tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 17, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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thank you so much for being able to jump on for that breaking news. thank you. thanks very much to all of you. we appreciate your time. with us, "ac 360 with anderson" starts right now. good evening, we'll continue with the breaking news, two stories connected to president trump to inflate baseless claims of voter fraud. today, he fired top dhs. the november 3rd election was the most secured in american history. other breaking news in the michigan county that includes detroit where they prevented the presidential results for the entire county. the vote was 2-2.
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president-elect win in tcounty helped him to win michigan. we start with the firing of chris krebs, president trump fired him by tweets, too. the first is baseless and the second tweet the president writes in part, votes from trump to biden, late voting and many more, therefore, effective immediately, krebs is fired. >> this is someone who most americans are not aware of in terms of name recognition. it is someone who's more important to this election than anybody else. this country does not have an
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elections -- krebs called himself the risk adviser. it was his job sto make sure tht the u.s. election in 2020 went smoothly and safely and securely. he did that. now we live in a country where the president fired by tweets on tuesday night one of the most senior officials involved with keeping our democracy and keeping our elections safe. we have seen krebs in the days in the election pushing back baseless allegations and unfounded claims and straight up lies about what they believe was a fraudulent election in the word that is the president as "it was rigged." we read the tweet from the president moments ago when chris
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krebs responded on what appears to be a new twitter account that was flagged by a source who's close to krebs. he was honored to serve. we did it right. defend today and secure tomorrow. #protect 2020. these phrases were ones that he used repeatedly when it came to securing the election. this was not someone who was overtly political. he was a political apoint tee. he went out of his way to be political in his job. i pressed him repeatedly on how he would face this information coming from the president. this was not something he would engage in. it is something in the days since the election he has engaged in if not directly then certainly in directly by pushing back on all of these various
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claims. just today quoting, a long list of very respected scientists and election experts who put out an open letter saying that the claims that allegations and voting machines were manipulated which is something that the president have said are either unst unsubstantiated or technically coherent. we have seen krebs going through these conspiracy theories of one notable one that he pushed back was the cia super computer was changing votes from trump to joe biden. he called nonsense and a hoax. what it appears to what happened here is this push back simply got too much for the president and now chris krebs find himself as part of this national
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security perch that trump is carrying out in the final weeks. >> in the days, the following election, he became much more focused. >> think of what we are hearing from the president and the weeks leading up to the election. we hear it is going to be the most fraudulent election and it is going to be rigged. and creating fraudulent ballots that would lead to this most rigged election. krebs quietly gingerly would make these comments whether to the press or these panels that in fact it was very, very hard to manipulate these mail-in ballots at scale. so he was doing what he could to walk that line between correcting the record that was being pushed by the president
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and putting out what was actually true. he focused on what he liked to call speed kill. this was taking down these conspiracy theories and lies and rumors as quickly as he could. in the days following the election when the president was talking about dominion voting systems, he would push back saying these claims of these votes willing changed are simply untrue. so, he was doing it in his way and nisan ak he was doing it in a way that it was not direct as another senior federal official who was named by trump calling insulting and straight up lies.
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now krebs found himself on the losing end of standing up for the truth. >> for more on this, kaitlan collins. what more can you tell us from president trump firing krebs by twitter which is what he does. >> reporter: there has been times where people tried to resign or get fired in person. the president prefers to do it by tweet. that's what he's chosen to do tonight. it is not a surprise. i was told the president erupted when that statement came out saying this was the most secure election in american history. these voting system the president has been tactlking abt did not change. we are seeing in chris krebs of what is the reason why a lot are not speaking out of the president because he's wrong and the president will fire you. the president is especially hi
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wrong here about the claims he's making and chris kreb was fis w fired. >> to be fired at the president at this stage is a badge of honor is i think chris krebs can wear proudly moving forward. he's not - he's speaking the truth and he's fired for speaking the truth. history will not judge them kindly. >> they basically view this cyber armed agency, part of dhs that he ran a tight sent. it was engineered to protect against election fraud. for the president to do that and into final cruise is just just cla
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classically. it makes you view things when people ask, why did the gsa administrator did not say anything yet sns this is an example that you see there. >> chris krebs started out in the george w. bush white house. he left when obama was in office. he works for microsoft and came back under the donald trump's administration. >> this implication that he's not a republican or served under a republican president, goes to show the kind of people that are working in this white house. you get fired up of your political views. you get fired via tweeter. which is the weakest thing possible for the president to do. >> kaitlan collins. congresswoman, jackson lee. i am not spreesed to what happened to the people. not everyone stand up for the
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president but tell the truth. what do you think this says about how far does president trump is willing to go to convince the american people that he won the election but even though he lost. we don't have your audio. we'll try to fix that as soon as we can. >> i am talking to congresswoman jackson. >> let's get perspective from abby phillips and our david ger gergen and myliles taylor. miles you worked in the department of homeland security. you were hired the same day as mr. krebs, you guys worked trgt for your time there. why does it matter? >> well, first of all, it is a
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couple of things. i think this demonstrates how unhinged the president is becoming towards the end of his presidency. the bigger take away is chris cre krebes is not a super president. this is someone who has more integrity than anyone i know. chris and i started the same day and there was no one that i respected more than the government because he was partisan. he's focused on the fission. what matters more to him than anything was making sure our election at 2020 were more secure than they were in 2016. >> when chris' first day, i want my mission to be that make sure that the bad guys and china in
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the world trying to interfere into our election can't do it again. >> if there is anyone of the entire federal dpoft that deserves credit for protecting the integrity of our election of this cycle. it is christopher krebs. the fact that the president singled him out as enemy number one when it comes to election integrity, that should tell you something. >> the president is afraid to hear the truth and chris krebs knows more of the truth than anyone in the government. mr. krebs have been seeing this happen. that's absolutely right. chris is not one of those people who felt like he needs to be a show boat.
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he felt that his mission very very, very porimportant. right now it continues to be important after the election. chris knew that. after the election things would be disputed and important for the officials to give the american people confidence that their votes were counted and counted correctly and assure them of the bintegrity of this election. i want to emphasize the recklessness of this decision. christopher krebs is in a sensitive cyber security and government. he's read into very sensitive program that have few people in the federal government are written into. right now for the president to fire him at a time when our adversaries could be targeting us is reckless and dangerous and puts the american people at risk. >> abby, more lies made by his
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supporters. >> yes, this invented ideas that votes from been changed through the voting machines or pushing back on the idea that the government may have been interfering with the vote counts or massive failing fraud. all of these things are things that the president are stating without any shred of evidence. we should be clear about it. there is no evidence to support any of those claims, on the scale that the president is claiming them. this is expected for some time. we have known for a long time that any officials that push back on the president's falsehood like this are likely to be on his side. chris krebs is no exception to that. the problem now is not so much for the president but for the republican party that's propping him up in this late stage.
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people like ted cruz and lindsey graham who do know what the president said has no facts. this is just an effort to undermine the entire electoral system of the united states so that he can hold onto power as long as possible. >> yes, this is what president trump does. this is what we should expect him to do and try to reek as much havoc as much as he can before he's shown the door. republicans and senators are playing along with it and getting along for fear of the base and the georgia senate races is shameful. >> it is shameful. >> i think there is positive news out of this.
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we celebrated people speak truth to power and goes all the way back to george marshal famously and here we have this young man krebs, a young man who stepped up forward. a man talking to the biden folks and the transition folks, that ban is now fallen away. chris krebs would be a major asset for him to sit down with the transition team of president-elect biden and tell them to bring him up to paid. he has to help them understand how to sort all of this out which they desperately need to know. david gergen and abby phillips.
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congressman jackson lee is back with me. not a surprise. we know people in the administration who tells the truth. what does it tell you abou about -- well, we may hold before president trump showing us the door. >> we are living in a surreal time now. democrats could shot take this likely. i believe that we are more as a rule infomercial with t vulnerable with the firing of krebs. i can assure that the concern is that the gaping hole that'll be left after director krebs have left is very challenging. secretarily what i would say is that we started looking at election security with director krebs as early as 2018. the committee had several
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hearings. it was specifically on the question of election security that we came together that said we did not want to happen in 2020 to happen in 2016. director krebs worked with us to ensure that and presenting us the work. he was looking to ensure that we have a safe and secure election. one of things i remember asked him of the intelligence of each states. his agency is an open book ready to receive those information. he's truly a patriot. all he wanted to do is ensure the american people that their votes are protected.
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>> we are so invited that republicans on capitol hill promote the president's lies. some members of congress and senate who are just ide-- theree other ones who know better and know this is false and know what they are doing is shameful and wrong. >> anderson, i think this is really a moment of conscious. we often hear the words that you don't speak ill of the united states or your president over e oversees and it is the praise, if you end any negative conversation regarding the commander-in-chief when you oversees. i am going to use it in a different way, we are at the water's age.
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we don't know what the president is going do next. i am appalled at the firing of the secretary of defense. i was a fan of his leadership but the fact that stability is most important as for dealing with national security. this is domestic security. we are at the water's edge. that means we need patriots, democrats and republicans at this moment. the election is over for us to do what is right to give us the right kind of guidance to tell people we are out protesting on behalf of this president that these are fraudulent election to say that we can't go any further if we are going to unify. my point would be that this is a time for republicans as it would be for democrats if it was a
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circumstance, a shoe on the other foot to say that we have had fair and non-fraudulent elections. a professional and non political direct director krebs that it was the most secure election in the united states. it is time for our friends to stand up with us as democrats to affirm that. i think it is time, anderson for the general service. it is unspeakable. a staff person telling the president elect and the president they can't proceed. there is a lot of need for courage and morality and unity and standing for r tthe america people. >> i appreciate your time. we'll start the breaking news in the ballot and standoff in detroit, michigan that could
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today and secure tomorrow. we are joined now by chairman schiff. it is pathetic and and highly predictable. does this surprise you at all? >> no, it does not surprise me. this has been a story of the trump administration for four years. anyone has the audacity to speak truth to power would get fired and replaced by someone who would. it is a terrible tragedy. i have to tell you i sat through hearings with the department
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heads and intelligence heads on the subject of security election interference and i was consistently impressed with chris krebs with his willingness to speak it and not color things to the president. everyone that got fired by this president is enhancement to their reputation. thank you chris krebs for doing a good job securing our elections and i thank you you leave your office with your neck held high unlike many others. >> he was named by president trump to safe guard the elections to the president's, you know foll you know followers believing of the deep states.
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this is one that the president appointed to this position. >> that's exactly right. >> a lot of people complain of being deep staters are people that he put. this president nothing is consistent. the president does whatever he thinks is in his personal interest and he's vindictive. you have chris krebs in not so many words of what the president has been saying about the elections being stolen or fraudulent is a bunch of debunk. that was not something that the president can tolerate. it was true and because he had the courage to say so. at this moment we are speaking of rudy giuliani, he's in court making all of these false allegations that chris krebs did not rebut.
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apparently the president is chewing through any lawyers who's willing to essentially speak nonsense to the court and running out of them. this is a contrast that we have between a person of principles and rudy giuliani, the last of the administration willing to still do the president's dirty work. >> the idea that rudy giuliani is in charge of the president's legal situation, gives you a sense of how legislative the charges are that rudy giuliani is the one who's now in charge because a lot of lawyers dropped out or their cases have fallen apart because there is no widespread voter fraud in this country. >> what does it tell you of the next 64 plus days that the president is going to be in office before he has to leave?
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it seems like maggie haberman saying that the president views it like a show and he's watching and he watches in the increment of time and wanted to see how it turns out as an observer. there is a lot of damage he could do the next 60 something days. >> there is a lot of truth of what maggie haberman's assessme assessment. he has view his own job of presidency as someone else doing it. he talks about himself in the third person as the way he criticizes the policies of the federal government and inability to do things when he's leading the federal government. you would think he's passive
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observer on the sidelines and not empowered to do things but the problem is that his interest as you say are what helps donald trump in the next 24 hours, what helps him in the next news cycle and what's good for him in the future and what's money making down the line or future political ambitions, that's all the drive-ins. he can't understand something like this. he can't understand chris krebs who would do his duty anymore than he can and risk his life for the country. >> up next, what the wayne county board have done tonight. how republican asserted himself in the georgia count election g
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this move disenfranchising the votes of overwhelmingly african-americans in detroit by two republican canvassers, i am not sure how they get that position, how did this happen? >> this is just more of the same. we just have one thing after another in terms of failed attempts. we had filing in nevada. rihanna are in pennsylvania. all of his losses and attempts are failing. after the votes are tabulated, you have some form of certification process. this is something that's unprecedented and that these officials are trying to eject
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the votes. i don't think it is going to get anymo anywhere. it is going to work its way out and the governor there would have to replace the canvasser to who you would not vote to certify. it does show you the length that people are willing to go to humor the president's argument that he potentially won the election. >> have you seen this before? >> well, we had elections before when there is issues, you can go back to 2018 where the north carolina's state board of election said, there was fraud going on in relations to absentee ballots and we need to redo the election. that was on a bipartisan base. we have in north carolina now a state supreme court race that's
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pretty close. there will be a potential recount. but when someone ahead by 165,000 votes, i am not certifying it and don't trust the results there. that's racist. these things are usually formality. >> so obviously look states are not certifying results among the biggest fear. in michigan would work its way on the food chain. is this possible in other states as well? >> one of the senate leaders many michigan says they're not changing anything. they know joe biden is the winner. if you look at pennsylvania and kind of the last attempt of rudy giuliani lost. i spent the whole afternoon listening to that argument and it was embarrassing. >> it was not surprising of what
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we have seen from rudy giuliani. what was so terrible about it? >> at one point the judge asked basic questions. kind of a one-on-one question and rudy giuliani did not seem to know what those terms meant. you know it was just an embarrassment to listen to that. when you look across the state, biden is ahead by 36 electoral college votes. even if manage to mess it up in one state, there is still many other states. you have lindsey graham interfering with the vote count in georgia. these are terrible and unprecedented things and speaks terribly of our democracy. in terms of trying to affect the outcome of the electoral college vote that'll happen in january, i don't see any of this amounting to anything. >> you think these efforts will
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fail. >> every maneuver have failed except for a maninor attempt in pennsylvania. i don't see any legal paths right now based on what's been filed to overturn results in one state or at least the three states somehow to legally change the results of the election. >> if rudy giuliani is the only lawyer around and you were in legal trouble, would you call him? >> i would argue the case myself. >> good to know. i will keep that in mind. i will follow your advice. richard hasen, thank you so much. there is more breaking news. georgia should finish their recount tomorrow night. if true that would completely
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undermine president trump's attempt to overturn the results in georgia which now goes to biden. breaking news, controversy involving lindsey graham when he admitted of statements to "the washington post" that graham asked whether there is a way to toss cast ballots in georgia. >> well, it is just an implication that look hard and see how many ballots you can throw out. >> graham admitted the conversation did occur. he says the georgia secretary of state is mischaracterizing the conversation. joining us now is gabriel sterling, he was not only in the room with the secretary of state when the call of senator graham
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occurred, he made the announcement of the recount. gabe, i hope you got some sleep. you have not been able to get some sleep since this election. manu raju asked lindsey graham about that call today. i want to play you what he said. >> that was not our conversation. throwing out ballots. we are talking about an election that's not had yet which is the nate races. is there any way we can do to make it better? >> does that match up to what you recall? he was talking about the upcoming race for two republican senators. >> frankly, it meets the secretary characterization is correct. senator graham is not incorrect that he did focus on the upcoming race to make sure legal
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ballots are being cast. what does this mean looking backward if there is a percentage of potential envelopes and signatures, it should have been more rejected than not. could that be a potential court challenge and that was the implicati implication. there is no way our office can do that and we said if you want to go that route, there could be a court route. we were having conversations about the fact that people from other states looking to come to this state and more than ways they can do that is through registeri registering. there is a possibility that the secretary is focused on one thing and our job here is to follow the laws of the state of georgia and continue with our hands audit which we plan on finishing tomorrow by midnight. >> senator graham is not the member of the committee. he says he's well in his rights
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to ask questions about the election. do you agree with that? >> if senator warren called to ask, we'll answer it. i don't see anything being out of line. if the negotiatate senator cally pick up the phone and answer the question the best of your ability. >> a mistake on the ongoing audit. are you still on track to -- you said you are still on track to finish the recount tomorrow. >> yes, we are. we have 778 net positive for the president at defloyd county and 4 449. tonight we found 176 that goes
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to the president right now. that puts margin at 12,753 and we have no indication that there is anything frauder than that. this is why you do audits. we have guards in place for the integrity of the outcome. >> when you say you found these, what does it mean? how does it get misplaced? >> we have 248 more votes here than we thought so by going back and looking back at the polls and looking at other things they should have reconcile before they upload the final certified results where they'll say yes, you are missing a card and they'll go back and uploaded it. they'll load that up tonight and that's where the 176 votes came in from. that's why you do audits because human beings tend to make errors. it is always human error when it comes to this kind of this
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situation. >> gabriel sterling, i appreciate your effort. thank you very much. >> thank you, anderson. >> coming up, a senator tests positive for coronavirus. emily murphy is refusing to transfer the former transition to the biden transition. who knew this person had so much power. what the biden says about the delay, next. how about no no uh uh, no way come on, no no n-n-n-no-no only discover has no annual fee on any card.
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our senior correspondent manu raju was there tonight, another senator tested for coronavirus. >> yes, chuck grassley tested positive for coronavirus today. he was exposed to someone who had covid-19. he was in the senate yesterday. he presided over the senate and delivered a speech. it was about the importance of wearing masks and social
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distancing. at that time he was not wearing a mask. the senator do not wear a mask when they speak. he attended a meeting with senate republican leaders last night in a room, i am told they were wearing masks. and senator leaders all fell apart and no one else is isolating. this comes as a bit of a shock for someone that's been in the senate as long as he has and a senior member, someone could be affected by this virus and someone also who did not miss a vote since 1993 and now he missed it today. >> just yesterday senator brown asked one of his colleagues to we wear the mask. ted cruz took to twitter to say this is idiotic, he wears a mask to speak when nobody is remotely
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near him. is senator grassley's case is exactly what senator brown is worried about? >> while they are not directly next to the person. there are aides and floor staff and senator sullivan presiding during the time he had his mask off. there was a senate who was interacting with senator sullivan at the time. not all republicans presided the majority. they have that rule of sitting back and watching the senate floor taking place. not all those republicans wear masks while they are presiding but a number of them do. but, it is inconsistent, social distancing on the senate floor is inconsistent and while most members wear mask and some of them act now that chuck grassley has tested positive we'll see in
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there's any change in the senate. >> i know you talked to several senators today about their exchanges on the floor with vice president harris. do you know exactly what happened, because obviously what they say hebehind the scenes is more different than what they say in public. >> he came in and gave vice president harris a fist bump, and later she was approached by mike rounds. mike rounds said congratulations to kamala harris, as did senator james lankford and senator tim scott. interesting because those three senators have not said joe biden has won the election. they are siding with the president's fight against the election results for now, and when i caught up with lindsey graham, for instance, he said he
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wished if she wins, ultimately, which he believes will be decided within a month or so, then he'll be willing to work with her. he said he made that point to her, and james lankford said he was just being polite when he said that, but in lankford's view the election still is not settled. >> after briefing with his own security advisers today, president-elect biden tried to move forward without having any formal information. they said that means they can't meet with any of their counterparts. pete, you spent the day trying to get answers from this emily murp murphy. did you get any? >> reporter: not yet, anderson. it's so interesting here, though, we tried a different approach to get in touch with her. we came down here to the gsa headquarters, i dialed up the
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spokesperson and asked if she would come down to the sidewalk and speak with us on camera, explain a little bit of rationale as to why she hasn't aser tak ascertained it and signed off on it. this is just an effort to try to get to the bottom of this delay which president-elect biden says is costing lives every day. >> is there any indication when she might -- is there anybody who can have power over her to get her to sign off on this? because there is a report that she personally is already looking for a new job in a post-trump world. >> any window, anderson, into the timing and motivation of all this right now is simply speculation because we can't hear from emily murphy directly.
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when i spoke to her spokesperson, she laid out a couple reasons why the gsa feels empowered to do this. one, the presidential transition act of 1963, which essentially gives the gsa administrator the final authority to sign off on the transition to the incoming administration. and, two, the bush versus gore election back in 2000, which took about five weeks to call. in this case the race has already been called. in the previous case, it was a few hundred votes in just one state. in this case tens of thousands of votes separate a win in multiple states. so perhaps the only explanation here, even though we have not heard from ms. murphy directly, is she is simply waiting on president donald trump to concede. >> we shall see. pete muntean, appreciate it. of course, the coronavirus is priority number one for select biden. to date no meeting between the coronavirus task force and biden has been reported.
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the director of health and human services earlier was a whistle blower about how the pandemic had been ignored. i want to talk about your transition moment, but first your word that the vaccine has hit a milestone moment and they're applying for emergency authorization. how big a deal is that? >> soornd, thank you for having me on. it's a really important milestone for pfizer and moderna to be moving forward as quick as they are to get the data they need to submit for an application for review by the fda. pfizer is indicating they have collected enough safety data and enough efficacy data that the fda is requiring for that submission. now, the fda will take the do you not -- opportunity to review all that data and present the data to an external scientific board, and the external board will make the determination if that data is sufficient and adequate to make a
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recommendation for the fda to submit that emergency authorization. we're getting closer each day. >> the cia adviser said they kept the trump administration up to date on vaccines. are they receiving information from pfizer as well as other companies working on the vaccine? >> to the best of my knowledge, since the election, we haven't had any communication with the administration, absolutely with the current administration what's happening in vaccine development or anything with the pandemic response. and we've had very limited, if any, interaction with any of the companies working on the pandemic response as well. this delay in ascertaining the election is really causing significant delays and hampering our ability to transition the new leadership team from the old leadership team to be able to react responsibly to the pandemic. >> what specifically can you not do that you would like to be doing right now? because, i mean, yesterday
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president-elect biden said lives could be lost because of these kind of delays. >> anderson, we're in the middle of the worst pandemic crisis in over 100 years in our country. there are so many factors that are ongoing that are critical to not only ending the pandemic but getting america back to work and getting america back in schools and bringing our society back together once we get the pandemic under control. there are many moving parts, not only for vaccine development, which we just said, we're in the late stages of that development and the fda might authorize a vaccine in the next month or so, and if so, we need to start rolling that out across america. we need to know what plans, if any, are in place to distribute that vaccine. we need to be able to pick up that baton in the middle of the race and keep running with it. >> the biden/harris administration will be
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overseeing the distribution of this. i mean, there may be some distribution by the trump administration, but the biden team will pick that up when he is president. the idea that you're not already being looped into how it's being distributed, you know, playing a role in those meetings, that's pretty extraordinary. >> that's extraordinary, anderson, as well as scaling up to make more of the vaccine. as you heard also recently, many fewer doses of that vaccine have been produced than what was projected by operation warp speed. they thought they would have 300 million doses available by the end of the year. now we have 25 or 30 million doses. so there is a lot of work to do just to make more of that vaccine so it is available to roll out whenever it's authorized, and then the rollout is a very complicated process. we have to prioritize the most vulnerable people in an equitable way as president-elect biden has described and make sure that the right people are getting the right vaccine and
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the right secondary dose. there is a lot of work that has to be done. planning has to start right now for such a program. >> once the transition occurs, what do you think is the first and most important step you would like to see? >> well, as president-elect biden has said, he has a transition team that is already laying out plans and strategies that will be ready to go on day one post the inauguration. we have an advisory board that is working to transition and translate those plans into a blueprint for action, so we'll be ready to scale up manufacturing and test manufacturing of ppe and more vaccine and start distributing that vaccine in an equitable way, and more activities we think is critical on getting this pandemic, because right now we're not seeing that leadership happening, and we're seeing this virus spiral out of control. so the plans president-elect biden will put in place on day one will lead our country with a
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coordinated plan and a strategy to end the pandemic as quickly as possible. >> just briefly, when you testified before congress, i remember, in may, you warned that, quote, 2020 could be the darkest winter in modern history. there's now more than 100,000 new covid cases recorded today since november 4th. are your fears being realized? >> anderson, they are. and if you listen carefully to what i testified to last may, i said if we don't take action now, then we are in for the darkest winter in modern history. and the trump administration did not take action. we still do not have a comprehensive testing plan to make sure we're getting the right test for the right people at the right time and they're available across our country. we still don't have a vaccine manufacturing and distribution administration plan. we still don't have all the ppe scaled out for the n-95 respirator masks and gloves to protect our health care workers. none of that stuff happened, therefore, the consequence of
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inaction is what we're seeing happen now, which is really disturbing. >> yeah. rick bright, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. a reminder don't miss "full circle," our digital news show. you can have in-depth conversations. you can catch it live at or any time on on demand. let's hand it over to chris. >> thanks, anderson. there are very heavy matters on our watch. once again, trump party leaders are standing by silently as the man they fear most revenge fires yet another top staffer protecting our country. why? for telling the truth. that person's name is chris crips. he's the director of cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency, fired for saying there was no widespread fraud in this election. trump s
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