tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN November 14, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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after thousands of supporters of president donald trump rally in washington, the situation turns violent after dark as the divide over the election grows deeper. these lines of people waiting to take coronavirus tests in los angeles as the u.s. faces sweeping escalation in infections, setting new records every day. and police clash with antilockdown protesters in germany, firing water cannon when the demonstrators wouldn't
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wear masks or practice social distancing. hello and welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and all around the world. appreciate your company. i'm michael holmes. you're watching "cnn newsroom." >> violence in washington, d.c. is overshadowing what had been a mostly peaceful demonstration in support of president donald trump's baseless election claims. officials say one man was stabbed and is in critical condition. the mayor's office says two police officers also were injured, and 20 arrests were made. trump supporters and counter protesters clashed, but it is not clear who was responsible for the violence. that's not stopping the president, though, from weighing in, as you might imagine, tweeting that his supporters,
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quote, aggressively fought back after he says antifa attacked him. our sara sidner gave us an update a short time ago. >> there were thousands and thousands of people who came out to support donald trump because they believe that the election was stolen, although they are going on false information. they were -- it was a wholly peaceful event. but as night fell, that's when we started to see some skirmish skirmishes. and really, what you're seeing are several different things. you're seeing anti-fascists who are out who are anti-trump as well. and when they see someone from the trump supporting side of things who come into the area where they are, we've seen arguments unfold and then sometimes violent acts unfold as well. we've also seen conversely some of those folks who are anti-trump who are walking the streets in large groups and then we have seen trump supporters, including the proud boys who he
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infamously told to stand back and stand by during the very first 2020 presidential debate with joe biden, we have seen them running towards a group of people who were not being aggressive until confronted with a bunch of folks who were coming and screaming curse words at them and started to turn into a bit of a melee. >> and cnn senior political analyst ron brownstein joins me now. he is also a senior editor at the atlantic. appreciate that coming on, ron. we've seen the incidents on the streets of the nation's capital. the country clearly divided. but doesn't what's coming from the oval office just multiply the intensity of the division, worsen the polarization? >> this is where we are as a country. it is hard to imagine, you know, america four, six, eight, ten years ago being in this place with running street battles on the streets of multiple american
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cities. and a president who is putting gasoline on all of these fires, essentially congratulating his supporters for fighting and attacking others in the streets. i mean, with the silence and kind of a betting and enabling of essentially an entire political party that is allowing the barriers between its coalition and far right extremists, whether it's qanon or the proud boys to be dissolved by this president. i mean, it's extraordinarily dangerous moment for america. i think people around the world can recognize the kind of symptoms they've seen in other country, and we are moving down a path that we have not seen in modern american history. >> see, and this is something we've talked about in past days as well. you know, you've got the situation where the president is sort of stoking his base and saying i didn't lose. i was robbed. you were robbed. where are republicans on this?
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when does it become a dangerous situation with republicans in congress not stepping up to the plate and saying enough? >> we are way past that point. i mean, you know, as we talked about last night, as i've often said, every time he breaks a window, the republicans in congress obediently sweep up the glass. there is no way he would have behaved, so many of the things he would not have done if republicans had stood up at aanypoint. and there has been i think any means necessary miami mind-set that has taken root in much of the republican party. if they believe that president trump has picked the lock and figured out how to hold power, they are willing to give him as much rope as he needs, even to the point looking the other way as he openly dyspoistorted the government of ukraine. allowing him to go on in this way and so few of them acknowledging the obvious, that president trump has lost the
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popular vote by well over five million votes. joe biden has won a higher popular share than even ronald reagan in 1980, that the key states in the electoral college are not really that close. biden won michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania by triple the margin that trump did in 2016. they are watering this kind of extremism. they're allowing the oxygen in the room for this to develop. and it is just an ominous indication not only for these next few weeks, but for these next few years about what direction the party may be headed. >> speaking of next few years, joe biden of course ran on uniting the country. i mean, you have to wonder how he does that with the temperature as high as it is. do you think it's possible? . >> look, it is very difficult, as we've said. if democrats had 50 votes in the senate and a narrow majority in the house, i think biden will be able to make deals with republicans that is his instinct. he will frustrate the leftawway
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republicans. if the republicans have the majority in the senate and the ability to simply block what he wants to do, he is going to find it very hard to pry any of them from mitch mcconnell's grip. i think the dynamic, the paradox is in democrats have more control there might be more bipartisan deal making than if republicans have the capacity to block his agenda. >> yeah, barack obama writes than in his memoir, about mitch mcconnell. all right, ron, we've got to leave it there. ron brownstein in los angeles. i appreciate you sticking around. >> thank you, michael. turning our attention to the pandemic now. the u.s. in dangerous territory. coronavirus cases spreading like wildfire, and it isn't even winter yet. one medical expert points out it's not an issue of hot spots anymore. the entire country is a hot
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spot. the u.s. just topped 100,000 new daily cases for the 12th day in a row. hospitalizations hit a new high for the fourth straight day. overwhelming medical facilities and health care workers across the can't. and the daily death toll topped 1300 at least three times this week. california reported nearly 10,000 new cases of coronavirus on saturday. take a lock at the massive line of car, look at them there they're lined up for coronavirus testing at the l.a. dodgers baseball stadium car park. the state's health department says they're seeing the fastest rate of increasing new cases since the start of the pandemic. 81 californians died from the virus on saturday. cnn's paul vercammen is in los angeles and spoke with the city's mayor about the covid crisis. >> here in los angeles county and the city of los angeles, they have dramatically ramped up testing, especially here at
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dodger stadium. by all accounts, the most busy testing site in the country. if you look behind me, you can see those are the six lines of cars that have filtered through here. earlier this week, they had one day where they tested a thousand people. another day last night about 7800, from what we understand. they're able to move people through here rather quickly, about a 20-minute wait per average and instrumental in getting this done for the city, mayor garcetti. this was an extraordinary measure you took. why? >> we see the tsunami coming. but the good news is we can hear the alarm as well. we stood this up as the biggest testing center in america along with our firefighters and core volunteer group, and it's been incredibly successful, to help people know when they have the symptoms and when they don't have the symptoms, whether or not they're positive. and right now this is right outside dodger stadium, if this were a baseball game, we're in the bottom of the six and the game will be decided in the next couple of innings. >> given what's happened here in los angeles with unemployment,
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there are a lot of people extremely concerned about how they're going to continue to make ends meet, or really not meet given everything that has hatched. can you assure them we're not headed for some kind of complete lockdown in los angeles if the numbers continue to get exponentially worse? >> well, the god thing about where we are now is we're smarter than we were in march. we understand this blanket kind of lockdown which did the trick then may not be the best way now. in other words, we've had the best numbers while these things have been closed, and we've had the worst numbers, approaching them now, while the same level of things are closed. it's not whether a store open or not, it's about your and my behavior. it's i know that person. i'm familiar with them. i can hang out with them. and three other people tomorrow and three other people the next night in my backyard or maybe we go indoors or open a window. those things are what's causing the spread. to me it's really getting people to realize cancel vacation plans right now. do not sneak in other households for thanksgiving. get a chicken instead of a turkey, or a small turkey.
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to me the mantra is two things. don't share your air, and don't do stupid things. >> words to the wise, don't do anything stupid among his tips. and as you can see behind me, his vision being carried out as they are testing more people at dodger stadium than ever before. become to you now. >> and joining me now from san francisco, an internal medicine physician at california pacific medical center. good to see you, doctor. haven't seen you for a while. these numbers, they are simply staggering. what is your fear about the trajectory about what's to come? >> well, michael, we know that over 1780,000 new cases of covid-19 were reported on friday. we're reaching new highs every day with frankly exponential growth. the fact that we're at the beginning of flu season as well as holiday time, with many people congregating indoors is extremely troubling. we're still many months away from a widely available safe
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effective vaccine. i'm very concerned things could get much worse. the fact is that hospitalizations and deaths lag behind new cases by approximately two and four weeks respectively. right now, we're running out of front line health care workers, and hospitals are seeing shortages of medications and ppe, which means that care will suffer. and this is not just for patients with covid-19, right. people can only receive high quality medical care if we have enough hands and supplies and beds to go around. we need everyone's help right now. please keep wearing masks. don't congregate indoors with others, and please stay home for the holidays. it will make a huge difference and save thousands of lives. >> what needs to be done in your view on day one of a biden administration to turn this thing around, or at least put a lid on it? what should they do differently?
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>> so many things. enacting a national mask mandate for one. a new cdc report released this past week indicates that mask wearing reduces the risk of transmitting and catching the virus by more than 70% in various instances. also ramping up the ability to do more rapid testing and have consistent health mentaling in place will be critical. the boyden administration has a wonderful covid advisory team in place. but i would also look to the expertise of mental health professionals who understand trauma given the impact the pandemic has had for the psychological well-being of so many americans. >> yeah, including medical workers. i wanted to ask you this too, because it's something i've sort of been following along with more months now. there was a team of scientists at the university of matagorda bay health system. they looked at 519 covid patients who had been treated and released. ha they checked in two months.
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a third reported ongoing health issues. nearly half said they had been emotionally affected by their illness. how worry ready you about ongoing covid impact on people who survived the initial infection? >> michael, we're learning more and more every day about this novel virus. there are some very concerning long-term impacts for those who survive, including mental health problems, even major organ dysfunction, issues with blood clotting and neurological impairment. so the bottom line is surviving covid does not mean you'll have a symptom-free life. in addition, we don't know how long immunity lasts. therefore, being infected once doesn't necessarily provide immunity against future infection. >> yeah. that's very concerning. we just don't know. doctor, really appreciate it. great to see you. >> thank you so much. >> we're going take a quick break. when we come back, europe trying to keep its second coronavirus wave under control with new
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restrictions and lockdown. some people aren't having any of it. we'll show you what happened in germany, next. ling with the ninja foodi smart xl grill. eliminate the guesswork with the smart cook system. just pick your protein, select your doneness and let the grill monitor your food so you don't have to. and because it's a ninja foodi, it also turns into an air fryer. bring outdoor grilling flavors indoors with the ninja foodi smart xl grill, the grill that sears, sizzles and air fry crisps. when panhe doesn't justs mmake a pizza. he uses fresh, clean ingredients to make a masterpiece. taste our delicious new flatbread pizzas today. panera. let's get checked for those around us. let's get checked for a full range of conditions. introducing letsgetchecked
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police in frankfurt, germany dispersing lockdown protesters and counter protesters on saturday. police say they used water cannon after some of the protesters demonstrated without following social distancing and mask wearing rules. germany has been under partial lockdown since november 2nd. there is little expectation restrict also be eased for the moment. let's take a look at europe's devastating second coronavirus wave. first austria. it will soon have its second nationwide lockdown. that's because covid-19 cases are growing ten times faster than expected. poland, meanwhile, reporting a record high in daily coronavirus deaths as the country has the biggest total in all of eastern europe. a few encouraging numbers coming out of other countries. cnn's melissa bell following all of this from paris. good to see you again, melissa. the lockdowns continue. there is some good news.
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fill news on the covid landscape where you are. >> that's right, michael. you and i were speaking yesterday about those countries that have been in lockdown for more than two weeks. thinking here france, germany, belgium, and that have seen a slight tapering off of infection rates and encouraging figures in terms of the new numbers. now in those countries, the lockdowns stay in place. but what we're seeing is other countries where far from stabilizing, the figures are getting a lot worse. you mentioned austria, where sebastian kurtz, saying they had lost track of the tracing system, and that 77% of new infections they simply couldn't trace. they didn't know where they were coming from. hence the new partial lockdown that will come in from tuesday. and greece, primary schools and nurseries to close from monday. extra measures aimed at bringing down the cases where they continue to rise. and in italy, another interesting case. kind of in between the two cases. if been several regions under lockdown for a while. it's increased the number of
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regions on friday, even as it hit a record in terms of number of new cases. it came down yesterday from the more than 40,000 recorded then to just over 37,000. buff still a worrying rise and one that suggests that for the time being, the partial lockdown is nowhere being brought to an end, michael. >> and we saw a video there of some disturbances in germany. talk about the public reaction. has there been a lot of resistance? >> well, down, i think what's so interesting about this second wave of partial lockdowns compared to the first is they're much, much looser than what we saw in the spring. essentially, a number of european countries in the spring shut down to bring that first wave to an end, really confining people to their homes almost spirely. this time you see 80 tonight streets of paris and other european cities where the second lockdowns are in place. anything you might do for fun, the shops, the restaurants, the cinemas, the theaters. but many people are going out to
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work and most school children are back in classrooms here in europe. so there is a lot more activity out there. it's simply not as strict as it was. and yet there is this sort of corona fatigue that's set in. we've seen the protests in italy. we've seen them in spain as well and now germany and frankfurt yesterday. the anti-mask protesters have come out. they were delayed in their protest because they were made to put their masks on before they could march. and anti-anti-mast wears came out to demonstrate. the water cannon had to be used against both groups, a reminder of growing disfigures about these sorts of restriction on their freedoms and the damage that these are doing to the economy, michael. >> you said something that was interesting there. briefly, if we can touch on it. going to school is keeping the schools open is a hot button issue here in the u.s. what about in europe? that seems to be still operating. >> it has been extremely difficult for governments to work out what to do. because clearly, unless children are in school, parents can't really go out to work. and there has been this
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determined effort on the part of european governments this time to try and protect their economies and keep them as open as they could. but clearly we've seen protests last week, here in france from teachers who said it was simply impossible to oppose the rules inside overcrowded classrooms. it's a bit of example where governments are trying to to do their best to keep people in class. but the effect is more people are out on the street. you see it at rush hour and infection rates are only likely to rise as a result. a lot of companies cuesing to keep their kids. in it's a question of allowing grown-ups to work. social justice, lockdowns for some kids are a lot more difficult for others. >> fascinating to get the inside look from europe. appreciate it. good to see melissa bell in paris for us. now honduras is bracing for another hurricane as it still struggles to recover from the damage done by hurricane eta less than two weeks ago.
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lets show you the scene there. nearly a million people in honduras have been displaced thanks to landslides and major flooding from the powerful hurricane eta, sparking growing fears as iota approaches. we are continuing also to track typhoon bamako which is currently bacurrent currently bearing down on vietnam. >> aye tote oath that just becoming a hurricane. let's talk about the most immediate threat to land, and that is typhoon vamco, which is making landfall across the coast of vietnam. this is the latest satellite imagery. there is a lot of cold water along the coastline of vietnam. in order to sustain a typhoon or hurricane, you need temperatures above 28 degrees celsius. that's good news. what we're noticing is a decrease in the organization and strength of the storm.
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as it reaches the coastline, it will be more of a rainmaker for this region, an area that is very prone to wet weather this time of year. you can see the official track from the joint typhoon warning center has the system dissipating out across lookrocr. it's produced a lot of rain. over 100 millimeters in some locations already, just within the past day or so. there is still more rain in the forecast for this region. with the mountainous terrain, the potential for landslides and mud slides certainly exists. check this out. it's the eighth named storm to make landfall across the coast of vietnam within the past two months. that's a very busy season for them. just like what we're experiencing here across the atlantic. this is the nearing the end of the 2020 atlantic hurricane season, and we've already had 30 named storms. a record-breaking season continues. now we have hurricane iota, just on the heels of eta that made landfall in basically the same
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locations we're expecting iota to make landfall in the next few days. 120 climater sustained winds. the national hurricane center has the storm rapidly intensifying in the next 24 hours, potentially reaching major hurricane status before making landfall near that nicaragua and honduras border. lots of rain, the potential for landslides exists across the same regions. michael? >> derek van dam, good to see you. thank you. >> same to you. i'm michael holmes. for viewers in the united states and canada, i'll be back with more cnn newsroom after a short break. up next for our international viewers, business traveler. hi sabrina! >>hi jen! so this aveeno® moisturizer
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and more now on our top story. the violence breaking out in washington amid large pro-trump election protests. things got heated after dark with trump supporters clashing with counterdemonstrators. officials say one man was stabbed and is in critical condition. two police officers also injured. 20 arrests made. it's not clear who was arrested or is responsible for the violence. but president donald trump already took to twitter to blame antifa. it has been more than a week since projections showed joe biden winning the presidency. and donald trump is still
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refusing to acknowledge he has lost. to be clear, mr. trump has no path to victory anymore, but that is not stopping him, as we have seen from denying reality by continuing to push false claims and lawsuits. cnn's jeremy diamond reports from the white house. >> reporter: well, one week after joe biden was declared the winner of the presidential election, president trump is still refusing to concede and admit defeat in this 2020 election. instead what we've seen from the president is continuing to falsely claim that he has won, falsely claiming there has been widespread voter fraud and this election was rigged against him. these are the same claims we saw the president make in the run-up to the election; but he as only continued to make those despite the clear and overwhelming evidence of this election, despite the fact we have seen election officials, republicans and democrats in all 50 states make clear there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud, and that in fact the 2020 election
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was one of the most secure to date. during this week, we've also seen the president privately according to our sources waiver between this pugilistic attitude where he says he wants to continue pursuing the lawsuits and recount challenges in battleground state, and also at other moments come to grips with reality. we saw a sliver as the president spoke in the rose garden, acknowledging the possibility of a future biden administration. >> this administration will not be going to a lockdown. hopefully, whatever happens in the future, who knows which administration will be. i guess time will tell. but i can tell you, this administration will not go to a lockdown. . >> but on saturday we saw the president drive through this crowd of supporters who were protesting in washington, parroting his claims of a stolen election. and after that, the president seemed to be buoyed by those supporter, digging in once again on the claims of a rigged election, taking to twitter, making several tweets that twitter has labeled as misinformation about this
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election. and the president showing no sign that he is prepared to concede this election publicly. jeremy diamond, cnn, the white house. >> joining me now to discuss, scott jennings and dr. abdul al sayed. scott is a cnn political commentator and former special assistant to president george w. bush. dr. sayed is a doctor and cnn political commentator. good to have you with us. scott, let's start you. what do you think the republican party, as opposed to donald trump is going to begin by supporting what have been futile challenges to results that seem set? >> well, there is really nothing to gain here. joe biden is going to be next president with. what the republican party really needs to do is focus on governing in december which means passing a funding bill for the government, pass hopefully passing a covid relief package.
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turn attention to georgia, it needs to win to hold the senate majority. the real focus of the party at large needs to be governing in congress, winning in georgia. that's where they have to gain. >> but right now should they be speaking out right now about what's happening? >> well, republicans -- i mean, republicans speaking out for or against donald trump has never modified his behavior once in four years. what i'm saying is the party needs to focus on what it needs to do. donald trump needs to get a transition going. let's be honest. joe biden is going to be president. so there needs to be a legitimate transition so biden can be successful. >> good point on whether it would have any effect. doctor, what do you see is the impact of the whole trump strategy in terms of its impact on people's faith in the democratic process? the country is clearly divided. but does what's coming from the oval office multiply the intensity, the division and give more life to the anger we are
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literally seeing on the streets tonight in d.c.? >> michael, there are a couple of things to say about that. it's good to hear scott say what the rest of the party ought to be saying is that donald trump lost the election, he lost the election fair and square. that this was an election with extremely high integrity. almost no evidence, no evidence at all that's justifiable there is any sort of fraud. and the upshot here is that when you don't see republicans like scott stepping up and calling the president out on the fact that he is making baseless allegations about fraud in the election, it undermines the democratic process itself. my parents emigrated from a country where there is no democracy. i take our democracy extremely seriously. and any republican who is standing with donald trump right now is undercutting people's faith in the integrity of our election system, the integrity of our very democracy. i'll disagree with my friend scott here because he says it doesn't matter what republicans say, that it's not going to influence the president. this isn't about the president.
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this is about the future of the republican party, whether or not they believe in democracy as it stands or they're more interested in whether or not the election validates their own preconceived notions about the president. thes lost this election. there was no fraud. there were no -- there was no evidence that there was anything untoward about this election. and i think the entire party needs to step up, break the stranglehold that donald trump has on that party, and to tell all of their supporters that this was a free and fair election. joe biden won fair and square. >> and speaking of supporters, scott, i guess you've been watching what's been happening in d.c. there has been at least one person stabbed. guns have been recovered. police officers have been injured there has been palpable anger. and fair to say, there has been anger on both sides. but regardless of that, this is not good. and is this being amplified and fanned by this sort of vacuum
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that's been created by donald trump not accepting what happened? >> well, first of all, i think anyone who commits violence against another person is responsible for their own actions. and although i think it's fashionable to try to blame donald trump for everything, the fact is there are left-wing protesters committing violence in the vetostreets of washingto >> i've seen them. on the right as well. >> i haven't seen that i've seen peaceful protesters today showing their support for donald trump being harassed. i have seen fireworks and incendiary devices being shot into open air restaurants tonight. that wasn't being done by trump supporters. >> but the point is, is this vacuum that's been created by the nonconcession, getting oxygen to that sort of demonstration. >> no, absolutely not. the same kind of people who are committing violence tonight were committing violence over the last several months by burning buildings in portland and
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kenosha and other places. the same kinds of people committing violence tonight have been doing it, frankly, for the last six months in the united states. so no, this has nothing to do with trump. this has to do with extreme violent left wing ideological protesters. >> scott. >> come on, scott. come on. you and i both know that what we're seeing in the streets is being fed and watered by donald trump and republicans who are unwilling to concede the election that he lost fair and square. million maga march is exactly the name of the events in washington, d.c. that you're talking about. and so if you guys want to be the party of law and order, then there should be law and order. and when your president loses an election fair and square, you should come out and say it and tell your supporters to go home. >> dr. sayed, you know as well as i do, the video coming out of washington tonight, those trump supporters were not committing violence. they were being harassed on the streets. everyone can see it. it's been going on in america
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for months and months. the same kinds of protesters in d.c. tonight have been in portland and other place, kenosha, all over the united states. you know who is doing it. -- >> scott -- >> killed people -- >> let me ask you this, though. do you think this would be happening if the president wasn't tweeting constantly we've been robbed. >> yes. >> you do? >> of course i do. because it's already been happening. and yes, these trump supporters went to washington to support the president. look, like i said, i recognize joe biden's won this election. these people need to support the president. and because they gathered in support of donald trump, these left wing protesters came to harass them. it's obvious what's happening. >> that's not what happened. that's not what happened, scott. >> violence, it's not right. >> the sitting president of the united states is failing to concede an election that he lost. his supporters are out in the street because republicans are unwilling to call the truth what it is. and those supporters, those very same people who claim to be the
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party ofly and order are now just al hit ten house across state lines and killed two people are engaging in violence over an election that they lost. that's what happen what is happening right now. that is a complete and total falsehood. >> we've got to leave there it. scott jennings, dr. abdel el-sayed. thank you for coming on. >> thank you. we'll take a quick break on the program. when we come become, like many other parts of the world, coronavirus surging in mexico. the country now has more than a million cases. we'll show you what's being done to try to get the virus under control there, when we come back. what are you doing? art class. it's abstract expressionism. when you start with a better hot dog from oscar mayer, you can do no wrong. it's all for the love of hot dogs.
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alone, according to johns hopkins. infects climbing in every single state. hospitalizations shattering records. for four days, the number of hospitalizations has climbed now more than 68,000 people in hospital beds across the u.s. with coronavirus. experts warning those facilities will soon be at capacity. >> we're headed to more and more cases, and intolerable number of deaths. and what we're going to see in places where the rates of cases are continuing to rise is we'll see hospital icus fill. now you can make more icu beds, but what you can't make are more icu nurses. and we will run out of the capacity in many of these hospitals to care for the critically ill. >> as coronavirus spreads across the u.s., it's getting another foothold into new york. that state once led the country in infections early on in this pandemic.
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well, now cases are climbing again, and local leaders are weighing their options. evan mcmorrison has the details. >> with the pandemic numbers heading in wrong direction, both the governor and the mayor of new york city are talking about two restrictions. two magic numbers. at 10:00 p.m. every night, restaurants have to close to in-person dining. and ten people are the maximum allowed in private gathering, whether they're inside or outside. those are new restrictions that began this weekend. the other magic number is low thr three. if the seven-day rolling average crosses 3%, new york schools are set to shut down again that was the plan until this weekend, where the numbers have gotten close to that. in, but haven't crossed it. today in a press conference, the governor said that 3% number may not be the number anywhere. he said testing is good enough inside schools to keep those schools open, even if that number crosses 3%.
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but that's not a guarantee yet. so parents and teachers and students are wondering which number is going to be the number that keeps schools open or closed as everyone worries that the pandemic numbers could shut new york down again. evan mcmorris-santoro, cnn, new york. >> joining our attention to mexico now, where case numbers are soaring. states across the country are moving back into more restrictive measures. matt rivers with that story from mexico city. >> here in mexico city, officials have announced for the first time since this pandemic began that mexico has now recorded more than one million confirmed cases of the coronavirus. this as the seven-day moving average of new case, the seven-day average of new death, both of those metricses continue to steadily rise. and just this week, we saw on a single day this week more than 7600 cases confirmed in a single
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day. that is one of the highest single day case increases that we have seen since this pandemic began. as a result of that, multiple states across the country are moving back into more restrictive lockdown measures all the way from the country's north to here in mexico city, with the mayor of mexico city saying this week that she could impose even stricter lockdown measures should the numbers that we've been seeing recently continue to move in the wrong direction. matt rivers, cnn, mexico city. >> some say it's the only place to freely share ideas online, while others call it an echo chamber, full of misinformation. how the app parler is courting conservatives by promising to allow anything, even lies. today, let's paint. let's paint our houses, and our fancy dog houses. it's a fancy dog home. let's paint with the #1 rated paint. boom.
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behr. exclusively at the home depot. it's our sharpest ever, and while some other companies would charge more for something new, we don't. because why be like everyone else? harry's. not the same. typically, do not have access to high quality computer science and stem education. growing up, there was a teacher that believed in me and he took the time to invest in me. and that changed my life. i joined amazon because i am impatient. i wanted to change education, change the world at a pace that i want to change it. ♪
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so the amazon future engineer program provides students stem scholarships and teachers with support. ♪ we're trying to help level the playing field. kids just need someone to say, "i believe in you." "there's greatness in you." ♪ i'm a fighter and i'm fighting for those students that deserve a better future. ♪ i see you looking (uh) i'm a fighter and i'm fighting for those students ♪ i see you looking (na, na, na) ♪ ♪ i see you looking (uh) ♪ i see you looking ♪ watch what i do (camera clicks) ♪ watch what i do ♪ i see you looking ♪ watch what i do! (camera clicks) ♪ watch what i do ♪ i see you looking
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misinformation is not discouraged. the most popular one is an app call eed parler. it's similar to twitter, at the moment one of the most-downloaded apps on the apple app store. the company's ceo explains the appeal. >> parler is about free speech. making sure people have a voice again, which is extremely necessarily right now. people want a social media like parler that works the way they thought, where it truly is by the people, it's private, you choose the content you want to see, and you get the content that you've chosen to see. so there's so much more than just free speech, but really, people are tired. they're really tired of what's going on over there. >> bridget barrett knows all about this sort of thing, lead researcher at the university of north carolina's center for information technology and public life. she joins me from chapel hill, north carolina.
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good to see you, bridget. let's talk about parler. in many ways is it a refuge of the right, now? in that way, perhaps a more concentrated echo chamber? and what are the risks in that? >> yeah, absolutely. first of all, thank you so much for having me on tonight. parler has become an echo chamber for the right, which is particularly ironic, because it talks about in its mission and its founder talks about it being a platform in which ideas can be debated for productive conversation. yet in practice it runs exactly counter to that and has become very much an echo chamber of conservative media, people as well as folks from twitter and facebook and other social media platforms who feel aggrieved by the treatment of false information on those platforms and who have joined parler, which has committed to not fact
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checking or otherwise labeling or contextualizing even the most outright false claims. >> and that leads me to the next question. all this limited moderation, we're not going to butt in. what are the risks of that? there is a lot of overt racism, anti-semitism, already on that site. and worse too. without limits, isn't that risky, that these platforms become a haven for hate and perhaps worse? >> absolutely. i think when we talk about parler, i do want to be clear that even though it's growing rapidly, it's still much smaller than the other social media platforms that we think about. and when we talk about why it's risky or dangerous or bad, there are a few different things that really matter here. for one, yes, the spread of hate, of false information. but also recognizing that a poorly moderated platform may
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allow for terrorists, both foreign and domestic, to recruit or plan. you'll also see online conspiracy theories that we worry about moving offline, which we've already seen with pizzagate and q-anon. so recognizing that there are real-world harms that can come out of these places where hate develop. they also want to talk about the harms that we see to democracy. that if you allow a space where none of these claims are going to be countered, that people are going to believe that an election was unfair or illegitimate, when every valid and legitimate source has been clear that this was one of the best-run elections that we've had in years. >> and you study this for a living. there's also out there growing support for networks like oam, newsmax, otheroutlets too. what are the dangers of -- put
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in the "new york times," a fractured misinformation system, what are the dangers of that? >> over the past decade as the internet has developed and grown more, we've been very afraid of kind of these filter bubbles and these echo chambers. and in many ways they've failed to play out as we would expect. much of the research on this has shown that people still get their news from more mainstream sources and that online, the news they get is quite diverse. and this could make claims harder to check, to verify, to folks who are receiving false information, or who are in this case opting in to receiving false information. >> it's all very dangerous. and glad that people like you are studying it for us, bridget barrett, thank you so much. >> thank you so much for having me. >> and thank you very much for spending part of your day with me. i'm michael holmes. "cnn newsroom" continues after the break.
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12:00 am
divided states of america. pro-trump rallies in washington following election results turn violent. amidst this divide, the coronavirus runs rampant in the u.s. as cases this week reach the highest count since the start of the pandemic. live from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, welcome to you our viewers here in the united states, canada, and around the world. i'm kim brunhuber and this is "cnn newsroom."
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