years ago. it's going -- this number will go up for a couple weeks as they count the votes in california. joe biden's lead is going to go up. they're still counting votes in other places, too. the president will get votes, but nothing to match when we get california and washington state, they have always been mail-in votes. military votes coming in may help the president, but that's the national state of play. that's a convincing win for joe biden, and it's likely to grow. that's not how we pick presidents, but you want to add a popular vote to an electoral college win. that's what hillary clinton did not get four years ago. we've not called pennsylvania,
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north carolina, georgia, alaska, arizona, nevada. to show you the states where the president is leading. the president leads in pennsylvania, but as david you laid out so well, joe biden is closing in, well within reach. the president of the united states leads in georgia. mail-in ballots are kouranted. the pandemic election. were they successful enough? joe biden is closing in on both states. the only play we have seen a trend in the other direction has been arizona.
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>> the fact that so much focus has been on the atlanta area, the heavy democrat tick population the largest outstanding balance of number it's in chatham county which is just savannah it is his hope that they can process that number by the end of being today, he didn't give any kind of specific time, implying it could be tonight. however, that's a significant number of ballots to be handled,
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they have two scanner here, about 38 personnel working inside of a borrowed warehouse, it's a lot to aim for. but deliver them at the end of the day today. it could be a while. and of course there's still military votes that have to come in potentially from overseas. they have until 5:00 tomorrow even, but again, 17,000 votes they're talking about, in chatham county yet to be counted. that's the largest amount of votes still outstanding. he these mostly mail-in votes? >> we do believe, yes, mostly mail-in absentee ballots. there were somebody 245r7 delivered a short time ago. they come in batching. going through opening, they put them in the scanners, two
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scalders, it's the adjudication. that's what's slowing down the pros. the machine will kick out a ballot saying there's in anomaly with the ballot, it needs to be looked at. that's not done in this building. it has to be taken off-site, about a quarter of a mile away. right now they have a lot of work ahead of them. >> did they say what time we could get those results? >> no, one of the things that's hard to understand here, typically they had about -- 15 to 17,000 is far more than they have ever handled in a single day. that is a huge number to try to get all counted in one day in this particular facility.
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the county supervisor may say it's his goal, but the reality is they have never reached that, and the truth is more battle could come in tomorrow. precisely when they'll be done here is unclear. they are working as hard and as fast as they can, but they only move at the pace that the ballots come in. they come from the registrar's office. it's choice. >> absolutely. again, as martin just laid out, there's another collision between the campaign and the coronavirus, in the sense there's so many more mail-in ballots in this campaign, because so many people decided for safety reasons to vote by mail. in these small counties, they don't have the infrastructure
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for this, so it's going to take time. it's going to take time on a day when there's obviously for good reason, because joe biden is so close, great anxiety, anticipation, call it what you will, no matter where you have, you know this could be a decisive day. 17,000 ballots here, and joe biden is getting 58%, if you round up in this county, he needs about 60% of the ballots in georgia. he's close to that there. think about the context. many of the others are up in here.
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i haven't seen the update on those as of yet. so we're still waiting for several thousand. i think it's 4,000 or 5,000 in fulton county. look at the totals biden is getting overall. we know in the mail-in ballots he tends to run higher, so the math is possible, as we try to count the final votes in georgia. again, 13,000 now, that was 600,000 or more. it's just democrats voted predominantly be mail. republicans voted on election day. now into thursday, joe biden is catching up. is it enough? both campaigns in georgia right now. anderson has more. >> wolf, thanks very much. we are obviously watching very closely. 13,534. president trump in the lead there, but again, that is
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narrows and has been repeatedly with every increase in the vote count arizona, joe biden has a lead of 68,390. that state, his lead has been shrinking over time. the question is how many more votes there are. pennsylvania, the president is up with 11,369 votes, but there are hundreds of thousands of votes still outstanding, as we have heard, we are likely to get the results -- those votes should be counted by the end of today, we just heard from the secretary of state there. >> right. and should biden win there, obviously, that's the ball game. >> how many votes -- i'm unclear how many votes are still to be counted in pennsylvania? >> and the guidance now is it's 370,000 left that the secretary
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of state may have used a dated number, when she appeared on cnn. >> so big picture, what is the state of the race, as you see it. >> in pennsylvania -- it makes it -- rick santorum, it makes a difference how many votes are left to be counted, but it seems when you look at the votes left to be couped, where they are from biden needs somewhere between 58 and 61% of those votes to win, but the votes outstanding are in areas where biden has been winning by more than 7 on%. >> the one thing we have to keep in mind is they're counting mail-in votes now. in pennsylvania, three quarters of the people who voted by mail were democrats. so even in counties where you have strong republican vote, the people who voted mail-in would lean more toward democrat. >> i went through -- what i do in my free time, i went and
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looked at every single county in pennsylvania. there's only one county in the state where trump won the mail-in. >> good i have been what you know about pennsylvania, and you know better than everything, there's 37 on,000 outstanding voetsds, may-in, what does that tell you? >> how many are from philadelphia. if it's philadelphia, the initial tranches i have seen, he's -- biden is getting about 95% of the vote. so if most of those votes are from philadelphia -- >> let's see. i want to get clarification. i find it on the that the secretary of state put out that number, and now we're being total it could be wrong. >> it is impossible not to look at this and say that there isn't a wall of numbers closing in on this president and this -- in
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this election. we do have to -- as john king always reminds us, we do have to count them. we'll see, but patterns develop here, and there's certain things we know about the navy of the votes coming in. in nevada, almost everything coming in from this point out will be from clark county, and it's almost all mail-in vote now, and that vote has been going 63% in favor of biden. it's hard to see how the president -- >> on the other hand, arizona is the place where actually the vote is narrowing. that's the one place -- again, on the trump map, he needs georgia, pennsylvania, and either arizona or nevada. so that is not critical -- >> i'm skating around the corner on that. we'll get more numbers from arizona, but he needs to continue at a clip that may be
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difficult for him there. georgia looks like it's coming down to sort of a dead heat. these are not encouraging numbers. so, you know -- >> we want to just repeat we need to confirm the total vote count still to be counted in pennsylvania. >> but let's say it's number, and he continues to get ballots that are in proportion to the way mail ballots came in, 70%, 75% democrat, he will get to where he needs to go. it's hard to see how the lines don't cross here. >> i was on a press call with the trump campaign this morning. they're talking about how these votes late in the game are, quote, magically appearing. >> no. >> well, of course. they are not magically appearing. the democrats overwhelmingly voted by mail. mail takes longer to count, or
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is being counted later, all over the country and they're not magically appearing. >> i want to look at two statements we have heard. it gives you a sense of the tale of two candidates here. we heard from joe biden saying be patient, folks, votes are being counted. we feel good about where we are. the president of the united states said -- if you count the legal votes i easily win the election. if you count the illegal and late votes, they did steal the election from us. >> it's completely despicable, irresponsible, dangerous, wrong. listen, some of these people voted first. the crazy thing is these are not magically appearing. they cared enough about their own health to vote early. some of those votes have been waiting there to be counted. good es wh-- guess what? people worked hard for this. the idea that georgia may go blue is because people like
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stacy abrams, who got defeated in a way she didn't feel was fair, she turned her pain into progress for her state people are doing the hard work in democracy, and the president is disrespecting the rule of law. you count the votes. a lawless president, who says he's law and order, behaving in a lawless way, and the disinformation on facebook now is unreal. he's adding to the disinformation. therefore disorder in his own country. it needs to stop. >> i don't agree with the president's statement. to what he's refer to -- again, he can be a blunt instrument when there's a specific issue. >> he's not referring -- you're a smart guy, and you are focusing on what's a very real legal issue .
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the president is not saying that. he's smart enough to know, if there was a specific issue, he would call out people by name. he's saying that there are -- stop counting votes. >> he's not saying stop counting votes, because they have people outside the -- >> we'll pull up the tweet. he's literally saying -- >> but he would lose arizona if they stop counting votes. >> yes, it makes no sense. >> okay. we agree on that. >> you can't be the trump translator. >> i put myself as the trump whisperer. >> maybe. >> there's not that much whispering around trump, but i tell you something -- >> by the way, there it is -- stop the count. >> thank you. >> i think what he's really saying is -- >> it's a nuanced -- >> count chocula, and --
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>> he put it in caps in case you're confused. >> that's a code. that's a code. [ laughter ] >> if not it's a dangerous, dangerous signal. i agree it's been going on for months. it's not just that now these ballots are only being counted now because they were required by law -- >> let me also point out something. joe biden is attending a meeting on covid right now. that is what joe biden has done today, attending a meeting on covid. yesterday was the highest number of covid cases in this entire pandemic in the world, 102,000 cases, we're already on track today to have it be even worse, so joe biden is taking time to be briefed on covid. what do you want to bet the president of the united states is certainly not being briefed on covid today. it's doubtful me's being briefed on anything having to do with america's business, national security.
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>> he's actually, according to jim acosta, he's in the oval office, but there's televisions. >> of course. >> but the thing is -- but the thing is that -- >> go ahead. >> thank you. the thing is biden knows -- >> i'm sorry. trump wants to stop the counting for stop the votes, stop the counting, stop the testing. this is what he does. >> and biden is having this briefing on covid, because he knows, should he become president, he'll finally get the brass ring, but there's a lot of strings attached. one of those is dealing with covid, because you can't deal with the economy until you just -- >> to me it's emblematic of the two approaches who -- joe biden who is not in office, is being briefed on covid and taking it seriously enough that on such a difficult day in the pandemic, he's taking time to be briefed on this. >> that is correct. i also think it's the message that they want to send. i think it's -- i think no doubt
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he's getting his affirms around what he's going to face if it goes down the way it appears it will. >> yes. >> it's also saying to the country, i've got this, i'm on the job, we're ready to move forward. >> i can be president, day one. >> the biden people are very confident, the numbers are moving in his direction right now. the trump campaign is not as confident, and is very frustrated that -- you know, they say the wave didn't come. i think congratulate him to the campaign he did, because he saved the united states senate. he probably helped the --s pick up seats in the house of representatives, and now he sees, well, the house is saved, we didn't lose the legislature, we picked up seats in the house, and somehow he's falling short. that's a tough thing to deal with. >> but you know what? why is that?
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because you have people who are republican who went and voted for republicans to go to the house, for republicans to go to the state legislature, and voted against donald trump. in other words, he's got to take responsibility for the fact it's not some liberal conspiracy. ally these people on facebook have to stake responsibility for the fact you have republicans that say we like the tax cuts, we like the judges, we can't stand the irresponsible conduct of the commander in chief and they fired him. >> i actually disagree with you on that. the reason we have the effect rick is talking about, in places where trump was strong and brought out big rural and small-town turnout, republicans were bolstered by that. in other places, i think we're a very polarized country. when we vote by district and by state, and you bring out a big republican turnout in those areas, republicans benefit from that. i will say this. i think if you ask donald trump if you can't have -- if you could trade, we could save the
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senate, save the legislatures and save those cone goingally -- save those congressmen, or you could be president for another four years. >> let's just look at what we have on the screen. biden on brink of win, waiting for pennsylvania. that's the sit we are in. by the end of today, the secretary of state says the votes will be counted -- all votes. these are not new votes. these are the votes that have already been cast. they will finally be counted likely by the end of today, and if pennsylvania goes for biden, he will be the president, and we will know that today. >> yes, yes, and the -- >> and to van's point, a lot of these votes, you know, they were cast before the election. the states were not allowed to process them, by law in the states -- >> by the legislatures in the states. >> they weren't allowed to start processing them until election day. therefore, because there were an
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inordinate -- an unusual number of mail-in ballots because of the virus, there is this waiting period. we all knew that was going to happen. >> and they're following the rules that often republican legislatures kept in place to keep the count that way. there is some -- i've got to go to break here. we're going to check in live at critical states where they're still counting votes, including georgia, where we're expecting a news conversation as well. for skin that never holds you back don't settle for silver #1 for diabetic dry skin* #1 for psoriasis symptom relief* and #1 for eczema symptom relief* gold bond champion your skin
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our colleague jake tap per earlier today you told us you were confident. you still believe that? how to use the number of the margin. these are folks that i have relied upon for this data, but the 100,000 to be reached i think might take a final official certified count. >> senator, what do you have? >> it's a map by pennsylvania by
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county. i got one of those, you want to trade? >> yeah, i can't use yours. one of the gifts of this, i get to travel this way. allegheny county, out of pittsburgh we're waiting for. you're from scranton. are you worried at all? we have seen so far. joe biden is doing better. when you look county by county, is there any place you're worried about? the reason for that is -- there are some other counties that
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still haven't counted, but even in the counties where the president will win big, there would be a scattering of joe biden votes, because they're mail-ins. even some of the smaller places, he will pick up some votes. the number i have is 369,364, but there's three other categories nod include. number one, there's some division in philadelphia that are not included. i'm told about 30 divisions being precincts. there are also provisional ballots not included, and then the third category after the big number is the ballots that are
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post marked election day. so that's -- i don't know what that adds up to. that's something to be factored in. >> the way you go through that, senator, you are someone who understand, has won tight races, you have to know where every singed last vote is. obviously today the focus is on the count. it's not a lot different from four years ago. in the commonwealth we're not really seeing that. we're seeing higher turnout by both sides i mean, in a state as diverse and as competitive as yours are you learning from this
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election? >> no question that i think the democrats have learned, and joe biden's campaign not only learned but implemented the lesson you have to try to get votes everywhere. he got there ahead of the president, and that's interhe went to eerie, he went to westmoreland county, and you have to have a message for every part of the state. i think that that lesson has been learned. even when you do that, you have to accept the fact that sometimes the margin won't change. for example, emery county, so as far as at least, not all the votes are counted, but so far joe biden is behind there as much as secretary clinton was. if he didn't expend effort
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there, would the margin go higher? we can learn a lot from how the rural numbers in a lot of places changed a little bit, but even a point here, a point there, by 3,000 votes there, 5,000 votes there in a state we lost by 44,292 last time -- >> i want your reaction, senator he's been at philadelphia, leveling all sorts of charges, unfounded. completely terrible charges in your states, and i want your reaction. they're outrage, unfounded. what do you make of his. >> well, it's a lie, part of the bigger lie about mail-in
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ballots, all of that. everybody knows it's debunked over and over again. what voters did across the board is not log to, and not be intimidated by voters suppression or lies about mail-in ballots. they went out and voted, and now the votes are coming in. we will froebl get a turnout, that would be 800,000 voters in the state than last time. >> what you're saying is 370 outstanding votes, you think by the end of today, late this afternoon, early in the evening, we will get the results and presumably we will know who will
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win the 20 electoral votes in pennsylvania? >> i don't know about timing. i've heard at least two different points of view on that, that we can get a deformation today. another point of view is maybe, maybe not. i'm not sure i can make that guesstimate. the only thing i'm certain about is joe biden will win this race, and when all the votes are counted, it should be about 100,000, but that number may not be manifest for a while. i ran six times statewide. when you get a count election night, you still get votes over time with provisional battle and when the final numbers come in. a number below 100, when it's over, when it's certified and becomes official it could be higher.
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as you watch this pull away, there are none of them. that's the point. joe biden may overtake the president and may win the commonwealth of the pennsylvania, but the whole campaign was can democrats reach out to republican voters. we'll see if the president has been performing better, and then you flip the title. did joe biden over-perform hillary clinton, and again look how few -- like at the tiny smattering.
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the big challenge in your state is, how do you reach republicans? did anything change in america, or did everybody just fight this out because the intensity was so high? and if joe biden wins, it's because democrats came out. is that simply what this is, on you do you think your party still has lessons to learn -- whether you beat donald trump in this election or not, his voters aren't going anywhere. >> no question, i have obligations as a public official and as a candidates when i'm running, to reach out to people and listen to them i think what's happened overall is you can see where the democratic candidate joe biden is doing very well in philadelphia. he could overperform both
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secretary clinton and president obama. he will be way ahead in the s suburbs where they were, i think it's a reminder that democrats have work to do. i will say this, though, just my view -- the republican candidate for president running in pennsylvania will not get the margins that donald trump got. he won't be winning counties by 50 points both times. donald trump i think is the most effective republican presidential candidate in pennsylvania that i have seen since reagan. ronald reagan won the state twice by about seven. but the 2024 candidate, the 2028 candidate, the 2032 candidate, will not get votes in rural areas like he did. the question is, can they make up that deficit by getting votes by appealing to suburban voters? making an argument that they're
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listening to people of color and people whose voices should be heard, will they be able to cut the margins in the cities and suburbs? but no republican governor, no republican senator, mark my word, will be able to match trump's numbers. mark my word. >> very impressive. good work. we'll stay in close touch. we'll see if your assessment works out late in the court of the day. thanks so much for joining us. >> thanks, wolf. thanks, john. president trump's lead narrows in pennsylvania. we're taking you inside the trump campaign to find out how they're feeling, when we come back. we'll be right back. ♪ limu emu & doug you know limu, after all these years it's the ones that got away that haunt me the most.
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see yourself. welcome back to the mirror. and know you're not alone. because this... come on jesse, one more! a reflection of an unstoppable community. in the mirror. welcome back, we are looking at the commonwealth of pennsylvania, where president trump holds a narrow lead, but mail-in ballots coming largely,
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as they have, from population centers like allegheny from purpose is, the so-called collar counties, it's becoming clearer that president trump is losing his once substantial chasm lead, and it looks as though joe biden may well be on track to overtake him perhaps as soon as today. let's check in with jim acosta, who is cover the white house and president trump. jim, just looking at the numbers, and looking at the ratios by the way people who voted by mail in pennsylvania, voted overwhelmingly for joe biden, as opposed to people who voted on election day who voted overwhelmingly for president trump, it's difficult to see a scenario in which president trump wins pennsylvania. what are you hearing from the trump team? >> reporter: jake, i think that's absolutely right. every time people inside the
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trump campaign watch those returns get updated in pennsylvania, they wince, because joe biden is eating into donald trump's lead into pennsylvania. every time that happens, you know, that sends shockwaves through touch campaign headquarters. i talked to a trump adviser about this a little while ago. you know, you can look at the various scenarios on the map right now, and each of the scenarios involves winning pennsylvania. yes, this he would like to win others, but they have to combine any of those states with pennsylvania in order for the president to win reelection. in the words of a trump adviser, if the president loses pennsylvania, that is the knockout punch. that is a knockout blow to donald trump if he loses pennsylvania. so they understand the stakes right now all too well, jake. as much as they would like to win the other states, it's all about pennsylvania, pennsylvania, pennsylvania right now for the trump campaign. there's no other way to look at
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it. picking up arizona, as much as they would like to pick up arizona, it's not as critically important as pennsylvania. the keystone state it is called, and indeed a keystone to both candidates. david, first of all, we should say we have been reporting for weeks now democrats were voting overwhelmingly in paces like pennsylvania by mail and trump supporters were going to vote overwhelmingly on election day. we expected this to happen. we didn't know whether there were going to be enough votes for biden in these vote-by-mail ballots being counted now. tell us where we are in the process. >> we knew they were going to count the election day ballots first, then gelt to the mail-in
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pennsylvania. that trump lead now is at 108,772. yesterday morning that was like 600,000 vote advantage. it's down to 108,000. 52% for donald trump, 48.5% for joe biden, 92% of the estimated vote is in. you just saw senator casey on our air talking about how many outstanding ballots in pennsylvania. right now pennsylvania officials put this at about 370,000 uncounted votes. that's the universe of what's still to be counted. if that's true. if state officials are correct with that assessment, joe biden would need 64 to 66% of that remaining universe of uncounted ballots in order to overtake donald trump and win the state of missouri, the commonwealth of pennsylvania. donald trump for his part would need 33 to 35% of that universe of remaining ballots in order to
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hang onto his lead and keep pennsylvania red. here is the important point, jake. we have been seeing joe biden winning about 75% in the vote totals coming in from pennsylvania over the last 24 hours. because as i said, what's coming in are these mail votes, and democrats were more inclined to vote that way. it's also coming from the big democratic population centers. the 64 to 66% range that biden needs of what's left actually is not that high of a bar according to what we've seen in the last 24 hours. in georgia, an update there from secretary of state's office. the current state of play, donald trump at 12,828 vote lead over joe biden, 49.5% to 49.2%. 98% of the estimated vote is in. not that much more to count. in fact, the new number in terms of what is outstanding from the
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secretary of state there is about 48,000 votes. that's a rough estimate of what is left to count. joe biden would need 63 to 65% of this is 48,000 votes that are yet to be counted in order to overcome donald trump's lead and win the state of georgia, donald trump would only need 34 to 36 of what's left to hang onto it. >> thanks, david. first of all, we should note the secretary of state of georgia is going to have a press conference in roughly 10 minutes at the top of the hour. we'll bring that to you when it happens. i want to take one note to say go back 100 years tuesday to the fact that we told voters an viewers there were going to be two different kinds of shifts. there was going to be a blue shi shift and red shift. on election day places like texas and ohio that counted the early ballots first, vote by mail, suggested biden might win,
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then turned out they started counting the votes that day and trump won texas and ohio. we're now seeing the exact opposite in states that did not do early counting of vote by mail such as pennsylvania, where the exact opposite shift going on. places that looked like trump was going to win and now looks more like biden will win. >> can we say probably the biggest news we've had today is with the secretary of state of pennsylvania said to you that despite the fact they have huge numbers outstanding, 500,000 ballots that they haven't counted on processed, 370,000 i was told, they could be finished with the bulk of it today. what does that mean? we could actually know who the president of the united states will be by the end of today. feels like tuesday was 100 years ago? given the state of the world that we're in the pandemic, two days isn't that bad.
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>> pennsylvania is going to be decisive in terms of determining who the president of the united states is. it's because of what jim acosta is saying. if donald trump does not win the state of pennsylvania, he cannot get to 270. he just can't. the numbers just are not there. that's why what happens today is so important. that's why you're seeing the trump campaign fighting so hard to keep in the game in pennsylvania. i'm not sure there's anything they can do about the sheer number of votes that there are, but they need pennsylvania. they also need a lot of these other states. they need to hold onto georgia, arizona, and they need to come back in arizona and come back in nevada, both of which seem like uphill battles. >> there's a reason why president trump is putting out unprecedented press releases like the one he did today with all caps saying stop the counting, because that's really the only way his campaign sees that he has a real shot at
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winning pennsylvania right now. >> we're standing by to hear from officials in georgia where there are now under 50,000 outstanding votes to be counted. president trump's lead over joe biden is shrinking. air force ve of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa okay, so, magnificent mile for me! i thought i was managing... moderate to severe crohn's disease. until i realized... ...something was you okay, sis? my symptoms were keeping me... ...from really being there for my sisters. so i talked to my doctor and learned... that's us. ...humira is for people who still have... ...symptoms of crohn's disease
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the 2020 presidential election continues this hour. will day three be decisive. right now former vice president joe biden is optimistic about clinching a victory as he makes
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new gains over president trump in key battle grounds. we're watching the scramble to count votes in undecided states like georgia that could tilt the election. we're standing by for information from georgia's secretary of state at any moment. we'll have live coverage. biden has significantly cut into the president's lead in both georgia and pennsylvania. the election outcome now hinging on those states as well as nevada and arizona where biden is ahead. as we get more and more results, it's all about reaching 270 electoral votes. biden on the brink of that with 253 right now. trump with 213. he has a very narrow path to winning re-election. now let's get a key race alert. let's start in georgia right now. 98% of the vote is in. look how close it is. trump has 49.5%, biden has 49.2%. right now trump is ahead by 12,828 votes, 16 electoral votes, very, very close in georgia.
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still plenty of votes outstandi outstanding. in pennsylvania where there's 20 trump ahead by 8,000, 50.2 to 48.5. 98% in. we'll watch pennsylvania very closely. nevada right now biden maintains a narrow lead of about 11,438 votes over trump, 49.4% to 48.5%. 89% of the estimated vote in nevada is in. let's take a look at arizona, 80% of the estimated vote is in there. biden maintains his lead, 68,12 over trump, 11 electoral votes in arizona. we're watching those states so, so closely. let's walk over to john king and the magic wall. the next few hours we could know
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who the next president of the united states will be. >> trend line in the state of georgia, got to get to the finish line. great deal of pessimism among republicans as they watch the trend line. you see the lead, 92% of the vote in in a normal election you would think that might be enough to stand any late charge. this is not a normal election. the ballots out tend to be mail-in ballots. we know everywhere, especially pennsylvania, they are lopsided in biden's favor. we know the math exists as they count last 330,000 votes. the math exists because a lot of the votes yet to be counted are here. it was 80% at the start of the day. they made some progress. look what happened. joe biden has to get somewhere in the ballpark of 650% of remaining votes. maybe a little more, maybe a little less will do. he's getting 80% in pennsylvania and there's tens of thousands of votes. in the suburbs around joe biden's numbers go down a bit.
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if matches that number that keeps him in play. continue to count votes in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. you see that lead down to 108,000. again, if you've been with us, you can go back in time as we come through, make sure you get pennsylvania. imagine you're the president of the united states. midnight on election night as tuesday gave way to wednesday, you're up 538,000 votes. it stretches a little bit by 10:00 a.m. wednesday. it's down a little tad by wednesday afternoon. then you start to see the slide. as they start counting more of the mail-in ballots, president's lead has consistently gone down. that was at noontime today. out to realtime even smaller. as they count these ballots not once the major installment of votes coming in has the president's lead gone back up. it has consistently gone down. 20 electoral votes, biggest on the board. the president president capital
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win without it. >> the secretary of state told us a little while ago maybe by the end of the day we'll get the results from pennsylvania. we're waiting from news conference from secretary of state from georgia right now. presumably getting new information from georgia right now. right now the president is ahead by 8,835 votes with 98% of the vote reporting still 2% out there. >> again, we have seen the exact same trajectory. as they count the mail-in ballots last, coronavirus election, some people voted by mail, some people voted early by standing in line, some on election day. the president is doing fine with the election day vote. the people who stood in line to vote early, most of that has been counted. these are mostly mail-in ballots. i'm going to get to where the most votes are. the most outstanding in one county are here. you spoke to martin savidge our correspond on the ground the last hour. here in martin county, 17,000 ballots to count still. liu joe biden getting 57%. mail-in his percentages tend to run higher than that. one place we're looking as they
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try to count votes a small operation. they are going to try to get as many as they can today. watch. we need these votes to come in. where are the votes outstanding being counted? one blue county. doesn't mean there aren't some in red counties but a big basket of votes here. we're also waiting for final installment fulton county. every time we got a decent installment fulton county joe biden narrowed the president's lead. atlanta and suburbs around it, west to cobb county. we see joe biden getting 56 plus. they are close to finishing there. you move this way, come back to fulton. ginette county has been a god send. >> georgia secretary of state is just about to make a statement, let's listen in. >> details of where we stand right now. give the caveats this could have changed since i walked across the street. an ever changing environment we're in. we've come down to approximately 47,277 ballots still outstanding that are with the counties
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currently, and i'll go through the list. i'll try to come back and give specifics where we stand. chatham 17,157. clayton 6,026. cobb, 700. floyd, 682. forsythe 4,713. fulton 7,305. ginette, 4800. harris 3641. lawrence 1797. the one down at the bottom, taylor 436. now i'll go through and give you where we stand and situations behind these numbers. we'll start at the top. you notice several counties there this morning have dropped off as they have completed their uploads of the ballots they had on hand. chatham county is still currently scanning. i know they are working. we have an investigator there to keep an eye on things.
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at some point one of you are going to ask me what happened down there, and i need to answer with firsthand account with our own people. that's what's happening there. clayton county, we talked to them this morning and again after lunch. they are continuing to work. they have continued to scan and make uploads. you noticed their total has dropped. cobb county finishing off their ballots there. floyd, i don't have a clear answer on 682. forsythe, mandy, great elections director working to get through that stuff. she is very much on the side of being accurate rather than being fast in some ways, which is good and helpful because she's a very diligent director. fulton continues to drawdown their number. they have 7305. with our monitor we're keeping a close eye on that number. there were 1,200 ballots in the second stage of signature match that were brought over from state farm arena today that are inside that total. one other specific item i have from fulton county they have
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3,900 provisionals. i do not know the coding. as you may or may not know, coding, there has to be actions by the voter or automatic acceptance. depending on the coding of those, i do not have na detail. ginette is down to 4800. that was -- we had discussions with them about why they had 7700 out there. part of that is just scanning differential from the accepted ballots and those reported. so actual total is is 4400 absentee ballots. they had an issue asked about this morning, they had a corrupt memory cart on one of the polling place scanners. they discovered that, took the ballots, rescanned those. those will be included in the totals, approximately 400 votes. that's included in the 4800. that'sen wo of the benefits of having a paper back-up, the
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situations occur you can take care of those. harris is continuing to work. lawrence laurens county, trying to figure out the batch, they thought they uploaded them. they had not. taylor had an unique issue. they did absentee ballots in house. something made the ballots not the appropriate size. so if you have a ballot that is based on coordinates, which the hand balance is, it's not the right size and can't be scanned. they are going through the process of duplicating those ballots on the marking devices. they have to take the original and duplicate and tied together, each one matched to the other one to keep the paper trail alive and artifact of the voter. they will take the ballot 456 of them and run them through the
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scanner. they are a little over halfway through. can you imagine an arduous process. you want to make sure the ballot is exactly what the intended vote of the voter was. so again it gets to a total of 47,277. on another note following up on another question asked earlier today, this is included in the counts we have right now, there's 17,529, our military and overseas ballots have been accepted in counties. as i noted earlier, under the federal laws the ballots postmarked by tuesday can be accepted up to tomorrow. friday. of the pool of those 8,899. that doesn't mean any of them could arrive or all of them can arrive. we have no way of knowing that number. it's not that's there's 8,900 ballots counted, those could arrive to be counted and any subset thereof.
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with that i will answer any questions you may have. >> how long do you think it will take for the count to be finished? >> well, first of all, not the secretary. statewide voting systems manager. >> let me ask the question again, sir. how long do you think it will take? >> again stating weeks and months with the advent of paper it's going to take time. we anticipate have the count done when the legal certification is, which is 10 days after the election. that's when we're done, because there are ballots coming in, ballots to be cured, ballots provisionals that are to be verified. so we can't know how long the process will take. we hope to have clarity on the outcomes of these elections as soon as possible. however, when you have so many elections in the state being so close done it's a relative term. we're trying to get all the legal votes counted accurately to get the right results and make sure everybody's vote is counted properly.
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>> people around the state and country who claim the amount of time it's taking georgia is some sort of effort to steal an low clouds -- an election. >> it's reflective of the voters' intent. the issue in georgia, it's a close vote. there's other states with more votes to count than we do but it's a wide margin so nobody cares. this is the first time we've used paper ballots in the state in 20 years. so as we said, two weeks ago, each of the secretaries stood where i'm standing and said this is going to take more time. these close elections require us to be diligent and make sure we do everything right. yes, sir? >> gabriel sterling. his title is voting system implementation manager. he did say 50,000 votes are still outstanding and listed the counties where they are. you've been taking a close look at those counties. right now trump is ahead by
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8,835 votes. the question is are there enough votes outstanding for biden to take the lead in georgia? >> the answer is yes. there are enough anyway. it's especially yes because of where the gentleman explained the votes are outstanding. props to him and others who repeatedly come out. this is the second time today. they are transparent about how quickly they can count them. i just want to wake walk you through, look at the lead 12,000, 885. can joe biden -- 49.2, president 49.5. can he catch up and pass him. with 47,000 votes out, 47,277, yes, it's obvious he can. the question is where are they? let's get the scope. chatham county, savannah, surrounding areas, 17,000. 17,000 votes, 17,157 root here. look what joe biden is getting. we know it doesn't mean it will
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continue to happen. as they count mail-in joe biden's percentage tends to be higher. they have been in georgia as this process played out. not a guarantee. can you look at 17,000 votes here and look how much joe biden is winning the county by he's likely to pick up some ground. that's just in one county. now let's come over here. fulton county. this is atlanta, democratic stronghold, largest population center. additional 7,000 and change additional votes still to be counted here. joe biden is getting 72, round up 73% of the vote in fulton county. logic tells you, not a guarantee, lonellic tells you with ,000 more votes joe biden is going to run up the votes if he gets 72%. move over here cobb county, additional ballots, 700 with the number noted by the gentleman there. you see the election administrator. joe biden getting 56% of the vote so far in the full count. again, in the mail-in ballot he generally has been getting a higher percentage than it averages out. let's move over here.
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dekalb running up votes. they did a good job counting there. he did mention gwinette. >> 4200. >> you see joe biden getting 59% so far. pop one up here, red counties. some votes from forsythe county. the president is winning. your eyes tell you the president is going to pick up votes here. we also know in the mail-in voting even in the republican red counties democrats tended to vote early. >> clayton county, too, with ,000 votes. >> that's just south of atlanta. atlanta and the suburbs is the engine that could power joe biden's comeback in the state of georgia. again, just for context, the president must win pennsylvania and georgia. there is no path to 270 without pennsylvania and georgia. joe biden can get there without either one of those states. the president has to have them both. you mentioned 6,000. >> clayton county ,06,000.
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>> 6,026. look, 80% is what he has been getting in clayton county. wolf, no guarantee he gets 80% of those 6,000 as they count them but what you're seeing doesn't lie, tells you what you need to know. we just went through blue counties. 47,000 votes outstanding. most of them are in blue counties, meaning counties joe biden is winning. some of them joe biden is winning convincingly, 60%, 70%, 80%. he has to overcome a 12,000 vote lead. it's more than within reason to think joe biden has a chance to do it. we need to count the votes. the administrator again, applaud him for transparency, doing the best they can today. one thing he did say at the end. they don't know how many will come back. they have mailed 8800 ballots to military personnel and other georgians living overseas. you never know how many will come back. if this is very close at the end, those can take another week
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or two. we may have to wait on those if we have a close election. the question if we get all the mail-in ballots counting today and perhaps some tomorrow, what's the margin and could that 8800 -- he doesn't know. you could get 800 back, 8800. those are the ballots that have been requested overseas. you never 'n' how many will come back until the deadline passes. we might have to wait because of the potential universe of 8,000 votes. that depends where we get at the end of the count today and all these small counties, again, to bring this one up chatham county you talked to martin savidge, we have reporters on the ground in most places, great are for us, officials are transparent. martin savidge said they are trying to finish today. limited resources and staff. the question if they don't finish, how much of those 17,000 do they count? what does it do to the lead? most of the others are right here, atlanta and surrounding suburbs where hour after hour after hour as those vote totals come in, couple hundred at a time, couple thousand here and there, joe biden consistently
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cutting into that lead, which is once giant, in peril. >> remind our viewers what it was four years ago. >> sure. let's go back to four years ago. again, democrats made a big run on dprnlg. democrats for years saying it's changing, suburbs are changing, younger, college educated, african-american. hillary clinton 51-46 when you round up. five-point race four years ago. come in here, looking at a closer race. watching this tuesday night you would have thought the president would carry georgia. we're seeing this in every state, in states that saved the mail ballot for last, joe biden is coming back. >> david chalian, you're looking closely at georgia. it's a real nail-biter. >> no doubt about it. there's that lead for donald trump that has been shrinking consistently, 49.5 to 49.2 with 98% in.
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as john was showing you there's an outstanding pot of votes, roughly about 48,000, 47,000 and change. as a rough estimate there's 48,000 votes still to be counted. john was just taking through county by county. but statewide, take a look. joe biden would need 63 to 65% of those 48,000 votes left to be counted in order to overtake donald trump and win georgia. donald trump only needs 34 to 36% of them. as john was just showing you on the map, these votes out there to be counted are coming from democratic powerhouse areas in the suburbs and it's the mail vote, which is a democratic leaning universe of voters. so joe biden has been collecting north of 63 to 65% in this last day in georgia as votes are coming in. if he continues to overperform, what he needs here, he can remain quite hopeful there's a chance to overtake donald trump in georgia, wolf. >> david chalian, thanks very
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much. who would have thought georgia was going to be at play big time like this in final hours. >> again, as david just laid out, the math is there. that doesn't mean it will happen. the math is there, especially when you look at blue counties. you're looking at where we are now, 253-213. again, the president of the united states, his path is so narrow. he cannot win without georgia. just imagine a world, we've been talking all day waiting out west, arizona and nevada can get joe biden to the finish line. let's say we've seen some indication, this is hypothetical now, the lead has been shrinking here a little bit. what if the president carried both of those, no guarantee he will. the biden campaign is confident it will win both those states. if the president did and joe biden can do this, gets you to 269. if he could -- the president is winning there. if he can do this and this, it's over right there. so you're seeing -- again, the biden campaign is quite confident out here. the former vice president has many more menu options, is a
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simple way to put it to get there. if you try to do the president's math you cannot get the president of the united states to 270 without both of those. if he gets them both he what options. the president cannot win without commonwealth of pennsylvania and georgia and his lead by the hour is shrinking. >> biden can win if he simply carries pennsylvania and picks up 20 electoral, he'd have 273, need 270. five remaining states. pennsylvania could decide the race before the day is out. stay with us. our special coverage continues next. online last night ♪ ♪ and a yoga mat, to stay zen ♪ ♪ now, i'm gonna just buy a bike for him ♪ ♪ rakuten! cash ♪ back on the stuff all in my home. ♪
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welcome back. let's take a look at the state of the race in nevada. you see there joe biden still the lead, 11,438. georgia the president is in the lead 12,835. that lead has been narrowing and continues to. arizona 68,129 votes. joe biden is ahead in that state, has also been narrowing
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but still more votes to come in. north carolina remains the same around 76,000. pennsylvania 108,602. it is pennsylvania as you see on the graphic, biden on the brink of win waiting for pennsylvania. we heard from the secretary of state earlier they are likely to finish counting the ballots on the votes by later today. >> right. we heard senator casey say maybe they wouldn't announce it today. we're waiting for clarification on that, maybe 5:00 or after. everybody knows that's the elephant in the room. if joe biden gets pennsylvania it's game, set, match. that's it. you can challenge, make all kinds of ballot challenges, et cetera, et cetera, but if he wins by a substantial margin and thais the key and rick santorum says that as well, if he wins by
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a really big margin, which i don't know what you'd call it -- >> substantial because of possible challenges. >> by 150,000 votes. you don't hear many people talking about michigan you're going to do a recount but in wisconsin is 20,000. that's big number for a state the size of wisconsin. aga again. if it's more than 100,000 it's tough. >> i was involved in when i used to be in politics in recounts, you've been around politics a long time. it is really, really unusual to move hundreds of votes in a recount, much less thousands and certainly not tens of thousands of votes. that's the reason that hillary clinton conceded in 2016. >> what about potential legal challenges in pennsylvania. >> that's the thing. obviously the challenge to
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classes of votes would be significant. i think one significant piece here is there are votes that are going to come in after and the supreme court moved forward but raised questions about it. they were asked to segregate them. but as i think dana said earlier, it's really hard to say we're going to exclude votes that have already been counted. that's a pretty unusual thing, especially if the voters are bona fide voters. >> again, this is where secretary of state has poked republicans in the eye in pennsylvania, because she said before the state supreme court and u.s. supreme court they would not count the ballots. they would simply segregate them. right before the election -- >> these are ballots what? >> late ballots. the ballots the pa supreme court
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said -- pa law says have to be in by 8:00 on tuesday. supreme court said no we're going to extend it to friday. they took the case to the u.s. supreme court and they said segregate the ballots, if it becomes an issue that matters come see us after the election. at that time secretary of state and the governor said, okay, we'll segregate the ballots and won't count them. now they are counting them. >> doesn't mean there could be an earlier decision. >> the point is she's not going by what she said she was going to do under a court process, number one. number two, what i've been told is there are counties that can't count the ballots unless they kaunt-of-count them on the same scanners as everybody else, now you've mixed the counts together. again, you can see not a big deal, not many votes, it won't matter. laws are in place to give people
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predictability and certainty in elections. when you start messing around with it, you get conspiracy theories and mistrust in the election. that's why what the secretary has done here has become fodder for a lot of what you see going on in the internet right now. >> let me ask you a question, if the margin is 100,000 and that could be the trajectory if you apply the margin to the votes still outstanding, if biden fini with 100,000 margin, do you think there's enough ballots in that category that would change the election? >> first off, we don't know. there's another pod of ballots. for example, we do know in montgomery, suburban, philadelphia county. they reported, i'm told, to the democratic party they had 227 ballots that were improper and needed to be cured. again, secretary made the case to supreme court they wanted to
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have a cure provision provided so pennsylvanians could cure their ballots. >> cure ballots meaning somebody's -- >> signature was incorrect. >> you call up the person and say -- >> call up the person and say come up and fix or vote in person, whatever the case may be. in pennsylvania there is no provision to do that. you can't cure your ballot. if you make a mistake, too bad. they went to the democratic pennsylvania supreme court, extended the deadline. the democratic supreme court said we're not going to do that because that takes a whole procedure. we're not going to create a procedure on how to cure ballots in this decision. the answer is no. yet what i'm told, the secretary called 25 democratic counties and said -- >> this is what you're told. we don't know for a fact. >> told by the chairman of the republican party. >> the point is if the margin is 100,000, if it's large -- these may be legitimate issues.
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i haven't reported it, so i don't know. these are issues that need to be handled for the next time there is an election and it should be litigated and people should figure out what exactly went on. what is going on now is people like hogan gidley who works for the president used to work for you saying ever notice how someone out of nowhere at the exact time needed five ballots. >> the bottom line is this election is taking place exactly the way everyone thought it would take place. the republicans would be way ahead in pennsylvania. the democrats because they voted absentee and republicans voted in person and it would be close. the idea that this is not what everybody anticipated is simply wrong. >> i appreciate you saying has. i do think responsible news outlets, right wing, left wing thought this would happen. you have people taking advantage
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and trying to spread conspiracy theories. i'm as frustrated, if any improprieties in pennsylvania, it adds to conspiracy and steps on the people doing a good job. i whattant to brag about black voters. if biden is safe, if this happens as it looks like. you'll have african-american voters rescuing biden in the primary and every state african-american voters coming out. atlanta, georgia, philadelphia, pittsburgh. >> detroit. >> it's detroit. in every one of these place, it's african-american voters going through hell, sometimes standing in long lines bracing a pandemic to rescue biden. that story is being stepped on. >> the bigger story, which is that -- i mean, that's a big sto story. we're sitting here waiting for,
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it's interesting, from these big metropolitan areas. one story underscored is the changing nature of american politics. used to be the suburbs where republican strongholds. now major democratic support. great dividing line. doesn't apply to pennsylvania, most were democrats for a whole bunch of reasons. generally we have metropolitan areas that have now become an alliance between the suburbs, minority voters. these are growing areas. that's why a state like georgia has become competitive. >> the race in pennsylvania continues to be competitive. pennsylvania has either the second or third largest rural population in america. people think of pittsburgh and philadelphia. people live everywhere. pretty much every place in pennsylvania is arable land and
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water and people live everywhere. we have a large small town rural population and that's why we continue to be competitive. >> what happened in this election is joe biden and kamala harris said get your ballots in, vote early. >> he said the opposite. >> trump said the opposite. >> to answer the question about why no one found ballots for republicans, is because republican legislatures did not want them counted early. >> and pennsylvania. >> that is why -- >> and the president didn't want them sending them in. >> exactly. that is the process we expected, and it is the process we have. >> cnn is live in the battleground states, of course. up next we're going to arizona where the count continues. when will we find out the totals in arizona? we'll ask the arizona secretary of state. at visionworks, we know it's easy to forget
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we're watching the electoral college map right now. take a look at this, biden has 253 electoral college votes, president trump has 213. you need 270. biden is getting closer and closer to that magic number.
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we'll see if that happens in the course of the day. let's take a look at a key race alert now. arizona, critically important state right now, biden maintains his lead. his lead is 68,129 over trump, 50.5 to 48.1%, 80% of the estimated vote is in. 11 electoral college votes in arizona. let's get a sense of what's going on in phoenix. what are you seeing and hearing on the ground? >> well, you nouhow how nervous people are. democratic sources here in this state say per the democratic voter file they are feeling very optimistic because they think the votes still out, stem counted are democratic votes from democratic areas. i spoke to gop.
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they said, look what happened yesterday, two ballot returns and you saw the margins's and joe biden start to shrink. all eyes for the gop in the state on what's going to be happening tonight because of those trends we saw yesterday. what's happening i'm outside maricopa county elections, i'm in the parking lot because they are limiting the number of press who can be inside. our bill weir is inside. i want you to take a sweep sweep of this, called freedom of speech zone. why have this? a protest we showed you live on cnn last night. certainly they are being prepared, wolf, for them to possibly return. but i can tell you from having been inside, talk to counting sources, the counting is
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continuing. the people who are doing this vote, they showed up, still making minimum wage, counting the vote very carefully. >> we'll stay in close touch with you. thank you. arizona a very important state. biden maintains the lead. you heard her suggest the outstanding vote 450,000 ballots still outstanding in arizona may be skewed in favor of the democrats. >> that's what democrats believe, the question is count them. this is a state that's been a slower process. we spoke to secretary of state several times. can you go ahead frustrated. everybody wants to know the winner. at the same time the unprecedented nature of the election. as noted, here we are 68,000 vote change plus a change for joe biden. in pennsylvania and georgia it's been working biden cutting into the trump lead. in arizona when they have reported results and haven't come as frequently it's the
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president cutting in. republicans have every reason to say let's wait, count the votes here. let's take this. this would be a takeaway if donald trump wins it. 3 1/2 point race like georgia sunbelt states as opportunity. in this campaign, demographics, older voters, suburbs, latinos, that's why the democrats think they can do well here. this is much of the game. maricopa, 60% of statewid, phoenix and suburbs around it essentially drive statewide politics. here if you're joe biden 51-47, you want to run those numbers up as you get close and through it. it's the suburbs here, a slow count. we'll wait. joe biden if he gets arizona keeps nevada. he's the next president of the united states, which is why pennsylvania and georgia still in play but this could be decisive. >> maybe we'll get a chance to speak to the secretary of state of arizona, get an update when those ballots will be coming in. stand by. let's go back to jay.
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>> right now we're taking a look and keeping an eye on a bunch of states, nevada, pennsylvania, but one that has really surprised a lot of people out there is georgia. let's check in with jeff zeleny covering the biden campaign for us. he's in wilmington, delaware. jeff, throughout the closing weeks of the campaign, i would hear from biden officials saying georgia is real, georgia is real. do they actually think they are going to be able to pull out a victory? >> jake, they are not certain if they are but they are certain it's incredibly close. they are watching this count as we a we are, county by county. they have election observerings. they do believe it's real. more real than they expected if you talk honestly with them. the final days of the campaign hen they were seeing that crush of early vote coming into georgia polls, it's one of the reasons they sent former president barack obama to georgia on the eve of the
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election trying to get out more in-person vote. it is mail-in vote we're talking about here. the biden campaign is watching georgia very, very carefully. they do expect lawsuits and litigation there. they are going to have that front cover as well. but they do believe this could be something that could upset the map. they were hoping for florida. they were hoping for north carolina. not called yet but they do not have much hope there. they do think something is happening in georgia. at the same time watching georgia as well, trying to lower expectations. they do believe the race is going to tighten in arizona but georgia is interesting. we do believe we could hear from the former vice president this afternoon. he's attending a briefing right now. we may hear from him at some time this afternoon, we're just not sure when. >> covering campaign in wilmington, delaware. let's check in with the trump team. kaitlan collins there from the white house. kaitlan, we have not seen or heard from president trump at least directly. we've seen his comments on twitter and press releases but
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we haven't heard from him. what is he doing? what is he up to? >> he's been tweeting in all caps. we haven't seen from him since tuesday morning when he came out and prematurely declared victory at the white house. so far he's stayed behind closed doors. i'm told that's not because he doesn't want to come out, agitating to speak publicly. they ultimately decided against it because aides asked themselves, what would be the message be. the map has only gotten worse for the president since he spoke to people on camera at 2:30 tuesday morning. what would he say if he came out and talked. we heard from him on twitter in all caps talking about what he thinks is happening. the question is what's he do going forward? does he say something publicly? officials behind the scenes are trying to create an event to show him going about his job as
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president as joe biden going around doing coronavirus briefing. so far, jake, that has not materialized. the president has been advised to leave things up to attorneys, let them handle legal challenges. some of them incredibly dubious they have been mounting while they figure out what they are going to do as they are waiting to see what's happening with arizona, pennsylvania, other states watching closely. >> kaitlan collins keeping track of the president at the white house. let's talk about this. i have to believe if i'm a white house adviser, one of the reins i'm not encouraging president trump to go out there, the message from president trump is increasingly unhinged and wild and the things he's saying about the election is patently false. he still could well become re-elected. based on what we're seeing, he's probably not going to be based on the data we have right now.u
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tweeting in all caps messages that contradict what his advisers have been saying he wants. so president trump wants to control the message here, so kudos to the white house for being able to keep him off the television screens of millions of americans as this is going on, but we don't know how much longer sis is going to last because we're getting down to the wire. we're about to get into this phase where we could know today which way the state of pennsylvania is going to go. and if it doesn't go donald trump's way, that's it. >> and i think it's very telling people still close to the president like his former chief of staff mick mulvaney is saying publicliee believes donald trump would run again in 2020 if he loses. i'm hearing that from people who are in communication with donald trump's children and others. and people who think that he is going to win a second term don't start talking about, you know,
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running in 2024. but it also goes to the donald trump psyche which we all know. that is the notion of losing is hard for any human to swallow, but donald trump it's a whole different level. so there's no wonder why the characteristics that we've seen throughout the presidency, these tweets that seem incredibly chaotic and not linear, they're happening in kind of in stereo right now. >> one of the things going on is first of all you have official republican washington kind of like taking its time, watching what's happening, waiting for the votes to come in and pretending as if this trump world does not exist. but the trump world i'm referring to are these deranged messages from president trump, all caps -- i've never seen an all caps press release.
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it was an all caps press release where the president says -- >> there's a reason that came out in a press release. that is a trump tweet, by the way. they put it in a press release because twitter and the social media companies and facebook have been trying to tamp down on that kind of misinformation. >> because data that's wrong. >> had he tweeted that, they would have flagged it. so the trump campaign figured let's put it in a press release have have other people report it. but report tg with the context is important. what the president is saying is obviously not true. if the votes are counted they will tell us whether he wins or loses, period. >> and it's not a surprise that the president's aides are clearly hoping that he doesn't come out and speak in public. nobody that i can find in the
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trump orbit thought that what he did and what he said at 2:30 in the morning or whatever it was on tuesday night, wednesday morning was a good idea, that it did seem unhinged. it was so inappropriate on so many levels. and so the fact that they have been able to keep him from the cameras i think is really interesting. >> yeah, it is interesting. it's fascinating. but while he's doing that he and his offspring, his spawn are out there putting out tweets that are just, you know, that have warning label after warning label after warning label because they're all untrue. they're putting out false information about ballots being burned. then you have this whatever you want to term this, the legal dream team of rudy giuliani and matt schlapp and the others going city to city saying nonsense, and it is increasingly apparent it's kind of like a fish flailing on a deck of a
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dock where it's just like they're breathing their last breaths. >> and you know, the conspiracy theories are so unhinged they've even forced republican officials at the state level who are to be fair doing their best to get these ballots counted -- >> georgia, arizona. >> in states like georgia and arizona to say this is not true. in georgia they had to be clear we are not -- we locked the lock boxes at 7:00 p.m. on election day as we are required to do. there are no sort of miscellaneous ballots just floating around and being counted that shouldn't be counted. they're forcing republicans to stand up for the electoral system that they have been adjudicating for many, many months. they're trying to do this fairly for everyone. >> while governors, senators and members of the house who are republican are hoping they can just ignore it and it will go away, pennsylvania is poised to possibly race for the white house. we' our coverage continues next.
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it's election night in america continued. i'm wolf blitzer. we're now 48 hours into our coverage and we may get an even better sense tonight how the presidential race is going to end. former vice president joe biden just needs one or two more states to prevail over president trump. and he now has higher hopes in pennsylvania where he has slashed trump's lead and where results may -- repeat -- may be announce said tonight. the pennsylvania secretary of state has a news conference scheduled for the next hour. we're also watching all the major undecided battlegrounds, pennsylvania, georgia, arizona and nevada. they're honing the keys to winning 270 electoral votes.
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biden is almost there with 253. trump has a steep uphill fight with 213. let's get another key race alert. and let's do it in pennsylvania. right now there's 20 -- 20 electoral votes at stake in pennsylvania. absolute must-win for trump. if biden wins pennsylvania it's game set and match, he's the next president of the united states. right now trump is ahead by 106,000 -- almost 17,000 votes. over biden 50.2%, 48.5%. right now 98% of the estimated vote is in right


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