tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN November 14, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm michael holmes. coming up here on cnn "newsroom." protests in washington have escalated into a night marred by violence. we will take you there, live. another day of the u.s. shattering its own coronavirus record. i'll speak with a doctor seeing the devastation, firsthand. and tropical storm headed for vietnam this hour. we'll have a live report from the cnn weather center.
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welcome, everyone. appreciate your company. demonstrations in washington, in support of u.s. president donald trump and his false claims of election fraud have taken a violent turn. officials say one man was stabbed on saturday night, is in critical condition, we're told. the mayor's office says two police officers were, also, injured. and at least 20 arrests have been made. we don't have a full picture, yet, of who was attacked or who might be responsible for the violence. but that's not stopping the president from weighing in. tweeting, a short time ago, that his supporters, quote, aggressively fought back after, what he described as, antifa attacked them. sara sidner is on the phone for us, from washington, with the very latest. you were there on the street, all day, sara. what happened in d.c.? how did it unfold? >> look. there is a lot of different skirmishes that were going on for a while, michael. at the very beginning, there
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were three different groups, if you will, that went out on social media. trying to get people to show up. and -- and that was a wholly peaceful event, that started around 9:00 in the morning and went till about 4:00 when they had their permit. that was the so-called million-man march that was also coupled with a group called stop the steal and another group called march for trump. there were thousands and thousands of people who came out to support donald trump because they believe that the election was stolen. although, they are going on false information. they were -- it was a wholly peaceful event. but, as night fell, that's when we started to see some skirmishes. and -- and -- and really, what you are seeing are several different things. you're seeing anti-fascists who are out, who are anti-trump as well. and when they see someone from, you know, this trump-supporting side of things, who come into the area where they are, we've seen, you know, arguments unfold. and then, sometimes, violent
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acts unfold as well. we've also seen, conversely, some of those folks who are anti-trump, who are walking the streets in large groups. and then, we have seen trump supporters, including the proud boys, who he infamously told to stand back and stand by during the very first, 2020 presidential debate with joe biden. we have seen them running towards a group of people who were not being aggressive, until confronted with a bunch of folks who were coming and screaming, you know, curse words at them. and then, you know, started to turn into a bit of a melee. we, also, have been seeing that the police are very heavily involved in trying to stop the two sides from coming together. and this has been happening in places across, really, in the area of the capitol. in the area, first, of the
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freedom plaza. and then, in the area of black lives matter plaza. and so, we have been seeing this kind of all over the place in a -- in a certain radius, very near all of the things that sort of denote that this is the capital of washington, d.c. here in the state. and so, this has been happening on and off, ever since nightfall. but there hasn't been a huge amount of violence. but enough to have a very large police presence. and for the most part, michael, police have come within seconds, not longer than minutes, when there is contact between these two groups. those who support donald trump, and those who are very much against him. >> yeah. sara, i -- you know, we mentioned the tweet from the president, a short time ago. i just -- i want to read it for people so they get a sense of what he said. he said, quote, antifa scum ran for the hills today when they tried attacking the people at the trump rally because those
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people aggressively fought back. antifa waited until tonight, when 99% were gone, to attack innocent, maga people. d.c. police, get going, do your job, don't hold back. i'm just curious, your -- your sense on the street. what -- what do protestors, on either side, tell you about the president's role in -- in sort of continuing or stoking this division that we've seen today? >> yeah, i mean, you know, for those who support him. often, when he makes statements like that, it helps to stoke their confidence in going forward with -- with whatever they decide to do. certainly, helps to gin up hatred between the two groups. and so, you know, you'll see some of that. and you will see it being reflected in what people say. and that the president is with them, if you will. for the other side, it's just another, you know, another statement by the president which they have come to expect. but, to -- to say, also, you
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know, police, do your job. if he were to be paying attention, and were to be out in the streets like i have been, you will see the police are very active in d.c. more so than in several other cities that i have been in. there are there, again, within minutes, if not seconds, of groups coming together. that doesn't mean they're always there in time, if you will, to stop any kind of physical altercation. but, again, this has been sort of small skirmishes around the city. you know, i was talking to some folks who were here. visiting some folks who are from d.c. and who lived in the city. and, you know, they're very disappointed to see and, frankly, some of them are fearful, to see what 's happening. many of them have said things like it's so sad that politics have gotten this acrimonious that, you know, after an election, that people can't just
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accept what -- what the voters have -- have -- have said by casting their ballots. and that, there is this -- this is thabsolute anger toward everyone, who are americans just trying to live their lives. there is a lot of disappointment. there is a lot of, you know, fear that's building up. that this country is -- is in a position where, politically, it's really broken, if you will, when it comes to relationships between people and people being able to simply talk out their ideas. and not resort to violent acts or screaming and yelling where nobody's listening to anyone. >> great analysis. good to have you out there on the street covering it. sara sidner in washington. appreciate it, sara. thank you. now, to be clear. donald trump has no path to electoral victory but that is not stopping him, as we were just discussing, from denying reality. continuing to push false claims. jeremy diamond reports for us,
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from the white house. >> reporter: well, one week after joe biden was declared the winner of the presidential election, president trump is still refusing to concede and admit defeat in this 2020 election. instead, what we've seen from the president is continuing to falsely claim that he has won. falsely, claiming that there has been widespread voter fraud and that this election was rigged against him. of course, these are the same claims that we saw the president make in the run-up to the election. but he has only continued to make those, despite the clear and overwhelming evidence of this election. despite the fact that we have seen election officials, republicans and democrats, in all 50 states, make very clear that there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. and that, in fact, the 2020 election was one of the most secure to date. during this week, we have also seen the president, privately, according to our sources, waiver between this pugilistic attitude where he says he wants to continue these challenges in
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battleground states. and also, beginning to come to grips with reality. we saw a sliver of that friday as the president spoke in the rose garden. acknowledging the possibility, at least of a future biden administration. >> this administration will not be going to a lockdown. hopefully, the -- the -- whatever happens in the future. who knows which administration it will be. i guess, time will tell. but i can tell you this administration will not go to a lockdown. >> but on saturday, we saw the president drive through this crowd of supporters who were protesting in washington parroting his claims of a stolen election. and after that, the president seemed to be buoyed by those supporters. digging in, once again, on his claims of a rigged election. taking to twitter, making several tweets that twitter has labeled as misinformation about this election. and the president showing no sign that he is prepared to concede this election, publicly. jeremy diamond, cnn, the white house. for more on this, let's bring in michael genovese. he is political analyst and president of the global policy institute at loyola university.
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good to see you, michael. we were just talking about the violence and protest in washington saturday. how much damage is being done to public face in the electoral system by the president's refusal to accept the results of the election? >> well, let's be clear, michael. this is unprecedented. you have a president who is intentionally starting the embers of conflict by attacking our electoral system and our democracy. by a false narrative that the election was stolen. that it's all unfair. it's fraud. he's inflaming the passions of his followers, when he should be calming things down. he is egging them on. and so, the proud boys and sort of the tin-foil-hat-wearing followers, and there are some of them, who are very susceptible to the president's words. see him throwing gas on this fire and this cannot end in anything that's good. >> i -- i -- i'm interested.
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what -- what direction do you think the gop will head in, as ta party, once this is all over? i mean, this has essentially been the trump party, for four years. does the party have to regroup in a post-trump world? or do you see it as the party has changed, forever? >> well, donald trump won't go away. he is probably going to announce running for -- in 2024. and in the post-loss-election autopsy, the republicans are going to have to do a lot of soul searching and there will be some recriminations. but they have to figure out if they, going forward, are the party of trump because he still has the base and they're still loyal. or if they are going to purge themselves of the influence of donald trump and try to move beyond trump. whether they are going to try to be more moderate and attract more women voters, more young voc folks, maybe hispanics. or whether they're going to be sort of the party of old, white
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males. there's going to be a lot of soul searching, a lot of argumentation. >> i guess -- i guess -- you know, that is a reality. joe biden, convincingly, overwhelmingly, won the popular vote. however, the democrats did not do well, down ballot. they didn't flip the senate. they lost seats in the house. the president did grow the vote, and he grew the vote among minorities and so on. why is that? >> well, i think there are a variety of reasons. sometimes, it's the individual candidates in individual states. but i think what it is, is that we still, as a country, have not agreed on a consensus as to who we are and where we want to go. and we are so divided and so polarized that, you know, we're not talking to one another. we're talking and yelling at one another. and so, no one has captured the romance of the time or the logic of the time. and so, no one has the narrative that they can describe that, this is where we are. this is how we got here. this is where we're going.
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this is how to get there. there is no consensus or agreement on that. so, we remain a fragmented and fractured society. and in that kind of society, there's no real direction in which we go. we just lurch from one side to another, almost mindlessly. >> great analysis, as always. michael genovese, thanks so much. good to see you. >> thank you, michael. to the pandemic, now. the u.s., in dangerous territory. coronavirus cases, spreading like wildfire. it's not even winter, yet. one medical expert pointing out it's not an issue of hot spots, anymore. the entire country is a hot spot. the u.s. just topped 100,000 daily cases, for the 12th day in a row. hospitalizations hit a new high for the fourth-straight day. overwhelming medical facilities and health care workers across the country. and the daily death toll topped
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1,300 at least three times this week. the midwestern u.s., in particular, is seeing big jumps in coronavirus cases, lately. let's have a look at one state. iowa which now has more than 181,000 cases, more than 1,900 deaths. and they're seeing record-high hospitalizations, according to the covid-tracking project. dr. gregory schmidt is a critical-care specialist, affiliated with university of iowa hospitals and clinics. doctor, thanks so much for being with us. i saw you quoted as saying people in leadership are starting to say things in meetings, like i have a sense of impending doom. it was chilling to hear that. explain. >> well, these are unprecedented times for us. and we see the numbers. we see the trends. and we know that, roughly two weeks after infections, patients will be in the icu. and so, we can see our future
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before us. and we're doing everything that we possibly can to get ready. but we know that this is an unprecedented surge and we're going to have really stressed systems. >> you are truly frontline. give us a sense because i don't think most people have a clue. give us a sense of what it is like in the er as beds fill up. and -- and you're looking patients in the eye. it all seems to be a bit anonymous to most people, i think. >> well, this is a profound illness. patients become desperately sick, critically ill, unable to breathe. often, requiring artificial machines to breathe. sometimes, even artificial lungs to replace their failing lungs. so they're desperately ill. and they are separated from their usual support systems. and that's one of the things that's particularly unusual about this disease. is that, because we're in a
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pandemic, families are not there. which means, these patients are on their own. and that's hard on them and it's hard on us. >> well, exactly. i was going to get to that, in a moment. but, you know, you are dealing with -- with sick and dying covid patients. and then, you know, you and the people you work with, perhaps leave and see bars that are -- that are packed. people in restaurants. people partying. you know, they're watching the football or whatever. what goes through your minds and the minds of your colleagues when you walk outside the -- and you see that behavior? >> well, michael, frankly, we're -- we're concerned. it -- it's -- some -- some of my colleagues are angry. they're scared about what's going to happen. and maybe, the best word would be frustrated. frustrated because the devastation that is in front of us now and worsening in the next few weeks is preventable. at least to a substantial degree, is preventable, if we took the proper steps.
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and so, it's -- it's seeing those people at bars. that's not the proper steps. and that's not going to -- this pandemic. >> you touched on this and i do want to revisit it. you speak about the toll on staff. it has been nonstop, months on end. that cannot go on forever. what sort of mental toll is it taking on -- on medical staff? >> well, you know, michael. on the one hand, we're professionals and we're doing our job. and we will do our job. but, when, every day, you are up to your elbows in critical illness that is -- that keeps coming. you know, one of the challenges about this is that we're kind of mopping up the damage of a virus. and we can do that. but somehow, the spigot has got to be turned off. and this illness needs to be controlled. and those are things that are beyond the power of any one
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hospital or any, one specialty group. this is something that is going to require national action, on the part of our leaders and on the part of our population. we need them to join with us, in this fight. >> i was just about to ask you about that. what -- what is your message to those showing covid-mitigation fatigue, if we can call it that? you know, i saw a tweet. there was a brand new member of congress who tweeted yesterday. you know, masks are oppressive. my body, my choice. what do you say to people who continue to push back on coronavirus restrictions? you know, the -- the whole freedom argument? >> well, i think freedom is not really the right term. there are many things that we're not free to do because we live in a civilized society. we -- we can't drive down the wrong side of the street. we can't go downtown with our pants off. these are things that, in a civilized world, you don't do. but i think, i actually want to
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defend the citizens, in a sense, because they've gotten conflicted messages. and i think one of the things that the coming administration needs to do is to be more on point with messaging. a consistent message to the population about what is going to be required to get this under control because a vaccine is going to help. but it's going to be a while before a vaccine is going to have its effect. and hundreds of thousands of americans are going to die, before that happens. >> absolutely. a pleasure to speak with you, dr. gregory schmidt. we appreciate your expertise. we appreciate what you and your colleagues are doing, every single day, that people, i think, by and large, aren't getting, at the moment. and it's important. thank you. >> my pleasure, michael. thank you. all right. we're going to take a break here on the program. when we come back. typhoon vamco making landfall in vietnam, after devastating the philippines. we're going to have a live
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as the colombian air force assisted after hurricane eta devastated the region and another storm is quickly approaching as tropical storm iota heads toward central america. nearly 1 million people in honduras have been displaced thanks to landslides and the powerful hurricane eta, sparking growing fears as iota approaches. and we are also tracking typhoon vamco which is currently bearing down on vietnam. let's get the latest with cnn meteorologist, derek van dam. >> let's get to the most immediate threat that is, of course, typhoon vamco as you said. 150-kilometer-per-hour sustained winds. there is a lot of cool ocean water temperatures along the coast of vietnam. really, you need temperatures above 28 degrees celsius to sustain a typhoon or hurricane. water temperatures there, just checked, about 24 to 25 degrees
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celsius. so this has caused rapid weakening in the storm. this is mainly a rain event for central vietnam. you can see rainfall totals over the past 24 hours have been substantial. another 50 to 100 millimeters. it has been an extremely busy past two months for vietnam. they have had eight land-falling, named storms just in the past two months. very similar things happening on the other side of the earth. we have had the most amount of named, tropical systems across the caribbean, gulf of mexico, and the atlantic ocean. that's the atlantic basin. and unfortunately, we have, yet another, storm to talk about. this storm is strengthening and has the potential to rapidly intensify. we use that term when winds exceed 35 miles per hour, and strengthening within a 24-hour period. it looks like it may do that and looks like it's going to impact
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the same areas that major hurricane eta struck devastation to, nicaragua, honduras, and guatemala. so we'll be thinking about those people, for sure. >> absolutely. derek, appreciate you being on duty for us. thanks. ethiopians fleeing across the river into sudan, on saturday. some using boats and rafts. others risking swimming through the water. all, to escape growing conflict. rebel forces say they launched missile attacks, late friday, in retaliation for government a aai air strikes. to airports targeted with rocket fire. ee ethiopia's government accuses of attacking federal troops. thanks for being with us on cnn "newsroom." i'm michael holmes. if you are an international viewer, vital signs is up next. if you're with us here in the u.s., i'll be right back with more news. .
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welcome back to our viewers here, in the united states. i'm michael holmes. you're watching cnn "newsroom." president donald trump, digging in with his refusal to concede the presidential race. making false claim, after false claim. and he's not alone. thousands descended on washington, saturday, to show their support for the president and his position. the rallying cry, for many, stop the steal. but, the movement isn't exactly organic or anything new, either. drew griffin reports. >> reporter: it's an internet battle cry, stop the steal has swept across inboxes, facebook
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pages, and twitter, like an out-of-control virus. the claims that democrats stole the 2020 presidential election from donald trump are all false. but the truth means little to people inundated with lies. >> i believe that they tried to steal the election. >> reporter: stop the steal may appear as a grassroots uprising, but it started more than four years ago. the brainchild of a political, dirty-trick artist and convicted liar who has pushed disinformation schemes for years. roger stone. >> stop the steal is posting much of this material. there is insurmountable, compelling, overcoming evidence of fraud. >> stop the steal is actually a coordinated effort that has been revived, twice, by roger stone and allied-political operatives in an attempt to gaslight the entire integrity of our voting and election process. >> reporter: ben decker, who
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conducts digital investigations, says, far from a grassroots campaign, stop the steal is a business. in 2016, roger stone's pac launched stop the steal dot org, which was asking for $10,000 donations, purportedly, back then, to help uncover evidence of vote fraud against donald trump. stone told cnn the group was a nonprofit, created to ensure the integrity of the vote. stop the steal reemerged, briefly, in the 2018 midterms. then, in the run up to 2020, the stop the steal campaign, rebooted. by a group of people orbiting roger stone. a cast of characters include ali alexander, a roger stone wanna be. he began hashtagging stop the steal weeks before election day, and launched a stop the steal website. amy kramer, a tea party activist, who, in 2016, formed the group women vote trump with roger stone's ex-wife.
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kramer was behind a stop the steal facebook group, along with two people who worked on steve bannon's discredited we build the wall fund. it was taken down by facebook. also, shut down? a cluster of pages affiliated with bannon that coordinated posts, according to facebook, using inauthentic behavior tactics to artificially boost how many people saw their content. in all, the pages had 2.5 million followers, before they were shuttered. >> stop the steal is a highly coordinated, partisan, political operation. >> reporter: this week, stone even took his message to the most notorious conspiracy theorist, of all. alex jones. >> a hoax is being perpetrated on the american people. >> reporter: on twitter, researchers at clemson university saw the hashtag stop the steal mentioned in nearly 2 million tweets. the tweets, the facebook posts. filled with unsubstantiated and false evidence of widespread
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voter fraud, quickly, caught the attention of disinformation researchers, like kieren o'connor. >> it only took a day and a half before facebook took the group down but it was already too late. >> copycats, now, in the dozens and false information initially spread by a few is only multiplying. drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. facebook and twitter routinely put warning labels on false and misleading posts, including, of course, many by the u.s. president, of late. that is causing, though, a great number to seek out alternatives where misinformation is not discouraged. now, the most popular one is an app called parler. it's similar to twitter and it is among the top-downloaded apps on the apple app store. lately, the company's ceo explains the appeal. >> parler is, of course, about free speech. making sure people have a voice
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again, which is -- which is extremely, you know, necessary right now. people want a social media like parler, that works the way they thought. where it truly is by the people. it's private. you choose the content you want to see. and you get the content that you've chosen to see. and so, there's so much more than just free speech. but, you know, really, people are tired. they're really tired of what's going on over there. >> bridget barrett knows all about this sort of thing. she is lead researcher at north carolina center for information, technology, and public life. she joins me, now, from chapel hill, north carolina. good to see you, bridget. i mean, let's talk about parler. in many ways, is it a refuge of the right now and, in that way, perhaps a more concentrated echo chamber? and what are the risks in that? >> yeah, absolutely. first of all, thank you so much for having me on tonight. and, yes, parler has become an
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echo chamber for the right, which is particularly ironic because it talks about, in its mission, and its founder talks about wanting it to be a platform, on which ideas can be debated, for productive conversation. and yet, in practice, it runs exactly counter to that. and has become very much an echo chamber of conservative media, people, as well as folks from twitter and facebook and other social media platforms who feel aggrieved by the treatment of false information on those platforms. and who have joined parler, which has committed to not fact checking or, otherwise, labeling or contextualizing, even the most outright, false claims. >> and that -- that -- that is -- leads me to the next question. you know, all this limited moderation, say what you think, we're not going to butt in. but, what -- what are the risks of that? i mean, there -- there is a lot of overt racism, anti-semitism,
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already, on that site. and worse, too. i mean, without limits, isn't -- isn't that risky, that these platforms become a haven for hate and, perhaps worse? >> absolutely. i think, when we talk about parler, i do want to be clear that, even though it's growing rapidly, it's still much smaller than the other social media platforms that we think about. and when we talk about why it's risky or dangerous or bad, there are a few divifferent things th really matter here. for one, yes, the spread of hate, of false information. but also, recognizing that a poorly-moderated platform may allow for terrorists, both foreign and domestic, to recruit or plan. you'll, also, see online conspiracy theories that we worry about moving offline, which we've already seen with pizza gate and qanon. so, recognizing that there are real-world harms that can come out of these places where hate
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develops. i also want to talk about the harms that we see to democracy. that, if you allow a space where none of these claims are going to be countered, that people are going to believe that an election was unfair or illegitimate, when every valid and legitimate source has been clear that this was one of the best-run elections that we've had, in years. >> and -- and -- and you study this, for a living. there -- there -- there is also out there, growing support for networks like news max, other outlets, too. one of the dangers, i think shannon mcgregor put it in "the new york times," a fractured misinformation system. what are the dangers of that? >> over the past decade, as the internet has developed and grown more, we've been very afraid of kind of these filter bubbles and these echo chambers. and in many ways, they've failed to play out as we would expect. much of the research on this has shown that people still get
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their news from more-mainstream sources. and that, online, the news they get is -- is quite diverse. and this could make claims harder to -- to check, to verify, to folks who are -- are receiving false information. or who are, in this case, opting in to receiving false information. >> it's all very dangerous and -- and glad that people like you are studying it for us. bridget barrett, thank you so much. >> thank you so much for having me. >> coming up here on cnn "newsroom," new york is close to shutting down its schools, again. but there are still some mitigating factors to think about. that's next. also, this. >> the scariest part is you just -- you have no idea what you're walking into, in those classes. i could be putting my students at risk. i could be putting my family members at risk. >> so many teachers were excited to teach again, in person. now, they're demanding to go
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welcome back. as coronavirus spreads across the u.s., it's getting another foothold in new york. that state once led the country in infections. now, cases climbing, again. and local leaders are weighing their options. evan mcmorris-santoro with the details. >> reporter: with the pandemic numbers heading in the wrong direction in new york, both the governor and mayor of new york city are talking about new restrictions and there are two magic numbers. the first is 10. at 10:00 p.m., every night, restaurants have to close to in-person dining and ten people are the maximum allowed in private gatherings, whether inside or outside. those are new restrictions by the governor that began this weekend. the other magic number is three. if the seven-day rolling average of the infection rate crosses
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3%, new york city schools are set to shut down again. that was the plan, until this weekend. where the numbers have gotten close to that number, but haven't crossed it. today, in a press conference, the governor said that 3% number may not be the number, anymore. he said that testing is good enough inside schools to keep those schools open, even if that number crosses 3%. but, that's not a guarantee, yet. so, parents and teachers and students are wondering which number is going to be the number that keeps schools open or closed, as everyone worries that the pandemic numbers could shut new york down again? evan mcmorris-santoro, cnn, new york. >> new york isn't the only city coming under scrutiny, over its handling of public schools during the coronavirus pandemic. some teachers in houston feel they're at risk, and are demanding a new approach. cnn's brianna has this report.
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>> the first day was kind of like, oh, this is exciting. i'm back with kids again. you know, i love seeing them face to face. but, by the second day, it was pretty clear that this was very different. >> reporter: two days after houston public schools opened for in-person learning last month, naseeb gill, a 5th grade language arts teacher, decided she had enough. >> the scariest part is you just -- you have no idea what you're walking into. i could be putting my students at risk. i could be putting my family members at risk. >> reporter: she's one of the dozens of houston public school teachers asking for a different approach. >> i just had a teacher, today, talk to me and say, i had never thought i would say this but we need to go back to virtual. >> reporter: protesting the covid-19 protocols that leave them feeling unsafe. >> yes, they have masks on but i'm walking into a room where i actually don't really know what i am breathing in. you know, a lot of our schools. they're very old.
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and their hvac and their ac units are very, very old. >> gill's school, along with at least 17 other houston public schools were temporarily closed, shortly after reopening. today, the district is reporting no school closures, though, its dashboard lists over 100 active covid-19 cases among students and staff, as of thursday. across the country, teachers are expressing their anxiety over what they view as an unclear and inconsistent approach to safely reopening schools. this high school teacher in boston tweeting, last month, her concerns about proper ventilation. >> when you're put in the situation where you don't know what the true risks are, it kind of just wears on you. and it breaks you down. >> reporter: some teachers are even contemplating leaving the field, altogether. >> every day, i'm thinking like, maybe, i should just move onto something else. but you don't because you know that if you left those students,
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that you would just potentially be, like, another person who left them. >> reporter: it was a highly polarized issue, leading up to last week's election. >> the transmittal rate to the teachers is very small. but, i want to open the schools. >> all you teachers out there. not that many of you are going to die, so don't worry about it. so don't worry about it. come on. >> it became a political act, going back to school. >> reporter: joseph alan is the director of the healthy buildings program at harvard university's chan school of public health. >> once we talk about the science, it takes away some of that anxiety. that's why these controls make masking. ventilation. filtration. distancing. >> reporter: while some early data appears to show that schools federal-tracking system has made it more difficult to monitor spread within districts. a point that current education secretary, betsy devos, refutes.
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>> i'm not sure there is a role for the department of education to compile and conduct that research. >> if my secretary of education is saying it's not her job, nor the federal government's job, and then, sometimes the local government's like, well, it's not really our job. it's the district's job. and the district's going, well, we're going to put it on the schools. and then, inevitably, it gets put on you. >> it's department of education. that's their role. we need a strong, federal response to start compiling this information. >> wear a mask. >> reporter: president-elect biden has promised to give schools clear, consistent, effective, national guidelines winter months are approaching, to course correct? >> no question. there is a always somethilways can do. but the single-most important measure is masking. >> in response to a cnn request for statement, an official wrote face to face instruction will
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continue to occur with safety measures in place and accordance and guidelines provided by the cdc, state, and local health authorities. the health and wellbeing of our students remains our top priority as we work to meet the educational needs of all families in the district. now, many officials i have spoken with across the country say that they are frustrated by the lack of a national plan and national guidelines. this is something that the biden administration promises to prioritize. cnn, new york. >> well, it finally looks like all systems will be go for liftoff at the kennedy space septembe center on sunday. how nasa and spacex are set to make history with a groundbreaking mission to the international space station. that's when we come back. - [narrator] with the ninja foodi power pitcher,
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faster results than ever. they should expect the same from their education, too. with flexpath from capella university, you can earn an r.n.-to-b.s.n. in nine months and under $10,000. capella university. don't just learn. learn smarter. new garlique healthy blood pressure formula helps maintain healthy blood pressure with a custom blend of ingredients. i'm taking charge, with garlique. the spacex crew dragon capsule was supposed to lift off friday from the kennedy space center. it was delayed initially because of rough winds. but if all goes well, the historic mission will be rocketing towards orbit just hours from now. rachel crane with the story. >> ignition. liftoff of the falcon 9 and crew
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dragon, go nasa, go spacex. >> reporter: this launch marks the dawn of a new era of u.s. spaceflig spaceflights. four astronauts will take the next step. >> for the crew, we're ready. >> reporter: they're headed to the international space station for a six-month stay. it's the first fully operational mission for the crew dragon spacecraft. >> there's a lot of firsts on this flight. a lot of amazing discoveries that are going to happen by these four amazing astronauts over the next six months. >> reporter: just like in may, when astronauts lifted off from u.s. soil for the first time in nine years, nasa isn't running the whole show. it partnered with elon musk's spacex, the private company that designed, built, and operates the crew dragon. >> 18 years working towards this goal. so -- it's hard to believe that it's happened. >> reporter: this time, nasa astronauts victor glover, michael hopkins, shannon walker,
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and japan's soic hchlt ichlhsoi be on board. >> what does it mean to be a black man and an astronaut at this moment in our country's history? >> you know, i'm not immune to the things going on in the world right now. from the physical insecurity that many people are feeling to the economic insecurity. and i will say this. the overriding feeling that i have is that i want to go up there and do my job well. >> reporter: the crew named their spacecraft "resilience" in recognition of 2020's challenges. >> i think all of us can agree that 2020 has certainly been a challenging year. a global pandemic, economic hardships, civil unrest, isolation. >> reporter: to stay safe, astronauts have been in strict quarantine together. nasa is begging tourists not to crowd florida's beaches to watch the liftoff. after all, there will be more
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launches. nasa's plan is for more trips to the iss, carrying new astronauts and perhaps one day private citizens. >> this is a very exciting time for nasa. and these are, again, historic firsts. >> reporter: rachel crane, cnn, kennedy space center, florida. if a tree needs a police escort, you know it's extra specifically and that's exactly what this christmas tree is. it's for the rockefeller center in new york, and it was delivered on saturday. a crane had to lift the nearly 75-foot or 23-meter-tall norway spruce into place. you won't be seeing that iconic holiday setup just yet. the tree is going to be decorated, of course, before it's officially lit on december the 2nd. thanks for spending part of your day with me on "cnn newsroom." i'm michael holmes. i'll have more news in just a moment.
9:57 pm
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if you're living with hiv . . . . . . keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. joining us from around the world. coming up on "cnn newsroom," division in the u.s. demonstrations in washington supporting president trump's baseless claims of election fraud have turned violent. closing out the worst coronavirus case week in the u.s. since the pandemic began. the toll it is taking on hospitals. plus plot to take down a terrorist. how a seemingly straightforward murder in a quiet iranian neighborhood this summer has turned into an international intrigue.
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